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Exercise Influences in Depressive Disorders: Symptoms, Biomarkers and Telomeres



The exact mechanisms concerning how exercise affects the brain, under conditions of health or disorder, are not fully understood and the literature lacks a sufficiency of well-designed studies concerning the effects of exercise training on depressive disorders. Nevertheless, the observed antidepressant actions of exercise are strong enough to warrant its application as a viable alternative to current medications in the treatment of depressive disorders. The beneficial effects of exercise upon cognitive, executive function and working memory, emotional, self-esteem and depressed mood, motivational, anhedonia and psychomotor retardation, and somatic/physical, sleep disturbances and chronic aches and pains, categories of depression are discussed. The ameliorative effects of physical exercise upon several biomarkers associated with depressive states: hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis homeostasis, anti-neurodegenerative effects, monoamine metabolism regulation and neuro-immune functioning have been outlined
Volume 1 • Issue 1 • 1000e101
Clin Depress, an open access journal
ISSN: 2572-0791
Research Article Open Access
Archer, Clin Depress 2015, 1:1
Editorial Open Access
Clinical Depression
ISSN: 2572-0791
Exercise Influences in Depressive Disorders: Symptoms, Biomarkers and
Trevor Archer*
Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg, Box 500, S-405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden
e exact mechanisms concerning how exercise aects the brain,
under conditions of health or disorder, are not fully understood and
the literature lacks a suciency of well-designed studies concerning
the eects of exercise training on depressive disorders. Nevertheless,
the observed antidepressant actions of exercise are strong enough to
warrant its application as a viable alternative to current medications
in the treatment of depressive disorders [1]. e benecial eects
of exercise upon cognitive, executive function and working
memory, emotional, self-esteem and depressed mood, motivational,
anhedonia and psychomotor retardation, and somatic/physical, sleep
disturbances and chronic aches and pains, categories of depression
are discussed. e ameliorative eects of physical exercise upon
several biomarkers associated with depressive states: hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis homeostasis, anti-neurodegenerative
eects, monoamine metabolism regulation and neuro-immune
functioning have been outlined [2]. e notion that physical exercise
may function as “scaolding” that buttresses available network
circuits, anti-inammatory defences and neuroreparative processes,
e.g. brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), holds a certain appeal.
In older adults, it has been observed that exercise was associated
with signicantly lower levels of depressive symptom severity [3].
An activity program based on “nordic walking”, i.e. using staves, was
shown to induce a positive eect on depressive symptoms and sleeping
disorders in elderly patients, suggesting that Nordic walking based
exercise programs should be developed for the elderly who suer from
depression or a sleeping disorder [4-5].
e notion of physical exercise as a “scaolding” to buttress
damage experienced under such conditions as traumatic brain damage
and aging provokes the metaphor of transient measures, external
to the buildings, that provides for construction, reconstruction and
maintenance but not the buildings themselves. Scaolding provides
a normal process that continues across the lifespan involving that
application and development of complementary, alternative neural
circuits to achieve a particular cognitive goal (252); it is protective of
cognition in the aging (or disabled) brain and is reinforced by physical
exercise and cognitive engagement (which is harnessed during exercise.
Under conditions of traumatic brain injury the notion of scaolding
suggests that exercise buttresses, more or less dependent on extent of
injury, the surviving adaptive and neuroreparative processes [6-7].
Studies in transgenic mice and primary human skeletal myocyte studies
have shown the critical inuence of exercise-responsive transcriptional
co-activator PGC-1α (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
gamma coactivator 1-alpha, which regulates the genes controlling
energy metabolism), in coordinating intramuscular lipid-droplet-
programming leading to mitochondrial remodeling. PGC-1α regulates
also mitochondrial biogenesis and function. In this regard, translational
studies that compared individuals who exercised physically with
sedentary individuals have identied a dramatically strong association
between the expression of intramuscular lipid droplet genes and
enhanced insulin action in the exercising individuals [8]. In the context
of depressive disorders, the notion of scaolding suggests that exercise/
*Corresponding author: Archer T, Department of Psychology, University of
Gothenburg, Box 500, S-405 30 Gothenburg, Sweden; Tel: +46 31 7864694;
Received: September 22, 2015; Accepted: September 25, 2015; Published:
October 28, 2015
Citation: Archer T (2015) Exercise Inuences in Depressive Disorders: Symptoms,
Biomarkers and Telomeres. Clin Depress 1: e101.
Copyright: © 2015 Archer T. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
activity mobilizes available and alternative neural and neuroimmune
circuits that may initiate and/or consolidate neuroreparative and anti-
inammatory processes, such as BDNF.
Despite proper understanding of how exercise aects brain
integrity and a paucity of well-designed, standardized studies on the
exercise intervention on depressive disorders, the consensus of much
of the existing remains in favour of the exercise antidepressant actions
suggest it to be a major alternative to traditional medication [1], albeit
in mild-to-moderate levels of disorder and with patient willingness [9].
e understanding of the mechanisms underlying the eects of exercise
on depression constitutes an essential step in the direction of the broad
use of exercise as an alternative treatment of depression in the eld.
In the present review paper, we have based our discussion in a model
that highlights the eects of exercise on key depressive symptoms, and
on key biomarkers of depression, rather than on depression as a global
outcome. In this regard, stress, intense or chronic, and likely both, is a
major agent [10] have proposed an hypothesis outlining a mechanism
through which physical exercise, as opposed to sedentary living,
promotes stress robustness in the face of intense uncontrollable stress.
According to this notion, individuals with a sedentary existence respond
to an intense acute uncontrollable stressor with excessive 5-HT and NA
activity and/or prolonged down-regulation of the CX3CL1-CX3CR1
axis resulting in activation and proliferation of hippocampal microglia
with consequent hippocampal-dependent memory decits and reduced
neurogenesis. Contrastingly, physically active individuals respond to
the same stressor with constrained 5-HT and NA activity and a rapidly
recovering CX3CL1-CX3CR1 axis responses resulting in the quieting of
microglia, and protection from negative cognitive and neurobiological
eects of stress. e CX3CL1-CX3CR1 expressing microglia lls an
important role in limiting neuroinammatory and neurodegenerative
damage in brain cells. e merit of this more detailed approach,
focusing on the various and specic eects of exercise on the dierent
facets of symptom-proles and biomarkers that buttress depressive
conditions, concerns the provision for increased understanding of the
general process and the perception of existing overall patterns through
a more meticulous examination of the far-reaching processes involved.
Telomeres, regions of repetitive nucleotide sequences (TTAGGG)-
DNA, protein-nucleotide complexes, at each end of a chromatid
maintained and lengthened by telomerase, shorten with cell division
leading eventually to cellular senescence and mortality [11].
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Volume 1 • Issue 1 • 1000e101
Citation: Archer T (2015) Exercise Inuences in Depressive Disorders: Symptoms, Biomarkers and Telomeres. Clin Depress 1: e101.
Clin Depress, an open access journal
ISSN: 2572-0791
1. Helmich I, Latini A, Sigwalt A, Carta MG, Machado S, et al. (2010) Draft for
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induced by exercise and their impact on depressive disorders. Clin Pract
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2. Josefsson T, Lindwall M, Archer T (2014) Physical exercise intervention in
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5. Lee HS, Park JH (2015) Effects of Nordic walking on physical functions and
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7. Dolenc P, Pisot R (2011) Effects of long-term physical inactivity on depressive
symptoms, anxiety, and coping behavior of young participants. Kinesiology 43:
8. Koves TR, Sparks LM, Kovalik JP, Mosedale M, Arumugam R, et al. (2013)
PPARγ coactivator-1α contributes to exercise-induced regulation of
intramuscular lipid droplet programming in mice and humans. J Lipid Res 54:
9. Josefsson T, Lindwall M, Archer T (2014) Physical exercise intervention in
depressive disorders: meta-analysis and systematic review. Scand J Med Sci
Sports 24: 259-272.
10. Fleshner M, Greenwood BN, Yirmiya R (2014) Neuronal-glial mechanisms of
exercise-evoked stress robustness. Curr Top Behav Neurosci 18: 1-12.
11. Allsopp RC, Harley CB (1995) Evidence for a critical telomere length in
senescent human broblasts. Exp Cell Res 219: 130-136.
12. Blackburn EH (2001) Switching and signaling at the telomere. Cell 106: 661-673.
13. Aulinas A, Ramírez MJ, Barahona MJ, Valassi E, Resmini E, et al. (2015)
Dyslipidemia and chronic inammation markers are correlated with telomere
length shortening in Cushing’s syndrome. PLoS One 10(3):e0120185.
14. Calado RT (2014) The recognition of the role of telomeres in cell biology dates
back to the 1930s. Introduction. Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci 125: xi-xii.
15. Calado R, Young N (2012) Telomeres in disease. F1000 Med Rep 4: 8.
16. Stephan Y, Sutin AR, Terracciano A (2015) How old do you feel? The role of age
discrimination and biological aging in subjective age. PLoS One 10: e0119293.
17. Kota LN, Purushottam M, Moily NS, Jain S (2015) Shortened telomere in
unremitted schizophrenia. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 69: 292-297.
18. Malaspina D, Dracxler R, Walsh-Messinger J, Harlap S, Goetz RR, et al (2014)
Telomere length, family history, and paternal age in schizophrenia. Mol Genet
Genomic Med 2: 326-331.
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(2014) Do schizophrenia patients age early? Asian J Psychiatr 10: 3-9.
20. Hoen PW, de Jonge P, Na BY, Farzaneh-Far R, Epel E, et al. (2011) Depression
and leukocyte telomere length in patients with coronary heart disease: data
from the Heart and Soul Study. Psychosom Med 73: 541-547.
21. Hoen PW, Rosmalen JG, Schoevers RA, Huzen J, van der Harst P, et al.
(2013) Association between anxiety but not depressive disorders and leukocyte
telomere length after 2 years of follow-up in a population-based sample.
Psychol Med 43: 689-697.
22. Gu Y, Honig LS, Schupf N, Lee JH, Luchsinger JA, et al. (2015) Mediterranean
diet and leukocyte telomere length in a multi-ethnic elderly population. Age
(Dordr) 37: 24.
23. Crous-Bou M, Fung TT, Prescott J, Julin B1, Du M, et al. (2014) Mediterranean
diet and telomere length in Nurses’ Health Study: population based cohort
study. BMJ 349: g6674.
24. Rewak M, Buka S, Prescott J, De Vivo I, Loucks EB, et al. (2014) Race-related
TTAGGG repeats are lost from telomeres as the cells proliferate, the
so-called ‘end-replication problem, linked to DNA damage response
and apoptosis [12]. ey may be viewed as biological clocks since
short, or ‘shortened’, telomeres are linked not only with age-related
diseases, disease-specic and all-cause mortality [13-15], despite the
lack of any relationship between telomere length and subjective age
that was observed also [16], but also psychiatric conditions such as
schizophrenia [17-19]. Notwithstanding the lack of result [16], there
is a consensus that telomere length shortens with each cell division
and with increasing chronological age and short telomeres have been
associated with a range of age-related diseases. In depressive/anxious
patients also telomere length is generally reduced [20-21]. From a
genetic perspective, [22] observed that that higher adherence to a
Mediterranean diet was associated with longer lengths of leucocyte
telomeres among Caucasians, but not among African Americans and
Hispanics [23-24]. Furthermore, a diet high in vegetables but low in
cereal, meat, and dairy might be associated with longer leucocyte length
among healthy elderly adults. Despite certain negative ndings [25],
there exists plausible evidence that physical exercise preserves telomere
length under varying conditions [26-28]. Nevertheless, the same
authors [29] concluded that longer telomere length was associated with
slower decline in grip strength in Chinese older persons. In a study
of 20 young (22-27 years) and old (66-77 years) men that were either
endurance-trained athletes or medium-level activity, Osthus obtained
longer telomere length among the older endurance trained athletes than
medium-level trained older men. is dierence was not obtained for
the young athletes/medium-level trained. ey suggested that VO2max
was associated positively with telomere length and concluded that the
exercise regime provided a protective eect on muscle telomere length
in older adults.
In older adults, the impact of psychosocial stress on telomere length
may be dierent due to the lifetime exposure to competing causes of
telomere length-shortening [30-32]. Nevertheless, [33] concurrently
assessed telomere length and telomerase activity in individuals
presenting clinically signicant, chronic major depressive disorder and
matched controls but failed to provide strong evidence of an association
of major depressive disorder with shorter LTL, while telomerase
activity was lower in men with major depressive disorder. Despite
that result, [34], from a comprehensive meta-analysis, described the
signicant relationship between depression and shorter telomere length
as consistent with the notion positing that psychological distress, such
as experienced in depression, results in physiological changes leading
to shortened telomere length. Resilience, dened as relative resistance
to the adverse eects of risk experiences [6], has been developed
to encompass the notion of multisystem resiliency, consisting of
emotional regulation, social connections and healthy behaviors in
major depression-telomere length associations [35-36]. In a study of
patients presenting major depression, they found that the highest levels
of multisystem resiliency were associated with the longest telomere
lengths. In a sample of older, postmenopausal women, [37] showed
that shorter telomere length was linked to high levels of stress and
non-healthy behaviors. Moderate levels of physical activity/exercise
also have proven benecial for greater telomere length and telomerase
activity [38-42].
A sedentary lifestyle opens the gate for depressiveness and
associated conditions to enter: it was observed that persistent-severe
levels of depression were increased signicantly under conditions of
low levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL), hypertriglyceridemia,
and metabolic syndrome in men, and hypertriglyceridemia, metabolic
syndrome in women, with smoking, alcohol consumption and lack of
exercise conspicuous in both genders [43].
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Volume 1 • Issue 1 • 1000e101
Citation: Archer T (2015) Exercise Inuences in Depressive Disorders: Symptoms, Biomarkers and Telomeres. Clin Depress 1: e101.
Clin Depress, an open access journal
ISSN: 2572-0791
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26. Du M, Prescott J, Kraft P, Han J, Giovannucci E, et al. (2012) Physical activity,
sedentary behavior, and leukocyte telomere length in women. Am J Epidemiol
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27. Cherkas LF, Hunkin JL, Kato BS, Richards JB, Gardner JP, et al. (2008) The
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28. LaRocca TJ, Seals DR, Pierce GL (2010) Leukocyte telomere length is
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maximal aerobic capacity. Mech Ageing Dev 131: 165-167.
29. Woo J, Yu R, Tang N, Leung J (2014) Telomere length is associated with decline
in grip strength in older persons aged 65 years and over. Age (Dordr) 36: 9711.
30. Hovatta I (2015) Genetics: dynamic cellular aging markers associated with
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31. Lindqvist D, Epel ES, Mellon SH, Penninx BW, Révész D, Verhoeven JE, Reus
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32. Schaakxs R, Wielaard I, Verhoeven JE, Beekman AT, Penninx BW, et al. (2015)
Early and recent psychosocial stress and telomere length in older adults. Int
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33. Simon NM, Walton ZE, Bui E, Prescott J, Hoge E, Keshaviah A, Schwarz N,
Dryman T, Ojserkis RA, Kovachy B, Mischoulon D, Worthington J, DeVivo
I, Fava M, Wong KK et al (2015) Telomere length and telomerase in a well-
characterized sample of individuals with major depressive disorder compared
to controls. Psychoneuroendocrinology 58:9-22.
34. Schutte NS, Malouff JM (2015) The association between depression and
leukocyte telomere length: a meta-analysis. Depress Anxiety 32: 229-238.
35. Puterman E, Lin J, Blackburn E, O’Donovan A, Adler N, et al. (2010) The power
of exercise: buffering the effect of chronic stress on telomere length. PLoS One
5: e10837.
36. Puterman E, Epel ES, Lin J, Blackburn EH, Gross JJ, Whooley MA, Cohen BE
et al (2013) Multisystem resiliency moderates the major depression-telomere
length association: ndings from the Heart and Soul Study. Brain Behav Immun
37. Puterman E, Lin J, Krauss J, Blackburn EH, Epel ES (2015) Determinants
of telomere attrition over 1 year in healthy older women: stress and health
behaviors matter. Mol Psychiatry 20: 529-535.
38. Ludlow AT, Roth SM (2011) Physical activity and telomere biology: exploring the
link with aging-related disease prevention. J Aging Res 2011: 790378.
39. Ludlow AT, Zimmerman JB, Witkowski S, Hearn JW, Hateld BD, et al. (2008)
Relationship between physical activity level, telomere length, and telomerase
activity. Med Sci Sports Exerc 40: 1764-1771.
40. Ludlow AT, Witkowski S, Marshall MR, Wang J, Lima LC, et al. (2012) Chronic
exercise modies age-related telomere dynamics in a tissue-specic fashion. J
Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci 67: 911-926.
41. Ludlow AT, Ludlow LW, Roth SM (2013) Do telomeres adapt to physiological
stress? Exploring the effect of exercise on telomere length and telomere-
related proteins. Biomed Res Int 2013: 601368.
42. Savela S, Saijonmaa O, Strandberg TE, Koistinen P, Strandberg AY, et al.
(2013) Physical activity in midlife and telomere length measured in old age.
Exp Gerontol 48: 81-84.
43. Kim EY, Kim SH, Ha K, Lee HJ, Yoon DH, et al. (2015) Depression trajectories
and the association with metabolic adversities among the middle-aged adults.
J Affect Disord 188: 14-21.
Citation: Archer T (2015) Exercise Inuences in Depressive Disorders:
Symptoms, Biomarkers and Telomeres. Clin Depress 1: e101.
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A plethora of studies focusing on affective personality attributes, positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA), have measured ubiquitously self-reports of the Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), forming the basis of prevailing notions regarding health and well-being over different ethnical populations, gender and clinical and healthy volunteer populations [1-27]. Invariably, these studies have measured participants’ self-reported feelings of enthusiasm, activity, feelings of duty, control, strong, proud (i.e., PA) linking them to wellbeing, proneness to frequent exercise and agentic, cooperative, and spiritual behaviors (e.g., self-acceptance, goal-orientations, empathy, helpfulness, seeking support in faith, meaningfulness). In contrast, feelings such as anger, guilt, shame contempt, and distress (i.e., NA) are associated with anxiety, depressiveness, ill-being, rumination, inaction (e.g., low exercise frequency and passive leisure activities such as watching TV) and health problems [28-32]. These studies show that PA and NA ought to be viewed as separate entities [33], despite the temptation to view them as opposite poles on a continuum.
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Depressive symptoms are common in older adults, but antidepressant medications may be contraindicated or poorly tolerated in this population. Intervention studies demonstrate that exercise may be an effective alternative. This meta-analysis included 41 randomized controlled trials of aerobic and non-aerobic exercise interventions investigating the effect of exercise on depressive symptoms in adults aged 60 or older. A random effects model demonstrated that exercise was associated with significantly lower depression severity (SMD = 0.57, 95% CI 0.36 to 0.78). This effect was not significantly different for different ages of participants, types of control groups, or types of exercise interventions. Studies requiring a diagnosis of depression had significantly greater mean effect sizes than studies that did not require a depression diagnosis (Qbet = 6.843, df = 1, p = 0.009). These findings suggest that exercise is an effective treatment option for older individuals with depressive symptoms.
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[Purpose] This study examined Nordic walking as an exercise intervention for the elderly with depression. [Subjects] Twenty-four patients who were diagnosed with depression were randomly selected and divided into two groups, an experimental group which performed Nordic walking, and a control group, which performed normal walking. [Methods] Both groups practiced their respective walking exercise for 50 minutes per day, three times a week for eight weeks. To compare the effects of the intervention, psychological factors using the Beck depression inventory and sleep quality was assessed using the Korean version Pittsburgh sleep quality index. Skeletal muscle mass, fat free mass, body mass index, body fat percentage, and basal metabolism were estimated three times by a body composition analyzer, before the intervention, four weeks after the intervention, and eight weeks after the intervention. [Results] There was a significant difference in depression with a main effect of time in both groups. There was also a significant difference in sleep in over time and interaction. The differences over time between the two groups were significant for depression, sleep, and skeletal muscle mass. [Conclusion] The results suggests that Nordic walking has a positive effect on depression and sleeping disorders of the elderly, suggesting that Nordic walking based exercise programs should be developed for the elderly who suffer from depression or a sleeping disorder.
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[Purpose] This study investigated the effects of Nordic walking on physical functions and depression in frail people aged 70 years and above. [Subjects] Twenty frail elderly individuals ≥70 years old were assigned to either a Nordic walking group (n=8) or general exercise group (n=10). [Methods] The duration of intervention was equal in both groups (3 sessions/week for 12 weeks, 60 min/session). Physical function (balance, upper extremity strength, lower extremity strength, weakness) and depression were examined before and after the interventions. [Results] With the exception of upper extremity muscle strength, lower extremity strength, weakness, balance, and depression after Nordic walking demonstrated statistically significant improvement. However, in the general exercise group, only balance demonstrated a statistically significant improvement after the intervention. There were significant differences in the changes in lower extremity muscle strength, weakness and depression between the groups. [Conclusion] In conclusion, Nordic walking was more effective than general exercise. Therefore, we suggest that Nordic walking may be an attractive option for significant functional improvement in frail people over 70 years old.
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Psychosocial stress has been associated with an increased risk for mental and somatic health problems across the life span. Some studies in younger adults linked this to accelerated cellular aging, indexed by shortened telomere length (TL). In older adults, the impact of psychosocial stress on TL may be different due to the lifetime exposure to competing causes of TL-shortening. This study aims to assess whether early and recent psychosocial stressors (childhood abuse, childhood adverse events, recent negative life events, and loneliness) were associated with TL in older adults. Data were from the Netherlands Study of Depression in Older Persons (NESDO) in which psychosocial stressors were measured in 496 persons aged 60 and older (mean age 70.6 (SD 7.4) years) during a face-to-face interview. Leukocyte TL was determined using fasting blood samples by performing quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) and was expressed in base pairs (bp). Multiple regression analyses, adjusted for age, sex, and chronic diseases, showed that childhood abuse, recent negative life events and loneliness were unrelated to TL. Only having experienced any childhood adverse event was weakly but significantly negatively associated with TL. Our findings did not consistently confirm our hypothesis that psychosocial stress is associated with shorter TL in older adults. Healthy survivorship or other TL-damaging factors such as somatic health problems seem to dominate a potential effect of psychosocial stress on TL in older adults.
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The aim of the study was to examine the effects of a prolonged period of physical inactivity, induced by bed rest, on depressive symptoms, state anxiety levels and coping with stress strategies. Ten healthy males, aged between 20 and 30 years, were exposed to a 35-day head-down bed rest in a strict hospital environment. Participants completed the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Coping Responses Inventory before and after the bed rest (BR) experiment. Results showed that following the period of prolonged physical inactivity there were no significant differences in perceived depressive symptoms and state anxiety levels. Among the evaluated coping strategies, the use of "seeking guidance and support" significantly decreased after the prolonged bed rest. Research findings have an applicative value in the areas of health, sport, and rehabilitation, suggesting that the provision of favourable habitability countermeasures could prevent deterioration of psychological state under the conditions of prolonged physical inactivity.
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IntroductionCushing's syndrome (CS) increases cardiovascular risk (CVR) and adipocytokine imbalance, associated with an increased inflammatory state. Telomere length (TL) shortening is a novel CVR marker, associated with inflammation biomarkers. We hypothesized that inflammatory state and higher CVR in CS might be related to TL shortening, as observed in premature aging.AimTo evaluate relationships between TL, CVR and inflammation markers in CS.Methods In a cross-sectional study, 77 patients with CS (14 males, 59 pituitary-, 17 adrenal- and 1 ectopic-origin; 21 active disease) and 77 age-, gender-, smoking-matched controls were included. Total white blood cell TL was measured by TRF-Southern technique. Clinical data and blood samples were collected (lipids, adrenal function, glucose). Adiponectin, interleukin-6 (IL6) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were available in a subgroup of patients (n=32). Correlations between TL and clinical features were examined and multiple linear regression analysis was performed to investigate potential predictors of TL.ResultsDyslipidemic CS had shorter TL than non-dyslipidemic subjects (7328±1274 vs 7957±1137 bp, p
Despite both depression and metabolic disturbances confer substantial burden of disease, natural course of depressive symptoms and the relationship with metabolic adversities have not examined. We explore associations between trajectories of depressive symptoms and metabolic disturbance, lifestyle factors and comorbidities. This retrospective cohort study included 13,745 subjects (8113 men and 5632 women) 40-59 years of age who underwent health examinations at the Seoul National University Hospital Healthcare System, Gangnam Center, in Korea. The median follow-up duration was 4.0 years. We estimated the mean trajectories of the Beck Depression Inventory scores using latent-class growth-curve analysis. We identified four distinctive trajectories of depressive symptoms in both sex. The probabilities of group membership were 35.1% (n=2374) in minimal, 47.4% (n=4545) in persistent-mild, 14.4% (n=987) in persistent-moderate, and 3.0% (n=207) in persistent-severe in men, and 36.3% (n=1883), 50.0% (n=3069), 12.3% (n=601) and 1.5% (n=79) in women. We found significant increasing trend in the prevalence of metabolic abnormalities in more severe depressive trajectory. The adjusted odds ratios of persistent-severe were significantly increased for the following variables: low HDL, hypertriglyceridemia, and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in men and hypertriglyceridemia, MetS in women, and smoking, alcohol consumption and lack of exercise in both genders. Medical and psychiatric histories were obtained using a self-reported questionnaire rather than formal diagnostic assessments. The higher level of depressive symptoms trajectory was associated with MetS, especially lipid abnormalities, and several modifiable lifestyle factors. Our findings provide important implications for developing health policy and guidelines for reducing depressive symptom burden. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Psychiatric diseases are associated with an increased rate of somatic age-related illness. A new study sheds light on putative mediating cellular mechanisms by linking increased mitochondrial DNA copy number and decreased telomere length to childhood stress and major depression. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.