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Evaluation of fatigue and its correlation with quality of life index, anxiety symptoms, depression and activity of disease in patients with psoriatic arthritis

Taylor & Francis
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
  • Hospital Universitario Antonio Pedro - Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói - RJ - Brazil

Abstract and Figures

Background Psoriatic arthritis is associated with psychosocial morbidity and decrease in quality of life. Psychiatric comorbidity also plays an important role in the impairment of quality of life and onset of fatigue. Objectives This study aimed to assess the prevalence of fatigue in psoriatic arthritis patients and to correlate it to quality of life indexes, functional capacity, anxiety, depression and disease activity. Patients and methods This cross-sectional study was performed on outpatients with psoriatic arthritis. Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy – Fatigue (FACIT-F; version 4) was used to measure fatigue; 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) and Psoriasis Disability Index (PDI) to measure quality of life; Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) to assess functional capacity; Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale to measure anxiety and depression symptoms; Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI), Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) and Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) to evaluate clinical activity. Results In all, 101 patients with mean age of 50.77 years were included. The mean PDI score was 8.01; PASI score, 9.88; BASDAI score, 3.59; HAQ score, 0.85; HAD – Anxiety (HAD A) score, 7.39; HAD Depression (HAD D) score, 5.93; FACIT–Fatigue Scale (FACIT-FS) score, 38.3 and CDAI score, 2.65. FACIT-FS was statistically associated with PASI (rs −0.345, p<0.001), PDI (rs −0.299, p<0.002), HAQ (rs −0.460, p<0.001), HAD A (rs −0.306, p=0.002) and HAD D (rs −0.339, p<0.001). The correlations with CDAI and BASDAI were not confirmed. There was statistically significant correlation with all of the domains of SF-36 and FACIT-F (version 4). Conclusion Prevalence of fatigue was moderate to intense in <25% of patients with psoriatic arthritis. Fatigue seems to be more related to the emotional and social aspects of the disease than to joint inflammatory aspects, confirming that the disease’s visibility is the most disturbing aspect for the patient and that “skin pain” is more intense than the joint pain.
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Evaluation of fatigue and its correlation with
quality of life index, anxiety symptoms, depression
and activity of disease in patients with psoriatic
Claudio Carneiro1,2
Mario Chaves2
Gustavo Verardino2
Ana Paula Frade3
Pedro Guimaraes
Washington Alves Bianchi5,6
Marcia Ramos-e-Silva3
Sueli Carneiro2,3
1Health Ministry, 2Sector of
Dermatology, School of Medical
Sciences and University Hospital,
State University of Rio de Janeiro,
3Sector of Dermatology, University
Hospital and School of Medicine,
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,
4General Medicine Department,
University Hospital and School of
Medical Sciences, State University
of Rio de Janeiro, 5Sector of
Rheumatology, Santa Casa da
Misericórdia, 6University Hospital
and School of Medical Sciences, State
University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil
Background: Psoriatic arthritis is associated with psychosocial morbidity and decrease in
quality of life. Psychiatric comorbidity also plays an important role in the impairment of qual-
ity of life and onset of fatigue.
Objectives: This study aimed to assess the prevalence of fatigue in psoriatic arthritis patients
and to correlate it to quality of life indexes, functional capacity, anxiety, depression and disease
Patients and methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on outpatients with psoriatic
arthritis. Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy – Fatigue (FACIT-F; version 4) was
used to measure fatigue; 36-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-36) and Psoriasis Disability
Index (PDI) to measure quality of life; Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) to assess
functional capacity; Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale to measure anxiety and
depression symptoms; Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI), Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis
Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) and Clinical Disease Activity Index (CDAI) to evaluate
clinical activity.
Results: In all, 101 patients with mean age of 50.77 years were included. The mean PDI score
was 8.01; PASI score, 9.88; BASDAI score, 3.59; HAQ score, 0.85; HAD – Anxiety (HAD A)
score, 7.39; HAD Depression (HAD D) score, 5.93; FACIT–Fatigue Scale (FACIT-FS) score,
38.3 and CDAI score, 2.65. FACIT-FS was statistically associated with PASI (rs –0.345, p<0.001),
PDI (rs –0.299, p<0.002), HAQ (rs –0.460, p<0.001), HAD A (rs –0.306, p=0.002) and HAD D
(rs –0.339, p<0.001). The correlations with CDAI and BASDAI were not confirmed. There was
statistically significant correlation with all of the domains of SF-36 and FACIT-F (version 4).
Conclusion: Prevalence of fatigue was moderate to intense in <25% of patients with psoriatic
arthritis. Fatigue seems to be more related to the emotional and social aspects of the disease
than to joint inflammatory aspects, confirming that the disease’s visibility is the most disturbing
aspect for the patient and that “skin pain” is more intense than the joint pain.
Keywords: psoriasis, arthritis, fatigue, quality of life, anxiety, depression, questionnaires
Psoriasis (Ps) is a chronic inflammatory disease with worldwide distribution affecting
both sexes in the proportion of 1 man:1.3 women, at any age, but more frequently in
the 3rd and 4th decades of life. The predisposition seems to be genetically determined
and familial occurrence is present in ~30% of cases.1
Psoriatic arthritis (PA) has characteristic features of joint inflammation, with
edema, erythema and heat in one or more joints; Moreover, 6%–40% of patients
Correspondence: Marcia Ramos-e-Silva
Sector of Dermatology, University
Hospital and School of Medicine, Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro, Rua Dona
Mariana 143/C-32, Rio de Janeiro 22280-
020, Brazil
Journal name: Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
Article Designation: ORIGINAL RESEARCH
Year: 2017
Volume: 10
Running head verso: Carneiro et al
Running head recto: Evaluation of fatigue in patients with psoriatic arthritis
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Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology
8 May 2017
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Carneiro et al
with Ps have arthritis.2–7 The age for the beginning of PA is
~40 years, and patients with severe forms may have earlier
Fatigue is a frequent complaint in patients with arthritis,
which they correlate to tiredness.9,10 In humans, fatigue is
more central than peripheral, as well as being more psy-
chological than physiological and thus is very difficult to
quantify.11,12 It is the result of biochemical and physiologi-
cal changes and is manifested by weakness, weariness and
behavioral disturbances with reduced work capacity or
lack of resistance and a subjective feeling of tiredness and
discomfort.12–16 There is no detection of actual muscle weak-
ness in most people who complain of fatigue. The fatigued
individual cannot handle complex problems and tends to be
less reasonable in everyday life and to exhibit inferiority
complex, anxiety and depression.12,15,17,18
Multiple factors accelerate the onset of fatigue, including
heat, humidity and altitude, while others, such as pleasure,
rhythm, motivation, knowledge of the stages of the task to
be performed and fitness, delay it. Sex and age also influence
the onset of fatigue.12,17
Almost all chronic diseases may evolve with fatigue. The
differential diagnosis includes infections; anemia; neoplastic,
connective tissue, endocrine, neurological, chronic kidney,
chronic liver, metabolic and ionic diseases; sleep and psy-
chiatric alterations; and many others.19–22
Quality-of-life (QoL) health status refers to “dimen-
sions” that are specific and directly related to health condi-
tions, excluding environmental factors, income, beliefs and
The global well-being of patients and their cohabitants,
who experience impairment in QoL of patients and higher
levels of anxiety and depression, is markedly worsened by
Ps.27 Tezel et al28 studied 80 patients with PA, 40 patients with
Ps and 40 healthy subjects in terms of QoL and functional
status and found that patients with Ps and PA had worse
QoL and patients with PA had worse functional status than
healthy individuals.
The severity of Ps is usually assessed only relative to
the extent of the skin or joint involvement, leaving aside the
assessment of fatigue, QoL and symptoms of anxiety and
depression. However, Ps may provoke a negative impact as
large as that of debilitating and life-threatening disorders.
Such effects include stress, embarrassment, stigma and physi-
cal discomfort. Over time, there is an increasing emotional
involvement of the patient to the detriment of his/her social
life, decreased productivity at school or work and lower self-
esteem. Patients believe that fatigue is linked to the disease
activity, poor sleep, stress of joint components and lack of
sense of well-being, and they consider it more important than
the joint symptoms.29,30
The objectives of this investigation were to verify the
prevalence of fatigue in patients with PA undergoing treat-
ment at the outpatient clinics of 2 university hospitals in Rio
de Janeiro, through the Functional Assessment of Chronic
Illness Therapy – Fatigue (FACIT-F) tool; to assess the disease
activity, QoL, functional capacity and symptoms of depres-
sion and anxiety in these patients and, finally, to correlate
fatigue with the QoL index, functional capacity, symptoms
anxiety and depression, as well as disease activity.
Patients and methods
This was a cross-sectional observational clinical–epide-
miological study.31 The research project was approved by
the ethical committees of both hospitals: Clementino Fraga
Filho University Hospital (Federal University of Rio de
Janeiro – UFRJ) and Pedro Ernesto University Hospital (State
University of Rio de Janeiro – UERJ).
Patients of both sexes (n=101), aged 18 years, with clini-
cal diagnoses based on the 2006 Classification Criteria for
Psoriatic Arthritis (CASPAR)32 were examined. All patients
provided signed informed consent. They were from the
Sector of Dermatology (Cutaneous–Articular Diseases Out-
Patient Clinic) of the Clementino Fraga Filho University
Hospital (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) and Sector
of Rheumatology (Spondiloarthritis Out-Patient Clinic) of
the Pedro Ernesto University Hospital (State University of
Rio de Janeiro). Exclusion criteria were diabetes, liver or
kidney failure, hypothyroidism or untreated adrenal insuf-
ficiency, neurological diseases from constant muscle activity,
myopathy, anemia (hematocrit <30%) and chronic infections,
as well as use of medications such as diuretics, beta-blockers,
methyldopa and barbiturates. Hospitalized or home-in-bed
patients were also excluded.
Patients who fulfilled the CASPAR were interviewed, and
they answered the questionnaires, for which permission for
use was obtained from the authors by email. After a brief
explanation by one of the health care team members, the
following protocols were filled out: 36-Item Short Form
Health Survey (SF-36),33 Psoriasis Disability Index (PDI),30
Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale,34 FACIT-F,
FACIT–Fatigue Scale (FACIT-FS)35 and Health Assessment
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2017:10 submit your manuscript |
Evaluation of fatigue in patients with psoriatic arthritis
Questionnaire (HAQ).36 Disease activity was measured with
Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI),37 Bath Ankylosing
Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI)38 and Clinical
Disease Activity Index (CDAI).39
Statistical evaluation
The 2 × 2 tables were analyzed with Fisher’s exact test. In
the remaining contingency tables, the χ2 test was used. In the
correlation analysis, the Pearson correlation coefficient r was
used. The level of statistical significance was set at 0.05. All
analyses were performed with the R software, version 2.11,
free and open source code.
Population studied
Three hundred patients with Ps from the Sector of Derma-
tology of the Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital,
UFRJ (Cutaneous–Articular Diseases Out-Patient Clinic)
and 150 patients with spondyloarthritis from the Sector
of Rheumatology of the Pedro Ernesto Hospital, UERJ
(Spondyloarthritis Out-Patient Clinic) were evaluated, and
of them, 101 fulfilled the inclusion criteria, with the follow-
ing characteristics:
Sex: 57 men (56.4%) and 44 women (43.6%)
Color: 61 Caucasian, 33 mixed and 7 black
Average age: 50.77 years (sd =0.48); minimum: 23 years;
maximum: 79 years
Articular disease
The articular disease was clinically and/or radiologically
diagnosed and showed the distribution presented in Table 1.
QoL, fatigue, functional capacity and
disease activity
The SF-36 tool with 8 domains is presented in Table 2. All
domains (FC, functional capacity; PAL, physical aspects
limitation; GHS, general health status; SA, social aspects;
EA, emotional aspects; VIT, vitality) ranged from 0 to 100,
except PAIN, whose minimum value was 10, and mental
health (MH), whose minimum value was 24.
The intermediary values show that all SF-36 domains
were impaired by the disease.
There are 4 domains of FACIT-F, as seen in Table 3 (PW,
physical well-being; S/F W, social and family well-being;
EW, emotional well-being; FunW, functional well-being and
a Fatigue Scale). There are specific scores that add some
domains, such as TOI (PW + FunW + Fatigue Scale), G (PW
+ S/F W + EW + FunW) and F (PW + S/F W + EW + FunW
+ Fatigue Scale).
The FACIT-F domains showed alterations, as did the
SF-36 that measures the same variables. The sum of scores
(TOI, F and G) also showed alterations.
Fatigue was intense to moderate in the 1st quartile (25
patients), as seen in Figure 1.
D and CDAI scores showed minimum and maximum values
as distributed in Table 4, which shows the variation of the
scores found for fatigue, disease activity, QoL, functional
capacity as well as the symptoms of anxiety and depression.
The correlation was strong between the FACIT-FS and
the skin disease activity rates, as assessed by PASI; QoL
assessed by PDI; and anxiety and depression assessed by
HAD. However, the correlations with the peripheral and axial
joint disease activity indexes, as assessed by the BASDAI
and the CDAI, were not confirmed. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate
these findings.
Table 1 Distribution of articular involvement
Articular involvement Women/men White Mixed Black
Peripheral 26/22 25 21 2
Axial 1/13 10 3 1
Both 17/22 26 9 4
Table 2 Distribution of SF-36 components
SF-36 domains Median Mean
FC 60 59.52
PAL 50 51.04
PAIN 42 52.59
GHS 62 59.81
SA 62.50 63.72
MH 68 65.71
EA 97 66.77
VIT 60 58.5
Note: PAIN indicates the pain domain of SF-36.
Abbreviations: SF-36, 36-Item Short Form Health Survey; FC, functional capacity;
PAL, physical aspects limitation; GHS, general health status; SA, social aspects; MH,
mental health; EA, emotional aspects; VIT, vitality.
Table 3 Distribution of FACIT-F (version 4) components
Domain Minimum Maximum Median Mean
PW 1 28 21.00 27.00
S/F W 3 28 20.00 20.71
EW 3 24 17.00 16.82
FunW 0 28 18.27 18.00
TOI 2 107 74.00 75.70
G 25 107 73.30 76.18
F 25 159 113.5 113.59
Notes: TOI, PW + FunW + FACIT F; G, PW + S/F W + EW + FunW; F, PW + S/F
W + EW + FunW + FACIT F.
Abbreviations: FACIT-F, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy –
Fatigue; PW, physical well-being; S/F W, social and family well-being; EW, emotional
well-being; FunW, functional well-being.
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2017:10
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Carneiro et al
The correlation was strong between FACIT-F and the
different domains of SF-36 that included not only physical
and functional aspects but also emotional, social and mental
health, ranging below 0.001.
Fatigue Scale scores were correlated with FACIT-F
domains, which included not only physical and functional
aspects, but also those that assessed emotional and social
aspects. There were no correlations with TOI and F score
sums because both contain the FACIT Scale.
Ps has a high worldwide prevalence and a broad spectrum
of cutaneous and articular manifestations, with a negative
impact on the QoL, function, indexes of anxiety and depres-
sion as well as increased sensation of fatigue, especially in
the presence of associated arthritis, and may be associated
with decreased survival.40
Lomholt41 suggested that the earlier the disease starts in a
population, the more the environmental factors involved in its
onset are relevant. The low PASI, PDI and fatigue scores in
our patients can be credited to the sunny climate of the city
of Rio de Janeiro and the daily habits of wearing less clothing
and more sun exposure of its inhabitants, and the fact that
Rio de Janeiro is one of the happiest cities in the world.42,43
There are no specific indicators to assess the disease
activity in PA, or they are still in the process of validation.
The tools deployed nowadays for assessing the disease have
been insufficiently validated or are borrowed from rheuma-
toid arthritis (RA). We decided to use the CDAI, unlike other
indexes used in RA, which does not include any measure in
response to the acute phase response (APR) in its formula.
In cases of PA, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
and C-reactive protein (CRP) do not assume high values and
often bear no relation with the intensity of the inflammation.
The CDAI designed for RA may therefore be used in PA and
other arthritis models.39
At the Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis
and Psoriatic Arthritis (GRAPPA) meetings,44 the possibility
of using an already existing measure to evaluate PA or the
need to create a new one specific to the disease was discussed
42 47 52
Number of patients
Figure 1 Distribution of FACIT-FS scores.
Abbreviation: FACIT-FS, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy–Fatigue Scale.
Table 4 Distribution of FACIT-FS, PASI, PDI, BASDAI, HAQ,
HAD A/D and CDAI domain values
Instrument Minimum Maximum Median Mean
FACIT-FS 0 52 42 38.3
PASI 0 39.9 8 9.88
PDI 0 35 5 8.01
BASDAI 0 9.25 3.2 3.59
HAQ 0 2.90 0.88 0.85
HAD A 0 21 7 7.39
HAD D 0 20 6 5.93
CDAI 2 58 24 24.65
Abbreviations: FACIT-FS, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy–
Fatigue Scale; PASI, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index; PDI, Psoriasis Disability
Index; BASDAI, Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; HAQ, Health
Assessment Questionnaire; HAD A/D, Hospital Anxiety and Depression scale –
Anxiety/Depression; CDAI, Clinical Disease Activity Index.
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2017:10 submit your manuscript |
Evaluation of fatigue in patients with psoriatic arthritis
several times and their advantages and disadvantages were
Gupta and Gupta 46 reported that Ps has a greater impact
on the QoL of patients aged between 18 and 45 years, and that
men suffer a higher degree of work-related stress due to the
disease. These authors did not find any differences between
sexes in terms of the disease’s severity.
Sampogna et al,47 in their assessment of hospitalized
patients, found that women aged >65 years had a greater
reduction in QoL related to Ps. In this study, only patients with
arthritis aged >18 years were included, and the PASI average
was 9.88 and the PDI average was 8.01, showing that even in
this population, the majority of patients showed an impairment
that can be considered mild to moderate, corroborating the
influence of environmental factors, which was also observed
by one of the authors (unpublished data).48
Most studies consider stress a factor significantly related
to the worsening of the disease. Each population has specific
psychological characteristics. Thus, the manner in which
coastal city-dwelling Brazilians deal with stress and how it
influences the disease is a relevant topic in the study of Ps.
Various types of questionnaires have been developed
in an attempt to assess patients’ QoL, including questions
about physical and mental health, as well as aspects related
to their family, friends and social life. These questionnaires
can be generic or specific to dermatology diseases and these
provide scientific and systematic grounds to measure what
matters to the patient.49
10 20
30 40
05 15 25 35
10 20
0246 810
10 20
30 40 50
Figure 2 Correlation between FACIT-FS scores and (A) PASI, (B) PDI, (C) BASDAI and (D) CDAI scales.
Note: Scatter plots and adjustment curves of 95% CI (condence interval) are shown.
Abbreviations: FACIT-FS, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy– Fatigue Scale; PASI, Psoriasis Area and Severity Index; PDI, Psoriasis Disability Index; BASDAI,
Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index; CDAI, Clinical Disease Activity Index.
2.0 3.0
15 20 25
1005 15 20
Figure 3 Correlation between FACIT-FS scores and (A) HAQ, (B) HAD A and (C) HAD D scales.
Note: Scatter plots and adjustment curves of 95% CI (condence interval) are shown.
Abbreviations: FACIT-FS, Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy – Fatigue Scale; HAQ, Health Assessment Questionnaire; HAD A/D, Hospital Anxiety and
Depression scale – Anxiety/Depression.
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2017:10
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Carneiro et al
The variation between the QoL questionnaires is often
related to the degree to which they emphasize objective
dimensions compared to subjective ones, the extent to which
the various areas are covered and the format of questions
rather than differences in the definition of QoL.49,50
For this study, the PDI was chosen for including some
detailed domains, such as personal relationships, leisure and
daily activities, whether at school, at work or in general.
Moreover, Japiassu, in 2008,48 noted that PDI and Dermatol-
ogy Life Quality Index (DLQI), widely used for all derma-
toses, are reliable and equivalent to evaluate the QoL of Ps
patients with or without arthritis.
Studies on fatigue in RA have shown that patients con-
sider their fatigue frustrating and exhausting and that it is
much more related to pain intensity, depressed mood and
nonrestorative sleep than to the inflammation itself and
anemia.9,51–53 For many patients, fatigue is not a disorder,
but something expected and normal in their daily routine.54,55
Pollard et al51 concluded that disease activity does not
play any role in the level of fatigue and the relation between
inflammation and fatigue is not as strong as generally
assumed. Psychosocial factors may be important in the
perpetuation of fatigue, and some of them may make certain
patients more prone to fatigue.
Treharne et al55 stated that psychological factors and
depression are major contributors to fatigue, but not the only
ones. The pain, the disease activity and the painful joint count
were moderately associated, while swollen joints, anemia,
ESR and PCR were not. Skin diseases are known to have
deleterious effects on the QoL of patients and Ps, considered
by many as a psychodermatosis amid its multicausality,
presents the psychosocial factor to a relevant extent. Indeed,
social and psychological factors are codeterminants of the
health–disease process, in a biopsychosocial model, wherein
diseases are the result of several factors. The contribution
of psychosocial factors varies from disease to disease, from
person to person and between worsening episodes in the
same person.
It has already been shown that the patients’ vision of Ps
is not associated with the severity of the case, suggesting
that they respond psychologically more to their own view
than to the actual severity of the disease. It explains why it
is sometimes not possible to associate the impact of Ps with
the severity of the condition, or why this ratio is weak.56
When the domains of QoL are stratified, the most affected
in Ps are personal relationships and daily activities, reflecting
the stigmatizing burden in patients’ everyday life, particularly
in relationships. It is therefore important to evaluate the Ps
patient’s perception regarding their health, disability and
their QoL, as well as how this perception is associated with
the perception of pain and fatigue.
The negative impact of Ps on different QoL domains is
comparable to, or even greater than that of, other potentially
fatal chronic diseases.57 Patients with severe Ps associated
with diabetes, asthma or bronchitis would rather have the
underlying disease than the skin disease.25 Many patients,
when comparing the involvement of the joint with that of
the skin, literally say that the skin bothers them much more
than the pain, inflammation and joint deformity.
Studies in patients with Ps show that 3 out of 4 patients
avoid sporting or swimming activities because of the disease,
one-third of them are inhibited in their sexual relationships
and the disease influences career choices in 25%.58,59
Hughes et al 60 were the first to demonstrate that derma-
tological patients, whether outpatients or hospitalized, have
higher prevalence of psychiatric disorders than the general
population. Since then, several studies have been published
reporting a prevalence ranging from 14% to 70%,61–64
although causal inferences cannot be made due to their
sectional designs. A prospective study with dermatologi-
cal patients without psychiatric morbidity at the first visit
showed an incidence of psychiatric disorders, after 1 month,
by 7.6%, with even higher percentages in patients with
unsatisfactory treatment results.65 The risk of developing a
psychiatric disorder was 3 times higher in patients who did
not get better with treatment.64 Magin et al66 demonstrated,
in a longitudinal study, evidence that stress and depression,
but not anxiety, may play a role in the multifactor etiology
of skin diseases. Longitudinal studies are therefore needed
to define the correct direction of this association.
Although studies conducted in Western populations have
shown that the prevalence of nonpsychotic mental disorders
ranges from 7% to 26%, with an average of 17% (12.5% in
men and 20% in women), studies show that, in Brazil, this
rate can be much higher, ranging from one-third to 50% of
patients.67 The average PDI value was 8.4, higher than the
value of 7.6 found by Japiassu.48 Such values correlated with
fatigue in a statistically significant way.
Although the association between the disease and the pres-
ence of symptoms of anxiety and depression was high in the
study due to its sectional design, it was not possible to estab-
lish the correct causal relationship between both of them and
fatigue, with which it was statistically significantly correlated.
Using PDI with HAD and fatigue represents an interesting
study strategy, because both deal with issues linked to emo-
tional aspects of the life of patients who have a skin disease.
Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology 2017:10 submit your manuscript |
Evaluation of fatigue in patients with psoriatic arthritis
Minnock et al68 measured fatigue as a sensitive and
independent pattern in PA patients treated with anti-tumor
necrosis factor (TNF), using a numerical scale from 0 to 10.
Fatigue levels were 5.6 (2.3) and 3.6 (2.2) (p=0.001) at the
beginning and 3 months later, respectively, and it was found
that fatigue was an independent and sensitive measure to
assess changes in patients with PA, when compared with
HAQ, pain and CRP.
Gladman et al69 assessed the effects of 40 mg of subcu-
taneous adalimumab every 14 days in terms of functional
impairment, QoL, fatigue and pain in patients with PA com-
pared to placebo. The same questionnaires were used and they
concluded that the group treated with anti-TNF experienced
reductions in their functional limitations, fatigue and pain,
along with an improved QoL.
Fatigue was moderate to severe in a quarter of patients,
less prevalent than seen in RA,51–53 and correlated with the
disease activity and not the cutaneous articular disease,
confirming the findings that the visibility of the disease is
highly relevant to patients and that the “skin pain” and the
“soul pain” are much more intense than the pain and joint
Fatigue was prevalent in patients with PA monitored in the
Cutaneous–Articular Diseases Out-Patient Clinic of HUCFF/
UFRJ and in the Spondyloarthritis Out-Patient Clinic of
HUPE/UERJ. It was intense to moderate in a quarter of
patients. The PASI, BASDAI and CDAI indexes were satisfac-
tory in the evaluation of disease activity and were consistent
with mild-to-moderate disease intensity in most patients. The
HAQ was able to assess patients’ functional capacity, showing
that the average inability ranged from mild to moderate, while
SF-36, PDI and FACIT-F were able to assess the QoL in its
many aspects, showing greater impairment in personal rela-
tionships, emotional aspects and daily activities. The fatigue
assessed by the FACIT-FS statistically significant correlated
the indexes of QoL and the symptoms of anxiety and depres-
sion with the disease activity assessed by PASI. There was no
correlation, however, with CDAI nor with BASDAI, which
measure the articular and axial disease activity. The “skin
pain” seems to be more intense than the joint pain.
Final considerations
The study of fatigue in PA is intriguing and leads to several
considerations: Is depression a cause or a consequence of
the disease and of its severity? Is there a distinct pattern of
response to stress in patients with Ps? How to assess it? What
is the real influence of environmental factors on fatigue? Is
the disease’s visibility the only factor valued by the patient?
What is the magnitude of the “skin pain”?
This work was supported by CNPq (National Council of
Scientific and Technological Development). The authors
hereby state that the current paper is based on the Master’s
thesis submitted by Dr Claudio Carneiro, who obtained the
title of Master of Sciences from the University of the State
of Rio de Janeiro with this thesis.
The authors report no conflicts of interest in this work.
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... Little is known about the factors underlying PsA-associated fatigue. In two Canadian studies involving approximately 400 patients with PsA from a single center, 9,76 54% of the variability in fatigue can be explained mainly by physical disability, pain, and psychological stress. 77 A recent study of 246 patients with PsA from 13 countries demonstrated that high fatigue was mainly explained by disease-related factors (skin psoriasis, number of tender joints, and enthesitis), but also by patient-related characteristics (level of education and female gender), indicating that fatigue in PsA has a multifactorial nature. ...
... Fatigue is often cited by patients in qualitative research, and it has complex meanings covering both the physical and mental aspects. 76 In a qualitative study preceding the development of the updated PsA Core GRAPPA (Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis)/OMERACT, fatigue was considered a critical component of the impact on the life of PsA patients. 79 In a study by Gossec et al which involved 474 patients with PsA, the participants ranked fatigue as the second most important domain after pain. ...
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It is well known that fatigue is a highly disabling symptom commonly observed in inflammatory rheumatic diseases (IRDs). Fatigue is strongly associated with a poor quality of life and seems to be an independent predictor of job loss and disability in patients with different rheumatic diseases. Although the pathogenesis of fatigue remains unclear, indirect data suggest the cooperation of the immune system, the central and autonomic nervous system, and the neuroendocrine system in the induction and sustainment of fatigue in chronic diseases. Fatigue does not correspond with disease activity and its mechanism in IRDs. It is suggested that it may change over time and vary between individuals. Abnormal production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6 (IL-6), interferons (IFNs), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), TNF, IL-15, IL-17 play a role in both IRDs and subsequent fatigue development. Some of these cytokines such as IL-6, IFNs, GM-CSF, and common gamma-chain cytokines (IL-15, IL-2, and IL-7) activate the Janus Kinases (JAKs) family of intracellular tyrosine kinases. Therapy blocking JAKs (JAK inhibitors – JAKi) has been recently proven to be an effective approach for IRDs treatment, more efficient in pain reduction than anti-TNF. Therefore, the administration of JAKi to IRDs patients experiencing fatigue may find rational implications as a therapeutic modulator not only of disease inflammatory symptoms but also fatigue with its components like pain and neuropsychiatric features as well. In this review, we demonstrate the latest information on the mechanisms of fatigue in rheumatic diseases and the potential effect of JAKi on fatigue reduction.
... Возникающее понимание связи между псориазом тяжелого течения, ПсА и риском развития коморбидной патологии свидетельствует о наличии системного воспалительного процесса. В целом как у пациентов с псориазом, так и у пациентов с ПсА наблюдается сходный спектр коморбидных заболеваний, которые способствуют снижению качества и продолжительности жизни паци-ентов [3]. Среди них сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, диабет и метаболический синдром, воспалительные заболевания кишечника (ВЗК) и остеопороз наряду с депрессией и фибромиалгией играют важную роль. ...
The article is of an overview nature and contains current data on risk factors for the development of psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis. The data on the diagnosis, clinical picture of PsA and the feasibility of the early appointment of biologics medicines in order to increase efficiency and improve the prognosis of the disease are given.
... PsA is inflammatory arthritis associated with psoriasis [13]. Psoriasis can result in negative impacts on the affected individuals, such as reduced productivity, embarrassment, stress, and lower self-esteem [14]. A previous study from Turkey showed that PsA affected the QoL of patients compared to psoriasis [13]. ...
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Background: Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) has a detrimental influence on the quality of life (QoL). The goal of this study was to evaluate the QoL of patients with PsA and its determinants at the King Abdulaziz University Hospital in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 60 PsA patients. A questionnaire was used to collect data about their demographics. Assessment of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) was done by the Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT)-Fatigue and the FACIT-General (FACIT-G) scales were used to assess fatigue. The Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) was used to assess disease activity. Results: The mean age of the patients was 50.33 ± 11.15 years and 78.3% were females. The mean HRQOL, FACIT-G, FACIT, and BASDAI scores were 59.99 ± 34.67, 28.18 ± 5.95, 20.01 ± 9.68, and 4.05 ± 2.54, respectively. The HRQOL scores were found to have a highly significant negative correlation with both the FACIT and BASDAI scores, as well as the patients' age and BMI. The FACIT-G scores and the BASDAI scores, as well as the BASDAI scores and the FACIT scores, were found to have a strong positive correlation with age and BMI. Conclusion: PsA has a significant detrimental influence on QoL, with a link between QoL and disease activity and fatigue. A greater understanding of QoL issues will help improve the quality of care.
... It is however noteworthy that the questions on fatigue for patients and physicians were not symmetrical, Other studies have found that the relationship between fatigue and anxiety/depression is highly correlated 8,9,28 . A multidisciplinary European working group concluded that the interdependence of fatigue and anxiety, together with pain, may form a "vicious cycle" with negative effects on PsA symptoms 39 . ...
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Objective To evaluate fatigue frequency and severity among patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) and assess the impact of fatigue severity on patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) assessing quality of life, function, and work productivity. Methods Data were derived from the Adelphi Disease Specific Programme, a cross-sectional survey conducted in 2018 in the United States and Europe. Patients had physician-confirmed PsA. Fatigue was collected as a binary variable and through its severity (0-10 scale, using the Psoriatic Arthritis Impact of Disease (PsAID) fatigue question) from patients; physicians also reported patient fatigue (yes/no). Other PROMs included EQ-5D-5L for health-related quality of life (HRQoL), Health Assessment Questionnaire-Disability Index (HAQ-DI), and Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI). Multivariate linear regression was used to evaluate the association between fatigue severity and other PROMs. Results Among the 831 included patients (mean age 47.5 years, mean disease duration 5.3 years, 46.9% female, 48.1% receiving a biologic), fatigue was reported by 78.3% of patients. Patients with greater fatigue severity had greater disease duration, PsA severity, pain levels, body surface area affected by psoriasis, and swollen and tender joint counts (all p<0.05). In multivariate analyses, patients with greater fatigue severity experienced worse physical functioning, HRQoL, and work productivity (all p<0.001). Presence of fatigue was under-reported by physicians (reported in only 32.0% of patients who self-reported fatigue). Conclusion Prevalence of patient-reported fatigue was high among PsA patients and under-recognized by physicians. Fatigue severity was associated with altered physical functioning, work productivity, and HRQoL.
... In order to assess fatigue in our study population, the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue (FACIT-F) scale was used. This scale was originally developed in order to assess fatigue in cancer patients with or without anemia, compared to the general US population (53) and it has been validated in the general population (54) and has been also largely used and validated in patients with inflammatory (55)(56)(57) and autoimmune diseases, including primary SS (58)(59)(60)(61). The score of the FACIT-F scale ranges from 0 to 52, higher values reflect lower fatigue levels and a cutoff score of <30 indicates severe fatigue (62). ...
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Background/Purpose Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome (SS) is characterized by B lymphocyte hyperactivity with B cell activating factor (BAFF) acting as an important regulator. Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) of the BAFF gene have been implicated in the pathogenesis of several autoimmune diseases characterized by heightened fatigue levels, including primary SS. We aimed to explore potential associations between BAFF SNPs and fatigue status of primary SS patients. Methods Fatigue status was assessed in 199 consecutive primary SS patients (Greek cohort) using the Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue (FACIT-F) scale. Clinical, histological, laboratory, psychometric and personality data were also collected. DNA extracted from peripheral blood of all patients underwent evaluation for the presence of five BAFF SNPs (rs9514827, rs1041569, rs9514828, rs1224141, rs12583006) by PCR. To confirm our findings, an independent replicative cohort of 62 primary SS patients (Dutch cohort) was implemented. Finally, 52 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients were served as disease controls (MS cohort). Analysis of BAFF SNPs in association with fatigue levels was performed by the online platforms SNPStats and SHEsis and the SPSS 26 and Graph Pad Prism 8.00 software. Results TT genotype of the rs9514828 BAFF polymorphism was significantly less frequent in the fatigued primary SS patients of the Greek cohort compared to the non-fatigued (14.1% vs 33.3%). The corresponding ORs [95%CI] in the dominant and overdominant models were 0.33 [0.15-0.72], p=0.003 and 0.42 [0.23-0.78], p=0.005 respectively. The association remained significant after adjustment for the variables contributing to fatigue in the univariate analysis (OR [95% CI]: 0.3 [0.1-0.9], p=0.026). Accordingly, in the Dutch cohort, there was a trend of lower mental fatigue among patients carrying the TT rs9514828 BAFF genotype compared to their CC counterparts (4.1 ± 2.4 vs 6.0 ± 2.2 respectively, p=0.06). The rs9514828 BAFF SNP was not significantly associated with fatigue in the MS cohort. Conclusions We report a novel association between genetic makeup and primary SS-associated fatigue with the rs9514828 TT genotype decreasing the likelihood of fatigue development among these patients. These findings need validation in multi-center studies.
... Treating physicians prioritize reduction in joint pain, swelling and stiffness (8), while patients often rank pain, cutaneous manifestations, and fatigue as their priority symptoms of focus (9,10). Several studies investigating decreased HRQoL in PsA patients are conducted in cross-sectional setups to assess associations with individual clinical manifestations (11)(12)(13)(14), while studies including follow up examining the relationship between changes in individual PsA manifestations and change in QoL have been sparse (15,16). ...
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OBJECTIVES The objective was to investigate interplay between change (Δ) in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) quantified by physical component score (PCS) and mental component score (MCS) retrieved from short-form health survey (SF-36), change in disease activity (ΔDAS28CRP) and manifestations of Psoriatic Arthritis (PsA). METHODS PsA patients initiating new medical therapy were enrolled. Independent disease measures evaluating disease activity, enthesitis, psoriasis, pain and fatigue were collected at treatment initiation and after 4 months. Interplay between independent disease measures and dependent outcome measures; ΔPCS and ΔMCS was described with univariate regression analyses. Multivariate regression analyses were applied to assess impact of independent variables e.g. individual disease outcome measures versus ΔDAS28CRP on ΔPCS and ΔMCS. RESULTS 108 PsA patients were included. In the univariate regression analyses, improvement in fatigue, pain, and disability were associated with improvement in ΔPCS (β; -2.08, -0.18, -13.00, respectively, all; p < 0.001) and ΔMCS (β; -1.59, -0.12, -6.07, respectively, and p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p = 0.003, respectively). When PROs were included in the final multivariate models, improvements in ΔPCS and ΔMCS were associated with improvements in pain, fatigue and disability (p < 0.001). Improvement in enthesitis positively impacted ΔPCS (β -0.31, p < 0.001). No association was found between change in skin psoriasis, ΔPCS and ΔMCS (β 0.15, p = 0.056 and β 0.05, p = 0.561, respectively). CONCLUSION In this PsA patient cohort, diminishing pain, disability and fatigue improved PCS and MCS significantly. Changes in enthesitis and psoriasis, did not grossly impact HRQoL compared to DAS28CRP. Individual PsA manifestations influence HRQoL differently which is clinically important when targeting treatment.
... 9 In addition, it is considered to be the comorbidity that has the greatest impact on the quality of life of these patients, thus requiring early diagnosis and treatment. 10 In Brazil, the prevalence of psoriatic arthritis exclusively in patients with plaque psoriasis ...
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Background: Psoriatic arthritis is the most frequent and impactful comorbidity among psoriatic patients and appears in most cases after skin disease. Dermatologists play a key role in its early diagnosis and treatment. Objective: To determine the prevalence of psoriatic arthritis and associated variables among patients with plaque psoriasis seen at a reference center for treating psoriasis. Design and setting: Retrospective cross-sectional study conducted among 300 patients at an outpatient clinic in a university center in Juiz de Fora, MG, Brazil. Methods: Standardized records of 300 patients with plaque psoriasis were examined. Demographic data and medical variables relating to psoriasis (Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI), family history, age at onset and disease progression) and psoriasis arthritis (CASPAR criteria) were evaluated. Laboratory and radiographic tests in the medical records were reviewed. Results: Seventy-three (24.3%) of these 300 patients with plaque psoriasis had psoriatic arthritis. Asymmetric oligoarthritis (58.9%) was the most common clinical form, followed by polyarthritis (20.5%), distal interphalangeal arthritis (15.2%) and spondyloarthritis (5.4%). Dactylitis was present in 21.9% and enthesitis in 35.6% of patients. Compared with patients without arthritis, patients with arthritis had higher average age, higher frequency of positive family history of psoriasis, longer duration of evolution and higher PASI rates. Conclusion: Psoriatic arthritis is often underdiagnosed. Since dermatologists perform the initial approach, these professionals need to be trained to diagnose this comorbidity and treat it, together with rheumatologists.
... The effects of osteoarticular disease showed that people affected by this pathology and who are more physically active obtained higher well-being values. This could be the most visible part of the emotional and social disease implications, which determines the quality of life perception and well-being, and not only the physical and functional aspects of the pathology [56]. ...
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Osteoarticular diseases are one of the effects of aging, and they are related to physical, psychological, and social functions. Physical activity seems to slow the start and progression of these kinds of illnesses and presents benefits for psychosocial health. The main aim of the study was to investigate the possible effect of physical activity level (Yale Physical Activity Survey) on quality of life (SF-36 Health Questionnaire), subjective psychological well-being (Psychological Well-being Scale), and depression levels (Geriatric Depression Scale), depending on osteoarticular illness. The sample consisted of 263 Spanish adults aged 65 to 98 years who had high or low physical activity (assessed by YPAS Questionnaire) and osteoarticular disease. Results show that physical activity influences the perceived quality of life, depression levels, and subjective well-being in older adults regardless of osteoarticular disease. The present study suggests the need for promoting physical exercise due to its proven positive impact on older adults’ mental health, entailing a significant reduction in the risks of suffering from a variety of frequent diseases and disorders.
Background: Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic inflammatory condition. It impacts patients both physically and psychologically. Fatigue may be an early symptom of PsA, which impairs quality of life. Objectives: To assess serum IL-17, fatigue, quality of life and function impairment in PsA patients and to correlate them with clinical disease activity. Methods: 80 consecutive PsA patients were included. Fatigue assessed by Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Fatigue. Quality of life assessed by Psoriatic Arthritis Quality of Life. Functional capacity assessed by health assessment questionnaire. Disease activity assessed by Disease Activity in Psoriatic Arthritis. Serum IL-17 measured by ELISA. Results: There was significant difference in FACIT-F, PsAQOL, and HAQ (p<0.001) in different disease activity subgroups. There was statistically significant correlation of disease duration with disease activity, fatigue, reduced function capacity, and quality of life impairment (p≤0.05), while no correlation with the patients’ age. There was statistically significant correlation between FACIT-F, PsAQOL, HAQ, and DAPSA scores (p<0.001). Serum IL-17 was significantly correlated with clinical parameters of disease activity, fatigue, function, and quality of life impairment (p≤0.05). Conclusion: Fatigue is a common clinical symptom in psoriatic arthritis patients. it is significantly associated with IL17, quality of life, functional impairment and disease activity.
Objective To identify the prevalence and factors associated with depression and anxiety in patients with psoriasis Background Psoriasis is a chronic, non‐contagious, autoimmune inflammatory skin disease associated with psychological comorbidities. Design A cross‐sectional study conducted between March 2017 and December 2018 in a dermatology infirmary and outpatient clinic of a public hospital in the inner State of São Paulo (Brazil). Methods We used questionnaires with sociodemographic data and clinical history, the HAD (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale), DLQI‐BRA (Dermatology Life Quality Index) and PASI (Psoriasis Area Severity Index). The correlations between variables were explored using multivariate techniques. STROBE checklist was applied as the reporting guideline for this study (Supporting Information File S1). Results A total of 281 participants were included, the majority female 146 (52%), with a mean age of 52.1 years (SD 13.8), elementary school 154 (55%), married/cohabiting 209 (74%) and with low income 201 (72%). The median (p25‐p75) time with the disease was 14 years (7‐23). Regarding the quality of life, 31% of respondents reported being little affected by the disease. The prevalence of depression was 19% and 36% anxiety. The multivariate analysis showed that the variables that influenced the anxiety and depression scores were: DLQI‐BRA, income, female sex, illness length, and age. For the multiple correspondence analysis, the highest levels of anxiety and depression referred to women, middle age, lower‐income, and low PASI. Conclusion The prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms was low. Female sex, income, age, illness length and quality of life were associated with anxiety and depression scores in patients with psoriasis. Relevance to clinical practice Due to the scarcity of studies in the field of nursing with psoriasis patients, we believe these findings contribute to the reorganization of the care provided, allowing nurses to timely identify mood disorders such as anxiety and depression and adopt the necessary measures to a service and/or specialized referral.
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Many patients with systemic immune-inflammatory and neuro-inflammatory disorders, including depression, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren's disease, cancer, cardiovascular disorder, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis, endure pathological levels of fatigue. The aim of this narrative review is to delineate the wide array of pathways that may underpin the incapacitating fatigue occurring in systemic and neuro-inflammatory disorders. A wide array of immune, inflammatory, oxidative and nitrosative stress (O&NS), bioenergetic, and neurophysiological abnormalities are involved in the etiopathology of these disease states and may underpin the incapacitating fatigue that accompanies these disorders. This range of abnormalities comprises: increased levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, e.g., interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) α and interferon (IFN) α; O&NS-induced muscle fatigue; activation of the Toll-Like Receptor Cycle through pathogen-associated (PAMPs) and damage-associated (DAMPs) molecular patterns, including heat shock proteins; altered glutaminergic and dopaminergic neurotransmission; mitochondrial dysfunctions; and O&NS-induced defects in the sodium-potassium pump. Fatigue is also associated with altered activities in specific brain regions and muscle pathology, such as reductions in maximum voluntary muscle force, downregulation of the mitochondrial biogenesis master gene peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha, a shift to glycolysis and buildup of toxic metabolites within myocytes. As such, both mental and physical fatigue, which frequently accompany immune-inflammatory and neuro-inflammatory disorders, are the consequence of interactions between multiple systemic and central pathways.
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Our understanding of psoriatic arthritis has evolved as new knowledge of the disease has emerged. However, the exact prevalence of psoriatic arthritis is unknown, and its pathogenesis has not been fully elucidated. Genetic, environmental, and immunologic factors have all been implicated in disease development. Early diagnosis and treatment have become primary objectives in clinical rheumatology. Psoriatic arthritis not only causes functional impairment, but also increases mortality risk of patients. The advent of new therapeutic agents capable of arresting the progression of joint damage is expected. However, early psoriatic arthritis assessment remains limited. The objectives of this article are to outline the epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of psoriatic arthritis and to suggest a paradigm for identifying early psoriatic arthritis patients.
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Background: The aim of the present study was to analyze the score of fatigue in a large cohort of Brazilian patients with SpA, comparing different disease patterns and its association with demographic and disease-specific variables. Methods: A common protocol of investigation was prospectively applied to 1492 Brazilian patients classified as SpA according to the European Spondyloarthropathies Study Group (ESSG) criteria, attended at 29 reference centers. Clinical and demographic variables were recorded. Fatigue was evaluated using the first item of the Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index (BASDAI) questionnaire. Results: The mean BASDAI fatigue score was 4.20 ± 2.99. There was no significant difference in the fatigue score between the different SpA. Fatigue was higher in female patients (p < 0.001), with mixed (axial + peripheral) involvement (p < 0.001) and in those who did not practice exercises (p < 0.001). Higher scores of fatigue were significantly associated with inflammatory low back pain (p = 0.013), alternating buttock pain (p = 0.001), cervical pain (p = 0.001), and hip involvement (p = 0.005). Fatigue presented a moderate positive statistical correlation with Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index (BASFI) (0.469; p < 0.001) and Ankylosing Spondylitis Quality of Life (0.462; p < 0.001). Conclusion: In this large series of Brazilian SpA patients, higher fatigue scores were associated with female gender, sedentary, worse functionality, and quality of life.
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Objetivos A fadiga é um sintoma altamente subjetivo e extremamente comum em pacien- tes com artrite reumatoide, embora seja difícil de caracterizar e definir. O objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar a fadiga em uma coorte de pacientes brasileiros e analisar a relação entre fadiga e variáveis específicas da doença. Métodos Foram prospectivamente investigados 371 pacientes brasileiros diagnosticados com artrite reumatoide, de acordo com os critérios de classificação do Colégio Americano de Reumatologia de 1987. Dados demográficos, clínicos e laboratoriais foram obtidos dos registros clínicos. Foram registrados o número de articulações dolorosas, índice de massa corporal, duração da doença, qualidade de vida, capacidade funcional, ansiedade e depres- são. A fadiga foi avaliada com o uso da subescala específica da escala Fatigue Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy (FACIT-FATIGUE). Resultados O escore mediano para fadiga foi 42 (10), negativamente correlacionado com a capacidade funcional (-0,507; p < 0,001), ansiedade e depressão (-0,542 e -0,545; p < 0,001, respectivamente) e predominantemente com o domínio físico do questionário Short Form- 36 para qualidade de vida (SF-36P: 0,584; p < 0,001). Não houve correlação entre os escores e a velocidade de sedimentação das hemácias (-0,118; p <0,05), proteína C reativa (-0,089; p < 0,05), atividade da doença (-0,250;p < 0,001) ou número de articulações dolorosas (-0,135; p < 0,01). Para todas as medidas foi aplicado um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Conclusões Nesta série de pacientes brasileiros com artrite reumatoide, sugerimos um novo significado para as queixas de fadiga como um parâmetro independente não relacionado com o número de articulações dolorosas ou escores de atividade inflamatória. Parece ha- ver maior relação entre transtornos psicológicos e funcionais com a fadiga. Seriam impor- tantes novos estudos e uso rotineiro de medidas padronizadas para a monitorização das queixas de fadiga.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the impact of fatigue on exercise performance. First, fatigue will be defined and distinguished from similar constructs. Second, examples of instruments to measure fatigue in the rheumatic diseases are highlighted. Next, the social implications of fatigue are briefly mentioned. Fourth, methods in which fatigue impacts exercise performance are discussed. Fifth, the prevalence of fatigue in arthritis and its relationship to exercise will be presented. And last, areas of future research and roles of clinicians in managing fatigue relative to exercise performance are proposed.
Fatigue is a prevalent and substantial phenomenon in many patients with chronic inflammatory diseases, often rated by patients as the most troublesome symptom and aspect of their disease. It frequently interferes with physical and social functions and may lead to social withdrawal, long-standing sick leave, and disability. Although psychological and somatic factors such as depression, sleep disorders, pain, and anaemia influence fatigue, the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms by which fatigue is generated and regulated are largely unknown. Increasing evidence points toward a genetic and molecular basis for fatigue as part of the innate immune system and cellular stress responses. Few studies have focused on fatigue in dermatological diseases. Most of these studies describe fatigue as a phenomenon related to psoriatic arthritis and describe the beneficial effects of biological agents on fatigue observed in clinical studies. It is therefore possible that this problem has been underestimated and deserves more attention in the dermatological community. In this review, we provide a definition and explanation for chronic fatigue, describe some commonly used instruments for measuring fatigue, and present hypothetical biological mechanisms with an emphasis on activation of the innate immune system and oxidative stress. An overview of relevant clinical studies covering the theme “psoriasis and fatigue” is given.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Background Psoriasis is a common chronic disease, mediated by type 1 and 17 helper T cell-driven inflammation. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated a wide range of comorbidities and increased mortality rates. However, the current evidence on psoriasis-related mortality is limited and nationwide data have not been presented previously.Methods In a nationwide population-based cohort we evaluated all-cause and cause-specific death rates in patients with psoriasis as compared to the general population.ResultsThe entire Danish population aged 18 and above, corresponding to a total of 5 458 627 individuals (50.7% female, 40.9 years ± 19.7), including 94 069 with mild psoriasis (53% female, 42.0 ± 17.0 years) and 28 253 with severe psoriasis (53.4% female, 43.0 ± 16.5 years), was included. A total of 884 661 deaths were recorded, including 10 916 in patients with mild psoriasis and 3699 in patients with severe psoriasis. The age at time of death varied by psoriasis status, i.e. 76.5 ± 14.0, 74.4 ± 12.8 and 72.0 ± 13.4 years, for the general population, mild psoriasis and severe psoriasis respectively. In general, the highest death rates were observed in patients with severe psoriasis. Overall death rates per 1000 patient years were 13.8 [confidence interval (CI) 13.8-13.8], 17.0 (CI 16.7-17.3) and 25.4 (CI 24.6-26.3) for the general population, patients with mild psoriasis and patients with severe psoriasis respectively.Conclusion This nationwide population-based study of cause-specific death rates in patients with psoriasis demonstrated reduced lifespan and increased rates of all examined specific causes of death in patients with psoriasis compared to the general population.
Background: Numerous studies have analyzed the influence of psoriasis on the quality of life and psychosocial health of patients. However, few studies have addressed the effect of this disease on individuals living with these patients (cohabitants). Objective: To analyze the influence of psoriasis on the levels of anxiety, depression, and quality of life of the cohabitants of psoriatic patients. Methods: The study included patients, cohabitants, and controls, a total of 130 participants. Their quality of life was measured with the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) and Family Dermatology Life Quality Index (FDLQI), and their psychological state with the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Demographic data of participants and clinical characteristics of patients were also gathered. Results: The presence of psoriasis impaired the quality of life of 87.8% of the cohabitants. FDLQI scores of cohabitants were significantly associated with the DLQI scores of the patients (rs = 0.554; P < .001). Anxiety and depression levels did not differ between patients and cohabitants, but were significantly higher than in the controls (P < .001). Limitations: Additional studies with larger numbers of patients and cohabitants are required to analyze differences between groups according to psoriasis severity. Conclusion: Psoriasis markedly worsens the global well-being of patients and their cohabitants, who experienced an impairment of their quality of life and higher levels of anxiety and depression.