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Behavioral inferences from the high levels of dental chipping in Homo naledi


Abstract and Figures

Objectives: A variety of mechanical processes can result in antemortem dental chipping. In this study, chipping data in the teeth of Homo naledi are compared with those of other pertinent dental samples to give insight into their etiology. Materials and methods: Permanent teeth with complete crowns evidencing occlusal wear were examined macroscopically. The location, number, and severity of fractures were recorded and compared to those found in samples of two other South African fossil hominin species and in samples of nonhuman primates (n = 3) and recent humans (n = 7). Results: With 44% of teeth affected, H. naledi exhibits far higher rates of chipping than the other fossil hominin samples. Specifically, 50% of posterior teeth and 31% of anterior teeth display at least one chip. The maxillary teeth are more affected than the mandibular teeth (45% vs 43%, respectively), 73% of molar chipping occurs on interproximal surfaces, and right teeth are more often affected than left teeth (50% vs 38%). Discussion: Results indicate that the teeth of H. naledi were exposed to acute trauma on a regular basis. Because interproximal areas are more affected than buccal and posterior teeth more than anterior, it is unlikely that nonmasticatory cultural behavior was the cause. A diet containing hard and resistant food, or contaminants such as grit, is more likely. The small chip size, and steep occlusal wear and cupped dentine on some molars are supportive of the latter possibility. This pattern of chipping suggests that H. naledi differed considerably-in terms of diet, environment, and/or specialized masticatory processing-relative to other African fossil hominins.
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Behavioral inferences from the high levels of dental chipping in
Homo naledi
Ian Towle
Joel D. Irish
Isabelle De Groote
Research Centre in Evolutionary
Anthropology and Palaeoecology, School of
Natural Sciences and Psychology, John
Moores University, Liverpool L3 3AF, United
Evolutionary Studies Institute and Centre
for Excellence in PaleoSciences, University
of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, WITS
2050, South Africa
Ian Towle, Room 352, James Parsons
Building, Byrom Street, Liverpool L3 3AF,
United Kingdom.
Funding information
Liverpool John Moores University
Objectives: A variety of mechanical processes can result in antemortem dental chipping. In this
study, chipping data in the teeth of Homo naledi are compared with those of other pertinent dental
samples to give insight into their etiology.
Materials and methods: Permanent teeth with complete crowns evidencing occlusal wear were
examined macroscopically. The location, number, and severity of fractures were recorded and
compared to those found in samples of two other South African fossil hominin species and in sam-
ples of nonhuman primates (n53) and recent humans (n57).
Results: With 44% of teeth affected, H. naledi exhibits far higher rates of chipping than the other
fossil hominin samples. Specifically, 50% of posterior teeth and 31% of anterior teeth display at
least one chip. The maxillary teeth are more affected than the mandibular teeth (45% vs 43%,
respectively), 73% of molar chipping occurs on interproximal surfaces, and right teeth are more
often affected than left teeth (50% vs 38%).
Discussion: Results indicate that the teeth of H. naledi were exposed to acute trauma on a regular
basis. Because interproximal areas are more affected than buccal and posterior teeth more than
anterior, it is unlikely that nonmasticatory cultural behavior was the cause. A diet containing hard
and resistant food, or contaminants such as grit, is more likely. The small chip size, and steep occlu-
sal wear and cupped dentine on some molars are supportive of the latter possibility. This pattern
of chipping suggests that H. naledi differed considerablyin terms of diet, environment, and/or
specialized masticatory processingrelative to other African fossil hominins.
dental fractures, enamel, hominin diet, South Africa
Antemortem dental chipping occurs when a tooth contacts a hard
object with enough force to fracture the enamel (Chai & Lawn, 2007;
Constantino et al., 2010), in a process akin to pressure flaking of stone
tools. Fracture can occur with minimal plastic deformation because
enamel is strong but brittle (Thomas, 2000). For example, in the human
dentition, enamel can withstand pressures >1000 N, equating to con-
tact stress of up to 2.5 GPa; however, the fracture point varies depend-
ing on the properties of both the enamel and the object making
contact with the enamel (Constantino et al., 2010; He & Swain, 2008;
Lawn, Lee, Constantino, & Lucas, 2009; Scott & Winn, 2011). Chipping
differs from other types of crown wear in that it is not a gradual pro-
cess and does not leave a smooth occlusal surface. Irregular breaks are
created on the occlusal edge of the enamel, though they may reach the
dentine in severe cases. Such data therefore can offer some insight
into the diet and behavior of past individuals and populations, espe-
cially because it often takes many years of subsequent attrition and
abrasion to erase chips (Constantino, Markham, & Lucas, 2012). Chip-
ping has been recorded in a range of different mammals, with consider-
able variation in the patterns and causes of fractures, which include
food processing, accidents, diet, environmental contaminants, and
social behavior (Constantino et al., 2012; Sauther, Sussman, & Cuozzo,
2002; Scott & Winn, 2011; Stojanowski, Johnson, Paul, & Carver,
Am J Phys Anthropol.2017;19. V
C2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Received: 9 December 2016
Revised: 3 May 2017
Accepted: 4 May 2017
DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.23250
2015; Van Valkenburgh, 2009). Different dietary items cause enamel
fractures at different rates and sizes, from soft fruits that rarely cause
chipping to hard seeds and nuts that may lead to large chips. However,
the propensity of some foods for dental chipping is more difficult to
discern. Bark and low-quality terrestrial herbaceous vegetation tend to
envelop the crown surface, thereby spreading out stresses to make
chipping unlikely (Chai, Lee, Kwon, Lucas, & Lawn, 2009; Lucas,
Constantino, Wood, & Lawn, 2008). Environmental contaminants may
also be important, such as grit incorporated into the diet (Belcastro
et al., 2007; Nystrom, Phillips-Conroy, & Jolly, 2004). The size and
shape that an object must be to cause chipping are subjects of debate
(e.g., Constantino et al., 2012; Daegling et al., 2013; Lucas et al., 2008);
yet, the teeth affected, position on the tooth, and severity can all give
insight into the etiology producing such chips (Belcastro et al., 2007;
Constantino et al., 2010; Scott & Winn, 2011).
Comparatively low chipping rates are found in gorillas and chim-
panzees relative to orangutans (Constantino et al., 2012). The rate in
gorillas is a result of their infrequent ingestion of hard seeds and fruits,
while feeding predominantly on foods like low-quality herbaceous veg-
etation (Conklin-Brittain, Knott, & Wrangham, 2001; Doran et al.,
2002). Similarly, chimpanzees commonly consume soft fruits (Conklin-
Brittain et al., 2001). Orangutans, however, have far higher chipping
rates than other great apes, with Constantino et al. (2012) reporting
three to six times more chips on their posterior teeth. This high rate is
attributed to the large hard foods that make up a significant part of
their diet (Galdikas, 1982).
A variety of recent human populations have also been studied
(e.g., Belcastro et al., 2007; Bonfiglioli, Mariotti, Facchini, Belcastro, &
Condemi, 2004; Gould, 1968; Lous, 1970; Molnar et al., 1972; Scott &
Winn, 2011; Silva, Gil, Soares, & da Silva, 2016; Turner & Cadien,
1969), and the findings are useful for inferring chipping etiologies in
fossil hominins. In general, hunter-gatherers tend to have higher rates
in their posterior teeth, whereas agriculturalists have more chipping of
the anterior teeth. In addition, the former groups are most affected by
diet or environmental contaminants, while the latter are more often
affected by diet and tool use (Scott & Winn, 2011; Stojanowski et al.,
2015). Nonmasticatory behavior is usually the focus of chipping studies
in Homo sapiens, with different activities leading to a variety of patterns
(e.g., Bonfiglioli et al., 2004; Gould, 1968; Larsen, 2015; Lous, 1970;
Molnar et al., 1972).
Chipping frequencies have also been recorded in hominin fossils,
with South African specimens particularly well studied (Constantino
et al., 2010; Grine et al., 2010; Robinson, 1954; Tobias, 1967). For
example, there has been much debate in the literature concerning what
the frequencies of dental chipping in Paranthropus robustus and
Australopithecus africanus indicate in terms of diet. Alternate explana-
tions include grit introduced into the masticatory process from eating
roots (Robinson, 1954), crunching of bones (Tobias, 1967), and con-
sumption of seeds and nuts (Constantino et al., 2010). Chipping has
also been noted in the teeth of A. afarensis (Johanson & Taieb, 1976),
Australopithicus anamensis (Ward, Leakey, & Walker, 2001),
Paranthropus boisei (Tobias, 1967), and Homo neanderthalensis (Fox &
Frayer, 1997). Neanderthal teeth exhibit high rates that are likely
caused, at least in part, by nonmasticatory processes (Fiorenza &
Kullmer, 2013; Fox & Frayer, 1997).
Although dental chipping can be useful in reconstructing hominin
diets, a few issues have not yet been thoroughly addressed in the liter-
ature, including the effects that enamel microstructure, thickness, and
morphology have on susceptibility to fracture, and the time spent in
occlusion and wear of the tooth. It has been suggested that fractures
may follow lines of weakness such as lamellae and tufts, which means
cracks can form differentially or more easily at certain locations (Lucas
et al., 2008). Similarly, orientation of enamel microstructure, as well as
the dietary object is important (Xu et al., 1998). Most research on frac-
tures assumes that enamel has similar properties across the occlusal
surface, as well as between tooth types and populations. However,
more recent work suggests that enamel mechanical properties differ
across the surface of a single tooth, and between teeth (Cuy, Mann,
Livi, Teaford, & Weihs, 2002; Macho & Shimizu, 2009; Ziscovici, Lucas,
Constantino, Bromage, & Van Casteren, 2014). Enamel property differ-
ences among species could also mean that two closely related species
with nearly identical diets have markedly different patterns of chipping.
In this regard, it was proposed that thick enamel may have evolved in
certain lineages to resist tooth loss through fracture (Kay, 1981; Lucas
et al., 2008). This possibility could lead to bias in the data if these same
species evolved other adaptations to cope with consuming large
amounts of hard foods. Efforts to quantify bite forces in extinct species
may be especially influenced by such factors (Chai & Lawn, 2007; Chai,
Lee, & Lawn, 2011; Constantino et al., 2010; Constantino et al., 2012).
However, species differences are just beginning to be researched (e.g.,
Ziscovici et al., 2014). There are also issues concerning how samples
are chosen, such as the inclusion of incomplete crowns and differences
in the presentation of results that may yield substantial differences
among studies of the same species (Daegling et al., 2013).
That said, if care is taken in choosing the methods and enamel
property differences are considered, dental chipping should be able to
provide some insight into the diet and behavior of extinct species. By
recording position, severity, and frequency, a unique sample-specific
pattern may be obtained for comparison with other samples. In this
study, chipping data were recorded in the permanent teeth of Homo
naledi for comparison with other samples of South African fossil homi-
nins, as well as extant primates and recent humans. The results help to
characterize further the newly-defined species from South Africas Ris-
ing Star cave system, along with other publications (e.g., Feuerriegel
et al., 2016; Harcourt-Smith et al., 2015; Kivell et al, 2015; Williams,
Garcia-Martinez, Bastir, & Berger, 2017), several of which also concern
the teeth (Berger et al., 2015; Cofran, Skinner, & Walker, 2016;
Skinner, Lockey, Gunz, Hawks, & Delezene, 2016).
At the time of data collection, over 1,500 H. naledi specimens were
available for study, from which 15 individuals are represented (Berger
et al., 2015; Dirks et al., 2015). This material was subsequently dated
to c. 335-236 kya (Dirks et al., 2017). The dental sample itself consists
of 156 permanent teeth from the cave's Dinaledi Chamber, all of which
were observed directly by the first author. Following Daegling et al.
(2013), 6 damaged teeth and 24 others not subject to chipping, due to
noneruption or limited occlusion (based on negligible or no crown
wear), were not recorded. Thus, data in 126 teeth were employed for
comparison with the other samples (Table 1). The same criteria for
tooth exclusion were followed when recording chipping in A. africanus
(n5265 teeth) and P. robustus (n5235) from South Africa, and three
extant primate species: chimpanzees (n51,991), gorillas (n51,518),
and hamadryas and olive baboons (n5760). To assess the level of
intraobserver error, 218 baboon teeth were recorded on two separate
occasions; no significant difference was detected (v
50.008, 1 df,
p5.927). Analogous data in seven additional samples of recent
humans were derived from the literature (refer to list in Table 2,
below); of course, interobserver error could not be determined in these
Chipping frequencies are displayed by tooth rather than by individ-
ual. As well as presenting overall frequencies, teeth are subdivided
according to the severity of occlusal wear. Extensively worn teeth are
often excluded from study over concerns that previous chips have
worn away or the enamel has become more susceptible to chipping
(Bonfiglioli et al., 2004; Scott & Winn, 2011). However, this strategy
can omit important dietary trends, particularly when comparing species.
Occlusal wear is a normal part of the masticatory process, so eliminat-
ing from consideration data on teeth worn past a certain point may
mask dietary differences.
Wear data for molars were scored in accordance with the method
of Scott (1979), and for all other teeth the method of Smith (1984).
This approach was employed to determine whether dental attrition is
related to chipping frequencies. Scotts (1979) method divides teeth
into quadrants, where each quadrant is given a score from 1 to 10. The
former value refers to a tooth that is unworn or has very small wear
facets, while the latter describes complete loss of the enamel. Smiths
(1984) method is similar, but uses a scale of 18. In this study, molars
are separated from the other teeth based on the total of their four
quadrants into categories of high (i.e., 201), medium (1319), and low
wear (512). Anterior teeth, here including premolars, are divided into
high (51), and medium-to-low wear (24) categories. If a tooth is listed
as grade 1 for either method, it was not included in the analysis due to
the likelihood it was not in occlusion. Statistical significance was tested
between tooth groups using a v
test of homogeneity, with significance
set at the 0.05 alpha level.
Teeth were observed macroscopically with a 103hand lens to
determine whether a chip occurred antemortem or postmortem. Dis-
tinguishing between postmortem and antemortem fractures was based
on criteria of Scott & Winn (2011), where only chips evidencing subse-
quent attrition were included in the latter category. The severity, posi-
tion, and number of chips were also recorded. Severity is based on the
three-point scale of Bonfiglioli et al. (2004): (1) slight crack or fracture
up to 0.5 mm in width or larger, but with only superficial enamel loss,
(2) larger irregular fracture up to 1 mm with the enamel more deeply
involved, and (3) chip larger than 1 mm involving both enamel and den-
tine. The number of chips per tooth was recorded following Belcastro
et al. (2007). Position was recorded as buccal, lingual, mesial, and distal.
If multiple chips are present, then the tooth surface with the most frac-
tures was recorded, whereas if the number is equal between two or
more sides, then the surface with the largest chip was recorded.
H. naledi individuals referred to in the original publication (Berger et al.,
2015) and those defined as likely individuals at the time of data collec-
tion were included.
With 44.4% of permanent teeth affected (Table 1), H. naledi exhibits a
far higher chipping rate than the other South African samples (Table 2).
Specifically, 53.7% of molars, 44.4% of premolars, 25% of canines, and
33.3% of incisors have at least one chip; of these, 50% display two or
more chips (Figure 1 and Table 3). Only 13.6% of primary teeth are
affected. Most chips are small, that is, severity 1 (n551), with only six
recorded as 2 or 3. Over 73% of those on the molars are located inter-
proximally. Particularly common are several small chips above the wear
facets of posterior teeth (Figure 2).
Chipping frequencies are presented by wear score and side in
Table 1. Among other variation evident in these categories, it can be
seen that right teeth are affected slightly more often than left, with
rates of 50% and 37.7%, respectively, having at least one chip. The
average affected right molar has 2.37 chips and the left 2.06, with
medians of 2 and 1 in these non-normally distributed data (Shapiro
Wilk, p5.000). However, differences by side are not statistically signif-
icant (X
51.945, 1 df, p5.16). Of the 12 individuals represented by
dental remains, nine have at least one chipped tooth; two of the
remaining three are represented by only one tooth, and the third has
minimally worn teeth (i.e., scores of <2).
TABLE 1 Chipping frequencies for different tooth types in H.
chipping %
All teeth 126 56 44.44
Left teeth 61 23 37.70
Right teeth 66 33 50.00
Primary teeth 22 3 13.64
Molar wear stage
All molars 54 29 53.70
Light wear (512) 19 4 21.05
Medium wear (1319) 21 12 57.14
High wear (201) 14 13 92.86
PMs, Cs, and Is wear stage
All anterior and premolar teeth 72 27 37.50
Light wear (24) 46 15 32.61
Heavy wear (51) 26 12 46.15
Molar wear is calculated following Scott (1979) with all other teeth
using Smith (1984).
The posterior teeth of H. naledi have more chips than the anterior
teeth, and the average difference in overall frequency is statistically sig-
nificant (v
53.938, 1 df, p5.047). Posterior teeth are also more likely
to exhibit multiple chips than anterior teeth; to test this, a chi-square
test was again used, though with Yatescontinuity correction because
expected cell size for anterior teeth with multiple chips is 5. The dif-
ference is significant (v
57.240, 1 df, p5.007).
Last, Tables 2 and 3 compare H. naledi with samples of other South
African hominins, extant primates, and recent humans. Overall chipping
rates, as well as ratios comparing chip frequency are provided for max-
illary vs. mandibular teeth, posterior vs. anterior teeth, and small vs.
large chips (Table 2). H. naledi has a higher rate of chipping than other
South African hominins and extant nonhuman primates (Table 3). The
rate is more comparable to several of the recent human samples. How-
ever, many of the latter differ in chipping ratios compared to H. naledi;
particularly noticeable is the preponderance of small chips versus large
(i.e., ratio of 8.33:1) and fewer affected anterior vs. posterior teeth
(0.61:1). Although the overall rate of chipping in H. naledi is more simi-
lar to these recent human groups, the nature of the chipping with
regard to size and location within the dental arcade is more like that
observed in A. africanus and in baboons.
The H. naledi sample appears quite homogeneous with regard to the
location, number, and severity of chipping across individuals, not unlike
that of the speciesdevelopmental attributes, such as uniformly simple
crown morphology on relatively small, thick-enameled teeth (Berger
et al., 2015; Cofran et al., 2016; Skinner et al., 2016). The amount of
antemortem dental chipping across the sample, including multiple
instances in individuals with greater attrition, indicates that the teeth
were exposed to acute trauma on a regular basis. Interproximal surfa-
ces are more affected than buccal surfaces and posterior teeth more
than anterior teeth, which is suggestive of a dietary rather than a non-
masticatory cause (Belcastro et al., 2007). This patterning can result
from contaminants in the diet, like grit when consuming such foods as
roots and tubers (Belcastro et al., 2007; Robinson, 1963; Stojanowski
et al., 2015).
Clearly, there will be a point when an object is too small to create
a visible chip and instead results in enamel microwear. The point at
which this occurs likely varies, depending on the properties and shape
of both the enamel and the object (Daegling et al., 2013). The contami-
nants consumed by H. naledi would have had to at least occasionally
been above this size threshold. Certain environments make contami-
nants more likely to be consumed, such as dry and arid conditions or
areas affected by such phenomena as ash clouds following a volcanic
FIGURE 1 Chipping rates (%) for extant primates and fossil
hominins, divided by jaw and tooth type
FIGURE 2 Chipping examples: (a) U.W. 101525 upper right first
molar, three chips on mesial surface; (b) U.W. 1011401 upper
right second premolar, multiple small chips on distal surface;
(c) U.W. 1011402 upper right first premolar, mesial chip. Scale is
in millimeters
eruption (Belcastro et al., 2007; Riede & Wheeler, 2009; Spradley,
Glander, & Kay, 2016). It will therefore be useful to incorporate data
about the environment in which H. naledi lived.
As mentioned in the Introduction, the effects of enamel thickness,
occlusal wear, and enamel microstructure on chipping frequencies are
not well understood at present. It has been suggested that thickness is
not important in terms of chip number (Constantino et al., 2012).
Nevertheless, thicker enamel can accommodate larger chips and hence
may skew inferences drawn from assessments of chip size. Severe
wear will have a similar effect on frequencies, with chip size being lim-
ited. These factors do not seem to be responsible for small chips in this
sample, because chip size is consistently small regardless of wear and
despite the presence of thick enamel (Skinner et al., 2016). It is also
unlikely that H. naledi has significantly different enamel microstructural
properties than other hominin species, given their presumed phyloge-
netic relationship. Additional research on masticatory and enamel prop-
erties should offer further insight into the susceptibility of these
individuals to dental fractures. Chipping rates clearly increase with
wear, due to enamel properties or, more likely, time in occlusion. How-
ever, it is clear that the high rate in this sample is not simply a conse-
quence of heavy wear, for even lightly worn teeth have far higher rates
of chipping than that observed in the other hominin samples. It seems
probable that the objects responsible for this chipping were consumed
regularly, especially given that small chips should wear away more
quickly than large chips.
Dental chipping in H. naledi differs notably from the other fossil
hominin samples examined for this study. The rate is roughly twice
that of A. africanus (44.44% vs 21.13%) and more than three times that
of P. robustus, among whom only 12.77% of teeth are affected. The
patterning of chipping also differs, particularly relative to P. robustus
(see ratios in Table 2). The low rate of chipping in P. robustus, with
comparable rates to gorillas, suggests they did not specialize in hard
object feeding. Although the chipping rate for A. africanus is substan-
tially lower than in H. naledi, it is higher than that for extant great apes
and P. robustus. Interestingly, the premolars of A. africanus are the most
affected teeth, supporting recent biomechanical analyses (Strait et al.,
2009, 2012), with this pattern not observed in the other hominins
The extant primate samples may offer more useful comparisons
for H. naledi. For example, in a microwear study by Nystrom et al.
(2004), baboons in dry environments were reported to consume large
amounts of grit. In the present, combined sample of hamadryas and
olive baboons, we found similarities to H. naledi, with frequent small
chips and a higher rate of chipping among posterior teeth relative to
anterior teeth.
Recent human samples with comparably high rates, such as the
Inuit and medieval Italian Quadrella (Table 2), have different patterns of
chipping than observed in H. naledi; either their anterior teeth are more
affected from extramasticatory activity, or all teeth evidence severe
chipping as a result of dietary and cultural behaviors (Belcastro et al.,
2007; Scott & Winn, 2011; Turner & Cadien, 1969). However, there
are some human parallels. A Late Woodland sample from Cape Cod in
the U.S.A. has a pattern like H. naledi in terms of frequency and posi-
tion (McManamon, Bradley, & Magennis, 1986). The overall frequency
is 43% and molars are reported as the tooth type most prone to chip-
ping, with interproximal surfaces most affected. Unfortunately, fre-
quencies for tooth types and positions in that study are not reported.
McManamon et al. (1986) suggest that the cause of this patterning
was the incorporation of sand, gravel, and/or shell fragment contami-
nants into the food. Another sample with somewhat similar frequencies
TABLE 2 Per-tooth chipping frequencies and ratios of dentition affected for H. naledi and comparative samples
rate %
teeth %
ratio Time period Reference
Fossil hominins
H. naledi 44.44 50.00 8.33:1
1.05:1 0.61:1
c. 335-236 kya This study
A. africanus 21.13 16.07 10.20:1
1.04:1 0.54:1 Plio-Pleistocene This study
P. robustus 12.77 6.67 1.73:1 0.66:1 1.25:1 Plio-Pleistocene This study
Extant primates
Baboons 25.26 18.75 5.40:1
0.79:1 0.93:1 19th/20th century CE This study
Gorillas 11.13 4.14 10.27:1
19th/20th century CE This study
Chimpanzees 4.92 2.04 2.27:1
1.73:1 0.95:1 19th/20th century CE This study
Recent humans
St. Lawrence Island Inuit 66.40
1.04:1 0.77:1
2nd17th century CE Scott and Winn (2011)
Quadrella (Italy) 48.40
0.70:1 1.14:1 1.50:1
2nd3rd century BCE Belcastro et al. (2007)
Vicenne-Campochiaro (Italy) 38.90
1.12:1 1.17:1 1.68:1
4th10th century CE Belcastro et al. (2007)
Taforalt (Morocco) 29.20
11,00012,000 BP Bonglioli et al. (2004)
Norway 21.90
11th14th century CE Scott and Winn (2011)
Spain 5.90
1.73:1 3.10:1
11th18th century CE Scott and Winn (2011)
Cape Cod Woodland (USA) 43.40
5th10th century CE McManamon et al. (1986)
Small chips are those recorded as severity grade 1 and large as grades 23, according to Bonfiglioli et al. (2004).
Data not reported in publication.
Chi-square significant at 0.05 level.
TABLE 3 Chipping presence, absence, and severity for upper molars (UM), upper premolars (UP), upper canines (UC), upper incisors (UI),
lower molars (LM), lower premolars (LP), lower canines (LC), lower incisors (LI), and all teeth (All)
Sample UM % UP % UC % UI % LM % LP % LC % LI % All %
Total number of teeth
501 292 136 315 497 300 140 320 2501
Complete teeth with chip(s) 29 6 9 11 25 5 5 8 98
Complete teeth with no chips 415 248 107 261 432 279 121 278 2141
Damaged/incomplete teeth 57 38 20 43 40 16 14 34 262
Teeth with a wear score of 1 24 51 23 26 17 51 24 32 248
Small chips
19 66 5 83 6 67 9 82 16 64 3 60 2 40 8 100 68 69
Medium chips
10 34 1 17 2 22 2 18 9 36 2 40 3 60 0 0 29 30
Large chips
000011100000000001 1
Chipping frequency % 7 3 10 4 6 2 5 3 5
Total number of teeth
409 247 110 271 411 241 113 288 2090
Complete teeth with chip(s) 72 9 6 12 37 19 6 8 169
Complete teeth with no chips 301 201 78 200 332 200 83 217 1612
Damaged/incomplete teeth 36 37 26 59 42 22 24 63 309
Teeth with a wear score of 1 17 54 23 43 32 24 25 45 263
Small chips
68 94 7 78 6 100 8 67 33 89 18 95 6 100 8 100 154 91
Medium chips
Large chips
001110000000000001 1
Chipping frequency % 20 6 10 7 11 10 9 4 11
Total number of teeth
174 116 49 107 166 110 49 112 883
Complete teeth with chip(s) 38 16 1 29 62 10 3 33 192
Complete teeth with no chips 123 90 41 59 85 80 43 77 598
Damaged/incomplete teeth 13 10 7 19 19 20 3 2 93
Teeth with a wear score of 1 5 8 8 0 4 1 4 0 30
Small chips
31 82 13 81 1 100 27 93 49 79 9 90 3 100 29 88 162 84
Medium chips
Large chips
00000000000000000 0
Chipping frequency % 24 16 3 33 43 11 7 30 25
Paranthropus robustus
Total number of teeth
78 63 15 38 117 58 10 23 402
Complete teeth with chip(s) 2 4 2 3 12 5 1 1 30
Complete teeth with no chips 50 30 7 26 74 34 4 15 240
Damaged/incomplete teeth 26 29 6 9 31 19 5 7 132
Teeth with a wear score of 1 4 4 1 5 12 2 2 5 35
Small chips
2 100 1 25 0 0 1 33 10 83 4 80 0 0 1 100 19 63
Medium chips
0 0 3 75 1 50 2 67 2 17 1 20 1 100 0 0 10 33
Large chips
000015000000000001 3
Chipping frequency % 4 13 25 13 16 14 33 9 13
Australopithecus africanus
Total number of teeth
81 55 20 31 153 65 36 36 477
Complete teeth with chip(s) 6 11 0 4 24 9 1 1 56
Complete teeth with no chips 48 24 16 19 90 36 19 22 274
Damaged/incomplete teeth 27 20 4 8 39 20 16 13 147
Teeth with a wear score of 1 4 9 8 10 10 8 8 8 65
Small chips
6 100 10 91 0 0 4 100 22 92 8 89 0 0 1 100 51 91
Medium chips
00190000141111100004 7
Large chips
00000000140000001 2
Chipping frequency % 12 42 0 31 23 24 8 7 21
Homo naledi
Total number of teeth
31 21 13 14 28 19 11 19 156
Complete teeth with chip(s) 15 9 3 3 14 7 0 5 56
Complete teeth with no chips 16 11 9 11 14 11 10 12 94
Damaged/incomplete teeth 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 6
Teeth with a wear score of 1 2 2 4 3 3 0 6 4 24
Small chips
13 87 9 100 3 100 3 100 11 79 6 86 0 0 5 100 50 89
Medium chips
2130000003210000005 9
Large chips
000000000011400001 2
Chipping frequency % 52 50 38 27 56 39 0 38 44
Damaged/incomplete teeth and teeth with a wear score of 1 dropped from the total number of teeth before chipping frequency is calculated.
Small, medium, and large chips are scored according to Bonfiglioli et al. (2004) with three-point severity scale.
to H. naledi is from the site of Taforalt. Bonfiglioli et al. (2004) con-
cluded that the frequent interproximal chipping in these epipalaeolithic
Moroccans was due to chewing hard, abrasive snail shells and fruit
stones. Many seeds and nuts were also consumed (Humphrey et al.,
2014). Dietary contaminants may also have been a factor, given the
environmental conditions and presence of grindstones (Humphrey
et al., 2014). However, direct comparison is confounded, because these
peoples practiced maxillary incisor avulsion (De Groote & Humphrey,
2016). Last, the medieval VicenneCampochiaro sample exhibits a
chipping pattern similar to H. naledi; it has high rates of interproximal
chipping on posterior teeth, especially in females. Belcastro et al.
(2007) suggest the cause was grit incorporated into the diet.
If a specific food item is responsible for chipping in H. naledi,then
these individuals must have specialized in the consumption of a partic-
ular type of very small hard object. Additional evidence, to be detailed
in separate study, includes steeply-angled wear and slight cupped, that
is, scooped-out, wear of dentine on several posterior teeth in H. naledi
both of which can result from consumption of grit, generally in con-
junction with softer foods (Brace, 1962; Hinton, 1981; Smith, 1984;
Figure 3). It also cannot be ruled out that these individuals were proc-
essing foods, at least to the extent seen in chimpanzees who dismantle
seeds and nuts before ingestion (Boesch & Boesch, 1982; Daegling
et al., 2013; Wrangham & Conklin-Brittain, 2003). So, potentially, only
small hard objects were masticated in the mouth, with larger hard items
processed to some extent prior to mastication. That said, other evi-
dence for this hypothesis is lacking. Moreover, although conjectural,
perhaps the higher rate of chipping in the right teeth of H. naledi
resulted from preferential placement of the food or objects (and con-
taminants) in this side of the mouth. Greater wear on right relative to
left teeth has been reported in several fossil Homo specimens and has
been attributed to right hand dominance in the manipulation of objects
during oral processing (Estalrrich & Rosas, 2013; Fiore, Bondioli,
Radovčić, & Frayer, 2015; Frayer et al., 2016). Yet, as noted, side differ-
ences in chipping in H. naledi were found to be nonsignificant; recovery
of additional specimens may provide clarification, while microwear and
macrowear analyses by side should provide interesting comparisons.
H. naledi exhibits high rates of antemortem enamel chipping, particu-
larly on the posterior teeth and interproximal areas. These chips are
predominately small and all individuals are affected. These characteris-
tics are suggestive of a dietary etiology rather than a nonmasticatory
cause. Once microwear analysis of the teeth by other researchers is
completed, further support may be provided for the possibility that grit
underlies the patterns of macroscopic chipping reported here. In addi-
tion, alternative forms of analyses of H. naledi specimens (e.g., photolith
analyses, etc.), along with chipping research on additional primates, par-
ticularly hominins, can help further elucidate whether H. naledi regularly
ate foods that contained contaminants. Environmental data will be of
interest to integrate. However, at present, results from this chipping
study highlight the fact that H. naledi differed noticeably from species
comprising the comparative samples studied here, in terms of diet,
behavior, and/or the environment in which they lived.
The authors thank L. Berger and B. Zipfel for access to the collec-
tions at the University of the Witwatersrand, and J. Hawks and L.
Delezene for their help and advice during data collection. They also
thank I. Livne from the Powell-Cotton museum and S. Potze from
the Ditsong Museum of South Africa for access to their collections.
This research was supported by a studentship to the first author
from Liverpool John Moores University.
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How to cite this article: Towle I, Irish JD, De Groote I. Behav-
ioral inferences from the high levels of dental chipping in Homo
naledi.Am J Phys Anthropol. 2017;00:000000.
... Ante-mortem dental chipping and non-masticatory wear can also give insight into diet and cultural practices (Belcastro et al., 2007;Scott & Winn, 2011). All primate species so far studied show dental chipping, with the chipping patterns across the dentition providing insight into the cause of the fractures (Towle et al., 2017;Fannin et al., 2020;Towle et al., 2022). In hominins, non-masticatory behaviour is often the focus of studies involving tooth chipping, with anterior teeth often showing a high frequency of fractures (e.g., Lous, 1970;Bonfiglioli et al., 2004;Belcastro et al., 2018). ...
... Notches and grooves on the dentition, caused by non-masticatory cultural activity, were also recorded following Bonfiglioli et al.'s (2004) three-point severity scale. Tooth chipping was recorded following the methods of Towle et al. (2017). A fracture was only recorded if there was further attrition evident on the chipped surface (i.e., the chip scar), to rule out post-mortem damage. ...
... Males have significantly more chips per dentition than females, which may relate to using their teeth more for non-masticatory activities, though it could also reflect higher rates of violence or accidents. Despite sex differences, the overall chipping frequency is low compared to many other samples, including wild extant primates, fossil hominins and other archaeological humans (Bonfiglioli et al., 2004;Scott & Winn, 2011;Towle et al., 2017;Belcastro et al., 2018;Fannin et al., 2020;. This suggests dental damage through tool use may not have been as common as in other archaeological samples (e.g., Turner and Cadien; Scott & Winn, 2011). ...
Objective: Dental pathology and tooth wear data can offer valuable insights into the diet and behaviour of past populations. This study aimed to investigate the presence of dietary continuity by examining different types of dental pathology and tooth wear in a medieval sample from the United Kingdom, comparing them to earlier and later samples from the same location. Design: A comprehensive examination was conducted on 41 individuals (comprising 914 permanent teeth) retrieved from the medieval cemetery of St. Owens Church in Southgate Street, Gloucester, UK. The research focused on documenting and analysing various types of dental pathology and tooth wear, such as dental caries, calculus, and tooth chipping. The frequency of these specific pathologies and wear patterns was then compared to existing literature. Additionally, non-masticatory tooth wear was also evaluated as part of the study. Results: The sample exhibits high levels of carious lesions and calculus (24 % and 74 % of teeth respectively). Anterior teeth also show an elevated chipping frequency, and along with occlusal notches on the maxillary central incisors suggest teeth were regularly used for non-masticatory purposes. Conclusions: Caries frequency is similar to sites from later periods and may relate to the early adoption of consuming refined carbohydrates. However, remains from the same area, but the earlier Roman period, also shows high rates of caries and calculus, suggesting a continuation of consuming certain cariogenic foods, or certain behavioural/environmental factors, may instead be responsible for these pathology and wear patterns.
... Robinson (1954) hypothesized that similarities in chipping between P. ursinus and Paranthropus were caused by a shared dietd mainly, a proclivity for underground roots and tubers covered in exogenous errant particles, commonly labeled as 'grit' (Fannin et al., 2021b). Since his original insight, enamel chipping has been regularly used as another line of evidence for inferring hominin feeding behavior and resource use (Wallace, 1975;Constantino et al., 2010;Grine et al., 2010;Strait et al., 2013;Towle et al., 2017Belcastro et al., 2018;Fannin et al., 2020Fannin et al., , 2021bConstantino and Konow, 2021;. Nevertheless, it remains unresolved whetherdas Robinson (1954) first suggesteddenamel chipping across extant papionins has a common origin or, conversely, if the signal documented by chipping is context-or species-specific. ...
... There is ongoing discussion about the biological limitations posed by these models (see Fannin et al., 2020), including the influence of dental wear (Constantino et al., 2012), tooth size (Grine et al., 2010), enamel thickness , enamel prism decussation (Ziscovici et al., 2014), and periodontal proprioception (Fannin et al., 2020) on chip formation. Nevertheless, enamel chipping can be useful for reconstructing the foraging ecology of extinct primates, including Plio-Pleistocene hominins (Strait et al., 2013;Towle et al., 2017Constantino and Konow, 2021). ...
... Other studies have emphasized the influence of deliberate hard object feeding ('durophagy') on chip formation, pointing to high incidences of chipping in primates such as orangutans (Pongo spp.), who are rarely terrestrial but habitually ingest mechanically challenging foods (Constantino et al., 2010(Constantino et al., , 2012. As analyses expand to include more living primates, it is becoming increasingly apparent that chipping is variable and may not reliably sort species into durophagous or nondurophagous categories (Towle et al., 2017Fannin et al., 2020). Indeed, Robinson's (1954) grit hypothesis has re-emerged to explain elevated levels of enamel chipping in species that otherwise lack notable durophagy (Fannin et al., 2020(Fannin et al., , 2021bTowle et al., 2022). ...
African papionins are classic paleoecological referents for fossil hominins. Enamel chips on the teeth of baboons and hominins are argued to represent responses to similar dietary habits; however, a comprehensive analysis of modern papionin chipping is lacking, leaving open the question of analog suitability. Here, we investigate patterns of antemortem enamel chipping across a diverse set of African papionin species occupying a range of ecological niches. We compare papionin chipping frequencies to estimates for Plio-Pleistocene hominins to address hypotheses of habitat and/or dietary similarities. Antemortem chips in seven African papionin species were scored on intact postcanine teeth (P3-M3) using established protocols. Chip size was scored on a tripartite scale. Papio hamadryas and Papio ursinus-two common paleoecological referents-display higher levels of chipping than Plio-Pleistocene hominin taxa (Australopithecus and Paranthropus) posited to have similar dietary habits. Papio populations occupying dry or highly seasonal habitats accumulate more large chips than Papio taxa occupying more mesic habitats, and terrestrial papionins chip their teeth more often than closely related taxa occupying arboreal niches. Chipping is present on the teeth of all Plio-Pleistocene hominins; however, chipping in baboons (P. ursinus and P. hamadryas) consistently exceeds most hominin taxa. Chipping frequencies on their own do not reliably sort taxa into major dietary groupings. We conclude that the large differences in chipping frequency may instead reflect habitat use and food processing idiosyncrasies. Less chipping in Plio-Pleistocene hominin teeth compared to modern Papio is more likely attributable to differences in dental morphology rather than diet.
... All species show low levels of chipping. Extant primates with omnivorous diets show high chipping rates, as do hard object feeders, and species that accidentally ingest environmental grit (Fannin et al., 2020;Towle et al., 2017;Towle & Loch, 2021). Based on body size estimates, it is likely early anthropoids would have supplemented their fruit diet with leaves, though Catopithecusthe smallest primate studied heremay have consumed insects alongside soft fruits and leaves (Bajpai et al., 2008;Kirk & Simons, 2001;Williams et al., 2010). ...
... The dearth of chipped teeth in Fayum anthropoids also supports an arboreal lifestyle in which foraging on the ground was rare. Extant primates that forage on the ground have an increased likelihood of grit being accidentally ingested, leading to higher chipping prevalence (Towle et al., 2017). These results are consistent with previous research on Fayum primate skeletal morphology (Bown et al., 1982) and environmental reconstructions (Gagnon, 1997) that suggested these species were arboreal. ...
Full-text available
Objectives Fossils from the Fayum Depression, Egypt, are crucial for understanding anthropoid evolution due to the abundance of taxa and the time interval they represent (late Eocene to early Oligocene). Dietary and foraging behavioral interpretations suggest fruits were their dominant food source, although hard foods (e.g., seeds and nuts) and leaves could have been important dietary components for particular groups. In this study, we compare dental chipping patterns in five Fayum primate genera with chipping data for extant primates, to assess potential hard object feeding in early anthropoids. Materials and Methods Original specimens were studied ( Aegyptopithecus : n = 100 teeth; Parapithecus : n = 72, Propliopithecus : n = 99, Apidium : n = 82; Catopithecus : n = 68); with the number, severity, and position of chips recorded. Dental caries was also recorded, due to its association with soft fruit consumption in extant primates. Results Tooth chipping was low across all five genera studied, with a pooled chipping prevalence of 5% (21/421). When split into the three anthropoid families represented, chipping prevalence ranged from 2.6% (4/154) in Parapithecidae, 6% (12/199) in Propliopithecidae, and 7.4% (5/68) in Oligopithecidae. Three carious lesions were identified in Propliopithecidae. Discussion The chipping prevalence is low when compared to extant anthropoids (range from 4% to 40%) and is consistent with a predominantly soft fruit diet, but not with habitual hard food mastication. The presence of caries supports consumption of soft, sugary fruits, at least in Propliopithecidae. Our results add support for low dietary diversity in early anthropoids, with soft fruits as likely dominant food sources.
... The sample captures individuals that range in age from infant to older adult Bolter et al., 2018). Already, the Dinaledi dental collection has contributed to discussions of sample demography (Bolter et al., 2018), diet and ecology (i.e., Towle et al., 2017;Berthaume et al., 2018;Ungar and Berger, 2018), sexual dimorphism and samplelevel variation , growth and development (Cofran and Walker, 2017;Guatelli-Steinberg et al., 2018;Skinner, 2019), the status of H. naledi as a distinct species of Homo (e.g., Skinner et al., 2016;Irish et al., 2018;Bailey et al., 2019;Kupczik et al., 2019;Davies et al., 2019aDavies et al., , 2019bDavies et al., , 2020Brophy et al., 2021), and the phylogenetic place of H. naledi (Dembo et al., 2016;Irish and Grabowski, 2021). ...
... Many of the H. naledi crowns feature antemortem occlusal enamel chipping, and such damage is identified in the descriptions. Towle et al. (2017) assessed chipping independently of this study and provided a summary of chipping frequency in their study. ...
More than 150 hominin teeth, dated to ∼330-241 thousand years ago, were recovered during the 2013-2015 excavations of the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star cave system, South Africa. These fossils comprise the first large single-site sample of hominin teeth from the Middle Pleistocene of Africa. Though scattered remains attributable to Homo sapiens, or their possible lineal ancestors, are known from older and younger sites across the continent, the distinctive morphological feature set of the Dinaledi teeth supports the recognition of a novel hominin species, Homo naledi. This material provides evidence of African Homo lineage diversity that lasts until at least the Middle Pleistocene. Here, a catalog, anatomical descriptions, and details of preservation and taphonomic alteration are provided for the Dinaledi teeth. Where possible, provisional associations among teeth are also proposed. To facilitate future research, we also provide access to a catalog of surface files of the Rising Star jaws and teeth.
... Some of the shared characteristics include evincing Carabelli's traits and dental chipping, and similar crown outline shape. These findings support homogeneity of the Rising Star cave dental assemblage as documented in other studies (Towle et al. 2017;Irish et al. 2018;Bailey et al. 2019;Brophy et al. 2021;Delezene et al. 2024). ...
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Background Six Homo naledi early juveniles were recovered from U.W. 101 (Dinaledi Chamber), U.W. 102 (Lesedi Chamber), and U.W. 110 in the Rising Star cave system. Aim This paper develops the information for the H. naledi early juvenile life stage, as defined by a combination of deciduous and permanent dentition, and the eruption of the first permanent molar. Subjects and methods The growing number of young individuals recovered from the Rising Star cave system allows us to gain a better understanding of their variation, or lack thereof, and provides a basis to estimate broad ranges for age at death of the individuals. The individuals are identified and described through craniodental remains and spatial associations. Results and conclusion Our results show that the teeth are remarkably consistent across the localities in their metric and non-metric traits, and our analyses refine previous estimations on dental eruptions with the first permanent molar erupting first in the sequence among permanent teeth.
... Chip frequency (CP) in hominid fossil teeth is a viable source for assessing dietary habits. CP data were given as a function of tooth type, cusp location, sex, chip size, etc., in numerous works (e.g., Wallace, 1973;Constantino et al., 2010;Grine et al., 2010;Towle et al., 2017;Ungar and Berger, 2018;Towle and Loch, 2021;Fannin et al., 2023). Lacking direct evidence, the association of CP to diet is bound to be circumstantial or hypothetical in nature. ...
Edge chipping is a leading failure mode in dental teeth. Virtually all chipping studies are limited to Vickers indentation on polished cusps of molar teeth. Such works are here extended to spherical contact. Occlusal loads are applied on the tooth’s central fossa or a polished cusp using ball radii ranging from 0.4 to 5.16 mm. The chip dimensions are characterized by h/Dm and D/Dm, where h, D and Dm denote indent distance, chip size and tooth crown diameter. For the fossa loading, h/Dm, D/Dm and the least chipping force Pch are virtually independent of ball radius r for r < ≈ 4 mm. In this range, h/Dm and D/Dm lie between ≈0.30 to 0.36 and 0.51 to 0.69, respectively, while Pch equals ≈1330 N. For r > ≈ 4 mm, the failure occurs by debonding of enamel sectors from the dentin core. In the case of cusp loading, h/Dm < ≈ 0.3 while D/Dm and Pch vary with r. For relatively small h or large r, the failure occurs as soon as radial cracks initiate under the loading point. For a load applied near a cusp tip, the failure occurs by enamel debonding. Finally, the present work is easily extendable to fossil teeth of hominins and apes as well as prosthetic teeth. The morphological features obtained in such studies should provide quantitative means to assess the relationships between chip dimensions, chipping force and diet characteristics.
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Objectives A modern pattern (rate and duration) of dental development occurs relatively recently during human evolution. Given the temporal overlap of Homo naledi with the first appearance of fossil Homo sapiens in Africa, this small‐bodied and small‐brained hominin presents an opportunity to elucidate the evolution of enamel growth in the hominin clade. Here we conduct the first histological study of two permanent mandibular canines and one permanent maxillary first molar, representing three individuals attributed to H . naledi . We reconstruct the rate and duration of enamel growth and compare these findings to those reported for other fossil hominins and recent humans. Materials and Methods Thin sections of each tooth were produced using standard histological methods. Daily and longer period incremental markings were measured to reconstruct enamel secretion and extension rates, Retzius periodicity, canine crown and molar cusp formation time. Results Daily enamel secretion rates overlapped with those from recent hominins. Canine crown formation time is similar to that observed in recent Europeans but is longer than canine formation times reported for most other hominins including Australopithecus and H. neanderthalensis . The extended period of canine formation appears to be due to a relatively tall enamel crown and a sustained slow rate of enamel extension in the cervical portion of the crown. A Retzius periodicity of 11 days for the canines, and nine days for the molar, in H . naledi parallel results found in recent humans. An 11‐day periodicity has not been reported for Late Pleistocene Homo ( H. erectus , H. neanderthalensis ) and is rarely found in Australopithecus and Paranthropus species. Discussion Enamel growth of H . naledi is most similar to recent humans though comparative data are limited for most fossil hominin species. The high Retzius periodicity values do not follow expectations for a small‐brained hominin.
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Homo naledi is a previously-unknown species of extinct hominin discovered within the Dinaledi Chamber of the Rising Star cave system, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa. This species is characterized by body mass and stature similar to small-bodied human populations but a small endocranial volume similar to australopiths. Cranial morphology of H. naledi is unique, but most similar to early Homo species including Homo erectus, Homo habilis or Homo rudolfensis. While primitive, the dentition is generally small and simple in occlusal morphology. H. naledi has humanlike manipulatory adaptations of the hand and wrist. It also exhibits a humanlike foot and lower limb. These humanlike aspects are contrasted in the postcrania with a more primitive or australopith-like trunk, shoulder, pelvis and proximal femur. Representing at least 15 individuals with most skeletal elements repeated multiple times, this is the largest assemblage of a single species of hominins yet discovered in Africa.
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ELife digest Species of ancient humans and the extinct relatives of our ancestors are typically described from a limited number of fossils. However, this was not the case with Homo naledi. More than 1500 fossils representing at least 15 individuals of this species were unearthed from the Rising Star cave system in South Africa between 2013 and 2014. Found deep underground in the Dinaledi Chamber, the H. naledi fossils are the largest collection of a single species of an ancient human-relative discovered in Africa. After the discovery was reported, a number of questions still remained. Not least among these questions was: how old were the fossils? The material was undated, and predictions ranged from anywhere between 2 million years old and 100,000 years old. H. naledi shared several traits with the most primitive of our ancient relatives, including its small brain. As a result, many scientists guessed that H. naledi was an old species in our family tree, and possibly one of the earliest species to evolve in the genus Homo. Now, Dirks et al. – who include many of the researchers who were involved in the discovery of H. naledi – report that the fossils are most likely between 236,000 and 335,000 years old. These dates are based on measuring the concentration of radioactive elements, and the damage caused by these elements (which accumulates over time), in three fossilized teeth, plus surrounding rock and sediments from the cave chamber. Importantly, the most crucial tests were carried out at independent laboratories around the world, and the scientists conducted the tests without knowing the results of the other laboratories. Dirks et al. took these extra steps to make sure that the results obtained were reproducible and unbiased. The estimated dates are much more recent than many had predicted, and mean that H. naledi was alive at the same time as the earliest members of our own species – which most likely evolved between 300,000 and 200,000 years ago. These new findings demonstrate why it can be unwise to try to predict the age of a fossil based only on its appearance, and emphasize the importance of dating specimens via independent tests. Finally in two related reports, Berger et al. suggest how a primitive-looking species like H. naledi survived more recently than many would have predicted, while Hawks et al. describe the discovery of more H. naledi fossils from a separate chamber in the same cave system. DOI:
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Humans’ prolonged somatic development and life history are unique among primates, yet their evolutionary origins remain unclear. Dental development has been used as a proxy to reconstruct life history evolution in the hominin clade and indicates a recent emergence of the human developmental pattern. Here, we analyse tooth formation and eruption in two developing dentitions of Homo naledi, a late-surviving, morphologically mosaic hominin species. Deciduous dental development is more similar to humans than to chimpanzees, probably reflecting hominin symplesiomorphy rather than bearing life history significance. The later stages of permanent tooth development present a mix of human- and chimpanzee-like patterns. Surprisingly, the M2 of H. naledi emerges late in the eruption sequence, a pattern previously unknown in fossil hominins and common in modern humans. This pattern has been argued to reflect a slow life history and is unexpected in a small-brained hominin. The geological age of H. naledi (approx. 300 kya), coupled with its small brain size and the dental development data presented here, raise questions about the relationship between dental development and other variables associated with life history.
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The dental remains of the H. naledi hypodigm constitute one of the largest samples of teeth and jaws of any fossil hominin species. Estimated to derive from at least 15 individuals, they offer an opportunity to characterize dental morphology in a temporally and geographically restricted population belonging to the genus Homo. We apply microtomography to examine the morphology of the enamel-dentine junction (EDJ) of the mandibular molar sample. Previous research has demonstrated that EDJ morphology carries a strong taxonomic signal, facilitates the examination of discrete dental traits, and provides insights into the developmental processes underlying tooth crown morphology. Using geometric morphometrics (GM), we compare molar EDJ morphology of the H. naledi remains to a comparative sample that includes numerous Plio-Pleistocene hominin species from Australopithecus, Paranthropus and Homo. We also measure 2D average and relative enamel thickness and conduct a qualitative analysis of the EDJ expression of dental traits. Results of the GM analysis indicate that the molars of H. naledi are distinct from both Australopithecus/Paranthropus and early/later Homo; presenting a unique combination of dentine horn size and spacing and cervix shape. 2D enamel thickness of H. naledi is relatively thick, overlapping with P. robustus and some specimens of early Homo. Discrete traits, such as cusp 6 and the protostylid, are both rare and only mildly expressed and the molar occlusal basin lacks complexity in terms of crest development. The molar EDJ morphology of H. naledi is discussed within the context of both early and later species of the genus Homo.
On 15 August 1959 Dr L. S. B. Leakey announced the discovery, in the lowest level of Olduvai Gorge, of a new and beautifully preserved fossil cranium of a hominid, which he tentatively named Zinjanthropus boisei. For this second volume, Professor Tobias has undertaken a definitive analysis of the cranium. This is a most comprehensive study to be made on a hominid skull belonging to the early and mid-Pleistocene group of australopithecines. The fossilised skull provides a wealth of information on taxonomic status, way of life and age at death. To evaluate Zinjanthropus fully, the author has reviewed in detail the cranial and dental anatomy of all australopithecines from Tanzania and South Africa and has placed on record much valuable information about the group as a whole.
The evolutionary transition from an ape-like to human-like upper extremity occurred in the context of a behavioral shift from an upper limb predominantly involved in locomotion to one adapted for manipulation. Selection for overarm throwing and endurance running is thought to have further shaped modern human shoulder girdle morphology and its position about the thorax. Homo naledi (Dinaledi Chamber, Rising Star Cave, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa) combines an australopith-like cranial capacity with dental characteristics akin to early Homo. Although the hand, foot, and lower limb display many derived morphologies, the upper limb retains many primitive traits. Here, we describe the H. naledi upper extremity (excluding the hand) in detail and in a comparative context to evaluate the diversity of clavicular, scapular, humeral, radial, and ulnar morphology among early hominins and later Homo.
Labial striations on the anterior teeth have been documented in numerous European pre-Neandertal and Neandertal fossils and serve as evidence for handedness. OH-65, dated at 1.8 mya, shows a concentration of oblique striations on, especially, the left I¹ and right I¹, I² and C¹, which signal that it was right-handed. From these patterns we contend that OH-65 was habitually using the right hand, over the left, in manipulating objects during some kind of oral processing. In living humans right-handedness is generally correlated with brain lateralization, although the strength of the association is questioned by some. We propose that as more specimens are found, right-handedness, as seen in living Homo, will most probably be typical of these early hominins.