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Appraisal of farmers’ wheat production constraints and breeding priorities in rust prone agro-ecologies of Ethiopia


Abstract and Figures

Ethiopia is the second largest producer of wheat in sub-Saharan Africa although yields remain considerably below the global average due to several production constraints. The aim of the study was to identify the primary threats to wheat production, farmers’ selection criteria for wheat varieties, and disease management practices with emphasis on wheat rusts in the Arsi, Bale and West Shewa administrative zones of Ethiopia. A total of 270 wheat growing households were interviewed in the three administrative zones in 2012. Participatory rural appraisal tools, a semi-structured questionnaire and focus group discussions were used to engage with the farmers. Main wheat production constraints were wheat rust diseases, the high costs of fertilizers, shortage of improved seeds and high seed prices. The most important traits that farmers sought in wheat varieties were disease resistance (27.8%) and high grain yield (24.8%). Owing to the limited availability of rusts resistant varieties, and the emergence of virulent pathotypes, fungicide application was the main disease management practice used by 60% of respondent farmers. To enhance wheat production and productivity in Ethiopia, it is important to develop rust resistant varieties considering farmers’ preferences, promote access to wheat production inputs and strengthen seed multiplication and dissemination of improved varieties.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Vol. 12(12), pp. 944-952, 23 March, 2017
DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2016.11518
Article Number: B546B8663264
ISSN 1991-637X
Copyright ©2017
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
African Journal of Agricultural
Full Length Research Paper
Appraisal of farmers’ wheat production constraints and
breeding priorities in rust prone agro-ecologies of
Netsanet Hei1*, Hussein Ali Shimelis2 and Mark Laing2
1Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, Ambo-PPRC, P. O. Box 37, Ambo, Ethiopia.
2African Center for Crop Improvement, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Private Bag X01, Scottsville 3209, Pietermaritzburg,
South Africa.
Received 4 August, 2016; Accepted 29 September, 2016
Ethiopia is the second largest producer of wheat in sub-Saharan Africa although yields remain
considerably below the global average due to several production constraints. The aim of the study was
to identify the primary threats to wheat production, farmers selection criteria for wheat varieties, and
disease management practices with emphasis on wheat rusts in the Arsi, Bale and West Shewa
administrative zones of Ethiopia. A total of 270 wheat growing households were interviewed in the three
administrative zones in 2012. Participatory rural appraisal tools, a semi-structured questionnaire and
focus group discussions were used to engage with the farmers. Main wheat production constraints
were wheat rust diseases, the high costs of fertilizers, shortage of improved seeds and high seed
prices. The most important traits that farmers sought in wheat varieties were disease resistance (27.8%)
and high grain yield (24.8%). Owing to the limited availability of rusts resistant varieties, and the
emergence of virulent pathotypes, fungicide application was the main disease management practice
used by 60% of respondent farmers. To enhance wheat production and productivity in Ethiopia, it is
important to develop rust resistant varieties considering farmers’ preferences, promote access to wheat
production inputs and strengthen seed multiplication and dissemination of improved varieties.
Key words: Ethiopia, participatory rural appraisal, rust, seed source, wheat production constraints, wheat traits.
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the world’s leading
cereal grains serving as a staple food for more than one-
third of the global population. Globally, it is cultivated on
approximately 218 million hectares of land (HGCA,
2014). Ethiopia is the largest wheat producer in sub-
Saharan Africa (FAOSTAT, 2014). In Ethiopia wheat is
cultivated on over 1.6 million hectares of land, accounting
for 13.33% of the total grain crop area, with an annual
production of 4.2 million tons, contributing about 15.81%
of the total grain production (CSA, 2015). In terms of area
of production, wheat ranks fourth after teff (Eragrostis tef
Zucc.), maize (Zea mays L.) and Sorghum (Sorghum
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
bicolor L.). In total grain production, wheat ranks third
after teff and maize in the country (CSA, 2015).
Wheat is largely grown in the mid and highland areas of
Ethiopia spanning at altitudes of 1500 to 3000 m above
sea level (masl). However, it is mainly grown between
1800 to 2500 masl in the country (Winch, 2007). Arsi,
Bale and Shewa administrative zones of the Oromia
Regional State of Ethiopia are among the major wheat
areas with 53.4% of the wheat produced in Ethiopia
coming from these zones (CSA, 2015). The Arsi and Bale
zones are included among the highest potential agro-
ecologies in Eastern Africa for wheat production with
467337.42 ha under wheat (Jobie, 2007; CSA, 2015).
In Ethiopia wheat is predominantly grown by small
scale farmers at a subsistence level, and these farmers
experience a wide range of biotic, abiotic and socio-
economic constraints. Wheat rusts, stem rust (Puccinia
graminis Pers. f.sp. tritici Eriks and Hann), leaf rust (P.
triticina Eriks) and stripe or yellow rust (P. striiformis
Westend. f. sp. tritici) are the major biotic constraints in all
wheat growing regions of the country. To combat yield
losses due to wheat rusts and other abiotic constraints,
the National Wheat Improvement Program has released
more than 30 wheat varieties since 2003. However, only
a few rust resistant wheat varieties are being planted by
farmers in the country (DRRW, 2010).
Different reports are available on the low adoption rate
of improved wheat varieties by resource poor farmers in
Ethiopia. For instance, Zegeye et al. (2001), DRRW
(2010) and Nelson (2013) indicated that most of the
released varieties in Ethiopia had been poorly adopted by
the small scale farmers because of lack of effective seed
production and delivery mechanism, weak integration of
variety requirements between breeders and farmers and
less adaptation of the breeders developed varieties to the
local environments. In Ethiopia, farmers’ variety
preferences is not only grain yield but also disease
resistance, straw yield, seed color, baking quality and
other related social values (Bishaw et al., 2010; Tesfaye
et al., 2014). Therefore, in order to enhance the adoption
rate of new wheat varieties, and improve wheat
production and productivity in the country farmers
production constraints and varietal preferences should be
well known.
Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) has been widely
used to collect information on farmers’ varietal
preferences, production constraints and traditional
knowledge and experiences to mitigate food insecurity
and improve their livelihood (Chambers, 1994).
Understanding farmers’ preferences, attributes of wheat
varieties and wheat production constraints enables
breeders to set wheat breeding priorities (Weltzien and
Christinck, 2009). By integrating farmers’ concerns and
conditions into agricultural research, research will develop
technologies that become widely adopted, resulting in
more productive, stable, equitable and sustainable
agricultural systems (Martins et al., 2002; Owere et al.,
Hei et al 945
2012). Participatory rural appraisal has been previously
conducted on wheat in Ethiopia (Agidie et al., 2000;
Bishaw, 2004; Bishaw et al., 2010; Tesfaye et al., 2014),
however, information on presently grown varieties,
farmers’ key production constraints and preferences in
wheat cultivars is inadequate. The objective of the current
study was, therefore, to identify wheat production threats,
farmers’ variety selection criteria, and disease
management practices with special emphasis on wheat
rusts in Arsi, Bale and West Shewa administrative zones
of Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia.
Description of the study areas
The study was carried out in three selected administrative zones:
Arsi, Bale and West Shewa between February and April 2012. The
zones are situated in the Oromia Regional State of Ethiopia. All the
zones are wheat potential areas but differ in terms of agro-
ecological diversity and in the use of modern wheat production
technologies. The Arsi and Bale zones are situated in the South-
eastern of Ethiopia while the West Shewa zone is in the Central
highlands of Ethiopia. The study zones are dominated by three
major agro-ecologies: highlands (2300-3200 masl), midlands (1500-
2300 masl) and lowlands (500-1500 masl). The rainfall pattern in
the zones exhibits a bimodal nature: short and long rains during
February to May and June to September, respectively (CSA, 2014).
In all study zones mixed crop-livestock farming is the predominant
mode of agricultural production (Tefera et al., 2002). Wheat, tef,
barley and maize are the major cereal crops, together with pulses,
oil crops and vegetables (CSA, 2015).
Data source
Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from primary
and secondary sources. Primary data were collected through semi-
structured questionnaires and focus group discussions. The
secondary data were obtained from the zone and district agricultural
offices of the respective districts included in the study.
A multi-stage sampling procedure was used involving the selection
of zones, districts, peasant associations and wheat farmers. A non-
random purposive sampling was used to select from the zones
through the districts, peasant associations and farmers levels. The
sampling procedure involved two districts per zone, three peasant
associations per district and fifteen respondents per village. This
resulted in a total of three districts, 18 peasant associations, and
270 respondents. Individual farmers were selected from each
peasant association representing various socio-economic
backgrounds (data not shown) and both gender (Table 1). Thus the
farmers selected for the study are believed to be the representative
of the wheat farmers in the three zones. Zone level agricultural
experts and district agricultural development offices assisted with
the identification of the sampled districts, peasant associations and
Data collection
Semi-structured questionnaire was designed on topics related to
946 Afr. J. Agric. Res.
Table 1. The selected study areas in Arsi, Bale and West Shewa zones of the Oromia Regional
State in Ethiopia.
Male {No (%)}
Female {No (%)}
Total {No (%)}
36 (80)
9 (20)
45 (16.7)
39 (86.7)
6 (13.3)
45 (16.7)
42 (93.3)
3 (6.7)
45 (16.7)
41 (91.1)
4 (8.9)
45 (16.7)
West Shewa
39 (86.7)
6 (13.3)
45 (16.7)
41 (91.1)
4 (8.9)
45 (16.7)
238 (88.1)
32 (11.9)
270 (100)
the general socio-economic characteristics of the household, wheat
varieties grown, production constraints, wheat rust diseases and
their management. Enumerators were recruited for data collection
who lives in the area, fluent speakers of local language (Oromifa),
well acquainted with local and cultural contexts, and working within
the selected districts. They were trained on the contents of the
interview schedule and data collection techniques. Pre-test on non-
sample respondents was also made under supervision of the
researcher. Finally, the formal survey was conducted on 270
households after necessary modification and adjustments were
accommodated as per the result obtained from the pre-test.
Focus group discussions were held in each district to understand
farmers’ varietal preferences and the specific traits that influence a
farmer’s decision to grow a wheat variety, and the major constraints
affecting wheat production. Each group was composed of 10-15
wheat growers (both male and female). Checklists were developed
and used to guide focused group discussions with farmer groups
and individual key informants. The farmers were encouraged to use
their local language that they were most familiar with. The
development agents most familiar with the local language facilitated
the group discussions. During the discussion, the farmers were
asked to list wheat varieties they grow and to identify the traits that
they used in selection of the varieties, and list the main constraints
limiting wheat production.
Data analysis
Data (both qualitative and quantitative) obtained from sample
respondents were sorted, coded and subjected for statistical
analyses using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
computer software (SPSS Inc., 2005). Both descriptive (means and
percentages) and inferential statistical procedures were used to
analyze the data obtained from households.
Demographic characteristics
The sample population contained 88.2% males and
11.8% females. Almost all the respondents (99%) who
participated in the study were farmers in agricultural
production. The mean family size of the sampled
population was 5 and about 85% of interviewed farmers
had family sizes greater than 3 persons per household. In
the study areas, children were contributing to farm labour
significantly. Farmers who were illiterate constituted 21%.
Farmers educated up to primary and secondary level
constituted 62 and 17%, respectively.
Farming system
Household total crop land in the study areas ranged from
0.5 to 15 ha, with mean farm size of 2.5 ha (SD 2.43).
The majority of the interviewed farmers allocate most of
their land for wheat as the number one crop. Of the 2.5
hectares of mean farm size owned by individual farmers,
a mean of 1.85 ha were dedicated to wheat production in
the study areas. Farmers in the study areas grow
different assemblage of crops. These include cereals,
pulses and oilseed crops. In addition to wheat, other
major crops grown by majority of farmers in the Arsi zone
were barley (Hordium vulgare L.) (71%), maize (Zea
mays L.) (51%), teff (E. tef (Zucc.) Trotter) (41%), faba
bean (Vicia faba L.) (46%) and linseed (Linum
usitatissimum L.) (18%). The three major cereal crops
widely grown after wheat were barley (58%), maize
(40%), and teff (39%) in the Bale zone. In West Shewa
most farmers grow maize (67%), teff (63%), barley
(41%), faba bean (38%), grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.)
(24%), and noug (Guzotia abysinica Cass.) (15%).
Wheat is grown both in the main and short rainy
seasons in the Sinana and Gasera Districts of Bale zone.
The main rainy season has long rains which start in June
and end in September. It is the period when the largest
wheat area is cultivated. In the short rainy season, the
rain starts in February and ends in April. Seventy-three
percent of the farmers in these districts grow wheat in
both the main and the short rainy seasons, while 27% of
them only utilize the main season to produce wheat. On
the other hand, farmers in the Arsi and West Shewa
zones only grow wheat during the main rainy season. In
the study areas, wheat is produced solely under rain fed
Hei et al 947
Table 2. Farmers’ sources of wheat seed in the Arsi, Bale and West Shewa zones of Oromia
Regional State in Ethiopia.
Seed source
Seed source in 2011 cropping season
% response
Own stock
Other farmers
Local markets
Agricultural Offices
Research centers
Producer cooperatives
Table 3. Wheat varieties grown, year of release and proportion of wheat farmers in the
study areas.
Year of release
% response
West Shewa
Pavon 76
Wheat seed source
The sources of seed for farmers are presented in Table
2. The informal sector was the source of seed for 84.4%
of the farmers in the area, where 68.1% respondents
used seeds retained from the previous harvest, and 8.9
and 7.4% of respondents used seeds from other farmers
and local markets, respectively. The formal sector
provided for only 15.5%, where 12.2% of households
sourced their seed from Agricultural Offices (AO) in the
respective districts, 1.1% from research centers and
2.2% from producers’ cooperatives (Table 2).
Wheat varieties grown by farmers and genetic
Table 3 shows the different wheat varieties grown by
farmers in the study areas. Most farmers grow more than
one variety, making the proportions above 100%. The
most commonly grown wheat varieties in the Aris zone
were Digelu, Kubsa and Tusie at 88.75, 53.35 and
39.75%, respectively. In the Bale zone, Tusie (77.2%),
Digelu (70.75%) and Madawalabu (46.2%) were the
dominant wheat varieties grown by the majority of
households. Digelu (40.2%) and Kubsa (38.9%) were
popular varieties in West Shewa zone.
Variety Digelu was grown by 88.8, 70.8 and 40%
respondents in Arsi, Bale and West Shewa zones,
respectively. Fifty three percent of respondents in Arsi
and 39% in West Shewa grew variety Kubsa on their
farms. The new bread wheat varieties, Kakaba and
Danda’a that were released in 2010 were grown in Arsi
by 15 and 10% of the farmers, respectively. Danda’a was
grown only by 3.4% of farmers interviewed in Bale zone.
None of the respondents in West Shewa grew these
varieties, while 10.7% of household used local wheat
varieties. Bread wheat was the principal type of wheat
948 Afr. J. Agric. Res.
Table 4. Farmers’-preferred traits required of improved wheat varieties in the study zones.
Farmers’-preferred traits
All survey
West Shewa
Grain yield
Disease resistance
Grain yield and disease resistance
Environmental adaptability
Disease resistance and food quality
Grain yield and high market value
Grain yield, food quality and high market value
Grain yield, early maturity, disease resistance and food quality
Grain yield, disease resistance, high market value and food quality
Freq=frequency of respondents.
Table 5. Wheat varieties grown by farmers in the Arsi, Bale and West Shewa zones and their outstanding traits.
Wheat varieties
Preferred traits
Non- Preferred traits
High grain yield, high biomass, multiple use at home, white seed, adaptable to environment
Susceptible to disease
High grain yield, multiple use at home, white seed, diseases resistant
Late maturity, hard straw
High biomass, multiple use at home, adaptable to environment
Susceptible to disease, late maturity
White seed
Susceptible to disease
High grain yield, disease resistant, early maturity, white seed, tolerant to lodging, soft straw for
animal fodder
High grain yield, disease resistant, early maturity
Pavon 76
White seed, early maturity
Susceptible to disease
White seed, tolerant to rust
High grain yield, disease resistant
Purple seed color
High grain yield, disease resistant, white seed, tillering capacity, bread making quality, long spike
Late maturing, less treshability
grown by farmers in all surveyed areas.
Farmers’ preferred traits
In all the study areas, farmers used a combination of
criteria in selecting wheat varieties. The major and
common reasons behind varietal preferences are given in
Table 4. The most important criteria across the areas
were disease resistance (27.8%), high grain yield
(24.8%) and a combination of the two (27%). In Arsi
31.1% of respondents preferred a combined high grain
yield and disease resistance as the key criteria for
selecting wheat varieties. Disease resistance was a key
criterion for 27.8 and 37.8% farmers in Bale and West
Shewa, respectively.
Environmental adaptability was a criterion for 7.8% of
farmers in Arsi and 8.9% in Bale and 2.2% of
respondents in West Shewa. High market value in
combination with other traits was also a major selection
criterion in the study areas because wheat is a major
source of income in the areas.
Farmers in group discussions were also asked to
associate a particular wheat variety they grow with its
preferred and non-preferred traits. The most commonly
grown varieties, along with their preferred traits are
summarized in Table 5. Farmers in the study areas
selected wheat varieties Madawalabu, Sofumer, Danda’a
and Kakaba for their disease resistance. Tusie is tolerant
of rust and is preferred for its market value. Kubsa and
Galama are disease susceptible varieties but farmers still
grew these variteis for their high grain yield and biomass
which is used for animal fodder, fuel and house roofing
material. White seeded varieties such as Kubsa, Dashen,
Digelu, Kakaba, Danda’a, Tusie and Pavon 76 were
largely grown by farmers for sale because they are
preferred by urban consumers.
Farmers in group discussions stated that Kakaba is
tolerant to lodging because of its semi-dwarf nature. It is
early maturing variety and was preferred by farmers who
practiced double cropping. Kakaba was also preferred for
its soft straw which makes it suitable for animal fodder. In
contrast, Digelu has hard straw, making it little use for
animal fodder. Farmers raised that variety Digelu is late
maturing. However, they were convinced that this variety
is high yielding and has the best fit in areas that receive
extended rainfall. Danda’a was preferred by the farmers
for its tillering capacity, resistance to disease and long
spike. The farmers who grew Danada’a considered it as a
replacement for the old susceptible wheat variety,
Galama. The female famers who participated in the group
discussions also stated that the variety has good bread
making quality. However, the farmers indicated that
Denda’a has less threshing ability and difficult for
threshing using manual harvesting and threshing
methods. Hence, farmers obliged to use combine
Wheat production constraints
The farmers’ perceptions of wheat production constraints
and their ranks between locations are summarized in
Table 6. There was a marked agreement in the identified
constraints in the three survey zones, with some variation
in the ranking between the zones. High seed prices were
ranked fourth following a lack of access to seeds of
varieties in the Arsi and West Shewa zones, whereas
farmers in the Bale zone perceived high seed prices as
equally important to the lack of access to seeds of
improved varieties and both ranked third. Lack of credit
access was perceived as an important constraint in West
Shewa while it ranked lower in the Arsi and Bale zones.
Almost all sampled farmers (96%) in the three zones
considered the wheat rusts as the most important
production constraint. The second most important
constraint in the surveyed zones was high fertilizer price
(93%). Farmers in the study areas use fertilizers;
however, the amount applied per unit area is often lower
than the recommended rate because of the high price of
fertilizer. Lack of access to seeds of improved wheat
varieties (85%) was identified as the third most important
limiting factor of wheat production followed by high
improved seeds prices (81%). Unavailability and high
cost of improved seeds were mentioned as the two most
important reasons for not adopting wheat technologies by
the respondents. Low market prices of wheat were also
regarded as major constraints of wheat production by
66% of the farmers. Most farmers sold the produce in the
local markets and were discontented with the low prices
of wheat. Farmers mentioned that the low prices were
due to the fact that middlemen determined the price of
the produce.
Wheat rusts and farmers’ management methods
Farmers in the study areas were also asked to estimate
Hei et al 949
yield losses from rusts. This was done based on the
differences between yields from stem rust free wheat
farms and diseased wheat farms sown to the same
varieties. Accordingly, yield losses of 70.7, 60.5 and
60.0% were estimated in the Aris, Bale and West Shewa
zones, respectively (Table 7).
To reduce losses from rust infestations, fungicides are
being used by most producers. More than 60% of
interviewed farmers used fungicides for rust management
(Table 8). Tilt® (Propiconazol), Bayfidan® (Triadimenol),
and Mancozeb were the major fungicides used by the
farmers for rust control. Only 15% of the respondents had
adopted new varieties for the control of rusts. Varieties
Kakaba, Danda’a and Digelu were widely adopted rust
resistant wheat varieties during the study period. On the
other hand, a few farmers in Bale (6.7%) were planting
early to avoid rust damage. In contrast, almost 20% of
the farmers did not use any control measure to protect
their wheat farms from rust infection.
In Ethiopia wheat research programs to develop
improved wheat varieties were initiated during the 1950s.
Despite 60 years of wheat breeding in the country, most
of the released cultivars had been poorly adopted by
small-scale farmers (Zegeye et al., 2001; DRRW, 2010).
Majority of farmers in the study areas continue to grow
old varieties such as Kubsa and Galama that are often
susceptible to diseases. The reasons for the persistence
of old varieties were lack of farmers’ preferred traits in the
new cultivars, unavailability of sufficient quantity of new
seed or its poor distribution in the study areas and the
risk avoidance adopted by farmers who grow a mixture of
varieties to spread their risks.
The continued planting of rust susceptible varieties
poses a serious threat to stable wheat production in the
country. The failure to distribute newly released varieties
in a timely way exposes the country to an agricultural
time bomb, in a scenario ominously similar to the events
leading up to the 2010 and 2013 yellow rust and stem
rust epidemics, respectively. Another problem with the
continued use of susceptible varieties is that it increases
the chances of new mutant races of rusts developing to
attack presently resistant varieties (CIMMYT, 1989). To
address this, the recently released rust resistant wheat
varieties with diversity in genetic background, adaptation
and good yield potential should be delivered to small
scale farmers in time at affordable prices, to ensure
increase wheat productivity.
The study also indicated the predominance of informal
seed sector in seed distribution. The predominance of the
informal seed systems slows down replacement of older
varieties and delays the transfer of benefits from breeding
research to farmers. Hence, efforts should be made to
understand and solve factors in the seed system that
950 Afr. J. Agric. Res.
Table 6. Major wheat production constraints and their ranks in Arsi, Bale and West Shewa zones of Oromia Regional State in Ethiopia.
All Surveyed
West Shewa
Rusts (yellow rust and stem rust)
Lack of seed of improved varieties
High seed price
High fertilizer price
Shortage of fertilizer
Low producer price
Weeds (grass weeds)
Poor soil fertility
Other diseases and pests
Unpredictable rain
Lack of access to credit
Freq=frequency of respondents.
Table 7. Yield losses due to rusts in study zones.
Mean wheat productivity
Loss (%)
Under low/no rust infestation (t ha-1)
Under high rust infestation (t ha-1)
West Shewa
Table 8. Wheat rusts control measures practiced in the study areas.
Control measures
All surveyed zones
West Shewa
Resistant variety
Cultural practice (Early planting)
Freq= frequency of respondents.
may impede rapid varietal replacement. This effort will be
instrumental in improving the current seed multiplication
and dissemination pathway and widening the genetic
bases of wheat that will help in buffering the rust
incidence and contribute to household food security of
smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. Besides, the seeds of
newly developed varieties must be produced in sufficient
quantities in the study areas to make the research efforts
more successful.
Wheat rusts have been major threats to wheat
production in Ethiopia. In recent years, novel pathotypes
of the rusts fungus have overcome resistant wheat
varieties (ICARDA, 2011). The study areas are among
the most rusts prone areas of East Africa and the wheat
farmers in these areas frequently suffer serious losses
from rusts epidemics (Hodson, 2013; Periyannan et al.,
2013). The yellow rust outbreak in 2010 significantly
reduced the national wheat annual production. The major
wheat producing regions including the study zones were
seriously affected of the epidemics with losses up to 70%
(Hunde et al., 2012; Yami et al., 2013). Hence, farmers in
all the study areas were in agreement that wheat rusts
are the most important production constraints. High
prices of chemical fertilizers and improved seeds were
also important production limiting factors in the study
areas. An increase in fertilizer prices due to the removal
of government subsidies has decreased fertilizer use in
the study areas. Consequently, farmers apply chemical
fertilizers below the recommended rates. Under such
circumstance, it is difficult to increase the wheat yields on
small scale farms. Bishaw et al. (2010) reported a serious
gap between the recommended rate and the actual
amount applied by the farmers.
Farmers in the study areas were well aware of the
benefit of resistant varieties for the control of rust
diseases. However, majority of the respondents grow old
varieties for the reasons described earlier and due to high
improved seed prices, and doubts about the level of
resistance provided by these new varieties to rust
diseases. Hence, farmers use fungicides for the control of
the rusts. The producers applied fungicides at early
growth stages but the application rates were below the
optimum rates to get the desired level of benefits. Early
planting is another important rust control measure. It
reduces the time of exposure of the crop to the pathogen
and hence reduces yield loss (Tolessa et al., 2014).
However, early planting is not a widely adopted disease
control measure by the farmers in the PRA zones.
Although farmers in the study zones had a range of
preferences regarding wheat varieties and specific traits,
they were in agreement that disease resistance is the
most important trait compared to all other traits. This
indicated that farmers were concerned about the
susceptibility of the existing varieties to rust diseases.
During the study period, variety Digelu which was
released in 2005 was still in high demand and was being
rapidly multiplied. However, Digelu developed extremely
Hei et al 951
high levels of stem rust epidemic in Bale zone during the
2013 cropping season, which led to 100% yield losses
(Hodson, 2013). It was resistant to stem rust at the time
of its release, but become susceptible to stem rust even
before its cultivation was in substantial areas. The failure
of many promising cultivars such as Digelu even before
its cultivation was in substantial areas, indicate disease
resistance as high breeding priority (Hei et al., 2014). The
farmers in the study areas also indicated grain yield as a
key criterion for selecting wheat varieties after rust
resistance. Breeding for disease resistant and high
yielding wheat varieties should also focus on other
important traits such as seed colour and early maturity
that were perceived as critical by famers.
In the past, durum wheat was the most widely grown
wheat type in the major wheat growing areas of Ethiopia.
Ethiopia is a center of diversity for durum wheat (Zohary,
1970) and Ethiopian durum wheat land races are
valuable sources of resistance to rust diseases (Denbel
and Badebo, 2012). To date bread wheat has become
predominant in most wheat areas of the country. Farmers
in the study areas shifted to bread wheat production
owing to its productivity per unit area relative to durum
wheat. However, this may seriously threaten the
existence of local durum wheat land races in the country
if strategic seed conservation is not undertaken on a
national scale.
Taking into consideration the range of attributes that
farmer’s use when choosing varieties for planting,
selection of a large breeding population is a prerequisite
when developing wheat varieties for small holder farmers.
In general, to ensure a high level of variety adoption and
therefore the high productivity of the crop, the wheat
breeding programme in the country should put more
emphasis on solving the problems of wheat farmers,
increase the frequency with which it releases new
varieties that resist diseases and yield well. Efforts should
also be made to conserve the indigenous durum wheat
landraces and make use of them in developing modern
wheat varieties.
The authors have not declared any conflict of interests.
The authors are grateful to farmers of the study zones
who made this participatory rural appraisal study
possible. We acknowledge the Bureau of Agriculture staff
at zone and district levels, development agents and the
Ambo Plant Protection Research Center for facilitation of
the work. The financial support from Alliance for a Green
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study is greatly acknowledged.
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... Wheat productivity in Ethiopia, in general, is very low as compared to other Sub-Saharan African countries [16]. It is attributed to a number factors like biotic (diseases, insects, and weeds), abiotic, and socioeconomic constraints [13]. For instance there is a need to increase wheat yield, tolerance to abiotic stresses, pathogen and pests, as well as improve input use efficiency of crops [17,23]. ...
... tritici) [2]. Wheat stem rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp.tritici) has been devastating disease of wheat in Ethiopia causing up to more than 90% yield losses during the epidemic year [13]. ...
... Hence, this finding is in agreement of other works that stem rust is not threatening wheat at higher altitudes where the temperature is commonly very low [16]. High level of stem rust infection also reported from 2001 to 2500m.a.s.l, hence it indicated the rust problem increased with increase of altitude up to certain level of elevation [13]. Inline, complete (100%) disease incidence was recorded from Maokomo districts of Taja localities of higher altitude. ...
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Wheat is one of among major staple food crop in Ethiopia. However, several wheat stem rust diseases out break had been caused significant losses of crops in many parts of the country. This research was undertaken to quantify spatial distribution and intensity of Puccinia graminis f.sp.tritici in western and southwestern Ethiopia. The disease parameters were measured from 105 farmer's fields of 6 districts in four zones. The survey was carried out by purposive multistage sampling methods depending on the importance of the crops at areas. Stem rust was prevalent and widely distributed in all study areas. Analysis of variance indicates fields, districts, and zones significant (p < 0.01) by disease incidence and severity %. ANOVA of disease intensity with altitude, weed management, a wheat variety is grown and growth stage also significant at (p < 0.01). Disease means prevalence ranged from 66.7%-92%in zones and the lowest and the highest being at Jimma and in Assosa zones, respectively. Mean % incidence was in the range of 3.7-47.9, the lowest and the highest being in Dedo and Begi districts in a given order, with the corresponding severities of 4.866.5%. The disease was severe in mid altitude with warmer weather conditions. Correlation analysis indicates, a significant (P < 0.05) and positive association between crop growth stages and disease intensity, incidence (r = 0.10) and severity (r = 0.15) indicating that stem rust is more intense in the later wheat crop growth stages. Stepwise multiple regression in the current study indicates, the strongest predictor for disease severity was the growth stage with the highest β value which is 0.47 and with its highest shared; (0.455) 2 = 20.1% and unique (0.429) 2 = 18.4% contribution for disease severity. In conclusion, wheat stem rust disease was widely distributed and intense in wheat farms of the west and southwestern Ethiopia and the need to undertake regular monitoring across the study areas.
... In total grain production, wheat ranks second after maize [2]. Wheat is largely grown in the mid and highland areas of the country, spanning at altitudes of 1500-3000 m above sea level (m.a.s.l) [3]. However, it is mainly grown between 1800 and 2500 m.a.s.l [4]. ...
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Septoria tritici blotch (STB) caused by the fungal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici, anamorph Septoria tritici Rob. ex Desm., is an important wheat pathogen worldwide, reported to be major wheat production threating factor, posing considerable yield loss every year. Developing resistant cul-tivars is an efficient, economical, environmentally friendly and simple approach for managing STB. This study was carried out to evaluate spring bread wheat lines for their reaction to STB disease under field conditions; to associate phenotypic and genotypic data for identification of STB disease resistance; and to identify genomic region(s) associated with resistance to STB in spring bread wheat lines. Two hundred forty (240) spring bread wheat lines were evaluated under field conditions in non-replicated trials, using an augmented design. The trials were conducted at three locations (in 2017 main cropping season (July to December). Out of these 240 wheat lines, 123 of them were genotyped with 10263 single nucleotide poly-morphism (SNPs) markers and population structure and association mapping analysis was done. The wheat lines showed significant variations in percentage disease severity and area under the disease progress curve at all the three locations they were evaluated. The wheat lines were classified as resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible and susceptible based on the percentage disease severity scored. Five wheat lines were found to be resistant to STB in all the three locations and are recommended for direct release by the national program and parentage purposes in wheat breeding programs. The 123 wheat lines were clustered into 3 subpopulations in which the first cluster contained 99 wheat lines; the second 17 and the last one 7. Among the polymorphic 8127 SNPs markers, 26 markers on chromosomes 7B, 1D, 3A, 2B, 6B and 3D were found to be significantly (P < 0.001) associated with STB resistance so that they can be utilized for marker assisted selection and gene pyramiding in resistance breeding programs.
... In total grain production, wheat ranks second after maize [2]. Wheat is largely grown in the mid and highland areas of the country, spanning at altitudes of 1500-3000 m above sea level (m.a.s.l) [3]. However, it is mainly grown between 1800 and 2500 m.a.s.l [4]. ...
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Septoria tritici blotch (STB) caused by the fungal pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici, anamorph Septoria tritici Rob. ex Desm., is an important wheat pathogen worldwide, reported to be major wheat production threating factor, posing considerable yield loss every year. Developing resistant cultivars is an efficient, economical, environmentally friendly and simple approach for managing STB. This study was carried out to evaluate spring bread wheat lines for their reaction to STB disease under field conditions; to associate phenotypic and genotypic data for identification of STB disease resistance; and to identify genomic region(s) associated with resistance to STB in spring bread wheat lines. Two hundred forty (240) spring bread wheat lines were evaluated under field conditions in non-replicated trials, using an augmented design. The trials were conducted at three locations (Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, Madda Walabu University Research Site and Sinana Agricultural Research Center) in 2017 main cropping season (July to December). Out of these 240 wheat lines, 123 of them were genotyped with 10263 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) markers and population structure and association mapping analysis was done. The wheat lines showed significant variations in percentage disease severity and area under the disease progress curve at all the three locations they were evaluated. The wheat lines were classified as resistant, moderately resistant, moderately susceptible and susceptible based on the percentage disease severity scored. Five wheat lines were found to be resistant to STB in all the three locations and are recommended for direct release by the national program and parentage purposes in wheat breeding programs. The 123 wheat lines were clustered into 3 subpopulations in which the first cluster contained 99 wheat lines; the second 17 and the last one 7. Among the polymorphic 8127 SNPs markers, 26 markers on chromosomes 7B, 1D, 3A, 2B, 6B and 3D were found to be significantly (P < 0.001) associated with STB resistance so that they can be utilized for marker assisted selection and gene pyramiding in resistance breeding programs.
... Wheat rust diseases, weed, insects are among the main biotic challenges in wheat production in the country [4][5][6][7]. Other major abiotic factors, such as lack of access to improved varieties, primordial agronomic practices, use of marginal agricultural land, and drought stress, cause siginificant yield loss [8][9][10][11]. ...
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In Ethiopia, stem and yellow rust diseases are characterized by recurrent epidemics and cause significant damage to the wheat crop annually. Stem rust is the most devastating fungal disease of wheat which mainly occurs in the low and mid-altitude wheat-producing areas of the country. On the other hand, yellow or strip rust is more challenging for wheat growers in the highland areas. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the amount of yield reduction due to wheat rust diseases on bread wheat genotypes. Eighteen genotypes were advanced to Multi Environment Trial (MET) from the Elite Spring Wheat Yield Trial (ESWYT) in 2020. Row-column and alpha lattice designs were used for MET and ESWYT with three and two replications, respectively. MET was conducted under diseases control using fungicides, whereas, the ESWYT was conducted without applying any disease control option. The yield of the eighteen genotypes common in ESWYT and MET was recorded, and then the yield reduction was computed. The means grain yield of these genotypes were 4.45 t/ha and 9.38t/ha in the ESWYT and MET, respectively. Grain yield was decreased by 4.93t/ha in ESWYT as compared to MET which is about a 53% yield reduction. Although weather variation had some contributions to the average 53.09 % yield reduction of the eighteen genotypes, the loss in yield was mainly due to the stem rust disease. Thus, it is crucial to manage this rust to increase production and productivity of wheat in the country. Among wheat rust management options, the safest and feasible means is breeding for durable rust resistance. Therefore, wheat research program should work to address the gap by developing high yielding, good quality and diseases resistant variety for wheat producing farmers.
... The mean reactions of advanced genotypes and checks to rust diseases of wheat are presented in Table 5. Stem and yellow rusts caused by Puccinia sp. are major production constraints which could cause total yield losses in Ethiopia [13]. The resistance level of the newly released bread wheat variety was better than the standard and the local checks. ...
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In Ethiopia, wheat (Triticum Sp.) is cultivated on a total area of 2.1 million (1.7 million ha for rain fed and 0.4 million ha for irrigated areas) hectares of land; the annual total production is 6.7 million tons of grains during 2022. Recently released commercial wheat varieties have higher genetic gain for economic trait than the older varieties. Forty-seven advanced genotypes and three standard checks were tested across different environments from 2019 to 2020 in Ethiopia. The genotypes were arranged in row column design with three replications. Analysis of variance and mean separation were carried out to differentiate the significance difference in genotypes. The results revealed that the advanced genotypes viz. BW173528 and EBW17-365 had significantly higher for grain yield than the other genotypes. In addition, BW173528 has better diseases resistance than the checks; Deka, Kakaba and Kingbird. Therefore, this genotype was tested and verified on farmers' fields in
... triticina ), and insect pests such as Russian wheat aphid (Diuraphis noxia Mordvilko) are among the critical biotic factors that affect wheat production in Ethiopia. Other major factors that contributed to low wheat yields in Ethiopia are a lack of access to improved varieties, backward agronomic practices, the use of marginal agricultural land, and terminal drought stress, among [11,12]. The occurrence and relative importance of those constraints vary in different agro-ecologies, and farmers may aware them differently, which affects the wheat breeding goals and hence varietal choices and adoption. ...
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Wheat stem rust ( Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici ) is a common fungal disease that causes significant yield reductions and grain quality deterioration. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate the efficacy of integrating different management strategies against stem rust (Sr) of wheat in the West Shoa zone during the main growing season of 2022. A split-split plot field experiment was conducted using wheat varieties, the frequency of application of fungicides, and nitrogen fertilizer rates. The results of the field experiment revealed a significant interaction effect of wheat variety, nitrogen fertilizer rate, and frequency of application of fungicides on disease intensity and wheat grain yield. The Wane wheat variety was found to be more resistant to stem rust, followed by Kingbird. In general, the pressure of the disease increased with increasing nitrogen fertilizer rate from 100 to 200 kg/ha. On the other hand, increasing the frequency of spraying of fungicides from 0 to two resulted in a lower disease pressure in all varieties. However, the results were more pronounced on the susceptible wheat variety. Current findings confirmed the role that integrated disease management may play in controlling stem rust epidemics. However, results should be verified through additional trials across agroecologies and years.
... In total grain production, wheat ranks second after maize [2]. Wheat is largely grown in the mid and highland areas of the country, spanning at altitudes of 1500-3000 m above sea level (m.a.s.l) [3]. However, it is mainly grown between 1800 and 2500 m.a.s.l [4]. ...
... In the recent past years, frequent stem rust epidemics have been recorded in different parts of Ethiopia causing great losses [7,8]. According to Hei et al. [9], in 2016, yield losses of 70.70% and 60.00% respectively have been reported in Arsi and Bale zones of Oromia region. In the worst cases, and under severe conditions, the yield loss due to this disease can reach up to total crop loss [10]. ...
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Wheat suffers significant yield losses due to stem rust disease caused by Puccinia graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici Eriks and Henn. Molecular level assessment of existing Sr genes in improved and advanced wheat materials combined with phenotypic screening lays down the basis for effective varietal development against this production constraint. Therefore, this study was carried out: to detect stem rust resistance genes present in Ethiopian bread wheat and durum wheat varieties using molecular markers; and to determine their effectiveness for the virulent Ethiopian stem rust races including Ug99. Screening of 49 wheat varieties with 11 SSR markers linked to 11 Stem rust resistance genes resulted in the detection of 5 Stem rust resistance genes (Sr22, Sr25, Sr24, Sr77 and SrTA10187) in a subset of 12 varieties. The detected number of genes ranged between 1 and 2 per genotype. Despite amplifying the expected fragment, the markers have also resulted in several off-target amplifications suggesting the need to develop other relatively stable markers specific to the target genes. Field resistance screening at Debre Zeit Research Center resulted in 20 varieties showing good resistance to stem rust of which 2 are durum wheat cultivars and the rest 18 are bread wheat varieties. Recent data in 2022, however, showed only 5 out of the 20 had a resistant reaction while the other even became susceptible. For instance, most of the mega bread wheat cultivars like Ogolcho also were defeated due to the newly emerging race TTKTT. Among the genes detected by molecular markers, only SrTA10187 seems to be effective against the rust population in the field. Seedling resistances screening gave a range of proportion of Resistant (R) to Susceptible (S) variety varying from 12:36 for TTKTT; 40:8 for TKTTF; 39:9 for TTKSK and 44:4 for
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As demand for food is rising, yield is expected to double to feed the 9 billion people in 2050. However, climate change is posing a pressing threat to sustainable food production for the increasing population. Wheat is a strategic crop for food security, and increasing its productivity is vital to ensuring food sufficiency. The dominant cropping system in the southeast Ethiopian highlands is wheat monocropping, which is constrained by the prevalence of yield-reducing factors such as diseases, pests and weeds. We evaluated combinations of crop management options to determine system productivity and profitability for sustainable wheat production. The production factors included in the treatment combinations were tillage type, crop rotation, and weed management options; these factors were applied during alternating (2007, 2009 and 2011) seasons, followed by the main crop (wheat) in the next season (2008, 2010 and 2012). Analysis of variance was performed for yield, weed population and economic parameters and revealed the significant effects of the management factors on wheat yield, weed population density and system profitability. A greater yield was obtained from fallow-retention followed by dry tillage and faba bean rotation. The weed population density was lower in the faba bean and rape seed rotations. All the broad leaf weed species were less than 25%, except for the Galium species, and all the grassy weeds were less than 30%, except for Cyprus species, in both the faba bean and rape seed rotation systems. In addition, Bromus pectinatus and Avena fatua were effectively controlled by rape seed and faba bean rotation, respectively, in the bread wheat production system. Rape seed rotation was the most profitable weed management option for bread wheat production, with a net benefit of 44,559 Ethiopian Birr (ETB)/ha and a net marginal return of 790 ETB/ha, which ensures that farmers receive an additional return of 6.90 ETB from each 1 ETB invested in the rape seed-wheat production system.
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Assessment of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seed quality accessed through different seed sources in northwest Ethiopia Abstract: Farmers are accessing seeds from different sources with different quality standards. Studies on the assessment of seed systems (sources) in relation to seed quality are scarce. This study was carried out to assess the different seed qualities (physical purity, physiological quality, and seed health) of bread wheat seed accessed through the existing seed sources (formal and informal seed sources) in Baso Liben district of the Amhara region, northwest Ethiopia. In addition, this study assessed the experience of farmers in seed production and management. Data were collected from 108 respondents using a semi-structured questionnaire and from farmers and local experts using focus group discussions. Seed samples were collected from 58 farmers (30 farmers who sourced seed from the informal system and 28 from the formal system) for laboratory testing. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test (pairwise comparison) using SPSS v23.0. Results showed that about 32.4% of the respondents have experience in quality bread wheat seed production under contractual seed production arrangements with public seed enterprises. Results also revealed significant differences between formal and informal seed sources for various seed quality parameters. Seeds accessed from the formal sources have better physical purity, physiological quality, and 1,000 seed weight than seeds accessed from informal sources. Seed samples collected from the informal source were highly infected with Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Chaetomium spp., and Fusarium spp., and seeds from the formal seed source were infected with Alternata spp. and Penicillium spp. Seed quality is a major concern for the seeds accessed from both formal and informal sources. Therefore, the seed quality control mechanisms of various stakeholders, including national and regional seed regulatory bodies, government organizations, research institutes, and seed produ-cers/companies, should be given much attention at each stage of the seed value chain.
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This handbook offers a quick and easy reference guide for individuals and organisations that are involved with the production of food, from both agriculture and horticulture. It is designed to be used as a reference book that answers basic questions about how food is produced from plants, and aims to demystify the subject of growing food. The focus is firmly on the technical aspects of food crops; animal husbandry, agrochemicals and genetic engineering are only briefly mentioned. The book is divided into three sections: Principles and Practices used in Agriculture and Horticulture Description and Characteristics of the Main Food Crops Naming and Classification of Plants, Seed Purchase Procedures, Conversion Tables and Statistics, Planning and Assessing Agricultural Projects With its strong international flavour, the manual is designed to accessible for those who normally speak or read English as their second language, using simple English terminology and phrasing, with thorough explanations and numerous cross references to the terminology, acronyms and technologies used.
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This study was undertaken to investigate the technical inefficiency and factors affecting efficiency of wheat production in waterlogged areas of Arsi-robe and Digelu-tijo districts of Arsi zone in southeastern Oromia region, Ethiopia. Both purposive and two-stage sampling techniques were used. Primary data was collected from 157 randomly selected wheat producing farmers through a structured questionnaire. The translog production function analysis revealed that the mean technical efficiency of wheat producers in the study areas in the season were 55%. Given the present state of technology and input level, the result of the study suggests that there is plenty of scope to increase the output of wheat commodity by up to 45%. Education, gender, fragmentation (number of wheat plots), and access to input and output markets have negative coefficients in the inefficiency model. In addition to this, the study indicates scaling up/out of best farmers' practices in the use of recommended integrated soil, water and nutrient management practices is essential for improving the productivity of commercial wheat varieties grown under waterlogged vertisols. Furthermore, sharing the benefits of improved technologies through informal education and field days in demonstration plots could be important possible interventions for obtaining maximum achievable wheat yield under the difficult growing conditions of waterlogged vertisols in Ethiopia.
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Finger millet is an important food security and cash crop in Uganda but its production is constrained by a number of factors. However, information on farmers’ perceptions of constraints and varietal preferences is limited. A study was conducted to; identify varieties and varietal preferences in finger millet, and assess farmers’ constraints to finger millet production and coping mechanisms. The study involved a participatory rural appraisal, and a survey. Farmers identified the major constraint as high labour requirements especially for weeding since over 95% of the farmers used broadcasting as a method of planting. Other constraints that occurred across all the districts were blast disease and low yielding cultivars. Farmers also reported to have developed some coping mechanisms to counter the constraints. In terms of preference for new cultivars, farmers preferred high grain yield, brown seed colour, compact head shape, tolerance to blast disease, high tillering ability, moderate plant height (1 ± 0.2 m), early maturity, tolerance to shattering and ease of threshing without compromising other preferred attributes. The study further revealed that a considerable proportion of the farmers had limited or no knowledge on finger millet blast disease, its causes and mechanisms of coping. Farmers also reported that blast disease symptoms in all locations were on the increase over the years and pointed out the most susceptible and tolerant cultivars. These findings therefore, present an urgent need for information sharing with farmers and other agricultural development partners, and continuous development of blast resistant cultivars with farmer preferred attributes.
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Wheat (Triticum spp) is the most important cereals in Ethiopia, is threatened by abiotic and biotic constraints. Among the biotic, stem rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici) is one of the major limitations of wheat production. Information on the occurrence and reaction of cultivars to stem rust in Guji zone was unknown. Survey was conducted in Bore, Damma and Ana Sora districts of Guji zone to assess the prevalence, incidence and severity of wheat stem rust in 2011 growing season. During the survey work, 77 wheat fields in 17 Peasant associations of the three districts of Guji zone were assessed. The result of survey revealed that all the wheat fields were affected by stem rust in all the surveyed area. Incidences greater than 22.72% and lesser than 20% were recorded in Damma and Bore districts, respectively. Stem rust severity ranged from 18.16 to 27.39% in all the surveyed districts. The survey work showed that wheat stem rust was serious disease of wheat in the zones and may cause high economic loss if the susceptible local cultivars and Kubsa were continued to be grown in the area.
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The evolution of new stem rust races with broad virulences on many of the resistance genes deployed in wheat breeding gave additional impetus to search for new sources of resistance. This study was conducted to identify sources of resistance in the Ethiopian durum landraces to Ug99 (TTKSK) and other prevalent races at Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center, Ethiopia. The experiment was conducted in the 2009 main and 2010 off-seasons. In 2009 main season, a total of 991 durum wheat lines previously collected from different parts of the country were tested whereas in 2010 off-season, only 132 entries were being evaluated. The entries were sown in two rows of one meter long plots together with susceptible checks. Spreader rows of susceptible varieties were sown and being inoculated three times starting from stem elongation with mixtures of stem rust races including Ug99 (TTKSK) using injection method. Rust scores were taken three times using a modified Cobb's scale. Leaf rust appeared early in the season and most of the landraces exhibited susceptible reaction to this disease. Out of the total entries, 132 exhibited combined resistances to stem and leaf rust diseases and those were selected for further test in the 2010 off-season. In the subsequent test, 28 lines were identified to have high level of stem rust resistance comparable or better than the resistant checks. The selected durum landraces could be exploited in wheat breeding program.
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Resistance May Not Be Futile Recently, Ug99, a particularly devastating strain of wheat stem rust fungus, has emerged, which could potentially threaten food security. Now, two genes have been cloned that offer resistance to Ug99. Saintenac et al. (p. 783 , published online 27 June) cloned Sr35 from Triticum monococcum , a diploid wheat species not often cultivated. Periyannan et al. (p. 786 , published online 27 June) cloned Sr33 from Aegilops tauschii , a diploid wild grass that contributed to the hexaploid genome of cultivated wheat. The genes both encode proteins that show features typical of other disease resistance proteins and offer opportunities to slow the pace of Ug99 progression.
The emergence and rapid spread of virulent races of wheat stem rust has driven a search for sources of resistance for durable resistance breeding. This study was carried out to identify possible sources of stem rust resistance between Ethiopian wheat lines. Two hundred and fifty-two wheat accessions and a universal suscept, cultivar Morocco were evaluated for their resistance at the seedling stage to the stem rust isolate Ug99 in a controlled environment. Ninety-one lines that exhibited intermediate and susceptible seedling reactions were further field tested in 2012 main season for their slow rusting characteristics. Among the 91, 38 genotypes that had high to moderate level of slow rusting were advanced to a 2013 off season field evaluation. Slow rusting resistance at the adult-plant stage was assessed through the determination of final disease severity (FRS), coefficient of infection (CI), and relative area under disease progressive curve (rAUDPC). The results revealed that wheat lines H04-2, 204408-3, 214551-1, 231545-1, 7041-1, 7514-1, 226385-1, 226815-1, 7579-1 and 222495-1 had low values of FRS, CI and rAUDPC and were regarded as good slow rusting lines. Of these 231545-1, 7041-1, 226815-1 and 7579-1 exhibited complete susceptibility at the seedling stage, with infection types ranging from 3− to 3+, which suggests that they possess true slow rusting resistance. Lines 237886-1, 227059-1, 203763-1, 226275-1, 227068-2, 226278-1 and 7994-1 had moderate values for the stem rust resistance parameters and were identified as possessing a moderate level of slow rusting. High correlations were observed between different parameters of slow rusting. Among the slow rusting lines 231545-1, H04-2 and 222495-1 had high yields and kernel weight in both seasons. The slow rusting lines identified from this study can be used to breed for stem rust resistance in wheat.
Of the wide list of insect pests recorded on wheat in Ethiopia, only few field and storage insects are major pests while others are of minor importance. Barley shoot fly is a major pest of barley on the highlands of Ethiopia. The Southeast agroecology, particularly, the mid and high altitude areas of Bale are the hot spot areas for this pest. The formerly identified shoot fly species, Delia arambourgi Seguy has been catalogued as minor pest of wheat in Ethiopia but the pest situation of the recently reported species from Bale, D. flavibasis Stein has not been assessed with respect to wheat. Thus, this study was initiated to investigate the degree of infestation of wheat by barley shoot fly at Sinana, Southeast. Ethiopia. Accordingly, one pot culture and three field experiments were conducted at Sinana including a study on off-season infestation assessment. Results of both pot culture and field studies revealed that wheat was highly infested by D. flavobasis both under pot culture and field conditions indicating that this crop, besides barley, is another main host for this pest in Bale. In the pot experiment, infestation of wheat was 87 percent and in the field infestation generally ranged from 20-90 percent and 34-70 percent in Experiment II, and I respectively. During the non-crop period infestation of wheat by barley shoot fly reached nearly 20 percent. This implies that, volunteer wheat seedlings are among very important hosts for barley shoot fly during the non-crop periods to maintain population till the cropping season commences. Generally, it could be concluded that D. flavibasois is a major pest of wheat in Bale, Southeast Ethiopia and there is a need for management interventions similar to barley.