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Abstract and Figures

Epinephrine use in the delivery room for resuscitation of the newborn is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Evidence for optimal dose, timing, and route of administration of epinephrine during neonatal resuscitation comes largely from extrapolated adult or animal literature. In this review, we provide the current recommendations for use of epinephrine during neonatal resuscitation and also the evidence behind these recommendations. In addition, we review the current proposed mechanism of action of epinephrine during neonatal resuscitation, review its adverse effects, and identify gaps in knowledge requiring urgent research.
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May 2017 | Volume 5 | Article 971
published: 01 May 2017
doi: 10.3389/fped.2017.00097
Frontiers in Pediatrics |
Edited by:
Graeme R. Polglase,
Monash University, Australia
Reviewed by:
Elizabeth Foglia,
Children’s Hospital of
Philadelphia, USA
Georg Schmolzer,
University of Alberta, Canada
Vishal S. Kapadia
Specialty section:
This article was submitted
to Neonatology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Pediatrics
Received: 10January2017
Accepted: 13April2017
Published: 01May2017
KapadiaVS and WyckoffMH
(2017) Epinephrine Use during
Newborn Resuscitation.
Front. Pediatr. 5:97.
doi: 10.3389/fped.2017.00097
Epinephrine Use during Newborn
Vishal S. Kapadia* and Myra H. Wyckoff
Pediatrics, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, USA
Epinephrine use in the delivery room for resuscitation of the newborn is associated
with signicant morbidity and mortality. Evidence for optimal dose, timing, and route of
administration of epinephrine during neonatal resuscitation comes largely from extrapo-
lated adult or animal literature. In this review, we provide the current recommendations
for use of epinephrine during neonatal resuscitation and also the evidence behind these
recommendations. In addition, we review the current proposed mechanism of action of
epinephrine during neonatal resuscitation, review its adverse effects, and identify gaps in
knowledge requiring urgent research.
Keywords: epinephrine, neonatal resuscitation, asphyxia, newborn, delivery room, infants
Approximately 10% of newborns require some assistance to begin breathing at birth (1). Majority
of these newborns improve without the need for cardiac compression or epinephrine if skillful
positive-pressure ventilation is initiated in a timely manner. Less than 0.1% of all newborns require
epinephrine, making epinephrine use in delivery room neonatal resuscitation an uncommon event
(2, 3). Newborns who do require extensive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) including epi-
nephrine have a high incidence of mortality. ose who survive frequently suer from poor long-
term neurodevelopmental outcomes (47).
e majority of recommendations regarding indication, dose, and route of administration of
epinephrine in the delivery room are based on extrapolations from adult and animal studies. e
infrequent use of epinephrine in the delivery room and ethical dilemmas in designing a clinical
trial for examining the role of epinephrine during neonatal resuscitations make it very dicult to
obtain high levels of evidence for recommendations regarding epinephrine use during neonatal
resuscitation. Many of the animal and adult data come from a non-perfusion ventricular brillation
arrest, which is not the pathophysiology of a newborn in the delivery room who suers from an
asphyxial arrest. Another major limitation of extrapolation from these studies is that newborns in
the delivery room have unique transitional physiology including uid-lled alveoli, an open ductus
arteriosus, and high pulmonary pressures with limited pulmonary blood ow. Newly born infants
must transition from fetal to newborn circulation. In the era of evidence-based medicine, due to lack
of rigorous scientic evidence, proper use of epinephrine including dose and route of administration
remains controversial. Even though epinephrine is not commonly needed in neonatal resuscita-
tion, its association with death and poor prognosis raises questions as to whether optimization of
epinephrine use and dosing, specically tailored to the unique circumstances of the newly born
infant, could improve outcomes.
is review aims to describe current recommendations for epinephrine use in neonatal resuscita-
tion, the evidence behind such recommendations, and the critical knowledge gaps.
FIGURE 1 | Epinephrine and coronary perfusion pressure.
Kapadia and Wyckoff Epinephrine Use during Newborn Resuscitation
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Epinephrine is the only medication recommended during neo-
natal resuscitation in the delivery room (8, 9). Naloxone, sodium
bicarbonate, and other vasopressors are currently not considered
a part of acute resuscitation but can be used postresuscitation
for special circumstances (911).
Management of the airway and assisted ventilation of the
newborn baby can be found in ancient texts dating back to the
Old Testament of the Bible, the Talmud, and Hippocrates (12, 13).
However, reports of medication use in neonatal resuscitation can
only be found aer the early 1950s with the evolution of modern
neonatology (13, 14). George Oliver and Edward Schaer in
1893 rst showed that adrenal glands contained a substance with
distinct pharmacological properties (14, 15). It is a naturally
occurring catecholamine produced by chroman cells at the
adrenal medulla and stored in chroman granules. In 1897, John
Abel in the United States prepared crude adrenal extracts and
called them epinephrine (16). Epinephrine was used rst time
in pulseless patients in around 1906 by Crile and Dolley (17). Its
resuscitative properties were further investigated by Wiggers in
the 1930s and Redding and Pearson in the 1960s (18, 19).
Epinephrine stimulates all four adrenergic receptors (α1, α2, β1,
and ß2) invivo. When looked at in isolation, stimulation of the
dierent adrenergic receptors by epinephrine results in dierent
and sometimes opposing eects. It causes peripheral vasocon-
striction via stimulation of α1 receptors in vascular smooth muscle
cells. By stimulating β1 receptors in the myocardium, it causes
chronotropy (increased heart rate), inotropy (increased contrac-
tility), dromotropy (increase conduction velocity), and lusitropy
(increased rate of myocardial relaxation) (10, 2022). Stimulation
of α2 receptors leads to presynaptic inhibition of nor-epinephrine
release in the central nervous system and vasoconstriction of
coronary arteries. rough β2 receptor stimulation, it causes
vascular smooth muscle relaxation and increased myocardial
contractility, but these eects are usually minor. In vivo eects
of epinephrine depend on the dose of epinephrine, number of
receptors available on target tissues, the anity of these receptors,
and local target tissue environments (23).
Initially it was believed that epinephrine causes return of
spontaneous circulation (ROSC) in cardiac arrest via its myo-
cardial stimulant eects (β adrenergic eects: chronotropic and
inotropic) (10). In the 1960s, Redding demonstrated in dogs that
the pure α-agonist, methoxamine, was as eective as epinephrine
in achieving ROSC during CPR, whereas the pure β-agonist, iso-
proterenol, was no more eective than CPR alone (19). Otto etal.
who used pretreatment with α-adrenergic blockade (phenoxy-
benzamine) and β-adrenergic blockade (propranolol) before
infusing epinephrine conrmed that α-adrenergic stimulation is
the most important action of epinephrine for ROSC in CPR (24).
It is now established that the most reliable method for deter-
mining the eectiveness of CPR is to measure aortic diastolic
blood pressure or coronary perfusion pressure (25). When heart
muscles do not receive adequate blood ow and/or oxygen,
their energy substrate is depleted. In turn, heart muscles stop
contracting and the heart stops pumping. To restart the cardiac
pump, it is critical that myocardial perfusion with oxygenated
blood is reestablished. In acidotic asphyxiated neonates, there
is loss of peripheral vascular tone, i.e., maximum vasodilation.
When chest compressions are performed, blood from the cardiac
chambers takes the path of least resistance and thus preferentially
ows through aorta and into peripheral circulation rather than
into narrow more constricted coronary arteries that have high
resistance (Figure 1). e use of epinephrine in this situation
results in intense peripheral vasoconstriction. is elevates the
aortic to right atrial pressure gradient during the relaxation phase
TABLE 1 | Epinephrine use during newborn resuscitation: route, dose,
and summary of evidence.
Route Dose Summary of evidence
Intravenous 0.01–0.03mg/kg Preferred route and appear to be more
efcacious than other routes
Dose extrapolated from adult experience
High-dose epinephrine offers no
advantage and is associated with
increased postresuscitation adverse
effects and increased mortality
Dose escalation studies in neonatal
animal model with transition physiology
are urgently needed
0.05–1mg/kg Less effective than IV route
Achieved plasma concentration is less
and it peaks slower with ET epinephrine
compared to IV epinephrine
Can be used until IV access is available
Intraosseous 0.01–0.03mg/kg Limited evidence compared to IV route
Providers frequently involved in newborn
resuscitation feel more comfortable with
rapid UVC insertion compared to IO route
Intramuscular Not recommended Very limited evidence
Signicant tissue damage at local site
Kapadia and Wyckoff Epinephrine Use during Newborn Resuscitation
Frontiers in Pediatrics | May 2017 | Volume 5 | Article 97
of CPR (2629). Due to this pressure gradient, blood during chest
compressions enters the coronary arteries and myocardial blood
ow increases. Hence, this pressure gradient is called the coronary
perfusion pressure. As oxygenated blood enters the coronary cir-
culation, it facilitates resynthesis of adenosine triphosphate within
myocardial mitochondria improving myocardial contractility
and viability. In animal models and humans, coronary perfusion
pressure correlates directly with myocardial blood ow, which is
a good predictor of ROSC.
Although minor, β2 receptor-mediated coronary vasodila-
tion may contribute to improved coronary perfusion following
epinephrine administration (10, 21, 30). Cerebral electrogra phic
activity and cerebral oxygen uptake improves following epineph-
rine administration during CPR as cerebral blood ow increases
due to epinephrine-induced peripheral vasoconstriction (28, 29).
rough its α receptor stimulation, epinephrine may counteract
carotid artery collapse induced by elevated intrathoracic pres-
sures due to CPR and further optimize blood ow (28).
Studies utilizing posttransition asphyxia animal model have
demonstrated the importance of epinephrine, where aer asphyxia
cardiac arrest, chest compressions alone were ineective, but
majority of animals reached the critical diastolic blood pressure
(rising aortic to right atrial pressure gradient) and ROSC aer
epinephrine administration (3133). It is important to note that
these studies also showed that interruptions in chest compression
lead to lowering of diastolic blood pressure, thus highlighting
the importance of minimizing interruptions in cardiac compres-
sions during CPR (3133).
e majority of the above information was obtained from
adult animal studies, posttransitioned neonatal animal studies,
or human adult studies. No studies in term or preterm newborns
or animal models with newborn transition physiology have
investigated the mechanism of action of epinephrine during CPR.
e distribution and maturation of α and β receptors in term
and preterm newborns remain unknown (23).
Bradycardia in newly born infants is usually the result of inad-
equate aeration of lungs and ventilation or profound hypoxemia
and acidosis from prior poor placental perfusion. Hence, eective
ventilation is the top priority during delivery room resuscitation
of the bradycardic newborn. Current resuscitation guidelines
recommend that epinephrine should be used if the newborn
remains bradycardic with heart rate <60bpm aer 30s of what
appears to be eective ventilation with chest rise, followed by 30s
of coordinated chest compressions and ventilations (1, 8, 9).
Epinephrine during neonatal CPR in the delivery room can be
given by three routes: intravenous, endotracheal (ET), and intra-
osseous (Table1).
Intravenous Epinephrine
is is the preferred route of administration during neonatal
CPR in the delivery room as it appears to be more ecacious
compared to other routes (1, 8, 9). e umbilical vein is a rap-
idly accessible, direct intravenous route. If epinephrine use is
anticipated based on risk factors and no response to optimized
positive-pressure ventilation (preferably via a secured airway),
one team member should prepare to place an umbilical venous
catheter, while the others continue to provide ventilation and chest
compression. Chest compressions should be provided from head
of the bed to allow adequate access to place the umbilical venous
catheter (1).
e optimal dose of intravenous epinephrine has been the
subject of much debate. In animal ventricular brillation models,
Redding and Pearson demonstrated that intravenous epineph-
rine of 1mg (0.1 mg/kg in 10 kg dogs) increased ROSC when
combined with ventilation and chest compressions alone (19).
Human studies following this study did not take into account the
weight dierence between the 10-kg dogs that were studied and
the average adult weight, which is 7- to 10-fold more. Surprisingly,
even with such low doses, epinephrine was reported to be eective
in achieving ROSC in adult CPR (34). As there are no neonatal
epinephrine dosing studies, the recommended dose was extrapo-
lated from the adult experience with a suggested dosing range of
0.01–0.03mg/kg. Given the overlooked weight dierence between
dogs in the study by Redding and Pearson (19) and humans, studies
were conducted to see if higher dose epinephrine would be more
ecacious. Initially, studies in ventricular brillation adult ani-
mal model showed increased ROSC and improved cerebral and
coronary blood ow with escalating doses of epinephrine (35).
Based on these data, adult and pediatric resuscitation guidelines
started recommending using 0.1mg/kg high dose of epinephrine
if no response was seen with standard dose epinephrine (36).
Kapadia and Wyckoff Epinephrine Use during Newborn Resuscitation
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Clinical studies conducted later found that high-dose epinephrine
(0.1mg/kg) is not more eective and may be harmful (35, 37, 38).
Animal Data
Berg etal. in a pediatric asphyxia swine model demonstrated that
high-dose epinephrine did not result in increased ROSC, and in
fact, there was higher postresuscitation mortality (39). Burcheld
etal. in a neonatal lamb model demonstrated that high-dose epi-
nephrine reduced stroke volume and cardiac output (40). McCaul
etal. demonstrated dose-related adverse outcomes with higher
tachycardia, hypertension, mortality, and increased troponin
with high-dose epinephrine in a rat model (41). Observation of
hypertension following hypotension with high-dose epinephrine
is especially important for preterm newborns who are vulnerable
to development of intraventricular hemorrhage with uctuations
in blood pressure (42, 43).
Adult Data
Meta-analysis of randomized control trials in adult cardiac arrest
patients demonstrated increased ROSC with high-dose epineph-
rine but no improvement in survival to hospital discharge (35).
Older Children
Perondi etal. randomized 68 children (mean age of 6years) to
either 0.1 versus 0.01mg/kg for the second dose of epinephrine
aer failure of standard rst dose (0.01mg/kg) (38). is study
demonstrated that ROSC rates were similar between both groups.
Alarmingly, no child survived in the high-dose epinephrine group
compared to 21% survival in the standard epinephrine group.
Patterson etal. conrmed these ndings that high-dose epineph-
rine did not confer any benets but reduced survival when arrest
was precipitated by asphyxia (37).
Neonatal Data
ere is a stark absence of any neonatal studies including
randomized controlled trials studying any dose of epinephrine.
Halling etal. described in an observational study of 20% success
rate with single standard dose of IV epinephrine. Multiple doses
were needed by large number of newborns (3).
In summary, these data suggest that there is no advantage with
high-dose epinephrine, and it is associated with postresuscitation
hypertension, tachycardia, and increased mortality especially
following cardiac arrest from asphyxia. Neonatal data remain
sparse, and dose escalation studies in appropriate neonatal mod-
els with transition physiology are urgently needed.
ET Epinephrine
Although the ET route is readily available and less time consum-
ing than establishing an intravenous or intraosseous access, it
appears to be less eective (36, 44, 45). However, until intravenous
access is available, some clinicians may choose to give epineph-
rine ET (1, 9). Currently, the recommended dose is 0.05–0.1mg/
kg, which is much higher than the recommended intravenous
epinephrine dose (1, 9).
Adult Animal Data
Redding etal. were the rst to suggest the use of ET epinephrine
during cardiac arrest (46). In a ventricular brillation pig model,
Crespo etal. compared 0.01 versus 0.1mg/kg ET epinephrine
doses (47). e study demonstrated that higher dose was able to
achieve higher plasma concentrations of the drug but that did not
translate to higher blood pressure. Roberts etal. also investigated
dierent ET epinephrine doses and compared them with equiva-
lent intravenous epinephrine doses (48). e study demonstrated
that the peak concentration of epinephrine was found in 15s aer
either route of administration, but with ET epinephrine, blood
concentrations were more sustained. Importantly maximum
plasma concentration achieved by ET epinephrine was one-tenth
of the plasma concentration achieved by the intravenous route.
Vali and Lakshminrusimha conducted a study of ET versus
intravenous epinephrine in a fetal lamb model of asphyxia where
animals had not yet transitioned to newborn circulation (49).
ey demonstrated that plasma epinephrine peaks much faster
and higher compared to ET epinephrine although no dierence
in rates of ROSC was observed between either group.
Human Adult Data
Many retrospective adult case series have noted ET epinephrine
to be less eective than IV epinephrine in achieving ROSC during
CPR (36, 44, 45).
Neonatal Data
Four case series in neonates noted some evidence of absorp-
tion or cardiovascular improvement following ET epinephrine
administration, but doses were 10 times higher than typical
intravenous doses, and the majority of newborns had brady-
cardia, not asystole (5052). Barber and Wycko reported on a
retrospective review of all neonates who received epinephrine
in the delivery room during the study period (2). e study
demonstrated that the majority of infants received their rst
dose as ET epinephrine. ey found that ET epinephrine dose of
0.01–0.03mg/kg failed to re-establish HR>60bpm two-thirds
of time. In the neonates who failed to respond to ET epinephrine,
77% of them responded to subsequent intravenous epinephrine.
ET epinephrine ecacy may be limited in the newly born due
to dilution by non-mobilized lung uid. Elevated pulmonary
arterial pressure in the presence of patent ductus arteriosus
could result in right-sided cardiac output bypassing the lungs
and thus limiting epinephrine absorption from the lung (23, 25).
Based on this evidence, guidelines recommended an increase in
ET epinephrine dosing from 0.01 to 0.03 to 0.05 to 0.1mg/kg
(1, 9). Halling etal. presented a retrospective review comparing
the dosing from 0.03 to 0.05mg/kg (3). ey found no improve-
ment in rates or time of ROSC with the higher ET epinephrine
dose. It is possible that there may not be an optimal ET epineph-
rine dose. Current guidelines stress the importance of education,
practice, and preparation to rapidly establish IV access in delivery
room for newborns who need epinephrine during delivery room
resuscitation (9).
Intraosseous Epinephrine
Simulation studies have shown that for inexperienced person-
nel, establishment of an intraosseous line was faster and easier
than the placement of umbilical catheters (53). In a neonatal case
series of 27 neonates who received intraosseous epinephrine for
resuscitation, no short-term complications were demonstrated
Kapadia and Wyckoff Epinephrine Use during Newborn Resuscitation
Frontiers in Pediatrics | May 2017 | Volume 5 | Article 97
(54). Also many critical clinical outcomes were not described.
Given the comfort level that can be achieved by neonatal provid-
ers for rapid placement of umbilical catheters and limited evi-
dence regarding IO placement in delivery room, IV epinephrine
is preferred (1).
Intramuscular Epinephrine
Mauch et al. demonstrated that 0.1 mg/kg of IM epinephrine
resulted in similar ROSC and survival in infant piglet cardiac arrest
model (55). Case reports indicate that intramuscular epinephrine
of 0.02mg/kg causes signicant tissue damage at injection site
(56). Currently, intramuscular epinephrine is not recommended
for neonatal CPR.
Epinephrine especially with repeated doses or with high doses
can cause postresuscitation hypertension and tachycardia
(39, 57). This can result in injury to various organ systems
especially in preterm neonates. Excess epinephrine due to its
vasoconstrictive properties can impair blood flow to various
organs such as kidneys and intestines. Epinephrine can also
result in elevation of pulmonary arterial pressures and increase
myocardial oxygen consumption and demand through its β
adrenergic effects (58, 59). This may be detrimental especially
in situations where hypoxia persists and oxygen delivery
is impaired. It has also been associated with imbalance of
various neurotransmitters such as gamma-aminobutyric acid,
dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine (6063). It can impair
blood–brain barrier and possibly decrease the threshold for
seizures (62, 64).
Given the limitations of epinephrine in neonatal CPR, there
is a great interest in nding other vasoconstrictors that have
fewer detrimental side eects. Vasopressin has been studied in
the adult literature as an alternative. Endogenous vasopressin
levels were found to be higher in successfully resuscitated adults
compared to those who died. Vasopressin through V1 receptors
is a potent vasoconstrictor of blood vessels in the skin, skeletal
muscle, and mesenteric blood vessels (10, 65, 66). It does not
have any stimulant eect on the myocardium, and at low doses,
it can vasodilate coronary, pulmonary, and cerebral vessels. Even
though it has these theoretical benets over epinephrine, in
randomized control trials in adults, vasopressin has not found to
be more eective than epinephrine (67). A cohort study on pedi-
atric in-hospital cardiac arrest vasopressin was found to be less
eective and associated with higher mortality (68). In neonatal
piglet posttransition asphyxia model, McNamara etal. showed
that vasopressin resulted in improved survival, lower postresus-
citation troponin, and less hemodynamic compromise compared
to epinephrine (69). No human neonatal data exist regarding
vasopressin in CPR. Studies with neonatal animal models with
transition physiology are urgently needed.
Interval between Doses
e current recommendation is to repeat the dose of IV epineph-
rine every 3–5 min if the heart rate remains less than 60bpm
(1, 9). Vali and Lakshminrusimha in a fetal lamb asphyxia model
demonstrated an incremental increase in plasma epinephrine
concentration with repeated IV epinephrine doses every 3–5min
(49). Warren etal. performed retrospective review of in-hospital
cardiac arrest in adults and found the optimal interval to repeat
dose to be 9–10min instead of 3–5min (70). Linner etal. gave
epinephrine before chest compressions to bradycardic and
severely asphyxiated newborn piglets and demonstrated that
this strategy did not improve ROSC or cerebral circulation (71).
More studies are needed to nd out optimal interval between
doses, but current evidence would suggest that more frequent or
early epinephrine does not seem to be more benecial.
Flush Volume after IV Epinephrine
Dose through Low UVC
Currently recommended ush volume aer IV epinephrine
dose is 0.5–1ml (1). Vali and Lakshminrusimha showed higher
incidence of ROSC and faster ROSC with right atrial epinephrine
compared to low UVC epinephrine in fetal lamb asphyxia model
(49). It is possible that the currently recommended ush volume
will deposit the epinephrine in umbilical vein but might not be
enough to reach the heart. It is unclear if current ush volume is
adequate and if higher ush volume may result in faster rise and
higher epinephrine plasma concentrations. Studies are underway
to answer this question.
Cohort study data suggest that epinephrine is needed in <0.1%
of all liver born deliveries (2, 3) although there is a large variation
among dierent centers. Severe fetal acidemia, malpositioned
ET tubes, and ineective ventilator support contribute to the higher
use of delivery room epinephrine (72, 73). us, it remains critical
that neonatal providers focus on optimizing positive-pressure
ventilation including placement of an alternate airway as a part of
their ventilation corrective measures if a newborn is not respond-
ing to initial positive-pressure ventilation. Provision of eective
ventilation that moves the chest should eliminate or reduce
unnecessary intensive CPR. Term infants who require intensive
CPR including multiple epinephrine doses and those whose Apgar
score remain low at 10min of life suer from high incidence of
death or poor neurodevelopmental outcomes (4, 5). In preterm
infants due to lack of good evidence for use of epinephrine and its
adverse eects of epinephrine especially postresuscitation hyper-
tension, outcome data become even more important. Multiple
retrospective observational studies have noted that preterm
neonates requiring CPR and epinephrine have signicantly lower
Kapadia and Wyckoff Epinephrine Use during Newborn Resuscitation
Frontiers in Pediatrics | May 2017 | Volume 5 | Article 97
survival, higher incidence of early onset sepsis, NEC, grade 3–4
intraventricular hemorrhage, cystic periventricular leukomalacia,
bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and neurodevelopmental impair-
ment (7, 7476). ese studies frequently suer from small
numbers and selection bias as the most compromised and sicker
preterm neonates may require CPR but all studies point toward
worse outcomes associated with extensive delivery room CPR.
ese data suggest that optimization of CPR and epinephrine use
in delivery room has potential to impact outcomes signicantly.
Epinephrine use in delivery room remains uncommon especially
when neonatal providers focus on eective positive-pressure
ventilation. Epinephrine use in delivery room is associated with
high mortality and poor long-term outcomes. Recommendations
regarding epinephrine use including dose and route are based
mostly on extrapolation of data from animals or adult literature.
Even the majority of available animal data come from ventricular
brillation cardiac arrest models and posttransition models that
have little in common with newborns in the delivery room. ere
is a scarcity of human neonatal term and preterm epinephrine data
even in the form of observational studies. Based on the limited
available literature, intravenous epinephrine is preferred to ET
epinephrine. Clinical and animal studies in transition neonatal
models are urgently needed to identify optimal indication, tim-
ing, dose, route, and alternatives to epinephrine in neonatal CPR.
VK performed the literature review, created rst dra of the
article, revised the dra, and created and approved the nal dra
of the article. MW critically reviewed the rst dra, revised the
dra, approved the nal dra of the article, and contributed
substantially to this manuscript.
is work was supported by NICHD/NIH 1K23HD083511-01A1
(to VK).
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... 9 10 This is believed to be the principal mode of action of epinephrine during resuscitation, which produces systemic vasoconstriction via α-adrenergic receptors, resulting in increased diastolic arterial pressure. 11 Strategies targeting increased diastolic pressure could increase coronary perfusion during CPR and enhance the likelihood of return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). ...
... Epinephrine has agonistic effects on both β-adrenergic receptors, causing myocardial stimulation, and on α-adrenergic receptors, causing peripheral vasoconstriction in vascular beds where α receptors predominate, resulting in increased diastolic blood pressure. 11 Preclinical studies assessing rates of ROSC after resuscitation of dogs receiving epinephrine in conjunction with either α-blockade or β-blockade suggested that the α-adrenoceptor action of epinephrine is the critical component. 17 We have shown that AC can increase diastolic pressure. ...
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Objective During neonatal resuscitation, the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) can be achieved using epinephrine which optimises coronary perfusion by increasing diastolic pressure. Abdominal compression (AC) applied during resuscitation could potentially increase diastolic pressure and therefore help achieve ROSC. We assessed the use of AC during resuscitation of asystolic newborn lambs, with and without epinephrine. Methods Near-term fetal lambs were instrumented for physiological monitoring and after delivery, asphyxiated until asystole. Resuscitation was commenced with ventilation followed by chest compressions. Lambs were randomly allocated to: intravenous epinephrine (20 µg/kg, n=9), intravenous epinephrine+continuous AC (n=8), intravenous saline placebo (5 mL/kg, n=6) and intravenous saline+AC (n=9). After three allocated treatment doses, rescue intravenous epinephrine was administered if ROSC had not occurred. Time to achieve ROSC was the primary outcome. Lambs achieving ROSC were ventilated and monitored for 60 min before euthanasia. Brain histology was assessed for micro-haemorrhage. Results Use of AC did not influence mean time to achieve ROSC (epinephrine lambs 177 s vs epinephrine+AC lambs 179 s, saline lambs 602 s vs saline+AC lambs 585 s) or rate of ROSC (nine of nine lambs, eight of eight lambs, one of six lambs and two of eight lambs, respectively). Application of AC was associated with higher diastolic blood pressure (mean value >10 mm Hg), mean and systolic blood pressure and carotid blood flow during resuscitation. Cortex and deep grey matter micro-haemorrhage was more frequent in AC lambs. Conclusion Use of AC during resuscitation increased diastolic blood pressure, but did not impact time to ROSC.
... 5 Epinephrine is an endogenous catecholamine, which causes vasoconstriction (a 1 receptors), coronary vasoconstriction (a 2 receptors), b 1 receptors stimulation [increases heart rate (chronotropy), conduction velocity (dromotropy), contractility (inotropy), rate of myocardial relaxation (lusitropy)], and smooth muscle relaxation and increases myocardial contractility (b 2 receptor). 8,9 However, epinephrine also increases myocardial oxygen demand and respiratory and metabolic acidosis and inhibits hemodynamic responses (e.g., aggravated hypertension or tachycardia after ROSC). 10 Although epinephrine has been used for decades during neonatal CPR, the optimal timing, dose, and route are unknown. 8,9,11 Highquality evidence (i.e., large randomized clinical trials) to better guide healthcare providers in resuscitative effort are lacking, and arises from i) the relatively infrequent need of CC and epinephrine during neonatal CPR, and ii) the inability to consistently anticipate which newborn infants are at high risk of requiring CPR. ...
... 8,9 However, epinephrine also increases myocardial oxygen demand and respiratory and metabolic acidosis and inhibits hemodynamic responses (e.g., aggravated hypertension or tachycardia after ROSC). 10 Although epinephrine has been used for decades during neonatal CPR, the optimal timing, dose, and route are unknown. 8,9,11 Highquality evidence (i.e., large randomized clinical trials) to better guide healthcare providers in resuscitative effort are lacking, and arises from i) the relatively infrequent need of CC and epinephrine during neonatal CPR, and ii) the inability to consistently anticipate which newborn infants are at high risk of requiring CPR. Guidelines for neonatal CPR recognize the lack of neonatal data (a recent systematic review from the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation identified only four cohort studies including 117 patients reporting on epinephrine). ...
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Background: Epinephrine is currently the only recommended cardio-resuscitative medication for use in neonatal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), as per the consensus of science and treatment recommendations. An alternative medication, vasopressin, might be beneficial in neonatal CPR due to its combined pulmonary vasodilation and systemic vasoconstriction properties. Aim: We aimed to compare the time to return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) with administration of vasopressin or epinephrine during CPR of asphyxiated post-transitional piglets. Methods: Newborn piglets (n = 8/group) were anesthetized, tracheotomized and intubated, instrumented, and exposed to 50 min normocapnic hypoxia followed by asphyxia and cardiac arrest. Piglets were randomly allocated to receive vasopressin (Vaso, 0.4 U/kg) or epinephrine (Epi, 0.02 mg/kg) during CPR. Piglets were resuscitated with chest compressions superimposed with sustained inflations, and were administered either Vaso or Epi intravenously every 3 min until ROSC (max. 3 doses). Hemodynamic and cardiac function parameters were collected. Main results: The median (IQR) time to ROSC was 106 (93-140) s with Vaso and 128 (100-198) s with Epi (p = 0.28). The number of piglets that achieved ROSC was 8 (100%) with Vaso and 7 (88%) with Epi (p = 1.00). Vaso-treated piglets had a significantly longer post-resuscitation survival time (240 (240-240) min) than Epi-treated piglets (65 (30-240) min, p = 0.02). Vaso-treated piglets had significantly improved carotid blood flow immediately after ROSC (p < 0.05), had longer duration of post-resuscitation hypertension (p = 0.05), and had significantly improved heart rate, arterial pressure, and cerebral blood oxygen saturation 4 h after ROSC (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Vasopressin improved post-resuscitation survival and hemodynamics, and might be an alternative cardio-resuscitative medication during neonatal CPR, but further studies are warranted.
... Epinephrine, is an endogenous catecholamine with high affinity for a 1 , b 1 , and b 2 -receptors present in cardiac and vascular smooth muscle. [78][79][80] Epinephrine causes vasoconstriction via stimulation of a 1 -receptors present in vascular smooth muscle, while stimulation of a 2 -receptors causes presynaptic inhibition of norepinephrine release in the central nervous system and coronary vasoconstriction. Through b 1 -receptors, it increases heart rate (chronotropy), conduction velocity (dromotropy), contractility (inotropy) and the rate of myocardial relaxation (lusitropy). ...
... b 2 -Receptor stimulation leads to smooth muscle relaxation and in the myocardium increases contractility. [78][79][80][81][82][83][84] Epinephrine also increases myocardial oxygen demand and respiratory and metabolic acidosis, a common occurrence during neonatal asphyxia, and inhibits hemodynamic responses (e.g., aggravated hypertension, or tachycardia after ROSC). 85 Furthermore in vivo effects of epinephrine depend on the i) dose of epinephrine, ii) number of receptors available on target tissues, iii) affinity of these receptors, and iv) local target tissue environments. ...
Prolonged resuscitation in neonates, although quite rare, may occur in response to profound intractable bradycardia as a result of asphyxia. In these instances, chest compressions and medications may be necessary to facilitate return of spontaneous circulation. While performing chest compressions, the two thumb method is preferred over the two finger technique, although several newer approaches are under investigation. While the ideal compression to ventilation ratio is still uncertain, a 3:1 ratio remains the recommendation by the Neonatal Resuscitation Program. Use of feedback mechanisms to optimize neonatal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) show promise and are currently under investigation. While performing optimal cardiac compressions to pump blood, use of medications to restore spontaneous circulation will likely be necessary. Current recommendations are that epinephrine, an endogenous catecholamine be used preferably intravenously or by intraosseous route, with the dose repeated every 3-5 minutes until return of spontaneous circulation. Finally, while the need for volume replacement is rare, it may be considered in instances of acute blood loss or poor response to resuscitation.
... At high doses, α-adrenergic vasoconstrictive effect can reduce blood flow to the intestinal tract or kidneys, potentially resulting in necrotizing enterocolitis or renal failure [16,19]. Observational studies reported that preterm infants receiving CCs and epinephrine have significantly lower survival and higher neurodevelopmental impairments, cystic periventricular leukomalacia, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and grade 3-4 intraventricular hemorrhages, in comparison with infants not receiving CPR [3,20,21]. This may likely be due to the overall outcome of requiring CPR rather than the effects of epinephrine itself; however, this cannot be explained through observational studies alone. ...
b> Background: Epinephrine (adrenaline) is currently the only cardiac agent recommended during neonatal resuscitation. The inability to predict which newborns are at risk of requiring resuscitative efforts at birth has prevented the collection of large, high-quality human data. Summary: Information on the optimal dosage and route of epinephrine administration is extrapolated from neonatal animal studies and human adult and pediatric studies. Adult resuscitation guidelines have previously recommended vasopressin use; however, neonatal studies needed to create guidelines are lacking. A review of the literature demonstrates conflicting results regarding epinephrine efficacy through various routes of access as well as vasopressin during asystolic cardiac arrest in animal models. Vasopressin appears to improve hemodynamic and post-resuscitation outcomes compared to epinephrine in asystolic cardiac arrest animal models. Key Messages: The current neonatal resuscitation guidelines recommend epinephrine be primarily given via the intravenous or intraosseous route, with the endotracheal route as an alternative if these routes are not feasible or unsuccessful. The intravenous or intraosseous dose ranges between 0.01 and 0.03 mg/kg, which should be repeated every 3–5 min during chest compressions. However, the optimal dosing and route of administration of epinephrine remain unknown. There is evidence from adult and pediatric studies that vasopressin might be an alternative to epinephrine; however, the neonatal data are scarce.
... Thus, the restricted cardiac output that is generated through CPR can be preferentially directed to the brain and the heart, resulting in higher incidence and quicker ROSC. This hemodynamic effect may be similar to that achieved through the administration of epinephrine and/or increasing the volume through the umbilical vein in the delivery room [9]. A major advantage of the femoral occlusion technique is that it can be performed rapidly within a few seconds of the initiation of chest compressions. ...
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Background: The goal of chest compressions during neonatal resuscitation is to increase cerebral and coronary blood flow leading to the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). During chest compressions, bilateral femoral occlusion may increase afterload and promote carotid and coronary flow, an effect similar to epinephrine. Our objectives were to determine the impact of bilateral femoral occlusion during chest compressions on the incidence and timing of ROSC and hemodynamics. Methodology: In this randomized study, 19 term fetal lambs in cardiac arrest were resuscitated based on the Neonatal Resuscitation Program guidelines and randomized into two groups: femoral occlusion or controls. Bilateral femoral arteries were occluded by applying pressure using two fingers during chest compressions. Results: Seventy percent (7/10) of the lambs in the femoral occlusion group achieved ROSC in 5 ± 2 min and three lambs (30%) did not receive epinephrine. ROSC was achieved in 44% (4/9) of the controls in 13 ± 6 min and all lambs received epinephrine. The femoral occlusion group had higher diastolic blood pressures, carotid and coronary blood flow. Conclusion: Femoral occlusion resulted in faster and higher incidence of ROSC, most likely due to attaining increased diastolic pressures, coronary and carotid flow. This is a low-tech intervention that can be easily adapted in resource limited settings, with the potential to improve survival and neurodevelopmental outcomes.
... 20,21 The provision of supplemental oxygen is therefore a core element. Cardiac compressions and epinephrine (adrenaline) are rarely required and indicate severe compromise [22][23][24] ; occurrence of these should be captured as core elements. ...
Clinical research on neonatal resuscitation has accelerated over recent decades. However, an important methodologic limitation is that there are no standardized definitions or reporting guidelines for neonatal resuscitation clinical studies. To address this, the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation Neonatal Life Support Task Force established a working group to develop the first Utstein-style reporting guideline for neonatal resuscitation. The working group modeled this approach on previous Utstein-style guidelines for other populations. This reporting guideline focuses on resuscitation of newborns immediately after birth for respiratory failure, bradycardia, severe bradycardia, or cardiac arrest. We identified 7 relevant domains: setting, patient, antepartum, birth/preresuscitation, resuscitation process, postresuscitation process, and outcomes. Within each domain, relevant data elements were identified as core versus supplemental. Core data elements should be collected and reported for all neonatal resuscitation studies, while supplemental data elements may be collected and reported using standard definitions when possible. The Neonatal Utstein template includes both core and supplemental elements across the 7 domains, and the associated Data Table provides detailed information and reporting standards for each data element. The Neonatal Utstein reporting guideline is anticipated to assist investigators engaged in neonatal resuscitation research by standardizing data definitions. The guideline will facilitate data pooling in meta-analyses, enhancing the strength of neonatal resuscitation treatment recommendations and subsequent guidelines.
... In animals, epinephrine-mediated peripheral vasoconstriction increases coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) and ultimately the chance of achieving return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). [6][7][8] However, animal studies also suggest that epinephrine may compromise cerebral microvascular blood flow and myocardial function. 9,10 Similar concerns exist in adult cardiac arrest (CA). ...
Background: We aimed to investigate the effect of epinephrine vs placebo on return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) and brain magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging (MRS/MRI) in newborn piglets with hypoxic cardiac arrest (CA). Methods: Twenty-five piglets underwent hypoxia induced by endotracheal tube clamping until CA. The animals were randomized to CPR + intravenous epinephrine or CPR + placebo (normal saline). The primary outcome was ROSC, and secondary outcomes included time-to-ROSC, brain MRS/MRI, and composite endpoint of death or severe brain MRS/MRI abnormality. Results: ROSC was more frequent in animals treated with epinephrine than placebo; 10/13 vs 4/12, RR = 2.31 (95% CI: 1.09-5.77). We found no difference in time-to-ROSC (120 (113-211) vs 153 (116-503) seconds, p = 0.7) or 6-h survival (7/13 vs 3/12, p = 0.2). Among survivors, there was no difference between groups in brain MRS/MRI. We found no difference in the composite endpoint of death or severe brain MRS/MRI abnormality; RR = 0.7 (95% CI: 0.37-1.19). Conclusions: Resuscitation with epinephrine compared to placebo improved ROSC frequency after hypoxic CA in newborn piglets. We found no difference in time-to-ROSC or the composite endpoint of death or severe brain MRS/MRI abnormality. Impact: In a newborn piglet model of hypoxic cardiac arrest, resuscitation with epinephrine compared to placebo improved the rate of return of spontaneous circulation and more than doubled the 6-h survival. Brain MRS/MRI biomarkers were used to evaluate the effect of epinephrine vs placebo. We found no difference between groups in the composite endpoint of death or severe brain MRS/MRI abnormality. This study adds to the limited evidence regarding the effect and safety of epinephrine; the lack of high-quality evidence from randomized clinical trials was highlighted in the latest ILCOR 2020 guidelines, and newborn animal studies were specifically requested.
Introduction: Current neonatal resuscitation guidelines recommend the use of epinephrine during neonatal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). However, newborns receiving epinephrine continue to have high rates of mortality and neurodevelopmental disability. The infrequent need for neonatal CPR, coupled with an inability to consistently anticipate which newborn infants are at risk of requiring CPR, explains the lack of high-quality evidence (i.e., large randomized clinical trials) to better guide healthcare providers in their resuscitative effort. Therefore, we need neonatal data to determine the optimal vasopressor therapy during neonatal CPR. The current pilot trial will examine the efficacy of vasopressin versus epinephrine during CPR of asphyxiated newborn infants. Methods and analysis: The trial will be a prospective, cluster, open label, single-center, randomized controlled trial on two alternative cardiovascular supportive medications. This study will assess the primary outcome of time to return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) in newborns requiring CPR in the delivery room who were treated with either vasopressin (intervention) or epinephrine (control). Secondary outcomes such as infant mortality and other clinical outcome measures will also be collected. An estimated 20 newborns will be recruited, and comparisons will be made between asphyxiated infants treated with either drugs. Ethics and dissemination: This study has been approved by the Research Ethics Board at the University of Alberta (June 16, 2023). Study findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals, presented at conferences, and communicated to relevant participants and stakeholders.Trial registration: Identifier: NCT05738148. Registered February 21, 2023.
Aim of the study: To determine if prefilled epinephrine syringes will reduce time to epinephrine administration compared to conventional epinephrine during standardized simulated neonatal resuscitation. Background: Timely and accurate epinephrine administration during neonatal resuscitation is lifesaving in bradycardic infants. Current epinephrine preparation is inefficient and error-prone. For other emergency use drugs, prefilled medication syringes have decreased error and administration time. Methods: Twenty-one neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) nurses were enrolled. Each subject engaged in four simulated neonatal resuscitation scenarios involving term or preterm manikins using conventional epinephrine or novel prefilled epinephrine syringes specified for patient weight and administration route. All scenarios were video-recorded. Two investigators analyzed video-recordings for time to epinephrine preparation and administration. Differences between conventional and novel techniques were evaluated using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Tests. Results: Twenty-one subjects completed 42 scenarios with conventional epinephrine and 42 scenarios with novel prefilled syringes. Epinephrine preparation was faster using novel prefilled epinephrine syringes (median = 17.0 sec, IQR 13.3 - 22.8) compared to conventional epinephrine (median = 48.0 sec, IQR 40.5 - 54.9), n = 42, z = 5.64, p < 0.001. Epinephrine administration was also faster using novel prefilled epinephrine syringes (median = 26.9 sec, IQR 22.1 - 33.2) compared to conventional epinephrine (median 57.6 sec, IQR 48.8 - 66.8), n = 42, z = 5.63, p < 0.001. In a post-study survey, all subjects supported the clinical adoption of prefilled epinephrine syringes. Conclusions: During simulated neonatal resuscitation, epinephrine preparation and administration are faster using novel prefilled epinephrine syringes, which may hasten return of spontaneous circulation and be lifesaving for bradycardic neonates in clinical practice.
Designing next-generation affordable compact point-of-care (POC) epinephrine biosensors is a significant and challenging issue at the moment. In this context, all solution/substrate processable sensing material is developed by a simple one-step molecular engineering of 2D-reduced graphene oxide (rGO). As a proof-of-concept, a flexible POC device is fabricated which demonstrates a distinct and selective response to epinephrine down to 13/20 pM in the buffer/real sample solution in a wide linear range of 10-10-10-4 M with rapid readout (2.2 s). Systematic experimental and density functional theoretical (DFT) studies are conducted to uncover the underlying reason for the sensor's remarkable performance. It is found that the precise link between the immobilized molecule [p-aminobenzoic acid (PAB)] and the 2D-rGO basal plane results in a beneficial change in the 2D-topological feature, charge mobility and interlayer chemistry. Besides, the sensing material functions as biomolecule selector, capturer and transducer via strong H-bond interaction and π-π electron coupling/resonance effect, which leads to enhanced sensitivity and specificity. The achievement of this simple yet efficient molecular engineering technique, which can successfully alter the electronic and chemical arrangement of the 2D matrix, opens up a new avenue for the development of various types of flexible and tunable biosensors.
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Reprint: The American Heart Association requests that this document be cited as follows: Wyckoff MH, Aziz K, Escobedo MB, Kapadia VS, Kattwinkel J, Perlman JM, Simon WM, Weiner GM, Zaichkin, JG. Part 13: neonatal resuscitation: 2015 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation. 2015;132(suppl 2):S543–S560. Reprinted with permission of the American Heart Association, Inc. This article has been co-published in Circulation . The following guidelines are a summary of the evidence presented in the 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations (CoSTR).1,2 Throughout the online version of this publication, live links are provided so the reader can connect directly to systematic reviews on the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) Scientific Evidence Evaluation and Review System (SEERS) website. These links are indicated by a combination of letters and numbers (eg, NRP 787). We encourage readers to use the links and review the evidence and appendices. These guidelines apply primarily to newly born infants transitioning from intrauterine to extrauterine life. The recommendations are also applicable to neonates who have completed newborn transition and require resuscitation during the first weeks after birth.3 Practitioners who resuscitate infants at birth or at any time during the initial hospitalization should consider following these guidelines. For purposes of these guidelines, the terms newborn and neonate apply to any infant during the initial hospitalization. The term newly born applies specifically to an infant at the time of birth.3 Immediately after birth, infants who are breathing and crying may undergo delayed cord clamping (see Umbilical Cord Management section). However, until more evidence is available, infants who are not breathing or crying should have the cord clamped (unless part of a delayed cord clamping research protocol), so that resuscitation measures can …
A retrospective examination is presented of intravenous vs a lower (0.03 mg/kg) and higher (0.05 mg/kg) dose of endotracheal epinephrine during delivery room cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Repeated dosing of intravenous and endotracheal epinephrine is needed frequently for successful resuscitation. Research regarding optimal dosing for both routes is needed critically.
Aim: Guidelines for newborn resuscitation state that if the heart rate does not increase despite adequate ventilation and chest compressions, adrenaline administration should be considered. However, controversy exists around the safety and effectiveness of adrenaline in newborn resuscitation. The aim of this review was to summarise a selection of the current knowledge about adrenaline during resuscitation and evaluate its relevance to newborn infants. Methods: A search in PubMed, Embase, and Google Scholar until September 1, 2015, using search terms including adrenaline/epinephrine, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, death, severe brain injury, necrotizing enterocolitis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and adrenaline versus vasopressin/placebo. Results: Adult data indicate that adrenaline improves the return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) but not survival to hospital discharge. Newborn animal studies reported that adrenaline might be needed to achieve ROSC. Intravenous administration (10-30 μg/kg) is recommended; however, if there is no intravenous access, a higher endotracheal dose (50-100 μg/kg) is needed. The safety and effectiveness of intraosseous adrenaline remain undetermined. Early and frequent dosing does not seem to be beneficial. In fact, negative hemodynamic effects have been observed, especially with doses ≥30 μg/kg intravenously. Little is known about adrenaline in birth asphyxia and in preterm infants, but observations indicate that hemodynamics and neurological outcomes may be impaired by adrenaline administration in these conditions. However, a causal relationship between adrenaline administration and outcomes cannot be established from the few available retrospective studies. Alternative vasoconstrictors have been investigated, but the evidence is scarce. Conclusion: More research is needed on the benefits and risks of adrenaline in asphyxia-induced bradycardia or cardiac arrest during perinatal transition.
The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network (NRN) has examined the effects of various obstetrical perinatal interventions and neonatal delivery room practices on the newborn with particular focus on those born preterm. Studies exploring the effects and safety of various antepartum maternal medications and the effects of the route and timing of delivery are examined. The NRN has contributed key studies to the evidence base for the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation neonatal resuscitation guidelines. These studies are reviewed including research on timing of cord clamping, the importance of maintaining euthermia immediately after birth, delivery room ventilation strategies, outcomes following delivery room cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the effects of prolonged resuscitation efforts. In addition, the NRN's detailed outcome data at the lowest gestational ages have greatly influenced on how providers counsel families regarding the appropriateness of resuscitation efforts at the lowest gestational ages.
Here's today's most encyclopedic, in-depth compendium of knowledge on the normal and abnormal physiology of the fetus and neonate. Over 270 international authorities detail the unique characteristics that distinguish fetal and neonatal physiology from the physiology of adults' and, where appropriate, address the pathophysiology and clinical management of selected neonatal diseases.