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Originally an empirical law, nowadays Malus’ law is seen as a key experiment to demonstrate the transverse nature of electromagnetic waves, as well as the intrinsic connection between optics and electromagnetism. In this work, a simple and inexpensive setup is proposed to quantitatively verify the nature of polarized light. A flat computer screen serves as a source of linear polarized light and a smartphone (possessing ambient light and orientation sensors) is used, thanks to its built-in sensors, to experiment with polarized light and verify Malus’ law.
The polarization of light and
the Malus’ law using smartphones
Martín Monteiro(a), Cecilia Stari(b), Cecilia Cabeza(c), Arturo C. Marti(d),
(a) Universidad ORT Uruguay;
(b) Universidad de la República, Uruguay,
(c) Universidad de la República, Uruguay,
(c) Universidad de la República, Uruguay,
Originally an empirical law, nowadays Malus' law is seen as a key experiment to demonstrate
the transverse nature of electromagnetic waves, as well as the intrinsic connection between optics
and electromagnetism. In this work, a simple and inexpensive setup is proposed to quantitatively
verify the nature of polarized light. A flat computer screen serves as a source of linear polarized
light and a smartphone (possessing ambient light and orientation sensors) is used, thanks to its built-
in sensors, to experiment with polarized light and verify the Malus’ law.
Smartphone-based experiments and optics
In the last years, a great deal of smartphone-based experiments have been proposed in
physics. Remarkably, experiments focusing on light and optics, and specially those using the
ambient light sensor1-2, have received little attention compared to those focusing on mechanics,
oscillations or magnetism. Two exceptions are worth mentioning. In Ref.1, the authors proposed a
simple verification of the inverse square law using the light sensor of a smartphone or a tablet. In a
different approach2, the ambient light sensor has been proposed to indirectly measure distances and
to analyze coupled springs undergoing oscillatory motions. Here, we focus on an experiment using
the ambient light sensor which involves the polarization of light3-9 and, in particular, the Malus’ law.
Smartphones also gives us the ability to measure simultaneously with various sensors. This is
also a great advantage since it allows to perform a great variety of experiments, even outdoors,
avoiding the dependence on fragile or unavailable instruments. In previous works, the simultaneous
use of two sensors like the gyroscope and the accelerometer was proposed to relate angular velocity,
rotational energy, centripetal and tangential acceleration10-12. In another experiment, the pressure
sensor and the GPS were used in synchrony to find the relationship between atmospheric pressure
and altitude13.
In this work, we propose an experiment in which we take advantage of the capabilities of a
smartphone to verify the Malus' law. The intensity of polarized light from a computer monitor is
measured by means of the ambient light sensor with a tiny polarizer attached to it while the angle
between the polarization and the polarizer is measured by means of the orientation sensor. The
simultaneous use of these two sensors allows us to simplify the experimental setup and complete a
set of measures in just a few minutes. The experimental results of the light intensity as a function of
the angle shows an excellent agreement with Malus’ law.
Polarized light
Light, as any other electromagnetic wave, nearly always propagates as a transverse wave,
with both electric and magnetic fields oscillating perpendicularly to the direction of propagation
(see a standard general physics textbook). The direction of the electric field is called the
polarization of the wave. In a linearly polarized plane wave the electric field remains in the same
direction. This pure state of polarization is called linear polarization. Natural light, (e.g., light
radiated by an incandescent object) as a random mixture of waves with different polarizations, is
unpolarized light, or more precisely, random polarized light.
According to the Poynting theorem, the energy flow (intensity of the light or illuminance, I)
associated to plane electromagnetic waves is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the
electric field. When light interacts with matter its behavior is modified, mainly its intensity and its
velocity. Moreover, some materials are able to modify light differently in each spatial direction.
This is the case for instance of linear polarizers that can convert unpolarized light into linear
polarized light. An ideal polarizer fully attenuates light polarized in one direction, and fully
transmits light with the orthogonal polarization.
Consider a beam of linear polarized light incident over a polarizer. The amplitude of the
electric before the polarizer is
and its intensity is
. Let θ be the angle between the
axis of the polarizer and the polarization of the incident light. The electric field that passes through
the polarizer is the component in the direction of the axis,
E=E0cos θ
. Therefore, the intensity
of the light passing the polarizer is
This is the so called Malus' law, named after the French physicist Étienne-Louis Malus, who
discovered optical polarization in 1808.
The experiment
In this experiment, a source of polarized light, a polarizer, a photometer and a way to measure
angles are needed. The source of linear polarized light is a flat computer monitor (or LCD TV
screen) in plain white color4-6. The ambient light sensor, located near the front camera (Fig. 1), and
the orientation sensor of a LG-G3 smartphone are used to measure the illuminance and the angles
respectively. A small piece of polarizer (a square of about 1 cm side) from an old calculator's
display was placed over the ambient light sensor as shown in the central panel of Fig. 1.
The ambient light sensor works as a photometer and measures the illuminance, i.e., the total
luminous flux incident on a surface, per unit area whose unit is the lux. However, in the Malus’ law,
the relevant variable is the irradiance (or light intensity, i.e., the total power received per unit area
perpendicular to the direction of propagation, measured in W/m2)14. The illuminance, contrarily to
the irradiance, considers the fact that human eyes' are more sensitive to some wavelengths than
others, and, consequently every wavelength is weighted differently. In our experimental setup, since
the spectrum of the light source does not change, the irradiance is proportional to the illuminance.
The angle between the polarized light from the screen and the polarizer attached to the
smartphone is obtained using the smartphone’s orientation pseudo-sensor15. This sensor provides the
three necessary angles to determine the orientation of the smartphone: pitch, roll and azimuth. In
particular, the pitch is the angle between the horizontal direction and the y-axis of the smartphone.
The app Physics Toolbox16 is used to register simultaneously the illuminance and the angle.
This app has an option, Multi report, in which we can choose the sensors that we are going to use.
In this case we checked the boxes of light and orientation sensors. With the app started, the
smartphone with the polarizer is placed in front of the monitor in upright position as indicated in
Fig. 1 (right panel). Note that, the distance does not change and the light intensity is constant.
One important aspect of the experimental setup is that the smartphone pitch-angle be
coincident with the angle between the polarization and the polarizer (Fig. 2, right panel). To do so,
the experiment starts by placing the smartphone upright in front of the screen so that the pitch angle
is -90º. Next, keeping the smartphone still, the polarizer is rotated looking for a minimum in the
light intensity. When this position is found, the polarizer is fastened with a tiny piece of tape over
the light sensor. As a result, the axis of the polarizer is perpendicular to the polarization of the light
from the screen, as indicated in Fig. 2 (left panel).
Afterward, we start collecting data with the app and the smartphone is gently rotated in front
of the screen completing at least a quarter of revolution. Note that, due to the symmetry of the
Malus’ law, collecting data corresponding to a more large range will produce a repetition of the
values. Once the data is recorded, the Physics Toolbox app saves a csv file that can be downloaded
to a PC or tablet and analyzed using appropriate software. csv files, composed of several columns
(displaying the variables from the sensors chosen) separated by a comma character (or another
character according to your local configuration) are very easy to deal with. In this experiment we
use only the columns corresponding to the pitch angle and the illuminance.
Results and Conclusion
The experimental values directly obtained from the smartphone are shown in Fig. 3, together
with the theoretical prediction of the normalized illuminance as a function of the angle between the
polarization and the polarizer. Experimental data was fitted according to a logarithmic linearization
of Eq. 1, as shown in the inset of Fig. 3. The slope of the linear fit, which corresponds to the
exponent in the Malus' law, is
and the regression coefficient is
All in all, the experimental values are in excellent agreement with the expected ones, and we
conclude that thanks to the simultaneous use of two less exploited sensors of a smartphone it is
possible to verify the Malus' law in a way that is very accessible to the students, promoting
autonomy and engagement. Moreover, more experiments using smartphones and polarizers can be
devised, for example with waveplates or retarders (like half-wave plates and quarter-wave plates) or
circular polarizers such as those used in some 3D movie theaters or even with inexpensive
cellophane tape to explore birefringence17.
1 L.P. Vieira, V.O.M. Lara, D.F. Amaral, (2014), "Demonstração da lei do inverso do quadrado com
o auxílo de um tablet/smartphone," Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 36(3), 3505.
2 Sans, J. A., Manjón, F. J., Pereira, A. L. J., Gómez-Tejedor, J. A., & Monsoriu, J. A. (2013).
“Oscillations studied with the smartphone ambient light sensor,” European Journal of Physics,
34(6), 1349.
3 Sanford C. Gladden (1950). “An Experiment on Malus' Law for the Elementary Laboratory,”
American Journal of Physics 18(6), 395.
4 Thomas M. Ciferno, Renate J. Ondris Crawford and Gregory P. Crawford (1995). “Inexpensive
electrooptic experiments on liquid crystal displays,” The Physics Teacher 33(2), 104-110.
5 Fakhruddin, H. (2008). “Some Activities with Polarized Light from a Laptop LCD Screen,” The
Physics Teacher, 46(4), 229-231.
6 Larissa Vertchenko, Lev Vertchenko (2016). “Verification of Malus's Law using a LCD monitor
and Digital Photography,” Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física, 38(3), e3311.
7 Gottieb, H. (1980). "The law of Malus using polaroid polarizers," The Physics Teacher, 18(8),
8 MA. Dias Tavares Jr., L. P. Sosman, R. J. M. da Fonseca, L. A. C. P. da Mota, and M. Muramatsu
(2008). "Using a photo resistor to verify irradiance inverse square and Malus' laws," AIP
Conference Proceedings 992, 193-198.
9 M. Kutzner, R. Wright and E. Kutzner (2010) “An inexpensive LED light sensor” The Physics
Teacher, 48(5), 341.
10 Monteiro, M., Cabeza, C., Marti, A. C., Vogt, P., & Kuhn, J. (2014). "Angular velocity and
centripetal acceleration relationship" The Physics Teacher, 52(5), 312-313.
11 Monteiro, M., Cabeza, C., & Martí, A. C. (2014). "Exploring phase space using smartphone
acceleration and rotation sensors simultaneously" European Journal of Physics, 35(4), 045013.
12 Monteiro, M., Cabeza, C., & Martí, A. C. (2015). "Acceleration Measurements Using Smartphone
Sensors: Dealing with the Equivalence Principle" Revista Brasileira Ensino de Física, 37(1), 1303.
13 Monteiro, M., Vogt, P., Stari, C., Cabeza, C. and Marti, A.C. (2016). "Exploring the atmosphere
using smartphones" The Physics Teacher, 54(5), 308.
14 Hecht, E. (1998). Optics. Addison Wesley.
15 It is called pseudo-sensor because does not measure directly the inclination but obtain it based on
algorithms using the information from the built-in accelerometer, magnetometer, and, eventually,
the gyroscope.
16 Physics Toolbox
17 Velasquez, P., Sánchez-López, M. del Mar, Moreno, I., Puerto, D. and Mateos, F. (2005).
“Interference birefringent filters fabricated with low cost commercial polymers” American Journal
of Physics 73, 357.
Figure 1. The ambient light sensor (left panel), a polarizer above the ambient light sensor (center
panel) and a smartphone placed over a vertical screen (right panel). While the smartphone is gently
rotated, the ambient light and the angle is simultaneously registered by the sensors.
Figure 2. The smartphone, S, with the polarizer, p, attached over the ambient light sensor viewed
from the computer screen. Initially (left panel), the smartphone's y-axis is aligned with the vertical
direction (pitch angle = -θ = -90º) and the polarizer axis, a, is adjusted to be perpendicular to the
electric field, E0, of the polarized light from the computer screen. While the smartphone is being
rotated (right panel), the resulting electric field that passes through the polarizer and is incident
upon the light sensor is
Figure 3. Experimental data (circles) of the normalized intensity of light as a function of the angle
between the polarization and the polarizer, and the theoretical expression of the Malus’s law (red
line). The light intensity is normalized to the maximum of the transmitted light,
. The inset
shows the logarithmic plot as a function of the cosine of the angle and a linear fit (red line).
... (The effect can be measured with sensitive measurement devices.) Some smaller or bigger deviations of measured beam intensity from Malus's law are visible in experiments conducted in [17][18][19], too. The deviations depend on properties of the polarizers. ...
... 4.2 in [9], one can check that the input data of photon numbers discussed in Sect. 8.1 satisfy the basic inequalities given by Eq. (19), and the relative photon numbers N i ( α)/N 0 do not depend on N 0 . For example, if the relative number of photons is determined from the relative beam intensity, see Eq. (3), then assumption 3.1 can be tested experimentally for a photon beam passing through surface i (i 0, . . . ...
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Both the corpuscular theory of light and the theory of stochastic processes are well known in the literature. However, they are not systematically used together for description of optical phenomena. There are optical phenomena, such as the well-known three-polarizer experiment or other phenomena related to polarization of light, which have never been quantitatively and qualitatively explained using the concept of quantum of light (photon). The situation changed in 2022 when stochastic memoryless and independent (IM) process formulated within the framework of the theory of stochastic processes was introduced. It is suitable for determination of probability (density) functions characterizing interaction (transmission or reflection) of individual photons with optical elements on the basis of experimental data. The process has memoryless (Markov) property, and it is assumed that the interactions of individual photons with an optical system are independent. Formulae needed for analysis of data in the context of polarization of light are derived. An example analysis of the three-polarizer experiment is performed and numerical result of the probability (density) functions are determined. These original results were missing in the literature. The results imply that the possibilities of the corpuscular theory of light to describe optical phenomena can be significantly extended with the help of stochastic IM process and the theory of stochastic processes in general.
... They were able to track differences in the intensity of the LED light on the screen by changing the angle of the analyser with respect to the polarizer. If they were able to measure the intensity of light they would verify the Malu's law [27,28]. ...
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Low-cost experiments have the advantage of being affordable to schools, universities, and families. In the particular case of optics, these experiments can be important to help students understand the properties of light and optical phenomena. In this article, we demonstrate optical experiments to be carried out at home by students learning remotely. These experiments were designed and performed at the 16th Summer School in Physics, which is a five-day activity for high school students organized by the University of Porto. This activity was organized remotely, with all lectures and activities being performed through video conferencing. The materials needed for the proposed experiments were sent by post to students before the beginning of school. The students were able to build optical experiments from scratch, perform measurements, analyse data and present their findings on the last day of the school in a public session dedicated to online presentations.
... The nature of optical polarization is demonstrated by measuring the changing light intensity according to Malus' law. Several groups have shown that the data measured using a smartphone gives rise to plots of high accuracy [85,[93][94]. The ratio of illuminance passing the analyzer to that of the incident light is directly proportional to cos 2 θ, where θ is an angle between the polarizer and the analyzer. ...
This article reviews a decade of research in transforming smartphones into smart measurement tools for science and engineering laboratories. High-precision sensors have been effectively utilized with specific mobile applications to measure physical parameters. Linear, rotational, and vibrational motions can be tracked and studied using built-in accelerometers, magnetometers, gyroscopes, proximity sensors, or ambient light sensors, depending on each experiment design. Water and sound waves were respectively captured for analysis by smartphone cameras and microphones. Various optics experiments were successfully demonstrated by replacing traditional lux meters with built-in ambient light sensors. These smartphone-based measurements have increasingly been incorporated into high school and university laboratories. Such modernized science and engineering experimentations also provide a ubiquitous learning environment during the pandemic period.
... The cost barrier is eliminated through the use of smartphones as a measurement instrument, which have also shown innovative contributions to the teaching of Physics for different thematic areas [3,4]. We show here how to use a smartphone's light sensor [5] to measure broadband direct solar irradiance at normal incidence (DNI), the main component of solar radiation at ground level. Direct irradiance is the portion of the incident radiation that arrives directly from the solar disk without being absorbed or scattered in the Earth's atmosphere. ...
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The global transition towards cleaner and more sustainable energy production is a major challenge. We present an innovative solution by utilizing smartphone light sensors to measure direct normal solar irradiance, the primary component of ground-level solar radiation. We provide comprehensive guidelines for calibrating the sensor using two methods: a professional reference measurement and clear-sky satellite estimates. The latter method is particularly advantageous in resource-constrained environments. Once calibrated, the smartphone becomes a valuable tool for measuring the solar resource. We propose an instructional laboratory focusing on the physics of solar radiation and its interaction with the Earth's atmosphere, exploring solar variations across locations, cloud conditions, and time scales. By integrating irradiance values measured throughout a day the daily irradiation can be estimated. This approach enhances students' understanding of solar radiation attenuation and its relationship with atmospheric interactions. This method offers a practical and educational solution for promoting renewable energy knowledge and addressing the challenges of the energy transition.
... The beams are separately detected by spatially distinct photodetectors. The intensity of the transmitted beams through the analyzer follow Malus's law: T = cos 2 (δ) [26]. Where, T is the transmittance of the light beam and δ is the plane of polarization of linearly polarized light with respect to the transmission axis of analyser. ...
In this article, we demonstrate the potential application of polarimetry and fluorescence spectroscopy for classifying mono and disaccharides (sugar) both qualitatively and quantitatively. A phase lock-in rotating analyzer (PLRA) polarimeter has been designed and developed for real time quantification of sugar concentration in a solution. Polarization rotation in the form of phase shift in sinusoidal photovoltages of reference and sample beams occurred when incident on the two spatially distinct photodetectors. Monosaccharide (fructose and glucose) and disaccharide (sucrose) have been quantitatively determined with sensitivities of 122.06 deg ml/g, 272.84 deg ml/g and 163.41 deg ml/g respectively. Calibration equations have been obtained from the respective fitting functions to estimate the concentration of each individual dissolved in deionized (DI) water. In comparison to the predicted results, the absolute average errors of 1.47 %, 1.63 % and 1.71 % are calculated for the readings of sucrose, glucose and fructose, respectively. Furthermore, the performance of the PLRA polarimeter has been compared with fluorescence emission results acquired from the same set of samples. The Limit of detections (LODs) attained from both experimental setups are comparable for mono and disaccharides. A linear detection response is observed by both polarimeter and fluorescence spectrometer in a wide range 0–0.28 g/ml of sugar. These results depict that PLRA polarimeter is novel, remote, precise and cost-effective for quantitative determination of optically active ingredient in the host solution.
The new technologies and in particular those of information and communication are tools and methods in physics education, to have experience in specific areas and proper physics methods. A computer equipped with sensors and appropriate software constitutes a powerful acquisition system for the didactic lab of good efficiency, reliability, and accuracy, which allows immediate data visualization, and integrates different measuring instruments, software, and hardware. This allows students not only to make good measurements in the laboratory, but also to experiment with methodologies typical of physics and modern research laboratories, such as in-person and remote measurement activities, computerized data analysis, and modeling. These opportunities are amplified nowadays by the possibility of using smartphones as measuring instruments thanks to free apps that make use of the sensors with which they are equipped. New possibilities for active teaching, both in-presence and distance learning, have opened up by new technologies for physics education and, in particular, for student learning. Some of the main ones are discussed in the present contribution for experimental, modeling, simulation, and active student involvement activities.
DESCRIPTION This chapter examines, through a literature review, the use of mobile resources and more specifically smartphones, as challenges for teachers to support physics education, with an emphasis on their use as support for the experimental process. The use of smartphones, through the perspective highlighted by relevant research, is related to the context of connecting the scientific and technological capabilities they provide and the educational practices proposed. The study examines the use of smartphones as a means of support of the educational experimental process, the technological capabilities of the devices and their sensors, and the most widespread applications of data capture, processing, and presentation. In addition, the proposed educational approaches for their utilization in physics are recorded, the perspectives, but also the concerns that are developed for the use of smartphones in education. The review provides a complete picture of the path followed, the current situation, and the potential future uses of smartphones in the educational practice of Physics, a synopsis of modern applications as well as the technologies related to smartphones in teaching and learning according to Physics Education Research (PER).
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Neste trabalho mostraremos como obter a lei do inverso do quadrado da distância para a intensidade luminosa emitida por uma fonte pequena de uma maneira muito simples, rápida e com boa precisão. Com o auxílio de dois smartphones, aplicativos grátis e uma régua somos capazes de medir as distâncias entre os dispositivos citados (um como fonte e outro como medidor de intensidade luminosa) e as respectivas intensidades luminosas medidas por um dos aparelhos. A facilidade de reprodução do experimento e a penetração do uso de tablets e smartphones entre os estudantes e professores pode fazer com que a atividade proposta se torne uma boa alternativa para a introdução de fenômenos físicos que exibem a mesma dependência funcional, tais como a lei da gravitação universal de Newton e a lei de Coulomb.
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An alternative laboratory experiment for verifying Malus's Law, as well as understanding concepts of photometry, polarization and image formation on liquid crystal displays using low cost materials is proposed. The experimental setup could be introduced to any undergraduate curriculum using readily available tools, such as a digital camera, polarizer removed from a cell phone and a LCD laptop screen. A fairly amount of photometric data was collected and analyzed by an astronomical image processing software resulting in a successful verification of Malus's Law.
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The characteristics of the inner layer of the atmosphere, the troposphere, are determinant for the earth's life. In this experience we explore the first hundreds of meters using a smartphone mounted on a quadcopter. Both the altitude and the pressure are obtained using the smartphone's sensors. We complement these measures with data collected from the flight information system of an aircraft. The experimental results are compared with the International Standard Atmosphere and other simple approximations: isothermal and constant density atmospheres.
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Acceleration sensors built into smartphones, i-pads or tablets can conveniently be used in the Physics laboratory. By virtue of the equivalence principle, a sensor fixed in a non-inertial reference frame cannot discern between a gravitational field and an accelerated system. Accordingly, acceleration values read by these sensors must be corrected for the gravitational component. A physical pendulum was studied by way of example, and absolute acceleration and rotation angle values were derived from the measurements made by the accelerometer and gyroscope. Results were corroborated by comparison with those obtained by video analysis. The limitations of different smartphone sensors are discussed.
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During the last few years, the growing boom of smartphones has given rise to a considerable number of applications exploiting the functionality of the sensors incorporated in these devices. A sector that has unexpectedly taken advantage of the power of these tools is physics teaching, as reflected in several recent papers. 1–10 In effect, the use of smartphones has been proposed in several physics experiments spanning mechanics, electromagnetism, optics, oscillations, and waves, among other subjects. Although mechanical experiments have received considerable attention, most of them are based on the use of the accelerometer. 1–8 An aspect that has received less attention is the use of rotation sensors or gyroscopes . 9,10 An additional advance in the use of these devices is given by the possibility of obtaining data using the accelerometer and the gyroscope simultaneously. The aim of this paper is to consider the relation between the centripetal acceleration and the angular velocity. Instead of using a formal laboratory setup, in this experiment a smartphone is attached to the floor of a merry-go-round, found in many playgrounds. Several experiments were performed with the roundabout rotating in both directions and with the smart-phone at different distances from the center. The coherence of the measurements is shown.
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A paradigmatic physical system as the physical pendulum is experimentally studied using the acceleration and rotation (gyroscope) sensors available on smartphones and other devices such as iPads and tablets. A smartphone is fixed to the outside of a bicycle wheel whose axis is kept horizontal and fixed. The compound system, wheel plus smartphone, defines a physical pendulum which can rotate, giving full turns in one direction, or oscillate about the equilibrium position (performing either small or large oscillations). Measurements of the radial and tangential acceleration and the angular velocity obtained with smartphone sensors allow a deep insight into the dynamics of the system to be gained. In addition, thanks to the simultaneous use of the acceleration and rotation sensors, trajectories in the phase space are directly obtained. The coherence of the measures obtained with the different sensors and by traditional methods is remarkable. Indeed, due to their low cost and increasing availability, smartphone sensors are valuable tools that can be used in most undergraduate laboratories.
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This paper makes use of a smartphone's ambient light sensor to analyse a system of two coupled springs undergoing either simple or damped oscillatory motion. The period, frequency and stiffness of the spring, together with the damping constant and extinction time, are extracted from light intensity curves obtained using a free Android application. The results demonstrate the instructional value of mobile phone sensors as a tool in the physics laboratory.
In this article we present two single teaching experiments both related to light intensity measurements. These simple experiments can be conducted in order to train and teach other concepts and capabilities far exceeding those most obviously involved. The main problem presented to the students is that concerning the light detector. Our experiment uses an inexpensive, find to easy and trustable one, a photo-resistor. The student has to use some well suited method in order to calibrate the photo-resistor for intensities. We explore two methods to achieve this calibration, one very simple and with inexpensive materials and other with more expensive equipment. Afterwards, students proceed studying the behavior of the intensity of a point source with distance in order to verify the inverse square law, as well as the behavior of light intensity with the angle between the transmission axis of two linear polarizers, in order to verify the Malus' Law. Both experiments explore data treatment and graphics in order to choose the best method for the analysis. We present procedures and results obtained with these simple experiments.
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The LCD screen of a laptop computer provides a broad, bright, and extended source of polarized light. A number of demonstrations on the properties of polarized light from a laptop computer screens are presented here.