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Early Life History Traits and Recruitment Patterns of Caribbean Wrasses (Labridae)

Ecological Monographs

Abstract and Figures

Despite the fact that recruitment can significantly influence the population dynamics of benthic marine populations, relatively little is known about the biological and physical processes controlling recruitment. We selected eight closely related coral reef fishes (wrasses in the family Labridae) to examine the temporal and spatial patterns of juvenile recruitment to the Caribbean island of Barbados. We used a comparative approach to study the relationships among patterns of recruitment, early life history traits, and aspects of the physical environment. For 10 wk during each of three peak recruitment (spring) seasons (1990-1992), we used a biweekly census of recently settled juveniles (8-25 mm standard length, SL) to measure the abundance of six congeners, Halichoeres bivittatus, H. radiatus, H. poeyi, H. garnoti, H. pictus, and H. maculipinna, and two confamilial labrids, Thalassoma bifasciatum and Bodianus rufus. Analysis of the otoliths of a sample of collected specimens provided estimates of larval durations, postsettlement ages, sizes at settlement, and juvenile growth rates, enabling back-calculation of settlement day for all collected juveniles. We compared temporal patterns of recruitment among species, and spatial patterns of recruitment for the most common species. Temporal patterns of recruitment were consistent among seasons for most of the labrids examined, although the magnitude of recruitment was less predictable (particularly for H. poeyi, H. maculipinna, and B. rufus). The eight labrids could be divided into two groups based on their early life history traits and within-season temporal patterns of recruitment. Halichoeres bivittatus, H. radiatus, H. poeyi, H. garnoti, and H. pictus had larval durations that were relatively short and invariant (means of 23-27 d), and all settled at fairly large sizes (9-12 mm SL) during the new moon and first maximum amplitude tide. In contrast, T. bifasciatum, B. rufus, and H. maculipinna had larval durations that were longer or more variable, and all three were able to delay metamorphosis. These three species settled at relatively smaller sizes (8-10 mm SL) during the third-quarter moon and second minimum amplitude tide. We compared temporal patterns of T. bifasciatum recruitment between Barbados and Caribbean Panama in an attempt to identify further the proximate environmental cues operating during settlement. Contrasting patterns of T. bifasciatum recruitment between the two geographical locations probably result from differences in the relative timing of the lunar and tidal amplitude cycles. Recruitment of labrids to Barbados occurred along the entire west coast of the island. Although some labrids had rather specific habitat requirements (e.g., B. rufus associated exclusively with large seaward-facing coral heads such as Montastrea spp.), most species were ubiquitous along the west coast. Species-specific juvenile densities did not often vary significantly among sites following major recruitment events, although overall densities were generally lower at a central site. Lower recruitment to that site likely results from reduced rates of larval supply due to prevailing offshore tidal flows. Thus, temporal and spatial patterns of labrid recruitment to Barbados appear to be more predictable than previously thought for reef fishes. In particular, variation in the tidal amplitude cycle may influence both the timing of settlement and, to a lesser degree, the spatial scale of larval supply. Finally, the interaction of larval biology with such physical processes is evident in the correlation between temporal patterns of recruitment and early life history traits. The functional nature of this relationship clearly warrants further study.
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Ecological Monographs,
67(2), 1997, pp. 177–202
1997 by the Ecological Society of America
K. C
Marine Sciences Research Center, State University of New York, Stony Brook, NY 11794-5000 USA
Despite the fact that recruitment can significantly influence the population
dynamics of benthic marine populations, relatively little is known about the biological and
physical processes controlling recruitment. We selected eight closely related coralreef fishes
(wrasses in the family Labridae) to examine the temporal and spatial patterns of juvenile
recruitment to the Caribbean island of Barbados. We used a comparative approach to study
the relationships among patterns of recruitment, early life history traits, and aspects of the
physical environment. For 10 wk during each of three peak recruitment (spring) seasons
(1990–1992), we used a biweekly census of recently settled juveniles (8–25 mm standard
length, SL) to measure the abundance of six congeners,
Halichoeres bivittatus, H. radiatus,
H. poeyi, H. garnoti, H. pictus,
H. maculipinna,
and two confamilial labrids,
Bodianus rufus.
Analysis of the otoliths of a sample of collected specimens
provided estimates of larval durations, postsettlement ages, sizes at settlement, and juvenile
growth rates, enabling back-calculation of settlement day for all collected juveniles. We
compared temporal patterns of recruitment among species, and spatial patterns of recruit-
ment for the most common species.
Temporal patterns of recruitment were consistent among seasons for most of the labrids
examined, although the magnitude of recruitment was less predictable (particularly for
poeyi, H. maculipinna,
B. rufus
). The eight labrids could be divided into two groups
based on their early life history traits and within-season temporal patterns of recruitment.
Halichoeres bivittatus, H. radiatus, H. poeyi, H. garnoti,
H. pictus
had larval durations
that were relatively short and invariant (means of 23–27 d), and all settled at fairly large
sizes (9–12 mm SL) during the new moon and first maximum amplitude tide. In contrast,
bifasciatum, B. rufus,
H. maculipinna
had larval durations that were longer or more
variable, and all three were able to delay metamorphosis. These three species settled at
relatively smaller sizes (8–10 mm SL) during the third-quarter moon and second minimum
amplitude tide. We compared temporal patterns of
T. bifasciatum
recruitment between Bar-
bados and Caribbean Panama in an attempt to identify further the proximate environmental
cues operating during settlement. Contrasting patterns of
T. bifasciatum
recruitment between
the two geographical locations probably result from differences in the relative timing of the
lunar and tidal amplitude cycles. Recruitment of labrids to Barbados occurred along the entire
west coast of the island. Although some labrids had rather specific habitat requirements (e.g.,
B. rufus
associated exclusively with large seaward-facing coral heads such as
spp.), most species were ubiquitous along the west coast. Species-specific juvenile densities
did not often vary significantly among sites following major recruitment events, although
overall densities were generally lower at a central site. Lower recruitment to that site likely
results from reduced rates of larval supply due to prevailing offshore tidal flows.
Thus, temporal and spatial patterns of labrid recruitment to Barbados appear to be more
predictable than previously thought for reef fishes. In particular, variation in the tidal
amplitude cycle may influence both the timing of settlement and, to a lesser degree, the
spatial scale of larval supply. Finally, the interaction of larval biology with such physical
processes is evident in the correlation between temporal patterns of recruitment and early
life history traits. The functional nature of this relationship clearly warrants further study.
Key words: Barbados;
Caribbean; coral reef fishes; early life history;
duration; lunar synchrony; metamorphosis, delay of; tidal synchrony; otoliths;
In recent years, much attention has been directed
toward understanding the role of recruitment in struc-
turing marine populations (e.g., reviewed in Doherty
Manuscript received 2 February 1996; revised 24 July
1996; accepted 26 July 1996.
1991, Jones 1991, Olafsson et al. 1994, Booth and
Brosnan 1995). Because most benthic marine organ-
isms have complex life cycles in which larvae and
adults occupy different environments, the demography
of these open populations can be influenced by pro-
cesses occurring in the benthos after recruitment or by
processes occurring in the plankton prior to or during
Ecological Monographs
Vol. 67, No. 2
1. Potential mechanisms creating variation in recruitment.
Scale of variation Physical Biological
a) Temporal
Seasonal (interannual) Fluctuations in large-scale cur-
rents, storm frequency Reproductive output
Within season
Episodic Winds, fronts, eddies, storms,
upwelling, relaxation events Reproductive timing
Biweekly/monthly Lunar and tidal amplitude cy-
cle Reproductive timing, length of
larval life, delay of meta-
morphosis, vertical migra-
tion, directional swimming
Daily Diel and tidal cycle Vertical migration, directional
b) Spatial†
Geographic Large-scale current flow
Differences in tidal amplitude
Reproductive timing
Reproductive source, length of
larval life, behavioral re-
sponses to current flow cues
Island-wide (among
sites) Local current flow Habitat selection
Microhabitat (within
sites) Boundary-layer flows Microhabitat selection (includ-
ing gregarious settlement)
Geographic spatial scale is measured over hundreds to thousands of kilometers, island-wide
over tens of kilometers, and microhabitat
1 km.
recruitment. ‘‘Recruitment’ is generally defined as the
settlement (transition from a planktonic larvae into a
benthically oriented juvenile) and survival of new ju-
veniles to the time of sampling (Richards and Linde-
man 1987, Forrester 1990). Although this definition
encompasses early postsettlement mortality, when ju-
veniles are sampled very shortly after settlement, ‘re-
cruitment’’ becomes functionally equivalent to ‘set-
During the past several decades, demographic par-
adigms for the regulation of open marine populations
have shifted in emphasis between the importance of
benthic vs. planktonic processes. The current most
widely celebrated view recognizes the importance of
both benthic and planktonic processes in structuring
marine populations, and suggests that at any point in
space and time, benthic populations may be controlled
to a greater or lesser degree by density-independent
processes influencing the supply and settlement of lar-
vae, or density-dependent processes occurring after re-
cruitment. This concept has been particularly empha-
sized in the literature on coral reef fishes (Victor 1986
Warner and Hughes 1988, Forrester 1990, Jones 1990,
1991, Doherty 1991, Hixon and Beets 1993). However,
although recruitment dynamics clearly can have an im-
portant role in the regulation of benthic marine pop-
ulations (e.g., for coral reef fishes, Williams 1980, Do-
herty 1981, 1983, Victor 1983
Doherty and
Fowler 1994; as well as a diversity of other species:
Cowen 1985, Gaines et al. 1985, Choat et al. 1988,
Keough 1988, Roughgarden et al. 1988, Raimondi
1990, Gaines and Bertness 1992, Peterson and Sum-
merson 1992, Cowen and Bodkin 1993, Botsford et al.
1994, Eggleston and Armstrong 1995), relatively little
is known about the physical and biological processes
controlling recruitment patterns.
Variation in recruitment on a variety of temporal and
spatial scales (reviewed in Doherty 1991, Olafsson et
al. 1994) may be influenced by the interaction of phys-
ical transport mechanisms and active behavior by
adults or larvae (Table 1). Physical mechanisms such
as large-scale shifts in prevailing currents can create
temporal variation in recruitment among seasons (Cow-
en 1985, Choat et al. 1988, Farrell et al. 1991, Gaines
and Bertness 1992), while within-season recruitment
events may be associated with episodic events such as
wind stress (Milicich 1994), storms (Reed et al. 1988),
wind-induced onshore current flow (Shenker et al.
1993, Thorrold et al. 1994
), fronts or surface slicks
(Kingsford and Choat 1986, Wolanski and Hamner
1988, Kingsford et al. 1991), upwelling (Roughgarden
et al. 1991) or relaxation events (Wing et al. 1995), or
the impingement of mesoscale eddies (Sale 1970, Lobel
and Robinson 1986, Boehlert et al. 1992, Lee et al.
1992). On a monthly scale, recruitment may vary with
the lunar cycle (reviewed in Doherty 1991, Robertson
1992, Booth and Beretta 1994, Sponaugle and Cowen
1994, 1996
a, b
) or the tidal amplitude cycle as a result
of variable transport during spring or neap tides, in-
cluding transport by tidally induced internal waves or
surface slicks (reviewed in Shanks 1995). Active larval
behavior such as vertical migration among water mass-
es (reviewed in Leis 1991, Young 1995) or directional
swimming (e.g., Hare and Cowen,
in press,
Leis et al.
1996) probably interacts with these physical mecha-
nisms to control the timing of recruitment.
Aspects of the early life history of benthic marine
organisms may also influence the timing of recruitment
May 1997 179
(Table 1). For some reef fishes, particularly those with
rather invariant larval durations, variation in the mag-
nitude and timing of adult reproduction determines re-
cruitment variability both among and within seasons
(Robertson et al. 1988, Meekan et al. 1993, but see
Robertson et al. 1993). Early life history attributes such
as the length of larval life have obvious impacts on the
degree to which larvae are subjected to transport by
physical processes (Scheltema 1977, Jackson and
Strathman 1981, Cowen 1991, Jenkins and May 1994).
The capacity to delay metamorphosis may decouple the
temporal relationship between spawning and recruit-
ment for some fishes (Victor 1986
Sponaugle and
Cowen 1994), and enable greater recruitment synchro-
nization to environmental cues (Sponaugle and Cowen
1994). Such developmental flexibility, including vari-
ability in larval growth rates (e.g., McCormick 1994)
could potentially modify the supply of settlers.
Variation in the spatial patterns of recruitment is
probably similarly influenced by physical and behav-
ioral processes (Table 1). Large-scale currentscan pro-
duce concurrent recruitment events at wide spatial
scales (Cowen 1985, Victor 1986
Doherty 1987,
Choat et al. 1988, Pitcher 1988, Farrell et al. 1991),
while local differences in tidal currents have the po-
tential to create contrasting patterns of recruitment
among distant locations. Because some environmental
cycles differ among locations (e.g., the tidal amplitude
cycle), environmentally cued spawning or recruitment
may differ among sites. Among-site differences in the
source of larvae also could lead to variable spatial re-
cruitment. For example, a downstream site may receive
a relatively continuous stream of larvae spawned from
several upstream sites, whereas an upstream site may
receive larvae in pulses correlated with the spawning
of that population. In addition, because the duration of
the larval period may vary among different populations
(Thresher and Brothers 1989, Thresher et. al. 1989,
Wellington and Victor 1989, 1992), the influence of
spawning patterns and physical mechanisms on the sup-
ply of larvae may vary among sites. Smaller scale (e.g.,
within island or region) spatial patterns of recruitment
may be controlled by the specifics of local flows; how-
ever, if the distribution of various habitats, conspecif-
ics, or predators varies spatially, habitat selection by
larvae may contribute to spatial variation in recruitment
(e.g., Sweatman 1983, Sale et al. 1984, Eckert 1985,
Shulman 1985, Booth 1992). Larvae of sessile inver-
tebrates may actively select microhabitats based on a
suite of chemical cues (e.g., Crisp 1974, Pawlik 1992),
although physical processes occurring in the boundary
layer (e.g., small-scale eddies) also likely passively
modify recruitment patterns (e.g., Butman 1987, Eck-
man et al. 1994).
Clearly, there are many physical and behavioral pro-
cesses that may function to create the high degree of
recruitment variability apparent in benthic marine pop-
ulations. In general, however, relatively few have been
shown to directly influence the temporal and spatial
patterns of recruitment. Because the proximate causes
of recruitment variability have been difficult to identify
for organisms such as coral reef fishes, there has been
little consensus among the theories of ultimate causes
of pattern (particularly temporal) in spawning and re-
cruitment (e.g., Johannes 1978, Thresher 1984, Rob-
ertson et al. 1990, Robertson 1991). This is due in part
to the lack of extensive data on a variety of species
(especially closely related species) from diverse loca-
tions. Most studies to date have focused on one or two
species (but see Robertson 1992) recruiting to a single
location. In addition, for many reef fishes studied, lar-
val durations are rather invariant, and temporal patterns
of recruitment may simply reflect spawning patterns
(Robertson et al. 1988, Meekan et al. 1993). Thus, prior
to exploring the ultimate causes of recruitment vari-
ability, it is necessary to identify the proximate causes
of temporal and spatial patterns of recruitment.
In this study, we selected a group of closely related
coral reef fishes to examine the proximate causes of
recruitment variability. We examined variability in the
temporal and spatial patterns of recruitment for eight
species of labrids recruiting to the upstream Caribbean
island of Barbados: the slippery dick,
Halichoeres bi-
(Bloch); the puddingwife,
H. radiatus
naeus); the blackear wrasse,
H. poeyi
the yellowhead wrasse,
H. garnoti
(Valenciennes); the
painted wrasse,
H. pictus
(Poey); the clown wrasse,
(Muller and Troschel); the bluehead
Thalassoma bifasciatum
(Bloch); and the Span-
ish hogfish,
Bodianus rufus
(Linnaeus). While there
may be some seasonality to the spawning of at least
one species at Barbados (
T. bifasciatum
; Hunt von
Herbing and Hunte 1991), there does not appear to be
any lunar synchrony within-season; all eight species
are pelagic spawners that spawn daily (Warner and
Robertson 1978, Robertson 1981). Because particular
patterns of recruitment may be associated with various
larval behaviors or early life history characteristics, we
conducted a comparative analysis to determine whether
certain larval traits (i.e., length of larval life, size at
settlement, growth rate) are correlated with specific
temporal patterns of recruitment. We also examined
within-island variability in spatial patterns of recruit-
ment. We compared these patterns to various environ-
mental characteristics to determine the degree to which
recruitment patterns are influenced by active habitat
selection or by physical processes controlling larval
supply. Finally, to identify which proximate environ-
mental cues might be important in the timing of re-
cruitment, we compared the recruitment patterns of one
wrasse (
T. bifasciatum
) to those reported from another
geographic location. Environmental cycles (e.g., tidal
amplitude cycle) are often different, or offset, among
various geographical locations, while lunar cycles are
constant; thus, comparisons of temporal recruitment
patterns among geographical locations may reveal
Ecological Monographs
Vol. 67, No. 2
. 1. Map of Barbados, West Indies, with the nearshore
census sites (solid circles) located inside the bank reef
(dashed line).
which of these two proximate cues are important in the
monthly timing of recruitment.
Site description
Barbados is the easternmost island in the Lesser An-
tilles chain of islands located in the eastern Caribbean.
Lying within the belt of northeast trade winds, in the
path of the wind-driven Equatorial Current, Barbados
is upstream of the other Caribbean islands. Recent data
collected offshore suggest that large-scale flow around
the island may be topographically steered: as the north-
westerly-flowing current impinges upon the southeast-
ern coast of Barbados, it diverges around the island,
continuing north and recirculating around a deep ridge
well north of the island before continuing downstream
(Cowen and Castro 1994). This flow may retain larvae
spawned locally, contributing to the maintenance (on
ecological time scales) of the high diversity of fishes
(Cowen and Castro 1994).
We selected census sites to span most of the western
coast of Barbados (Fig. 1). All sites were located on
the nearshore reefs, which are distributed between 100
and 400 m offshore and
600 m inshore of the bank
reef (which parallels the west coast). These nearshore
reefs consist of high relief spurs of dead coral matrix,
outcropping seaward from the continuous reef crest and
separated from other spurs by sand or sand–rubble
grooves. Reefs are concentrated at small coastal head-
lands, and extend toward shore, with no regions of
seagrass. Sites were 2–2.5 km apart, and each encom-
4000 m
of coral and rubble habitat in water
depths of 2.5–6.5 m.
Recruitment census
To determine the temporal and spatial patterns of
labrid recruitment to Barbados we censused and col-
lected new recruits biweekly (every other week) during
the spring of three consecutive years (1990–1992).
Spring (March–June) corresponds to the period of gen-
erally high larval abundance (Munro et al. 1973, Pow-
les 1975) and peak reef fish recruitment in the Carib-
bean (Luckhurst and Luckhurst 1977), although the re-
cruitment of
Thalassoma bifasciatum
to Barbados may
be higher during summer months (Hunt von Herbing
and Hunte 1991). During each census, we counted and
collected all recently settled juveniles (8–25 mm stan-
dard length, SL) from six randomly selected replicate
1 m quadrats; we counted schools (
10 fish) in
six 5
5 m quadrats, and collected a subsample (10%)
of each school for analysis. For otolith aging purposes
we made additional, qualitative collections of several
rarer species (
Halichoeres pictus
Bodianus rufus
We used the anesthetic Quinaldine and hand nets during
all counts and collections. We preserved collected spec-
imens in 70% ethanol prior to measuring SL, thus our
reported SL may be somewhat smaller than the actual
sizes at collection, due to shrinkage.
We attempted to measure larval supply directly by
the nightly deployment of larval light traps. Although
the traps proved successful at collecting the late-stage
larvae of a diversity of reef fishes, the abundance of
labrids was insufficient for analysis (Sponaugle and
Cowen 1996
). However, we were able to use these
late-stage larvae to estimate size at settlement. Note
that these larvae were similarly preserved in 70% eth-
anol prior to length measurements.
Otolith analysis
To obtain a measure of larval duration and construct
an age-to-length relationship for back-calculating re-
cruitment date, we removed and examined the otoliths
from a subsample of juveniles collected during each
season. The otoliths of many bony fishes contain con-
centric marks that are deposited daily, allowing a pre-
cise estimate of age at capture (e.g., Brothers et al.
1976, Victor 1982). For reef fishes settling to the ben-
thos, an additional, conspicuous settlement mark is of-
ten visible, permitting an estimate of larval duration as
well as postsettlement age (Victor 1982). Daily incre-
ment deposition has previously been validated for two
of the wrasses in this study (Victor 1982); it is rea-
sonable to extrapolate from these for the remaining
species. During this analysis, we randomly selected
individuals from each 1.0 mm length category (Cam-
pana and Jones 1992), and extracted the otoliths using
standard techniques (Brothers 1987). Storage of the
sagittae and lapilli in medium viscosity immersion oil
on microscope slides for 30 d facilitated interpretation.
We examined the sagittae with a computer-aidedimage
enhancer (Optical Pattern Recognition System, Bio-
sonics Incorporated, Seattle, Washington) that was at-
tached to a Zeiss compound microscope. We viewed
the otoliths under transmitted light at 250
(oil im-
mersion) magnification, using an adjustable polarizing
May 1997 181
2. Age-on-length reduced major axes (RMA) re-
gression slopes (
) and intercepts (
) used to
back-calculate settlement date for eight species of labrids
recruiting to Barbados.
Species Year Slope Intercept
H. bivittatus
1990 2.61
2.82 0.81
1991 2.56
3.31 0.77
1992 2.24
2.74 0.88
H. radiatus
1990 2.62
3.17 0.88
1991 2.65
8.64 0.86
1992 1.99
3.57 0.85
H. poeyi
1990 2.54
3.62 0.87
H. garnoti
1990 1.83
3.88 0.71
1991 2.10
5.19 0.81
1992 1.99
3.24 0.79
H. pictus
1990 1.38
1.33 0.96
1992 1.59
1.73 0.89
H. maculipinna
1992 2.46
3.70 0.88
T. bifasciatum
1990 2.43
2.40 0.90
1991 2.92
4.23 0.70
1992 2.67
2.12 0.93
B. rufus
1991 1.60
2.32 0.85
1992 2.03
1.62 0.90
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient.
filter placed between the light source and the first stage.
We made at least two independent sagital counts of
each sample. For all labrid species except
a wide discontinuous band was clearly evident
between the relatively narrow larval increments and
the wider juvenile increments. We interpreted the inner
edge of this band to indicate settlement (see Victor
1982), corresponding to the time when settling larvae
enter and remain buried under the sand for several days
(Victor 1983
; S. Sponaugle,
unpublished data
); like-
wise, the outer edge of the band corresponded to the
emergence of juveniles onto the reef. Where increments
were unclear in this region, we used interpolation based
on surrounding increment widths to estimate the num-
ber of days fish were buried. For
B. rufus,
no wide band
was evident; instead, a sharp transition (interpreted as
settlement) existed between the narrow larval incre-
ments and the relatively wider juvenile increments.For
all species, we added 2 d to the count of presettlement
increments to account for the time to hatching (Fritzche
1978, Victor 1982).
Habitat characteristics and resident
mature fish populations
Because spatial patterns of recruitment could be in-
fluenced by habitat selection by settling larvae or re-
cently settled juveniles, or by differential survival of
recruits in different habitats, we selected census sites
to minimize site-specific habitat differences. To mea-
sure site similarity, we quantified 10 variables at each
site: the percentage and diversity of live coral substrate;
the percentage of coral rock substrate, coral rubble sub-
strate, sand substrate, algal turf cover, algal turf–sand
cover (algal turf visible through heavy sand coating),
and sand cover (only sand visible); mean depth; and
rugosity. We used a standard point-contact method
(Greig-Smith 1964) to record the substrate and cover
under, and the water depth above, 20 points along six
randomly placed 5-m transects at each site. We con-
sidered rugosity to be the degree of variability (stan-
dard deviation) in depth among the points.
Spatial patterns of recruitment may also be influ-
enced by conspecific populations (e.g., Sweatman
1983, Booth 1992), as larvae settle into existing pop-
ulations, or are excluded by (or select not to settle near)
predators or dense resident populations (e.g., Shulman
1985). Therefore, we surveyed mature fishes during
1991 and 1992 by counting the number of mature fishes
within six randomly placed 5
5 m quadrats at each
site. For the purposes of this census, we defined ‘ma-
turity’’ by size alone (SL
3 cm). We did not include
small, cryptic species such as gobies, blennies, and
apogonids in the survey.
Early life history characteristics
We compared otolith-derived measurements of lar val
duration (non-normally distributed) among species and
among years using a nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis
test, followed by a nonparametric multiple comparison
analysis (Dunn 1964, Zar 1984). We used reduced ma-
jor axes (RMA) procedures to adjust for the inherent
variability in the independent variable (length) of the
age-on-length linear regressions (Ricker 1973, Laws
and Archie 1981). Length-on-age regressions provided
an estimate of growth rate (slope) and size at settlement
(intercept), and the jackknife method produced esti-
mates of standard error for each statistic (Sokal and
Rohlf 1981). We compared growth rates and sizes at
settlement among species and years using the
od for unplanned comparisons (Sokal and Rohlf 1981).
Temporal and spatial patterns of recruitment
Because all age-on-length regressions had generally
high Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients
(Table 2), we used separate regressions for each species
from each year to estimate the postsettlement age of
new recruits of that year. In some instances, where few
fish were collected during a particular sampling season,
we used the age-to-length regression from another year
to estimate ages (i.e., for
Halichoeres poeyi
in 1992,
H. pictus
in 1991, and
H. maculipinna
in 1990 and
1991). For each collection, we weighted the size (age)
distribution of collected fish by abundance to provide
a more accurate estimate of the relative magnitude of
each event. Where species (i.e.,
H. bivittatus
assoma bifasciatum
) appeared in the 5-m
quadrats (as
individuals) and in the 25-m
quadrats (in schools), we
tabulated the data from each quadrat type separately.
We tested periodicity in recruitment over the lunar
cycle for each species during each year with Rayleigh
tests (Batschelet 1981, Zar 1984). Used in the analysis
of biological rhythms when cycle periods are prede-
termined (e.g., lunar or tidal cycle), this test compares
Ecological Monographs
Vol. 67, No. 2
the temporal distribution of recruitment to that of uni-
form recruitment over the given environmental cycle.
Where the distribution of recruitment is non-uniform,
circular statistics provide an estimate of peak time
(mean vector angle) and dispersion (mean angular de-
viation) of recruitment (Batschelet 1981). To obtain a
general temporal pattern of recruitment, we also pooled
the data for each species across all years and repeated
the tests.
The biweekly juvenile census also provided data on
spatial patterns of recruitment. We calculated themean
density of juveniles at each site for the most common
species from each census following a large recruitment
event. We tested these densities for site-related differ-
ences using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test (due
to non-normality of the data), followed where indicated
by a nonparametric Tukey-type multiple comparison
analysis (Zar 1984). To obtain an overall view of spatial
variability in recruitment, we also calculated the mean
rank of each site for all these events. We obtained rough
estimates of mean juvenile mortality rates through
counts made during the second census after a large
recruitment event. Although such calculations may un-
derestimate true mortality due to recruitment between
sampling periods, we selected windows to minimize
these effects. Initial densities were calculated 1 wk after
each recruitment peak, and subsequent densities were
calculated before the next peak. For each species and
each large recruitment event we calculated daily mor-
tality rates (Ricker 1975). For the less common species,
we obtained a qualitative measure of site-specific dif-
ferences in abundance by summing the number of ju-
veniles censused at each site over the three seasons.
Habitat characteristics and resident mature
fish populations
We transformed (arcsine square root) habitat mea-
surements where appropriate (Sokal and Rohlf 1981),
and then compared these transformed proportions
among sites using standard ANOVA and multiple com-
parison procedures. In five instances (percentage of live
coral, diversity of live coral, percentage of sand sub-
strate, percentage of algal turf–sand cover, and per-
centage of sand cover), transformed variables remained
non-normally distributed, so we used nonparametric
Kruskal-Wallis tests, followed by nonparametric Tu-
key-type multiple comparisons (Zar 1984). To provide
a relative measure of site similarity, we used principal
components analysis (PCA) techniques to group the 10
habitat variables (Tatsuoka 1971). We then regressed
juvenile densities (for both common and rarer species)
as well as mature fish densities against three separate
PCA factors to determine whether habitat descriptors
influenced the spatial patterns of recruitment.
To measure the impact of mature fishes on juvenile
recruitment patterns, we grouped the counts of resident
mature fishes from each site and year into several cat-
egories: mean diversity of fishes, mean number of all
fishes, and mean number of labrids per quadrat. Due
to low abundances, we did not analyze these data at
the level of individual species. We transformed the data
where necessary to meet assumptions of normality, and
tested among sites and between years with two-way
ANOVA and multiple comparison procedures (Zar
1984). We regressed the densities of the most common
juveniles against mature fish densities to identify any
relationship between mature fishes and new recruits.
We also regressed the densities of mature fishes against
the three habitat PCA factors to determine whether ma-
ture fishes were associated with particular habitat fea-
Early life history characteristics and temporal
patterns of recruitment to Barbados
The eight species of labrids in this study could be
broadly divided into two groups based on several life
history traits and their temporal patterns of recruitment.
Most of the
species (
H. bivittatus, H. ra-
diatus, H. poeyi, H. garnoti,
H. pictus
) had rela-
tively short, invariant larval durations and exhibited no
evidence of delayed metamorphosis. Although recruit-
ment rates varied interannually for several of these spe-
cies, monthly settlement occurred consistently during
the new moon (maximum amplitude tides). The other
three labrids,
H. maculipinna, T. bifasciatum,
had relatively longer or more variable larval du-
rations, and all three could delay metamorphosis. Set-
tlement by these species occurred during the third-quar-
ter moon and minimum amplitude tides.
New-moon recruits:
Halichoeres bivittatus, H.
radiatus, H. poeyi, H. garnoti,
H. pictus
Larval durations were similar over all years for the
five species of
(Dunn method:
0.05), and were generally short and relatively in-
variant (Table 3, Fig. 2). Estimated size at settlement
was also similar among most of the five
species (
method: difference [
3.85, min-
imum significant difference [msd]
4.95; Table
4), as were early juvenile growth rates (
0.35, msd
0.4). However,
H. pictus
to settle at a slightly smaller size (
3.96, msd
2.95) and exhibit higher
growth rates than some of the other wrasses (
0.36, msd
0.20). The size of the smallest
H. pictus
collected (11.9 mm, 5–6 d old, postsettle-
ment) tended to be smaller than the smallest
H. poeyi
(14.0 mm, 7–8 d),
H. garnoti
(13.0 mm, 6 d), and
(12.0 mm, 8 d), but not
H. bivittatus
11.4 mm, 5–8 d).
Interannual variability in the recruitment of the five
species differed among species (Fig. 3).
Halichoeres bivittatus
was consistently one of the most
abundant labrids, and recruited regularly each year.
May 1997 183
3. Larval durations† (mean
) and coefficients
of variation (
) for eight labrids collected from Barbados
during three spring seasons (1990–1992).
Species Year
(d) Range
H. bivittatus
1990 23.5
0.3 20–27 7.4 38
1991 26.8
0.6 21–32 10.8 25
1992 24.5
0.3 21–29 6.3 31
H. radiatus
1990 25.3
0.2 23–27 4.7 24
1991 23.9
0.4 22–28 6.2 18
1992 23.4
0.4 20–28 7.9 24
H. poeyi
1990 25.9
0.4 22–29 6.1 17
H. garnoti
1990 26.0
0.5 20–31 8.7 25
1991 24.8
0.7 21–30 11.3 17
1992 23.8
0.5 21–28 8.7 19
H. pictus
1990 26.7
0.5 23–30 7.7 18
1992 26.2
0.4 23–31 7.3 25
H. maculipinna
1992 27.0
0.7 23–37 13.4 25
T. bifasciatum
1990 49.0
1.1 38–64 12.2 32
1991 53.2
2.5 41–94 24.3 26
1992 49.2
0.8 41–66 10.0 37
B. rufus
1991 40.0
1.0 32–52 12.2 25
1992 34.3
0.3 31–41 4.4 22
We added2dtoeach count of pre-settlement increments
to account for time to hatching.
Halichoeres radiatus
was less abundant than
H. bivitta-
but new recruits also were consistently present on
the reef each year. The least predictable of all the la-
H. poeyi,
was quite rare on the reefs, recruiting
in a strong pulse only in 1990. Both
H. garnoti
were typically less abundant on the reefs than
H. bivittatus
H. radiatus,
but their temporal
patterns of recruitment were consistent among years.
Halichoeres garnoti
tended to recruit in rather small
events spread over several days during all three years,
while most of the recruitment of
H. pictus
during a single pulse of short duration each year (Fig.
3).Although there was interannual variability in the size
of recruitment events for many species, the timing of
these events was generally consistent among years for
each species. For these five
monthly patterns of recruitment were similar: pulses
occurred during the time of the new moon. Because
the lunar and tidal amplitude cycles are closely coupled
in Barbados, particularly during our sampling season,
pulses of recruitment occurred during maximum am-
plitude tides associated with the new moon (Table 5,
Fig. 4).
Third-quarter moon recruits:
maculipinna, Thalassoma bifasciatum,
Bodianus rufus
Larval durations of
Halichoeres maculipinna, Thal-
assoma bifasciatum,
Bodianus rufus
tended to be
both longer and more variable than larval durations of
the first five
species (new-moon group;
Table 3). While mean larval durations of
T. bifasciatum
were significantly longer than durations of all species
(Dunn method:
0.05), mean larval durations of
H. maculipinna
to be but were not significantly longer than the other
species (Dunn method:
0.05; Table 3). Mean larval durations of
B. rufus
also consistently longer than
species, but
due to high variability, this tendency was not always
significant (Dunn method:
Variability in the larval durations of
H. maculipinna,
T. bifasciatum,
B. rufus
(1991) was generally quite
high (Table 3). Of all of the labrids,
T. bifasciatum
the highest variation in larval durations (1991
24.3). Both the high mean larval duration and the high-
er variability in durations that year were due to the
presence of 4 fish (out of 26 dissected) whose otoliths
had numerous narrow increments immediately prior to
settlement, suggesting a delay of metamorphosis (Vic-
tor 1986
, Cowen 1991). Among all the other labrids
dissected, only
H. maculipinna
B. rufus
evidence of delay of metamorphosis (6 out of 25
dissected in 1992, and 1 out of 25
B. rufus
dissected in 1991, resulting in high
s for each in
those years; Fig. 2). These are relatively conservative
estimates of the proportion of fish that delayed meta-
morphosis because only those with additional, narrow-
er increments on the outer edge of the presettlement
region of their otoliths (interpreted as reflecting re-
duced growth, Victor 1986
, Cowen 1991) were con-
sidered to be delayers. Other individuals with longer
larval durations may also be delayers without exhib-
iting these narrower increments (Sponaugle and Cowen
The sagittae of all of the labrids except
B. rufus
all rather similar in appearance, with relatively narrow
presettlement increments separated from the wider
postsettlement increments by a wide discontinuous
zone. This zone has previously been interpreted as the
period following settlement when the settled larvae are
buried under the sand undergoing metamorphosis (Vic-
tor 1983
). Because this zone was not evident in the
otoliths of
B. rufus,
this wrasse presumably settles di-
rectly to the reef, without burrowing in the sand. In
fact, several very small specimens of
B. rufus
in various
stages of larval to juvenile coloration were collected
in the water column near large coral heads, suggesting
that metamorphosis is gradual and occurs while these
fishes remain above the substrate.
Mean estimated sizes at settlement for
H. maculi-
pinna, T. bifasciatum,
B. rufus
were all at the small-
er end of the size range (Fig. 5), although
H. maculi-
B. rufus
were not significantly different from
each other or the other
species (
3.89, msd
4.95; Table 4).
soma bifasciatum
tended to be smaller at settlement
than most of the other labrids and was significantly
smaller than
H. bivittatus
(1990, 1991),
H. radiatus
(1990), and
H. poeyi
4.00, msd
2.95). The size of the smallest fish collected
of all three species was also smaller than any of the
Ecological Monographs
Vol. 67, No. 2
. 2. Frequency of larval durations for eight species of labrids collected at Barbados during three seasons.
H. maculipinna
mm, 3–6 d old, postsettlement),
T. bifasciatum
mm, 4–10 d old), and
B. rufus
(9.7 mm, 2 d old). In
addition, late-stage larvae of
H. maculipinna
(mean SL
11.4 mm,
0.73 mm, range
10.1–12.9 mm,
18) and
T. bifasciatum
(mean SL
10.8 mm,
0.18 mm, range
10.6–11.0 mm,
4) were small-
er than
H. bivittatus
larvae (mean SL
12.1 mm,
0.71 mm, range
10.8–13.7 mm,
33). Note
that late-stage larvae were often larger than estimated
settlement sizes and the size of the smallest juveniles.
This is probably due to shrinkage during metamorpho-
sis (see
). In general, labrids recruiting dur-
ing the third-quarter moon tended to be smaller at set-
tlement than several other
species. Fur-
thermore, and in contrast to the new-moon recruits,
third-quarter-moon recruits exhibited relatively greater
variation in larval duration than in estimated size at
settlement (Fig. 5). Following settlement, growth rates
for newly settled juvenile
H. maculipinna, T. bifascia-
B. rufus
were similar to one another and to
growth rates of the other
species (
May 1997 185
4. Estimated juvenile growth rates and size at set-
tlement (mean
) from reduced major axes (RMA)
length-on-age regressions for eight labrids.
Species Year
growth rate
Size at
H. bivittatus
1990 0.38
0.02 10.60
1991 0.39
0.03 10.53
1992 0.45
0.03 9.30
H. radiatus
1990 0.38
0.03 10.79
1991 0.38
0.08 10.31
1992 0.50
0.05 8.15
H. poeyi
1990 0.39
0.03 11.86
H. garnoti
1990 0.55
0.06 10.87
1991 0.48
0.07 11.75
1992 0.50
0.05 10.47
H. pictus
1990 0.73
0.04 8.79
1992 0.63
0.04 9.52
H. maculipinna
1992 0.41
0.04 9.13
T. bifasciatum
1990 0.41
0.03 7.86
1991 0.34
0.04 8.84
1992 0.37
0.02 8.79
B. rufus
1991 0.62
0.06 8.99
1992 0.49
0.03 9.96
0.35, msd
0.4; Table 4), except for
H. pictus.
Interannual temporal patterns of recruitment varied
H. maculipinna, T. bifasciatum,
B. rufus
(Fig. 3). By far one of the most abundant fishes on
Barbados reefs,
T. bifasciatum
recruited consistently in
pulses of a similar magnitude to
H. bivittatus.
In con-
Halichoeres maculipinna
B. rufus
were much less abundant and exhibited greater inter-
annual variability in patterns of recruitment. After poor
recruitment seasons in 1990, both species were more
abundant in 1991 and 1992. During these years,
typically recruited in pulses spread over
a number of days, while recruitment of
B. rufus
curred as relatively short events.
For all three species,
T. bifasciatum, B. rufus,
to a lesser degree
H. maculipinna,
monthly recruitment
pulses occurred during the third-quarter moon and min-
imum amplitude tides (Table 5, Fig. 4). This pattern
was consistent among years for both
T. bifasciatum
B. rufus
(Table 5, Fig. 3). However, in 1992, recruit-
ment of
H. maculipinna
was not as tightly coupled to
the third-quarter moon, but was spread over a broader
period of time (Fig. 3).
Mortality rates
For the three most abundant labrids,
H. bivittatus,
H. radiatus,
T. bifasciatum,
initial juvenile den-
1 wk following a major recruitment peak ranged
from 0.6 to 3.8 fishes per quadrat (5 m
; Table 6). Over
the next 2 wk, juveniles exhibited daily mortality rates
of 1.4 to 13.1%, based on a loss of 0.5–1.9 juveniles
per quadrat (Table 6). There wasno correlation between
these daily mortality rates and initial recruitment den-
sities, thus no evidence of density-dependent mortality
during this time period.
Spatial patterns of recruitment to Barbados
Examination of species-specific juvenile densities
over the eight sites along the west coast of Barbados
revealed a consistent pattern (Fig. 6). Although this
trend was significant for only two individual recruit-
ment events (Fig. 6a), in general, recruitment of the
three most common wrasses (
H. bivittatus, H. radiatus,
T. bifasciatum
) tended to be lower in the central
region of Barbados (site 6) than at either the northern
or southern ends (Fig. 6b). When the other, less abun-
dant labrids were considered together (over all census
seasons) for qualitative purposes, a similar pattern was
revealed, with most juveniles censused at either end of
the island, particularly the northern end, rather than in
the center (Fig. 7). Thus, although there was relatively
little significance in the spatial pattern of recruitment,
there was a consistent tendency for juvenile densities
to be reduced at site 6.
Spatial variation in environmental characteristics
To examine whether the observed spatial patterns of
recruitment were influenced by habitat selection, we
analyzed two environmental components: habitat (sub-
strate and cover) characteristics and densities of resi-
dent mature fishes. Of the 10 habitat variables consid-
ered, 6 varied significantly among sites (Table 7). Be-
cause juvenile densities were lower at site 6, we will
focus our discussion of particular habitat variables on
identifying differences between that site and the others.
Overall, site 6 had the highest percentage of live coral,
but it was only significantly higher than sites 7 and 3
0.005). Coral diversity was
also higher at site 6 than at sites 7, 3, or 8 (Tukey-
0.001). Not surpris-
ingly, site 6 had the lowest percentage of sand cover,
but this was only significantly lower than site 3 (Tukey-
0.05). Although not the deepest
site, site 6 was significantly deeper than sites 7, 2, and
8 (Tukey:
Principal components analysis (PCA) of the same
habitat variables revealed that sites 3, 7, and 8 could
be distinguished from the other sites based on PCA
factor 1; factor 2 did not seem to contribute to grouping
sites 3, 7, and 8, but may help separate site 1 from the
others (Fig. 8). There was less of a distinction among
sites based on PCA factor 3 (Fig. 8). PCA factors 1, 2
and 3 explained 36.7%, 28.0%, and 18.6% of the vari-
ance, respectively (Table 8).
In general, there was little significant influence of
habitat on the spatial patterns of recruitment for most
of the labrids, although in a few cases specific habitat
requirements may have influenced the distribution of
juveniles. The regressions of juvenile densities (means
following each major event for the common species,
and totals for each of the rarer species) against each
PCA factor indicated that there were no significant re-
lationships between juvenile densities and any of the
habitat variables (
0.05), except
Ecological Monographs
Vol. 67, No. 2
Fig. 3. Recruitment by eight species of labrids collected at Barbados during each ofthree spring recruitment seasons(1990–
1992). Lunar phase is indicated by solid (new moon) and open (full moon) circles. Note that
-axes vary for certain species
and years.
H. bivittatus
) and
B. rufus
(total). Site-spe-
cific densities of
H. bivittatus
following the first major
recruitment event in 1992 were significantly influenced
by PCA factor 1 (
0.01; Fig. 9), indicating
a negative correlation with the percentage and diversity
of live coral, and a positive relationship with the per-
centage of rubble substrate, algal turf and sand cover,
and sand cover alone. Juvenile densities of
B. rufus
over all years were significantly influenced by PCA
factor 3 (
0.016; Fig. 9), indicating a
positive relationship with mean depth and the per-
centage of algal turf cover.
Although there were few correlations between ju-
venile densities and among-site habitat characteristics,
on a smaller scale, several within-habitat differences
were noted in the distribution of each species. Palest
in coloration of all the labrid species considered in this
H. bivittatus
juveniles were most commonly
found in small groups (but also in large schools fol-
lowing strong recruitment pulses) swimming relatively
low in the water column over sand–rubble substrates.
Juveniles of
H. radiatus
H. poeyi
were almost al-
ways solitary and occurred near the sand–coral inter-
face, under large coral overhangs.
H. garnoti
were fairly widespread, occurring most often as solitary
individuals, but also in small, mixed schools near the
sand–coral interface.
H. pictus
juveniles were always
found in small schools (some mixed), relatively high
in the water column near areas of high vertical relief.
Newly settled juveniles of
H. maculipinna
T. bi-
were similar in their distribution (and rough-
ly, in their coloration), occurring as solitary individuals
very low in coral crevices. Over time,
T. bifasciatum
juveniles swam progressively higher in the water col-
umn, forming increasingly larger schools. Older
H. ma-
juveniles tended to remain more solitary.
juveniles were found exclusively around large
coral heads (such as
Montastrea cavernosa
), located at
the offshore end of coral spurs. Solitary or small groups
remained fairly high in the water column around the
coral structure.
There were only a few site-specific differences in the
abundance of resident mature fishes, and these differ-
ences did not seem to significantly influence the den-
sities of juveniles. Two-way ANOVAs for each variable
(mean number and diversity of all fishes, and mean
number of labrids censused) indicated a significant in-
fluence of site (
0.001–0.009, df
7, 80), but not year (
0.98, df
1, 80), with no significant interaction (
0.43–0.51, df
7, 80). In general, the
mean number and diversity of all mature fishes was
similar across all sites (ANOVA:
0.09–0.29, df
7, 40; Fig. 10). The high number of
mature fishes at site 2 in 1992 was due to the presence
of several very large schools of grunts (Haemulidae).
In 1991, the mean number of mature labrids was sig-
nificantly lower at site 6 than three other sites (Tukey:
0.05). However, there were no
significant relationships between mature fish counts
and any habitat variables (
or between juvenile densities of
H. bivittatus
and mature fish densities for a given season
Temporal recruitment patterns and early
life history characteristics
For most of the wrasses in this study, recruitment to
Barbados occurs rather predictably during the spring.
While the magnitude of recruitment events is somewhat
variable, the timing of these events is generally con-
sistent within seasons and among years. Eight species
of labrids exhibit two distinct temporal patterns of re-
cruitment, and these appear to be correlated with sev-
eral early life history traits. The recruitment of five
species (
Halichoeres bivittatus, H. radiatus, H. poeyi,
H. garnoti,
H. pictus
) was closely coupled to the
new moon and maximum amplitude tides, while re-
cruitment pulses of three other labrids (
H. maculipinna,
Thalassoma bifasciatum,
Bodianus rufus
) were
synchronized to the minimum amplitude tides during
the third-quarter moon. Because these recruitment pat-
terns were back-calculated from biweekly collections
of juveniles, it is possible that high daily mortality rates
of new settlers have obscured real settlement patterns.
This effect might be particularly suspect if we obtained
a semilunar (biweekly) recruitment pattern. However,
we obtained two distinct lunar recruitment patterns for
species collected during the same biweekly census.
Furthermore, data from a concurrent study on another
reef fish (
Stegastes partitus
) confirm that similar back-
calculated lunar recruitment patterns exactly matched
patterns of larval supply (Sponaugle and Cowen
Several early life history traits were correlated with
these temporal recruitment patterns. Duration of the
larval period tended to be longer and more variable for
labrids recruiting during the third-quarter moon. This
high variability in larval duration reflects a capacity to
delay metamorphosis. While this capacity has been re-
ported previously for
T. bifasciatum
(Victor 1986
and a temperate labrid (Cowen 1991), this is the first
May 1997 187
Ecological Monographs
Vol. 67, No. 2
5. Rayleigh test statistics for lunar periodicity in settlement of eight labrids for each
year that juveniles were collected and for all years summed together. Because the tidal
amplitude cycle is closely coupled to the lunar cycle throughout the study period, the timing
of settlement relative to the tidal amplitude cycle is similar.
Species Year
H. bivittatus
1990 314 111.1*** 2.5 4.2
1991 100 21.2*** 1.1 4.9
1992 242 11.1*** 0.0 5.9
All years 656 118.2*** 1.8 5.0
H. radiatus
1990 104 38.6*** 29.3 4.2
1991 40 11.2*** 29.1 4.6
1992 72 7.3*** 29.3 5.5
All years 216 53.5*** 29.3 4.7
H. poeyi
1990 23 14.3*** 0.6 3.1
1992 3 1.4
All years 26 15.6*** 0.7 3.2
H. garnoti
1990 29 8.2*** 0.3 4.6
1991 19 5.9** 2.0 4.4
1992 17 2.9
All years 65 16.4*** 0.9 4.8
H. pictus
1990 82 46.3*** 4.1 3.3
1991 10 9.9*** 19.5 0.5
1992 18 15.2*** 28.7 1.9
All years 110 34.8*** 2.9 4.4
H. maculipinna
1990 1 1.0
1991 21 8.8*** 21.5 3.9
1992 52 1.7
All years 74 5.2** 19.5 5.7
T. bifasciatum
1990 207 25.3*** 25.3 5.4
1991 111 29.7*** 20.1 4.6
1992 478 51.8*** 18.1 5.4
All years 796 68.2*** 20.1 5.6
B. rufus
1991 30 27.5*** 21.8 1.4
1992 18 12.9*** 25.7 2.6
All years 48 34.3*** 23.1 2.6
Rayleigh test statistic; **
0.01, ***
Lunar settlement day was calculated from mean vector angle.
mean angular deviation (days; Batschelet 1981, Zar 1984); day 1
new moon.
report of delayed metamorphosis by
H. maculipinna
B. rufus.
For all species, mean larval durations
were comparable to those reported previously for la-
brids from Panama (
spp. 24.1–25.9 d,
49.3 d,
B. rufus
41.6 d; Victor 1986
) and
Bermuda (
spp. 22–30.5 d,
T. bifasciatum
55 d,
B. rufus
32 d; Schultz and Cowen 1994).
Labrids recruiting during the third-quarter moon also
tended to be smaller at settlement than the other
species. The only previously reported sizes at
settlement are for
T. bifasciatum
H. poeyi
12 mm, Victor 1991;
T. bifasciatum
mean length of
11.5 mm, Robertson 1992). Although our estimated
settlement sizes are similar for
H. poeyi, T. bifasciatum
appears to settle to Barbados at much smaller sizes
(7.9–8.8 mm). Our estimated sizes at settlement are
also smaller than the sizes of three labrids collected in
light traps during the same period. Based on obser-
vations of
H. maculipinna
and several other labroid
species, we hypothesize that during metamorphosis,
some shrinkage occurs and juveniles emerge at a small-
er standard length than the presettlement larvae (S.
Sponaugle and R. K. Cowen,
unpublished data
). How-
ever, it is also possible that growth is simply curvilinear
during metamorphosis, so that the linear model used
to estimate size at settlement results in a smaller es-
timate of size.
Considering that
T. bifasciatum
spends a signifi-
cantly longer time in the plankton prior to settlement,
yet settles at a smaller size than many of the other
labrids, and assuming that size at hatching is similar
for all species, mean larval growth rates must be sub-
stantially less for
T. bifasciatum
than for the other la-
brids. Similarly,
B. rufus
probably has an intermediate
larval growth rate, with several
exhibiting the highest larval growth rates. Following
settlement, however, most juvenile labrids grew at sim-
ilar rates (Table 4), which were slightly to substantially
higher than growth rates previously published for
bivittatus, H. poeyi,
T. bifasciatum
0.30 mm/d;
Victor 1991). Clearly, there is a decoupling of growth
between the larval and juvenile phases of the life cycle.
May 1997 189
. 4. Distribution of recruitment over the lunar cycle for eight species of labrids collected at Barbados over three spring
recruitment seasons combined (1990–1992; total of 10 lunar cycles). Lunar phase is indicated by solid (new moon) and open
(full moon) circles.
Processes operating in the pelagic environment appear
to select for a range of larval growth rates, whereas
reef-based constraints appear to select for more equiv-
alent rates of growth. The relationship between larval
life history strategies, recruitment patterns, and juve-
nile life history traits is probably complex, but its elu-
cidation is critical to a complete understanding of the
population dynamics of organisms with complex life
Thus, the labrids in this study with relatively short,
invariant larval durations (
H. bivittatus, H. radiatus,
H. poeyi, H. garnoti,
H. pictus
) recruited to Bar-
bados during the new moon and maximum amplitude
tides, while those with generally longer or more vari-
Ecological Monographs
Vol. 67, No. 2
. 5. Mean estimated settlement size vs. mean larval
duration for eight labrids with relatively invariant larval du-
rations (
Halichoeres poeyi, H. garnoti, H. bivittatus, H. ra-
H. pictus
; shaded circles) and for those with more
variable larval durations (
H. maculipinna, T. bifasciatum,
B. rufus
; solid circles). Error bars indicate
. Note that
error bars are not available for
H. poeyi
H. maculipinna,
since data from only one year were used to estimate size at
6. Mean densities and mortality estimates (
) following large recruitment pulses
for three common species of labrids recruiting to Barbados during three spring seasons.
Means were calculated for each site separately; means for all sites are presented.
(no. fish/
No. days
(no. fish/
No. days
(no. fish/
H. bivittatus
1990 3.8
2.2 7 1.9
1.0 20 1.9
2.5 5.3
1991 0.6
0.6 6 0.1
0.2 23 0.5
0.6 11.3
1992a 2.1
2.0 7 0.8
0.9 22 1.2
1.4 5.9
1992b 1.2
1.0 7 0.1
0.2 23 1.1
0.9 13.1
H. radiatus
1990 1.3
0.7 10 0.7
0.4 23 0.7
0.6 5.0
T. bifasciatum
1990 3.0
1.1 17
0.5 38 1.4
1.5 3.0
1992 3.7
1.7 8 2.9
1.5 25 0.8
1.3 1.4
Initial densities were calculated from the first census following the event; final densities
were calculated from the second census following the event (number censused/5-m
Number of days between peak in recruitment event and midpoint of census period.
§ Calculated from Ricker (1975).
Although time after peak is long for
T. bifasciatum
in 1990, this particular event was quite
broad and extended up to the day prior to the census (see Fig. 3).
able larval durations, with a demonstrated capacity to
delay metamorphosis (
T. bifasciatum, H. maculipinna,
B. rufus
), recruited during the third-quarter moon
and minimum amplitude tides. In addition, several of
these later species (
T. bifasciatum
B. rufus
) may
have slower larval growth rates, and may tend to be
relatively small at settlement. Consideration of growth
rates and settlement sizes places
H. pictus
slightly out-
side the two groups because after a rather short, in-
variant period in the plankton,
H. pictus
appears to
settle at a smaller size, and then exhibit faster juvenile
growth rates than the others. Interestingly, the temporal
pattern of settlement exhibited by
H. pictus
is also
slightly offset from (3–4 d after) the new moon.
At this time, the significance of the correlation be-
tween early life history traits and recruitment patterns
is unclear. Why should a longer larval duration, a ca-
pacity to delay metamorphosis, and a possibly smaller
size at settlement lead to recruitment timed to the third-
quarter moon and minimum amplitude tides? Prior to
examining this issue, we need to explore the causes
and potential advantages of synchronized recruitment.
The comparison of recruitment patterns among these
closely related labrids may clarify or eliminate several
of the alternatives.
Synchronized recruitment may be a result of either
active (behavioral) or passive (physical) processes act-
ing on the early egg and larval stages, the late-stage
larvae, or on the new recruits. Several investigators
have proposed that recruitment synchrony results from
synchronous spawning, which occurs to enhance trans-
port, survival, or growth of the eggs and larvae (Jo-
hannes 1978, Thresher 1984, Gladstone and Westoby
1988; see review in Robertson 1991), or survival of
the adults (Robertson et al. 1990). Temporal coupling
between spawning and recruitment is more likely for
species with short, invariant larval durations, such as
pomacentrids (e.g., Robertson et al. 1988, Meekan et
al. 1993) and is less likely for the labrids in this study
because spawning is asynchronous (daily, year-round;
Warner and Robertson 1978, Robertson 1981), and lar-
val durations of several species are relatively long and
variable. At present, there are no reported data on
monthly variation in labrid fecundity; until such data
are available, we will assume that cyclic patterns of
fecundity do not contribute significantly to patterns of
reproduction. While the frequency of spawning may
vary seasonally (Hunt von Herbing and Hunte 1991),
and fertilization success may be reduced in rough seas
May 1997 191
. 6. Site-specific juvenile densities for three common labrids recruiting to Barbados. (a) Mean densities (
following each major recruitment event each year. Significant differences among sites are indicated in the inset (Tukey-type:
0.05). (b) Mean rank of each site for all three species and events. See Fig. 1 for site locations.
(Petersen et al. 1992), these factors likely contribute
to seasonal rather than monthly cycles of reproduction.
For daily spawners, periodic, synchronous patterns
of recruitment suggest that the survival of late-stage
larvae and juveniles may be temporally predictable. For
such species, a variable larval duration may enable
greater synchronization of recruitment (Sponaugle and
Cowen 1994). In a concurrent study, we demonstrated
Ecological Monographs
Vol. 67, No. 2
. 7. Site-specific number of juveniles collected during
three seasons of biweekly censuses. For qualitative purposes,
the total number of juveniles censused was tabulated for the
five rarer labrids. Solitary juveniles were censused in 5-m
quadrats (a), and schooling species were censused in 25-m
quadrats (b).
that temporal patterns of recruitment to Barbados re-
flect variability in the supply of late-stage larvae as
measured by light traps (Sponaugle and Cowen 1996
Thus, the timing of recruitment is not simply the result
of differential survival of continuously settling larvae,
and probably reflects either predictable processes act-
ing on the pelagic stage, or cued behavior to enhance
the growth and survival of new recruits (e.g., Kingsford
1980). For example, pulses of late-stage larvae may
form as a result of differential growth and survival rates
cued by variable patterns of food availability, mortality,
or transport by currents. Similarly, settlement may be
behaviorally timed to coincide with cycles of prey
availability on the reef, periods of reduced predation
on juveniles, or particular flow conditions.
At present, we have no data on food limitation of
tropical larvae or new recruits, thus our discussion will
focus on the potential effects of predation and transport
on the timing of settlement. Recently, piscivorous reef
fishes have been shown to reduce the survivorship of
recently settled
H. pictus
Chromis cyanea
macentridae), but not
T. bifasciatum
(Carr and Hixon
1995). Settling larvae may be even more vulnerable to
predation; settlement at night, particularly during the
darkest nights, has often been suggested to be the result
of selection to reduce predation by reef organisms (e.g.,
Hobson and Chess 1978, Johannes 1978). However,
although five of the labrids in our study settle during
the new moon, three labrids settle during the third-
quarter moon following the full moon, hardly the
darkest (nor the brightest) time of the month. Thus,
while predation may ultimately drive the timing of re-
cruitment for some species, it is obviously not the sole
selective pressure.
Monthly patterns in the supply of late-stage larvae
may be due to variable transport during particular times
of the tidal cycle. For example, transport of late-stage
larvae to reefs may be enhanced when strong onshore
flood tides occur at night. Alternatively, late-stage lar-
vae may be able to swim onshore more successfully
during other times of the tidal cycle (e.g., when currents
are weakest). It is also possible that detection of a
suitable settlement site may only occur during partic-
ular flow regimes (e.g., offshore flow over the reef).
Because labrids exhibit two distinct patterns in the
timing of their recruitment (i.e., during very different
stages of the tidal cycle), it is likely that these species
vary with respect to their behaviors during approach
and settlement. For example, swimming ability is prob-
ably linked to a certain degree with size prior to set-
tlement. If labrids actively swim to reefs during set-
tlement, smaller species such as
T. bifasciatum, H. ma-
and to a lesser degree
B. rufus
may be rel-
atively slower or weaker swimmers compared to the
larger species, and may be more successful at swim-
ming during periods of low current flow (i.e., minimum
amplitude tides during the quarter moons). This selec-
tive pressure may be balanced by the pressure of vi-
sually oriented predators. Because predation is prob-
ably reduced on dark, moonless nights (i.e., new
moons), recruitment may be most successful during the
time of the third-quarter moon (minimum amplitude
tides and nights becoming darker). Relatively larger
species such as
H. bivittatus, H. radiatus, H. poeyi,
H. garnoti
may be more successful swimming against
strong currents, and therefore pulses of recruitment can
be more closely coupled to the darkest nights around
the new moon. Furthermore, as Carr and Hixon (1995)
demonstrate (but in contrast to what size at settlement
would suggest), species such as
H. pictus
may be more
susceptible to predation than species such as
T. bifas-
thus settlement during the darkest nights may
be more important for those species.
Finally, other differences in larval behavior may in-
teract with transport processes and predation pressures
to influence the timing of settlement. For example, the
depth at which larvae approach reefs may vary among
species (Leis et al. 1996), resulting in differences in
tidally mediated transport, and possibly in larval vul-
May 1997 193
7. Habitat characteristics of eight sites along the west coast of Barbados. Site 1 is the
northernmost site; site 8 is southernmost (see Fig. 1). Where significant differencesoccurred
among sites, values for each site are presented, with solid underlines connecting sites with
no significant differences. There were no significant differences among sites for mean per-
centage coral rock substrate, rubble substrate, sand substrate, or algal turf cover.
Mean percentage live coral substrate (PLC)
Site 7 3 854126
PLC 4.2 4.2 10.0 15.0 18.0 19.0 24.0 26.0
Mean diversity live coral (DLC)
Site 7 3 852461
DLC 2.5 4.2 4.2 6.7 8.4 13.4 13.4 15.0
Mean percentage algal turf and sand cover (ATS)
Site 4 5 236781
ATS 2.5 8.3 9.2 11.7 11.7 31.7 34.7 48.3
Mean percentage sand cover (SC)
Site 6 5 817243
SC 1.7 4.2 7.5 8.3 10.8 10.8 15.0 24.2
Mean depth (m)
Site 7 2 854631
Depth 2.97 3.26 3.42 4.28 4.31 4.49 4.95 5.26
Mean rugosity
Site 1 8 734625
Rugosity 0.52 0.64 0.66 1.21 1.34 1.40 1.57 1.80
nerability to predators. Differences in larval swimming
ability, position in the water column, and susceptibility
to predation may account for the two patterns of re-
cruitment by the labrids in this study; however, it re-
mains unclear how other early life history traits, such
as the capacity to delay metamorphosis, influence re-
cruitment. The capacity to extend larval life until a
suitable settlement site is found may be particularly
important for species with long early developmental
(i.e., precompetent) periods (Jackson and Strathman
1981, Cowen 1991). In addition, delay of metamor-
phosis would probably be most advantageous where
the successful settlement to the reef is less temporally
predictable. For example, depending on local flow con-
ditions, weaker swimmers may not always be able to
enter the reef environment. Such a constraint may se-
lect for the ability to successfully delay settlement and
metamorphosis. In light of this, it is interesting to note
that a diversity of other reef fishes and crustaceans
recruit to Barbados during the third-quarter moon and
neap tides (Sponaugle and Cowen 1996
). In general,
the relationship between a number of early life history
traits and patterns of subsequent recruitment warrants
further investigation (Cowen and Sponaugle,
in press
Proximate environmental cues
Proximate cues operating during settlement have
typically been difficult to distinguish, largely because
environmental cycles (i.e., lunar and tidal amplitude
cycles) are often temporally coupled at a single geo-
graphic site. Because the lunar cycle is the same ev-
erywhere, but the tidal amplitude cycle can shift among
geographical locations, intraspecific comparisons of re-
cruitment patterns among distant locations may poten-
tially isolate the relevant proximate cues operating dur-
ing settlement. Due to the ‘‘open’ nature of coral reef
fish populations and the dynamics of large-scale current
flow in the Caribbean, most fish populations are not
likely to be genetically isolated (Mitton et al. 1989,
Lacson 1992, Shulman and Bermingham 1995). There-
fore, larvae at all locations should use the same cues
or suite of cues to time settlement. Geographic differ-
ences in the timing of recruitment should only result
from offset cycles of these cues. However, to date, few
such comparisons have been made.
Among labrids, patterns of recruitment that are syn-
chronized to the third-quarter moon and minimum am-
plitude tides have not previously been reported. Syn-
chronous recruitment cued to different phases of the
lunar cycle has been reported for a number of other
species from diverse locations. Lunar cycles of re-
cruitment are exhibited by several pomacentrids re-
cruiting to Pacific reefs (Kingsford 1980, Ochi 1985)
as well to as reefs off St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands
(Booth and Beretta 1994), and Panama (Robertson et
al. 1988, Robertson 1992). In fact, many species re-
cruiting to Caribbean Panama have lunar-cyclic re-
cruitment patterns, with pulses occurring around the
new moon (in addition to a labrid and several poma-
centrids, several acanthurids, and a chaetodontid; Rob-
ertson 1992). Synchrony to the third-quarter moon is
less frequently encountered, and outside of Barbados,
these patterns are usually semilunar (a haemulid at St.
Croix, McFarland et al. 1985; and a pomacentrid re-
Ecological Monographs
Vol. 67, No. 2
. 8. Principal component analysis (PCA) factors de-
rived from habitat variables measured at each of the eight
census sites (indicated by numbers). See Table 8 for factor
. 9. (a) Densities of
Halichoeres bivittatus
after a major recruitment pulse in 1990, and (b) total number
Bodianus rufus
juveniles collected over three seasons, plot-
ted against principal components analysis (PCA) factors 1
and 3, respectively.
8. Principal components factor loadings for habitat variables.
Variable Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
Mean percentage live coral
0.961 0.007
Mean diversity live coral
0.838 0.348 0.071
Mean percentage rubble 0.686
Mean percentage algal turf–sand 0.684 0.663
Mean percentage sand cover 0.629
0.128 0.396
Mean rugosity
0.655 0.484
Mean percentage sand substrate
0.687 0.329
Mean percentage coral rock 0.372 0.655 0.486
Mean depth
0.297 0.628 0.684
Mean percentage algal turf 0.429
0.459 0.669
cruiting to Panama, Robertson 1992). Recruitment syn-
chrony to the first-quarter moon has been reported for
a holocentrid recruiting to Panama (Robertson 1992),
and two pomacentrids recruiting to St. Thomas around
the time of the full moon (Booth and Beretta 1994).
Interestingly, Thorrold et al. (1994
) report that labrid
larvae appear in Bahamian channel nets with semilunar
frequency, but it is unclear how this periodicity relates
to recruitment patterns.
In an attempt to identify the most important proxi-
mate cues operating during settlement, we compared
temporal patterns of
T. bifasciatum
recruitment to Bar-
bados with previously published records from San Blas,
May 1997 195
. 10. Mean number and diversity of mature fishes (
) and mean number of mature labrids (
) censused at
each of eight sites at Barbados during two sampling seasons (left column, 1991; right column, 1992). Significant differences
among sites are indicated in the inset.
Panama (Victor 1986
). Although both locations ex-
perience the same lunar phase, there are important geo-
graphical differences in the expression of the tidal am-
plitude cycle. Tides in both locations are mixed, but
the semi-diurnal signal is much greater at Barbados
relative to the more diurnal signal at Panama. More
importantly, the relationship between the synodic and
the declinational cycle differs between the two loca-
tions: tides at Barbados are less influenced by the dec-
linational cycle, thus the tidal amplitude cycle (29.4 d)
is in phase with the lunar cycle during much of the
year, including the study period. The lunar declination
cycle has greater influence in Panama, where the tidal
amplitude cycle is 27.3 d (see Barnwell 1976 for further
discussion). As a result, the tidal amplitude cycle in
Panama is only periodically in phase with the lunar
cycle (Fig. 11).
To determine whether
T. bifasciatum
recruitment is
synchronized to the lunar or tidal amplitude cycle, we
first compressed each data set into a single lunar cycle
(as before) and tested with Rayleigh tests (Batschelet
1981, Zar 1984); in a separate analysis, we repeated
the tests on each data set reduced into a single tidal
amplitude cycle (day 1 being the first day of maximum
amplitude tides). Because sampling in Panama was
conducted over the entire year, we further subdivided
these data into months where maximum amplitude tides
occurred at night, months when these tides occurred
Ecological Monographs
Vol. 67, No. 2
. 11. Annual tidal amplitude record for Barbados (up-
per curves) and Panama (lower curves), obtained from the
British Admiralty and from U.S. Department of Commerce
(NOAA) tidal charts, respectively. Lines indicate the 3-d
moving average of maximum amplitude tides occurring at
night (solid lines) and during the day (dashed lines). New
moons are indicated by solid circles.
9. Rayleigh test statistics for tidal amplitude and lunar periodicity in recruitment of
Thalassoma bifasciatum
to Barbados (1990–1992) and Caribbean Panama (1981–1982). See
Table 5 for the test statistics for lunar periodicity of recruitment to Barbados.
Time period
(tidal or
1990 218 23.0*** 25.7 5.4
1991 111 31.0*** 21.3 4.6
1992 482 48.7*** 20.2 5.5
All years 811 77.2*** 21.7 5.5
Night maximum 102 11.2*** 12.5 5.0
Day maximum 257 13.7*** 5.3 5.4
Transition 344 88.7*** 12.5 4.3
Night and transition 446 97.4*** 12.5 4.5
Day and transition 601 53.3*** 11.1 5.2
Total 703 63.6*** 11.3 5.1
Night maximum 69 2.1
Day maximum 310 6.1** 13.4 6.2
Transition 307 92.6*** 3.5 4.5
Night and transition 376 86.9*** 3.5 4.8
Day and transition 617 37.1*** 4.7 5.8
Total 686 38.8*** 4.6 5.8
Rayleigh test statistic; **
0.01, ***
Settlement day was calculated from mean vector angle;
mean angular deviation (days;
Batschelet 1981, Zar 1984); day 1 of tidal cycle
first day of maximum amplitude tide; day
1 of lunar cycle
new moon.
§ Data for
T. bifasciatum
recruiting to Panama were reanalyzed from Victor (1986
), and
split into months where maximum amplitude tides occurred at night, during the day, or both
(transition months).
during the day, and transition months when they oc-
curred during both daylight and nighttime (e.g., March,
April, September, and October; Fig. 11).
The timing of
T. bifasciatum
recruitment differs be-
tween Barbados and Panama. Reanalysis of Victor’s
) recruitment data over a lunar cycle indicated
that in general,
T. bifasciatum
recruited to Panama in
pulses occurring
4–5 d after the new moon (Table 9,
Fig. 12). Based on the analysis of recruitment data over
a tidal amplitude cycle, the timing of
T. bifasciatum
recruitment also varied between the two locations. Be-
cause the tidal amplitude cycle in Barbados was in
phase with the lunar cycle during our study, recruitment
T. bifasciatum
was similarly synchronized to the
tidal amplitude cycle, occurring during minimum am-
plitude tides 21–22 d after the first day of maximum
amplitude tides (Table 9, Fig. 12). In Panama,however,
T. bifasciatum
recruitment occurred 11–12 d after
maximum amplitude tides. Overall recruitment of
to Panama was highly correlated with both
the tidal amplitude and lunar cycle, although in general,
synchronization to the tidal amplitude cycle may be
tighter than to the lunar cycle.
Because the moon is in the same phase at both geo-
graphical locations yet recruitment patterns differ,tides
must play a role either solely, or more likely, in concert
with the lunar cycle. A number of crabs possess spe-
cies-specific hierarchies of rhythms that enable the
tracking of several environmental cycles at the time of
larval release (Morgan and Christy 1994, Morgan
1995). Phase shifts of these cycles at different locations
result in variable temporal patterns of reproduction
(Morgan and Christy 1994). Similar responses by reef
fishes to the lunar and tidal amplitude cycles may create
complex variation in recruitment patterns at distant
geographical locations.
May 1997 197
. 12. Distribution of recruitment over (a) the lunar and (b) the tidal cycles for
Thalassoma bifasciatum
at Panama
(from reanalysis of data from Victor 1986
), and over (c) the lunar and (d) the tidal cycle for
T. bifasciatum
at Barbados.
Lunar phase is indicated by solid (new moon) and open (full moon) circles. Day 1 of each tidal cycle corresponds to the
first day of maximum amplitude tides.
Seasonal shifts in the relation of the tidal amplitude
cycle to the lunar cycle may contribute to seasonal
variation in recruitment patterns at Panama. Most re-
cruitment of
T. bifasciatum
occurred during months
when maximum amplitude tides occurred during night
and day (transition months) and months when maxi-
mum tidal amplitudes occurred only during the day
(Table 9). The timing of recruitment events during the
months with daytime maximum tidal amplitudes dif-
fered from events during other times of the year: pulses
were less distinct and occurred just prior to the first
minimum amplitude tide, often near the full moon. In
fact, Robertson (1992) suggests that recruitment of
is semilunar cyclic for up to one-third of
the months during which significant recruitment oc-
curs. This pattern alone points to the importance of
tides in the timing of recruitment pulses.
Although data from Barbados indicate a distinct lu-
nar pattern of recruitment for
T. bifasciatum,
it is pos-
sible that these patterns shift seasonally in Barbados
as well. Such a shift may have led Hunt von Herbing
and Hunte (1991) to conclude that recruitment of
to Barbados is not lunar-cyclic, although
it is also possible that the lack of a clear signal may
have been due to their sampling of much larger (SL
30 mm) fishes. Even if patterns of recruitment to Bar-
bados shift seasonally, recruitment patterns in Panama
were most distinct during the transition months, and it
is during these months that recruitment patterns of
are in clear contrast to those in Barbados.
Nonetheless, Robertson’s (1992) point that long time-
series (at least year-round) measurements of recruit-
ment are necessary to obtain an accurate perspective
on synchrony is valid. In fact, by comparing intra-an-
nual shifts in the timing of recruitment to seasonal
shifts in cues such as the tides, further insight may be
gained into identifying the proximate cues involved.
In addition to the relationship between the lunar and
tidal amplitude cycles, the influence of the tidal cycle
on the nearshore environment may differ between Bar-
bados and Panama. The tidal range is greater in Bar-
bados (1.2 m) than in Panama (0.6 m) and may result
in stronger tidal flows. Interaction of these flows with
the prevailing currents may translate into rather strong
alongshore (north–south) currents. Perhaps due to this
stronger tidal influence, recruitment during minimum
amplitude tides is necessary for fishes that are weaker
swimmers. In Panama, lower amplitude tides may have
less overall effect on nearshore flow, and recruitment
during maximum amplitude tides may be more feasible.
However, the influence of tidal amplitude cycle may
shift seasonally as well. Strong trade winds during the
dry season (mid-December through mid-April) gen-
erate heavy wave action and northward-flowing near-
shore currents, in contrast to the wet season, where
winds and currents are typically lighter (Glynn 1972,
Robertson 1990). Such a seasonal change in flow con-
ditions may contribute to the shift in recruitment timing
between the months with daytime maximum amplitude
tides (during most of the dry season) and other months.
Ecological Monographs
Vol. 67, No. 2
Seasonal shifts in nearshore currents and in the relative
phasing of the tidal amplitude cycle may also influence
the length and timing of the recruitment season, al-
though these seasons are also likely to be defined by
seasonal reproduction and the interaction of larval, ju-
venile, and adult biology with environmental cycles
(Robertson 1991).
Variability in the synchrony of other behaviors sug-
gests that tides are important in other aspects of reef
fish biology. In particular, the timing of spawning shifts
among sites where the relative influence of tides varies.
Several labrids spawn daily during ebb tides in Florida
(Thresher 1979) and in Barbados (Hunt von Herbing
and Hunte 1991), but not in Panama (Robertson 1981).
Similarly, at one site at Enewetak Atoll where tidal
flows are minimal, several labroids spawn at a fixed
time each day, while at a nearby site where tidal flows
are stronger, the timing of reproduction shifts daily
while tracking the tidal cycle (Colin and Bell 1991).
Our data suggest that tides can influence the timing of
recruitment for reef fishes, resulting in geographical
variation in recruitment synchrony among locations
where the relative strength or timing of tidal currents
Despite the fact that most benthic marine populations
are open and genetically mixed, behavioral and other
life history traits may vary significantly among pop-
ulations from widely separated geographic locations.
This variation is inherently introduced by local differ-
ences in the expression of proximate environmental
cues. Careful examination of these traits in the context
of variable environmental cues is clearly necessary
both in the identification of critical proximate cues as
well as in understanding ultimate constraints to adap-
tation. Further comparisons of behavioral life histories
among distant locations may reveal the mechanisms by
which open populations adapt to local environmental
conditions. While behavioral plasticity is one solution,
adaptation to common temporally persistent physical
or environmental processes (such as the tidal amplitude
cycle) may be more likely. Less predictable, episodic
features may lend a certain degree of noise to the sys-
tem, but are unlikely to underlie behavioral traits.
Spatial pattern of labrid recruitment to Barbados
Recruitment of labrids to Barbados occurred on an
island-wide scale: pulses of new recruits arrived con-
currently at all sites along the west coast of the island.
The overall pattern of lower juvenile densities at a cen-
tral site along the west coast does not appear to be
determined by large-scale habitat selection or by the
presence of resident fishes. Estimates of early juvenile
mortality for the most abundant labrids indirectly sug-
gest that spatial patterns of recruitment were probably
not greatly influenced by differential mortality rates of
new recruits. For the most common labrids, juvenile
densities 1 wk after recruitment were lower than the
estimated carrying capacity for mature
T. bifasciatum
on several Barbados reefs (0.8–1.2 fishes/m
; Hunt von
Herbing and Hunte 1991). In addition, there was no
correlation between daily mortality rates and initial ju-
venile densities, unlike those reported for older
T. bi-
in Barbados (0–60% monthly mortality, pos-
itively correlated with fish density; Hunt von Herbing
and Hunte 1991). While reported mortality rates are
typically highest during the first few days following
settlement and taper off with time (Victor 1986
, Sale
and Ferrell 1988), it is possible that juvenile
T. bifas-
density in Barbados only impacts survivorship
at later ages.
Because early juvenile mortality is apparently not
density-dependent, and overall labrid recruitment ap-
pears to be unrelated to habitat features and densities
of mature fishes, spatial patterns of recruitment prob-
ably reflect variation in the supply of larvae. Lower
overall densities of labrids at the central site (site 6)
are likely the result of differential larval supply due to
variable nearshore tidal currents. During a concurrent
study on nearshore currents and patterns of larval sup-
ply at Barbados, we demonstrated that the east–west
component of nightly transport by tidal currents is di-
rected offshore at the central site, in contrast to gen-
erally onshore transport at the northern and southern
ends of the west coast (Sponaugle and Cowen 1996
Light traps deployed during this time period collected
a lower abundance and diversity of larval reef fishes
than traps from a northern and southern site (Sponaugle
and Cowen 1996
). Thus, offshore flow near the central
region of the west coast may result in a lower rate of
larval supply to these reefs.
Coupling of behavioral and physical processes can
occur on a variety of temporal and spatial scales to
influence patterns of larval supply and recruitment. The
intersection of these mechanisms must be understood
in order to fully define population boundaries, includ-
ing the identification of sources and sinks of larvae.
Due to consistent flow patterns, certain areas may al-
ways receive lower numbers of larvae. Additionally,
these same flow conditions may result in spatial vari-
ation in the reproductive contribution of adults. Be-
havioral responses to these physical features lend sig-
nificant complexity to the system and call into question
the degree to which particular populations are truly
open. Successful tracking of fish or invertebrate larvae
in the field has proved quite difficult (e.g., Stoner 1990;
G. P. Jones and M. J. Milicich,
unpublished data
), but
remains essential to fully understanding the population
dynamics of most benthic marine organisms.
The results of this study demonstrate that both phys-
ical and biological processes are important to the pop-
ulation replenishment of coral reef fishes. Spatial vari-
ation in physical phenomena such as tidal currents can
lead to consistent spatial differences in the supply of
larvae and subsequent distribution of juveniles. The
May 1997 199
tidal amplitude cycle also appears to be more important
than previously thought in the specific timing of re-
cruitment. Temporal patterns of recruitment are prob-
ably the result of a balance between tidal amplitude
and lunar cues at the time of settlement. However, the
correlation between particular early life history traits
and temporal patterns of recruitment indicates that bi-
ology is also clearly involved. Physiological and be-
havioral differences during larval life differ among
eight closely related fishes, leading to distinct temporal
patterns of recruitment.
The transition between a pelagic and benthic exis-
tence involves a radical change in both physical en-
vironment and the physiological traits necessary for
survival in each environment (Thorson 1950). Because
most marine organisms have complex life histories,
stage-specific adaptation to environmental constraints
is probably a common phenomenon. Due to environ-
mental complexity, the range of solutions to these con-
straints probably varies enormously between the pe-
lagic and benthic realms. A potentially intricate shifting
of life history strategies in response to all of these
constraints must occur rapidly following settlement.
Given the importance of this transition, it is surprising
how very little we currently know about any of the
processes influencing the stages on either side of the
settlement event. Although workers in temperate ma-
rine systems have traditionally focused great attention
on early life history stages in attempt to better under-
stand stock-recruitment issues (e.g., Sissenwine 1984,
Rothchild 1986), until recently, very few studies have
examined the relationship between events occurring
during larval life and subsequent patterns of recruit-
ment in tropical reef fishes (reviewed in Cowen and
in press
). In the present study, we attempted
to bridge this gap and to examine whether events oc-
curring during one phase of the life cycle are related
to patterns evident in a subsequent phase. Our results
demonstrate that aspects of larval life, as reflected in
several early life history traits, are related to recruit-
ment dynamics. We suggest that further work into the
specific linkage between the pelagic larval stage and
the juvenile phase has the potential to reveal the pro-
cesses operating in each environment to control pop-
ulation dynamics. Furthermore, comparative studies
among and within diverse groups of organisms that
experience a similar phase transition between environ-
ments may help isolate general physical processes im-
portant to all marine organisms with complex life cy-
We thank S. Morgan for valuable discussions during all
phases of the work. The comments of R. Cerrato, D. Conover,
L. Crowder, J. Hare, K. Lwiza, S. Morgan, R. Warner, and
two anonymous reviewers substantially improved earlierver-
sions of the manuscript. Additionally, we thank R. Cerrato
and J. Hare for statistical advice. We are gratefulto K. Miles,
J. Hare, and P. Allard for jumping in (literally) as expert
substitute dive buddies when the need arose. Field facilities
were made available by the Bellairs Research Institute of
McGill University and W. Hunte. This research was supported
by National Science Foundation Grant No. OCE-8911120 to
R. K. Cowen and M. J. Bowman. This represents contribution
number 1035 from the Marine Sciences Research Center.
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glewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA.
... Cependant les cas de flexibilité demeurent exceptionnels (Cowen et Sponaugle, 1997 ;Leis et McCormick, 2002). La plupart des espèces de poissons coralliens étudiées présentent des DVP peu variables et les rares variations observées concernent généralement un petit nombre d'individus : 1 % seulement des individus de T. bifasciatum étudiés par Victor (1986c) présentaient une extension de DVP. ...
... Ces stratégies de colonisation ont été retrouvées sur une échelle de temps plus longue. En effet, la plupart des études ayant porté sur la colonisation à l'échelle du mois lunaire constatent que le flux larvaire est supérieur autour de la nouvelle lune (entre le dernier et le premier quartier de lune) qu'au cours de la pleine lune (Victor, 1983 ;Milicich, 1988 ;Milicich et al., 1992 ;Robertson, 1992 ;Dufour et Galzin, 1993 ;Thorrold et al., 1994b ;Caselle et Warner, 1996 ;Kingsford et Finn, 1997 ;Sponaugle et Cowen, 1997 ;McIlwain, 2003 ;Lozano et Zapata, 2003). L'arrivée des larves au moment des nuits les plus sombres serait également une stratégie pour diminuer le risque de prédation. ...
... chapitre Présentation générale, § Cependant, ces cas de flexibilité demeurent exceptionnels (Cowen et Sponaugle, 1997 ;Leis et McCormick, 2002). La plupart des espèces de poissons coralliens présentent des DVP peu variables probablement parce que le risque de prédation augmente au fur et à mesure que se prolonge la phase pélagique et que les performances post-installation de ces poissons s'amenuisent (Leis et McCormick, 2002). ...
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L’étude de l’approvisionnement du lagon de Wallis en larves de poisson a été effectuée entre juin 2002 et juin 2003 à l’aide de filets stationnaires. Au total, 158 espèces appartenant à 42 familles/taxons ont été identifiées au cours de 299 pêches. L’ensemble des 110959 larves capturées était composé principalement de Pomacentridae (34,8%), de leptocéphales (27,7%) et de Ptereleotridae (23,7%). Le suivi temporel, mené au nord de Wallis, a permis de montrer qu’à l’échelle des quartiers de lune et des mois lunaires, la richesse et la composition spécifique étaient peu variables. En revanche, d’importantes variations de l’abondance ont été décelées sur ces échelles de temps. A l’échelle de l’année, aucune tendance n’a pu être extraite des séries temporelles. La plupart des espèces abondantes ont suivi un schéma annuel de colonisation. Ces résultats suggèrent l’absence d’une forte saisonnalité de la colonisation du lagon nord de Wallis probablement liée à l’absence de saisonnalité de la reproduction. Le suivi spatial, mené au nord, à l’est et au sud de Wallis a montré, pour la majorité des espèces étudiées (75%), l’existence de corrélations positives entre les abondances des sites les plus rap- prochés (est et sud, distants de 8 km ou nord et est, distants de 1 5 km). Ce résultat suggère que les événements de colonisation s’opèrent à une échelle spatiale de l’ordre de 8-15 km plutôt qu’à l’échelle de 20 km. Les variations spatiales de la colonisation ont été persistantes à plusieurs échelles temporelles (quartier de lune, mois lunaire et année). Les trois sites ont été colonisés par des assemblages de larves distincts. La sélection active d’un habitat par les larves de poissons, ou l’influence des facteurs hydrodynamiques, pourraient expliquer cette structuration. Le processus de colonisation larvaire n’est pas indépendant des conditions environnementales. Globalement, les liens entre l’approvisionnement larvaire et les variables environnementales (la couverture nuageuse, les précipitations, la vitesse et la direction du vent, la hauteur et la direction moyenne des vagues) ont été significatifs mais faibles. Ces liens apparaissent plus fort lorsque les variations d’abondances sont étudiées par espèce. Il est probable qu’au moment de coloniser, les larves réagissent spécifiquement avec leur environnement selon leurs caractéristiques phénotypiques et ontogéniques
... Губановые не только многочисленная группа рыб коралловых рифов, но и крайне разнообразная по биологии. Это делает их привлекательны-ми объектами для различных сравнительных и других исследований, касающихся экологической и функциональной морфологии и локомоции (Wainwright, 1988;Wainwright et al., , 2004Walker, Westneat, 2002;Collar et al., 2008); размножения, эмбрионального развития и популяционной динамики (Hourigan et al., 1991;Masterson et al., 1997;Sponaugle, Cowen, 1997;Warner, 2005); питания, трофических и иных взаимодействий с другими представителями сообщества (Grutter, 2000;Jones et al., 2004;Bellwood et al., 2006;Nagel, Grutter, 2007;Morton et al., 2008;Lek et al., 2011Lek et al., , 2018Price et al., 2011;Holmes et al., 2012;Holstein et al., 2014;Stier, White, 2014;Kramer et al., 2015). Уточняется систематика и филогения этой важной группы рыб (Westneat, 1993;Streelman, Karl, 1997;Yaakub et al., 2006;Rocha, Bowen, 2008;Cowman et al., 2009;Kazancioglu et al., 2009;Price et al., 2011). ...
... ниже). Но другим назначением такого устройства ноздрей может быть предотвращение попадания в орган обоняния мелких частиц при зарывании рыб в грунт при испуге или для безопасного ночлега, что характерно для исследованных талласом и многих других Labridae (Sponaugle, Cowen, 1997;Lara, 2008;Goemans, 2012). Такое защитное поведение характерно не только для взрослых рыб, но и для молоди, что объясняет относительно раннее формирование трубки передней ноздри и клапана в задней ноздре -уже у личинок и мальков этих рыб к моменту их расселения на рифе. ...
Thalassoma lunare и шестиполосой T. hard-wicke талассом. Орган обоняния имеет две ноздри. Тонкие стенки трубки передней ноздри легко смыкаются, задняя ноздря снабжена клапаном. Обонятельная розетка отсутствует, но имеется обо-нятельный диск и вертикальная перепонка-структуры, ранее не известные для органа обоняния рыб. Диск располагается на дне обонятельной полости в её ростральной части. По поверхности дис-ка проходят небольшие гребни-складки, представляющие собой, по-видимому, рудименты первич-ных обонятельных складок. Выраженность гребней-складок, толщина и форма диска у лунной и шестиполосой талассом различаются. У обоих видов один вентиляционный мешок (лакрималь-ный), он крупный и примыкает снизу к обонятельной полости, вход в него расположен на дне по-лости каудальнее от диска. Предложена схема вентиляции органа обоняния. Обсуждается возмож-ность получения талассомами запаховой информации во время нахождения рыб в грунте при пере-жидании опасности. Ключевые слова: Labridae, Thalassoma lunare, Thalassoma hardwicke, орган обоняния, обонятельная по-лость, обонятельные складки, обонятельный диск, вентиляция органа обоняния.
... A paucity of age-based life history data for tropical reef fish stems from two key sources; 1) a lack of suitably trained scientists and funding for research in many tropical nations and 2) delays in the collection of age-based life history data from tropical fishes due to prior notions that tropical fishes did not deposit annual increments in sagittal otoliths because of a lack of seasonal variation in water temperature (Longhurst and Pauly, 1987;Fowler, 2009). Initial age-based studies of reef fish life history traits dispelled this misconception and showed that the majority of coral reef fishes deposit regular annual increments and have substantially different life histories within and among taxonomic groups (Choat, 1969;Robertson and Choat, 1974;Victor, 1986;1987;Hart and Russ, 1996;Sponaugle and Cowen, 1997;Choat and Robertson, 2002;Robertson et al., 2005;Choat et al., 2009). The evolution of life history characteristics can be explained from a Darwinian perspective, whereby organisms adapt to their surrounding environments (Fisher, 1930;Charnov, 1982;Conover et al., 2005). ...
... Indo-pacific (Dalzell et al., 1996;Houk et al., 2012), yet we know little regarding effects of fishing on life history variation. To date, a disproportionate amount of life history data on tropical labrids has been obtained for parrotfishes and small-bodied wrasses (Choat and Robertson, 1975;Warner et al., 1975;Robertson and Warner, 1978;Warner and Robertson, 1978;Warner and Hoffman, 1980a;Warner, 1982;Sponaugle and Cowen, 1997;Ackerman, 2004;Choat et al., 2006;Hamilton et al., 2008;Taylor et al., 2018). Spatial sampling of demographic variation in large-bodied tropical wrasses has been comparatively limited, despite the perceived vulnerability of these fish to fishing (Fairclough, 2005;Choat et al., 2006;Morton et al., 2008;Caselle et al., 2011). ...
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One of the greatest challenges faced by fishery managers and ecologists is determining the degree to which natural variation in population dynamics (i.e., species abundance and life history traits) are modified by fishing. Multiscale sampling that encompasses temporal and spatial variation in anthropogenic and environmental factors are key to understanding mechanisms that drive population dynamics. To date, our understanding of these processes has been hindered by a lack of spatially explicit demographic information for many fishery targeted species. This is particularly true for multi-species, Indo-Pacific coral reef fisheries that are under increasing levels of exploitation. For example, across Indo-Pacific reefs, large-bodied wrasses are common components of reef fish assemblages and are exposed to increasing levels of exploitation, yet little is known regarding their life histories or drivers of population variability. This thesis was designed to assess the relative effects of environmental variation and fishery exploitation on the demography and ecology of tropical wrasses both spatially and temporally, to determine patterns of demographic variation and population drivers among and within species.
... Simulated larvae were competent to settle starting on day 20 in the "short" PLD simulations, representative of taxa such as the bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) (Sponaugle and Cowen, 1996), as well as several other fishes in the families Labridae and Pomacentridae (Mora et al., 2012;Victor, 1986). In contrast, for the "long'' PLD simulations, simulated larvae were competent to settle starting on day 40, representative of taxa such as the bluehead wrasse ( Thalassoma bifasciatium) (Sponaugle and Cowen, 1997;Victor, 1986), as well as several other species in the families Labridae and Serranidae (Mora et al., 2012). In both cases, larvae remain competent to settle for a period of 10 days. ...
... Because of the complex interaction among larval behavior, PLD, spatial variation in ocean currents, habitat availability, and seascape geomorphology, the same larval vertical behavior can lead to different dispersal and connectivity outcomes, and concomitant population effects, across regions. Therefore, pan-Caribbean species might have regional differences in behavior or PLD [e.g., especially in species that exhibit an extended competency period like the bluehead wrasse (Sponaugle and Cowen, 1997;Victor, 1986)], or distinct population genetic structure across regions (Kool et al., 2010;Selkoe et al., 2014;Truelove et al., 2017). ...
... However, this is not always the case as cryptic ocean barriers, environmental gradients, and temporal oscillations in oceanographic circulation can create unexpected patterns of connectivity and genetic structure across a range of spatial scales (Gilg and Hilbish 2003, Johansson et al. 2008, Treml et al. 2008, Alberto et al. 2011, DeFaveri et al. 2013, Liggins et al. 2013, Xuereb et al. 2018. The effects of these factors on dispersal and gene flow depend on population history (Nesb€ o et al. 2000, Pelc et al. 2009), demography (Dawson et al. 2002), life history (Shulman and Bermingham 1995, Sponaugle and Cowen 1997, Turner and Trexler 1998, and propagule behavior (Pineda-Krch and Fagerstrom 1999, Paris et al. 2007, Pringle and Wares 2007, Woodson and McManus 2007, Cowen and Sponaugle 2009, Morgan and Fisher 2010, Pineda et al. 2010. As a result, comparisons of gene flow patterns between species or across different studies of the same species can be challenging (Bird et al. 2007, Liggins et al. 2013, Sexton et al. 2014). ...
... CPG has been used to examine the role of larval strategies (Lambert et al. 2003, Watts and Thorpe 2006, Barbosa et al. 2013, life history characteristics (Criscione and Blouin 2004), and environmental gradients (White et al. 2011, DeFaveri et al. 2012 in understanding patterns of gene flow in a variety of marine and aquatic systems. Moreover, comparing genetic differentiation between populations of sympatric species with similar life history traits over a limited geographic area has been used to make inferences about dispersal patterns for each species (Shulman and Bermingham 1995, Sponaugle and Cowen 1997, Turner and Trexler 1998, Dawson et al. 2002, Nikula et al. 2011a. CPG has proved to be particularly useful for understanding mechanisms that promote gene flow and population persistence in kelps (Valero et al. 2011, Robuchon et al. 2014, Evankow 2015. ...
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We conducted a population genetic analysis of the stalked kelp, Pterygophora californica, in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, USA. The results were compared with previous work on the genetic differentiation of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, in the same region. These two sympatric kelps share many life history and dispersal characteristics, but also differ in that dislodged P. californica does not produce floating rafts with buoyant fertile sporophytes, commonly observed for M. pyrifera. We used a comparative population genetic approach with these two species to test the hypothesis that the ability to produce floating rafts increases the genetic connectivity among kelp patches in the Santa Barbara Channel. We quantified the association of habitat continuity and oceanographic distance with the genetic differentiation observed in stalked kelp, like previously conducted for giant kelp. We compared both overall (across all patches) and pairwise (between patches) genetic differentiation. We found that oceanographic transit time, habitat continuity, and geographic distance were all associated with genetic connectivity in P. californica, supporting similar previous findings for M. pyrifera. Controlling for differences in heterozygosity between kelp species using Jost's DEST, we showed that global and pairwise differentiation were similar among patches between the two kelp species indicating that they have similar dispersal capabilities despite their differences in rafting ability. These results suggest that rafting sporophytes do not play a significant role in effective dispersal of M. pyrifera at ecologically relevant spatial and temporal scales.
... Events that occur during early life history stages of organisms have profound effects on individual growth and survival and thus have major impacts on species population size (Keefe and Able 1993;Caley et al. 1996;Hunt and Scheibling 1997;Sponaugle and Cowen 1997). Like many benthic and demersal marine organisms, the life history of coral reef fishes includes a pelagic larval phase, followed by metamorphosis and settlement in benthic habitat as a juvenile. ...
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The transition from a planktonic larval stage to a benthic or demersal juvenile stage, “recruitment”, is a crucial event in the life history of coral reef fishes, and has a strong influence on population size. Predation by piscivorous fishes is thought to be the main determinant of recruitment success, and has received the most attention. However, recent studies suggest that recently settled reef fishes are also an important target of micropredation from blood-feeding ectoparasites which may have significant lethal and sublethal effects. In this study, we quantified the relationship between levels of infestation by gnathiid isopods and mortality rates among juveniles of three species of reef fishes as a function of body mass both within and among species. We found that a single gnathiid isopod larva could kill fish of all three species shortly after settlement, up to 0.116 g [18 mm fork length (FL)] in French grunt (Haemulon flavolineatum), 0.027 g (15 mm FL) in masked goby (Coryphopterus personatus) and 0.01 g (9 mm FL) in beaugregory damselfish (Stegastes leucostictus). For juvenile S. leucostictus, we also compared the ability of fish to defend a territory when infested with a sublethal number of gnathiids versus uninfected individuals. Uninfected fish were significantly more likely to win-pairwise contests versus infected fish. These findings suggest that gnathiids can significantly impact juvenile coral reef fish survival, and affect population dynamics well past the settlement stage.
... Zooplankton abundance was lower during neap tide floods, but higher during ebbs. The high zooplankton abundance may be attributed to lower tidal speed which zooplankton can swim against and also that during neap tide night is darker which reduces losses of zooplankton to predation (Sponaugle and Cowen 1997). ...
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The zooplankton community structure was studied in Sungai LukutNegeri Sembilan between February to April 2015. Sampling station included the estuary as well as the river until freshwater (estuarine, brackish and freshwater). Sampling was conducted utilizing a tow net with a 30 cm diameter having a 150 µm-mesh. The zooplankton sampling was conducted during floods and ebbs for both spring and neap tides. Physico-chemical parameters including salinity (estuary=34.17±1.22, brackish=31.79±1.83, freshwater=28.13±5.37), dissolved oxygen(DO) (estuary=104.92±17.30, brackish=91.24±19.02, freshwater=78.23±24.53), temperature (Estuarine=30.01±0.82, brackish=30.27±0.55, freshwater=30.08±0.67), and pH (estuary=8.87±0.71, brackish=8.55±0.80, freshwater=8.42±0.62) were recorded in situ station during sampling utilizing YSI meter model 556 MPS. The density and range of zooplankton during Spring tide for floods and ebbs for nine stations were (mean=215.47±62.59ind.m 3 ; range=117.22 to 306.59) and (mean=223.17±58.20 ind.m 3 ; range=136.99 to 315.75) respectively. Whereas for density and range of zooplankton during Neap tide for floods and ebbs for nine stations were (mean=244.24±58.20 ind.m 3 ; range=159.71 to 321.25) and (mean=297.98±107.52 ind.m 3 ; range=175.46 to 470.35) respectively.The species diversity (H'), species richness (d) and species evenness (J) for neap flooding were H'=2.2; d=6.36 and J=0.68 respectively. For neap ebbing however, the species diversity was H'=2.16, species richness d=6.21 and species evenness was J=0.67 which showed that the evenness stay constant (J=0.6) during neap tide for both flooding and ebbing. Spring tide for flooding showed different reading which were species diversity (H'=2.19), species richness (d=6.44) and species evenness (J=0.68) while for ebbing the species diversity was (H'=2.31), species richness (d=6.49) and species evenness (J=0.71).
... The bluehead wrasse is an ideal study species for this question because they exhibit variation in ELH traits, larval quality, settlement condition and post-settlement behaviour (Sponaugle, Grorud-Colvert & Pinkard 2006;White & Warner 2007b;Hamilton 2008;Hamilton, Regetz & Warner 2008). Thalassoma bifasciatum larvae develop in the plankton for 35-70 days (mean 45 days ;Victor 1986;Caselle & Warner 1996;Sponaugle & Cowen 1997), settle to reefs prior to the new moon and bury in the sand for a period of 3-5 days while they undergo metamorphosis. Daily otolith rings record growth during larval and post-settlement periods, and a distinctive band is deposited during the metamorphic burial period (Victor 1982). ...
Most reef fishes begin life as planktonic larvae before settling to the reef, metamorphosing and entering the benthic adult population. Different selective forces determine survival in the planktonic and benthic life stages, but traits established in the larval stage may carry over to affect post‐settlement performance. We tested the hypothesis that larval traits affect two key post‐settlement fish behaviours: social group‐joining and foraging. Certain larval traits of reef fishes are permanently recorded in the rings in their otoliths. In the bluehead wrasse ( Thalassoma bifasciatum ), prior work has shown that key larval traits recorded in otoliths (growth rate, energetic condition at settlement) carry over to affect post‐settlement survival on the reef, with higher‐larval‐condition fish experiencing less post‐settlement mortality. We hypothesized that this selective mortality is mediated by carry‐over effects on post‐settlement antipredator behaviours. We predicted that better‐condition fish would forage less and be more likely to join groups, both behaviours that would reduce predation risk. We collected 550 recently settled bluehead wrasse ( Thalassoma bifasciatum ) from three reef sites off St. Croix ( USVI ) and performed two analyses. First, we compared each settler's larval traits to the size of its social group to determine whether larval traits influenced group‐joining behaviour. Secondly, we observed foraging behaviour in a subset of grouped and solitary fish ( n = 14) for 1–4 days post‐settlement. We then collected the fish and tested whether larval traits influenced the proportion of time spent foraging. Body length at settlement, but not condition, affected group‐joining behaviour; smaller fish were more likely to remain solitary or in smaller groups. However, both greater length and better condition were associated with greater proportions of time spent foraging over four consecutive days post‐settlement. Larval traits carry over to affect post‐settlement behaviour, although not as we expected: higher quality larvae join groups more frequently (safer) but then forage more. Foraging is risky but may allow faster post‐settlement growth, reducing mortality risk in the long run. This shows that behaviour likely serves as a mechanistic link connecting larval traits to post‐settlement selective mortality.
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Knowledge on the early life history, ecology, and biology of marine species is crucial for future projections of the resilience of coral reef ecosystems and for adequate management strategies. A fundamental component of population dynamics is the recruitment of new individuals, and in some marine populations, this may be a limiting factor. Recruitment peaks of coral reef fishes commonly occur during the warmer months of the year in many subtropical and temperate locations worldwide. In the Red Sea, very little is known about the influence of temperature on reproductive patterns of coral reef fishes and studies on recruitment are missing. The Red Sea is one of the hottest and most isolated tropical seas in the world. We hypothesized that sea surface temperatures (SSTs) during the Red Sea’s hottest season may exceed the optimum for successful recruitment of some coral reef fishes, which therefore has to occur during other, cooler seasons, unlike recruitment among coral reef ecosystems around the world. We identified taxa among fish recruits by matching mitochondrial DNA sequences (using COI, commonly known as “barcoding”) and assessed potential biological and environmental drivers of recruitment. We studied three reefs located along a cross-shelf gradient for 12 consecutive months in the central Red Sea to capture seasonal changes in biotic and abiotic parameters along this gradient. Our results indicated that recruitment peaks did not occur during the hottest SSTs for most taxa, especially at the hottest inshore and mid-shelf reefs, and identified fish recruitment to be mainly and strongly correlated with the biomass of planktonic invertebrates. Moreover, temporal patterns of fish recruitment differed within and among taxonomic families among the reefs.
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Fluctuations in marine populations often relate to the supply of recruits by oceanic currents. Variation in these currents is typically driven by large-scale changes in climate, in particular ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation). The dependence on large-scale climatic changes may, however, be modified by early life history traits of marine taxa. Based on eight years of annual surveys, along 150 km of coastline, we examined how ENSO influenced abundance of juvenile fish, coral spat, and canopy-forming macroalgae. We then investigated what traits make populations of some fish families more reliant on the ENSO relationship than others. Abundance of juvenile fish and coral recruits was generally positively correlated with the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), higher densities recorded during La Niña years, when the ENSO-influenced Leeuwin Current is stronger and sea surface temperature higher. The relationship is typically positive and stronger among fish families with shorter pelagic larval durations and stronger swimming abilities. The relationship is also stronger at sites on the coral back reef, although the strongest of all relationships were among the lethrinids (r = .9), siganids (r = .9), and mullids (r = .8), which recruit to macroalgal meadows in the lagoon. ENSO effects on habitat seem to moderate SOI–juvenile abundance relationship. Macroalgal canopies are higher during La Niña years, providing more favorable habitat for juvenile fish and strengthening the SOI effect on juvenile abundance. Conversely, loss of coral following a La Niña-related heat wave may have compromised postsettlement survival of coral dependent species, weakening the influence of SOI on their abundance. This assessment of ENSO effects on tropical fish and habitat-forming biota and how it is mediated by functional ecology improves our ability to predict and manage changes in the replenishment of marine populations.
Tropical reef fishes, along with many benthic invertebrates, have a life cycle that includes a sedentary, bottom-dwelling reproductive phase and a planktonic stage that occurs early in development. The adult benthic populations occupy disjunct, patchy habitats; the extent of gene flow due to dispersal of the planktonic life stage is generally unknown.
Like many marine organisms, coral reef fishes have complex life cycles — adults are associated with reefs and produce pelagic larvae, which settle back to the reef as juveniles after a period of time. As might be expected from their diversity, coral reef fishes exhibit considerable variation about this generalized complex life cycle, especially with regard to their early life history (i.e. egg, larval and juvenile stages). For example, some coral reef fishes produce pelagic eggs and larvae, and the larvae settle directly to reef habitats as juveniles (e.g. labrids). In other species, the eggs and larvae are pelagic and larvae make the morphological transition to the juvenile stage while in the pelagic zone, prior to settling on reefs (e.g. acanthurids, mullids). In still other taxa, benthic eggs give rise to pelagic larvae that settle directly onto reefs (e.g. pomacentrids, gobiids).