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Genetics of the peloponnesean populations and the theory of extinction of the medieval peloponnesean Greeks


Abstract and Figures

Peloponnese has been one of the cradles of the Classical European civilization and an important contributor to the ancient European history. It has also been the subject of a controversy about the ancestry of its population. In a theory hotly debated by scholars for over 170 years, the German historian Jacob Philipp Fallmerayer proposed that the medieval Peloponneseans were totally extinguished by Slavic and Avar invaders and replaced by Slavic settlers during the 6th century CE. Here we use 2.5 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms to investigate the genetic structure of Peloponnesean populations in a sample of 241 individuals originating from all districts of the peninsula and to examine predictions of the theory of replacement of the medieval Peloponneseans by Slavs. We find considerable heterogeneity of Peloponnesean populations exemplified by genetically distinct subpopulations and by gene flow gradients within Peloponnese. By principal component analysis (PCA) and ADMIXTURE analysis the Peloponneseans are clearly distinguishable from the populations of the Slavic homeland and are very similar to Sicilians and Italians. Using a novel method of quantitative analysis of ADMIXTURE output we find that the Slavic ancestry of Peloponnesean subpopulations ranges from 0.2 to 14.4%. Subpopulations considered by Fallmerayer to be Slavic tribes or to have Near Eastern origin, have no significant ancestry of either. This study rejects the theory of extinction of medieval Peloponneseans and illustrates how genetics can clarify important aspects of the history of a human population.European Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication, 8 March 2017; doi:10.1038/ejhg.2017.18.
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Genetics of the peloponnesean populations and
the theory of extinction of the medieval
peloponnesean Greeks
George Stamatoyannopoulos*,1, Aritra Bose2, Athanasios Teodosiadis3, Fotis Tsetsos2, Anna Plantinga4,
Nikoletta Psatha5, Nikos Zogas6, Evangelia Yannaki6, Pierre Zalloua7, Kenneth K Kidd8, Brian L Browning4,9,
John Stamatoyannopoulos3,10, Peristera Paschou11 and Petros Drineas2
Peloponnese has been one of the cradles of the Classical European civilization and an important contributor to the ancient
European history. It has also been the subject of a controversy about the ancestry of its population. In a theory hotly debated by
scholars for over 170 years, the German historian Jacob Philipp Fallmerayer proposed that the medieval Peloponneseans were
totally extinguished by Slavic and Avar invaders and replaced by Slavic settlers during the 6th century CE. Here we use 2.5
million single-nucleotide polymorphisms to investigate the genetic structure of Peloponnesean populations in a sample of 241
individuals originating from all districts of the peninsula and to examine predictions of the theory of replacement of the medieval
Peloponneseans by Slavs. We nd considerable heterogeneity of Peloponnesean populations exemplied by genetically distinct
subpopulations and by gene ow gradients within Peloponnese. By principal component analysis (PCA) and ADMIXTURE analysis
the Peloponneseans are clearly distinguishable from the populations of the Slavic homeland and are very similar to Sicilians and
Italians. Using a novel method of quantitative analysis of ADMIXTURE output we nd that the Slavic ancestry of Peloponnesean
subpopulations ranges from 0.2 to 14.4%. Subpopulations considered by Fallmerayer to be Slavic tribes or to have Near Eastern
origin, have no signicant ancestry of either. This study rejects the theory of extinction of medieval Peloponneseans and
illustrates how genetics can clarify important aspects of the history of a human population.
European Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication, 8 March 2017; doi:10.1038/ejhg.2017.18
Peloponnese was peopled by a series of migrations that spanned
almost nine millennia. Early migrants arrived from Anatolia ca
9000 BCE1,2 and established in the peninsula several Neolithic
sites.2The Myceneans3who developed an advanced Bronze Era
civilization, either migrated from the north around 2200 BCE4,5 or
were the descendants of the original Neolithic migrants.1The next
migration took place at the beginning of the rst millennium BCE
with the invasion of Peloponnese by the Dorian Greeks, referred in
the Greek tradition as the return of the Heraclids.6The subsequent
14 centuries were marked by quantitative changes of the popu-
lation due to wars and epidemics but no qualitative effects from
migrations of new population groups. Changes in population
structure started in the beginning of the medieval period with the
migrations of the Slavs to the Balkans.7,8 The effects of these
migrations have dominated the historiography of Peloponnese
during the last 170 years.
In 1830 CE, the German historian Jacob Philipp Fallmerayer
presented his theory of disappearance of the Greek nation and its
substitution by Slavs.9Fallmerayer proposed that during the 6th
century CE, large armies of Avars and Slavs overran the Balkans and
eliminated the populations of the Hellas, who up to that period had
successfully survived the attacks of barbarians and the religious
suppression by the Byzantines. The Peloponnesean Greeks, except
for few remnants enclosed in coastal castles, were slaughtered or
forced to leave and Peloponnese was inhabited by Slavic tribes. The
Slavs kept their identity for few centuries but eventually they were
Hellenized under the inuence of the Orthodox Church and interac-
tions with Hellenized Asia Minor populations who were settled in
Peloponnese by the Byzantines. Since the time Fallmerayerstheory
was published, a debate on the question of the ancestry of Pelopon-
neseans has raged among historians (reviewed in Curta,10). Of note is
that in spite of their diametrically different views, all historians have
been using the same medieval written sources.
Controversies are rather common in historiography and result
to endless debates among scholars. Controversies concerning
the ancestry of populations can potentially be resolved by
genetic analysis. In this paper, we use genome-wide data to study
the genetic structure of the Peloponnesean populations and
compare them with other populations of the world. We observe
Division of Medical Genetics, Departments of Medicine and Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA;
Department of Computer Sciences, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, Indiana;
Altius Institute for Biomedical Sciences, Seattle, WA, USA;
Department of Biostatistics, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA;
of Hematology, Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA;
Department of Hematology, George Papanicolaou Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece;
Graduate Studies and Research Lebanese American University, Beirut, Lebanon;
Department of Genetics, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA;
Division of
Medical Genetics, Department of Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA;
Departments of Medicine and Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece
*Correspondence: Professor G Stamatoyannopoulos, Division of Medical Genetics, Departments of Medicine and Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Box 357720,
Seattle, WA 98195, USA. Tel: +206 543 3526; Fax: +206 221 5112; E-mail:
Received 13 September 2016; revised 14 December 2016; accepted 22 January 2017
European Journal of Human Genetics (2017), 19
Ofcial journal of The European Society of Human Genetics
Figure 1 Substructure of the Peloponnesean populations. (a) Map of Peloponnese showing the populations studied. Each dot corresponds to the origin of a
participant. (b) PCA illustrating the separation of Peloponneseans in three groups. On the left is placed the population of Tsakones (north: open circles,
south: green dots). On the right are placed the populations of Maniots (Deep Mani, East and West Tayetos.). All the remaining Peloponneseans are clustered
in the center. (c) PCA analysis without the Maniot and Tsakones populations showing a partial separation of the population of Laconia. (d) IBD analysis
illustrating the separation of Peloponneseans in three subpopulations. The color indicates the log10 of the average proportion of genome shared IBD between
individuals in two populations, where higher values (less negative; red color) indicates a higher pairwise proportion of genome shared IBD, and lowervalues
(more negative; yellow color) indicates a lower proportion of genome shared IBD. (e) ADMIXTURE analysis. Notice the distinct structure of the Maniots and
the Tsakones and their clear cut separation from all other Peloponneseans in all values of K.
Genetics of the Peloponnesean Populations
G Stamatoyannopoulos et al
European Journal of Human Genetics
characteristic patterns of genetic differentiation within Pelopon-
nese, we examine their possible causes and we focus on the
question of the impact of Slavic migrations on the genetic structure
of the Peloponnesean populations. Our results reject the theory of
extinction of medieval Peloponnesean Greeks and their replace-
ment by Slavic and Asia Minor settlers.
Design of the study and populations studied
The study has been reviewed by the Institutional Review Board of the
University of Washington and the ethical committees of several provisional
hospitals. We focused on the rural population. We analyzed a total of 241
samples genotyped with the Illumina Innium Omni 2.58 arrays. This is a
Figure 2 Genetic similarity of Peloponneseans, Sicilians and Italians. PCA analysis of several European populations. (a) Notice the north to south distribution
of the populations and that the Peloponneseans are placed to the far right of the graph and overlap with the Sicilians. (b) PCA analysis of Southern European
populations illustrating the close relationship between Peloponneseans Sicilians and Italians (TSI is an Italian population) (c) Network analysis illustrating the
high connectivity between the Peloponnesean populations as well as between the Peloponneseans, the Sicilians and the Italians. Notice the distance
between Peloponneseans and the Slavic, and Near Eastern populations. Peloponneseans are connected with the Near Eastern populations through Crete and
Genetics of the Peloponnesean Populations
G Stamatoyannopoulos et al
European Journal of Human Genetics
novel data set collected under the auspices of our study. Subjects were included
in the study if all four grandparents originated from the same village or from
villages that were o10 kilometers apart. The ages of most participants ranged
between 70 and 90 years (the oldest subject was 107 years old); hence their
grandparents were born between 1860 and 1880. In the 1861 census the
population of Peloponnese was 578 598 individuals. At that time the economy
of Peloponnese was exclusively agricultural and over 85% of the population was
living in small villages and hamlets. We sampled all the districts of Peloponnese
(Figure 1a and Supplementary Table 1) and also focused on two culturally
distinct subpopulations, the Tsacones and the Maniots. To compare the
Peloponneseans with other populations we analyzed samples from published
data sets and data sets generated by our studies (Supplementary Table 2 and
Supplementary Figure 1). Merging genotypes from different sources and quality
control were done as described.11
Identity by descent
The data used for the identity by descent (IBD) analysis were derived from data
sets listed and referenced in Supplementary Table 2. Two individuals share a
genomic segment identical by descent if they have inherited the segment
intact from a common ancestor, without intervening recombination. Allele
strand, reference and alternate alleles were aligned with the 1000 Genomes
European populations (CEU, GBR, TSI, FIN and IBS) using the conform-gt
utility ( prior to run-
ning Beagle. Marker exclusion criteria were unconrmed strand orientation,
minor allele frequency o1%, HardyWeinberg P-value o106,and42%
missing data. After applying these criteria, 560 891 SNPs were used for the IBD
We used the Rened IBD algorithm implemented in Beagle 4.1(ref. 12) to
phase the data and infer IBD segments. We set niterations =160 and used
default values for all for all other parameters, including requiring a LOD score
of 3, which means that the probability of the observed genotype data for a pair
of samples in the inferred IBD segment is at least 1000 times greater under an
IBD model than under a non-IBD model. Based on the software recommenda-
tions and marker density, we set ibdtrim =22. We used the HapMap genetic
map to infer genetic length and excluded IBD segments with length o2cM,
since rened IBD has a low false-positive rate when using this threshold.12
R13 was used to generate plots and summarize IBD distributions. The heat
map summarizes average pairwise IBD between chromosomes from different
individuals in the populations being compared (see footnote 4 in
Supplementary Table 3 for details), where higher average pairwise IBD indicates
a closer genetic relationship between populations.
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
We used Eigenstrat14 as well as our own MatLab implementation of PCA.15,16
Estimating population admixture
We used the ADMIXTURE v1.22 software for all our admixture analyses.17
Cross validation errors of ADMIXTURE analysis ranged between 0.420.47
(Figure 1e), 0.550.58 (Figure 2c) and 0.560.62 (Figure 4d) with smaller error
at K=2.
Quantitative analysis of ADMIXTURE output
Given a target population X and reference populations Y, Z and so on, we were
interested in quantifying the amount of ancestry of population X that is
captured by populations Y, Z and so on. Towards that end we devised a new
approach to quantitatively analyze the output of ADMIXTURE. Recall that
ADMIXTURE, for a particular value of K, will represent each sample using K
coordinates. Thus, for a particular value of Kand for a particular population Y
with nsamples, we can represent the output of ADMIXTURE for this
population as an n-by-Ktable. Then, for each reference population Y, we
summarize this n-by-Kmatrix using its top right singular vector only; in all our
analyses, the top singular value corresponding to the top right singular
vector captured at least 80% of the reference population variance as represented
by ADMIXTURE. Let vYbe the top right singular vector (a K-dimensional
vector) for population Y; similarly, let vZbe the top right singular vector
(a K-dimensional vector) for population Z and so on. Now that we have
represented the ADMIXTURE output for each population as a K-dimensional
signature vector, we can apply standard vector space calculus in order to answer
our original question: how much of the ancestry of population X is captured by
population Y, or population Z and so on. More specically, in order to
compute the percentage of the ancestry of population X that is captured by
population Y, we compute the percentage of the norm of VXthat is captured
(in projection sense) by vY. Formally, we compute
which returns a value between zero and one. In the above, VXdenotes the
m-by-Kmatrix representing the m samples of population X with respect to
the Kcoordinates returned by ADMIXTURE. The notation vþ
Yindicates the
pseudoinverse of the vector vY, which is equal to the transpose of the vector vY,
suitably normalized. It is also worth noting that the norm used in the above
equation is the standard matrix Frobenius norm. In order to quantify the
amount of ancestry of population X that is captured by both populations Y and
Z, we form the K-by-2 matrix V=[vYvZ] whose columns are the vectors vYand
vZand we compute
In the above equation, V+denotes the pseudoinverse of the matrix V;the
matrix VV+is a projector on the subspace spanned by the column space of V.
Thus, we basically extract from the matrix VXthe part of VXthat is captured by
the (subspace spanned by the) vectors vYand vZ.
Network analysis
To better visualize and understand the connection between the populations
included in our study, we performed a network analysis on the results of
ADMIXTURE, using a method presented in reference.11
The substructure of the Peloponnesean populations
On PCA analysis the populations are arranged in the form of an
inverted capital letter V (Figure 1b). The left of this formation is
occupied by the population of Tsakones who inhabit the east slopes of
Mount Parnon and the adjacent costal area (Figure 1a). The right of
the formation is occupied by the populations of Maniots who inhabit
the east and west slopes of mount Tayetos and the southern area
of the promontory, the so called Deep Mani (Figure 1a). All other
Peloponneseans cluster in the tip of the letter V (Figures 1b and c).
The ADMIXTURE analysis of Figure 1e shows that the Maniots and
Tsakones are clearly separated from each other and from all other
Peloponnesean populations. Correlations between geographic coordi-
nates and the two principal components (Table 1) are compatible with
Table 1 Correlations between geographic coordinates and principal
Populations Latitude correlation Longitude correlation
All Peloponnese 0.50 (PC1) 0.41 (PC2)
Peloponnese minus Tsakonia and Mani 0.49 (PC1) 0.09 (PC2)
Arcadia 0.60 (PC1) 0.12 (PC2)
Laconia 0.45 (PC1) 0.07 (PC2)
Ionian Sea Coast 0.31 (PC2) 0.06 (PC1)
Elis 0.17 (PC1) 0.10 (PC2)
Arcadia and Messenia 0.34 (PC2) 0.16 (PC1)
Arcadia and Laconia 0.36 (PC2) 0.20 (PC1)
Deep Mani 0.15 (PC2) 0.21 (PC1)
East Tayetos and Deep Mani 0.67 (PC1) 0.10 (PC2)
West Tayetos and Deep Mani 0.73 (PC1) 0.42 (PC2)
aThe respective principal component is indicated in parenthesis.
Genetics of the Peloponnesean Populations
G Stamatoyannopoulos et al
European Journal of Human Genetics
gradients in gene frequencies from north to south across all
Peloponnese, along the Ionian coast, across Arcadia, as well as within
Laconia and between the slopes of Tayetos and Deep Mani.
IBD analysis (Figure 1d) conrms the existence of distinct
Peloponnesean subpopulations. In the populations of Maniots,
individuals share on average 0.25% of their genome (or 35
36 cM) identical by descent, with 95% of pairs of individuals
sharing at least one IBD segment (Supplementary Table 3).
Similarly, the two Tsakones populations have a very high average
pairwise IBD sharing of 0.66% of their genome, or 94 cM; every
pair of individuals shares at least one IBD segment. Laconia is fairly
closely related to both Deep Mani and to the Tsakones, based on
the darker blue for those pairings in the heat map of Figure 1d. The
heat map also revealed a larger separation between the southern
and northern Peloponnesean populations, with the populations of
Arcadia, Messenia, Elis, Achaea, Corinthia and Argolis forming
their own subgroup. Corinthia and Argolis are the most strongly
related (by IBD) of this subset of populations, sharing nearly 10 cM
Genetic similarity with Sicilians and Italians
As anticipated from the results of previous studies,1820 the Pelopon-
neseans are genetically placed very close to the Sicilians and Italians
(Figures 2a and b) but they differ from several other populations we
compared them (see Supplementary Figure 2). Network analysis
(Figure 2c), highlighted the interconnections of Peloponnesean
populations as well as the connections between Peloponneseans,
Italians and Sicilians; in this network analysis, Sicilians and Italians
serve as a bridge between Peloponneseans and other European
populations (Basque, Andalusians and French). Slavic populations
are placed far away from the Peloponneseans as are the Near Eastern
populations. The latter are connected to the Peloponnesus via the
islands of Crete and the Dodecanese.
Testing the theory of extinction of the medieval Peloponnesean
This theory allows a specic prediction about the genetic ancestry of
the Peloponneseans: the great majority, if not all, of Peloponnesean
ancestry should be Slavic. We compared, the Peloponneseans (except
Figure 3 Testing the theory of replacement of medieval Peloponesians by Slavs and Asia Minor settlers. (a) PCA analysis shows the broad separation of
Peloponneseans from four populations of the Slavic homeland (Ukrainians, Polish, Russians and Belarusians). (b) PCA comparisons of the Peloponneseans
with three Greek-speaking Asia Minor populations shows only partial overlap with the population of the Asia Minor Aegean coast. (c)ADMIXTUREanalysis
illustrates the wide separation of Peloponneseans from the Slavs in all values of K.
Genetics of the Peloponnesean Populations
G Stamatoyannopoulos et al
European Journal of Human Genetics
for Maniots and Tsakones) with populations of the Slavic homeland
from which the sixth century Slavs should have originated. The exact
location of the Slavic homeland is debated7,8 butitisplacednorthof
Danube,7between the Oder and Dnieper rivers and includes areas
inhabited by Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian populations.
PCA analysis showed a clear separation of Peloponneseans from the
Slavic populations (Figure 3a). By ADMIXTURE analysis (Figure 3c)
the Peloponneseans and the Slavic populations form separate clusters
with a small degree of gene ow from the Slavic to the Peloponnesean
Fallmerayer hypothesized that the Hellenization of the Peloponne-
sean Slavs was accelerated by the transfer to the Peloponnese of
Hellenized populations from Asia Minor.9We tested this hypothesis
by comparing the Peloponneseans with three Greek-speaking popula-
tions of Asia Minor: a western-coastal population sample extending
from the Propontis in the north to Alikarnassos (Bodrum) in the
south; a northern population from Pontus, that is, the coast of Black
Sea and the Asia Minor interior corresponding to the current northern
Turkey; and a central Anatolian population from Cappadocia. All
these populations are separated from the Peloponneseans by PCA
(Figure 3b). The small degree of overlap between Peloponnese and the
population of the Asia Minor coast (Figure 3b) is expected for
neighboring Greek populations. The Byzantines frequently moved
Armenians to achieve political objectives21 and Fallmerayer proposed
that Armenians were included in the populations transferred to
Peloponnese by the Byzantines. Peloponneseans differ from the
Armenians by PCA and ADMIXTURE analysis (Supplementary
Figure 3). Collectively, these results are incompatible with the theory
of extinction of the medieval Peloponneseans and their replacement by
Slavic and Asia Minor settlers.
The medieval ancestry of the populations of Mani
The Maniots differ from all other Peloponneseans by PCA (Figure 1b)
and ADMIXTURE (Figure 1e) analysis. They also differ from main-
land, island and Asia Minor Greek populations (data not shown) and
from all the other populations of Supplementary Figure 4, which have
been compared by PCA analysis, but they partially overlap with the
Sicilians and the Italians.
In his treatise on the administration of the Byzantine Empire,22 the
Emperor Constantin Porphyrogenitus describes how two Slavic tribes,
Figure 4 Testing the hypothesis of Slavic origin of culturally distinct Peloponnesean populations. PCA comparisons of (a) The Maniots of Deep Mani (b)The
Maniots of Tayetos (c) The Tsakones, with populations of the Slavic homeland (Ukrainians, Polish, Russians and Belarusians). Notice the broad separation
between the Slavs and the Peloponnesean populations. (d) ADMIXTURE analysis shows the complete separation of Maniots and Tsakones from the Slavs in
all Kvalues.
Genetics of the Peloponnesean Populations
G Stamatoyannopoulos et al
European Journal of Human Genetics
the Mellingi and the Ezeritae, were forced by the Byzantines to
withdraw to the slopes of Tayetos. The Mellingi continued to be
mentioned in the Peloponnesean history untill the 15th century.23
Because of the writings of Porphyrogenitus we sampled separately
the populations of the East and the West slopes of the Tayetos and the
Deep Mani. By PCA (Figure 4a) and ADMIXTURE (Figure 4d) the
populations of Tayetos are distinct from the populations of the Slavic
homeland. Fallmerayer argued that the inhabitants of Deep Mani are
of Slavic origin.9PCA (Figure 4b) and ADMIXTURE (Figure 4d)
analyses makes this hypothesis unlikely.
As an alternative origin of the Maniots, Fallmerayer proposed that
they are descendants of Mardaites.9This medieval warrior tribe used
to inhabit the mountainous regions between Asia Minor and Syria
but in late seventh century CE was resettled by the Byzantines in
Asia Minor and other areas of the Empire.24 The Mardaites have
disappeared from history but oral tradition claims that they are the
ancestors of the Maronites of Lebanon, although this claim has been
disputed.25 PCA and ADMIXTURE analyses failed to show any close
relationship between Maniots and the Maronites (Supplementary
Figure 5).
The question of Slavic ancestry of Tsakones
The Tsakones of the eastern slopes of Mount Parnon differ from all
other Peloponneseans (Figures 1b and e) and from all other popu-
lations of Supplementary Figure 6 we have compared them. They used
to speak a dialect of Doric origin26 which was not comprehended by
the other Peloponneseans. Their name was considered by medieval
authors to represent a corruption of the word Lacones (Tsakones =
Lacones). Fallmerayer argued against a Doric origin of the Tsakones
and, instead, proposed that they were the descendants of a Slavic tribe
that had migrated to Peloponnese before the ood of the Slavic settlers
reached the peninsula. PCA (Figure 4c) and ADMIXTURE (Figure 4d)
analyses argue against this hypothesis.
Quantitative assessment of the ancestry of Peloponneseans
To quantify the ndings of the ADMIXTURE analyses, we employed a
method for the meta-analysis of the ADMIXTURE output that treats
the output as a set of vectors in a K-dimensional space (for a particular
value of Kbetween four and eight). Each population is then
summarized by a single vector (using PCA) and vector space calculus
is used in order to identify the percentage of ancestry of a target
population that is captured by one or more reference populations.
Notice that our choice to summarize each population by a single
vector is akin to computing the mean ADMIXTURE output for a
particular population. In most cases, ADMIXTURE returns a homo-
genous structure for a particular population and thus the top principal
component is a good summary of the sample vectors returned by
First we focused on the ADMIXTURE analysis of Figure 3c which
includes seven Peloponnesean populations (Argolis, Corinthia,
Achaea, Elis, Arcadia, Messenia and Laconia), four Slavic populations
(Belarusians, Russians, Polish and Ukrainians), three Southern
European populations (Italians, Basque and Andalusians) and the
French. The results of Table 2 show that there is considerably more
shared ancestry between the Peloponneseans and the French, Anda-
lusians and Italians compared to the shared ancestry between the
Peloponneseans and the Slavic populations. The average shared
ancestry with French ranges from 39 to 42%; with Andalusians from
53 to 62%; and with the Italians from 85 to 96%. In contrast, the
average shared ancestry with the Slavic populations is always o15%.
Therefore, the Peloponneseans are genetically much more distinct
from the Slavic populations and are much more similar to Southern
European populations. We also observe that the Basques, (a popula-
tion that is well-known to be isolated and genetically different from
even its neighboring Iberian populations) are very distinct from all
populations in our analysis. This is precisely why we included them in
these ADMIXTURE meta-analyses: on average Basques share o4% of
common ancestry with any Peloponnesean population. Notice that
this number is relatively close to the average ancestry shared between
the Peloponnesean populations and the Belarusians, Polish and
Ukrainians. All these populations share between 5.2 and 8.5% of
common ancestry with the Peloponnesean populations. These Slavic
populations are, from a genetic perspective, approximately as far apart
from the Peloponneseans as are the Basques.
Table 2 Shared ancestry between Peloponnesean populations and Slavic, Italian and other European populationsa
Belarusians Russians Polish Ukrainians French Italians Basque Andalusians
Argolis 5.4 (1.5) 12.2 (1.2) 5.8 (0.8) 6.8 (1.1) 39.1 (19.2) 94.7 (4.8) 2.8 (1.4) 60.5 (5.9)
Corinthia 5.9 (1.7) 13.0 (1.3) 6.3 (1) 7.5 (1.3) 41.2 (18.5) 94.9 (4.0) 3.1 (1.7) 62.0 (5.9)
Achaea 6.5 (1.7) 13.8 (1.1) 7.0 (0.8) 8.1 (1.1) 41.4 (18.4) 94.8 (4.0) 2.7 (1.4) 61.3 (5.8)
Arcadia 5.3 (1.8) 10.9 (2.4) 5.2 (1.2) 6.2 (1.5) 39.1 (18.2) 85.4 (14.6) 2.4 (1.4) 53.8 (9.1)
Elis 6.1 (1.3) 13.1 (1.2) 6.5 (0.8) 7.6 (1.1) 41.4 (18.3) 95.0 (3.3) 3.3 (1.7) 61.6 (5.6)
Messenia 6.7 (1.7) 14.4 (1.2) 7.3 (0.9) 8.5 (1.2) 42.6 (18.4) 95.2 (4.0) 2.7 (1.3) 61.8 (5.7)
Laconia 4.8 (1.2) 11.4 (1.5) 5.2 (0.9) 6.4 (1.1) 41.1 (14.6) 96.1 (2.3) 2.3 (1.4) 59.8 (5.6)
aThe rst number for each pair of populations indicates the average shared ancestry for values of Kbetween 4 and 8, while the number in parenthesis indicates the s.d.
Table 3 Shared ancestry between the populations of Mani and Tsakonia and Slavic, Italian and other European populationsa
Belarusians Russians Polish Ukrainians French Italians Basque Andalusians
Deep Mani 0.7 (0.1) 1.6 (0.7) 0.9 (0.4) 1. 0 (0.3) 6.4 (3.5) 25.3 ( 21.7) 0.3 (0.2) 7.6 (5. 1)
West Tayetos 4.9 (5.1) 8.6 (6.9) 6.8 (5.4) 6.5 (5.7) 16.4 (12.7) 41.5 (32.5) 0.6 (0.5) 15.2 (11.1)
East Tayetos 5.7 (3.4) 10.9 (4.0) 7.9 (3.7) 8.0 (3.7) 27.7 (4.8) 58.0 (20.7) 2.0 (1.4) 27.0 (4.3)
North Tsakonia 3.9 (1.7) 8.2 (2.1) 5.0 (2.2) 6.0 (2.2) 26.7 (3.5) 51.2 (4.6) 1.5 (1.1) 26.9 (3.5)
South Tsakonia 0.2 (0.0) 0.9 (0.4) 0.4 (0.1) 0.6 (0.2) 4.1 (2.9) 14.2 (11.0) 0.2 (0.1) 5.3 (3.8)
aThe rst number for each pair of populations indicates the average shared ancestry for values of Kbetween 4 and 8, while the number in parenthesis indicates the s.d.
Genetics of the Peloponnesean Populations
G Stamatoyannopoulos et al
European Journal of Human Genetics
We next determined the shared ancestry between the ve distinct
Peloponnesean populations (Deep Mani, West and East Tayetos,
North and South Tsakonia), the Slavs, the southern European
populations, the French and the Basque. The ADMIXTURE plot of
Figure 4d and the data of Table 3 show that the amount of shared
ancestry between these ve Peloponnesian populations and the
Slavic populations is very low. The ancestry Deep Mani shares with
Belarusians, Polish and Ukrainians ranges from 0.7 to 1.0%. East and
West Tayetos share from 4.9 to 8.6% ancestry with the three Slavic
populations which is ve to eight times higher than that of Deep Mani
but lower to the ancestry the other Peloponnesans share with the Slavs.
Slightly lower, compared to the other Peloponneseans, is the ancestry
shared between West/East Tayetos and the Russians (8.610.9%). The
ancestry North and South Tsakonia shares with the Slavs ranges from
4 to 8% and 0.2 to 0.9%, respectively. Compared to the very low
ancestry shared with the Slavs, South Tsakonia and Deep Mani share
14 and 25% ancestry with the Italians. North Tsakonia, East and West
Tayetos share from 41 to 57% ancestry with the Italians. Again, the
Basques are isolated from the ve Peloponnesean populations.
Our analysis of the genetic ancestry of the Peloponnesean populations
and their relationships with the Slavs and other Europeans settles a
historical controversy that has persisted for over 170 years. This
controversy illustrates the problems historians face in their efforts to
reconstruct population history on the basis of inadequate written
sources. Fallmerayer based his theory of extinction of the medieval
Peloponnesean Greeks on the writings of few early and two middle-
medieval Byzantine authors. The early sources were very short
comments in texts of 6th and 7th century historians and ecclesiastic
authors.9The middle-medieval documents were a letter by an eleventh
century Patriarch of Constantinople and the writings of tenth century
Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus. Fallmerayerstheorycreated
sensation among historians. An early rebuttal was published by the
Greek historian Paparrigopoulos27 who examined the same sources
Fallmerayer have used to construct his theory and reached different
conclusions, that is, that the Slavs did not reach the Greek proper
during the sixth century and, when they arrived, they did not slaughter
the local population. The many historians who have contributed to the
very extensive literature on this topic during the last century (partially
summarized in Curta10 and Zakythenos28) usually either accept or
reject the theory of extinction of the Peloponnesean Greeks. It seems
that personal philosophies inuence the historiansjudgment. Fall-
merayer was an educator and journalist turned historian, a liberal
intellectual for his time and a slavophobe who feared the increasing
inuence of Russia in the Balkans at the expense of the Ottoman
Empire. Paparrigopoulos was a Greek historian who was promoting
the idea of the continuity of the Greek ethnicity during the medieval
period. The ndings of our study settle these issues and provide a
direct test of the theory of the extinction of the medieval Peloponne-
sean Greeks. It is clear that the Slavs settled in Peloponnese, as the
quantitative measurements of Slavic ancestry indicate (Tables 2 and 3).
It also seems that their numbers were relatively small compared to the
size of the local population as the low levels of Slavic ancestry of the
Peloponnesean populations indicate.
In his book on the Administration of the Empire22 Constantin
Porphyrogenitua describes the wars between the Byzantines and two
Slavic tribes, who initially had settled the lowland Laconia but were
forced to withdraw to the security of the slopes of the mount Tayetos,
in order to avoid subjugation to Byzantine rule. Porphyrogenitus tells
us that the slopes of Tayetos were Slavic lands; however, our analyses
show low levels of Slavic ancestry in the populations of Tayetos.
The most reasonable interpretation for the discrepancy between
the medieval text and the genetic data is that the size of the Slavic
settlements in the slopes of Tayetos was small and the Slavic
population was diluted by migrations from Deep Mani during the
subsequent centuries. Despite its inhospitable environment, Deep
Mani was densely populated29 and there is historical evidence for
high mobility and migrations of Maniots.30 Ageneow path from
Deep Mani to the slopes of Tayetos is also suggested by our PCA
analysis and the correlations between geographic coordinates and
principal components.
The striking difference between the Tsakones and the remaining
Peloponneseans on PCA and ADMIXTURE analysis can be attributed
to isolation by distance. Geographic isolation explains the retention of
their dialect. In ancient times the land of Tsakones, then called
Cynouria, was inhabited by Doric speaking Ionians6and because of its
geography was most likely isolated from the other Peloponneseans.
Isolation by distance is also the likely explanation of the ndings in the
populations of Mani. Porphyrogenetus in his writing about the Slavs
of Tayetos also asks what happened to the ancient inhabitants of
Laconia, the Hellenes, who continued to adhere to the ancient Greek
religion.22 He nds them withdrawn in the inhospitable, agriculturally
poor and rocky area of southern Tayetos, the area which we refer to
here as the Deep Mani. Ancient DNA studies could perhaps test
whether there is any relationship between Maniots and ancient Lacons
or between Tsakones and ancient Ionians.
The authors declare no conict of interest.
This study was supported with funds from the Lucille P Markey Charitable
Trust to GS; National Science Foundation grants to PD; Altius Institute for
Biomedical Sciences to JS; ARISTEIA II Programme and NSRF 20072013
grant to PP; and NIH HG008359 grant to BLB. AP was supported by the NSF
Graduate Research Fellowship Program DGE-1256082. The content is solely the
responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the ofcial views
of the National Institutes of Health. We wish to thank the following physicians
and health center personnel for their invaluable help during the eld study.
Arcadia: P Bourtzoukli, Argolis: D Kostakis, P Kambosos, E Spyropoulou,
Achaia: N Razis, A Kouroukli-Symeonidou, S Fokas, P Theodoropoulos,
Corinthia: K Farmaki, E Chaniotakis, P Theodoropoulou, K Karakonstantis,
TLygeros,Elis: D Pavlopoulou, I Lentzos, G Paraskeva, N Choundras,
H Arvanitakis, G Stavropoulou, Mani: A Mariolis, P Lykousas, Messenia:
I Adamopoulos, S Hideriotis, M Rentoulis, D Sotiropoulos, Laconia: M Tsironi,
G Sakelariadis, A Vasimbosis, S Arahoviti, S Alevizou, P Andrianopoulos,
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2PerlesC:The Early Neolithic in Greece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
3 Chadwick J: The Mycenean World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1976.
4HookerJT:The Coming of the Greeks. Claremont: Regina Books, 1999.
5 Gimbutas M: Proto-Indo-European culture: the kurgan culture during the fth,
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Supplementary Information accompanies this paper on European Journal of Human Genetics website (
Genetics of the Peloponnesean Populations
G Stamatoyannopoulos et al
European Journal of Human Genetics
... Examining the genome of modern populations and ancient remains (archaeogenetics) has also proven to be of great importance for linguistics, as it sheds light on the origin and transmission of various languages, such as the dispersals of the Indo-Europeans from the Caspian steppes to the rest of Europe and South Asia [54,55], the Bantu expansion [56], the transmission of Uralic languages into Asia and Europe [57,58], and the entry of Celtic speech into Britain [59]. In a Balkan context, several studies have examined the introduction of Greek into Greece [60], the possible relationship between the Daunians of Italy to populations from the West Balkan Iron Age [61], the migrations of the Arbëreshë to Italy [62], and the ancestry contribution of Slavs to the present-day peoples of the Balkan peninsula [63,64]. ...
... Genetics and historical records may provide some insights on how zάμπια may have entered the Maniot vocabulary. The inhabitants of Mesa Mani have negligible Slavic ancestry [63], and this region is one of the candidate areas to have been first inhabited by the Maniots when they fled there during the Slavic invasions [119]. On the contrary, Exo Maniots derive a significantly higher proportion of their ancestry from the Slavs compared to Mesa Maniots [63]. ...
... The inhabitants of Mesa Mani have negligible Slavic ancestry [63], and this region is one of the candidate areas to have been first inhabited by the Maniots when they fled there during the Slavic invasions [119]. On the contrary, Exo Maniots derive a significantly higher proportion of their ancestry from the Slavs compared to Mesa Maniots [63]. Based on the above data, the most parsimonious explanation is that when the Maniots expanded from their probable cradle in Mesa Mani to the foothills of Taygetos (today's Exo Mani), they encountered the last remaining populations of the Melingoi, with whom they interacted, and perhaps, eventually assimilated. ...
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The common toad (Bufo bufo) has been the subject of many folk tales and superstitions in Western Europe, and as a result, it is characterised by numerous common names (zoo-nyms). However, the zoonyms of the toad and its associated traditions have remained unex-plored in the Balkans, one of Europe's linguistic hotspots. In the present study, it was attempted to fill this knowledge gap by focusing on Greece, where more than 7.700 individuals were interviewed both in the field and through online platforms, in order to document toad zoonyms from all varieties and dialects of Greek, as well as local non-Greek languages such as Arvanitika, South Slavic dialects, and Vlach. It was found that the academically unattested zoonyms of the toad provide an unmatched and previously unexplored linguistic and ethnographic tool, as they reflect the linguistic, demographic, and historical processes that shaped modern Greece. This is particularly pertinent in the 21 st century, when a majority of the country's dialects and languages are in danger of imminent extinction-and some have already gone silent. Overall, the present study shows the significance of recording zoo-nyms of indigenous and threatened languages as excellent linguistic and ethnographic tools that safeguard our planet's ethnolinguistic diversity and enhance our understanding on how pre-industrial communities interacted with their local fauna. Furthermore, in contrast to all other European countries, which only possess one or only a few zoonyms for the toad, the Greek world boasts an unmatched 37 zoonyms, which attest to its role as a linguistic hotspot.
... f4 analysis showed a higher allele sharing of modern Caucasus individuals with present-day Central Europeans than with South-Eastern Europeans, possibly as the result of Bronze Age migrations (Table S1). The first two PCs in the PCA highlight genetic similarities between Southern Italians and the majority of the analysed Greek populations, with the only exception of the Peloponnesian groups (for sample location see Fig. S2) previously identified as peculiar groups [39], which form a tight cluster also when the third PC is evaluated (Fig. S3). In order to further dissect the degree of affinity between populations across the Adriatic Sea, we applied a clustering approach on the first ten PCs of a PCA performed on a subset composed of 682 modern-day individuals (Fig. 1B, Fig. S4). ...
... Similarly, one individual (out of 17) from Calabria and two Sardinians (out of 24) were assigned to a cluster (cl. 5) composed mainly of the Deep Mani and Taygetos samples, which were previously described as populations that had experienced genetic drift [39]. ...
... Uniparental Y-chromosome findings are also in agreement with these observations revealing Eastern Peloponnesian ancestries in East Sicily [33] and shared haplogroups among modern-day Greeks and populations living in Southern Italian areas colonised by Greeks such as the Salento (Apulia) and the Ionian coast of Calabria [60]. The lower affinity with other Balkan populations could be attributed to a lower influence by inland populations, such as Slavic-related people [61] and/or genetic drift in Tsakones and Maniots as suggested by historical sources [39]. However the observation that, in some analyses, Southern Italians and ancient Greeks share more alleles than modern and ancient Peloponnesians, may suggest a scenario including the preservation of an ancient population signal in the genome of Southern Italians that was likely diluted by inland migrations in Greece (Fig. 3). ...
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Southern Italy was characterised by a complex prehistory that started with different Palaeolithic cultures, later followed by the Neolithization and the demic dispersal from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe during the Bronze Age. Archaeological and historical evidences point to a link between Southern Italians and the Balkans still present in modern times. To shed light on these dynamics, we analysed around 700 South Mediterranean genomes combined with informative ancient DNAs. Our findings revealed high affinities of South-Eastern Italians with modern Eastern Peloponnesians, and a closer affinity of ancient Greek genomes with those from specific regions of South Italy than modern Greek genomes. The higher similarity could be associated with a Bronze Age component ultimately originating from the Caucasus with high Iranian and Anatolian Neolithic ancestries. Furthermore, extremely differentiated allele frequencies among Northern and Southern Italy revealed putatively adapted SNPs in genes involved in alcohol metabolism, nevi features and immunological traits.
... It is made (Table S2). The first two PCs in the PCA highlight genetic similarities between Southern Italians and the majority of the analysed Greek populations, with the only exception of the Peloponnesian groups (for sample location see Fig. S2) previously identified as outliers (39), which form a tight cluster also when the third PC is evaluated (Fig. S3). In order to further dissect the degree of affinity between populations across the Adriatic Sea, we applied a clustering approach on the first ten PCs of a PCA performed on a subset composed by 682 individuals (Fig. 1B, Fig. S4). ...
... Similarly, one individual (out of 17) from Calabria and two Sardinians (out of 24) were assigned to a cluster (cl. 5) composed mainly of the Deep Mani and Taygetos samples, which were previously described as populations that experienced genetic drift (39). ...
... CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license available under a (which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made (39). Therefore, our results imply a high affinity between Southern Italians and Peloponnesians possibly abrupted very recently by major events of migrations and/or admixture as the one recorded during the Middle Age period (58). ...
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Southern Italy was characterised by a complex prehistory that started with different Palaeolithic cultures, later followed by the Neolithic transition and the demic dispersal from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe during the Bronze Age. Archaeological and historical evidence points to demic and cultural influences between Southern Italians and the Balkans, starting with the initial Palaeolithic occupation until historical and modern times. To shed light on the dynamics of these contacts, we analysed a genome-wide SNP dataset of more than 700 individuals from the South Mediterranean area (102 from Southern Italy), combined with ancient DNA from neighbouring areas. Our findings revealed high affinities of South-Eastern Italians with modern Eastern Peloponnesians, and a closer affinity of ancient Greek genomes with those from specific regions of South Italy than modern Greek genomes. The higher similarity could be associated with the presence of a Bronze Age component ultimately originating from the Caucasus and characterised by high frequencies of Iranian and Anatolian Neolithic ancestries. Furthermore, to reveal possible signals of natural selection, we looked for extremely differentiated allele frequencies among Northern and Southern Italy, uncovering putatively adapted SNPs in genes involved in alcohol metabolism, nevi features and immunological traits, such as ALDH2, NID1 and CBLB.
... Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that GM individuals map close to the Tuscan (TSI) and Iberian (IBS) 1000 Genomes (1 KG) populations (Additional File 1: Supplementary Figure S1). This finding is in line with our previous work on coding variants [24] and with results from studies reporting genetic similarity between Greek and Italian subpopulations [25,26]. ...
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Background Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) studies provide insights into regulatory mechanisms underlying disease risk. Expanding studies of gene regulation to underexplored populations and to medically relevant tissues offers potential to reveal yet unknown regulatory variants and to better understand disease mechanisms. Here, we performed eQTL mapping in subcutaneous (S) and visceral (V) adipose tissue from 106 Greek individuals (Greek Metabolic study, GM) and compared our findings to those from the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) resource. Results We identified 1,930 and 1,515 eGenes in S and V respectively, over 13% of which are not observed in GTEx adipose tissue, and that do not arise due to different ancestry. We report additional context-specific regulatory effects in genes of clinical interest (e.g. oncogene ST7 ) and in genes regulating responses to environmental stimuli (e.g. MIR21, SNX33 ). We suggest that a fraction of the reported differences across populations is due to environmental effects on gene expression, driving context-specific eQTLs, and suggest that environmental effects can determine the penetrance of disease variants thus shaping disease risk. We report that over half of GM eQTLs colocalize with GWAS SNPs and of these colocalizations 41% are not detected in GTEx. We also highlight the clinical relevance of S adipose tissue by revealing that inflammatory processes are upregulated in individuals with obesity, not only in V, but also in S tissue. Conclusions By focusing on an understudied population, our results provide further candidate genes for investigation regarding their role in adipose tissue biology and their contribution to disease risk and pathogenesis.
... Relatedly, Stamatoyannopoulos clarified an important aspect, having Greeks, Sicilians, and Italians interact genetically stronger than any other population of the Mediterranean basin, such as Basques, Andalusians, and French. [66]. Also, a study by Di Gaetano explained that the Sicilian genetic system lacks its original diversity at a portion of 60% because of Greek admixtures that happened in antiquity [67]. ...
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Background: the apolipoprotein e4 allele (APOE4) constitutes an established genetic risk factor for Alzheimer's Disease Dementia (ADD). We aimed to explore the frequency of the APOE isoforms in the Greek population of Southern Greece. Methods: peripheral blood from 175 Greek AD patients, 113 with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and 75 healthy individuals. DNA isolation was performed with a High Pure PCR Template Kit (Roche), followed by amplification with a real-time qPCR kit (TIB MolBiol) in Roche's Light Cycler PCR platform. Results: APOE4 allele frequency was 20.57% in the ADD group, 17.69% in the MCI group, and 6.67% in the control group. APOE3/3 homozygosity was the most common genotype, while the frequency of APOE4/4 homozygosity was higher in the AD group (8.60%). APOE4 carrier status was associated with higher odds for ADD and MCI (OR: 4.49, 95% CI: [1.90-10.61] and OR: 3.82, 95% CI: [1.59-9.17], respectively). Conclusion: this study examines the APOE isoforms and is the first to report a higher APOE frequency in MCI compared with healthy controls in southern Greece. Importantly, we report the occurrence of the APOE4 allele, related to ADD, as amongst the lowest globally reported, even within the nation, thus enhancing the theory of ethnicity and latitude contribution.
... The target dataset for the analysis consisted of 3,953 samples from 24 different countries belonging to five different ancestral groups of the globe namely, Africans (504), Europeans (2109), South Asians (489), East Asians (504) and Admixed Americans (347). The European samples were collected from previous studies (51)(52)(53)(54)(55)(56) and the samples from other populations were acquired from the publicly available 1000 genomes phase 3 data (33). The detailed list or data sources are shown in supplementary table 1 and all appropriate informed consent, IRB approvals, and Data Use Agreements are in place for use of data as part of this study. ...
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Background Complex disorders are caused by a combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors, and their prevalence can vary greatly across different populations. Genome wide association studies (GWAS) can help identify common variants that underlie disease risk. However, despite their increasing number, the vast majority of studies focuses on European populations, leading to questions regarding the transferability of findings to non-Europeans. Here, we investigated whether polygenic risk scores (PRS) based on European GWAS correlate to disease prevalence within Europe and around the world. Results GWAS summary statistics of 20 different disorders were used to estimate PRS in nine European and 24 worldwide reference populations. We estimated the correlation between average genetic risk for each of the 20 disorders and their prevalence in Europe and around the world. A clear variation in genetic risk was observed based on ancestry and we identified populations that have a higher genetic liability for developing certain disorders both within European and global regions. We also found significant correlations between worldwide disease prevalence and PRS for 13 of the studied disorders with obesity genetic risk having the highest correlation to disease prevalence. For these 13 disorders we also found that the loci used in PRS are significantly more conserved across the different populations compared to randomly selected SNPs as revealed by Fst and linkage disequilibrium structure. Conclusion Our results show that PRS of world populations calculated based on European GWAS data can significantly capture differences in disease risk and identify populations with the highest genetic liability to develop various conditions. Our findings point to the potential transferability of European-based GWAS results to non-European populations and provide further support for the validity of GWAS.
This article traces characterizations of the Cupbearer fresco, named after the large vessel the figure holds and uncovered at the site of Knossos in 1900, in light of the research agendas about the ‘races’ of the prehistoric Aegean and traditions of racial science current in late Victorian Britain. The head of the Cupbearer was compared to Classical Greek art, modern Cretan populations, and cranial remains from prehistoric contexts. Drawing from academic publications, articles in the press, and reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, the author situates the discourse surrounding the Cupbearer in the context of scholars seeking the origins of ‘European’ civilization in prehistory, and the creation of racial typologies, especially using cranial measurements and photography. The Cupbearer gained a dual status as a racial portrait comparable to past and present human populations, but also as a work of art that prefigured the later achievements of Classical Greece.
The rise and fall of the Roman Empire was a socio-political process with enormous ramifications for human history. The Middle Danube was a crucial frontier and a crossroads for population and cultural movement. Here we present genome-wide data from 136 Balkan individuals dated to the 1st millennium CE. Despite extensive militarization and cultural influence, we find little ancestry contribution from peoples of Italic descent. However, we trace a large-scale influx of people of Anatolian ancestry during the Imperial period. Between ~250-550 CE, we detect migrants with ancestry from Central/Northern Europe and the steppe, confirming that “barbarian” migrations were propelled by ethnically diverse confederations. Following the end of Roman control, we detect the large-scale arrival of individuals who were genetically similar to modern Eastern European Slavic-speaking populations, who contributed 30-60% of the ancestry of Balkan people, representing one of the largest permanent demographic changes anywhere in Europe during the Migration Period.
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Background Expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) studies provide insights into regulatory mechanisms underlying disease risk. Expanding studies of gene regulation to underexplored populations and to medically relevant tissues offers potential to reveal yet unknown regulatory variants and to better understand disease mechanisms. Here, we performed eQTL mapping in subcutaneous (S) and visceral (V) adipose tissue from 106 Greek individuals (Greek Metabolic study, GM) and compared our findings to those from the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) resource. Results We identified 1,930 and 1,515 eGenes in S and V respectively, over 13% of which are not observed in GTEx adipose tissue, and that do not arise due to different ancestry. We report additional context-specific regulatory effects in genes of clinical interest (e.g. oncogene ST7) and in genes regulating responses to environmental stimuli (e.g. MIR21, SNX33). We suggest that a fraction of the reported differences across populations is due to environmental effects on gene expression, driving context-specific eQTLs, and suggest that environmental effects can determine the penetrance of disease variants thus shaping disease risk. We report that over half of GM eQTLs colocalize with GWAS SNPs and of these colocalizations 41% are not detected in GTEx. We also highlight the clinical relevance of S adipose tissue by revealing that inflammatory processes are upregulated in obese individuals, not only in V, but also in S tissue. Conclusions By focusing on an understudied population, our results provide further candidate genes for investigation regarding their role in adipose tissue biology and their contribution to disease risk and pathogenesis.
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Recent scientific literature has highlighted the relevance of population genetic studies both for disease association mapping in admixed populations and for understanding the history of human migrations. Deeper insight into the history of the Italian population is critical for understanding the peopling of Europe. Because of its crucial position at the centre of the Mediterranean basin, the Italian peninsula has experienced a complex history of colonization and migration whose genetic signatures are still present in contemporary Italians. In this study, we investigated genomic variation in the Italian population using 2.5 million single-nucleotide polymorphisms in a sample of more than 300 unrelated Italian subjects with well-defined geographical origins. We combined several analytical approaches to interpret genome-wide data on 1272 individuals from European, Middle Eastern, and North African populations. We detected three major ancestral components contributing different proportions across the Italian peninsula, and signatures of continuous gene flow within Italy, which have produced remarkable genetic variability among contemporary Italians. In addition, we have extracted novel details about the Italian population's ancestry, identifying the genetic signatures of major historical events in Europe and the Mediterranean basin from the Neolithic (e.g., peopling of Sardinia) to recent times (e.g., 'barbarian invasion' of Northern and Central Italy). These results are valuable for further genetic, epidemiological and forensic studies in Italy and in Europe.European Journal of Human Genetics advance online publication, 11 November 2015; doi:10.1038/ejhg.2015.233.
Farmers made a sudden and dramatic appearance in Greece around 7000 BC, bringing with them new ceramics and crafts, and establishing settled villages. They were Europe's first farmers, and their settlements provide the link between the first agricultural communities in the Near East and the subsequent spread of the new technologies to the Balkans and on to Western Europe. In this 2001 book, Catherine Perlès argues that the stimulus for the spread of agriculture to Europe was a colonisation movement involving small groups of maritime peoples. Drawing evidence from a wide range of archaeological sources, including often neglected 'small finds', and introducing daring new perspectives on funerary rituals and the distribution of figurines, she constructs a complex and subtle picture of early Neolithic societies, overturning the traditional view that these societies were simple and self-sufficient.
A completely new approach to the history of Greece during the early Middle Ages. Winner of the Nicolae Iorga prize of the Romanian Academy, 2013. This volume traces the social, economic and political history of the Greeks between 500 and 1050. The book adopts an interdisciplinary approach and uses archaeological evidence, as well as coins and seals, fiscal documents, medieval chronicles, and hagiographic literature to examine the development of Greek culture in the early medieval period. Several themes provide the foundation for this volume and run through the chapters; these include the Balkan context, the Social Role of the Army and the Onset of Economic Growth. Special attention is paid to the size of the economy in early medieval Greece. Both the social and the economic are privileged and analyzed together as integrally connected spheres of life, thus filling a major gap in existing literature on this period.
The collaboration between the Forensic Community and the scholars of human population genetics, among whom I place myself, has always been fruitful and of reciprocal benefit in Italy as much as in Europe and in North-America, in the latter with a more dialectical attitude as shown by recent rather hot debates. DNA analysis is today offering new possibilities of collaboration. Case work and search for reference populations complement in the daily activity of the forensic scholars. Substantial DNA databases have already been established for a number of population groups, but the development of new standards and new reference databases is likely in the immediate future following the implementation of PCR-based DNA typing systems, and a strong argument can be made for population geneticists to share protocols and markers with the forensic community in order to type well-defined reference populations and from them to contribute to the analysis of human genetic diversity. My talk, however, does not address to the future, but rather to the past: I have had the chance to analyze, over the past ten years, many genetic data from human populations and I am going to give a short review of our recent analyses. Our main interest lies in their interpretation in terms of prehistory and history of our species: a more comprehensive treatment will appear in a forthcoming book written in collaboration with Cavalli-Sforza and Menozzi [1].
The Edinburgh History of the Greeks is a multi-volume, chronological series covering the history of the Greek people from Antiquity to the present. Each volume combines political history with social and cultural history in order to tell the story of the Greek people over the course of recorded history in an exciting, novel, and innovatory way. Drawing on resources from anthropology, archaeology, and history, as well as political science, philology, art, literature, and law, the books will be rich and diverse in their coverage.
Southeastern Europe in the Middle Ages stood at a crossroads of trade and crusading routes, within the sphere of influence of both the Byzantine Orthodox Church and Latin Christendom. This innovative and expansive survey draws on historical and archaeological sources in the narration of 750 years of the region's history. Among a number of key themes it addresses the rise of medieval states, the conversion to Christianity, the monastic movement inspired by developments in Western Europe and in Byzantium and the role of material culture in the representation of power.