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Evaluation of Software Vulnerability Detection Methods and Tools: A Review

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 169 No.8, July 2017
Evaluation of Software Vulnerability Detection
Methods and Tools: A Review
Richard Amankwah
Jiangsu University
School of Computer Science $
Telcom Engineering
Patrick Kwaku Kudjo
Jiangsu University
School of Computer Science $
Telcom Engineering
Samuel Yeboah Antwi
Presbyterian College of
Education, Ghana
Software vulnerability remains a serious problem among
industry players in the world today because of the numerous
security related challenges it possess to end-users and
stakeholders. Although previous studies have proposed
various methods and tools that can be used in reducing or
eliminating software vulnerability, those studies, however,
raised several additional questions that need be addressed: (1)
Can all the tools be used in curbing software vulnerabilities.
(2) Can a specific tool detect all software vulnerabilities? To
address these questions, we performed a detailed evaluation of
the various software vulnerability detection methods and tools
to find out their differences and similarities. Our studies also
seeks to investigate the most efficient approach for detecting
vulnerabilities based on previously proposed benchmarks and
present some recommendations for future studies.
General Terms
Software Engineering, Information Security
Benchmarks; Software Vulnerability; Vulnerability Detection
Software vulnerability remains a serious problem faced by
software companies and end users of software product. For
the past years, there has been an increased reportage on
several security vulnerabilities with high devastating effects
on customers; this has brought to the public domain the need
to focus on software vulnerability detection tools and
methods. Software developers have developed a lot of
methods and tools by using several approaches to detect and
report these vulnerabilities that pose security threat to systems
and users. The CERT/CC (Computer Emergency Response
Team Coordination Center) reported that the economic loss
caused by the intrusion events has reached about 6.66 billion
US dollars in 2003 and this figure is still on the ascendancy
with the passage of time. For example, there were a total of
7236 vulnerabilities in 2007, and this number has increased
to 4110 by the end of the first two quarter of 2008 [1].
Although there is no universal definition for software
vulnerability, previous studies have given varied explanation
of the concept. Kuang et al.[2] defined software vulnerability
as the fault that can be viciously used to harm security of
software systems. Krsul[3] also define software vulnerability
as a defect that allows an attacker to violate an explicit or
implicit security policy to achieve some impact. In another
study Jimenez et al.[4] defined software vulnerability as a
flaw, weakness or even an error in the system that can be
exploited by an attacker in order to alter the normal behavior
of the system. Schultz et al. [5] defined software vulnerability
as ‘‘a defect, which enables an attacker to bypass security
measure”. Finally the Organization of Internet Safety (OIS)
defines security vulnerability as “a flaw within a software
system that can cause it to work contrary to its documented
design and could be exploited to cause the system to violate
its documented security policy”. The analysis of these
definitions clearly indicates that software errors are the main
causes of information security breaches. This is evident in the
report presented in 2010 by researchers and expert from more
than twenty five universities, international cyber security
organizations about the twenty five (25) most dangerous
software errors that enable cyber-crime. These errors were
classified into three main categories; 1.Software Error based
on insecure interaction between components 2. Software Error
based on risky resource management 3. Software Error based
on Porous Defenses. The recent cyber-attacks on institutions
such as Google, SMEs, Universities, governmental
organization, and home users were all attributed to software
errors [5]. Thus software vulnerability is a subset of
faults[6]and as such can be define based on the weakness,
defect, errors, fault, and failures that occur in software.
Having discussed the main elements that constitute software
vulnerability, this paper also seeks to address some of the
additional questions raised in those previous studies. The
main focus of the study is to evaluate the various tools and
methods proposed by previous studies to find out their
differences and similarities. Evaluation of these vulnerability
detection methods and tools is very key as it help us to: (1)
identify which tool and method is suitable for a particular
vulnerability detection (2) expand the said method or tool
functionality (3) evaluate the weakness and strength of the
methods and tools for detection (4) identify known and
unknown software vulnerabilities.
Our studies also seeks to investigate the most efficient
approach for detecting vulnerabilities based on previously
proposed benchmarks and present some recommendations for
future studies. The remaining sections of the paper are
organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the common causes
of software vulnerability. Section 3 presents a presents a
detailed analysis of software vulnerability methods. Section 4
presents the evaluation of software vulnerability detection
methods. We reports on the vulnerability detection tools in
Section 5. The evaluation of the tools and is presented in
Section 6. Section 7 concludes the study.
Analyzing the causes of software vulnerability significantly
helps reduce vulnerabilities in software[7]. Several studies
have empirical verify the causes of software vulnerability over
the past decade. Krsul et al. [8] investigated and presented
some common causes of system vulnerabilities, this include
buffer overflow and IP Fragmentation. Buffer overflow
occurs when a program tries to copy some data from one
object into another but does not check if the destination object
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 169 No.8, July 2017
size is large enough to contain the source object. IP
Fragmentation on the other hand can be categorized into two
forms, vulnerabilities that occur during the design of protocol
and IP fragmentation vulnerabilities known as teardrop. In
2001, e-Eye Digital security as well presented a report about a
buffer-overflow that caused vulnerability in Microsoft IIS
Web Servers[9]. The Industrial Control System Cyber
Emergency Response Team (ICS-CERT) in 2015 reported the
following major causes of vulnerabilities [11].
i. Insufficient Entropy: this occurs when attackers
guess the random numbers generated by the system
and gain unauthorized access to a system.
ii. Use of cryptographically weak Ping: this occurs
when a non-cryptographic PRNG is used in a
cryptographic context; this exposes the
cryptography to certain types of attacks.
iii. Authentication by pass by spoofing: this form of
attack is mainly caused by improperly implemented
authentication schemes that are subject to spoofing
iv. Improper check for unusual or exceptional
Again based on the report presented in 2010 by expert on the
twenty five most dangerous software errors, the following
were the major cause of software Vulnerabilities identified.
A. Software Error based on insecure interaction
between components
i. Improper neutralization of special elements used in
an SQL Command
ii. Improper neutralization of special elements used in
an OS command
iii. Improper neutralization of input during Web page
iv. Unrestricted upload of file with dangerous type
v. Cross-site request forgery
vi. URL redirection to untrusted site
B. Software Error based on Risky Resource
i. Buffer copy without checking size of input
ii. Improper limitation of a pathname to a restricted
iii. Inclusion of functionality from Untrusted control
iv. Use of potentially dangerous function
v. Incorrect calculation of buffer size
vi. Uncontrolled format string
vii. Integer overflow or wraparound
C. Software Error Based on Porous Defenses
i. Missing authentication for critical function
ii. Missing authorization
iii. Use of hard-coded credentials
iv. Missing Encryption of sensitive data
v. Reliance on untrusted inputs in a security decision
vi. Execution with unnecessary privileges
vii. Incorrect authorization
viii. Incorrect permission assignment for critical
ix. Use of a broken or risky cryptographic algorithm
x. Improper restriction of excessive authentication
xi. Use of one-way hash without a salt
Furthermore, we sample eight causes of software vulnerability
reported by the National vulnerability database.
i. Input validation Error (IVE) (boundary condition
error(BCE), buffer overflow(BOF): such types of
vulnerabilities include failure to verify the incorrect
input and read or write involving an invalid memory
ii. Access Validation error (AVE): these vulnerabilities
cause failure in enforcing the correct privilege for a
iii. Exceptional condition Error Handing (ECHE): these
vulnerabilities arise due to failures in responding to
unexpected data or conditions.
iv. Environmental Error (EE): These vulnerabilities
are triggered by specific conditions of the
computational environment.
v. Configuration Error (CE): These vulnerabilities
result from improper system settings.
vi. Race Condition Error (RC): These are caused by the
improper serialization of the sequences of
vii. Design Error (DE): These are caused by improper
design of the software structure.
viii. Others: Includes vulnerabilities that do not belong
to the types listed above, sometimes referred
to as nonstandard.
This section of the paper will present an in-depth analysis of
the tools used in detecting vulnerabilities in software
applications. The tools and techniques are used in detecting if
there are systems gaps that could be capitalized by an attacker
to compromise the security of the system or that of the
platform the system runs on.
3.1 Fuzzing
Fuzzing is a security detection method that takes an invalid
input or random input into the application and output a
behavior that is not expected and identity error in the program
and suspected vulnerability. This is because it expected that
every program contain some level of vulnerability that need to
be detected. The key to fuzzing is data generation where
pertinent test are carried out to crash the source program and
also to choose the right tools to monitor the process. But
currently, there is more twist to fuzzing where developers
analyze the executable codes rather than the source code to
detect vulnerabilities. According to [10] Fuzzed data
generation can be performed in two ways. They can be
generated randomly by modifying correct data without
requiring any knowledge of the application details. This
method is known as Black box fuzzing and was the first
fuzzing concept. On the other hand, White box fuzzing
consists in generating tests assuming a complete knowledge of
the application code and behavior. A third type is Gray box
fuzzing which stands between the two methods aiming to take
advantages of both. It uses only a minimal knowledge of the
behavior target. Data generation is the key to fuzzing,
according to the data generation methods, fuzzing can be
categorized as random fuzzing, mutation-based fuzzing,
generation-based fuzzing and direction-based fuzzing.
Random fuzzing is the simplest fuzz testing technique, a
stream of completely random input data is send to the
program under test. The input data can be sending as
command line options, events, or network packets. This type
of fuzzing is, in particular, useful for test how a program
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 169 No.8, July 2017
reacts on large or invalid input data. While random fuzzing
can find already severe vulnerabilities, modern fuzzers do
have a detailed understanding of the input format that is
expected by the program under test. Mutation-based fuzzing
is one type of fuzzing in which the fuzzer has some
knowledge about the input format of the program under test:
based on existing data samples, a mutation-based fuzzing
tools generated new variants, based on a heuristics, that it uses
for fuzzing. The mutation algorithm is the key to improve the
efficiency of fuzzing. Generation-based fuzzing generates
program inputs according to some specifications. Compared
to pure random-based fuzzing, generation-based fuzzing
achieves usually a higher coverage of the program under test,
in particular if the expected input format is rather complex
and has checksums. Direction-based fuzzing use the program
control flow to direct the fuzzing, also called test case
generation fuzzing. SAGE [11] is the type of Direction-based
fuzzing. First, it constructs an initial and valid input IN0,
sends the input into program P, and symbol execution engine
observes P’s processes on IN0 and a path constraint that is in
the form of logical formulas; secondly, it negates the path
constraint encountered during execution, solves new
constraint by a constraint solver, and create a new input IN1
whose execution path is different from IN0’s; finally, it
processes IN1 in the same way with IN0 and repeats the
previous three procedures. There are lots of research [12] and
tools on fuzzing, such as Sulley [13], SPIKE [14], Peach [15].
3.2 Web Application Scanners
Web application scanners are an automatic application that
examines application on the web for security vulnerabilities.
Web security is very difficult since its coverage runs through
the public which includes unscrupulous users. Web
application takes it input from Hypertext Transfer Protocol
request which makes it processing difficult. The volatility of
the input either correct or not correct is the most causes of
web application vulnerabilities. Web application testing for
vulnerability can be carried out by two different methods:
white box testing which analysis the source code of the
application manually by using tools such as FORTIFY [16],
Ounce [16]or Pixy [16]. Once this is done manually it’s very
difficult because of the complex nature of programming
languages and also sometime cannot detect all security
vulnerabilities. Black box testing this is where the scanner
uses fuzzing approach to detect vulnerabilities. It is
sometimes called penetrating testing. The work of the web
application scanners is that its examines the application by
surfing through the web pages through penetrating testing
which is analysis of the web application and come out with
malicious input and further assesses it and sees its response.
Web application scanners are mainly applied in the testing
stage of the system development and it must be able to (1)
identify a vulnerability in a the set web application (2) come
out with a report what is to be carried out that lead to the
vulnerability (3) come out with a low false positive ratio.
Aside these web application scanners, the following
commercial web application scanners can also be used in
detecting software vulnerability, they are; AppScan WebKing
3.3 Static Analysis Techniques
The use of web application for daily routine work and for
commercial purposes is on the high side as the day goes by,
this emerging phenomena unfortunately has also presented a
lot of security issues where unscrupulous developers look for
gap and weakness in web application as an avenue for attack.
According to the most recent website security statistics report
63 percent of assessed websites are vulnerable, each having an
average of six unsolved flaws [18]. In 2013, Open Web
Application Security Project[19] and Common Vulnerabilities
and Exposures [20] indicated that, cross site scripting (XSS)
and SQL injection (SQLI) are the top ten most serious
vulnerabilities in web based system. Static Analysis technique
is a defensive and preventive technique that detects
vulnerabilities in web application. The primary objective of
this approach is to identify the weakness in the program
source code before its actual use in the user’s environment for
the first time. This help to detect vulnerability early enough
hence cutting down cost of rectifying it should it happen. The
static analysis approach is used in performing the following
activities: (1) assess the input code (2) applies set rules or
algorithms also called inference (3) generates a list of
vulnerabilities present in the program.
There are a lot of Static analysis approaches available which
is very effective for detecting Buffer Overflow vulnerabilities
before a program come out. Many static analysis approaches
have been introduced in various research aims at detecting
BOF vulnerabilities [21-23]. These approaches can be
classify to these six main areas (1) inference technique (2)
analysis sensitivity (3) Analysis granularity (4) soundness
(5) completeness (6) language
3.4 Brick
Binary Run-time Integer Based Vulnerability Checker which
detects integer based vulnerability at run-time. It is very
effective approach which result gives low false positive and
negative. BRICK process involve three stages: (1) its convert
the binary code to intermediate representation VEX on
Valgrind (dynamic binary instrumentation framework
Valgrind[24] (2) intercept integer related statements at run-
time, and record the necessary information (3) detect and
locate vulnerability with a set checking scheme.
3.5 CRED: C Range Error Detector
One of the vulnerability detecting approach that is not widely
use is the Dynamic Buffer Overrun Detector. This is because
its lack the power to protect against all buffer overrun attacks,
break existing code and also produce too high overhead.
CRED: C Range Error Detector approach corrects the above
in- competencies and finds all buffer overruns attacks. CRED
proved effective in detecting buffer overrun attacks on
programs with known vulnerabilities, and is the only tool
found to guard against tested 20 different buffer overflow
attacks [25]
4.1 Metrics for Benchmarking
Benchmarks are standard tools that allow evaluating and
comparing different systems, components and tools
according to specific characteristics [26]. This helps all
stakeholders in decision making in terms of selecting the right
approach and for which vulnerability. The following are the
benchmarks for evaluating the vulnerability detection
methods: Time Cost, False Positive, False Negative,
Coverage, Number of vulnerability Detected, False Prediction
Rate and Complexity. Details of the performance comparison
of the vulnerability detection methods are presented in figure:
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 169 No.8, July 2017
In other to produce quality application which is devoid of
vulnerabilities, developer s uses software quality assurance
tools which assist them to detect weakness in every part of the
System Development Life Cycle. These tools can be obtained
from the market and also some are open source product.
According to Defense Information Systems Agency's (DISA)
"Application Security Assessment Tool Market Survey,"
Version 3.0, July 29, 2004 [27] classified this variety of tool
5.1 Web Application Tools:
Web application scanner tools are a more specialized class of
tool that focuses specifically on web applications only, and
are not considered generalized network scanners. Examples of
this type of tool and company are as:
i. AppScan DE by Watchfire
ii. N-Stealth by N-Stalker
iii. NTOSpider by NTObjectives
iv. Spike Proxy by Immunity
v. TestMaker by pushtotes
vi. WebScarab by OWASP
5.2 Web Service Tools:
Web service scanner tools are a relatively new class of tool
whose purpose is the analysis of web service applications.
Examples of this type of tool include:
i. SOAPscope by Mindreef
ii. SOA Test by Parasoft
5.3 Database Tools:
Database Scanner tools are a specialized tool used specifically
to identify vulnerabilities in database applications. In addition
to performing some "external" functions like "password
cracking", the tools also examine the internal configuration of
the database for possible exploitable vulnerabilities. Examples
of this type of tool include:
i. AppDetective by Application Security
5.4 Developer Tools:
Developer tools are used to identify software vulnerability
during development or after deployment. These tools consist
of static source code analysis tool, disassemble debugger
decompiles binary code/byte code analysis tool, and dynamic
run-time analysis tools. Examples of Static Source Code
Analysis Tools include:
i. BOON by D. Wagner
ii. BoundsChecker, Dev Partner by Compuware
iii. Code Assure by Secure Software Inc.
iv. CodeSurfer, CodeSonar by GrammaTech, Inc.
v. Eau Claire by Brian Chess
vi. Prevent/Extend by Coverity
vii. Cqual by Jeff Foster
viii. Flawfinder by David Wheeler
ix. Fortify Source Code Analysis by Fortify
x. ITS4 by Cigital
xi. K7 by Klocworks
xii. Jtest by Parasoft
xiii. PolySpace by PolySpace Technologies
xiv. Prexis by Ounce Labs, Inc.
xv. RATS by Secure Software
xvi. RSM Source code by Msquared Technologies
xvii. Splint by U. of Virginia
xviii. SPIdynamics
xix. Jlint by
xx. PMD by InfoEther, Inc.
xxi. UNO by Bell Labs
xxii. xg++ by Stanford
5.5 Disassembler, Debugger, Decompiler
tools include:
i. IDA PRO by DataRescue Inc.
ii. VmWareVitual Infrastructure by VmWare
iii. Boomerang by Boomerang Open Source
Community Project
5.6 Examples of Binary/Bytecode Analyzer
i. AspectCheck by Aspect Security
ii. FindBugs by University of Maryland
iii. BugScan by LogicLab
iv. BEAST Binary Executable Analysis by Security
5.7 Static Analysis Tools
Here eight types of widely-used software vulnerabilities of
static analysis tools from open source are chosen for analysis
and comparison. First the main features of these tools are
briefly described, and then we compared them from a
technical point of view.
ITS4 [5] is a tool based on lexical analysis technique. It
maintains a vulnerability database to read out the contents of
the database at runtime and compare with the program codes.
The database can be added, modified and deleted.
SPLINT (Secure Programming Lint) [6] is the expansion of
LCLINT tool (for detecting buffer overflows and other
security threats). It employs several lightweight static
analyses. SPLINT need to use notes to perform cross-program
analysis. SPLINT set up models for control flow and loop
structure by using heuristic technology.
UNO [7] uses model checking to find loopholes in the code.
UNO is named for the first character of three software defects:
the use of uninitialized variables, dereferencing Nil-pointers,
and Out-of-bound array indexing.
Checkstyle is the most useful tool to help programmers write
standard Java coding. Programmers can integrate Checkstyle
in development environment and use it to automatically check
whether the Java codes are standard. Checkstyle is
configurable and can almost support all the coding standards.
E. ESC / Java
ESC / Java (Extended Static Checker for Java) [8] is a static
detection tool based on theorem proving, and can find run-
time error in Java code. Programmers can build ESC / Java
into the program verification environment, or install ESC /
Java plug-in in the Eclipse.
F. FindBugs
FindBugs [9] is an open source static detection tools,which
check the class or JAR files? By comparing binary codes with
the defect model set, FindBugs can detect latent problems.
FindBugs is not to find loopholes through analyzing the form
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 169 No.8, July 2017
and structure of class files, but by using the visitor pattern. At
present FindBugs contains about 50error pattern detectors.
PMD is an open source, rule-based static detection tool. PMD
scans Java source codes and finds some potential problems,
such as wrong code, duplicate code, fussy code or code to be
further optimized. PMD includes a default rule set. In
addition, it allows users to develop new rules and use
Software quality is very important in application
development, as a result there has been several tools
developed to ensure that application developed are of good
quality. Static analysis tools are one of such that detect
vulnerabilities in applications without having to run the code.
Figure 2 shows a detail comparison of the static analysis tools
In this paper we evaluated software vulnerability detection
methods and tools. For this reason sample software
vulnerability detection methods such fuzzing, scanning, static
analysis CRED and BRICK were discussed. The strength and
weakness of these methods were also compared. More so,
static analysis detection tools were also discussed and their
detection rate was also compared quantitatively. In this review
I can conclude that there is no single software vulnerability
detection method or tool that can defect weakness in a
software product, each method or tool has its own advantages
and disadvantages, I therefore suggest that moving forward
there should be and integration of the detection methods and
tools to complement each other whiles trying to improve the
weakness of the individual approaches to enhance its
Figure I: Performance Comparison of Vulnerability Detection Methods
Figure II: Performance Comparison of Static Analysis Tools
Time Cost
No.of Vul.
Static Analysis
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 169 No.8, July 2017
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... Therefore, these analyzers cannot guarantee complete test coverage of the codebase. As the complexity of software increases, these methods are limited by high false positive rates and low true performance [22], often generating a large number of false positives and not being able to understand the semantics of the code well. In addition, the identification of unbalanced real-world vulnerability data cannot fully exert its advantages due to the small amount of data. ...
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In the current field of vulnerability prediction, accurate forecasting and identification of potential vulnerabilities in software are crucial, especially when dealing with real-world vulnerability data. The challenges posed by data imbalance and complex dependency relationships often make prediction tasks exceptionally difficult. Traditional single-task learning methods and ensemble learning methods typically perform poorly when handling highly imbalanced datasets. These methods often overlook minority categories, which frequently contain the most critical vulnerabilities, and fail to fully learn vulnerability features. To address these issues, we propose a novel multi-task learning model called MTLPT, aimed at enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of vulnerability prediction through a multi-task learning framework. The MTLPT model combines custom lightweight Transformer blocks and position encoding layers to effectively capture long-range dependencies and complex contextual information from source code. With this structural design, MTLPT can simultaneously handle various vulnerability prediction tasks, thereby learning the latent relationships between different vulnerability types and improving the model’s sensitivity to rare but severe vulnerabilities. Additionally, the MTLPT model introduces a loss function based on dynamic weights, which dynamically adjusts loss weights based on the prediction difficulty of different tasks, effectively mitigating the challenges posed by imbalanced data. We conducted comparative experiments on a subset of highly imbalanced real-world vulnerability dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that, compared to existing single-task learning and ensemble learning methods, MTLPT exhibits significant advantages across multiple key performance metrics, particularly in identifying minority class vulnerabilities with higher sensitivity and accuracy. This performance enhancement validates the effectiveness of our proposed multi-task learning framework in handling complex and imbalanced vulnerability data, highlighting the importance of the MTLPT framework, custom lightweight Transformer blocks, position encoding layers, and the dynamic weight loss function in practical applications. Furthermore, we conducted a series of ablation experiments to thoroughly evaluate the contributions of individual components within the MTLPT model, confirming the role of custom lightweight Transformer blocks and position encoding layers in enhancing the model’s ability to learn complex code structures and behavioral patterns, while also demonstrating the critical role of the dynamic weight loss function in optimizing the training process of the multi-task learning model.
... In conventional methods of detecting computer network security vulnerabilities, inspectors typically must interact with computer terminals and rely on various vulnerability detection tools. However, these tools often exhibit significant limitations in practical use, including issues related to accuracy, speed, and the associated high costs of vulnerability detection [2]. ...
Addressing the persistent delay problem in traditional network security antivirus protection systems, this paper introduces an innovative approach utilizing virtual reality (VR) technology. The primary objective is to significantly reduce detection delays and enhance the efficiency of network security measures. An enhanced decision-making algorithm is proposed to identify relevant features associated with network security. These features are then weighted and optimized to improve the overall detection process. An injection list is generated through web crawling techniques to strengthen security measures. A virtual protection block is also developed to serve as a barrier against potential threats. The proposed method claims a detection delay of only 75.33 milliseconds, significantly outperforming two traditional methods that recorded 290.11 milliseconds and 337.30 milliseconds, respectively. This substantial decrease in detection delay emphasizes the effectiveness of automatic detection within the context of VR technology. Practical implementation and empirical evidence further validate the success of this approach. The automatic detection of network security vulnerabilities within the VR technology framework is efficient and exhibits considerable progress. As such, this research offers a promising solution to the delay problem in network security antivirus protection. Embracing VR technology achieves shorter detection delays, ultimately improving the security posture of network systems.
... Amankwah et. al. [13] documents a comparison that provides insight not only into the tools selected but also into strategies for analysis. This work brings small contributions into benchmarks for comparison between tools. ...
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As software applications continue to become more complex and attractive to cyber-attackers, enhancing resilience against cyber threats becomes essential. Aiming to provide more robust solutions, different approaches were proposed for vulnerability detection in different stages of the application life-cycle. This article explores three main approaches to application security: Static Application Security Testing (SAST), Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), and Software Composition Analysis (SCA). The analysis conducted in this work is focused on open-source solutions while considering commercial solutions to show contrast in the approaches taken and to better illustrate the different options available. It proposes a baseline comparison model to help evaluate and select the best solutions, using comparison criteria that are based on community standards. This work also identifies future opportunities for application security, highlighting some of the key challenges that still need to be addressed in order to fully protect against emerging threats, and proposes a workflow that combines the identified tools to be used for vulnerability assessments.
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The book showcases how advanced cybersecurity and forensic techniques can be applied to various computational issues. It further covers the advanced exploitation tools that are used in the domain of ethical hacking and penetration testing. • Focuses on tools used in performing mobile and SIM forensics, static and dynamic memory analysis, and deep web forensics • Covers advanced tools in the domain of data hiding and steganalysis • Discusses the role and application of artificial intelligence and big data in cybersecurity • Elaborates on the use of advanced cybersecurity and forensics techniques in computational issues • Includes numerous open-source tools such as NMAP, Autopsy, and Wireshark used in the domain of digital forensics The text is primarily written for senior undergraduates, graduate students, and academic researchers, in the fields of computer science, electrical engineering, cyberse-curity, and forensics. Advanced Techniques and Applications of Cybersecurity and Forensics
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Bu məqalə ali təhsildə tələffüz bacarıqlarını artırmaq üçün İnformasiya və Kommunikasiya Texnologiyalarını (İKT) vahid metodologiya ilə birləşdirən qabaqcıl yanaşma olan Texno-dillər konsepsiyasını təqdim edir. Müasir qloballaşan dünyada tələffüz effektiv ünsiyyətlə yanaşı əsas rol oynayan ünsürlərdəndir. Məqalə fərdiləşdirilmiş rəy təmin etmək və immersiv öyrənmə mühitləri yaratmaq üçün nitqin tanınması proqramından, virtual reallıq simulyasiyalarından və interaktiv tələffüz proqramlarından istifadə edərək Texno-dillər tətbiqini araşdırır. Holistik yanaşma təkcə axıcılığı və dəqiqliyi yaxşılaşdırmır, həm də tələbələrin ikinci dil kimi ingilis dilini öyrənməyə olan inamını artırır. Nitqin tanınması proqramı, virtual reallıq simulyasiyaları və interaktiv tələffüz proqramları kimi innovativ vasitələrdən istifadə etməklə, tələbələrin fərdiləşdirilmiş rəy ala və real və immersiv mühitdə tələffüz praktikası edə bilmələrindən də söz açılmışdır.
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Vulnerability detection is crucial to protect software security. Nowadays, deep learning (DL) is the most promising technique to automate this detection task, leveraging its superior ability to extract patterns and representations within extensive code volumes. Despite its promise, DL-based vulnerability detection remains in its early stages, with model performance exhibiting variability across datasets. Drawing insights from other well-explored application areas like computer vision, we conjecture that the imbalance issue (the number of vulnerable code is extremely small) is at the core of the phenomenon. To validate this, we conduct a comprehensive empirical study involving nine open-source datasets and two state-of-the-art DL models. The results confirm our conjecture. We also obtain insightful findings on how existing imbalance solutions perform in vulnerability detection. It turns out that these solutions perform differently as well across datasets and evaluation metrics. Specifically: 1) Focal loss is more suitable to improve the precision, 2) mean false error and class-balanced loss encourages the recall, and 3) random over-sampling facilitates the F1-measure. However, none of them excels across all metrics. To delve deeper, we explore external influences on these solutions and offer insights for developing new solutions.
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Attacks on web applications are growing rapidly with the opening of new technologies, HTML tags and JavaScript functions. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities are being exploited by the attackers to steal web browser's resources (cookies, credentials etc.) by injecting the malicious JavaScript code on the victim's web applications. The existing techniques like filtering of tags and special characters, maintaining a list of vulnerable sites etc. cannot eliminate the XSS vulnerabilities completely. In this paper, initially we have tried out the experiments on the exploitation of XSS vulnerabilities using local host server (i.e. XAMPP). After this, we have investigated for the XSS vulnerabilities on social networking sites (like Facebook, Orkut, Blogs, Twitter etc.) and tried to exploit the same on blogs. Finally, on the basis of some analysis and results, we have discussed a novel technique of mitigating this XSS vulnerability by introducing a Sandbox environment on the web browser. Keywords Keywords are your own designated keywords which can be used for easy location of the manuscript using any search engines.
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Software is a common component of the devices or systems that form part of our actual life. These systems are usually complex and are developed by different programmers. Usually programmers make mistakes in the code which could generate software vulnerabilities. A software vulnerability is a flaw or defect in the software construction that can be exploited by an attacker in order to obtain some privileges in the system. It means the vulnerability offers a possible entry point to the system. Despite the knowledge about vulnerabilities nowadays there is still a growing tendency in the number of reported vulnerabilities, reason why software security has become an important field of research. The presence of vulnerabilities in the production of software makes necessary to have tools that can help programmers to avoid or detect them in the development of the code. Thus, in relation to our on-going research on vulnerability detection, this article presents an overview of software vulnerabilities and their prevention and detection methods.
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Although Web services are becoming business-critical components, they are often deployed with critical software bugs that can be maliciously explored. Web vulnerability scanners allow detecting security vulnerabilities in Web services by stressing the service from the point of view of an attacker. However, research and practice show that different scanners have different performance on vulnerabilities detection. In this paper we present an experimental evaluation of security vulnerabilities in 300 publicly available Web services. Four well known vulnerability scanners have been used to identify security flaws in Web services implementations. A large number of vulnerabilities has been observed, which confirms that many services are deployed without proper security testing. Additionally, the differences in the vulnerabilities detected and the high number of false-positives (35% and 40% in two cases) and low coverage (less than 20% for two of the scanners) observed highlight the limitations of Web vulnerability scanners on detecting security vulnerabilities in Web services.
Dependence on web applications is increasing very rapidly in recent time for social communications, health problem, financial transaction and many other purposes. Unfortunately, presence of security weaknesses in web applications allows malicious user's to exploit various security vulnerabilities and become the reason of their failure. Currently, SQL Injection (SQLI) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities are most dangerous security vulnerabilities exploited in various popular web applications i.e. eBay, Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. Research on defensive programming, vulnerability detection and attack prevention techniques has been quite intensive in the past decade. Defensive programming is a set of coding guidelines to develop secure applications. But, mostly developers do not follow security guidelines and repeat same type of programming mistakes in their code. Attack prevention techniques protect the applications from attack during their execution in actual environment. The difficulties associated with accurate detection of SQLI and XSS vulnerabilities in coding phase of software development life cycle. This paper proposes a classification of software security approaches used to develop secure software in various phase of software development life cycle. It also presents a survey of static analysis based approaches to detect SQL Injection and cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in source code of web applications. The aim of these approaches is to identify the weaknesses in source code before their exploitation in actual environment. This paper would help researchers to note down future direction for securing legacy web applications in early phases of software development life cycle.
Fuzzing or fuzz testing has been introduced as a software testing technique to reduce vulnerabilities in software systems or given targets. To achieve a maximum benefit-to-cost ratio and without complication, we use fuzz testing [11]. In addition, during the development and debugging of a system, we may fail to notice the kinds of shortcoming that fuzz testing can expose. Fuzz testing types are different depending on the target they fuzz. Application, file format, and protocol fuzzing are the most common fuzzing types. A protocol fuzzer sends counterfeit packets to a target system while changing the normal packet en-route and sometimes replaying them. In addition, a protocol fuzzer sometimes acts as proxy server for clients. This survey study examines network protocol fuzz testing. We identified several studies on network protocol fuzzing. Most focus on application layers of the Open Systems Interconnection model. We primarily review the approaches of five studies and the targets and protocol layers they fuzz. We then develop criteria to compare these approaches in detail.
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As long as sensitive data over browsing the net can be the access to the information abuse and to other diseases. Through e-commerce process critical business transactions are transmitted, even entities act online transactions such as banking and shopping over the net and the real threat hangs on the minds of each common individual that is the data transmitted over the Internet is secure. Certainly this is the main question for everyone tries to discover the way out. Each year the organizations spends huge amount to get away from this large threat. There is much more to think where the security issues are concerned but in this paper we will describe the key security solutions. It is very obvious that everyone has an application at various levels when e-commerce and network security is concerned. Therefore we can conclude that there is a need for employing hybrid of these technologies with which we provide 100% security to the e-commerce transactions in order to the public must obtain free idea about net security through transactions.
These guidelines do not comprise an exhaustive set of incident handling procedures. A lengthy set of guidelines would be too intimidating to read and to incorporate into site contingency response plans. The discipline of responding to incidents is also very much in its infancy. Because so much is yet to be learned about handling incidents, this version of these guidelines will necessarily lack some degree of sophistication and detail. In addition, it is impossible to specify specific technical procedures for responding to the many types and versions of computer systems within DOE. This guidelines document contains basic information about responding to incidents which can be used, regardless of hardware platform or operating system. For specific technical details necessary to implement many of the recommendations in these guidelines, consult your system administrator or vendor.
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The size and complexity of software systems is growing, increasing the number of bugs. Many of these bugs constitute security vulnerabilities. Most common of these bugs is the buffer overflow vulnerability. In this paper we implement a testbed of 20 different buffer overflow attacks, and use it to compare four publicly available tools for dynamic intrusion prevention aiming to stop buffer overflows. The tools are compared empirically and theoretically. The best tool is effective against only 50% of the attacks and there are six attack forms which none of the tools can handle.