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Technoference: Parent Distraction With Technology and Associations With Child Behavior Problems


Abstract and Figures

Heavy parent digital technology use has been associated with suboptimal parent-child interactions, but no studies examine associations with child behavior. This study investigates whether parental problematic technology use is associated with technology-based interruptions in parent-child interactions, termed "technoference," and whether technoference is associated with child behavior problems. Parent reports from 170 U.S. families (child Mage = 3.04 years) and actor-partner interdependence modeling showed that maternal and paternal problematic digital technology use predicted greater technoference in mother-child and father-child interactions; then, maternal technoference predicted both mothers' and fathers' reports of child externalizing and internalizing behaviors. Results suggest that technological interruptions are associated with child problem behaviors, but directionality and transactional processes should be examined in future longitudinal studies.
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Technoference: Parent Distraction with Technology and Associations with
Child Behavior Problems
This is the author version of the following article: McDaniel, B. T., & Radesky, J. (2017). Technoference:
Parent distraction by technology and associations with child behavior problems. Child Development.,
which has been published in final form at
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Brandon T. McDaniel, Ph.D.a
Jenny S. Radesky, MDb
a Illinois State University; Department of Family and Consumer Sciences; Normal, IL.
b Division of Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics, University of Michigan Medical School,
Ann Arbor, MI
Corresponding Author: Brandon T. McDaniel, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences;
Campus Box 5060, Normal, IL. Email: Phone: 309-438-5802.
We would like to thank the families who participated in this research, as well as the research
assistants who made all of this recruitment and data collection possible. We would also like to
acknowledge the College of Health and Human Development, the Department of Human
Development and Family Studies, as well as the Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center at
The Pennsylvania State University which awarded research funds to the first author to complete
this research. This research was also supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse
(T32DA017629) and the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
(F31HD084118). The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily
represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.
Heavy parent digital technology use has been associated with suboptimal parent-child
interactions, but no studies examine associations with child behavior. This study investigates
whether parental problematic technology use is associated with technology-based interruptions in
parent-child interactions, termed "technoference," and whether technoference is associated with
child behavior problems. Using parent reports from 170 U.S. families (child mean age = 3.04
years) and Actor Partner Interdependence Modeling, we found maternal and paternal problematic
digital technology use predicted greater technoference in mother-child and father-child
interactions; then, maternal technoference predicted both mothers’ and fathers’ reports of child
externalizing and internalizing behaviors. Results suggest that technological interruptions are
associated with child problem behaviors, but directionality and transactional processes should be
examined in future longitudinal studies.
Keywords: Parent media use; digital technology; smartphones; child behavior; parent-child
relationship; problematic phone use; parenting
Technoference: Parent Distraction with Technology and Associations with
Child Behavior Problems
Emerging mobile and digital technologies such as smartphones, tablets, wearables, and
other mobile devices are now embedded throughout the daily lives of young children and their
families, with research evidence on their use and effects lagging behind their rate of adoption
(Radesky, Schumacher, & Zuckerman, 2015b). These multimodal devices, with their access to
unlimited Internet content, social contacts, work duties, information, and personal data, have
revolutionized the ways in which people interact with digital technology and with each other
(Katz, 2002; Campbell, Ling, & Bayer, 2014).
Despite the significant benefits that individuals reap from their use of technology, such as
increased social support (McDaniel, Coyne, & Holmes, 2012) and the ability to work from home
(Chesley, Slibak, & Wajcman, 2013), sociological and psychological research has highlighted
the potential for disruption of in-person social dynamics when mobile and digital technologies
are in use. This was initially described as ‘absent presence,’ or the act of being physically
present but having one’s mind elsewhere based on communication or content from mobile
phones (Gergen, 2002), followed by descriptions of new social norms allowing invasion of
portable devices into personal spaces (Ito, Okabe, & Matsuda, 2005; Campbell & Park, 2008).
More recently, the concept of ‘technoference,’ defined as everyday interruptions in interpersonal
interactions or time spent together that occur due to digital and mobile technology devices, has
been introduced (McDaniel, 2015; McDaniel & Coyne, 2016a). Such interruptions may occur
during face-to-face conversations, routines such as mealtimes or play, or the perception of an
intrusion felt by an individual when another person interacts with digital technology during time
together. In adult romantic relationships, technoference has been associated with more conflict
with one’s partner over technology use and poorer relationship satisfaction (McDaniel & Coyne,
2016a) as well as more negative perceptions of coparenting quality (McDaniel & Coyne, 2016b).
In a separate line of investigation, overuse of technology has been studied in terms of
Internet addiction and self-reported problematic mobile phone use behaviors (e.g., having
difficulty disconnecting, ruminating about possible messages received, etc.); both are associated
with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, and social difficulties (e.g., Bianchi &
Phillips, 2005). Psychological correlates of problematic mobile technology use have included
anxious dependence in relationships (Cheever, Rosen, Carrier, & Chavez, 2014), poorer self-
regulation abilities and lower degree of mindfulness (Feldman, Greeson, Renna, & Robbins-
Monteith, 2011), susceptibility to the unconscious automaticity of mobile phone checking (Bayer
& Campbell, 2012; Drouin, Kaiser, & Miller, 2012), or perceiving social norms of needing to
answer calls or texts (Rainie & Keeter, 2006). However, none of these studies have specifically
examined these dynamics in the context of parenting.
In an attempt to define what constitutes ‘problematic’ media use for parents, several
studies have examined how parent digital technology use associates with quality and quantity of
parent-child interactions. Adding to a literature showing interruption of parent-child play by
background television (Kirkorian, Pempek, Murphy, Schmidt, & Anderson, 2009), recent studies
have suggested that parent mobile technology use around children is associated with fewer
parent-child interactions (Radesky, Miller, Rosenblum, Appugliese, Kaciroti, & Lumeng,
2015a), lower responsivity to child bids (Hiniker, Sobel, Suh, Sung, Lee, & Kientz, 2015), and
qualitative observations of parent hostility in response to child bids for attention (Radesky,
Kistin, Zuckerman, Nitzberg, Gross, Kaplan-Sanoff, Augustyn, & Silverstein, 2014).
Additionally, technological interruption during parenting has been associated with mothers'
perceptions of lower coparenting quality (McDaniel & Coyne, 2016b). In interviews, children
describe feeling that parents should not use digital technology during family routines because of
their expectation that the parent be present and model good digital technology habits (Hiniker,
Shoenebeck, & Kientz, 2016). Parents echo this experience of discomfort with ‘absent presence’
when using digital technology around their children, describing it as “multitasking” that makes
them feel less effective in their parenting (Radesky et al., 2016).
However, this emerging literature on parent digital technology use and parent-child
relationships is limited by small sample sizes, assessment of parent digital technology use only
during brief episodes such as meals or playground visits, and none have specifically examined
child behavioral outcomes. Because of the hypothesized potential for technology to alter
parenting responsiveness, which is an important predictor of positive child social-emotional
outcomes (see Bornstein, Tamis-Lemonda, Hahn, & Haynes, 2008; Davidov & Grusec, 2006),
more research on parent digital technology use and child behavior is needed. The aim of the
present study was to examine cross-sectional associations between problematic parent digital
technology use (e.g., having trouble resisting the urge to check the device, using the device too
much, etc.), technoference (i.e., technology interference) in parent-child interactions, and child
behavior. We hypothesized that greater self-reported problematic digital technology use would
be associated with more frequent technoference in daily parent-child interactions (H1); and
greater reported technoference in daily parent-child interactions would be associated with greater
child externalizing and internalizing behavior (H2), as has been described in prior ethnographic
work (Radesky et al., 2014).
Participants & Procedure
Participants included mothers and fathers from 183 heterosexual couples with a young
child who took part in the Daily Family Life Project (McDaniel, 2016), a longitudinal study of
parenting and family relationships conducted from 2014 to 2016. Participants were recruited
through: (1) letters and phone calls to families who were part of a family research database in a
Northeastern U.S. state, (2) announcements on parenting websites and listservs, and (3) flyers in
the local community. To be eligible to participate, individuals had to speak English, be over age
18, be a parent of a child age 5 or younger, and currently live with their spouse/partner and child.
Their spouse/partner also had to be willing to participate. Participants were emailed a survey
link through which they completed informed consent and a baseline online survey via Qualtrics.
Participants also completed follow-up assessments at approximately 1, 3, and 6 months. At
baseline, 98% (n = 360) of parents completed their survey.
In the present study, we utilized the baseline survey data of 333 of these 360 parents (168
mothers and 165 fathers from 170 families) who had completed child behavior rating scales; 11
families (n = 22 parents) who had a child younger than 1 year were excluded from the present
analysis, since the behavior rating items were not appropriate for infants. In addition, 3 mothers
and 3 fathers were missing behavior ratings, and 1 mother and 4 fathers did not respond to their
surveys and thus provided no baseline data at all. In our analytic sample of 333 parents, families
resided in the following U.S. regions: 53% Northeast, 16% Midwest, 16% South, and 15% West.
On average, mothers were 31.82 years old (SD = 4.22; range 22 to 42), and fathers were 33.34
(SD = 4.93; range 22 to 52). Most families (61%) had more than one child (M = 1.90, SD =
0.91), and the index child was 3.04 years old on average (SD = 1.24; Range = 1.0 to 5.5 years;
55% female). Most parents were Caucasian (92%), married (95%), and had at least a Bachelor’s
degree (73%). Median yearly household income was approximately $69,500 (M = $75,360, SD
= $39,320), but ranged from no income to $250,000, with 20% of families reporting some form
of state or federal assistance (e.g., medical assistance, food stamps). Average relationship length
was 10.13 years (SD = 4.02), with 93% in a relationship of 5 years or longer.
Utilizing chi-squares and t-tests to examine potential demographic differences between
our analytic sample and those not in our analyses due to having a child under age 1 or who were
missing behavioral rating data, we found that parents in our sample were on average older (t
(360) = 2.18, p = .03), in a longer relationship (t (360) = 2.61, p = .009), and had more children (t
(360) = 3.63, p < .001); the samples were otherwise similar.
Parent problematic digital technology use. We assessed parent problematic digital
technology use using a 3-item self-report scale adapted from prior studies of problematic mobile
phone use (e.g., Derks & Bakker, 2014): (1) “When my mobile phone alerts me to indicate new
messages, I cannot resist checking them.” (2) “I often think about calls or messages I might
receive on my mobile phone. (3) I feel like I use my mobile phone too much. Parents
responded on a 6-point scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strongly agree). Items
were averaged to produce an overall score (for mothers, M = 3.24, SD = 1.18; for fathers, M =
2.87, SD = 1.17) with higher scores indicating more problematic use (Cronbach's alpha = .74 for
mothers, .78 for fathers).
Technoference in parent-child relationships. Perceived technoference (i.e., technology
interference) in the mother-child relationship and in the father-child relationship was assessed via
mother and father self-report. Items were adapted from the Technology Device Interference
Scale (TDIS; McDaniel & Coyne, 2016a), which originally measured technoference in couple
relationships; for this study, we reworded the scale to refer to interactions with one's child.
Parents were asked, "On a typical day, about how many times do the following devices interrupt
a conversation or activity you are engaged in with your child?" The 6 items on the scale included
the following devices: (1) cellphone/smartphone, (2) television, (3) computer, (4) tablet, (5)
iPod, and (6) video game console. Parents responded to each item on a 7-point scale ranging
from 0 (none) to 6 (more than 20 times). As this is a count measure and we expected there to be
variability (as opposed to consistency) within individuals' responses across these various devices
(i.e., some devices might interfere more than others), it was not appropriate to calculate
Cronbach's alpha. Items were averaged, with higher scores representing more frequent
technoference in the parent-child relationship; raw mean scores are reported in Table 1. We also
found that participants' scores were positively skewed (skewness values for the overall mean
score were 2.38 for mothers and 3.46 for fathers); therefore, we performed a square root
transformation on the overall mean scores, which resulted in scores that were more normally
distributed and more appropriate for analysis (skewness = -0.04 for mothers, 0.57 for fathers).
Child externalizing and internalizing behavior problems. Parents completed the
items that make up the internalizing (36 items) and externalizing scales (24 items) of the Child
Behavioral Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach & Rescorla, 2000). These items concern their child
now or within the past two months on a 3-point scale ranging from 0 (not true, as far as you
know) to 2 (very true or often true). Internalizing consists of items such as “whining,” “sulks a
lot,” and “feelings are easily hurt.” Externalizing consists of items such as “can’t sit still,
restless, or hyperactive,” “easily frustrated,” and “temper tantrums or hot temper.” Items were
summed to produce separate mother and father ratings of internalizing and externalizing child
behavior (Cronbach’s alpha for internalizing = .90 for mothers, .88 for fathers; alpha for
externalizing = .92 for mothers, .93 for fathers). We then converted these raw sum scores to
normed externalizing and internalizing t-scores for analysis (Achenbach & Rescorla, 2000).
Potential confounding variables. Parents reported their age, educational attainment,
marital status, race/ethnicity, family composition, household income, and child’s age, gender,
and health at baseline. They also reported their child’s daily duration of screen media use, as
well as measures of coparenting quality, depressive symptoms, and parenting stress.
Parents rated how much time, on a typical day, their child spent using screen media
devices across 8 items (e.g., computer, TV, smartphone, tablet, video games) on an 11-point
scale ranging from 0 (None) to 10 (7 or more hours). Items were summed to produce an overall
child screen use score (Cronbach's alpha = .77 for mothers, .76 for fathers).
As this sample consists of two-parent families, we controlled for coparenting qualityor
how well parents work together in rearing their child as a parenting team (e.g., Feinberg et al.,
2012). Coparenting quality has been shown to predict child behavior problems (e.g., Murphy,
Jacobvitz, & Hazen, 2015); therefore, controlling for the potential influences of coparenting
lends further weight to any potential associations we may find between technoference and child
behavior. We assessed coparenting quality with an established measure, the Coparenting
Relationship Scale (CRS; Feinberg et al., 2012) which consists of 35 items (e.g., "When I'm at
my wits end as a parent, partner gives me extra support I need" and "My partner undermines my
parenting") that assess various dimensions of coparenting such as support, undermining, and
agreement on a 7-point scale ranging from 0 (not true of us) to 6 (very true of us). After reverse
coding negatively worded items, all items were averaged to produce an overall coparenting score
with higher scores indicating parent perceptions of higher quality coparenting (Cronbach's alpha
= .94 for mothers, .93 for fathers).
Depressive symptoms were measured utilizing the validated Center for Epidemiologic
Studies Depression Scale (CES-D; Radloff, 1977). Participants rated how often they experienced
20 symptoms (e.g., "I felt depressed" and "I felt sad") in the past week on a 4-point scale ranging
from 0 (rarely or none of the time, less than 1 day) to 3 (most or all of the time, 5 to 7 days).
Items were averaged to produce an overall depression score (Cronbach's alpha = .90 for mothers,
.80 for fathers). We controlled for depressive symptoms as depressed mood has been associated
with quality of parent-child interactions (e.g., Elliston et al., 2008; McDaniel & Teti, 2012) and
greater technoference in couple relationships (McDaniel & Coyne, 2016a).
Finally, we also controlled for parenting stress which we measured using 27 items from
the Parenting Stress Index (PSI; Abidin, 1995). Following other scholars in the field (e.g.,
Feinberg et al., 2010; Leavitt et al., 2016; Maas et al., 2015), we chose to use 27 items from the
36-item PSI Short Form due to lower factor loadings on 9 of the items, as was found by Abidin
(1995). Items were averaged to produce an overall stress score (Cronbach's alpha = .90 for
mothers, .92 for fathers). Parenting stressors are common in parents with young children (Crnic
& Low, 2002) and often predict poor family functioning (Cummings & Davies, 1994; Gelfand,
Teti, & Radin Fox, 1992). Feeling stressed could hypothetically lead parents to use digital
technology devices as a potential means of escape (Radesky et al., 2016) as well as to allow
children to more frequently use digital technology (Pempek & McDaniel, 2016).
Data Analysis
We first examined the associations between our study variables using bivariate
correlations in SPSS. Then, using Actor Partner Interdependence Modeling (APIM; Kenny,
Kashy, & Cook, 2006), we tested a structural equation model (SEM) of (H1) mother and father
problematic digital technology use predicting technoference in mother-child and father-child
interactions, which (H2) technoference then predicted mother and father reports of child
behavior problems. One model was tested for externalizing behavior, and one model was tested
for internalizing behavior (Figures 1 and 2). The models were tested utilizing AMOS (Arbuckle
& Wothke, 1999), and both mother and father variables were entered. Standardized estimates
are shown for the models in Figures 1 and 2. Mother and father ratings of parenting stress and
coparenting quality were also controlled in the models. Other potential confounders including
depressive symptoms, family income, parent education, marital status, race/ethnicity, child age,
child gender, child health status, and child screen use were also entered, but were removed from
the final models as results did not change significantly. Any missing data were handled using
full information maximum likelihood estimation. As access to and use of digital technology by
adults and children varies by child age and family socioeconomic status (e.g., Wartella et al.,
2013), we also examined potential moderation of path estimates in our final models by child age,
parent education, and family income.
Descriptive data and bivariate correlations for study variables are presented in Table 1.
On average, mothers and fathers perceived about 2 devices as interfering in their interactions
with their child at least once or more on a typical day, and only 11% of participants reported that
technoference did not occur. Furthermore, 17% of participants reported that technoference
occurred 1 time, 24% reported 2 times, and 48% reported 3 or more times on a typical day. On
average, 40% of mothers and 32% of fathers stated that they used digital technology (specifically
their mobile phone) in problematic ways (score of 3.5 or higher). Mothers perceived their phone
use as more problematic than fathers perceived their own use (t (162) = 3.15, p < .01). No
significant mean differences were found between mothers and fathers on other study variables. In
our sample, 4% of parents’ ratings of children met or exceeded the clinical cut-off (t-score of 70
or above; Achenbach & Rescorla, 2000) for externalizing behavior and 3% for internalizing
As expected, parent problematic digital technology use and technoference were
correlated (see Table 1). Additionally, in fathers, higher perceived problematic digital
technology use was associated with greater internalizing behavior, higher income, more child
screen time, and greater parenting stress; however, mothers’ problematic digital technology use
was not associated with any other variables besides technoference. In both mothers and fathers,
technoference in parent-child activities was associated with greater internalizing behavior and
more child screen time. Furthermore, technoference in parent-child activities was associated with
greater externalizing behavior as reported by mothers and worse perceptions of coparenting,
depressive symptoms, and parenting stress as reported by fathers.
The model predicting child externalizing behavior with technoference and parent
problematic digital technology use fit the data well (χ² (18) = 15.83, ns; RMSEA = .00; CFI =
.99) as did the model for internalizing behavior (χ² (18) = 11.74, ns; RMSEA = .00 CFI = .99).
As hypothesized (H1), greater mother and father problematic digital technology use significantly
predicted their perceptions of greater technoference in their own interactions with their child (for
mothers, β = .35, p < .001; for fathers, β = .39, p < .001). We also found support for hypothesis
2 in that greater technoference in the mother-child relationship significantly predicted greater
child externalizing behavior as reported by both mothers (β = .20, p < .001) and fathers (at the
trend level, β = .12, p = .06). Unexpectedly, technoference in the father-child relationship did
not predict greater externalizing behavior. Similar results also appeared for internalizing
behavior, adding further support for our hypothesis 2: Greater technoference in the mother-child
relationship significantly predicted greater child internalizing behavior as reported by both
mothers (β = .16, p < .01) and fathers (β = .14, p < .05), but again technoference in the father-
child relationship did not predict internalizing behavior.
We also examined whether the model results held when utilizing only mobile
technoference (e.g., phones, tablets, iPods) as opposed to all of the technoference items. After
entering the mobile technoference variable in the models in the place of overall technoference,
the models still fit the data well for externalizing (χ² (18) = 14.96, ns; RMSEA = .00; CFI = .99)
and internalizing (χ² (18) = 10.72, ns; RMSEA = .00; CFI = .99), and our results remained
significant. In other words, greater mother and father problematic mobile technology use
significantly predicted their perceptions of greater mobile technoference in their own interactions
with their child (for mothers, β = .34, p < .001; for fathers, β = .49, p < .001). Moreover, greater
mobile technoference in the mother-child relationship significantly predicted greater child
externalizing behavior as reported by both mothers (β = .17, p < .01) and fathers (β = .13, p =
.04) and significantly predicted greater child internalizing behavior as reported by both mothers
(β = .18, p < .01) and fathers (β = .17, p < .01).
To explore potential differences in the strength of these associations by child age, parent
education, and family income, we utilized a multigroup structural equation modeling approach in
AMOS. In this approach, the model fit is compared between a model where all paths are allowed
to vary freely across groups and a model where all paths are constrained to be equal across
groups. If a significant difference is found in the model fit, this suggests that differences exist in
some of the path estimates between the groups. We split our moderator variables into groups as
follows: child age (1 = age 3 and up, 0 = younger than 3), parent education (1 = Bachelor’s
degree or higher, 0 = less than a Bachelor’s degree), and family income (1 = higher than
$69,500, 0 = less than or equal to $69,500; family income was split at the median).
No differences were found in model fit for child age or father education. However, the
externalizing model with estimates constrained to be equal across groups showed worse fit with
mother education (Δχ² (19) = 35.93, p = .01) and family income (Δχ² (19) = 38.10, p < .01). The
same occurred for the internalizing model with mother education (Δχ² (19) = 35.41, p = .01) and
family income (Δχ² (19) = 37.83, p < .01). In terms of moderation of main model paths, the
association between fathers’ ratings of technoference and fathers’ ratings of externalizing child
behavior was stronger in families with lower maternal education (z = -1.98, p < .05), although
the path was not significant in either group. In terms of family income, the association between
mothers’ ratings of technoference and mothers’ ratings of externalizing behavior was stronger in
families with higher income (β = .33, p < .001) as compared to those with lower income (β = .03,
p = .78; z = 2.42, p < .05). No other significant differences emerged in our main model paths.
Our study is the first to show significant associations between parent self-perceptions of
problematic digital technology use, perceived technoference in parenting, and reported child
behavioral difficulties. Perceived technoference in mother-child interactions was associated with
externalizing and internalizing behavior as rated by both mothers and fathers. The fact that
technoference in mother-child interactions also related to fathers' reports of child behavior lends
further weight to the current results, as this indicates that the results are not likely due to single
reporter bias.
Surprisingly, technoference in father-child interactions was not associated with reports of
externalizing or internalizing behavior by either parent. This discrepancy between findings
related to maternal versus paternal digital technology use is interesting and could be explained by
several mechanisms. First, fathers may be less reliable reporters of their own digital technology
use during parent-child activities; however we believe this is less likely given that fathers’ self-
reported problematic digital technology use was significantly correlated with their reports of
technoference. Another explanation is that children co-regulate their emotions and behavior
differently with their mothers and fathers (Lunkenheimer, Olson, Hollenstein, Sameroff, &
Winter, 2011), and thus may have differential reactions to changes in maternal versus paternal
responsiveness. It is also possible that children simply spent more time with their mothers on a
daily basis in our sample, so there were a greater number of opportunities for technoference in
mother-child activities as compared with fathers. In this study sample, 45% of mothers worked
30 hours or more per week versus 82% of fathers; therefore fathers may have taken part in fewer
activities with their children overall as compared with mothers.
As this is a cross-sectional analysis, it is important not to assume directionality between
technoference and externalizing or internalizing child behavior. In recent in-depth interviews,
parents reported having more difficulty multitasking between children and their mobile device,
making it more difficult to read and respond to child cues and effectively manage difficult child
behavior (Radesky et al., 2016). This concept is supported by naturalistic mealtime observations
of children escalating their behavior in order to get the attention of their mobile-device using
caregivers, who then sometimes responded with anger or frustration (Radesky et al., 2014). An
alternative explanation for our findings is that mothers who perceive their children as more
behaviorally dysregulated may use digital technology during parent-child activities as a means of
withdrawal (Nakamura, 2015), taking a break from difficult social interactions so that they can
lower their stress levels. In qualitative interviews, many stay-at-home mothers reported using
digital technology as a way to “escape” the boredom or frustrations of childrearing, or to regulate
their own emotions or arousal (Radesky et al., 2016). However, it is important to note that our
current results remained significant after controlling for parent depression or stress levels.
It is also possible that greater parent digital technology use is a marker of other parent or
household characteristics that independently predict digital technology use and child behavioral
problems, such as greater family dysfunction (Hinkley, Verbestel, Ahrens, et al., 2014). To
account for this we adjusted for numerous other household characteristics and coparenting
quality, and again our results remained. Nonetheless, it is possible that problematic digital
technology use is a marker of an unmeasured parent characteristic such as anxiety (e.g., Cheever,
Rosen, Carrier, & Chavez, 2014) or emotion regulation difficulties (e.g., Feldman et al., 2011).
As parent and child digital technology use differ depending on child age and family
socioeconomic factors (e.g., Wartella et al., 2013), we explored whether the strength of the
associations in our model would differ depending on such factors. Of particular note, mothers’
ratings of technoference in higher income households (as compared with those in lower income
households) were linked more strongly with mothers’ ratings of externalizing behavior. This
difference was not due to higher income families having access to a greater number of devices;
in post-hoc analyses we found no significant difference by family income in the number of
devices in the home, technoference, problematic digital technology use, or child externalizing
behavior. It is possible that the variance in child externalizing behavior in low-income
households is driven by other factors, such as stressful life events. We suggest that further
research is needed with larger, more diverse samples to better understand the potential
differences in these associations by income and other factors.
It is perhaps premature to draw implications from this study for clinical practice, but our
findings contribute to a growing literature showing associations between greater digital
technology use and potential relationship dysfunction (e.g., McDaniel & Coyne, 2016a;
McDaniel & Coyne, 2016b) or changes in interpersonal interactions (Przybylski & Weinstein,
2013). Although some professional societies such as Zero To Three and the American Academy
of Pediatrics now recommend “unplugged” family time, it has not yet been tested whether
manipulating digital technology use during parent-child activities leads to improvements in child
A primary limitation of this study was the use of parent self-reports of digital technology
use and child behavior; objective assessments of child behavior and parent/child digital
technology use would reassure us that observed associations are not due to reporter bias.
However, self-report methods allow examination of this topic in larger sample sizes and from
both parents, which were limitations of prior studies. Moreover, although effects were generally
small in size, the agreement of both maternal and paternal report of greater child behavioral
symptoms with greater maternal technoference provides some support to our findings. Future
studies should consider using methods such as video coding of child behavior during parent-
child activities.
Although this study was limited by its cross-sectional design and having a primarily
Caucasian, fairly-educated sample, its findings are a first glance at complex family processes
around rapidly adopted digital technologies. We were able to demonstrate that even low and
seemingly normative amounts of technoference were associated with greater child behavior
problems, which may have great public health relevance. Future, larger-scale and more diverse
studies should continue to examine whether associations between parent technoference and child
behavioral problems depend on other contextual influences such as parenting style, sensitivity, or
family stressors. Yet, we hope that our results can be a springboard for future research into both
the specific cascades of parent-child interactions that underlie these associations, as well as
longitudinal transactional relations between difficult child behavior, family digital technology
use, and parenting.
Abidin, R.R. (1995). Parenting Stress Index: Professional Manual (3rd ed.). Lutz, FL: Psychological
Assessment Resources, Inc.
Achenbach, T. M., & Rescorla, L. A. (2000). Manual for the ASEBA Preschool Forms and Profiles.
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Table 1. Bivariate Correlations and Descriptives for Study Variables for Fathers (above diagonal) and Mothers (below diagonal)
Problematic digital
technology use
Technology interference
Externalizing Behavior
Internalizing Behavior
Parent age
Child age
Child screen time
Parenting stress
Std. Dev.
Std. Dev.
Note. *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001. N = 168 mothers and 165 fathers (from 170 families). Correlations for fathers are presented above the
diagonal and for mothers below the diagonal. Correlations between fathers and mothers are bolded, italicized, and on the diagonal. Income is in
$1,000 units, and Externalizing and Internalizing scores are in normed t-score units.
Figure 1. Model of parent problematic digital technology use predicting technoference during
parent-child interactions which finally predicts child externalizing behavior. Standardized
estimates are reported. Parenting stress and coparenting quality were also controlled in the model
(paths not displayed here). Entering demographics, depression, and child age and media use as
controls did not change the results and were therefore omitted from the final model. Note: *** p
< .001, ** p < .01, * p = .06.
Figure 2. Model of parent problematic digital technology use predicting technoference during
parent-child interactions which finally predicts child internalizing behavior. Standardized
estimates are reported. Parenting stress and coparenting quality were also controlled in the model
(paths not displayed here). Entering demographics, depression, and child age and media use as
controls did not change the results and were therefore omitted from the final model. Note: *** p
< .001, ** p < .01, * p < .05.
... The parental acceptancerejection theory (PARTheory) (Rohner et al., 2005) suggests that adolescents who perceive rejection by their parents tend to avoid interpersonal interaction (Rohner et al., 2005) and are susceptible to mental health issues, such as social anxiety (Zhang et al., 2021). Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies have also revealed that parental technoference is related to children's internalizing and externalizing problems (McDaniel & Radesky, 2018). Specifically, in motherchild communication, maternal mobile phone usage was found to impact young children's social-emotional functions (Myruski et al., 2018), which would be related to behaviors of avoiding social interaction and social anxiety in adolescence. ...
... The relationship between parental technoference and parent-child attachment can be understood through the perspective of the Displacement Hypothesis. The Displacement Hypothesis suggests that frequent use of social media can displace meaningful interactions in the real world, which is associated with the decreased social involvement and relationship satisfaction (McDaniel & Radesky, 2018). Based on this, when parents excessively focus on technology in the interaction with children, it may reduce the time and resources available for high-quality parental involvement, potentially affecting their children's experience of insecure attachment Zhang et al., 2021). ...
... We found a positive correlation between parental technoference and social anxiety, which is consistent with parental accept-rejection theory (Rohner et al., 2005;McDaniel & Radesky, 2018;Xu & Xie, 2023). Parents who use technology frequently may exhibit negative reactions towards as well as the direct effect. ...
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The interference in parent-child interactions (i.e., parental technoference) has become an increasingly common type of parental neglect with the recent advancements in technology. Although literature has linked adolescents’ mental health problems to parental neglect, it is still underexplored how parental technoference may be related to adolescents’ social anxiety. Empathy is an ability to share and understand the emotion and perspectives of other individuals. Its two components exhibit distinct associations with social anxiety. This study aims to investigate the psychological mechanism underlying this relationship in the perspective of adolescents’ ability of interpersonal ability, by examining the mediating roles of parent-child attachment and cognitive/affective empathy. A total of 3200 Chinese adolescents participated in the study (grade 10: 643 males, 888 females, mean age = 16.377 years old; grade 11: 715 males, 954 females, mean age = 17.261 years old). The results indicated a positive association between parental technoference and social anxiety. Furthermore, this relationship was found to be mediated by parent-child attachment, while no specific mediating effect was observed for empathy. Additionally, the study revealed a serial mediation role that parent-child attachment and both components of empathy ability were involved. The empathic concern (i.e., affective empathy) displayed positive association with social anxiety, whereas, perspective taking (i.e., cognitive empathy) indicated negative correlation. Overall, this study enhances our understanding of the relationship between parental technoference and adolescents' social anxiety. The findings highlight the importance of parents paying attention to their technology device usage behaviors when interacting with their children.
... From the individual trait perspective, parental phubbing decreases adolescents' positive development outcomes while increasing the risk of deviant behaviors and poor mental health. These consequences include problem behaviors (McDaniel & Radesky, 2018), loneliness (Xie et al., 2024), Internet gaming addiction (Shen et al., 2023), and depression (Xie & Xie, 2020). From the perspective of parent-child relationships, parental phubbing decreases relationship quality (Solecki, 2022;Xie et al., 2019). ...
... For example, adolescents and emerging adults often report a diminished self-evaluation following exposure to harsh parenting (Yang et al., 2024). Phubbing makes parents pay less attention to their children (McDaniel & Radesky, 2018) and reduces coparenting quality (McDaniel & Coyne, 2016). Thus, we regarded parental phubbing is a negative parenting. ...
Parental phubbing refers to the phenomenon where parents ignore their children due to mobile phone use during parent-child interactions. This study examined the longitudinal mediating role of basic psychological need satisfaction in the relations between parental phubbing and adolescents' core self-evaluation. We recruited 629 adolescents (M age = 15.20 years, SD age = 1.62 years) to participate in our longitudinal survey. Longitudinal mediation analyses revealed that parental phubbing negatively predicted adolescents' core self-evaluation by diminishing their basic psychological need satisfaction. Additionally, longitudinal network analyses identified two significant parental phubbing behaviors that impact adolescents' core self-evaluation: parents keeping mobile phones in hand during interactions with their adolescents and checking mobile phone information during mealtime. Our work provides a novel understanding on how parental phubbing decreases adolescent core self-evaluation.
... Egyrészt a gyermekkel folytatott interakciók alatti megnövekedett szülői eszközhasználatra a csecsemők fokozott externalizáló viselkedéssel reagálhatnak, mely hosszú távon externalizáló magatartási problémák megjelenését eredményezheti. Másrészt mivel az externalizáló magatartás-problémák stresszkeltőek lehetnek a szülők számára, ígyvirtuális menekülést alkalmazvamég fokozottabb eszközhasználatba menekülhetnek (McDaniel és Radesky, 2018b). Mindez a technoferencia növekvő prevalenciáját eredményezi. ...
... Összességében az eddigi szakirodalmi eredmények azt mutatják, hogy nagyobb mértékű szülői technoferencia mellett iskoláskorú gyerekeknél több internalizáló és externalizáló viselkedés, valamint kevésbé fejlett szociális és érzelmi fejlődés tapasztalható (McDaniel és Radesky, 2018b;Sundqvist és mtsai, 2020;Zayia és mtsai, 2021). Serdülőkorban az érintettek alacsonyabb figyelmi kontrollja, az okostelefon-függőség magasabb rizikója, valamint alacsonyabb mentális jóllét is jelen van (Dixon és mtsai, 2023;Liu, Wu, Zhou és Wang, 2020;Qiao és Liu, 2020). ...
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Az okoseszközök jelenléte mindennapjaink szerves része. Használatuk gyakorta megzavarja szemtől szembeni társas érintkezéseinket, mely jelenséget McDaniel és Coyne (2016) találóan a magyarul is intuitíven jól értelmezhető technoferencia kifejezéssel írták le. Téma-összefoglaló tanulmányunk empirikus kutatások áttekintésén keresztül mutatja be a technoferencia fogalmát és relevanciáját. Az okoseszközök által megzavart társas interakciók jellegzetességeit kapcsolati, párkapcsolati, szülő-gyermek kapcsolati, valamint munka-magánélet kontextusában tárgyaljuk. Összességében megállapítható, hogy a technoferencia minden életkorban jelentős rizikófaktor a társas kapcsolatok minősége és a mentális egészség szempontjából. A felsorakoztatott munkákhoz kapcsolódóan kitérünk a téma gyakorlati relevanciáira, és áttekintjük a további lehetséges és szükséges kutatási irányokat.
... One phenomenon that has received much attention is parental phubbing, which refers to parents being engrossed with their phones while interacting with their children (Wang et al., 2020). Parental phubbing may cause many adverse effects on child development (Bitar et al., 2021;Hong et al., 2019;McDaniel, 2019;McDaniel & Coyne, 2016;McDaniel & Radesky, 2018;Wang et al., 2017;Xie et al., 2019). To facilitate effective intervention, it is essential to figure out This work was funded by Ministry of Education in China Project of Humanities and Social Sciences (Project No.17YJCZH014). ...
... Previous studies have demonstrated that parental phubbing leads to numerous adverse outcomes for children who are being phubbed. For instance, parents who frequently use their phones during interactions with their children have reported more problem behaviors in their children (McDaniel & Radesky, 2018). Adolescents who experience high levels of parental phubbing are more likely to engage in online bullying . ...
This study aimed to investigate the association between mindful parenting, parental phubbing, and child problem behaviors and to determine whether parental phubbing mediates the link between mindful parenting and child problem behaviors. 142 Chinese parents with children aged 3 to 5 years provided self-reports on their levels of mindful parenting, parental phubbing, and their children’s internalizing and externalizing problem behaviors. The results showed that parents high in mindful parenting reported less parental phubbing and lower frequency of children’s externalizing problem behaviors. Parents high in phubbing reported more children’s externalizing problem behaviors. Mediation analysis indicated that mindful parenting indirectly alleviated reports of children’s externalizing problem behaviors through parental phubbing. Overall, the present study provided empirical evidence that mindful parents experience fewer externalizing problem behaviors in their children and engage in less parental phubbing. Furthermore, parental phubbing mediates the association between mindful parenting and children’s external problem behaviors.
... 7,8 In this sequence, technoreference i.e. the usage of mobile screen devices in a way that interferes with parent-child social interactions, 9 can cause behavioral problems in the child. 10 A study aiming to reveal the effect of the presence of smart devices on cognitive ability in 21-year-old participants pointed at some interesting findings. 11 This group was assigned to one of three phone location conditions (distances from the participants): desk, pocket/bag, or other room. ...
... 20 One way of characterizing brain activity associated with cognitive control is by using Electroencephalography (or EEG). Waveforms generated by EEG are typically sinusoidal and were classified into five basic frequencies: gamma (30-60 Hz), beta (13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28)(29), alpha (8)(9)(10)(11)(12), theta (4-7 Hz), and delta (0.5-3 Hz). 24 Several frequencies were specifically related to distracted performance; theta bands in frontal regions were associated with memory and learning processes; increased theta activity in the prefrontal cortex has been linked to improved working memory. ...
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Background Smart devices have become an integral part of our lives. However, research has highlighted the potential implications of smartphone presence on task performance, particularly in young children. This study aimed to determine the effect of a smartphone presence on brainwaves associated with cognitive interruption in children. Methods EEG data were collected from 5.3 to 8.5-year-old children performing a simple reaction time task with and without the presence of a smartphone. Theta and alpha bands were calculated, and repeated measure analysis of variance was performed to assess the impact of two conditions on alpha and theta bands: 1) with the presence and; 2) without the presence of a smartphone. EEG waveforms were also correlated with standardized cognitive measures evaluating attention abilities using Pearson correlation. Results Theta and alpha activity values were higher in the absence vs the presence of a smartphone, with a significant difference between theta bands for the two study conditions. Moreover, the difference between theta bands in the two conditions was significantly correlated with lower scores on an auditory attention test. Conclusions The existence of an interactive electronic device during cognitive tasks is associated with alterations in brain activity related to cognitive control. Impact The presence of a smartphone during a simple reaction time task in young children was associated with a significant decrease in frontal theta frequency. A trend of a decreased alpha band in the presence of a smartphone. The differences in theta and alpha frequencies between conditions were significantly correlated with lower scores in auditory and visual attention and inhibition tests.
... 3) Socialization and communication: Research explores how children use technology to interact with peers and family members, as well as how digital communication platforms affect their social skills/development, empathy, and understanding of interpersonal relationships. Indicatively, studies (Coyne et al., 2013;McDaniel & Radesky, 2018) have investigated how technology use impacts children's social interactions and relationships with peers and family members. 4) Online safety and privacy: Researchers examine children's ability to navigate digital environments safely, and the risks children face online such as exposure to inappropriate content, cyberbullying, online predators, and privacy concerns (e.g., related to the collection and use of personal data). ...
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The integration of digital technology into daily life has significantly altered the landscape of childhood experiences, presenting both opportunities and challenges. With regard to children in the digital space, this paper aims to explore the issues that have been researched and the suggestions for future research. This exploration is done with the aid of ChatGPT, while the output generated is reviewed and evaluated by the author. Areas of research concerning children in the digital space include digital literacy, skills and cognitive development, socialization and communication, online safety and privacy, screen time, health and well-being, parental mediation, digital divide and inequalities. Issues for future research include screen time and health, online safety and privacy, digital literacy, effect of (emerging) educational technologies, parental mediation-guidance, digital inclusion-equity, and ethical considerations. Addressing these issues can contribute to a better understanding of the interplay between children and digital space, informing policies, practices, and educational interventions to support healthy, positive experiences for children in the digital space-age.
... Parent technology interference. Parent technology interference was measured by the question "When talking or doing activities with your parents, were you frequently interrupted because your parents use electronic devices (mobile phone/TV/tablet/computer/game console/iPad)?" with the same scoring rules as mentioned above (McDaniel & Radesky, 2018). ...
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Background and aims In 2021, China implemented a policy to prevent adolescents from excessive online gaming, with the goal of encouraging healthier leisure activities. Methods Three months after this policy was implemented, we conducted a study involving 430 Chinese adolescents who regularly played online games for over two hours daily before the policy. We collected their responses to the restriction, including their compliance with the policy, engagement in undesirable alternative behaviors (e.g., watching short videos), and engagement in desirable alternative behaviors (e.g., playing sports). We also collected data on individual factors, parental technology interference, and feelings of restriction to use as predictors for behaviors, including those related to violating the restriction or watching short videos. Results A small percentage of heavy gamers violated the restriction by renting others' game accounts (3%) or using a family member's identity (14%), while 59% of the sample shifted to watching short videos. Heavy gamers who lived in rural areas, spent more time on online games prior to the policy, did not feel restricted from playing online games, and experienced parental technology interference were more likely to violate the restriction. Females or those lacking stable hobbies were more inclined to watch short videos. Conclusions Although the policy restricted heavy gaming, it has also led to increased short video use. Policymakers could explore alternative approaches, such as developing infrastructure that supports outdoor leisure activities in rural areas, encouraging parents to model responsible technology use behaviors, and guiding adolescents to cultivate positive hobbies in their leisure time.
New generations of youth are coming of age at a time when digital technology is omnipresent, and ever-evolving. It is not yet fully appreciated what effect this level of digital technology use will have on current and future generations. Although not entirely negative, dramatic shifts in human interaction and well-being have already presented themselves. Among these shifts are rising rates of youth struggling with mental health–especially since the COVID-19 pandemic. In this study, we explore youth perspectives on the relationship between their digital technology and their mental health, through the use of semi-structured interviews and thematic analysis. Our research question was: How do youth understand the relationship between digital technology use and their mental health? We interviewed eight adolescents and asked them to share their experiences of the relationship between their devices and their well-being. Thematic findings highlight a conflictual relationship between digital technology use and youth mental health, affecting their relationships with others, themselves, and the world around them. Because digital technology consumption on this scale is so new, our sample represents one of the first available cohorts of youth to actively participate in the exploration of this topic. Implications include the need for further qualitative research to prioritize youth voices in ways that will benefit broader societal understandings of technology and mental health.
Research demonstrates that phubbing—the act of snubbing someone in a social setting by looking at one's mobile phone—interferes with the quality and satisfaction of social interactions. This article examined how observations of an adult's phone use during a social interaction impact different social judgments. Adult participants (n = 331) watched a 3-min video showing four speakers having a discussion around a table. One speaker looked at their phone intermittently during the meeting (five times for 2–3 s each) while not interacting with the other speakers. Participants were asked to rate characteristics (e.g., attentiveness) of all four speakers and evaluate who they could trust both epistemically (e.g., for knowledge) and interpersonally (e.g., for social connection). Participants also provided information about their own technology use. Results indicated that participants’ judgments, ratings of interpersonal trust, and epistemic trust toward the phone user were significantly lower when compared to their ratings toward the non-phone users in the video, especially among female participants. Additionally, the more participants reported using their own phones during group interactions, the more leniently they rated the phone user in the video. This research provides evidence that overseeing acts of co-present mobile phone use are negatively evaluated. This has implications for how adults view technology use during social engagements.
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In today's digital age, children increasingly become addicted to smartphones and other electronic devices. This paper sheds light on the adverse impacts of prolonged screen time on children's physical and mental well-being. It also presents recommendations for parents to protect their children's future. Data from various studies are presented to underscore the severity of the issue, including statistics on global screen time usage among different age groups. The harmful effects of excessive screen time, such as mood disorders, communication difficulties, and sleep disturbances, are discussed. The paper emphasizes the importance of parental intervention in promoting healthy screen time habits. It proposes practical approaches for parents, such as promoting physical activity, establishing boundaries on screen time, and serving as positive examples of responsible media consumption. By embracing these parenting strategies, parents can effectively address the adverse effects of excessive screen time and promote their children's overall well-being and growth. The digital age has brought about significant changes in parenting practices, presenting opportunities and challenges for families. This paper delves into the influence of digital technology on contemporary parenting and analyzes the obstacles parents encounter when navigating the digital environment. Drawing on research and expert insights, the paper discusses critical issues such as screen time, digital distractions, online safety, and the role of technology in parent-child relationships. Additionally, it offers practical strategies and suggestions for parents to encourage healthy digital behaviours, cultivate constructive parent-child interactions, and manage the intricacies of contemporary parenting within the digital era.
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Parents and children both use technology actively and increasingly, but prior work shows that concerns about attention, family time, and family relationships abound. We conducted a survey with 249 parent-child pairs distributed across 40 U.S. states to understand the types of technology rules (also known as restrictive mediation) they have established in their family and how effective those rules are perceived to be. Our data robustly show that children (age 10-17) are more likely to follow rules that constrain technology activities (e.g., no Snapchat) than rules that constrain technology use in certain contexts (e.g., no phone at the dinner table). Children find context constraints harder to live up to, parents find them harder to enforce, and parents’ most common challenge when trying to enforce such rules is that children “can’t put it down.” This is consistent with the idea that banning certain technologies is currently easier than setting more nuanced boundaries. Parents and children agree that parents should also unplug when spending time with family, while children alone express frustration with the common parent practice of posting about children online. Together, our results suggest several mechanisms by which designers and families can improve parent-child relationships around technology use.
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Technology devices and their characteristics have become more pervasive and enticing. The use of these new devices is common, and interruptions due to these devices are likely. This study examines the frequency of technology interference in (a) coparenting relationships—the relationship between parents as they parent their children together—during early infancy/childhood and in (b) various parenting domains (bedtime, mealtime, etc.), as well as (c) associations between technology interference and perceptions of coparenting quality as reported by 203 married/cohabiting mothers. Many mothers perceived that technology interrupted coparenting interactions on occasion, especially during unstructured parenting such as playtime. Mothers rating more interference reported worse coparenting, relationship satisfaction, and depressive symptoms. Technology interference predicted coparenting even after controlling for relationship satisfaction and depressive symptoms. Technology interference likely decreases coordination between parents, leaving some mothers feeling frustrated. Parents may be advised to critically examine and potentially regulate technology use during family interactions.
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The present paper reports on longitudinal associations between parenting stress and sexual satisfaction among 169 heterosexual couples in the first year after the birth of a first child. Actor Partner Interdependence Modeling (APIM) was used to model the effects of the mother’s and father’s parenting stress at 6 months after birth on sexual satisfaction at 1 year after birth. Based on social constructivist theory and scarcity theory, two hypotheses were posed: (a) mothers’ parenting stress will predict their own later sexual satisfaction whereas fathers’ parenting stress will not predict their own later sexual satisfaction (actor effects) and (b) mothers’ parenting stress will predict fathers’ later sexual satisfaction but fathers’ parenting stress will not predict mothers’ later sexual satisfaction (partner effects). On average, parents were only somewhat satisfied with their sex life. The first hypothesis was supported as greater parenting stress significantly predicted lower sexual satisfaction for mothers but not for fathers. The second hypothesis was also supported as mothers’ greater parenting stress significantly predicted less sexual satisfaction in fathers, whereas fathers’ parenting stress did not significantly predict mothers’ sexual satisfaction. We discuss how our results may be interpreted considering the social construction of gendered family roles.
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While recent research has documented a rapid increase in the use of new technologies such as touchscreen tablets early in life, little is known about how young children use tablets, what activities they engage in, and whether family demographic and maternal well-being are associated with early use. Guided by Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological theory of human development, the current study addressed these questions with a cross-sectional, online survey of mothers with children between 12 and 48 months of age. Mothers reported on their child’s tablet use as well as their own personal well-being (depressive symptoms and role overload) and relational well-being (relationship satisfaction, coparenting quality, conflict frequency). Nearly 63 % of all mothers owned a tablet. Approximately 46 % of children with access typically use a tablet in an average day, with the majority using for 15 min or less. For families who owned a tablet, child’s frequency of use was positively associated with child’s age and mother’s use and negatively associated with mother’s relational well-being. Despite the American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation that screen media be avoided for children under 24 months, children in our study used tablets, albeit infrequently. Our findings suggest that it is important for researchers to consider the relationship between contextual factors within the family and child media use. Refining their focus for families with particular needs may allow child advocates and policy makers to develop more beneficial media recommendations for families with a variety of circumstances.
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Child development research suggests that using phones while caring for children can be problematic, but limited prior work in this space makes defining appropriate use challenging. We conducted the first exploration of whether adults feel pressure to limit phone use in this context and whether they choose to do so. Through mixed methods, we collected data from 466 adult caregivers at playgrounds. We found that phone use was a small part of playground time, yet a notable source of guilt. Adults engaged in systematic and specific phone-use and phone-non-use behaviors in order to prioritize their children above themselves. Our results indicate that caregiver values and self-control together predict behavior and can be used to model phone use in this context. Users' mixed success with engaging in intentional periods of non-use suggests that a design agenda which prioritizes cycles of engagement, disengagement, and re-engagement may be of value to this group.
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Competitive coparenting, defined as one parent undermining the other in the presence of the child or jockeying for control of the child, has been identified as a robust predictor of externalizing symptoms in children. But in addition to its core definition, competitive coparenting is also likely to involve a lack of cooperative coparenting, displays of negative affectivity, and family conflict, making it unclear what drives the relation between competitive coparenting and children’s externalizing symptoms. Thus, the present study aimed to examine the extent to which each aspect of family negativity contributes to externalizing symptoms in children, and in particular, whether the core definition of competitive coparenting (parental triangulation of the child) predicts their later externalizing symptoms above and beyond effects due to other types of negative family interaction. Both parents and their first-born child (N = 108 families) were observed in triadic family interactions when children were 24 months old, and children’s externalizing symptoms were rated by their teachers when children were 7 years old. Family interactions were coded at the triadic level for competitive coparenting, cooperative coparenting, negative affect, and conflict. First-order correlations indicated that competitive coparenting, negative affectivity, and family conflict within the triad were all associated with each other and with children’s externalizing symptoms. When all entered into a regression, however, competitive coparenting remained the sole predictor of later externalizing symptoms in children. Results suggest that the core definition of competitive coparenting predicts children’s externalizing symptoms beyond the general presence in family interaction of low cooperation, negative emotionality, and conflict.
The spread of mobile communication, most obtrusively as cell phones but increasingly in other wireless devices, is affecting people's lives and relationships to a previously unthought-of extent. Mobile phones, which are fast becoming ubiquitous, affect either directly or indirectly every aspect of our personal and professional lives. They have transformed social practices and changed the way we do business, yet surprisingly little serious academic work has been done on them. This 2002 book, with contributions from the foremost researchers in the field, studies the impact of the mobile phone on contemporary society from a social scientific perspective. Providing a comprehensive overview of mobile phones and social interaction, it comprises an introduction covering the key issues, a series of unique national studies and a final section examining specific issues.
Objective: Parent use of mobile devices (e.g., smartphones, tablets) while around their young children may be associated with fewer or more negative parent-child interactions, but parent perspectives regarding this issue have not been explored. We aimed to understand parent views regarding their mobile device use to identify actionable targets of potential intervention. Method: We conducted 35 in-depth semi-structured group and individual interviews with English-speaking caregivers of children 0 to 8 years old, purposively sampled from diverse ethnic backgrounds, educational levels, and employment statuses. Following thematic saturation, results were validated through expert triangulation and member checking. Results: Participants included 22 mothers, 9 fathers, and 4 grandmothers; 31% were single parents, 43% nonwhite race/ethnicity, and 40% completed high school or less. Participants consistently expressed a high degree of internal tension regarding their own mobile technology use, which centered around 3 themes relevant to intervention planning: (1) Cognitive tensions (multitasking between work and children, leading to information/role overload), (2) emotional tensions (stress-inducing and reducing effects), and (3) tensions around the parent-child dyad (disrupting family routines vs serving as a tool to keep the peace). Conclusion: Caregivers of young children describe many internal conflicts regarding their use of mobile technology, which may be windows for intervention. Helping caregivers understand such emotional and cognitive responses may help them balance family time with technology-based demands.