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Development of An Environmental Education Learning Model for Vocational High Schools

  • Makasar state university

Abstract and Figures

This study, is a Research and Development (R & D) Model which generates four product components, namely: a book of models, devices, instrument learning and web-based program. The purpose of this study is to design a Learning Model for Environmental Education used on Vocational Education, tested at Vocational high School Palopo to 110 students as the sample to represent 1100 students. Indicators research is validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the model of environmental education. Based on the results of the research found that the learning model improve knowledge, and improvements in the affective aspect. This is due to the students' responses are in a category will be positive but do not meet the criteria of effectiveness. Furthermore, based on the results of the second experiment found better results, more effective where the activities of the students showed a positive value and according to criteria of effectiveness
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International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences
ISSN 0973-6077 Volume 11, Number 2 (2016), pp. 647-656
© Research India Publications
Development of An Environmental Education
Learning Model for Vocational High Schools
Asri*, Bulu**, Mithen*** and Gufran Darma Dirawan***
*Lecturer of Cokroaminoto University of Palopo, Indonesia
** Lecturer of IAIN Palopo, Indonesia.
*** Lecturer of Makassar State University, Indonesia.
This study, is a Research and Development (R & D) Model which generates
four product components, namely: a book of models, devices, instrument
learning and web-based program. The purpose of this study is to design a
Learning Model for Environmental Education used on Vocational Education,
tested at Vocational high School Palopo to 110 students as the sample to
represent 1100 students. Indicators research is validity, practicality, and
effectiveness of the model of environmental education. Based on the results of
the research found that the learning model improve knowledge, and
improvements in the affective aspect. This is due to the students' responses are
in a category will be positive but do not meet the criteria of effectiveness.
Furthermore, based on the results of the second experiment found better
results, more effective where the activities of the students showed a positive
value and according to criteria of effectiveness
Keywords: Learning, Environmental Education.
Several previous studies in the field of vocational technology education focused on
the development of student competence, participation, and ethical students, that there
are many things that influence each other in the educational process as the quality of
teachers that make the learning process, and the completeness of the infrastructure
used. Widyastono, (2014: 119) argues that the curriculum in 2013 on the competence
of vocational skills Technology and Engineering emphasizes the competence
development of knowledge, skills, attitudes that learners are balanced. Similarly
648 Asri et al
Norizan (2010: 41) argues: "Identify the knowledge, attitudes and practices on the
environment is required to assess the level of preparedness to integrate Education
Sustainable Development (ESD) in their teaching."
The failure of environmental education in vocational schools, based on preliminary
observations, due to: First lesson needs to be designed based on the model of
environmental management in the form of explanations and giving practical
understanding to the teacher in the classroom. Both the design of the learning model
can serve as a reference for teachers, especially to apply learning to use computer
technology in the form of a website, so that the preparation of the model is expected:
First, teachers and students are accustomed to using technology-based learning model.
Secound, teachers and students used to interact listening to the material and
worksheets of students with computers using website. The third, student learning
outcomes are evaluated by a computer using the website, making it easier with an
integrative approach.
The learning model is appropriate for it named Plan, Observation, Revition,
Evaluation, and velue environmetal Education (POREV-EE) Model-based website,
designed in the form of learning materials, student worksheets, and evaluation of
learning outcomes are presented online. Results were related to the results of previous
studies conducted by Riyana, (2010: 52) with the title "Increasing pedagogical Master
Through Implementation Education Model (Interactive Virtual educational)" where
such research qualification improvement of teachers through the development of
learning models designed specifically through the system distance learning by using
information technology. The utilization of information technology-based, interactive
and virtual (e-learning) to increase the competence of teachers.
Learning environment in vocational high schools, is still lacking. This is due to the
teachers who are still using conventional learning models by using the media what
they teach and previous study results can not increase the ability of teachers in
providing an understanding. This is why the design POREV-EE Model-based website
with programming languages (Hypertext Processor), and based database management
system becomes important to be spliced. Armitage et al. (2012: 135) argues that "the
use of computers in teaching equipment have seen an exponential growth in the last
decade and from the perspective of students, the use of technology as a learning
resource helps to impart skills and knowledge". One approach is the model used
Nieveen Model (1999), and Joyce, Weil, and Calhoun (2004: 48-51).
This type of research study Research & Development method where development is
done through several stages or phases to produce Environmental Education Learning
Model (POREV-EE Model). The model can be asses by the quality criteria based on
the theory Nieveen (1997) issue of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. The
development of this model was followed by the learning device is packaged in an
application program using computer media website.
Instruments used in FOREV-EE model, is a learning device that is packaged in the
form of an application program website includes: (1) Model sheet assessment, (2)
Development Of An Environmental Education Learning Model 649
Sheet Observation, (3) Questionnaire responses of students, (4) Gazette the results of
evaluation studies, and (5) Form validation for each istrumen. Then test POREV-EE
model, the learning device is packaged in a media program using a computer, and
instruments that already meet the validity tested at Vocational high School Palopo in
Class XI of the school year in 2014 to 110 students as the sample to represent 1100
Formula reliability of devices and instruments based on a percentage of the deal has
been modified as follows:
ent (R) of agreemPercentage 100
R = Coefficient Reliability
Agreements = average rate of Assessor Agreement
Disagreements = The average level of disagreement of assessors
Criteria for the implementation of otherwise reliable models, if the value of reliability
(R) 0.75 (Borich, 1994: 385)
1. Results
Step Model Development activities of POREV-EE Model
Development learning model that is designed to be named Model POREV-EE Model
following the order of modification of common development model as follows:
Phase 1: Preliminary Investigation
Based on evidence in the field, the teacher teaches environmental management in the
classroom using model interface customary teachers teach (the conventional model,
the result is less effective and its impact has not been felt in students and the
community. This phase is the phase observations to make a plan for development.
Phase 2 : Designing
a. Designing Learning Model
Phase 2 is to redesign or design a Learning Model for Environmental Education
(POREV-EE Model) after planning and observation. Activities undertaken in the
design study model, referring to the components of learning by Joyce, Weil, &
Calhoun, (2004).
b. Designing a Learning Tool
Designing POREV-EE Model, requires teachers to first determine the learning
objectives. In the learning objectives can be used as guidelines for selecting learning
with the help of computer models tutorial using a computer program (software),
namely: the programming language PHP (Hypertext processor) and MySQL database
(management system).
650 Asri et al
Phase 3: Realization
a. Realization of Learning Model
After conducting Phase-2 on the design of the above, the next entry in the phase of
realization or implementation phase. Activities undertaken are implementation model
that has been designed as the phase 2, namely: (1) conducting the preparation syntax
of the model with attention to serve as a computer-based learning instructional
purposes; (2) establishes a system of social or learning environment prevailing at
POREV-EE Model; (3) formulate principles reactions; (4) determine the support
system; (5) develop the instructional goals of the learning process. POREV-EE
Implementation Model in Phase-2 will be named Prototype I
b. Implementation of Learning Tool
The implementation phase learning device refers to a direct instructional model
utilizing information technology based on phase 2, phase 3 and phase-4.
Phase 4 revision, evaluation, and testing Values
In this Phase 4 activities undertaken is validation, and test piloted in the field
POREV-EE Model development. Stages are validated prototype phase I consists of
the Model POREV-EE, learning tools, and research instrument.
To show the flow of activities in this study, can be seen in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1 . Event Flow Model POREV-EE
Development Of An Environmental Education Learning Model 651
PROV-EE Application Assessment Model
Research PROV-EE Model asses by four (4) experts and practitioners refer to the
book POREV-EE Model. Based on the results of expert assessment and confirmed the
valid criteria obtained the test results as follows:
Table 1. Test results POREV-EE Application Model
Support theory
Very high
Social system
Very high
Principle reactions
System support
Instructional impact accompaniment
Very high
Online learning
Very high
Online student assignment sheet
Evaluation of learning outcomes
Very high
Source: Results of data processing
Based on the results of the assessment of the experts presented in Table 1 above, it
can be concluded that the overall POREV-EE model is valid and can be used as a
model of learning in secondary vocational schools.
Rate of use Website
Use of the Web site is part of the POREV-EE model used by teachers and students in
the classroom, can be seen in Table 2.
Table 2. Rate of Use Website PORE LEE Model
Very high
Very high
Very high
Very high
Very high
Source: Results of data processing
There are five aspects judged on the use of the website in the implementation
POREV-EE model used by teachers and students in the classroom, namely: (1) aspect
of the initial view is used by teachers and students to create a user ID and password as
participants learn, (2 ) choose the aspect of the study by the student, (3) select aspects
652 Asri et al
of the subject matter, (4) aspects of student worksheets, and (5) aspects of the
evaluation of the students' worksheets. Based on the average results obtained are
presented in Table 2 above, then confirmed with valid criteria, it can be concluded
that all aspects of the assessment are at very high category.
Trial POREV-EE Model
a. Component syntax
Implementation of the testing of components syntax, obtained 15 agreements of two
expert observers, and the only one that is not agreed upon. observations of two
observers agree that POREV Syntax-EE Component Model reliability is achieved by
a percentage R (PA) = 93.75%, or an average observation disagreement (M = 3.42) of
four meetings in the classroom. Component syntax shown in Figure 2.
Meeting 1
Meeting 2
Meeting 3
Meeting 4
average of observations
Average of Observation
Syntax Implementation
Figure 2. Implementation of Syntax Components
b. Social System Components
Implementation of the Social Component System test, obtained 19 agreements from
two expert observers and the only one that was not agreed upon. This means that from
observations of two observers agree that POREV-EE Model Social System reliability
is achieved by a percentage R (PA) = 95%, or an average observation disagreement
(M = 3.65) of four meetings in the classroom. Aspects of the implementation of the
social system components shown in Figure 3.
Development Of An Environmental Education Learning Model 653
Meeting 1
Meeting 2
Meeting 3
Meeting 4
average of observations
Average of Observation
Impelementation of Social System
Figure 3. Implementation of the Social System Components
c. Principle Component Reaction
Implementation of the test component of reaction principle obtained 20 agreements
from two expert observers and 0 are not agreed upon. This means that from
observations of two observers agree that the principle component reaction-POREV-
EE Model achieved by the percentage of reliability R (PA) = 100%. or the average
value of disagreement (M = 3.75) than 4 learning in the classroom. Aspects of the
implementation of the principle components of the reaction are shown in Figure 4.
Meeting 1
Meeting 2
Meeting 3
Meeting 4
average of observation
Average of Observation
Implementation of Principle Reaction
Figure 4. Implementation of the principle components of the reaction
d. Component Support System
Implementation Support System Components trial, obtained the agreement from the
two observers 24 experts and 0 are not agreed upon. Observations of two observers
654 Asri et al
agree that Component Support System Model POREV-EE is achieved with the
reliability R (PA) = 100%. or the average value of disagreement (M = 3.90) than 4
learning in the classroom. Implementation of Component Support System are shown
in Figure 5.
Meeting 1
Meeting 2
Meeting 3
Meeting 4
average of observation
Average of Observation
Implementation of Support System Component
Figure 5. Implementation Support System Components
2. Discussion
During this time the teacher teaches is still using the old model is system oriented
teaching at the teacher, or the conventional learning system so that the learning is very
limited so created a new model of learning by using POREV-EE model in which the
online computer-based learning system that is oriented to students activities This
learning system, provide many benefits, namely: First, students learn more effectively
individually, teaching materials easy to remember because of the material in the form
of images of environmental problems, so that students do not get bored; Second,
students are stimulated to learn to interact with computers so that students have the
challenge to be more creative; Third, students in learning activities, can be directly
evaluated by the computer therefore mastery learning can be measured directly, for
example by determining the minimum standard of completeness criteria (KKM) score
70 were determined by school.
R & D research was conducted to develop a learning device through several stages or
phases that resulted in Environmental Education Learning Model (POREV-EE
Model). Initially, only the hosting local produce used in the classroom and then
developed in the form online and can be accessed through the website www.Asri- Learning materials are prepared in such a way that allows students to know
the real situation in society, and is expected to change the way of thinking and
behavior of students. This learning material removed from the real situation through
the phenomenon observed images, analyzed, and given the conclusions so as to attract
the attention of students to learn. Through learning tools, students utilize computer
media furthermore it can analyze the character of students, performance, selecting
Development Of An Environmental Education Learning Model 655
methods, evaluate, revise, and others in accordance with learning theory proposed by
Smaldino, Lowthher, and JD Russell, (2011, 334)
Practicality Learning Model Environmental Education (PROV-EE Model). measured
by two approaches, namely a theoretical and empirical approach and based on the
results of an expert assessment, POREV-EE Model online already feasible in the
classroom, in the computer lab, and outside the classroom. In Trial I declared that
meets the criteria elements of practicality, but still needs to be improved. Followed by
Trial II to fix a few things that are found in the trials I so that this model can really
executed well, although still no shortage, caused by: First teachers and students not
yet accustomed to accessing learning materials using the website, secound teachers
did not master classroom management is good, so in the process of learning some
aspects are often forgotten, The third students are not used to doing exercises online,
where students are evaluated by a computer, the fourth student habit often open other
websites outside of the material presented, thereby disrupting the smooth process
The effectiveness of the learning model POREV-EE online are: ability of teachers
manage learning activities, student activities, success in learning or learning
outcomes, student response to POREV-EE Model online. The effectiveness of the
results achieved during the implementation phase of Trial are: (1) based on the results
obtained using POREV-EE Model online has been declared effective, because the
results of the assessment refers to the ability of teachers manage teaching and learning
activities, but in it experienced improvements; (2) the activities of students who rated
load 9 elements declared effective activity component in the learning process; (3) the
success of learning or mastery learning outcomes is done online students work in a
timely matter using a computer program; (4) The student's response to POREV-EE
model is very high.
Based on these results, it can be concluded that POREV-EE Model: First, because the
instrument has been validated Valid four experts and practitioners with the reliability
coefficient R = 0.96, on the whole instrument has qualified validity and reliability.
Second, effective for learning model POREV-EE online can enhance teachers' ability
to manage the learning activities, student activities, and the success of learning or
student learning outcomes. Third, practically as measured from the two approaches,
namely a theoretical and empirical approach, based on the results of expert
assessment, POREV-EE Model online already feasible in the classroom, in the
computer lab, and outside the classroom.
Pronounced thank all Reviews those who have helped in this study, primarily to the
principal, teachers, and students in vocational Palopo who has given the facilities and
prepare everything so that this research can be carried out at the school. Thank you for
the same submitted to the experts who have validated the research instruments, among
656 Asri et al
others: Prof. Lahming, and Dr.Amir Faisal say thank you to the Government were
helped, give permission and support during the study period. All the support and
assistance is very valuable in this study.
[1] Armitage, Andy & Jane Evershed, Dennis Hayes, Alan Hudson, Janis Kent,
Shirley Lawes, Mandy Renwick. 2012. Teaching and Training in Lifelong
Learning. New York: AptaraInc.ional: Lessons From all over the world:
OECD Publishing
[2] Borich, GD 1994a, 1994b, 1994c Skills. Observation for Effective Teaching,
Second Edition, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, Pages: 403
[3] Joyce, BR, M. Weil and E. Calhoun. 2004 Teaching Model 7 th Edn, Pearson
/ Allyn and Bacon, New York, ISBN :. 9780205389278, Pages: 532
[4] Nieveen, NM, 1997, Computer support for curriculum developers: A study of
the potential of computer support in the domain of curriculum formative
evaluation. Dissertation, University of Twente. http: // insdsg619-f09.
[5] Norizan, E. 2010. Environmental Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Student
Teachers. J. Environment. Educ. 19: 39-50
[6] Riyana, C., 2010. The increase in Pedagogical Teacher Competency Model of
Teacher Education through Application of Virtual Intractive (educational) J.
Educ, 11 :. 52-56 (in Indonesia)
[7] Smaldino, S. E, DL Lowther, end JD Russel, (2011). Instructional Technology
and Media for Learning 10 th Edn, Pearson Education, New Jersey, Inc.
ISBN :. 9780138008154, Pages: 334.
[8] Widyastono, Herry.2014. Curriculum Development in Regional Autonomy
Era. Jakarta: PT BumiAksara
Within this decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), educational institutions need to increase their efforts to educate their students for a sustainable future. Teachers are most influential in educating children and teenagers to be leaders of tomorrow in protecting the environment. Thus, aspiring teachers should demonstrate pro-environmental behaviour and attitudes if they are to integrate ESD effectively in their teaching upon graduation. They should also have good knowledge about the environment to ensure effective delivery. However, previous studies show that many students and teachers lack sufficient environmental knowledge but demonstrate positive attitudes towards the environment. This lack of knowledge is believed to contribute to the lack of pro-environmental behaviours among them. This study is a survey of the environmental knowledge, attitude and practices of pre-service secondary teachers enrolled in an undergraduate Biology Teaching Methods course. The results suggest the readiness of these teachers to realise the goal of integrating ESD in the teaching of biology in schools. Results also indicate the need for more concerted effort in teacher education to prepare them for their role in educating for and about the environment.
Amir Faisal say thank you to the Government were helped, give permission and support during the study period. All the support and assistance is very valuable in this study
  • Prof
  • Dr Lahming
: Prof. Lahming, and Dr.Amir Faisal say thank you to the Government were helped, give permission and support during the study period. All the support and assistance is very valuable in this study.
Observation for Effective Teaching
  • Borich
Borich, GD 1994a, 1994b, 1994c Skills. Observation for Effective Teaching, Second Edition, New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, Pages: 403
Teaching Model 7 th Edn, Pearson / Allyn and Bacon
  • B R Joyce
  • M Weil
  • E Calhoun
Joyce, BR, M. Weil and E. Calhoun. 2004 Teaching Model 7 th Edn, Pearson / Allyn and Bacon, New York, ISBN :. 9780205389278, Pages: 532
Computer support for curriculum developers: A study of the potential of computer support in the domain of curriculum formative evaluation. Dissertation
  • N M Nieveen
Nieveen, NM, 1997, Computer support for curriculum developers: A study of the potential of computer support in the domain of curriculum formative evaluation. Dissertation, University of Twente. http: // insdsg619-f09.
The increase in Pedagogical Teacher Competency Model of Teacher Education through Application of Virtual Intractive (educational)
  • C Riyana
Riyana, C., 2010. The increase in Pedagogical Teacher Competency Model of Teacher Education through Application of Virtual Intractive (educational) J. Educ, 11 :. 52-56 (in Indonesia)
Instructional Technology and Media for Learning 10 th Edn
  • S E Smaldino
  • Lowther
Smaldino, S. E, DL Lowther, end JD Russel, (2011). Instructional Technology and Media for Learning 10 th Edn, Pearson Education, New Jersey, Inc. ISBN :. 9780138008154, Pages: 334.
Curriculum Development in Regional Autonomy Era
  • Herry Widyastono
Widyastono, Herry.2014. Curriculum Development in Regional Autonomy Era. Jakarta: PT BumiAksara
Amir Faisal say thank you to the Government were helped, give permission and support during the study period. All the support and assistance is very valuable in this study
  • Asri
Asri et al others: Prof. Lahming, and Dr.Amir Faisal say thank you to the Government were helped, give permission and support during the study period. All the support and assistance is very valuable in this study.