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Review of Small Gauge Vitrectomy: Progress and Innovations

Journal of Ophthalmology


Purpose. To summarise the surgical advances and evolution of small gauge vitrectomy and discuss its principles and application in modern vitreoretinal surgery. The advent of microincisional vitrectomy systems (MIVS) has created a paradigm shift away from twenty-gauge vitrectomy systems, which have been the gold standard in the surgical management of vitreoretinal diseases for over thirty years. Advances in biomedical engineering and surgical techniques have overcome the technical hurdles of shifting to smaller gauge instrumentation and sutureless surgery, improving surgical capabilities and expanding the indications for MIVS.
Review Article
Review of Small Gauge Vitrectomy: Progress and Innovations
Shaheeda Mohamed,
Carl Claes,
and Chi Wai Tsang
Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Eye Hospital,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
Sint Augustinus Hospital, Wilrijk, Belgium
Correspondence should be addressed to Carl Claes;
Received 17 February 2017; Accepted 29 March 2017; Published 15 May 2017
Academic Editor: Ala Moshiri
Copyright © 2017 Shaheeda Mohamed et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Purpose. To summarise the surgical advances and evolution of small gauge vitrectomy and discuss its principles and application in
modern vitreoretinal surgery. The advent of microincisional vitrectomy systems (MIVS) has created a paradigm shift away from
twenty-gauge vitrectomy systems, which have been the gold standard in the surgical management of vitreoretinal diseases for
over thirty years. Advances in biomedical engineering and surgical techniques have overcome the technical hurdles of shifting to
smaller gauge instrumentation and sutureless surgery, improving surgical capabilities and expanding the indications for MIVS.
1. Introduction and History of Microincisional
Vitrectomy Surgery (MIVS)
Robert Machemer introduced pars plana vitrectomy (PPV)
in 1971. Prior to this, Kasner had described vitreous excision
removal under an open sky technique, using sponge and scis-
sors [1]. Machemer developed a closed system for vitreous
removal with control of intraocular pressure. His vitreous
infusion suction cutter (VISC) was 17-gauge (1.42 mm in
diameter), multifunctional, and utilized a 2.3 mm scleral inci-
sion [2, 3]. OMalley and Heintz separated the components of
vitreous cutting, infusion, and illumination and developed
the rst three-port 20-gauge(G) vitrectomy system in 1974.
Absorbable sutures were used to close the sclerotomies and
conjunctiva [4]. Improvements in electric and pneumatic
cutters led to 20G three-port vitrectomy becoming the stan-
dard technique for vitreoretinal surgery for over thirty years,
until the advent of microincisional vitrectomy surgery
(MIVS). In 1985, Machemer and Hickingbotham introduced
the rst 20G trocar/cannula system to be inserted into the
sclerotomy, allowing for easier passage of instruments and
reduced traction at the vitreous base [5]. In 1990, De Juan
developed 25G instrumentation for use in paediatric eyes
[6]. Peyman then developed a 23G vitrectomy probe in
1990, primarily intended for vitreous and retinal biopsies
[7, 8]. In 2002, Fujii et al. introduced a 25G transconjunctival
vitrectomy system using microtrocars and cannulas and
popularized the widespread use of small gauge pars plana vit-
rectomy [911]. Eckardt later introduced 23G vitrectomy
instrumentation as an alternative to the 25G system [12],
and the trend toward yet smaller gauge instruments contin-
ued with the development of a 27G sutureless vitrectomy sys-
tem by Oshima in 2010 [13].
2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Small
Gauge Vitrectomy
Small gauge vitrectomy, with its smaller instrumentation
intended to be transconjunctival, self-sealing, and sutureless,
has theoretical advantages including decreased ocular trauma
and inammation, decreased corneal astigmatism, reduced
operating times, faster postoperative recovery, increased
patient comfort, reduced conjunctival scarring, and conjunc-
tival preservation, especially in patients with prior or pending
glaucoma surgery [1416]. In addition, smaller gauge vitrec-
tomy instruments are better suited to the narrower spaces of
paediatric eyes.
However, miniaturization of instruments limits instru-
ment diameter and lumen, with counterproductive eects
on instrument exibility, eciency, and performance. Initial
indications for small gauge vitrectomy were limited to those
not requiring extensive vitrectomy, membrane dissection,
Journal of Ophthalmology
Volume 2017, Article ID 6285869, 9 pages
or phacofragmentation, due to initial issues with limited
instrument array and increased exibility. Advances in
wound construction, instrumentation, uidics, cutter tech-
nology, illumination, and wide-angle viewing systems
(WAVS) have overcome the handicaps of smaller gauge
instrument size and are discussed in detail as follows.
3. Trocar/Cannula System
Standard 20G vitrectomy surgery requires conjunctival inci-
sions and sclerotomies of 0.89 mm diameter. Smaller gauge
vitrectomy using transconjunctival trocar/cannula systems,
have reduced the scleral incision diameter to 0.64 mm for
23G, 0.51 mm for 25G, and 0.4 mm for 27G. The trocar/can-
nula system theoretically creates less traction on the vitreous
base during instrument entry and exit. However, a large
retrospective study by Rizzo et al. found similar incidence
of retinal detachment after sutureless 23G and 25G vitrecto-
mies and conventional 20G vitrectomy (1.7% versus 1.2%)
[17]. The once only placement of the cannulas maintains
the alignment between the conjunctiva and sclera and is less
traumatic to wound borders than the repeated insertion and
withdrawal of instruments through a 20G sclerotomy. It also
increases the chances of self-sealing sclerotomy closure and
minimizes the risk of suture-related inammatory reaction,
or subsequent atrophy and thinning over the sclerotomy
site. Cannulas also allow for interchangeability of instru-
ment and infusion sites, allowing for improved access in
certain instances.
However, the cannula sleeve internal diameter limits the
radius of curvature of intraocular scissors, resulting in a
blunted curve and shorter blades, and renders them less e-
cient for membrane cutting and dissection than their 20G
counterparts, forcing surgeons to use other methods [18].
The cannula sleeve may also slightly aect instrument rota-
tion and exion during globe manipulation, as well as ante-
rior and peripheral access. Placing the sclerotomies closer
to the horizontal meridian reduces the need to rotate instru-
ments signicantly for peripheral and superior access and
avoids displacement of the infusion as the eye is rotated
inferiorly [19].
4. Wound Construction
Wound construction in smaller gauge vitrectomy systems is a
critical step and aects whether the sclerotomy seals well at
the end of surgery. The thickness of the sclera in the area of
the pars plana is 0.8 mm. Early incisions were straight
(perpendicular to the sclera) in 25G systems, as better self-
sealing was expected with the smaller diameter incisions
[11]. This was changed to an angled (oblique) scleral incision
after studies showed better wound closure and reduced risk
of hypotony compared with straight incisions [2022].
One- and two-step techniques of angled wound construction
have been described.
The original two-step technique for 23G vitrectomy, as
described by Eckardt, involves displacement of the con-
junctiva and stabilization of the eye with a pressure plate,
followed by use of a sharp angled MVR blade to create the
initial slit opening in the sclera followed by insertion of
the blunt trocar, onto which the cannula is mounted
[12]. This technique allows more consistent wound crea-
tion, but it may sometimes cause diculty in nding the
initial point of trocar insertion. The modern one-step
technique involves entry by a sharp trocar with a mounted
cannula. Cannulas are quick to insert and easily removed
from the trocars without need for a second instrument,
but it may be necessary to apply a slightly higher pressure
to insert the microcannula at an oblique angle, which can
cause problems in eyes with recent corneal or scleral
wounds [19].
Additional modications have been made to the one-step
angled technique to improve wound architecture. In general,
the longer (more oblique) the intrascleral path, the better the
wound apposition. In Zorros incision, the blade is inserted
obliquely at an angle of 10 to 15 degrees and enters the vitre-
ous without straightening [23]. Pollack improved on this by
suggesting a biplanar incision, where the trocar is inserted
at a 5-degree angle to the sclera until 50% scleral depth, and
then raised to a 30-degree angle to the sclera. Trocar entry
at 30 degrees produces a longer tunnel length of 1.414 mm,
compared with a tunnel length of 1.154 mm produced by tro-
car entry at 45 degrees. The 30% increase in tunnel length
results in more watertight closure [23]. Alternatively, the tra-
jectory may also be made very tangential to the sclera at
about 5 degrees and then tilted up to a more perpendicular
angle after the cut is made through the sclera in order to
avoid impaling the retina. Moreover, older blades created
chevron-shaped incisions with a tendency to gape, but newer
blades create at, linear incisions [18].
The course of angled incisions can run perpendicular or
parallel to the limbus. Kwok et al. modied the original per-
pendicular incision by rotating the sclera tunnel by 90
degrees, making it parallel to the limbus [24]. Due to the ori-
entation of scleral bres around the cornea, scleral incisions
made parallel to the limbus oer a theoretical benet of dis-
placing the scleral bres rather than cutting them, as in inci-
sions that run perpendicular to the limbus, facilitating more
rapid and superior sclerotomy closure [25, 26]. In addition,
scleral tunnels that run parallel to the limbus are less likely
to encroach on the lens or retina. Microincisional scleral tun-
nel entry radial to the limbus leaves more room for future
sclerotomies than conventional 20G incisions running paral-
lel to limbus, preventing coalescing of wounds in repeat
Conjunctival and scleral vessels should be avoided where
possible, to reduce postoperative subconjunctival haemor-
rhage. Conjunctival displacement from the scleral incision
has been proposed in order that the two incisions will not
be aligned after cannula withdrawal, and the conjunctiva will
cover the sclerotomy. It is intended to reduce the risk of post-
operative scleral wound contamination. However, Singh et al.
demonstrated that conjunctival displacement did not prevent
ocular surface uid from entering sutureless 25G scleral inci-
sions in cadaver eyes [27]. Avoiding conjunctival displace-
ment in eyes with silicone oil ll may also prevent leaking
silicone oil from becoming trapped in the subconjunctival
and sub-Tenons space [28].
2 Journal of Ophthalmology
5. Valved Cannula System
Newer valved cannula designs remove the need for plugs and
consist of a cap-like silicone membrane mounted onto the
cannulas (DORC, Dutch Ophthalmic Research Corporation,
Zuidland, the Netherlands), or built into the cannula head
(Alcon, Fort Worth, Texas, US). They help maintain a closed
system, provide more stable intraocular pressure (IOP) con-
trol during instrument exchange, and reduce the amount of
infusion. High infusion ow can cause turbulence when
working with peruorocarbon liquids, direct mechanical
trauma to the retina, ballooning of the retina if the infusion
is directed toward a retina break, or increased dehydration
if uid-air exchange has already been performed. Valved
cannulas address the problem of high ow from the infusion
through open cannulas during instrument exchange due to
IOP compensation features, which can lead to a fountain
eectat the open cannulas and dislodge plugs, or cause
vitreous or retinal incarceration at the sclerotomies [29].
However, valved cannulas can lead to increased friction
between the instrument and the valve, and dicult entry
for soft or exible tip instruments, such as the soft tip back-
ush cannula, or the diamond dusted membrane scraper
(DDMS). Entry of such instruments requires straight entry
at the centre of the valve aligned with the cannula direction,
or a second instrument to act as a glider displacing the valve
leaet [30]. Other alternatives are cutting or removing the
soft tip and using newer retractable versions of exible tip
instruments, such as the DDMS. A built-in valved cannula
design can also create intraocular pressure buildup during
air-silicone oil exchange, and venting extensions that allow
air to go through the valves have been introduced to prevent
this. For DORC valved cannula systems, the silicone caps can
be easily popped oto enable passage of soft-tipped instru-
ments, or to allow for venting.
6. Transconjunctival Sutureless 20G Entry
Cannulated and noncannulated transconjunctival suture-
less entries for 20G systems have also been developed to
allow use of the traditionally more rigid scissors, forceps,
and cutters and to allow hybrid 20G/25G or 20G/23G
approaches, such as dropped nucleus or intraocular for-
eign body (IOFB) removal. In 1996, Chen et al. introduced
self-sealing sclerotomies using scleral aps for 20G vitrec-
tomy [31]. Single-step and two-step entry 20G transcon-
junctival cannulated systems (TCS) are commercially
available. Lafeta and Claes described a two-step entry for
20G valved TCS (DORC, Zuidland, the Netherlands) using
limbus-parallel 3.5 mm scleral tunnels made at a 10-degree
angle to the sclera with a bent stiletto, without conjuncti-
val displacement [32]. None of the eyes required suturing,
although it should be noted that 92% of eyes received air
tamponade. Only one eye developed hypotony (dened
as IOP less than 6 mmHg). Single-step beveled entry non-
valved 20G TCS (Synergetics, OFallon, MO) has been
reported by Kim et al. and Shah et al. However, 35% to
38% of eyes required suturing [33, 34].
7. Cannula Removal and Wound Closure
The self-sealing ability of a sclerotomy wound is aected by
wound architecture, scleral tunnel length, scleral elasticity,
wound apposition by residual vitreous, surface tension of a
gas bubble, and intraocular pressure. To facilitate approxi-
mation of the wound edges, the cannulas should be with-
drawn in a tangential trajectory. Infusion pressure can be
decreased prior to cannula removal to minimize vitreous
prolapse [19]. Infusion pressure may be activated to raise
internal pressure while concurrent external pressure on the
wound facilitates the angled incision tunnel to collapse and
close [32]. Some vitreous remnant may also plug the ports
to an extent during cannula removal. However, there is no
increased rate of retinal detachment attributable to this
[17]. Removal of the cannula over a nonhollow probe such
as a light pipe has been proposed as a means to decrease vit-
reous wick incarceration. However, competency of scleral
closure may be aected [35]. Partial uid-air exchange may
help reduce wound leak from the sclerotomies until brin
seals the wounds, due to the increased surface tension of
gas compared to uid [19]. However, better wound construc-
tion has obviated its routine use in MIVS. If a wound leak is
still detected at the end of surgery, absorbable sutures can be
placed, especially in the setting of leaking silicone oil. Leakage
from sclerotomies is more likely in highly myopic eyes with
low scleral rigidity, in eyes with scarred conjunctiva or sclera
from previous surgery, in Marfans syndrome [36], and in
young children [19].
8. Instrument Rigidity, Functionality, and Array
Rigidity of instruments is dependent on material, thickness,
diameter (gauge), and length [37]. As the trend toward
smaller gauge continued, problems with instrument array
and tool exure arose. Initially, 25G vitrectomy was primarily
utilized in macular surgeries. As the range of instruments for
small gauge systems increased, surgeons applied 25G and
27G systems to cases requiring more extensive peripheral vit-
rectomy, and exibility of the smaller cutter was a problem,
especially when using the instruments to aect eye rotation
for peripheral access and visualization. Hubschman et al.
demonstrated that 23G and 25G cutters were less stithan
20G cutters. Even within the same gauge group, cutter sti-
ness varied due to dierences in internal diameter among
25G and 23G vitrector probes [38]. Paradoxical movements
at the tip of thinner forceps can also occur since stress on
the shaft near the proximal end of the forceps can cause a
reverse movement of the distal end during attempted rota-
tion of the eye. Some surgeons stabilize the smaller gauge
instruments with an extra nger close to the sclerotomy to
reduce bending. Optimal positioning of the sclerotomies
close to the horizontal meridian, avoiding the supraorbital
rim and bridge of the nose, wide-angle viewing systems,
and scleral depression, all minimize the need for eye rotation
and problems related to tool exure.
Newer generation 25G and 27G cutters, endoillumina-
tors, and laser probes are now stier, and newer forceps are
shorter to increase stiness. However, shorter instruments
3Journal of Ophthalmology
may not be suited for use in highly myopic eyes with long
axial lengths. Oshima et al. shortened the 27G cutter from
32 mm to 25 mm, with similar rigidity to the 25G cutter,
but were still able to perform core and peripheral vitrectomy
in eyes with axial lengths ranging from 22 to 28 mm [13].
Tapered stiening sleeves have also been developed as
another means to increase rigidity of the thinner 27G instru-
ments. Besides shortening, the radius of curvature of curved
instruments is also often blunted in order to accommodate
passage through the narrower internal diameter of the
cannulas. As a result, 25G curved scissors are less ecacious
than larger 20G scissors, and dissection of dense membranes
may need to be completed by other methods [23].
Due to the improvements in instrument stiness, instru-
ment array in the smaller gauge systems has expanded
accordingly, as well as application to a wider range of surgical
indications, including simple and complex retinal detach-
ments, macular surgeries, tractional retinal detachments,
and stages 4 and 5 retinopathy of prematurity [3945]. The
27G vitrectomy platform now has an extensive instrument
portfolio including valved trocars, light pipe, cutter, back-
ush brush, forceps, straight scissors, laser, and diathermy.
Phacofragmentomes for removal of dense dropped nuclear
fragments have traditionally been limited to 20G, but a
23G fragmentome has recently been introduced (DORC,
Zuidland, the Netherlands).
9. Fluidics of Vitrectomy
9.1. Infusion Flow Rates. Reduction in internal diameter of
the infusion cannula in smaller gauge systems increases fric-
tional forces and loss of pressure head and decreases volume
ow at the infusion tip entry into the eye, as per Poiseuilles
law, which states that ow of an incompressible viscous uid
is proportional to the fourth power of radius of the transmit-
ting tubing and inversely proportional to its length [29]. The
volume ow rate decreases by a factor of sixteen when the
inner tubing radius is reduced by half. In addition, the
volume ow rate is directly proportional to the pressure dif-
ferential and inversely proportional to the uid viscosity.
Higher infusion pressures in the range of 4050 mmHg
may be a way to compensate for this and allow higher ow
rates in smaller gauge systems, but may aect eyes with com-
promised ocular perfusion [19]. Infusion uid can be infused
into the eye either by a gravity-fed system or a pressurized
system. In gravity-fed systems, infusion pressure, measured
in centimetres of water, is equivalent to the bottle height
above the eye. In vented gas-forced infusion systems, the
infusion bottle itself is pressurized and allows for rapid infu-
sion pressure control via console-controlled venting [29]. In
the Constellation system (Alcon, Fort Worth, Texas, US),
the infusion is pressurized within the console cassette, which
should ideally be placed at eye level. The integrated pressur-
ized infusion has internal, noninvasive sensors that con-
stantly measure ow into the eye through the infusion line
and cannula and integrate it through the microprocessor of
the computer. The resistance is measured during machine
priming. Ohms law for uids is analogous to Ohms law
for electricity and states that pressure (gradient) is equal to
ow rate multiplied by resistance. Vitrectomy creates a pres-
sure gradient that the machine senses and compensates for
by increasing infusion. Infusion pressure can therefore be
adjusted according to the sensed ow rate to maintain the
desired IOP during surgery, and IOP compensation is accu-
rate to within 2 mmHg [37].
9.2. Cutter Flow Rates. Vitreous cutters developed based on
the VISC had dierent drive systems. The electric cutter
maintained a constant duty cycle (percentage of time the cut-
ter port is open relative to each cutting cycle) with increased
cut rate, but it was heavy and the electric motor in the hand-
piece led to easy muscle fatigue. The pneumatic cutter was
rst reported by OMalley and Heintz in 1975 [4]. Until quite
recently, pneumatic cutters employed a single pneumatic
pulse from a pneumatic energy source located in the machine
to close the cutter guillotine blade and relied on a spring to
open it to complete a duty cycle. Pneumatic cutters were
smaller and lighter, but as the mechanical properties of the
spring remain constant, as the cut rate increased, the inability
of the spring to keep up with the pneumatically driven clo-
sure increased the time the port is closed, thereby decreasing
the duty cycle [46].
Engineering advances led to newer dual pneumatic drive
cutters, which replaced the passive spring return phase with a
second pneumatic piston that actively pushes the guillotine
blade into the open position. This allowed a higher duty
cycle at ultrahigh-speed cut rates up to 7500 cuts per min-
ute and allowed surgeons to vary the duty cycle between
50% (50/50), less than 50% (shave mode), or more than
50% (core mode) [18]. The latest twin duty cycle (TDC)
cutter design on the Enhancing Visual Acuity (EVA) vitrec-
tomy system (DORC, Zuidland, the Netherlands) has a sec-
ond port in the internal guillotine blade of the pneumatic
cutter. The concept of a double-port cutter was originally
patented by Hayafuji more than 20 years ago. With two cut-
ting edges, it cuts both forward and backward, nearly elimi-
nating any port closed time, resulting in a 92% duty cycle
independent of cutting speed and allowing cut rates to be
doubled to reach 16,000 cuts per minute. With the smaller
27G cutters, increased cutting rate and duty cycle improve
cutting eciency, without unduly increasing tractional
forces [47].
Cutter size, speed (cut rate), duty cycle, internal probe
diameter, and cutter geometry (including port diameter, dis-
tance between the port and tip), all aect its performance.
The internal diameter of vitrector probes has decreased from
0.52 mm for 20G, 0.36 to 0.39 mm for 23G, 0.26 to 0.29 mm
for 25G, and 0.20 mm for 27G systems. It should be noted
that the smaller gauge cutters may show some variability of
internal diameters [38]. Larger port diameters, such as in
the newer Ultravit 25G+ or 27G+ systems, allow higher ows
[29]. While the external diameter of the cutter handpiece has
dropped from 0.9 mm for 20G to 0.4 mm for 27G, the port
diameter of the 27G cutter still reaches 60% that of the 20G
probe. The ports of 23G, 25G, and 27G cutters are also signif-
icantly closer to the tip of the probe compared with 20G
cutters [18]. Smaller 25G and 27G cutters, with port openings
close to the tip, can get extremely close to the retina with
4 Journal of Ophthalmology
smaller sphere of inuence on surrounding tissue [48].
This not only enhances safety during vitreous shaving over
mobile retina but also can allow the cutter to serve as a
dissection tool by enabling access to the very narrow tissue
planes during membrane dissection in diabetic tractional
detachments [49].
Flow rate through the cutter is inuenced by the infusion
pressure, aspiration pressure, port diameter, internal diame-
ter of the probe, drive mechanism of the cutter, duty cycle,
and viscosity of the aspirated vitreous [50]. Adding to the
complex interactions, the vitreous itself is a heterogenous
substance that exhibits viscoelastic properties. It is elastic
and deformable, and its attachments to the retina require
the vitreous to be cut as it is aspirated in order to reduce trac-
tion on the retina. The vitreous is 98% water, and the rest is
composed of a matrix of collagen brils, hyaluronic acid, pro-
teins, and glycoproteins. Since it does not behave as a liquid,
other factors such as aspiration pressures, cut rates, and duty
cycle govern cutter ow rates in clinical settings [50]. E-
cient surgery requires the ability to control outow through
the cutter to achieve high ow, such as during core vitrec-
tomy or induction of a posterior vitreous detachment, and
conversely, to enable low ow, such as during peripheral
vitreous shaving over a detached retina. In both situations,
high cut rates are desirable to reduce pulsatile traction on
the retina.
Higher ow rates in smaller gauge cutter systems can be
achieved by higher aspiration vacuums in the range of 400
600 mmHg to counter the higher pressure head loss with
the smaller vitrector probe diameters. Duty cycles with a
longer port open time also result in higher ow rates for vit-
reous removal. With pneumatic cutters, the duty cycle
converges at 50% with increasing cut rate for both open
biased and closed biased duty cycles. However, it is important
to note that high cut rates reduce the bitesize and thus the
eective viscosity of non-Newtonian uids such as vitreous.
Flow rates and eciency of vitreous removal can therefore
be maintained at high cut rates, and pulsatile traction is min-
imized [29]. Watanabe et al. have even recently reported
removal of dropped nuclear fragments using a 27G TDC
cutter and found that the cutter was able to maintain stable
suction power to hold the fragments at high cut rates [47].
Vitrectomy systems, such as Constellation (Alcon, Fort
Worth, Texas, US), have traditionally used Venturi pumps
to create vacuum because the older peristaltic pump designs
were constrained by slower rise times than Venturi pumps
due to pump inertia and inherently pulsatile ow resulting
from rotary compression of the exible tubing [29]. How-
ever, due to advances in peristaltic pump design, some newer
vitrectomy machines oer both venturi and peristaltic
pumps. With venturi pump systems, the vacuum is set and
ow will vary according to viscosity of substances encoun-
tered by the cutter. High maximum vacuum can be set for
core vitrectomy and low maximum vacuum for peripheral
vitreous shaving. In peristaltic systems, it is the ow that is
set and vacuum varies to maintain ow with varying viscosity
of substances. Similarly, high ow rates can be set for core
vitrectomy and low ow rates for vitreous shaving. EVA
(Dorc, Zuidland, the Netherlands) has a ow-control
technology called VacuFlow Valve Timing Intelligence
(VTI) that combines computer-controlled operating pistons
and closure valves working in small-ow chambers to allow
the surgeon to have adjustable settings for both peristaltic
and venturi controls. There is some debate as to whether a
peristaltic pump system gives more control during vitreous
shaving over a detached retina [51]. However, low ow set-
tings, and automatic adjustment of vacuum and infusion
parameters to maintain constant ow, do minimize surge
turbulence at the port and traction on surrounding tissue
[29]. Furthermore, newer generation MIVS systems oer a
dual dynamic drive (3D) vitrectomy mode or a proportional
vitrectomy mode. The 3D vitrectomy mode allows for simul-
taneous linear control of cutting rate and vacuum pressures
to produce the resulting ow rate and enhancing eciency.
As the surgeon presses the footpedal, he can change the set-
tings linearly from a preset start point for cutting and the vac-
uum to a preset endpoint. The proportional vitrectomy mode
allows for high xed cut rates as the vacuum is varied linearly,
thereby reducing pulsatile traction and enhancing safety [18].
Port-based ow limiting,which describes the ow lim-
itations of cutter gauge size, port size, cut rate, and duty cycle,
can be seen as an advantage of smaller gauge systems. A
reduced ow rate and high cut rates reduce the average vitre-
ous bre travel between cuts and therefore limit the traction
exerted on the vitreous and retina [29]. A closed biased duty
cycle and low ow reduce motion of the detached retina dur-
ing peripheral vitreous shaving and reduce postocclusion
surge after sudden elastic deformation of dense membranes
through the cutter port during membrane delamination with
the cutter in diabetic tractional detachments [29].
10. Illumination
The rst light source for vitrectomy originated from an exter-
nal slit illuminator. In 1976, Peyman introduced endoillumi-
nation for 20G vitrectomy using a bre optic inserted into the
vitreous cavity [52]. Coaxial and slit lamp transcorneal illu-
mination from the operating microscope produce scattered
light (glare), while endoillumination minimizes light reec-
tions and light scattering from the viewing system lens,
cornea, lens, and vitreous [53]. Modes of endoillumination
include light pipes, chandelier lights, and illuminated
Handheld light pipes allow techniques of focal bright illu-
mination, specular illumination where light shone at a critical
angle causes an almost transparent surface to glow, highlight-
ing surface irregularities, as well as retroillumination by
reecting the endoilluminator othe surface of the retina,
retinal pigment epithelium, choroid, sclera, or othe cutter
[53]. Conventional halogen or metal halide light sources ini-
tially caused decreased illumination with the smaller gauge
light probes. Compared to 20G light pipes, 23G and 25G
endoilluminators had reduced light transmission due to
reduced surface area of the bre optic by 40% and 50%,
respectively, and therefore required higher power sources.
Initially, high arc lamps (xenon and mercury vapour)
provided the high power output required for small gauge
endoilluminators [53]. Newer light emitting diode (LED)
5Journal of Ophthalmology
light sources provide up to 40 lumens without degradation of
light output, can last more than 10,000 hours, and are there-
fore particularly suited for smaller gauge endoillumination.
Moreover, newer light probes have wider cone angles and
allow better peripheral viewing with less probe angulation.
Some newer generation light probes oer more than 100
degrees divergence angle, compared to older generation
endoilluminators with illumination elds ranging from 50
to 80 degrees. Beveled sheath designs on the tips of some help
to minimize glare, while providing wide-angle illumination.
Chandelier light and illuminated instruments were devel-
oped to allow bimanual surgery. Illuminated picks provide
focal bright light at the surgical dissection site, allowing
clearer delineation of the surgical dissection planes. Illumi-
nated lasers, scissors, forceps, and infusions are also available.
Chandelier illumination is xed in the sclera and provides
wide-angle diuse lighting. Eckardt developed 25G twin
lightchandelier illumination in 2003, introduced through
two sclerotomies to provide more homogenous lighting and
minimize shadows seen with single bres [54]. Other 25G
endoilluminators include the Tornambe Torpedo (Insight
instruments, Stuart, FL) and the Awh 25G chandelier
(Synergetics Inc., St Charles, MO). Much brighter xenon
light sources, such as BrightStar (DORC, Zuidland, the
Netherlands), Photon Light Source (Synergetics Inc., St
Charles, MO), or integrated into vitrectomy machines such
as Constellation (Alcon, Fort Worth, Texas, US), allowed
the development of smaller gauge chandeliers. Oshima devel-
oped a self-retaining 27G chandelier endoilluminator in 2007
[55], and Eckardt then introduced a 27G twinlight chandelier
illumination system [56]. A 30G dual bre chandelier system
in 29G cannulas (Synergetics Inc.,St. Charles, MO) is now
also available [57].
While chandelier lights produce superior video image
quality, the more distant diuse xed illumination may be
less helpful in identifying dissection planes at the surgical
point of interest and cause glare after uid-air exchange.
Excessive use of diuse illumination also reduces the ability
to see transparent structures such as the internal limiting
membrane (ILM), clear epiretinal membranes (ERM), and
the vitreous, compared to focal illumination from light pipes
[53]. Shadows cast by instruments in the path of the light
may impede visualization, and thermal buildup has also been
known to occur in the steadily illuminated chandelier [58].
Phototoxicity from high intensity light sources can be
reduced by starting with low intensities, lowering intensities
when switching from 25G to 20G endoilluminators, shorten-
ing exposure times to the macula, and maximizing working
distances between the tip of the endoilluminator and the ret-
ina [53]. Newer LED light sources, used in LEDStar (DORC,
Zuidland, the Netherlands) and integrated in EVA (DORC,
Zuidland, the Netherlands), have built-in adjustable yellow
lters to minimize phototoxicity.
11. Wide-Angle Viewing Systems (WAVS)
In conjunction with developments in MIVS, enhancements
in wide-angle viewing systems (WAVS) have improved pan-
oramic viewing of the surgical eld and enhanced safety and
eciency. They reduce the need for eye rotation, head repo-
sitioning, or scleral indentation and are particularly advanta-
geous when using the smaller gauge cutters. Most WAVS
consist of two components: an indirect ophthalmoscope lens
placed on or above the cornea and a prismatic stereo reinver-
ter that reinverts the image. WAVS are broadly classied into
contact and noncontact viewing systems. Contact WAVS
have a xed eld of view depending on the lens dioptric
power, whereas the eld of view in noncontact systems varies
depending on the distance between the ophthalmoscope lens
and the cornea [59]. Two contact-based wide-angle lens sys-
tems, ClariVit and HRX (Volk Optical Inc), are available.
They provide approximately 10 degrees wider eld of view
than noncontact systems and provide superior image quality
as they eliminate corneal aberrations and light reections by
directly placing the lens on the cornea. However, an experi-
enced assistant is needed to hold the lens, and therefore more
surgeons prefer to use the noncontact systems. Noncontact
systems widely used include BIOM (Binocular Indirect
Ophthalmo Microscope; Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany), OFFISS
(Optical Fibre Free Intravitreal Surgery System, Topcon Med-
ical Systems, Oakland, NJ), Resight 700 (Carl Zeiss Meditec
AG, Jena, Germany), and Peyman-Wessels-Landers vitrec-
tomy lens (Ocular Instruments, Bellevue, WA) [60]. The
BIOM system is the most commonly used WAVS, is easily
adaptable to most microscopes, and is easily sterilized. The lat-
est version, BIOM 5, oers foot-pedal controlled focusing and
automatic image inversion. Newer lenses are wider in diame-
ter, are adapted to compensate for the optical properties of the
eye, and have variable back focal length optimized to focus on
a curved instead of a at surface, allowing the concave fundus
surface to be in focus for the full extent of the retina from the
macula to the periphery with minimal distortion or aberra-
tion. However, at planoconcave contact lenses still have
superior axial resolution and lateral resolution over wide-
angle systems for macular surgery [53].
12. Complications Associated with MIVS
12.1. Intraoperative. Rise in intraocular pressure to more
than 60 mmHg has been measured during insertion of the
trocar cannula complex [60], but newer sharper trocar blade
designs have improved ease of entry. Increased intraocular
pressure and globe deformation can open recent corneal or
scleral wounds, and placing sutures prior to port insertion
reduces the risk of wound gaping and hypotony [61]. Dis-
placement of the infusion cannula, during scleral indentation
and eye rotation, can lead to serous or haemorrhagic choroi-
dal detachment [62]. It can also occur in eyes with choroidal
edema, such as in redetachment surgeries [63]. The dislo-
cated infusion can be quickly moved to one of the other
two ports to repressurize the eye. Avoiding excessively long
scleral tunnels and placing the infusion closer to the horizon-
tal meridian prevent easy dislodgment by the inferior lid or
speculum. Cannula dislodgement can occur when instru-
ments are withdrawn from the eye as a result of increased
friction between the instrument and cannula wall, such as
when removing forceps or scissors without fully closing the
jaws [19]. Sclerotomies situated over areas of scleral thinning,
6 Journal of Ophthalmology
such as in eyes with repeat surgeries, may have reduced fric-
tion between the cannula and the sclera and predispose to
cannula dislodgement [23]. The dislodged cannula can be
mounted onto a trocar and reinserted through the same
scleral tunnel, or if it cannot be found, a new sclerotomy
can be made. Rarely, breakage and intraocular dislocation
of a segment of a cannula tip have also been reported [63].
Use of hybrid 20G/23G or 20G/25G systems, such as
during phacofragmentation, can create infusion/outow
mismatch if care is not taken to raise infusion pressures
to match egress [64]. Entry site breaks are not common
in small gauge vitrectomy [65, 66]. Gentamicin retinal tox-
icity has also been reported when given subconjunctivally
in eyes undergoing small gauge sutureless vitrectomy and
should be avoided [67].
12.2. Postoperative. Wound sealing of the sclerotomies was
the main problem in the development of sutureless small
gauge vitrectomy systems. The hypotony is usually transient,
but can sometimes be severe, leading to choroidal detach-
ment or haemorrhage, hypotonous maculopathy, or gas
escape, and inadequate tamponade [19, 68]. Furthermore,
initial reports suggested higher rates of endophthalmitis.
This may be due to contamination from conjunctival ora,
ingress associated with postoperative hypotony, and vitre-
ous wick eect at unsutured sclerotomies [69]. India ink
passage has been demonstrated in eyes with unsutured
25G, 23G (straight or beveled), and 20G sclerotomies,
compared to no entry of India ink in eyes with sutured
sclerotomies [21, 70]. Kunimoto et al. reported an endoph-
thalmitis incidence of 0.23% for 25G PPV compared to
0.018% for 20G [71], and Scott et al. identied an endoph-
thalmitis incidence of 0.84% for 25G PPV compared to
0.03% for 20G in their cohort studies [69]. This may have
been related to variations in sclerotomy construction, as a
straight incision was found to have increased risk of endoph-
thalmitis compared with a beveled approach. A systematic
review by Govetto et al. did not nd an increased risk of
endophthalmitis for microincisional vitectomy systems com-
pared to standard 20G vitrectomy [72].
13. Summary and Future Directions for MIVS
Signicant strides in microincisional vitrectomy system u-
idics, instrumentation, illumination, and viewing systems
have been made in recent years, and MIVS has all but
replaced 20G systems for a wide variety of vitreoretinal surgi-
cal indications. Retinal specialists have shifted away from
20G systems to smaller sutureless systems that have reduced
operative times, surgical trauma, inammation, astigmatism,
and improved patient comfort, postoperative recovery times,
and patient satisfaction. This drives the quest toward even
smaller gauge systems, although this is tempered by the engi-
neering challenges, instrument tradeos, surgical learning
curves, availability, and, importantly, the higher costs. Care-
ful case selection and optimisation of surgical techniques
for small gauge systems are important for surgical success.
Conflicts of Interest
Dr. Claes is a consultant to Alcon.
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9Journal of Ophthalmology
... Bu mekanizma minimum sıvı çıkışını sağlayarak stabil bir göz içi ortamı sağlar. [12][13][14] Mikro insizyon trokarları, geleneksel trokarlara kıyasla daha küçük bir çapa sahiptir. Gözde daha küçük kesilere izin vererek doku travmasını azaltır ve yara kapanmasını iyileştirir. ...
... Kesme ve aspirasyon arasındaki dengeyi belirleyerek doku çıkarma oranını, uygulanan emme miktarını ve genel cerrahi sonuçları etkiler.Optimum çalışma döngüsü ayarları, çıkarılan vitreus yoğunluğu, istenen cerrahi sonuç ve cerrahın tercihi ve deneyimi dahil olmak üzere çeşitli faktörlere bağlıdır. Çalışma döngüsünün ayarlanması, cerrahın kesme ve aspirasyon aşamalarını her prosedürün özel ihtiyaçlarına uyacak şekilde özelleştirmesine olanak tanır.13 Açık görev döngüleri daha fazla kesme süresi ve daha az boşta kalma süresi içerir (Şekil 4). ...
... Etkili bir şekilde aspire edilmesi için daha fazla kesme gerektiren daha yoğun veya fibröz vitröz dokuyu çıkarmak için uygundurlar. Açık görev döngüleri doku çıkarma verimliliğini artırabilir ve genel cerrahi süresini azaltabilir.13,24 Kapalı döngüleri daha fazla boşta kalma süresi ve dahaaz kesme süresi sağlar (Şekil 4). ...
Vitrectomy, a surgical procedure for treating various retinal disorders, has evolved significantly with advancements in instrumentation and techniques. Trocars, probes, and duty cycles are integral components of vitrectomy devices, playing crucial roles in ensuring optimal surgical outcomes. This review aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of trocars, probes, and duty cycles, exploring their functionality, advancements, and their impact on vitrectomy surgery. By understanding the intricate details of these components, ophthalmic surgeons can enhance their surgical precision, efficiency, and patient outcomes.
... To adjust the duty cycle to increase the opening time of the port, the operating mechanism of the vitrectomy probe has evolved from a conventional spring system to a dual pneumatic system. [6] Dual cutting action vitrectomy probes with dual blades have also been introduced. ...
... When using proportional vacuum mode, the authors suggest that maintaining 10,000CPM for vitreous removal may require a bit more time, because, with the reduced pulsatile traction and the enhanced safety, surgeons need to approach remaining vitreous more closely to remove it. [6] In experimental studies, the performance of probes is typically compared by removing a certain amount of BSS. ...
Purpose: Various vitrectomy probes are currently being used commercially, and there are ongoing efforts toward developing probes with higher cutting rates and smaller gauges. This study aimed to compare the efficiency and safety of various commercially available small gauge ultrahigh-speed dual pneumatic vitrectomy probes.Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the medical records of patients and recorded intraoperative videos while they underwent microincision three-port vitrectomy surgery for idiopathic epiretinal membrane at Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital. The patients were categorized into four groups based on the vitrectomy probe used during surgery: 23-7500 (UltraVit 23-gauge 7,500 cuts per minute [CPM]), 23-7500 (UltraVit 25-gauge 7,500 CPM), 25-10K (Advanced UltraVit 25-gauge 10,000 CPM), and 27-10K (Advanced UltraVit 27-gauge 10,000 CPM).Results: In total, 82 eyes from 82 patients were included in this work, with 16, 11, 26, and 29 eyes in groups 23-7500, 25-7500, 25-10K, and 27-10K, respectively. The corresponding vitrectomy times were 295.56 ± 53.55, 293.09 ± 50.28, 299.92 ± 59.42, and 349.38 ± 67.23 seconds, respectively. There was a significant difference in the vitrectomy time between the groups ( p = 0.004). The mean number of sutures was 3, 3, 2.96, and 0.83, respectively. In the 23-7500 group, there was one case of iatrogenic retinal break, while in the 27-10K group, there was one case of postoperative hypotony.Conclusions: Although advancements have been made in the 27-gauge vitrectomy probe, it still takes more vitrectomy time than it does when using the 23- and 25-gauge probes. However, the delay was within an average of 1 minute, and considering the significantly reduced need for sutures, there is a substantial benefit in terms of postoperative discomfort. Therefore, when choosing a probe for epiretinal membrane surgery among the four options, it is reasonable to select the 27-gauge probe according to the surgeon’s preference.
... In this series, a single suprachoroidal haemorrhage occurred in a highly myopic eye within the first 200 surgeries. The Constellation Vision system used in this study is designed to match the disparity between the pressure in the eye to a surgeon's pre-set infusion pressure by actively pressurising the infusion to compensate for the pressure gradient during aspiration and reducing the occurrence of hypotony [27]. In air filled eyes, when returning to fluid and during air aspiration, this discrepancy is largest, and the infusion jet is of a higher flow rate because the bore of the infusion is smaller. ...
... Following this, the infusion pressure was lowered to 10mmHg only (instead of 5mmHg) prior to indentation with no further haemorrhages. The lack of rigidity of instruments is a well-known limitation to adoption of 27-gauge surgeries [27]. The 27-gauge plus system used, has a stiffening sleeve on the proximal vitrectomy probe shaft and in addition the surgeon utilised 'finger buttressing' at the junction between the instrument shaft and the instrument handle during surgery to increase instrument rigidity. ...
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Background To assess the safety and effectiveness of the exclusive use of 27-gauge instruments for all vitreoretinal diseases requiring vitrectomy. Methods In this retrospective study, 1020 consecutive surgeries were performed on 958 eyes of 848 patients using 27-gauge instruments from March 2017 to June 2021. Patients with a minimum follow-up of 3 months were included. Surgical case-mix, best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), intraocular pressure (IOP), intra- and post-operative complications, and surgery times were recorded. Results The study patients were followed up for averagely 11 months. Of the 1020 vitrectomies, 958 were primary procedures. Of the 148 retinal detachment (RD) cases, 138 (93%) required a single vitrectomy. Primary macular hole closure was achieved in 143 of 145 (99%) cases. The average surgical times were 55 and 38 min for RD surgeries and for all other indications, respectively. BCVA improved significantly at the final visit (20/49) compared with the pre-operative visit (20/78) (p < 0.01). IOP was similar at the pre-operative (14.8mmHg) and final (14.3mmHg) visits. Complications recorded include transient hypotony in 39 eyes, iatrogenic retinal breaks in 2 eyes, and a vitreous bleed in 1 other eye. Conclusion This study revealed that 27-gauge vitrectomy instruments can be used for a wide range of indications, with exclusive use in certain settings. The outcomes were similar to other gauges, including for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, with minimal complications.
... There have been substantial developments in the surgical procedures and instrumentation of vitreoretinal surgery in the five decades since Robert Machemer performed the first pars plana vitrectomy [1]. The technology of surgical microscopes and operating procedures, however, has essentially remained unaltered. ...
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Background Performing a surgical task subjects the surgeon to multitudinal stressors, especially with the newer 3D technology. The quantum of cognitive workload using this modern surgical system in comparison to the Conventional microscope system remains unexplored. We evaluate the surgeon’s cognitive workload and the surgical outcomes of macular hole(MH) surgery performed on a 3D versus a Conventional microscope operating system. Methods 50 eyes of 50 patients with MH undergoing surgery using the 3D or Conventional microscope visualization system. Cognitive workload assessment was done by real-time tools(Surgeons’ heart rate [HR] and oxygen saturation[SPO2]) and self-report tool(Surgery Task Load Index[SURG-TLX] questionnaire) of three Vitreoretinal surgeons. Based on the SURG-TLX questionnaire, an assessment of the workload was performed. Results Of the 50 eyes, 30 eyes and 20 eyes underwent surgery with the Conventional microscope and the 3D system, respectively. No difference was noted in the MH basal-diameter(p = 0.128), total surgical-duration(p = 0.299), internal-limiting membrane(ILM) peel time(p = 0.682), and the final visual acuity (VA; p = 0.515) between the two groups. Both groups showed significant improvement in VA(p < 0.001) with a 90% closure rate at one-month post-surgery. Cognitive workload comparison, the intraoperative HR(p = 0.024), total workload score(P = 0.005), and temporal-demand dimension(p = 0.004) were significantly more in Conventional microscope group as compared to 3D group. In both the groups, the HR increased significantly from the baseline while performing ILM peeling and at the end. Conclusion The surgeon’s cognitive workload is markedly reduced while performing macular hole surgery with a 3D viewing system. Moreover, duration of surgery including ILM peel time, MH closure rates, and visual outcomes remains unaffected irrespective of the operating microscope system.
... mm for 23g, 0.26-0.29 mm for 25g, and 0.20 mm for 27g systems. [6] Simultaneously, cut rates have evolved from 1 cut per second to 20,000 cuts per minute. Higher cut rates reduce the 'bite' size and thus the effective viscosity of non-Newtonian fluids such as vitreous. ...
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Purpose To compare the efficiency of the advanced ultravit beveled vitrector probe (10,000 cuts per minute) to the current standard ultravit highspeed (7500 cuts per minute) vitrector probe. Methods A prospective, randomized controlled trial was conducted on patients undergoing routine vitrectomy surgery for epiretinal membrane, full-thickness macular hole, and vitreous opacities. Patients were randomly assigned to undergo PPV with the ultravit highspeed probe (Probe 1) or the advanced ultravit beveled probe (Probe 2). The main outcome measure was time to completion of core vitrectomy and vitreous base shave. Results Forty patients were enrolled in this study, 20 in each cohort. The average time to completion of core vitrectomy was 10.4 +/- 1.8 min in the Probe 1 cohort compared to 9.7 +/- 2 min in the Probe 2 cohort (P = 0.21). The average time to completion of vitreous base shave was 9.6 +/- 2.7 min in the Probe 1 cohort compared to 9.4 +/- 1.8 min in the Probe 2 cohort (P = 0.39). Conclusion In the current study, the advanced ultravit beveled probe was noninferior to the ultravit highspeed vitrectomy probe when looking at the time to completion of core vitrectomy and vitreous base shave. The increased cut rate did not affect the efficiency of vitreous removal.
Purpose: We aimed to compare the visual outcomes after pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) versus tap and inject (T&I) in fungal endophthalmitis (FE) reported in the literature and to compare the findings from the literature with data from a reference centre. Methods: We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies reporting the use of PPV versus T&I in FE. We also performed a retrospective review of the clinical records of patients with endophthalmitis from a reference centre in Colombia. Results: We included 13 studies with 334 eyes; 53.59% received PPV and 46.4% received T&I. The overall relative risk of improving ≥ 2 lines in PPV versus T&I was 0.98 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.80-1.22; p = 0.88) with a mean difference of final visual acuity of 0.26 (95% CI 0.12-0.63; p = 0.18). There were no significant differences in subgroup analysis. Data from the reference centre included 32 endophthalmitis cases, 15.6% of which had a fungal aetiology (80% received PPV and 20% T&I). There were no significant differences in the subgroup analysis. Conclusions: Based on the findings from the literature and the reference centre, T&I is noninferior to PPV. This is the first meta-analysis in the literature evaluating these effects in FE. It is necessary to execute new prospective randomised controlled studies in patients with endophthalmitis.
Over the last half-century, vitreoretinal surgery has evolved from 20-gauge to 23-, 25- and 27-gauge vitrectomy, also known as micro-invasive vitrectomy, with the development of technology and instrumentation. The most important difference of 20-G vitrectomy from other systems is that it creates a larger sclerotomy and therefore requires sutures. Although its large diameter is an advantage depending on the surgical indication, the necessity of sutures also brings disadvantages. On the other hand, micro-invasive vitrectomy systems usually do not require sutures due to their smaller diameter, and suture-related complications are not encountered. Other important advantages are that they can also be used in complex vitreoretinal surgeries. Although they have lower infusion and aspiration rates compared to 20-G vitrectomy as a result of their small diameter, each system has advantages and disadvantages depending on the surgical indication used. This review aims to comparatively present the general advantages and disadvantages of the 20-, 23-, 25- and 27-gauge vitrectomies.
Currently, three groups of scientists are developing the introduction and use of lowfrequency ultrasound in retinal and vitreous surgery. There is not enough data and work to study the effects of this type of energy on the functional activity and structural state of the retina. In this regard, we conducted experimental and diagnostic studies using modern and objective methods. The main purpose of this article is analyzing the parameters of the electroretinogram of the rabbit retina and compare it with histological data after removal of the vitreous body using low-frequency ultrasound and mechanical action. Experiments were conducted on Chinchilla rabbits (n=40). In the experimental group (n=20), vitreous removal was performed using low-frequency ultrasound, in the control group (n=20) using a guillotine mechanism. On the 1st, 7th, 14th and 14th days, the parameters of the a- and b-waves of the electroretinogram were recorded. The structural state of the retina was also evaluated on histological sections. On the 1st day after surgery in both study groups there was a decrease in all parameters of the electroretinogram, the evaluation of histological data showed the presence of edema in most layers of the retina. On days 7 and 14, the parameters of the a- and b-waves were restored, but did not return to normal in both groups, a decrease in edema in all layers of the retina was observed on histological preparations. On day 30, the a- and b-wave indicators returned to normal, which indicates the restoration of the functional properties of photoreceptor cells, bipolar and Muller cells in both groups, the retinal layers were clearly visualized on histological sections without signs of edema. Analysis of electroretinogram parameters and histological data showed that the use of low-frequency ultrasound for vitreous removal can be considered safe and promising for further development.
Background and objectives: Describe risk factors, findings, and outcomes of acute endophthalmitis (AE) following small-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV). Patients and methods: This was a retrospective single-center, nonrandomized study of post-PPV AE patients from 2013 to 2021. All received vitreous biopsy before treatment. Patients were divided into cohorts: 1) PPV within 3 days of diagnosis (Urgent-PPV), and 2) no urgent PPV (Other-treatment [Tx]). Main outcome was best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at 6 months. Results: Twenty-one patients were analyzed. Epiretinal membrane was most common indication for PPV (48%). Incidence was 0.074%. Culture-positive rate was 57%. For final BCVA, there was no significant (P = 0.85) difference between Urgent-PPV (median = 0.40 logMAR) and Other Tx cohorts (median = 0.35 logMAR). Sclerotomy wounds were not sutured in 71% of patients. Approximately 24% and 38% of patients analyzed had either no tamponade or partial tamponade, respectively. Conclusion: Tamponade agents and sclerotomy suturing may be important factors when evaluating post-small-gauge PPV-associated AE. Further studies are necessary for clarification. [Ophthalmic Surg Lasers Imaging Retina 2023;54:xx-xx.].
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Background Performing a surgical task subjects the surgeon to multitudinal stressors, especially with the newer 3D technology. The quantum of cognitive workload using this modern surgical system in comparison to the Conventional microscope system remains unexplored. We evaluate the surgeon’s cognitive workload and the surgical outcomes of macular hole(MH) surgery performed on a 3D versus a Conventional microscope operating system. Methods 50 eyes patients with MH undergoing surgery using the 3D or Conventional microscope visualization system. Cognitive workload assessment was done by real-time tools(Surgeons' heart rate [HR] and oxygen saturation[SPO2]) and self-report tool(Surgery Task Load Index[SURG-TLX] questionnaire) of three Vitreoretinal surgeons. Based on the SURG-TLX questionnaire, was performed. Results Of the 50 eyes, 30 eyes and 20 eyes underwent surgery with the Conventional microscope and the 3D system, respectively. No difference was noted in the MH basal-diameter(p = 0.128), total surgical-duration(p = 0.299), internal-limiting membrane(ILM) peel time(p = 0.682), and the final VA(p = 0.515) between the two groups. Both groups showed significant improvement in VA(p < 0.001) with a 90% closure rate at one-month post-surgery. Cognitive workload comparison, the intraoperative HR(p = 0.024), total workload score(P = 0.005), and temporal-demand dimension(p = 0.004) were significantly more in Conventional microscope group as compared to 3D group. In both the groups, the HR increased significantly from the baseline while performing ILM peeling and at the end. Conclusion The surgeon’s cognitive workload is markedly reduced while performing macular hole surgery with a 3D viewing system. Moreover, duration of surgery including ILM peel time, MH closure rates, and visual outcomes remains unaffected irrespective of the operating microscope system.
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We report herein a method for the treatment of dropped nucleus during cataract surgery with a 27-gauge twin duty cycle (TDC) vitreous cutter. When a TDC vitreous cutter is used, suction flow volume is maintained even when the cutter is driven at a high speed. This enables an Emery-Little grade 3 nucleus that had been difficult to treat with a conventional 27-gauge cutter to be successfully excised using only a vitreous cutter, with no intra- or postoperative complications. A dropped lens during cataract surgery of up to moderate hardness can be removed using a TDC cutter alone with a 27-gauge cutter system.
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Marfan syndrome (MFS) is associated with abnormal fibrillin development that can cause morbidity and mortality. A case of acute onset hypotony due to sclerotomy wound dehiscence 13 years after 20-gauge pars plana vitrectomy and lensectomy is reported in a patient with MFS. Slit lamp examination revealed a leaking sclerotomy wound and intraoperatively the source was noted to be the prior sclerotomy site. On postoperative follow-up, the patient's vision returned to baseline, and intraocular pressure normalized. Twenty-gauge sclerotomy wound dehiscence may occur years after surgery, especially in patients with abnormal collagen as in MFS. © 2015 Oman Ophthalmic Society | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow.
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There have been tremendous advances in the small-gauge pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) systems. This review provides an overview of the recent advances and state of the art of vitreous surgery. The two most innovative advancements that have been developed in this area are the small-gauge cutter and the new illuminating systems. Compared to the traditional 20-gauge PPV, transconjunctival sutureless small-gauge PPV is a safe and effective strategy to treat a variety of vitreoretinal diseases. Chandelier illumination allows better visualisation of vitreous for bimanual surgery. The small-gauge PPV provides benefits in terms of less inflammation, less patient discomfort, and faster recovery of the visual acuity.
The advent of micro-incision vitrectomy surgery (MIVS) changed the approach, indications and complications of vitreoretinal surgeries forever. Since its introduction in 2002, MIVS has been gaining popularity amongst retinal surgeons for managing a wide variety of vitreoretinal disorders. MIVS allows for more efficient surgery, faster recovery time and better visual outcomes than 20G vitrectomy. The use of instrumentation having small diameters reduced trauma from conjunctival and scleral manipulation as well as post-operative inflammation and corneal astigmatism. Further refinement of techniques with the introduction of 27G for routine procedures increases the comfort for the patient and minimises the recovery time. In this review, we briefly summarise the journey of MIVS to its present status and discuss the various advances that have taken place to achieve better efficiency and results.
Purpose: To compare functional and anatomical outcomes and complication rates between valved versus traditional nonvalved small-gauge cannula vitrectomy for retinal detachment repair. Methods: Retrospective case series of 163 eyes undergoing small-gauge valved versus nonvalved vitrectomy with intraoperative perfluoro-n-octane for retinal detachment repair at a single academic institution. Results: There were 104 eyes in the valved cannula group and 59 eyes in the nonvalved cannula group. The valved group had lower baseline Grade C proliferative vitreoretinopathy (35 vs. 53%, P = 0.031) and combined rhegmatogenous retinal detachment/tractional retinal detachment (3 vs. 12%, P = 0.037), but both groups had otherwise comparable preoperative characteristics. Final postoperative best-corrected visual acuity was 1.01 logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (Snellen 20/205) and 1.27 (Snellen 20/372) (P = 0.131) in valved and nonvalved cannula eyes, respectively. Single surgery success was equivalent between the valved and nonvalved groups (88 vs. 86%; P = 1.00). Final anatomical success was higher in the valved versus nonvalved group (98 vs. 90%; P = 0.027). Complication rates were not statistically different, including Postoperative Day 1 intraocular pressure, Postoperative Day 1 anterior chamber fibrin, retained subretinal/intraocular perfluoro-n-octane, and epiretinal membrane peeling. Conclusion: Valved cannulas, with their improved fluidics, are an important addition to pars plana vitrectomy with similar functional and anatomical success without increased complication rates compared with traditional nonvalved cannulas.
Objective To review available peer-reviewed publications to evaluate the safety profile and visual outcomes associated with small-gauge pars plana vitrectomy. Methods Literature searches of the PubMed and the Cochrane Library databases were last conducted on August 5, 2009, with no date restrictions. The searches were limited to articles published in English. These searches retrieved 328 articles, of which 76 were deemed topically relevant and rated according to strength of evidence. Results On the basis of level II and level III evidence, the overall safety profile of small-gauge pars plana vitrectomy is similar to that established for conventional 20-gauge pars plana vitrectomy and provides comparable visual acuity results. An increased incidence of infectious endophthalmitis after 25-gauge vitrectomy was reported in 2 comparative studies, but this was not found in multiple, larger, more recent studies, perhaps due to modifications in case selection and surgical technique over time. Compared with 20-gauge vitrectomy, small-gauge vitrectomy is associated with significantly lower levels of patient discomfort and ocular inflammation, and the time required for improvement in visual acuity is shorter. Conclusions The technological advances of small-gauge vitrectomy seem to afford visual benefit comparable with that seen with traditional 20-gauge surgery, with more rapid healing, less discomfort, and an acceptably low incidence of adverse events comparable with those observed with conventional 20-gauge vitrectomy. As surgical techniques evolve and clinical experience grows, continued close surveillance is necessary for an accurate assessment of complications. Financial Disclosure(s) Proprietary or commercial disclosure may be found after the references.
Purpose: To study the effectiveness and safety of a modified sutureless sclerotomy technique in pars plana vitrectomy. Methods: We rotated the scleral tunnels of the original sutureless sclerotomy technique through 90 degrees, thus rendering them parallel to the corneoscleral limbus. This modified technique was applied to 25 consecutive eyes (25 patients) that had pars plana vitrectomy during a 2-month period. Results: Twenty (80%) of 25 eyes (25 patients) did not require suturing of the sclerotomy sites associated with pars plana vitrectomy. Eight (11%) of 75 sclerotomy sites required suturing to ensure watertight closure. No clinically significant complications were encountered. Conclusion: The modified sutureless sclerotomy technique was found to be safe, more convenient, and easier to perform, especially in eyes with small interpalpebral space.