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Advanced Emergency Braking Control Based on a Nonlinear Model Predictive Algorithm for Intelligent Vehicles


Abstract and Figures

Focusing on safety, comfort and with an overall aim of the comprehensive improvement of a vision-based intelligent vehicle, a novel Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS) is proposed based on Nonlinear Model Predictive Algorithm. Considering the nonlinearities of vehicle dynamics, a vision-based longitudinal vehicle dynamics model is established. On account of the nonlinear coupling characteristics of the driver, surroundings, and vehicle itself, a hierarchical control structure is proposed to decouple and coordinate the system. To avoid or reduce the collision risk between the intelligent vehicle and collision objects, a coordinated cost function of tracking safety, comfort, and fuel economy is formulated. Based on the terminal constraints of stable tracking, a multi-objective optimization controller is proposed using the theory of non-linear model predictive control. To quickly and precisely track control target in a finite time, an electronic brake controller for AEBS is designed based on the Nonsingular Fast Terminal Sliding Mode (NFTSM) control theory. To validate the performance and advantages of the proposed algorithm, simulations are implemented. According to the simulation results, the proposed algorithm has better integrated performance in reducing the collision risk and improving the driving comfort and fuel economy of the smart car compared with the existing single AEBS.
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International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 707718 (2017)
DOI 10.1007/s1223901700700
Copyright © 2017 KSAE/ 09715
pISSN 12299138/ eISSN 19763832
Ronghui Zhang
1, 2)
, Kening Li
, Fan Yu
, Zhaocheng He
1, 2)
and Zhi Yu
1, 2)
Research Center of Intelligent Transportation System, School of Engineering, Sun Yat-sen University,
Guangdong 510275, China
Guangdong Key Laboratory of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Guangdong 510275, China
State Key Laboratory of Mechanical System and Vibration, School of Mechanical Engineering,
Shanghai JiaoTong University, Shanghai 200240, China
(Received 4 July 2016; Revised 18 October 2016; Accepted 22 December 2016)
ABSTRACTBoth environment protection and energy saving have attracted more and more attention in the electric vehicles
(EVs) field. In fact, regarding control performance, electric motor has more advantages over conventional internal combustion
engine. To decouple the interaction force between vehicle and various coordinating and integrating active control subsystems
and estimate the real-time friction force for Advanced Emergency Braking System (AEBS), this paper’s primary intention is
uniform distribution of longitudinal tire-road friction force and control strategy for a Novel Anti-lock Braking System (Nov-
ABS) which is designed to estimate and track not only any tire-road friction force, but the maximum tire-road friction force,
based on the Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS). The longitudinal tire-road friction force is computed through real-time
measurement of breaking force and angular acceleration of wheels. The Magic Formula Tire Model can be expressed by the
reference model. The evolution of the tire-road friction is described by the constrained active-set SQP algorithm with regard
to wheel slip, and as a result, it is feasible to identify the key parameters of the Magic Formula Tire Model. Accordingly,
Inverse Quadratic Interpolation method is a proper way to estimate the desired wheel slip in regards to the reference of tire-
road friction force from the top layer. Then, this paper adapts the Nonlinear Sliding Mode Control method to construct
proposed Nov-ABS. According to the simulation results, the objective control strategy turns out to be feasible and satisfactory.
KEY WORDS : Electric vehicle, Constrained active-set SQP algorithm, Parameters identification, Nonlinear sliding mode
control, Hierarchical Control
As the developments of economy and technology,
automobile industry has brought human being much
convenience. Car ownership is booming, especially in
developing areas. But, the emission and energy shortage
problems have become increasingly severe because the
cars with internal combustion engines are dominant.
Therefore, electrifying vehicles appears to be a solution to
the above problems. Environmental protection and energy
conservation have attracted more and more researchers’
eyes, in recent years. The main benefits of electric vehicles,
commercially, are the energy saving and cost competitive
advantages. In addition, EVs are actually a typical
mechatronic system just like precision machines controlled
by computers, robots and so on, because EVs using one or
more electric motors for propulsion rather than internal
combustion engines. Mechatronics technology, especially
the mechatronic control, is developing rapidly and
prompting the development of electric vehicles. Several
outstanding researches have been working on this aspect of
EVs (Attia et al., 2014; Hori, 2004; Kim et al., 2015a; Kim
and Huh, 2016; Zhang et al., 2013a; Noceda and Wright,
2006). Compared with conventional vehicles, EVs, with
advanced mechatronic technologies, have safer feature of
better driving performance as well as being cleaner and
saving energy. Compared with internal combustion engines
and hydraulic braking systems, the advanced electric
motors have the following most significant advantages:
First, they have 10 ~ 100 times faster torque response,
bringing them to the millisecond-level; second, there is
extremely precise feedback of the generated motor current/
torque (motor torque motor current); third, continually
variable speed, in essence (reference the Figure 1 which
illustrates the torque–speed characteristics of electric
motors); fourth, with small size and powerful output it can
be easily located in-wheel motors (Marino et al., 2013; Ma
et al., 2011; You et al., 2014).
Active control systems (such as ABS, 4WS and ESP,
etc.) are widely used in traditional vehicles and is popular
because they can cope with complex operating conditions
and improve the security and comfort of vehicles (Kwon et
*Corresponding author. e-mail:
708 Ronghui Zhang et al.
al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2013b; Zheng et al., 2014).
Typically, integrated vehicle dynamics control has attracted
wide attention and has become a hot area of research in the
domain (Song, 2012; Xiao et al., 2011; Gordon et al., 2003;
Nagai et al., 2002; Yu et al., 2008; Vale et al., 2014; Li et
al., 2008). Nonetheless, most studies focus on the
calculation of tire friction or total yaw moment, rather than
on its efficient implementation, though they do, in fact,
enhance the performance of vehicles. Regardless of the tire
friction generation mechanism, only some relatively simple
methods (such as only allocating yaw moment to brake
forces in one single axle (Gordon et al., 2003; Zhang et al.,
2013b; Zheng et al., 2014; Ren et al., 2014) are being used
currently. Due to the lack of consideration for the tire–road
interaction, their strategy is possibly infeasible in practice.
For example, when needing a lot of tire force, simply
increasing brake force can make matters dangerous,
especially if the slip ratio of the tire has been sufficiently
large. There are some methods, such as nonlinear robust
control, nonlinear optimum distribution, et al. (Yim, 2015;
Hattori et al., 2002; Kim et al., 2014), which were used to
fix this but the full realization of the tire friction problem
indicates there is a urgent need for more research in this
area, because it is the key issue to enhancing handling
performance. Furthermore, the real-time tire-road friction
force is the key factor for the AEBS, a subsystem of
Advanced Driver Assistant System (ADAS) (Hassannejad
et al., 2015), which can be used to estimate the Warning
Index (WI) (Kusano and Gabler, 2012; Kim et al., 2015b;
Lee et al., 2012).
In the past few years, due to the lack of proper sensors
for internal combustion engine vehicles, precise value of
tire-road friction forces is not available but a rough
estimate has been made. However, the EVs can give a fine
and accurate value. Because EVs use an in-wheel motor,
the brake torque and angular acceleration of the wheel can
be acquired easily.
A kind of main/servo loop integrated control structure
has been presented previously, in several articles
(Mokhiamar and Abe, 2004; Shen and Yu, 2004; Hou et
al., 2015). The calculation of the desired stable forces of
tires is the main part of the mail loop and the desired stable
forces is produced in the servo loop. Previous articles have
stated the main loop design and tire force contribution. In
addition to the existing ABS, this paper is a comprehensive
supplement added for EVs, and describes a way to
parameters implement tire identification and control in
servo loop.
The structure of this document is as follows: section II
describes the tire model with in-wheel motor and the
structure of Nov-ABS controller; section III calculates the
expected longitudinal slip ratio; section IV implements
that; section V uses the numerical simulation results to
verify proposed method.
In order to master the basic characteristics of braking
system, this paper amends the problem of wheel slip-
control due to only taking the longitudinal dynamics of the
EV into account, while ignoring the effect of load transfer
via a simplified dynamics model of a quarter-vehicle model
with in-wheel motor which is shown in Figure 2, The
dynamic equations of motion for this system please check
the following description.
In this paper, we only consider the longitudinal
dynamics of the vehicle. So, the problem of wheel slip
control is best explained by looking at a quarter-car model
as shown in Figure 3. The dynamic equations of motion of
the system are
Figure 1. Torque-speed characteristics of electric motors
and internal combustion engines.
Figure 2. Control architecture of the Nov-ABS with In-wheel motor.
F=mg (4)
m is mass of quarter-car;
u is horizontal velocity of vehicle movement;
F is friction between tire and road;
J is the inertia of wheel;
ω is wheel angular velocity;
r is the radius of wheel;
T is braking torque;
F is braking force gained from in-wheel motor;
F is vertical power;
g is gravitational acceleration.
Note that u is estimated using the front and rear wheel
center speed (Zhao et al., 2015) and F is get from T in-
wheel motor, as shown in Figure 4.
In this study, a hysteresis-loop based current controller
(Kazmierkowski and Malesani, 1998) is proposed and
implemented to control the in-wheel motor, as illustrated in
Figure 3. By tracking the error between measured current
and reference current, the hysteresis-loop based current
controller works as a current-loop controller for in-wheel
motor via a three-phase inverter. In this way, the
electromagnetic torque of the motor can follow the
changing reference signal. For tire-road friction force is
directly proportional to electromagnetic torque, which is
expressed as:
And, electromagnetic torque T is proportional to
current i which is expressed as:
The generated electromagnetic torque T is converted
into braking force F by the in-wheel motor and
mechanism, which can be expressed as:
where ϕ is screw lead angle, Φ is the flux linkage, η, η is
efficiency factor, i stands for the value of phase current.
In other words, the tire-road friction force can be
computed by
In terms of , the longitudinal slip can be
computed by
Therefore, according to the real-time dynamic value of
, and the reference tire model, the following
equation can be acquired which means the Magic Formula
will be adapted and the non-linear relationship of the tire-
road friction force F and the homologous λ can be
described by this equation
where μ is the coefficient of friction
cot 2cot
rr r
ϕη ϕη
⋅Φ⋅ ⋅
== ⋅=
Jd Jd
rdt r rdt r
ωωϕη⋅Φ⋅ ⋅
=+=+ ⋅
2cot =()iF F
ϕη μλ
⋅Φ⋅ ⋅=
Figure 3. Quarter-car model.
Figure 4. Control Block diagram of in-wheel motor.
710 Ronghui Zhang et al.
In addition, because the control objective of Nov-ABS is
to track any λ ( ) with respect to any
craved forces and moments from the upper control layer,
we can calculate the λ as regard to F (F) with
numerical method of nonlinear equations according to the
Equation (8). And finally we can get the following
The LuGre model is popular because its parameters have a
physical significance and its velocity-dependency is also
physically consistent. However, the quasi-static value of
the aim slip is necessary for the controller design of ABS.
So, the alleged Magic formula is the root of the reference
tire model in this paper. In terms of research on vehicle
dynamics, it is an extensively used semi-empirical tire
model which be used to calculate steady-state tire force and
moment characteristics. When given values of vertical load
and the longitudinal dynamics of the vehicle, the general
form of the formula can be expressed to the following
where μ the coefficient of longitudinal friction, λ the
longitudinal slip, B stiffness factor, C shape factor, D
peak value, E curvature factor.
In fact, the vehicle operating conditions are varied, for
example, a wide variety of road conditions. Therefore, the
Magic formula essential parameter (B, C, D and E)
should be online estimated.
In order to bring the error between the estimated value
and the true value of B, C, D and E to a minimum, a
performance index is introduced in this paper. With the
weighted sum of squares of the error of the estimated value
and the true value
of the tire-road friction force, the
original parameter recognition problem is transformed into
a constrained optimization problem, and can be expressed
w weighting factor
The minimum and maximum constraint range for B, C,
D and E respectively are x and x.
With the implementation of the constrained SQP
algorithm, we can propose a scheme to get the minimum
value of PI. In this process, parameters are optimized by
using the active-set Sequential Quadratic Programming
(SQP) method, which is the most popular optimization
algorithms and can reach the region near an optimum point
relatively quickly with the boundary constraints.
Because the active set SQP approach is suitable for both
the small inequality constrained problems and the large
inequality constrained problems, it is considered to be the
best choice for reference tire model parameters
First, the upper and lower limits of the constraint
Equation (13b) can be converted into conventional
inequality constraints as follows
where I is the 4 × 4 identity matrix.
Next, the definition of the Lagrangian for the
constrained problem (10a) is following:
where is the inequality constraints. And in this part,
the active set with any feasible x can be as expressed:
The optimization problem (11) can’t be handled by
Lagrangian methods because of the inequality-constraints
straightly. Then, active set SQP methods are adopted here,
which extend the inequality-constrained problem to
equality-constrained one. In particular, each iteration x
will generate a subset of constraints which also are a called
working set I in this method and it only fixes equality-
constrained sub-problems. Furthermore, in this process we
just impose the constraints in the working sets as equalities
and neglect all other constraints. Each iteration will update
this working set following the rules which based on
Lagrange multiplier estimates. Assuming that at the
iteration the quadratic programming is given as
At working set I, the equality-constraints optimization
problem should be solved here
2cot ()=0
ϕη μλ
⋅Φ⋅ ⋅
(, , , , )
sin[ arctan ( arctan( )) ]
λλ λ
min ( , )
, , ,
PI w F F x
.. ≤≤st x x x
Ax b
[] [ ]
,, ,AIIbx x=− = −
(, ) () ( )Lx PI x x bϕϕα=− −
() |Ax i Ax bψ=∈ ≥
(, )xϕ
min ( ) 2
qp PI p pWp=∇ +
.. ( ) 0st A p A x b+−
() ()
min 2
.. ( ) 0,
PI p p W p
st a p A x b i I
Specifying δ=pp, we get
Where q(p) and q are independent of each other. Because
in the premise of not changing the problem solution, we
can get q(p) from the objective, it can be expressed as
follows that the QP sub-problem to be solved at the kth
Assume that the optimal δ selected from (21a) is not
zero current, we need determine how long to move in this
direction. For to the constraints, if is possible,
be set, or else, be set.
In order to get the maximum reduction in q, we hope the
subject is still feasible when α is as large as possible in [0,
1] range, then we get:
In the quadratic model, all SQP method is dependent on
a choice of W. When there is a way to approximate the
Lagrangian Hessian, a quasi-Newton approximation must
be used. For example, the BFGS updates formula by using
Hessian approximation B instead of W, we set
But, this method will converge quickly when is
positive-definite at the array of points x, on the contrary if
it is negative, it doesn’t work well by using the BFGS
The scheme which the update is definitely always well-
defined the damped BFGS updating for SQP has been
designed (Nocedal and Wright, 2006; Zhang et al., 2015).
According to this scheme, the following equation is defined:
where the scalar θ is defined as
Update B as follows
It ensures that B is positive-definite.In accordance
with the above description, the flow diagram of the
constrained SQP algorithm is stated as follows:
And and is defined by Equations (8) and (9).
Because this controller will be used in many uncertain
conditions, such as a variety of road surface parameters and
the noise from sensors, then it should be strong enough to
adapt that. With regard to this reason, we introduce the
sliding mode method in our paper to control this nonlinear
system. At first, the definition of a time-varying sliding
mode surface is given as follows:
The Equations (1), (2) and (6) will deduce the following
Because the tire slip λ is the only one parameters that
may influence our estimates of the function f, thus, we
can draw the difference between the actual and the
() ()
() ()
qp PI Wqpδδδδ+=∇+ +
PI Wδδδ∇+
.. 0,st a i Iδ=∈
min 1, min bap
(,) (,)
sx x
yLxx Lxx
=∇ −∇
Bss B y y
sBs sy
=− +
(1 )ry Bsθθ=−
1, 0.2
0.8 , 0.2
if s y s B s
sBs if s y s B s
sBs sy
Bss B rr
sBs sr
=− +
(1 ) 2cot
rF ui
+− ⋅Φ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
(1 )
rF u
2cot i
λ⋅Φ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
Figure 5. Flow chart of the calculation of desired
longitudinal slip ratio.
712 Ronghui Zhang et al.
predicted value of as follows:
Hence, finding a positive function F as following:
The best approximation of a continuous control law will
lead to . Combined with the Equations (28), (30) and
(31), we can get:
Then the estimation of T is
We get the system track by defining the
sliding surface , thus, we draw
To avoid dithering, where sign function sgn(s) is
replaced with the saturation function defined as
letting from Equation (32)
we get:
The sliding condition is fulfilled because η is a positive
constant. This means that the sliding surface defined above
can be realized through the designed control law.
In order to verify the validity of the proposed controllers,
we conducted a co-simulation with Carsim, Matlab/
Simulink and the simulation bench from this part (Ma et
al., 2011). The controller of Nov_ABS is designed using
Matlab/Simulink and the vehicle model is proposed using
the Carsim, which is used worldwide by over 110 OEMs
and Tier 1 suppliers and over 200 universities and
government research labs. And the simulation bench, as
shown in Figure 6, is used as the validation tool which is
the test bench of the HIL for the next work. For the reason
that the wheel dynamic is very fast dynamics, the sampling
time of simulation for parameters identification is 10 ms
and 100 ms for the controller of ABS, which should be
work more than 10 times per sec.
To start with, a torsional system is applied to our test
platform. Please reference the Figure 6. In this torsional
system, a long torsional shaft is used to connect the drive
side and the load side of the flywheels; meanwhile, gears
transmit the drive torque from the drive servomotor to the
axis by the gear ratio 1 : 2. The load servomotor is used as
the dynamometer in this lab. ± 3.84 Nm is the largest
ef f u
λλ=−=− −
ff F−≤
2cot 0
sf uJ
ϕη λ
⋅Φ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
=+ − =
=− −
⋅Φ⋅ ⋅
( ),
() ,
sgn s if s
sat s sifs
01λλ≤− ≤
⋅Φ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
1=( )
= s ˆ
= s ( )
() (
ds ss s
ff uJ
⋅Φ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅Φ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
⋅Φ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
= s ( )sign s sηη
Figure 6. Simulation bench.
Table 1. Parameters on different road surface.
Notation Value Unit
m mass of quarter-car 372.5 kg
u vehicle velocity 100 km/h
g acceleration of gravity 9.8 m/s
J wheel inertia 16 kg·m
r wheel radius 0.28 m
B lower bond of stiffness factor 8 -
C lower bond of shape factor 1 -
D lower bond of peak value 0.1 -
E lower bond of curvature factor 0.1 -
B upper bond of stiffness factor 18 -
C upper bond of shape factor 1.7 -
D upper bond of peak value 1.5 -
E upper bond of curvature factor 0.9 -
output torque of the two brushless DC servomotors. An
optical encoder is used to detect the angular position and
the speed of the two motors and this optical encoder must
be with a resolution of 8000 pulses per revolution.
Table 1 gives some Magic Formula’s empirical
parameters on different road surfaces and Figure 7 gives
these roads’ μ-λ curves.
Based on the previous description, the constrained range
of B, C, D and E can be acquired correspondingly. In
addition, the Table 2 shows the parameters chosen in this
simulations lab (Li et al., 2012).
In next section, we have implemented the simulations in
wide variety of circumstances to better validate the
effectiveness of our proposed identification scheme.
Figures 8 ~ 11 give the identification results. Different
range of sampling points and is a part of the
diversification of the test environment, which is from the
experimental data using at the test platform as shown in
Figure 5. Besides, the true value of B, C , D and E is
used to draw the true value of μ and the identified value of
B, C, D and E is used to draw the identified value of μ.
The identified value of μ will be within the scope of
when in the scope of [0,
0.01], as illustrated in Figure 8. According to Figure 9, we
can get that the value of 0.02 is the maximum for the error
between true and identified value of μ. When the scope of
sampling points is changed from
to , which is shown in Figure 10, the
identification result of that important points also has the
remarkable enhancement and these important points
contain a lot of useful information of the non-linear
characteristics of tire-road friction. From Figures 10 and
11, we can obtain that the value of 0.02 is the maximum for
the deviation of true and identified value of μ in the scope
0, 0.08λ
ˆ(1,2,, )jNλ=
ˆ(1,2,, )jNλ=
0, 0.01
0.125, 0.135
Figure 7. μ-λ curve of different road surface.
Table 2. Parameters used in simulations.
Road BC D E
Snow 17.430 1.4500 0.20 0.6500
Cobblestone, wet 14.027 1.4500 0.40 0.6000
Asphalt, wet 15.635 1.6000 0.80 0.4500
Cobblestone, dry 10.695 1.4000 0.85 0.6450
Concrete, dry 13.427 1.6402 0.97 0.5372
Asphalt, dry 13.427 1.5500 1.10 0.5327
Figure 8. True and identified value of μ ().
Figure 9. Error of true and identified value of μ
Figure 10. True and identified value of μ ().
714 Ronghui Zhang et al.
of . What’s more, as shown in Figure 11,
when the range is the maximum deviation is
close to 0.03 and this deviation percentage is less than 5 %.
In summary, the identification results are consistent with
our expectations in these ranges according to the above
experimental data and analysis.
At last, the lower-level controller design is the core of
our work in this article. Here, we simulate the braking
process to access the performance of the Nov-ABS. We
give the simulation results for three cases (Case A, B and
C), as shown in Figures 12 ~ 19:
Case A: The vehicle is exposed to a constant reference
friction force F, with setting the input to 2555.4N at 0
second and the input to 3651 at 1.0 second on the same
road with asphalt, dry surface. Found at the Figures 12 ~
15, which demonstrated the vehicles dynamic response.
After a period of time delay, shown in Figure 12, the
estimated friction force is almost consistent with the
reference value F. The estimated value and the tracking
results of λ regarding F are given in Figure 13. Figure
13 gives the different value of F corresponding to the
different value of λ with the same road condition. It is
well known that the Nov_ABS can evaluate and explore
λ. The absolute value of vehicle acceleration rises from
0.06, 0.25λ
0, 0.4λ
Figure 11. Error of true and identified value of μ
Figure 12. Reference and true value of friction force (Same
road, different F).
Figure 13. Reference and true value of λ (Same road,
different F).
Figure 14. Vehicle acceleration (Same road, different F).
Figure 15. Vehicle and wheel speed (Same road, different
about 6.68 km/s to 9.5925 km/s along with the F
changes, as indicated in Figure 14. Figure 15 presents the
simulation result of the wheel and vehicle speed and we
can get that the speed of wheel and vehicle goes with the
changes of λ. Based on above description, although
maybe the tracking result is not perfect, but at least it is
Case B: The vehicle is exposed to a constant reference
friction force F, with setting the input to 2555.4N during
the braking process. Figures 16 ~ 19 give the simulation
results when the road conditions change from wet asphalt
to dry asphalt at the second 1.0.
With the same F, according to Figures 16 and 18, we
can conclude that there is a little change in the whole
process about the true value of friction force and vehicle
acceleration. Figure 19 also proven this conclusion. What’s
more, let us focus on the Figure 16, when the road
conditions changes, we can get that there is a reduction
about the reference value of λ and the value decreased
from about 0.05545 to 0.03697 at 1.0 second although F
invariable. With the results of simulation experiment, we
can get that the tracking value of λ and the reference λ
are consistent, which is in line with our desired effect.
Case C: The vehicle is exposed to a continuous
changing reference friction force F, shown in Figure 20.
The simulation results are shown in Figures 20 ~ 23.
With changing F, according to Figures 20 and 22, we
can conclude that there is a continuous change in the whole
process about the true value of friction force and vehicle
acceleration. Figure 23 also proves this conclusion. What’s
more, let us focus on the Figure 21, when the road
conditions changes, we can get that there is a reduction
about the reference value of λ and the value increased
from about 0 to 0.03697 at 0.5 second and from 1.67
second to 5 second, the λ changed according to the
Figure 16. Reference and true value of friction force
(Different road, same F).
Figure 17. Reference and true value of λ (Different road,
same F).
Figure 18. Vehicle acceleration (Different road, same F).
Figure 19. Vehicle and wheel speed (Different road, same
Figure 20. Reference and true value of friction force
(Same road, different F).
716 Ronghui Zhang et al.
sinusoidal changing F. With the results of simulation
experiment, we can get that the tracking value of λ and
the reference λ are consistent, which is in line with our
desired effect.
As described in Case A, Case B and Case C, with
changing road surface, the proposed control strategy is still
an acceptable adaptation. The proposed control strategy
can provide an agreeable adaptation to the variable
condition of road surface according to the results of Case
A, Case B and Case C.
Vehicle integrated control is an active area of research, and
our main/servo loop control strategy is its typical case. The
key point of this work is a component of the servo loop
which using in-wheel motor at Nov_ABS to achieve tire
friction control self-adapting to the road surface as
conditions change, which is targeted not only to estimate
and track any tire-road friction force, but the maximum
tire-road friction force, based on ABS. We proposed a two-
step solution: the first step is online recognition of Magic
Formula parameters with SQP method and acquirement of
Nov_ABS objective with numerical method accordingly;
the second step is dynamic implementation of Nov_ABS
by using a nonlinear sliding mode control method.
The research is dedicated to the study of distributed
micro-electric vehicles with in-wheel motors having
comprehensively integrated control. This work includes the
integration of the proposed Nov_ABS and the main loop
controller and also the introduction of optimal & robust
control to the main loop to seize parameter incertitude.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThis work was partially supported
by the Science and Technology Planning Project of Guangdong
Province under Grant No. 2014B010118002, and the National
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 51375298
and No. 51208500. The first author would like to express
appreciation to Dr. Kening Li and Pro. Fan Yu for valuable
discussions that improved the quality and presentation of the
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Figure 21. Reference and true value of λ (Same road,
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718 Ronghui Zhang et al.
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... In various cars, the AEB system has been proven to be effective by using a combination of sensors, LiDAR (Laser Imaging Detection and Ranging), cameras, and software to brake the vehicle when detecting objects, including pedestrians. A subcategory of AEB is Autonomous Emergency Braking Pedestrian (AEB-P), specifically focusing on frontal pedestrian detection [6,7]. This intelligent system avoids collision with pedestrians and uses a combination of parameters, such as collision time, speed, detection time, and AI, to improve road safety. ...
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In recent years, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the automotive industry has led to the development of intelligent systems focused on road safety, aiming to improve protection for drivers and pedestrians worldwide to reduce the number of accidents yearly. One of the most critical functions of these systems is pedestrian detection, as it is crucial for the safety of everyone involved in road traffic. However, pedestrian detection goes beyond the front of the vehicle; it is also essential to consider the vehicle’s rear since pedestrian collisions occur when the car is in reverse drive. To contribute to the solution of this problem, this research proposes a model based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) using a proposed one-dimensional architecture and the Inception V3 architecture to fuse the information from the backup camera and the distance measured by the ultrasonic sensors, to detect pedestrians when the vehicle is reversing. In addition, specific data collection was performed to build a database for the research. The proposed model showed outstanding results with 99.85% accuracy and 99.86% correct classification performance, demonstrating that it is possible to achieve the goal of pedestrian detection using CNN by fusing two types of data.
... Kim et al. presented a novel approach for time-varying parameter adaptive throttle and brake control for vehicle speed tracking, enjoying high robustness and generalization [16]. Focusing on an overall aim of the comprehensive improvement of safety, comfort, and economy, Zhang et al proposed a novel advanced emergency braking system (AEBS) with a multi-objective optimization controller using the theory of non-linear model predictive control [17]. ...
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In response to the widespread adoption of vehicle-following systems in autonomous applications, the demand for collision warning to enable safer functionalities is increasing. This study provides an approach for automated vehicle guidance to follow the preceding vehicles longitudinally and puts emphasis on the performance of collision avoidance. The safety distance model is established, which contains a distance compensation algorithm to deal with the special case on curved roads. By introducing the algorithm of velocity and distance prediction, the collision risks are detected and measured in real time. The objective function is established based on optimal control theory to solve the desired following acceleration. The control system designed with the method of proportion integration differentiation combines throttle percentage and brake pressure as outputs to compensate acceleration. In the Carsim and Simulink co-simulation platform, the control system for longitudinal collision avoidance is simulated and analysed for four typical working conditions: the preceding vehicle drives at a constant speed on straight and curved roads, while the preceding vehicle drives at various speeds on straight and curved roads. The results validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method, which can be used for the longitudinal control of vehicle-following active collision avoidance.
... Trying to take advantage of slightly overlapping areas of view enhances the experience. More than one sensor will pick up things simultaneously when more than one radar scans the area around a vehicle [12]. ...
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The automobile revolution and growth in the number of cars produced several issues, and vehicle accidents remain one of the most serious road-related issues. Human mistakes and a failure to brake quickly are the main causes of accidents. There may be serious outcomes to driving when distracted. To address the aforementioned issues, an autonomous emergency braking system (AEBS) was developed. To support such an AEBS, scalable, reliable, secure, fault-tolerant, and interoperable technologies are required. An advanced emergency braking system (EBS) with sensor fusion is proposed in this paper that can autonomously identify a probable forward collision and activate the vehicle braking system to brake the vehicle to avoid or mitigate a collision. Additionally, it provides a non-linear speed controller that facilitates the AEBS to apply the brakes in an emergency. Sensor fusion using lidar, radar, and vision sensors makes the AEBS more efficient and more reliable to detect vehicles or obstacles and decreases the chance of collision to a minimum level. A MATLAB/Simulink environment was used for simulation experiments and the results demonstrated the stable operation of the AEBS to avoid forward collisions in the event of an error in the measurement of any one sensor while any vehicle is detected. The presented work establishes that the EBS sensor fusion unit is a highly reliable solution for detecting the leading vehicle at the proper time and the AEBS controller can apply the brake in the situation of forwarding obstacle detection.
... The continuous advance process in the automotive sector includes a large variety of technologies, such as intelligent vehicle technologies [4], automatic parking assistance systems [5], the incorporation of Internet of Things (IoT)-based technologies [6,7], and advanced brake control [8,9]. With regard to the vehicle propulsion system, flex fuel technology allows for an engine to run simultaneously with two different fuels, for example, hydrous ethanol (E100) or gasoline [10][11][12][13]. ...
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Historically, carbon dioxide emissions from transport have been a globally discussed and analyzed problem. The adoption of flex fuel vehicles designed to run ethanol–gasoline blends is important to mitigate these emissions. The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the ethanol–gasoline price ratio on different vehicle models, and discuss the opportunities to increase ethanol consumption from this perspective. Our analysis shows that the use of a unique fuel economy ratio for all flex–fuel vehicles in the country significantly reduces the opportunity of some customers to purchase hydrous ethanol. The paper also discusses possible actions to provide adequate information that may increase the possibility of fuelling vehicles with a high-level ethanol blend.
... Especially with the improvement of vehicle integration, collaborative or optimal control has become a new research hotspot, such as, combined emergency braking, integrated vehicle chassis control [28][29][30], and selflearning adaptive control [31,32]. In addition, with the development of modern computer and communication technology, some new technologies are applied to reduce traffic congestion and vehicle driving safety, such as advanced driving assistance system and autonomous driving [33][34][35]. ...
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With the rapid development of computer control and vehicle intelligence technology, speed and safety of vehicles have been greatly improved, and the requirements for vehicle control performance are getting higher and higher. For the direct braking force control, in the process of deceleration, a fast braking response can be obtained, which improves the braking performance and vehicle safety. This paper concentrates on direct braking force estimation and control strategy using a tire inverse model based on the antilock braking system, and to solve the problem of the existing ABS system is mainly antilock braking function, no direct braking force control function. Taking magic formula model for reference inverse model, the critical parameters under different road surfaces are obtained according to experience data. Then, the desired slip ratio corresponding to braking force can be obtained via fast tire inverse model look-up table method. The tyre friction self-adjustment decision making is obtained using the tire inverse model method. A direct braking force antilock braking system (DBF-ABS) controller is built using the nonsingular fast terminal sliding mode method. The simulation results indicated that the control strategy has adaptability and stability to the change of road conditions.
Automated vehicles minimize driver errors and can help reduce traffic accidents. If the automated driving system encounters an unexpected problem, control is transferred to the driver and driving safety is significantly impacted. 63.3% of disengagements caused by road structures are due to recognition errors on curves. However, the criteria for curves are not clear, and there is a lack of research on automated driving disengagement and curve radius. This study attempted to analyze the correlation between driving speed and curve radius, which affects the disengagement of Level 2 automated driving on curved sections and thus is a risk factor for automated driving. By analyzing data from field driving tests, we evaluated the safety of Level 2 automated driving along curves and compared the curve driving performance of automated driving systems applied to different car models. As a result, the disengagement rate varies with the curvature, and for a smaller curve radius, it is more difficult for the Level 2 automated driving system to maneuver to take control and drive safely. The driving speed in the curve has the largest impact on the disengagement of the ADAS. Hence, the driving speed in curves must be managed to ensure the safety of Level 2 automated driving systems.
Conference Paper
Self-driving or smart cars are becoming the next step forward for safety and autonomy of driving, aiming to provide the best travelling experience. Guaranteeing their trustworthiness requires understanding of different critical situations, such as collisions. Smart cars need to detect collisions to perform recovery actions and, even in some cases, call an ambulance. Ideally, smart cars need to predict collisions, not merely detect them after the event. This prediction is difficult, especially when human drivers are part of the environment. This work proposes a system for collision prediction and detection based on machine learning: it focuses only on the information that the car receives through its sensors. We evaluate our method using a multi-car hybrid system designed to generate realistic and complex scenarios for the smart cars, thereby providing sensory information that is close to a realistic road. Our methodology detects collisions with 99% accuracy and predicts 5 different levels of collision risk with up to 43% accuracy.
This paper presents a constrained hybrid optimal model predictive control method for the mobile energy storage system of Intelligent Electric Vehicle. A novel adaptive cruise control system is designed to optimize mobile energy storage management, active safety control, and fuel economy. A hierarchical control structure is proposed for active safety control and energy flow management. The main-loop is proposed to analyze and optimize active cruise safety control and energy management index using non-linear constrained hybrid optimal model predictive control method. The inner loop is used to chase the aim signal from the main loop using hysteresis current control method. Then, an electronic longitudinal control system is designed to avoid the collision and optimize energy management between the IEV and cruise following vehicles. At last, the simulations with typical driving conditions are built to justify the performance of the proposed controller. The results illustrate that the IEV with the designed hybrid controller can adaptively tracking the following vehicles, reduce the possibility of collision with optimal energy flow management.
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The automatic emergency braking (AEB) system of the passenger car is responsible for auxiliary braking judgment and decision-making in an emergency. Due to the inevitable pressure response delay of passenger car pneumatic braking systems, a large number of verification tests should be carried out to propose appropriate strategies and algorithms. To realize the rapid verification of the AEB control algorithm, a verification system integrating software-in-the-loop (SIL) and hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) was proposed for a two-axle passenger car. It can verify the logic feasibility of the control algorithm through SIL testing, and can verify the implementation effect of the control algorithm through HIL testing. The verification system is composed of IPG, dSPACE, and a pneumatic braking bench. Considering the influence of pneumatic braking delay, it is well-matched with the actual vehicle AEB system. The AEB hierarchical control algorithm was verified under three typical test conditions. The results show that the SIL testing results of speed and relative distance are in good agreement with the HIL testing results, and the average relative deviation of relative distance is only 1.7 m. The single test time of the SIL testing is about 228 s, which can meet the requirements of rapid verification of the AEB control algorithm of the passenger car.
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Existing collision avoidance methods for autonomous vehicles, which ignore the driving intent of detected vehicles, thus, cannot satisfy the requirements for autonomous driving in urban environments because of their high false detection rates of collisions with vehicles on winding roads and the missed detection rate of collisions with maneuvering vehicles. This study introduces an intent-estimation- and motion-model-based (IEMMB) method to address these disadvantages. First, a state vector is constructed by combining the road structure and the moving state of detected vehicles. A Gaussian mixture model is used to learn the maneuvering patterns of vehicles from collected data, and the patterns are used to estimate the driving intent of the detected vehicles. Then, a desirable long-term trajectory is obtained by weighting time and comfort. The long-term trajectory and the short-term trajectory, which are predicted using a constant yaw rate motion model, are fused to achieve an accurate trajectory. Finally, considering the moving state of the autonomous vehicle, collisions can be detected and avoided. Experiments have shown that the intent estimation method performed well, achieving an accuracy of 91.7% on straight roads and an accuracy of 90.5% on winding roads, which is much higher than that achieved by the method that ignores the road structure. The average collision detection distance is increased by more than 8 m. In addition, the maximum yaw rate and acceleration during an evasive maneuver are decreased, indicating an improvement in the driving comfort.
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This paper proposes a probability-based algorithm to track the LED in vehicle visible light communication systems using a camera. In this system, the transmitters are the vehicles’ front and rear LED lights. The receivers are high speed cameras that take a series of images of the LEDs. ThedataembeddedinthelightisextractedbyfirstdetectingthepositionoftheLEDsintheseimages. Traditionally, LEDs are detected according to pixel intensity. However, when the vehicle is moving, motion blur occurs in the LED images, making it difficult to detect the LEDs. Particularly at high speeds, some frames are blurred at a high degree, which makes it impossible to detect the LED as well as extract the information embedded in these frames. The proposed algorithm relies not only on the pixel intensity, but also on the optical flow of the LEDs and on statistical information obtained from previous frames. Based on this information, the conditional probability that a pixel belongs to a LED is calculated. Then, the position of LED is determined based on this probability. To verify the suitability of the proposed algorithm, simulations are conducted by considering the incidents that can happen in a real-world situation, including a change in the position of the LEDs at each frame, as well as motion blur due to the vehicle speed.
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The inherent flexibility of hierarchical structure scheme with main-servo loop control structure is proposed to the problem of integrated chassis control system for the vehicle. It includes both main loop which calculates and allocates the aim force using the optimal robust control algorithm and servo loop control systems which track and achieve the target force using the onboard independent brake actuators. In fact, for the brake actuator, the aim friction is obtained by tracking the corresponding slip ratio of target force. For the coefficient of tire-road friction varying with different road surface, to get the nonlinear timevarying target slip ratio, the most famous Quasistatic magic formula is proposed to estimate and predict real-time coefficient of different road surface and the constrained hybrid genetic algorithm (GA) is used to identify the key parameters of the magic formula on-line. Then, a self-tuning longitudinal slip ratio controller (LSC) based on the nonsingular and fast terminal sliding mode (NFTSM) control method is designed to improve the tracking accuracy and response speed of the actuators. At last, the proposed integrated chassis control strategies and the self-tuning control strategies are verified by computer simulations.
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Existing smartphone-based solutions to prevent distracted driving suffer from inadequate system designs that only recognize simple and clean vehicle-boarding actions, thereby failing to meet the required level of accuracy in real-life environments. In this paper, exploiting unique sensory features consistently monitored from a broad range of complicated vehicle-boarding actions, we propose a reliable and accurate system based on fuzzy inference to classify the sides of vehicle entrance by leveraging built-in smartphone sensors only. The results of our comprehensive evaluation on three vehicle types with four participants demonstrate that the proposed system achieves 91.1%∼94.0% accuracy, outperforming other methods by 26.9%∼38.4% and maintains at least 87.8% accuracy regardless of smartphone positions and vehicle types.
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Autonomous vehicles are being viewed with scepticism in their ability to improve safety and the driving experience. A critical issue with automated driving at this stage of its development is that it is not yet reliable and safe. When automated driving fails, or is limited, the autonomous mode disengages and the drivers are expected to resume manual driving. For this transition to occur safely, it is imperative that drivers react in an appropriate and timely manner. Recent data released from the California trials provide compelling insights into the current factors influencing disengagements of autonomous mode. Here we show that the number of accidents observed has a significantly high correlation with the autonomous miles travelled. The reaction times to take control of the vehicle in the event of a disengagement was found to have a stable distribution across different companies at 0.83 seconds on average. However, there were differences observed in reaction times based on the type of disengagements, type of roadway and autonomous miles travelled. Lack of trust caused by the exposure to automated disengagements was found to increase the likelihood to take control of the vehicle manually. Further, with increased vehicle miles travelled the reaction times were found to increase, which suggests an increased level of trust with more vehicle miles travelled. We believe that this research would provide insurers, planners, traffic management officials and engineers fundamental insights into trust and reaction times that would help them design and engineer their systems.
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In order to prevent the backward flow of piezoelectric pumps, this paper presents a single-active-chamber piezoelectric membrane pump with multiple passive check valves. Under the condition of a fixed total number of passive check valves, by means of changing the inlet valves and outlet valves’ configuration, the pumping characteristics in terms of flow rate and backpressure are experimentally investigated. Like the maximum flow rate and backpressure, the testing results show that the optimal frequencies are significantly affected by changes in the number inlet valves and outlet valves. The variation ratios of the maximum flow rate and the maximum backpressure are up to 66% and less than 20%, respectively. Furthermore, the piezoelectric pump generally demonstrates very similar flow rate and backpressure characteristics when the number of inlet valves in one kind of configuration is the same as that of outlet valves in another configuration. The comparison indicates that the backflow from the pumping chamber to inlet is basically the same as the backflow from the outlet to the pumping chamber. No matter whether the number of inlet valves or the number of outlet valves is increased, the backflow can be effectively reduced. In addition, the backpressure fluctuation can be significantly suppressed with an increase of either inlet valves or outlet valves. It also means that the pump can prevent the backflow more effectively at the cost of power consumption. The pump is very suitable for conditions where more accurate flow rates are needed and wear and fatigue of check valves often occur.
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Stochastic link capacity degradations are common phenomena in transport network which can cause travel time variations and further can affect travelers’ daily route choice behaviors. This paper formulates a deterministic dynamic model, to capture the day-to-day (DTD) flow evolution process in the presence of degraded link capacity degradations. The aggregated network flow dynamics are driven by travelers’ study of uncertain travel time and their choice of risky routes. This paper applies the exponential-smoothing filter to describe travelers’ study of travel time variations, and meanwhile formulates risk attitude parameter updating equation to reflect travelers’ endogenous risk attitude evolution schema. In addition, this paper conducts theoretical analyses to investigate several significant mathematical characteristics implied in the proposed DTD model, including fixed point existence, uniqueness, stability and irreversibility. Numerical experiments are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the DTD model and verify some important dynamic system properties.
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Automotive driving safety systems such as an anti-lock braking system (ABS) and an electronic stability program (ESP) assist drivers in controlling the vehicle to avoid road accidents. In this paper, ABS and the ESP, based on the fuzzy logic theory, are integrated for vehicle stability control in complex braking maneuvers. The proposed control algorithm is implemented for a sport utility vehicle (SUV) and investigated for braking on different surfaces. The results obtained for the vehicle software simulator confirm the robustness of the developed control strategy for a variety of road profiles and surfaces.
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The jam flow condition is one of the main traffic states in traffic flow theory and the most difficult state for sectional traffic information acquisition. Since traffic information acquisition is the basis for the application of an intelligent transportation system, research on traffic vehicle counting methods for the jam flow conditions has been worthwhile. A low-cost and energy-efficient type of multi-function wireless traffic magnetic sensor was designed and developed. Several advantages of the traffic magnetic sensor are that it is suitable for large-scale deployment and time-sustainable detection for traffic information acquisition. Based on the traffic magnetic sensor, a basic vehicle detection algorithm (DWVDA) with less computational complexity was introduced for vehicle counting in low traffic volume conditions. To improve the detection performance in jam flow conditions with a “tailgating effect” between front vehicles and rear vehicles, an improved vehicle detection algorithm (SA-DWVDA) was proposed and applied in field traffic environments. By deploying traffic magnetic sensor nodes in field traffic scenarios, two field experiments were conducted to test and verify the DWVDA and the SA-DWVDA algorithms. The experimental results have shown that both DWVDA and the SA-DWVDA algorithms yield a satisfactory performance in low traffic volume conditions (scenario I) and both of their mean absolute percent errors are less than 1% in this scenario. However, for jam flow conditions with heavy traffic volumes (scenario II), the SA-DWVDA was proven to achieve better results, and the mean absolute percent error of the SA-DWVDA is 2.54% with corresponding results of the DWVDA 7.07%. The results conclude that the proposed SA-DWVDA can implement efficient and accurate vehicle detection in jam flow conditions and can be employed in field traffic environments.