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Stemming the flow

""'"'i-h-. rii"rersit-'r of marme
:i ecos,{3iems g,.c,l.rerl iiot jLis,,
rl) -
1. by the physico-chemica.L
.r.. char.icterisiic-q of reEnoiral
water hodies, but ajso lty tl1e
b:oqecgiaphic isolatron cf coasis b-7
oceans a:ld seas. Iicrn the tinier
marlners firnt set to s--a. their vsssels
beca:ne a ,/ector for the qiohal
ciistribution of species, both
intentronally for exarnpie food crops
and ckimestic a:rimni*q, ald
acciCentalil f or exanrple ter'.resirt;ri
-r'reeds and roclents. Introduciicns cf
alien specles [r the marlne
environment are often less o}:vtous,
b'.rt sllps have facilitated ihe
mo\rerneni of species ibl centuries. A
surrrey of alien rnarine spr.:cies in Po::t
Phili.rp Bav Victcrr;r, in I9.q!
rlocumeltr:d r 60 species ccnsrclererj
irkely tr: be ahen, ''.rhich repre,<ented
I39'" of the .<ro..r,,n marine flor.r ar:o
fauna u: the bali
,Althor-rqh sorne rrrarine aliens .r;ere
l.fio-r,m tc harre l:een irr Auslralia since
goid iu:;h times, ihe ernc.lence
sLigqesled a le-,r.r pllse ol irrrir,-;rls in
ihe latter ciecades.ithe zuth century.
OI panrcular- ccncern in t.he 19.10s -',r:ras
the airival ard rapid popuiaticn
gro./.,'th o{. a number of species,
incluclinc; the Norihern P;rcihc seastar
(.4:.lerias .lni;rensis) r.n l{obart'-s
l)ennrent Ri.,er a.nd Port Phi11lp Bai,t the
Asian kelp (tlnclaria pnnatihcla'i ,rr
scrii]reii jteln'lasmania ;md Port Phillip
B iry ;ind th,- biacl<- striped :russel
\$,:,,) ,i,,
An international
convention for
managing ships'
ballast water to
prevent the arrival
of invasive marine
species is about to
come into force.
1 8 | cr'"rit,ty in Australia August 201 7
illt;lt l] t':1: td
&i":'r; .' ;' "]l
:: ::":; ri::' : I ;i;rrl
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;; E : ; i,: a : t a ja : v: )tafr vt
N::ttf)ra\::ttut I
) l',,
, ,;.s Y
lMylilopsis sa|k-f in l)arr,vin Harbour.
Th-^ie were a-lsl concerns about the
mc\rernent oi toxic dinoi]agellates -
r.-tcrca1gae that can bloorr to cause
'1ed tides'that can lead to paralytic
shellhsh poisoni :i1 i: orr r ealL :g
rnussels einrl o1rs1erc that have fect on
tlrcse algae,
Baliast is used rn ships to provide
stabrlit.l dnd to ccmpensate for r,veiglil
clrartges Ln cargo loads, anr-i from fuej
ald water consumption. in the dzrys of
sail, rocks collected ir-om seashores
rvele cornrnorrlJ, used as ba]]ast hut,
lvlth the ullodustion of sreel-hullec,1
ships, }:;r1last tanl:.s Ior holdu:g
seair/.-Lter bailasi }:ecame the norm.
Bailast'.rvaler is lalien dboard as ships
uxloa.d, and cilscharged as ships ioad-.
\i' Austr'.rlia's trirding patlernsr. bulk
r:arriers that export raw materrals such
as coal. ilon ole, ori arc gas woulci
clisr,-harge ballast rn the Auslraliarl
pcr is of cali, iind container ships .x1d
'".etrx;le t1-rat lmport
mamrf;rc I ur-ed goods .rvo Lrld 1 ak:e up
bar1ast prior tD dep.irture.
In tire late 1980s, Austr.ilia, t,;gether
wi1]i Canaria. rai:;ed c;oncerns on
ba]last l,rat-^r at the Interniii.ional
Mar.itime Org;l'rization (lMOJ lVlarme
En'l:r nrunent Proleclrclr Conrmrltec.
and, in 1991 ihe commillerr) adopted
tlio non-rrard;,rtory intr:rnaiir;tal
Gur<1eliner; lor preirentirLq the
trlroduction of unuianted aquatrc
or,;;,vtistn ix.rd. Irathog€rns frorn s;hips:'
b all;,rst y,rater an<1 i;e ciiment discirarges.
Conlinued rguieri,r olthe rssuer
consequ.t:r:t1y lerl the I\4IJ ic adopt the
,.. -;,rllv L..:- i.r.2 Irl.'r nati^nal
C.'n rt.lrltnn I'.r: Lh": C . n:roi anJ
ItTanirgemeni of Shipsr' Balla,st l,Ahtel
and Seclimenis ('1re Btir,,r1r4
Conrrenti,rn') on i3 2004.
Tlie B\nr}{ Converntiori ircludei a
two-stacre intrcduction of maraEiement
Tr.easures: filst, up until at latest 20 i6,
ships'v','ci:ld be reqi-iu-ed to meet a
bi[iast water exchanqe "rtanclard
(ReEtlaticn D-i), then, after this, ships
vror:ld ha','e tc meei a ballast.,,vater
p-6rfo1'mance st.mdard (IiequJ aticn D .
2), ReEu-lation D- i requirecl ship"r on
Augusi 201 7
internatroni:-l voy.lges to exchancle
}:allast wa[er taken up ui ports with
open oceiln \Arater with .ll elhcienr:y of
at least 95'lzi, volumetric exchange.
Regulatron D-2 requires ships to har,,e
a bailasi v,.ater tre;ltrneni syjiteril
urstalled that wili ensure that b;rllast
water d-iBcharged contams:
' I+ss h*n l0 'rLa-Lle org.-r' .srr-s p rr
crtlric metre,jreater than cr equal
tc 5C, intcruinelres Ln rntnimuln
. le;s :h.ul .1{j -/IaJ)L? orgdrt:5lr:s: F,Ft
ruliilrtre iess tha:r or equal to
10 nric:crnetres rn mmrnturn
. rncticator microl,es concentrations
as a luman healll: sta::dard of:
- foxicoc{emc Vjbno c?ialeraless
lharl one colony-ior rnirrg mit
,-{rmi rl rr-
(.-,j 1,E- : r'r.rJu.Li. i
- Esr:hertcha cor iess tnatr 2 50 cfr-r
per- i Cil rnilrh:res
- urlesii-nai enleiocc-,cci iess thaifl
llrelr p^r -t]i:r., <.
As wrth J Ii\lO con. en -ons ?nt.r /-
i:rto-force of ihe B1ft'lvl Conr..ention
',vouli1 l:e 12 rnonihs ;rfter a reclt:-red
mrrriri'Lrm nurnber of llv{O ]v{erlLrer
States ratified the Conr,'ention and, fol
ihrs Conveniion, the re<luirerne.iil lvas
not l:ss than 30 Stales, tht-. combineil
rnerrchant fleeis of rr,.hicir con.-stituted
not iess th;ln 35'l,r ol *.he qross tonnage
crl tlto world .. -:crchdnt .;h^pp i'6".
Accepl;rnce of tlie conr,entlcn hry
St ,les .i.r,;.s.oil. .rn<1 lhe,rlctrl
rv.r,s only rnet ur Sep'lerrher 20i6, so
ih.e ciate fnr entry-ilto-fori:e of the
conve,rntion .is 8 Se,pteinber 20 1 ?.
1T6.,.,,6','s.r, it shou]d ber nolerd
birllasl vrater dischar.oe fu rm
inL+r n rt..or.-. ,l sh;ps ,,rrriv inc :r,r..tirl |.,Cr:lS h,r.j r'3ell rl .ll.i,)erl
since 200 1 u:der the Australian B;iilast
\4,raier lvliuragemeni Iiequrrements that
requir€ d.eep ccean i:allasi lv;,rter
lvieNrting ihe D-2 sta;rdard for ballast
\ilaler t.r,.ralm.elrt si',stilms (B\VTS) is
ch;rJ'c-q n1 hf r.r.r:,. olf,tc:,rrs
inclr"rrlinq the range of r:iqanisms to be
reildere-.d non-.nable. ihe vclun:e of
water to be he;rted, ihe vrater
Ballast water is
taken aboard as
ships unload, and
discharged as
ships load.
(top) The Northern Pacific seastar (Asterias
amurensis) and (bottom) the Asian kelp
(undaria pinnatifida) arrived in Australia in
the 1990s and quickly established
chemistry in Austra,ia I 1 I
chemi:!tr-/ iutd quallt), which may
encotTipasrl sa.luritv rilnlies lrom
fiesh.'r,,rater to ful1y mar::re and high
wakrr turkJicliryl anci ihat the stand.ard is
i,r clischarge sianijard. meaninq that
otgamsra.s are rol al:le ic reqro-'/./ ilt the
tank:; cluling tire vojrage. 'I'he Il,{0
reouires that a conmiercra11..,r
cje-,.e1opecl BWTS rs approvecl by a ilag
acimini--qtration in accorC wrth 1lr,.1O
c;uiciciines ih;rt reqttir e l;i:rd,baseri
testinq .ship-boar.l trials arrd, for
s7c1.:1s -tsi r,J .t,ttivc of enrlronme:rta1 impact of
Ctsr:htlrqed ball.rst r.':ater b-1, tire
V. rt ittc Envii^r,ntcnl I )oLecl,cir
Committee. At the end of 2016, some
58 sy-stems had receivecl tlpe
.rpprcv;il certriication u: lrre."vith IN,{O
reguirements, 30 of .,r,rhich m;:de use oI
acii'.re sub stalrices,
'I\.eatment sy,sterr s
irc.iuCe a t\,"/o--qtaEe plocess: ph.r.stcal
solio-l iquid separaiion to separate
-qrispeiried solld rnaterial, incLuiLng
Iarger orgamsms fiom the lntal,e',//ater,
th+rr Ci-,uriecli.,:r .o lili -: .r..,triv.,l?
microorg alilsms.
The ph-,rsici'i soiiti*liqld sep.rri,Ltion
phase ciln e:rrploy hydrcicyclcne
s.p..rai,o,i .-r sut fdca filtr.LrL. n
:ionietimes v',rth upstream addttor: cf
cl-: e;lli c a.l. l'loccu ialts or co.ii'.;r}.:r rts to
Tt, t, ri^ tltt, . lt:,. l" ,7.,1 I. ,,
separation. Filtratii:n s-)rstems cait use
cllscs or fixe<l -ccreeii! ri.ritlt autcmatrc
b rcl-rrus .no. 11.e h, 1.,-c;c o o
systel.rl of hi<rh-r,-elocity c€ntritr rgal
rotatiojr can be r:rore effective th;rn
.l)isinlectir:l cal rrvolve p}:ysical
.1.eth. i:'. ^r thr .., ldrt c.r .r Jonei ,ltc]l
ol actrve substa.nces. Phlrslcal methods
mclude UV irr-adiation, ca\'iiation,
cleoxygenation ;rnd l:eat. lJr.,r
ir-radiatlon i,'; a'.,vi,.1eli, lisecl methoi fcr
inch.rstri;i.l and mlrilcioid -/,/itter
trrlalment. A teclu-- oiogrcal :h;Ll1cnge
fi:;r I-1-/ ap1:1:catiorr wa.s the neecl for
.,nater i:1 al rty to ena bl e {J\I' ;rene'lra.ti o-n
1f.rn-..1h ilr.'fLrll rr.r":rrr, 1 p. nr
-vc"qsej diameter. Ilornrervrr, this las
b-oen ovei:come in the cie-u-eloi:rirent of
some aj-l'sienls througit efl--ctrr,e
iltiatioir of -water" pl:ior ro the
disir:iection stage , Ball.1sl v,/iitei cain
a-lso br: passed thor,rgl: the reactor
chirhq debailastinq. llirt ",,;rtlroilt the
l;oorl fo fi rr.rrio_. 10 -<.t.Lut r/ or i..n.-cn.s
that mai, har,'e regloitn ciurinc; the
I-leoxygJenation cf tl-re ri,raiel ..r.rili ki11
crqanisms .r'rithin serierai .j;rys, but
there is a l-reiqhienecl risk of anaerobic
cor:rusion oi tank r,valls by sulfate-
r-^ducu:g bacteria. the iruma;r he.ritlt
risk olthe cteoxygenated tallK ne.1d
space ilhatches are opened, and the
envrronmental risk from the release cl
latge -,rr:iu;:res of deorgEenatei water-
irrto a recipient -*,rater boCy Car,rtation,
qeneratecl uitrasonicdl]y or bi. gas
r..rj e ciion, clisrultrts oi q;uiism c e1i -'l,.al-1s
5r i il ,s bce: :C.xrd I,r r. qu rr'
*t svs{
!Q I cnemisrry in Australia August 201 7
#*ffiffirffi*$y Iar*fim#m m
tw***Em{}# pr#*#ss:
pi*ysi*mE smfi$d*
HEqu*d s#ffiffi*"ffit&mm "".
aiddili,:nal. ir.eatinexl srystems
ci-o,n'nsl.reimi fcr:. tcta-l --lficacil lieat has
linitations iri the reclutrernent tor the
leth;,rl iemperamre to be rlaillained
()-v-er air extenciercl peri()i-i cf itrne and
the risks 1.haI sublethal temlieratures
cou]rl ,lnhancr.l bactcri;rl gro\ /ih.
Ulr.rrr. :l (1..:inlocLr()rt ri. r-q
oxlrli::ing bir-,clcies 1s tlte other wiiiely
used approarctr, ..vith dillererl sysiiLrmli
us;rrrqtr chloi'ini rtlcri, electr,;chlorir;rtior:,
rlilu-,lle r-li ->:irl.'. t " zou< L'- )I -. p I raie ir-
arcici and,/ol hyclrogen percxiri.e. As is
the case for: TJV rixlii'ition. chlcrrrralion
systems arcr-*,.icJe1y u.qcd lor thr:
treair:rxxlt oi r-rruntc;ipal ;rn.d rndustrial
w,1ter.i, In na'iural lviit{ilr'i, the biocidal
efft:ct is acnre;re<1 by a so,itum
trv1;c.,chlorite solt-tticn prcdrrcing
diifcr-r:n'l oxidi,sinq comi:outtds. l-i ee
ch.l.oriue. ol a.rai]ah1e c.riilotire, i:t
present ar: an er4;i1ibri;m tnixture of
h.,pochlorcus acid anC 1:ynor;trlorite
ron-s, \^,,hich are both oxiCants, bul the
latterr is far less effectivo thax the
Ior mer. Fcr baliirst'rv.rter treatmsnt,
scdium ir:;,12cr:hlorite car be q:-onerated
electroch emically duectlir f,orn
August 201 7
sela,,4/ater or in fresi:-.lrater o:: io."r,
sdrri\ w.iiel:s, iiorn stored br:ir--.
(Jzone Ls .r siroirgi-ar oxicl;rni thar-r
'n.of 'Ll e .:' i .,tr 'le .'ctn1 o;r- ir.3:t
molecnli,Lr werghi. orgarrir: subsiorces
1o pn:clnco 1o.;,. molecularl,reighl
compound.s sucn as ;-rldeitydes and
carl:o>lylic aclcls. Ozone <1er:ompo.sos
rapid.f; ''viih a tralflife-'in pure r,,rater of
:r fer,v l-ror.rr-s, L;ui wi1.h it haLf-lit'e of
Il:L-LlI(.:.; llI -1,..,/i .nr,:'et L'iile :u f:],rCIIJl'r
i,rith orqamc rnatter,
A .lir ll...rc1 r: i.,r:r.l- ch}ot ir.r-tr.n
a:rrj. ozonation sj/sterns r,s ihr,: tbrrr.;,rtlon.
of b-y-produr:ts th.;rt can ind.u.dcr
haloqerate:c1 merthares, ityclnrci,rrbons,
arnires, acetoritriles etc. The rjsl<s of
residr:al or,icli,intr; i.n clischalge b;,i1.1irst
\",rater cainirg envL-onmental il:rm,rc1e
m llle 1e Ce .\'mLr i/.it::lS C(]ll lCOr jln
neifiralisation of rersicluai cher:i.cals
pr.ici to clischarge, ":-',rhtch i;ar be
achirrve'1, for example, l:y,iosrnq wilh
sodlLrm bisulf;ite.
An ad.ciecl ccmp|.c;llion ior the
l,.rirrl oi , B\-,'l S s rh.; ihe US;t Gu.rd has set rnore strinqent than the IMO cn the
t::::::::-:tiii*it Ll I' r =
:.:)::;1,:.::S.t1,lrlr, I i I
illillt-] LLIN
t:erfcrmllnce ,rf a BI,IffS .lnc1 lIStrrer
ap-rrr-otil ,:rf systeins is re.',tlrecl for
ships operaiirrg m IJS waters. The l.iS
Co:rst Guard reglulations reqlile
cornpli:rnce arl. tlie llrst r:1ryd6.,1rr.,
aller 1 Janu;rry 2016 a-uc1 art. deii",eri'ior
new bui|i.s. I ilovrc:vr:r the fir:si US-i,,'pe
apcri-,rral i-rf a BirvTS w.tii not it;sue,.j until
.Dcc *mher 2{'1. li dn(l c.r:ly .'.';.. 11-,.. . .
sl,stems h:tve bo<* appr<rl'erl s tce.
Wittr entry-into-fcrce ol 1l:e B\r,'4,{
Converltion, shrps noi alea<1y 'fiteri,,vtth
a ba]];-Lst r",,ater treahrent s1*sten will be 1c iio so by 2(.12 i , Er;tLinartes of
tht; r.iurrbr;r of strips needirq nttrofit
ilrl',ilS install;riiorlsi .rvor tl're ne:{ f,i,e
yedrs :ii y fiom il0tl0:" 2i .Jil'l .;\.i,rs.
Cre ca]cr:iiitir:n hers;ed. on the lor"rer
n.ittrl.'cr'l t'":lim.ile lh:rt dlcr.. ..[n
2lj0 shioyanls l'r.orlrir,urle capatirie ol
ioing'rhe rr,rork, re.sriits in ear:h. y'arC
h;i.nnr7 to rst;i1i a. system everT 1 6 days.
Tnsta.llaticn cl a B\\TS car cost u]l tc
{JS$S mii}iorL per shlp.
Qr-irle a task ...
i ltiiilar,,,",:,,..:..:::::,,*i]a;i,
John A Lewis is Principat l4arine Consultant, [5 Llnk
Serv,, "5 01, Ltd, IdsrLe]nar p. V'"tona.
Chemistry in AustYafia | 21
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
4/ater or in fresi:-.lrater o:: io."r, sdrri\ w.iiel:s, iiorn stored br:ir
  • Sela
sela,,4/ater or in fresi:-.lrater o:: io."r, sdrri\ w.iiel:s, iiorn stored br:ir-.
rer n.ittrl.'cr'l t'":lim.ile lh:rt dlcr.. ..[n 2lj0 shioyanls l'r.orlrir,urle capatirie ol ioing'rhe rr,rork, re.sriits in ear:h. y'arC h;i.nnr7 to rst
  • Cre
Cre ca]cr:iiitir:n hers;ed. on the lor"rer n.ittrl.'cr'l t'":lim.ile lh:rt dlcr....[n 2lj0 shioyanls l'r.orlrir,urle capatirie ol ioing'rhe rr,rork, re.sriits in ear:h. y'arC h;i.nnr7 to rst;i1i a. system everT 1 6 days.
llaticn cl a B\\TS car cost u]l tc {JS$S mii}iorL per shlp. Qr-irle a task
  • Tnsta
Tnsta.llaticn cl a B\\TS car cost u]l tc {JS$S mii}iorL per shlp. Qr-irle a task...