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Bone Marrow Homing and Engraftment Defects of Human Hematopoietic Stem and Progenitor Cells


Abstract and Figures

Homing of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) to their microenvironment niches in the bone marrow is a complex process with a critical role in repopulation of the bone marrow after transplantation. This active process allows for migration of HSC from peripheral blood and their successful anchoring in bone marrow before proliferation. The process of engraftment starts with the onset of proliferation and must therefore be functionally dissociated from the former process. In this overview we analyse the characteristics of stem cells (SCs) with particular emphasis on their plasticity and ability to find their way home to the bone marrow. We also address the problem of graft failure which remains an important contributor to morbidity and mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Within this context, we discuss non-malignant and malignant hematological disorders treated with reduced intensity conditioning regimens or grafts from human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-mismatched donors.
Content may be subject to copyright. Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2017; 9; e2017032 Pag. 1 / 11
Mediterranean Journal of Hematology and Infectious Diseases
Review Article
Bone Marrow Homing and Engraftment Defects of Human Hematopoietic Stem and
Progenitor Cells
Giovanni Caocci, Marianna Greco and Giorgio La Nasa
Hematology Unit, Bone Marrow Transplant Center, R. Binaghi Hospital, Department of Medical Sciences and Public Health,
University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy.
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Abstract. Homing of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) to their microenvironment niches in the
bone marrow is a complex process with a critical role in repopulation of the bone marrow after
transplantation. This active process allows for migration of HSC from peripheral blood and
their successful anchoring in bone marrow before proliferation. The process of engraftment
starts with the onset of proliferation and must, therefore, be functionally dissociated from the
former process. In this overview, we analyze the characteristics of stem cells (SCs) with
particular emphasis on their plasticity and ability to find their way home to the bone marrow.
We also address the problem of graft failure which remains a significant contributor to
morbidity and mortality after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).
Within this context, we discuss non-malignant and malignant hematological disorders treated
with reduced-intensity conditioning regimens or grafts from human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-
mismatched donors.
Keywords: Stem cells; Homing; Engraftment.
Citation: Caocci G., Greco M., La Nasa G. Bone marrow homing and engraftment defects of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor
cells. Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2017, 9(1): e2017032, DOI:
Published: April 19, 2017 Received: January 14, 2017 Accepted: March 18, 2017
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Correspondence to: Giovanni Caocci. Centro Trapianti Midollo Osseo, Ematologia, Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche.
Ospedale “R. Binaghi”. Via Is Guadazzonis, 3, 09126 Cagliari, Italy. Tel. ++390-70-6092800, Fax. ++390-70-6092936. E-
Introduction. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
transplantation (HSCT) currently represents one of
the best standard treatment options for a variety of
malignant and non-malignant hematological
diseases. This approach is based on the ability of
donor hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) to localize
to recipient bone marrow (BM) niches. Notably,
only a small percentage of infused HSCs (10%)
engraft within the marrow microenvironment. This
process, known as “Homing,” is not fully
elucidated and our ability to modulate it remains
incomplete. Engraftment failure is a rare but
serious complication of HSCT. In order to gather
the most robust evidence in this area, we
performed a search of the literature available in
Pubmed from January 2005 to January 2017 on
"Hemopoietic stem cell homing and engraftment,"
"Hemopoietic stem cell homing and engraftment
defects" and "Hemopoietic stem cell homing and
chimerism." The present review covers the most
important aspects of recent insights into the
mechanisms of engraftment and defective
engrafting activity of HSCs.
Biological Properties of Stem Cells. Stem cells
(SCs) are ancestral precursors common to all cell
types. They are responsible for the generation of
the tissues that form organs during embryogenesis Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2017; 9; e2017032 Pag. 2 / 11
and from there on maintaining the capacity of self-
renewal for the entire life of the organism. The
concept of stem cells dates back to the early 1960s
when Till and McCulloch analyzed bone marrow
to find out which components were responsible for
in vivo blood regeneration.1 Ten days after
transplantation of syngeneic bone marrow (BM)
cells in a murine model, they observed the growth
of nodules in the animal spleens. These nodules,
defined by the authors as “spleen colonies,”
appeared in proportion to the number of injected
BM cells and were therefore thought to derive
from a single BM cell.2 These preliminary
observations made it possible to establish two
main hallmarks of HSCs, namely, their ability to
renew themselves (long-term self-renewal) and to
give rise to mature cell types with characteristic
morphology and specialized functions. Before
reaching a fully differentiated adult status, SCs
generate intermediate cell types called precursors
or progenitor cells. These cells are partially
differentiated and committed to going through
numerous cycles of cell division (committed
precursors) to complete their developmental
pathway in adult tissues.3 Experiments carried out
on the Drosophila fruitfly suggest two different
mechanisms by which SCs can simultaneously
generate identical copies of themselves as well as
more differentiated progeny.4 These two modes of
cell division are referred to as asymmetric cell
division and symmetric cell division. The first
mode is characterized by an intrinsically
asymmetric mechanism whereby only one of the
two daughter cells inherit the regulating factors
necessary for self-renewal and homeostatic control
of the stem cell pool. Hence each single SC
produces a copy of itself plus a differentiated cell
(differentiative division).5-7
In the second symmetric mode, homeostatic
control is maintained at the population level rather
than at single cell level. Two types of symmetric
division have been distinguished: a proliferative
division which results in the generation of two
new stem cells and a differentiation division which
generates two differentiated cells.8 Several
mathematical algorithms have been developed and
are currently available for the simulation of stem
cell proliferation kinetics.9
SCs are classified as embryonic stem cells
(ESCs), embryonic germ cells (EGCs) or adult
stem cells (ACSs), depending on their origin and
different properties. The cells that can virtually
produce any kind of tissue in the body, including
extra-embryonic and placental tissues, are known
as totipotent cells. These totipotent zygote cells
appear about 5-7 days after fertilization when the
fertilized egg starts to divide and produces more
totipotent stem cells. After about 4 days of cell
division, these cells begin to specialize into
pluripotent cells that can generate all embryonic
tissues but not an entire organism. That is why
totipotent stem cells are considered the most
versatile among the different types of SCs.
ESCs and induced pluripotent stem cells
(iPSCs) pertain to the category of pluripotent stem
cells. When pluripotent stem cells differentiate
further, multipotent cells are formed, these cells
are less plastic and more specialized and can
develop into more than one cell type but never all
types of cells of an organism or tissue. Examples
of multipotent cells are HSCs and mesenchymal
stem cells (MSCs). Oligopotent stem cells are
further specialized and are destined to become
specific types of cells. There are two kinds of
hematopoietic oligolineage-restricted cells:
common lymphocyte progenitors (CLPs) which
are programmed to become either T or B
lymphocytes or natural killer (NK) cells and
common myeloid progenitors (CMPs) which are
progenitors for myelo-erythroid lineages. CMPs
give rise to cells that include myelomonocytic
progenitors (GMPs) and megakaryocytic/erythroid
progenitors (MEPs) (Figure 1). More recently, an
impressive study has proposed a new organization
of the hematopoiesis, suggesting a readjustment in
the blood hierarchy during in utero to adulthood
time points.10 Instead of a three-tiers model, the
authors propose a two-tiers scheme in adult bone
marrow: a top-tier which contains multipotent
cells such as HSCs and multipotent progenitors,
and a bottom-tier composed of committed
unipotent progenitors (Figure 2).10 Although often
somewhat neglected by researchers in the past,
unipotent stem cells are unique in their ability to
differentiate along only one cell lineage. These
cells are found in adult tissues and comparison to
other stem cells have the lowest differentiation
potential.11 The potential difference between ESCs
and ASCs can be summed up as follows: the
former are more versatile whereas the latter are
undifferentiated cells that are present in the
differentiated tissue, capable of replacing cells that
have died or lost function. ASCs have been
identified in many different tissues including Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2017; 9; e2017032 Pag. 3 / 11
Figure 1. Hierarchical division of the stem cell in hematopoiesis
Figure 2. Redefined model of hematopoiesis. Instead of a three-tiers model, through mulitipotent, oligopotent and then unilineage
progenitor, the authors proposed in adult bone marrow a two-tiers scheme: a top-tier which contains multipotent cells such as HSCs and
multipotent progenitors, and a bottom-tier composed of committed unipotent progenitors.10 Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2017; 9; e2017032 Pag. 4 / 11
hematopoietic (blood), epidermal, muscle, neural,
mesenchymal, endothelial and gastrointestinal
Most of the tissue-specific ASCs persist for
prolonged periods of time in G0 phase of cell
cycle. This quiescent state of ASCs is also referred
to as homeostasis. Differences in the expression of
particular genes and transcription factors
determine the transaction from the quiescent state
to an active phase of the cell cycle, depending on
the organism’s needs.4 Thanks to the presence of
telomeres, the stem cell pool maintains longevity
and genomic stability and is protected against
damage to DNA. Telomeres are specialized repeat
structures of TTAGGG and nucleoprotein
complexes localized at the ends of human
chromosomes. These repetitive DNA sequences at
both ends of the chromosome protect cells from
progressive DNA shortening and degradation
during each repeated cell division.12,13
The fate of HSCs is also strongly influenced by
the BM microenvironment. This
microenvironment is composed of specialized
microanatomical areas called niches. Numerous
studies have shown that interactions between
HSCs and their non-stem cell neighbors in the
niche are critical to the maintenance of the stem
cell pool in the quiescent state or promoting its
self-renewal and proliferation.14 However, this
complex network of signals that occurs in the
niche is far from being fully elucidated.
Bone Marrow Homing. Regenerative or gene
HSC-based therapy is an interesting emerging
field with a huge potential for the cure of
numerous congenital and acquired diseases. There
has been a rapid surge in clinical trials involving
HSC therapies over the last decade. These trials
continue to demonstrate the importance of stem
cells both in replacing damaged tissue and in
providing extracellular factors capable of
promoting endogenous cellular salvage and
A key feature of treatment with HSC is
represented by their ability, once introduced into
the bloodstream to reach their final destination in a
distant target tissue. This intrinsic property is
known as homing. Homing is a crucial step
toward successful engraftment after HSC
transplantation. It was first described several years
ago as an active process that allows for migration
of HSCs through the blood and vascular
endothelium to different organs and BM niches.
Nevertheless, the full comprehension of this
mechanism with its myriad of complex molecular
events remains a challenge. Homing is a process
that relies on intracellular signaling and interaction
between chemokines, chemokine receptors,
adhesion molecules, and proteases, all of which
promote HSC adhesion to microvessels. E-
endothelial and P-endothelial selectin were found
to be essential to cell movement (cell rolling) on
BM microvessels (Figure 3). The intimate contact
with chemo-attractants promotes the expression of
HSC integrins, and through interactions with
several members of the Ig superfamily leads to the
cell arrest on the endothelial surface. Another
important role in HSC homing has been assigned
to intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1)
and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1).
These two molecules have been shown to act as
key factors in cell trafficking between blood and
BM.19,20 Also α4β1 integrin and lectins would seem
to have a primary function in HSC attachment to
marrow stromal cells.19 Several studies have
reported that α4β1/ligand interaction contributes to
cellular tethering and rolling. Additionally, it has
been shown that the homing ability of normal
donor cells decreases after treatment with anti-
α4β1.21-23 Further evidence suggesting the
involvement of α4β1-integrin in the homing
process is given in the points below.
ì) α4β1 is widely expressed in both stem and
progenitor cells, exceeding expression of both
L-selectin and 2-integrin taken together;
ìì) α4β1 is constitutively active in HSC and
progenitor cells;
ììì) α4β1 is usually inactive in committed cells. 24-26
The main ligand of α4β1 in committed cells is
VCAM-1. It can, therefore, be reasonably assumed
that all functions are likely to be accomplished
through their interaction. However, homing
mediated by VCAM-1 may rely on other
Another important role in homing has been
assigned to concentration of stromal-cell-derived
factor-1 (SDF-1) ligand which increases in the BM
microenvironment after conditioning regimens for
HSC transplantation (Figure 4).27 SDF-1 is a
chemokine isolated from stromal fibroblasts, and it
is abundantly expressed by osteoblasts, endothelial
cells and a subset of reticular cells in the
osteoblast and vascular niches of the bone
marrow.28 SDF-1 is highly conserved among Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2017; 9; e2017032 Pag. 5 / 11
Figure 3. Migration and homing of HSCs into the bone marrow microenvironment. E- endothelial and P- endothelial selectin were found to
be important to cell movement (cell rolling) and promote weak HSC adhesion to bone marrow microvessels. The expression of the
chemokine receptor CXCR4 on the HSC surface promotes cell activation via CXCL12 factor. Following stronger interaction between LFA-
1/ICAM-1 and VLA-4/VCAM-1, HSCs arrest on the endothelial surface and migrate through basal lamina. The migration is also promoted
by VLA-4 and VLA-5 interaction with fibronectin, present in the extracellular matrix.
Figure 4. Schematic representation of HSC homing. HSCs infused into blood are more responsive to stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1
gradient between bone marrow and blood compared to other factors that are upregulated after transplantation conditioning regimen (S1P,
species and constitutively produced in many
tissues. At the basal homeostatic concentration,
SDF-1 interacts as a ligand with the G-protein
coupled receptor CXCR4, promoting HSC
quiescence and survival. The expression of the
chemokine receptor CXCR4 on the HSC surface Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2017; 9; e2017032 Pag. 6 / 11
promotes migration and homing into or from the
BM.29 Mouse embryos knocked out for SDF-1 or
CXCR4 show multiple lethal defects, as well as
the absence of BM homing by HSCs. Activation
of the CXCR4 receptor by SDF-1 is one of the
transductional axes most studied in recent years
because of its fundamental importance in
regulating trafficking of HSCs to and from the
BM. It has also been reported that CXCR4-
depleted human cells are insensitive to
mobilization with agonists or antagonists of the
CXCR4 receptor.30 Secretion of SDF-1 in the bone
marrow oscillates in a circadian manner. This
process, although not fully understood, also
involves the activity of the beta3-adrenergic (AdR)
SDF-1-CXCR4 interaction triggers chemotaxis
via intracellular GTPase proteins (heterotrimeric
G-proteins, typically Gi subunits).32 After
binding to SDF-1, CXCR4 undergoes down-
modulation and ubiquitination of the C-terminus
(C-ter) by E3 ubiquitin ligase, in this way
promoting receptor degradation or its recycling via
the endosomal pathway.33,34
Other potential factors involved in the homing
process are the extracellular nucleotides (eNTPs),
such as adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and uridine
triphosphate (UTP), recently described as having a
fundamental role in the modulation of HSC
migration in the presence of SDF-1. Since
extracellular UTP improves HSC migration
toward SDF-1 gradients, pretreatment with eUTP,
it is likely to increase homing of HSCs to the BM
significantly as has been demonstrated in
immunodeficient mice.35 The aforesaid eNTPs act
through P2 nucleotide receptors (P2Rs);
particularly P2YRs. These seven transmembrane-
spanning receptors, also referred to as G-protein
coupled receptors, activate their signal
transduction pathway via activation of
phospholipase C or activation/inhibition of
adenylate cyclase.36
Although the influence of SDF-1 on HSC
chemotactic responses has been well established,
37,38 its role in the different molecular pathways
underlying the early stages of homing remains a
highly discussed and contentious issue.39,40
Indeed, evidence has been produced of HSC
homing to the BM independent of the SDF-1
CXCR4 axis. Several observations support this
evidence. In 1999, Qing Ma and colleagues
showed that CXCR4-deficient HSCs could
successfully seed BM and give rise to all blood
lineages in an SDF-1- independent manner.41 A
study of HSC homing in a murine model made
refractory to SDF-1 by incubation and co-injection
with AMD3100 (a CXCR4 receptor antagonist)
showed normal or only slightly reduced BM
cellularity. In yet another study, HSCs in which
CXCR4 had been knocked down using an SDF-1
intrakine strategy were competent to engraft.
Myeloablative conditioning for transplantation
most likely induces a highly proteolytic BM
microenvironment that leads to SDF-1 proteolytic
degradation, thereby harshly sharpening its
chemotactic homing gradient.42-44
Adamiak and colleagues recently confirmed the
involvement of the bioactive phosphosphingolipid
sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P) as a potent
chemotactic factor for HSCs. They performed
hematopoietic transplantation in mice deficient in
BM-expressed sphingosine kinase 1 (Sphk1−/−),
using HCs from normal control mice as well as
mice in which floxed CXCR4 (CXCR4fl/fl) had
been conditionally deleted. They found that
homing and engraftment in the Sphk1−/− mice
was defective after transplantation of CXCR4−/−
BM cells, indicating that SIP expressed in the BM
microenvironment was involved in the homing
SIP levels in the BM are regulated by a balance
in activity between type 1 SP-1 kinase (Sphk1)
and S1P lyase, which has the role of degrading
S1P.45 Since 2010, it has been observed that S1P is
a potent chemoattractant for HSCs, much stronger
than SDF-1.46
It has also been suggested that HSC homing
could be improved by inhibiting CD26 protein
(DPPIV/dipeptidyl peptidase IV). Peptidase CD26
removes dipeptides from the amino terminus of
proteins, and it is has been demonstrated that
endogenous CD26 expression on donor cells
downregulates homing and engraftment.
Therefore, it can be reasonably assumed that by
deleting or inhibiting CD26, it would be possible
to increase HSC transplantation efficiency.42
Besides the BM microenvironment, other
individual genetic factors can have an impact on
successful engraftment of HSCs. For example,
HSC homing is influenced by several molecules
involved in inflammatory and other signaling
pathways of innate immune response.47,48
Ratajczak and colleagues describe how innate
immunity derived factors are external modulators Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2017; 9; e2017032 Pag. 7 / 11
of the SDF-1CXCR4 axis. Because SDF-1 is
extremely susceptible to degradation by
proteolytic enzymes, its availability in biological
fluids may be somewhat limited. However, the
authors observed that at a minimum near threshold
doses, SDF-1 was still able to exert a robust
chemotactic influence on engraftment. They
showed that chemotactic responsiveness of HSCs
to several different types of homing gradients
could be modulated by ex vivo manipulations,
using a strategy that takes advantage of a
hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC) -
priming approach. Homing of HSPCs can be
enhanced by ex vivo cell exposure to C3a
(cleavage fragments of the third protein
component of the complement cascade). A trial
evaluating this procedure is currently ongoing at
the Masonic Cancer Center, University of
Another molecule that should be tested in the
clinical setting as a potential priming factor is
cathelicidin LL-37, a physiological factor secreted
by BM stromal cells with a more powerful priming
potential than C3a.50
Despite the many questions that still need to be
answered, all these molecules could support a
rationale for the development of innovative
strategies aimed at improving HSC engraftment.
Hemopoietic Stem Cell Homing and
Engraftment Defects. Graft failure remains an
important complication of allogeneic HSCT
because of the high morbidity and mortality
associated with this event. Two different clinical
forms of defective engraftment have been
distinguished: graft failure (GF) and poor graft
function (PGF), both characterized by a primary or
secondary form.51
Graft failure is defined as absolute neutrophil
count of 0.5 x 109/L and/or platelet count of < 20 x
109/L. Primary graft failure is defined as failure to
achieve absolute neutrophil count (ANC) 0.5 x
109/L for at least 3 consecutive days or ANC
above 0.5 × 109/L, without donor engraftment
(autologous recovery). In secondary graft failure,
patients fail to sustain an absolute neutrophil count
of ≥ 0.5 x 109/L after attainment of primary donor
engraftment or fail to sustain a platelet count of
20 x 109/L, despite neutrophil engraftment.
Consequently, initial donor engraftment with
neutrophil recovery is followed by loss of the
functioning graft.
Both in primary and secondary graft failure,
chimerism may vary from a full recipient status to
a mixed condition in which donor and recipient
cells coexist. Primary graft failure following
myeloablative conditioning regimens generally
determines deep and irreversible aplasia, often
requiring re-transplantation. In secondary graft
failure, autologous recovery is common,
particularly after HSCT with reduced intensity
conditioning (RIC); however, residual
pancytopenia and bone marrow hypocellularity
may persist.52
From a pathogenetic viewpoint, graft failure is
determined by the alloreactive immune responses
of residual host immune effector cells that survive
the conditioning regimen.51 Although the
underlying mechanisms are not entirely known,53 it
has been shown that residual host T cells with
specific anti-donor or suppressive activity play a
fundamental role, both in HLA matched and
mismatched settings. Also, recipient natural killer
(NK) cells are involved in the pathogenetic
pathways leading to graft failure. Their cytotoxic
activity against donor HSCs has been attributed to
the inability of inhibitory killer immunoglobulin-
like receptors (KIRs) on the NK cell surface to
recognize HLA class I molecules expressed on
donor cells.54 On the contrary, donor regulatory T
cells (Tregs and Tr1) and mesenchymal stem cells
(MSC) seem to facilitate engraftment and cco-
transplantation of these cells with HSCs appears to
have the potential to reduce the risk of graft
failure.55-56 Donor-specific HLA antibodies have
also been found associated with an increased risk
of graft failure, mainly in HLA-mismatched and
haploidentical transplantation.57-58
Overall, the incidence of graft failure has been
reported to be between 3 and 15%, in relation to
the different sources of HSCs and transplant
regimens.51,52,-59-62 Several variables have been
investigated as potential risk factors associated
with primary or secondary graft failure. In a large
retrospective study of 967 patients suffering from
hematological malignant and non-malignant
disorders, the parameters increasing the risk of
graft failure were T-cell depletion, HLA-
mismatched grafts, non-malignant disorders and
reduced-intensity conditioning. Conversely, a total
nucleated cell dose of 2.5 x 108/kg conferred a
reduced risk. Furthermore, primary or secondary
graft failure was associated with lower survival
rates in malignant than in non-malignant Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2017; 9; e2017032 Pag. 8 / 11
disorders.61 Recent data, retrospectively collected
from 4684 consecutive patients who underwent
unrelated donor HSCT from 2006 to 2012, showed
in univariate analysis that only the type and status
of disease at the time of transplantation (complete
remission versus no complete remission) were
significant risk factors for graft failure.62
Over the past years, umbilical cord blood
(UCB) has increasingly been used as a source of
HSCs for allogeneic transplantation. Compared to
marrow or mobilized peripheral blood stem cell
grafts from adult donors, significant delays in
neutrophil and platelet engraftment have been
observed. Equally important limitations of this
stem cell source are poor immune reconstitution
and an increased risk of graft failure, at least partly
due to defects in the homing capacity of these
cells. Poor homing of UCB cells has been
associated with low levels of fucosylation of cell
surface molecules that are responsible for binding
to P- and E-selectins expressed in the BM
microenvironment.60 Other factors linked to graft
failure are low stem cell dose, major AB0
incompatibility, female donor grafts for male
recipients and myeloproliferative disease.51
Poor graft function (PGF) is characterized by
the presence of an initial full donor engraftment.
In the primary form, bone marrow cellularity
remains low, and patients present persistent
cytopenias.51 In the secondary form, a prompt
recovery is followed by a progressive decrease in
blood counts. This defect has an incidence after
HSC transplantation ranging between 5 to 25%.63
Several factors have been reported to be associated
with PGF, but the most relevant condition is
represented by graft versus host disease
(GVHD).64 A chronic inflammatory status, with
overexpression of cytokines such as tumor
necrosis factor alfa (TNF-α) and interferon gamma
(IFN-γ), may lead to a decrease in HSC renewal
and proliferation and thus determine peripheral
Mixed chimerism (MC) after HSCT is an
immunological condition characterized by the
simultaneous presence of different proportions of
both donor- and host-derived cells. This condition
can be transient and evolve in the direction of graft
failure or complete chimerism (CC), or persist for
an extended period. Polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) based on the amplification of variable
number tandem repeats (VNTRs) or short tandem
repeats (STRs) is currently the most common
technique used to monitor this condition.67 In
malignant hematological disorders, MC anticipates
secondary graft failure and relapse. Therefore,
early detection of this condition is essential to
ensure therapeutic interventions capable of
reinforcing the graft, such as donor lymphocyte
infusion (DLI).68
Achievement of persistent MC in patients
transplanted for a chronic non-malignant disease
like thalassemia or sickle cell disease may lead to
tolerance of donor cells toward host tissues with
no further need for immunosuppressive therapy.
Moreover, residual donor hematopoiesis may be
sufficient to eliminate transfusion dependency.69-71
After transplantation for thalassemia, MC occurs
within the first 100 days with an overall incidence
ranging from 30% to 45%. This condition may be
stable or evolve to CC or rejection (secondary
graft failure). Three levels of MC have been
established in thalassemia with different risk
categories for progression to rejection: 1) grade 1,
residual host cells <10%, rejection rates of 3-12%;
2) grade 2, residual host cells ranging between 10 -
25%, rejection rates of 10-50%; 3) grade 3, > 25%
residual host cells, rejection rates of 50-90%.69
Variables reported to be associated with MC in
thalassemia are conditioning regimens, the dose of
infused HSCs and the severity of patient clinical
conditions before transplantation.70 In recent
years, it has been observed that induction of MC is
an effective way of inducing tolerance and
sustained graft function. Reprogramming of the
immune system of the recipient to deliberately
establish MC has been investigated in the solid
organ transplant setting with the aim of improving
the outcome and overall survival rates.71
Conclusions. Homing is a fascinating mechanism
that allows HSCs to reach the BM
microenvironment, engraft and proliferate. This
property has been exploited both in auto and allo
HSC transplant settings and is currently attracting
considerable attention in the field of gene and
regenerative therapy. Increasing advances in gene
delivery techniques have led to a surge of clinical
trials over the past decade. The possibility of using
HSCs as possible carriers of modified genes using
viral vector delivery approaches is rapidly
evolving. Gene therapy with HSCs has an
enormous potential, and different clinical trials
have resulted in functional cures for several
inherited diseases.72 New insights on how Mediterr J Hematol Infect Dis 2017; 9; e2017032 Pag. 9 / 11
transplanted HSCs can reach the BM and which
factors influence the homing process are thus
Graft failure continues to be a major contributor
to morbidity and mortality after allogeneic HSCT
in patients with malignant and non-malignant
diseases, particularly when treated with reduced-
intensity conditioning regimens or grafts from
HLA-mismatched donors. Such cases require close
surveillance and regular monitoring of chimerism.
On the other hand, deliberate induction of mixed
chimerism by modulating the host immune system
could represent an attractive way to improve graft
survival in the future.
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... The assessment of HSC homing and engraftment provides several challenges in the BMT model, these points are very important and can impact the overall success of a transplant process [24,25]. Bearing this in mind, the current study sought to assess the effectiveness of a combination of methods, including BLI and tissue iron load quantification by ICP-MS SPION-associated as a tool to precisely assess homing and engraftment of HSC in a murine model. ...
... The key for BMT success is a thriving homing of the HSC to the hematopoietic sites, which influences the anchorage of cells to specialized niches and the subsequent engraftment process, which define the success rate of a transplant [25]. Shortly after the transplantation, the HSC populations tend to initially migrate to the hematopoietic organs of irradiated animals, being found mainly in the spleen and BM of these individuals [50]. ...
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Bone marrow transplantation is a treatment for a variety of hematological and non-hematological diseases. For the transplant success, it is mandatory to have a thriving engraftment of transplanted cells, which directly depends on their homing. The present study proposes an alternative method to evaluate the homing and engraftment of hematopoietic stem cells using bioluminescence imaging and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) associated with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. We have identified an enriched population of hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow following the administration of Fluorouracil (5-FU). Lately, the cell labeling with nanoparticles displayed the greatest internalization status when treated with 30 µg Fe/mL. The quantification by ICP-MS evaluate the stem cells homing by identifying 3.95 ± 0.37 µg Fe/mL in the control and 6.61 ± 0.84 µg Fe/mL in the bone marrow of transplanted animals. In addition, 2.14 ± 0.66 mg Fe/g in the spleen of the control group and 2.17 ± 0.59 mg Fe/g in the spleen of the experimental group was also measured. Moreover, the bioluminescence imaging provided the follow up on the hematopoietic stem cells behavior by monitoring their distribution by the bioluminescence signal. Lastly, the blood count enabled the monitoring of animal hematopoietic reconstitution and ensured the transplantation effectiveness.
... The period after a transplant is very crucial because it is characterized by 1 or 2 weeks of marked marrow aplasia in which the patient is at high risk of transmission of various pathogens or of the reactivation of latent infections (35); therefore, it is very important that a rapid BM repopulation occurs. BM repopulation is an active process that involves a complex interaction between many factors, molecules, and receptors in order to allow the so-called "homing" or rather the migration of the HSCs from the peripheral blood (PB) to the BM and their successful anchoring before proliferation (36). The HSCs are a rare population of multipotent stem cells with the dual capacity of self-renewal and differentiation to all hematopoietic lineages. ...
... In the secondary form, a prompt recovery is followed by a progressive decrease in blood counts. Instead, GF occurs as the result of a classical alloreactive immune response mediated by residual host immunity persisting after the conditioning regimen (36,50). Accelerating the engraftment and BM repopulation of committed cells may, therefore, represent a valid strategy for positive clinical outcomes in BMT. ...
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β3-adrenergic receptor (β3-AR) is the last β-adrenoceptor subtype identified. β3-AR is widely expressed and regulates numerous physiological processes, and it is also a potential target for the treatment of many diseases, including cancers. For some types of cancers, bone marrow transplant (BMT) represents a valid therapeutic support, especially in the case of the necessity of high-dose chemotherapy and radiotherapy. For a successful BMT, it is necessary that a donor’s hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) correctly reach the staminal niche in the recipient’s bone marrow (BM) and contribute to restore normal hematopoiesis in order to rapidly repopulate BM and provide all the healthy blood cells of which the patient needs. Generally, it takes a long time. Control and accelerate homing and engraftment of HSCs could represent a helpful approach to avoid the complications and undesirable effects of BMT. The evidence that the β-adrenergic system has a role in the BM can be found in different studies, and this leads us to hypothesize that studying this field could be interesting to meliorate the most critical aspects of a BMT. Here, we collected the data present in literature about the role of β3-AR in the BM with the purpose of discovering a possible utility of β3-AR modulation in regulating HSC trafficking and hematopoiesis.
... Also, HSCs derived from adult bone marrow appear to have even less self-renew ability and less regenerative potential compared to embryonic HSCs and UCB-HSCs [68][69][70][71]. Note, the efficiency of the recipient's repopulation depends on the number of transplanted HSCs and on the homing activity of the transplanted HSCs [72]. ...
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Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) support haematopoiesis throughout life and give rise to the whole variety of cells of the immune system. Developing in the early embryo, passing through the precursor stage, and maturing into the first HSCs, they undergo a fairly large number of divisions while maintaining a high regenerative potential due to high repair activity. This potential is greatly reduced in adult HSCs. They go into a state of dormancy and anaerobic metabolism to maintain their stemness throughout life. However, with age, changes occur in the pool of HSCs that negatively affect haematopoiesis and the effectiveness of immunity. Niche aging and accumulation of mutations with age reduces the ability of HSCs to self-renew and changes their differentiation potential. This is accompanied by a decrease in clonal diversity and a disturbance of lymphopoiesis (decrease in the formation of naive T- and B-cells) and the predominance of myeloid haematopoiesis. Aging also affects mature cells, regardless of HSC, therefore, phagocytic activity and the intensity of the oxidative burst decrease, and the efficiency of processing and presentation of antigens by myeloid cells is impaired. Aging cells of innate and adaptive immunity produce factors that form a chronic inflammatory background. All these processes have a serious negative impact on the protective properties of the immune system, increasing inflammation, the risk of developing autoimmune, oncological, and cardiovascular diseases with age. Understanding the mechanisms of reducing the regenerative potential in a comparative analysis of embryonic and aging HSCs, the features of inflammatory aging will allow us to get closer to deciphering the programs for the development, aging, regeneration and rejuvenation of HSCs and the immune system.
... (Lubkova et al. 2011;Liekens et al. 2010). Chronic inflammation is believed to result in a break in any of these communication pathways which leads to HSC migration (Caocci et al. 2017). ...
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Primary myelofibrosis is an untreatable age-related disorder of haematopoiesis in which a break in the crosstalk between progenitor Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) and neighbouring mesenchymal stem cells causes HSCs to rapidly proliferate and migrate out of the bone marrow. 90% of patients harbour mutations in driver genes that all converge to overactivate hematopoietic JAK-STAT signalling, which is thought to be critical for disease progression, as well as microenvironment modification induced by chronic inflammation. The trigger to the initial event is unknown but dysregulated thrombopoietin (TPO) and Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) signalling are hypothesised to initiate chronic inflammation which then disrupts stem cell crosstalk. Using a systems biology approach, we have constructed an inter and intracellular logical model that captures JAK-STAT signalling and key crosstalk channels between haematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells. The aim of the model is to decipher how TPO and TLR stimulation can perturb the bone marrow microenvironment and dysregulate stem cell crosstalk. The model predicted conditions in which the disease was averted and established for both wildtype and ectopically JAK mutated simulations. The presence of TPO and TLR are both required to disturb stem cell crosstalk and result in the disease for wildtype. TLR signalling alone was sufficient to perturb the crosstalk and drive disease progression for JAK mutated simulations. Furthermore, the model predicts the probability of disease onset for wildtype simulations that matches clinical data. These predictions might explain why patients who test negative for the JAK mutation can still be diagnosed with PMF, in which continual exposure to TPO and TLR receptor activation may trigger the initial inflammatory event that perturbs the bone marrow microenvironment and induce disease onset.
... 47 The transmission of force from a cell to another is based on the coupling of cell-cell junctions and actomyosin. ECM proteins, stiffness gradient between endosteal and perivascular niches, and biomechanical forces), they can find their way home to free bone marrow niches, thus finding suitable conditions to survive, proliferate, and differentiate, which give rise to a long-term effective hematopoiesis (Caocci et al. 2017). ...
... However, compared to solid tissues, this latter exhibits a semi-solid organization in which the ECM exerts a less rigid (spatial and temporal) control on the behavior of hematopoietic stem cells, which allows them to migrate to free bone marrow niches more easily (Liesveld et al. 2020). This organization of the bone marrow tissue explains why (hematopoietic) stem cell transplantation is potentially more effective in the bone marrow for the treatment of leukemias, compared to that in the cardiac and nervous tissue: although the ECM of the bone marrow regulates hematopoietic stem cells proliferation and differentiation (e.g., through ECM proteins, stiffness gradient between endosteal and perivascular niches, and biomechanical forces), they can find their way home to free bone marrow niches, thus finding suitable conditions to survive, proliferate, and differentiate, which give rise to a long-term effective hematopoiesis (Caocci et al. 2017). ...
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Much of the current research in regenerative medicine concentrates on stem-cell therapy that exploits the regenerative capacities of stem cells when injected into different types of human tissues. Although new therapeutic paths have been opened up by induced pluripotent cells and human mesenchymal cells, the rate of success is still low and mainly due to the difficulties of managing cell proliferation and differentiation, giving rise to non-controlled stem cell differentiation that ultimately leads to cancer. Despite being still far from becoming a reality, these studies highlight the role of physical and biological constraints (e.g., cues and morphogenetic fields) placed by tissue microenvironment on stem cell fate. This asks for a clarification of the coupling of stem cells and microenvironmental factors in regenerative medicine. We argue that extracellular matrix and stem cells have a causal reciprocal and asymmetric relationship in that the 3D organization and composition of the extracellular matrix establish a spatial, temporal, and mechanical control over the fate of stem cells, which enable them to interact and control (as well as be controlled by) the cellular components and soluble factors of microenvironment. Such an account clarifies the notions of stemness and stem cell regeneration consistently with that of microenvironment.
Primary myelofibrosis is an untreatable age-related disorder of haematopoiesis in which a break in the crosstalk between progenitor Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) and neighbouring mesenchymal stem cells causes HSCs to rapidly proliferate and migrate out of the bone marrow. Around 90% of patients harbour mutations in driver genes that all converge to overactivate haematopoietic JAK-STAT signalling, which is thought to be critical for disease progression, as well as microenvironment modification induced by chronic inflammation. The trigger to the initial event is unknown but dysregulated thrombopoietin (TPO) and Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) signalling are hypothesised to initiate chronic inflammation which then disrupts stem cell crosstalk. Using a systems biology approach, we have constructed an intercellular logical model that captures JAK-STAT signalling and key crosstalk channels between haematopoietic and mesenchymal stem cells. The aim of the model is to decipher how TPO and TLR stimulation can perturb the bone marrow microenvironment and dysregulate stem cell crosstalk. The model predicted conditions in which the disease was averted and established for both wildtype and ectopically JAK mutated simulations. The presence of TPO and TLR are both required to disturb stem cell crosstalk and result in the disease for wildtype. TLR signalling alone was sufficient to perturb the crosstalk and drive disease progression for JAK mutated simulations. Furthermore, the model predicts probabilities of disease onset for wildtype simulations that match clinical data. These predictions might explain why patients who test negative for the JAK mutation can still be diagnosed with PMF, in which continual exposure to TPO and TLR receptor activation may trigger the initial inflammatory event that perturbs the bone marrow microenvironment and induce disease onset.
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As an important treatment for acute myeloid leukemia, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) plays an important role in reducing relapse and improving long-term survival. With rapid advancements in basic research in molecular biology and immunology and with deepening understanding of the biological characteristics of hematopoietic stem cells, allo-HSCT has been widely applied in clinical practice. During allo-HSCT, preconditioning, the donor, and the source of stem cells can be tailored to the patient’s conditions, greatly broadening the indications for HSCT, with clear survival benefits. However, the risks associated with allo-HSCT remain high, i.e. hematopoietic reconstitution failure, delayed immune reconstitution, graft-versus-host disease, and post-transplant relapse, which are bottlenecks for further improvements in allo-HSCT efficacy and have become hot topics in the field of HSCT. Other bottlenecks recognized in the current treatment of individuals diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and subjected to allo-HSCT include the selection of the most appropriate conditioning regimen and post-transplantation management. In this paper, we reviewed the progress of relevant research regarding these aspects.
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Bone marrow failure (BMF) syndromes are severe complications of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). In this paper, we distinguish two different entities, the graft failure (GF) and the poor graft function (PGF), and we review the current understanding of the interactions between the immune and hematopoietic compartments in these conditions. We first discuss how GF occurs as the result of classical alloreactive immune responses mediated by residual host cellular and humoral immunity persisting after conditioning and prevented by host and donor regulatory T cells. We next summarize the current knowledge about the contribution of inflammatory mediators to the development of PGF. In situations of chronic inflammation complicating allo-HSCT, such as graft-versus-host disease or infections, PGF seems to be essentially the result of a sustained impairment of hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) self-renewal and proliferation caused by inflammatory mediators, such as interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor-α, and of induction of apoptosis through the Fas/Fas ligand pathway. Interestingly, the production of inflammatory molecules leads to a non-MHC restricted, bystander inhibition of hematopoiesis, therefore, representing a promising target for immunological interventions. Finally, we discuss immune-mediated impairment of bone marrow microenvironment as a potential mechanism hampering hematopoietic recovery. Better understanding of immunological mechanisms responsible for BMF syndromes after allo-HSCT may lead to the development of more efficient immunotherapeutic interventions.
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The bone marrow is the origin of all hematopoietic lineages and an important homing site for memory cells of the adaptive immune system. It has recently emerged as a graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) target organ after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT), marked by depletion of both hematopoietic progenitors and niche-forming cells. Serious effects on the restoration of hematopoietic function and immunological memory are common, especially in patients after myeloablative conditioning therapy. Cytopenia and durable immunodeficiency caused by the depletion of hematopoietic progenitors and destruction of bone marrow niches negatively influence the outcome of alloHSCT. The complex balance between immunosuppressive and cell-depleting treatments, GvHD and immune reconstitution, as well as the desirable graft-versus-tumor (GvT) effect remains a great challenge for clinicians.
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Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) form a rare population of multipotent stem cells, which give rise to all hematopoietic lineages. HSCs home to bone marrow niches and circulate between blood and bone marrow. Many factors, especially SDF1a, affect the circulation of HSCs, but these have not been fully recognized. SDF1a has been shown to bind CXCR7 in addition to CXCR4 and can also function as SDF1a/CXCR4 modulator. CXCR7 plays a role in HSCs homing via SDF1a gradient and is a mediator of CXCR4/SDF1a axis. This review describes the current concepts and questions concerning CXCR7/CXCR4/SDF1a axis as an important key in hematopoietic stem cells homing with particular emphasis on CXCR7 receptor. Homing of HSCs is an essential step for successful hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.
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Graft failure remains a severe complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Several risk factors have already been published. In this study, we re-evaluated them in a large cohort who had the benefit of the recent experience in HSCT (2006-2012). Data from 4684 unrelated donor HSCT from 2006 to 2012 were retrospectively collected from centers belonging to the French Society for Stem Cell Transplantation. Among the 2716 patients for whom HLA typing was available, 103 did not engraft leading to a low rate of no engraftment at 3.8%. In univariate analysis, only type of disease and status of disease at transplant for malignant diseases remained significant risk factors (P=0.04 and P<0.0001, respectively). In multivariate analysis, only status of disease was a significant risk factor (P<0.0001). Among the 61 patients who did not engraft and who were mismatched for 1 HLA class I and/or HLA-DP, 5 donor-specific antibodies (DSAs) were detected but only 1 was clearly involved in graft failure, for the others their role was more questionable. Second HSCT exhibited a protective although not statistically significant effect on OS (hazard ratio=0.57 [0.32-1.02]). In conclusion, only one parameter (disease status before graft) remains risk factor for graft failure in this recent cohort.Bone Marrow Transplantation advance online publication, 8 February 2016; doi:10.1038/bmt.2015.351.
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With the advent of safer and more efficient gene transfer methods, gene therapy has become a viable solution for many inherited and acquired disorders. Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are a prime cell compartment for gene therapy aimed at correcting blood-based disorders, as well as those amenable to metabolic outcomes that can effect cross-correction. While some resounding clinical successes have recently been demonstrated, ample room remains to increase the therapeutic output from HSC-directed gene therapy. In vivo amplification of therapeutic cells is one avenue to achieve enhanced gene product delivery. To date, attempts have been made to provide HSCs with resistance to cytotoxic drugs, to include drug-inducible growth modules specific to HSCs, and to increase the engraftment potential of transduced HSCs. This review aims to summarize amplification strategies that have been developed and tested and to discuss their advantages along with barriers faced towards their clinical adaptation. In addition, next-generation strategies to circumvent current limitations of specific amplification schemas are discussed.
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In a classical view of hematopoiesis, the various blood cell lineages arise via a hierarchical scheme starting with multipotent stem cells that become increasingly restricted in their differentiation potential through oligopotent and then unipotent progenitors. We developed a cell-sorting scheme to resolve myeloid (My), erythroid (Er), and megakaryocytic (Mk) fates from single CD34+ cells and then mapped the progenitor hierarchy across human development. Fetal liver contained large numbers of distinct oligopotent progenitors with intermingled My, Er, and Mk fates. However, few oligopotent progenitor intermediates were present in the adult bone marrow. Instead only two progenitor classes predominate, multipotent and unipotent, with Er-Mk lineages emerging from multipotent cells. The developmental shift to an adult “two-tier” hierarchy challenges current dogma and provides a revised framework to understand normal and disease states of human hematopoiesis.
Animal studies point to a strong role for MHC-specific antibody as a cause for failed donor hematopoietic cell engraftment, but the role of donor-directed HLA-specific allo-antibodies in human transplants has been controversial. To investigate such a role, we used a retrospective case-control design and studied unrelated donor:recipient pairs whose transplants were facilitated through the NMDP. A total of 37 cases with graft failure and 78 matched control pairs were evaluated. The 37 graft failure cases were selected based on survival beyond 28 days of transplant with no sustained engraftment, and available cryopreserved recipient serum to test for HLA-specific alloantibodies. Up to 3 controls were selected for each case, and matched for disease, disease status, graft type, patient age and year of transplant. Patients had AML, ALL, CML or MDS, 98% received myeloablative conditioning regimens, 100% received T replete grafts, 97% received marrow, and 97% received calcineurin-based GVHD prophylaxis. Patients and donors were retrospectively typed for HLA-A,B,Cw,DRB1,DQB1,DQA1,DPB1,and DPA1 by sequencing or other high resolution typing methods. Stored pre-transplant serum samples (patients and controls) were retrieved from the NMDP Research Repository, and assayed for HLA antibodies by solid-phase FlowPRA (One Lambda, Inc). All positive samples were evaluated for HLA specificity by single-antigen microparticles (LabScreen, One Lambda, Inc). Among the 37 failed transplants, 11 (30%) recipients possessed alloantibodies specific for donor HLA Class I or Class II, compared to only 3 (4%) of 78 controls. HLA-DR or DQ specific antibodies were not detected; hence, all HLA Class II-specific antibodies were directed to DP. Recipients with anti-DP antibodies against the donor mismatched DP were at increased risk of graft failure, indicating the importance of recipient antibodies directed against mismatched donor DP antigens. Exact conditional logistic regression analysis for the presence of either Class I HLA-A,B,Cw or Class II HLA-DP antibodies showed similar findings (Class I alone: OR. 6.31: 95% CI 1.17–62.9; p=0.03, Class II alone: OR 12.00; 95% CI 1.46–551.97; p=0.01, Class I and II combined: OR 19.08; 95% CI 2.72–828.49; p=0.0003). Further analyses were conducted to evaluate a limited set of covariates not accounted for in the case:control study, i.e. patient CMV status, cell dose and HLA-C match. Cell dose and CMV status were independently predictive of engraftment, p=0.01 and 0.03, respectively. No effect was observed for HLA-Cw match (p=0.84). The presence of anti-donor HLA Class I or II antibodies was predictive of engraftment when adjustment was made for either cell dose (OR 15.49; 95% CI 2.06–697.83; p=0.002) or CMV status (OR 7.94; 95% CI 0.97–367.84; p=0.05). In summary, these results indicate that donor-specific HLA Class I or Class II antibodies in recipients of unrelated donor hematopoietic cell transplants are associated with failed engraftment. We recommend that, as a “Standard-of-Practice”, all potential recipients be screened for the presence of HLA class I and class II antibodies including HLA DP. Donors should be excluded if they carry mismatched HLA types against which the patient has specific antibodies.
Background aims Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is a potentially curative treatment option for patients with hematological malignancies. Co-transplantation of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) during allogeneic HSCT has been explored to enhance engraftment and decrease the risk of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). We aimed to identify, evaluate and summarize the findings of all relevant controlled clinical studies to determine the potential benefits of MSC infusion during allogeneic HSCT, with regard to the outcomes engraftment, GVHD, post-transplant relapse and survival. Methods We conducted a systematic search of electronic databases for relevant controlled clinical studies. Studies included patients of all ages with hematological malignancies receiving allogeneic HSCT with or without infusion of MSCs within a 24-h time frame of transplantation. Results Nine studies met our inclusion criteria, including three randomized, one non-randomized and five historically controlled trials, representing a total of 309 patients. Our meta-analyses did not reveal any statistically significant differences in donor engraftment or GVHD. A review of data regarding relapse and overall survival may result in a positive attitude toward intervention with MSCs, but due to heterogeneous reporting, it is difficult to draw any strict conclusions. None of the studies had overall serious risks of bias, but the quality of the evidence is low. Conclusions Meta-analysis did not reveal any statistically significant effects of MSC co-transplantation, but the results must be interpreted with caution because of the weak study design and small study populations. We discuss further needs to explore the potential effects of MSCs in a HSCT setting.
T-cell depletion (TCD) can prevent the onset of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD) in animal models of bone marrow transplantation; this manipulation enabled the successful application in the 1980s of T-cell depleted bone marrow (BM) for the treatment of babies with severe combined immune deficiency (SCID). However, in leukaemia patients, implementation of T-cell depletion has been more difficult, especially due to high rate of graft-rejection, leukaemia relapse and delayed immune reconstitution. These hurdles were gradually overcome by modifying the cell composition of the graft, and by reducing the toxicities associated with conditioning protocols. Although no 'gold standard' TCD method exists, T-cell depletion in its modern forms could offer clinical benefit, even for patients with a matched sibling donor.
Standard treatment for severe inherited hematopoietic diseases consists of allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Alternatively, patients can be treated with gene therapy: gene-corrected autologous hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPC) are transplanted. By using retro- or lentiviral vectors, a copy of the functional gene is randomly inserted in the DNA of the HSPC and becomes constitutively expressed. Gene therapy is currently limited to monogenic diseases for which clinical trials are being actively conducted in highly specialized centers around the world. This approach, although successful, carries with it inherent safety and efficacy issues. Recently, two technologies became available that, when combined, may enable treatment of genetic defects by HSPC that have the non-functional allele replaced by a functional copy. One technology consists of the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from patient blood samples or skin biopsies, the other concerns nuclease-mediated gene editing. Both technologies have been successfully combined in basic research and appear applicable in the clinic. This paper reviews recent literature, discusses what can be achieved in the clinic using present knowledge and points out further research directions.