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Sulfur - Containing Amino Acids Homocysteine And Taurine In Seizures: Current State Of The Art


Abstract and Figures

Background: Homocysteine and taurine are non-proteinogenic sulfur-containing amino acids with numerous important physiological roles. Homocysteine and taurine are considered to be neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, the first showing clear hyperexcitability role, while the second is known by its inhibitory and neuroprotective properties. Objective: In this article we addressed the role of homocysteine and its related metabolite homocysteine thiolactone in the development of seizures, focusing on its experimental models in vivo, potential mechanisms of proepileptogenic activity via interactions with glutamatergic neurotransmission, sodium pump activity, oxidative stress, cholinergic system and NO-mediated neuronal signaling, as well as the pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches to modulate its proconvulsive activity. Additionally, herein we will focus on taurine neuroprotective effects linked with its anticonvulsive properties and mediated by taurine interactions with GABA-ergic and glutamatergic system and oxidative stress.
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Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, 24, 1-13 1
0929-8673/17 $58.00+.00 © 2017 Bentham Science Publishers
Sulfur – Containing Amino Acids in Seizures: Current State of the Art
Dragan Hrnčića, Aleksandra Rašić-Markovića, Đuro Macutb, Dušan Mladenovićc,
Veselinka Šušićd, Dragan Djurića and Olivera Stanojlovića*
aLaboratory of Neurophysiology, Institute of Medical Physiology Richard Burian”, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; bCCS, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Bel-
grade, Serbia; cInstitute of Pathophysiology "Ljubodrag Buba Mihailovic", Faculty of Medicine, University
of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; dSerbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Received: November 02, 2016
Revised: May 15, 2017
Accepted: May 24, 2017
Abstract: Homocysteine and taurine are non-proteinogenic sulfur-containing amino acids
with numerous important physiological roles. Homocysteine and taurine are considered to
be neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, the first showing clear hyperexcitability role,
while the second is known by its inhibitory and neuroprotective properties.
In this article, we addressed the role of homocysteine and its related metabolite homocys-
teine thiolactone in the development of seizures, focusing on its experimental models in
vivo, potential mechanisms of pro-epileptogenic activity via interactions with glutamater-
gic neurotransmission, sodium pump activity, oxidative stress, cholinergic system and
NO-mediated neuronal signaling, as well as the pharmacological and non-
pharmacological approaches to modulate its proconvulsive activity. Additionally, herein
we will focus on taurine neuroprotective effects linked with its anticonvulsive properties
and mediated by taurine interactions with GABA-ergic and glutamatergic system and
oxidative stress.
Keywords: Homocysteine, taurine, amino acids, sulfur, seizures, epilepsy, oxidative stress, glutamate.
Methionine, cysteine, homocysteine, and taurine are
the four common sulfur-containing amino acids, but
only methionine and cysteine are incorporated into pro-
teins [1]. These sulfur-containing amino acids share
common metabolic pathway in which methionine could
be in the top/start, and taurine in the bottom/final part.
Although, homocysteine and taurine are non-
proteinogenic amino acids, they also play numerous,
important, physiological roles [1]. Both homocysteine
and taurine are considered to be neurotransmitters and
neuromodulators, the first showing the clear hyperex-
citability role, while the second is known for its inhibi-
tory and neuroprotective properties.
*Address correspondence to this author at the Institute of Medical
Physiology “Richard Burian”, Belgrade University School of Medi-
cine, Višegradska 26/II, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; Tel/Fax: ++381-
11-3607-106; E-mail:
Physiological blood concentrations of homocysteine
has been considered to be up to 15 µmol/l. Elevated
level of homocysteine has been recognized as an inde-
pendent risk factor for numerous disorders of various
organ systems, such as cardiovascular diseases, disor-
ders connected with the aging brain like cognitive de-
cline, vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, as
well as the cerebrovascular diseases and stroke [2-5].
Taurine is considered to be the most abundant free
amino acid in animal tissues. Namely, taurine ac-
counts for 3% of the free amino acid pool in plasma,
but this percentage is much higher in different tissues
ranging from 19% in the brain, up to 25.50 and 53%
in the liver, kidneys and muscles [1]. Besides its nu-
merous physiological roles related (not only) to cell
volume regulation, formation of bile salts, and ther-
moregulation [1, 6], taurine satisfies many of the cri-
teria for inclusion in the armamentaria of neurotrans-
mitters [7].
2 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 24, No. 00 Hrnčić et al.
In this article, we will address the role of homocys-
teine and its related metabolites in the development of
seizures, focusing its experimental modeling, potential
mechanisms of pro-epileptogenic activity and pharma-
cological and non-pharmacological approaches to
modulate its proconvulsive activity. Also, herein we
will focus on taurine neuroprotective attributes linked
with its anticonvulsive effects.
Homocysteine together with its metabolites, primar-
ily homocysteine thiolactone, is one of the excitatory
factors in the framework of new concepts in the devel-
opment of hyperexcitability [8]. Metabolism of homo-
cysteine is closely related to the metabolism of me-
thionine. Briefly, this relationship is as follows (Fig. 1).
Methionine is converted to S-adenosyl methionine
(SAM) which is a donor of methyl groups in numerous
reactions of methylation. SAM is converted to S-
adenosyl homocysteine (SAH), which is converted to
homocysteine after hydrolysis. Further metabolic fate
of homocysteine occurs in two ways: remethylation
and/or transsulfuration. In the process of remethylation,
homocysteine is converted to methionine by a ubiqui-
tously distributed enzyme methionine synthase in the
presence of vitamin B12 or by betaine-homocysteine
methyltransferase (BHMT), distributed in the liver and
kidneys. On the other hand, the transsulfuration process
takes place under the catalytic action of cystathionine -
beta synthase (CBS), and as a result cystathionine and
then cysteine is created. It should be noted that vitamin
B6 is necessary for the performance of the described
process of transsulfuration [9, 10].
One of the most reactive metabolites of homocys-
teine is homocysteine thiolactone, which is believed to
be responsible for many deleterious effects of homo-
cysteine, regardless of the fact that it constitutes up to
1% of the total homocysteine in plasma (0 to 34.8
nmol/l is physiological concentration). Methionyl-
tRNA synthetase is responsible for this conversion
[10], but reconversion of homocysteine thiolactone in
homocysteine is possible by the activity of the enzymes
bleomycin hydrolase and the paraoxonase 1 [11-13].
The brain is particularly vulnerable to high concen-
trations of homocysteine, since it does not possess
BHMT enzyme and therefore betain-remethylation of
homocysteine is not possible. Homocysteine enters
neurons via the Na+-dependent membrane transporter
[14]. Homocysteine thiolactone systemic application
causes neurotoxicity, convulsions and death in experi-
mental animals [15]. In addition, the toxic effect of
homocysteine thiolactone is possible related to its me-
tabolism into homocysteic acid [12].
Kubova et al. [16] reported epileptic phenomenon in
homocysteine thiolactone - treated rats in the form of
flexion seizures, observed in young, but never seen in
25-day-old rats. Homocysteine was revealed to elicit
clonic and generalized tonic-clonic seizures during on-
togenesis in immature rats [16, 17].
Stanojlović et al. [18] have shown that intraperito-
neal administration of homocysteine thiolactone to
adult rats is a suitable model of generalized epilepsy. It
is characterized by well-defined motor phenomena in
the behavior of animals, as well as by the characteristic
bioelectrical phenomena in the EEG. These phenomena
meet, by their characteristics, the criteria of ictal phe-
nomena known as spike-wave discharges (SWD) corre-
lated with the absence type of behavioral manifesta-
tions. Alterations in the neural circuits induced by ho-
mocysteine thiolactone are characterized by coexis-
tence of convulsive and absence seizures in behavior
and SWD in the EEG patterns. All these findings, to-
gether with clinical findings of seizure symptoms in
patients with severe hyperhomocysteinemia, tightly
linked homocysteine and its related compounds with
seizure activity.
2.1. Modeling Experimental Chronic Hyperhomo-
cysteinemia in vivo: Tools for Discovering Underly-
ing Mechanisms
Hyperhomocysteinemia stands for elevated concen-
tration of homocysteine in the blood and is defined as
total homocysteine level greater than 15 µmol/l. Ab-
normalities in the regulatory enzymes (CBS or thermo-
labile methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase - MTHFR)
or cofactors (folate, vitamin B12, vitamin B6) involved
in the metabolism of homocysteine could result in the
development of hyperhomocysteinemia and it is fre-
quently classified as mild (homocysteine in the range
of 15 - 30 µmol/l) moderate (31- 100 µmol/l) and se-
vere (level of homocysteine exceeds 100 µmol/l) [19,
20]. The deficit of folic acid, vitamin B6 and/or vita-
min B12 in diet usually results in mild hyperhomocys-
teinemia, while genetic factors, certain medications,
and renal diseases may also be the contributing factors
[21], while severe hyperhomocysteinemia is a result of
homozygous genetic defects, such as lack of CBS or
MTHFR. Severe hyperhomocysteinemia is rare, while
mild and moderate hyperhomocysteinemia are signifi-
cantly more spread in different populations [19], and
Homocysteine, Taurine and Seizures Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 24, No. 00 3
Fig. (1). The schematic illustration of major metabolic pathways of homocysteine and taurine. Abbreviations are as follow:
BHMT betaine-homocysteine methyltransferase; CBS Cysthatione beta synthetase; CDO - cysteine dioxigenase; CγL - cys-
tathione - gamma lyase; CSD - cysteine sulfonic acid decarboxylase; HD - hypotaurine dyhydrogenase ; MRS -Methionyl-
tRNA synthetase; MS methionine synthase MT methyl transferases; MTHFR methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase; PO1
paraoxonase 1; THF tetrahydrofolate Details could be find in the text of the article.
are recognized risk factors for development of numer-
ous cardiovascular [5, 22], neurological and other dis-
eases (diabetes, psoriasis and malignant diseases) [23].
According to Sener et al. [24], some antiepileptic drugs
have potential to induce hyperhomocysteinemia.
Namely, classic antiepileptic drugs such as phenytoin,
carbamazepine and valproate reduced the concentration
of folate levels and produced increased homocysteine
levels. The capability of these drugs to raise homocys-
teine levels might actually contribute to the poor sei-
zure control, as well as to the hyperhomocysteinemia
linked diseases in these patients. Therefore, the rela-
tionship between homocysteine and epileptogenesis has
been emphasized by these findings, especially when we
have in mind that antiepileptic pharmacotherapy is the
long-lasting one.
The significant impetus of hyperhomocysteinemia
proved in clinical practice and experimental studies in
different branches of medicine was the main reason to
create and develop several experimental models of
chronic hyperhomocysteinemia. These models differ in
type and gender of experimental subjects, applied sub-
stances, ways of its administration, duration of the ex-
periment and others [8]. Therefore, several experimen-
tal models of hyperhomocysteinemia have been estab-
lished [25]. Nutritional alterations, such as diets low in
folate and/or vitamin B12 [26], enriched with me-
thionine [27, 28] or a combination of vitamin B com-
plex deficiency and increased content of methionine
[28] are the most common ways to establish the ex-
perimental model of mild hyperhomocysteinemia. Se-
vere hyperhomocysteinemia is developed in CBS
4 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 24, No. 00 Hrnčić et al.
knock-out mice [29]. A common way of experimental
chronic hyperhomocysteinemia generation is the ex-
ogenous application of homocysteine or its metabolites
[30]. Wistar rats [25, 30, 31] and Spregue -Dawley rats
[32-34] are the most commonly used, regardless of be-
ing males [31] or females [25, 27]. Ways of a drug de-
livery vary from intraperitoneal and subcutaneous in-
jections to modifications in the rat chaw and water con-
tent. The length of the experimental intervention is also
variable, from 7 days to 3 months [8]. Therefore, from
our standpoint, that differences in the observed effects
of these interventions [25] could be consequences of
above-mentioned variations (described in details else-
where [8]).
Hrnčić et al. [35] developed a model of chronic
moderate hyperhomocysteinemia by methionine nutri-
tional overload. For this purpose, we used Wistar al-
bino rats, males, and methionine - enriched food (7.7
g/kg, double content of methionine comparing to stan-
dard rat chaw provided to control animals) during one
month. We believe that genetically intact animals on
hypermethionine diet are equivalent to the methionine-
rich diet in the general human population; thus the use
of diet with high content of methionine might be a
good choice in inducing chronic hyperhomocysteine-
mia in the translational studies.
2.2. Pro-epileptic Mechanisms of Homocysteine and
Related Metabolites
Shedding the light on the relationship between ho-
mocysteine and the CNS dysfunction is vital for
improving the treatment of neurological disorders
whose mechanisms include homocysteine [4]. The role
of homocysteine and its derivatives in the development
of neurotoxicity and hyperexcitability requires further
investigations. The accumulation of homocysteine in
the brain increases intracellular levels of SAH, a potent
inhibitor of many methylation reactions, while the im-
pairment of methylation processes could result in in-
creased permeability of the blood-brain barrier [36].
Homocysteine deleterious neuronal effects have been
linked to the increased glutamatergic neurotransmis-
sion [4]. Beside this mechanism we will further discuss
the involvement of sodium pump activity, oxidative
stress, cholinergic system and NO-mediated signaling
in the homocysteine effects related to its epileptiform
activity (Fig. 2).
2.2.1. Homocysteine via Glutamatergic Receptors
Homocysteine has been reported to activate
ionotropic glutamate receptors [37], but also to activate
the groups I and III of metabotropic glutamate recep-
tors [12, 38]. The metabolic products of homocysteine
are also very potent neurotoxins acting as agonists of
these receptors [39], which are expressed in hippocam-
pal pyramidal cells and may be directly responsible for
excitotoxic cell death. However, NMDA receptors are
not exclusively expressed in neurons, since cardiomyo-
cytes as well as endothelial cells from cerebral tissue
contain this receptor complex. Our studies [40] on ex-
perimental model of homocysteine seizures, dealing
with MK-801 as NMDA antagonist, and ifenprodil (as
NR2B-selective NMDA antagonist), confirmed in-
volvement of these mechanisms in homocysteine
thiolactone - induced epileptogenesis. We demon-
strated that MK-801 administered prior to homocys-
teine thiolactone significantly decreased the number
and the intensity of convulsive episodes, and even de-
creased lethality 90 min after homocysteine injection.
However, the effects of homocysteine on NMDA
receptors have been described as dual and dependent
on glycine concentration [37, 41]. Namely, in condi-
tions of increased concentrations of glycine, even small
concentrations of homocysteine could be excitotoxic.
On the other side, at low concentrations of glycine,
homocysteine acts as a partial antagonist at glycine site
and inhibits the NMDA receptor, preventing deleteri-
ous effects in normohomocysteinaemia. It is also be-
lieved that homocysteine indirectly potentiate gluta-
mate-induced neurotoxicity, since the initial Ca2+ influx
through NMDA receptors stimulates the release of glu-
tamate, which further activates metabotropic glutamate
receptors and leads to a secondary Ca2+ ion influx, re-
sulting in excitotoxicity [41]. Moreover, homocysteine
was reported to affect turnover of other endogenous
excitatory amino acids [17]. Ethanol has been shown to
inhibit NMDA-induced Ca2+ influx and cyclic GMP
production, as well as to affect other neurotransmitter
systems, primarily glutamate and GABA [42]. Rašić-
Marković A. et al. [43] reported alterations in the total
spectral power density upon ethanol and homocysteine
thiolactone treatments in rats. Indeed, we found that
ethanol action on electrographic pattern is biphasic,
with potentiation of epileptiform activity in one dose
range and depression in another one.
2.2.2. The Role of the Na+/K+-ATPase Activity in Ho-
mocysteine Seizures
Alterations in the Na+/K+-ATPase activity have
been recognized as a mechanism implicated in seizure
generation [44], since it is one of the main enzymes
included in maintaining the high gradients of Na+ and
K+ ions across the cell membrane [45]. Also, it is be-
lieved that impaired Na+/K+-ATPase activity affects the
Homocysteine, Taurine and Seizures Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 24, No. 00 5
Fig. (2). The role of homocysteine and taurine in seizures. Potential mechanisms by which homocysteine and taurine affect
seizures are illustrated. These mechanisms are discussed in details in 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2 sections of the article.
release of GABA and glutamate, what could be a pos-
sible way of evoking hyperexcitability [44].
The effects of homocysteine and related compounds
on the activity of Na+/K+-ATPase have been studied
both in vitro and in vivo. Homocysteine in vitro led to
the inhibition of Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the rat parie-
tal, prefrontal, and cingulated cortex, while chronic hy-
perhomocysteinemia decreased the activity of this en-
zyme in the parietal cortex, but increased it in the pre-
frontal cortex, and had no effect on Na+/K+-ATPase ac-
tivity in the cingulated cortex [46]. Strong inhibition of
the hippocampal Na+/K+-ATPase was observed on ho-
mocysteine application in high dose to immature rats
[47]. The congruent results were reported for the parietal
cortex upon subcutaneous injection of homocysteine
[48]. In an in vivo study, we explored the effects of ho-
mocysteine thiolactone applied in the same dose that
provoked seizures, as well as equimolar concentration of
homocysteine on the Na+/K+-ATPase activity in the
brain cortex, the hippocampus and the brain stem of
adult male rats [49]. We demonstrated a moderate inhi-
bition of the rat hippocampal Na+/K+-ATPase activity by
homocysteine without a significant effect on the cortex
and the brain stem Na+/K+-ATPase activity, in contrast
to homocysteine thiolactone which strongly inhibited
Na+/K+-ATPase activity in all of these brain regions
[49]. It was supposed that the homocysteine - induced
impairment of the Na+/K+-ATPase activity could be a
consequence of the oxidation of thiol groups within this
enzyme and that homocysteine inhibits in a non-
competitive manner Na+/K+-ATPase with ATP [50].
Acute application of folic acid and L-arginine pre-
vented the inhibitory effect of homocysteine thiolac-
tone on the Na+/K+-ATPase activity what we demon-
strated in studies from our laboratory [51, 52]. Re-
cently, we reported that subchronic supplementation
with folic acid and L-arginine per se increased the
Na+/K+-ATPase activity. However, folic acid and L-
arginine were able to prevent the inhibitory effect of
homocysteine thiolactone and even increase Na+/K+-
ATPase activity [53].
2.2.3. The Role of the Cholinergic System in Deleteri-
ous Effects of Homocysteine
The cholinergic system has been investigated as one
of the possible targets of homocysteine, specifically the
enzyme acetylcholinesterase, which basic physiological
role is to terminate the acetylcholine action on mus-
carinic and nicotinic receptors. However, acetylcho-
linesterase may have other non-enzymatic functions,
like trophic effects, effects on cell proliferation and
differentiation, as well as the response to various stim-
uli, including stress [54]. Inhibition of the acetylcho-
linesterase activity is partly responsible for the neuro-
toxic effects of lindane [55], as well as some other pes-
ticides. The seizure model induced by soman is devel-
oped by irreversible inhibition of acetylcholinesterase
with the consequent hyperactivity of cholinergic sys-
tem [56]. Acetylcholine potentiates the NMDA-
induced frequency of interictal discharges in the hippo-
campus via activation of muscarinic receptors [57].
Activation of the cholinergic system could suppress
excitation processes by increasing the release of GABA
from the interneuron terminals [58]. The link between
cholinergic system dysregulation and epileptogenesis
could also involve the immune system [59].
It has been shown that hyperhomocysteinemia de-
creases the acetylcholinesterase activity in vitro; with
6 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 24, No. 00 Hrnčić et al.
oxidative stress being accused as a major mediator
[60]. On the other hand, in vitro studies have shown
that methionine has no effect, and homocysteine inhib-
its butyrylcholinesterase [61] in a manner of competi-
tive inhibition. Studies in vivo and in vitro showed that
acute hyperhomocysteinemia inhibits the activity of
cholinesterase in the serum of humans and rats. Acute
application of homocysteine thiolactone decreased the
acetylcholinesterase activity in the brain and heart tis-
sue, without affecting this enzyme in the rat blood [62].
We have shown the effects of chronic mild hyper-
homocysteinemia induced by methionine nutritional
overload in rats on the activity of acetylcholinesterase
in different brain regions. Results of this study showed
that hyperhomocysteinemia, elicited by methionine
nutritional overload over 30 days, decreased the acetyl-
cholinesterase activity in the cortex, hippocampus,
thalamus, and nc. caudatus, but the observed inhibition
was statistically significant only in the cortex [35]. It is
known that acetylcholinesterase exists in different iso-
forms due to post-translational modifications. This fact
may be potential reason for the selective vulnerability
of different brain regions proved in the mentioned
study. The cortex has shown the greatest sensitivity to
hyperhomocysteinemia induced by hypermethionine
diet in our reported study.
2.2.4. Implications of NO-mediated Signaling in Ho-
mocysteine-induced Epileptic Activity
NO-mediated signaling in epileptogenesis has been
one of the challenging issues in shedding more lights
on underling mechanism of epileptic activity [63], but
also in functioning of other organ systems, like gastro-
intestinal system [64]. The role of NO in epileptogene-
sis is highly ambiguous. Namely, numerous studies
indicated anticonvulsive activity of NO in different
experimental models of epileptic activity, while others
reported proconvulsive role for NO. These issues have
been reviewed in more details elsewhere [63].
We have investigated the role of NO in the homo-
cysteine epileptic activity by using L-arginine and L-
NAME as modulators of NO production [35]. Namely,
NO is synthesized from L-arginine by the activity of
the family of enzymes known as NO synthases (NOS).
Our results showed that the systemic administration of
L-arginine significantly decreased the seizure incidence
and the number of seizure episodes and prolonged la-
tency time to the first seizure elicited by the convulsive
dose of homocysteine thiolactone. On the contrary, L-
NAME increased the seizure incidence and severity
and shortened the latency time to the first seizure fol-
lowing homocysteine application in the subconvulsive
dose. Moreover, EEG analysis showed that L-arginine
decreased, while L-NAME increased the number of
SWD per rat. These results showed the functional in-
volvement of NO in the homocysteine-induced convul-
sive activity.
The effects of NO could be related to the type of
NOS involved in its production. Namely, neural
(nNOS), endothelial NOS (eNOS) and inducible NOS
(iNOS) have been identified, so far [65]. Therefore, we
further investigated contribution of nNOS and iNOS in
functional role of NO in homocysteine-mediated sei-
zures. nNOS is found to be expressed in the hippocam-
pus, cerebral cortex, corpus striatum and cerebellum
[66]. Pharmacological inhibition of nNOS by 7-
nitroindazole has been used to investigate the involve-
ment of nNOS in the model of homocysteine thiolac-
tone seizures [67]. In this study, 7-nitroindazole
showed tendency to increase seizure incidence, de-
crease latency time to first seizure, increase number of
seizure episodes per rat and increase severity of these
seizures. It is believed that iNOS is a major contributor
to the CNS inflammatory/degenerative conditions via
excessive NO production [68]. Its overexpression has
been reported in brains of epilepsy patients and some
spontaneously epileptic mice [69, 70]. We have dem-
onstrated the involvement of iNOS-derived NO in ho-
mocysteine -mediated seizures by using aminogua-
nidine, a selective iNOS inhibitor [71]. In this study we
observed that treatment with aminoguanidine increased
behavioral seizure properties. Quantitative analysis of
ictal activity in EEG showed congruent results.
The anticonvulsive properties of NO derived by
nNOS and iNOS in epileptic activity elicited by homo-
cysteine thiolactone has been proposed to be a result of
several possible mechanisms, as well as the interplay
between NO and HCT on various levels, i.e. interaction
at NMDA and GABA receptors, including the relation-
ship of NO with NMDA and GABA receptors, neu-
rodegeneration and cytoprotection and oxidative stress
[63, 72].
2.2.5. Implications of Brain Oxidative Stress in Dele-
terious Effects of Homocysteine: Link with Folic Acid
Oxidative stress is one of the mechanisms believed
to be responsible for various damages caused by homo-
cysteine [73], especially in the CNS where response to
oxidative stress is not uniform [74] and the brain being
particularly vulnerable to oxidative stress for several
reasons [75].
We recently reported the effects of chronic hyper-
homocysteinemia induced by methionine nutritional
Homocysteine, Taurine and Seizures Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 24, No. 00 7
overload on the oxidative stress in different brain struc-
tures [76]. Results of that study showed that lipid per-
oxidation was significantly increased in the cortex and
nc. caudatus of rats developing hyperhomocysteinemia,
and that there was no significant alterations in the level
of lipid peroxidation in the hippocampus and thalamus.
Other studies also showed an increase of oxidative
stress in the brain as a consequence of hyperhomocys-
teinemia [73]. In our study, hyperhomocysteinemia
didn't affect significantly activity of the superoxide
dismutase (SOD) in the brain. Catalase (CAT) activity
was significantly increased in the cortex and hippo-
campus, and highly significantly increased in the
thalamus by hyperhomocysteinemia. Content of glu-
tathione (GSH) was significantly increased in the
thalamus and nc. caudatus, and prominently in the hip-
pocampus. Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity was
significantly increased in the cortex and thalamus by
hyperhomocysteinemia. Different brain regions had
different response to oxidative stress: the cortex and nc.
caudate showed a higher sensitivity compared to the
hippocampus and thalamus. We hypothesized that
lower sensitivity of the thalamus and hippocampus to
oxidative damage may be explained, at least in part, by
increased activity of SOD and significant rise in activ-
ity of CAT and GPx, as well as significant rise in the
content of GSH in these brain areas. We believed that
increase in the activity of these enzymes may be an
adaptive response of brain cells to the neurotoxic ef-
fects of homocysteine. On the other hand, the cortex
and nc. caudatus were less and non-uniformly protected
by these mechanisms.
Folic acid prevented homocysteine-induced oxida-
tive stress in the central nervous and cardiovascular
system [77, 78]. Namely, folic acid decreased the
level of malondialdehyde [77, 79] and superoxide an-
ion [78]. Also, it prevented hyperhomocysteinemia-
provoked reduction of antioxidant enzymes in the rat
brain [77, 75]. Folic acid has been shown to reduce
blood homocysteine concentrations both in humans
and rats [80, 81], thus ameliorating the risk of hyper-
homocysteinemia [82]. At the same time, the link be-
tween epilepsy and folic acid is complex: it aggra-
vates or diminishes seizures (discussed elsewhere, see
[83, 84]).
We showed that high dose of folic acid (15 mg/kg,
i.p.) significantly decreased seizure incidence and pro-
longed the latency of the seizures induced by homocys-
teine thiolactone. In the same study from our labora-
tory, EEG analyses showed that acute folic acid de-
creased the mean total power spectral density and the
amplitude of spikes during ictal period in dose depend-
ent manner [85]. On the other hand, we also demon-
strated that subchronic supplementation with folic acid
(5 mg/kg) did not exacerbate behavioral seizure mani-
festations in a model of homocysteine seizures, without
significant alterations in spectral power densities of
ictal episodes [52]. Moreover, in our further study on
the supplementation with folic acid and L-arginine, we
concluded that subchronic supplementation with folic
acid and L-arginine had an antiepileptic effect.
Namely, behavioral characteristics of seizures in this
homocysteine model were not exacerbated, while the
EEG spectral power densities and amplitudes during
ictal periods were significantly decreased in rats sup-
plemented with folic acid and L-arginine compared
with the homocysteine group [53].
2.3. Non -pharmacological Approaches to Modulate
Homocysteine Epileptiform Activity
Sleep is a cyclic vital physiological process consist-
ing of REM and NON-REM sleep and it makes one-
third of human life. Nearly 20% of the world’s popula-
tion is affected by different sleep impairments due to
sleep disorders or lifestyle alterations. The effects of
selective REM sleep deprivation on epileptiform activ-
ity of homocysteine thiolactone have been reported in
our earlier study [86]. In this study we used a platform
method to deprive REM (s. paradoxical) sleep in rats.
Results of that study showed that this kind of sleep
modulation increased the incidence and number of sei-
zure episodes per rat induced by subconvulsive dose of
homocysteine thiolactone. Behavioral analysis showed
that REM-sleep-deprived rats exhibited shorter latency
time to seizures, as well as significant lethality upon
homocysteine treatment without significant changes in
seizure severity. The number and duration of SWD
were significantly increased, while latency of SWD
appearance was decreased in EEG of REM-sleep-
deprived rats receiving homocysteine treatment there-
after. Based on these behavioral and EEG findings, it
was concluded that selective REM sleep deprivation
aggravated process of epileptogenesis in the model of
homocysteine seizures. We assumed that those altera-
tions observed upon REM sleep deprivation are par-
tially due to an imbalance in the neurotransmitter sys-
tems, like generalized down regulation of muscarinic
receptors, up-regulation of postsynaptic dopamine re-
ceptors and excitatory amino acid levels [87, 88, 89].
Regular physical activity has been proven as a bene-
ficial non-pharmacological intervention for different
diseases, from a cardiovascular to the CNS disorders
[90-92]. We investigated the effects of regular physical
activity on epileptic activity induced by homocysteine
8 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 24, No. 00 Hrnčić et al.
thiolactone using experimental paradigm of aerobic
physical activity on treadmill [93]. The results obtained
in that study [93] showed that the rats subjected to the
regular physical exercise training on treadmill during
30 consecutive days had significantly prolonged the
latency time in developing their first seizure sign. Fur-
thermore, significantly lower the number of seizure
episodes per rat induced by homocysteine thiolactone
was observed comparing with rats being sedentary dur-
ing the same period of time. Analysis of SWD appear-
ance in EEG showed significantly lower number of
SWDs in rats subjected to regular physical activity
comparing to sedentary mates. In the same study, we
showed that applied physical activity partially pre-
vented elevation of lipid peroxidation after homocys-
teine thiolactone administration, and prevented de-
crease of SOD and CAT activity. These findings al-
lowed us to conclude that physical activity decreased
susceptibility of rats for homocysteine epileptiform
activity, as well as to hypothesize that those effects
could be, at least in part, a consequence of improved
antioxidant enzymes activity. Moreover, physical activ-
ity may ameliorate some oxidative stress parameters in
the brain in a model of chronic hyperhomocysteinemia.
The roles of synaptic plasticity, neurogenesis, level of
neurotrophic factors and melatonin have been proposed
to contribute to the effects of physical activity, while
involvement of other mechanisms in observed effects
of physical activity have to be further investigated [72,
Although, homocysteine and taurine share some
common metabolic pathway features, they have distinct
roles in the homeostasis of the brain excitability. The
major route for the biosynthesis of taurine is from me-
thionine and cysteine via cysteine sulfinic acid decar-
boxylase (CSD), and typically requires oxidation of
hypotaurine to taurine as the final step [94]. CSD is
considered to be the rate-limiting enzyme in the bio-
synthesis of taurine [95]. It is expressed in the liver,
kidneys and the brain. It should be pointed out that
neurons can only produce taurine from hypotaurine
whereas glia can generate the whole synthesis [96]. For
details on taurine metabolic pathways see elsewhere
[97, 98].
Relationship between taurine and epilepsy has been
subject of research for a long time [99], but results are
not consistent, especially when it comes to translation
from animal models to clinical trials, as well as among
studies within each of these groups. These discrepan-
cies and possible reasons for them has been discussed
[99], underlying the lack of specific taurine antagonist
as tool for our better understanding of taurine link with
epileptic activity. However, taurine anticonvulsive ac-
tivity has been widely reported in the literature, espe-
cially when we have in mind results obtained in ex-
perimental animals. Namely, its anticonvulsive effects
have been proved in epilepsy models in different
strains from mice and rats to dogs and cats [7, 99]. Re-
cently, acute taurine has been reported to have anticon-
vulsive property in two similar mouse model of kainate
-induced seizures [100, 101]. At the same time, chronic
supplementation of 0.05% taurine in drinking water
increased the animal susceptibility to seizures. It should
be also pointed out that epileptic kindling in rats, as
well as the other epileptiform events, could affect the
level of taurine in brain regions known to be implicated
in epileptogenesis [102]. On the other hand, prelimi-
nary experiments in humans with epilepsy confirmed
the taurine antiepileptic attributes, but these studies
were small producing non - robust and inconsistent re-
sults [99].
Taurine interactions with GABA-ergic and glutama-
tergic system, as well as its antioxidative properties are
considered as major mediators of its anticonvulsive
effects (Fig. 2).
3.1. Glutamatergic and GABA-ergic System as Tar-
gets of Taurine Action
Taurine molecular structure is very similar to
GABA, and it has been shown that taurine affects the
opening of Cl- channels by interactions primarily with
GABAA receptors [103]. Namely, taurine has been
shown to hyperpolarize neurons in the hippocampus
[104]. Taurine is, therefore, considered to be an inhibi-
tory agent in the brain, causing hyperpolarization and
inhibition of neurons firing and cell membrane stabili-
zation [99, 105]. It is generally believed that taurine
protects neurons against glutamate - induced neurotox-
icity by preventing glutamate-induced membrane depo-
larization, excitotoxicity, elevation of intracellular free
calcium, mitochondrial energy failure, activation of
calpain, reduction of bcl-2 levels, and apoptosis [106,
107]. The downstream events by which taurine may
prevent glutamate-induced apoptosis has been summa-
rized by Ye et al. [107] and it includes ability of taurine
to prevent the glutamate-induced increase in intracellu-
lar free calcium.
Direct effects of taurine on NMDA receptors have
been proposed [108]. Namely, Chan et al. [108], using
Homocysteine, Taurine and Seizures Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 24, No. 00 9
electrophysiological and receptor binding approaches,
showed that taurine directly interact with NMDA recep-
tors via different mechanisms. In a further study they
showed that chronic taurine intraperitoneal application
increased expression of the NMDA GluN2B, but not
GluN1, subunit and decreased expression of the AMPA
GluR2 subunit in rat frontal cortex, suggesting GluN2B
subunit to be a major target for taurine action [109].
3.2. Taurine ameliorates oxidative stress
Taurine has been considered to be a potent antioxi-
dant agent [110]. This has been proved by its role in
stabilization of mitochondrial electron transport chain
and suppression of the reactive oxygen species genera-
tion [111]. This antioxidant property of taurine has
been considered from different clinical aspects [6, 98],
while the exact mechanisms for its antioxidant activity
has not been completely elucidated.
In a recent study, Han et al. [112] demonstrated that
taurine exerted protective effects against NMDA-
induced neuronal injury and suppressed the production
of reactive oxygen species, especially superoxide ani-
ons. In this study, taurine inhibited NMDA-induced
NADP oxidases activity by decreasing the protein ex-
pression and calcium influx. Therefore, they suggested
involvement of NAPDH oxidase inhibition in taurine
antioxidative action [112]. However, Noor et al. [113]
reported that daily taurine pretreatment for 3 days
failed to show any significant effect on the oxidative
stress induced in the hippocampus examined in a pilo-
carpine model of status epilepticus. On the contrary,
taurine prevented the hippocampal acetylcholinesterase
activity reduction during pilocarpine - induced status
epilepticus in that study. Zhu et al. [114] demonstrated
significant neuroprotective effect of taurine in amelio-
ration of hypoxic-ischemic brain damage in neonatal
rats. Namely, in this study taurine remarkably reduced
infarct volume, suppressed cell death, and ameliorated
histopathology injury. At the same time, antioxidant
enzyme activities were increased and lipid peroxidation
was decreased.
Beside homocysteine and taurine, as a non-
proteinogenic sulfur containing amino acids with the
most relevant roles in seizure induction and control, we
should also take into account the effects of L-cysteine
and N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC). The roles of other de-
rived sulfur-containing amino acids are scarcely re-
ported in the literature.
NAC is known for its antioxidant properties by free-
radical scavenging and increased levels of glutathione
in different tissues, including the central nervous sys-
tem [115]. Its role in seizure control has been investi-
gated in several experimental studies showing positive
effects in convulsive behavior ameliorations, however
dependent on the dose and route of administration.
Namely, NAC in dose of 200 mg/kg, but not in 100
mg/kg prolonged latency time to aminophylline- in-
duced seizures in mice [116]. NAC also showed good
properties to be add-on drug in seizure control, what
was shown with phenytoin and valproate in the ex-
perimental model of seizures in mice induced by
maximal electroshock [117]. Recently, Zaeri et al.
[118] showed that NAC exerts a dose-dependent anti-
convulsant effect in acute and chronic uses, with no
muscle relaxant activity, and they proposed NAC to be
used as a prophylactic treatment for absence seizure in
human. For further details of NAC in neurological and
psychiatric disorders, refer to recent review papers
Beside involvement in seizure promotion or control,
sulfur-containing amino acids are considered as bio-
markers of epilepsy with L-cysteine being especially
promising in this allay. Namely, recently Ling and
Patel [121] reported that the decreased cysteine and
ratio of cysteine/cystine in plasma could potentially
serve as redox biomarkers in temporal lobe epilepsy.
It is clear that homocysteine and taurine play nu-
merous, important, physiological and pathological
roles. They could be considered as neurotransmitters
and neuromodulators. Homocysteine and taurine stands
on the opposite sights, the first showing hyperexcitabil-
ity role, while the second has inhibitory and neuropro-
tective properties. Potential mechanisms of pro-
epileptogenic activity of homocysteine are mediated
via interactions with glutamatergic neurotransmission,
sodium pump activity, oxidative stress, cholinergic sys-
tem and NO-mediated neuronal signaling.
However, this puzzle mosaic of different pro-
epileptogenic mechanisms of homocysteine still miss-
ing many pieces in order to create a complete coherent
model. Taurine’s neuroprotective effects linked with its
anticonvulsive characteristics are mediated by its inter-
actions with GABA-ergic and glutamatergic system
and oxidative stress. Homocysteine and taurine medi-
ated effects in the CNS require further investigations in
order to explore its potential implications in pharma-
10 Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2017, Vol. 24, No. 00 Hrnčić et al.
Not applicable.
The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial
or otherwise.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Educa-
tion, Science and Technological Development of Ser-
bia (grant #175032).
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PMID: 28595553
... Administration of exogenous taurine improves glucose homeostasis in genetically obese animals (Santos-Silva et al., 2015), promotes an anxiolytic-like behavioral profile (Murakami and Furuse, 2010;Francisco and Guedes, 2015), acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule (Oliveira et al., 2010;Marcinkiewicz and Kontny, 2014) and rescues hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) from ammonia-induced impairment (Chepkova et al., 2006). Furthermore, taurine reportedly acts as a neuroprotectant in epilepsy, reducing or abolishing seizures (Junyent et al., 2011;Oja and Saransaari, 2013; see a recent review in Hrnčić et al., 2018). ...
... When administered to pregnant rat dams, taurine is capable of attenuating the impact of maternal food restriction on the progeny (Wang et al., 2017). Our data reinforce a recent suggestion that, in an excitability imbalance condition, taurine plays an inhibitory and neuroprotective role (Hrnčić et al., 2018). As a molecular structure that is very similar to the neurotransmitter GABA, taurine affects the opening of chloride channels, preferably by interactions with GABA A receptors and with lower affinity to the glycine and GABA B receptors in the adult brain (Oja and Saransaari, 2013;Hrnčić et al., 2018). ...
... Our data reinforce a recent suggestion that, in an excitability imbalance condition, taurine plays an inhibitory and neuroprotective role (Hrnčić et al., 2018). As a molecular structure that is very similar to the neurotransmitter GABA, taurine affects the opening of chloride channels, preferably by interactions with GABA A receptors and with lower affinity to the glycine and GABA B receptors in the adult brain (Oja and Saransaari, 2013;Hrnčić et al., 2018). Interestingly, extracellular chloride imbalance has been shown to affect CSD propagation in vitro in the isolated retina (Martins-Ferreira et al., 1974) and in vivo in the rabbit cortex (Guedes and Do Carmo, 1980). ...
Full-text available
This study aimed to evaluate the possible protective role of taurine on anxiety-like behavior, brain electrical activity and glial cell immunoreactivity in well-nourished and malnourished rats that were treated with a subconvulsing dose of pilocarpine. Newborn Wistar rats were subjected to normal or unfavorable lactation conditions, represented by the suckling of litters with 9 or 15 pups, resulting in well-nourished and malnourished animals, respectively. Each nutritional group was split into five subgroups that were treated from postnatal day (PND) 35 to 55 with 300 mg/kg/day of taurine + 45 mg/kg/day of pilocarpine (group T + P), taurine only (group T), pilocarpine only (group P), vehicle control (group V), or not treated control (group naïve; Nv). At PND56-58, the groups were subjected to the elevated plus-maze behavioral tests. Glycemia was measured on PND59. Between PND60 and PND65, the cortical spreading depression (CSD) was recorded in the cerebral cortex, and the levels of malondialdehyde and microglial and astrocyte immunoreactivity were evaluated in the cortex and hippocampus. Our data indicate that treatment with taurine and pilocarpine resulted in anxiolytic-like and anxiogenic behavior, respectively, and that nutritional deficiency modulated these effects. Both treatments decelerated CSD propagation and modulated GFAP- and Iba1-containing glial cells. Pilocarpine reduced body weight and glycemia, and administration of taurine was not able to attenuate the effects of pilocarpine. The molecular mechanisms underlying taurine action on behavioral and electrophysiological parameters in the normal and altered brain remain to be further explored.
... In a study, taurine was found to protect neurons from NMDAinduced injury while inhibiting the production of ROS, especially superoxide anions. Taurine has anticonvulsant effects by decreasing glutaminergic system activity and oxidative stress and increasing GABAergic system activity (Hrncic et al., 2018). ...
... In another study, taurine was shown to have an anti-inflammatory effect against SCI. It is also thought to play a protective role against secondary damage, giving it significant therapeutic potential (Hrncic et al., 2018). Evidence suggests that significant amounts of taurine are present in the central nervous system, suggesting that active transport occurs between cellular and extracellular spaces. ...
Taurine is a sulfur-containing, semi-essential amino acid that occurs naturally in the body. It alternates between inflammation and oxidative stress-mediated injury in various disease models. As part of its limiting functions, taurine also modulates endoplasmic reticulum stress, Ca2+ homeostasis, and neuronal activity at the molecular level. Taurine effectively protects against a number of neurological disorders, including stroke, epilepsy, cerebral ischemia, memory dysfunction, and spinal cord injury. Although various therapies are available, effective management of these disorders remains a global challenge. Approximately 30 million people are affected worldwide. The design of taurine formation could lead to potential drugs/supplements for the health maintenance and treatment of central nervous system disorders. The general neuroprotective effects of taurine and the various possible underlying mechanisms are discussed in this review. This article is a good resource for understanding the general effects of taurine on various diseases. Given the strong evidence for the neuropharmacological efficacy of taurine in various experimental paradigms, it is concluded that this molecule should be considered and further investigated as a potential candidate for neurotherapeutics, with emphasis on mechanism and clinical studies to determine efficacy.
... 4682 Homocysteine and taurine are considered to be neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Homocysteine has a hyperexcitability role, while taurine has inhibitory and neuroprotective properties (13) . After acute epilepsy seizures, amino acid changes in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were observed and may be limited to a reduction in the level of taurine (14) . ...
... Suárez et al. (23) stated that the biosynthesis of taurine is depending on nutritional state, protein intake, and cysteine accessibility, so it recorded highly variable among individuals. In current study, taurine level was decreased in patients compared to controls, this finding may be due to the lack of neuroprotective role of taurine in epileptic patients as explained by Hrncic et al. (13) . Our results of significantly decrease histidine amino acid in PRE patients than controls is in accordance with previous work by Gietzen et al. (24) ,who demonstrated that deficiencies of histidine exacerbate seizures, furthermore, limitation of histidine amino acid may excite the anterior pyriform cortex of the cerebrum, which contains a zone of high epileptogenicity. ...
... 4682 Homocysteine and taurine are considered to be neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Homocysteine has a hyperexcitability role, while taurine has inhibitory and neuroprotective properties (13) . After acute epilepsy seizures, amino acid changes in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were observed and may be limited to a reduction in the level of taurine (14) . ...
... Suárez et al. (23) stated that the biosynthesis of taurine is depending on nutritional state, protein intake, and cysteine accessibility, so it recorded highly variable among individuals. In current study, taurine level was decreased in patients compared to controls, this finding may be due to the lack of neuroprotective role of taurine in epileptic patients as explained by Hrncic et al. (13) . Our results of significantly decrease histidine amino acid in PRE patients than controls is in accordance with previous work by Gietzen et al. (24) ,who demonstrated that deficiencies of histidine exacerbate seizures, furthermore, limitation of histidine amino acid may excite the anterior pyriform cortex of the cerebrum, which contains a zone of high epileptogenicity. ...
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Background: Abnormal plasma levels of free amino acids may predict the severity in patients with drug resistant epilepsy (PRE), having probability to affect their therapeutic approach. Objectives:We aimed to illuminate the effect of plasma free amino acids (PFAAs) profiles on the etiology of patients with PRE and their contribution on the frequencies of epileptic fits. Patients and Methods:We collected clinical and metabolomic data of 90 subjects; 45 of them were PRE patients, and other 45 age and sex matched healthy controls. Quantitative measurements of PFAAs profiles using SykamAutomatic Amino Acid Analyzer S433, in addition to fasting blood sugar, liver function tests, kidney function tests and lipid profile also, were determined. Results: The plasma levels of glutamate, glycine and Gamma amino butyric acid(GABA) plasma levels were significantly increased in PRE group compared to controls (p˂0.0001),their plasma levels also showed significant increase with increased frequency of epileptic fits. Plasma leucine, phenylalanine, aspartate ,ornithine, citrulline, serine and alanine levels (p˂0.0001) were significantly increased in PRE group in relation to healthy controls. Interestingly, on the other hand, histidine, isoleucine, lysine, threonine and the amino acid derivative taurine levels were significantly decreased in PRE patients compared to healthy controls. Conclusion:Few biomarkers of PRE are available to find the severity and rate of progressionof PRE. The present study showed that altered plasma amino acids and their derivatives may be candidate markers for PRE, help explaining its pathogenesis, and for further researches concerning normalization of the disturbed amino acid/s or its derivative/s (GABA and taurine) in managing PRE patients.
... Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) refers to abnormally high levels of plasma/serum homocysteine (Hcy) and is a risk factor for thromboembolic disease with highly variable symptoms including atherosclerosis, cerebral infarction, and pulmonary embolism (Son and Lewis, 2022). Some brainrelated disorders, including epilepsy, have also been reported to be associated with HHcy (Hrncic et al., 2018). At present, folate supplementation is a common treatment for HHcy, while the efficacy may be affected by many factors (Du et al., 2018;Li et al., 2020). ...
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Background: Hyperhomocysteinemia (HHcy) is a risk factor for thromboembolic disease. Defects in one-carbon metabolism (1-CM)-related genes, such as methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase, cyclohydrolase, and formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase 1 (MTHFD1), can cause HHcy and may also affect the efficacy of folic acid therapy. The details of mechanisms are yet to be further investigated. Method: We described a Chinese family with hereditary HHcy. The proband suffered from severe thromboembolic disease and experienced failure of folic acid therapy. Two sons of the proband were also diagnosed with HHcy but were sensitive to folic acid therapy. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) was conducted to evaluate the genetic lesion of this family. Results: Compound heterozygous variants (a common polymorphism, p. A222V, and a novel variant, p. C631*fs*1) of the MTHFR gene and a homozygous missense variant (p. K134R) of the MTHFD1 gene were identified in the proband. The two sons, with successful intervention, only harbored the homozygous p. A222V variant of the MTHFR gene. Conclusion: The clinical manifestations and genetic research synergistically confirmed the diagnosis of HHcy and clarified the failure of folic acid therapy in the proband caused by doubly bi-allelic variants of the MTHFR and MTHFD1 genes. Our study increased our understanding of the molecular basis of 1-CM-related gene defects on folic acid therapy in HHcy.
... The results of the hepatopancreas metabolomics analysis showed that amino acids, secondary metabolites, and metabolite cofactors were alternated after drought exposure. Methionine and cysteine, as primary sulfur amino acids (SAAs), play crucial roles in protein structure, metabolism, oxidation, and immunity [45,46]. Cysteine is extremely antioxidative because of the high sensitivity to ROS [47]. ...
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Freshwater ecosystems are among the most threatened ecosystems on Earth. The freshwater biodiversity crisis has caused widespread global concern. Drought as one of the factors causing freshwater biodiversity is still poorly understood. Crayfish is often used in academic research as a biological indicator. In this study, flow cytometry, hematoxylin-eosin staining, and untargeted metabolomics were used to analyze the immune function, histopathology, and metabolism of crayfish under drought conditions. After drought exposure, the total hemocytes count (THC) was significantly decreased (from 8.9 × 105 mL−1 in the control group to 2.2 × 105 mL−1 at day 5). Phagocytosis decreased by 66% after 5 days of drought. The level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the hepatopancreas was upregulated. Moreover, histological disorder and metabolism changes in the hepatopancreas were obvious. These results indicate that drought suppresses immune function, disrupts the balance of oxidative and antioxidative systems, and induces tissue damage and metabolic changes in crayfish.
... In addition, Hcy also showed propensity to alter the activity of acetylcholinesterase activity in rats with HHcy (Hrnčić et al. 2014c). In that manner, Hcy could be considered as neuromodulator, bearing in mind its indisputable hyperexcitability properties (Hrnčić et al. 2014d(Hrnčić et al. , 2018. ...
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Homocysteine, sulfhydryl group containing amino acid, is intermediate product during metabolism of the amino acids methionine and cysteine. Hyperhomocysteinema (HHcy) is used as a predictive risk factor for cardiovascular disorders, the stroke progression, screening for inborn errors of Met metabolism, and as a supplementary test for vitamin B12 deficiency. Two organic systems in which homocysteine (Hcy) has the most harmful effects are the cardiovascular and nervous system. The adverse effects of Hcy are achieved by the action of several different mechanisms, such as overactivation of NMDA receptors, activation of TLR-4, disturbance in Ca2+ handling, increased activity of NADPH oxidase and subsequent increase of production of reactive oxygen species, increased activity of NOS and NOS uncoupling and consequent impairment in NO and ROS synthesis. Increased production of reactive species during HHcy are related with increased expression of several proinflammatory cytokines, including IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α, MCP-1, and intracellular adhesion molecule-1. All these mechanisms contribute to the emergence of diseases like atherosclerosis and related complications such as myocardial infarction, stroke, aortic aneurysm, as well as Alzheimer disease and epilepsy. This review provides evidence that supports the causal role for HHcy in the development of CVD and nervous system disorders.
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All known organisms encode 20 canonical amino acids by base triplets in the genetic code. The cellular translational machinery produces proteins consisting mainly of these amino acids. Several hundred natural amino acids serve important functions in metabolism, as scaffold molecules, and in signal transduction. New side chains are generated mainly by post-translational modifications, while others have altered backbones, such as the β- or γ-amino acids, or they undergo stereochemical inversion, e.g., in the case of D-amino acids. In addition, the number of non-canonical amino acids has further increased by chemical syntheses. Since many of these non-canonical amino acids confer resistance to proteolytic degradation, they are potential protease inhibitors and tools for specificity profiling studies in substrate optimization and enzyme inhibition. Other applications include in vitro and in vivo studies of enzyme kinetics, molecular interactions and bioimaging, to name a few. Amino acids with bio-orthogonal labels are particularly attractive, enabling various cross-link and click reactions for structure-functional studies. Here, we cover the latest developments in protease research with non-canonical amino acids, which opens up a great potential, e.g., for novel prodrugs activated by proteases or for other pharmaceutical compounds, some of which have already reached the clinical trial stage.
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Moderately elevated plasma total homocysteine (tHcy) is a strong modifiable risk factor for vascular dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Prospectively, elevated tHcy is associated with cognitive decline, white matter damage, brain atrophy, neurofibrillary tangles, and dementia. Most homocysteine-lowering trials with folate and vitamins B6 and/or B12 tested as protective agents against cognitive decline were poorly designed by including subjects unlikely to benefit during the trial period. In contrast, trials in high-risk subjects, which have taken into account the baseline B vitamin status, show a slowing of cognitive decline and of atrophy in critical brain regions, results that are consistent with modification of the Alzheimer's disease process. Homocysteine may interact with both risk factors and protective factors, thereby identifying people at risk but also providing potential strategies for early intervention. Public health steps to slow cognitive decline should be promoted in individuals who are at risk of dementia, and more trials are needed to see if simple interventions with nutrients can prevent progression to dementia.
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The aim of this study was to examine the effects of a methionine-enriched diet on anxiety-related behavior in rats and to determine the role of the brain oxidative status in these alterations. Adult male Wistar rats were fed from the 30th to 60th postnatal day with standard or methionine-enriched diet (double content comparing with standard diet: 7.7 g/kg). Rats were tested in open field and light-dark tests and afterwards oxidative status in the different brain regions were determined. Hyperhomocysteinemia induced by methionine-enriched diet in this study decreased the number of rearings, as well as the time that these animals spent in the center of the open field, but increased index of thigmotaxy. Oxidative status was selectively altered in the examined regions. Lipid peroxidation was significantly increased in the cortex and nc. caudatus of rats developing hyperhomocysteinemia, but unaltered in the hippocampus and thalamus. Based on the results of this research, it could be concluded that hyperhomocysteinemia induced by methionine nutritional overload increased anxiety-related behavior in rats. These proanxiogenic effects could be, at least in part, a consequence of oxidative stress in the rat brain.
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Currently the field of epilepsy lacks peripheral blood-based biomarkers that could predict the onset or progression of chronic seizures following an epileptogenic injury. Thiol/disulfide ratios have been shown to provide a sensitive means of assessing the systemic redox potential in tissue and plasma. In this study, we utilized a rapid, simple and reliable method for simultaneous determination of several thiol-containing amino acids in plasma using HPLC with electrochemical detection in kainic acid (KA) and pilocarpine rat models of epilepsy. In contrast to GSH and GSSG levels, the levels of cysteine (Cys) were decreased by 42% and 62% and cystine (Cyss) were increased by 46% and 23% in the plasma of KA- and pilocarpine-injected rats, respectively after 48hours. In chronically epileptic rats, plasma cysteine was decreased by 40.4% and 37.7%, and plasma GSSG increased by 33.8% and 35.0% following KA and pilocarpine, respectively. Treatment of rats with a catalytic antioxidant, 60min after KA or pilocarpine significant attenuated the decrease of plasma Cys/Cyss ratios at the 48hour time point in both models. These observations suggest that the decreased cysteine and ratio of Cys/Cyss in plasma could potentially serve as redox biomarkers in temporal lobe epilepsy.
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Influence of folic acid on the CNS is still unclear. Folate has a neuroprotective effect, while on the other hand excess folate can exacerbate seizures in epileptics. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of subchronic administration of folic acid on behavioural and electroencephalographic (EEG) characteristics of DL homocysteine thiolactone induced seizures in adult rats. The activity of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and Mg(2+)-ATPase in different brain regions was investigated. Adult male Wistar rats were divided into groups: 1. Controls (C, 0.9% NaCl); 2. DL homocysteine-thiolactone 8.0 mmol/kg (H); 3. Subchronic supplementation with folic acid 5 mg/kg for 7 days (F) and 4. Subchronic supplementation with F + single dose of H (FH). Seizure behaviour was assessed by incidence, latency, number and intensity of seizure episodes. Seizure severity was described by a descriptive scale with grades 0-4. For EEG recordings, three gold-plated recording electrodes were implanted into the skull. Subchronic supplementation with folic acid did not affect seizure incidence, median number of seizure episodes and severity in FH, comparison with H (p > 0.05). The majority of seizure episodes in all groups were of grade 2. There were no significant differences in lethal outcomes at 24 h upon H injection in the FH vs. H group. The activity of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and Mg(2+)-ATPase was significantly increased in almost all examined structures in the FH vs. H group. Subchronic folic acid administration did not exacerbate H induced seizures and completely recovered the activity of ATPases.
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As an endogenous neuromodulator in the CNS, Taurine interacts with TAG (6-aminomethyl-3-methyl-4H-1,2,4-benzothiadiazine 1,1-dioxide)-sensitive and TAG-insensitive receptors. Taurine activates the former by opening a Cl⁻ channel and the latter by inhibiting the glutamate NMDA receptor. We sought to resolve the site of taurine’s interaction with the NMDA receptor. We recorded evoked field potential in medial prefrontal cortical slices and compared its dose-dependent inhibition by Ro25-6981, a selective antagonist for the GluN1/GluN2B NMDA receptor sub-type, in the absence or presence of taurine. The result revealed that inhibition of evoked responses mediated by taurine overlapped with that by Ro25-6981, suggesting that taurine modulates NMDA receptor by acting on the NMDA GluN1/GluN2B receptor sub-type. Displacement of specific binding of [³H]spermidine and of [³H]taurine to crude frontal cortical membranes by spermine and spermidine showed that polyamines and taurine may interact at a common binding site, possibly localized at the GluN1 or GluN2B subunit. We also tested for long-term taurine actions on glutamate receptor subunits using western blot determination of NMDA and AMPA receptor subunits expression in synaptosomal membranes prepared from rat frontal cortex following chronic taurine treatment. Thirty daily i.p. injections of taurine (100 mg/kg) significantly increased expression of the NMDA GluN2B, but not GluN1, subunit and decreased expression of the AMPA GluR2 subunit. The up-regulation of the GluN2B subunit suggests its long-term interaction with taurine, and supports its being a major target for taurine action. Down-regulation of the AMPA GluR2 subunit is possibly correlated to an increased recruitment of the GluR2-subunit-lacking, calcium-permeable subtype of AMPA receptor.
Taurine is an abundant amino acid in the nervous system, which has been proved to possess antioxidation, osmoregulation and membrane stabilization. Previously it has been demonstrated that taurine exerts ischemic brain injury protective effect. This study was designed to investigate whether the protective effect of taurine has the possibility to be applied to treat neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain damage. Seven-day-old Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with left carotid artery ligation followed by exposure to 8% oxygen to generate the experimental group. The cerebral damage area was measured after taurine post-treatment with 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining, Hematoxyline-Eosin (HE) staining and Nissl staining. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), myeloperoxtidase (MPO), ATP and Lactic Acid productions were assayed with ipsilateral hemisphere homogenates. Western-blot and immunofluorescence assay were processed to detect the expressions of AIF, Cyt C, Bax, Bcl-2 in brain. We found that taurine significantly reduced brain infarct volume and ameliorated morphological injury obviously reversed the changes of SOD, MDA, GSH-Px, T-AOC, ATP, MPO, and Lactic Acid levels. Compared with hypoxic-ischemic group, it showed marked reduction of AIF, Cyt C and Bax expressions and increase of Bcl-2 after post-treatment. We conclude that taurine possesses efficacious neuroprotective effect after cerebral hypoxic-ischemic damage in neonatal rats.
It is well established that taurine shows potent protection against glutamate-induced injury to neurons in stroke. The neuroprotection may result from multiple mechanisms. Increasing evidences suggest that NADPH oxidases (Nox), the primary source of superoxide induced by N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activation, are involved in the process of oxidative stress. We found that 100 μM NMDA induced oxidative stress by increasing the reactive oxygen species level, which contributed to the cell death, in vitro. Neuron cultures pretreated with 25 mM taurine showed lower percentage of death cells and declined reactive oxygen species level. Moreover, taurine attenuated Nox2/Nox4 protein expression and enzyme activity and declined intracellular calcium intensity during NMDA-induced neuron injury. Additionally, taurine also showed neuroprotection against H2O2-induced injury, accompanying with Nox inhibition. So, we suppose that protection of taurine against reactive oxygen species during NMDA-induced neuron injury is associated with Nox inhibition, probably in a calcium-dependent manner.
1. Intracellular recordings were made from CA1 pyramidal cells in the rat hippocampal slice to study the cholinergic modulation of GABAergic inhibition. The cholinergic receptor agonist, carbamylcholine (carbachol), depressed evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) and evoked inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs), but enhanced small spontaneously occurring membrane potential fluctuations that resembled IPSPs. Both atropine (1 microM) and picrotoxin (25-60 microM) abolished the small fluctuations. 2. Recording from cells with potassium or caesium chloride (KCl or CsCl)-filled microelectrodes enhanced and inverted spontaneous Cl(-)-dependent GABAA-mediated IPSPs. These events appeared to result from the spontaneous firing of GABAergic interneurons since they could be inhibited by picrotoxin or bicuculline and nearly eliminated by tetrodotoxin. 3. Muscarinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptor activation significantly increased the frequency of spontaneous-activity-dependent IPSPs from 1.7 +/- 0.4 s (mean +/- S.E.M.) in control saline to 7.0 +/- 1.1 s in carbachol (10-50 microM)-containing saline, although evoked IPSPs were inhibited. All effects of carbachol were completely reversed by atropine. 4. The increase in frequency of spontaneous IPSPs observed in carbachol was not secondary to changes in the postsynaptic cell and was not blocked by high doses of 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX, 5-10 microM) and 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV, 10-20 microM), which abolished evoked excitatory transmission. Amplitude histograms showed an increase in mean size as well as of frequency of spontaneous IPSCs in carbachol. 5. Stimulation of cholinergic afferents in stratum oriens in the presence of the acetylcholinesterase inhibitor eserine (1 microM) also increased spontaneous IPSP frequency, and the time course of this response was similar to that of the muscarinic slow EPSP. Postsynaptic factors or the activation of glutamatergic excitatory pathways could not account for this effect. 6. Evoked monosynaptic IPSCs in CNQX and APV were diminished by carbachol. 7. We conclude that GABAergic inhibitory interneurons possess muscarinic receptors, that activation of these receptors increases the excitability of the interneurons and that synaptically released ACh increases interneuronal activity. Cholinergic reduction of the monosynaptic IPSC may point to additional complexity in cholinergic regulation of the GABA system.