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China and the steppe: Reception and resistance


Abstract and Figures

The development of several key technologies in China - bronze and iron metallurgy and horse-drawn chariots - arose out of the relations of central China, of the Erlitou period (c. 1700-1500 BC), the Shang (c. 1500-1046 BC) and the Zhou (1046-771 BC) dynasties, with their neighbours in the steppe. Intermediaries in these exchanges were disparate groups in a broad border area of relatively high land around the heart of China, the Central Plains. The societies of central China were already so advanced that, when these foreign innovations were adopted, they were transformed within highly organised social and cultural systems.
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China and the steppe: reception and
Jessica Rawson
Study area
0 km 2000
The development of several key technologies
in China—bronze and iron metallurgy
and horse-drawn chariots—arose out of the
relations of central China, of the Erlitou
period (c. 1700–1500 BC), the Shang (c.
1500–1046 BC) and the Zhou (1046–771
BC) dynasties, with their neighbours in the
steppe. Intermediaries in these exchanges
were disparate groups in a broad border
area of relatively high land around the heart
of China, the Central Plains. The societies
of central China were already so advanced
that, when these foreign innovations were
adopted, they were transformed within
highly organised social and cultural systems.
Keywords: China, Eurasian steppe, bronze, gold, iron, chariots, innovation, mass-
The peoples on China’s borders and beyond, the mobile pastoralists of the steppe, have
traditionally been described in derogatory terms based upon comments in the early histories
of the fourth to first centuries BC (Di Cosmo 2002: 97–104). A project at the University
of Oxford’s School of Archaeology has worked with a different perspective, namely that
China’s societies and culture were stimulated and enriched by contact with the borders
and the steppe. Ongoing research has examined metal chemistry (Hsu et al.2016)totrack
material transfers across the Eurasian steppe to China; and it has followed river routes within
China and along mountain corridors in eastern Eurasia (Frachetti 2012). Above all, the
research has focused on the conditions that enabled the movement of materials and ideas
into central China and those that inhibited them.
The China discussed here comprises the lower Yellow River and the valley of the Wei,
known as the Central Plains. Over the first millennium BC, central Chinese culture was
extended to the northern bank of the Yangtze. One major conclusion is that, although
Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford, 34–36 Beaumont Street, Oxford OX1 2PG, UK (Email:
© Antiquity Publications Ltd, 2017
antiquity 91 356 (2017): 375–388 doi:10.15184/aqy.2016.276
Jessica Rawson
some essential technologies and ideas were introduced from the steppe, such as metallurgy
and the management of horses (first for chariots and later for mounted warfare), these were
developed in ways completely unlike such practices in their places of origin. By the third
millennium BC, the inhabitants of central China had already established complex societies
and were only attracted to materials from outside if these could be adapted to fit their
well-embedded customs. This is the major reason why the features of what we call Chinese
civilisation differ so markedly from the more traditional descriptions of ‘civilisation’ based
on developments in the Near East or later in Europe.
Central China and the steppe were inevitably linked in combat and exchange. These
regions are often discussed independently of each other. Some scholars have postulated a
symbiotic relationship (Barfield 1989: 8–20). Others have concentrated on the penetration
of some steppe customs, particularly the chariot, into northern China (Wu 2013). As a
result of extensive excavation in the Russian Federation (Chernykh 1992; Kuzmina 2008)
and China (IACASS 2003), the relationship of central China with the steppe has generated
renewed study. The border area has also attracted a lot of attention (Linduff 1997: 18–32;
Di Cosmo 2002: 49–74). Surveys have identified typological similarities of weaponry across
the steppe and into the borders (Wu 2007;Yang&Shao2014).
The first steps towards an understanding of what contacts across this vast region meant
to China have been made in recent decades by scholars examining the ways in which cereals
(wheat and barley) and metals (particularly bronze and iron) came into the Central Plains
(Mei et al.2009; Jones et al. 2011;Li2015; Linduff 2015). The wider implications of
the importance of contact between Eurasia and China were drawn together by Andrew
Sherratt (2006: 35–36), who noted that, had this ‘Trans-Eurasian exchange’ not existed,
China might have remained as isolated from western Eurasia as the Americas were when
Columbus reached the islands of the Caribbean.
Geography: the arc and central China
Fundamental to this account are the environmental and social differences of three major
areas: the Eurasian steppe, the borderlands and central China, that is, the Central Plains.
Across many thousands of kilometres of the steppe, pastoralists and agropastoralists were
often mobile, at least seasonally, with varied practices of trade, ritual communication,
political negotiation, herding and exploitation of resources (Frachetti 2012). They also
sought wealth and power by forming alliances, breaking them to form new ones and vying
for allegiances with gifts that in themselves were also a means of spreading new materials
and technologies (Kuzmina 2008: 40–70; Honeychurch 2015: 73). The great ranges of
the Pamirs, the Tianshan, the Altai and the Sayan provided many regions rich in minerals
and forests that fostered metallurgy. To the north, the basin of Minusinsk was especially
favoured by mountains that sheltered its steppe and agricultural land (Legrand 2006).
Between the steppe and the Central Plains is a vast area of high land, desert, agricultural
basins and some northern forest zones, which Tong Enzheng called the ‘crescent-shaped
region’ (Lin 1986: 241–50; Tong 1987). Others refer to it as the Northern Zone, Northern
Frontier or Northern Bronzes Complex (Shelach 2009: 8, 28–30; Rawson 2015: 46–47).
With different names, the area is now receiving more attention. It can be regarded as
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China and the steppe
Figure 1. Central China and the arc (coloured grey, based on information on present-day herding practices) with sites
mentioned in the paper. Map by Peter Hommel.
extended in the west, southwards towards Yunnan. Here, we have adopted the term ‘arc’
to describe this zone as an area of independent cultural groups (Figure 1). The arc shares
with the steppe a climate generally less favourable for intensive agriculture than that of
central China.
This huge, geographically and ecologically diverse area was inhabited by many different
groups with varying material cultures. Three tendencies shared within the arc are relevant:
weaponry, tools and metal ornaments had more in common with those of the steppe
groups than with those of central China; bronze vessels, which were major products of
the Central Plains, were acquired by trade or looting and were sometimes copied (Rawson
forthcoming); a leaded tin-bronze alloy employed on the Central Plains was also widely
The Central Plains, by contrast, had quite different geographical and ecological features.
A large territory, covered in the highly fertile loess blown from the north-west, nourished
millet and rice agriculture, with few large herds, and allowed more people to be fed on
the land than if it had been used intensively for pasture. This absence of herds, enabling
more potential growth in the human population, is a fundamental feature of the early
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Jessica Rawson
Chinese economy that has not been explicitly recognised before. Long before the advent
of metallurgy in the second millennium BC, communities had been organised for large
projects, such as the construction of ditches, dykes and walls (Shelach-Lavi 2015: 127–60).
The favoured grains—millet and rice—had to be boiled, not ground and baked as with
wheat and barley in Western Asia (Fuller & Rowlands 2011: 46–51). One consequence of
the intensive farming of millet and rice was that all settled communities developed a wide
variety of fine ceramics for cooking and serving, and for rituals such as burial.
High levels of organisation were also fostered by the Neolithic ceramic industry in the
Dawenkou and Longshan phases (fourth to third millennia BC) (Underhill 2002: 63, 182–
84), and by the choice of jade and silk, both difficult to source and requiring specialised
skills to work. Sub-division of labour had evolved before the Shang dynasty (c. 1500–1046
BC), enabling mass production of very high-quality items for elites in markedly hierarchical
societies (Ledderose 2000; Shelach-Lavi 2015: 156–58). These were celebrated in elaborate
burials, especially in third-millennium BC Neolithic societies on the east coast, emphasising
the ritual roles of jade, ceramics and lacquer. The Shang and Zhou dynastic rituals that
followed focused not on a distant cosmos of deities, but on kin and their afterlife powers in
the here and now.
By contrast with these many sumptuous burials, those of the steppe and arc were limited
in number and content. Typical of the western steppe, the well-known graves at Sintashta,
east of the Urals, included weapons, ornaments and animal remains, as well as rare chariot
traces (Anthony 2007: 374, fig. 15.3). Burials in the arc at this early stage included ceramics,
some bronze weapons and ornaments (Linduff 1997: 22–25). Despite many local variations
and considerable changes in the first millennium BC, this basic division in tomb contents,
with the steppe and the arc on one side and central China on the other, driven by the
economies, roles and beliefs of their occupants, remained constant throughout the period
under discussion.
From the steppe to China
Two major phases of change in the late third and early first millennia BC, respectively,
generated movement across the steppe and had direct impact on central China. The first was
a long-term expansion of activity over the third to mid second millennium BC as increasing
mobile pastoralism, with wagons and metallurgy, spread across the steppe (Linduff 1998,
2015; Anthony 2007: 371–457; Frachetti 2012). The second phase, probably starting at
the beginning of the first millennium, was energised by widespread horse-riding. Here, the
hallmarks of contact that can be traced in the arc and central China are the use of iron and
gold, and motifs of animals, mainly in profile (Bunker 1993; Di Cosmo 2002: 56–87).
Although hotly debated in the past, today scholars generally accept that metal use entered
China as metallurgy, was adopted in the steppe and spread into the arc (Chernykh 1992;
Mei 2009; Linduff 2015). Some early metal finds in the arc (in the Hexi corridor and even
as far east as Chifeng) are only explainable as the result of several separate contacts with
peoples from different parts of the steppe (Linduff 1998). Much of this early metalwork
was of arsenical copper, smelted from an ore or achieved by adding arsenic to the copper.
Arsenical copper artefacts have been found in central China, but in general the peoples
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China and the steppe
Figure 2. Central China and the eastern Eurasian steppe with finds of spearheads with hooks typical of the Seima Turbino
Phenomenon, second millennium BC. Map by Peter Hommel.
there chose to work with tin-bronze, to which they added lead, as some earlier casters of the
Qijia culture in the Hexi corridor had done (Mei 2009: 10). Very high-quality tin-bronze
artefacts in the steppe may have developed as a consequence of the ores available in the Altai
Mountains. We do not fully understand this sudden emergence of excellent metalwork,
which is known as the Seima Turbino phenomenon (Chernykh 1992: 190–234). We do
know, however, that it had a clear impact on China, as illustrated by a spearhead type with
a projecting hook below the blade, originating in the Altai area, which was imitated, often
in massive sizes, on the Central Plains (Figure 2). The repeated discovery of this unusual
weapon shape in China is evidence of links with the eastern steppe (Mei 2009:fig. 3).
Following the initial impetus that brought metallurgy from the steppe into the arc
and then into the Central Plains, three innovations in central China illustrate concurrent
reception and resistance to this introduced technology: bronze used for vessels rather than
primarily for weapons; warfare conducted with steppe chariots but without individual elite
combat weaponry; and jade weapons in burials, replacing the personal bronze daggers and
knives buried with peoples of the steppe. All three distinguish early Chinese societies not
only from those of their neighbours but also from those of the Near East.
The major Central Plains site at Erlitou, with elite structures, workshops and tombs,
has provided evidence of the first shift towards using bronze in an entirely local context c.
1700–1600 BC (IACASS 2003: 61–139). Although casters continued to make some objects
derived from models used in the steppe and arc (Shelach 2009: 128), two developments
drove bronze-casting in new directions. Complex ceramic moulds were developed to cast
vessels based on the ceramic prototypes already mentioned, and lead was added to the alloys
to ensure that the metal flowed well into elaborately shaped and decorated forms (Figure 3).
The late Shang and early Western Zhou (twelfth to ninth centuries BC) vessels were of
extraordinary size, with the largest surviving vessel weighing 875kg. Sets of numerous
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Jessica Rawson
Figure 3. A group of cast bronze vessels, Shang period, twelfth to eleventh century BC. Reproduced with permission of the
Trustees of the British Museum.
bronzes for ritual banquet performances required immense efforts in mining, smelting,
transportation, mould-making, casting and finishing (Figure 3). As bronzes were buried
in tombs, new vessels were continually commissioned. The high levels of skill and the
massive scale of labour and materials required for the bronze industry were driving forces in
expanding the numbers of Shang centres, as well as elaborating extensive networks for the
acquisition of resources, such as copper or ivory from the south and, later, horses from the
north (Cao 2014: 198–205; Rawson forthcoming).
When the Zhou, a group from the north-west, defeated the Shang in 1046 BC,
they employed modified forms of Shang bronze vessels in ritual offerings and burials
to establish their legitimacy and to expand their power base. All the evidence shows
that, in the hands of the Shang and Zhou rulers, when metallurgy from outside was
embedded in the Central Plains, it became a major instrument in enhancing Neolithic
forms of ritual and thus entrenching ancient expressions of power that were unique
to China.
The chariot appeared at the Shang court in the thirteenth century BC. Both the vehicle’s
form, with large spoked wheels, and the paired trained horses must have been introduced
from the arc and the steppe, where they were first used east of the Urals in Sintashta, around
2000 BC (Kuzmina 2008: 49–59). Such a completely new machine almost certainly needed
steppe drivers and trainers for the horses, and we know that these were present at the Shang
centre at Anyang from copies of steppe weapons found in their tombs (Rawson 2015:fig.
13). These originally foreign chariots were, however, transformed for burial by the Shang
elite, being decorated with local, mass-produced bronze plaques and fittings to enhance
their ritual presence (Wu 2013: figs 2.2 & 2.19).
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China and the steppe
Figure 4. Map of the eastern steppe and the arc showing the distribution of small swords or daggers along the arc. Minusinsk
Basin (a–e): a) Krivosheino (Andronovo); b) Potroshilovo (Okunevo); c) Krasnopol’e; d) Kaptyrevo; e) Chasto-ostrovsoke;
Mongolia (f–h): f) Galt, Khovshol Province; g) Battsengel, Arkhangay Province; h) chance find, Ömnögovi Province;
China (i–t): i) Tianshanbeilu, Xinjiang; j) Xuhaishuwan; k) Chaodaogou; l) Baifu; m) Nanshangen; n) Shaoguoyingzi; o)
Ningcheng City; p) Liulihe; q) Xi’an; r) Baicaopo; s) Baoji Zhuyuanguo; t) Chengdu. Map and drawings by Peter Hommel.
Both the Shang and the Zhou engaged in war with their northern neighbours, as testified
by oracle bones and bronze inscriptions (Li 2006: 141–92; Keightley 2012: 174–93). The
dynastic armies did not, however, adopt northern fighting patterns, which were based on
small-scale bands of men, attacking with axes, daggers, and bows and arrows (Yang & Shao
2014). Shang leaders carried huge bronze axes, derived from Neolithic jade prototypes.
Such heavy blades were not suitable for hand-to-hand combat and there was no celebration
of individual valour. The distribution of short swords and daggers mapped in Figure 4
shows that these were not taken far into central China in the Shang and early Zhou
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Jessica Rawson
Figure 5. Symbolic jade weapons, or ge. Shang dynasty, twelfth century BC. Shanghai Museum; photograph by Jessica
Instead, from the Shang onwards, infantry armies were large, consisting of several
thousand men in the field. This number rose rapidly over the Western (1046–771 BC)
and Eastern Zhou (770–221 BC) periods to tens of thousands, and, eventually, hundreds
of thousands (Yates 1999: 26–27). Forces of such size, as with other cultural patterns
characteristic of the Central Plains, depended on a large population reliant upon raising
crops, rather than herding animals.
Objects made from jade, the material most valued by the ancient Chinese, illustrate more
subtle responses to the proximity and dangers of the arc and the steppe. Especially under
the Shang, pointed jade blades (Figure 5), mimicking bronze weapons, in many sizes and
with many different details, accompanied the highest elites in death. The dangers posed by
demons and spirits of the afterlife were sufficiently alarming to require defensive weapons in
jade rather than bronze steppe-style daggers—as jade was, apparently, accorded auspicious
The second phase of contact and exchange can be traced from the beginning of the first
millennium and intensified from the eighth century BC. Pressure from the north, which
led to the collapse of Zhou rule in the Wei Valley in 771 BC and the flight of the court
eastwards to Luoyang, probably resulted from increased competition and conflict in both
the steppe and the arc. Many groups had taken to horse-riding for raiding and warfare and
were, by then, using iron weapons (Di Cosmo 2002: 74–90; Honeychurch 2015: 109–56).
An increasing number of conspicuous stone monuments in the steppe requiring organised
labour, with burial of horse heads and installation of large upright stones, engraved with
deer and with steppe-type weapons, reflected these changes between 1400 and 700 BC
(Jacobson-Tepfer et al.2010; Jackson & Wright 2014; Honeychurch 2015: 112–22). In
the succeeding period, 700–400 BC, steppe leaders across an immense area from the Black
Sea to the arc were accorded massive burials under huge stone kurgans, along with elaborate
dress with gold ornaments, belts and iron weapons, and were accompanied by horses and
subordinate burials (Figure 6).
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China and the steppe
Figure 6. The steppe and Central Asia with major Iron Age sites. Map and drawings by Peter Hommel.
A concurrent dominance of animal motifs has generally been identified as Scythian in
origin, but as the centre of the early development of the so-called ‘animal style’ was in the
Sayan Altai region, the term Siberian or Scytho-Siberian would be more appropriate (Di
Cosmo 2002: 32). Two tomb groups are especially relevant to developments in the arc and
central China: those at Arzhan in the Tuva, dating from the ninth to the seventh centuries
BC (Chugunov et al. 2010), and those of the fourth to third centuries BC at Pazyryk in the
Altai, where gold foil on wood was used, rather than solid gold (Rudenko 1970: pl. 120).
Certainly the speed with which gold, iron and animal motifs reached the arc is
astonishing. A lord of the minor state of Rui, buried in tomb M27, dating to the eighth
century BC, at a large cemetery at Liangdaicun near Hancheng on the Yellow River, must
have been a near contemporary of the individuals buried at Arzhan. Not only did the lord
have iron blades set in bronze as steppe-style knives, he also had the largest assemblage of
gold ornaments found so far on the edge of central China (Figure 7). The Rui lord also
had a jade copy of a Tagar-type dagger in an openwork gold scabbard (So 2015:fig. 3);
such daggers were popular in the Minusinsk Basin and, beginning in the eighth century,
appeared in many variations throughout the arc, with one example even buried in a Han
prince’s tomb at Mancheng, dated to the second century BC (Figure 6).
In the fourth to third centuries BC, steppe motifs and practices from the Altai, known
from the burials at Pazyryk, were transmitted enormous distances to Majiayuan in Gansu
Province and other sites in the arc (Figure 6). The occupants of the nearly 60 catacomb
tombs, as with their steppe contemporaries, wore gold plaques on their belts and curved
ornaments around their necks; their clothes carried masses of beads, and they were interred
with horse and cattle heads and hooves; none of these items figured in burials in central
China (GPICRA 2014: 58–63). Their elaborate chariots were decorated with small animals
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Jessica Rawson
Figure 7. Suggested arrangement of gold from tomb M27 at Liangdaicun, Hancheng, Shaanxi Province, eighth century BC.
Drawing by John Rawson based on a sketch of the reconstruction shown at the Shanghai Museum, September 2012.
that were cut out of sheets of gold, silver or tin, and that closely resembled those in felt and
leather found at Pazyryk (Rudenko 1970: figs 108–115, 137; GPICRA 2014: 72–84). As
also seen at Pazyryk, the Majiayuan peoples took on Mediterranean motifs of palmettes and
running scrolls, introduced to the steppe from Western Asia (Rudenko 1970: fig. 72, pls
67, 79, 82, 143, 148, 152, 155C, 162; Stark 2012;GPICRA2014: 88, 92, 94, 104–106).
The speed with which the Majiayuan peoples borrowed practices and motifs from the
distant Altai contrasts with the resistance of the peoples of central China to adopting these.
Gold was used, but hesitatingly, and with a variety of experiments with gold foil, cast gold
vessels and fittings and gold inlaid inscriptions (Bunker 1993). Only for a relatively short
period in the Western Han (206 BC–AD 6) were exotic gold and silver items highly prized
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China and the steppe
(Nanjing Museum 2013). Bronze and jade remained the materials of primary value until,
from the fourth century AD, Buddhism brought with it notions of jewelled and gilded
Weapons from the steppe, especially the sword, do not seem to have radically changed
the tactics of war, despite having become fairly common by the sixth century BC. Some
soldiers must have carried swords and employed them in battle, but there is no evidence
that elite commanders engaged with swords in personal conflicts with their equals. Textual
accounts suggest that swords were more likely employed in suicide, ambush or assassination
(Rawson 2015: 70).
If, however, steppe sword-fighting and gold-ornamented dress from the sixth century BC
failed to make a strong impression in the Central Plains, iron, as bronze had before, met
important needs. Chinese bronze- and iron-casting was unique, with strongly controlled,
very high temperatures, which were not attained farther west for over a millennium.
Massive numbers of cast-iron tools enabled the central Chinese to move into more difficult
territories farther to the north and south (Wagner 2008: 115–70). An expansion of
agricultural land followed, and the rulers of the now divided Central Plains, in the period
known as the Warring States (c. 475–221 BC), pushed northwards, engaging in further
combat with their neighbours.
The arc and the rise of the Qin state
From the fourth to the third centuries BC onwards, the Chinese became conscious of the
distinctive cultural demands of the steppe. They therefore supplied their neighbours with
gold and bronze belt buckles and ornaments of a steppe style (Bunker 1993: 45–46). Silk
was sent north, and appears in the Pazyryk tombs (Rudenko 1970: fig. 17, pl. 178), but
while Chinese ritual vessels were also exchanged or captured by the peoples of the arc,
typical central Chinese bronze and jade forms and motifs did not, in general, find their way
through the arc to the steppe.
The people there, to a large degree, and certainly the inhabitants of the wider eastern
steppe, did not take up the major central Chinese innovations that had originally been
a consequence of stimuli from the north: namely, bronze vessel sets, chariot ornaments
in bronze and mass-production iron-casting. A fundamental reason for an indifference or
barrier to these practices was a difference in ideology. In central China, offering rituals with
complex bronze vessels for food and drink were linked directly to a belief in the power of
the ancestors, and placed attention on social and kin relations of the living world, not on a
distant cosmos. The ideologies of the arc and the steppe were not congruent, and although
we have little textual information on the steppe, we can suggest that there were interests in
heaven and animal spirits, ideas that later crystallised as shamanic beliefs.
In addition, large bronze and iron industries depended on a high level of organisation,
as well as on complex hierarchical societies that created the demand for numerous bronze,
and later iron, weapons and tools. The steppe and most areas of the arc were too sparsely
populated, with limited access to resources, such as grain and minerals, to provide both
the supply and consumption that drove Chinese industries forward. As a result, Chinese
technologies did not go north. Much of the movement of peoples and materials came
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Jessica Rawson
from the north or north-west towards the south. The invasion of the Zhou into the
Wei River and the defeat of the Shang in 1046 BC, a battle that was fought with the
support of other outsider groups, is clear indication of the drawing power of the Central
Plains. And this movement towards the dynastic centres was repeated through attacks by
others, known as Rong, or Xianyun, into Zhou lands during the ninth and eighth centuries
BC, ultimately leading to the relocation of the capital to Luoyang in the east in 771 BC
(Li 2006: 141–92).
As the Zhou moved eastwards, their territory was gained by the aspiring state of Qin.
Yet, despite having taken over political centres in the Wei Valley, some early Qin lords were
buried in their home territory farther west, at Li Xian, in present-day Gansu. In the eighth
and seventh centuries BC, they interred sets of bronze vessels in accordance with central
Chinese tradition. At the same time, some of their bronzes were embellished with small,
three-dimensional animals typical of the steppe; numbers of gold ornaments, also typical of
the steppe, have been found both there and in the western Wei Valley (Michaelson 1999:
cat. nos. 1, 2, 8; So 2015:fig. 2). Over the following centuries, the Qin followed Zhou ritual
practices fairly closely, but from the fourth century BC, they returned to a more hybrid
combination of north-western customs in some of their tomb structures, while adopting
central China’s palace buildings (Shelach & Pines 2005: 216).
King Zheng of Qin (246–221 BC), who was to be the First Emperor (221–210 BC),
took material from many regions. As he unified the territory, he employed steppe cavalry
men in his army, as we now recognise from the terracotta warriors guarding his tomb
(Khayutina 2013: cat. no. 314), whose dress resembles that of the steppe leaders known
to the Achaemenids and Parthians (Curtis 2000: front cover), but he proclaimed his
conquest in the language of the Central Plains: Chinese. The First Emperor must have had
advisors who knew something of the seals, weights and measures of Central Asia and Iran
(Khayutina 2013: cat. nos 115–17), and also retained craftsmen who had mastered Western
technologies and cast bronze birds for his tomb in hitherto unknown life-like forms (Mei
et al.2014). He also exploited mounted horsemen and iron weaponry originally from the
steppe, and agriculture and settlements of the Central Plains, turning to the extraordinary
organisation of people and manufacturing from this area to create a unified state. This could
only be achieved by moving towards the centre, as the Emperor indeed did.
As the Qin moved south and east, as the Zhou had done before them, they adopted
central Chinese organisation. Later dynasties founded by outsiders did the same. Yet
even though northerners might take over as rulers of the Central Plains, the materials,
technologies and ideas that they brought with them were only embedded there when these
could be adapted to and integrated within the dense, highly organised, hierarchical societies
that had come into being long before the arrival of metallurgy from the west. As close
neighbours, the peoples of central China, the arc and the steppe were inevitably embroiled
with each other, but throughout their continuous engagement, their cultures remained
steadfastly distinct.
This research has been supported by the Leverhulme Trust Grant F/08 735/G for work by Peter Hommel,
Beichen Chen, Yiu-Kang Hsu and Rebecca O’Sullivan; the research has also been supported by the Reed
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China and the steppe
Foundation and the China Academy of Art, Hangzhou. The author is grateful for suggestions and information
from Yuri Esin of the Khakassian Research Institute, Abakan, and for advice and information from Chris Gosden
and Robert Harrist.
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Received: 31 January 2016; Accepted: 5 May 2016; Revised: 23 June 2016
© Antiquity Publications Ltd, 2017
... 1045-771 BC) dynasty over raiding pastoralists, as documented in Chinese historical texts and inscriptions on bronze vessels [19]. Frequent incursions of mounted pastoralists from the north and the northwest also triggered military and political disputes with the "Warring States", particularly the states of Yan, Zhao, and Qin [18,20]. Indeed, the construction of great walls along the borders of these states and their adoption of equestrian skills and mounted archery were in large measure associated with the neighboring pastoralists [21][22][23]. ...
... Indeed, the construction of great walls along the borders of these states and their adoption of equestrian skills and mounted archery were in large measure associated with the neighboring pastoralists [21][22][23]. The interactions between pastoralists and agricultural societies had a series of impacts on the geopolitics in northern China prior to the establishment of the first united dynasties by the end of the first millennium BC [20][21][22]24]. ...
... Commonly referred to as the "northern steppe cultures" in Chinese archaeological literature, these burial sites, such as Yuhuangmiao, Yanglang, Wandahu, Majiayuan, and Jinggouzi in present-day Beijing, Ningxia, Gansu, and Inner Mongolia [25][26][27][28][29], exhibit distinct features. They are characterized by the presence of "northern-style" bronze artifacts, including, but not limited to, metal plaques with animal motifs, daggers, and swords [20,25,28,30,31]. Another notable aspect of these sites is the inhumation of specific animal skeletal elements, predominantly the skulls and hooves of sheep, goats, cattle, and horses [28,32]. ...
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Simple Summary The authors present a preliminary analysis of caprine remains from 70 burials at Dunping, a burial site associated with Bronze-Age pastoralists in northwestern China and featured by the interment of skulls and hooves of domestic ungulates in burial contexts. The minimal impact of weathering on the skeletal elements and the attachment of atlases in skulls suggest that the caprines chosen for burial may have been slaughtered on-site, and that the inhumation of the caprine skulls and hooves occurred shortly after their death. It is likely that the remaining carcasses of the caprines were consumed by or distributed among funeral participants. The mortality profiles indicate the presence of caprines across various age stages at the site, with individuals aged 6–12 months accounting for the largest proportion. This pattern differed from those observed in contemporaneous pastoral societies in the regions nearby. Abstract The late second and first millennium BC witnessed extensive economic, cultural, and political exchanges between pastoralists and sedentary farming states in East Asia. Decades of archaeological fieldwork across northern China have revealed a large number of burial sites associated with pastoralists during the first millennium BC. These sites were characterized by the inhumation of specific animal parts in burials, predominantly the skulls and hooves of sheep, goats, cattle, and horses. However, the selection preference for these animals and how they were integrated into the mortuary contexts of these pastoral societies remain poorly investigated. Here, we report a preliminary analysis of caprine remains from 70 burials at the site of Dunping in the southern Gansu region of northwestern China, dated to approximately the seventh to fourth centuries BC. Based on an examination of species composition, post-depositional effects, traces of human alteration, skeletal element representation, and age at death, we discussed the selection, slaughtering, and inhumation of caprines concerning the mortuary practices at the site. Comparisons between Dunping and several other contemporaneous burial sites in neighboring regions, specifically in terms of the mortality profiles, further highlight distinct patterns in the selection of caprines for mortuary purposes among pastoral societies. These differences suggest varying degrees of emphasis placed on the economic and social significance attributed to caprines. Our findings provide new insights into the roles that caprines played in both ritual performances and subsistence practices among pastoralists in East Asia during the first millennium BC.
... During the Neolithic and Bronze Age, networks of interaction connected communities in Central Asia with those in East Asia. These networks were instrumental in facilitating the movement of goods and technologies, including wheat, barley, sheep and goat (Flad et al. 2007(Flad et al. , 2010Dong et al. 2017;Brunson et al. 2020), metalworking (Zhang 1987;Li 2005) and, later, horses and chariots (Rawson 2017). Despite substantial research on this topic (Fitzgerald-Huber 1995;Mei 2003;Linduff & Mei 2009;Jaang 2011Jaang , 2015, however, we still lack a detailed understanding of the motivations for and organisation of the interactions between these communities (Flad 2023). ...
... These similarities have been seen as evidence that early bronze-working technology in China was imported from Central Asia, probably via the north-west during the Majiayao and Qijia periods, and then continuing east to the northern Central Plain (Lin 1986;Fitzgerald-Huber 1995). To evaluate the connections between these regions, scholars have looked to the analysis of both metal artefacts (Li 2005;Linduff & Mei 2009;Jaang 2015;Rawson 2017) and pottery (Hung 2011(Hung , 2021Cui et al. 2015;Dammer 2021). ...
During the Neolithic and Bronze Age, goods and ideas moved between Central Asia and the Chinese Central Plain via north-western China. While the crops, animals and technologies exchanged are well documented, the local and social bases of these interactions are poorly known. Here, the authors use petrographic analysis of ceramic sherds from Gansu Province, China, to document the local production of pottery vessels and their circulation between sites. Individual vessel forms are associated with multiple paste recipes indicating the production of similar products by different communities of practice. It is argued the circulation of these vessels forged inter-community relationships. In aggregate, these local networks underpinned longer-distance exchange between Central and East Asia.
... Humans adopted different livelihoods, however, along the eastern ancient Silk Road during 3500-2200 BP (Ma et al., 2023c). On a larger spatial scale, significant discrepancy in Bronze Age subsistence strategies in north China are apparent, especially between the North China Plain and the arc, where extend from northeastern China, Gansu-Qinghai Region to Yunnan Province and acted as the key area of early trans-Eurasian exchange with unique cultural characteristics (Tong, 1987;Rawson, 2017;Dong et al., 2021a;Rawson et al., 2021;Ma et al., 2022). Livelihood transformation trajectories in different regions of north China during the late Neolithic and Bronze Age, and their relationships with the trans-Eurasian exchange have not yet to be comprehensively examined from the perspective of both natural and social factors. ...
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Significant spatiotemporal variation in human livelihood patterns and its relationship to trans-Eurasian exchange and climate change in north China during the late Neolithic and Bronze Age, has been intensively studied in recent years, but the comprehensive influence of natural and social factors on this variation is not well understood. Therefore, we analyze ar-chaeobotanical, zooarchaeological and carbon isotopic data from late Neolithic and Bronze Age sites in agricultural, pastoral, and agro-pastoral regions of north China. Our results demonstrate human subsistence strategies transformed at different speeds in these three geographic areas after wheat, barley, and sheep, goats, and cattle were introduced into north China. Introduced crops and livestock dominated human livelihoods in pastoral regions and became important subsistence in areas above ~1500 m a.s.l. in agro-pastoral regions after ~3600 BP. In agricultural regions, indigenous millet crops were the most important subsistence throughout 6000-2200 BP, but wheat use increased significantly around 2700 BP. Our study suggests that the introduction of new crops and herbivorous livestock related to the prehistoric trans-Eurasian exchange, and their adaptive advantage in high-cold environments might have rapidly facilitated human adaptability and social development in pastoral regions and northwest margin of agro-pastoral regions during the Bronze Age.
... Different areas in this region have many ecological and social similarities and essentially similar cultural connotations, which played a significant role in cultural interaction and ethnic exchange in Chinese history (Tong 1986). On this basis, the term of China's arc was also proposed to describe this zone, suggesting that the cultural development of ancient China to the west side of the arc was more synchronized with that of Eurasia steppe, whereas ancient China to the east side of the arc showed another appearance of cultural development that was not synchronized with that of the Eurasian steppe (Rawson 2017). ...
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Birch bark tar is one of the oldest man-made organic materials, which was most commonly served as adhesives in ancient Eurasia, but little is known about its usage in personal ornaments. In this study, we present the earliest direct evidence for the specific use of birch bark tar in the production of ornaments through chemical investigation (including FTIR, GC/MS, and Py-GC/MS) and imaging examination (including SEM and micro-CT). The chemical and microscopic analyses indicate that some beads and bracelets unearthed from a public cemetery (the Dayuanzi site) of an ancient state or tribe (Xinan Yi) on the eastern Yunnan plateau in southwest China dated to approximately 475 BCE–8 CE were exclusively made with birch bark tar. These ornaments represent a unique cultural phenomenon among ethnic groups in this region, which may contribute to a better understanding of plant exploitation and the related birch bark culture among different cultural groups and their interrelationships in the past.
... as integral to interactions between East and West in pre-historic times31,32 . Previous studies of jades, bronzes, and other luxury objects indicate exchange or trade of goods between sites, indicating an enhancement ...
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The origins of composite tiles, one of the oldest forms of roofing, are still unclear. This study is based on a set of over 5000 clay tile fragments excavated from a single context in the Qiaocun site on the Chinese Loess Plateau, dated to ~ 2400–2200 BCE (Early Longshan Period). By combining morphological measurement statistics, 3D modeling, computer-based simulations, and reference to historical and archaeological records, we reconstruct the earliest known composite-tile roofing techniques and demonstrate that tile production was under a low-level standardization, with manual control forming a key agent during the roofing process. The quantitative study of the composite roof tiles from Qiaocun was then placed in its archaeological context and compared with other sites on the Loess Plateau. It was found that tile-roofed buildings were, by necessity, community projects. Such structures served as nodes in larger social communication networks; additionally, their appearance was linked to intensified social complexity in public affairs during the Longshan Period. The invention of clay tiles was associated with the inception of thick rammed-earth walls which had sufficient strength to serve as load-bearing structures for heavy tiled roofs. The roof tiles excavated from Qiaocun site indicate that the Loess Plateau was a key center for the origin and spread of composite tiles and related roofing and construction methods, suggesting a Longshan–Western Zhou tradition of roofing techniques in East Asia.
... As one of the oldest civilizations, China undoubtedly presented the strong adaptability of livelihood practices in ancient societies. The agro-pastoral ecotone in northern China (Fig. 1a) was the strategic passageway connecting the Central Plains and the Eurasian steppe, gradually forming since around 4000 BP (before present) along with the more frequent trans-Eurasian cultural exchange Hu 2021;Rawson 2017). This region overlaps with the ecological transition zone between arable land and natural grasslands, located roughly at 101.1-125.6°E ...
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The agro-pastoral ecotone in northern China has long been an essential interaction between the Central Plains and the Eurasian steppe. The Western Zhou Dynasty (1046–771 BCE), with the Central Plains as its political core area, occupied parts of the agro-pastoral ecotone around 3000 BP during its early extensive territorial expansion. However, little is known about the subsistence strategies of the agro-pastoral ecotone subordinated to the Western Zhou. In this study, lipid analysis was performed on potsherds from the Yaoheyuan site in northwest China. The results show that ancient people consumed millet, ruminant meat and dairy products, together with possible equine products. The low proportion of dairy exploitation indicates that ruminant animal management was meat-oriented, which may be related to lactase intolerance and cultural habits. The people at Yaoheyuan lived on an agro-pastoral economy with domesticated herbivores and rare pig consumption, revealing a turning point for the intensified pastoralism in the agro-pastoral ecotone around 3000 BP impacted by nomadic pastoralism in the Eurasian steppe and climate change. In particular, the lipid signals in Yaoheyuan pottery and the previously published data likely reflect that the heterogeneity of Zhou culture between the Central Plains and the agro-pastoral ecotone, and provide important insights into the multiple interactions between the Zhou and indigenous cultures.
... Eastern cultures, represented by painted pottery, entered Xinjiang, interacted with cultures from the west, and continued advancing westwards. These cultural exchanges presented the rich cultural heritage in Xinjiang and laid the foundation for the Silk Road in later times [37][38][39]. ...
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The Wupu cemetery, located in the Yizhou District, Hami City, Xinjiang Province, and in the eastern part of the southern foothills of the Tianshan Mountains, is remains from the late Bronze Age. In this study, four faience beads excavated from the Wupu cemetery were examined by stereomicroscopy, synchrotron radiation micro-CT, and electron microprobe analysis. The appearance and compositions of these faience beads are presented and discussed. The results show that these tubular faience beads, glazed by the application glazing method, are all potash-rich faience, consistent with the faience produced locally in China. The faience products from the Central Plains were disseminated to the Hami region of Xinjiang Province during the Western Zhou dynasty (1046 BC–771 BC), reflecting the spread of such faience to the west with the Zhou people mastering the technique of making potash-rich faience.
This article explores the manner in which the Eurasian metallurgical tradition was transformed into an indigenous tradition on the Chinese Central Plains. It argues that the association of luminosity with the divine has a cognitive foundation, which accounts for the use translucent stones and shiny metals, including copper, bronze, silver, and gold as mediums for religious artifacts throughout the world. In China, this association was the primary impetus for the development of an indigenous metallurgy based on a piece-mold and coring technology. Although the technology ultimately concentrated on the production of ritual vessels, it was first developed at Yanshi Erlitou 偃師二里頭 for the production of clapper-bells (ling 鈴), which had similar round hollow bodies. We further explore the history of clapper-bells, arguing that they were a development of a Central Plains tradition dating back to the Yangshao 仰韶 period (5000–3000 b.c.e.). We argue that their religious significance at Erlitou lay in the previously unheard sound produced when the two luminous substances, jade and bronze, struck against one another. Thus, religious interlocutors at Erlitou used them to contact the ancestral spirits. Later, in the Yinxu 殷墟 period of the Shang Dynasty (ca. 1300–1050 b.c.e.), bronze clapper-bells were worn by dogs buried in tombs. We propose that their role there was a development of the earlier one; that is, they were used to contact the occupant's ancestral spirits as he was guided by the dog in the underworld.
Grain-cooking traditions in Neolithic China have been characterised as a ‘wet’ cuisine based on the boiling and steaming of sticky varieties of cereal. One of these, broomcorn millet, was one of the earliest Chinese crops to move westward into Central Asia and beyond, into regions where grains were typically prepared by grinding and baking. Here, the authors present the genotypes and reconstructed phenotypes of 13 desiccated broomcorn millet samples from Xinjiang (1700 BC–AD 700). The absence in this area of sticky-starch millet and vessels for boiling and steaming suggests that, as they moved west, East Asian cereal crops were decoupled from traditional cooking practices and were incorporated into local cuisines.
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Terracotta warriors excavated from the tomb complex of the First Emperor of Qin have distinct facial features and a particular kind of fascination, offering a unique “ face-to face” encounter with ancient China. This is why the exhibition “ Qin — The Eternal Emperor and His Terracotta Warriors,” held at the Bernisches Historisches Museum in 2013, was centred on the terracotta figures. A second aim of the exhibition, however, was to extend this scope and give an insight into a period of more than 1,000 years of Chinese history and civilization. The first section showed the roots and rise of the Qin principality up until the development of the Chinese Empire. The second section was centred on the tomb complex of the First Emperor and his terracotta army. Finally, the third section dealt with Qin Shi Huangdi ’ s legacy for subsequent eras. Particular attention was also given to the archaeological challenges of the excavation and conservation of the terracotta army. This accompanying publication covers all of the topics dealt with in the exhibition and expands upon them. Similarly to the exhibition, the publication is also divided into three sections. The first section offers an outline of the political situation in the territory of presentday China during the first millennium BC ( Chapter 1 ), traces the rise of the Qin State from its origins until the foundation of the Empire in the year 221 BC ( Chapter 2 ), and gives an insight into the funerary culture of Qin society ( Chapter 3 ). The second section initially focuses on the First Emperor of Qin ( Chapter 4 ) and the organization of the Chinese Empire founded by him ( Chapter 5 ). It then describes in detail the tomb complex of the First Emperor ( Chapter 6 ) and the terracotta army ( Chapter 7 ). The third section of the book deals with the historical heritage of the Qin dynasty. It first examines the Han dynasty ( 202 BC–AD220 ) as the immediate successor of the Qin, and outlines a number of developments in the history of the Chinese Empire until its collapse in the year 1911 ( Chapter 8 ). Finally, it shows how the historical figure of the First Emperor and the terracotta army are perceived in contemporary China ( Chapter 9 ). The catalogue section is also divided into three parts and documents all objects on display in the exhibition. A chronological table, a reading aid for correct pronunciation of certain Chinese terms, and a list of the most important Chinese place and personal names and other terms mentioned in this book complete the publication.
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Early Iron Age pastoralists of the Eurasian steppes relied heavily on copper for weapons and ornaments, and new analysis of metal composition enables long-distance networks to be identified. Primary circulation from source areas where copper was mined can be distinguished alongside the secondary circulation of alloy types with high proportions of tin-bronze or leaded tin-bronze. The relative presence of trace elements, depleted during recycling events, provides a proxy for the flow of metal between regions. The localised seasonal movements characteristic of these mobile steppe societies underlie some of these patterns, but the evidence also indicates more extensive transfers, including the direct movement of finished objects over considerable distances.
Relations between Inner Asian nomads and Chinese are a continuous theme throughout Chinese history. By investigating the formation of nomadic cultures, by analyzing the evolution of patterns of interaction along China's frontiers, and by exploring how this interaction was recorded in historiography, this looks at the origins of the cultural and political tensions between these two civilizations through the first millennium BC. The main purpose of the book is to analyze ethnic, cultural, and political frontiers between nomads and Chinese in the historical contexts that led to their formation, and to look at cultural perceptions of 'others' as a function of the same historical process. Based on both archaeological and textual sources, this 2002 book also introduces a new methodological approach to Chinese frontier history, which combines extensive factual data with a careful scrutiny of the motives, methods, and general conception of history that informed the Chinese historian Ssu-ma Ch'ien.
In ancient and medieval times, the Silk Road was of great importance to the transport of peoples, goods, and ideas between the East and the West. A vast network of trade routes, it connected the diverse geographies and populations of China, the Eurasian Steppe, Central Asia, India, Western Asia, and Europe. Although its main use was for importing silk from China, traders moving in the opposite direction carried to China jewelry, glassware, and other exotic goods from the Mediterranean, jade from Khotan, and horses and furs from the nomads of the Steppe. In both directions, technology and ideologies were transmitted. The Silk Road brought together the achievements of the different peoples of Eurasia to advance the Old World as a whole. The majority of the Silk Road routes passed through the Eurasian Steppe, whose nomadic people were participants and mediators in its economic and cultural exchanges. Until now, the origins of these routes and relationships have not been examined in great detail. In The Prehistory of the Silk Road, E. E. Kuzmina, renowned Russian archaeologist, looks at the history of this crucial area before the formal establishment of Silk Road trade and diplomacy. From the late Neolithic period to the early Bronze Age, Kuzmina traces the evolution of the material culture of the Steppe and the contact between civilizations that proved critical to the development of the widespread trade that would follow, including nomadic migrations, the domestication and use of the horse and the camel, and the spread of wheeled transport. The Prehistory of the Silk Road combines detailed research in archaeology with evidence from physical anthropology, linguistics, and other fields, incorporating both primary and secondary sources from a range of languages, including a vast accumulation of Russian-language scholarship largely untapped in the West. The book is complemented by an extensive bibliography that will be of great use to scholars.
The ascendancy of the Western Zhou in Bronze Age China, 1045-771 BC, was a critical period in the development of Chinese civilisation and culture. This book addresses the complex relationship between geography and political power in the context of the crisis and fall of the Western Zhou state. Drawing on the latest archaeological discoveries, the book shows how inscribed bronze vessels can be used to reveal changes in the political space of the period and explores literary and geographical evidence to produce a coherent understanding of the Bronze Age past. By taking an interdisciplinary approach which embraces archaeology, history and geography, the book thoroughly reinterprets late Western Zhou history and probes the causes of its gradual decline and eventual fall. Supported throughout by maps created from the GIS datasets and by numerous on-site photographs, Landscape and Power in Early China gives significant insights into this important Bronze Age society.
This volume aims to satisfy a pressing need for an updated account of Chinese archaeology. It covers an extended time period from the earliest peopling of China to the unification of the Chinese Empire some two thousand years ago. The geographical coverage includes the traditional focus on the Yellow River basin but also covers China's many other regions. Among the topics covered are the emergence of agricultural communities; the establishment of a sedentary way of life; the development of sociopolitical complexity; advances in lithic technology, ceramics, and metallurgy; and the appearance of writing, large-scale public works, cities, and states. Particular emphasis is placed on the great cultural variations that existed among the different regions and the development of interregional contacts among those societies.