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Cultivation Theory: Effects and Underlying Processes



This entry provides a comprehensive review of cultivation research to date. It discusses the initial tests and criticisms of early cultivation theory and research. It also details attempts to explain the processes that underlie cultivation effects at the individual level and the current state of research on the psychological processes underlying cultivation effects.
Cultivation Theory: Effects and
Underlying Processes
HEC Paris, France
perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, and values (Gerbner & Gross, 1976). In its original con-
ceptualization, it was part of a more general cultural indicators project that addressed
media’s storytelling function. Although a number of studies have since examined cul-
tivation eects in non-US contexts, the original theory pertained to the overwhelming
inuence of US media in shaping US culture (Shanahan & Morgan, 1999). e cul-
tural indicators project consisted of three components: an institutional process analysis
that focused on how media messages are produced and disseminated, a message sys-
tem analysis that focused on what actual messages were conveyed by the media, and a
cultivation analysis that focused on how exposure to media messages inuences recip-
ients’ conceptions of the real world. Moreover, because at the time of the development
of cultivation theory television was the dominant storytelling medium, most of the the-
ory’s development and testing has focused on the inuence and eects of television on
viewers’ perceptions of social reality.
As cultivation is a sociocultural theory, the three components—media institutions,
message production, and message eects on viewers—are inextricably intertwined.
However, the third component, cultivation analysis, has been the primary focus of most
media research. In its simplest form, a cultivation eect is the relationship between the
amount of time people spend watching television and the beliefs those viewers hold
more their views of the world reect the dominant narrative messages transmitted by
television. More specically, cultivation theory holds that the storytelling function of
television is extremely powerful. Although the messages conveyed by television may at
rst seem incredibly diverse (many dierent themes, many dierent types of programs
that convey these themes, and many dierent types of people that convey them),
systematic analyses of these messages indicates a remarkable consistency in general
with which these messages are viewed that give television the power to shape both
individual and societal values, and in Gerbner’s view make it the dominant socializing
e International Encyclopedia of Media Eects.
Patrick Rössler (Editor-in-Chief), Cynthia A. Honer, and Liesbet van Zoonen (Associate Editors).
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/9781118783764.wbieme0040
Initial and general tests of cultivation theory
As mentioned, the primary hypothesis of cultivation theory is that the more people
watch television, the more they will come to adopt its underlying messages. at
is, the more they watch television, the more likely they are to hold beliefs that are
consistent with the world as it is portrayed on television. Of course, if the world of
television did in fact provide an accurate portrayal of the real world, then television
would have little independent eect on perceptions. However, content analyses of
TV programming clearly suggest that the world of television is quite dierent from
the real world, in very systematic ways. For example, the world of television is more
violent in general than the real world, violence is disproportionately enacted on
certain groups (children, elderly, minorities), and the prevalence of certain occu-
pations is portrayed as disproportionately high for certain groups (e.g., lawyers,
doctors, police ocers) but disproportionately low for others (e.g., blue-collar
Other important dierences exist between TV portrayals and actual facts. For
example, television consistently portrays a picture of material abundance. Repre-
sentations of wealth and auence, and general levels of materialism, tend to be
overrepresented on television (O’Guinn & Shrum, 1997). is general message of
auence and material striving is consistent with the American narrative of abun-
dance, moving up the social ladder, and the centrality of material goods in American
Tests of cultivation follow directly from the aforementioned content analyses.
If TV viewing cultivates perceptions of social reality that are consistent with the
world portrayed on television, then the more people watch television, the more they
should perceive that the real world resembles the TV world. Accordingly, amount
of TV viewing should be positively correlated with estimates of societal crime and
violence, perceptions of the world as a mean and violent place, estimates of the
prevalence of certain occupations, and other types of estimates that follow directly
from content analyses showing overrepresentation of certain people, activities, beliefs,
and values.
An impressive volume of research supports these hypotheses (see Shanahan
& Morgan, 1999). Television viewing is positively correlated with estimates of
societal violence, anomie, fear of walking alone at night, and perceived danger.
Studies have also documented the relationship between frequency of TV view-
ing and social reality perceptions not directly related to violence. For example,
TV viewing is positively correlated with negative beliefs about the elderly; more
conservative attitudes toward criminal justice; more sexist attitudes; greater faith
in doctors; higher estimates of the prevalence of doctors, lawyers, and police
ocers; and greater interpersonal mistrust. Numerous studies also attest to the
relationship between TV viewing and both perceptions of societal auence and
individual levels of materialism. Frequency of TV viewing is positively correlated
Lee, 2012).
Meta-analyses of cultivation findings
Overall, the volume of supportive ndings is sizable and impressive. Nevertheless, the
include sample size, sample composition, operationalization of independent (predic-
tor) and dependent (criterion) variables, and statistical and methodological controls
to address alternative explanations for the ndings. Consequently, each study may be
individually critiqued in isolation, which oen can reduce condence in the validity of
the ndings and therefore the theory to which they pertain.
One way of addressing a body of research (a set of studies) that tests a particular
theory in distinct but similar ways is through meta-analysis. Shanahan and Morgan
(1999) provided such a meta-analysis of 20 years of cultivation research ndings. eir
ndings from an analysis of 58 independent samples conrmed a signicant relation-
ship between frequency of viewing and beliefs about the world, although the overall
weighted eect was small (r=.085). ese ndings held across multiple beliefs about
the world (e.g., violence, politics), for both large and small sample sizes, and when mul-
tiple statistical controls were applied simultaneously. ese ndings provide compelling
support for cultivation theory and minimize many of the criticisms leveled in a piece-
meal fashion at individual studies.
Criticisms of cultivation theory and research
Despite the substantial accumulated evidence supporting cultivation theory, the ini-
tial publications of cultivation theory and research generated a number of critiques.
ese critiques varied across a wide spectrum, including operationalization of vari-
ables, assumptions of cultivation theory, and issues of statistical controls that address
some of these issues, the criticisms received considerable attention and thus are worth
Contested assumptions of cultivation theory
One critical assumption of cultivation theory is that viewers are relatively nonselective
in terms of their viewing habits. at is, Gerbner and colleagues assert that “television
provides a relatively restricted set of choices for a virtually unrestricted variety of
interests and publics. Most of its programs are by commercial necessity designed to be
watched by nearly everyone in a relatively nonselective fashion” (Gerbner et al., 1986,
p. 19). A related assumption is that the content of TV programming is remarkably
consistent in terms of its message; thus, even if viewers are selective, the message for the
most part does not vary. Both of these assumptions have been questioned. For example,
whereas these assumptions may have held in the early years of cultivation work, they
may no longer be valid. With the advent of cable television, additional networks, and
superstations, TV programming is no longer solely in the hands of the three major
networks. Programming has become more targeted, designed to appeal to a segmented
market. Further, technology has made the remote control device ubiquitous, making
program selection all the more easier. All of these developments and innovations may
contribute to increased selectivity in viewing.
Although these challenges seem to have face value, the actual evidence of selective
viewing and program-specic eects is far from consistent. For example, Hawkins and
Pingree (1981) conducted a study of Australian viewers designed to address the prob-
lems inherent in Gerbner’s assumptions regarding habitual viewing. ey reasoned that,
if viewing behavior is selective, the relevant material is not the sum of what is pre-
sented but rather the sum of what is actually viewed. Using a combination of in-depth
questionnaires and viewing diaries, they found that some types of programming were
viewed more or less habitually. Moreover, they found that the content of the programs
selected was more strongly related to cultivation than simple measures of overall view-
ing. ey concluded that, although Gerbner’s assumptions may be awed, discarding
them actually strengthened support for the cultivation hypothesis rather than weak-
ened it.
Other studies have attempted to tailor the criterion variables (types of violence, au-
ence, materialism, morality, etc.) to specic genres. ese studies showed that viewing
of specic genres is related to social reality estimates over and above the general eects
shown that total TV viewing is a consistent predictor of social reality beliefs regardless
of whether viewing of specic programs is considered (Shanahan & Morgan, 1999).
Statistical criticisms of hypothesis testing
A second widely cited criticism of the early cultivation research publications centered
on the statistical techniques used to test the hypothesis. A number of scholars have
contended that the early cultivation research did not properly account for spurious-
ness, which is the notion that observed correlations between variables (e.g., frequency
of viewing and estimates of societal violence) may in fact be the result of other-variable
inuences on both the predictor and criterion variables. Specically, a number of the
published studies supporting cultivation eects failed to control for these variables (e.g.,
gender, education, income, and direct experience) simultaneously. Instead, the early
studies tended to apply statistical controls one variable at a time. However, when the
relevant control variables were applied simultaneously, the cultivation eect was oen
reduced to nonsignicance (Hirsch, 1980).
Although these criticisms were sound and the original theorists acknowledged that
failure to apply simultaneous controls was problematic, subsequent research on cultiva-
tion eects eectively rendered these problems moot. e preponderance of evidence,
particularly considering meta-analytic ndings, demonstrates that the cultivation eect
holds in the presence of almost all control variables.
Domain specificity for judgments of crime risk
Another criticism, or at least a qualication, of cultivation theory was provided by Tyler
and colleagues (Tyler, 1980; Tyler & Cook, 1984) in what they termed the impersonal
impact hypothesis. Tyler and colleagues suggested that not all crime risk judgments
crime) and some pertain to judgments of personal risk (e.g., estimates of one’s own
risk of crime victimization). Tyler and colleagues argued that these two types of judg-
ments are independent and that a particular experience modality (e.g., one’s own expe-
rience with crime) may not aect the other (e.g., estimates of societal crime frequency).
More important, the researchers contended that TV viewing may aect the two judg-
ments dierently. ey suggested that TV viewing (and the information or general
messages gained from it) should impact judgments of societal crime risk but that one’s
of personal risk. In a series of studies, Tyler and colleagues provided evidence to support
this hypothesis. In subsequent research, Shrum & Bischak (2001) provided a qualica-
tion to the impersonal impact hypothesis by showing that TV viewing was associated
with judgments of personal crime risk when judging risk outside one’s own neighbor-
hood (and thus outside one’s primary direct experience) but, consistent with Tyler and
colleagues, found no relation between TV viewing and judgments of personal crime
risk in one’s own neighborhood.
Introduction of new concepts to cultivation theory
Although the issue of proper application of statistical controls was eectively dealt
with by Gerbner and colleagues and the research ndings of other scholars, it raised
an important issue that spurred the development of two new concepts, what Gerbner
and colleagues (1980) call mainstreaming and resonance. Mainstreaming refers to
a sharing or convergence of views of the world among heavy viewers in otherwise
disparate groups. In other words, people in certain demographic groups, such as
those dened by education, income, or political orientation, tend to have dierent
views of the world, all else being equal. Gerbner and colleagues posited that heavy
TV viewing should cause the outlooks of disparate groups (high vs. low income,
highly educated vs. poorly educated) to move closer to one another (hence the term
Resonance posits that viewers whose life experiences are congruent with TV
portrayals will be most aected by TV viewing. For example, viewing portrayals of a
mean and violent world should especially “resonate” for those who have had direct
experience with crime and violence, eectively providing a “double dose of the TV
message and signicantly boost[ing] cultivation” (Gerbner et al., 1980, p. 15). Gerbner
et al. (1980) presented data consistent with this hypothesis. Later research by Shrum
and Bischak (2001) provided additional evidence of resonance eects for judgments
of crime risk, regardless of domain (e.g., societal crime risk, crime risk in one’s own
neighborhood, crime risk outside one’s own neighborhood).
Although the criticisms of cultivation theory and research were spirited, diverse, and
oen appropriate, generally the theory has stood the test of time in that subsequent
research conducted using more rigorous methods that accounted for earlier criticisms
has provided consistent support for cultivation theory. For the most part, general
tests of cultivation theory have focused on broad relations between general measures
of TV viewing and a variety of criterion variables, with some focus on moderat-
ing relationships. e next section looks more closely at the possible underlying
mechanisms of cultivation eects and discusses research that attempts to explain the
psychological processes that can account for why and how TV information inuences
Psychological process explanations for cultivation effects
As noted earlier, cultivation theory is a sociocultural theory concerning the inuence
of a highly sociocultural phenomenon (television). e original cultivation theorists
made it clear that their theory of the general inuence of the socially and culturally
shared experience of the TV message was not an “eects” theory (Shanahan & Morgan,
1999). Eects theory generally refers to the state of communication research at that
time (mid-1970s), which had focused on individual reactions (eects) to the content of
TV programming (causes). Nevertheless, a persistent criticism of cultivation research
been primarily concerned with relations between input variables (e.g., media infor-
mation and its characteristics) and output variables (e.g., attitudes, beliefs, behavior),
with little consideration of the cognitive processes that might mediate these relations
(Hawkins & Pingree, 1990).
Initial research on underlying processes
of research aimed at explicating these underlying psychological processes. Such an
explication was deemed important, particularly in light of the scholarly criticisms
that questioned the validity of cultivation eects. e development of psychological
process models has the potential to increase internal validity, which is the extent to
is spurious—another common criticism of many media eects studies (McGuire,
1986). A process model should provide clear links between the stimulus (e.g., media
consumption) and the response (e.g., beliefs, behavior), and each link in the model
should represent a testable proposition to be empirically veried. If these links stand
on solid theoretical foundations and are empirically veried, threats to internal validity
such as spuriousness and reverse causality are rendered less plausible, as the threats
would presumably have to occur at each stage (Shrum, 2009). Another advantage is
that process models may potentially address conicting ndings in previous research.
A process model should provide boundary conditions for the eect—that is, a speci-
cation of the conditions under which the eect does not hold. To the extent that these
boundary conditions are related to aspects of inconsistencies in previous research,
disparate ndings may be reconciled.
cultivation eects was conducted by Hawkins and Pingree (1982). ey developed
hypotheses, primarily based on learning theory, that focused on the underlying pro-
cesses of cognitive processing abilities, perceptions of TV reality, and inference-making
abilities. Unfortunately, as is oen the case with groundbreaking research, the initial
studies were largely unsuccessful in terms of explicating a coherent underlying process.
In most cases, the research produced null ndings with respect to the process-oriented
Following these initial attempts to investigate process issues for cultivation eects,
additional studies were conducted by Hawkins and Pingree and others that attempted to
more precisely specify the component processes. As in the earlier studies, the hypothe-
ses concerning these processes were derived from learning theory (Hawkins, Pingree, &
Adler, 1987; Potter, 1991). ree sequential processes were proposed: that viewers learn
television facts from television (learning), that viewers construct real-world beliefs from
these facts (construction), and that viewers generalize from these real-world beliefs
relatedtotelevisionfacts(termedrst-order beliefs,examplesofwhichareestimatesof
the prevalence of societal crime) to construct more generalized beliefs about the world
(termed second-order beliefs,anexampleofwhichisfearofcrime);theprocessistermed
Regarding the lack of the initial support for a learning model to explain cultivation
processes, one conclusion is that a lack of evidence for certain of these processes, par-
ticularly the construction process in which beliefs about the TV world are used to form
the result of a causal inuence of viewing on beliefs (Potter, 1991). However, this logic
is predicated on the notion that the learning model is the only one through which cul-
tivation can work. e next section addresses this issue.
The weighing and balancing model of cultivation effects
Soon aer the initial surge of research investigating psychological processes underlying
cultivation eects, a number of researchers focused on the interrelation between
cognitive processes (e.g., recall of information from memory) and social judgments.
One of the rst studies was by Shapiro and colleagues (Shapiro & Lang, 1991), who
proposed that cultivation eects may be explained by memory errors. For example,
when people watch a TV program, they encode information (in the form of event
memories) into episodic memory. ese event memories contain information about
the event itself (e.g., a shooting) as well as a variety of contextual information about the
event, such as the source of the event memory (television in general, specic programs)
and emotional reactions to the stimuli.
e next step occurs when a judgment is to be made. For example, consider a typical
cultivation judgment that asks respondents to estimate the percentage of US citizens
who are involved in a violent crime at some point in their lives. To construct such a
judgment, potentially relevant information bearing on the judgment is retrieved from
memory and each individual piece of information is assessed (weighed and balanced)
may be considered, and information deemed to be from an unreliable source may be
discarded and the judgment constructed based on the remaining information. How-
Lindsay, 1993) or may not be motivated to pay attention to the source of the memories
(Shrum, 1997).
nation as to why TV information may inuence real-world judgments. is is an impor-
tant issue, because it is counterintuitive: Why would people use information from a
ctional source such as TV programs to make real-world judgments? Failure in source
monitoring provides an explanatory mechanism for this process.
The accessibility model of cultivation effects
Although the weighing and balancing model provided an explanation for a specic cog-
nitive process that may be able to explain aspects of cultivation eects, it did not provide
a comprehensive process model. To address this issue, Shrum and colleagues developed
a model that addressed the entire process, from encoding of TV information to the
construction of cultivation judgments. Initial formulations of the accessibility model
for cultivation eects were provided by Shrum (1995), with more comprehensive treat-
ments of the model appearing later (Shrum, 2009).
e accessibility model, like the weighing and balancing model, focuses on memory-
based judgments. Memory-based judgments are ones that are constructed through the
recall of information from long-term memory, as opposed to online judgments, which
are formed as information is encountered (Hastie & Park, 1986). e accessibility model
of cultivation eects is based on two general propositions. e rst is that TV viewing
increases the accessibility (ease of recall) of constructs and exemplars that are oen
portrayed on television. e second is that social reality judgments, because they are
typically perceived to be dicult to answer accurately and are seldom of importance to
study participants, are made through heuristic processing. at is, rather than searching
memory for all available information relevant to the judgment (systematic processing),
people retrieve only a subset of relevant information, and the likelihood of retrieval
of that subset is determined by its accessibility. A corollary of this second proposition
is that, for memory-based judgments such as prevalence, probability, or proportion
(such as the percentage estimates oen used in cultivation research), the judgments
are constructed through the application of judgmental heuristics such as availability,
simulation, and representativeness (see Kahneman, Slovic, & Tversky, 1982).
ese propositions and their implications have been tested across a number of stud-
ies. Support for the rst proposition (TV viewing increases the accessibility of exemplars
oen portrayed on television) was provided in a series of studies by Shrum and col-
leagues (Shrum, 2009). Moreover, the studies not only showed that accessibility was
positively correlated with TV viewing frequency but also that this accessibility mediated
the cultivation eect. Subsequent studies provided convergent support for the propo-
sition that the cultivation eect of memory-based measures results from the applica-
tion of cognitive heuristics. For example, Shrum (2001) showed that heuristic process-
ing is the default mode for the construction of memory-based cultivation judgments,
but inducing people to process the information in a more careful and systematic way
eliminates the cultivation eect. Shrum, Wyer, and O’Guinn (1998) also demonstrated
that lack of source discounting of recalled information is the default mode for construct-
ing this same type of cultivation judgments, but inducing people to think more carefully
about the source of the information they recall eliminates the cultivation eect. ese
studies establish boundary conditions for the cultivation eect and in doing so provide
the basis for explanatory process models of cultivation eects.
The online processing model of cultivation effects
e accessibility model of cultivation eects provides a comprehensive account of
the processes underlying certain types of cultivation judgments. ese pertain to
memory-based judgments such as estimates of frequency or probability of occurrence
(e.g., the percentage of people involved in a violent crime in an average day; the
percentage of the workforce who are doctors, lawyers, or police ocers; the percentage
of US citizens who are millionaires). However, the accessibility model is clearly limited
because it explicitly does not account for cultivation eects for evaluative judgments
such as attitudes and values (e.g., beliefs that the world is a mean and violent place,
judgments of interpersonal mistrust, and materialistic attitudes and values). Research
on online processing of TV information has addressed this issue.
Online processing refers to information that is processed in real time (e.g., watch-
ing a TV program or reading a newspaper) as it is encountered. Online judgments are
made when the information being processed in real time is used to spontaneously con-
struct new judgments (e.g., form a new attitude) or update existing ones (e.g., change
watch television and encounter specic information as well as the overall “message” of
the program content, they may construct or update their beliefs, attitudes, and values in
ways that reect the TV message. As such, this resembles a typical persuasion process:
e persuasive communication (TV message) eectively changes attitudes.
Shrum and colleagues used this premise to develop a psychological process model
to explain second-order cultivation eects. Applying research on the elaboration like-
lihood model of persuasion (Petty & Cacioppo, 1986), they proposed that TV viewing
inuences second-order judgments through an online process in which TV informa-
tion encountered during the viewing process is used to spontaneously construct or
update attitudes and other evaluative beliefs. Support for this model was provided in
several studies. For example, Shrum, Burroughs, and Rindeisch (2005) showed that
frequency of TV viewing is positively correlated with materialistic values. More impor-
tant, they showed that these eects are stronger for those who have greater motiva-
tion and ability to process information during viewing, consistent with the elaboration
likelihood model of persuasion. Later research replicated these eects experimentally,
showing that watching materialistic programming (vs. nonmaterialistic programming)
increased participants’ levels of materialism but that this eect was stronger for those
who were more immersed in the programs (Shrum et al., 2011).
A substantial literature has developed that has investigated the psychological
processes underlying cultivation eects. Over the years, the research has slowly
worked toward a consensus regarding this process. e development of process models
to explain cultivation eects is important. First, such explanatory models provide
convergent validity for cultivation theory. Second, explanatory models also provide
guidance about not only how the process works but also what factors may reduce or
eliminate the eect. To the extent that the development of social reality beliefs based
on biased and distorted messages such as those frequently encountered on television
(violence, power, materialism, etc.) are to be avoided, the process models provide a
blueprint for interrupting the process.
Cultivation research began with the theorizing of George Gerbner in the early 1970s.
It is one of the most frequently covered topics in communication education and is one
of only a few mass communication theories that is mentioned in the textbooks in other
social science disciplines such as sociology, social psychology, and marketing (Morgan,
2009). e theory persists despite the early criticisms, and its longevity and ubiquity
are arguably strong testaments to its validity. Tests of the theory have been approached
from various theoretical perspectives (cultural, social, psychological) and the conver-
gent ndings suggest that cultivation rests on strong theoretical ground.
Research on the psychological processes underlying cultivation eects also provides
convergent evidence for the general eect. Nevertheless, opportunities for new
theoretical contributions exist. In particular, understanding the boundary conditions
of the general eect as well as the underlying process mechanisms will shed further
light on how television inuences viewer beliefs. In addition, although the demise of
TV viewing has been predicted for decades, and these predictions were clearly prema-
ture, new media also provide content not that discernably dierent from standard TV
fare. ese new media vehicles provide both new content and new viewing experiences
that may contribute to renement of cultivation theory and its underlying processes.
SEE ALSO: Content Eects: Entertainment; Cultivation eory: Idea, Topical Fields,
and Methodology; Dual Process Models of Persuasion; Narrative Persuasion eories;
Perception of Reality; Social Learning eory and Social Cognitive eory
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L. J. Shrum holds a PhD from the University of Illinois, USA, and is professor of mar-
keting at HEC Paris, France. He has written extensively on how media information
inuences the construction of values, attitudes, and beliefs. His research focuses on
nals in marketing, psychology, and communication, including Human Communication
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.Heeditede Psychology of Entertainment
Media: Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion (2nd ed., 2012).
... The primary hypothesis of cultivation theory is that the more people watch television, the more they will come to adopt its underlying messages. That is, the more they watch television, the more likely they are to hold beliefs that are consistent with the world as it is portrayed on television (Shrum, 2017). This study hypothesized, therefore, that the more exposed the respondents are to mass media information on terrorism, the higher their perception of terrorism threat to them and their community. ...
... The attraction on television was because at the time of the development of cultivation theory television was the dominant storytelling medium, hence most of the theory's development and testing focused on the influence and effects of television on viewers' perceptions of social reality (Shrum, 2017). However, research frontiers have expanded beyond television to other media such as social media. ...
... This is not surprising considering the pervasiveness and ubiquitous nature of social media networks in the lives of users. Although there were three areas of analysis at the conception of the cultivation analysis, up till date cultivation analysis has continued to be the primary focus of most media research by scholars (Shrum, 2017). ...
There is a growing consensus globally that a symbiotic relationship exists between the media and terrorism. In the light of ongoing security situation confronting Nigeria, it has become very critical to analyze and understand people’s perception of terrorism threats. Previous studies have focused greatly on media coverage of terrorism while there appears to be dearth of studies exploring the correlation between citizens’ perception of terrorism threat and their exposure to the mass media. This study, therefore, investigated exposure to mass media and perception of terrorism threats among the residents in Ibadan South West Nigeria. The study adopted cultivation theory while cross-sectional survey served as the research design. Probability and non-probability (stratification, simple random, purposive and convenient) procedures were employed in selecting (n=339) respondents. Results revealed that perceived level of terrorism threats to self and the community to be high while no significant relationship exists between exposure to mass media information on terrorism threats and perceived terrorism threats to self and community among residents in Ibadan. The study recommends that the federal and state authorities overhaul their security apparatuses and strategies in addressing the challenges of terrorism threats in the country. Keywords: Terrorism threats, perception, South West Nigeria, Ibadan, mass media, Boko Haram
... Some scholars emphasise the significant influence of media in forming societal perceptions and setting the public agenda. They argue that the media is a major force in moulding public opinion [1][2][3]. Likewise, Bruhn states that since major terrorist attacks such as those on September 11, as well as those in London, Madrid, and Oklahoma, the media, has significantly influenced the public's perception of terrorism [4]. ...
... Despite extensive scholarship on the media's influence on public perceptions of terrorism and its symbiotic relationship with terrorist activities [ 5,[9][10][11], there remains a scarcity in understanding the nuanced role of media in shaping national sentiment amidst conflict, particularly within the Israeli context. The literature underscores the media's potent capability to shape public opinion [2][3][4], amplify terrorist agendas [6,7,9,12], and navigate the complex interplay between reporting responsibilities and national security imperatives [13][14][15]. However, what emerges as a critical lacuna is an in-depth analysis of how Israeli media, amidst the harrowing backdrop of the Gaza war, managed to recalibrate public trust, foster a sense of unity, and navigate the ethical quandaries posed by war reporting. ...
... One of them concerns National Security in the Digital and Information Age 6 media coverage and its influence on societal views after major terrorist incidents. As pointed out by Gerbner, Gross, and Bruhn [2][3][4], terrorist attacks and how the media frames these events have psychological impact. Another one focuses on different forms of physical terrorism and their effect on public psychology. ...
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Since the tragic launch of the Israel—Hamas war (Gaza war) on October 7th, 2023, the role of Israeli media in shaping public discourse and national sentiment has been a subject of intense scrutiny. This article delves into the intricate relationship between media coverage and societal perceptions during the initial weeks following the terrorists’ invasion. It explores how Israeli media navigated the complex terrain of war reporting, balancing the duty of factual reporting with national security concerns and the psychological impact on the civilian population. The study highlights the media’s efforts to construct a narrative that not only informed the public but also fostered a sense of national unity and resilience. Through a comprehensive analysis of various media outlets, the article sheds light on the dynamics of media coverage in times of crisis, examining the interplay between journalistic practices, government policies, and public sentiment. This inquiry into the Israeli media’s coverage of the Gaza war provides valuable insights into the power of the press in shaping public opinion during periods of national upheaval and the ethical challenges inherent in reporting on conflict and terrorism.
... Cultivation theory faces a number of criticisms regarding its themes and assumptions. According to Shrum (2017), the theory simplifies the concept of a linear relationship that exists between too much media exposure and other audience attitudes. The theory failed to consider other influential factors, such as individual differences, which can influence the outcome. ...
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Defilement is a pervasive problem with devastating consequences for survivors, families, and communities worldwide. Despite efforts by various stakeholders to address the issue, rates of defilement remain high, leading to stigma, fear, and limited access to justice. Community radio has been used in the fight against defilement cases. The present study aims to establish the effectiveness of community radio programmes in addressing defilement cases in Nyamira County. The specific objectives were to: examine the role of community radio programmes in handling defilement cases among community members in Nyamira County; and identify best practices for enhancing the effectiveness of community radio programmes in addressing defilement cases in Nyamira County. The cultivation theory anchored the study. The descriptive research design and the mixed-methods approach were utilized. The study aimed to encompass 226 participants as the target population; they were comprised of community members (109), local administration (8), victims of defilement (32), family members (52), and radio presenters (25). The sample consisted of 144 respondents, calculated using the Taro and Yamane formula (1967). A combination of purposive and random sampling techniques was employed to select participants for the study. Data were generated using questionnaires, focus group discussions (FGD), and interview schedules. Qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis, while quantitative data were analyzed using statistical tools. Results revealed that 72.7% of the total variations in the dependent variable (Addressing Defilement Cases in Nyamira County) are explained by the independent variables in the model. The F-value (172.960) with a significance level (p-value) of 0.000 suggests that the predictors collectively contribute to the prediction of addressing defilement cases. Further, the findings revealed that any unit change in the impact of community radio programmes influences the addressing of defilement cases in Nyamira County by 0.549 units. Also, any unit increase in best practices increases the chances of addressing defilement cases by 0.233 units. Thus, the result indicated that all the variables are well employed and have a significant influence in addressing the defilement cases within Nyamira County. The research recommended that community radio stations must be built up in terms of capability for them to be effective.
... Теоријата на култивирање генерално е истражувана на макрониво, во однос на вкупното гледање телевизија, но постојат и студии што поконкретно ги разгледуваат специфичните ефекти за различни жанрови и програми, како и за такви поврзани со родовите прашања и со РЗН и за различни видови на РЗН (Custers & Van den Bulck, 2012;Lull & Dickinson, 2018;Potter, 2014;Shrum, 2017). Истражувачите што се занимаваат со овие прашања ја критикуваат селективноста кога станува збор за дефинирањето и прикажувањето на РЗН, односно селективното известување во коешто редовно се испуштаат вербалните закани, вербалната злоупотреба или нефизичките форми на насилство, како и последиците од тоа (Boyle, 2005). ...
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The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services in Macedonia conducted a research on the way gender-based violence was reported in broadcasters' programs. The research contains findings from an analysis of the way gender-based violence is presented and represented in the broadcasters' news programs. In order to conduct the research, the Agency, through public procurement, hired the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. The recorded programs from the broadcasters from which it was necessary to define the sample were provided by the Agency. The material for analysis covered the first ten days of January, February and March 2023. By applying quantitative and qualitative methods, an effort is made to determine the way of representation and presentation of gender-based violence in the information content of the national televisions in Macedonia. The quantitative part of the analysis aims to show how much the topic was represented in the television news programs, whether it had an appropriate, relevant position in the news content and how many journalists practiced self-regulation by applying journalistic standards when creating the articles. The qualitative part of the analysis was aimed at determining the way in which the subject of sex and gender-based violence was handled, in what way the narrative was constructed about the persons who were exposed to violence, the persons who committed the violence, the way in which the event was interpreted and the socio-cultural context. In addition to the analysis of content, the method of discursive analysis was applied in order to investigate how gender-based violence was framed within the social context.
... By integrating Goffman's approach with Cultivation Theory, this study aims to gain a comprehensive understanding of how virtual communication, media influence, and exposure to various content on social media platforms intersect in shaping the trajectories of Malay identity as represented through hashtags. Drawing upon L.J. Shrum's (2017) work, which highlights Cultivation Theory's significance in understanding media institutions and their impact on viewers, this study expands the classical perspective to encompass the realm of social media's global communication marked by both positive and negative exchanges (Refer Figure 1). ...
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Social media microblog Twitter's hashtags were initially intended to categorise, highlight topics, or keywords in users' tweets. However, they have since evolved into a unique mode of interactional communication. This research delves into the utilisation of the hashtag #Melayu, specifically examining how Twitter users, particularly members of Malay digital diaspora communities, leverage social media to construct and reinforce their Malay diaspora identity. The study sheds light on cultural identity construction as a sociocultural process that challenges and redefines established cultural binaries simultaneously. Positioned within the framework of positioning theory, the research presents a proposed methodological approach that incorporates Natural Language Processing (NLP) and thematic analysis to collect and analyse data associated with the #Melayu hashtag. The proposed framework highlight the transformation of the #Melayu hashtag from a simple label to a powerful medium for fostering connections, expressing cultural pride, and preserving collective memories within Malay diaspora communities. Additionally, this study underscores the hashtag's role in challenging preconceived notions and stereotypes, providing a platform for diaspora voices to counter prevailing narratives. Overall, this investigation will contribute to the growing body of knowledge on the intricate relationship between social media and identity formation, particularly within the context of diaspora communities. Moreover, it underscores the importance of recognizing social media platforms as influential agents in shaping and maintaining cultural identities in our increasingly interconnected world.
... Cultivation is a sociocultural theory regarding the role of television in shaping viewers ' perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, and values Gerbner & Gross (1976) in Shrum (2017). Shrum further notes that as cultivation is a sociocultural theory, the three components-media institutions, message production, and message effects on viewers-are inextricably intertwined. ...
The Hallmark Channel, a highly watched cable network, is known for its consistently idealistic portrayals of romantic relationships. Despite its popularity, no research has examined whether increased viewership of Hallmark movies covaries with endorsement of relationship beliefs. According to cultivation theory, what we watch impacts our beliefs and perceptions of reality. Additionally, the Differential Susceptibility to Media Effects Model (DSMM) proposes that certain variables, such as developmental (i.e., age, relationship length) and dispositional factors (e.g., attachment style, gender), may make certain viewers more or less susceptible to the effects of media viewership. Based on this grounding, the main purpose of this study was to determine if watching more Hallmark movies is associated with endorsing certain beliefs about romantic relationships and opposite-sex friendships when controlling for several susceptibility factors. A nationwide sample of heterosexual, married participants ( N = 279) completed measures of Romantic Beliefs, Implicit Theories of Relationships, and beliefs about opposite-sex friendships and reported on their media consumption. More frequent Hallmark movie viewership was associated with increased endorsement of several relationship beliefs, above and beyond susceptibility factors (e.g., attachment, relationship length) and daily television consumption. Specifically, greater Hallmark movie viewership was positively associated with greater endorsement of multiple unrealistic relationship beliefs, destiny beliefs, and believing that opposite-sex friendships are problematic. The findings of the current study provide further support for cultivation theory and DSMM.
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Music is an essential part of mass communication that aids the stimulation of concrete information in a lighter mood. The current trend of cup usage by artist in Nigeria music video performance has presently increased the imitation among the upcoming artist and youth. Substance abuse can be referred to excessive use of psychoactive drugs. This study investigates use of red cup and perceived implication of substance abuse in Nigeria music video performance. The study made use of quantitative research approach. The research design for this study is survey method, questionnaires were used gather data needed for the study. Simple random sampling was adopted to select 200 respondents among students of the department of performing art and film studies and mass communication and media technology Lead City University, Ibadan. The result obtained were analysed and presented in percentage tables. The study found out that most of the red cups found in Nigeria Music Video contain drug substance. The study also revealed that use of substance during performance can lead to drug addiction and other related effects. The study concluded that the content in red cup of Nigeria music videos contain drug substance, this can lead to addiction and immoral imitation that can influence viewers and upcoming artist. The study recommends that artist should reduce the use of red cup as it sends negative signals to the viewers who see them as role model and mentor, also, artist should avoid intake of drugs substance and alcohol during performance in other to retain originality in their music performance.
Audience research has entered a new era in the twenty-first century such that the demarcation between producer and consumer is no longer as clear as it once might have been. As a result, audience studies continually negotiate the nature of the roles of those who produce media and those who are media users. This chapter describes the continued salience of key concepts and theories that are relevant to the understanding of audience members and the ways that they respond to media. Parasocial experiences, identification, and transportation continue to be relevant to understanding media effects. In addition, understanding the ways that audiences break into various demographically distinguished groups is important in understanding the different ways that media are important in the social lives of consumers today.
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Medya iletilerinin bireylerin algıları üzerindeki etkileri, çok çeşitli yaklaşımlarla teorileştirilmiştir. Gerbner’in Yetiştirme Teorisi de bunlardan biridir. Teori, televizyonun, bireylerin toplumsal gerçeklik algıları üzerinde önemli etkileri olduğunu savunur. Medya iletilerinin bireylerin algıları üzerindeki etkisinden hareketle, filmler aracılığıyla üretilen yaşlılık fikrinin, yaşlılığa dair gerçek yaşamdaki anlayışımızı şekillendirdiğini söylemek mümkündür. Diğer yandan, medya iletilerinin izler kitleyi dönüştürme sürecinde duyguların rolü oldukça büyüktür. Buradan hareketle çalışmamızda, sinema filmleri aracılığıyla kurulan yaşlılığın gerçek yaşamdaki anlayışımızı nasıl şekillendirdiğine dair farklı bir perspektif geliştirebilmek amacıyla, yaşlılık temalı filmlerin diyaloglarındaki duygu yapısı araştırılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda, bir asırlık zaman diliminde üretilen tüm yaşlılık temalı filmlerin diyaloglarında, metin madenciliği yöntemiyle duygu analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Sonuçlar tarihsel perspektifte ve ülke sinemaları çerçevesinde, betimsel bir yaklaşımla yorumlanmıştır. Çalışmamızın, sinemada metin madenciliği araştırmalarına örnek oluşturması ve sinemada yaşlılık olgusuna yönelik tartışmalara alternatif bir bakış açısı sunması beklenmektedir.
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Prior research has shown that television viewing cultivates perceptions of the prevalence of societal affluence through a memory-based process that relies on the application of judgmental heuristics. This article extends this research by examining (1) whether cultivation effects generalize to consumer values such as materialism and (2) whether these values judgments are also processed in a heuristic manner. Data from both a survey and an experiment suggest that television cultivates materialism through an online process in which television’s influence is enhanced by active (rather than heuristic) processing during viewing. This finding stands in contrast to the cultivation of prevalence judgments, which are attenuated by active processing during judgment elicitation.
This article critically examines the statistical evidence presented by Gerbner et al. to support their assertion that television-viewing “cultivates” distorted perceptions of the “real world.” In Part I, I point out discrepancies in the items, samples, and coding categories employed, and show that when controls are applied simultaneously (rather than singly) there is no linear relationship between amount of viewing and the provision of “television answers.” This reanalysis concludes that the “cultivation” hypothesis lacks empirical support and that the very data presented in its support argue strongly for rejecting the assertion that it has any scientific basis in fact.