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Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy: historical background and application in Cenozoic chronostratigraphy


Abstract and Figures

Calcareous nannofossils are considered one of the most powerful biostratigraphical tool in marine carbonate sediments especially in open ocean settings. Their origination goes at least as far back as the Triassic (ca. 220 Ma) when they first biomineralized and produced calcite skeletons. Since then, they have evolved rapidly showing widespread biogeographical distributions. Starting from the 1950s, changes in calcareous nannofossil assemblages have been used to date rocks and sediments and a fundamental step was achieved two decades later with the publication of the first comprehensive biostratigraphical schemes. Standardized quantitative counting methods, unambiguous taxonomy as well as highly resolved data sets provide high-quality biostratigraphical datums which, in turn, result in the precise positioning of calcareous nannofossil biohorizons and in the construction of reliable biostratigraphical frameworks. Here, we use recently published Cenozoic biozonations as a framework to present an overview of the calcareous nannofossil biohorizons which are used in chronostratigraphy to denote Cenozoic Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point.
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Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy: historical
background and application in Cenozoic chronostratigraphy
Agnini, C., Monechi, S. & Raffi, I. 2017: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy:
historical background and application in Cenozoic chronostratigraphy. Lethaia , Vol.
50, pp. 447463.
Calcareous nannofossils are considered one of the most powerful biostratigraphical
tool in marine carbonate sediments especially in open ocean settings. Their origination
goes at least as far back as the Triassic (ca. 220 Ma) when they first biomineralized
and produced calcite skeletons. Since then, they have evolved rapidly showing wide-
spread biogeographical distributions. Starting from the 1950s, changes in calcareous
nannofossil assemblages have been used to date rocks and sediments and a fundamen-
tal step was achieved two decades later with the publication of the first comprehensive
biostratigraphical schemes. Standardized quantitative counting methods, unambigu-
ous taxonomy as well as highly resolved data sets provide high-quality biostratigraphi-
cal datums which, in turn, result in the precise positioning of calcareous nannofossil
biohorizons and in the construction of reliable biostratigraphical frameworks. Here,
we use recently published Cenozoic biozonations as a framework to present an over-
view of the calcareous nannofossil biohorizons which are used in chronostratigraphy
to denote Cenozoic Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point. Biostratigraphy,
Calcareous nannofossils, Cenozoic, chronostratigraphy, Global Stratotype Standard-sec-
tion and Point.
Claudia Agnini [], Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Universit
degli Studi di Padova, Via Gradenigo 6, I-35131 Padova, Italy; Simonetta Monechi
[], Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universit
a degli Studi
di Firenze, Via LaPira 4, I-50121 Firenze, Italy; Isabella Raffi [],
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Geologia, Universit
a ‘G. D’Annunzio’ di Chieti-Pescara,
Via dei Vestini 31, I-66100 Chieti Scalo, Italy; manuscript received on 13/01/2017;
manuscript accepted on 15/03/2017.
The first recognition of calcareous nannofossils/coc-
coliths went back to 1836, when Christian G. Ehren-
berg described these peculiar ‘morpholites’ and/or
‘Kalkerdige Crystalldrusen’ from a Cretaceous chalk
cropping out in the R
ugen Island in the Baltic Sea. He
did not grasp their organic nature and was convinced
that they were rather concretions than microfossils.
After this very important discovery, in 1858, Tho-
mas H. Huxley described the coccolithophores as
...a multitude of very curious rounded bodies, to
all appearance consisting of several concentric layers,
surrounding a minute clear centre, and looking, at
first sight, somewhat like single cells of the plant Pro-
tococcus; as these bodies, however, are rapidly and
completely dissolved by dilute acids, they cannot be
organic, and I will, for convenience sake, simply call
them coccoliths (Fig. 1)...’ Three years later in
addition to the coccoliths noted by Huxley, Wallich
discovered peculiar spheroidal bodies, which he
terms ‘coccospheres’ and proposed that the coccol-
iths proceed from the coccospheres (Huxley 1858;
Wallich 1861). In the same year, 1861, Henry C.
Sorby also published a paper describing the coccol-
iths he found in the English Chalk. Since then, coc-
coliths have been considered organic in nature but
their importance in rock dating and their role in the
biogeochemical cycles were too far away to be
understood so that coccoliths/nannoliths would
have remained only a scientific curiosity for many
After the HMS Challenger Expedition (187276),
Murray & Blackman (1898) published a pivotal
study on the biology and biogeography that was fol-
lowed shortly after by the work of Lohmann (1902),
who recognized the presence of flagella and first
introduced the term ‘nannoplankton’. Once these
peculiar organisms started to be widely studied, sci-
entists soon realized that they present very different
structures and shapes, which allowed the definition
of taxonomic groups based on shared characteristics.
However, the complex heteromorphic cycle (poly-
morphism), the changes forced by external environ-
mental conditions (ecophenotypy) and the
diagenetic alterations (preservation) could instead
make their classification (parataxonomy) difficult
and the species concept somewhat ambiguous.
The next step was the recognition that each taxon
has a unique distribution in space and time. Their
stratigraphical importance became progressively evi-
dent to the geological community starting from the
DOI 10.1111/let.12218 ©2017 Lethaia Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
mid-part of the last century, following a landmark
publication that evidenced for the first time their
application in biostratigraphy and rock dating
(Bramlette & Riedel 1954). This benchmark work,
though based on little taxonomic work and data,
and possibly biased by technical difficulties, was still
able to enlighten that coccoliths are common in
some Mesozoic and Cenozoic rocks, especially in
deep-sea deposits, and may constitute the main bulk
of the chalky sediments. The first stratigraphical dis-
tribution of calcareous nannofossil taxa, what is
called a range chart, was in fact provided by these
authors and represented a fundamental starting
point for the development of the calcareous nanno-
fossil biostratigraphy.
Subsequently, availability of deep-sea sediments
and cores, provided by ocean research drillings, facil-
itated the studies on nannoplankton and nannofos-
sils and, in turn, expanded their importance as
stratigraphical and chronological tool. Moreover, it
became evident that they played also an important
role in the bio-geosphere history and therefore they
could be used to reconstruct palaeoenvironmental/
oceanographic conditions in the geological past.
The geological history of nannoplankton is inti-
mately related to two other planktonic microfossil
groups: dinoflagellates and diatoms. These three new
groups entered the fossil record in the Triassic (Falk-
owski et al. 2004; De Vargas et al. 2007). The inven-
tion of the biomineralization by nannoplankton and
their related fossil remains represented an important
step in the evolution of the whole marine ecosystem
and a significant change in pelagic sedimentation
and biogenic carbonate production. Their appear-
ance in the Triassic was a breakthrough in the ocean
realm, specifically for the marine carbonate system
and the global carbon cycle.
In the modern ocean, calcareous nannoplankton
together with dinoflagellates and diatoms play a
major role in export flux of organic matter to the
ocean interior and sediments but we would empha-
size that they are also responsible of the majority of
the carbonate production and export in the ocean
(Milliman 1993; Falkowski et al. 2004). The Meso-
zoic was the time when this group, together with
planktonic foraminifera, acted to shift the primary
site of carbonate production from shallow water
environments to the open ocean (Brownlee & Taylor
2004; Hay 2004).
Approximately 220 My ago, calcareous nanno-
plankton started to produce mineralized skeletons
and evolved while interacting with changes in cli-
mate, ocean structure and chemistry as well as in the
geosphere. Increases in biodiversity and rates of evo-
lution occurred through the Jurassic and Cretaceous
and continued in the Cenozoic (Fig. 2), and the
fairly fast evolutionary changes resulted in several
first and last appearance events that represent the
basis for detailed biostratigraphical schemes, suc-
cessfully applied in different intervals of geological
Studies published during the last decades have
demonstrated that the applications of calcareous
nannofossils comprehend the fields of biostratigra-
phy and biochronology, and expands into palaeo-
ceanography and palaeobiology. Here, we focus on
their trait as excellent stratigraphical and chrono-
logic markers in marine sediments and underline
their pivotal role as correlation tool involved in
chronostratigraphical issues.
Calcareous nannofossil
biostratigraphy (and biochronology)
Calcareous nannofossils have undeniable qualities
when used in biostratigraphy. First, they are usually
abundant in marine sediments and this implies that
1 μm
Fig. 1. Coccosphere of Helicosphaera carteri (Wallich 1877) Kamptner, 1954. A, Huxley’s drawing (1858); B, SEM image (Young et al.
2003). [Colour figure can be viewed at]
448 Agnini et al. LETHAIA 50 (2017)
they constitute one of the most important and con-
tinuous palaeontological record, at least for the last
220 Myr. Secondly, deriving from planktonic organ-
isms, their taxa overall display extensive biogeo-
graphical distributions (cosmopolitan), which is an
indisputable benefit if one tries to correlate the same
stratigraphical level over wide areas. Moreover, they
have rapidly evolved, which means that hundreds of
appearances and disappearances can in principle be
used either to subdivide or date rock strata. Finally
yet importantly, the tiny size (from ca. 1 to 30 lm)
is sometimes of great usefulness specifically when
the amount of the sample to study is limited.
The biohorizon represents the basis of biostratigra-
phy and is defined as a stratigraphical boundary or
surface recognized in a succession of sedimentary
rocks, where a change in the fossil content is
observed. According to this definition, a biohorizon
is any difference in the palaeontological content,
which differentiates two packages of strata.
First (lowest) occurrences, last (highest) occur-
rences, and the beginning and end of acme/paracme
intervals are the most commonly used biohorizons
(Fig. 3). An important observation is that the first
enter (appearance) or the exit (disappearance) of a
taxon in/from the geological record is often pre-
ceded or followed by sporadic occurrences prior or
after their common and continuous presence (core
distribution). This is why the first or last continuous
and relatively common occurrence of a taxon may
represent a better biohorizon than the absolute first
or last occurrence (Backman et al. 2012; Agnini
et al. 2014). This is especially true for calcareous
nannofossils for which quantitative abundance pat-
terns have been often produced and allow for very
detailed discussions on species stratigraphical distri-
butions/ranges and biohorizon placements. Tradi-
tionally, micro-palaeontologists have used First
Occurrence (FO) and Last Occurrence (LO) to
080604020 100 120
Paleogene Neogene
J/C boundary
Toarcian OAE
T/J boundary
Mg/Ca mole ratio
Calcite IIAragonite II Aragonite III
60 40 20 0
Ca (meq/liter)
major sediment producers
Stanley & Hardie (1998)
Bown et al. (2004)
Diatom diversity
Spencer-Cervato (1999) 220
Origin and/
or Silificication
0 2000 4000
Atmospheric CO2 ppm
Royer et al. 2004
Pagani et al., 2005
T°C vs today
Royer et al. 2004
Zachos et al. 2001
Paleoc. Eocene Olig. Miocene
Fig. 2. Calcareous nannofossil evolutionary rates and diatom diversity plotted against selected physical environmental parameters. A,
species-richness, speciation rate and extinction rate of calcareous nannofossils through the last 220 Myr (Bown et al. 2004); B, aragonite
and Calcite seas and major sediment producers (Stanley & Hardie 1998); C, diatom diversity (Spencer-Cervato 1999); D, atmospheric
(Royer et al. 2004; Pagani et al. 2005); E, temperature versus today value (Zachos et al. 2001; Royer et al. 2004). [Colour figure can
be viewed at]
LETHAIA 50 (2017) Cenozoic nannofossils in chronostratigraphy 449
describe the appearance and disappearance of a
taxon. More recently, other authors have suggested
that the use of the terms ‘first’ and ‘last’ is incorrect
being related to the concept of time, while bios-
tratigraphy does not deal directly with time and bet-
ter explains the stratigraphical relative relationships
existing among rock strata (e.g. Aubry 2014). For
this reason, it has been proposed to use Lowest
Occurrence (LO) to indicate the lowest documented
occurrence of a taxon in a specific section and High-
est Occurrence to denote the highest documented
occurrence in a specific section (ICS 2017). The
presence of an acronym (LO) with two opposite
meanings have created ambiguity in the literature
because LO may refer to the Last Occurrence or the
Lowest Occurrence. To avoid any possible misun-
derstanding and according to recently published
Cenozoic calcareous nannofossil biozonations
(Backman et al. 2012; Agnini et al. 2014), we prefer
to use the concept of Base (B) and Top (T) to
describe the stratigraphical lowest and highest occur-
rences of taxa. Additional biohorizons such as the
Base common and continuous (Bc) and Top com-
mon and continuous (Tc) are proposed to be
employed in those cases in which sporadic occur-
rences were observed before the Base or after the
Top of a taxon (Fig. 3).
Counting methods and their reliability
In the last sixty years, calcareous nannofossil bios-
tratigraphical data have been collected by different
authors using different counting methodologies or
abundance estimations and this large amount of data
have enlightened the importance of the quality of
the biostratigraphical datums itself (Fig. 4).
Semi-quantitative and relative abundance counts
(Backman & Shackleton 1983; Rio et al. 1990) are
able to depict very precisely stratigraphical ranges
for any given species, and this, in turn, allows for a
correct recognition and positioning of a biohorizon,
this can improve the reproducibility of datums and
provide higher degree of correlatibility over wide,
regional to superregional areas. Range charts, which
are based on qualitative abundance estimations of
Biohorizon 1
(B, Bc, T, Tc)
Biohorizon 2
(B, Bc, T, Tc)
Species A
Taxon Range Zone
Species A/B
Concurrent Range Zone
Species A
Base Zone
Species A
Top Zone
Species C
Partial Range Zone
Biohorizon 1
Bi, Ba
Biohorizon 2
Ti, Ta
Species A
Acme Zone
Species A
Paracme Zone
Range, Interval and abundance zones
B = Base
Bc = Base common
Bi = Base increase
Ba = Base absence
T = Top
Tc = Top common
Ti = Top increase
Ta = Top absence
Fig. 3. Range, Interval and Abundance Zones used in calcareous nannofossil biozonations. Redrawn and implemented after Wade et al.
(2011) and Backman et al. (2012).
n/mm2Range chartA/P
Species A
Fig. 4. Idealized plots of Species A using the same initial data set.
A, semi-quantitative abundance pattern (number of specimens/
). B, range chart: D =dominant (>100 specimens per field
of view FOV); A =abundant (>10100 specimens per FOV);
C=common (>110 specimens per FOV); F =few (1 specimen
per 110 FOV); R =rare (<1 specimen per 10 FOV). C, abun-
dance/presence (A/P) plot.
450 Agnini et al. LETHAIA 50 (2017)
taxa, represent a precious data set but the main pit-
fall is that they do not result in abundance distribu-
tion patterns but rather in oversimplified
stratigraphical ranges. Finally, absence/presence
data, which are still commonly used in applied fields,
as for instance in oil companies, are a poor way to
gain insight on abundance patterns despite their use-
fulness for getting quick biostratigraphy.
Last but not least, we would underline one more
time the importance of acquiring high-resolution
data. Regrettably, low-resolution data could be
affected by profound distortions of the real data due
to the serious loss of information. An example of the
aliasing effect is reported in Figure 5, where low-
resolution and high-resolution abundance patterns
of an idealized species A are compared. The positions
of the Base and Top of species A show remarkable
differences that would eventually result in inconsis-
tent biostratigraphical data. This is why collecting
and analysing samples should guarantee the capture
of all the necessary details. A good strategy should
thus consider and try to find an acceptable compro-
mise between the amount of time spent analysing
the sample and the quality of the final biostrati-
graphical data.
The take-home message is that biostratigraphy is a
quite complicate discipline and having a quantitative
highly resolved data set is an essential requisite to
collect good-quality data and discuss on the reliabil-
ity and reproducibility of a biohorizon. For this rea-
son, a shared standardization in terms of counting
methods and resolution is auspicable.
Besides the use of poor-quality data, possible incon-
sistency of biostratigraphical results is linked to
ambiguous taxonomy. Biostratigraphy is strictly
related to systematic as clear, unambiguous and
shared taxonomic concepts for marker species are
undoubtedly needed to obtain reliable biostrati-
graphical data.
As for taxonomy, calcareous nannofossils are per
se quite a complicated group of microfossils because
the planktonic algae producing them are character-
ized by heteromorphic life cycles, during which the
organism secretes different coccoliths or organic
scales or naked cells (e.g. Billard & Inouye 2004).
Every single species could in fact produce different
covers each of which is described as a different inde-
pendent species when observed in the sediments/
assemblages. It also happens that morphologically
similar calcite plates do not belong to the same spe-
cies but rather represents a cryptospecies (De Vargas
et al. 2004). These evidences have been available
from studies on living coccolithophores but likely
00050 n/mm2
Species A
Low resolutionHigh resolution
Fig. 5. High-resolution A, and low-resolution B, abundance patterns of Species A. The aliasing effect is particularly evident in the low-
resolution data set where the signal is completely distorted by the loss of information. The sampling resolution is of 10 cm in A and of
100 cm in B. Biohorizons are positioned at the mid-points.
LETHAIA 50 (2017) Cenozoic nannofossils in chronostratigraphy 451
represent a commonality of fossil species. Parataxon-
omy rather than a natural classification system could
thus describe nannofossils and be used to subdivide
this group.
Some taxonomic issues are instead related to the
formal description of a species, and this usually hap-
pens when the description of a new species is incom-
plete, missing fundamental morphological
characters, or ambiguous. Moreover, biostratigra-
phers are sometimes rough palaeontologists as they
disregard formal species descriptions or tend to use
their own taxonomic concept without mentioning it.
All these misconducts potentially result in an incor-
rect recognition of specimens and consequentially of
the species range. However, though the innumerable
complications, calcareous nannofossil taxonomy is
overall in an acceptable state, although attention and
caution should always be paid to avoid any possible
misinterpretation and/or confusion.
The fundamental units in biostratigraphy are the
biozones. These are bodies of strata that are charac-
terized on the basis of their contained fossils. The
Base and Top of each biozone is defined by biohori-
zons, which include any change in features related to
the content and distribution of fossils in strata (ICS
2017). This is a quite simple definition. Once you
have defined the Base and Top biohorizons, you
have defined the biozone. Any variation with respect
to the formal definition of a specific biozone, in a
biostratigraphical scheme, should be officially
emended, otherwise you would obtain the undesir-
able effect of having a biozone represented by differ-
ent bodies of strata in the same section. In principle,
any change in the calcareous nannofossil content
could be used to subdivide rock strata. Anyway, the
most widely used biohorizons are first occurrences,
last occurrences and changes in abundance of taxa.
A number of range, interval and abundance zones
can be defined using Base (B, Bc, Bi and Ba) and
Top (T, Tc, Ti and Ta) of a particular taxon or a
combination of two taxa (Fig. 3).
Biohorizons and, hence, biozones are ordered in
stratigraphical order and eventually result in a bios-
tratigraphical zonation/scheme (biozonation). Since
Bramlette & Riedel (1954) published their pivotal
work on the potentiality of calcareous nannofossils
as biostratigraphical tools, decades passed before
comprehensive syntheses became available to the
community (e.g. Martini 1971; Sissingh 1977; Roth
1978; Okada & Bukry 1980). A prodigious effort has
been made in collecting an enormous data set based
on marine successions cropping out on land or
located on the bottom of the seafloor. This large
amount of information provides a much-refined
biostratigraphical framework, which has been used
to produce more reliable biozonations for the Ceno-
zoic and Mesozoic.
Biostratigraphy and biochronology are tightly con-
nected; the former focuses on relative age dating of
rock strata/sediments based on biohorizons, and the
latter provides age estimations of these biohorizons.
The numerical ages estimated for each biohorizon
depend on the reliability of the biohorizon per se but
also on the time-scale adopted to calibrate the bio-
event. An astronomically Tuned Neogene Time Scale
(ATNTS) has been presented by Lourens et al.
(2004), and minor changes further refined the
ATNTS2012 (Hilgen et al. 2012). The Astronomical
time-scale has been extended to the Oligocene
alike et al. 2006) and reconstructed for the
PalaeoceneEarly Eocene (Westerhold et al. 2007,
2008; Hilgen et al. 2010; Vandenberghe et al. 2012).
Recent studies have tried to close the Eocene gap so
as to eventually develop a continuous astronomically
calibrated geological time-scale for the entire Ceno-
zoic Era and potentially open the way for extending
the ATS into the Mesozoic (T. Westerhold, U. R
T. Frederichs, C. Agnini, I. Raffi, J.C. Zachos & R.H.
Wilkens, in review). In the next years, the numerical
ages estimated for calcareous nannofossil biohori-
zons will be inevitably subject to change just as a
consequence of the instability of the early Palaeogene
Overview of Cenozoic calcareous
nannofossil biostratigraphy
Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils are considered the
most powerful biostratigraphical tool for correla-
tions over wide areas in the marine realm. The main
input to the development and refinement of bio-
zonations based on calcareous nannofossil biohori-
zons has been and is coupled to the tremendous
amount of data retrieved and available from sedi-
ments recovered by Ocean Drilling Programs (i.e.
DSDP, ODP and IODP). However, sedimentary suc-
cessions cropping out on land are also crucial to cre-
ate a complete and comprehensive data set, which
includes data from different biogeographical
domains and depositional settings.
452 Agnini et al. LETHAIA 50 (2017)
A first Cenozoic biozonation was published by
Martini (1971), and defined as ‘standard’ by the
author. This biostratigraphical scheme used an
alphanumerical notation: NP (Nannoplankton
Palaeogene) for the Palaeogene with a total number
of 25 biozones and NN (Nannoplankton Neogene)
for the Neogene which consists of 21 biozones. In
the same years, D. Bukry was studying calcareous
nannofossil assemblages in kilometres of DSDP core
sediments which allowed him constructing an alter-
native Cenozoic zonation (Bukry 1973, 1975), with
biozones afterwards formally code-numbered as CP
(Coccolith Palaeogene), and CN (Coccolith Neo-
gene), zones by Okada & Bukry (1980). An impor-
tant synthesis of nannofossil biostratigraphy was
published in the 1980s by Perch-Nielsen (1985) and
precious contributions came also from Young
(1998) and Hine & Weaver (1998), who synthesized
the nannofossil biostratigraphy for the Neogene and
the Quaternary, respectively.
Regional biozonations have also been played an
important role in defining similarities and differ-
ences between areas. For the Palaeogene, high lati-
tudes and Mediterranean biozonations have been
proposed (Catanzariti et al. 1997; Varol 1998; For-
naciari et al. 2010) and important improvements
have been achieved for Neogene calcareous bios-
tratigraphy for the Mediterranean region (Fornaciari
& Rio 1996; Fornaciari et al. 1996).
More recently, two new biozonations valid for the
low-middle latitudes have been published for the
NeogeneQuaternary and the Palaeogene (Backman
et al. 2012; Agnini et al. 2014). The main aim of
these works was to re-evaluate the biozonations of
Martini (1971) and Okada & Bukry (1980) through
the integration of those biohorizons that have
proved to be reliable and substituting problematic
(unreliable) biohorizons with new ones. The code
system used is CN (Calcareous Nannofossils) fol-
lowed by letters indicating the Epoch (P Palaeo-
cene, E Eocene, O Oligocene; M Miocene and
PL Pliocene/Pleistocene; Figs 6, 7).
Cenozoic calcareous nannofossil biochronology
From the publication of the first Cenozoic time-scale
(Funnell 1964), biostratigraphy has served as a
framework to check chronological data (e.g. magne-
tostratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy and radiometric
dating). Subsequently, the biostratigraphical data
have been calibrated to chronological data and pro-
vide numerical ages for the biohorizons.
Since then, Cenozoic calcareous nannofossil
biochronology has amazingly developed (Berggren
et al. 1985, 1995; Gradstein et al. 2012) and reviews
of astro-biochronological calibration of Neogene
and Quaternary nannofossil datum events have been
provided (Raffi et al. 2006; Backman et al. 2012).
Going back through the Palaeogene, the time-scale is
to be considered as a work in progress and, even if
biostratigraphical biohorizons are sufficiently tested
and integrated with magneto- and astro-cyclostrati-
graphy, the numerical ages now available will be
subjected to changes anytime the time-scale
would change (see Agnini et al. 2014, for detailed
The role of calcareous nannofossils in Cenozoic
To completely understand the all-important role
that calcareous nannofossils play in the Cenozoic
chronostratigraphy, we will discuss the biohorizons
that possibly denote the nine Palaeogene, the eight
Neogene and the five Quaternary stages, used as cor-
relation biohorizon and/or complementary criterion
for recognition of chronostratigraphical GSSPs.
Every Cenozoic chronostratigraphical unit has been
or will be defined by a specific boundary level in a
reference section, the Global Stratotype Standard-
section and Point (GSSP), based on different marker
events of optimal correlation potential. Except for
very few exceptions (e.g. base of Holocene), calcare-
ous nannofossils provide clear biohorizons that
denote or approximate the position of chronostrati-
graphical boundaries in the Cenozoic. Starting from
the base of the Palaeogene, we will give a complete
overview of these biohorizons. In this discussion,
ages of the chronostratigraphical units as well as ages
of the considered biohorizons are those reported in
the recently published Cenozoic calcareous nanno-
fossil biozonations or in the Geological Time Scale
2012 (Backman et al. 2012; GTS12; Agnini et al.
2014). We are aware that this may cause some
inconsistencies with some data published in litera-
ture, especially for the Palaeogene interval. However,
the Palaeogene time-scale is in continuous change
and both the numbers reported in this work and the
GTS12 could not be valid anymore in the next
future. The idea here is just to give a comprehensive
summary of the calcareous nannofossil biohorizons
in relation to the position and definition of chronos-
tratigraphical units and, even more importantly,
their relative ranking and spacing.
The Palaeogene Stages
The GSSP of Danian Stage was ratified in 1991
(Molina et al. 2006) at the El Kef section (Tunisia);
this boundary coincides with the base of the
LETHAIA 50 (2017) Cenozoic nannofossils in chronostratigraphy 453
Danian Selandian Thanetian
Ypresian Lutetian PriabonianBartonian
Age (Ma)
23.0 Mioc.
B Discoaster multiradiatus (56.01)
B Discoaster backmanii (56.95)
B Discoaster mohleri (57.57)
B Heliolithus cantabriae (58.27)
B Fasciculithus ulii (60.31)
B Sphenolithus moriformis group (60.74)
B T oweius pertusus (circular) (62.03)
B Prinsius martinii (62.62)
Bc Praeprinsius dimorphosus (64.32)
Bc Coccolithus pelagicus (64.76)
T Cretaceous nannoflora = K/Pg
B. bigelowi PRZ
C. pelagicus BZ
P. dimorphosus
P. martinii BZ
T. pertusus BZ
S. moriformis gr. BZ
F. ulii BZ
D. mohleri BZ
H. cantabriae BZ
D. backmanii BZ
T Discoaster barbadiensis (34.77)
T Discoaster saipanensis (34.44)
B Dictyococcites bisectus (40.36)
Tc Cribrocentrum reticulatum (35.26)
B Tribrachiatus contortus (54.0)
T Tribrachiatus orthostylus (50.66)
Bc Discoaster sublodoensis ‘5-rayed’
B Nannotetrina alata gr. (46.80)
B Nannotetrina cristata (47.99)
T Discoaster lodoensis (48.37)
T Chiasmolithus gigas (43.96)
Bc Reticulofenestra umbilicus (43.06)
B Chiasmolithus gigas (46.11)
B Tribrachiatus orthostylus (53.67)
T Fasciculithus richardii gr. (55.0)
Bc Cribrocentrum reticulatum (42.37)
F. tympaniformis TZ
Bc Discoaster lodoensis (52.64)
BCribrocentrum isabellae (36.13)
I. recurvus PRZ
C. isabellae/
C. reticulatum CRZ
D. saipanensis TZ
T. eminens PRZ
T. orthostylus BZ
N. alata gr. BZ
D. lodoensis/
T. orthostylus
D. barbadiensis PRZ
C. gigas TRZ
D. bisectus /
S. obtusus
C. grandis PRZ
C. erbae TRZ
CNE13 R. umbilicus BZ
B Discoaster diastypus (54.13)
Bc Cribrocentrum erbae (37.88)
T Sphenolithus obtusus (38.47)
Tc Cribrocentrum erbae (37.46)
B Coccolithus crassus (50.93)
R. dictyoda
C. reticulatum
N. cristata BZ
D. sublodoensis /
D. lodoensis CRZ
S. cuniculus/C.gigas
T Sphenolithus ciperoensis (24.36)
TSphenolithus distentus (26.81)
B Sphenolithus distentus (30.0)
T Ericsonia formosa (32.92)
B Sphenolithus ciperoensis (27.14)
B Sphenolithus delphix (23.38)
T Reticulofenestra umbilicus (32.02)
Agnini et al. (2014)
E. formosa CRZ
R. umbilicus TZ
D. bisectus
S. distentus/
S. ciperoensis
T. carinatus
T Sphenolithus predistentus (26.93)
Okada &
T Sphenolithus delphix (23.06)
D. multiradiatus/
F. richardii gr. CRZ
T Fasciculithus tympaniformis (54.71)
Bc Sphenolithus cuniculus (44.64)
Nannotetrina spp.
B Sphenolithus furcatolithoides “B” (40.51)
H. compacta TZ
CNE21 Bc Clausicoccus subdistichus (33.88)
Maast. W. barnasiae
2 μm
M. murus
2 μm
5 μm
F. ulii F. tympaniformis
5 μm
5 μm
H. kleinpellii
5 μm
H. mohleri
D. araneus
5 μm
R. calcitrapa
5 μm
F. richardii
5 μm
B. inflatus
5 μm 5 μm
N. cristata
5 μm
C. reticulatum
5 μm
D. bisectus
(>10 μm)
5 μm
S. furcatolithoides
morph. B
5 μm
C. erbae
5 μm
C. oamaruensis
5 μm
C. grandis
2 μm
C. sudistichus
5 μm
D. saipanensis
S. ciperoensis
2 μm
S. predistentus
2 μm
S. delphix
2 μm
Fig. 6. Palaeogene calcareous nannofossil biozonations (modified from Agnini et al. 2014): CP (Okada & Bukry 1980), NP (Martini
1971), CN (Agnini et al. 2014). The Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) is after P
alike et al. (2006), from the top of Chron C13r
(33.705 Ma), to the base of Chron C19n (41.510 Ma) in the Middle Eocene, and after Cande & Kent (1995; CK95), from the top of
Chron C20n (42.356 Ma) downward. Grey boxes and dashed lines show the uncertainty in defining chronostratigraphic and biozone
boundaries. CN biochronology from Agnini et al. (2014). On the right, images of CN stage index-species are taken from literature (see
Appendix S1 for details). *=Base; +=Top; x =crossover. [Colour figure can be viewed at]
454 Agnini et al. LETHAIA 50 (2017)
Palaeogene system (Palaeocene series) and was
defined at the base of a dark clay layer that docu-
ments the last among the big five mass extinctions.
Calcareous nannofossils suffered a profound extinc-
tion event followed by a relatively slow recovery. The
disappearance of Cretaceous nannoflora (e.g. the
genera Watznaueria and Micula) characterizes the
base of the Cenozoic and could serve to denote the
base of the Danian Stage (Fig. 6).
The GSSP of Selandian Stage, the second stage in
the Palaeocene series, was ratified in 2008 (Schmitz
et al. 2011) at the Zumaia Section, in coincidence of
the base of the Itzurun Formation. Two calcareous
nannofossil biohorizons are in fact useful to approx-
imate the base of the Selandian, the Base of Fasci-
culithus/Lithoptychius ulii (Aubry et al. 2011), which
also coincides with the so-called second radiation of
fasciculiths (sensu Steurbaut & Sztr
akos 2008; Mone-
chi et al. 2013), and the Base of Fasciculithus tympa-
niformis (Fig. 6).The first biohorizon predates the
boundary by 21 kyr while the second postdates the
base of the Selandian by ca. 80100 kyr (Bernaola
et al. 2009).
Similarly to the Selandian GSSP, also the GSSP of
the Thanetian Stage was ratified at the Zumaia Sec-
tion (Schmitz et al. 2011). This boundary is posi-
tioned at the base of a clay interval within the
Itzurun Formation and coincides with the base of
Chron C26n (Dinar
es-Turell et al. 2007). The evolu-
tion of the genus Heliolithus and specifically, the
appearance (Base) of Heliolithus kleinpelli was
reported to consistently occur in the uppermost part
of Chron C26r (Backman 1986; Bralower et al. 2002;
Agnini et al. 2007, 2014), in correspondence with
T. carinatus PRZ
Age (Ma)
T Pseudoemiliania lacunosa (0.43)
B Emiliania huxleyi (0.29)
Ta Gephyrocapsa (≥ 4 μm)(1.06)
T Discoaster brouweri (1.93)
T Discoaster pentaradiatus (2.39)
T Discoaster tamalis (2.76)
T Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus (3.82)
T Gephyrocapsa (>5.5 μm) (1.25)
B Gephyrocapsa (≥ 4 μm) (1.71)
T Ceratolithus acutus (5.04)
B Ceratolithus acutus (5.36)
T Discoaster quinqueramus (5.53)
Bc Discoaster asymmetricus (4.04)
D.quinqueramus TZ
T Nicklithus amplificus (5.98)
B Nicklithus amplificus (6.82)
B Amaurolithus spp. (7.39)
T Discoaster hamatus (9.65)
B Discoaster hamatus (10.49)
B Catinaster coalitus (10.79)
Bc Discoaster kugleri (11.88)
Tc Discoaster kugleri (11.60)
T Sphenolithus heteromorphus (13.53)
Bc Sphenolithus heteromorphus (17.75)
B Sphenolithus belemnos (19.01)
Tc Calcidiscus premacintyrei (12.57)
B Discoaster signus (15.73)
B Sphenolithus disbelemnos (22.41)
T Sphenolithus delphix (23.06)
X Helicosphaera euphratis/H. carteri (20.89)
Tc Triquetrorhabdulus carinatus (22.10)
B Discoaster berggrenii (8.20)
Ba Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilicus (8.80)
D. hamatus TRZ
Amaurolithus spp. BZ
D. signus/
S. heteromorphus
S. conicus PRZ
S. disbelemnos/T. carinatus CRZ
C. acutus TRZ
T. rugosus PRZ
N.amplificus TRZ
D. berggrenii BZ
D. bellus BZ
R. pseudoumbilicus PRZ
C. coalitus BZ
S. heteromorphus BZ
D.variabilis PRZ
D. exilis PRZ
D. kugleri TRZ
S. belemnos BZ
H. carteri PRZ
H. euphratis PRZ
C. premacintyrei TZ
D. pentaradiatus TZ
D.asymmetricus/R.pseudoumbilcus CRZ
D. tamalis TZ
Gephyrocapsa (≥ 4 μm)BZ
S. neoabies PRZ
Small Gephyrocapsae PRZ
Gephyrocapsa (≥ 4 μm)
/P. lacunosa CRZ
C. cristatus PRZ
D. brouweri TZ
C. macintyrei PRZ
Backman et al. (2012)
Okada and
Bukry (1980)
CN15 NN21
Olig. Miocene Pliocene Pleist.
B Helicosphaera ampliaperta (20.49)
T Discoaster surculus (2.53)
Tc Reticulofenestra asanoi (0.91)
S. delphix
H. ampliaperta
5 μm
H. euphratis H. carteri
5 μm
5 μm
5 μm
D. signus
5 μm
S. heteromorphus
5 μm
5 μm
D. kugleri
5 μm
A. primus A. delicatus
5 μm 5 μm
5 μm
5 μm
C. acutus T. rugosus
5 μm
S. abies D. pentaradiatus D. surculus
5 μm 5 μm
D. brouweri
5 μm
Gephyrocaspa ≥4 μm E. huxleyi
2 μm 2 μm
S. heteromorphus
5 μm
5 μm
H. ampliaperta
5 μm
D. quiqueramus
5 μm
D. tamalis
5 μm
2 μm
R. asanoi
Fig. 7. Neogene calcareous nannofossil biozonation (modified from Backman et al. 2012): CP (Okada & Bukry 1980), NP (Martini
1971), CN (Backman et al. 2012). The Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS) is from Lourens et al. (2004). Grey box and dashed lines
show the uncertainty in defining biozone boundaries. Biochronology is after Backman et al. (2012). On the right, images of CN stage
index-species are taken from literature (see Appendix S1 for details). *=Base; +=Top; x =crossover; °= acme end. [Colour figure
can be viewed at]
LETHAIA 50 (2017) Cenozoic nannofossils in chronostratigraphy 455
the Early Late Palaeocene Event (ELPE; Westerhold
et al. 2008) and thus potentially represents a good
approximation of the base of the Thanetian (Fig. 6).
However, at Zumaia, this biohorizon is positioned
in a significantly lower stratigraphical position with
respect to all the other data available from literature.
One possible explanation for this inconsistency
could be linked to taxonomic uncertainty in
H. kleinpellii recognition, because of the presence of
intermediate forms between Heliolithus cantabriae
and H. kleinpelli. Hence, although this biohorizon is
considered reliable thus suggesting its use to approx-
imate the Thanetian GSSP, the alternative biohori-
zon proposed is the Base of Discoaster mohleri
(Fig. 6). This biohorizon is found to occur at the
very base of Chron C25r, that is ca. 350400 kyr
after the boundary.
The GSSP of the Ypresian Stage was ratified in
2003 (Aubry et al. 2007) and is located at the base of
‘Bed 1 of of the Esna Formation’ at the Dababyia
Quarry section, in coincidence with the onset of the
negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE) marking
the base of the PalaeoceneEocene Thermal Maxi-
mum (PETM). Recently, Khozyem et al. (2014) have
evidenced potentially serious limiting factors of this
GSSP and above all the presence of an erosion sur-
face at the base of the PalaeoceneEocene boundary.
Nonetheless, the CIE remains the primary criterion
to denote the base of the Ypresian. Related to this
extreme warming episode and the perturbation in
the carbon cycle are profound modifications in the
terrestrial and marine biota (e.g. Sluijs et al. 2007).
Among these changes, several events are observed in
the calcareous nannofossil assemblages such as the
lowest occurrence (Base) of Rhomboaster spp. and
Discoaster araneus, and the extinction (Top) of the
large Fasciculithus richardii group (Fig. 6). These
biohorizons all occur in coincidence, or after few
kyrs, from this boundary thus allowing for a precise
recognition of the base of the Eocene series.
The GSSP of the Lutetian Stage was ratified in
2011 (Molina et al. 2011) and placed in a dark marly
level (positioned at 167.85 m) in the Gorrondatxe
section (Spain) in coincidence with the Base of the
calcareous nannofossil Blackites inflatus (Fig. 6), ca.
800 kyr above the base of Chron C21r. The final
decision on the proposal of using the appearance of
B. inflatus to identify the base of the Lutetian was
eventually taken because this biohorizon is the clos-
est to the position of Lutetian historical stratotype
(Molina et al. 2011). However, this taxon is some-
times absent in frankly open ocean sections (see
T. Westerhold, U. Ro
¨hl, T. Frederichs, C. Agnini,
I. Raffi, J.C. Zachos & R.H. Wilkens, in review).
Moreover, the comparison of multiple ODP-IODP
Sites drilled in the equatorial Atlantic (Site 1258;
T. Westerhold, U. R
ohl, T. Frederichs, C. Agnini,
I. Raffi, J.C. Zachos & R.H. Wilkens, in review),
SE Atlantic (12621267; T. Westerhold, U. R
T. Frederichs, C. Agnini, I. Raffi, J.C. Zachos & R.H.
Wilkens, in review) and NW Atlantic (U1409
U1410, Norris et al. 2014), and the Possagno section
(Italy; Agnini et al. 2006) have evidenced that Base
of B. inflatus consistently lies at Chron C21r/C21n
transition and it is always found to slightly predate
the Base of Nannotetrina cristata (=Base of
Nannotetrina spp.) (Agnini et al. 2014; Norris et al.
2014; T. Westerhold, U. R
ohl, T. Frederichs,
C. Agnini, I. Raffi, J.C. Zachos & R.H. Wilkens, in
review). Although the ranking and spacing observed
for these two biohorizons in the aforementioned
successions are perfectly in agreement with data
from the GSSP section, the position with respect to
magnetostratigraphy is instead significantly differ-
ent, suggesting that some of the data available from
the Gorrondatxe section may need a thoughtful revi-
sion. Nevertheless, at least at present, this biohorizon
is used to define the Lutetian GSSP.
The GSSP of the Bartonian Stage has not been for-
mally defined yet, but a magnetostratigraphical
study performed in the Barton Clay of Alum Bay
(England), where the Bartonian was first described,
indicates that magnetochrons C18n, C18r and possi-
bly C19n have been recognized with the base of the
Bartonian lying within Chron C18r (ISPS 2017). In
2010, Jovane et al. proposed the base of Chron C18r
as primary criterion for defining the base of the Bar-
tonian Stage. However, with the exception of mag-
netostratigraphy, other correlation tools such as
calcareous plankton biohorizons are not available in
this time interval. The Top of planktonic foraminifer
Gumbelitriodes nuttalli, which serves to define the
base of Zone E11 (Berggren & Pearson 2005) is
found, though with an uneven distribution, up to
Zone E14, a datum that evidences for the low relia-
bility of this bioevent. The Base of Cribrocentrum
reticulatum is now used to mark the base of Zone
CNE14 (Agnini et al. 2014) and, with respect to
magnetostratigraphy, is found to occur in the lower
mid-part of Chron C19r (Fig. 6), well before the
position reported in Jovane et al. (2007) that,
instead, is rather correlative with an increase in
abundance observed in the Tethyan realm (Forna-
ciari et al. 2010; Tori & Monechi 2013; Agnini et al.
2014). Although any discussion on reliability of cri-
teria for defining the Bartonian GSSP is beyond the
scope of this work, on the basis of previous argu-
ments, we would like to suggest to take into consid-
eration the possibility to define it in correspondence
with the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO,
456 Agnini et al. LETHAIA 50 (2017)
at ca. 40.5 Ma; Bohaty et al. 2009) during which sev-
eral biotic and geochemical markers are globally rec-
ognized. Specifically, among calcareous nannofossil
biohorizons, the Top of Sphenolithus furcatolithoides
morphotype B and the Base of Dictyococcites bisectus
(>10 lm in size =Reticulofenestra stavensis) could
be used to approximate the boundary (Agnini et al.
The GSSP of the Priabonian Stage has not been
defined yet, but the leading candidate GSSP section
has been proposed in Northern Italy, at Alano di
Piave (Veneto). In the Alano section, the ‘Tiziano
Bed’, a crystal tuff layer, has been proposed to
define the boundary (Agnini et al. 2011). Close to
this stratigraphical level, nannofossil biohorizons
Base of Chiasmolithus oamaruensis, Top of Chias-
molithus grandis and Base common (Bc) of Cribro-
centrum erbae have been detected (Agnini et al.
2011). The first two biohorizons have a low degree
of reliability, especially the appearance of C. oa-
maruensis, which however has been traditionally
used to recognize the base of the Priabonian (e.g.
Berggren et al. 1985, 1995). Thus, the Bc of C. er-
bae could be used as a primary criterion, although
the real strength of this proposal is related to the
occurrence of other good stratigraphical markers,
as the extinction of planktonic foraminifer Moro-
zovelloides crassatus (Wade et al. 2012), or the base
of Subchrons C17n.3n and C17n.2n (Agnini et al.
2011; GTS12), that are in fact observed close to the
proposed boundary (Fig. 6).
The GSSP of the Rupelian Stage was ratified in
1992 (Premoli Silva & Jenkins 1993) and defined in
the Massignano section (Italy) at the base of a green-
ish grey marl bed in which both the planktonic fora-
minifera Hantkenina and Cribrohantkenina become
extinct, at an age estimation of 33.9 Ma. In terms of
calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, the boundary
lies within Zone NP21 and Subzone CP16a (Martini
1971; Okada & Bukry 1980), whose base are marked
by the Top of the Discoaster saipanensis and Dis-
coaster barbadiensis, respectively. These two biohori-
zons are known to occur tightly spaced, predating
the EoceneOligocene boundary by ca. 500600 kyr.
Recently, the Bc of Clausicoccus subdistichus has been
proposed to define the base of Zone CN01 (Agnini
et al. 2014) with an age estimation of 33.9 Ma. This
biohorizon represents an increase in abundance of
the nominate taxon and could in fact be used to bet-
ter approximate the base of the Rupelian. Although
the precise recognition of Bc of C. subdistichus is
possible only if a quantitative counting approach is
adopted, nonetheless, this biohorizon could repre-
sent a promising criterion, to be further checked
(Fig. 6).
The GSSP of the Chattian has been ratified by
IUGS in 2016 and defined in the Monte Cagnero
section, Central Italy (Coccioni et al. 2008, in press).
The Chattian GSSP is located at metre level 197 in
coincidence with the highest common occurrence
(HCO or Tc) of planktonic foraminifer Chiloguem-
belina cubensis (=base of Zone 05; Berggren & Pear-
son 2005), in the lower part of Chron C9n. This
biohorizon has been chosen as the primary marker
for defining this chronostratigraphical unit. In terms
of calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy, the Top of
Sphenolithus predistentus, which marks the base of
Zone CNO5 (Agnini et al. 2014), lies just below the
HCO of C. cubensis and thus predates the base of
the Chattian by less than 100 kyr if the astrocy-
clostratigraphical model of Coccioni et al. (in press)
is adopted.
The Neogene Stages
The GSSP of the Aquitanian Stage was ratified in
1996 in Lemme-Carrioso Section (Italy) (Steininger
et al. 1997), at 35 m from the top of the section that
coincides with the base of Subchron C6cn.2n
(23.03 Ma; GTS12). The authors suggested that, in
terms of calcareous nannofossils, the best approxi-
mation of the Aquitanian can be achieved using the
Top of Sphenolithus ciperoensis, which marks both
the base of Zone NN1 (Martini 1971) and Subzone
CN1a (Okada & Bukry 1980). More recently, Shack-
leton et al. (2000) based on data from ODP Sites
926 and 929, and DSDP Site 522 (Raffi 1999; Shack-
leton et al. 1999), stated that the biostratigraphical
marker more relevant for correlating the Oligocene
Miocene boundary is the short-range nannofossil
Sphenolithus delphix. Since then, the Top of S. del-
phix has been successfully used to approximate the
base of the Aquitanian Stage in carbonate-rich mar-
ine sediments (Fig. 7).
The GSSPs of the Burdigalian and the Langhian
stages have not been defined yet. The definition of
Burdigalian GSSP is a recurrent problem. The
option to have the Burdigalian GSSP defined in an
astronomically tuned deep marine section seems to
make this problem very difficult to be solved. Till
now, no good candidate sections are available, and
the option to formally designate this boundary in an
ODP core will be seriously considered and discussed
within the Working group designated by the Sub-
commission on Neogene Stratigraphy (SNS), and
within the SNS itself. The calcareous nannofossil
biohorizons usually considered for approximating
the base of Burdigalian are Base of Helicosphaera
ampliaperta (20.43 Ma; Backman et al. 2012) or,
secondarily, the crossover in abundance between
LETHAIA 50 (2017) Cenozoic nannofossils in chronostratigraphy 457
Helicosphaera euphratis and Helicosphaera carteri
(20.89 Ma; Backman et al. 2012; Fig. 7).
As regards the Langhian Stage, the Working
Group of the SNS have identified three potential
GSSP candidates: the Mediterranean La Vedova
(Italy) and St. Peter’s Pool (Malta) sections and the
Atlantic Site DSDP 608. The primary proposed cor-
relation criteria are the Base of planktonic foramini-
fer Praeorbulina glomerosa curva, which falls at the
base of Chron C5Bn.2n (15.16 Ma; GTS12; Iac-
carino et al. 2011), and the top of magnetic polarity
chronozone C5Cn.1n (15.97 Ma; GTS12; ICS 2017).
Moreover, previous results from the Langhian his-
torical Stratotype section (Fornaciari et al. 1997)
suggested that the Preorbulina datum (i.e. Praeorbu-
lina sicana auctorum), the top Chron C5Cn.1n and
the Tc of H. ampliaperta are closely spaced and
could thus serve to approximate the base of the Lan-
ghian Stage. However, a detailed review of the Glo-
bigerinoides-Praeorbulina evolutionary lineage has
evidenced that the Praeorbulina datum (= Base of
Praeorbulina spp.) should be moved upward where
the first species belonging to genus Praeorbulina
(namely P. glomerosa curva sensu Turco et al. 2011)
appears. Based on this reasoning, the critical interval
where the Langhian Stage should be defined spans
from the Top Chron C5Cn.1n and the base of Chron
C5Bn.2n (=Base of P. glomerosa curva). Depending
on the final decision for the position of this chronos-
tratigraphical unit, the nannofossil biohorizons Base
of Discoaster signus (15.73 Ma; Backman et al. 2012)
or Top common of H. ampliaperta (Di Stefano et al.
2011; 14;.86 Ma in Backman et al. 2012) could be
used to approximate the Langhian GSSP (Fig. 7).
The GSSP of the Serravallian Stage was ratified in
2007 in the Ras il Pellegrin section (Malta) (Hilgen
et al. 2009) at the base of the Blue Clay Formation,
in correspondence with the oxygen isotope event
Mi-3b. These authors emphasized the importance of
combining geochemical and bio-magnetostratigra-
phical data to recognize the exact position of the
boundary in open ocean settings. In terms of cal-
careous nannofossil biostratigraphy, the base of the
Serravallian Stage is approximated by the Top of
Sphenolithus heteromorphus and, secondarily, by the
Tc of Cyclicargolithus floridanus (Fig. 7). However, it
is worth noting that the Top of S. heteromorphus
shows a slight diachronity if Atlantic Ceara Rise and
Mediterranean data are compared with younger ages
estimated for open ocean settings (13.523 Ma; Back-
man & Raffi 1997; Backman et al. 2012) with respect
to the Mediterranean area (13.654 Ma; Abels et al.
The GSSP of the Tortonian Stage was ratified in
2003 in the Monte dei Corvi Beach section (Italy)
(Hilgen et al. 2005) at the mid-point of the sapropel
of small-scale sedimentary cycle 76 (11.63 Ma;
GTS12), close to the Top of common calcareous
nannofossil Discoaster kugleri, the Top of planktonic
foraminifer Globigerinoides subquadratus and the
base of short normal Subchron C5r.2n (at 11.67 Ma;
GST2012). The Tortonian GSSP coincides with oxy-
gen isotope event Mi-5 of Miller et al. (1991). This
GSSP is clearly defined and we confirm that the best
calcareous nannofossil biohorizon to approximate
the Serravallian/Tortonian boundary is the Tc of
Discoaster kugleri (11.60 Ma, Backman et al. 2012;
Fig. 7).
The GSSP of the Messinian Stage was ratified in
2000 in the Oued Akrech section (Morocco) (Hilgen
et al. 2000) at the base of the reddish layer number
15. According to the authors, this point is closely
coincident with the appearance of planktonic fora-
minifer Globorotalia miotumida group and the cal-
careous nannofossil Amaurolithus delicatus, and is
associated with Subchron C3Br.1r (7.25 Ma;
GTS12). More recently, Raffi et al. (2006) have evi-
denced that the appearance of Amaurolithus spp. (=
Base of Amaurolithus primus; Raffi et al. 1998) is a
more reliable datum than the Base of A. delicatus
that seems to be restricted in the Mediterranean
area. For this reason, the appearance of the horse-
shoe-shaped Amaurolithus/Nicklithus/Ceratolithus
evolutionary lineage (=Base of A. primus), which
marks the base of Zone CNM17 (7.39 Ma; Backman
et al. 2012), is the preferred calcareous nannofossil
biohorizon to approximate the TortonianMessi-
nian boundary.
The GSSP of the Zanclean Stage, and the Pliocene
Series, was ratified in 2000 in the Eraclea Minoa sec-
tion (Italy) (Van Couvering et al. 2000) at the base
of the Trubi Formation in correspondence with the
insolation cycle 510 (5.33 Ma; GTS 12) and predat-
ing by only 96 kyr the onset of the Thvera magnetic
event (C3n.4n). Three are the calcareous nannofossil
biohorizons that serve to denote the Messinian/Zan-
clean boundary: the closest to the boundary, and vir-
tually coincident to it, is the Base of Ceratolithus
acutus (5.36 Ma; Backman et al. 2012), followed just
above by the Top of Triquetrorhabdulus rugosus
(5.23 Ma; Backman et al. 2012), which shows a very
consistent calibration both in the Mediterranean (Di
Stefano et al. 1996; Castradori 1998) and equatorial
Atlantic areas (Backman & Raffi 1997). Below the
boundary, the Top of Discoaster quinqueramus that
occurs in open ocean sections at 5.53 Ma (Backman
et al. 2012) serves to approximate the Messinian/
Zanclean boundary but is useless in the Mediter-
ranean area because of the Salinity Crisis (Fig. 7)
interval. The presence of three highly reliable
458 Agnini et al. LETHAIA 50 (2017)
biohorizons restricted in ca. 300 kyr guarantees for a
very precise recognition of the Zanclean GSSP using
calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy.
The GSSP of the Piacenzian Stage was ratified in
1997 in the Punta Piccola section (Sicily, Italy) (Cas-
tradori et al. 1998) at the base of the beige marl bed
of small-scale carbonate cycle 77, in correspondence
with the precessional cycle 347 (from the present) at
3.6 Ma (GTS12). The Gilbert/Gauss (C2Ar/
C2An.3n) magnetic reversal is documented immedi-
ately above the GSSP (at 3.596 Ma; GTS12) and is
considered the primary tool to denote the base of
the Piacenzian. However, the highest occurrence of
nannofossil Sphenolithus spp. (=Top Sphenolithus
abies, at 3.61 Ma; Backman et al. 2012) is considered
a reliable tool for wide correlations, which allows for
a precise positioning of the Piacenzian Stage out of
the GSSP section.
The Quaternary Stages
The GSSP of the Gelasian Stage was ratified in 1996 as
base of Upper Pliocene stage, and in 2009 as base of
Pleistocene and Quaternary (Rio et al. 1998; Gibbard
& Head 2010). The base of the Gelasian is defined in
the Monte San Nicola section (Italy) at 62 m, in coin-
cidence with the base of the marly layer overlying
sapropel MPRS 250 and correlative with the isotopic
stage 103 (2.588 Ma; GTS12). The primary marker to
denote this chronostratigraphical unit is the Gauss/
Matuyama magnetic reversal (C2An.1n/C2r.2r),
which is located only 1 m below the GSSP. Close to
the GSSP, calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy
provides some clear biohorizons occurring in close
sequential order that are Top of Discoaster tamalis
(2.76 Ma; Backman et al. 2012), Top of Discoaster
surculus (2.53 Ma; Backman et al. 2012) and Top of
Discoaster pentaradiatus (2.39 Ma; Backman et al.
2012), useful to approximate the Piacenzian/Gelasian
Boundary (Fig. 7). In particular, the Tops of D. ta-
malis and D. pentaradiatus, which mark the base and
top of Zone CNPL5 (Backman et al. 2012), precisely
bracket the base of the Gelasian Stage.
The GSSP of the Calabrian Stage was firstly rati-
fied in 1985 in the Vrica section (Italy) (Aguirre &
Pasini 1985; Cita et al. 2012) at the base a claystone
overlying the sapropelic marker Bed ‘e’, correlative
with the Mediterranean Precession cycle 176 (at
1.806 Ma; GTS12). The top of the Olduvai magnetic
reversal (C2n) is located only ca. 15 kyr below the
boundary and is thus considered the best approxi-
mation for the base of the Calabrian. Aguirre &
Pasini (1985) reported the high correlation potential
of some of the palaeontological events observed
across the boundary (Lourens et al. 1996). Among
them, two calcareous nannofossil biohorizons
bracket the Calabrian GSSP, the Top of Discoaster
brouweri (=Top of Discoaster spp.), which predates
the base of the Calabrian (at 1.93 Ma; Backman
et al. 2012) and the base of medium size (45.5 lm)
Gephyrocapsa spp., which post-dates it (1.71 Ma;
Backman et al. 2012). The use of these paired bio-
horizons could further strengthen the recognition of
the Calabrian GSSP (Fig. 7).
The GSSP of the Middle Pleistocene Stage (i.e.
Ionian) has not been formally defined, and three
candidate sections are presently under consideration
(Head & Gibbard 2015). Although a final decision
has not been taken yet, the Brunhes/Matuyama
boundary (773 ka) has received the greatest support
as primary marker of the Ionian Stage (Head & Gib-
bard 2015). If this will be the final decision, the main
calcareous nannofossil biohorizon that will possibly
denote this chronostratigraphical unit is the Top
absence of medium size Gephyrocapsa spp. (4
5.5 lm), with an estimated age of 1.06 Ma (Back-
man et al. 2012) but the Tc of Reticulofenestra asanoi
could be possibly used as supplementary biohorizon
to approximate the Middle Pleistocene GSSP (Maio-
rano & Marino 2004; 0.91 Ma; Backman et al.
The GSSP of the Late Pleistocene Stage has not
been defined yet but two proposals are under scru-
tiny: the Eemian (Amsterdam Terminal) proposal
(Pillans & Gibbard 2012) and the Tarentian (south-
ern Italy) proposal (Negri et al. 2015). Whatever will
be the final decision, it is quite evident that this
Stage will correlate with the Marine Isotope Stage 5.
Unfortunately, calcareous nannofossils are not par-
ticularly useful in this time interval, even though the
Base of Emiliania huxleyi (at 0.29 Ma; Backman
et al. 2012) might very roughly approximate this
chronostratigraphical boundary.
The GSSP of the Holocene Stage was ratified in
2008 (Walker et al. 2009) in the NorthGRIP ice core
(Greenland). There are no calcareous nannofossil
biohorizons, which can approximate this boundary
Concluding remarks
We briefly introduced the first finding of calcareous
nannofossils and the successive intensive studies on
this group both on the biological and geological
point of view. We discussed some basic concepts of
biostratigraphy with special reference to calcareous
nannofossils, with some attention dedicated to the
different methodologies, that would allow to depict
the abundance pattern of any single taxon at best,
LETHAIA 50 (2017) Cenozoic nannofossils in chronostratigraphy 459
and emphasize the importance of highly resolved
data sets. A standardization of counting methodolo-
gies is highly recommendable in order to identify the
most useful and reproducible biohorizons, to con-
struct firm biostratigraphical frameworks and to
provide reliable biochronology. Finally, we also gave
a general review of the fundamental role played by
calcareous nannofossils in the Cenozoic chronos-
tratigraphy describing and discussing on the bio-
horizons that are used to characterize the Cenozoic
chronostratigraphical units.
Acknowledgements. – The 150th anniversary of the death of
Albert Oppel was celebrated during the STRATI 2015 2nd
International Congress on Stratigraphy held in Graz with a ses-
sion dedicated on fossils in the modern chronostratigraphy man-
aged by Marco Balini (Milan University, Italy), Annalisa Ferretti
(Modena University, Italy), Stan Finney (Long Beach University,
USA) and Simonetta Monechi (Florence University, Italy). We
would thank all the conveners for their effort to convey at least
part of the contents in this special issue. We have appreciated all
the constructive comments and suggestions from both reviewers.
Primary support to CA, SM and IR came from MIUR grant
(PRIN2010-2011: 2010X3PP8J).
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Supporting Information
Additional Supporting Information may be found in
the online version of this article:
Appendix S1. Taxonomic and bibliographic infor-
mation on Figures 6 and 7.
LETHAIA 50 (2017) Cenozoic nannofossils in chronostratigraphy 463
... This method was applied to 50 specimens of discoasterids and 50 specimens of helicoliths, while for the stratigraphically significant but very rare taxa (e.g., Ceratolithaceae family) a minimum of 100 FOV Table 1 Coring summary according to the initial reports of the DSDP, Leg 42A (Hsü et al., 1978 (with approximately the same density) were analysed, following the determination of the biostratigraphic events described by Backman et al. (2012). Zone assignment for the Site 378 record followed the biostratigraphic scheme of Agnini et al. (2017), Backman et al. (2012), and Di Stefano and Sturiale (2010), correlated to Martini (1971) standard biozones. The numerical age of the CN biozone boundaries is after Agnini et al. (2017). ...
... Zone assignment for the Site 378 record followed the biostratigraphic scheme of Agnini et al. (2017), Backman et al. (2012), and Di Stefano and Sturiale (2010), correlated to Martini (1971) standard biozones. The numerical age of the CN biozone boundaries is after Agnini et al. (2017). Additionally, nannofossil bioevents of Di Stefano and Sturiale (2010) identified in the Mediterranean region are used for the better constraint of the biostratigraphic assignment. ...
... The biostratigraphic analysis is based on the detection of certain CN biohorizons (Di Stefano and Sturiale, 2010;Agnini et al., 2017, Fig. 5). In particular, the occurrence of C. acutus recorded only in the basal part of core 11Z enables correlation with the CN biozone NN12 (Martini, 1971), which corresponds to biozone CNPL1 (Backman et al., 2012;Agnini et al., 2017). Accordingly, the Top (T) of C. acutus occurs at 309.4 mbsf in the core 11Z; this bioevent, absent in core 3A, is followed by the Fig. 3. Geochemical results in (a) Core 3A, (b) Core 11Z. ...
... Reworked Cretaceous taxa (e.g., Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis, Broinsonia parca, Eiffellithus eximius, E. gorkae, E. turriseiffelii, Micula concava, Watznaueria barnesiae and Uniplanarius sissinghii), and Paleogene taxa such as Ericsonia cava, Chiasmolithus bidens, S. radians, S. primus, Pontosphaera exilis and R. umbilicus are common throughout the succession. The calcareous nannofossil zonation and taxonomy adopted in this work are based principally on Agnini et al. (2017). The inferred absolute ages are from Agnini et al. (2017) and Raffi et al. (2020). ...
... The calcareous nannofossil zonation and taxonomy adopted in this work are based principally on Agnini et al. (2017). The inferred absolute ages are from Agnini et al. (2017) and Raffi et al. (2020). Quantitative distribution patterns of the identified taxa reveal three main bioevents of early Miocene age. ...
... This event has been considered synchronous in low and mid-latitude oceanic regions (e.g., Bukry, 1973;Fornaciari et al., 1990;Olafsson, 1991). Backman et al. (2012) and Agnini et al. (2017) used this event as a zonal boundary for their CNM5 Zone and dated it at 19.01 Ma. In the Mediterranean region, there is some debate among earlier workers on the reliability of S. belemnos as a marker (e.g., Roth et al., 1971;Müller, 1978;Ellis and Lohman, 1979;Theodoridis, 1984). ...
The absence or rarity of some global marker taxa in the semi-restricted Suez rift basin has led to uncertainty with respect to the age of the early syn-rift deposits. To tackle this issue, high-resolution foraminiferal and calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy was undertaken on sections in the Wadi Baba area at the eastern basin margin. Two planktic foraminiferal bioevents of early Miocene age are recognized: First Occurrences (FOs) of Globigerinoides subquadratus and Trilobatus sicanus. These bioevents define three zones/subzones: MMi2b, MMi2c-MMi3 and MMi4. Calcareous nannofossil analysis provided the basis for the definition of three zones: CNM4 to CNM6 based on FOs of Helicosphaera ampliaperta and Sphenolithus belemnos, and the first common occurrence of S. heteromorphus. Our results assign a new age estimate of late Aquitanian to early Burdigalian (<19.01 Ma) for the Nukhul Formation, and Burdigalian to early Langhian for the Rudeis Formation, with three possible hiatuses. Integration of benthic foraminiferal biofacies, lithofacies and nannofossil paleoecological markers reveals a broad range of paleoenvironments, from shoreface to upper bathyal. The Nukhul Formation was deposited in nearshore, nutrient-rich, well-oxygenated conditions. Deeper water environments of neritic to upper bathyal prevailed during the Rudeis Formation. Comparison with coeval deposits in the offshore area of the basin reveals significant paleoenvironmental variability during the Burdigalian associated with episodic subsidence along basinal faults. Climate-sensitive taxa and oxygen isotope data indicate a prevalence of warm paleoclimatic conditions. Our results suggest the development of a seaway connecting the Gulf of Suez with the Mediterranean during the early Miocene rather than Chattian.
... Therefore, we were interested in examining the Eocene/Oligocene boundary based on calcareous nannofossil assemblages in the Jeneponto area. High-resolution biostratigraphy with nannofossils can provide the ages of rocks with higher precision and is one of the most powerful biostratigraphical tools in carbonate sediments (Agnini et al. 2017). This applies also to the investigation of the paleoenvironment, paleoclimate, paleoceanography, and other aspects (Perch-Nielsen 1985;Persico and Villa 2004;De Vargas et al. 2007;Villa et al. 2008;Ali 2009;Sato and Chiyonobu 2009). ...
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The biostratigraphy of the Tonasa Formation in the Jeneponto Regency of South Sulawesi, Indonesia, is still poorly known, and there are barren ages, such as much of the Oligocene to Early Miocene. The Tonasa Formation is well exposed along the coast of the Jeneponto Regency, in which the Karama area consists of the most important outcrops of this formation which in this area consists of interbedded marl and limestone. Our study focuses on the biostratigraphy of the Karama area section A based on nannofossil. Samples were collected by measured stratigraphy methods and then subjected to investigation using smear slides. The assemblages of species were determined by semiquantitative analysis. Data analysis obtained three nannofossil datums (boundaries): The First Occurrence (FO) of Sphenolithus pseudoradians NP19/NP20), the First Occurrence of Sphenolithus distentus (CP.16/CP.17), and the Last Occurrence (LO) Sphenolithus predistentus (NP.23/NP.24. The zonal boundary was determined based on calcareous nannoplankton; the Late Eocene to Middle Oligocene boundary of the Tonasa Formation was found in this section. Interestingly, throughout this period, the marker species in this section is Sphenolithus . In addition, the presence of Sphenolithus , Discoaster , and Zygrhablithus bijugatus indicated that the basin was in warm water condition.
... In addition to the information derived from geochemical proxies, fundamental insights on the paleoclimatic and paleoceanographic evolution during the late Eocene-early Oligocene come from the spatiotemporal distribution and abundances of calcareous nannofossils, mainly consisting of the fossil tests of coccolithophores (Agnini et al., 2017). In modern oceans, haptophyte algae are important primary producers of organic and inorganic carbon (Rost & Riebesell, 2004). ...
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The Eocene‐Oligocene transition (EOT; ∼34 Ma) was one of the most prominent global cooling events of the Cenozoic, coincident with the emergence of continental‐scale ice‐sheets on Antarctica. Calcareous nannoplankton experienced significant assemblage turnover at a time of long‐term surface ocean cooling and trophic conditions, suggesting cause‐effect relationships between Antarctic glaciation, broader climate changes, and the response of phytoplankton communities. To better evaluate the timing and nature of these relationships, we generated calcareous nannofossil and geochemical data sets (δ¹⁸O, δ¹³C and %CaCO3) over a ∼5 Myr stratigraphic interval recovered across the EOT from IODP Site U1509 in the Tasman Sea, South Pacific Ocean. Based on trends observed in the calcareous nannofossil assemblages, there was an overall decline of warm‐oligotrophic communities, with a shift toward taxa better adapted to cooler more eutrophic conditions. Assemblage changes indicate four distinct phases caused by temperature decrease and variations in paleocurrents: late Eocene warm‐oligotrophic phase, precursor diversity‐decrease phase, early Oligocene cold‐eutrophic phase, and a steady‐state cosmopolitan phase. The most prominent shift in the assemblages occurred during the ∼550 kyr‐long precursor diversity‐decrease phase, which has relatively high bulk δ¹⁸O and %CaCO3 values, and predates the phase of maximum glacial expansion (Earliest Oligocene Glacial Maximum–EOGM).
... Although the Red Bank has been previously reported as Miocene-Pliocene (Flores, 1952) and upper Eocene to Miocene (Cornec, 2004;2015), the present study identified the chronostratigraphic position of the whole of the Red Bank group as upper Paleocene to lower Eocene. Calcareous nannofossils, which represent global biostratigraphic zones NP9 and NP10 (Martini, 1971;Okada and Bukry, 1980;Agnini et al., 2017), were recovered from several samples (Table 3). Key nannofossils recovered from the Red Bank included Prinsius bisuleus, Toweius eminens, Toweius tovae, and Heliolithus cantabriae. ...
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The informal upper Paleocene to lower Eocene Red Bank group crops out in several areas of the Cayo and Orange Walk districts of northern Be-lize including the study area of the present report, which is the area around the oil fields of Spanish Lookout and Never Delay. Previous studies, which assigned the wrong age to the Red Bank group, described the Red Bank as mainly a clay (or soft claystone) deposit containing minor carbonate and evaporite beds and nodules. However, our present research, which relies on new petrographic and cartographic techniques, revealed that the Red Bank group is a complex stratigraphic unit of open estuarine origin that has a depositional history closely linked to global climatic and eustatic events. Well-log correlation in the study area around the Spanish Lookout and Never Delay oil fields suggests that the Red Bank unconformably overlies the Upper Cretaceous Barton Creek limestones. In fact, the clay deposits of the Red Bank fill caverns and karstic features within the upper part of the Bar-ton Creek limestones, and thick clay accumulations lie within karstic paleo-valleys such as the long, northeast-trending, fault-bounded karstic valley within the study area.
... 15 Ma (e.g. Agnini et al., 2017). Despite the significant error in the MO-2 fine tuff, the obtained 40 Ar/ 39 Ar age data are consistent with biostratigraphic ranking of volcaniclastic samples (Figure 12; Csibri et al., 2018;Holcová et al., 2019;Kováč et al., 2018;Rybár et al., 2015Rybár et al., , 2016Šarinová, Hudáčková, et al., 2021;Zlinská, 2016). ...
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The Pannonian Basin System originated from the collision of the African and European tectonic plates, followed by the Miocene extensional collapse that led to the development of a back‐arc basins. Accurate dating is essential to comprehend the tectono‐volcanic evolution of the region, particularly in the under‐studied Danube Basin. Single‐grain ⁴⁰ Ar/ ³⁹ Ar dating has revealed that volcanic activity in the Danube Basin commenced around 14.1 million years ago, aligning with previous biostratigraphic and radioisotope data from nearby volcanic fields. The initial Middle Miocene pyroclastic deposits were generated by intermediate high K calc‐alkaline magmas, contributing significantly to the deposition of thick layers of fine vitric tuffs. The timing and chemistry of the volcanism are consistent with the Badenian rift phase in the Middle Miocene within the Carpathian–Pannonian region, suggesting an intraplate back‐arc volcanic environment. Three‐dimensional imaging has exposed the buried Kráľová stratovolcano, revealing its impressive scale with a thickness between 2620 and 5000 m and a base diameter of 18–30 km. Such dimensions place it among the ranks of the world's largest stratovolcanoes, indicating its substantial impact on the evolution of the Carpathian–Pannonian area. The complex formation history of the stratovolcano points to multiple phases of growth. Furthermore, the basin controlling Mojmírovce‐Rába fault's intersection with the stratovolcano implies that fault activity was subsequent to the volcanic activity, being younger than 14.1 million years. Regional age data consistently indicates that volcanic activity in the Danube Basin reached its zenith just prior to and during the lower/upper Badenian sea‐level fall (Langhian/Serravallian). K‐metasomatism is unique to the stratovolcanic structures and is not observed in the wider regional setting. This study supports the notion of an intricate, interconnected subterranean intrusive system within the stratovolcano, underscoring the complex interplay between geological structures and volcanic processes.
The Eocene Kuldana Formation (KF) in the Yadgar area of Pakistan, comprises a diverse range of sedimentary facies, including variegated red beds of shales, mudstones, and sandstones, as well as interbedded limestone and marl. In this study, we conducted an integrated micropaleontologi-cal, sedimentological, mineralogical, and geochemical investigation to determine the depositional setting , biochronology, provenance, and paleoclimate of the KF. The study identified six lithofacies and six microfacies, which indicate a variety of environments ranging from floodplains and channels to the margins and shallow marine settings. The nannofossil biostratigraphy places the KF in the Early Eo-cene, more precisely the NP10 zone (Ypresian), and the fossil zone of benthic foraminifera classifies the study section as the Shallow Benthic Zone SBZ-8 (Middle Ilerdian 2). In terms of petrography, the KF sandstone was classified as litharenite and feldspathic litharenite, while the QtFL diagram suggests a recycled orogen. Geochemical proxies indicate an oxidizing environment, a high-to-low regular sedi-mentation rate, moderate-to-intense chemical weathering in the source region, and a warm-humid to dry climate during the deposition of KF. Overall, the findings suggest that the deposition of KF marks the end of Neo-Tethys due to the Early Eocene Indian-Kohistan collision and that the uplifting of the Himalayas provided the source for the deposition of KF in the foreland basin. The study provides new insights into the depositional environment, biochronology, provenance, and paleoclimate of KF, and highlights the potential for red beds as reliable indicators of oxygenation levels in proximity to mineral deposits.
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The age studies of the Tonasa Formation have been carried out from various relative ages, including using large foraminifera, small foraminifera, and nannofossil. Field and laboratory data were collected to observe the age and distribution of nannofossils in the study area. The results of observations from nannofossils in the Mallasoro section of the Jeneponto area are as many as 20 species were identified and examined in three markers of Sphenolithus pseudoradians (NP.22-NP.24), and the Last Occurrence of Dictyococcites scrippsae (NP.25-NN. 1). The age zonation of Tonasa Formation in this area is determined from the three datums is the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene (NP. 21 – NN.1) or correlated to CP.16c – CP.19a. The nannofossil abundances are distributed from bottom to top of the section is common to a few species, they are Cyclicargolithus floridanus, Sphenolithus moriformis , and Sphenolithus predistentus , respectively. Then followed by Zygrhabilithus bijugatus, Discoaster deflandrei , Dictyococcites scrippsae , and Coccolithus pelagicus in rare to present distributions and the others are present to single.
This lecture reviews Geologic Time Scale 2004 (Gradstein, Ogg et al., 2004; Cambridge University Press), constructed and detailed by 40 geoscience specialists, and indicates how it will be further refined. Since Geologic Time Scale 1989 by Harland et al., many developments have taken place: (1) Stratigraphic standardization through the work of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS) has greatly refined the international chronostratigraphic scale. In some cases, traditional European-based stages have been replaced with new subdivisions that allow global correlation. (2) New or enhanced methods of extracting high-precision age assignments with realistic uncertainties from the rock record. These have led to improved age assignments of key geologic stage boundaries and other global correlation horizons. (3) Orbital tuning has greatly refined the Neogene, and improved parts of Paleogene and Mesozoic. (4) Statistical techniques of compiling integrated global stratigraphic scales within geologic periods. Anticipated advances to the Geologic Time Scale during the next 8 years include: a geologically realistic Precambrian scale, formal definition of all Phanerozoic stage boundaries, orbital tuning of polarity chrons and biostratigraphic events for entire Cenozoic and Cretaceous, a detailed database of high-resolution radiometric ages that includes “best practice” procedures, full error analysis, monitor ages and conversions, resolving age dating controversies (e.g., zircon statistics and possible reworking) across Devonian/Carboniferous, Permian/Triassic, and Anisian/Ladinian boundaries, improved and standardized dating of several ‘neglected’ intervals (e.g., Upper Jurassic – Lower Cretaceous, and Carboniferous through Triassic, and detailed integrated stratigraphy for Upper Paleozoic through Lower Mesozoic. The geochronological science community and ICS are focusing on these issues. A modified version of the time scale to accompany the standardization (boundary definitions and stratotypes) of all stages is planned for 2008 (to be presented at the 33th International Geologic Congress in Oslo), with a totally revised version of GTS available in 2012.
The GSSP for the base of the Chattian Stage (Paleogene System, Oligocene Series) is defined at meter level 197 in the Monte Cagnero section, which belongs to the pelagic succession of the Umbria-Marche basin (Urbania, central Italy: 43°38′47.81″N-12°28′03.83″E). This level with an astronomical age of 27.82 Ma coincides with the highest common occurrence of the planktonic foraminifer Chiloguembelina cubensis at the base of planktonic foraminiferal O5 Zone and falls in the upper part of calcareous nannofossil NP24 Zone, in the lower part of dinocyst Dbi Zone, and in the lower Chron C9n. The proposal was approved by the International Subcommission of Paleogene Stratigraphy in July 2015, approved by the International Commission of Stratigraphy in August 2016, and ratified by the International Union of Geological Sciences in September 2016.
Calcareous nannofossils are abundant in the Paleogene sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 120. Although no continuous Paleogene section was obtained, Sites 747 through 751 complemented each other so as to provide a virtually complete composite stratigraphic section. The calcarous nannofossil biostratigraphy at Sites 747, 748, and 749 is discussed. Correlation of calcareous nannofossil biozones and magnetozones at these sites suggests some diachrony with low-latitude areas, as well as on a regional basis. Changes in calcareous nannofossil diversity throughout the Paleogene are analyzed and interpreted as reflecting major paleoclimatic events. -Author