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Performance of hot pepper (Cupsicum annuum) varieties as influenced by nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers at Bure, Upper Watershed of the Blue Nile in Northwestern Ethiopia


Abstract and Figures

A field experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of N and P and evaluate the performance of hot pepper varieties. Treatments comprised three rates of N (0, 46 and 92 kg N ha-1 and three rates of P 2 O 5 (0, 69 and 138 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1) , and three hot pepper varieties (Marako fana, Melka zala and a local variety). The experiment was laid out as a randomized complete block design in a 3 x 3 x 3 factorial arrangement with three replications. The results indicated that the interaction effect of N, P 2 O 5 and variety was significant on many of the parameters considered. Treatments that received fertilizer combination of 92 kg N ha-1 and 138 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 gave maximum fresh fruit yield (10.92 t ha-1)(Mareko fana), highest total dry fruit yield (1.97 t ha-1) and the maximum marketable yield (1.91 t ha-1) in the same variety. Using N and P 2 O 5 fertilizers at the rates of 92 kg N and 138 kg P 2 O 5 ha-1 thus can feasibly be used for obtaining fresh as well as dry pods.
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International Journal of Agricultural Sciences ISSN: 2167-0447 Vol. 3 (8), pp. 599-608, October, 2013.
Available online at © International Scholars Journals
Full Length Research Paper
Performance of hot pepper (Cupsicum annuum)
varieties as influenced by nitrogen and phosphorus
fertilizers at Bure, Upper Watershed of the Blue Nile in
Northwestern Ethiopia
1Amare Tesfaw, Nigussie Dechassa2 and Kebede W/T Sadik3
1Lecturer (Agr. Economics, Horticulture), Debre Markos University, Ethiopia.
2Vice President for Research, Haramaya University, Ethiopia.
3Vice President for Institutional and Development Affairs, Haramaya University Ethiopia.
Accepted 29 august, 2013
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the influence of N and P and evaluate the performance of
hot pepper varieties. Treatments comprised three rates of N (0, 46 and 92 kg N ha-1 and three rates of P2O5
(0, 69 and 138 kg P2O5 ha-1), and three hot pepper varieties (Marako fana, Melka zala and a local variety). The
experiment was laid out as a randomized complete block design in a 3 x 3 x 3 factorial arrangement with
three replications. The results indicated that the interaction effect of N, P2O5 and variety was significant on
many of the parameters considered. Treatments that received fertilizer combination of 92 kg N ha-1 and 138
kg P2O5 ha-1 gave maximum fresh fruit yield (10.92 t ha-1)(Mareko fana), highest total dry fruit yield (1.97 t ha-
1) and the maximum marketable yield (1.91 t ha-1) in the same variety. Using N and P2O5 fertilizers at the
rates of 92 kg N and 138 kg P2O5 ha-1 thus can feasibly be used for obtaining fresh as well as dry pods.
Key words: Generalized linear model, interaction effect, mareko fana, melka zala, (Cupsicum annuum).
The genus Capsicum to which pepper belongs is a
member of the Solanaceae family that consists of about
22 wild species and five domesticated species. The five
domesticated species include C. annum L., C. frutescens
L., C. chinenses, C. baccatum L., and C. pubescens R.
(Bosland and Votava, 2000).
Capsicum species can be divided into several groups
depending on their fruit characteristics ranging in
pungency, color, shape, intended use, flavor, and size.
Despite their vast trait differences, most commercially
cultivated peppers in the world belong to the species C.
annum L. (Smith et al., 1987; Bosland, 1992). C. annum
L. is the most common species cultivated in Ethiopia.
Pepper is the leading vegetable crop produced in the
country. CSA (2011) indicates that dry and green pepper
production in the Amhara region was 60,801.45 t and
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
Tel. +2510931804850
12,118.72 t with average productivity of 2.04 and 9.02 t
ha-1 respectively. On the other hand, the national level
production of dry and green hot pepper was 209,872.12 t
and 57,772.68 t with average productivity of 2.52 and
9.98 t ha-1 respectively. World average green pepper
productivity, on the other hand, was 15.5 t ha-1 compared
to the pepper productivity in Ethiopia (FAO, 2009). Thus,
Capsicum productivity in Ethiopia is far below the world
average that strongly demands immediate productivity
There exists a diverse way of pepper consumption in
Ethiopia. People consume pepper for intake
enhancement as well as to supplement the dietary needs.
It is also one of the major income-generating crops for
most households of the pepper producing areas and it
plays a vital role in food security in Ethiopia (Roukens,
Though Ethiopia is considered a source of pepper
diversity, much work has not been done concerning hot
pepper cultivars improvement. In addition, in the study
area, farmers allocate relatively large areas for production
Tesfaw et al. 599
of pepper, but constrained with a lot of problems. This
could be attributed mainly to nutrient depletion (poor soil
fertility), inappropriate fertilizer utilization (due to an
increase in the price of fertilizers), absence of use of
herbicides, lack of improved and good quality varieties,
poor agronomic practices, poor disease and pest
management, poor harvesting and post harvest practices
(Alemu and Ermias, 2000).
With regard to fertilizer and variety utilization in the
study area, producers are overcome by lack of
knowledge to use the right type and rate of inorganic
fertilizers in combination with the right type of variety and
thus they are not getting good yield. Application of the
right amounts of fertilizers in pepper production has never
been given attention by the growers in areas surrounding
Bure. It is a usual practice to apply nitrogen and
phosphorus fertilizers at the rates of 150 kg ha-1 and 100
kg ha-1 respectively.
In order to improve the production and productivity of
pepper in the study area, and ultimately to improve the
livelihood options of households, it is important to
undertake researches which can seek solutions to the
above problems meet objectives as investigating the
influence of N and P fertilizers on the yield and yield
components of hot pepper varieties and evaluating the
performance of hot pepper varieties with different rates of
these fertilizers.
Description of the Experimental Site
The experiment was conducted at Bure Agricultural
College in Northwestern Ethiopia, which is situated at
10o42' N latitude and 37o4' E longitude. The altitude of
this particular area is 2100 meters above sea level. The
soil type is a mixture of humic nito and eutric vertisols,
which is relatively fine in texture with pH of 5.8. The
annual rainfall and annual mean temperature are 1800
mm and 20oC respectively.
Experimental Materials
Planting materials
The hot pepper varieties used for this study were:
Improved variety (Marako fana)
Improved variety (Melka zala) and
Local variety pepper seed ( a mixed population of
different varieties adapted to the area)
Fertilizer material
Urea [CO (NH2)2] (46% N) and P2O5 were used as a
source of nitrogen and phosphorus respectively.
Treatments and Experimental Design
The treatments consisted of three levels of nitrogen (0,
46 and 92 kg N ha-1), three levels of P2O5 (0, 69 and 138
kg ha-1) and three hot pepper varieties (Marako fana,
Melka zala and a local variety (a mixed population of hot
pepper cultivars inter crossed through time). The
experiment was laid out as a Randomized Complete
Block Design (RCBD) in a factorial arrangement and
replicated three times per treatment.
Plot size was 3 m × 3.5 m =10.5 m2. The spacing
between adjacent plots was 1m. There were five rows per
plot, spaced 70 cm apart and 30 cm in a row. Hence, the
total number of plants per row was 10, and the total
number of plants per plot was 50. Plants in the middle
three rows were used for collecting data, leaving aside
those at the border rows as well as those at both ends of
each row to avoid edge effects.
Experimental Procedures
Soil sampling and analysis
Soil samples were collected from the experimental field
following a zigzag fashion (W-shape) using an auger. Ten
samples were taken from each arm and a total of 40
samples were composited. Then, one composite sample
was taken for the final analysis. The soil sample was air
dried and ground to pass through 2 mm sieve for physical
and chemical analysis of parameters like nutrient
composition, texture and pH. The result showed that the
soil was having C/N ratio (15), organic carbon (3.4%),
available phosphorous (1.97 ppm), total nitrogen content
(0.22%) and pH of 5.8(CaCl2).
Raising and transplanting seedlings
Land preparation for the nursery bed and main field was
done in December and January, 2010, respectively, using
human labour and a tractor. The seed of the cultivar was
drilled by hand onto three nursery beds of 1 m width and
4 m length at the inter-row spacing of 8 cm on March,
2011. After sowing, the beds were covered with dry grass
mulch until emergence and watering the seedlings was
done using watering can.
Transplanting was done on well prepared beds at a
spacing of 70 x 30 cm as recommended by Matta and
Cotter (1994). Seedlings were transplanted in to
experimental plots after 4 to 5 weeks of sowing on
seedbed or when they were about 15 cm high (Lemma et
al., 2008). A week before transplanting, water supply at
the nursery was reduced in order to harden the seedlings
to reduce transplanting shock. Before transplanting, the
seedlings were watered to enhance easy uprooting and
prevent too much root damage.
600 Int. J. Agric.Sci.
Method and time of fertilizer application
In the nursery, half of the nitrogen (0, 23 and 46 kg N ha-
1) was applied at sowing and the remaining half was
applied during active stage of vegetative growth (4 weeks
after transplanting). But for P2O5, all recommended rates
(0, 69,138 kg P2O5 ha-1) were applied at planting time
along the planting row.
Plots were irrigated using boarder irrigation method (to
prevent mixing up of fertilizer rates in different plots) up to
the beginning of the rainy season (late May). All other
recommended cultural practices were performed
uniformly to all plots. The dry pod yield was harvested
beginning from September 15 to October 15, 2011 in
three rounds.
Data Collection
The data collection in this experiment was done on plots
in the three middle rows, leaving aside plants in the
border rows as well as those at both ends of each row.
Days to 50% flowering
This is the number of days taken when 50% of the
selected plants start blooming from the days of
Number of branches
The number of primary, secondary and tertiary branches
from each 10 plants in each plot was recorded at the final
Fruit length and width (cm)
A random sample of 10 pods from each plot at each
harvest was measured using a caliper to record their
length and fruit body width at the middle of each fruit.
This procedure continued until the end of harvest in order
to assess possible size variation throughout the harvest
Fresh fruit yield (kg ha-1)
Weight of fresh fruits harvested at each successive
harvesting from the central rows was recorded, and at the
end of the experiment, all the recorded data were
summed up for estimation of yield per hectare.
Fruit weight and dry matter (%)
Freshly collected 10 sample fruits were weighed and
recorded immediately after each harvest, before
losing weight. During the final period of the experiment, the
fruit fresh weight in each plot was summed up for analysis.
The dry matter (%) of the fruit was taken after drying
sample fruits in an oven at 70oC for 72 hours until
constant weight was attained. For dry matter percent,
200g fruit samples were taken three times for the whole
period of the experiment. The first is conducted during
early period of harvesting, the second at the peak
(middle) of harvesting period, and finally the third at the
end of harvesting.
The dry matter percent was calculated as:
 
 
Where, DM=Dry matter (%)
DW=Dry weight (g)
CW=Container weight (g) and
FW=Fresh fruit weight (g)
Number of fruits per plant
The number of physiologically matured pods from five
randomly taken plants was taken at each successive
harvest and recorded. At the final stage of the
experiment, the overall recorded data were summed up.
Total dry fruit yield (t ha-1)
At each successive harvesting, marketable and
unmarketable yields of dry pods were recorded and the
sum of both parameters was taken for estimating the total
dry pod yield per hectare.
Harvest Index
The total dry fruit yield was used for calculating harvest
index using the following formula:
yieldVegetativeyieldFruit yieldFruit
Where, HI is the harvest index
Dry matter yield of fruits (t ha-1)
The dry matter yield of fruits was taken using 200g of
chopped sample of fruits and by drying in an oven at a
temperature of 70oC until constant weight is attained.
Marketable yield (t ha-1)
The marketable pods were subjectively determined
based on quality ratings. The color of the dry pods,
shininess, presence of surface defects due to insect or
disease damage, pod firmness and size were taken as
visual parameters for marketable rating. The pods which
fulfilled the above criteria were taken as marketable and
those that did not were discarded and considered as
Tesfaw et al. 601
Table 1. Mean values of growth parameters as influenced by the interaction effect.
(kg ha-1)
(kg ha-1)
Number of primary
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Means sharing the same letter within a column are not significantly different at 5% level of significance; *= significant at 5% probability level;** =
significant at 1% level of probability.
Dry biomass yield (t ha-1)
Dry biomass yield was assessed by chopping the entire
plant and drying the samples in an oven at 70oC until
constant weight was attained. This was done three times
(i.e., at each round of harvesting). Then, the mean weight
was taken for analysis and interpretation.
Data Analysis
Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA)
using the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) of SAS
Statistical Software. Significant differences between
treatment means were separated using the Fisher’s LSD
test at P< 0.05 level of significance.
Plant Growth
Days to 50% flowering
The analysis of variance showed that the interaction
effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and variety caused
significant (P<0.01) effect on the number of days required
602 Int. J. Agric.Sci.
Table 2. Interaction effect of N, P2O5 and variety on yield parameters.
(kg ha-1)
(kg ha-1)
Fresh Fruit
(t ha-1)
Fruit Dry
Matter (%)
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Means sharing the same letter within a column are not significantly different at 5% level of
* = significant at 5% probability level;** = significant at 1% level of probability.
for 50% of the plants in a plot to start flowering (Table 1).
The variation in days to 50% flowering in response to the
three way interaction of factors is attributed to the
rationale that time of flowering in pepper is governed by
genetic factors responsible for earliness or prolonged
start of blooming (varietal differences) and the type and
rate of nutrient supply rather than due to the individual or
two way interaction effects of the three factors.
The result indicated that the maximum number of days
for fifty percent of the plants in a plot to flower was taken
by variety Melka zala (99 days) in plots treated with 0 kg
N ha-1 and 0 kg P2O5 ha-1 of the fertilizers (control). On
the other hand, Mareko fana was the earliest to flower
taking 66 days in plots treated with 0 kg N ha-1 and 138
kg P2O5 ha-1.
This is in line with the findings of Sleshi (2011) in his
study of hot pepper variety trial at Jimma, who reported
that the variety Melka zala took longer period (71) days
for 50% the plants in a plot to start flowering. For this
study, the extra number of days required by Melka zala to
flower might have been caused by environmental factors
which may have resulted in extended and continuous
vegetative growth of the variety as it was grown in a
relatively higher altitude as compared to the place where
Tesfaw et al. 603
Table 3. Interaction effect of N, P2O5 and variety on growth on different parameters.
(kg ha-1)
(kg ha-1)
Number of
fruits per
Pod Length
Pod Width
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Means sharing the same letter within a column are not significantly different at 5% level of significance; * = significant at
5% probability level;** = significant at 1% level of probability.
it was particularly adapted (Melkasa). According to
Lemma (2008), the nutrient supply is also responsible for
earliness or late start of blooming. The result showed that
plots that received higher levels of both fertilizers
exhibited prolonged time to commence blooming. For
example, when the level of nitrogen and phosphorus was
increased from 0 kg ha-1, there existed an increase in the
parameter by 2.9% and 2.3% in the M. fana and local
variety respectively.
Number of primary branches
The three way interaction of nitrogen, phosphorus and
variety affected the number of primary branches
significantly (P<0.01) (Table 1). An increase in the
number of primary branches in response to varietal
differences and the applied nitrogen and phosphorus is
due to the accumulation of assimilates in the growing
seedlings that initiates the rise of new primary branches.
Variety is also the major factor that is responsible to
determine the number of primary branches.
The highest number of primary branches (5.60) was
recorded in Melka zala with fertilizer combination of 92 kg
N ha-1 and 138 kg P2O5 ha-1. The minimum number of
primary branches (2.97) was also observed in variety
Melka zala with fertilizer rates of 0 kg N ha-1 and 138 kg
604 Int. J. Agric.Sci.
Table 4. Interaction effects of N and P2O5 on total dry fruit yield and harvest index.
Total dry fruit
(t ha-1)
Harvest Index
N (kg ha-1)
P2O5 (kg ha-1)
Means sharing the same letter within a column are not significantly different at 5% level of significance; * and ** represent level of significance at 5%
and 1% of probability.
P2O5 ha-1. However, the number of primary branches in
all varieties treated with combination of 0 levels nitrogen
and all levels of phosphorus did not show significant
variation. Sileshi (2011) indicated that variety is one of
the major factors determining the number of primary
branches in hot peppers.
Pod length (cm)
Pod length increased significantly (P<0.01) in response to
the interaction effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and variety.
Uptake enhancement as a result of application of
increasing level of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers
increases pod length. The analysis of variance showed
that the maximum pod length (8.29 cm) was obtained
from the variety M. fana from plots treated with 46 kg N
ha-1 and 69 kg P2O5 ha-1 followed by the same variety,
measuring 8.15 cm in plots supplied with N and P
fertilizers at the rate of 92 and 138 kg ha-1 respectively
(Table 3). Similarly, the minimum pod length (5.5 cm)
was recorded for the variety Melka zala with combined
use of 46 kg N ha-1 and 69 kg P2O5 ha-1.
The result of MARC (2005) and Sileshi (2011) are
consistent with the results obtained in this study. In their
findings they reported that the shortest pod length was
recorded for the variety Melka zala, which was 7.00 cm
and 6.78 cm respectively.
The result is in line with the finding of MARC (2005)
which reported that the longest (15cm) and the shortest
(7cm) pod lengths recorded in the varieties M. fana and
local variety respectively. The variations were most
probably being attributed to their inherited traits or the
growing environment.
Pod length is directly related with the amount of
nutrients taken and the vegetative status of the plant. The
result indicated that plots that received higher level of
nitrogen exhibited longer fruits. Parameters of growth and
yield were positively correlated with plant height (except
number of days to fifty percent flowering). This might be
because plants that exhibit vigorous growth
characteristics are those plants that acquired sufficient
amount of essential nutrients. These nutrients in turn are
translocated into the fruits (as sink of nutrients) and result
in fruit enlargement.
Pod width (cm)
Like pod length, pod width can also be influenced by the
nutrient supply (i.e., nitrogen and phosphorus) as well as
varietal differences. The third order interaction effect of
nitrogen, phosphorus and variety significantly (P<0.01)
influenced pod width. This significant interaction effect of
the three factors on fruit diameter might be due to the
reason that the thickness of fruits is influenced by varietal
traits or the nutrient supply in the growing environment.
Fruit diameter is an important quality indicator parameter
in hot pepper markets. The thicker the fruit, the higher will
be the surface area of the pod outweighing the contents
of the seed when it is ground for spice or other
preparations. The maximum cross-section (2.64 cm) of
Tesfaw et al. 605
Table 5. Interaction effect of N, P2O5 and variety on yield parameters.
(kg ha-1)
(kg ha-1)
Dry Matter Yield of
Fruits (t ha-1)
Marketable Yield
(t ha-1)
Dry Biomass
(t ha-1)
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Mareko fana
Melka zala
Means sharing the same letter within a column are not significantly different at 5% level of significance; * = significant at 5%
probability level;** = significant at 1% level of probability .
fruits was recorded in the local variety with fertilizer rates
of 92 kg N ha-1 and 69 kg P2O5 ha-1. The thinnest fruit
(1.87cm) was obtained from the variety Mareko fana
from plots with fertilizer application of 92 kg N ha-1and 0
kg P2O5 ha-1.
The result indicated that plots treated with relatively
higher rates of nitrogen and phosphorus gave fruits with
larger cross-sections. The result is in agreement with that
of Hegde (1997) who reported that application of nitrogen
and phosphorus fertilizers increase pod quality
parameters including pod width in pepper.
The result agrees with MARC (2005), who obtained the
highest value of pod diameter of 2 cm in the variety
Mareko Fana. This pod width difference among varieties
is attributed to variation in dry matter partitioning ability of
plants and the soil fertility status of the growing locations.
Larger and wider hot pepper pods are considered to be
the best in quality and have better demand for fresh as
well as dry pod use in markets (Beyene and David,
When sufficient nutrient supply is available in the soil,
fruits as other vegetative parts of the plant take part in
assimilating portion of the nutrient and would acquire
larger and thicker sizes (Hegde, 1997).
606 Int. J. Agric.Sci.
Yield and Yield Related Attributes
Fresh fruit yield (t ha-1)
The analysis of variance showed that nitrogen,
phosphorus, and variety interacted to influence the
parameter significantly (P<0.01). Fresh fruit yield was
found to increase in response to the combined action of
nitrogen, phosphorus and variety rather than the
individual or two way interaction effects of the three
The highest record for fresh fruit yield was for variety
Mareko fana which was about 10.92 t ha-1 in treatments
that received fertilizer combination of 92 kg N ha-1 and
138 kg P2O5 ha-1 followed by the local variety (10.60 t ha-
1) with fertilizer combination of 46 kg N ha-1 and 138 kg
P2O5 ha-1. On the other hand, Melka zala gave the least
fresh fruit yield, which was about 6.20 in pots treated with
46 kg N ha-1 and 69 kg P2O5 ha-1.
Sleshi (2011) in his variety trial at Jimma found that
Melka zala was low yielding. The low fresh fruit
productivity of Melka zala may be attributed to the less
adaptability and low performance of the variety to the
local environmental conditions. The variety was found to
exhibit abortion of flowers and fruits with a continuous
vegetative growth. This resulted in low fresh fruit yield as
compared to the other varieties.
Bosland and Votava (2000) noted that primary and
secondary branches were locations of fruit buds and thus
foundation of new fruit bud development in hot peppers.
Marko fana and the local variety pepper had relatively
higher number of primary and secondary branches as
compared to the variety Melka zala. Thus, the better total
fresh fruit yield productivity of M. fana and the local
variety might have been the results of these
Fruit dry matter (%)
The interaction effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and variety
affected that parameter significantly (P<0.01). There was
a general increase in fruit dry matter yield with increasing
level of nitrogen and phosphorus. For example, as the
levels of nitrogen and phosphorus were increased from 0
kg ha-1 to 92 kg N and 138 kg P2O5 ha-1, fruit dry matter
increased by 0.79% and 3.31% for the varieties Mareko
fana and Melka zala respectively. The result indicated
that the highest fruit dry matter (31.71%) was recorded
for Mareko fana treated with fertilizer rates of 92 kg N ha-1
and 138 kg P2O5 ha-1. The minimum (27.34%) was
obtained from the variety Melka zala with N and P2O5
combination of 46 kg ha-1 and 69 kg ha-1 respectively
(Table 2).
The variation in dry matter percent of fruits is probably
due to the difference in nutrient accumulation of
photosynthetic products which are transported from
sources (leaves) to fruits. Plants with better stands and
good vegetative growth showed better fruit dry matter
percent. The positive correlation coefficients of growth and
yield parameters with fruit dry matter indicated that fruits
which are longer, wider and having relatively larger number
of fruits resulted in higher fruit dry matter.
Consistent with this result, Hedge (1997), noted that a
comparable size in fruit weight and other yield related
characteristics of Mareko fana and Melka zala varieties. This
might be because of the genetic mix up or intercrossing of
varieties which are grown in the surrounding area. The local
variety used is the collection of different hot pepper varieties
and thus interbred varieties of Mareko fana and other
cultivars Guerpinar and Mordogan (2002) found that pod
dry matter content of peppers was directly related to the
amount of nutrient taken from the soil which also directly
related with the nutrients present in the soil or the amount
of organic and inorganic fertilizers applied.
Fruit weight (g)
Fruit weight was significantly (P<0.01) influenced by the
interaction effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and variety. As
the levels of nitrogen and phosphorus were increased, there
was a significant increment in fruit weight. In Mareko fana,
applying 92kg N ha-1 and 138 kg P2O5 ha-1 resulted in an
increase by 20.65% as compared with the control (Table 2).
The heaviest fruit weight (18.91 g) was recorded in local
variety with combined use of 46 kg N ha-1 and 138 kg P2O5
ha-1 respectively. The next heaviest fruit weight (18.75 g)
was recorded in Melka zala fertilizers combined as 92 kg N
ha-1 and 69 kg P2O5 ha-1. The lightest fruit weight (12.24 g)
was recorded for the Mareko fana with fertilizer combination
of 0 kg N ha-1 and 69 kg P2O5 ha-1. However, the variation
in fruit weight is not only attributed to the change in the
rate of phosphorus but also the simultaneous change in
the rate of nitrogen as the later is mainly responsible for
increase in biomass.
The result implies that the higher the level of phosphorus
used, the better the fruit setting characteristics of the
plant with well developed larger sized fruits as their
content is directly related with the amount of nutrients
taken from the soil.
The increase in pod dry weight in this study is in
conformity with the work of Hedge (1997), Guerpinar and
Mordogan (2002) who reported that pod dry matter
content of peppers was directly related to the amount of
nutrient taken from the soil, which was proportional to the
nutrients present in the soil or the amount of organic and
inorganic fertilizers applied to the soil.
It has also been might have been used and similarity in
agronomic characteristics has resulted.
Number of fruits per plant
There was a significant difference in the number of fruits
per plant due to the three way interaction effect of
nitrogen,phosphorus and variety (P<0.01). As the level of
Tesfaw et al. 607
nitrogen and phosphorus increases, roots can easily
access nutrients and there will be efficient up take. As the
fruits are resource sinks, the development of new fruits
increases. This is also governed by varietal traits
which are responsible for the acquisition of various
numbers of fruits. Thus, the interaction effect of the three
factors outweighed the effects of the above factors in
single or in a two way combination. The result showed
that, the highest number of fruits per plant (23.53) was
recorded for the local variety with combined levels of N
and P2O5 fertilizers of 0 kg ha-1 and 138 kg ha-1
respectively. On the other hand, the Melka zala gave the
least number of fruits per plant, which were 9.60 with N
and P2O5 fertilizers combination of 46 kg ha-1 and 69 kg
ha-1 respectively (Table 3).
Difference in fruit number might have also aroused as a
result of the growing environmental factors and
associated traits. As the number of primary, secondary
and tertiary branches increases, fruit producing buds can
have the chance to develop and give fruits. The number
of fruit can also be affected by fruit abortion. The very low
number of fruits per plant exhibited by the variety Melka
zala may also be related to abortion of flowers and
initiated buds, which was witnessed during the time of
experimentation. Schemske (1980) reported that
pollination can be the main factor limiting fruit
production and resulting in low productivity. The result
is also in line with the work of Adugna (2008) that
treatment combinations that received high level of
nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers (150 kg N ha-1 with 50
kg P2O5 ha-1) gave the highest number of pods per plant
as compared to the yield obtained from the controls.
Total dry fruit yield (t ha-1)
Total dry fruit yield is the sum of the marketable and
unmarketable yield of the dry fruit taken at each
successive harvest. The result indicates that the two
way interaction effect of nitrogen and phosphorus
significantly (P<0.05) influenced the parameter (Table
4). The highest total dry pod yield (1.92 t ha-1) was
obtained from plots that received the maximum (92 and
138 kg ha-1) of N and P2O5 respectively. On the other
hand, with N and P2O5 combinations of 0 and 69 kg ha-1,
the least total dry pod yield (0.37 t ha-1) was recorded. A
general linear increasing trend of total dry fruit yield was
observed in response to increasing level of both
fertilizers. For example, by increasing the level of
fertilizers from 0 kg N to 92 kg N and 138 kg P2O5ha-1,
there exists an increase in total dry fruit yield by 1.5 t ha-1.
Fruits are sites of sinks of nutrients. The main nutrients
supplied (nitrogen and phosphorus) are taken easily by
the plants and are being utilized for the growth and
development of the fruits. This results in formation of
fruits which are bigger in size and number. Thus, the
acquisition of fruits with the above characteristics is
attributed to the combined influence of nitrogen and
The linear relationship between total dry fruit yield and
fertilizer rates indicates that with increasing level of
nitrogen and phosphorus, the nutrient sink (especially
phosphorus) in fruits will be high thereby increasing the
size fruits. At higher levels of both fertilizers, the total dry
fruit yield (1.92 t ha-1) obtained is comparable and even
higher than the total dry fruit yield (1.7 t ha-1) obtained by
Melkasa Agricultural Research Center (2005).
Harvest index (%)
Significant interaction (P<0.05) effect was observed
between nitrogen and phosphorus (Table 4). The result
indicated that the maximum harvest index (25.04%) was
recorded for the local variety with combined level of N
and P2O5 fertilizers of 92 kg ha-1 and 138 kg ha-1 (i.e., a
4.67 increase in harvest index as compared with the
control). On the contrary, the least harvest index
(17.12%) was obtained from the variety M. fana in
treatments with 92 kg N ha-1 and 0 kg P2O5 ha-1. This
indicates that phosphorus is a determinant factor for fruit
yield in pepper.
Plots that were treated with highest level of both fertilizers
gave the higher harvest index values depicting that at
higher rates of nitrogen and phosphorus, fruits have the
chance to take sufficient amounts of these nutrients for
their full development and the acquisition of heavier dry
weight of fruits. Sufficient availability of these nutrients
also enables the plant to acquire higher number of pods
per plant and seeds per pod. This partly contributes the
plant to have higher value of harvest index.
Lemma et al. (2008) reported that with an increase in the
number of seeds per pod, the size of pods increases
linearly. Similarly, Russo (2003) and Aleemulah et al.
(2000) also noted that pod size increases with the
number of seeds per pod. Thus, anything which
contributes to yield directly increases harvest index.
The correlation coefficients of yield and yield related
parameters with harvest index exhibited positive
relationship indicating that any factor that improves yield
related characteristics of varieties can also increase the
harvest index. The strong positive relationship between
yield parameters with harvest index implies that this
parameter is a good indicator of yield or yield related
Dry matter yield of fruits (t ha-1)
The interaction effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and variety
caused significant (P<0.05) effect on dry matter yield of
fruits. An increase in the dry matter yield of fruits with
increasing levels of nitrogen and phosphorus indicates
that sufficient uptake leads to accumulation of nutrients
608 Int. J. Agric.Sci.
(nitrogen and phosphorus) which contribute for the dry
matter yield. The result showed that the highest dry
matter yield (1.69 t ha-1) of fruits was obtained from the
local variety in plots treated with 0 kg N ha-1 and 138 kg
P2O5 ha-1. The next highest dry matter yield of fruits (1.67
t ha-1) was also obtained from the variety the M. fana with
combined level of N and P2O5 fertilizers 92 and 69 kg ha-
1 respectively. The least dry matter yield of fruits (0.68 t
ha-1) was obtained from the variety M. fana in plots that
received 92 kg N ha-1 and 69 kg P2O5.
The result indicated that application of N and P2O5 at
rates of 0 and 138 kg ha-1 in the local variety increased
the dry matter yield of fruits by 24.26% as compared with
the control plots. This increase in dry matter yield of fruits
with increasing level of nitrogen and phosphorus
fertilizers is in conformity with the result of Hegde (1997)
who noted that dry matter yield of pepper fruits is directly
correlated with the amount of nutrient supplied to the
Marketable yield (t ha-1)
The result indicated that there was a significant (P<0.01)
difference in marketable yield in response to the
interaction effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and variety
(Table 5). The marketable yield is a good indicator of the
performance of the variety for undertaking economic
analysis and to choose the best options (highest benefit
cost ratio). The result showed that the highest marketable
yield (1.91 t ha-1) was obtained from variety M. fana in
plots treated with fertilizer rates of 92 kg N ha-1 and 138
kg P2O5 ha-1. On the other hand, from plots treated with
46 kg N ha-1 and 0 kg P2O5 ha-1 the minimum marketable
yield of 0.86 t ha-1 was recorded. This shows that by
applying 92 kg N ha-1 and 138 kg P2O5 ha-1, the
marketable yield can be increased by 51.6% compared
with the control plots.
The variation in marketable yield among pepper varieties
might be due to the genetic makeup (variety), varying
levels of fertilizer treatments and the nutrient status of the
growing environment. Fekadu and Dandena (2006)
reported that the influence of genetic variability and
heritability are necessary in systematic improvement of
hot pepper varieties for fruit yield and related traits.
Marketable pod yield increase in response to addition of
nutrients in nutrient deficient soils (Matta and Cotter,
1994), which agrees with the results of this study that
application of essential nutrients increases vegetative
growth, leaf area, photosynthetic capacity and better
partitioning of assimilate towards the pods. This in turn
had resulted in development of pods which are relatively
healthy, attractive and acceptable in markets.
Dry biomass yield (t ha-1)
The interaction effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and variety
resulted in significant (P<0.01) differences in dry biomass
yield of fruits. As the biomass yield is the total (ground
and above ground) of the entire plant’s yield, significant
differences arose due to the joint effects of the three
factors rather than the individual or two way interaction
The maximum dry biomass yield (8.05 t ha-1) was
obtained from variety M. fana in treatments that received
92 kg N ha1- and 69 kg P2O5 ha-1 respectively. On the
other hand, the minimum dry biomass yield (6.59 t ha-1)
was also recorded in Melka zala with fertilizer levels of 0
kg N ha-1 and 0 kg P2O5 ha-1 (Table 5).
A general increasing trend of dry biomass yield was
observed with increasing level of nitrogen and
phosphorus. For example, when the levels of nitrogen
and phosphorus were increased from 0 kg to 92 kg N ha-1
and 0 kg to 138 kgP2O5 ha-1, the dry biomass yield
increased by 19.12 and 6.7% in the varieties Melka zala
and Mareko fana respectively.
Treatments with better fruit yield did not necessarily give
higher dry biomass yield. This is because there might
have been treatments with vigorous vegetative stand with
larger stems which may contribute to the steerage of
larger dry biomass yield. The maximum dry biomass yield
of Melka zala might be attributed to the extensive
vegetative growth and development of thick stems which
resulted in higher production of dry biomass as compared
to the vegetative growth and the stem morphology of
other (Mareko fana and local variety) pepper cultivars.
Thus, the dry biomass yield as an indicator of better yield
may be misleading in that varieties exhibiting better dry
biomass may not necessarily give better pod (fresh or
dry) yield and this parameter may not be taken a good
indicator of yield or yield related characteristics.
In order to attain better yields in pepper varieties and to
maintain the production level sustainably, studies in the
type and right usage of inorganic fertilizers as well as the
type of varieties are relevant. The research aimed at
observing the influence of nitrogen and phosphorus
fertilizers on yield and yield components as well as
evaluating performance of hot pepper varieties.
The outcome of the experiment indicated that there were
significant interaction effects on many of the parameters
considered. The result also showed that there was an
increase in marketable yield by 24.23% as a result of
application of 92 kg N ha-1 and 138 kg P2O5 ha-1 in
relation to the control. Applying 92 kg N ha-1 and 138 kg
P2O5 ha-1 resulted in highest total fresh fruit yield (10.92 t
ha-1) for M. fana and the minimum (6.20 t ha-1) was
recorded for Melka zala in pots treated with 46 kg N ha-1
and 69 kg P2O5 ha-1. Plots treated with fertilizer rates of
92 kg N ha-1 and 138 kg P2O5 ha-1, gave the highest
marketable yield (1.91 t ha-1) in the variety M. fana.
On the other hand, from plots treated with 46 kg N ha-1
Tesfaw et al. 609
and 0 kg P2O5 ha-1 the least marketable yield of 0.86 t ha-
1 was recorded depicting that by applying 92 kg N ha-1
and 138 kg P2O5 ha-1, the marketable yield can be
increased by 54.0% compared with the control plots.
First and foremost, I thank Dr. Nigussie Dechassa and
Dr. Kebede Weldetsadik, for their unreserved technical
guidance. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the
Amhara National Regional State for granting me the fund.
Finally, I owe my heartfelt gratitude to my beloved wife
Rahel Zegeye and my cute kids Eyuel Amare and
Yordanos Amare, for their motivation, support and
affection for my success.
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... The variation recognized in 2013 production season is due to availability of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil and the nutrient uptake efficiency of variety as compared with the remain three varieties. According toTesfaw et al. (2013) nitrogen and phosphorus can increase fruit length. This result in agreement with Delelegn (2011) that he determined significant variation of fruit length among varieties. ...
... This result in agreement with Delelegn (2011) that he determined significant variation of fruit length among varieties. The lack of significant differences among treatment means grown in 2014 cropping season is due to depletion of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil(Tesfaw et al., 2013).Gonzalez et al. (2001) also reported organic and inorganic fertilizers supplied most of the essential nutrients at growth stage resulting in increase of growth variables including fruit length.Fruit Diameter (FD):Fruit diameter is one of quality measuring parameter. In this experiment significant variation (P<0.01) was observed between treatment means. ...
... al., Vol.// ©International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH [98]discussion, depletion of nutrient from the experimental area due to the first experiment (2013) could be the reason in lack of significant differences among treatment means(Tesfaw et al., 2013). In similar manner,Gebremeskel et al. (2015) also reported that the mean value of fruit diameter can significantly affected by varieties that treated alike.Number of Fruits perPlant (NFPP): There were highly significant differences (P<0.01) was observed among varieties in fruits per plant in both cropping season. ...
Hot peppers are an important cash crop grown in different parts of the world. Hot pepper improvement for processing quality and yield increment being considered as crucial task at most developing country there by to boost the livelihood of producers. Four elite hot pepper varieties such as Marekofana, Odaharo, Backo local and Halaba local were evaluated for fresh, dried and quality traits at Derasheaworeda(Segen Peoples Zone), South-Eastern Ethiopia for two successive years (2013 and 2014). The experiment was laid out under completely randomized block design. The ANOVA result revealed that there were highly significant difference(P<0.01) among varieties on parameters of fruit length, fruit diameter, number of fruits per plant, fresh fruit yield and dried fruit yield in 2013 cropping season. In contrast, no significant differences(P<0.01) were observed among varieties in 2014 cropping season on stand count, fruit length, and fruit diameter. Backo local perform best regarding to fresh and dried fruit yield following Odaharo and Marekofana. The result opens the door for end users to cultivate high yielded variety and create awareness for technology utilization. Hence, producers should have to cultivate Backo local variety for better yield and performance.
... The AMMI model equation [8] is: The statistical package Agrobase [9] was used to run the three models of stability analysis IV. ...
... The cyclic lipopeptides (surfactins, iturins and fengycins), are particularly interesting by the fact of being secreted at bio-effective levels in the natural conditions of the rhizosphere [6,7,8]. Also, bacillaenes, macrolactines, and chlorotetaines are polyketides with a high range of antibacterial and antifungal activities [4,9]. This antibiotic arsenal and the high ability to colonize roots probably explain the high biocontrol potential of the Bacillus genus in vitro and under natural conditions, [10,11,12,13]. ...
... This variation might be due to inherited differences in variety. This result agrees with that of Amare et al. (2013) who reported that maximum number of days for fifty percent of the plants in a plot to flower was taken by variety Melka Zala (99 days) in plots treated with 0 kg N ha -1 and 0 kg P 2 O 5 ha -1 of the fertilizers (control). Seleshi (2011) and Melaku et al. (2015) indicated that earliness or lateness in the days to 50% flowering could be affected by inherited characters. ...
... The increase in plant height in second year could be mainly due to better availability of soil nutrients in the growing areas, based on the varietal variability to absorb nutrients from the soil (Vos and Frinking 1997;El-Tohamy et al 2006).The result of variation in days to flowering agrees with that of Amare et al (2013) who reported that maximum number of days for fifty percent of the plants in a plot to flower was taken by variety MelkaZala (99 days) from seeding date. Seleshi (2011) and Melaku et al (2015) indicated that earliness or delayed in the days to 50% flowering could be affected by inherited characters. ...
... In the same line, Kawarkhe et al (1989) found maximum fruit length in Jwala (9.6 cm) but Dhakal et al (2006) found the fruit length of Jwala (5.50 cm) that is shorter than this study. Similarly, Amare et al (2013) reported that fruit diameter could also be influenced by variety in the growing environment. In line with this study, Mebratu et al (2014) reported that increased yield attributed to the enhanced pod length, pod width and pod wall thickness. ...
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The study was carried out to evaluate and select high yielding, insect pest and disease resistant hot pepper genotypes with preferred characters at open field conditions for central mid-hills of Nepal in 2018 and 2019. Seedlings of six hot pepper genotypes AVPP9905, AVPP9813, AVPP0506, Suryamukhi, Pusa Jwala and Kantipure were transplanted on April first week at Khumaltar, Lalitpur. Crop geometry was maintained with the 60 x 60 cm in randomized complete block design with three replications and fertilized with 150:120:100 NPK kg + 20 ton FYM per hectare. Observations were recorded on vegetative growth, insect pest and disease, yield attributing parameter and response of consumers and farmers. Among the tested genotypes, AVPP9905 showed superior performance that was vigoros, earliest days to flowering (41) and fruit set (47 days), least insect damage (2.0), least disease; alternaria leaf spot (1.8 ), higher number of fruits per node (1.25), superior yield (26.19 t/ha) and 960 g per plant. Consumers and farmers preference were 4.4 and 4.5.and the maximum fruit size was 18.7 g. The second superior cultivar was AVPP0506 which showed vigor (4.0), medium days to flowering (44.3) and fruit set (49 days), less insect damage (2.2), less disease; alternaria leaf spot (2.1), higher number of fruits per node (1.3), superior yield (14.28 t/ha) and 548 g per plant, consumers (3.8) and farmers preferred (4.8). Hence it could be generalized that introduced genotypes from the world Vegetable Centre, Taiwan were more promising than local check cultivars (Pusa Jwala and Kantipure) in terms of growth, fruit yield and insect pest and disease resistance, and farmers and consumers preference. These two genotypes are recommended for cultivation in central mid-hills of Bagmati Province in open field conditions.
... The highest fruit number in local variety was most likely due to the fruit bearing capacity of the variety and more branch formation nature which leads to contain high number of fruits plant -1 . In line with this result, Amare et al. (2013) found different fruit number plant -1 due to variety differences. Furthermore, Seleshi et al. (2014) reported that number of fruits plant -1 was highly significantly affected by the interaction of variety by location. ...
... The variation in marketable yield of these varieties could be due to their differences in genetic characteristics and agro ecological adaptability nature which is in line with the findings of Fekadu et al. (2008) who reported that the magnitude of genetic variability and heritability are necessary in systematic improvement of hot pepper for fruit yield and related traits. It was also in conformity with the report of Amare et al. (2013) ...
... The variation in dry matter content of fruits/pods is probably due to the variation in the nutrition status by which maximum fertilization especially in nitrogen source leads to vegetative growth and less dry matter accumulation. This result is in line with the findings of Tesfaw et al. (2013) who revealed that plants with better stands and good vegetative growth showed better fruit dry matter percent. The same author reported that the positive correlation coefficients of growth and yield parameters with fruit dry matter indicated that fruits which are longer, wider, and having relatively larger number of fruits resulted in higher fruit dry matter. ...
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Hot pepper is one of the most important vegetables and spice crops cultivated in many parts of the world including Ethiopia. The crop is known for its nutritional value and as spice. It’s productivity is low due to low availability of soil nutrients. Much research was conducted to investigate the response of pepper to inorganic fertilizers such as DAP and Urea. However, information about the effect of Blended fertilizers such as NPSB and its combination with Urea is scanty. This research was therefore conducted to investigate the response of hot pepper to blended NPSB and urea fertilizer rates at Kobo, North Wollo. Four rates of NPSB (0, 100, 200, and 300 kg ha⁻¹) and four rates of urea (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg ha⁻¹) in factorial combination were laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The results revealed that the interaction effect of NPSB and urea was significant on many of the parameters considered. Treatments that received fertilizer combination of 300 kg NPSB ha⁻¹ and 150 kg urea ha⁻¹ gave the tallest plants (79.76 cm) and maximum number of pods per plant (45.50), while Treatments that received fertilizer combination of 200 kg NPSB ha⁻¹ and 150 kg urea ha⁻¹ gave the highest total pod fruit yield (30.08t ha⁻¹) and maximum marketable yield (29.48 t ha⁻¹) in the study area. Application of combined 200 kg ha⁻¹ NPSB and 150 urea kg ha⁻¹is recommended for production of hot pepper at Kobo and similar agroecologies as the highest net benefit (3548.86 US$) with relatively high marginal rate of return (2258.91%) were recorded. However, as the present study was done only in one location for one season, it would be worthwhile to repeat it in order to arrive at a sound conclusion.
... The major challenges of red pepper production are lack of improved varieties, pure seed supply and susceptibility of local varieties to diseases. Numerous diseases exist at each growth stage of pepper by bacteria, fungi, insects and pests, which emerged as serious threat of this crop in the major producing areas (Alioto et al., 2020;Tesfaw et al., 2013). ...
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Red pepper is most widely consumed food in the world and easily damaged by mycotoxic fungi during growing, harvesting, transporting, storage and processing stages. Red pepper is susceptible to degradation by aflatoxins-producing fungi which have serious health effects on humans and livestock. Therefore, in this study, the levels of aflatoxin (B1, B2, G1 and G2) were determined and the potential health risk in red pepper samples collected from selected districts of Amhara Region, Ethiopia, were evaluated. The levels of AFB1, AFG1, AFB2 and AFG2 were ranged from 2.51–63.20, 0.96–5.29, 1.71–32.79 and 0.53–2.04 µg/kg, respectively. Among 18 investigated red pepper samples, 44.5% (8 samples) contaminated with aflatoxins. All the contaminated red peppers contained AFB1 and AFG1. Three-fourth (75%) of the total aflatoxins detected in red pepper were greater than maximum permissible levels set by European Union (10 µg/kg). Estimated Daily Intake (EDI) ranged from 0.00013 to 0.015800 µg/kg b.w/day. The Margins of Exposure (MOE) values for all aflatoxins were far from the safe margin (< 10,000), indicating potential health risk due to red pepper consumption. Therefore, public institutions, non-governmental and private organizations should give attention in order to raise awareness of aflatoxins’ effects on human health.
... A variety of Marako Fana hot pepper have been used. Four level of NPS fertilizer (0, 100, 200, 300kg N ha -1 ) and four level of FYM (0, 2.5,5,7.5, 10 t ha -1 were allocated to the study area and a total of 20 treatments. The research has shown that FYM and NPS fertilizer interacts to affect suggestively (P<0.05) ...
Hot peppers are crucial vegetable crops in Ethiopia grown widely. Research regarding the nutritional and beneficial objectives of the pepper plant is very inadequate. Accordingly, a field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of NPS and FYM fertilizer on production at the Dambi Dollo, Western Ethiopia. The study was organized by Complete Randomized Block Design with three replication. A variety of Marako Fana hot pepper have been used. Four level of NPS fertilizer (0, 100, 200, 300kg N ha-1) and four level of FYM (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 t ha-1 were allocated to the study area and a total of 20 treatments. The research has shown that FYM and NPS fertilizer interacts to affect suggestively (P<0.05) most parameters excluding unmarketable yield which is affected by the single effect of NPS and FYM. The maximum commercial pod yield (2.19 t ha-1) and entire pod harvest (2.62 t ha-1) was noted through NPS fertilizer rates of 100 kg ha-1 applied including 5 t ha-1 of FYM. Thus, it is possible to conclude that hot pepper growers can use NPS fertilizer rate of 100 kg ha-1 with 5 t ha-1 of FYM that would improve productivity of the hot peppers in the study area.
... Similar result was also reported by Delelegn et al. (2014) who found a wide range of variation on marketable fruit yield (5.11 -19.00 qt ha -1 ) for nine varieties of hot pepper varieties. Tesfaw et al. (2013) also obtained significant fresh fruit yield difference (6.42 and 10.92 t ha -1 for Melkazala and Marecofana varieties) of hot pepper varieties evaluated in Bure, Northwestern Ethiopia. Moreover, Awole et al. (2011) found a wide range of mean marketable yield variation (6.6-20.0 ...
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The molecular mechanisms underlying the variation in N-use efficiency (NUE) in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) genotypes are poorly understood. In this work, two genotypes (750-1, low-N tolerant; ZCFB, low-N sensitive) with contrasting low-N tolerance were selected from 100 pepper cultivars on the basis of their relative leaf areas, shoot dry weights, root dry weights, and plant dry weights at the seedling stage. Subsequently, using RNA-Seq, the transcriptome of these two pepper genotypes under N starvation for 28 days was analyzed. We detected 2621/2470 and 3936/4218 different expressed genes (DEGs) in the leaves/roots of 750-1 and ZCFB, respectively. The changes in the expression of basic N metabolism genes were similar between 750-1 and ZCFB. However, different DEGs not directly involved in N metabolism were identified between the 750-1 and ZCFB cultivars. In 750-1, 110 unique DEGs were detected in the leaves, of which 103 were down-regulated, including genes associated with protein metabolism, photosynthesis, secondary metabolism, cell wall metabolism, stress response, and disease resistance. In ZCFB, 142 unique DEGs were detected in the roots, of which 117 were up-regulated, resulting in enhancement of processes such as protein degradation, secondary metabolites synthesis, lipid metabolism, endocytosis, the tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA), transcriptional regulation, stress response, and disease resistance. Our results not only facilitate an understanding of the different regulatory process in low-N-tolerant and low-N-sensitive pepper cultivars, but also provide abundant candidate genes for improving the low-N tolerance of pepper cultivars.
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Erwin (2) made the first attempt to classify pepper cultivars for horticultural purposes in 1932. Both the cultivars now used and our knowledge of this plant have changed greatly, so that Erwin's classification has little value at the present time.
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Reproductive success, indexed by pollinaria removal and fruit production, increases dramatically with flowers per inflorescence in the pollinator-limited orchid, Brassavola nodosa. Many-flowered inflorescences are very rare in nature, despite their apparent selective advantage. I suggest low survivorship as the counter-selective force responsible for the dominance of one-flowered inflorescences (54% of population) which have the highest probability of total reproductive failure (78%) and fruiting failure (92%). That plants do not delay flower production until a more successful floral display can be produced illustrates the importance of tradeoffs in the evolution of life-history characteristics.
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There is little known about how cultural methods affect yields of nonpungent jalapeño peppers (Capsicum annuum L.). Seedlings of the nonpungent jalapeño peppers 'Pace 103', 'Pace 105', 'Pace 108', 'Dulce', and 'TAM Sweet2', as well as the pungent jalapeño peppers 'Delicias' and 'TAM Jalapeño1', used for comparison, were grown in a greenhouse with either one or two seedlings per cell in transplant trays. Transplanting to the field was in mid-April and mid-June of 2000 and 2001. In-row spacing was 0.46 m between transplanting sites. Density was varied by placing either one or two seedlings at a transplant site with resultant plant densities of 24,216 or 48,432 plants/ha. Marketable and cull yields, on a per hectare basis, were determined. In both years there were more fruit produced, and higher yields (25+% greater), at the higher plant density, especially for the mid-April planting. The exception for the mid-April planting date was 'TAM Jalapeño1', which was not different at the two densities. If the increased income from higher yield can compensate for the cost of producing two seedlings in each transplant tray cell, then this technique should be employed when these types of peppers are used in early plantings.
Capsicum, a New World genus, has a richness in diversity that has not received much attention. Along with tomato and potato, chile is one of the important New World crops belonging to the Solanaceae family. The Capsicum fruits are popular and used in cuisines from all over the world. There are many different cultivars, forms, and uses of Capsicum. Most cultivars grown in the United States belong to one species, Capsicum annuum. The species is divided into groups based on fruit shape, flavor, and culinary use. Unfortunately, there is confusion about the names associated with the various fruit types. This article attempts to reduce some of the confusion. Whatever the name, there can be no argument that Capsicum is an amazing plant genus.
Although thought of as a minor crop, peppers are a major world commodity due to their great versatility. They are used not only as vegetables in their own right but also as flavourings in food products, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. Aimed at advanced students and growers, this second edition expands upon topics covered in the first, such as the plant's history, genetics, production, diseases and pests, and brings the text up to date with current research and understanding of this genus. New material includes an expansion of marker-assisted breeding to cover the different types of markers available, new directions and trends in the industry, the loss of germplasm and access to it, and the long term preservation of Capsicum resources worldwide.
Thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Jimma Uninversity, Ethiopia
  • Msc
MSc.Thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Jimma Uninversity, Ethiopia. Pp.38-39.
Report on Area and Production of Crops
CSA (Central statistical Authority) (2011). Agricultural Sample Survey. Vol. I. Report on Area and Production of Crops. Statistical Bulletin,361p. Addis Ababa, July 2006. FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) (2004).
Nutrient Requirement of Solanaceaeous Vegetable Crops
  • Zmir
  • Turky
  • Isofar
Zmir.( on 25 September 2011. Hegden DM (1997). Nutrient Requirement of Solanaceaeous Vegetable Crops.
The effect of different compost applications on organically produced red peppers (Capsicum annum L.). Republic of Turkey
  • A Guerpinar
  • N Mordogan
Guerpinar A, Mordogan N (2002). The effect of different compost applications on organically produced red peppers (Capsicum annum L.). Republic of Turkey. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs. Aegean Agricultural Research Institute,