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The Two-Step P2P Simulation Approach


Abstract and Figures

In this article a framework is introduced that can be used to analyse the effects & requirements of P2P applications onapplication and on network layer. P2P applications are complex and deployed on a large scale, pure packet level simulations do not scale well enough to analyse P2P applications in a large network with thousands of peers. It is also difficult to assess the effect of application level behavior on the communication system. We therefore propose an approach starting with a more abstract and therefore scalable application level simulation. For the application layer a specific simulation framework wasdeveloped. The results of the application layer simulations plus some estimated background traffic are fed into a packet layer simulator like NS2 (or our lab testbed) in a second step to perform some detailed packet layer analysis such as loss and delay measurements. This can be done for a subnetwork of the original network to avoid scalability problems.
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The Two-Step P2P Simulation Approach
A Framework for Message- and Packet-Level Simulation
Hannes Birck, Oliver Heckmann, Andreas Mauthe and Ralf Steinmetz
Abstract In this article a framework is introduced that can be
used to analyse the effects & requirements of P2P applications on
application and on network layer. P2P applications are complex
and deployed on a large scale, pure packet level simulations do
not scale well enough to analyse P2P applications in a large
network with thousands of peers. It is also difficult to assess
the effect of application level behavior on the communication
system. We therefore propose an approach starting with a
more abstract and therefore scalable application level simulation.
For the application layer a specific simulation framework was
developed. The results of the application layer simulations plus
some estimated background traffic are fed into a packet layer
simulator like NS2 (or our lab testbed) in a second step to
perform some detailed packet layer analysis such as loss and
delay measurements. This can be done for a subnetwork of the
original network to avoid scalability problems.
Index Termssimulation, modeling, peer-to-peer overlay net-
works and protocols
Simulations are necessary to investigate crucial issues and
possible system behavior of communication networks. A sim-
ulator has to be scalable on one side to allow the investigation
of very large networks. On the other side, the simulator should
also yield realistic result. This means that a good simulator
reflects the network behavior realistically. Unfortunately, there
is a trade-off between those two goals as modeling the network
behavior realistically typically increases the computational
effort and therefore decreases the scalability.
In this work we present a novel approach for an application
layer simulation (ALS). It promises realistic as well as scalable
network simulations using a two step approach. It is an
extension of the packet level simulation toolset KOM ScenGen
This new approach presents a way to analyze behavior
at application layer, as well as considering the underlying
communication system. The introduced framework is appli-
cable for all systems based on application layer overlays. It is
especially well suited for the currently very popular peer-to-
peer applications as represented by the peer-to-peerfile sharing
systems (“the fastest growing Internet applications ever” [2]).
Manuscript received June 15, 2004; revised July 12, 2005 and August
12, 2005. The paper was presented in part at the Conference on Software,
Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM) 2004.
H. Birck, O. Heckmann and R. Steinmetz are with KOM Multimedia
Communications Lab, Darmstadt University of Technology, 64283 Darmstadt,
Germany (e-mail: {birck,heckmann}
A. Mauthe is with Computing Department InfoLab 21, South Drive,
Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4WA, United Kingdom (e-mail: an-
These presently pose a great challenge for simulators and
simulation models. Latest measurements showed that up to
80% of the traffic volume in the networks of Internet Service
Provider (ISP) is generated by peer-to-peer systems [3], [4].
A further important issue is the fast progress in the area
of overlay applications - particularly peer-to-peer. Many new
protocols and methods are developed, but there is hardly a
possibility to make a comparison between them. Scalable
simulation can help comparing and evaluating these protocols
and applications.
The simulation model uses two steps, the first step is
simulating the behavior at application layer. The result is then
considered in the second step, viz. the packet level simulation.
By these two steps approach we have the possibility to avoid
problems related to performance, and the accuracy and the
detail level of the modeling as for instance discussed in
[5], [6]. Thus the system complexity is kept low while still
maintaining a realistic model at each of the corresponding
levels. This is in contrast to many of the current peer-to-peer
simulator designs that mostly concentrate on the functionality
of a peer-to-peer system and do not explicitly consider a realis-
tic network environment. Hence, they stress protocol behavior
rather than looking at the influence of network parameters such
as delay, number of routers and links, geographical locations,
distances, etc. A good overview for peer-to-peer demonstrators
and simulators can be found at the P2PJournal web page [7].
With this ALS approach we aim at an exact mapping of
the protocol and additionally a realistic network environment
without neglecting packet level details crucial for evaluating
the influence of application behavior on the underlying net-
work. Additional it is possible to compare different protocols,
taking account realistic network conditions.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In
Section II we discuss related work to this topic. Section III
describes the packet-level simulation and emulation toolset.
Section IV presents the novel application layer simulation
approach, and Section V finished with the summary and the
In [1] the KOM ScenGen is described, a tool that supports
network level simulation and testbed experiments. Among
other things it allows to run the same experiment in a network
simulator and independently in a testbed. In this paper a
framework for application level simulations (see Section IV)
is introduced that can be used to evaluate P2P protocols and
1845-6421/05/5138 © 2005 CCIS
to generate realistic P2P traffic. The generated traffic can be
further analysed with KOM ScenGen.
There are several existing studies about simulating and
modeling of peer-to-peer systems. Reference [8] describes a
quite detailed packet level simulation based on the Network
Simulator (NS2) [9]. An empirical approach is taken in the
work presented in [10]. The study addresses the modeling of
the Freenet peer-to-peer system. Another more analytical study
[11] uses the “Query-Cycle Model” to model the request for
resources of a peer-to-peer system.
Much research has also been focused on the difficulties of
simulating large networks. The simulation of the Internet is
topic of [5], [6]. In [12] the problem of the model size in
relation to the real-world is discussed. For example it is surely
not useful to generate with 1000 nodes simulation model
realistic results for a large network with approx. 1 millions
nodes. Peer-to-peer simulators/demonstrators are presented at
the P2PJournal web side [7] in the submenu “P2P simula-
tors” and in [13]. These simulators are able to depict e.g.
the structure of a peer-to-peer overlay network or show the
reconstruction procedure in a hierarchical system.
Recent measurement studies are [3], [4]. These studies
contain measure results of the peer-to-peer traffic volume in
the ISP’s networks. The studies [14]–[16] describes peer-to-
peer traffic models and characteristics.
However, in all this approaches there is no direct line
between the application models and the underlying network
In this section we give an overview how networking ex-
periments are supported by our tool collection. We start with
some terminology and discuss how traffic can be represented
in experimentation environment. Next, the different steps of
conducting an experiment is described from beginning to end.
In the next section, we will focus on the application level
simulation step which is the main contribution of this paper.
A. Terminology and Traffic Description
The term traffic is used to describe the amount of bits
that is transmitted over one link or is sent by a node. With
the term traffic we always mean Internet (IP) traffic. Traffic
can be modeled at different layers with different degrees of
abstraction. For ATM traffic we can distinguish between cell,
burst and flow layer [17]. For IP traffic we found that the 5
layers of Figure 1 are appropriate.
On the lowest layer IP traffic can be modeled as a series
of packets. Each packet is characterised by a generation time
and size plus source and target node and port plus protocol
number. Traffic can also be modeled on higher more abstract
layers. If traffic is aggregated in time we call this the intensity
layer which specifies traffic as the number of bytes transmitted
between a source and destination(s) or on one link in a
single period of specified length. The information about the
individual packet sizes is lost this way. It is non-trivial to
split an intensity into individual packets again. Traffic matrices
Figure 1: Traffic Layers
are an example that typically uses traffic intensities. Also
some trace files specify traffic intensities and some self-similar
traffic models specify how to generate traffic intensities.
If traffic is not aggregated in time but instead by context
we speak of the flow layer. Each flow generates a series
of packets with a flow-type specific algorithm. A CBR flow
transmits packets of fixed size in constant intervals. A greedy
TCP Reno flow transmits packets as fast as possible using
the TCP Reno flow and congestion control algorithm. The
advantage of flow layer traffic is that it is obviously very
powerful and mEmory efficient since all packets belonging to
a flow can be described by a few flow parameters. However
each flow type (CBR, greedy TCP, etc.) has a very differentset
of parameters and the flow algorithm has to be implemented
both in the simulator and traffic emulator. All flows have a
start time and a node/port pair. The greedy TCP source has
the following additional parameters:
Packet size
Amount of data to be transferred
TCP algorithm parameters
A CBR flow for example is characterized additionally by the
following parameters:
End time
Packet size
Interval between two packets
The next highest layer is the session layer. A session consists
of a number of closely related flows or intensities. A simple
IP telephony session for example might contain a number of
CBR flows following each other with switching directions. A
session can be seen as the runtime instance of one application.
The highest layer - the application mix layer - models how
many sessions of which traffic model respective application
is generated in one edge node (e.g. 40 IP Telephony, 20
Peer-to-Peer and 100 WWW sessions). The application mix
is specified in the node & link property step (see below).
Our application level simulation framework breaks the ap-
plication mix layer information down to session and flow
In network simulation computer models of real network
components are used to estimate the behavior of the network to
some input considering to typical networking parameters such
as loss, delay, throughput. Network simulators like NS2 [9],
JavaSim [18], OpNet [19] etc. are used fornetwork simulation.
Our presented approach currently uses NS2 for packet level
simulations and our own framework for the application level
simulations.Contrary to simulations, in a real-world or a
testbed experiment the behavior of a networkto specific input
is observed based on measurements made in a real physically
existing computer network, either a testbed, research network
or production network.
B. Conducting an Experiment
Figure 2: Conducting a Network Experiment
Figure 2 shows the different steps of conducting a network
experiment. First a topology is created either manually or
automatically. To support this, we offer a library of real-
world topologies [20] and a converter for different topology
generators like TIERS [21], BRITE [22], [23], GT-ITM [24]
and Inet [25]. Topologies can also be created with a special
GUI. See also Section IV-A.
It has been also investigated how to choose the parameters
of the topology generators in order to obtain realistic topolo-
gies. The results show that the topology generators above can
indeed produce realistic topologies with respect to outdegree
distribution, the hop-plot and some other metrics, for details
see [26].
Next, the properties of the links and nodes are set manually
or automatically. These properties include
Delay of a link
Bandwidth of a link
Queuing algorithm and queue size of a link
Traffic properties of a node
The traffic properties of a node specify the type of traffic
this node is producing or consuming. For each type of
traffic a model is specified. The specified traffic model is
used in a later step to create and describe arbitrary traffic.
These properties can be set automatically with a script or
manually using the GUI mentioned above.
In the next step we run the application level simulation
It uses the topology and traffic information to simulate the
application behaviour on that topology. Currently this step
focuses on simulating the behaviour of P2P applications but
other applications could be supported as well. This step
generates flows and sessions that represent realistic P2P traffic.
For some experiments this might be everything the researcher
is interested in, in that case the experiment can stop after
this step. Otherwise background traffic is added in the
next step to run network level experiments (simulation or
testbed experiment) later on. For adding background traffic
we implemented some smaller traffic models, for example an
aggregated WWW model based on the traffic generator of
Kramer [27].
After the traffic generationsteps are completed, the resulting
experiment setup is exported. During the export a plausibility
check can be run which checks parameters critical for the ex-
periment for plausibility. An example would be estimating the
bandwidth necessary for the generated traffic and comparing it
with the available bandwidth. We implemented two algorithms
to estimate the used bandwidth, one uses fixed rates for the
TCP connections and given1loss probabilities while the other
one is more sophisticated and based on M/M/1 queues and
the TCP formula [28]. If much more bandwidth is needed
than offered the operator might want to change the scenario
parameters before investing time in the actual simulation or
testbed experiment. After the plausibility check the scenario
is exported to NS2 and/or the testbed:
The NS2 export module can automatically create an OTcl
file for NS2 that sets up the topology and the traffic sources
and starts them. In a second OTcl file the user has the
opportunity to finetune the setup process for his needs. For
more details see [29].
The testbed export module is written for the testbed
of our lab that consists of 24 FreeBSD routers. It can be
easily adapted to similar testbeds. The export module of the
scenario generator creates a number of configuration files and
scripts. When the masterscript is started it sets up the testbed
completely automatic. When a second script is started the
experiment is also started automatically.
First SSH host keys on the machines are exchanged. Next
the DNS and DHCP server on the control machine is con-
figured and restarted, then all machines in the testbed are
rebooted. The IP addresses of their interfaces are distributed
by the DHCP server, the DNS server allows us to address the
machines with the same names as in the scenario file. Next
the switch is configured automatically; VLANs are set up to
represent the links of the topology. Unused network interfaces
are put into dummy VLANS. Because VLAN headers will be
added to every packet we had to modify the Ethernet network
drivers because otherwise full-size ethernet packets could not
be sent. We use a shortest path algorithm to calculate the routes
and set up static routing in all nodes. After that ALTQ [30] and
dummynet [30] configuration files are distributed to all nodes
and ALTQ is started. ALTQ is a traffic management software
that enables certain QoS mechanisms on PC-based routers.
Dummynet can be used to emulate a wide variety of network
conditions by applying bandwidth and queue size limitations
and emulate delays and losses. Then the configuration files
1Estimated by the experimenter.
for the traffic emulator tool written introduced in [31] are
distributed to all nodes and can be started automatically. The
clocks of our testbed machines are synchronized by a GPS
After the export step the packet level simulation or testbed
experiment can be started and evaluated.
In this section the Application Layer Simulation (ALS) step
is described in more detail. In this step application messages
instead of IP packets are analyzed. Every message has a well-
defined size and content. In the context of the simulation,
the underlying network structure is based on realistic physical
structures respectively on Internet structures. Since this ap-
proach concentrates on a higher abstraction level it is possible
to avoid the problems that arise in the simulation of large
networks [5], [6], [12], [32]. With the exact traffic model for
the application layer, the ALS system is used for packet level
traffic generation. Additional ALS can accomplish studies for
analysis and optimization at application layer. It is beneficial to
do this kind of studies with realistic simulation environment.
The ALS framework itself is implemented in C++ and is
based on the ComNets Class Library (CNCL) [33]. CNCL is
an object oriented library for event driven simulations. For
graphical task the Boost Graph Library (BGL) [34] is used.
The application level simulation framework is roughly sub-
divided into four parts, the physical topology creation, the
user/data model, the traffic forwarding and the protocol. In
the following each part will be discussed in more detail.
A. Physical Topology Creation
We start with the description of the underlying network
topology for the ALS framework. That means a real-world
network topology and not the overlay topology constructed by
the application protocol as discussed in the Section IV-D. The
topology is usually significantly influencing the outcome of the
simulation. Important properties such as end-to-end delay and
packet loss depend on the used network topology. This topic
is discussed in more detail in the Traffic Forwarding Section
IV-B paragraph.
address space
Figure 3: Mapping of the overlay structure to the network
In order to proof the functionality of a particular peer-to-
peer protocol in general, it is sufficient to use a small topology,
which is optimized for the considered problem. There are a
number of demonstrators for special peer-to-peer protocols [7],
[13]. For an effective analysis of the impact of large peer-to-
peer networks on the underlying network it is meaningful to
use realistic topologies with a large amount of routers and
links [6], [35].
In accordance with real-world network structures, here
topologies which are hierarchically structured and based on
power law graphs [26], [36], [37] are used. A topology
is represented as a graph G(V, E)which contains sets of
vertices’s and edges. In the Internet context the vertex is a
router with properties like capacity and location. An edge is a
link with the bandwidth and a start- and end router. All links
of a graph are per default bidirectional. Thus the links (edges)
become duplicated to unidirectional back- and forward-edges.
Optionally, we can define the bandwidth for every direction
separately. Each node has a fixed geographical location and
for one and only node. If there are several nodes at one place
there they are aggregated into one node.
Generally, we use a typical Internet topology at the Au-
tonomous System (AS) level that contains three layers, a
backbone, several regions and at the lowest level the access
network respectively the LANs. The LAN structures are not
mapped in an absolutely exact way, because the end-systems
are connected directly with the access router (Point-of-Present,
PoP) of the backbone. This abstraction is taken since the
distances in the LAN are quite small compared to the distances
in the backbone.
Figure 4: The Scenario Editor for the AFS framework
There are two address spaces, one for the physical network
structure and the second for the overlay network. To a physical
node in the network more than one overlay node (resp. an
application end-system) can become allocated, see Figure 3.
Thus, the ALS has an address system analogical to the real-
world with overlay address and TCP/IP address space. This
differentiation is necessary to model real-world behavior. For
example, weeks after the turn-off of our experimental peer-
to-peer system, a considerable amount of traffic, addressed to
this peer-to-peer system, was still measurable.
The ALS framework is able to import several topology
formats. This enables to use topology generators like BRITE
[23], TIERS [21], etc. Using topology generators, it is possible
to create realistic topologies with an arbitrary amount of
routers and different structures. A good description for the
generation of realistic topologies is [26]. For case studies and
experiments with special configurations the AFS frameworks
supports a Scenario Editor (Fig.4) for this purpose. With this
editor the properties of the network structure and nodes resp.
peers are modifiable. Thus it is possible to create special
configurations for experiments at the application layer.
Additional the ALS framework provides the possibility to
create output data for the Network Animator (Nam) of the
Network Simulator packet [9]. With this visualization tool the
dynamical behavior of peer-to-peer networks are very well
visual demonstrable.
As already described in Section III, both ALS and the
ScenGen packet level simulation are based on an identical
topology. So we can use the results from the ALS as input for
the ScenGen simulations. With the exact traffic model for the
application layer, the ALS system is used for traffic generation
at packet level. In the following Table I, an example for this
output data is given.
Table I: Interchange data of ALS and ScenGen
stime packet snode intermediate enode
0.0728907 LOGIN(52) 45 13,2,3,6 25
0.0895437 CONNECT(52) 25 6,3,1,12 58
0.0923754 ACK(52) 58 12,1,3,6 25
0.0943661 LOGIN(52) 51 10,1,2,13 45
0.0963656 LOGIN(52) 45 13,2,1,10 51
0.101625 CONNECT(52) 51 10,1,3,6 25
0.102479 CONNECT(52) 51 10,1,12 58
0.103461 ACK(52) 25 6,3,1,10 51
0.103732 ACK(52) 58 12,1,10 51
0.145715 LOGIN(52) 42 9,2,13 45
0.146783 LOGIN(52) 45 13,2,9 42
0.150255 CONNECT(52) 42 9,2,1,10 51
stime: start time in minutes, packet: message type and size, snode: physical
address of start node, intermediate: comma separated list of intermediate
nodes, enode: end node
By means of a graph model, which is based on the Boost
Graph Library [34], all graphical tasks are computed such as
the routing in a realistic network. The shortest path routing
(similar to the prevalent Open Shortest Path First, OSPF)
to model a realistic routing behavior is used. The routing
information and the graph structure are important for the traffic
forwarding that is descripted in the next section.
B. Traffic Forwarding
The Traffic Forwarding describes the transport of data from
the source to the destination over a communication network.
The main property is the duration of a transmission, i.e. the
end-to-end delay. A good overview on modeling the end-to-
end (e2e) delay can be found in [38]–[42]. ALS applies an
empirical model for the e2e delay. In the next paragraph it
will be discussed.
In current peer-to-peer networks, several millions of users
can be active simultaneously. Packet-layer simulations of such
large and complex systems are limited by the performance.
The difficulties in simulating large communication networks
are discussed in studies [6], [12]. Therefore, in this approach
an upper abstraction level is applied and consider only the
application messages. Depending on the peer-to-peer protocol,
the size and the content of a message is given. In the next
step we are interested in the duration of the transfer of the
message from the source to the destination peer. So in our
overlay network analysis approach the relevant property of a
transmission in a communication network is the end-to-end
There are many factors which influence the end-to-end de-
lay. Considering all these factors (e.g. background traffic resp.
noise, packet loss, etc.) could result in a suboptimal solution
since to handle so many complex and difficult parameters
consequently prohibits scalability. Thus we pursue the idea
of using measurements as statistical pattern for the end-to-end
delay. In the following, the modeling of the traffic forwarding
in our simulation is described.
The end-to-end delay between the peers P1and P2must
determined, see Figure 5. The dashed line in Fig. 5 repre-
Network Interface
2Overlay connection
Capacity Capacity
Figure 5: Example scenario for a traffic forwarding in a
peer-to-peer overlay network
sents the end-to-end delay between both end-systems. All the
traversed links and routers are known. From this the end-to-
end delay between two communicating peers is Estimated.
Messages from the peers incurring transmission delay Th, the
queuing delay Qh, processing delay Shand propagation delay
Phat each hop hfrom the source to the destination. Thus we
The only random component of the delay equation (1) consists
of the queuing delay in the network, Q=hPath Qh. The
value of the total delay depends on the number of intermediate
nodes (routers). In the example of Figure 5 we have ve hops
and four intermediate routers. The deterministic part of the
transmission over the five links can be determined by the
message size, the distance and the electromagnetic travel time
in through the physical path. In [43], [44] the authors propose
several distributions to determine the e2e delay that is based
on measurement results in the Internet. Thus we are able to
determine a realistic e2e delay with the suggested distributions
and depending from the traversed route in the network. Later
on, there is the possibility to verify the results in the ScenGen
packet level simulation and if necessary restart the ALS with
new parameters. At the moment the different e2e delays in
the simulations is a problem. The estimation of the e2e delay
delivers other results than the fairly exact computation of
ScenGen, but the deviations are quite small.
C. User and Data Model
Our user model describes the behavior of an user who uses
a peer-to-peer client software. We use the notations “peer
client”, “peer” and “user” as synonyms because in this model
an user can only start one client and a client corresponds to
a peer. The data model represents the resources of a peer-to-
peer network such the probability of the resource sizes. Both
models are interdependent because in a peer-to-peer system
the behavior of the user is based on the search of resources.
At first we describe the user model and hereafter the data
A typical action of a peer-to-peer user is to connect with
the peer-to-peer network. In the next step he can start to
search for resources or stay online and the peer-to-peer client
is able to process requests from other clients. After certain
duration the user leaves the peer-to-peer system. The user
behavior depends on the peer-to-peer system (see the protocol
Section IV-D), the daytime and many more parameters. There
are many real-world observations and analysis of peer-to-peer
traffic characteristics [15], [16], [45], [46] that deal with these
peer-to-peer parameters and distributions. ALS models a peer-
Figure 6: States of the peer-to-peer user model
to-peer user as an exponential ON/OFF source as depicted
in Figure 6. Thereby the ON state is again divided in two
sub-states (see lower part of Fig. 6): the ACTIVE state and
the IDLE state. In the ACTIVE state the peer-to-peer client
is currently sending a request to the peer-to-peer network.
Otherwise the client is in the in the IDLE state. Thus the client
is ready to process queries from the other peers. For changing
between both states the Pareto or Exponential distributions
are used. The distribution and the parameter depends on
the used peer-to-peer protocol (see Section IV-D). The next
important property of the user behavior is the mean upstream
and downstream bandwidth of a peer-to-peer client. As well
distributions based on specific measurements and analyses (see
[35], [47]) are used.
Further we describe the data model which characterize the
size and the rank of the shared resources. For the distribution
of the size of files we can use some measurements for example
[46], [47]. In the first step we apply a log-normal distribution
for the determination of the file sizes like in [10]. But this
approach is not exact and does not fit to each peer-to-peer
system. For example the author of the measurement study
presented in [4] argues that KaZaA client users share more
video data than the eDonkey users. So the file size distribution
of both peer-to-peer systems is quite different. The second
item of the data model is the rank of a file. Based on the
observation that only a few files produce the majority of
the traffic volume the choice of the shared files has a big
influence on the underlying Internet. If a peer starts to send
a request, first by the distribution laws the rank and the size
of the searched file will be determined. A possibility for a
distribution is Zipf’s law [35]. Then the request will be sent
to adjacent peers. By the rank of the requested file every peer
can determine the chance of success for an incoming request.
The requesting peer gets messages from each peer who can
provide the searched resource whereby all the steps for a query
in a peer-to-peer system depends on the peer-to-peer protocol
we handle in the next Section.
D. Protocol
The last part of the ALS framework is the protocol im-
plementation. It is a quite generic part in order to create
simulations with several protocol implementations. As already
described in the introduction we consider peer-to-peer systems.
For the comparison and analyzes of hybrid unstructured peer-
to-peer networks we apply an implementation of a virtual
super-peer protocol as described in [48]. This Multi-Layer-
3 4
3 4
3 4 6
Figure 7: Example of the construction of the MLOP overlay
network structure
Overlay-Protocol (MLOP) is a prototype lightweight Overlay
Protocol to test and analyze hierarchical structures in dynamic
overlay networks. Our MLOP should not be another approach
to solve or optimize special overlayprotocol problems, but it is
an approach to analyze and compare hybrid unstructured peer-
to-peer networks in dynamical network environments. Thus, it
is possible to understand and explain the success of systems
such as KaZaA, eDonkey or Gnutella. An important point is
the possibility to explore the effect of hierarchically. In the
following we give a short description of MLOP.
MLOP is derived from the Open Fasttrack Protocol (see
for instance [49], [50]) a clone of the Fasttrack Protocol of
the well known KaZaA Client. In [51] we have analysed
the OpenFastTrack protocol, the parameter and the behavior
of other clients at our request. We also have kept statistics
about the distribution of e.g. packet size, answer behavior and
message delay.
The main idea of MLOP is to “keep it simple” in contrast
to the quite complex openFT/Fasttrack protocol. Thus the
3 4
3 4
Figure 8: Example of the de- and reconstruction process in
protocol supports the evaluation of incoming queries and if
necessary the forwarding of this requests. Also it sends the
own request toward the network and checks the number of
hops of the request in the network. Because a peer-to-peer
system is decentralise organized, the protocol is responsible
for the maintenance of the structure of the search network.
Any joining node first has to contact the login server to
get an assignment of the level and the list of the other nodes.
Therefore the login server has a very strong influence on the
obtained network structure because here the level of every
node is assigned. The actual algorithm provides a complete
fill of each network layer starting from the top-level. Figure
7 depicts an example of the construction of a 3-layer network
with a node degree of 2. Starting from the top-level first the
leaf-level is filled with nodes. If the subtree is completely filled
a new top-level node is created (see figure 7.d).
To keep the predefined structure the nodes have to check
periodically the relations to their neighbors and/or parents. For
this purpose a node sends a PING-message after a timeout
interval (default is 120 seconds) to each of their neighbors or
to their parent node. When the node does not receive a PONG-
message as answer, the corresponding parent or neighbor will
remove. The node is forced to establish new relationships to
Figure 9: Diagram of the retrieval process
other nodes. When a node notices that his parent node is not
longer reachable it tries to reconnect to the overlay network:
1) send a REJECT-message to all of his sons (when exist-
2) start to get a new parent/neighbor node and if this
attempt unsuccessful the login server will contacted with
a GET_LIST-message. So the node will receive an actual
list with participating nodes from the login server and
tries again to get a new parent or neighbor.
Figure 9 shows the reconstruction process of a MLOP overlay
network after the leave of node 2 in the first picture of the
sequence. Also here the MLOP follows the idea “as simple as
possible”, because the protocol does not attempt to maintain
the structure of a subgraph. The subgraph will decompose and
every node tries to reconnect to the overlay network.
MLOP supports the retrieval and exchange of arbitrary
resources, such as audio or video data files.
Figure 10: An example of a 3-layer MLOP graph
In figure 9 the MLOP query process is plotted. A retrieval
for a specific resource starts with a QUERY-message to each
of his neighbors or to his parent (figure 9 see step 1). When
a node receives a QUERY-message either the node finds the
resource in his own content or he forwarded this QUERY-
message to his parent or neighbors (step 2). In step 3 a node
has found the demanded resource and answers with a HIT-
message that contains the IP address of this node. This HIT-
message will forward at exact the same path that has taken the
QUERY-message to this node, so the privacy of the requesting
node is sustained. When the requesting node receives the HIT-
Figure 11: Efficiency factor of several overlay architectures
message he can send a DOWNLOAD request and receives the
demanded resource via FTP.
The complete description of MLOP would go beyond the
scope of this article and so we continue with testbed results
of ALS and MLOP. In our experiments we have extended the
Table II: Comparison of overlay architectures
Number Signalling Efficiency
Layer of nodes traffic factor
1 2.000 5.246.769 0,1266
2 2.000 2.764.147 0,1971
3 2.000 3.723.188 0,1135
4 2.000 5.484.132 0,0490
1 4.000 4.300.365 0,1507
2 4.000 4.869.016 0,2590
3 4.000 8.516.109 0,0932
4 4.000 9.466.787 0,0701
1 6.000 4.586.461 0,1318
2 6.000 7.044.447 0,2727
3 6.000 12.430.989 0,0947
4 6.000 13.491.292 0,0773
1 8.000 6.767.196 0,1268
2 8.000 9.277.783 0,2676
3 8.000 16.465.328 0,0905
4 8.000 18.260.360 0,0701
super-peer concept. While in the original concept only two
layers exist; a top layer with the super peers and an underlying
layer with the nodes connected to the superpeers. We have
enhanced this concept with arbitrary additional layers. In the
con- and destruction examples in figure 7 and 8 a 3-layer
structure is used.
In the following we present an experiment with ALS and
MLOP. In this experiment several hierarchicalarchitectures are
compared. As metric to compare the efficiency of architectures
we use the ratio of the maintenance costs and the success rate
of a retrieval process. Thus, the results define the number of
signalling traffic per retrieval hit. Table II and figure 11 shows
the results of an experiment with four different architectures
with 1, 2, 3 and 4-layers and four different number of nodes
in the overlay network. The greater values for the efficiency
factor are the better results. The diagram depicts the advantage
of 2-layer architectures for this small overlay networks. A 2-
layer architecture is more than two times more effective than
a “flat” 1-layer architecture for a MLOP overlay network with
maximal 6000 nodes. Our experiment shows that the protocol
in a peer-to-peer system may has crucial influence on the
whole overlay network and consequently to the underlying
network (bandwidth) resources. In order to make a meaning-
ful study about the impact of a peer-to-peer system at the
underlying Internet it is very important so model the protocol
as realistic as possible.
This paper provides a novel approach for simulating large
networks. Our approach is scalable and at the same time
yields realistic and trustworthy results. Our approach and
the developed tools are suited for application and packet
level simulations. Our application level simulation (ALS)
framework is specialized for analyzing P2P applications on
the application level. It is much more scalable than a pure
network level simulation approach. ALS takes into account the
physical network structure and a realistic delay distribution.
It can model the characteristics of different P2P protocols.
For our analyzes, we focus on super-peer applications at the
moment. The results of the application level simulation are fed
into a packet level simulation using our KOM ScenGen tool
It can also be used as traffic generator for our lab testbed
consisting of 24 FreeBSD routers. This way the ALS results
can be verified on a subnetwork and certain network parame-
ters like loss and queuing delay can be measured more exactly
than with a pure application level experiment.
We are able to generate reproducible results at the applica-
tion and packet level. Goal is to analyze the impact of peer-
to-peer traffic of the subnetwork of a ISP. We are convinced
that traffic from overlay networks like peer-to-peer have strong
effects to the network planning in the future.
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Hannes Birck received his Diploma degree in
computer science from the Darmstadt University
of Technology, Germany, in 1997, and is currently
working toward the Ph.D. degree. From 1998 to
2001, working on applied research projects in traffic
engineering and network planning at the Deutsche
Telekom Research Centre in Darmstadt. In 2002 he
changed to the computer centre of the Darmstadt
University of Technology, as a member of the man-
agement board for the acquisition of new telecom-
munication equipment. Since November 2002, he
has hold a position as a Research Assistant at the Multimedia Communications
Lab (KOM), aiming at a Ph.D. thesis. His particular research interests
include Networks Analysis, Distributed Systems, Peer-to-Peer Networking and
Network Simulations.
Oliver Heckmann finished his Ph.D. in computer
science with the title A System-oriented Approach
to Efficiency and Quality of Service for Internet
Service Providers” in 2004. Since then he is re-
search group leader of the Multimedia Distribution
& Networking groups of the Multimedia Commu-
nications Lab (KOM) at the Darmstadt University
of Technology. He is working for the eFinance Lab
( and the Internet"okonomie
( research
projects. From 2000 to 2004 he was a researcher at
the same lab working in the M3I ( and letsqos (
research projects. His research areas are Internet Service Providers, IT
Architectures and Peer-to-Peer Networking. His special focus is quality of
service, efficiency and scalability in these environments.
Andreas Mauthe is a Senior Lecturer at the Com-
puting Department, Lancaster University. He has
been working in the area of distributed and mul-
timedia systems for more than 15 years. His par-
ticular interests are in the area of content man-
agement systems and content networks, large scale
distributed systems, Peer-to-Peer systems, and self-
organisation aspects. Prior to joining Lancaster Uni-
versity, Andreas was heading a research group at
the Multimedia Communications Lab (KOM) of the
Technical University of Darmstadt. After completing
his PhD in Lancaster in 1997, Andreas worked for more than four years in
different positions in industry. He was General Manager UK Operations, Chief
Development Officer (CDO) and member of the division’s management board
of the Content Management Systems Division of Tecmath AG (now Blue
Order), a German based software house and system integrator working in the
area of content management (mainly for the broadcast industry). Andreas has
been acting as organiser, chair, and programme committee member for various
conferences. Further, he has been participating in standardisation activities
(e.g. ISO and SMPTE) and served as expert advisor and evaluator for the
European Commission.
Conference Paper
One of the most important design goals of current peer-to-peer (P2P) technology is to be able to offer its service to an arbitrary large number of users. Discrete event simulation is often applied to quantitatively and qualitatively evaluate the performance and scalability of such systems before they are deployed. However, the number of users, processes and events which can be simulated is limited by both the central memory and the time available. In this paper we present compact data structures and event design algorithms, which are intended to be a further step towards efficient simulation of large scale P2P systems. In particular, we give guidelines on how to increase the number of peers which can be simulated and show how to find a good tradeoff between computational time and memory consumption in large scale P2P simulation
Conference Paper
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Peer-peer networking has recently emerged as a new paradigm for building distributed networked applications. We develop simple mathematical models to explore and illustrate fundamental performance issues of peer-peer file sharing systems. The modeling framework introduced and the corresponding solution methods are flexible enough to accommodate different characteristics of such systems. Through the specification of model parameters, we apply our framework to three different peer-peer architectures: centralized indexing, distributed indexing with flooded queries, and distributed indexing with hashing directed queries. Using our model, we investigate the effects of system scaling, freeloaders, file popularity and availability on system performance. In particular, we observe that a system with distributed indexing and flooded queries cannot exploit the full capacity of peer-peer systems. We further show that peer-peer file sharing systems can tolerate a significant number of freeloaders without suffering much performance degradation. In many cases, freeloaders can benefit from the available spare capacity of peer-peer systems and increase overall system throughput. Our work shows that simple models coupled with efficient solution methods can be used to understand and answer questions related to the performance of peer-peer file sharing systems.
Conference Paper
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A crucial problem facing the designers and deployers of future high-speed networks is providing applications with quality of service (QOS) guarantees. For soft real-time applications, which are delay sensitive but loss tolerant, delay distribution is an important QOS measure of interest. In this paper we study (through simulation) the end-to-end delay distribution seen by individual sessions under simple first-come first-served (FCFS) multiplexing in a network model with two significant features: (1) all traffic is connection-oriented, (2) cross traffic along routes is representative of that seen by calls in a moderately sized wide area network (i.e., less than 100 switches). We compare these delay distributions with the worst case point-valued analytic delay bounds predicted by three different techniques for providing such bounds (two of which require a more sophisticated link-level scheduling policy). We also consider the per-hop delay distributions seen as a session progresses "deeper" into the network and determine the sensitivity of these delay distributions to the manner in which the interfering traffic is modeled. Finally, we use our delay distribution results to examine the tradeoff between the QOS requested by a call, the manner in which the QOS guarantee is provided, and the number of calls that are admitted at the requested QOS.
Conference Paper
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The growing interest in peer-to-peer systems (such as Gnutella) has inspired numerous research activities in this area. Although many demonstrations have been performed that show that the performance of a peer-to-peer system is highly dependent on the underlying network characteristics, much of the evaluation of peer-to-peer proposals has used simplified models that fail to include a detailed model of the underlying network. This can be largely attributed to the complexity in experimenting with a scalable peer-to-peer system simulator built on top of a scalable network simulator with packet-level details. In this work we design and develop a framework for an extensible and scalable peer-to-peer simulation environment that can be built on top of existing packet-level network simulators. The simulation environment is portable to different network simulators, which enables us to simulate a realistic large scale peer-to-peer system using existing parallelization techniques. We demonstrate the use of the simulator for some simple experiments that show how Gnutella system performance can be impacted by the network characteristics.
We use the measured round trip delays of small UDP probe packets sent at regular time intervals to characterize the end-to-end packet delay and loss behavior in the Internet. By varying the interval between probe packets, it is possible to study the structure of the Internet load over different time scales. In this paper, the time scales of interest range from a few milliseconds to a few minutes. Our observations agree with results obtained by others using simulation and experimental approaches. For example, our estimates of Internet workload are consistent with the hypothesis of a mix of bulk traffic with larger packet size, and interactive traffic with smaller packet size. The interarrival time distribution for Internet packets is consistent with an exponential distribution. We also observe a phenomenon of compression (or clustering) of the probe packets similar to the acknowledgement compression phenomenon recently observed in TCP. Our results also show interesting and less expected behavior. For example, we find that the losses of probe packets are essentially random when the probe traffic uses a small fraction of the available bandwidth.
Conference Paper
In this paper we develop a simple analytic characterization of the steady state throughput, as a function of loss rate and round trip time for a bulk transfer TCP flow, i.e., a flow with an unlimited amount of data to send. Unlike the models in [6, 7, 10], our model captures not only the behavior of TCP's fast retransmit mechanism (which is also considered in [6, 7, 10]) but also the effect of TCP's timeout mechanism on throughput. Our measurements suggest that this latter behavior is important from a modeling perspective, as almost all of our TCP traces contained more time-out events than fast retransmit events. Our measurements demonstrate that our model is able to more accurately predict TCP throughput and is accurate over a wider range of loss rates.
Conference Paper
The more information about current network conditions available to a transport protocol, the more efficiently it can be use the network to transfer its data. In networks such as the Internet, the transport protocol must often form its own estimates of network properties based on measurements performed by the connection endpoints. We consider two basic transport estimation problems: determination the setting of the retransmission timer (RTO) for a reliable protocol, and estimating the bandwidth available to a connection as it begins. We look at both of these problems in the context of TCP, using a large TCP measurement set [Pax97b] for trace-driven simulations. For RTO estimation, we evaluate a number of different algorithms, finding that the performance of the estimators is dominated by their minimum values, and to a lesser extent, the timer granularity, while being virtually unaffected by how often round-trip time measurements are made or the settings of the parameters in the exponentially-weighted moving average estimators commonly used. For bandwidth estimation, we explore techniques previously sketched in the literature [Hoe96, AD98] and find that in practice they perform less well than anticipated. We then develop a receiver-side algorithm that performs significantly better.