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Ellenberg’s indicator values support prediction of suitable habitat for pre-diapause larvae of endangered butterfly Euphydryas aurinia


Abstract and Figures

In spite of the great popularity of Ellenberg’s Indicator Values (EIVs) in plant ecology, animal ecologists seldom use EIVs to address ecological questions. In this study we used EIVs to test their potential usefulness for the prediction of suitable habitat for pre-diapause larvae of the endangered butterfly species Euphydryas aurinia. Nine transects crossing grasslands in SW Poland with abundant populations of E. aurinia were designed. We sampled 76 vegetation plots along the transects. In addition, the presence of the larval webs of E. aurinia in sampled plots was also recorded. We then calculated the mean community EIVs of light, nitrogen, soil reaction, moisture and temperature for each sample plots. Generalized linear mixed-effects models (GLMMs) were used to assess which factors determine the local occurrence of larval webs of E. aurinia. We found the larval webs only in 12 plots, while the host plant was present in 39 of the examined plots. The presence of the host plant was the most important predictor in both models including all plots or including only plots with host plants. The other significant predictor was the mean EIV of light, and its importance increased in models considering all plots. We attributed the importance of the EIV of light to the site openness and density of the vegetation layer. A positive relationship between this predictor and the presence of larval webs indicates that sites with looser vegetation, a lower contribution of shrubs and tall herbs and better penetration of photosynthetically active radiation to lower vegetation layers are preferred by E. aurinia for oviposition. Moreover, the significance of EIV of light may be linked with management practices. Many light-demanding species decline after cessation of mowing as a result of litter accumulation and the dominance of tall herbs. An absence of light-demanding species decreases the community’s mean EIV of light and thus indicates the influence of meadow abandonment.
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Ellenberg’s indicator values support
prediction of suitable habitat for pre-diapause
larvae of endangered butterfly Euphydryas
Remigiusz Pielech
, Krzysztof Zając
, Marcin Kadej
*, Marek Malicki
, Adam Malkiewicz
Dariusz Tarnawski
1Department of Forest Biodiversity, Institute of Forest Ecology and Silviculture, University of Agriculture,
´w, Poland, 2Department of Invertebrate Biology, Evolution and Conservation, Institute of
Environmental Biology, University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland, 3Department of Botany, Institute of
Environmental Biology, University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland
In spite of the great popularity of Ellenberg’s Indicator Values (EIVs) in plant ecology, animal
ecologists seldom use EIVs to address ecological questions. In this study we used EIVs to
test their potential usefulness for the prediction of suitable habitat for pre-diapause larvae of
the endangered butterfly species Euphydryas aurinia. Nine transects crossing grasslands in
SW Poland with abundant populations of E.aurinia were designed. We sampled 76 vegeta-
tion plots along the transects. In addition, the presence of the larval webs of E.aurinia in
sampled plots was also recorded. We then calculated the mean community EIVs of light,
nitrogen, soil reaction, moisture and temperature for each sample plots. Generalized linear
mixed-effects models (GLMMs) were used to assess which factors determine the local
occurrence of larval webs of E.aurinia. We found the larval webs only in 12 plots, while the
host plant was present in 39 of the examined plots. The presence of the host plant was
the most important predictor in both models including all plots or including only plots with
host plants. The other significant predictor was the mean EIV of light, and its importance
increased in models considering all plots. We attributed the importance of the EIV of light to
the site openness and density of the vegetation layer. A positive relationship between this
predictor and the presence of larval webs indicates that sites with looser vegetation, a lower
contribution of shrubs and tall herbs and better penetration of photosynthetically active radi-
ation to lower vegetation layers are preferred by E.aurinia for oviposition. Moreover, the sig-
nificance of EIV of light may be linked with management practices. Many light-demanding
species decline after cessation of mowing as a result of litter accumulation and the domi-
nance of tall herbs. An absence of light-demanding species decreases the community’s
mean EIV of light and thus indicates the influence of meadow abandonment.
PLOS ONE | June 8, 2017 1 / 12
Citation: Pielech R, Zając K, Kadej M, Malicki M,
Malkiewicz A, Tarnawski D (2017) Ellenberg’s
indicator values support prediction of suitable
habitat for pre-diapause larvae of endangered
butterfly Euphydryas aurinia. PLoS ONE 12(6):
Editor: Manuela Pinzari, Universita degli Studi di
Roma Tor Vergata, ITALY
Received: November 14, 2016
Accepted: May 23, 2017
Published: June 8, 2017
Copyright: ©2017 Pielech et al. This is an open
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original
author and source are credited.
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are
within the paper and its Supporting Information
Funding: This work was supported by the
University of Wrocław no. 1076/S/IBŚ/2017 to DT
and MK. The funder had no role in study design,
data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared
that no competing interests exist.
Since its introduction in the mid-70s, Ellenberg’s Indicator Values (EIVs) have become an
extensively used tool in ecological studies. It is especially popular in plant ecology, where EIVs
are used to characterize environmental conditions when detailed site-specific measurements
are absent. The application of EIVs includes research on vegetation change [13], interpreta-
tion of ecological gradients [4,5] and describing ecological preferences of both plant species
[6,7] and plant communities [8,9]. Some authors, however, have claimed that the interpreta-
tion of analyses based on EIVs may be biased due to circular reasoning [10], weak correlations
with field measurements [1113] or inter-correlations between different EIVs [14]. In spite of
these reservations, EIVs have enjoyed great popularity and are generally believed to be an
important tool in applied plant ecology [15]. On the contrary, animal ecologists seldom use
EIVs to address ecological questions, and only a few researchers have tested this approach so
far. Significant relationships have been found between EIVs and the diversity of Sciomyzid flies
[16], butterflies [1720] and molluscs [21]. In addition, EIVs are sometimes used to character-
ize the ecological properties of habitats of studied animal assemblages, e.g. ants [22] or mol-
luscs [23]. Some of these studies have highlighted the advantages of the utilization of EIVs in
the study of animal autoecology, but this approach is still underexplored and needs more
detailed examination.
In this study we used EIVs to test their potential usefulness in the prediction of suitable
habitat for pre-diapause larvae of Euphydryas aurinia. The species is regionally endangered
in many European countries and a great deal of effort has been put so far into supporting its
conservation. Some research suggests that host plant abundance is the only important pre-
dictor of the presence-absence and abundance of larval webs of E.aurinia [24]; however,
others showed that vegetation structure and habitat management were also important
[18,25,26]. We share the latter opinion on the basis of the field observations of E.aurinia
habitats in Poland. The species frequently occurs in meadows with a high density of its host
plant; however, there are usually apparently-similar meadows in a close vicinity with abun-
dant populations of known host plants and the absence of E.aurinia. It is obvious that the
ecological niche of the individual species does not overlap exactly with the niche of their host
plant [18]. The requirements of either larvae or adults may be limited to a narrower range of
ecological conditions than the requirements of the host plants. Understanding this spatial
pattern of species distribution at the local scale is essential for its successful conservation.
The aim of this work was to examine the relation between the EIVs and the spatial distribu-
tion of the pre-diapause larvae of E.aurinia.
Material and methods
Studied species
The marsh fritillary Euphudryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) is
widely distributed in the Palaearctic from Ireland in the West to Yakutia in the East and to
North-west China and Mongolia in the South. In many European countries it is reported to
be experiencing declines in distribution or population size [27] and the species has become
included in Annex II of the Bern Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and
in Annexes II and IV of the EEC/EU Habitat Directive (92/43 EU of 21 May 1992), and it is
legally protected in many European countries. However, both at the level of the Europe and
the European Union [28] as well as worldwide [27] it is listed under the least concern category.
In Poland, E.aurinia is listed as endangered in the Polish red list [29].
Ellenberg’s indicator values as predictors of Euphydryas aurinia habitat
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The species occurs in different types of open or semi-open habitats, such as pastures [30],
hay meadows [18,25] or woodland clearings [31]. E.aurinia has a univoltine life cycle. Adults
fly from the third week of May until the third week of June in western Poland. In June (the
first three weeks) females lay eggs in batches on the underside of the leaves of the Devil’s-bit
scabious, Succisa pratensis (probably the only initial host plant for pre-diapause caterpillars in
western Poland). Young larvae live together in webs that are built by them directly on the host
plant. At the end of the summer or early in the autumn, the caterpillars of the IV instar build
stronger webs, located low to the ground, in which they hibernate until spring. They pupate
around beginning/mid-May [32,33].
Study area
All field investigations were carried out within the rural district of Lwo
´wek Śląski in Lower
Silesia (SW Poland), covering a total area of approximately 10 km
(50˚ 57’N, 15˚ 22’E). The
study area is located in the western part of the mountainous region of the Sudetes, at the foot
of the massif of the Izerskie Mts. (see [34] for details). The altitude above sea level ranges from
360 to 420 m. The annual average temperature in the research area is 7.5˚C, yearly precipita-
tion is ca. 800 mm and the vegetation period is 180 days [35]. The research area is character-
ized by a large proportion of arable land and forest, which is interposed with patchily
distributed fragments of grassland. The different grassland community types within the
research area were investigated. Some of the investigated grasslands had been abandoned for
up to 10 years, while the others were still managed with various intensities (sporadic to inten-
sive mowing). All grasslands were developed on moderately acid and nutrient poor soils,
which had been developed by draining former marshland. According to the phytosociological
nomenclature [36,37], the vegetation of the investigated grassland is classified as Molinion
caeruleae and Calthion palustris meadows, while small fragments of Violion caninae grasslands
may also occur. Some of abandoned meadows are colonized by communities dominated by
tall nitrophilous herbs (communities of Aegopodion podagrariae) and shrub (communities of
Sambuco-Salicion capreae) with domination by Rubus spp., Rosa canina, young individuals of
Betula pendula and Populus tremula. The study area is located in a Special Area of Conserva-
tion, Łąki Go
´r i Pogo
´rza Izerskiego (PLH020102), which was established within the Natura
2000 network. This area is one of the most important refuges of E.aurinia in south-western
Poland [38].
Data collection and processing
During a few years preceding this study, field surveys had been conducted within the study
area. The surveys were aimed at making an inventory of larval webs by E.aurinia, and they
yielded a detailed map of its distribution. We then used this map to design nine linear tran-
sects with lengths between 100 and 260 m, which were randomly placed within meadows
with a known occurrence of E.aurinia in previous years. In effect, each transect crossed
patches with high densities of S.pratensis, as a known host plant of pre-diapause larvae in
this region, as well as patches without its presence. Along each transect we sampled vegeta-
tion plots (2 m ×2 m) placed every 20 meters. In total, 76 plots were sampled in August
2014. Due to the particular phenology of the Molinion meadows, we sampled vegetation
plots ca. two months after the females of E.aurinia laid their eggs on the host plants. At the
beginning of June, when the eggs are laid, many of the plant species that compose these
meadow communities are at an early stage of their development and lack some important
diagnostic features. Thus, at this stage it is impossible to differentiate among some species of
Asteraceae,Apiaceae,Juncaceae or Poaceae families, but the proper determination of all plant
Ellenberg’s indicator values as predictors of Euphydryas aurinia habitat
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species within the sampled plots is crucial to calculate the mean EIVs. Within each plot we
recorded all vascular plants and estimated their cover using the Braun-Blanquet scale (r—
solitary; +—<1%; 1—1–5%; 2—6–25%; 3—26–50%; 4—51–75; 5—76–100%). In addition,
the presence of the larval webs of E.aurinia in the sampled plots was also recorded. All col-
lected samples were entered into a Turboveg database [39]. The average means of the EIVs
were calculated for each sample [40]. When calculating the community means of the EIVs,
we took only the presence/absence data into consideration. We did not used the weights
determined from the abundance of each plant species because the abundance of each species
could have change between the eggs laid (June) and the vegetation being sampled (August).
Finally, the abundance of host plant (S.pratensis) was transformed into an ordinal scale
using the method proposed by van der Maarel [41].
Statistical analyses
To assess which factors determine the local occurrence of the larval webs of E.aurinia, general-
ized linear mixed-effects models (GLMMs) with a binomial error distribution and log-link
function were performed. We made two separate models that took into account (1) all the
studied plots of vegetation samples and (2) only the plots with the presence of S.pratensis. For
the purpose of both analyses we included six potential predictors of larval web occurrence:
abundance of the host plant (variable “Succisa”) and the average community means of the
EIVs of “light,” “moisture,” “nutrients,” “soil reaction” and “temperature.” The interpretation
of the ecological meaning of the EIVs was presented, e.g. as by Horsa
´k et al. [21]. The transect
was used in our analyses as a random effect. Prior to modeling we checked all variables for col-
linearity using the Spearman rank correlation matrix and the variance inflation factor (VIF).
Acceptable levels of correlation were assumed at r
<|0.6| and VIF values below 3 [42,43].
Due to the high correlation between “soil reaction” and “nutrients” and, for the data set based
only on releve
´s with the occurrence of S.pratensis, between “soil reaction” and “moisture” also
(S1 Table), we decided to exclude the “soil reaction” variable from both multivariate models.
After this step, we did not find any significant collinearity between the remaining variables (all
VIF scores were below 2; see S1 Table). All explanatory variables were standardized to a mean
of 0 and standard deviation of 0.5 before inclusion in the models to allow for comparisons of
their respective effect sizes [44,45].
To identify factors affecting the pre-diapause larvae of marsh fritillary presence in the study
plots we used a model selection procedure based on information theory [46]. We used Akaike
Information Criterion (AICc) to select the best reduced model. We ranked all subsets of mod-
els according to their ΔAICc values together with the associated weight value (w
). Models with
an ΔAICc <2 were considered to be equally good [46]. To assess whether the final models pro-
vided a good fit to the data we calculated the conditional and marginal R
[47,48]. The
conditional R
value showed the proportion of the variance in the raw data explained by the
model, including both fixed and random effects, while the marginal R
value showed the pro-
portion of the variance explained only by the fixed effects.
The relative importance of each variable was estimated, on a scale 0–1, by summing the
AICc weights across all models that included the explanatory variable of interest [46]. To
derive the parameter estimates (β) we used model averaging over the 95% confidence set (thus
we used all models with sum of Akaike weights 0.95 [46]). Only beta coefficients in which
the 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) did not overlap with zero were considered as signifi-
cant. Additionally, we used principal component analysis (PCA) for the visualization of vegeta-
tion samples in relation to explanatory variables.
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All statistical analyses were performed in open source statistical software R (version 3.2.2,, with the packages: arm (version 1.8–6) [49], lme4 (version 1.1–10)
[50] and MuMIn (version 1.15.1) [51]. Plots were performed using the packages plotrix (ver-
sion 3.6) [52] and ggbiplot (version 0.55, downloaded from,
December 2015). The variance inflation factor (VIF) was calculated using the ‘vif.mer’ function
(downloaded from, December
2015) in R.
The presence of the larval webs of E.aurinia was found in 12 out of 76 studied vegetation sam-
ples (releve
´s), only on S.pratensis. The host plant was present in 39 examined plots. The key
importance of the presence of S.pratensis (as the host plant) for the occurrence of larval webs
of E.aurinia was confirmed by the results of the GLMMs. The model selection showed that,
taking into account all samples, the two models’ explanations of the presence of larval webs
were equally good (Table 1).
The best models explained over 80% of the variation and included three explanatory vari-
ables. The abundance of the S.pratensis was the most important variable explaining the pres-
ence of larval webs, followed by “light” and “temperature” factors (Fig 1).
Only the positive relation of the first two predictors with the occurrence of larval webs was
statistically significant (Fig 2).
The same three predictors were present in the best three models explaining the presence of
larval webs in the second model for vegetation samples only with the occurrence of S.pratensis
(Table 1). However, in this model the relative importance of the S.pratensis abundance was
much lower, and the most important predictor was “light” (Fig 1), which explained 36% of the
variation alone (Table 1). “Light” was also the only variable in the second model with a statisti-
cally significant effect, although the larval webs tended to be more frequent with an increase in
the abundance of the host plant (Fig 2). For both groups of models, “transect” as a random
effect was not a significant term in the GLMM. The distribution of the sampled plots with the
occurrence of the larval webs and those without the species, in relation to a gradient of explan-
atory variables, is shown in Fig 3.
Our research has shown that the distribution of the larval webs of marsh fritillary is
closely associated with the presence of S.pretensis, which seems to be the only initial host
Table 1. Best generalized linear mixed models ((ΔAICc <2) describing the presence of the larval webs of Euphydryas aurinia in study plots.
No. Model df R
c AICc ΔAICc w
All plots
1 ~ Succisa + Light + (1|Transect) 4 0.81 0.81 43.567 0 0.343
2 ~ Succisa + Light + Temperature + (1|Transect) 5 0.82 0.82 44.840 1.272 0.182
Plots with host plant presence
1 ~ Succisa + Light + (1|Transect) 4 0.54 0.54 43.369 0 0.299
2 ~ Light + (1|Transect) 3 0.36 0.36 45.205 1.837 0.119
3 ~ Succisa + Light + Temperature + (1|Transect) 5 0.58 0.58 45.271 1.903 0.116
m–the marginal R
value shows the proportion of the variance explained only by the fixed effects, R
c–the conditional R
value shows the proportion of
the variance in the raw data explained by the model, including both fixed and random effects.
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plant of the caterpillars in the study population, as in many other regions of central
Europe [53]. As we expected, based on the results of other authors [18,26,30,5456], the
abundance of the host plant was an important determinant of the occurrence of pre-dia-
pause larvae. However, our results indicated that after taking into account only samples
with the presence of the host plant, the importance of this factor decreased, in favor of the
EIV of “light”.
This factor should not be linked with the total solar radiation reaching the site, but rather
with the site openness and density of the vegetation layer [21]. A positive relation between this
predictor and the presence of larval webs indicates that sites with looser vegetation, decreasing
representation of species characteristic of forests and shrubs and better penetration of photo-
synthetically active radiation to lower vegetation layers are preferred by marsh fritillary for ovi-
position. Moreover, the significance of the EIV of “light” may be attributed to management
practices. Many light-demanding species decline after the cessation of mowing as a result of lit-
ter accumulation and the dominance of tall herbs [5761]. The absence of light-demanding
species decreases the community mean EIV of “light” and thus indicates the influence of
meadow abandonment.
Based on this ecological interpretation, our results are consistent with those reported by
other researchers, who showed that the females of E.aurinia chose individual S.pratensis
in open vegetation structures that were fully exposed to the sun and surrounded by lower
Fig 1. Comparison of the relative variable importance (RVI) used to explain the presence of larval webs of Euphydryas aurinia in two data sets:
Including all plots and only those with the presence of Succisa pratensis.The RVI was computed as the sum of the AICc weights over all models
including the explanatory variable.
Ellenberg’s indicator values as predictors of Euphydryas aurinia habitat
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vegetation as host [18,25,26]. Larvae of E.aurinia may increase their growth rate behaviorally
by sun basking, thus microclimate conditions shaped by the looser structure of the vegeta-
tion and better access for the light may be particularly important in the case of a low temper-
ature environment [62]. Moreover, the rosette of Succisa leaves is situated close to the
ground and is easily accessible for egg-depositing females in an open vegetation structure
[25]. The accessibility and sun-exposure of the host plants are, next to visibility, the most
important factors determining the female oviposition in the Mediterranean subspecies E.a.
provincialis [63].
The presence or abundance of the host plant is of course the most important factors deter-
mining habitat quality for E.aurinia. However, there are also some other environmental
requirements that have to be met to enable its successful reproduction. Assessing habitat qual-
ity only on the basis of the number of host plants may be somewhat misleading. For example,
individuals of S.pratensis in abandoned populations have higher growth rates and produce
more flower heads per plant (in spite of higher mortality rates and lower seedling establish-
ment) [64]. As we stated above, these abandoned sites are at the same time unfavourable for E.
aurinia. Thus, various variables related to the vegetation structure and dynamics can both
fine-tune the prediction of the insect’s distribution and habitat quality assessment. As we show
in this research, EIVs may be a useful tool in that field.
Fig 2. Average parameter estimates and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for all standardized variables in two data sets. One group includes all
plots (red color) and one only those with the presence of Succisa pratensis (green color). Parameters were averaged for the 95% confidence set of the
Ellenberg’s indicator values as predictors of Euphydryas aurinia habitat
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Supporting information
S1 Table. Spearman correlation coefficients between explanatory variables and variance
inflation factors (VIFs) for variables in final models. Significant correlations (p<0.05) are
indicated in bold.
This research was supported by a grant from the University of Wrocław no. 1076/S/IBŚ/2017.
The field work was conducted with the permission of the General Directorate for Environmen-
tal Protection in Poland (permit no. DOP-OZGZ.6401.35.2012.JRO).
Fig 3. PCA ordination diagram of all 76 study plots of vegetation based on six explanatory variables,with differentiation of the three groups of
plots presented with different colors and circled with 95% confidence interval ellipses. Red points and ellipsoid represents plots with Euphydryas
aurinia occurrence; green points and ellipsoid represents plots with Succisa pratensis occurrence and without E.aurinia; and blue points and ellipsoid
represent plots without S.pratensis and E.aurinia. Arrows indicate the direction of the explanatory variables. Eigenvalues: PC1–2.397, PC2–1.514.
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Author Contributions
Conceptualization: KZ RP DT MK.
Data curation: KZ RP.
Formal analysis: KZ RP.
Funding acquisition: DT MK.
Investigation: AM DT MK MM.
Methodology: KZ RP.
Project administration: DT MK.
Resources: AM DT MK MM KZ RP.
Supervision: DT MK KZ RP.
Validation: KZ RP MK AM DT MM.
Visualization: KZ.
Writing original draft: KZ RP.
Writing review & editing: RP KZ DT MM AM MK.
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Supplementary resource (1)

... It is therefore not surprising that E. aurinia exhibits clear ecological differentiation across its range; in Iberia (with the taxon E. aurinia beckeri; Munguira et al. 1997;, in Italy (with E. aurinia provincialis; Casacci et al. 2015;Pinzari et al. 2016;Ghidotti et al. 2018) and the High Alps (with E. aurinia glaciegenita; Casacci et al. 2015;Ghidotti et al. 2018), the species occupies very different ecological niches than in Central Europe, where the morphological nominate subspecies occurs. For the latter, reports with detailed population biology studies exist from Czech Republic (Konvicka et al. 2003;Hula et al. 2004;Fric and Konvicka 2007;Zimmermann et al. 2011;Junker et al. 2021), Germany (Anthes et al. 2003a(Anthes et al. , 2003b, Poland (Pielech et al. 2017), Denmark (Brunbjerg et al. 2017), Sweden (Betzholtz et al. 2007), UK (Porter and Ellis 2011;Botham et al. 2011;Smee et al. 2011) and Belgium (Schtickzelle et al. 2005). ...
... Therefore, important insights gained in recent years through MRR studies in Central and Western Europe regarding appropriate monitoring and management strategies are likely to be at least partially transferable to Romanian populations (e.g. Anthes et al. 2003aAnthes et al. , 2003bHula et al. 2004;Schtickzelle et al. 2005;Zimmermann et al. 2011;Brunbjerg et al. 2017;Pielech et al. 2017;Junker et al. 2021). In this context, the data obtained in other countries can provide an important reference point for implementing specific conservation concepts for E. a. aurinia (as a protected species under the Natura 2000 Directive) in the best possible way also in Romania. ...
The Natura 2000 network is one of the most important tools for nature conservation in the EU. Therefore, knowledge of the ecology of the species listed on the Habitats Directive annexes is of particular relevance. One of these species is the butterfly Euphydryas aurinia. Much is already known about the ecology of this species at the European level, but information on Romania is scarce. Therefore, in a study area northwest of Cluj, the species was intensively studied in a mark-release-recapture study over its entire flight period. The investigated population harboured many individuals and had a high density. The dispersal behaviour of the individuals was somewhat more pronounced than in Mediterranean and partly also high alpine populations, but roughly comparable to other populations of the nominotypic subspecies. Overall, the ecological differences to Central and Western European populations were not very pronounced, and many of the conservation-relevant statements on this species in Central Europe should also be largely valid in Romania.
... At the landscape level, Anthes et al. (2003b) showed that E. aurinia forms metapopulations of the mainland-island type. At the habitat level, a high abundance of large host plants and warm microclimates was of vital importance (Anthes et al., 2003b;Tjørnløv et al., 2015;Brunbjerg et al., 2017;Pielech et al., 2017). By contrast, our knowledge on the drivers of persistence of the few remaining E. aurinia populations in networks of calcareous grasslands is still scarce (Anthes & Nunner, 2006;Bräu et al., 2013). ...
... As a result, after hibernation in spring, caterpillars become less parasitized by braconid wasps (Cotesia spp.). In accordance with this, E. aurinia is known to prefer warm microhabitats exposed to the sun for oviposition (Anthes et al., 2003b;Pielech et al., 2017). Therefore, in cool montane habitats with a pronounced relief, such as in the pre-Alps, a preference for warm microhabitats should be particularly pronounced. ...
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The Marsh Fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia) was once widespread in large parts of Central Europe. However, in the course of the last century, populations of the butterfly largely collapsed. Here, we surveyed patch and microhabitat occupancy and its drivers in one of the last vital populations in calcareous grasslands. Our study revealed that environmental conditions at the landscape and habitat level determined the occurrence of E. aurinia in a montane agricultural landscape with low land-use intensity. Patch occupancy increased with the cover of Devil's-bit Scabious (Succisa pratensis) grasslands in the surroundings of the patches, habitat heterogeneity and host-plant cover. Microhabitat occupancy was driven by a warm microclimate and high availability of host plants. In the well-connected landscape of nutrient-poor grasslands, patch occupancy of E. aurinia was driven by parameters defining a high habitat quality. Habitat heterogeneity very likely buffers E. aurinia populations against environmental stochasticity and, hence, enhances long-term viability. For the gregariously feeding caterpillars of E. aurinia host plant biomass is essential. Due to their more luxuriant growth, S. pratensis plants were clearly preferred, although the Glossy Scabious (Scabiosa lucida) was also widespread. Additionally, the growth of large Succisa plants was favored by soil humidity and grassland abandonment. To cope with the adverse macro- and mesoclimatic conditions of the study area, females of the butterfly selected host plants growing in extraordinarily warm microhabitats for oviposition. To secure long-term viability of E. aurinia populations, we recommend creating mosaics of traditionally managed grasslands and early stages of abandonment within the patches. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved
... Increased solar exposure (and wind protection for south-facing edge) in such settings would facilitate thermoregulatory processes crucial for accelerating larval development (Porter, 1982) and increase larval survival (Radchuk et al., 2013). These results agree with studies emphasising the importance of factors related to a warm microclimate such as open and low vegetation (Anthes et al., 2003;Konvicka et al., 2003) and sun exposure (Pielech et al., 2017;Scherer & Fartmann, 2022) Table 1). ...
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Species‐rich semi‐natural grasslands have been lost during the last century due to agricultural intensification. This has had large negative consequences for many specialised species, including grassland butterflies. To prevent further loss, management regimes in the remaining grasslands must maintain habitat quality over time, and we therefore need to understand the habitat preferences of specialised species and how different management regimes affect their survival. We studied the egg‐laying preferences of the threatened marsh fritillary butterfly in relation to host plant properties, microclimate and management (grazing) on Gotland, Sweden. Moreover, we followed the survival of eggs and larvae from 27 egg batches during a period of 8 months (from June 2020 to March 2021) in grazed and ungrazed areas. We found 92 egg batches in total and the average number of eggs was 184.5. Egg‐laying probability increased with increasing host plant size and abundance, and environmental variables associated with a warm microclimate (low grass cover, low vegetation height and south‐facing edges). The 27 egg batches that were followed over time had on average 203 eggs in June. Roughly 28% of the eggs developed into larvae, and about 17% of these survived over the entire study period, resulting in an overall 4.7% survival. Egg survival was higher in ungrazed habitats compared with grazed; in March (post‐hibernation), there were almost nine times more eggs in ungrazed habitats. This study highlights the complex habitat ecology of specialised butterflies and underscores the detrimental impact of intense grazing, advocating for rotational grazing or mowing regimes.
... It forms multiple genetic lineages across its large Palaearctic range (Tolman and Lewington 2009;Junker et al. 2015;Korb et al. 2016), utilises multiple larval host plants (Singer et al. 2002;Meister et al. 2015;Ghidotti et al. 2018), and inhabits diverse biotopes, from Mediterranean xeric scrub (Munguira et al. 1997; to subalpine meadows . In Western and Central Europe, it mainly inhabits humid oligotrophic grasslands (Hula et al. 2004;Bulman et al. 2007;Pielech et al. 2017;Junker et al. 2021). Threats by habitat loss are augmented by gregarious larval development, linked to prominent abundance fluctuations (Schtickzelle et al. 2005;Bulman et al. 2007;Botham et al. 2011;Zimmermann et al. 2011a;Johansson et al. 2020), and vulnerability to inappropriate vegetation management, such as uniform cuts of the occupied meadows in autumn (Hula et al. 2004) or too intensive grazing (Johansson et al. 2019). ...
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Background Euphydryas aurinia is a declining butterfly inhabiting oligotrophic grasslands in Central and Western Europe. Despite numerous ecological studies, patterns of its adult activity have so far been rather neglected, although adult resource use contributes to resource-based understanding of insects’ habitats. Aim To relate E. aurinia adult activity patterns to within-habitat vegetation structures. Methods (1) Timed adult activity observations along a transect crossing a colony site, analysed via partial ordination methods. (2) Activity records obtained during mark-recapture, analysed via binomial regressions. Results Both methods, besides influences of weather, time of day (similarities between morning and late afternoon hours), and progression of season (mate locating replaced by maintenance activities), revealed consistent association of behaviours to vegetation structures. Of the two male mate-locating behaviours, perching occurred near shrubs and woodland edges, and patrolling over centres of inhabited meadows. Female activity concentrated in nectar-rich mid-height sward near host plants. Consequently, male and female activity were partly spatially separated. Implications for conservation A habitat for E. aurinia should provide resources for all its activities in close proximity. Grasslands containing host plants should be dissected by structures such as shrubs, woodlot edges, or taller herbaceous vegetation, emphasising the importance of landscape heterogeneity for insect fauna
... Inni badacze analizowali zmiany siedliskowe wywołane nadmiernym zagęszczeniem ssaków (w starych dąbrowach w Czechach -Vild et al., 2017), zgryzaniem roślinności (w górskich borach świerkowych i mieszanych w Parku Narodowym Lasu Bawarskiego -Möst et al., 2015) czy wydeptywaniem (na Wydmie Synaj -Kidron, 2016) lub przeciwnie -zanikiem ich aktywności (w starych lasach brzozowo-dębowych w Wielkiej Brytanii -Vild et al., 2021; na stepach płaskowyżu Qinghai-Tybet w Chinach -Harris et al., 2015).Innym interesującym przykładem artykułu o tej tematyce jest opracowanieKarlsen et al. (2013), w którym ukazano związek między pojawem inwazyjnych gatunków motyli nocnych (Geometridae) w ekotonach północnych lasów borealnych (Varanger Peninsula, Norwegia) z masową defoliacją koron, zubożeniem biomasy roślinności i znaczną zmianą w składzie gatunkowym runa. Z koleiPielech et al. (2017) testowali możliwość wykorzystania ekologicznych liczb wskaźnikowych Ellenberga jako miar zastępczych różnych zmiennych związanych ze strukturą i dynamiką roślinności, umożliwiających prognozowanie rozmieszczenia zagrożonego gatunku motyla (Euphydryas aurinia) i oceny jakości siedliska. Na uwagę zasługuje również pracaHemp i Hemp (2018), w której na podstawie charakterystyk zgrupowania owadów prostoskrzydłych (Orthoptera) przeanalizowano skutki przekształcenia naturalnych ekosystemów podgórskich w pola uprawne oraz postępujące za tym zniszczenie naturalnych korytarzy migracyjnych zwierząt i coraz wyraźniejszą izolację "odciętych" ekosystemów (Kilimandżaro i Mt. ...
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The aim of this work was to review the latest literature in terms of the use of phytosociological relevés (vegetation plots) in research on the natural environment. The systematic review included 321 articles published in 2010‑2021 in the most renowned journals (indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection with a score ≥100 according to the 2021 list of journals of the Poland’s Ministry of Education and Science). The research questions were: in which fields of science and practice, for what purposes and on what spatial scales the phytosociological relevés are currently used. After initial review, the articles were divided into 10 thematic groups: 1) classification of plant communities, 2) methodological studies, 3) relationship between vegetation and other elements of the environment, 4) occurrence of invasive plant species, 5) indicative role of vegetation, 6) plant communities as habitats for animals, 7) human footprint on vegetation, 8) long-term vegetation changes, 9) combining phytosociological methods with remote sensing methods, 10) social studies. The results showed that phytosociological relevés, as the method to investigate vegetation developed in the first decades of the 20th century, are still widely used in many regions of the world. The most numerous thematic group comprised articles that show how habitat conditions impact the distribution and diversity of plant species and their communities, while the least numerous – studies combining natural and social research. The vast majority of research was dedicated to environmental problems, although social and economic aspects were also present. These were both theoretical and methodological works, as well as detailed studies, which resulted in the formation of recommendations and practical guidelines for nature protection or spatial planning. Recently, relevés have been rarely used solely to distinguish and characterise plant communities, as originally intended by those who invented this method. However, thanks to modern statistical and computer tools, more and more attempts are being made to create automatic classifications with the use of artificial intelligence, e.g. neural networks. The geographic scope was usually restricted to one country (local and regional – 241 articles) or to two or more bordering countries (47). Continental (19) and global (7) studies are less common and studies within Europe prevail. It is because the discussed method was developed and is best known in Europe (Franco-Swiss Phytosociological School), and its dissemination throughout the world is only an evidence of its universality and efficiency. The recent larger-scale studies became possible mainly due to the development of transnational vegetation databases, e.g. the widely utilised European Vegetation Database – EVA.
... In this study, site conditions were evaluated on the basis of plant indicators, namely Ellenberg's indicator values (Ellenberg et al., 1992), adapted to Polish conditions by Zarzycki et al. (2002). This method, although precisely assessing site conditions, is rarely used in ecological research on insects (Pielech et al., 2017;Twerd et al., 2017;Twerd, 2020). ...
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The loss and transformation of habitats due to human impact are commonly regarded as major factors decreasing the diversity of pollinators. However, there is also some evidence that industrial infrastructure can play a positive role in shaping the composition of many animal communities. Still, little is known about how artificial linear structures, such as roads, railways, and electric power lines, affect the abundance and diversity of wild bees in urban ecosystems. Thus, we attempted to verify which of the habitats mentioned above is crucial for the occurrence of bee species of various functional groups. We conducted field research in woodlands of the city of Bydgoszcz (northern Poland). Site conditions were evaluated on the basis of phytoindicators (plant indicator species). In the study area, we recorded 32% of all bee species reported from Poland. In respect of species richness and abundance, the habitats along railway lines were the most attractive to bees. Besides, in respect to bee species richness, these sites were the most similar to roadsides. The habitats located under power lines were the poorest in species. About 20% of bee species were recorded only along railways and 3% only along roads, while no bee species was recorded exclusively under power lines. Bee species richness and abundance increased with growing cover of the sites by bee food plants and an increasing proportion of bare soil. Moreover, bee abundance increased with an increasing share of plant indicator species of very dry or dry soils and of alkaline soils. Bee abundance declined with an increasing share of plant indicator species of sandy soils. The presented results indicate that roads, railway lines, and power lines, in structurally simplified and floristically poor pine forests, are important for wild bees in urban ecosystems.
... For example, the Ellenberg's indicator values (EIVs, Ellenberg et al., 1992) describe the habitat preferences of Central-European vascular plants by placing them on defined 9-point (or 12-point) scale for seven environmental variables, including soil moisture, pH, nutrients, light, temperature, continentality, and salinity. The EIVs are broadly used to calculate the mean values for whole communities and then characterize the habitat of these communities as a substitute for direct measurements (Diekmann, 2003;Pielech et al., 2017;Zelený & Schaffers, 2012). ...
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Ecological disturbances are recognized as a crucial factor influencing the attributes of ecological communities. Depending on the specific adaptation or life cycle, plant species show different responses to disturbances of different magnitudes. Herben et al. (Journal of Vegetation Science, 27, 628–636) proposed six disturbance indicator values (DIVs) that describe the niches of Central‐European plant species along gradients of disturbance frequency and severity. Here, we ask if the DIVs can be used in community ecology for bioindication of disturbance regime? We used a dataset of riparian forests sampled within mountain catchments (the Sudetes, SW Poland). As the regime of disturbance is driven by changes in floods from the spring toward the mouth, we calculated the position of every plot along longitudinal (upstream–downstream) gradient and used it as a proxy for the disturbance severity and frequency. We then calculated the community‐weighted means (CWMs) for each of the six indices for each plot and analyzed whether these indices reflected the position of the plots along the rivers. We expected an increase in the severity indices and a decrease in the frequency indices downstream along the rivers. Moreover, we analyzed relationships between disturbance indices and species optima along longitudinal gradient. Surprisingly, means for all analyzed indices increased along the rivers. Severity indices showed the strongest association with the longitudinal gradient. The disturbance severity index for herbs was the only index that differed significantly among species with different responses along longitudinal gradient. On these results, we identified a strong correlation between the severity and frequency indices as the main problem. We conclude that the DIVs have considerable applicative potential; however, the determination of ecological niches separately for disturbance severity and frequency is difficult because different components interact to shape the realized niche of each species. All analyzed indices encompass different attributes of the disturbance regime including both severity and frequency.
... This prolonged reduction in plant health and early senescence may also influence the plants ability to compete with other grassland species, thereby reducing habitat quality and biodiversity (Vergeer et al., 2003a). This change in microhabitat structure may result in less suitable locations for egg placement by Euphydryas aurinia females who prefer sites with less dense vegetation that allows light to penetrate to lower layers (Pielech et al., 2017). The balance of leaf cover between the two species tested was not influenced by elevated O 3 or added N suggesting that (at the levels added) these treatments did not affect direct competition between them. ...
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Atmospheric ozone (O3) and nitrogen (N) pollution have increased since pre-industrial times and pose a threat to natural vegetation. The implications of these pollutants for the perennial temperate grassland species Leontodon hispidus (Rough Hawkbit) and Succisa pratensis (Devil’s-bit Scabious) are largely unknown. Both species are important for pollinators and Succisa pratensis is the host plant for the threatened marsh fritillary butterfly (Euphydryas aurinia). We examine growth and physiological responses (leaf cover, leaf litter, flowering, chlorophyll index [Leontodon hispidus and Succisa pratensis]; photosynthesis and stomatal conductance [Succisa pratensis]) using an outdoor Free Air Ozone Enrichment system. Plants were exposed to Low, Medium and High ozone treatments over three growing seasons (treatment means: 24, 40 and 57 ppb, respectively), with and without the addition of nitrogen (40 kg ha⁻¹ yr⁻¹) during the first year. Decreases in leaf cover (p < 0.001) and chlorophyll index (p < 0.01) were observed with increased O3 for Leontodon hispidus. The addition of N resulted in a higher chlorophyll index only at the uppermost O3 level and also led to an overall increase in litter production of 6%. However, a stronger effect of both O3 and N treatments was observed with Succisa pratensis. Litter production increased with increasing O3 (p < 0.001) and an overall rise of 31% was recorded with added N (p < 0.05). However, O3 had the biggest impact on Succisa pratensis foliage leading to more damaged leaves (p < 0.05). During summer resources were prioritised to new leaves, maintaining stomatal conductance and photosynthesis rates. However, this was not sustained during autumn and accelerated senescence occurred with higher ozone, and rates declined faster with added nitrogen (p < 0.05). Elevated O3 also reduced Succisa pratensis flowering (p < 0.01). These effects have implications for inter- and intra-specific competition, seed establishment, nutrient cycling, as well as the provision of general pollinator resources with specific issues for butterfly larvae. Results highlight the need for concerted action to reduce pre-cursor ozone emissions to go alongside habitat management efforts to protect biodiversity.
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A selection of sites occupied by the EU-protected marsh fritillary ( Euphydryas aurinia ) in western Czech Republic were subjected to a vegetation survey 15 years ago and again recently. In the 66 time-replicated 25 m ² plots from 12 sites, representing the diversity of E. aurinia -occupied oligotrophic grasslands in the Slavkovský les Protected Landscape Area (and covering a fifth of the currently-occupied Czech sites), we recorded quantitative representation of vascular plants and mosses. We analysed the data using multivariate ordinations, asking how the vegetation changed between the surveys, how was it affected by the conservation management applied and how it affected occupancy by the butterfly larval nests; the vegetation patterns were interpreted using Ellenberg’s plant indicator values. Between the two surveys, the overall representation of the larval host plant, Succisa pratensis , did not change; tree and herbs layers (both grasses and forbs) increased and the moss layer decreased. Across surveys, the main driver of vascular plants’ species composition was moisture, followed by soil reaction and nitrogen, whereas in mosses, nitrogen was the main factor. The main change between the surveys was the increase of nitrogen accompanied by decreased light, probably due to increase of competitively strong plants. Butterfly occupancy declined at sites with high soil moisture and increased at sites with higher soil reaction. Mowing of moist nitrogen-rich sites, but not drier nitrogen-poor sites, increased occupancy, illustrating the need for context-dependent interventions. All the evidence thus shows that E. aurinia prefers drier, warmer and less acidic conditions within the generally moist acidic grasslands and that ongoing eutrophication represents a potential problem in the future.
The study examined the possibility of using the phytoindication technique to describe habitat preferences of red deer in a relatively homogeneous area. Two alternative hypotheses were tested. Hypothesis 1 suggests that the relationship between red deer and vegetation is due to a trophic factor, so preferences for individual plant species cause vegetation to influence the distribution of animal numbers. Hypothesis 2 suggests that environmental factors influence vegetation, structuring and determining the productive level of the community as a whole. Therefore, environmental factors, rather than individual plant species, cause vegetation-animal interactions. The research was conducted on Biryuchiy Island Spit, where the Azov-Sivash National Nature Park is located. The geobotanical surveys were performed in three types of ecosystems: sandy steppe (vegetation class Festucetea vaginatae), saline meadows (vegetation class Festuco–Puccinellietea), and artificial forest plantation (vegetation class Robinietea). 250 releves were recorded according to the Brown-Blanquet approach. The number of fecal pellets and the number of groups of pellets of red deer was recorded together with geobotanical surveys in the same sample plots. The pellet groups counted in the field were converted to deer densities in specific vegetation classes taking into account the number of pellet groups on the site and the decay rate of the fecal pellets. The vegetation types were distinguished by the number of deer fecal pellets per unit area. The highest number of fecal pellets was found for the plant class Festucetea vaginatae, somewhat fewer fecal pellets were in the plant class Robinietea, and the lowest number was in the plant class Festuco-Puccinellietea. A geometric distribution model is adequate for explaining the experimental data on the number of fecal pellets. A total of 59 species of flowering plants were found. Based on the species composition and projective cover of species, the ecological regimes of ecotopes were identified by phytoindication. The correspondence analysis of the vegetation revealed two ordination axes. The ordination axis 1 (CA1) was able to explain 11.3% of community inertia, and the ordination axis 2 (CA2) was able to explain 5.2% of community inertia. The maximum excretory activity of animals was recorded for the central part of the ordination space, indicating the presence of an optimum zone in the gradient of environmental factors that structure plant communities. The forward selection procedure allowed the Nutrients Availability variable to be selected as the most important variable to explain variation in the plant community structure. The number of deer fecal pellets exhibited different patterns of response in the Nutrients Availability gradient. The response within the plant class Festucetea vaginatae could best be explained by Model III from the list of HOF-models. The response of the excretory activity of deer within the class Festuco-Puccinellietea could best be fitted by the model IV, which represents a symmetric Gaussian curve. The response of excretory activity in the Robinietea vegetation class was asymmetrical bimodal. The ecological properties of the red deer ecological niche in both the drier and less mineralized part of the range of ecological conditions and the wetter and more mineralized part should be assessed in the context of the prospects for future studies.
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In this paper, we show the results of research that can inform conservation measures elsewhere in Europe for the endangered butterfly Euphydryas aurinia. A five year field study was undertaken to identify the host plant preference of larvae of Euphydryas aurinia provincialis in the Mediterranean and which signals are used by females to lay their eggs. The females oviposit on Gentiana cruciata, Scabiosa columbaria and Cephalaria leucantha; the larvae feed on all these plants and additionally on Lonicera caprifoliumin the wild and on Gentiana lutea in the laboratory. The females do not show any preference for a specific host plant and the larvae move from one species of plant to another without any difficulty. The most important factors in determining the female oviposition are the visibility, accessibility and sun-exposure of the host plants. The vegetative state of host plants is the key factor in larval use of plants during the pre- and post-diapause period. The large-sized host plants, G. cruciata and C. leucantha, are optimal for the growth and survival of the pre-diapause I-III larval instar, while they are unavailable to the larvae in Spring because of their delayed vegetative growth. The post-diapause larvae preferentially feed on plants of S. columbaria, and to lesser degree L. caprifolium, as they provide and abundant food source compared with G. cruciata and C. leucantha. The results also suggest that, there is an evolutionary advantage in large numbers of caterpillars feeding together, with the females of E. aurinia provincialis preferring to lay their eggs nearby or above egg batches laid previously by another female, and selecting large plants for oviposition. Despite the competition for food among caterpillars, the oviposition behaviour of females is advantageous and increases the larval survival rate on large plants. The gregarious larval behaviour provides several benefits during both pre-diapause period (avoiding starvation) and post-diapause period (efficiency in thermoregulation).
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Understanding ecological requirements of endangered species is a primary precondition of successful conservation practice. Regrettably, we know surprisingly little about the life history of numerous threatened insects, and about their use of larval host plants in particular. The brown butterflies (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) have traditionally been considered polyphagous on grasses and indiscriminatory in their oviposition behavior. However, detailed studies on several species have revealed local specialization in host plant use as well as the decisive role of microlimatic conditions as determinants of habitat quality. The present study addresses host plant relationships in the endangered brown butterfly Coenonympha hero (L.) at the northern limit of its European distribution. We combine laboratory-based host preference and performance tests with an analysis of microhabitat use by adult butterflies in the field. Both lines of evidence suggest that C. hero is polyphagous enough not to be associated with one particular host species. Oviposition choices of C. hero are not driven by host plant species but rather by structural characteristics of the substrate. The preferred rigid needle-like structures may serve as cues of ‘transparent’ vegetation which allows the larvae to benefit from sunlight reaching the lower strata of the tuft. Our results suggest that conservation efforts should prioritize microclimatic parameters, rather than the presence of any particular host plant species, as decisive determinants of habitat quality in C. hero.
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Questions Wet meadows have traditionally been managed at low intensity, promoting the co‐existence of a variety of plant species. The remaining fragments of these meadows are now being degraded by either mowing abandonment or by agricultural intensification, such as increased fertilization. We tested the theoretical expectation that certain functional traits can explain vegetation changes along gradients of productivity and soil moisture in response to these land‐use changes. Location Železné hory Mts., Czech Republic, Central Europe. Methods We set up a long‐term experiment where we applied a full factorial design of fertilization and abandonment to 17 traditionally mown wet meadows covering a broad range of productivity and soil moisture conditions found within the region. Plant functional traits that cover different aspects of plant ecological strategies – plant height, specific leaf area ( SLA ), leaf dry matter content ( LDMC ), seed mass and clonality – were used to explain both species and whole community response to land‐use change. We employed linear mixed effect models to test for the consistency of functional changes across different productivity and soil moisture conditions. Results We found that the functional response of species and whole communities to land‐use change was consistent across meadows differing substantially in their productivity and soil moisture. Specifically, irrespective of the local conditions, both fertilization and abandonment selected for tall species within communities, highlighting the effect of increased competition for light. Traits related to a more exploitative strategy in species (higher SLA , more prominent clonal growth and smaller seeds) were consistently favoured with increased fertilization. Conclusions We show that within a given region with a common land‐use history, certain functional traits consistently explain and can help to predict changes in plant communities caused by land‐use change, irrespective of different productivity and soil moisture conditions. Our results demonstrate a simple way to use functional traits in applied nature conservation. We hope this will encourage practitioners to use functional traits to complement existing knowledge on composition and productivity of considered habitats to enhance the planning of management practices. We encourage practitioners to build regional trait databases to actively use trait information for the purpose of habitat management.
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We provide information about two species, Pilosella bauhinii and P. cymosa subsp. vaillantii (Asteraceae), from new localities in north-central Poland (ATPOL DC18). All individuals of both species grew on a railway embankment in Górzno-Lidzbark Landscape Park. The ecological preferences for P. cymosa and P. bauhinii estimated according to average Ellenberg values nearly coincided with the original description of Ellenberg. We also sequenced the barcode marker, plastid trnH-psbA intergenic spacer, for two individuals of P. bauhinii, three specimens of P. cymosa subsp. vaillantii, and additionally two individuals of P. officinarum L. and one H. murorum L. growing in close proximity. A pairwise comparison of trnH-psbA sequences showed that each species has a unique haplotype. Taking into account their morphological coherence, it is possible that both P. bauhinii and P. cymosa have not hybridized yet, at least locally, with the more abundant species (e.g., P. officinarum). A search for reference sequences did not provide additional information because of the low quality of the reference database for this group in GenBank. Only 14 sequences of trnH-psbA were available with some apparently being misidentified or of low quality. None were identical to sequences of P. cymosa subsp. vaillantii and P. bauhinii found in this study.
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Questions How has vegetation species diversity and species composition changed between 1965 and 2012/13 in acidic and calcareous grasslands? What has driven this change in vegetation? Location A 2400‐km ² area around Sheffield, northern England. Methods In 1965 a survey was conducted to describe grassland vegetation of the Sheffield region. We repeated this survey in 2012/13, revisiting acidic and calcareous grassland sites (455 quadrats). Climate, N and sulphur deposition, cattle and sheep stocking rates, soil pH , altitude, aspect and slope were considered to be potential drivers of variation in vegetation. We analysed temporal changes in vegetation and examined relationships with spatial and temporal variation in driver variables. Results Both acidic and calcareous grasslands showed clear changes in species composition between the two time periods. In acidic grasslands there was no significant change in richness but there were declines in diversity. There were significant increases in Ellenberg N. Nitrogen deposition and grazing were identified as potential drivers of spatial and temporal patterns but it was not possible to discriminate the respective impacts of potential drivers. In calcareous grasslands there were declines in species richness, diversity and appropriate diversity indices. Climate and soil pH were identified as potential drivers of spatial and temporal patterns. Conclusions Despite only small site losses compared to other surveys in the UK , especially within the national park, both calcareous and acidic grasslands showed very clear changes in species composition. In acidic grasslands, high abundance of Pteridium aquilinum was a particular problem and had increased considerably between the two survey periods. Atmospheric N deposition and grazing were identified as drivers of species diversity. A number of calcareous grasslands showed signs of reduced management intensity leading to scrub invasion.
R package for Data Analysis using multilevel/hierarchical model