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The king of snakes: performance and morphology of intraguild predators ( Lampropeltis ) and their prey ( Pantherophis )


Abstract and Figures

Across ecosystems and trophic levels, predators are usually larger than their prey, and when trophic morphology converges, predators typically avoid predation on intraguild competitors unless the prey is notably smaller in size. However, a currently unexplained exception occurs in kingsnakes in the genus Lampropeltis. Kingsnakes are able to capture, constrict and consume other snakes that are not only larger than themselves but that are also powerful constrictors (such as ratsnakes in the genus Pantherophis). Their mechanisms of success as intraguild predators on other constrictors remain unknown. To begin addressing these mechanisms, we studied the scaling of muscle cross-sectional area, pulling force and constriction pressure across the ontogeny of six species of snakes (Lampropeltis californiae, L. getula, L. holbrooki, Pantherophis alleghaniensis, P. guttatus and P. obsoletus). Muscle cross-sectional area is an indicator of potential force production, pulling force is an indicator of escape performance, and constriction pressure is a measure of prey-handling performance. Muscle cross-sectional area scaled similarly for all snakes, and there was no significant difference in maximumpulling force among species. However, kingsnakes exerted significantly higher pressures on their prey than ratsnakes. The similar escape performance among species indicates that kingsnakes win in predatory encounters because of their superior constriction performance, not because ratsnakes have inferior escape performance. The superior constriction performance by kingsnakes results from their consistent and distinctive coil posture and perhaps from additional aspects of muscle structure and function that need to be tested in future research.
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The king of snakes: performance and morphology of intraguild
predators (Lampropeltis) and their prey (Pantherophis)
David A. Penning
*and Brad R. Moon
Across ecosystems and trophic levels, predators are usually larger
than their prey, and when trophic morphology converges, predators
typically avoid predation on intraguild competitors unless the prey is
notably smaller in size. However, a currently unexplained exception
occurs in kingsnakes in the genus Lampropeltis. Kingsnakes are able
to capture, constrict and consume other snakes that are not only larger
than themselves but that are also powerful constrictors (such as
ratsnakes in the genus Pantherophis). Their mechanisms of success
as intraguild predators on other constrictors remain unknown. To begin
addressing these mechanisms, we studied the scaling of muscle
cross-sectional area, pulling force and constriction pressure across
the ontogeny of six species of snakes (Lampropeltis californiae,
L. getula,L. holbrooki,Pantherophis alleghaniensis,P. guttatus and
P. obsoletus). Muscle cross-sectional area is an indicator of potential
force production, pulling force is an indicator of escape performance,
and constriction pressure is a measure of prey-handling performance.
Muscle cross-sectional area scaled similarly for all snakes, and there
was no significant difference in maximum pulling force among species.
However, kingsnakes exerted significantly higher pressures on their
prey than ratsnakes. The similar escape performance among species
indicates that kingsnakes win in predatory encounters because of their
superiorconstriction performance, not because ratsnakes have inferior
escape performance. The superior constriction performance by
kingsnakes results from their consistent and distinctive coil posture
and perhaps from additional aspects of muscle structure and function
that need to be tested in future research.
KEY WORDS: Constriction, Cross-sectional area, Force, Muscle,
Pressure, Scaling
The structure and function of an organism relate in part to predatory
and anti-predator adaptations (Darwin, 1859; Wainwright, 1994).
Predators are generally larger than their prey (Arnold, 1993; Radloff
and Du Toit, 2004), and as prey increase in size relative to their
predators, they become less vulnerable to predation (Magalhães
et al., 2005). Furthermore, as trophic ranks (Holt et al., 1999)
converge between predators (i.e. intraguild competitors; Polis et al.,
1989), predators become less likely to attack prey greater than
2550% of their own mass (Buskirk, 1999; Palomares and Caro,
1999; Wise, 2006). When the predator and prey are closely matched
in size and have similar feeding morphology, an attack can bring
such a high risk to the predator that it might be avoided entirely,
even if the benefits of successful predation would be high (Donadio
and Buskirk, 2006). However, some snakes consume intraguild prey
that are well matched in predatory abilities and in some cases are
even larger than themselves (Jackson et al., 2004).
Modifications of the feeding apparatus have allowed many snakes,
including ones that eat other snakes (ophiophagous), to incorporate
massive prey into their diets (Traill, 1895; Smith, 1910; Greene,
1997; Cundall and Greene, 2000; Jackson et al., 2004; Leong and
Shunari, 2010). Many ophiophagous snakes are venomous (Greene,
1997), effectively offsetting the risks associated with trophic
similarity between similarly sized combatants; often only a single
bite is needed to subdue prey. Non-venomous ophiophagous snakes
must use other prey-handling behaviors, such as constriction.
Kingsnakes (genus Lampropeltis Fitzinger 1843) are non-
venomous, constricting snakes that are well known for the ability to
consume other snakes (Ernst and Ernst, 2003), including ones that are
larger than themselves (Jackson et al., 2004). Surprisingly,
kingsnakes are able to capture, constrict and fully ingest other
snakes (such as ratsnakes in the genus Pantherophis Fitzinger 1843)
that seem well matched in predatory ability, in that they are effective
constrictors on some of the same kinds of rodents that kingsnakes eat.
Furthermore, the prey snake can be larger than the kingsnake (Ernst
and Ernst, 2003; Jackson et al., 2004). There is currently no known
mechanism that differentiates the abilities of these two constricting
snakes, yet kingsnakes always seem to subdue ratsnakes and winthe
predatory encounter (Jackson et al., 2004). Here, we sought to
understand how this one-sided predation event is possible.
Morphology and physiology set the functional limitations on
predatorprey dynamics (Webb, 1986). Although both morphology
and physiology are important, behavior can determine the ways in
which morphological elements and physiological capacities are used
(Hertz et al., 1982). For snakes that use constriction behavior, predation
performance can be evaluated by measuring peak constriction pressure
(Moon, 2000; Moon and Mehta, 2007; Boback et al., 2015; Penning
et al., 2015; Penning and Dartez, 2016). Constriction pressure is a
biologically important measure of performance (Moon and Mehta,
2007) because it can determine the time needed to subdue the prey and
reduces the chances of prey escaping or causing injury to the snake.
Potential ways of escaping from a constriction coil include pulling out
of the coil, counter-constricting to make the aggressor release its coil,
and clawing or biting to gain release. Therefore, pulling force is a
potentially important measure of performance in snakes because it
indicates a snakes ability to escape from the grip of a predator
(Lourdais et al., 2005). Geometric scaling offers testable apriori
expectations as to how force production scales with body size
(Pennycuick, 1992). Because muscle force is proportional to muscle
cross-sectional area (MacIntosh et al., 2006), we expect pulling force to
scale with snake body mass
Both predation (constriction pressure) and escape (pulling force)
performance are affected by the cross-sectional area (CSA) of
Received 2 August 2016; Accepted 7 January 2017
Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA 70504-
43602, USA.
Department of Biology and Environmental Health, Missouri Southern
State University, Joplin, MO 64801, USA.
*Author for correspondence (
D.A.P., 0000-0002-5368-9900
© 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd
Journal of Experimental Biology (2017) 220, 1154-1161 doi:10.1242/jeb.147082
Journal of Experimental Biology
muscle (Moon and Candy, 1997; Lourdais et al., 2005), and in
principle can use up to about half of a snakes axial musculature
(e.g. all the muscles on the concave parts of a constriction coil or on
the concave parts of multiple axial bends used in pulling
movements). Larger snakes have more muscle CSA (Moon and
Mehta, 2007); therefore, changes in body size can be expected to
have significant effects on these measures of performance in snakes
(Moon and Mehta, 2007; Penning et al., 2015; Penning and Dartez,
2016). Although a priori expectations can be generated regarding
the scaling of muscle force (Pennycuick, 1992), constriction
pressure is much more variable (Moon and Mehta, 2007; Penning
et al., 2015; Penning and Dartez, 2016) and depends on the area of
contact and force exertion. It is not clear apriorihow the surface area
of contact should change with size during the dynamic interaction
between predator and prey (Penning et al., 2015). Given that the
relationship between constriction pressure and the surface area of
contact has not yet been quantified for snakes of any size, we do not
have enough information to generate testable hypotheses about the
predicted scaling of constriction pressure with body size. Although
constriction pressure and pulling force are distinct variables that are
typically related to different behaviors, theyare appropriate indicators
of predation and escape performance in snakes (Moon, 2000;
Lourdais et al., 2005; Moon and Mehta, 2007; Boback et al., 2015;
Penning et al., 2015; Penning and Dartez, 2016). Therefore, they can
be compared across species and sizes to understand the factors that
affect the outcome of this predatorprey interaction.
To understand how one constricting snake can capture, subdue
and consume another constricting snake with similar predatory and
defensive mechanisms, we quantified and compared muscle CSA,
and measures of predation performance and escape performance
across the ontogeny of two intraguild competitors, kingsnakes and
ratsnakes. We chose the study species based on previously
published work on intraguild predation in snake-eating snakes,
dietary records, and geographic distributions (Ernst and Ernst, 2003;
Jackson et al., 2004). We used three species of kingsnakes:
Lampropeltis californiae (Blainville 1835), Lampropeltis getula
(Linnaeus 1766) and Lampropeltis holbrooki (Stejneger 1903); and
three species of ratsnakes: Pantherophis alleghaniensis (Holbrook
1836), Pantherophis guttatus (Linnaeus 1766), and Pantherophis
obsoletus (Say 1823) (Pyron et al., 2013).
We address several questions about how form and function
change across ontogeny and differ between species (Lampropeltis
spp. and Pantherophis spp.). How does axial muscle CSA vary and
change with size in kingsnakes and ratsnakes? What constriction
pressures are exerted on prey and how do they change with size?
What pulling forces can these snakes produce during escape
attempts, and how do they change with size? We discuss several
possible mechanisms that can determine the winner of predatory
interactions between two constricting snakes.
We chose our overall sample sizes based on available specimens and
previously published work for both morphological (Jayne and
Riley, 2007; Herrel et al., 2011) and performance investigations
(Moon and Mehta, 2007; Penning et al., 2015; Penning and Dartez,
2016). For each experiment below, we provide the sample size for
that specific experiment.
Morphology and scaling
We measured the morphology of 36 preserved snakes (4 L. holbrooki,
9L. getula,8P. guttatus and 15 P. obsoletus) from a teaching
collection (University of Louisiana at Lafayette) or the personal
collection of D.A.P. (20 females, 16 males). We lacked specimens for
measuring the morphology of L. californiae and P. alleghaniensis.
Weweighedeachsnakeandmeasureditssnoutvent length (SVL).
All specimens experienced similar fixation and preservation
durations. Although some tissue dehydration might have occurred,
the results would be consistent across all specimens (Herrel et al.,
2014). Because snakes are known to exhibit longitudinal variation in
external shape and in muscular anatomy (Nicodemo, 2012), we
quantified their muscle CSA along the body. Specifically, we cut each
specimen into sections at 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100% of its SVL (i.e.
down to the cloaca, based on our observationsthat the tail typically is
not involved in a constriction coil), photographed each cross-section,
and measured the anatomical CSA of major muscle groups (see
below). For small cross-sections, we used a Canon EOS Rebel
T5i digital camera attached to a Zeiss Stemi 2000-C stereoscopic
microscope, with the cross-sections immersed in 70% isopropyl
alcohol. For larger cross-sections, we used an Olympus Stylus Tough
TG-630 digital camera. Each photograph included a scale; we
confirmed that the images had square pixels, making a single scale
appropriate. We measured the muscle CSA of five epaxial muscles
(semispinalisspinalis complex, multifidis, longissimus dorsi and
iliocostalis; Fig. 1) in each section of the body (following Jayne and
Riley, 2007; Herrel et al., 2011) using ImageJ software (NIH; https:// (following Herrel et al., 2011). We chose this
method of measuring muscle CSA to follow previous methods
(Lourdais et al., 2005; Jayne and Riley, 2007; Herrel et al., 2011) and
because a simple measure of external body width (a dimension of
length) would represent only half of the possible variation in muscle
cross-sectional area (length
); furthermore, previous work has shown
that although linear measuresare significantly related tomuscle cross-
sectional areas, they miss a considerable portion of the variation in
muscle cross-sectional area (Lourdais et al., 2005, found that R
for this relationship).
Predation performance
All experimentation was approved by the University of Louisiana
at Lafayettes Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
(approval no. 2016-8717-006). We tested the constriction
performance of 182 snakes (21 L. californiae,12L. holbrooki,56
L. getula;21P. alleghaniensis,22P. guttatus and 50 P. obsoletus),
5 mm
Fig. 1. Anatomical cross-sections of kingsnakes and ratsnakes.
Photograph of anatomical cross-sections taken at 40% of snoutvent length for
a small kingsnake (left, Lampropeltis getula, 20.1 g) and ratsnake (right,
Pantherophis guttatus, 18.8 g). Major epaxial muscles are delineated with plain
gray (semispinalisspinalis complex), plain white (multifidus), hatched white
(longissimus dorsi) and hatched gray (iliocostalis). Cross-sections of the liver
can be seen in the bottom right in both specimens, with the stomach to the left.
Photographs of 40% SVL were chosen based on image quality.
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2017) 220, 1154-1161 doi:10.1242/jeb.147082
Journal of Experimental Biology
encompassing 98 females and 84 males. Kingsnakes and ratsnakes
eat a variety of prey, but all frequently consume small mammals
(Ernst and Ernst, 2003). To compare constriction performance
between snakes, we fed all snakes pre-killed rodents (mass
ratio=15.2±0.6% snake mass, mean±s.e.m.) with an attached
pressure sensor. The prey sizes were within the normal range
reported in the literature from dietary records (Rodríguez-Robles,
2002) and previous work on constriction performance (Moon and
Mehta, 2007; Penning et al., 2015; Penning and Dartez, 2016).
Dead prey are commonly used to measure maximum constriction
pressures (Moon and Mehta, 2007; Penning et al., 2015; Penning
and Dartez, 2016), and manually simulating movements in dead
prey produces similar results to those from constriction of live prey
(Moon, 2000). We placed pressure sensors externally on the prey
and anchored them in place with wax-coated string; this placement
yielded similar sensitivities and outputs to internal placement of the
sensor (Penning and Dartez, 2016). For smaller snakes (<0.5 m), we
used a 0.5 ml water-filled latex balloon as the pressure sensor, and
for larger snakes we used a 2 ml water-filled rubber pipette bulb as
the pressure sensor. Both sensors are made of similarly compliant
materials that transmitted applied force to the transducer. In pilot
tests, both sensors produced accurate and repeatable results when
known forces were applied.
We connected the pressure sensor to a research-grade blood
pressure transducer (model 60-3002, Harvard Apparatus, Holliston,
MA, USA) and offered prey to each snake with long forceps. We
shook the prey to simulate movement and elicit a strong response
from each snake (following Moon and Mehta, 2007; Penning and
Dartez, 2016). Each snake participated in one to three constriction
trials and experienced simulated struggling for 5 min with limb and
body twitches approximately every 10 s. If we recorded multiple
constriction events from a single snake, we analysed the single
feeding event with the highest constriction pressure (Moon, 2000).
During the constriction event, we recorded peak constriction
pressure from the digital readout built into the transducer (which
had a refresh rate of 2 Hz) and the number of loops used in the
constriction coil. We report peak constriction pressure as the
response variable based on previously published methods (Moon
and Mehta, 2007; Penning et al., 2015; Penning and Dartez, 2016)
and our current experimental design. Constricting snakes are known
to respond to prey cues and will downregulate constriction
performance when prey movement ceases (Moon, 2000; Boback
et al., 2012). Because we offered pre-killed prey and controlled all
prey movements, we did not measure pressure exertion over time.
When we stopped simulating prey-struggling, all snakes responded
by reducing their constriction pressures. Once peak constriction
pressure began to decline, we removed the pressure sensor from the
prey and the snakes completed the feeding event. While snakes were
swallowing their prey, we measured their maximum diameters with
digital calipers (Series 500, Mitutoyo, Aurora, IL, USA).
Escape performance
We tested maximum pulling forces of 98 snakes (7 L. californiae,7
L. holbrooki,32L. getula;8P. alleghaniensis,6P. guttatus and 38
P. obsoletus) encompassing 53 females and 45 males. To measure
maximum pulling force, we anchored each snake to a large flat
surface using gaffers tape placed just behind the head. We attached
a Pesola scale (Rebmattli 19, CH-6340 Baar, Switzerland) to the
snake just anterior to the cloaca with gaffers tape. Pesola scales
showed no signs of drift when tested repeatedly over 5 min periods
with weights of approximately 50% of the total measurement
capacity of the scale. We chose the scale size for each snake based
on pilot data and with the capacity to measure twice the pulling-force
capacity of the snake (snake pulling force/scale force maximum=
51±3%). Further, Pesola scales provided similar and repeatable
results when calibrated against an isometric force transducer
(MLT500/A, AD Instruments, Colorado Springs, CO, USA).
Once the scale was attached, we manually straightened the snake
to its maximum length and anchored the spring scale with tape to the
flat surface. We then gently agitated the anchored snake to elicit a
pulling motion for 5 min (Lourdais et al., 2005, methodology
summarized in fig. 2). As the snake attempted to pull free from
linear subjugation, it pulled against the spring scale and displaced a
marker on the scale. We used a GoPro Hero 4 Black camera (GoPro,
Inc., San Mateo, CA, USA) to record spring scale displacements
during the pulling movements (720 pixel video at 60 frames s
Using Tracker 4.87 software (Open Source Physics, http://www., we advanced frame by frame
and recorded the maximum pulling force for each snake during its
5 min trial, and then converted the scale values from mass (g) to
pulling force (N).
Statistical analyses
We used log
-transformed data for all models. To quantify the
scaling of muscle CSA against body mass, we used reduced major
axis (RMA) regression (Smith, 2009). To test for differences in
slopes and elevations between kingsnakes and ratsnakes, we added
snake species as a categorical variable to the RMA regressions; this
is the RMA equivalent of ANCOVA (in the smatr 3 code package in
RStudio; Warton et al., 2012) and allows for comparisons between
slopes (factor A×factor B) and intercepts ( factor A+factor B) in
models with a categorical predictor. To evaluate constriction
performance, we used ordinary least-squares (OLS) multiple
regression with peak constriction pressure as the dependent
variable, and snake species, maximum body diameter and the
number of loops used in a coil as independent variables. To evaluate
pulling force, we used OLS multiple regression with pulling force as
the dependent variable, snake species as a categorical variable, and
snake body mass as the independent variable. Following previous
methods (Herrel et al., 2011; Penning, 2016) and the general
recommendations for regression analyses based on regression-line
symmetry (Smith, 2009), we used RMA regression for comparisons
between two morphological variables and OLS regression for
comparisons between one morphological and one performance
variable. We retained all data in all models because the results were
the same with all data retained and with outliers removed. All
statistical tests were considered significant when P<0.05. We
performed analyses in JMP Pro 11.0.0 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary,
NC, USA), RStudio (version 0.99.441;,
and Past 3.08 (Hammer et al., 2001).
Morphological scaling
The five major epaxial muscles were easily delineated in most cross-
sections (Fig. 1). For 11 of the cross-sections, we had to confirm
muscle identities and boundaries with further probing and visual
inspection. Muscle cross-sectional areas varied at each position
along the body (Table 1). We did not have specimens available for
quantifying muscle CSA in L. californiae and P. alleghaniensis.
Muscle CSA increased with body mass in all cross-sections in all
species (Table 2); in most sections and species, CSA also scaled
with positive allometry (slope greater than 0.67). At each position
along the body, the slopes (mass×species interaction; Table 2)
and intercepts (mass+species) for muscle CSA did not differ
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2017) 220, 1154-1161 doi:10.1242/jeb.147082
Journal of Experimental Biology
significantly among species of Lampropeltis or Pantherophis (all
P>0.05; Table 2). Across ontogeny, muscle CSA at each location
increased similarly in all species (Table 2).
Predation performance
All snakes readily struck at and constricted rodent prey vigorously
using one to three loops of the body in a coil. Kingsnakes typically
constricted using a single posture (Fig. 2A), with multiple loops
forming a tight coil like that of a spring; 91% of the 89 kingsnakes
used such a coil. Peak constriction pressures were 5.341.6 kPa for
kingsnakes and 3.223.7 kPa for ratsnakes (Table 3). Ratsnake
constriction postures were much more variable than the typical
kingsnake posture, with loops placed at different positions and
angles on prey, loops that overlapped one another, and with the
ratsnakes head inside or outside the coil (Fig. 2B). Of the 93
ratsnakes, only 5.4% used spring-like coils. Across all six species,
there was no significant difference between the number of loops
used in a coil (KruskalWallis H=6.8, P>0.23; Table 3).
Starting with a full-factorial model ( pressure=diameter×number
of loops×species), we sequentially removed non-significant factors
to arrive at the final model ( pressure=diameter+number of loops+
species; F
=61.3, P<0.001, adjusted R
=0.70). Diameter
=148.1, P<0.0001), number of loops (F
P<0.003) and species (F
=18.65, P<0.0001) were all
significant factors in the final model. Within each genus, there
were no significant pair-wise differences between covariate-
adjusted means for peak constriction pressure (Tukeys HSD tests;
Fig. 3). However, kingsnakes constricted with higher pressures than
ratsnakes (Fig. 3).
To analyse the scaling of constriction performance across body
size the same way as in previous work (Moon and Mehta, 2007;
Penning et al., 2015; Penning and Dartez, 2016), we regressed
peak constriction pressure against snake diameter. Diameter
=300.1, P<0.0001) and species (F
=18.4, P<0.0001)
were significant factors. The interaction (diameter×species) was not
significant (F
=0.38, P>0.8), resulting in a similar scaling
relationship between pressure and snake diameter for all six species
(overall β=0.88). As with the full model, there were no significant
differences between species in covariate-adjusted means within
each genus (Tukeys HSD tests, all P>0.05). However, all
kingsnake means were significantly higher than all ratsnake
means (Tukeys HSD tests, all P<0.05; Fig. 4).
Escape performance
In the tests of escape performance, snakes bent their bodies into
S-shaped curves and pulled against the Pesola scale inattemptsto free
themselves. Restrained snakes typically exerted their maximum
pulling forces <1.5 min into the 5 min trial. Maximum pulling forces
ranged from 0.9 to 24.5 N (Table 3). In a full model (pulling
force=mass×species), the interaction (F
=0.25, P>0.9) and species
factor (F
=2.1, P>0.068) were not significant. Removing the
interaction term did not result in a significant species effect,
producing a final model that included only pulling force and mass.
Larger snakes pulled with significantly higher forces than smaller
individuals, regardless of species (pulling force=0.69×mass0.68;
=1967, R
=0.95, P<0.0001; Fig. 5). Maximum pulling force
scaled isometrically with body size (β=0.69; 95% CI=0.650.72).
Morphology and scaling
At every position sampled along the body, muscle CSA scaled
positively with body mass in both kingsnakes and ratsnakes, and
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of body mass and muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) in kingsnakes (Lampropeltis spp.) and ratsnakes (Pantherophis spp.)
Muscle CSA
Species NBody mass (g) 20% SVL 40% SVL 60% SVL 80% SVL 100% SVL
L. getula 4 32±13.8 (1474) 0.07±0.04 (0.020.19) 0.065±0.02 (0.030.13) 0.06±0.02 (0.020.10) 0.04±0.008 (0.020.06) 0.02±0.005 (0.020.04)
L. holbrooki 9 272±91.8 (12634) 0.37±0.11 (0.030.87) 0.39±0.12 (0.030.88) 0.36±0.12 (0.030.93) 0.32±0.10 (0.020.82) 0.15±0.05 (0.010.37)
P. guttatus 8 107±78.2 (9652) 0.18±0.13 (0.0361.05) 0.20±0.13 (0.041.12) 0.19±0.13 (0.041.05) 0.14±0.09 (0.030.77) 0.08±0.04 (0.0150.37)
P. obsoletus 15 494±110 (141274) 0.55±0.11 (0.051.39) 0.66±0.13 (0.041.70) 0.72±0.15 (0.041.94) 0.69±0.16 (0.032.12) 0.36±0.08 (0.011.03)
Values are mean±s.e.m. with ranges in brackets.
Muscle CSA was measured in cm
at each position along the body (% of SVL).
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2017) 220, 1154-1161 doi:10.1242/jeb.147082
Journal of Experimental Biology
in most sections and species, muscle CSA scaled with positive
allometry (Table 2). The lack of significant differences between
species in muscle CSA and its scaling means that similarly sized
kingsnakes and ratsnakes have the same amount of muscle that can
be used in constriction or escape movements. However, there might
be differences in muscle physiological cross-sectional area (the area
of a muscle perpendicular to the muscle fibers), and hence
maximum force production, that we have not yet detected.
Predation and escape performance
In constriction, if we assume that the muscles on the concave side of
the coil contribute to force exertion, then up to half of the total
musculature can be used and contribute to the constriction pressure.
In a pulling-force test, if we assume that a snake bends into
sinusoidal curves and the musculature on the concave part of each
curve contributes to the pulling force, then up to half of the total
musculature can be used and contribute to the pulling force.
So although constriction pressure and pulling force are distinct
variables used in different behaviors, they are appropriate indicators
of predation and escape performance, and can be compared across
species and sizes to understand the factors that affect the outcome of
the predatorprey interaction that we studied.
Across ontogeny, all species increased constriction performance
in a similar manner (i.e. with similar slopes; Fig. 4). However, at
every body size, kingsnakes produced significantly higher
constriction pressures than identically sized ratsnakes. The similar
escape performance among species indicates that kingsnakes win
in predatory encounters because of their superior constriction
performance, not because ratsnakes have inferior escape
performance. What are some possible mechanisms of the superior
performance by kingsnakes?
With all snakes using a similar number of loops, the orientation of
loops in the coil might optimize muscle fiber orientations and force
transmission. Kingsnakes produced higher constriction pressures
for a given number of loops in a coil (Fig. 3), and had a more
uniform coil posture than ratsnakes (Fig. 2). It is possible that the
kingsnake coil posture might maximize the force applied (and
therefore pressure) to the prey by reducing the need for coil
adjustments and movements. Reducing the need for movements
might enable both isometric and tetanic contractions that maximize
force output, and could reduce periods of loosening that could allow
prey to struggle more or escape. It is also possible that kingsnake
Table 2. Species comparisons of the scaling relationships for muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) relative to body mass for kingsnake species
(Lampropeltis spp.) and ratsnake species (Pantherophis spp.)
Position (% of SVL) Species Slope Intercept R
Species×mass Species+mass
20 L. getula 1.25 (0.80, 1.94) 3.34 (3.86, 2.22) 0.98 P>0.23 (4.3) P>0.53 (2.2)
L. holbrooki 0.80 (0.74, 0.86) 2.64 (2.47, 2.21) 0.99 ––
P. guttatus 0.85 (0.69, 1.06) 2.76 (2.76, 2.16) 0.95 ––
P. obsoletus 0.79 (0.73, 0.85) 2.64 (2.49, 2.19) 0.98 ––
40 L. getula 0.95 (0.35, 2.53) 2.60 (4.17, 1.02) 0.86 P>0.91 (0.52) P>0.63 (1.78)
L. holbrooki 0.79 (0.72, 0.85) 2.27 (2.41, 2.13) 0.99 ––
P. guttatus 0.82 (0.64, 1.05) 2.32 (2.67, 1.98) 0.94 ––
P. obsoletus 0.80 (0.73, 0.89) 2.31 (2.51, 2.12) 0.97 ––
60 L. getula 0.83 (0.68, 0.98) 2.48 (3.96, 1.00) 0.84 P>0.95 (0.31) P>0.18 (4.90)
L. holbrooki 0.87 (0.73, 1.03) 2.53 (2.85, 2.20) 0.96 ––
P. guttatus 0.82 (0.68, 0.99) 2.35 (2.60, 2.10) 0.97 ––
P. obsoletus 0.83 (0.76, 0.91) 2.36 (2.54, 2.19) 0.98 ––
80 L. getula 0.63 (0.19, 2.07) 2.33 (3.68, 0.97) 0.76 P>0.48 (2.47) P>0.39 (2.96)
L. holbrooki 0.88 (0.72, 1.09) 2.61 (3.01, 2.22) 0.95 ––
P. guttatus 0.79 (0.62, 1.01) 2.41 (2.72, 2.10) 0.94 ––
P. obsoletus 0.92 (0.86, 0.98) 2.63 (2.77, 2.49) 0.99 ––
100 L. getula 0.55 (0.34, 0.88) 2.41 (2.80, 2.02) 0.97 P>0.16 (5.12) P>0.39 (2.99)
L. holbrooki 0.85 (0.68, 1.07) 2.85 (3.27, 2.43) 0.93 ––
P. guttatus 0.82 (0.68, 0.99) 2.76 (3.01, 2.51) 0.97 ––
P. obsoletus 0.91 (0.85, 0.97) 2.88 (3.28, 2.73) 0.99 ––
Values are based on reduced major axis regressions on log
data with snake species as a categorical variable (muscle CSA=species×mass). Slope and
intercept confidence limits (95%) are in parentheses. Comparisons between species for each section of the body are for differences between slopes
(species×mass) and elevations (species+mass), and are given by Pat each SVL site with test statistics in parentheses. Muscle CSA was measured in cm
mass in g.
Fig. 2. Constriction coil postures of kingsnakes and ratsnakes. Typical
constriction coil postures in a kingsnake, Lampropeltis getula (92 g; A), and
a ratsnake, Pantherophis guttatus (86 g; B). Both snakes were constricting
similarly sized mice, Mus musculus (12 g). The relative prey mass was 13% for
the kingsnake and 13.9% for the ratsnake.
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2017) 220, 1154-1161 doi:10.1242/jeb.147082
Journal of Experimental Biology
muscle might be able to exert higher forces than ratsnake muscle by
using different types of muscle contractions or by having different
muscle fiber angles and therefore higher physiological cross-
sectional areas. Furthermore, in seeking to escape, a ratsnake must
use shortening contractions, which exert lower forces than isometric
and tetanic contractions (MacIntosh et al., 2006). Additionally,
constriction bouts between kingsnakes and ratsnakes can last for
hours (Jackson et al., 2004), suggesting that muscle endurance
might be important. Measures of total pressure (the integral of
pressure versus time; Boback et al., 2015) delivered to both living
and dead prey could also reveal differences in whole-body
performance that have gone undetected here because we
artificially controlled prey movements. Further work is needed in
order to test these hypotheses. For example, experimental tests of
muscle contractile force and endurance would help identify
potential muscle-level differences between kingsnakes and
ratsnakes. Lastly, our measures of predation performance derive
from all snakes feeding on rodent prey. This was done because
ratsnakes are not known to commonly feed on other snakes.
Therefore, it is possible that other emergent factors might contribute
to the success of intraguild predation by kingsnakes that have gone
undetected in our comparisons of performance when all snakes were
fed rodent prey. There might be other ways in which ratsnakes are
poor competitors (or kingsnakes superior competitors) in this
ophiophagous context.
The effects of constriction pressure on prey animals
Constriction can disrupt breathing (McLees, 1928; Hardy, 1994)
and circulation (McLees, 1928; Hardy, 1994; Moon, 2000; Moon
and Mehta, 2007; Boback et al., 2015), cause structural damage to
the spine (Rivas, 2004; Moon and Mehta, 2007), cause internal
bleeding (Greene, 1983; Penning and Dartez, 2016), and potentially
disrupt brain function (Penning et al., 2015; Penning and Dartez,
2016). Although endotherms die quickly (within 1078 s; McLees,
1928; Hardy, 1994) from constriction, ectothermic prey might be
only fatigued by constriction and swallowed alive (Hardy, 1994;
Boback et al., 2015). We have observed both escape by Anolis
lizards after extended constriction, and their death from constriction
in the same time taken to kill endothermic prey (1 min). Hence, the
effects of constriction on ectotherms are variable and potentially
complex; they might include harmful fluid movements, tissue
distortions or damage, and neurological disruptions (Greene, 1983;
Table 3. Descriptive statistics of body mass, diameter, SVL maximum pulling force, number of loops in a coil and peak constriction pressure in
kingsnakes (Lampropeltis spp.) and ratsnakes (Pantherophis spp.)
Species NMass (g) Diameter (cm) SVL (cm) Pulling force (N) Number of loops Constriction pressure (kPa)
Escape performance
L. californiae 7 258±88.0 (35592) 2.1±0.33 (1.13.2) 72.3±10.9 (41102) 9.2±2.7 (2.519.0) ––
L. getula 32 193±49.2 (171010) 1.8±0.14 (0.94.0) 61.5±4.4 (36124) 6.3±1.1 (0.923.7) ––
L. holbrooki 7 159±41.4 (16292) 1.75±0.18 (1.02.2) 67.0±9.6 (3191) 7.4±1.8 (1.012.7) ––
P. alleghaniensis 8 77±43.9 (15376) 1.4±0.23 (1.02.9) 49.1±7.7 (3397) 3.9±1.6 (1.514.3) ––
P. guttatus 6 55±21.2 (19125) 1.2±0.13 (0.91.8) 45.0±4.7 (3461) 3.3±0.9 (1.86.6) ––
P. obsoletus 38 129±32.3 (10778) 1.7±0.12 (0.83.6) 59.1±4.5 (30136) 5.0±0.9 (0.824.5) ––
Constriction performance
L. californiae 21 189±30.1 (14470) 1.8±0.14 (0.93.1) 73.1±5.9 (31131) 2.1±0.2 (13) 22.5±1.9 (7.741.7)
L. getula 56 118±32.8 (111240) 1.4±0.09 (0.74.5) 50.8±3.5 (26140) 2.0±0.1 (13) 17.1±1.1 (5.341.6)
L. holbrooki 12 168.3±33.1 (13379) 1.8±0.19 (0.92.9) 72.7±7.3 (33108) 2.3±0.2 (13) 20.8±1.7 (9.926.8)
P. alleghaniensis 21 37.2±17.3 (10381) 1.1±0.09 (0.72.6) 40.5±3.5 (25103) 1.8±0.1 (13) 8.9±0.6 (3.219.7)
P. guttatus 22 240.8±66.9 (6980) 1.7±0.20 (0.83.5) 62.6±8.0 (22114) 1.7±0.1 (13) 11.9±1.5 (3.223.7)
P. obsoletus 50 42.9±12.1 (7562) 1.1±0.06 (0.72.9) 42.1±2.6 (23112) 2.0±0.2 (13) 8.5±0.7 (3.217.3)
Values are mean±s.e.m. with data ranges in brackets. Number of loops was measured in decimal values of the number of complete loops (1/2 loop intervals).
L. californiae L. getula L. holbrooki P. alleghaniensis P. guttatus P. obsoletus
log10 Peak constriction pressure (kPa)
Fig. 3. Peak constriction pressures of
kingsnakes and ratsnakes. Peak
constriction pressures (kPa) for six species
of snakes (kingsnakes, Lampropeltis spp.,
are black and ratsnakes, Pantherophis spp.,
are grey). Bars and lines indicate log-
transformed covariate-adjusted means±
s.e.m. for each species from a full model
(pressure=diameter+species+number of
loops). Significant differences (Tukey HSD,
all P<0.05) are denoted with different letters
(a,b). Sample sizes are as follows:
L. californiae N=21, L. getula N=56,
L. holbrooki N=12, P. alleghaniensis N=21,
P. guttatus N=22 and P. obsoletus N=50. The
total sample consists of 98 females and 84
RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2017) 220, 1154-1161 doi:10.1242/jeb.147082
Journal of Experimental Biology
Rivas, 2004; Moon, 2000; Moon and Mehta, 2007; Boback et al.,
2015; Penning et al., 2015; Penning and Dartez, 2016). This
variation and complexity indicate that we do not yet fully
understand the effects of constriction, particularly on ectothermic
prey. The constricting snakes probably also experience internal
pressures from the forces they exert on prey. However, blood
pressures rise only slightly during constriction in boas, and less than
during other behaviors such as hissing and swallowing (Wang et al.,
2001). Changes in a snakes blood pressure during constriction are
not yet well known and might affect circulation to parts of their
musculature, but are clearly well tolerated by the constrictors. When
prey are constricted, they experience circumferential pressure that
could result in high internal pressures (Halperin et al., 1993; Boback
et al., 2015; Penning, 2016) that have different effects on internal
fluids than pressure applied at a specific point and that might be
different from what the constricting snake itself experiences.
When kingsnakes and their prey snakes are well matched in size,
our results show that the kingsnakes succeed in predation because
they have superior constriction performance. Our study also shows
that kingsnakes and their intraguild prey, ratsnakes, are comparable
in total muscular cross-sectional area and escape performance.
Although other aspects of the physiology of constriction still need to
be examined, we presume that superior constriction performance
results from their consistent and distinctive coil posture that we
have shown here. These constriction abilities allow kingsnakes
to succeed as intraguild predators on other snakes, including
constrictors larger than themselves.
We thank T. Lyon, M. Miles and L. Moberly for allowing access to their snakes, and
J. Albert, A. Herrel, P. Leberg and D. Povinelli for providing comments on earlier
drafts that helped improve the quality of the manuscript. D.A.P. thanks M. Fulbright,
L. Jones, I. Moberly, M. Perkins and B. Sawvel and for their helpful discussions, and
K. Smith and S. Fredericq for providing access to equipment and supplies. B.R.M.
thanks C. Gans, D. Hardy, N. Kley and S. Secor for valuable insights.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing or financial interests.
Author contributions
D.A.P. collected and analysed all data, drafted the manuscript and provided funding.
B.R.M. helped design the project, edit the manuscript, provide several specimens
and provide funding. Both approved the final manuscript.
Partial funding was provided by the Louisiana Board of Regents ( grants RD-A-34
and ENH-TR-77 to B.R.M. and Doctoral Fellowship to D.A.P.), the National
Geographic Society (grant 7933-05 to B.R.M.), the National Science Foundation
(IOS-0817647 to B.R.M.), the Department of Biology and the Graduate Student
Organization at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette (to D.A.P.), the Louisiana
Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Rockefeller State Wildlife Scholarship (to
D.A.P.), the Kansas Herpetological Society (to D.A.P.), Miles of Exotics (to D.A.P.)
and BhB Reptiles (to D.A.P.).
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0.5 5
Snake diameter (cm)
Peak constriction pressure (kPa)
L. californiae
L. holbrooki
P. alleghaniensis
P. guttatus
P. obsoletus
L. getula
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8 80 800
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L. holbrooki
L. californiae
P. obsoletus
P. alleghaniensis
P. guttatus
L. getula
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RESEARCH ARTICLE Journal of Experimental Biology (2017) 220, 1154-1161 doi:10.1242/jeb.147082
Journal of Experimental Biology
... With their elongate, flexible body (Penning and Moon, 2017) of many degrees of freedom (Voris, 1975), snakes can use various planar gaits to move on flat surfaces, be it open (Gray, 1946;Jayne, 1986;Marvi and Hu, 2012), confined (Gray, 1946;Jayne, 1986;Marvi and Hu, 2012), or with small obstacles that can be circumvented (Gray and Lissmann, 1950;Jayne, 1986). Snakes can also deform their body out of plane to move across complex environments (Astley and Jayne, 2009;Byrnes and Jayne, 2014;Gart et al., 2019;Jayne and Riley, 2007;Marvi et al., 2014) (for a review, see (Gart et al., 2019) Supplementary Information). ...
... Besides the animal's better ability to use sensory feedback to control movement in complex environments (Dickinson et al., 2000), two morphological features of the snake body likely contributed to its better ability to maintain stability-being more continuous (over 200 vertebrae (Voris, 1975) vs. the robot's 19 segments) and more compliant (Penning and Moon, 2017). The latter is particularly plausible considering that the introduction of mechanical compliance to end effectors has proven crucial in robotic tasks ...
... surfaces, in contrast to the snake with compliant body(Penning and Moon, 2017) that never did so (see Chapter 2.4.5 for details). ...
Full-text available
Snakes can traverse almost all types of environments by bending their elongate bodies in 3-D to interact with the terrain. Similarly, a snake robot is a promising platform to perform critical tasks in various environments. Understanding how 3-D body bending effectively interacts with the terrain for propulsion and stability can not only inform how snakes traverse natural environments, but also allow snake robots to achieve similar performance. How snakes and snake robots move on flat surfaces has been understood well. However, such ideal terrain is rare in natural environments and little was understood about how to generate propulsion and maintain stability in 3-D terrain, except for some studies on arboreal snake locomotion and on robots using geometric planning. To bridge the knowledge gap, we integrated animal experiments and robotic studies in three representative environments: a large smooth step, an uneven arena of blocks of large height variation, and large bumps. We discovered that vertical body bending induces stability challenges but can generate large propulsion. When traversing a large smooth step, a snake robot is challenged by roll instability that increases with the amplitude of vertical bending. The instability can be reduced by body compliance that statistically improves body-terrain contact. Despite this, vertical body bending can potentially allow snakes to push against terrain for propulsion, as demonstrated by corn snakes traversing an uneven arena. A snake robot can generate large propulsion like this if contact is well maintained. Contact feedback control can help accommodate perturbations such as novel terrain geometry or excessive external forces by improving contact. Our findings provide insights into how snakes and snake robots can use vertical body bending for efficient and versatile traversal of the 3-D world stably.
... This result aligns with the findings of at least two previous studies. Penning and Moon (2017) found that the combined cross-sectional area of four epaxial muscles (multifidus, semispinalis-spinalis, longissimus dorsi, and iliocostalis) generally showed positive allometry with body mass in two species of king snakes (Lampropeltis spp.) and rat snakes (Pantherophis spp.), with some differences depending where along the body the cross-sectional area was measured. Jayne and Riley (2007) found that when regressed on snout-vent length, the cross-sectional areas of the same four epaxial muscles scale with slopes higher than predicted by geometric similarity in the arboreal snake Boiga irregularis. ...
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Muscles spanning multiple joints play important functional roles in a wide range of systems across tetrapods; however, their fundamental mechanics are poorly understood, particularly the consequences of anatomical position on mechanical advantage. Snakes provide an excellent study system for advancing this topic. They rely on the axial muscles for many activities, including striking, constriction, defensive displays, and locomotion. Moreover, those muscles span from one or a few vertebrae to over 30, and anatomy varies among muscles and among species. We characterized the anatomy of major epaxial muscles in a size series of corn snakes (Pantherophis guttatus) using diceCT scans, and then took several approaches to calculating contributions of each muscle to force and motion generated during body bending, starting from a highly simplistic model and moving to increasingly complex and realistic models. Only the most realistic model yielded equations that included the consequence of muscle span on torque-displacement trade-offs, as well as resolving ambiguities that arose from simpler models. We also tested whether muscle cross-sectional areas or lever arms (total magnitude or pitch/yaw/roll components) were related to snake mass, longitudinal body region (anterior, middle, posterior), and/or muscle group (semispinalis-spinalis, multifidus, longissimus dorsi, iliocostalis, levator costae). Muscle cross-sectional areas generally scaled with positive allometry, and most lever arms did not depart significantly from geometric similarity (isometry). The levator costae had lower cross-sectional area than the four epaxial muscles, which did not differ significantly from each other in cross-sectional area. Lever arm total magnitudes and components differed among muscles. We found some evidence for regional variation, indicating that functional regionalization merits further investigation. Our results contribute to knowledge of snake muscles specifically and multiarticular muscle systems generally, providing a foundation for future comparisons across species and bioinspired multiarticular systems.
... These muscles represent roughly 65% of the axial muscle mass (Ruben, 1977) and their cross-section scales isometrically with overall body mass (Moon & Candy, 1997). Yet, variation in the mass and length of these muscles has been documented and has been suggested to be related to the locomotor environment and predation mode (Herrel et al., 2011;Jayne, 1982;Lourdais et al., 2005;Moon, 2000;Penning, 2018;Penning & Moon, 2017;Ruben, 1977;Young, 2010). ...
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The epaxial muscles in snakes are responsible for locomotion and as such can be expected to show adaptations in species living in different environments. Here, we tested whether the structural units that comprise the superficial epaxial muscles (semispinalis‐spinalis, SSP; longissimus dorsi, LD; iliocostalis, IC) were different in animals occupying similar habitats. To do so, we analyzed and compared the muscle architecture (mass, fiber length, and physiological cross‐sectional area) of the superficial epaxial muscle segments in snakes that differ in their habitat use (e.g., arboreal, terrestrial, and aquatic). Our results showed that arboreal species have on average longer muscles and tendons spanning more segments likely important during gap bridging. Moreover, aquatic snakes show relatively heavier semispinalis‐spinalis muscles with a greater cross‐sectional area. The longissimus dorsi muscles also showed a greater cross‐sectional area compared with terrestrial and especially arboreal snakes. Whereas the more strongly developed muscles in aquatic snakes are likely associated with the dense and viscous environment through which they move, the lighter muscles in arboreal snakes may provide an advantage when climbing. Future studies comparing other ecologies (e.g., burrowing snakes) and additional muscle units (e.g., multifidus; hypaxial muscles) are needed to better understand the structural features driving variation in locomotor performance and efficiency in snakes. Snakes with different ecologies differ in the axial musculature with aquatic species having more robust muscles. Arboreal species on the other hand typically have longer muscle‐tendon units.
... In addition to locomotion research, our method is useful for other studies that require quantification of continuous shape of limbless biological and artificial systems in three dimensions, such as snake predation using constriction (Penning and Moon, 2017), snake thrashing (Danforth et al., 2020), root nutation (Ozkan-Aydin et al., 2019), and octopus arm (Zelman et al., 2013) and continuum robot (Laschi et al., 2012) Position error. (C) Orientation error. ...
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Limbless animals such as snakes, limbless lizards, worms, eels, and lampreys move their slender, long body in three dimensions to traverse diverse environments. Accurately quantifying their continuous body's 3-D shape and motion is important for understanding body-environment interaction in complex terrain, but this is difficult to achieve (especially for local orientation and rotation). Here, we describe an interpolation method to quantify continuous body 3-D position and orientation. We simplify the body as an elastic rod and apply a backbone optimization method to interpolate continuous body shape between end constraints imposed by tracked markers. Despite over-simplifying the biomechanics, our method achieves a higher interpolation accuracy (∼50% error) in both 3-D position and orientation compared with the widely-used cubic B-spline interpolation method. Beyond snakes traversing large obstacles demonstrated, our method applies to other long, slender, limbless animals and continuum robots. We provide codes and demo files for easy application of our method.
This datasheet on Lampropeltis californiae covers Identity, Overview, Distribution, Dispersal, Diagnosis, Biology & Ecology, Environmental Requirements, Natural Enemies, Impacts, Uses, Prevention/Control, Further Information.
The ‘suppression’ (invalidation) for nomenclatural purposes by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature of the work Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares et des Serpens first published by La Cepède from 1788 to 1790 brought no benefit of any kind to zoological taxonomy and nomenclature but generated several nomenclatural problems. Here we review the history of the many discussions and proposals, as well as the successive and contradictory decisions of the Commission, regarding this work and the new nomina it contains, and we make new proposals to solve some of the problems created by these decisions. We suggest the Commission should take the initiative to restore nomenclatural availability to 18 nomina of La Cepède invalidated or of unclear status following its previous actions. More generally, we think that the use of the Plenary Power by the Commission should be more strictly regulated and made less easy and straightforward, and that the whole invalidation of complete works that have been considered as nomenclaturally available for a very long time in many works (e.g., 100 works in the 100 immediately preceding years) should be forbidden, and that the Commission should rather concentrate its attention and action on nomina rather than on works. Besides, we show that the snake nomen Coluber trigonocephalus Donndorff, 1798, currently considered valid, is invalid, and should be replaced by the nomen Coluber capitetriangulatus Bonnaterre, 1790.
The ‘suppression’ (invalidation) for nomenclatural purposes by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature of the work Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares et des Serpens first published by La Cepède from 1788 to 1790 brought no benefit of any kind to zoological taxonomy and nomenclature but generated several nomenclatural problems. Here we review the history of the many discussions and proposals, as well as the successive and contradictory decisions of the Commission, regarding this work and the new nomina it contains, and we make new proposals to solve some of the problems created by these decisions. We suggest the Commission should take the initiative to restore nomenclatural availability to 18 nomina of La Cepède invalidated or of unclear status following its previous actions. More generally, we think that the use of the Plenary Power by the Commission should be more strictly regulated and made less easy and straightforward, and that the whole invalidation of complete works that have been considered as nomenclaturally available for a very long time in many works (e.g., 100 works in the 100 immediately preceding years) should be forbidden, and that the Commission should rather concentrate its attention and action on nomina rather than on works. Besides, we show that the snake nomen Coluber trigonocephalus Donndorff, 1798, currently considered valid, is invalid, and should be replaced by the nomen Coluber capitetriangulatus Bonnaterre, 1790.
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Across the diversity of vertebrates, bite force has been studied and suggested to have important ecological and evolutionary consequences. However, there is a notable lineage of vertebrates that use this performance trait yet are missing from the bite-force literature: the snakes. Snakes often rely on biting during prey subjugation and handling. Many snakes bite and hold prey while a constriction coil is formed or while venom is being delivered, or both. Others use biting exclusively without employing any additional prey-handling behaviors. In addition to biting, constriction is an important predation mechanism. Here, I quantify bite force and constriction pressure in kingsnakes (Lampropeltis getula). Furthermore, I explore the proximate determinants of bite force as well as the relationship between biting and constriction performance. Bite force increased linearly with all head and body measures. Of these, head height was the best predictor of bite force. Bite force in kingsnakes was within the range of values reported for lizards, but their relative performance was lower for their head size compared to lizards. Peak constriction pressure also increased with all body measures. Biting and constricting use 2 different parts of the musculoskeletal system and are positively and significantly correlated with one another. Future work targeting a greater diversity of snakes that rely more heavily on biting may reveal a greater range of bite performance in this diverse and successful vertebrate group. © 2016 International Society of Zoological Sciences, Institute of Zoology/Chinese Academy of Sciences and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd
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Constriction is a prey-immobilization technique used by many snakes and is hypothesized to have been important to the evolution and diversification of snakes. However, very few studies have examined the factors that affect constriction performance. We investigated constriction performance in ball pythons (Python regius) by evaluating how peak constriction pressure is affected by snake size, sex, and experience. In one experiment, we tested the ontogenetic scaling of constriction performance and found that snake diameter was the only significant factor determining peak constriction pressure. The number of loops applied in a coil and its interaction with snake diameter did not significantly affect constriction performance. Constriction performance in ball pythons scaled differently than in other snakes that have been studied, and medium to large ball pythons are capable of exerting significantly higher pressures than those shown to cause circulatory arrest in prey. In a second experiment, we tested the effects of experience on constriction performance in hatchling ball pythons over 10 feeding events. By allowing snakes in one test group to gain constriction experience, and manually feeding snakes under sedation in another test group, we showed that experience did not affect constriction performance. During their final (10th) feedings, all pythons constricted similarly and with sufficiently high pressures to kill prey rapidly. At the end of the 10 feeding trials, snakes that were allowed to constrict were significantly smaller than their non-constricting counterparts. J. Exp. Zool. 9999A:XX-XX, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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Snakes are important predators that have radiated throughout many ecosystems, and constriction was important in their radiation. Constrictors immobilize and kill prey by using body loops to exert pressure on their prey. Despite its importance, little is known about constriction performance or its full effects on prey. We studied the scaling of constriction performance in two species of giant pythons (Python reticulatus Schneider 1801 and Python molurus bivittatus Kuhl 1820) and propose a new mechanism of prey death by constriction. In both species, peak constriction pressure increased significantly with snake diameter. These and other constrictors can exert pressures dramatically higher than their prey's blood pressure, suggesting that constriction can stop circulatory function and perhaps kill prey rapidly by over-pressurizing the brain and disrupting neural function. We propose the latter "red-out effect" as another possible mechanism of prey death from constriction. These effects may be important to recognize and treat properly in rare cases when constrictors injure humans.
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As legless predators, snakes are unique in their ability to immobilize and kill their prey through the process of constriction, and yet how this pressure incapacitates and ultimately kills the prey remains unknown. In this study, we examined the cardiovascular function of anesthetized rats before, during and after being constricted by boas (Boa constrictor) to examine the effect of constriction on the prey's circulatory function. The results demonstrate that within 6 s of being constricted, peripheral arterial blood pressure (PBP) at the femoral artery dropped to 1/2 of baseline values while central venous pressure (CVP) increased 6-fold from baseline during the same time. Electrocardiographic recordings from the anesthetized rat's heart revealed profound bradycardia as heart rate (fH) dropped to nearly half of baseline within 60 s of being constricted, and QRS duration nearly doubled over the same time period. By the end of constriction (mean 6.5±1 min), rat PBP dropped 2.9-fold, fH dropped 3.9-fold, systemic perfusion pressure (SPP=PBP-CVP) dropped 5.7-fold, and 91% of rats (10 of 11) had evidence of cardiac electrical dysfunction. Blood drawn immediately after constriction revealed that, relative to baseline, rats were hyperkalemic (serum potassium levels nearly doubled) and acidotic (blood pH dropped from 7.4 to 7.0). These results are the first to document the physiological response of prey to constriction and support the hypothesis that snake constriction induces rapid prey death due to circulatory arrest. © 2015. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd.
Beyond its established role in bone and mineral homeostasis, there is emerging evidence that vitamin D exerts a range of effects in skeletal muscle. Reports of profound muscle weakness and changes in the muscle morphology of adults with vitamin D deficiency have long been described. These reports have been supplemented by numerous trials assessing the impact of vitamin D on muscle strength and mass and falls in predominantly elderly and deficient populations. At a basic level, animal models have confirmed that vitamin D deficiency and congenital aberrations in the vitamin D endocrine system may result in muscle weakness. To explain these effects, some molecular mechanisms by which vitamin D impacts on muscle cell differentiation, intracellular calcium handling, and genomic activity have been elucidated. There are also suggestions that vitamin D alters muscle metabolism, specifically its sensitivity to insulin, which is a pertinent feature in the pathophysiology of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. We will review the range of human clinical, animal, and cell studies that address the impact of vitamin D in skeletal muscle, and discuss the controversial issues. This is a vibrant field of research and one that continues to extend the frontiers of knowledge of vitamin D's broad functional repertoire.
Body elongation and limblessness have evolved significantly within Tetrapoda, typically associated with aquatic, fossorial, crevice dwelling, or grass-swimming lifestyles. Some lineages of secondarily elongate vertebrates (for example, limbless skinks) have solved the concomitant problem of reduction in size of the feeding apparatus by eating many tiny items, whereas others (for example, some caecilians) shear ingestible chunks out of large prey. Many advanced snakes achieved a third solution by radically restructuring their heads and feeding infrequently on large items; perhaps not coincidentally. Among limbless squamate reptiles, only Serpentes has achieved substantial adaptive radiation and high species richness. More than 2,500 species of living snakes inhabit most temperate and tropical land masses, and they often are prominent predators in terrestrial, arboreal, fossorial, aquatic, and even marine faunas. Snakes eat prey as different as onycophorans, fish eggs, centipedes, cormorants, and porcupines; many species commonly consume individual items weighing 20% of their own mass, and some venomous species occasionally subdue and eat prey that exceed their own mass by as much as 50%. This chapter first briefly surveys snake diversity and then examines in detail the functional and morphological aspects of capturing, swallowing, and processing prey that generally characterize relatively derived subgroups. It only touches on sensory aspects of feeding.
The coelomic and muscular cross-sectional areas of snakes reflect a compromise between competing demands for muscular force exertion during locomotion and large coelomic volume for feeding or carrying developing offspring. In this paper, we examine the allometry of coelomic and muscular cross-sectional area in 32 species of colubrid, elapid, and viperid snakes. We digitized images of transverse sections of preserved specimens and then calculated the cross-sectional areas from these images. Coelomic and musculoskeletal cross-sectional areas were significantly correlated with body mass in colubrid and viperid snakes, but only musculoskeletal area was significantly correlated with mass in our small sample of elapids. The allometry of coelomic volume was nearly identical to that of coelomic area. There was significant variation in the allometric patterns among families. In colubrids, neither constriction nor habitat preference had a significant effect on musculoskeletal area. The functional implications of variation in relative coelomic and muscular cross-sectional areas may involve diverse aspects of behavior, ecology, and life history, and generally are amenable to experimental testing.