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Phantom Lovers: Ghosting as a Relationship Dissolution Strategy in the Technological Age



This chapter examines the recent emergence of the ghosting phenomenon. The practices and strategies employed during ghosting have existed since new interactive technologies emerged. The terminology dates back over a decade and remains widely used in popular culture’s common vernacular. Therefore, this chapter initiates an overdue investigation of ghosting in relation to interpersonal dissolution communication and behaviors. Within this chapter ghosting is defined as: unilaterally ceasing communication (temporarily or permanently) in an effort to withdraw access to individual(s) prompting relationship dissolution (suddenly or gradually) commonly enacted via one or multiple technological medium(s). Practices employing ghosting strategies have existed since the introduction of new interactive technologies yet scholars have yet to thoroughly explore the phenomenon. In this chapter, we further conceptualize ghosting, discuss ghosting in relation to relationship dissolution strategies, and speculate on the emergence of ghosting and its outcomes for initiators and non-initiators. Then we offer conceptual implications that extend previous relational dissolution strategies applications, and provide practical suggestions for initiators and non-initiators. We conclude with a short section on future directions that explicates ghosting in interpersonal communication on social media. Overall, this chapter provides a springboard for future studies and challenges scholars to critically evaluate the implications and effects ghosting have on interpersonal dissolution strategies.
... Ghosting, widely researched in the field of communication studies and often linked to dating apps (Halversen et al., 2022;Narr & Luong, 2022;Šiša, 2022;Timmermans et al., 2021) is a practice whereby a person unilaterally ceases all communication and contact with another person, voluntarily and abruptly, without apparent justification (LeFebvre, 2017;Pancani et al., 2021). In this sense, the withdrawal of consent becomes a principle justifying the action to oneself. ...
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Ghosting has mostly been associated with app-dating. However, our research addresses "ghosting" as a broader field of face-to-face avoidance practices. The article highlights the role of avoidance in emotional practices to maintain ongoing relationships. In the case of contemporary Spain, the structural uncertainty that permeates intimate relationships-related to neoliberalism's emphasis on individualism in the shaping of subjectivities-is reinforced by the tension in the coexistence of romantic and confluent models of love, which translates into a lack of scripts when it comes to dealing with intimacy. Drawing on the results of an ethnographic research project based on interviews with adults in the city of Madrid, we examine the ways in which social actors adapt their behavior to the context through what we have called "ghosting emotions." This analytical tool accounts for those individual strategies, which, as a result of an exercise of emotional reflexivity, limit re-lationality by avoiding certain social practices in the shaping of intimacy. Thus, this article shows the concrete processes through which actors develop patterns shaping structural dimensions in contemporary intimacies when facing uncertainties. To safeguard individuality within relationships, these practices function as a means of enhancing a sense of control by leaving "an open door".
... People often feel discomfort when having to reject unwanted suitors (Bohns & DeVincent, 2019) and ghosting provides a solution where this rejection can be avoided. Ghosting is facilitated on ODP partly because of the relative anonymity, but also the ease of disappearing at a click of a button afforded by technological communication and the apps themselves (e.g., Freedman et al., 2019;LeFebvre, 2017;Timmermans et al., 2021), as there is no obligation to continue communication. ...
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Most online dating users perceive ghosting to be common and expect that there is a chance of being ghosted on online dating platforms (ODPs). The current study extends previous research by gaining qualitative insight into what people believe constitutes ghosting behavior, why people ghost, and how ghosting makes them feel. This study aimed to (a) explore individuals’ motivations to ghost, (b) explore individuals experiences of ghosting, and (c) gather the ghosters views of ghosting definition. A total of 12 online interviews were conducted. All participants had previously ghosted on ODPs and lived in the United Kingdom. Data were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. The presented five themes reflect a contextual realist approach, using both semantic and latent coding, and reveal that ghosting is considered the norm on ODP. There are general and specific motivations underpinning ghosting behavior, producing a mixed emotional response from the ghoster. The findings also shed light on how we can better define ghosting, with participants having concerns with the word relationship. Finally, we highlight several protective factors that can minimize the likelihood of ghosting. Based on our findings we suggest that ghosting be defined as being a gradual or sudden one-sided ceasing of communication to end the progress of an interaction with another person. While we found several protective factors that can minimize the likelihood of ghosting, these are unique to the individual and ghosting cannot be abolished as it has become a normative and embedded practice within ODP.
... El ghosting, o efecto fantasma, se puede definir como la estrategia para terminar una relación (ya sea de amistad o de tipo romántica) de manera unilateral, sin dar explicaciones e ignorando cualquier intento de comunicación por parte de la otra persona, para evitar discutir el estado de la relación y la confrontación directa (LeFebvre, 2017;LeFebvre et al., 2019). Es una práctica que se da tanto de forma online, por ejemplo, a través de ignorar llamadas telefónicas, no responder mensajes, dejar de seguir o bloquear al otro en redes sociales, como de manera presencial (Navarro et al., 2020;Pancani et al., 2021). ...
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En la actualidad, las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC), así como las redes sociales, son parte importante del día a día de las y los adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, pues permiten el desarrollo de una gran parte de la vida social de las personas a través de la comunicación e interacción fácil e inmediata entre familiares, amigos y la pareja, con la finalidad de compartir ideas, intereses, gustos, etcétera, a través de datos en formato de voz, imágenes, fotografías, videos, entre otros. En ese sentido, la versatilidad de los diferentes dispositivos de comunicación como los teléfonos móviles, las tabletas y/o laptops han generado el auge de las redes sociales, el cual ha influido de manera significativa, pues tiene repercusiones en las relaciones interpersonales, desde las que son de carácter lúdico hasta las relaciones afectivas. Sin embargo, el mal uso de estos medios de comunicación ha favorecido el desarrollo de la ciberviolencia, principalmente en las relaciones de pareja, es por ello que en el siguiente capítulo se abordarán las principales características de las TIC y redes sociales, y su relación con la violencia. En ese orden de ideas, es importante considerar que la ciberviolencia ha generado interés no solo por las consecuencias hacia sus víctimas, sino que una de sus características es que se puede ejercer en cualquier momento y lugar a través de Facebook, WhatsApp u otras redes sociales, y que su difusión y perpetración se realiza de una forma rápida debido a su fácil acceso, sin olvidar su alta prevalencia tanto en varones como en mujeres, además que este tipo de violencia se puede ejercer de manera bidireccional. Finalmente, es importante considerar otras manifestaciones de violencia que se ejercen a través de las TIC y redes sociales, tales como el ciberacoso, el sexting, la pornovenganza, la sextorsión, el ciberbullying, el grooming y el ghosting, que si bien, pueden estar relacionadas entre sí, cada una de estas implica características que las hacen diferentes; hacer una correcta distinción de cada concepto permitiría su fácil identificación y creación de programas de prevención e intervención.
... El ghosting, o efecto fantasma, se puede definir como la estrategia para terminar una relación (ya sea de amistad o de tipo romántica) de manera unilateral, sin dar explicaciones e ignorando cualquier intento de comunicación por parte de la otra persona, para evitar discutir el estado de la relación y la confrontación directa (LeFebvre, 2017;LeFebvre et al., 2019). Es una práctica que se da tanto de forma online, por ejemplo, a través de ignorar llamadas telefónicas, no responder mensajes, dejar de seguir o bloquear al otro en redes sociales, como de manera presencial (Navarro et al., 2020;Pancani et al., 2021). ...
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RESUMEN El presente libro ha sido generado en el seno del Grupo de Investigación: “Análisis de Relaciones Interpersonales: Pareja, Familia y Organización” (Facultad de Psicología, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) y el Centro de Psicología Integral (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) el cual aborda un fenómeno con gran prevalencia y numerosos estragos, la problemática social de la violencia que se ejerce hacia mujeres y hombres en las parejas de jóvenes. Es así como a lo largo de sus trece capítulos se presenta: 1) la contextualización de la adolescencia y adultez emergente, 2) la caracterización de la pareja, 3) las principales características de la violencia en las relaciones de pareja, 4) las principales teorías explicativas del fenómeno, 5) las diferentes tipologías de la violencia, 6) la ciber violencia de la pareja, 7) los principales factores de riesgo, 8) así como los principales factores de protección en la violencia de pareja, 9) el fenómeno de la violencia de pareja en la comunidad LGBT+, 10) la prevalencia de la violencia en las relaciones de noviazgo, 11) algunas dificultades conceptuales y metodológicas asociadas a su estudio, 12) la prevención de la violencia de pareja en estas edades y, finalmente, 13) algunas consideraciones científicas y prácticas en el abordaje de esta problemática. Alejado de apasionamientos ideológicos o intereses personales o de grupo, cada capítulo ha sido revisado (sistema peer review) por al menos cuatro especialistas contribuyendo así a elevar su rigurosidad académica,teórica, técnica y científica brindando así al lector interesado en la materia una obra confiable para su consulta; ojalá que cumpla con su cometido. Palabras Clave: Violencia en el noviazgo, revisión sistemática, prevención, intervención, adolescente, joven, mexicano. ABSTRACT This book has been generated within the Research Group: «Analysis of Interpersonal Relationships: Couple, Family and Organization» (Department of Psychology, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) and the Integral Psychology Center (Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla) and addresses a phenomenon with great prevalence and numerous ravages, the social problem of violence against women and men in young couples. Thus, throughout its thirteen chapters it presents: 1) the contextualization of adolescence and emerging adulthood, 2) the characterization of the couple, 3) the main characteristics of violence in couple relationships, 4) the main explanatory theories of the phenomenon, 5) the different typologies of violence, 6) the cyber violence of the couple, 7) the main risk factors, 8) as well as the main protective factors in couple violence, 9) the phenomenon of intimate partner violence in the LGBT+ community, 10) the prevalence of violence in dating relationships, 11) some conceptual and methodological difficulties associated with its study, 12) the prevention of intimate partner violence in these ages and, finally, 13) some scientific and practical considerations in addressing this issue. Far from ideological passions or personal or group interests, each chapter has been reviewed (peer review system) by at least four specialists, thus contributing to increase its academic, theoretical, technical and scientific rigor, thus providing the reader interested in the subject with a reliable work for consultation; hopefully it will fulfill its purpose. Key Words: Dating Violence, Systematic Review, Prevention, Intervention, Adolescent, Youth, Mexican
... El ghosting, o efecto fantasma, se puede definir como la estrategia para terminar una relación (ya sea de amistad o de tipo romántica) de manera unilateral, sin dar explicaciones e ignorando cualquier intento de comunicación por parte de la otra persona, para evitar discutir el estado de la relación y la confrontación directa (LeFebvre, 2017;LeFebvre et al., 2019). Es una práctica que se da tanto de forma online, por ejemplo, a través de ignorar llamadas telefónicas, no responder mensajes, dejar de seguir o bloquear al otro en redes sociales, como de manera presencial (Navarro et al., 2020;Pancani et al., 2021). ...
... ghosting; unwanted persistent pursuit; relationship termination; romantic relationships; dating Ghosting is a widespread relationship termination strategy (LeFebvre, 2017) where "one person suddenly ignores or stops communicating with another person, without telling them why" (Kay & Courtice, 2022, p. 386). The prevalence of this relationship termination technique has been facilitated through the rise of technology mediated communication and online dating (LeFebvre, 2017; Thomas & Dubar, 2021). ...
Drawing on Uncertainty Reduction Theory and Expectancy Violations Theory, this study examines the relationship between unwanted persistent pursuit (UPP) behaviors and ghosting behaviors. An online survey distributed via Amazon’s Mechanical Turk found that those who experienced UPP were more likely to have previously engaged in ghosting behaviors. Additionally, those who experienced being ghosted had a more positive attitude toward UPP than those who had not been ghosted, and the relationship was moderated by dating recency. Finally, the results indicated a positive correlation between views of persistent pursuit and likelihood of engaging in ghosting behaviors that is moderated by dating recency.
Este artículo presenta un itinerario temático, analizando en primera instancia, las características y naturaleza del injerto de la hermenéutica en la fenomenología en el pensamiento del filósofo francés, Paul Ricoeur. Se trata de un entrelazamiento de una hermenéutica subjetiva con una fenomenología del sí. Posteriormente, el análisis se desplaza del injerto mencionado a la construcción de una interpretación del mundo de la vida y de la realidad social, hacia una epistemología plural, que requiere de un vaciamiento del sí hacia otro. Este último que se presenta como extraño y extranjero en la interacción social. Tal desplazamiento requiere de la orientación de una visée éthique (Ricoeur, 1990a), capaz de comprometer a los sujetos con la construcción narrativa de sus existencias, emerger una identidad narrativa y responder por las acciones del sujeto constructor de su historia. Pero, además, la finalidad ética deberá conducir a los sujetos involucrados, a habitar un pluralismo ético, que mediante la dialogicidad pueda hacer aparecer a los sujetos sociales como agentes dotados de derechos, inquietudes (preocupaciones) y de deberes en la interacción social. Acto seguido, se presenta, de manera general, la evolución de las epistemologías dividiéndolas en sociedades terrestres y epistemologías cardinales; sociedades líquidas o epistemologías de deconstrucción; las sociedades evanescentes o epistemologías de perdida y de innovación social. Las sociedades evanescentes se caracterizan por el sentido de perdida tanto de la identidad, del acceso a los derechos universales que los llevan a la exclusión, la vulnerabilidad y a las patologías sociales. E igualmente, a la emergencia de nuevas identidades, innovadoras maneras de presencialidad en la esfera de lo ético-político y lo socio-cultural. Antes de las conclusiones que cierran este trabajo, se afirma la necesidad, de una hospitalidad epistémica y de una ética de la hospitalidad, que permita el surgimiento de pedagogías hospitalarias; favoreciendo tanto el ejercicio de la hermenéutica del si y la fenomenología del sí, como también la aspiración de los sujetos a una vida digna, contando con el reconocimiento social mutuo y desarrollando la existencia en instituciones justas y democráticas.
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Dating apps have significantly transformed the landscape of relationships, presenting new opportunities but challenges, including the growing prevalence of ghosting, a practice of implicit rejection that manifests through the unilateral cessation of online communication. This phenomenon is not limited exclusively to dating platforms but can extend to a wide range of contexts characterized by the expectation of communicative reciprocity. It pushes for an ethical reflection on users’ emotional responsibility, which makes the role of media education relevant. In this study, we examine the role of dating apps in shaping online relational dynamics and promoting the diffusion and normalization of ghosting through a critical perspective inspired by the key concepts of Buckingham’s educational media analysis: Language, Representation, Production, and Audience. Therefore, some multidisciplinary educational strategies are proposed to combat ghosting and promote more respectful online relationships, acting on different levels: technological, user, and community. The importance of ethical design of dating apps and media education that encourages reflective and empathetic participation of users and promotes collaboration on a collective and community level emerges.
Günümüzde her yaştaki insanın akıllı telefon ya da bilgisayar üzerinden çeşitli uygulamalara erişim kolaylığına sahip olması bazı riskleri de beraberinde getirmektedir. Teknolojik araçlar romantik ilişkilerin başlamasını, sürdürülmesini, partnerle iletişimde kalınmasını kolaylaştırdığı gibi ilişkinin sonlandırılmasını da kolaylaştırmaktadır. Romantik ilişkilerin yüz yüze iletişimle değil de teknolojik araçlar aracılığıyla bitirilmesi ise her geçen gün daha sık karşılaştığımız bir durum olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bu çalışmayla romantik ilişkinin tek taraflı olarak sonlandırılması anlamına gelen ghosting kavramı açıklanmıştır. Ghosting iletişimi geri çekerek bir ilişkiyi sona erdirmeyi amaçlayan popüler bir ortadan kaybolma stratejisi olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Çok fazla bilinmeyen ancak yeni yeni popüler olmaya başlayan bir kavram olarak görünmektedir. Ghostinge maruz kalmanın bireylerin ruh sağlığını olumsuz olarak etkilediği bilinmektedir. Ghostinge maruz kalan kişi yaşananlara anlam verememekte, hayal kırıklığı, şaşkınlık ve kafa karışıklığı yaşamaktadır. Ghostingin bireyler üzerindeki olumsuz etkileri de göz önünde bulundurulduğunda bu kavramın açıklanması ve sonuçlarının ortaya konulması gerekliliği ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bir dijital flört şiddeti olarak ghostingin anlaşılması, önleyici adımların atılması ve olumsuzlukların etkisinin en aza indirilmesi açısından önemli görülmektedir. Bu kapsamda ghostingin iyi anlaşılması açısından kuramsal çerçevesinin iyi bir şekilde ortaya konulması gerekmektedir. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmayla ghostingin ne olduğu, olumsuz etkileri ve ghosting uygulayan ve maruz kalan kişilerle yapılmış araştırma sonuçları derlenmiş, ghostinge temel bir bakış açısı oluşturmak amaçlanmıştır.
Why do people fall in love? Does passion fade with time? What makes for a happy, healthy relationship? This introduction to relationship science follows the lifecycle of a relationship – from attraction and initiation, to the hard work of relationship maintenance, to dissolution and ways to strengthen a relationship. Designed for advanced undergraduates studying psychology, communication or family studies, this textbook presents a fresh, diversity-infused approach to relationship science. It includes real-world examples and critical-thinking questions, callout boxes that challenge students to make connections, and researcher interviews that showcase the many career paths of relationship scientists. Article Spotlights reveal cutting-edge methods, while Diversity and Inclusion boxes celebrate the variety found in human love and connection. Throughout the book, students see the application of theory and come to recognize universal themes in relationships as well as the nuances of many findings. Instructors can access lecture slides, an instructor manual, and test banks.
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