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Mobile robot path planning with modified ant colony optimisation


Abstract and Figures

Automated navigation is a pivotal task of robotics research and the key challenge lies in robot motion on unknown dynamic terrain. The large number of solutions to robotic path planning, especially in unknown and dynamic environments, mainly rely on the heuristic methods. The most important factor for this choice is the fast convergence towards solution without supervision. In the proposed scheme we have used a modified version of ant colony optimisation. We incorporated the directional movement history of robot on a grid into a vector as a probability multiplication factor which helps to achieve a faster convergence and avoid unnecessary movements, e.g., looping. In this work we have devised a novel pheromone updation scheme. Along with this we have applied path smoothing to lessen the number of turns on the candidate optimal path. Effectiveness is shown through several extensive experiments and results clearly indicate the aptness of the proposed scheme.
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106 Int. J. Bio-Inspired Computation, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2017
Copyright © 2017 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Mobile robot path planning with modified ant
colony optimisation
Utkarsh Rajput* and Madhu Kumari
Computer Science and Engineering Department,
National Institute of Technology,
Hamirpur-177005, Himachal Pradesh, India
*Corresponding author
Abstract: Automated navigation is a pivotal task of robotics research and the key challenge lies
in robot motion on unknown dynamic terrain. The large number of solutions to robotic path
planning, especially in unknown and dynamic environments, mainly rely on the heuristic
methods. The most important factor for this choice is the fast convergence towards solution
without supervision. In the proposed scheme we have used a modified version of ant colony
optimisation. We incorporated the directional movement history of robot on a grid into a vector
as a probability multiplication factor which helps to achieve a faster convergence and avoid
unnecessary movements, e.g., looping. In this work we have devised a novel pheromone updation
scheme. Along with this we have applied path smoothing to lessen the number of turns on the
candidate optimal path. Effectiveness is shown through several extensive experiments and results
clearly indicate the aptness of the proposed scheme.
Keywords: mobile robot; ant colony optimisation; ACO; path planning; path smoothing.
Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Rajput, U. and Kumari, M. (2017) ‘Mobile
robot path planning with modified ant colony optimisation’, Int. J. Bio-Inspired Computation,
Vol. 9, No. 2, pp.106–113.
Biographical notes: Utkarsh Rajput received his Bachelor of Technology in 2012 from Gautam
Buddh Technical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. He received his Master’s from
National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India. Machine learning and
robotics are his major interest areas.
Madhu Kumari is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer
Science and Engineering at National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh,
India. She received her Master’s and doctoral degrees from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New
Delhi. Her previous work mostly focused on exploration of different variants of reinforcement
learning in simulated Robocop soccer domain. She has worked on different aspects of
computational advertising based on sponsored search auctions. Her current research is more
aligned towards the deployment of machine learning techniques on application milieu like web,
text and social analytics.
1 Introduction
Mobile robots have their applications in diverse fields
ranging from dangerous environments, like mining and
nuclear industry to daily life applications, e.g., autopilot
robots for cars and household work. These robots can be
successfully used in hazardous environments where human
life can be endangered. For the development of mobile
robots, effective and efficient path planning methods are
necessary for the locomotion. Robot path planning is a
pivotal research problem and researchers are continuously
trying to develop methods that can be used an integrable
solution for this problem in a manner that can find the
optimal path in real time with least number of constraints.
But there has been less success achieved in this area.
Initially the main focus was on the path planning in static
environments where the obstacles are static and robot is the
only mobile entity. Major techniques which have been
extensively used in static environments based path planning
includes cell decomposition method (Choset, 2007),
visibility graph method (Mitchell, 1986), Voronoi diagrams
(Kalra et al., 2009), etc. In cell decomposition method
(Choset, 2007) environment map is decomposed into
different sized cells labelled as obstacle and free cell. A
possible navigation route for robot is through connected free
cells only. The incremental algorithm in Kalra et al. (2009)
uses techniques for constructing and updating generalised
Voronoi diagrams and thus finding the route through
unknown static environment. Genetic algorithm with
Mobile robot path planning with modified ant colony optimisation 107
B-Spline curve in Ju and Cheng (2011) has been used to
generate smooth paths in static environments for car like
vehicles. The research in this area of static environment
path planning is now almost saturated (Choset and Pignon,
1997; Simon, 1993) and there are very few possibilities of
further improvement.
The problem of path planning in dynamic terrains,
where the obstacles can also be mobile, that represents the
real world scenario, is still a major challenge of this
research purview. There are great possibilities of
improvement in this particular area, especially to exploit
local information to achieve globally optimally solution.
Various methods have been proposed so far the robot
movement planning in dynamic and unknown environments
with optimal cost. Potential field theory (Ge and Cui, 2000),
genetic algorithm (Tu and Yang, 2003; Hu and Yang,
2004), simulated annealing (Miao and Tian, 2013), neural
network (Simon, 1993), fuzzy logic (Reignier, 1994), etc.,
are most widely used methods for dynamic path planning.
Tuncer and Yildirim (2012) applies genetic algorithm with a
modified mutation operator to plan the path in dynamic
environment. A hierarchical fuzzy control system is
presented in Rulong et al. (2011) for multi-robot path
planning in which the robots are connected through a
network. Apart from these techniques, various heuristic
techniques for path planning have been proposed. An ant
colony optimisation (ACO) technique in Garcia et al. (2009)
makes use fuzzy evaluation function for selecting an
optimal path in the simple dynamic navigation terrain.
Zhangqi et al. (2011) presents an improvement of basic ant
colony algorithm that uses genetic algorithm to optimise the
parameters of ant colony algorithm. These heuristic
techniques have been proven to be a good improvement
over the classical approaches.
2 Modified ACO algorithm
ACO is a meta-heuristic that can be applied very effectively
to plan the path for mobile robot in dynamic terrains with
the help of very basic local information, even in unknown
environments. The basic ACO algorithm has been used
previously by Garcia et al. (2009) and Zhangqi et al. (2011),
but there is lot of scopes to improve the time consuming
probabilistic selection formula and pheromone updation
scheme. ACO algorithm is a swarm intelligence technique
(Duan and Luo, 2015; Wang et al., 2015) that simulates the
behavioural working of real ants. The ants use pheromones
to find their path from source to destination (Dorigo and
Stützle, 2004).
Simple ACO algorithm works moderately well in
terms of finding feasible path in dynamic environments
(Garcia et al., 2009). The time taken by the algorithm is
high and thus needs two main parts of the algorithm,
probabilistic formula and the pheromone updation scheme,
to be modified that can speed up the process to find a
solution in real time. Moreover, selection of one of the
many available feasible paths of same length based on
simple ACO approach may slow the process a little bit
because of varying nature of number of turns on the path.
To further improve the efficiency of the process on this
account and to get a smoother path, it can be extended to
include a path smoothing method that can reduce the efforts
of robot significantly without compromising the on the time
compared to the time elapsed in finding the path. The
complete approach can be explained in the three sections as
Figure 1 Sample 8 × 8 grid
2.1 Environment modelling
The robot navigation environment is modelled in the form
of a 2D square grid structure. The robot is considered to be
as a point robot. The grid is represented by Euclidean plane
on XY coordinate system towards the positive x and y-axes
having N grid cells numbered from 0 to N – 1. The cell
number can be calculated by the following equation (1),
provided the coordinates x and y on X-axes and Y-axes
Gyxn=+ (1)
where n is the number of grid cells in one dimension, that is,
the grid is of size n × n. Figure 1 shows a grid of size 8 × 8.
Top left corner is the origin on Euclidean plane, positive X
direction is form left to right and positive Y direction is
from top to bottom.
There are eight possible directional movements from an
internal nodes (other than boundary nodes): forward,
left-forward, left, left-backward, backward, right-backward,
right and right-forward, each directional movement is
assigned a number on the grid from 1 to 8 respectively as
shown in Figure 2. The movement of robot is restricted to
grid only, therefore the movements on a boundary node are
limited. For example, if the robot is on left boundary then
the directions 6, 7 and 8 are restricted.
108 U. Rajput and M. Kumari
Figure 2 Possible directional movements from an internal node
2.2 Proposed modifications in ACO
The steps of the proposed algorithm are similar to simple
ACO algorithm. We propose to change two major aspects of
ACO approach, probabilistic selection formula and
pheromone updation scheme, to combat the problem of
slower convergence in basic algorithm. The modified
algorithm provides directional movement history to
calculate the probability of selection of next node which
curtails unnecessary moves to substantial level. Pheromones
are updated only on the links of path found; this enhances
the prominence of feasible path over entire grid.
The probabilistic formula in the new approach contains
an essentially important part that is history of recent
movement directions, due to which undesired movements of
robot are avoided and thus faster convergence can be
achieved. The new probabilistic formula with added term
PMij is given as follows
, if
0, if
ij ij ij
ij ik k
τη PM
ij and
ij are the pheromone and heuristic values
respectively on link (i, j),
are control parameters of
ij is the reciprocal of distance of node
j form goal node as in equation (3).
(, )
ηd j goal
= (3)
The distance considered here is the Euclidean distance
between the two nodes and computed from equation (4)
()( )
(, ) j goal j goal
d j goal x x y y=− + (4)
NF is the set of nodes reachable and adjacent to the current
node i (as explained in section 1).
PM, probability multiplication factor (PMF), is a discrete
vector of 8 dimensions, each dimension corresponds to one
directional movement and value stored in each dimension
represents the influence of previous directional movement
on next directional movement. It fulfils the algorithm’s
requirement of considering the historical data for directional
movement in probabilistic computation for selection of next
node. PMij is PMF in direction from node i to j. Initially the
values in each dimension of 8-tuple is set to 1 and as soon
as the ant changes its direction of movement on grid the
values of PM are updated. The updation is based on empiric
evaluation as follows
1 The value of PM(i) is set 0.1 if i is opposite to the
current directional movement of robot, where i can take
discrete values from 1 to 8.
2 PM(i) is set to 0.3 if i is opposite left or right to the
current directional movement, that is,
‘( 3)mod9id=+ or ‘( 5)mod9,id=+ where d is the
value of current directional movement.
3 PM(i) is set to 0.9 if i is opposite to second last or front
left and front right of opposite to second last movement
4 The value is set to 1 for remaining direction of eight.
5 If any direction is subjected to multiple assignments for
same updation step, minimum value of the two is
Consider the movement in Figure 3. Vector PM at point 1,
the starting state, is <1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1>, at point 2 it is
reset to <1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.3> and at point 3 it is again
reset to <1, 1, 1, 0.3, 0.1, 0.3, 0.9, 0.9>.
In order to increase the significance of feasible path, we
propose another major change in ACO approach as a new
pheromone updation scheme. In simple ACO, pheromone
evaporation for each link is cumbersome and increases the
time with great extent. In the modified approach, each time
an ant finds a solution, the pheromone deposition and
evaporation takes place concurrently on the links of path
found. The pheromone levels are updated in such a way and
the optimal path links have a slightly higher pheromone
values than any other link on the grid. It ensures the faster
convergence and avoidance of local minima. The updation
is governed by applying the following formula
(1 ) Δ
ij ij ij
τρττ=− + (5)
is the evaporation factor, 0
1. Δ
ij is the
pheromone value deposited by the ant on link from node
i to j. Δ
ij is dependent on the path length and number of
turns on the path. In the current implementation value of
ij is determined by equation (6)
ij Min length
τPath length Number of turns
= (6)
where Min_length is the minimum possible length of path
on the grid without obstacles, Path_length is the length of
path found in the current iteration and Number_of_turns is
the number of turns on the path. The steps of the proposed
algorithm are explained in the flowchart in Figure 5(a). The
stored results of this part of the algorithm are used in next
Mobile robot path planning with modified ant colony optimisation 109
Figure 3 (a) Movement of robot on grid (b) PMFs at point 1
(c) PMFs at point 1 (d) PMFs at point 1 (see online
version for colours)
2.3 Path smoothing
The path found in the first phase of the algorithms, the
modified ACO approach, is optimal but there are
possibilities of refinement to reduce the effort employed by
the robot. If the number of turns on the path is high and
other routes with same length with less number of turns are
available then path smoothing phase pick one of these
available paths. This method works by traversing the path
that has been found in the previous phase and removes
unnecessary turnings of this path. Time elapsed in this
phase of the algorithm is negligible as compared to previous
phase since it has to traverse just the solution that is very
small in comparison of the whole grid. Figure 4 shows two
paths that are of similar length but the effort required by the
robot is different for path in Figures 4(a) and 4(b) because
of turnings. Path in Figure 4(b), which is the result
of applying path smoothing phase, is preferred over
Figure 4(a), which is the result of previous phase.
Figure 4 (a) Result of ACO approach (b) After applying path
smoothing (see online version for colours)
The flowchart in Figure 5(b) explains the complete
algorithmic steps of the path smoothing phase. Input to this
phase is output of previous phase of implementation. The
complete algorithm proposed in this paper comprises two
parts explained in previous two sections to achieve overall
efficiency and robustness towards robot path planning.
3 Simulation and results
In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed
approach, we conducted several experiments on grids of
different dimensions and with varying obstacle positions.
The experiments are conducted on MATLAB. In this
simulation, the dynamic environment has been elicited by
introducing new obstacles or changing the obstacle
orientations and positions while the ant is finding path to its
goal. The navigation grid is implemented in the form of a
matrix of size n × n, whose each element can be accessed
randomly in unit time. A value 0 in the matrix represents the
corresponding grid cell acquired by some obstacle and a
value 1 is the free space on grid. An instance of such
implementation is shown in Figure 6 for square grid of size
6 × 6.
110 U. Rajput and M. Kumari
Several simulations have been performed to compare the
results of the currents implementation with SACOdm, as
explained in Garcia et al. (2009). On the empty grids of
various sizes (30 × 30, 40 × 40 and 100 × 100), single ant
finds the optimal solution within just one iteration. A
simulation of the algorithm on 40 × 40 grid is shown in
Figure 7. Even when the obstacles of the different sizes and
complex distributions are introduced on the grid the time
(and iterations) needed to find optimal path increases
almost linearly and not drastically. The results are shown in
Table 1.
Figure 5 Flowchart of algorithm, (a) first (modified ACO) phase
(b) second (path smoothing) phase (see online version
for colours)
Figure 5 Flowchart of algorithm, (a) first (modified ACO) phase
(b) second (path smoothing) phase (continued)
(see online version for colours)
Figure 6 (a) Grid with obstacles (b) Matrix representation of the
grid in (a) (see online version for colours)
(a) (b)
Mobile robot path planning with modified ant colony optimisation 111
Figure 7 Path from node 1 to 700 on a grid of 40 × 40
(see online version for colours)
In order to check the robustness of proposed scheme
extensive experiments have been performed with various
value combinations of parameters. Result of one such
experiment is depicted by the graph in Figure 8. As shown
in Figure 8, the value of
, the evaporation rate, changes
from 0.1 to 0.9, while
= 0.556 and
= 0.553. Graph is
plotted for ten different values of
versus the number of
iterations needed to find the optimal path and optimal
iterations are obtained for a value of
= 0.18. Another
experiment, Figure 9 shows the variation of number of turns
on the optimal path found in previous phase with respect to
progress of smoothing phase. As iterations in the smoothing
phase advance, the number of turns is substantially reduced
to a constant value. Table 1 compares the results of
proposed modified ACO and ACO implementation given in
0Garcia et al. (2009). The result given in the table clearly
indicates the proposed scheme performs approximately four
times better than SACOdm (Garcia et al., 2009).
Figure 8 Number of Iterations for various values of
(evaporation factor) (see online version for colours)
Figure 9 Number of turns on path as smoothing phase progresses (see online version for colours)
112 U. Rajput and M. Kumari
Table 1 Comparative results of basic and modified ACO approaches
Grid size Epochs Time (sec.)
50 × 50 20 0.5 2 1 12.08
Modified ACO
30 × 30 27 0.18
0.556 0.553 2.18
50 × 50 38 0.18
0.556 0.553 3.13
100 × 100 63 0.18
0.556 0.553 4.01
Source: Garcia et al. (2009)
Figure 10 (a) Initially the grid was empty, robot avoids the
obstacle and finds the new path when obstacle are
added dynamically (b) Another obstacle was added
while robot was moving on the second path found
(c) Robot finds final updated optimal path (see online
version for colours)
In order to verify the aptness of modified ACO approach in
dynamic environment, we conducted several experiments.
Figure 10 shows the circumstances on a 100 × 100 grid
when new obstacles are added dynamically. Ant also
updates the path globally after reaching the goal for some
later movements, as in Figure 10(c). The state of the
environment shown in Figure 10(c) is reached in 79 epochs
and 4.32 seconds, which is not much of the overhead for
adaptive solution for dynamic environments.
4 Conclusions
This paper is an effort to match the complexity of robot path
planning and navigation in dynamic unknown environment
by exploiting the local information-based heuristic. We
have proposed a modified ACO-based approach for path
planning and to further refine the near optimal solution with
respect to robot’s moments we have used path smoothing.
The major modification proposed in this paper are the
introduction of PMF in ACO technique, which induces the
effect of recent directional movement history, and the
pheromone updation scheme, that reduces the computation
to a great extent by just updating the pheromone values on
path link and not on the entire grid. Path smoothing simply
reduces number of undue turning of robot on found path.
The inclusion of PMF in the probabilistic path selection
formula in ACO proved to be beneficial for avoiding
unnecessary and exhaustive searches on grid. It constraints
the exploration space available to robot to the feasible
solutions without inducing much complexity in the
algorithm. With proposed new pheromone updation scheme,
a novel way of updating the pheromones is presented that
does not update the pheromone levels on the entire grid but
only on the links of path found. The next phase of
algorithm, path smoothing module reduces the physical
effort of robot, which is considered to be a significant factor
for efficiency in real world implementation, by reducing the
number of turns and thus finding and alternate smoother
path. The proposed scheme provides substantial amount of
adaptation to the changing environment which is shown by
Mobile robot path planning with modified ant colony optimisation 113
The evaluation of the algorithm in various simulations
proved to be almost four times faster than the previously
known efficient implementation (Garcia et al., 2009). The
proposed algorithm can be further extended towards the
improvement in considering the directional movement
history, like the updation of PMF values can be
probabilistic instead of empirical learned values. It is yet to
be seen the extension and application of the given scheme in
multi robot domain.
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... Path planning for robots on unknown dynamic terrains mainly relies on heuristic methods. Rajput et al. [171] improved the traditional ant colony algorithm by merging the robot's directional movement history on a grid into a vector as a probability multiplier factor, which helps to improve the convergence speed and avoid unnecessary movements. ...
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With their unique point‐contact ability with the ground and exceptional adaptability to complex terrains, quadruped robots have become a focal point in the fields of automation and robotic engineering. Significant research progress has been made in aspects such as structural design, motion planning, and balance control of these robots. However, a primary challenge in current research lies in further enhancing the dynamic performance, environmental adaptability, and payload capacity. In this article, research achievements in key technical areas of quadruped robots, encompassing structural design, gait planning, traditional control strategies, intelligent control strategies, and autonomous movement, are comprehensively discussed. The focus of the article is on analyzing trends in intelligence and technological innovation within the aforementioned areas, aiming to provide robust theoretical support and forward‐looking technical guidance for quadruped robots research. Additionally, it offers valuable references for scholars engaged in this field.
... They found the optimal route by combining pheromone diffusion and geometric local optimization. Rajput et al. [80] offered another modification for the dynamic environment. In order to prevent pointless looping and achieve faster convergence, they also presented a novel pheromone updating technique. ...
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The most important research area in robotics is navigation algorithms. Robot path planning (RPP) is the process of choosing the best route for a mobile robot to take before it moves. Finding an ideal or nearly ideal path is referred to as "path planning optimization." Finding the best solution values that satisfy a single or a number of objectives, such as the shortest, smoothest, and safest path, is the goal. The objective of this study is to present an overview of navigation strategies for mobile robots that utilize three classical approaches, namely: the roadmap approach (RM), cell decomposition (CD), and artificial potential fields (APF), in addition to eleven heuristic approaches, including the genetic algorithm (GA), ant colony optimization (ACO), artificial bee colony (ABC), gray wolf optimization (GWO), shuffled frog-leaping algorithm (SFLA), whale optimization algorithm (WOA), bacterial foraging optimization (BFO), firefly (FF) algorithm, cuckoo search (CS), and bat algorithm (BA), which may be used in various environmental situations. Multiple issues, including dynamic goals, static and dynamic environments, multiple robots, real-time simulation, kinematic analysis, and hybrid algorithms, are addressed in a different set of articles presented in this study. A discussion, as well as thorough tables and charts, will be presented at the end of this work to help readers understand what types of strategies for path planning are developed for use in a wide range of ecological contexts. Therefore, this work's main contribution is that it provides a broad view of robot path planning, which will make it easier for scientists to study the topic in the near future.
... In addition, a precise swarm intelligence search technique based on enhanced ant colony optimization was introduced to find the best unmanned aerial robot 3D flight path. This technique uses preferential search directions and a stochastic A new pheromone updating technique was proposed in a dynamic environment to avoid unnecessary loops and achieve faster convergence [28]. An improved algorithm with an adaptive search step size and pheromone waving strategy was proposed to address the problem of the ACO algorithm being prone to a local optimum and inefficient search [29]. ...
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Mobile robots, including ground robots, underwater robots, and unmanned aerial vehicles, play an increasingly important role in people’s work and lives. Path planning and obstacle avoidance are the core technologies for achieving autonomy in mobile robots, and they will determine the application prospects of mobile robots. This paper introduces path planning and obstacle avoidance methods for mobile robots to provide a reference for researchers in this field. In addition, it comprehensively summarizes the recent progress and breakthroughs of mobile robots in the field of path planning and discusses future directions worthy of research in this field. We focus on the path planning algorithm of a mobile robot. We divide the path planning methods of mobile robots into the following categories: graph-based search, heuristic intelligence, local obstacle avoidance, artificial intelligence, sampling-based, planner-based, constraint problem satisfaction-based, and other algorithms. In addition, we review a path planning algorithm for multi-robot systems and different robots. We describe the basic principles of each method and highlight the most relevant studies. We also provide an in-depth discussion and comparison of path planning algorithms. Finally, we propose potential research directions in this field that are worth studying in the future.
... All the methods can be classified into traditional path-planning methods based on environment modeling, search-based method, and artificial intelligence The artificial intelligence algorithm is probably the most commonly adopted approach for mobile robot path planning, which transforms the best path planning into a constrained optimization with one or several objective functions. The optimization algorithm is utilized to solve the nonlinear and multi-constrained models for an optimum or approximate solution, such as particle swarm optimization (PSO), ant colony optimization (ACO), artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC), genetic algorithm (GA), artificial neural network [7][8][9][10][11][12], etc. They have a great ability to handle the uncertainty condition in the complex environment and are flexible for global or local routing problems. ...
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A multi-swarm-evolutionary structure based on the parasitic relationship in the biosphere is proposed in this paper and, according to the conception, the Para-PSO-ABC algorithm (ParaPA), combined with merits of the modified particle swarm optimization (MPSO) and artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC), is conducted with the multimodal routing strategy to enhance the safety and the cost issue for the mobile robot path planning problem. The evolution is divided into three stages, where the first is the independent evolutionary stage, with the same evolution strategies for each swarm. The second is the fusion stage, in which individuals are evolved hierarchically in the parasitism structure. Finally, in the interaction stage, a multi-swarm-elite strategy is used to filter the information through a predefined cross function among swarms. Meanwhile, the segment obstacle-avoiding strategy is proposed to accelerate the searching speed with two fitness functions. The best path is selected according to the performance on the safety and consumption issues. The introduced algorithm is examined with different obstacle allocations and simulated in the real routing environment compared with some typical algorithms. The results verify the productiveness of the parasitism-relation-based structure and the stage-based evolution strategy in path planning.
... FS techniques have been successfully applied in different applications and delivered promising results. Among these techniques, metaheuristic algorithms (MAs) have shown significant success in several applications, such as vehicle routing [7], energy consumption [8], fuzzy control design [9], e-commerce [10], medical diagnosis [11] and others, mainly because of their capability to provide high-quality OFS [12]. MAs utilize two search principles: exploration, where the algorithm investigates different candidate regions in the search space, and exploitation, the algorithm searches around the obtained promising solutions to improve the existing ones. ...
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The telecommunications industry is greatly concerned about customer churn due to dissatisfaction with service. This industry has started investing in the development of machine learning (ML) models for churn prediction to extract, examine and visualize their customers’ historical information from a vast amount of big data which will assist to further understand customer needs and take appropriate actions to control customer churn. However, the high-dimensionality of the data has a large influence on the performance of the ML model, so feature selection (FS) has been applied since it is a primary preprocessing step. It improves the ML model’s performance by selecting salient features while reducing the computational time, which can assist this sector in building effective prediction models. This paper proposes a new FS approach ACO-RSA, that combines two metaheuristic algorithms (MAs), namely, ant colony optimization (ACO) and reptile search algorithm (RSA). In the developed ACO-RSA approach, an ACO and RSA are integrated to choose an important subset of features for churn prediction. The ACO-RSA approach is evaluated on seven open-source customer churn prediction datasets, ten CEC 2019 test functions, and its performance is compared to particle swarm optimization (PSO), multi verse optimizer (MVO) and grey wolf optimizer (GWO), standard ACO and standard RSA. According to the results along with statistical analysis, ACO-RSA is an effective and superior approach compared to other competitor algorithms on most datasets.
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Robot navigation is a crucial aspect of any mobile robot system. Many path planners generate a path that is zigzag in nature and contains many sharp or angular turns. Such courses are not adequate for a mobile robot to follow as it has to slow down and then speed up at these sharp turns. Thus, the integration of the smoothing function is a vital aspect to generate smooth and continuous paths. Moreover, a collision check after path smoothing needs to be accounted for a possible collision with obstacles surrounding. Herein, a path pruning algorithm is utilized to reduce the total path waypoints. Then a piecewise cubic B-spline smoothing function is applied to ensure the path is smooth and continuous. In addition, a post-smoothing collision checking and improvement algorithm based on mid-point insertion for the collide segments is proposed. Experiments and comparisons with the geometric RRT-Connect path planner have shown that the inclusion of a path pruning algorithm, smoothing function and post-smoothing collision check generates better results with reduced path length.
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Mobile robot path planning has attracted much attention as a key technology in robotics research. In this paper, a reformative bat algorithm (RBA) for mobile robot path planning is proposed, which is employed as the control mechanism of robots. The Doppler effect is applied to frequency update to ameliorate RBA. When the robot is in motion, the Doppler effect can be adaptively compensated to prevent the robot from prematurely converging. In the velocity update and position update, chaotic map and dynamic disturbance coefficient are introduced respectively to enrich the population diversity and weaken the limitation of local optimum. Furthermore, Q-learning is incorporated into RBA to reasonably choose the loudness attenuation coefficient and the pulse emission enhancement coefficient to reconcile the trade-off between exploration and exploitation, while improving the local search capability of RBA. The simulation experiments are carried out in two different environments, where the success rate of RBA is 93.33% and 90%, respectively. Moreover, in terms of the results of success rate, path length and number of iterations, RBA has better robustness and can plan the optimal path in a relatively short time compared with other algorithms in this field, thus illustrating its validity and reliability. Eventually, by the aid of the Robot Operating System (ROS), the experimental results of real-world robot navigation indicate that RBA has satisfactory real-time performance and path planning effect, which can be considered as a crucial choice for dealing with path planning problems.
The probabilistic searching methods are popular in robot motion planning, especially when the robot moves in an unknown environment with many obstacles. Among those methods, the rapidly exploring random tree method (RRT) has proven effective and has been widely applied to complex multidirectional movements in unstructured environments. This paper conducts the design of the optimal motion trajectory for a differential drive wheeled mobile robot with two independent drive wheels. The workspace mapping of the robot is designed within a large space including many walls and obstacles in custom positions. The robot builds the map automatically with limit points by combining the local RRT and global RRT solutions. Through the experiment on Robot Operating System (ROS), the mapping achieved high performance while also not missing the map areas located at the border nodes. On that basis, optimal paths towards the goals are built according to different navigation cases. Therefore, this method can be used efficiently at boundary nodes, it is applicable to narrower and more complex environments than existing RRT algorithms.KeywordsMobile robotMappingPath planningRRT algorithmROS
Based on the current situation that most fire-fighting robots are operated by humans and do not have independent planning and operation abilities, in this paper an intelligent fire-fighting robot is designed using multi-sensor fusion. The robot has the functions of automatic inspection and fire-fighting, and can integrate the information of the operational environment and make decisions based multi-sensor fusion. An improved path-planning mechanism is proposed in order to overcome some disadvantages of the ant colony optimization algorithm, such as its easy tendency to reach local optimal solutions, slow convergence speed and weak global searching ability. A comprehensive evaluation method of the improved ACO is established to quantify its relevance and effectiveness. A joint calibration scheme for the color and temperature information obtained using an infrared thermal imager and a binocular vision camera was designed, and the internal and external parameters and distortion coefficient of the camera were successfully obtained. Based on the principle of binocular vision, a fire source detection and location strategy is proposed. When a fire source is detected, the location of the fire source is determined quickly and rescue path planning can be carried out, which improves the intelligence level of the fire-fighting robot. Finally, MATLAB and ROS are used to analyze the improved algorithm, and a fire site patrolling experiment is carried out. The results showed that the improved ACO greatly improves the convergence, reduces the number of iterations and greatly shortens the length of the patrol path, while the robot can effectively determine the location of the fire source efficiently during independent patrols and sound alarms, which will save precious time for fire-fighting and emergency rescue personnel.
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Swarm intelligence is a relatively new approach to problem solving that takes inspiration from the social behaviors of insects and of other animals. In particular, ants have inspired a number of methods and techniques among which the most studied and the most successful is the general purpose optimization technique known as ant colony optimization. Ant colony optimization (ACO) takes inspiration from the foraging behavior of some ant species. These ants deposit pheromone on the ground in order to mark some favorable path that should be followed by other members of the colony. Ant colony optimization exploits a similar mechanism for solving optimization problems. From the early nineties, when the first ant colony optimization algorithm was proposed, ACO attracted the attention of increasing numbers of researchers and many successful applications are now available. Moreover, a substantial corpus of theoretical results is becoming available that provides useful guidelines to researchers and practitioners in further applications of ACO. The goal of this article is to introduce ant colony optimization and to survey its most notable applications
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The basic ant colony algorithm for mobile robot path planning exists many problems, such as lack of stability, algorithm premature convergence, more difficult to find optimal solution for complex problems and so on. This paper proposes improvement measures. Apply genetic algorithm to optimization and configuration parameters of the basic ant colony algorithm. Simulation results show that the improved optimal path length significantly less than the basic ant colony algorithm and volatility is smaller, stability significantly improves. The stability of improved ant colony algorithm is superior to the basic ant colony algorithm, verify the effectiveness of the improvement measures. (c) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of [CEIS 2011]
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Path planning of robot is becoming a popular research field. In order to solve this problem, a hierarchical fuzzy control system is presented in this paper. Each robot of the system must be autonomous and they can communicate with each other through network. The acceleration, speed and dangerous degree are the judgment basics to choose the paths. Hierarchical fuzzy control algorithm is used to determine the movement of the robot. Simulation experiments have shown that this method is effective and practical for the path planning of multi-robot system.
A novel self-organising approach to cooperative hunting by robotic swarm is put forward. Each individual can simply detect the direction angle of moving target. By using particle swarm optimisation (PSO), locating target can be realised through the individual's local interaction. Collective hunting behaviour emerged when human object moved through the detection area. Simulations and experiments demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach to cooperative hunting by swarm robotic systems.
Nature is a great and immense source of inspiration for solving complex problems in the real world. The well-known examples in nature for swarms are bird flocks, fish schools and the colony of social insects. Birds, ants, bees, fireflies, bats, and pigeons are all bringing us various inspirations for swarm intelligence. In 1990s, swarm intelligence algorithms based on ant colony have highly attracted the interest of researchers. During the past two decades, several new algorithms have been developed depending on different intelligent behaviours of natural swarms. This review presents a comprehensive survey of swarm intelligence-based computation algorithms, which are ant colony optimisation, particle swarm optimisation, artificial bee colony, firefly algorithm, bat algorithm, and pigeon inspired optimisation. Future orientations are also discussed thoroughly.
Evolutionary computation is an effective tool for solving optimization problems. However, its significant computational demand has limited its real-time and on-line applications, especially in embedded systems with limited computing resources, e.g., mobile robots. Heuristic methods such as the genetic algorithm (GA) based approaches have been investigated for robot path planning in dynamic environments. However, research on the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, another popular evolutionary computation algorithm, for dynamic path planning is still limited mainly due to its high computational demand. An enhanced SA approach, which integrates two additional mathematical operators and initial path selection heuristics into the standard SA, is developed in this work for robot path planning in dynamic environments with both static and dynamic obstacles. It improves the computing performance of the standard SA significantly while giving an optimal or near-optimal robot path solution, making its real-time and on-line applications possible. Using the classic and deterministic Dijkstra algorithm as a benchmark, comprehensive case studies are carried out to demonstrate the performance of the enhanced SA and other SA algorithms in various dynamic path planning scenarios.
In this study, a new mutation operator is proposed for the genetic algorithm (GA) and applied to the path planning problem of mobile robots in dynamic environments. Path planning for a mobile robot finds a feasible path from a starting node to a target node in an environment with obstacles. GA has been widely used to generate an optimal path by taking advantage of its strong optimization ability. While conventional random mutation operator in simple GA or some other improved mutation operators can cause infeasible paths, the proposed mutation operator does not and avoids premature convergence. In order to demonstrate the success of the proposed method, it is applied to two different dynamic environments and compared with previous improved GA studies in the literature. A GA with the proposed mutation operator finds the optimal path far too many times and converges more rapidly than the other methods do.
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In this paper, a novel genetic algorithm based approach to path planning of a mobile robot is proposed. The major characteristic of the proposed algorithm is that the chromosome has a variable length. The location target and obstacles are included to find a path for a mobile robot in an environment that is a 2D workplace discretized into a grid net. Each cell in the net is a gene. The number of genes in one chromosome depends on the environment. The locations of the robot, the target and the obstacle are marked in the workplace. The proposed algorithm is capable of generating collision-free paths for a mobile robot in both static and dynamic environments. In a static environment, the generated robot path is optimal in the sense of the shortest distance. The effectiveness of the proposed model is demonstrated by simulation studies.
Simon, D.. The application of neural networks to optimal robot trajectory planning, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 11 (1993) 23/2-34Interpolation of minimum jerk robot joint trajectories through an arbitrary number of knots is realized using a hardwired neural network. Minimum jerk joint trajectories are desirable for their similarity to human joint movements and their amenability to accurate tracking. The resultant trajectories are numerical rather than analytic functions of time. This application formulates the interpolation problem as a constrained quadratic minimization problem over a continuous joint angle domain and a discrete time domain. Time is discretized according to the robot controller rate. The neuron outputs define the joint angles (one neuron for each discrete value of time) and the Lagrange multipliers (one neuron for each trajectory constraint). An annealing-type method is used to prevent the network from getting stuck in a local minimum. This paper discusses the optimizing neural network and its application to robot path planning, presents some simulation results, and compares the neural network method with other minimum jerk trajectory planning methods.
We present an incremental algorithm for constructing and reconstructing Generalized Voronoi Diagrams (GVDs) on grids. Our algorithm, Dynamic Brushfire, uses techniques from the path planning community to efficiently update GVDs when the underlying environment changes or when new information concerning the environment is received. Dynamic Brushfire is an order of magnitude more efficient than current approaches. In this paper we present the algorithm, compare it to current approaches on several experimental domains involving both simulated and real data, and demonstrate its usefulness for multirobot path planning.