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Early life history of two Channichthys species from the Kergelen Islands, Antarctica (Pisces: Notothenioidei: Channichthyidae)



Examination of 172 larvae and juveniles of the genus Channichthys from the Kerguelen Islands confirmed the existence of two species in this genus, Ch. rhinoceratus and Ch. rugosus. They can be distinguished by the meristic characters and pigmentation.
... Шандиков (Шандиков [Shandikov] 1995а, 1995b[Shandikov] 1995а, , 1996[Shandikov] 1995а, , 2008[Shandikov] 1995а, , 2011, проведя ряд дополнительных морфометрических исследований, выделил в составе рода еще 6 новых видов белокровок: угольную Ch. panticapaei Shandikov, 1995;большеглазую Ch. bospori Shandikov, 1995;карликовую Ch. irinae Shandikov, 1995;Аэлиты Ch. aelitae Shandikov, 1995;зеленую Ch. mithhridatis Shandikov, 2008и Ричардсона Ch. richardsoni Shandikov, 2011. До недавнего времени валидность большинства из этих 9 симпатрично распространенных видов вызывала споры (Балушкин [Balushkin] 1996; Балушкин и Федоров [Balushkin and Fedorov] 2002;Voskoboinikova 2002;Duhamel et al. 2005). Их таксономический статус, таким образом, нуждался в верификации на основе проведения современных комплексных морфологических исследований, что и было предпринято нами в ряде работ. ...
... Первоописание Ch. rugosus, выполненное Ч.T. Реганом по единственному экземпляру (Regan 1913), было очень неполным, что ставило валидность данного вида под сомнение (Hureau 1964; Мейснер [Meissner] 1974;Hureau 1985;Андрияшев [Andriashev] 1986;Iwami and Kock 1990;Шандиков [Shandikov] 1995b;Duhamel et al. 2005). Лишь в немногих работах авторы признавали существование вида Ch. rugosus (Norman 1937(Norman , 1938Blanc 1958;Jakubowski et al. 1969;Шандиков [Shandikov] 1995b;Voskoboinikova 2002;Duhamel et al. 2005). Предшествующие попытки переописания Ch. rugosus (Norman 1937(Norman , 1938; Шандиков [Shandikov] 1995b) были выполнены либо только по голотипу (Norman 1937(Norman , 1938, либо на малом количестве экземпляров с неявно выраженными определительными признаками (Шандиков [Shandikov] 1995b). ...
The presented work is the final part of the taxonomic revision of the Antarctic icefishes of the genus Channichthys Richardson, 1844 (Notothenioidei: Channichthyidae) from the Kerguelen Islands, the species composition of which was discussed until recently. Based on the morphological study of all available specimens from the ZIN and BMNH collections (including the holotype), a comprehensive redescription of the Red icefish Channichthys rugosus Regan, 1913 from the waters of the Kerguelen islands (South Ocean) was carried out, including external morphology, seismosensory system, gill apparatus, and axial skeleton. As a result, new diagnostic features of Red icefish were discovered and previously known ones were clarified, which made it possible to confirm the species validity. Comparison with other valid species icefishes was done. Channichthys rugosus differs from Ch. rhinoceratus Richardson, 1844 by a high anterior dorsal fin, the fin membrane of which reaches the apexes of its longest rays (does not reach in Ch. rhinoceratus), as well as a narrow and concave interorbital space (compared to the wider and flat one), by stronger granulation and a uniform reddish body color (dark spotted-marble in Ch. rhinoceratus). Channichthys rugosus differs from Ch. velifer Meissner, 1972 by the number of rays in the first dorsal fin (7–9 versus 9–12) and pectoral fin (18–20 versus 20–21), the presence of bone plaques in the proximal part of the medial lateral line (absent in Ch. velifer), and monochromatic reddish body coloration (spotted in Ch. velifer). Channichthys rugosus differs from Ch. panticapaei Shandikov, 1995 by the presence of only 1 row of gill rakers on the first gill arch (2 rows in Ch. panticapaei) and by light coloration (brownish-black in Ch. panticapaei).
... The icefishes of the genus Channichthys Richardson, 1844, are endemic to the Kerguelen-Heard area of the Indian Ocean Province of the Antarctic (Andriyashev, 1986). The views of different researchers on the species composition of the genus diverge significantly: the number of species they recognize as valid varies from one to nine (Hureau, 1964(Hureau, , 1985Meisner, 1974;Andriyashev, 1986;Iwami and Kock, 1990;Shandikov, 1995aShandikov, , 1995bShandikov, , 1996Balushkin, 1996;Balushkin and Fedorov, 2002;Voskoboinikova, 2002;Duhamel et al., 2005;Nikolaeva, 2016Nikolaeva, , 2017. ...
... Based on the fact that the number of rays in the second dorsal fin and in the pectoral fin of this specimen was one less than that in specimens of the type series of Ch. velifer (D2 30, P 19 vs. D2 31−33, P 20−21), she considered it impossible to identify the specimen as this species. Studies of more extensive collections (Shandikov, 1996;Shandikov, 2011; the present study) (Tables 1, 4, 5) demonstrated the fallacy of this conclusion: the number of rays in both fins of Ch. velifer varies in a wider range: 29−33 in D2 and 19−21 in P. It should be noted that the sample set of icefishes that Voskoboinikova (2002) identified as Ch. rugosus was composed of not even two but three mixed species: Ch. rugosus, Ch. velifer, and Ch. ...
Based on a representative sample set (41 specimens), features of external morphology, seismosensory system, and axial skeleton of the sailfish pike Channichthys velifer (Channichthyidae) are described and compared to the corresponding features in a closely related species, ginger (rugose) pike Ch. rugosus.
... Точный видовой состав данного рода до сих пор окончательно не установлен. В настоящее время разные исследователи выделяют в его составе от 1 полиморфного до 9 отдельных видов, распространенных симпатрично; валидность большинства из них вызывает сомнения (Hureau 1964(Hureau , 1985; Мейснер [Meisner] 1974; Андрияшев [Andriyashev] 1986; Iwami and Kock 1990; Шандиков [Shandikov] 1995а, 1995б, 1996[Shandikov] 1995а, 1995б, , 2008[Shandikov] 1995а, 1995б, , 2011Балушкин [Balushkin] 1996; Балушкин и Федоров [Balushkin and Fedorov] 2002;Voskoboinikova 2002;Duhamel et al. 2005; Николаева [Nikolaeva] 2016, 2017, 2019; Николаева и Балушкин [Nikolaeva and Balushkin] 2019). В целом рыбы этого рода показывают значительную межвидовую и внутривидовую вариабельность (Gon and Heemstra 1990; Iwami and Kock 1990). ...
On the basis of a comprehensive study of the external morphology, seismosensory system and gill apparatus, a revision of the Kerguelen icefishes of the genus Channichthys Richardson, 1844 (Notothenioidei: Channichthyidae) was carried out in order to confirm or refute the validity of a questionable species of this genus. The need for the presented study arose due to the lack of an unambiguous accepted opinion of various specialists about the exact species composition of this genus of Antarctic fish. The studied sample included 40 specimens of the type species of this genus, unicorn icefish Channichthys rhinoceratus Richardson, 1844 from the collection of the Zoological Institute RAS and holotypes of 3 species, Aelita icefish Ch. aelitae Shandikov, 1995, green icefish Ch. mithridatis Shandikov, 2008 and robust icefish Ch. richardsoni Shandikov, 2011, from the Zoological collection of the National Museum of Natural History NAS of Ukraine. The classical technique was used for the morphological study of fish with subsequent comparative analysis of the data obtained. As a result, Ch. rhinoceratus is redescribed, highlighting the most important diagnostic characters. Three similar species (Ch. aelitae, Ch. mithridatis and Ch. richardsoni) are place in synonymy of the latter. Basing on the results of this and our previous species revisions of Channichthys, a key for identification has been compiled, which includes diagnostic features of all four valid icefishes, Ch. rhinoceratus, Ch. velifer, Ch. rugosus and Ch. panticapaei.
... Точный видовой состав данного рода пока окончательно не установлен. До сих пор разные исследователи выделяют в его составе от одного полиморфного до девяти отдельных похожих, симпатрично распространенных видов, валидность большинства которых вызывает сомнения (Hureau 1964(Hureau , 1985; Мейснер [Meisner] 1974; Андрияшев [Andriashev] 1986; Iwami and Kock 1990; Шандиков [Shandikov] 1995а, b, 1996[Shandikov] 1995а, b, , 2008[Shandikov] 1995а, b, , 2011Балушкин [Balushkin] 1996;Балушкин и Федоров [Balushkin and Fedorov] 2002;Voskoboinikova 2002;Duhamel et al. 2005; Николаева [Nikolaeva] 2016, 2017; Николаева и Балушкин [Nikolaeva and Balushkin] 2019). В целом рыбы этого рода показывают значительную межвидовую и внутривидовую вариации (Iwami and Kock 1990). ...
The present work is dedicated to a modern complex morphological study on a representative sample (42 fish specimens from the stock collection of the Zoological Institute RAS and 3 specimens-holotypes from the collection of the Zoological Museum of the National Museum of Natural History NAS of Ukraine) Kerguelen icefish of the genus Channichthys Richardson, 1844 (Channichthyidae) with a special structure of the gill apparatus – double-rowed gill rakers: charcoal icefish Channichthys panticapaei Shandikov, 1995, big-eyed icefish Ch. bospori Shandikov, 1995, and pygmy icefish Ch. irinae Shandikov, 1995. All this species of icefish, with their common similarity, are united by the special structure of the gill apparatus - the presence of two well-developed rows of gill rakers on the gill arches, especially on the first gill arch, which is a key defining sign that is clearly distinguishes them from all other species of the genus Channichthys. Until now, there is no unambiguous universally accepted opinion of specialists about the taxonomic status of these icefish. They are distinguished either in one species, or in three species, or are identified as Channichthys sp. In the course of this work, a redescription of Ch. panticapaei with the confirmation of the validity of this species, based on complex data of external morphology, the study of the seismic sensor system and especially the structure of the gill apparatus, highlighting the most important diagnostic features of the species, as well as the replace of the species Ch. bospori and Ch. irinae, to the synonymy of Ch. panticapaei.
... Носорогие белокровки рода Channichthys Richardson, 1844 являются эндемиками округа Кергелен-Хёрд Индоокеанской провинции Антарктики (Андрияшев, 1986). Взгляды разных исследователей на видовой состав рода существенно расходятся − число видов, признаваемых ими в качестве валидных, варьирует от 1 до 9 (Hureau, 1964(Hureau, , 1985Мейснер, 1974;Андрияшев, 1986;Iwami, Kock, 1990;Шандиков, 1995а, 1995б, 1996Балушкин, 1996;Балушкин, Федоров, 2002;Voskoboinikova, 2002;Duhamel et al., 2005;Николаева, 2016, 2017. ...
На основе репрезентативной выборки (41 экз.) описаны признаки внешней морфологии, сейсмосенсорной системы и осевого скелета парусной белокровки Channichthys velifer (Channichthyidae), а также проведено их сравнение с таковыми близкородственного вида − рыжей (морщинистой) белокровкой Ch. rugosus.
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In 1990 while conducting a trawling survey off the Kerguelen Islands on board FRV Professor Mesyatsev, a representative collection of icefish of Channichthys genus (about 400 specimens) was taken up. Basing on the study of morphological features of fish in this group, at least 8 forms differing at the species level have been revealed (including Channichthys rhinoceratus, Ch. velifer and a species close to Ch. rugosus and provisionally indicated as Ch. aff. rugosus). This paper is devoted to description (by 24 specimens) of a new species Ch. panticapaei sp. N.
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According to the latest data (Shandikov, 1995a), the genus Channichthys Richardson, 1844 endemic for the undersea rise area of the Kerguelen-Heard Ridge includes four nominal species: Channichthys rhinoceratus Richardson 1844, Ch. rugosus Regan, 1913, Ch. velifer Meissner, 1974 and Ch. panticapaei Shandikov, 1995. The systematics of this complex group is not defined yet, which is the why some reseachers sast doubt on the validity of Ch. rugosus and Ch. velifer species. By the result of the study of the Channichthys genus collection taken up in the cruise of the FRV Professor Mesyatsev (cruise 23, 1990) off the Kerguelen Islands, at least 8 forms (earlier described species included) differing at the species level have been reveald. Characteristic of the Channichthys genus and the identification key to the species, diagnoses of the nominal species and description of three new species Ch. irinae sp. n., Ch. bospori sp. n. and Ch. aelitae sp. n. are given.
Abstract—The assessment of the similarities between genera and species of Channichthyidae, based characters of the axial skeleton and the topography of unpaired fins, is given on the basis of methods of numerical phenetics. Results of cladistic (Iwami, 1985) and phenetic methods of study of the similarities of genera and urgent problems of the species taxonomy of Channichthyidae are discussed. Channichthys rugorus (Regan, 1913), Ch. velifer (Meisner, 1974), Cryodraco atkinsoni (Regan, 1914), and Chionodraco kathleenae Regan, 1914 are treated as valid species of the family. A new species Channichthys normani sp. n. (holotype BMNH 1937.9.21.92) from the Kerguelen Archipelago is described. Species identification keys for genera Channichthys, Cryodraco, and Chionodraco are given.
Sur Ja probable identite, des deux especes du genre Channichthys de la famille des Chaennichthyidae
  • J.-C Hureau
A brief revision of Nototheniids (Notothenia Richardson and related genera) of the family Nototheniidae
  • A V Balushkin
Larvae of the white-blood fishes of the family Channichthyidae from the East Antarctic
  • V N Efremenko