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Laboratory preparation questionnaires as a tool for the implementation of the Just in Time Teaching in the Physics I laboratories: Research training


Abstract and Figures

The implementation of the JiTT (Just in Time Teaching) strategy is presented to increase the previous preparation of students enrolled in the subject Physics Laboratory I offered at the Industrial University of Santander (UIS), Colombia. In this study, a laboratory preparation questionnaire (CPL) was applied as a tool for the implementation of JiTT combined with elements of mediated learning. It was found that the CPL allows to improve the students' experience regarding the preparation of the laboratory and the development of the experimental session. These questionnaires were implemented in an academic manager (Moodle) and a web application ( was used to publish the contents essential for the preparation of the student before each practical session. The most significant result was that the students performed the experimental session with the basic knowledge to improve their learning experience.
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Laboratory preparation questionnaires as a tool for the implementation of the Just in Time
Teaching in the Physics I laboratories: Research training
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2017 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 850 012015
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5th Colombian Conference of Engineering Physics (V CNIF) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 850 (2017) 012015 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/850/1/012015
Laboratory preparation questionnaires as a tool for
the implementation of the Just in Time Teaching in
the Physics I laboratories: Research training
David A. Miranda , Melba J. Sanchez and Oscar M. Forero
Universidad Industrial de Santander, Cr 27 Cll 9, Bucaramanga, Colombia
The implementation of the JiTT (Just in Time Teaching) strategy is presented to increase
the previous preparation of students enrolled in the subject Physics Laboratory I offered at the
Industrial University of Santander (UIS), Colombia. In this study, a laboratory preparation
questionnaire (CPL) was applied as a tool for the implementation of JiTT combined with
elements of mediated learning. It was found that the CPL allows to improve the students’
experience regarding the preparation of the laboratory and the development of the experimental
session. These questionnaires were implemented in an academic manager (Moodle) and a
web application ( was used to publish the contents essential for the
preparation of the student before each practical session. The most significant result was that the
students performed the experimental session with the basic knowledge to improve their learning
1. Introduction
In the last years, the university education system has presented a change in its politics
restructuring the traditional approach based on the passive transmission of knowledge, to move
towards a comprehensive training approach that promotes competencies for life and contains
multiple dimensions of knowledge [1]. In the year 2008, the Ministry of National Education of
Colombia formulated the generic competences in higher education institutions.
For this reason, educations institutions have sought to incorporate Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) into teaching-learning processes to improve the quality
of teaching. However, despite the increased availability of technological resources in educational
establishments, also, it has been shown that several teaching practices with ICT resources do
not represent an advance, innovation or improvement of the traditional practices [2].
Several authors have reported their experiences with different pedagogical models for teaching
science, one of which are inductive methods that include discovery-based, research-based,
problem-based, project-based, case-based, and Teaching at the time, Just in Time Teaching
(JiTT) [3, 4, 5]. A particular case of study is the JiTT proposed by Professor Gregor Novak.
JiTT uses active learning and ICTs as the principal elements of the teaching strategy. Using this
approach, Professor Novak observed a real change in the student’s interest in learning physics
[6] with a 40% reduction in students drop out in comparison with traditional methodologies
5th Colombian Conference of Engineering Physics (V CNIF) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 850 (2017) 012015 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/850/1/012015
[7]. This strategy has also been implemented for the teaching of sciences such as chemistry,
mathematics, economy, among others [8, 9].
The need for a research training strategy in the ”Universidad Industrial de Santander” (UIS)
was evident at 2013 because the self-assessment process performed to institutional accreditation.
This process has shown the research training, given to bachelor students, as the lowest indicator
in all the auto-evaluation process [10]. Another important factor that motivated the change
in didactic strategy was the high index of desertion in the first levels. The development
of investigative competencies implies the strengthening of skills to observe, ask experiment,
interpret information, teamwork, appropriate use of technology, write reporting, order and
systematize the investigative actions, publication, and knowledge management [11]. Because
of this the Academic Vicerrectory, the Sciences Deanship and mainly the Physics School at UIS
proposed a project in the year 2015 to improve the research training, with the objective to
improve the education quality.
This study has the objective of innovating teaching and learning processes for the students
enrolled in the Science and Engineering faculty programs through the Just in Time Teaching
(JiTT) methodology to research training throw. The project started in the second academic
semester of 2015 with the enrolment of all Physics I laboratory classes [12]. The methodology
implemented encompasses three pedagogical strategies: active learning, mediated learning
and just in time teaching in physics laboratories. In this paper, we describe the second
implementation and some results of such strategies in the first semester of 2016.
2. Methodology
The implementation in the first academical semester of 2016 included 11 teachers and all the
students taking Physics I laboratory class. Approximately 88% of the population (352 students)
taking the class were surveyed. The Physics I laboratory course has a theoretical and an
experimental component. Independent programs and teachers handle each of this components.
The signature corresponds to the 20% of the class grading. This signature is graded as follows:
Table 1. Physics I laboratory grading.
C omponent P ercentage
Laboratory Preparation Questionnaires (CPL) 30%
Laboratory Reports (I) 40%
Final Project (Ω) 30%
The methodology consists of two parts, first out of the class (didactic) and second in the
2.1. Didactic or out of the class component
To prepare the practical sessions, a set of laboratory preparation questionnaires (CPL)
were proposed to the students, where the JiTT strategy and mediated learning elements
were implemented, all of this via the Moodle platform ( and the web app for the content management. The CPL are a new tool that mixes the
JiTT strategy with mediated learning based on ICTs. The JiTT consists of asking open
questions to motivate student introspection. The mediated learning component consists of closed
(mediation) questions related to the preparation of the laboratory. The mediation (closed)
5th Colombian Conference of Engineering Physics (V CNIF) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 850 (2017) 012015 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/850/1/012015
questions focus on the most important aspects to be taught during the lab while the JiTT
questions aim at the identification of student argumentation. In particular, the closed questions
were focused on equipment utilization and basic theoretical concepts and the JiTT questions in
the experimental methodology to be implemented in the laboratory room. For the preparation
of a practical session, each student was asked to review the published material in the web
platform, which included projects, videos, equipment usage tutorials, and methodology related
to the experiments carried out in the particular laboratory. The CPL were available 36 hours
before the lab class in agreement with JiTT. The Moodle platform automatically graded the
closed questions, and the teacher reviewed the JiTT questions.
2.2. In the class component
Based on the results of the out of the class component, the professor, at the beginning of the
lessons, reinforced theoretical concepts that were found not to be adequately understood by
the students, as the JiTT suggest. Following, the students proceed with the experiments more
quickly given the previously (out of class) review of lab equipment, procedures, methodology,
and other skill to perform their laboratory practice.
3. Measurement tool
At the end of the semester, an anonymous on-line survey for the students and professors was
used to evaluate the impact of the strategies implementation.
Figure 1. Summary of the question:
Do you consider appropriate research
Figure 2. Summary of the question:
How would you rank the use of Moodle
platform in the laboratory?
3.1. Results
The survey at the end of the semester attended two purposes: first, to evaluate the student’s
acceptation level of the proposed methodology and second, to determine the improvement of
the research training. The sample consisted of 88% of all the students taking the class and
all the professors during this period. The results, collected via the Moodle platform, shown
an improvement in the research training in the sense that student considered appropriated the
research projects (figure 1) and the comments of the teachers with more than two years imparting
the course. The acceptation of the methodology was very confident (figure 2). 91.8% of the
students thought the platform useful for the strength hen of their research skills. Additionally,
the majority of the students believed that the methodology optimizes the use of time allowing
the execution of the experiments during the first two hours of the lab session (figure 3). The
5th Colombian Conference of Engineering Physics (V CNIF) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 850 (2017) 012015 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/850/1/012015
implementation of the CPL allowed identifying theoretical concepts not properly understood
by the students; the teacher explained such concepts during the lab sessions. The professors
noticed a real students change of attitude regarding the experimentation of theoretical concepts
and more interested in its performing.
The use of open questions (JiTT) shown improvements related to deeper thinking in the
students. However, some difficulties related to the preparation of lab reports and results
interpretation were detected (figure 4). These problems were considered for the next phase of
the project. Finally, related to the Moodle platform, problems were found related to students or
theachers using it for the first time and repeated server failures. To solve the issues associated
with the use of Moodle a training program was created by CEDEUIS. Regarding the server
failures, the university will implement improvements to the ICT infrastructure.
Figure 3. Summary of the question: Do
you consider two hours is sufficient time
for the lab session?
Figure 4. Summary of the question:
After finishing the lab experiments, is it
clear how to develop the lab report?
4. Conclusions
With the implementation of the methodology described in this paper, we observe an improvement
in research training in the Physics I laboratories of the ”Universidad Industrial de Santander”.
In particular, the development and implementation of the CPL allowed identifying theoretical
concepts not properly understood by the students while preparing a lab session. In general,
the methodology strengthened the teaching/learning process. However, issues related to
data interpretation and results synthesis were found. These problems have been taking into
consideration for the implementation of the methodology in the Physics Lab for the follow
academical semester.
5. Acknowledgments
We are grateful to teachers and students of the laboratories of Physics at UIS that participate
in the execution of the project.
[1] Trujillo F 2011 “Enfoque de competencias en la educaci´on: del conocimiento al uso y apropiaci´on. Gesti´on
de conocimiento” (Ministerio de Educaci´on Nacional, Rep´ublica de Colombia)
[2] Balanskat A, Blamire R and Kefalaq S 2006 The ICT Impact Report: A review of
studies of ICT impact on schools in Europe Tech. rep. European Schoolnet URL study.pdf
5th Colombian Conference of Engineering Physics (V CNIF) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 850 (2017) 012015 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/850/1/012015
[3] Draper A J 2004 Journal of Chemical Education 81 221
[4] Kesner L and Eyring E M 1999 Journal of Chemical Education 76 920
[5] Prince M and Felder R 2007 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) URL
[6] Novak G 1999 Just-in-time Teaching: Blending Active Learning with Web Technology Ellis Horwood Series
in Environmental Management, Science an (Prentice Hall) ISBN 9780130850348
[7] Marrs K A and Novak G 2004 Cell Biol Educ 349–61
[8] Birk J P and Foster J 1993 Journal of Chemical Education 70 180
[9] Hake R R 1998 American Journal of Physics 66 64–74
[10] UIS 2013 “Autoevaluaci´on institucional 2013” (Universidad Industrial de Santander) URL
[11] Cota A 2011 “Las competencias requeridas en investigacin y su grado de estmulo
en Ingeniera mecnica del instituto tecnolgico superior de Cajeme” (ITESCA) URL ponencias/25.pdf
[12] Miranda D A, Mart´ınez J H, Sanchez-Soledad M J and G´omez-Bayona L 2016 “Enfoque
innovador de los laboratorios de f´ısica 1: formaci´on para la investigaci´on apoyada en
TIC y estrategias de enseanza/aprendizaje” (Universidad Industrial de Santander) URL
... Such that, the old form of blackboard teaching and the books could not teach [7]. Due to the exposed above, the new teaching-learning strategies use ICTs in the study of physics [8,9]. Another initiative to be considered as an example to follow from the University of Colorado, they develop interactive simulations so that students can learn by exploring. ...
... Nowadays, at the Universidad industrial de Santander has institutionalized the strategy (JiTT) with elements of mediated learning through the learning platform Moodle, in the physics I, II and III [8]. ...
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In this work, we estimate the impact over five semesters of a methodology based on Just in Time Teaching in Physics for Engineering laboratory courses. The research question explored here is as follows: what is the impact of Just in Time Teaching (JiTT) implementation on student academic achievements as measured by the grades obtained by engineering students in physics laboratories? We examined the research question by statistical analysis of the grades obtained by students before and after the implementation of the JiTT strategy. The statistical analysis showed an increase in the percentage of students with grades over 4.0/5.0 upon the implementation of this strategy. A significant difference between the grades obtained before and after implementation in the Physics I and Physics II laboratories was confirmed by ANOVA (p < 0.005); in contrast, in Physics III laboratories, we observed similar grades before and after the implementation. We conclude that the implementation of JiTT improves the grade distribution over higher values, suggesting that students have better learning outcomes; more efforts are needed in Physics III laboratories to achieve a similar (or greater) increase in grades than in Physics I and II.
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The notably undergraduate student desertion in higher education is considered one of the main difficulties in worldwide education systems. The main factors associated with this phenomenon in Colombia are related to low academic entrance skills, economic problems of students and aspects related to socio-occupational orientation and adaptation to the university environment. At Universidad Industrial de Santander an initiative has emerged since the beginning of 2017 that seeks to strengthen the entrance skills to higher education of high school students in Colombia northeast, through "Spachovsky project" that intervenes in the teaching and learning processes of three subjects: mathematics, physics and chemistry of tenth and eleventh grade, through an active learning strategy implementation: Just-in-Time Teaching whose essence is the students' previous class preparation, through questionnaires and didactic material in a web platform, which has a positive effect on what happens during the time subsequent to it with an appropriate teacher's mediation. The contents are managed through virtual tools such as: links to digital books and teaching videos through Moodle platform, which together with session preparation questionnaires, and appropriate mediation by the teacher will favor study habits and the autonomous learning of students.
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Houses painted with lead-based paints are ubiquitous in the United States because the houses and the paint have not worn out two decades after federal regulations prohibited inclusion of lead in paint. Remodeling older homes thus poses a health threat for infants and small children living in those homes. In a service-learning general chemistry class, students disseminate information about this health threat in an older neighborhood. At some of the homes they collect paint samples that they analyze for lead both qualitatively and quantitatively. This service-learning experience generates enthusiasm for general chemistry through the process of working on a "real" problem. Sample collection familiarizes the students with the concept of "representative" sampling. The sample preparation for atomic absorption spectroscopic (AAS) analysis enhances their laboratory skills. The focus of this paper is on the mechanics of integrating this particular service project into the first-term of the normal general chemistry course. Keywords (Audience): First-Year Undergraduate / General
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Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) is a teaching and learning approach that combines the best features of traditional in-class instruction with the communication and resource potential available via the Web. We describe here how JiTT can be used to teach biology to undergraduate and graduate level students, both science majors as well as nonscience majors. A key characteristic of JiTT is the creation of a feedback loop between the classroom and the Web using Internet “Warm Up” assignments that are due prior to class time. By examining student responses to Warm Up exercises before class, faculty members can determine the level of understanding, prior knowledge, and misconceptions that students bring to class. Classroom time can then be spent addressing these misconceptions while discussing course content. In class Cooperative Learning exercises reinforce course content in an informal group setting. Other features of JiTT, such as“ What is Biology Good For,” make clear the relevance of specific concepts in biology in society and increase student motivation. Assessment results have been positive, including decreased attrition rates, increases in student attitudes, interactivity, study habits, and cognitive gains in classrooms using JiTT.
The ICT Impact Report: A review of studies of ICT impact on schools in Europe Tech. rep
  • A Balanskat
  • R Blamire
  • S Kefalaq
Balanskat A, Blamire R and Kefalaq S 2006 The ICT Impact Report: A review of studies of ICT impact on schools in Europe Tech. rep. European Schoolnet URL study.pdf 5th Colombian Conference of Engineering Physics (V CNIF) IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 850 (2017) 012015 doi :10.1088/1742-6596/850/1/012015
Enfoque de competencias en la education: del conocimiento al uso y apropiacion
  • F Trujillo
Just-in-time Teaching: Blending Active Learning with Web Technology Ellis Horwood Series in Environmental Management ISBN: 9780130850348 Science an
  • G Novak
Enfoque innovador de los laboratorios de física 1: formación para la investigación apoyada en TIC y estrategias de enseanza/aprendizaje
  • D A Miranda
  • J H Martínez
  • M J Sanchez-Soledad
Miranda D A, Martínez J H, Sanchez-Soledad M J and Gómez-Bayona L 2016 "Enfoque innovador de los laboratorios de física 1: formación para la investigación apoyada en TIC y estrategias de enseanza/aprendizaje" (Universidad Industrial de Santander) URL
Las competencias requeridas en investigacin y su grado de estmulo en Ingeniera mecnica del instituto tecnolgico superior de Cajeme
  • A Cota
Cota A 2011 "Las competencias requeridas en investigacin y su grado de estmulo en Ingeniera mecnica del instituto tecnolgico superior de Cajeme" (ITESCA) URL ponencias/25.pdf