Conference PaperPDF Available

Recent advances in soil liquefaction engineering: A unified and consistent framework

  • Annie Kammerer Consulting


Over the past decade, major advances have occurred in both understanding and practice with regard to assessment and mitigation of hazard associated with seismically induced soil liquefaction. Soil liquefaction engineering has evolved into a sub-field in its own right, and engineering assessment and mitigation of seismic soil liquefaction hazard is increasingly well addressed in both research and practice. This rapid evolution in the treatment of liquefaction has been pushed largely by a confluence of lessons and data provided by a series of major earthquakes over the past dozen years, as well as by the research and professional/political will engendered by these major seismic events. The overall field of soil liquefaction engineering is now beginning to coalesce into an internally consistent and comprehensive framework, and one in which the various elements are increasingly mutually supportive of each other. Although the rate of progress has been laudable, further advances are occurring, and more remains to be done. As we enter a “new millenium”, engineers are increasingly well able to deal with important aspects of soil liquefaction engineering. This paper will highlight a number of important recent and ongoing developments in soil liquefaction engineering, and will offer insights regarding research in progress, as well as suggestions regarding further advances needed.
R.B. Seed
K.O. Cetin
R.E.S. Moss
A.M. Kammerer
J. Wu
J.M. Pestana
M.F. Riemer
R.B. Sancio
J.D. Bray
R.E. Kayen
A. Faris
EERC 2003-06
26th Annual ASCE Los Angeles Geotechnical Spring Seminar,
Keynote Presentation, H.M.S. Queen Mary,
Long Beach, California, April 30, 2003.
R. B. Seed1, K. O. Cetin2, R. E. S. Moss3, A. M. Kammerer4, J. Wu5, J. M. Pestana1,
M. F. Riemer1, R.B. Sancio1, J.D. Bray1, R. E. Kayen6, and A. Faris1
Over the past decade, major advances have occurred in both understanding and practice with regard to assessment and mitigation of
hazard associated with seismically induced soil liquefaction. Soil liquefaction engineering has evolved into a sub-field in its own
right, and engineering assessment and mitigation of seismic soil liquefaction hazard is increasingly well addressed in both research
and practice. This rapid evolution in the treatment of liquefaction has been pushed largely by a confluence of lessons and data
provided by a series of major earthquakes over the past dozen years, as well as by the research and professional/political will
engendered by these major seismic events. The overall field of soil liquefaction engineering is now beginning to coalesce into an
internally consistent and comprehensive framework, and one in which the various elements are increasingly mutually supportive of
each other. Although the rate of progress has been laudable, further advances are occurring, and more remains to be done. As we
enter a “new millenium”, engineers are increasingly well able to deal with important aspects of soil liquefaction engineering. This
paper will highlight a number of important recent and ongoing developments in soil liquefaction engineering, and will offer insights
regarding research in progress, as well as suggestions regarding further advances needed.
1 Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley.
2 Dept. of Civil Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
3 Fugro Engineering, Santa Barbara, California.
4 Arup, San Francisco, California.
5 URS Corporation, Oakland, California.
6 U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California.
Soil liquefaction is a major cause of damage during
earthquakes. “Modern” engineering treatment of liquefaction-
related issues evolved initially in the wake of the two
devastating earthquakes of 1964; the 1964 Niigata (Japan) and
1964 Great Alaskan Earthquakes. Seismically-induced soil
liquefaction produced spectacular and devastating effects in
both of these events, thrusting the issue forcefully to the
attention of engineers and researchers.
Over the nearly four decades that have followed, significant
progress has occurred. Initially, this progress was largely
confined to improved ability to assess the likelihood of
initiation (or “triggering”) of liquefaction in clean, sandy soils.
As the years passed, and earthquakes continued to provide
lessons and data, researchers and practitioners became
increasingly aware of the additional potential problems
associated with both silty and gravelly soils, and the important
additional issues of post-liquefaction strength and stress-
deformation behavior also began to attract increased attention.
Today, the area of “soil liquefaction engineering” is emerging
as a semi-mature field of practice in its own right. This area
now involves a number of discernable sub-issues or sub-
topics, as illustrated schematically in Figure 1. As shown in
Figure 1, the first step in most engineering treatments of soil
liquefaction continues to be (1) assessment of “liquefaction
potential”, or the risk of “triggering” (initiation) of
liquefaction. There have been major advances here in recent
years, and some of these will be discussed.
Once it is determined that occurrence of liquefaction is a
potentially serious risk/hazard, the process next proceeds to
assessment of the consequences of the potential liquefaction.
This, now, increasingly involves (2) assessment of available
post-liquefaction strength, and resulting post-liquefaction
overall stability (of a site, and/or of a structure or other built
facilites, etc.). There has been considerable progress in
Seed et al. (2003) 2
Fig. 1: Key Elements of Soil Liquefaction Engineering
1. Assessment of the likelihood of “triggering”
or initiation of soil liquefaction.
2. Assessment of post-liquefaction strength and
overall post-liquefaction stability.
3. Assessment of expected liquefaction-induced
deformations and displacements.
4. Assessment of the consequences of these
deformations and displacements.
5. Implementation (and evaluation) of engineered
mitigation, if necessary.
evaluation of post-liquefaction strengths and stability over the
past fifteen years. If post-liquefaction stability is found
wanting, then deformation/displacement potential is large, and
engineered remediation is typically warranted.
If post-liquefaction overall stability is not unacceptable, then
attention is next directed towards (3) assessment of anticipated
deformations and displacements. This is a very “soft” area of
practice, and much remains to be done here with regard to
development and calibration/verification of engineering tools
and methods. Similarly, there are few engineering tools and
guidelines regarding (4) the effects of liquefaction-induced
deformations and displacements on the performance of
structures and other engineered facilities, and criteria for
“acceptable” performance are not well established.
Finally, in cases in which the engineer(s) conclude that
satisfactory performance cannot be counted on, (5) engineered
mitigation of liquefaction risk is generally warranted. This,
too, is a rapidly evolving area, and one rife with potential
controversy. Ongoing evolution of new methods for
mitigation of liquefaction hazard provides an ever increasing
suite of engineering options, but the efficacy and reliability of
some of these remain contentious, and accurate and reliable
engineering analysis of the improved performance provided by
many of these mitigation techniques continues to be difficult.
It is not possible, within the confines of this paper, to fully
address all of these issues (a textbook would be required!)
Instead, a number of important recent and ongoing advances
will be highlighted, and resultant issues and areas of
controversy, as well as areas in urgent need of further
advances either in practice or understanding, will be noted.
2.1 Liquefiable Soil Types:
The first step in engineering assessment of the potential for
“triggering” or initiation of soil liquefaction is the
determination of whether or not soils of “potentially
liquefiable nature” are present at a site. This, in turn, raises
the important question regarding which types of soils are
potentially vulnerable to soil liquefaction.
It has long been recognized that relatively “clean” sandy soils,
with few fines, are potentially vulnerable to seismically-
induced liquefaction. There has, however, been significant
controversy and confusion regarding the liquefaction potential
of silty soils (and silty/clayey soils), and also of coarser,
gravelly soils and rockfills.
Coarser, gravelly soils are the easier of the two to discuss, so
we will begin there. The cyclic behavior of coarse, gravelly
soils differs little from that of “sandy” soils, as Nature has
little or no respect for the arbitrary criteria established by the
standard #4 sieve. Coarse, gravelly soils are potentially
vulnerable to cyclic pore pressure generation and liquefaction.
There are now a number of well-documented field cases of
liquefaction of coarse, gravelly soils (e.g.: Evans, 1987;
Harder, 1988; Hynes, 1988; Andrus, 1994). These soils do,
however, often differ in behavior from their finer, sandy
brethren in two ways: (1) they can be much more pervious,
and so can often rapidly dissipate cyclically generated pore
pressures, and (2) due to the mass of their larger particles, the
coarse gravelly soils are seldom deposited “gently” and so do
not often occur in the very loose states more often encountered
with finer sandy soils. Sandy soils can range from very loose
to very dense, while the “very” loose state is relatively
uncommon in gravelly deposits and coarser soils.
The apparent drainage advantages of coarse, gravelly soils can
be defeated if their drainage potential is circumvented by
either; (1) their being surrounded and encapsulated by finer,
less pervious materials, (2) if drainage is internally impeded
by the presence of finer soils in the void spaces between the
coarser particles (it should be noted that the D10 particle size,
not the mean or D
50 size, most closely correlates with the
permeability of a broadly graded soil mix), or (3) if the layer
or stratum of coarse soil is of large dimension, so that the
distance over which drainage must occur (rapidly) during an
earthquake is large. In these cases, the coarse soils should be
considered to be of potentially liquefiable type, and should be
evaluated accordingly.
Questions regarding the potential liquefiability of finer,
“cohesive” soils (especially “silts” and “silty clays”) are
increasingly common at meetings and professional short
courses and seminars. There is considerable new field data
regarding this issue from recent major earthquakes, and this is
an area in which major changes in both understanding and
practice are occurring.
Seed et al. (2003) 3
Figure 2 illustrates the “Modified Chinese Criteria” (Wang
(1979), and Seed and Idriss (1982)), which represent the
criteria most widely used for defining potentially liquefiable
soils over the past two decades. According to these criteria,
fine (cohesive) soils that plot above the A-line are considered
to be of potentially liquefiable type and character if: (1) there
are less than 15% “clay” fines (based on the Chinese
definition of “clay” sizes as less than 0.005 mm), (2) there is a
Liquid Limit of LL 35%, and (3) there is a current in-situ
water content greater than or equal to 90% of the Liquid
Andrews and Martin (2000) re-evaluated the liquefaction field
case histories from the database of Wang (1979), as well as a
number of subsequent earthquakes, and have transposed the
“Modified Chinese Criteria” to U.S. conventions (with clay
sizes defined as those less than about 0.002 mm). Their
findings are largely summarized in Figure 3. Andrews and
Martin recommended: (1) that soils with less than about 10%
clay fines (< 0.002 mm), and a Liquid Limit (LL) in the minus
#40 sieve fraction of less than 32%, be considered potentially
liquefiable, (2) that soils with more than about 10% clay fines
and LL 32% are unlikely to be susceptible to classic
cyclically-induced liquefaction, and (3) that soils intermediate
between these criteria should be sampled and tested to assess
whether or not they are potentially liquefiable.
Over the period from 1994 to 1999, a group of approximately
two dozen leading experts worked to achieve concensus
regarding a number of issues involved in the assessment of
liquefaction potential. This group, referred to hereafter as the
NCEER Working Group, have published many of their
consensus findings (or at least near-consensus findings) in the
NSF-sponsored workshop summary paper (NCEER, 1997),
and the summary article in the ASCE Journal of Geotechnical
and Geoenvironmental Engineering (Youd et al., 2001). The
NCEER Working Group addressed this issue, and it was
agreed that there was a need to reexamine the “Modified
Chinese Criteria” for defining the types of fine “cohesive”
soils potentially vulnerable to liquefaction, but no improved
concensus position could be reached at that time, and more
study was warranted.
Two major earthquakes in 1999 then dramatically altered the
picture. Widespread soil liquefaction occurred throughout
much of the city of Adapazari in the 1999 Kocaeli (Turkey)
Earthquake, and widespread liguefaction-induced damages
also occurred in the cities of Wu Feng, Yuan Lin and Nantou
in the 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) Earthquake. In all four of these
cities, significant liquefaction-type damages (including
settlements and/or partial or complete bearing failures of
shallow-founded structures) occurred at sites where the soils
responsible appear to be more “cohesive” than would be
expected based on the Modified Chinese Criteria.
There is significant ongoing research with regard to the field
performance of increasingly cohesive soils in Adapazari; work
is in progress both at U.C. Berkeley (Sancio, 2003) and at the
Middle East Technical University in Ankara (Cetin, 2003),
and more detailed publications can be anticipated in the very
near future as these efforts are completed. Similarly, studies
are also in progress by a number of research teams (including
Stewart, et al., 2003) regarding performance of increasingly
cohesive soils in Wu Feng, Yuan Lin and Nantou during the
Chi-Chi Earthquake.
In the “new” field performance cases in these four cities, it is
often difficult to reliably discern whether or not soils with
cohesive fines “liquefied”. Soils with large fines contents do
not generally exude excess pore pressures rapidly, and so are
less prone to produce surface boil ejecta than are “cleaner”
cohesionless soils.
As a result, soils with significant (and plastic) fines have been
sampled and then subjected to cyclic testing in the laboratory
by a number of researchers. This laboratory testing, much like
Liquid Limit
< 32
Liquid Limit 32
Clay Content2
< 10%
Susceptible Further Studies
(Considering plastic
non-clay sized
grains such as
Clay Content2
Further Studies
(Considering non-
plastic clay sized
grains – such as mine
and quarry tailings)
Not Susceptible
1. Liquid limit determined by Casagrande-type percussion apparatus.
2. Clay defined as grains finer than 0.002 mm.
Fig. 3: Liquefaction Susceptibility of Silty and Clayey
Sands (after Andrews and Martin, 2000)
1.PercentFinerthan 0.005mm 15%
2.Liquid Limit(LL)35%
Fig. 2: Modified Chinese Criteria (After Wang (1979)
and Seed and Idriss (1982)
Seed et al. (2003) 4
the observed field performance, suggests that: (1) soils of
higher plasticity may be susceptible to significant cyclic pore
pressure increase and consequent loss of strength than is
suggested by the Modified Chinese Criteria, and (2) the
transition in behavior to soils of even higher plasticity, which
do not appear to be prone to similarly severe cyclic pore
pressure generation and strength loss, is gradual (rather than
Some of the confusion here is related to the definition of
liquefaction. In this paper, the term “classic” cyclic
liquefaction will refer to significant loss of strength and
stiffness due to cyclic pore pressure generation, in contrast to
“sensitivity” or loss of strength due to monotonic shearing
and/or remolding as a result of larger, monotonic (uni-
directional) shear displacements. By making these
distinctions, we are able to separately discuss “classic”
cyclically-induced liquefaction and the closely-related (but
different) phenomenon of strain-softening or sensitivity.
Sandy soils, and silty soils of very low plasticity, tend to
experience “triggering” of cyclically induced soil liquefaction
at relatively low shear strains (typically on the order of 3% to
6%), and the loss of strength can be severe. Soils of higher
plasticity, on the other hand, may also exhibit loss of strength
and stiffness, accompanied by increased pore pressures, but
the pore pressure ratios achieved may be somewhat lower than
those associated with more “classically” liquefiable soils, and
the loss of strength and stiffness becomes pronounced at
somewhat larger shear strains. In other words, there is a
transition in behaviors; as soils’ behaviors become controlled
by fines of increasing plasticity their cyclic behavior becomes
more “ductile”, and the boundary between soils which are
potentially susceptible to “classic” cyclic liquefaction and
those that are not is not a sharp transition.
It is recommended herein that the Modified Chinese Criteria
be relegated to history, and that we move forward to broader
consideration of potentially liquefiable soil types. One
element of the Modified Chinese Criteria has been clearly
shown to be flawed, and that is the “percent clay fines” rule
(e.g.: Bray et al. 2001; Sancio et al.; 2002, 2003). Percent clay
fines is less important than the overall contribution of the fines
to plasticity, and there are numerous cases of liquefaction of
soils with more than 10 or 15% clay-sized fines. The other
elements of the Modified Chinese Criteria (Liquid Limit, and
water content as a fraction of the liquid limit) both appear
better directed, but warrant some revision as well.
Post-earthquake reconnaissance efforts (e.g. Bray and Stewart,
2000) and follow-on studies (e.g. Sancio et al., 2002), clearly
found ample evidence of liquefaction and ground softening at
sites where critical soil layers contained more than 15%
particles finer than 5 mm. As suggested in Bray et al. (2001),
Sancio et al. (2002), and Sancio et al. (2003), the percent
"clay-size" criterion of the Chinese criteria and Andrews and
Martin (2000) criteria is misleading, because it is not the
percent of "clay-size" particles that is important. Rather, it is
the percent of clay minerals present in the soil and their
activity that are important. Fine quartz particles may be
smaller than either 2 or 5 mm, but if largely nonplastic, these
soils respond as a cohesionless material in terms of
liquefaction under cyclic loading. Accordingly, use of the
percent "clay size" criterion as is commonly done in current
engineering practice (e.g.: "Guidelines for Analyzing and
Mitigating Liquefaction Hazards in California"; edited by
Martin and Lew, 1999), can be unconservative, because soils
that are susceptible to liquefaction can be incorrectly classified
as non-liquefiable.
Figure 4 represents interim
recommendations regarding
“liquefiability of soils with
significant fines contents. This may
evolve further, based on work in
progress, but is a good summary of
what we know to date. For soils
with sufficient fines content that the
fines separate the coarser particles
and control overall behavior: (1)
Soils within Zone A are considered
potentially susceptible to “classic”
cyclically induced liquefaction, (2)
Soils within Zone B may be
liquefiable, and (3) Soils in Zone C
(not within Zones A or B) are not
generally susceptible to “classic”
cyclic liquefaction, but should be
checked for potential sensitivity
(loss of strength with remoulding or
monotonic accumulation of shear
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
LL (Liquid Limit)
PI (Plasticity Index)
37 47
Applicable for:
(a) FC 20% if PI>12%
(b) FC 35% if PI<12%
Zone A: Potentially Liquefiable
Zone B: Test if wc 0.85(LL)
Fig 4: Recommendations Regarding Assessment of “Liquefiable” Soil Types
if wc > 0.8(LL)
Seed et al. (2003) 5
Both experimental research and review of liquefaction field
case histories show that for soils with sufficient “fines”
(particles finer than 0.074 mm, or passing a #200 sieve) to
separate the coarser (larger than 0.074 mm) particles, the
characteristics of the fines control the potential for cyclically-
induced liquefaction. This separation of the coarser particles
typically occurs as the fines content exceeds about 15% to
35%, with the precise fines content required being dependent
principally on the overall soil gradation and the character of
the fines. Well-graded soils have lesser void ratios than
uniformly-graded or gap-graded soils, and so require lesser
fines contents to fill the remaining available void space and
thus separate (or “float”) the coarser particles in a matrix of
the fines. Similarly, clay fines carry higher void ratios than
silty particles and so are more rapidly effective at over-filling
the void space available between the coarser (larger than
0.074mm) particles; a lesser weight (or percentage) of clay
fines is required than would be required if the fines were lower
plasticity silty particles.
In soils wherein the fines content is sufficient as to separate
the coarser particles and control behavior, cyclically-induced
soil liquefaction appears to occur primarily in soils where
these fines are either non-plastic or are low plasticity silts
and/or silty clays (PI 12%, and LL 37%), and with high
water content relative to their Liquid Limit (wc > 0.85·LL). In
fact, low plasticity or non-plastic silts and silty sands can be
among the most dangerous of liquefiable soils, as they not
only can cyclically liquefy; they also “hold their water” well
and dissipate excess pore pressures slowly due to their low
Soils with sufficient fines that the fines control their behavior,
and falling within Zone A in Figure 4, are considered
potentially susceptible to “classic” cyclically-induced soil
liquefaction. Soils within Zone B fall into a transition range;
they may in some cases be susceptible to liquefaction
(especially if their in situ water content is greater than about
85% of their Liquid Limit), but tend to be more ductile and
may not “liquefy” in the classic sense of losing a large fraction
of their strength and stiffness at relatively low cyclic shear
strains. These soils are also, in many cases, not well suited to
evaluation based on conventional in-situ “penetration-based”
liquefaction hazard assessment methods. These types of soils
usually are amenable to reasonably “undisturbed” (e.g.: thin-
walled, or better) sampling, however, and so can be tested in
the laboratory. It should be remembered to check for
“sensitivity” of these cohesive soils as well as for potential
cyclic liquefiability. Soils in Zone C are generally not
susceptible to “classic” cyclically-induced soil liquefaction,
but they may be “sensitive” and vulnerable to strength loss
with remoulding or large shear displacements.
This is a step forward, as it extends the previous “Modified
Chinese” criteria to encompass important new field
performance data (and corollary laboratory test data) from
recent earthquakes. It should also be noted that there is a
common lapse in engineering practice inasmuch as engineers
often tend to become distracted by the presence of potentially
“classically” liquefiable soils, and then often neglect cohesive
soils (clays and plastic silts) that are highly “sensitive” and
vulnerable to major loss of strength if sheared or remolded.
These types of “sensitive” soils (which can exist in Zones B
and C) often co-exist in close proximity with potentially
liquefiable soils, and can be similarly dangerous in their own
Appropriate sampling and testing protocols for soils of Zone B
are not yet well established, and further research is needed
here. Issues of sample disturbance, and sample densification
during reconsolidation, and the potential applicability of
“SHANSEP-like” laboratory reconsolidation approaches to
offset these potential problems, are not yet well studied.
Accordingly, sampling and testing of these types of soils may
produce important qualitative data regarding likely soil
performance, but it is difficult to rigorously quantitatively
assess the levels of seismic loading necessary to “trigger”
liquefaction in these soil types at present. It should also be
noted that soils of Zone B may sometimes exhibit relatively
innocuous behavior under cyclic loading in the absence of
“static” driving shear stresses, but may exhibit much more
significant softening and pore pressure increase if cyclically
loaded while also subjected to significant “static” driving
shear stresses. Accordingly, it appears that cyclic testing of
these types of soils with non-zero static driving shear stresses
(á > 0) is adviseable if this is potentially applicable to field
The criteria of this section do not fully cover all types of
liquefiable soils. As an example, a well-studied clayey sand
(SC) at a site in the southeastern U.S. has been clearly shown
to be potentially susceptible to cyclic liquefaction, despite a
clay content on the order of 15 %, and a Plasticity Index of up
to 30% (Riemer et al., 1993). This is a highly unusual
material, however, as it is an ancient sand that has weathered
in place, with the clay largely coating the exterior surfaces of
the individual weathered grains, and the overall soil is
unusually “loose”. Exceptions must be anticipated, and
judgement will continue to be necessary in evaluating whether
or not specific soils are potentially liquefiable.
Finally, two additional conditions necessary for potential
liquefiability are: (1) saturation (or at least near-saturation),
and (2) “rapid” (largely “undrained”) loading. It should be
remembered that phreatic conditions are variable both with
seasonal fluctuations and irrigation, and that the rapid cyclic
loading induced by seismic excitation represents an ideal
loading type for initiation of soil liquefaction.
Quantitative assessment of the likelihood of “triggering” or
initiation of liquefaction is the necessary first step for most
projects involving potential seismically-induced liquefaction.
There are two general types of approaches available for this:
(1) use of laboratory testing of “undisturbed” samples, and (2)
use of empirical relationships based on correlation of observed
field behavior with various in-situ “index” tests.
Seed et al. (2003) 6
The use of laboratory testing is complicated by difficulties
associated with sample disturbance during both sampling and
reconsolidation. It is also difficult and expensive to perform
high-quality cyclic simple shear testing, and cyclic triaxial
testing poorly represents the loading conditions of principal
interest for most seismic problems. Both sets of problems can
be ameliorated, to some extent, by use of appropriate “frozen”
sampling techniques, and subsequent testing in a high quality
cyclic simple shear or torsional shear apparatus. The
difficulty and cost of these delicate techniques, however,
places their use beyond the budget and scope of most
engineering studies. In addition, frozen sampling can be
infeasible in soils with significant fines content, as the low
permeability of these can lead to ice expansion completely
disturbing the soils rather than preventing disturbance.
Accordingly, the use of in-situ “index” testing is the dominant
approach in common engineering practice. As summarized in
the recent state-of-the-art paper (Youd et al.; 1997, 2001), four
in-situ test methods have now reached a level of sufficient
maturity as to represent viable tools for this purpose, and these
are (1) the Standard Penetration Test (SPT), (2) the cone
penetration test (CPT), (3) measurement of in-situ shear wave
velocity (Vs), and (4) the Becker penetration test (BPT). The
oldest, and still the most widely used of these, is the SPT, and
this will be the focus of the next section of this paper.
3.1 SPT-Based Triggering Assessment:
3.1.1 Existing SPT-Based Correlations
The use of the SPT as a tool for evaluation of liquefaction
potential first began to evolve in the wake of a pair of
devastating earthquakes that occurred in 1964; the 1964 Great
Alaskan Earthquake (M = 8+) and the 1964 Niigata
Earthquake (M 7.5), both of which produced significant
liquefaction-related damage (e.g.: Kishida, 1966; Koizumi,
1966; Ohsaki, 1966; Seed and Idriss, 1971). Numerous
additional researchers have made subsequent progress, and
these types of SPT-based methods continue to evolve today.
As discussed by the NCEER Working Group (NCEER, 1997;
Youd et al., 2001), one of the most widely accepted and
widely used SPT-based correlations is the “deterministic”
relationship proposed by Seed, et al. (1984, 1985). Figure 5
shows this relationship, with minor modification at low CSR
(as recommended by the NCEER Working Group; NCEER,
1997). This familiar relationship is based on comparison
between SPT N-values, corrected for both effective
overburden stress and energy, equipment and procedural
factors affecting SPT testing (to N1,60-values) vs. intensity of
cyclic loading, expressed as magnitude-weighted equivalent
uniform cyclic stress ratio (CSReq). The relationship between
corrected N
1,60-values and the intensity of cyclic loading
required to trigger liquefaction is also a function of fines
content in this relationship, as shown in Figure 5.
Although widely used in practice, this relationship is dated,
and does not make use of an increasing body of field case
history data from seismic events that have occurred since
1984. It is particularly lacking in data from cases wherein
peak ground shaking levels were high (CSR > 0.25), an
increasingly common design range in regions of high
seismicity. This correlation also has no formal probabilistic
basis, and so provides no insight regarding either uncertainty
or probability of liquefaction.
Efforts at development of similar, but formally
probabilistically-based, correlations have been published by a
number of researchers, including Liao et al. (1988, 1998), and
more recently Youd and Noble (1997), and Toprak et al.
(1999). Figures 6(a) through (c) show these relationships,
expressed as contours of probability of triggering of
liquefaction, with the deterministic relationship of Seed et al.
from Figure 5 superimposed (dashed lines) for reference. In
each of the figures on this page, contours of probability of
triggering or initiation of liquefaction for P
L = 5, 20, 50, 80
and 95% are shown.
The probabilistic relationship proposed by Liao et al. employs
a larger number of case history data points than were used by
Seed et al. (1984), but this larger number of data points is the
Fig. 5: Correlation Between Equivalent Uniform Cyclic
Stress Ratio and SPT N1,60-Value for Events of
Magnitude MW7.5 for Varying Fines Contents,
With Adjustments at Low Cyclic Stress Ratio as
Recommended by NCEER Working Group
(Modified from Seed, et al., 1984)
Seed et al. (2003) 7
result of less severe screening of points for data quality, and so
includes a number of low quality data. This relationship was
developed using the maximum likelihood estimation method
for probabilistic regression (binary regression of logistic
models). The way the likelihood function was formulated did
not permit separate treatment of aleatory and epistemic
sources of uncertainty, and so overstates the overall variance
or uncertainty of the proposed correlation. This can lead to
over-conservatism at low levels of probability of liquefaction.
An additional shortcoming was that Liao et al. sought, but
failed to find, a significant impact of fines content on the
regressed relationship between SPT penetration resistance and
liquefaction resistance, and so developed reliable curves
(Figure 6(a)) only for sandy soils with less than 12% fines.
The relationship proposed by Youd and Noble employs a
number of field case history data points from earthquakes
which have occurred since the earlier relationships were
developed, and excludes the most questionable of the data
used by Liao et al. The basic methodology employed,
maximum likelihood estimation, is the same, however, and as
a result this correlation continues to overstate the overall
uncertainty. The effects of fines content were judgmentally
prescribed, a priori, in these relationships, and so were not
developed as part of the regression. This correlation is
applicable to soils of variable fines contents, and so can be
employed for both sandy and silty soils. As shown in Figure
6(b), however, uncertainty (or variance) is high.
The relationship proposed by Toprak et al. also employs an
enlarged and updated field case history database, and deletes
the most questionable of the data used by Liao et al. As with
the studies of Youd et al., the basic regression tool was binary
regression, and the resulting overall uncertainty is again very
large. Similarly, fines corrections and magnitude-correlated
duration weighting factors were prescribed a priori, rather than
being regressed from the field case history data, further
decreasing model “fit” (and increasing variance and
Overall, the four prior relationships presented in Figures 5 and
6(a) through (c) are all excellent efforts, and are among the
best of their types. It is proposed that more can now be
achieved, however, using more powerful and flexible
probabilistic tools, and taking fullest possible advantage of the
currently available field case histories and current knowledge
affecting the processing and interpretation of these.
3.1.2 Proposed New SPT-Based Correlations:
This section presents new correlations for assessment of the
likelihood of initiation (or “triggering”) of soil liquefaction
(Cetin, et al.; 2000, 2003). These new correlations eliminate
several sources of bias intrinsic to previous, similar
correlations, and provide greatly reduced overall uncertainty
and variance. Figure 6(d) shows the new correlation, with
contours of probability of liquefaction again plotted for PL = 5,
20, 50, 80 and 95%, and plotted to the same scale as the earlier
correlations. As shown in this figure, the new correlation
provides greatly reduced overall uncertainty. Indeed, the
uncertainty is now sufficiently reduced that the principal
uncertainty now resides where it belongs; in the engineer’s
ability to assess suitable CSR and representative N1,60 values
for design cases.
Key elements in the development of this new correlation were:
(1) accumulation of a significantly expanded database of field
performance case histories, (2) use of improved knowledge
and understanding of factors affecting interpretation of SPT
data, (3) incorporation of improved understanding of factors
affecting site-specific ground motions (including directivity
effects, site-specific response, etc.), (4) use of improved
methods for assessment of in-situ cyclic shear stress ratio
(CSR), (5) screening of field data case histories on a
quality/uncertainty basis, and (6) use of higher-order
probabilistic tools (Bayesian Updating). These Bayesian
methods (a) allowed for simultaneous use of more descriptive
variables than most prior studies, and (b) allowed for
appropriate treatment of various contributing sources of
aleatory and epistemic uncertainty. The resulting relationships
not only provide greatly reduced uncertainty, they also help to
resolve a number of corollary issues that have long been
difficult and controversial, including: (1) magnitude-correlated
duration weighting factors, (2) adjustments for fines content,
and (3) corrections for effective overburden stress.
As a starting point, all of the field case histories employed in
the correlations shown in Figures 5 and 6(a) through (c) were
obtained and studied. Additional cases were also obtained,
including several proprietary data sets. Eventually,
approximately 450 liquefaction (and “non-liquefaction”) field
case histories were evaluated in detail. A formal rating system
was established for rating these case histories on the basis of
data quality and uncertainty, and standards were established
for inclusion of field cases in the final data set used to
establish the new correlations. In the end, 203 of the field
case histories were judged to meet these new and higher
standards, and were employed in the final development of the
proposed new correlations.
A significant improvement over previous efforts was the
improved evaluation of peak horizontal ground acceleration at
each earthquake field case history site. Specific details are
provided by Cetin et al. (2001, 2003). Significant improve-
ments here were principally due to improved understanding
and treatment of issues such as (a) directivity effects, (b)
effects of site conditions on response, (c) improved attenuation
relationships, and (d) availability of strong motion records
from recent (and well-instrumented) major earthquakes. In
these studies, peak horizontal ground acceleration (amax) was
taken as the geometric mean of two recorded orthogonal
horizontal components. Whenever possible, attenuation
relationships were calibrated on an earthquake-specific basis,
based on local strong ground motion records, significantly
reducing uncertainties. For all cases wherein sufficiently
detailed data and suitable nearby recorded ground motions
were available, site-specific site response analyses were
Seed et al. (2003) 8
(a) Liao et al., 1988 (b) Youd et al., 1998
(c) Toprak et al., 1999 (d) This Study (σ′σ′v=1300 psf.)
0 10 20 30 40
FC 35% 15% 5%
95% 5%50%80% 20%
Liao, et al. (1988)
Deterministic Bounds,
Seed, et al. (1984)
0 10 20 30 40
95% 5%50%80% 20%
Deterministic Bounds,
Seed, et al. (1984)
Youd, et al. (1998)
FC 35% 5%
0 10 20 30 40
50%80% 20%
Deterministic Bounds,
Seed, et al. (1984)
Toprak et al. (1999)
FC 35% 5%
Fig. 6: Comparison of Best Available Probabilistic Correlations for Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential
(All Plotted for MW=7.5, σσv’=0.65 atm, and Fines Content
Seed et al. (2003) 9
performed. In all cases, both local site effects and rupture-
mechanism-dependent potential directivity effects were also
A second major improvement was better estimation of in-situ
CSR within the critical stratum for each of the field case
histories. All of the previous studies described so far used the
“simplified” method of Seed and Idriss (1971) to estimate
CSR at depth (within the critical soil stratum) as
( )
peak r
max (Eq. 1)
amax = the peak horizontal ground surface acceleration,
g = the acceleration of gravity,
σv = total vertical stress,
σv = effective vertical stress, and
rd = the nonlinear shear mass participation factor.
The original rd values proposed by Seed and Idriss (1971) are
shown by the heavy lines in Figure 6(a). These are the values
used in the previous studies by Seed et al. (1984), Liao et al.
(1988, 1998), Youd et al. (1997), and Toprak et al. (1999).
Recognition that rd is nonlinearly dependent upon a suite of
factors led to studies by Cetin and Seed (2000) to develop
improved correlations for estimation of rd. The numerous light
gray lines in Figures 7(a) and (b) show the results of 2,153
seismic site response analyses performed to assess the
variation of r
d over ranges of (1) site conditions, and (2)
ground motion excitation characteristics. The mean and +1
standard deviation values for these 2,153 analyses are shown
by the heavy lines in Figure 7(b). As shown in Figures 7(a)
and (b), the earlier r
d proposal of Seed and Idriss (1971)
understates the variance, and provides biased (generally high)
estimates of rd at depths of between 10 and 50 feet (3 to 15 m.)
Unfortunately, it is in this depth range that the critical soil
strata for most of the important liquefaction (and non-
liquefaction) earthquake field case histories occur. This, in
turn, creates some degree of corresponding bias in
relationships developed on this basis.
Cetin and Seed (2000, 2003) propose a new, empirical basis
for estimation of rd as a function of; (1) depth, (2) earthquake
magnitude, (3) intensity of shaking, and (4) site stiffness (as
expressed in Equation 2).
Figure 8 shows the values of rd from the 2,153 site response
analyses performed as part of these studies sub-divided into 12
“bins” as a function of peak ground surface acceleration (amax),
Fig. 7: Rd Results from Response Analyses for 2,153 Combinations of Site Conditions and Ground
Motions, Superimposed with Heavier Lines Showing (a) the Earlier Recommendations of Seed
and Idriss (1971), and (b) the Mean and + 1 Standard Deviation Values for the 2,153 Cases
Analyzed (After Cetin and Seed, 2000).
(a) (b)
Seed et al. (2003) 10
site stiffness (VS,40ft), earthquake magnitude (Mw), and depth
(d). [VS,40ft is the “average” shear wave velocity over the top
40 feet of a site (in units of ft./sec.), taken as 40 feet divided
by the shear wave travel time in traversing this 40 feet.]
Superimposed on each figure are the mean and + 1 standard
deviation values central to each “bin” from Equation 2. Either
Equation 2, or Figure 8, can be used to derive improved (and
statistically unbiased) estimates of rd.
It is noted, however, that in-situ CSR (and rd) can “jump” or
transition irregularly within a specific soil profile, especially
near sharp transitions between “soft” and “stiff” strata, and
that CSR (and rd) are also a function of the interaction between
a site and each specific excitation motion. Accordingly, the
best means of estimation of in-situ CSR within any given
stratum is to directly calculate CSR by means of appropriate
site-specific, and event-specific, seismic site response
analyses, when this is feasible. As the new correlations were
developed using both directly-calculated rd values (from site
response analyses) as well as rd values from the statistically
unbiased correlation of Equation 2, there is no intrinsic a priori
bias associated with either approach.
This represents an important improvement over all previous
SPT-based “triggering” correlations. All prior correlations
had been based on use of the “simplified” rd of Seed and Idriss
(1971) for back-analysis of field performance case histories,
and were as a result unconservatively biased relative to actual
case-specific seismic response analysis. These previous
methods could be used in forward engineering so long as the
“simplified” r
d was used to assess CSR, but could be
unconservative if used in conjunction with (1-D or 2-D or 3-
D) seismic response analyses (as they often are for
“important” projects such as dams and other critical facilities.)
The new correlations, on the other hand, can be safely used in
conjunction with project-specific dynamic response analyses
without introducing bias.
In the new correlations proposed herein, in-situ cyclic stress
ratio (CSR) is taken as the “equivalent uniform CSR” equal to
65% of the single (one-time) peak CSR (from Equation 1) as
peakeq CSR)65.0(CSR = (Eq. 3)
In-situ CSReq was evaluated directly, based on performance of
full seismic site response analyses (using SHAKE 90; Idriss
and Sun, 1992), for cases where (a) sufficient sub-surface data
was available, and (b) where suitable “input” motions could be
developed from nearby strong ground motion records. For
cases wherein full seismic site response analyses were not
performed, CSReq was evaluated using the estimated amax and
Equations 1 and 2. In addition to the best estimates of CSReq,
the variance or uncertainty of these estimates (due to all
contributing sources of uncertainty) was also assessed (Cetin
et al., 2001).
At each case history site, the critical stratum was identified as
the stratum most susceptible to triggering of liquefaction.
Only one critical stratum was analyzed at any one site, and in
many cases two or more SPT borings were combined jointly
to characterize a single critical stratum. When possible,
collected surface boil materials were also considered, but
problems associated with mixing and segregation during
transport, and recognition that liquefaction of underlying strata
can result in transport of overlying soils to the surface through
boils, limited the usefulness of some of this data.
The N
1,60-values employed were “truncated mean values”
within the critical stratum. Measured N-values (from one or
more points) within a critical stratum were corrected for
d < 65 ft:
)V,a,M,d(r ε
(Eq 2)
d 65 ft:
)V,a,M,d(r ε
rd=σε [for d < 40 ft], and 0072.040)d(850.0
rd=σε [for d 40 ft]
Seed et al. (2003) 11
(a) Mw6.8, amax0.12g, Vs,40 ft. 525 fps (b) Mw6.8, amax 0.12g, Vs,40 ft. >525 fps
(c) Mw<6.8, amax 0.12g, Vs,40 ft. 525 fps (d) Mw<6.8, amax 0.12g, Vs,40 ft. >525 fps
Fig. 8: Rd Results for Various “Bins” Superimposed with the Predictions (Mean and Mean ±±1σσ) Based
on Bin Mean Values of Vs,40 ft , Mw, and amax (continued…)
Seed et al. (2003) 12
(e) Mw6.8, 0.12< amax 0.23g, Vs,40 ft. 525 fps (f) Mw6.8, 0.12< amax 0.23g, Vs,40 ft. >525 fps
(g) Mw<6.8, 0.12< amax 0.23g, Vs,40 ft. 525 fps (h) Mw<6.8, 0.12< amax 0.23g, V.s,40 ft. >525 fps
Fig. 8: Rd Results for Various “Bins” Superimposed with the Predictions (Mean and Mean ±±1σσ) Based
on Bin Mean Values of Vs,40 ft , Mw, and amax (continued…)
Seed et al. (2003) 13
(i) Mw6.8, 0.23< amax, Vs,40 ft. 525 fps (j) Mw6.8, 0.23< amax, Vs,40 ft. >525 fps
(k) Mw<6.8, 0.23< amax, Vs,40 ft. 525 fps (l) Mw<6.8, 0.23< amax, Vs,40 ft. >525 fps
Fig. 8: Rd Results for Various “Bins” Superimposed with the Predictions (Mean and Mean ±±1σσ) Based
on Bin Me an Values of Vs,40 ft , Mw, and amax
Seed et al. (2003) 14
overburden, energy, equipment, and procedural effects to N1,60
values, and were then plotted vs. elevation. In many cases, a
given soil stratum would be found to contain an identifiable
sub-stratum (based on a group of localized low N1,60-values)
that was significantly more critical than the rest of the stratum.
In such cases, the sub-stratum was taken as the “critical
stratum”. Occasional high values, not apparently
representative of the general characteristics of the critical
stratum, were considered “non-representative” and were
deleted in a number of the cases. Similarly, though less often,
very low N1,60 values (very much lower than the apparent main
body of the stratum, and often associated with locally high
fines content) were similarly deleted. The remaining,
corrected N
1,60 values were then used to evaluate both the
mean of N1,60 within the critical stratum, and the variance in
For those cases wherein the critical stratum had only one
single useful N1,60-value, the coefficient of variation was taken
as 20%; a value typical of the larger variances among the
cases with multiple N
1,60 values within the critical stratum
(reflecting the increased uncertainty due to lack of data when
only a single value was available).
All N-values were corrected for overburden effects (to the
hypothetical value, N
1, that “would” have been measured if
the effective overburden stress at the depth of the SPT had
been 1 atmosphere) [1 atm. 2,000 lb/ft2 1 kg/cm2 14.7
lb/in2 101 kPa] as
N1CNN = (Eq. 4(a))
where CN is taken (after Liao and Whitman, 1986) as
CN = 1
(Eq. 4(b))
where σv is the actual effective overburden stress at the depth
of the SPT in atmospheres.
The resulting N1 values were then further corrected for energy,
equipment, and procedural effects to fully standardized N1,60
values as
EBSR160,1 CCCCNN = (Eq. 5)
where CR = correction for “short” rod length,
CS = correction for non-standardized sampler
CB = correction for borehole diameter, and
CE = correction for hammer energy efficiency.
The corrections for CR, CS, CB and CE employed correspond
largely to those recommended by the NCEER Working Group
(NCEER, 1997; Youd et al., 2001).
Table 1 summarizes the correction factors used in these
studies. The correction for “short” rod length between the
driving hammer and the penetrating sampler was taken as a
nonlinear “curve” (Figure 9), rather than the incremental
values of the NCEER Workshop recommendations, but the
two agree reasonably well at all NCEER mid-increments of
CS was applied in cases wherein a “nonstandard” (though very
common) SPT sampler was used in which the sampler had an
internal space for sample liner rings, but the rings were not
used. This results in an “indented” interior liner annulus of
enlarged diameter, and reduces friction between the sample
and the interior of the sampler, resulting in reduced overall
penetration resistance (Seed et al., 1984 and 1985). The
reduction in penetration resistance is on the order of ~10 % in
loose soils (N1<10 blows/ft), and ~30 % in very dense soils
(N1>30 blows/ft), so CS varied from 1.1 to 1.3 over this range.
Borehole diameter corrections (CB) were as recommended in
the NCEER Workshop Proceedings (NCEER, 1997; Youd et
al., 2001).
0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Rod Length (m)
Fig. 9: Recommended CR Values (rod length from point
of hammer impact to tip of sampler).
Seed et al. (2003) 15
Table 1: Recommended Corrections for SPT Equipment Energy and Procedures
CR (See Fig. 9 for Rod Length Correction Factors)
CS For samplers with an indented space for interior liners, but with liners omitted during sampling,
(Eq. T-1)
With limits as 1.10 CS 1.30
CB Borehole diameter Correction (CB)
65 to 115 mm 1.00
150 mm 1.05
200 mm 1.15
(Eq. T-2)
where ER (efficiency ratio) is the fraction or percentage of the theoretical SPT impact hammer
energy actually transmitted to the sampler, expressed as %
The best approach is to directly measure the impact energy transmitted with each blow.
When available, direct energy measurements were employed.
The next best approach is to use a hammer and mechanical hammer release system that has
been previously calibrated based on direct energy measurements.
Otherwise, ER must be estimated. For good field procedures, equipment and monitoring,
the following guidelines are suggested:
Equipment Approximate ER (see Note 3) CE (see Note 3)
-Safety Hammer1 0.4 to 0.75 0.7 to 1.2
-Donut Hammer1 0.3 to 0.6 0.5 to 1.0
-Donut Hammer2 0.7 to 0.85 1.1 to 1.4
-Automatic-Trip Hammer 0.5 to 0.8 0.8 to 1.4
(Donut or Safety Type)
For lesser quality fieldwork (e.g.: irregular hammer drop distance, excessive sliding
friction of hammer on rods, wet or worn rope on cathead, etc.) further judgmental
adjustments are needed.
Notes: (1) Based on rope and cathead system, two turns of rope around cathead, “normal” release
(not the Japanese “throw”), and rope not wet or excessively worn.
(2) Rope and cathead with special Japanese “throw” release. (See also Note 4.)
(3) For the ranges shown, values roughly central to the mid-third of the range are more
common than outlying values, but ER and CE can be even more highly variable than the
ranges shown if equipment and/or monitoring and procedures are not good.
(4) Common Japanese SPT practice requires additional corrections for borehole diameter
and for frequency of SPT hammer blows. For “typical” Japanese practice with rope
and cathead, donut hammer, and the Japanese “throw” release, the overall product of
CB x CE is typically in the range of 1.0 to 1.3.
C= 1+
Seed et al. (2003) 16
Corrections for hammer energy (CE), which were often
significant, were largely as recommended by the NCEER
Working Group, except in those cases where better
hammer/system-specific information was available. Cases
where better information was available included cases where
either direct energy measurements were made during driving
of the SPT sampler, or where the hammer and the
raising/dropping system (and the operator, when appropriate)
had been reliably calibrated by means of direct driving energy
Within the Bayesian updating analyses, which were performed
using a modified version of the program BUMP (Geyskens
et al., 1993), all field case history data were modeled not as
“points”, but rather as distributions, with variances in both
CSR and N
1,60. These regression-type analyses were
simultaneously applied to a number of contributing variables,
and the resulting proposed correlations are illustrated in
Figures 6(d) and 10 through 12, and are expressed in
Equations 6 through 12.
Figure 10 shows the proposed probabilistic relationship
between duration-corrected equivalent uniform cyclic stress
ratio (CSReq), and fines-corrected penetration resistances
(N1,60,cs), with the correlations as well as all field data shown
normalized to an effective overburden stress of σv = 0.65 atm.
(1,300 lb/ft2). The contours shown (solid lines) are for
probabilities of liquefaction of P
L=5%, 20%, 50%, 80%, and
95%. All “data points” shown represent median values, also
corrected for duration and fines. These are superposed
(dashed lines) with the relationship proposed by Seed et al.
(1984) for reference.
As shown in this figure, the “clean sand” (Fines Content
5%) line of Seed et al. (1984) appears to corresponds roughly
to PL50%. This is not the case, however, as the Seed et al.
(1984) line was based on biased values of CSR (as a result of
biased r
d at shallow depths, as discussed earlier). The new
correlation uses actual event-specific seismic site response
analyses for evaluation of in-situ CSR in 53 of the back-
analyzed case histories, and the new (and statistically
unbiased) empirical estimation of rd (as a function of level of
shaking, site stiffness, and earthquake magnitude) as presented
in Equation 2 and Figure 8 (Cetin and Seed, 2000) for the
remaining 148 case histories. The new (improved) estimates
of in-situ CSR tend to be slightly lower, typically on the order
of 5 to 15% lower, at the shallow depths that are critical in
most of the field case histories. Accordingly, the CSR’s of the
new correlation are also, correspondingly, lower by about 5 to
15%, and a fully direct comparison between the new
correlation and the earlier recommendations of Seed et al.
(1984) cannot be made.
It should be noted that the use of slightly biased (high) values
of rd was not problematic in the earlier correlation of Seed et
al. (1984), so long as the same biased (rd) basis was employed
in forward application of this correlation to field engineering
works. It was a slight problem, however, when forward
applications involved direct, response-based calculation of in-
situ CSR, as often occurs on analyses of major dams, etc.
It was Seed’s intent that the recommended (1984) boundary
should represent approximately a 10 to 15% probability of
liquefaction, and with allowance for the “shift” in (improved)
evaluation of CSR, the 1984 deterministic relationship for
clean sands (<5% fines) does correspond to approximately PL
10 to 30%, except at very high CSR (CSR > 0.3), a range in
which data were previously scarce.
Also shown in Figure 10 is the boundary curve proposed by
Yoshimi et al. (1994), based on high quality cyclic testing of
frozen samples of alluvial sandy soils. The line of Yoshimi et
al. is arguably unconservatively biased at very low densities
(low N-values) as these loose samples densified during
laboratory thawing and reconsolidation. Their testing provides
potentially valuable insight, however, at high N-values where
reconsolidation densification was not significant. In this range,
the new proposed correlation provides slightly better
agreement with the test data than does the earlier relationship
proposed by Seed et al. (1984). Improvement of the new
correlation at high CSR values is due, in large part, to the
availability of significant new data (at high CSR) from recent
earthquakes that had not been available in 1984.
The new correlation is also presented in Figure 6(d), where it
can be compared directly with the earlier probabilistic
relationships of Figures 6(a) through (c). Here, again, the new
correlation is normalized to σv = 0.65 atm. in order to be fully
compatible with the basis of the other relationships shown. As
shown in this figure, the new correlation provides a
tremendous reduction in overall uncertainty (or variance).
3.1.3 Adjustments for Fines Content:
The new (probabilistic) boundary curve for PL = 15% (again
normalized to an effective overburden stress of σv = 0.65
atm.) represents a suitable basis for illustration of the new
correlation’s regressed correction for the effects of fines
content, as shown in Figure 11. In this figure, both the
correlation as well as the mean values (CSR and N1,60) of the
field case history data are shown not corrected for fines (this
time the N-value axis is not corrected for fines content effects,
so that the (PL=20%) boundary curves are, instead, offset to
account for varying fines content.) In this figure, the earlier
correlation proposed by Seed et al. (1984) is also shown (with
dashed lines) for approximate comparison.
In these current studies, based on the overall (regressed)
correlation, the energy- and procedure- and overburden-
corrected N-values (N1,60) are further corrected for fines
content as
N1,60,CS = N1,60 * CFINES (Eq. 6)
where the fines correction was “regressed” as a part of the
Bayesian updating analyses. The fines correction is equal to
1.0 for fines contents of FC < 5%, and reaches a maximum
(limiting) value for FC > 35%. As illustrated in Figure 11,
Seed et al. (2003) 17
Fig. 10: Recommended Probabilistic SPT-Based Liquefaction Triggering
Correlation (for M
w=7.5 and σσv=0.65 atm), and the Relationship
for “Clean Sands” Proposed by Seed et al. (1984)
Fig. 11: Recommended “Deterministic” SPT-Based Liquefaction Triggering
Correlation (for M
w=7.5 and σσv=0.65 atm), with Adjustments for
Fines Content Shown
0 10 20 30 40
σV'=0.65 atm
Seed et al. (1984)
0 10 20 30 40
MW=7.5 σV'=0.65 atm
80% 20%
95% 50% 5%
Seed et al. (1984)
Yoshimi et al. (1994)
Pre-1 985 Data
Seed et al. (2003) 18
the maximum fines correction results in an increase of N-
values of about +6 blows/ft. (at FC > 35%, and high CSR). As
illustrated in this figure, this maximum fines correction is
somewhat smaller than the earlier maximum correction of
+9.5 blows/ft proposed by Seed et al. (1984).
The regressed relationship for CFINES is
( )
++= 60,1
05.0004.01 N
lim: FC 5% and FC 35%
where FC = percent fines content (percent by dry weight finer
than 0.074mm), expressed as an integer (e.g. 15% fines is
expressed as 15), and N1,60 is in units of blows/ft.
Magnitude-Correlated Duration Weighting:
Both the probabilistic and “deterministic” (based on PL=20%)
new correlations presented in Figures 10 and 11 are based on
the correction of “equivalent uniform cyclic stress ratio”
(CSReq) for duration (or number of equivalent cycles) to
CSRN, representing the equivalent CSR for a duration typical
of an “average” event of MW = 7.5. This was done by means
of a magnitude-correlated duration weighting factor (DWFM)
CSRN = CSReq,M=7.5 = CSReq, M=M / DWFM (Eq. 8)
This duration weighting factor has been somewhat
controversial, and has been developed by a variety of different
approaches (using cyclic laboratory testing and/or field case
history data) by a number of investigators. Figure 12
summarizes a number of recommendations, and shows
(shaded zone) the recommendations of the NCEER Working
Group (NCEER, 1997). In these current studies, this
important and controversial factor could be regressed as a part
of the Bayesian Updating analyses. Moreover, the factor
(DWFM) could also be investigated for possible dependence
on density (correlation with N
1,60). Figures 13 shows the
resulting values of DWFM, as a function of varying corrected
N1,60-values. As shown in Figure 13, the dependence on
density, or N1,60-values, was found to be relatively minor.
The duration weighting factors shown in Figures 12 and 13
fall slightly below those recommended by the NCEER
Working group, and very close to recent recommendations of
Idriss (2000). Idriss’ recommendations are based on a
judgmental combination of interpretation of high-quality
cyclic simple shear laboratory test data and empirical
assessment of “equivalent” numbers of cycles from recorded
strong motion time histories, and are the only other values
shown that account for the cross-correlation of r
d with
magnitude. The close agreement of this very different (and
principally laboratory data based) approach, and the careful
(field data based) probabilistic assessments of these current
studies, are strongly mutually supportive.
4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5
Seed and Idriss (1982)
Idriss (2000)
Ambraseys (1988)
Arango (1996)
Andrusand Stoke(1997)
Youd and Noble(1997)PL<32
Youd and Noble(1997)PL>50
Range ofrecommended DWFM
fromNCEERWorkshop (1997)
Fig. 12: Previous Recommendations for Magnitude-
Correlated Duration Weighting Factor, with
Recommendations from Current Studies
4.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 8.5
Fig. 13: Recommended Magnitude-Correlated Duration
Weighting Factor as a Function of N1,60
Seed et al. (2003) 19
3.1.5 Adjustments for Effective Overburden Stress:
An additional factor not directly resolved in prior studies
based on field case histories is the increased susceptibility of
soils to cyclic liquefaction, at the same CSR, with increases in
effective overburden stress. This is in addition to the
normalization of N-values for overburden effects as per
Equation 4.
The additional effects of reduction of normalized liquefaction
resistance with increased effective initial overburden stress
(σv) has been demonstrated by means of laboratory testing,
and this is a manifestation of “critical state” type of behavior
(soils become less dilatant at increased effective stress).
Figure 14 shows the recommendations of the NCEER
Working Group (Youd et al., 2001) regarding the correction
factor Kσ to be used to correct to the normalized resistance to
liquefaction at an initial effective overburden stress of 1 atm.
(CSRliq,1atm) as
CSRliq = CSRliq,1atm. Kσ (Eq. 9)
These current studies were not very sensitive to Kσ, as the
range of σv in the case history data base was largely between
σv = 600 to 2,600 lb/ft2, but it was possible to “regress” Kσ as
part of the Bayesian updating. The results are shown in Figure
15, over the range of σv 600 to 3,600 lb/ft2 for which they
are considered valid. These are in good agreement with the
earlier recommendations of Figure 14, and it is recommended
that Kσ can be estimated as
Kσ = ( v
)f-1 (Eq. 10)
where f 0.6 to 0.8 (as N1,60,cs varies from 1 to 40 blows/ft.)
The field case history data of these current studies are not a
sufficient basis for extrapolation of Kσ to much higher values
of σv, and the authors recommend use of Figure 14 for σv >
2 atm.
The earlier relationships proposed by Seed et al. (1984), Liao
et al. (1988, 1998), Youd and Noble (1997), and Toprak et al.
(1999) were all stated to be normalized to an effective
overburden stress of approximately σv = 1 atm (2,000 lb/ft2).
The correlation of Seed et al. (1984) was never formally
corrected to σv = 1 atm., however, as it was noted that the
field case histories of the database were “shallow”, and
approximately in this range. The database was, however, not
centered at σv = 1atm., but rather at lesser overburden (Mean
σv 1,300 lb/ft2or 0.65 atm), and this proves to render this
earlier relationship slightly unconservative if taken as
normalized to σv = 1 atm. (The same is true of all of the
previous relationships discussed.) It should be noted,
however, that this unconservatism is minimized if the
correlations are applied at shallow depths.
( ) ( )
σ (Eq. 11)
PL = the probability of liquefaction in decimals (i.e. 0.3, 0.4, etc.), and
Φ = the standard cumulative normal distribution.
Also the cyclic resistance ratio, CRR, for a given probability of liquefaction can be expressed as:
( ) ( )
σ (Eq. 12)
Φ-1(PL) = the inverse of the standard cumulative normal distribution (i.e. mean=0, and standard deviation=1)
note: for spreadsheet purposes, the command in Microsoft Excel for this specific function is “NORMINV(PL,0,1)”
Seed et al. (2003) 20
For correctness, and to avoid ambiguity, both the earlier
relationship of Seed et al. (1984), and the correlations
developed in these current studies, need to be formally
normalized to σv = 1 atm. Accordingly, in these present
studies, all data are corrected for K σ-effects (by Equations 9
and 10); not just those data for which σv was greater than 1
atm. A recommended limit is K
σ < 1.5 (at very shallow
depths.) Figures 16 and 17 show the proposed new
correlations, this time for σv =1 atm, and these figures
represent the final, fully normalized recommended
The overall correlation can be expressed in parts, as in the
previous sections (and Equations 6 - 12, and Figures 7 - 17).
It can also be expressed concisely as a single, composite
relationship as shown in Equation 11.
Recommended Use of the New SPT-Based Correlations:
The proposed new probabilistic correlations can be used in
either of two ways. They can be used directly, all at once, as
summarized in Equations 11 and 12. Alternatively, they can
be used “in parts” as has been conventional for most previous,
similar methods. To do this, measured N-values must be
corrected to N
1,60-values, using Equations 3, 4 and 5. The
resulting N1,60-values must then be further corrected for fines
content to N1,60,cs-values, using Equations 6 and 7 (or Figure
17). Similarly, in-situ equivalent uniform cyclic stress ratio
(CSReq) must be evaluated, and this must then be adjusted by
the magnitude-correlated Duration Weighting Factor (DWFM)
using Equation 8 (and Figure 13) as
CSRN = CSReq,M=7.5 = CSReq / DWFM (Eq. 13)
The new CSReq,M=7.5 must then be further adjusted for
effective overburden stress by the inverse of Equation 9, as
CSR* = CSReq,M=7.5,1atm = CSReq,M=7.5 / Kσ (Eq 14)
The resulting, fully adjusted and normalized values of N1,60,cs
and CSReq,M=7.5,1atm can then be used, with Figure 16, to assess
probability of initiation of liquefaction.
For “deterministic” evaluation of liquefaction resistance,
largely compatible with the intent of the earlier relationship
proposed by Seed et al. (1984), the same steps can be
undertaken (except for the fines adjustment) to assess the fully
adjusted and normalized CSReq,M=7.5,1atm values, and
normalized N
1,60 values, and these can then be used in
conjunction with the recommended “deterministic”
relationship presented in Figure 17. The recommendations of
Figure 17 correspond to the new probabilistic relationships
(for P
L = 15%), except at very high CSR (CSR > 0.4). At
these very high CSR; (a) there is virtually no conclusive field
data, and (b) the very dense soils (N1,60 > 30 blows/ft) of the
boundary region are strongly dilatant and have only very
limited post-liquefaction strain potential. Behavior in this
region is thus not conducive to large liquefaction-related
Fig. 14: Recommended Kσσ Values for σσv >> 2 atm.
Number of Case Histories
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
Recommended byNCEER
Working Group (1998)
Fig. 15: Values of Kσσ Developed and Used in These
Studies, NCEER Working Group
Recommendations (for n=0.7, DR 60%)
for Comparison
Seed et al. (2003) 21
Fig. 16: Recommneded “Probabilistic” SPT-Based Liquefaction Triggering
Correlation (For MW=7.5 and σσv’=1.0 atm)
Fig. 17: Recommneded “Deterministic” SPT-Based Liquefaction Triggering
Correlation (For MW=7.5 and σσv’=1.0 atm) with Adjustments for
Fines Content Shown
010 20 30 40
MW=7.5 σV'=1.0 atm
80% 20%
95% 50% 5%
LiquefiedMarginalNo n-
Pre-1985 Data
0 10 20 30 40
MW=7.5 σV'=1.0 atm
Seed et al. (2001) 22
displacements, and the heavy dashed lines shown in the upper
portion of Figure 17 represent the authors’ recommendations
in this region based on data available at this time.
3.1.7 Summary
This section of this paper has presented the development of
recommended new probabilistic and “deterministic”
relationships for assessment of likelihood of initiation of
liquefaction. Stochastic models for assessment of seismic soil
liquefaction initiation risk have been developed within a
Bayesian framework. In the course of developing the
proposed stochastic models, the relevant uncertainties
including: (a) measurement/estimation errors, (b) model
imperfection, (c) statistical uncertainty, and (d) those arising
from inherent variability were addressed.
The resulting models provide a significantly improved basis
for engineering assessment of the likelihood of liquefaction
initiation, relative to previously available models, as shown in
Figure 5(d). The new models presented and described in this
paper deal explicitly with the issues of (1) fines content (FC),
(2) magnitude-correlated duration weighting factors (DWFM),
and (3) effective overburden stress (Kσ effects), and they
provide both (1) an unbiased basis for evaluation of
liquefaction initiation hazard, and (2) significantly reduced
overall model uncertainty. Indeed, model uncertainty is now
reduced sufficiently that overall uncertainty in application of
these new correlations to field problems is now driven
strongly by the difficulties/uncertainties associated with
project-specific engineering assessment of the necessary
“loading” and “resistance” variables, rather than uncertainty
associated with the correlations themselves. This, in turn,
allows/encourages the devotion of attention and resources to
improved evaluation of these project-specific parameters. As
illustrated in Figures 6(d), 16 and 17, this represents a
significant overall improvement in our ability to accurately
and reliably assess liquefaction hazard.
The new correlations also eliminate a bias intrinsic in all prior,
similar relationships when using actual dynamic response
analyses to directly calculate in-situ CSR, as all prior
relationships were based on an unconservatively biased
“simplified” (rd-based) assessment of CSR. This was not a
major problem when using these previous correlations in
conjunction with the same r
d for “forward” engineering
analyses, but it was a problem when using prior correlations in
conjunction with direct calculation of in-situ CSR. The new
correlations are unbiased in this regard, and can be used either
in conjunction with “simplified” CSR assessments (based on
the new r
d recommendations presented herein), or in
conjunction with direct dynamic response analyses for
calculation of in-situ CSR. The new correlations cannot,
however, be used in conjunction with assessment of CSR
based on the “old” (Seed and Idriss, 1971) rd relationship.
3.2 CPT-Based Triggering Correlations:
3.2.1 Introduction
In addition to SPT, three other in-situ index tests are now
sufficiently advanced as to represent suitable bases for
correlation with soil liquefaction triggering potential, and
these are (a) the cone penetration test (CPT), (b) in-situ shear
wave velocity measurement (VS), and (c) the Becker
Penetration Test (BPT).
Up to this point in time, the SPT-based correlations have been
better defined, and have provided lesser levels of uncertainty,
than these other three methods. CPT, however, is approaching
near parity, and newly developed CPT-based correlations now
represent nearly co-equal status with regard to accuracy and
reliability relative to SPT-based correlations.
CPT-based correlations have, to date, been based on much less
numerous and less well defined earthquake field case histories
than SPT-based correlations. This is changing, however, as a
number of research teams are working on development of
improved CPT-based “triggering” correlations. This includes
the authors of this paper, and the next sections will present a
much-improved basis for CPT-based assessment of
liquefaction initiation (or “triggering”) potential.
It is important to develop high quality CPT-based correlations
to complement and augment the new SPT-based correlations
presented herein. The authors are often asked whether SPT or
CPT is intrinsically a better test for liquefaction potential
evaluation. The best answer is that both tests are far better
when used together, as each offers significant advantages not
available with the other.
SPT-based correlations are currently ahead of “existing” CPT-
based correlations, due in large part to enhanced data bases
and better data processing and correlation development. The
new SPT-based correlations described in this paper are
currently more accurate and reliable, and provide much lower
levels of uncertainty or variance. An additional very
significant advantage of SPT is that a sample is retrieved with
each test, and so can be examined and evaluated to ascertain
with certainty the character (gradation, fines content, PI, etc.)
of the soils tested, as contrasted with CPT where soil character
must be “inferred” based on cone tip and sleeve friction
resistance data.
The CPT offers advantages with regard to cost and efficiency
(as no borehole is required). A second advantage is
consistency, as variability between equipment and operators is
small (in contrast to SPT). The most important advantage of
CPT, however, is continuity of data over depth. SPT can only
be performed in 18-inch increments, and it is necessary to
advance and clean out the borehole between tests.
Accordingly, SPT can only be performed at vertical spacings
of about 30 inches (75cm) or more. As a result, SPT can
completely miss thin (but potentially important) liquefiable
strata between test depths. Similarly, with a 12-inch test
Seed et al. (2001) 23
height and allowance for effects of softer overlying and
underlying strata, SPT can fail to suitably characterize strata
less than about 3 to 4 feet in thickness.
CPT, in contrast, is fully continuous and so “misses” nothing.
The need to penetrate about 4 to 5 diameters into a stratum to
develop full tip resistance, to be at least 4 to 5 diameters from
an underlying softer stratum, and the “drag length” of the
following sleeve, cause the CPT test to poorly characterize
strata of less than about 12 to 15 inches (30 to 40cm) in
thickness, but this allows for good characterization of much
thinner strata than SPT. Even for strata too thin to be
adequately (quantifiably) characterized, the CPT at least
provides some indications of potentially problematic materials
if one examines the qc and fs traces carefully.
3.2.2 Existing CPT-Based Correlations
Owing to its attractive form and simplicity, as well as its
endorsement by the NCEER Working Group, the CPT-based
correlation of Robertson and Wride (1998) is increasingly
used for liquefaction studies. This correlation is well
described in the NCEER summary papers (NCEER, 1997;
Youd, et al., 2001).
Robertson and Wride had access to a much smaller field case
history database than is currently available, and so their
correlation represents a valuable interim contribution as
development of new correlations taking advantage of the
wealth of new earthquake field case history data now available
now proceeds.
Figure 18 shows the “baseline” triggering curve of Robertson
and Wride for “clean” sandy soils. Adjustments for fines are
based on combinations of sleeve friction ratios and tip
resistances in such a manner that the “clean sand” boundary
curve of Figure 18 is adjusted based on a composite parameter
IC. IC is a measure of the distance (the radius) from a point
above and to the left of the plot of normalized tip resistance
(qc,1) and normalized Friction Ratio (F) as indicated in Figure
19. Tip resistance is corrected for increasing fines content and
plasticity as
qc,1,mod = qc,1 · KC (Eq. 15)
The recommended “fines” correction is a nonlinear function of
IC, and ranges from a multiplicative factor of KC = 1.0 at IC =
1.64, to a maximum value of KC = 3.5 at IC = 2.60. A further
recommendation on the fines correction factor is that this
factor be set at KC = 1.0 in the shaded zone within Area “A” of
Figure 19 (within which 1.64 < IC < 2.36, and friction ratio F <
Based on cross-comparison with the new SPT-based
correlation, it appears that the CPT-based correlation of
Robertson and Wride is slightly unconservative for clean
sands, especially at high CSR, and that it is very
unconservative for soils of increasing fines content and
Fig. 18: CPT-Based Liquefaction Triggering
Correlation for “Clean” Sands Proposed
by Robertson and Wride (1998)
Zone A: Cyclic liquefaction possible depends on size and duration of cyclic loading
Zone B: Liquefaction unlikely check other criteria
Zone C: Flow/cyclic liquefaction possible
depends on soil plasticity and sensitivity as well
as size and duration of cyclic loading.
Fig. 19: Fines Correction as Proposed by Robertson and
Wride (1998)
Seed et al. (2003) 24
plasticity. This, as it turns out, is verified by comparison with
the new CPT-based correlations presented and described in the
section that follows.
Additional researchers have been and are continuing to
develop CPT-based correlations, but rather than discuss all of
these we will, instead, present a recommended new CPT-
based correlation with many of the attributes and strengths of
the new SPT-based correlation presented previously.
3.3 Recommended New CPT-Based Triggering Correlation:
3.3.1 Introduction
The approach followed in development of the new CPT-based
correlation presented herein was similar in many ways to that
followed in development of the SPT-based correlation
presented previously. As a result, the new CPT-based
relationship shares many of the same strengths.
Key elements in the development of this new correlation were:
(1) accumulation of a significantly expanded database of field
performance case histories, (2) use of improved knowledge
and understanding of factors affecting interpretation of CPT
data, (3) incorporation of improved understanding of factors
affecting site-specific ground motions (including directivity
effects, site-specific response, etc.), (4) use of improved
methods for assessment of in-situ cyclic shear stress ratio
(CSR), (5) screening of field data case histories on a
quality/uncertainty basis, and (6) use of higher-order
probabilistic tools (Bayesian Updating). Once again, detailed
review of the processing and back-analyses of the field
performance case histories by a group of leading experts, and
establishment of concensus (or at least near-concensus)
regarding all resulting critical parameters and variables, is a
key feature of this effort.
These new correlations are not yet quite complete, as iterative
review of some of the case history interpretations is still
underway. The correlations are far enough along that they are
nearly final, however, and as they already incorporate far more
data (and of higher overall quality) than previous correlations,
they represent a significant advance. The resulting
relationships not only provide greatly reduced levels of
uncertainty, they also help to resolve a number of corollary
issues that have long been difficult and controversial,
including: (1) adjustments for fines content, and (2)
corrections for effective overburden stress.
3.3.2 Improved Treatment of Normalization of CPT Tip and
Sleeve Resistance for Effective Overburden Stress
In development of optimally improved CPT-based
correlations, it was desirable to go after each of the issues that
have historically contributed to the uncertainty (or variance) of
previous correlations. One particularly significant issue was
the approach used to normalize CPT tip resistance (qc) and
sleeve resistance (fs) for effective overburden stress effects.
Approaches have differed significantly here. Olsen and
Mitchell (1995) presented the most comprehensive set of
recommendations in this regard, and their recommendations
(along with their recommended approximate soil classification
scheme) are presented in Figure 20. This figure’s axes
(normalized CPT tip resistance qc,1 on the vertical axis, and
sleeve friction ratio R
f on the horizontal axis) will provide a
useful template for much of the rest of this section. [Friction
Ratio is taken as Rf = fs/qc · 100.]
In these current studies, a suite of four different cavity
expansion models, each used for the soil type and density (DR)
or overconsolidation ratio (OCR) range for which it is best
suited, were used to study variation of CPT tip resistances
with changes in effective overburden stress (óv'). The model
of Salgado & Randolph (2001) was used for dense (dilatant)
cohesionless soils. The model of Boulanger (2003) was used
for very high overburden stress conditions for the same dense
(dilatant) cohesionless soils. The model of Yu (2000) with
Ladanyi and Johnston (1974) was used for loose to medium
dense cohesionless soils. The model of Cao et al. (2001) was
used for overconsolidated cohesive (clayey) soils and the
model of Yu (2000) was used for normally consolidated
cohesive (clayey) soils. Each of these models was both
constrained and calibrated using significant bodies of
laboratory calibration chamber test data. The results of these
laboratory and analytically based methods were then
augmented using actual field data regarding variation of tip
resistance vs. effective overburden stress. Details of all
analyses, as well as field data summaries, will be presented in
Moss (2003). The combined data was then judgmentally
interpreted, and used to develop recommendations for
normalization of CPT tip resistance to develop normalized qc,1
values as
1, where
='σ (Eq. 16)
The normalization exponent (c) is a function of both
normalized tip resistance and friction ratio (Rf) as shown in
Figure 21. Also shown, for purposes of comparison, are the
earlier recommendations of Olsen and Mitchell (1995).
Cavity expansion models are not able to provide insight
regarding similar normalization of sleeve friction (fs) for
effective overburden stress effects, so a more approximate
assessment was made, based largely on laboratory calibration
chamber test data and field data, to develop similar corrections
for sleeve resistance as,
1, where
='σ (Eq. 17)
Seed et al. (2003) 25
The recommended normalization exponent (s) is shown, as a
function of normalized tip resistance and friction ratio, in
Figure 22, along with the recommended tip normalization
exponents (c) from Figure 21.
Figure 22 thus shows the recommended normalization for both
tip and sleeve resistances. These are not identical to each
other, but it should be noted that they appear to be sufficiently
similar that “normalized” friction ratio [Rf,1 = (fs,1 / qc,1)*100]
is very similar to non-normalized friction ratio [Rf = (fs /
qc)*100]. Limited iteration is necessary to make the
recommended adjustment of qc to qc,1, because Rf and Rf,1 vary
only slightly.
3.3.3 Thin Layer Corrections
A second source of potential uncertainty is the adjustment of
measured CPT tip resistances for finite stiff layers. The
effects of initial penetration into a stronger (e.g., less cohesive,
potentially liquefiable) layer prior to achieving sufficient
penetration into the layer to develop a “fully developed” tip
resistance can result in a reduced tip resistance reading, with a
similar reduction occurring as the cone approaches and exits
the bottom of a stronger layer (“sensing” the approach of the
softer underlying layer before actually reaching it).
Several approaches have been proposed for adjustment of
measured tip resistances in “thin” layers (e.g.; Robertson and
Fig. 20: Recommended CPT Tip Normalization
Exponents, and Approximate Soil
Characterization Framework
(After Olsen & Mitchell, 1995)
0.1 1
qc,1 (MPa)
Rf (%)
1.00 0.75 0.55
Olsen & Mitchell (1995)
Proposed Tip Exponent
Fig. 21: Recommended CPT Tip Normalization
Exponents, and Previous Recommendations
of Olsen & Mitchell (1995)
0.1 110
qc,1 (MPa)
Rf (%)
Tip Exponent, c
Sleeve Exponent, s
Fig 22: Recommended CPT Tip and Sleeve
Normalization Exponents
Seed et al. (2003) 26
Wride, 1997; Youd et al., 2001). In this current effort, the
elastic solution for “thin layer effects” proposed by
Vreugdenhil et al. (1995) was calibrated against both available
laboratory calibration chamber test data as well as field data
(Moss, 2003), and the resulting recommended correction of
CPT tip resistances for thin layer effects is presented in Figure
23. Also shown, for comparison, are the earlier
recommendations of the NCEER Working Group (Youd et al.,
2001). The new recommendations are largely compatible with
the NCEER Working Group’s recommendations, but serve to
extend the approach to higher contrasts in measured tip
resistances between the (stiffer) “thin” layer and the (softer)
overlying and underlying layers. In this procedure, the ratio of
the final, corrected CPT tip resistance in the “thin” layer (qcA),
relative to the average tip resistance of the softer overlying
and underlying layers (qcB) serves as a proxy for the ratio of
the stiffnesses of these layers. It should be noted that field
cases with ratios of q
cB/qcA of greater than about 5 are
relatively uncommon.
The correction of CPT tip resistances for “thin layer effects” is
qcB,corrected = qcb,thin = Cthin · qcB (Eq. 18)
where Cthin is as shown in Figure 23.
Given the intrinsic uncertainty involved in this type of “thin
layer” adjustment, it is recommended that adjustment factors
(Cthin) of greater than 1.8 not be used for engineering
applications. A more severe limit was employed in back
analyses of field case histories for liquefaction correlation
development. Only a small number of cases incorporated in
development of the final correlations required any thin layer
adjustments, and none required an adjustment factor of greater
than 1.5.
3.3.4 Field Performance Case Histories
A total of more than 600 field performance case histories were
acquired and evaluated as a part of these studies. Some of
these had been used by previous researchers in similar efforts,
but many are new. This is, to date, the largest set of CPT-
based field cases assessed for purposes of development of
liquefaction triggering hazard correlations. The cases
considered were from the 1964 Niigata (Japan), 1968
Inangahua (New Zealand), 1975 Haicheng (China), 1976
Tangshan (China), 1977 Vrancea (Romania), 1978 Izu-
Oshima-Kinkai (Japan), 1979 Imperial Valley (USA), 1980
Mexicali (Mexico), 1981 Westmorland (USA), 1983 Borah
Peak (USA), 1983 Nihonkai-Chubu (Japan), 1987 Edgecumbe
(New Zealand), 1989 Loma Prieta (USA), 1994 Northridge
(USA), 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu (Japan), 1995 Dinar (Turkey),
1999 Kocaeli (Turkey), 1999 Duzce (Turkey), and 1999 Chi-
Chi (Taiwan) Earthquakes.
Length constraints do not permit a full treatment of the details
involved in back-analyses and processing of these case
histories, but evaluation methods used were similar to those
employed by Cetin (2000) and Seed et al. (2003) for SPT-
based studies. At each site, only the single most critical
stratum was considered. Cyclic stress ratios (CSR) were
evaluated using the recently proposed rd relationships by Cetin
and Seed (2000), except in cases where site-specific site
response analyses could be performed. These new r
relationships represent an improved basis for estimation of
CSR, and are statistically unbiased with respect to site-specific
response analyses. It should be noted that the earlier r
recommendations of Seed and Idriss (1971) cannot be used
with the new correlations proposed herein, as these earlier rd
recommendations provide generally higher estimates of CSR
than do site-specific response analyses (or the new r
recommendations of Cetin et al.) for strong levels of shaking,
and are thus not compatible with the new correlations
proposed herein.
For each field case history, the variances or uncertainties in
both the critical loading and in-situ soil and index parameters
were evaluated, and the cases were systematically rated for
overall quality on the basis of uncertainty of key parameters.
Only the most highly rated cases were then used for
development of the new correlations; cases of lesser quality
(with unacceptably high uncertainty or poorly defined
parameters) were deleted from further consideration. At this
time, a total of 201 cases were selected for incorporation in the
correlations presented herein. This is the largest number of
high quality cases (based on unusually high screening
standards) used to date in development of these types of CPT-
0500 1000 1500 2000 2500
qcB/qcA =10
qcB/qcA =5
qcB/qcA =2
NCEER Recommendations (qcB/qcA=2)
Recommended Limit
Layer Thickness, h (mm)
Thin Layer Correction Factor, Cthin
cBthinthincB, qCq=
B(d=35.7mm, A=10cm
2 Cone)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Fig 23: Recommended Thin Layer Correction for CPT
Tip Resistance, and Earlier NCEER Working
Group Recommendations
Seed et al. (2003) 27
0 5 10 15 20
MW=7.5 σV'=1.0 atm
80% 20%
95% 50% 5%
Fig. 24: Contours of 5%, 20%, 50%, 80% and 95% Probability of
Liquefaction as a Function of Equivalent Uniform Cyclic
Stress Ratio and Fines-Modified CPT Tip Resistance (Mw =
7.5, óv' = 1atm.)
Fig. 25: Contours of 5%, 20%, 50%, 80% and 95% Probability of
Liquefaction for ó
v' = 1 atm. and Duration Associated with
Mw = 7.5 As a Function of Fines Corrected SPT Penetration
Resistance (Seed et al., 2001)
010 20 30 40
MW=7.5 σV'=1.0 atm
80% 20%
95% 50% 5%
Pre-1985 Data
Seed et al. (2003) 28
based correlations. As with the largely parallel SPT-based
efforts, the back-analyses, processing, and selection of these
cases was subjected to iterative review by an accomplished
group of international experts with excellent prior experience
in this area, in order to establish concensus evaluations of
critical parameters.
3.3.5 Correlation Development
Length constraints again do not permit a full discussion of all
details involved in development of the new recommended
CPT-based probabilistic soil liquefaction triggering
correlations. The details are largely parallel to those described
by Cetin (2000) and Seed et al. (2001) in development of SPT-
based correlations. A Bayesian updating methodology was
employed to develop probabilistic correlations. This is
essentially a high order probabilistic regression method well
suited to this problem, and capable of dealing with the various
types of contributing sources of aleatory and epistemic
uncertainty involved. A discussion of development of a
(similar) Bayesian treatment of the SPT-based correlations
was presented by Cetin et al. (2002).
Figure 24 presents one view of the new recommended
correlation, in this case a plot of contours of probability of
liquefaction (for P
L = 5%, 20%, 50%, 80% and 95%) as a
function of equivalent uniform cyclic stress ratio (CSReq) and
modified normalized CPT tip resistance (qc,1,mod). In this
figure, equivalent uniform CSR has been corrected for
duration effects based on the magnitude-correlated duration
weighting factor (DWFM) proposed in Seed et al. (2001) for
SPT-based correlations, as the regression for this CPT-based
correlation resulted in essentially equivalent magnitude-
correlated duration scaling. This results in an expression of
the correlation appropriate for events of M
w  7.5. The
correlation in Figure 24 is also normalized to an effective
overburden stress of óv' = 1atmosphere.
In Figure 24, the solid dots represent the centroids of
probabilistic distributions of the individual case histories for
cases wherein liquefaction was judged to have been
“triggered”, and open circles represent centroids of
distributions of field cases wherein liquefaction did not occur.
These distributions quantify each individual field case history
and its distributed variance in both the horizontal and vertical
axes. The CPT tip resistances of Figure 24 are adjusted for
effects of fines (fines content and plasticity) to values of
qc,1,mod as described subsequently.
Figure 25, presented adjacent to Figure 24 for comparison
purposes, represents a similar view of the corollary new
recommended SPT-based relationship, also with contours for
probabilities of liquefaction of PL = 5%, 20%, 50%, 80% and
95%, also normalized for M
w = 7.5, = 1atm., and with N-
values corrected for fines content to N1,60,cs.
The horizontal axis of Figure 24 represents modification of
normalized CPT tip resistances (qc,1 values) for the frictional
effects of apparent fines content and character. Values of qc,1
are adjusted as
qc,1,mod = qc,1 + Äqc (Eq. 19)
where Äqc is a function of qc,1, Rf, and c, as shown in Figure
26. Figure 27 repeats the recommended fines adjustment of
Figure 26, and also shows for comparison the “fines
correction” factors recommended by Robertson and Wride
(1997). Robertson and Wride recommended adjustment by a
multiplicative factor (KC) as presented previously in Equation
15, where KC is a function of both tip resistance and friction
ratio as shown in Figure 27. Robertson and Wride also
recommended, however, that K
C be taken as 1.0 (a null
adjustment of qc,1 ) in the shaded region of Figure 27. It is
interesting to note that the new recommended correction
contours for fines content and character proposed herein also
reflect a null adjustment in this shaded zone, yet provide a
smoother variation of the adjustment (Äqc) as it transitions to
other areas of Figure 27. (The Robertson and Wride
recommendations jump very sharply at the base and right edge
of the shaded “null correction” zone.) The new contours also
provide for much smaller overall adjustments of qc,1 for fines
content and character than did the earlier curves proposed by
Robertson and Wride, suggesting that these earlier
recommendations were unconservative at high fines contents.
Figure 28 presents an alternate view of the new correlation, in
this case contours of 15% probability of liquefaction
triggering, but for three different values of Äqc spanning the
full available range of Äqc. P
L = 15% represents the new
recommended “deterministic” threshold, analogous to the
“deterministic” recommendations of most prior relationships.
The adjacent Figure 29 similarly presents a view of the new
SPT-based correlation, with 15% probability of liquefaction
contours shown for three different levels of percent fines
(fines content) spanning the full available range of fines
corrections for the SPT-based relationship. The similarity
between the relationships shown in Figures 28 and 29 is both
interesting and important, as it represents strong mutual
support between the new proposed SPT- and CPT-based
Finally, Figure 30 provides a comparison between the new
proposed CPT-based correlation, and the previous correlations
proposed by Robertson and Wride (1997) and Suzuki et al.
(1995). The new correlation is represented in this figure by
contours of 15% probability of liquefaction, as that is the level
of probability recommended by the authors herein for use as a
reasonable “deterministic” threshold. The correlations of
Robertson and Wride, and Suzuki et al., are “deterministic”
correlations, as they do not explicitly address probability (or
As shown in Figure 30, the “clean sand” (Äqc = 0) line for the
new correlation falls between the similarly based “clean sand”
(Rf < 0.5%) line proposed by Suzuki et al., and the “clean
sand” (KC = 1.0) line proposed by Robertson and Wride. The
range of fines-corrected lines for the new correlation,
Seed et al. (2003) 29
Fig 26: Recommended CPT Tip Resistance Modification for “Fines Content
and Character” as a Function of qc,1 and Rf
Fig 27: Recommended CPT Tip Resistance Modification for “Fines Content
and Character” as a Function of qc,1 and Rf, Compared with the
Earlier Recommendations of Robertson and Wride (1997)
0.1 1 10
Rf (%)
qc,1 (Mpa)
0.1 1 10
Rf (%)
qc,1 (Mpa)
qc =0 qc =1.7 qc =4.2
Seed et al. (2003) 30
Fig. 28: Contours of 15% Probability of Triggering of Liquefaction for
“Clean Sands” and Two Higher Levels of Required Fines
Adjustment of CPT Tip Resistance (Spanning the Full Range of
Fines Adjustments)
Fig. 29: Contours of 15% Probability of Triggering of Liquefaction for
“Clean Sands” and Two Higher Levels of Required “Fines
Correction” of SPT N-values (Spanning the Full Range of Fines
Corrections) (Seed et al., 2001)
010 20 30 40
MW=7.5 σV'=1.0 atm
0 5 10 15 20
Seed et al. (2003) 31
however, represent much smaller adjustments for fines than
the relationship proposed by Robertson and Wride, suggesting
that the fines adjustment of the older relationship was
unconservative. The fines adjustment proposed by Suzuki et
al. (1995) was also smaller than that proposed previously by
Robertson and Wride, but did not extend to high friction
sleeve ratios (Rf > 1.0).
3.3.6 Summary and Conclusions
The new CPT-based correlation presented herein represents a
significant advance over previously available CPT-based
correlations for assessment of seismically induced soil
liquefaction hazard. These correlations are probabilistically
posed, and a “deterministic” correlation based on PL = 15% is
also recommended.
The new correlations employ a much larger database of high
quality field performance case histories than was available to
previous researchers, and the processing of these cases
involved resolution of issues that had historically added to
overall uncertainty including (1) normalization of CPT tip and
sleeve resistances for effective overburden stress effects, and
(2) development of improved “thin layer” corrections.
Overall, the new correlations are in very good overall
agreement with previous, similar CPT-based efforts with
regard to “clean sands”. The earlier “clean sand” liquefaction
boundary curve proposed by Robertson and Wride (1997) is
only slightly unconservative relative to the new relationship,
and the “clean sand” boundary curve proposed by Suzuki et al.
(1995) is slightly more conservative than the recommended
new relationship.
It is principally when dealing with silt and silty, sandy, clayey
soils that the new correlations differ significantly from earlier
and widely used CPT-based correlations. The new
relationships reflect a much smaller adjustment (increase) in
modified CPT tip resistance (qc,1,mod) as apparent fines content
and plasticity increase than the earlier relationship of
Robertson and Wride (1997), suggesting that the earlier
relationship can be significantly unconservative for these soils.
The fines adjustment of Suzuki et al. (1995) is in closer
agreement with the new relationship proposed, but does not
extend to high friction ratios and so is incomplete.
Overall, the new CPT-based relationships appears to be
largely compatible with the similarly improved SPT-based
relationships proposed by Seed et al. (2001), and the new
CPT-based relationship appears to have similar levels (only
0 5 10 15 20
Juang etal.(2003)PL=50%
Robertson &Wride (1998)
Fig. 30: Comparison Between the Recommended New CPT-Based Correlation and Previous “Clea
n Sand”
Boundary Curves from Relationships Proposed by Shibata and Teparaska (1995), Roberson and Wride
(1998), Toprak et al. (1999), and Juang et al. (2003) (MW=7.5, σσv’=1 atm.)
Seed et al. (2003) 32
marginally higher) of uncertainty (or variance) associated with
assessment of liquefaction triggering potential as the new
SPT-based relationship. This does not mean that the SPT-
based relationships are intrinsically “better”; the use of CPT
offers important advantages with regard to continuity of
penetration data, and also the ability to discern and
characterize thinner strata, than SPT (while the SPT offers
increased certainty as to soil type and character, especially
invariably stratified soils.) Accordingly, both methods have
significant relative advantages, and both are likely to be of
continued significant value to working engineers.
3.4 Vs-Based Triggering Correlations:
Liquefaction triggering correlations based on measurements of
in situ shear wave velocity (VS-based correlations) are very
attractive because: (1) VS can be measured with non-intrusive
methods (e.g. Spectral Analysis of Surface Waves (SASW)),
and (2) VS can be measured in coarse soils (gravelly soils and
coarser) in which SPT and CPT can be obstructed by
interference with coarse soils particles. V
S-based correlations
can provide both a potentially rapid screening method, and a
method for assessment of coarse, gravelly soils which cannot
be reliably penetrated or reliably characterized with small
diameter penetrometers (SPT and CPT).
At this time, the best VS-based correlation available is that of
Andrus and Stokoe (2000). Figure 32 presents the core of this
correlation, which is based on overburden stress-corrected VS,1
vs. magnitude-correlated equivalent uniform CSR. This V
based correlation is well described in the NCEER Workshop
summary papers (NCEER, 1997; Youd et al., 2001.)
Although it is certainly the best of its type, this correlation is
less well-defined (more approximate) than either SPT- or
CPT-based correlations. This is not due only to lack of data
(though the V
S-based field case history database is
considerably smaller than that available for SPT and CPT
correlation development). It is also because V
S does not
correlate as reliably with liquefaction resistance as does
penetration resistance because V
S is a very small-strain
measurement and correlates poorly with a much “larger-
strain” phenomenon (liquefaction). Small amounts of
“ageing” and cementation of interparticle contacts can cause
VS to increase more rapidly than the corollary increase in
liquefaction resistance. Accordingly, the relationship between
VS and the CSR required to induce liquefaction varies
significantly with the geologic age of the deposits in question.
An additional problem with V
S-based correlations is
uncertainty regarding appropriate normalization of V
S for
effects of effective overburden stress. In view of these
uncertainties, current V
S-based correlations for resistance to
0 5 10 15 20
MW=7.5 σV'=1.0 atm
Robertson &Wride (1998)
Fig. 31: Comparison Between the Recommended New CPT-
Based Correlation and Previous
Relationships Proposed by Suzuki et al. (1995) and Robertson and Wride (1998)
v’=1 atm.]
Seed et al. (2003) 33
“triggering” of liquefaction are best employed either
conservatively, or as preliminary (and approximate) screening
tools to be supplemented by other methods.
Efforts are underway to improve the resolution and reliability
of V
S-based correlations. Dr. Rob Kayen of the U.S.
Geological Survey recently spent a year travelling through
Asia and making V
S measuremernts (by means of SASW) at
many of the field performance case history sites employed in
the new SPT- and CPT-based correlations. This augments
recent V
S measuremernts at U.S. case history sites, and has
resulted in a tremendous increase in the number of VS-based
case histories now available, and at sites where the critical soil
stratum can be cross-identified by SPT- and/or CPT-based
methods. This new data, along with previously available VS-
based data, is currently being processed and back-analyzed,
and new V
S-based correlations are under development using
these data (using largely the same types of procedures as those
used to develop the new SPT- and CPT-based correlations.)
In the interim, the relationship of Andrus and Stokoe is the
best available, and should be used conservatively and with
understanding of the considerable uncertainties involved.
3.5 Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential in Coarse,
Gravelly Soils:
Coarse, gravelly soils can be especially problematic with
regard to evaluation of resistance to “triggering” of
liquefaction, as large particles (gravel-sized and larger) can
impede the penetration of both SPT and CPT penetrometers.
As large-scale frozen sampling and testing are too expensive
for conventional projects, engineers faced with the problem of
coarse, gravelly soils generally have three options available
One option is to employ V
S-based correlations. V
measurements can be made in coarse soils, either with surface
methods (e.g. SASW, etc.) or via borings (cross-hole V
Fig. 32: Vs-Based Liquefaction Triggering Correlation (Andrus & Stokoe, 2000)
Seed et al. (2003) 34
down-hole V
S, or “OYO Method” V
S (suspension logger)).
As discussed in the previous section, VS-based correlations are
somewhat approximate, however, and so should be considered
to provide conclusive results only for deposits/strata that are
clearly “safe” or clearly likely to liquefy.
3.5.1 Short-Interval SPT
A second option is to attempt “short-interval” SPT testing.
This can be effective when the non-gravel (finer than about
0.25-inch diameter) fraction of the soil represents greater than
about half of the overall soil mix/gradation. (Note that it is
approximately the D
30 and finer particle size range that
controls the liquefaction behavior of such soils.)
Short-interval SPT involves performing the SPT in largely the
standard manner, but counting the blow count (penetration
resistance) in 1-inch increments rather than 6-inch increments.
When penetration is more than 1-inch for a single blow, a
fractional blow count of less than 1 blow/inch is credited. The
resulting history of penetration (in blows/inch) is then plotted
for each successive inch (of the 12-inches of the test). When
values (per inch) transition “significantly” from low to high, it
is assumed that a coarse particle was encountered and impeded
the penetrometer. High values (rapid increases in blowcount)
are discarded, and the low values are summed, and then scaled
to represent the equivalent number of blows per 12-inches.
(e.g.: If it is judged that 7 of the inches of penetration can be
“counted”, but that 5 of the inches must be discarded as
unrepresentatively high, then the sum of the blows per the 7
inches is multiplied by 12/7 to derive the estimated overall
blow count as blows/12 inches.)
Figure 32 illustrates this approach. This figure shows
“correction” of two of the more than 400 SPT performed as
part of the investigation of seismic stability of Calaveras Dam
in California (Olivia Chen Consultants and Geomatrix
Consultants, 2003). Large portions of the embankment dam
fill were comprised of hydraulically placed excavated
colluvium, and so represented an unusually complex and
heterogeneous mix of weathered silty and clayey fines, sands,
and variably high fractions of coarse (gravel-sized and
coarser) particles.
Figure 32(a) shows an example in which the SPT apparently
encountered significantly increased resistance after about the
8th inch of the 12-inch interval (neglecting the sacrificial first
6-inch interval which drives to test depth). For this test, the
slope of the unimpeded drive was extrapolated to develop the
estimated “corrected” blowcount of 30 blows/ft. Figure 32(b)
shows the cumulative blowcount for a second SPT at the same
site. In this case, the blowcounts increased a bit towards the
end of the test, but were judged not to have exhibited a sudden
increase, and the blowcount was therefore simply summed
over the 12-inch driving interval in the conventional manner.
(It should be noted that blowcount can often tend to increase
slightly, but not suddenly, as penetration progresses. In these
cases, judgement is required as to whether or not to impose a
“correction” to the measured full 12-inch blowcount.)
This approach has been shown to correlate well with N
values from the larger-scale Becker Penetrometer for soils
with gravel-plus sized fractions of less than about 40 to 50%.
It is noted, however, that the corrected short-interval SPT
blowcounts can still be biased to the high side due to
unnoticed/undetected influence of coarse particles on some of
the penetration increments used, so that it can be appropriate
to use lower than typical enveloping of the resulting blow-
counts to develop estimates of “representative” N-values for a
given stratum (e.g.: 25 to 40-percentile values, rather than 35
to 50-percentile values as might have been used with regular
SPT in soils without significant coarse particles).
3.5.2 The Becker Penetrometer Test
When neither VS-based correlations nor short-interval SPT can
sufficiently reliably characterize the liquefaction resistance of
coarse soils, the third method available for coarse soils is the
use of the large-scale Becker Penetrometer. As illustrated
schematically in Figure 34, the Becker Penetrometer is
essentially a large-diameter steel pipe pile driven by a diesel
pile hammer (while retrieving cuttings pneumatically up
through the hollow pipe.) The Becker Penetrometer Test
(BPT) resistance can be correlated with SPT to develop
“equivalent” N-values (NBPT). Care is required in continually
monitoring the performance of the BPT during driving, as
corrections must be made for driving hammer bounce chamber
Cumulative Blows
Penetration (inches)
Cumulative Blows
N = 30 blows/ft. N = 42 blows/ft.
9480 11,280
CN: 0.46 0.42
CE: 0.87 0.87
CR: 1 1
CS: 1 1
(N1)60: 14 18
Fig. 33: Adjustment of Short-Interval SPT for Effects
of Coarse Particles
(Olivia Chen Consultants, 2003)
Seed et al. (2003) 35
pressures, etc. (see Harder, 1997 and Youd et al., 2001). The
best current BPT correlation (with SPT) for purposes of
liquefaction engineering applications is described by Harder
(1997), NCEER (1997), and Youd et al. (2001), and is
presented in Figure 35 (based on energy-corrected BPT
BPT has been performed successfully for liquefaction
evaluations in soils with maximum particles sizes (D100) of up
to 1 m. and more, and to depths of up to 80 m. The BPT is a
large and very noisy piece of equipment, however, and both
cost and site access issues can be problematic.
Another problem with the BPT is the question of “casing
friction”. The cross-correlation between BPT resistance and
equivalent N-values (NBPT) is based largely on relatively
shallow data. As the Becker penetrometer drives the pipe
“pile” (penetrometer) to progressively greater depths, there is
progressively more side wall area available upon which side
wall friction and adhesion can act to impede penetration (in
addition to the resistance at the penetrating tip.) It is primarily
tip resistance that we seek to measure.
Three approaches have been taken to deal with this issue. The
simplest is to note that there was at least some casing drag in
the data used to establish the correlation between Becker
blowcounts and equivalent NBPT, and then to simply neglect
potential casing drag. This involves further noting that casing
drag is minimized by driving relatively continuously (without
prolonged pauses or breaks) so that the casing does not “set
The second approach was proposed by Sy et al. (1997) and
involves the use of instrumented driving, and then application
of dynamic wave equation analysis (as for regular pile driving)
to attempt to analytically separate tip and side wall resistances.
This approach suffers the same problem as does dynamic pile
driving analysis; the analysis is very sensitive to the “J-factor”
Fig. 34: Schematic Illustration of the Becker
Penetrometer (Harder, 1997)
(_________________, 19__)
Fig. 35: Cross-correlation Between Becker Penetrometer Blowcounts and Equivalent SPT Blowcounts
(Harder, 1997)
Seed et al. (2003) 36
used to represent damping along the exterior casing surface,
and this factor cannot be readily determined. The result is a
volatility in the analysis; high BPT blowcounts can tend to go
a bit higher, and low blowcounts can tend to go a bit lower,
after correction by this approach.
Figure 36 illustrates typical results. This figure shows BPT
resistance vs. depth as measured in a deep glacial till in
western Canada. The soil being penetrated is a coarse,
gravelly fill underlain by a deep deposit of glacial till. The till
is highly variable, but can be generally characterized as very
broadly well-graded, with variable fines content and coarser
particles ranging up to 1m. and more in size. As shown in this
figure, the tip resistance after correction (the solid dots) using
the method of Sy et al. ranges both slightly higher and slightly
lower than the uncorrected resistance (the solid and dashed
lines), and follows approximately the same mean trend.
In view of the uncertainties involved in either neglecting
casing drag, or analytical adjustment by dynamic wave
equation analysis, a third approach has also been developed.
This involves attempting to directly measure “casing drag”,
and then correcting BPT driving resistance for this effect.
This approach was used in investigations at the Calaveras
Dam in California. The Dam was initially constructed mainly
by hydraulic placement of colluvial fill, an unusual mix of
materials and methods that resulted in unusually complex sub-
stratification, and an unusually challenging mix of variable
soils ranging from low to very high fines contents, and with
coarse, gravelly fractions ranging from a few percent to well
over 50%. The initial embankment failed during construction
in 1918, and was subsequently completed using both dumped
and rolled fill sections. Figures 37(a) and (b) illustrate some
of the complexity of the resulting internal embankment and
foundation zonation and geometry. The final result was lower
elevation fills and underlying alluvium that required
investigation, topped by more competent rolled fills that were
potentially obstructions (with regard to casing drag) to the
planned use of BPT to investigate the variably coarse lower
Both BPT and short-interval SPT were used in this
investigation. Seventeen rotary wash borings, with more than
400 short-interval SPT, were performed, and for zones and
strata considered to be of potentially liquefaction-susceptible
soil “type” the short-interval SPT were processed as in Section
3.5.1 to develop “corrected” SPT N-values. In addition,
eleven Becker penetrometer probes were performed (a total of
more than 1600 feet of BPT). The Becker probes were driven
in 10-foot continuous lengths, and were then halted and
withdrawn 5 feet, and then re-driven 5 feet. The first foot of
re-driving was taken as “re-seating” of the penetrometer, and
material ravelled and/or squeezed into the hole during re-
driving, so that the last 2 or 3 feet had significant tip resistance
as well as casing drag. The second foot of re-drive was,
however, taken as representing almost entirely casing drag.
The casing drag from the 2nd foot of re-driving was then used
as a basis for “correcting” the total driving resistance to
account for casing drag.
Casing drag was found to typically represent between 5% to
45% of the total measured BPT resistance, with an average of
about 19%.
Because of the complex geometry, and the complex internal
sub-stratification within apparent “zones” (see Figure 37) an
unusually large number of sub-zones and sub-strata were
evaluated with regard to liquefaction resistance. Without
specifically identifying these, Table 2 presents a summary of
the characterization of these various zones using both
“corrected” short-interval SPT and casing-corrected BPT
based on subtraction of averaged casing drag measurements as
described above. Large numbers of both types of data were
available in most of the zones of interest, and both median and
35-percentile resultant “corrected” equivalent clean sand
blowcounts (N1,60,cs-values) were developed by both
approaches. As shown in Table, there is a generally good
level of agreement between the results of the short-interval
SPT and the corrected NBPT data, suggesting that these two
methods can both be used in variable soils of these types with
some reliability.
Fig. 36: Comparison Between Uncorrected BPT Driving
Resistances and Corrected Tip Resistances
Based on Dynamic Wave Equation Analysis
Seed et al. (2003) 37
(a) Cross-Section Up to Time of 1918 Upstream Slope Failure During Construction [Hazen, 1918]
(b) Current Cross-Section (as Re-Built), [Olivia Chen Consultants, 2003]
Fig. 37: Cross-Sections of Calaveras Dam Showing Embankment and Foundation Geometry
Seed et al. (2003) 38
3.6 Non-Zero Static “Driving” Shear Stresses:
An additional consideration in evaluation of the liquefaction
potential of saturated soils is the presence of non-zero static
“driving” shear stresses. These are shear stresses induced by
gravity loading (and geometry) that are present both before
and during the earthquake. Because they are gravity-induced,
they are essentially “following” loads and continue to act
during seismic (cyclic) excitation.
Figure 38 presents the “classic” representation of static,
driving shear stresses (After Seed, 1979). Figure 38(a)
illustrates the effective normal and shear stresses acting on
horizontal and vertical planes in an element of soil at some
depth below a level ground surface. There is a non-zero shear
stress within the element, as the vertical effective stress and
the “At-Rest” horizontal effective stress are not equal, but the
soil element is kinematically constrained and has no strong
intrinsic desire to deform in shear. The shear stress on the
horizontal planes is zero, and the “driving” shear stresses are
taken as zero for this case.
Figure 38(b) illustrates a second element of soil, this time at
some depth below a sloping ground surface. At this point
within (or beneath) a slope, the shear stress acting on the
horizontal planes is not zero, and the element has non-zero
“driving” static shear stresses, and a resultant desire to deform
Table 2: Selection of Representative (N1)60,CS Values for Embankment and Foundation
Zones and Subzones, Calaveras Dam and Foundation
Zone Zone
Description Subzone 30th
(N1)60 SPT
(N1)60 BPT
(N1)60 SPT
(N1)60 BPT
Fines Content NCS
I Rock Berm
(Placed In The
N/D 22 N/D 29 15 (F) N/A
II(M) 17 19 (B) 21 23 14 1.5
II(TD) 9 8 12 8 7 1
II Dumped
Rock Fill II(US) 23 21 22 20 10 1
III Cobbly Gravel
Fill /ND 7 N/D 8 20 (F) 1.5
IV 17 23 (L) 22 (L) 25 48 N/A IV Rolled Fill IV(R) 24 12 (L) 32 (L) 16 12 (F) 1
V 13 19 16 23 20 1.5
V(F) 12 17 17 23 15 (F) 1.5
V Mixed
Dumped and
Hydraulic Fill V(G) 17 17 20 22 19 1.5
V(R) Mixed
Hydraulic and
Rolled Fill
21 14 (L) 24 18 15 (F) 1.5
VI 10 N/D 17 N/D 11 1
VI(F) 11 22 (L) 18 36 (L) 59 N/A
Res 7 N/D 8 N/D 11 1
Emb 27 22 40 31 11 1
VI Disturbed and
Dumped, and
Rock Fill
VI(R) 12 (L) N/D 12 (L) N/D 15 1.5
VII Sedimented
Hydraulic Fill 10 N/D 13 N/D 62 N/A
VIII Base Alluvium 19 20 30 26 8 1
X Mixed Fill 12 17 13 26 19 (F) 1.5
XI Rocky
Colluvium 32 36 34 43 N/D 0
(L): Limited penetration data available
(B): Based on data at bottom of zone
(F): Calibrated field-estimated fines contents were also considered
N/A: Not Applicable (High CL content)
N/D: Not Determined
Seed et al. (2003) 39
in shear in a downslope direction. The measure of the relative
importance of these non-zero driving shear stresses is
routinely expressed as the ratio (á) of “static, driving” shear
stress acting on a horizontal plane divided by (normalized by)
the effective vertical stress acting on that plane as
á = ôhv / óv´ [Eq. 20]
Increasing levels of static driving shear stresses can have an
increasing effect on the vulnerability of the soil to cyclic
generation of pore pressures and triggering or initiation of
liquefaction. For very loose soils (soils that are contractive
under monotonic shearing), the presence of initial static
driving shear stresses (á > 0) significantly increases
vulnerability to liquefaction, as initial cyclic pore pressure
induced softening leads to monotonic accumulation of shear
deformations, and these, in turn, lead to further pore pressure
For very dense soils (soils that are dilatent under monotonic
shearing), however, the presence of non-zero initial static
driving shear stresses can lead to reduction in the rate of
generation of pore pressures during cyclic loading. As each
cycle of loading produces an incremental increase in pore
pressure, and some resultant reduction in strength and
stiffness, the driving shear stresses then act to produce shear
deformations that cause dilation of the soil, in turn reducing
pore pressures.
Figure 39 presents one of the best “simplified” representations
of the effects of non-zero static driving shear stresses on the
vulnerability of soils to “triggering” of liquefaction under
cyclic loading (after Harder and Boulanger, 1997). This figure
presents an adjustment factor (Ká) that represents the relative
increase in liquefaction due to the presence of non-zero
driving shear stresses. This factor is usually applied to scale
the equivalent uniform cyclic shear stress ratio required to
“trigger” liquefaction as
CSRliq,á >0 = CSRliq,á =0 Ká [Eq. 21]
As shown in Figure 39, the CSR required to induce
liquefaction increases with increasing á for high SPT N-
values, and Decreases with increasing á for low N-values.
It should be noted that Figure 39 is appropriate only for soils
at an initial effective overburden stress of less than or equal to
approximately 3 atmospheres. At higher initial effective
overburden stresses, the high effective stresses suppress
dilation of dense soils, and exacerbate contraction of loose
soils, so that the Ká values of Figure would rotate clock-wise
(in an adverse manner.) There is currently no widely accepted
guidance as to the degree or rate of this rotation with increased
effective stress, but work is in progress (by several research
teams) and improved guidance here can be expected in the
next year and two.
It should be noted that the Ká valus do not have to be applied
as a multiplier of the CSR required to trigger liquefaction
(they do not have to be applied to the “resistance” term.) They
can, instead, be applied as inverse multipliers of the loading
term by scaling the earthquake-induced CSR as
CSReq,á >0 = CSReq,á =0 / Ká [Eq. 22]
This has significant potential advantages with regard to
prediction of liquefaction-induced displacements and
deformations, as discussed later in parts of Section 5.
Finally, it should be noted that “slopes” are not the only
source of non-zero static driving shear stresses. Non-zero á
Fig. 38: Stress Conditions on Horizontal Planes beneath
Level and Sloping Ground Surfaces
(Seed et al., 1979)
00 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.
(N1)60 ~8-12
(N1)60 ~4-6
Fig. 39: Recommended Values of Kαα as a Function of
SPT N-Values for Effective Vertical Stresses of
Less Than 3 atmospheres
(After Harder and Boulanger, 1997)
Seed et al. (2003) 40
conditions can also arise due to bearing loads of shallow
foundations, due to loading of piles and other deep foundation
elements, due to “free” faces of excavations, due to grade
changes constrained by walls, etc. It has largely been
conventional to neglect the non-zero á conditions near the
edges of shallow-founded structures in performing
liquefaction triggering assessments, and this will be examined
a bit further in Section 5.4.2.
Once it has been determined that initiation or “triggering” of
liquefaction is likely to occur, the next step in most
liquefaction studies is to assess “post-liquefaction” global
stability. This entails evaluation of post-liquefaction strengths
available, and comparison between these strengths and the
driving shear stresses imposed by (simple, non-seismic)
gravity loading. Both overall site stability, and stability of
structures/facilities in bearing capacity, must be evaluated. If
post-liquefaction stability under simple gravity loading is not
assured, then “large” displacements and/or site deformations
can ensue, as geometric rearrangement is necessary to re-
establish stability (equilibrium) under static conditions.
The key issue here is the evaluation of post-liquefaction
strengths. There has been considerable research on this issue
over the past two decades (e.g.: Jong and Seed, 1988; Riemer,
1992; Ishihara, 1993; etc.). Two general types of approaches
are available for this. The first is use of sampling and
laboratory testing, and the second is correlation of post-
liquefaction strength behavior from field case histories with
in-situ index tests.
Laboratory testing has been invaluable in shedding light on
key aspects of post-liquefaction strength behavior. The
available laboratory methods have also, however, been shown
to provide a generally unconservative basis for assessment of
in-situ post-liquefaction strengths. The “steady-state” method
proposed by Poulos, Castro and France (1985), which used
both reconstituted samples as well as high-quality “slightly”
disturbed samples, and which provided a systematic basis for
correction of post-liquefaction “steady-state” strengths for
inevitable disturbance and densification that occurred during
sampling and re-consolidation prior to undrained shearing,
provided an invaluable incentive for researchers. The method
was eventually found to produce post-liquefaction strengths
that were much higher than those back-calculated from field
failure case histories (e.g.: Von Thun, 1986; Seed et al., 1989).
Reasons for this included: (1) the very large corrections
required to account for sampling and reconsolidation
densification prior to undrained shearing, (2) sensitivity to the
assumption that the steady-state line (defining the relationship
between post-liquefaction strength, Su,r vs. void ratio, e) which
was evaluated based on testing of fully remolded
(reconstituted) samples provides a basis for “parallel”
correction for this unavoidable sample densification, (3) use of
C-U triaxial tests, rather than simple shear tests, for field
situations largely dominated by simple shear, (4)
reconsolidation of samples to higher than in-situ initial
effective stresses, and (5) the failure of laboratory testing of
finite samples to account for the potentially important effects
of void redistribution during “undrained” shearing in the field.
It has now been well-established that both simple shear and
triaxial extension testing provide much lower undrained
residual strengths than does triaxial compression (e.g.:
Riemer, 1992; Vaid et al., 1990; Ishihara, 1993; etc.), often by
factors of 2 to 5, and simple shear tends to be the predominant
mode of deformation of concern for most field cases.
Similarly, it is well-established that samples consolidated to
higher initial effective stresses exhibit higher “residual”
undrained strengths at moderate strains (strains of on the order
of 15 to 30%), and this range of strains represents the limit of
accurate measurements for most testing systems.
These issues can be handled by performing laboratory tests at
field in-situ initial effective stress levels, and by performing
undrained tests in either simple shear or torsional shear. The
remaining unresolved issues that continue to preclude the
reliable use of laboratory testing as a basis for assessment of
in-situ (field) post-liquefaction strengths are two-fold. The
first of these is the difficulty in establishing a fully reliable
basis for correction of laboratory test values of S
u,r for
inevitable densification during both sampling and laboratory
reconsolidation prior to undrained shearing. The correction
factors required, for loose to medium dense samples, are
routinely on the order of 3 to 20, and there is no proven
reliable basis for these very large corrections. Use of frozen
samples does not fully mitigate this problem, as volumetric
densification due to reconsolidation upon thawing (prior to
undrained shearing) continues to require large corrections
The second problem is intrinsic to the use of any laboratory
testing of finite samples for the purpose of assessment of in-
situ (field) post-liquefaction strengths, and that is the very
important issue of void redistribution. Field deposits of soils
of liquefiable type, both natural deposits and fills, are
inevitably sub-stratified based on local variability of
permeability. This produces “layers” of higher and lower
permeability, and this layering is present in even the most
apparently homogenous deposits. During the “globally
undrained” cyclic shearing that occurs (rapidly) during an
earthquake, a finite sublayer “encapsulated” by an overlying
layer of at least slightly lower permeability can be largely
isolated and may perform in a virtually undrained manner,
remaining essentially at constant volume. Although the
sublayer loses no volume, however, there is a progressive
rearrangement of the solids and pore fluid within the sublayer
as the soils cyclically soften and/or liquefy. This progressive
rearrangement, which causes the solid particles to settle
slightly and thus increase the density in the lower portion of
the sub-layer, while simultaneously reducing the density of the
top of the sublayer, is “localized void redistribution” during
globally undrained shearing.
Seed et al. (2003) 41
Owing to the very sensitive relationship between post-
liquefaction strength (Su,r) and void ratio (e) for loose to
medium density soils, even apparently minor amounts of
increase in void space (reduction in dry density) at the top of a
sub-layer can result in large reductions in S
u,r. In extreme
cases, water attempting to escape from the sublayer can be
temporarily trapped by the overlying, less pervious layer, and
can form a “film” or water-filled “blister” at the interface
between the two layers (in which case the shear strength, Su,r,
is reduced fully to zero along this interface.)
An interesting early example of this behavior was produced in
a centrifuge test performed by Arulanandan et al. (1993), as
illustrated in Figure 40. In this experiment, an embankment
was constructed with a sand “core” and a surrounding clay
“shell” to prevent drainage during cyclic loading. The sand
core was marked with layers of black sand so that localized
changes in volume (and density) could be tracked during
globally undrained shearing. When subjected to a model
earthquake, cyclic pore pressure generation within the sand
occurred, and the embankment suffered a stability failure.
During the “undrained” earthquake loading, the overall
volume of the saturated sand “core” remained constant,
satisfying the definition of globally undrained loading.
Localy, however, the lower portions of the sand “core”
became denser, and the upper portions suffered corollary
loosening. The top of the sand layer suffered the greatest
loosening, and it was along the top of this zone of significantly
reduced strength that the slope failure occurred.
Given the propensity for occurrence of localized void
redistribution during seismic loading, and the ability of Nature
to selectively push failure surfaces preferentially through the
resulting weakened zones at the tops of localized sub-strata
(and water blisters in worst-cases), the overall post-
liquefaction strength available is a complex function of not
only initial (pre-earthquake) soil conditions (e.g. density, etc.),
but also the scale of localized sub-layering, and the relative
orientations and permeabilities of sub-strata. These are not
qualities that can be reliably characterized, at this time, by
laboratory testing of soil samples (or “elements”) of finite
Accordingly, at this time, the best basis for evaluation of post-
liquefaction strengths is by development of correlations
between in-situ index tests vs. post-liquefaction strengths
back-calculated from field case histories. These failure case
histories necessarily embody the global issues of localized
void redistribution, and so provide the best indication
available at this time regarding post-liquefaction strength for
engineering projects.
Figure 41 presents a plot of post-liquefaction residual strength
(Su,r) vs. equivalent clean sand SPT blow count (N1,60,cs). This
was developed by careful back analyses of a suite of
liquefaction failures, and it should be noted that these types of
back analyses require considerable judgement as they are
sensitive to assumptions required for treatment of momentum
and inertia effects. The difficulties in dealing with these
momentum/inertia effects (which are not an issue in
conventional “static” stability analyses) are an important
distinction between the efforts of various investigators to
perform back-analyses of these types of failures. In this
figure, the original correction for fines used to develop N1,60,cs
is sufficiently close to that of Equations 6 and 7, that
Equations 6 and 7 can be used for this purpose.
Stark and Mesri (1992), noting the influence of initial
effective stress on Su,r, proposed an alternate formulation and
proposed a correlation between the ratio of Su,r/P and N1,60,cs,
as shown in Figure 42, where P is the initial major principal
effective stress (σ1,i). This proposed relationship overstates
the dependence of Su,r on σ1,i, and so is overconservative at
shallow depths (σ1,i < 1 atmosphere) and is somewhat
unconservative at very high initial effective stresses (σ1,i > 3
It is also true, however, that the relationship of Figure 41
understates the influence of σ1,i on Su,r. Figure 43 shows an
excellent example of this. Figure 43(a) shows the stress paths
for a suite of four IC-U triaxial tests performed on samples of
Monterey #30 sand, all at precisely the same density, but
initially consolidated to different effective stresses prior to
undrained shearing. (The sample void ratios shown are post-
consolidation void ratios.) As shown in this figure, the
samples initially consolidated to higher effective stresses
exhibited higher undrained residual strengths (Su,r). The ratio
between Su,r and P was far from constant, however, as shown
in Figure 43(b).
The influence of σ1,i on Su,r (and on the ratio of Su,r/P) is a
function of both density and soil character. Very loose soils,
and soils with higher fines contents, exhibit Su,r behavior that
is more significantly influenced by σ1,i than soils at higher
densities and/or with lower fines content. At this time, the
authors recommend that the relationship of Figure 41 (Seed &
Harder, 1990) be used as the principal basis for evaluation of
Fig. 40: Post-Failure Configuration of Centrifuge
Model Dam with Sand “Core” and Clay Shells
Showing Shear Localization Along Top of Sand
(Arulanandan et al., 1993)
Seed et al. (2003) 42
in-situ Su,r for “relatively clean” sandy soils (Fines Content <
12%). For these soils it is recommended that both
relationships of Figures 41 and 42 be used, but that a 5:1
weighting be employed in favor of the values from Figure 41.
Similarly, a more nearly intermediate basis (averaging the
results of each method, with 3:1 weighting between the
relationships of Figures 41 and 42) is recommended for very
silty soils (Fines Content > 30%). For fines contents between
12% and 30%, a linear transition in weighting between the two
proposed relationships can be used.
It must be noted that engineering judgement is still required in
selection of appropriate post-liquefaction strengths for specific
project cases. Consideration of layering and sub-layering,
permeability/drainage, and potential void redistribution, and
the potential for confluence of alignment of layering interfaces
with shear surfaces must all be considered. For most “typical”
cases, use of S
u,r values in the lower halves of the ranges
shown in Figures 41 and 42 (with due consideration for
weighting of these) appears to represent a suitably prudent
range for most engineering purposes at this time, but lower
overall average post-liquefaction strengths can be realized
when layering and void redistribution combine unusually
adversely with potentially critical failure modes.
Finally, a common question is “what happens at N1,60,cs values
greater than about 15 blows/ft.?” The answer is that the
relationships of Figures 41 and 42 should be concave upwards
(to the right), so that extrapolation at constant slope to the
right of N
1,60,cs=15 blows/ft should provide a conservative
basis for assessment of Su,r in this range. As these projected
values represent relatively good strength behavior, this linear
extrapolation tends to be sufficient for most projects. It should
be noted, however, that values of Su,r should generally not be
taken as higher than the maximum drained shear strength.
Values of S
u,r higher than the fully-drained shear strength
would suggest significant dilation. Dilation of this sort tends
to rapidly localize the shear zone (or shear band), and so
reduces the drain path length across which water must be
drawn to satisfy the dilational “suction”. As these distances
can be small, rapid satisfaction of this dilational demand is
possible, and “undrained” (dilational) shear strengths higher
than the drained strength can persist only briefly.
Accordingly, for most engineering analyses the use of the
fully drained shear strength as a maximum or limiting value is
prudent. Similarly, the maximum shear strength cannot
exceed the shear strength which would be mobilized at the
effective stress corresponding to “cavitation” of the pore water
(as it reaches a pore pressure of 1 atmosphere). The above
limit (to not more than the fully-drained strength) is a stronger
or more limiting constraint, however, and so usually handles
this problem as well.
5.1 Introduction:
Engineering assessment of the deformations and
displacements likely to occur as a result of liquefaction or
pore-pressure-induced ground softening is a difficult and very
challenging step in most projects, and this is an area where
further advances are needed.
5.2 Assessment of “Large” Liquefaction-Induced
For situations in which the post-liquefaction strengths are
judged to be less than the “static” driving shear stresses,
deformations and displacements can be expected to be “large”;
generally greater than about 1m., and sometimes much greater.
Figure 44 shows examples of global site instability
corresponding to situations wherein post-liquefaction strengths
are less than gravity-induced driving shear stresses. These are
schematic illustrations only, and are not to scale.
Fig. 41: Recommended Relationship Between Su,r and
N1,60,CS (Seed and Harder, 1990)
Fig. 42: Relationship Between Su,r/P vs. N1,60,CS as
Proposed by Stark and Mesri (1992)
Seed et al. (2003) 43
For most engineering projects, the “large” deformations
associated with post-liquefaction “static instability” are
unacceptably large, and engineering mitigation is thus
warranted. It is often, therefore, not necessary to attempt to
make quantified estimates of the magnitudes of these “large”
deformations. Exceptions can include dams and embankments,
which are sometimes engineered to safely withstand
liquefaction-induced displacements of more than 1m.
Estimates of the “large” deformations likely to occur for these
types of cases can often be made with fair accuracy (within a
factor of about + 2). “Large” liquefaction-induced
displacements/deformations (> 1m.) are usually principally the
result of gravity-induced “slumping”, as geometric
rearrangement of the driving soil and/or structural masses is
required to re-establish static equilibrium. A majority of the
deformations, for these cases, usually occur after strong
shaking has ceased so that cyclic inertial forces are not very
important in “driving” the deformations (though they are very
important in “triggering” the liquefaction-induced ground
Three general types of approaches can be used to estimate
expected “large” liquefaction-induced ground deformations,
and these are: (1) fully nonlinear, time-domain finite element
or finite difference analyses (e.g.: Finn et al., 1986; Beaty et
al., 1998; France et al., 2000; etc.), (2) statistically-derived
empirical methods based on back-analyses of field earthquake
case histories (e.g.: Hamada et al, 1986; Youd et al., 2002;
etc.), and (3) simple static limit equilibrium analyses coupled
with engineering judgement. When applied with good
engineering judgement, and when the critical
deformation/displacement modes are correctly identified and
suitable post-liquefaction strengths are selected, all three
methods can provide reasonable estimates of the magnitudes
of expected displacements.
Finite element and finite difference analyses are the most
complex of the three approaches, and we cannot reasonably
discuss these in detail within the confines of this paper. These
methods have, to date, principally been employed mainly for
relatively critical (and well-budgeted) studies, but growing
comfort with these methods (coupled with decreasing
computing costs) can be expected to bring these types of
analyses more into the mainstream. The principal difficulty
associated with these methods is the difficulty of evaluating
the model “input” parameters necessary for the relatively
complex behavioral and/or constitutive models used. These
models are usually “sensitive” to relatively minor variations in
one or more parameters, and assessment of this type of
parameter sensitivity is a vital element of such studies. (A
slightly more extensive discussion of these methods is
presented in Section 5.5.)
The second type of methods available are the “Hamada-type”
empirical methods for estimation of lateral displacements due
to liquefaction-induced lateral spreading. These methods are
based on back-analyses of lateral spreading case histories, and
involve probabilistically and/or statistically derived empirical
equations for estimation of expected lateral spreading
displacements. Currently, the most widely used such method
in the western U.S. is that of Bartlett and Youd (1995), as
recently updated by Youd et al. (2002). This method
addresses two types of cases: cases where there is a “free face”
towards which lateral spreading can occur (e.g.: Figures 44(a)
and 44(b)), and cases without a free face but with a sloping
ground surface (e.g.: Figures 44(c) and 44(d)). Two different
empirical equations are provided, one for each of these two
Figure 45 shows the results of this approach (both equations,
as applicable.) Figure 45(a) shows a plot of predicted
displacement magnitude vs. the actual observed displacement
(a) Stress Paths
0200 400 600 800 1000
P (kPa)
(b) Ratio of Su,r/P vs. P
Fig. 43: Results of IC-U Triaxial Tests on Monterey
#30/0 Sand (After Riemer, 1992)
Seed et al. (2003) 44
- Liquefied zone with low residual undrained strength
(a) Edge Failure/Lateral Spreading by Flow
(b) Edge Failure/Lateral Spreading by Translation
(c) Flow Failure
(d) Translational Displacement
(e) Rotational and/or Translational Sliding
Fig. 44: Schematic Examples of Liquefaction-Induced Global Site Instability
and/or “Large” Displacement Lateral Spreading
Seed et al. (2003) 45
for the case histories studied. For (measured) displacements
greater then approximately 1.5m., the ratio of
predicted:measured displacements was generally in the range
of 0.5:1 to 2:1, and this is a reasonable band of accuracy for
engineering purposes in this range of displacements.
For displacements of less than about 1m, however, the
predictive accuracy is much poorer, reflecting the difficulty of
predicting displacements and deformations in this “small to
moderate” displacement range within which cyclic shearing
and cyclic shear stress reversal, as well as dilatent strength
with each reversal of cyclic load, gives rise to very complex
stress-strain and cyclic pore pressure behaviors.
The third method for estimation of expected “large”
liquefaction-induced displacements is based on evaluation of
the deformations/displacements required to re-establish static
equilibrium. This requires careful assessment of the most
critical mode of failure/deformation. An important issue in
this approach is the progressive acceleration and then
deceleration of the displacing soil (and/or structural) mass.
The deformations are not arrested when the geometry is
sufficiently rearranged as to produce a “static” Factor of
Safety of 1.0 (based on post-liquefaction strengths, as
appropriate.). Instead, shear strength must be employed to
overcome the momentum progressively accumulated during
acceleration of the displacing mass, so that the deforming
mass comes to rest at a “static” Factor of Safety of greater
than 1.0 (FS 1.05 to 1.25 is common, depending on the
maximum velocity/momentum achieved before decelleration).
For many problems, simply estimating the degree of geometry
rearrangement necessary to produce this level of Factor of
Safety (under “static” conditions, but with post-liquefaction
strengths) can produce fair estimates of likely displacements.
Alternatively, incremental calculations of (1) overall stability
(excess driving shear stresses), (2) acceleration (and then
decelleration) of the displacing mass due to shear stress
imbalance (vs. shear strength), (3) accrual and dissipation of
velocity (and momentum), and (4) associated geometry
rearrangement, can produce reasonable estimates of likely
ranges of displacements for many cases (Moriwaki et al.,
Finally, it should be noted that these three types of approaches
for estimation of expected “large” liquefaction-induced
displacements and deformations can be used to cross-check
each other. For example, it is prudent to check the final
geometry “predicted” by the results of finite element or finite
difference analyses for its “static” Factor of Safety (with post-
liquefaction strengths.)
5.3 Assessment of “Small to Moderate” Liquefaction-Induced
Although it is feasible to make reasonably accurate estimates
of post-liquefaction deformations and displacements for cases
of “large” displacements, we currently do not have tools for
accurate and reliable estimation of “small to moderate”
liquefaction-induced displacements (displacements/deforma-
tions of less than about 0.75m). Unfortunately, it is this
“small to moderate” range of 0 to 0.75m. that is most
important for most conventional buildings and engineered
Unlike the case of “large” liquefaction-induced displacements,
which are dominated by displacements “driven” principally by
gravity forces after the cessation of strong shaking, “small to
moderate” displacements are very strongly affected by cyclic
inertial forces produced by strong shaking. In addition, “small
to moderate” displacements are usually controlled in large part
by complicated cyclic, pore pressure-induced softening
followed by dilation and corollary reduction in pore pressures
(and consequent re-establishment of strength and stiffness).
(a) All case histories
(b) Cases of less than 2m. displacement
Fig. 45: Predicted vs. Measured Displacements from Lateral
Spreading Case Histories (Youd et al., 2002)
Seed et al. (2003) 46
This softening and re-stiffening behavior is relatively complex
and difficult to predict with good accuracy and reliability.
Figures 46 through 48 illustrate the complicated types of
mechanical behaviors that control cyclic deformations in this
“small to moderate” displacement range. Figure 46 presents
the results of an undrained cyclic simple shear test of
Monterey #0/30 sand at a relative density of Dr = 50%, and an
initial vertical effective stress of σv,i = 85 kPa. These
conditions correspond roughly to a soil with an N1,60,cs value of
about 10 blows/ft. In this figure, (a) the bottom left figure
presents evolution of cyclically-induced pore pressures
(expressed as reduction in σv,i), (b) the bottom right figure
shows increasing shear strains with increasing numbers of
cycles, (c) the top right figure shows shear stress vs. shear
strain behavior, and (d) the top left figure presents the
effective stress path followed during this test. All four sub-
figures are scaled so that the axes of the figures to the side
and/or above and below each share commonly scaled axes.
As shown in Figure 46, shear strains are relatively small for
the first 25 cycles, until significant cyclically-induced pore
pressures have been generated. At that point (after about 25
cycles), there is a rapid increase in cyclic shear strains,
representing “triggering” of liquefaction. Examining the
stress path plots (and also the stress-strain and cyclic pore
pressure generation plots) shows clearly that pore pressures
are generated upon initial reversal of cyclic shear stresses
during each half-cycle of loading, but that dilation ensues later
in each cycle as shear strains begin to increase in the new
direction of loading. This process of cyclic softening and then
re-stiffening during each cycle is now well understood, but
remains difficult to model reliably for non-uniform (irregular)
cyclic loading, as in earthquakes.
Figure 47 similarly shows the same suite of plots for an
undrained cyclic simple shear test on a sample of the same
sand, but this time at an initial relative density of Dr = 75%.
This corresponds roughly to an in situ N1,60,cs value of about 25
to 30 blows/ft. Denser soils in this range exhibit very different
behavior than the looser sample of Figure 46.
The cyclic stress ratio of the test presented in Figure 47 is 1.8
times higher than that of the previous figure. The denser
sample (Figure 47) is more strongly dilatant with each half-
cycle of loading, and instead of relatively “suddenly”
beginning a rapid rate of increase of shear strains (as in the
previous test), this denser sample exhibits a more moderate
(and less dramatically accelerating) rate of increase of cyclic
shear strains. Indeed, as there is no sudden transition in
behaviors, it is difficult to identify a singular point at which
“triggering” of liquefaction can be said to occur. At this time,
it is recommended that “triggering” or initiation of
liquefaction be considered to have occurred when a soil has
experienced significant cyclic pore pressure generation (and
attendant softening and loss of strength), and has reached a
cyclic shear strain (in either single direction) of γ 3%. At
this level of shear strain, subsequent performance (including
“post-liquefaction” strength and stress-deformation behavior)
will be controlled largely by the soil’s contractive or dilational
Further complicating the issue of prediction of liquefaction-
induced deformations is the fact that, for most cases of
engineering interest, there is a directionally preferential
“driving” shear stress due to gravity loading (in addition to
cyclic inertial stresses induced by the earthquake). Figure 48
presents the results of an undrained cyclic simple shear test
with these initial "driving” shear stresses. In this test, the
“driving” shear stresses are aligned in the same direction as
the (reversing) cyclic shear stress loading, and the initial
(constant) driving shear stresses are equal to 0.08 times the
initial vertical effective stress (of 85 kPa). In addition to the
types of cyclic softening and dilatent re-stiffening shown in
the two previous figures, this test (Figure 48) also exhibits
cyclic “ratcheting” or progressive accumulation of shear
strains in the direction of the driving shear force. It is this
type of complex “ratcheting” behavior that usually principally
controls “small to moderate” liquefaction-induced
deformations and displacements (displacements in the range of
about 2 to 75 cm. for field cases.)
This problem is further complicated in field cases by the
occurrence of cyclic shear stresses “transverse” (not parallel
to) the direction of the (static) driving shear stresses.
Boulanger et al. (1995) clearly demonstrated that cyclic shear
stresses transverse to driving shear forces can, in many cases,
represent a more severe type of loading for “triggering” of
liquefaction than cyclic shear stresses aligned “parallel” with
driving forces. It is only in the last few years, however, that
high quality laboratory data with “transverse” as well as
“parallel” cyclic simple shear loading (and driving shear
stresses) has begun to be available (e.g.: Kammerer, 2002;
Wu, 2003; etc.), and development and calibration of improved
analytical and constitutive models for this type of behavior are
currently still under development. Additional complications
involved in attempting to predict “small to moderate”
liquefaction-induced deformations and displacements include:
(1) the irregular and multi-directional loading involved in field
situations, representing a complex and multi-directional
seismic response problem, and (2) the many types and
“modes” of deformations and displacements that can occur.
Figures 49 and 50 illustrate a number of “modes” or
mechanisms that can result in “small to moderate” lateral and
vertical displacements, respectively. These figures are
schematic and for illustrative purposes only; they are not to
Figure 49 illustrates three examples of modes of deformation
that can produce “small to moderate” liquefaction-induced
lateral displacements (of less than about 1m.) It should be
noted that these can also produce much larger deformations, if
the liquefiable soils are very loose, and geometry is
sufficiently adverse. Figure 49(a) shows an example of limited
lateral spreading towards a free face, and Figure 49(b) shows
an example of limited lateral spreading downslope or
downgrade. These modes can also give rise to large
Seed et al. (2003) 47
0.300.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Norm. Shear Stress, (τ/σc )
Normalized Effective Vertical Stress,
-10 -5 0 5 10
Shear Strain, γ (%)
Excess Pore Pressure Ratio, ru (%)
Number of Cycles
-10 -5 0 5 10
Shear Strain, γ (%)
Fig. 46: Undrained Cyclic Simple Shear Test on Monterey #30/0 Sand (Test No. Ms15j)
Dr=50%, σσv,i’=85 kPa, CSR=0.22, αα=0
00.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Norm. Shear Stress, (τ/σc )
Normalized Effective Vertical Stress, σ'v/σc'
-10 -5 0 5 10
Shear Strain, γ (%)
30 Pore Pressure Ratio, ru (%)
Number of Cycles
-10 -5 0 5 10
Shear Strain, γ (%)
Fig. 47: Undrained Cyclic Simple Shear Test on Monterey #30/0 Sand (Test No. Ms30j)
Dr=75%, σσv,i’=85 kPa, CSR=0.4, αα=0
Seed et al. (2003) 48
displacements, but when the liquefiable soils have limited
shear strain potential (the shear strain required for dilatent re-
stiffening), then displacements are limited.
Figure 52 (Shamoto, Zhang and Tokimatsu, 1998) presents
engineering estimates of limiting (post-liquefaction) shear
strains, as a function of SPT N-values. As shown previously
in Figures 46 through 48, the shear strain required for
dilational re-stiffening decreases with increased initial density
(or increased N-value). Although there is not yet a well-
established (or well-defined) basis for selection of the precise
shear strain corresponding to the “limiting” shear strain (see
for examples, Figures 46 through 48), the types of values
presented in Figure 52 represent suitable approximate values
for many engineering purposes. An updated set of
recommendations of this type will be presented and discussed
in Section 5.4.
These “limiting” shear strains are not, by themselves, an upper
bound to displacement potential; rather they are a basis for
estimation of resistance to shear deformations. In field cases
in which significant and adverse static “driving” shear stresses
occur (e.g. slopes, free faces, etc.) actual deformations can be
as much as twice the values of these “limiting” shear strains,
and even more when post-liquefaction residual strength is low
relative to the static driving shear stresses.
The two general types of lateral spreading deformations
illustrated in Figures 49(a) and (b) correspond to the two types
of lateral spreading addressed by the empirical corelation
proposed by Youd et al. (2002). As shown in Figure 45(a),
this approach provided reasonable estimates of expected
displacements for cases with displacements of greater than
about 1.5m. However, as shown in Figure 45(b) (which is an
enlarged view of part of Figure 45(a)), this approach does not
provide accurate or reliable estimates of lateral displacements
for cases where measured displacements are less than about
1m. (the range within which complex cyclic inertial loading
and cyclic softening and dilational re-stiffening largely control
displacements). There are, at present, no well-calibrated and
0.60 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Norm. Shear Stress, (τ/σc )
Norm. Effective Vertical Stress, σ'v/σc
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Shear Strain, γ (%)
40 Excess Pore Pressure Ratio, ru (%)
Number of Cycles
-2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Shear Strain, γ (%)
Fig. 48: Undrained Cyclic Simple Shear Test on Monterey #30/0 Sand (Test No. Ms10k)
Dr=55%, σσv,i’=85 kPa, CSR=0.33, αα=0.18
Seed et al. (2003) 49
verified engineering tools for accurate and reliable estimation
of lateral displacements in this range. This is an area of urgent
need for further advances, and research to fill this gap is
underway in several countries.
Figure 45(c) shows another mechanism which can produce
“limited” lateral displacements; in this case, liquefaction of
soils beneath a non-liquefied surface “crust”, and laterally
constrained against large lateral spreading towards a free face.
When the surface “crust” is thin relative to the thickness of the
underlying layer, and when the liquefied soils have low
density (low N
1,60,cs values), the “crust” can separate into
distinct sections or “blocks”, and these crustal sections can
move differentially with respect to each other. This can
produce shearing, compression and tensile separations at the
edges of surface blocks. This, in turn, can be damaging to
structures and/or utilities that are unfortunate enough to
straddle the block boundaries.
There are no good means to predict where the inter-block
boundaries will occur, and there are no reliable methods at
present to predict the magnitudes of localized differential
block displacements that are likely to occur. Ishihara (1985)
provides some insight into this “pie crust” problem, as shown
in Figure 52. Ishihara suggests, based on empirical
observations from a number of Japanese earthquakes, that
surface manifestations of liquefaction will not be significant if
(1) the site is relatively level, (2) the edges are constrained so
that lateral spreading towards a free face is prevented, and (3)
the ratio of the thickness of the non-liquefied surface “crust”
(H1) to the thickness of the liquefied underlying soils (H2) is
greater than the values indicated in Figure 52 (as a function of
peak ground surface acceleration, as shown.) It should be
noted, however, that these recommendations are useful only
up to surface peak accelerations of up to 0.4 to 0.5g, and that
these have not been verified in many earthquakes as yet.
Preliminary field data from the recent 1999 Kocaeli (Turkey)
and 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) Earthquakes suggests that these
criteria may not always provide fully satisfactory
- Liquefied zone
(a) Spreading Towards a Free Face
(b) Spreading Downslope or Downgrade
(c) Localized, Non-directionally Preferential Differential Lateral Displacements
Fig. 49: Schematic Examples of Modes of “Limited” Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Translation
Seed et al. (2003) 50
(a) Ground Loss Due to Cyclic Densification
and/or Volumetric Reconsolidation (b) Secondary Ground Loss Due to Erosion
of “Boil” Ejecta
(c) Global Rotational or Translational Site
Displacement (d) “Slumping” or Limited Shear Deformations
(e) Lateral Spreading and Resultant Pull-
Apart Grabens (f) Localized Lateral Soil Movement
(g) Full Bearing Failure (h) Partial Bearing Failure
or Limited “Punching” (i) Foundation Settlements
Due to Ground Softening
Exacerbated by Inertial
Fig. 50: Schematic Illustration of Selected Modes of Liquefaction-Induced Vertical Displacements
Seed et al. (2003) 51
Given the potential risk associated with localized differential
movements at crustal block boundaries, it is recommended
herein that these criteria should, at a minimum, always be
supplemented by well-reinforced and laterally continuous
foundations to constrain lateral differential displacements and
to reduce differential vertical displacements at the bases of
structures at such sites, especially when the liquefied layer
contains soils with low equivalent N1,60,cs values (N1,60,cs 15),
or when the ratios of H1/H2 are near the boundaries of Figure
52. Shallow-founded structures and facilities should always
be checked for bearing capacity (with post-liquefaction
strengths) at such sites, and the possibility of lateral site
translations (lateral spreading) should also be checked.
In addition to differential lateral displacements, engineers
must also deal with the hazard associated with both total and
differential potential vertical displacements. There are a
number of mechanisms that can produce vertical
displacements of sites and/or structures and other engineered
facilities. Figure 50 presents schematic illustrations of a
number of these. Again, this figure is schematic and for
illustrative purposes only; it is not to scale. The modes of
vertical displacement illustrated in Figure 50 can be grouped
into three general catagories. Figures 50(a) and (b) illustrate
settlements due to reduction or loss of soil volume. Figures
50(c) through (f) illustrate modes of settlement due to
deviatoric ground movements. Figures 50(g) through (i)
illustrate structural settlements due to full or partial bearing
Figure 50(a) shows “ground loss” or settlement due to cyclic
densification of non-saturated soils and/or due to volumetric
reconsolidation of liquefied (or partially liquefied) soils as
cyclically-induced pore pressures escape by drainage. The
overall magnitude of these types of settlements can be
reasonably well predicted by several methods (e.g.: Tokimatsu
and Seed, 1987: Ishihara and Yoshimine, 1992), but these
methods cannot reliably predict the magnitude and distribution
of locally differential settlements. Overall settlement
estimates are generally accurate within + a factor of about 2 to
3, so long as suitable adjustments are made for fines content
(as both methods are for “clean” sands.) The fines adjustment
recommended here is that of Equations 6 and 7. Section 5.4.1
will present a recommended improved procedure for
estimation of these types of “post-liquefaction
reconsolidation” ground settlements.
Figure 50(b) illustrates a second mechanism of ground loss;
secondary ground loss as a result of erosion of soil particles
carried by water escaping through cracks and fissures (often
referred to as “sand boils”) as excess pore pressures are
dissipated. Boil ejecta (transported soils) can be carried to the
ground surface, or they can be carried to accessible buried
voids (e.g.: basements, buried culverts and sewers, etc.)
Secondary ground loss due to erosion of boil ejecta is usually
localized, and so can be locally differential. It is also
essentially impossible to predict. The best defense here is
usually to ensure sufficient lateral continuity of foundations as
to be able to “bridge” or cantilever over localized subsidences.
Another alternative is deep foundation support (piles or piers)
extending beneath the depth of potential ground loss.
Fig. 52: Proposed Boundary Curves for Site
Indentification of Liquefaction-Induced
(Surface) Damage (After Ishihara, 1985)
Fig. 51: Estimates of Limiting Shear Strains for Sandy
Soils with ~ 10% Fines (Shamoto et al., 1998)
Seed et al. (2003) 52
Figures 50(c) and (d) illustrate rotational and “slumping”
(distributed shear) types of ground movements that produce
settlements at the crests or heels of the slopes or
embankments. Although these types of potential liquefaction-
induced deformations and displacements are relatively
amenable to engineering prediction when they are “large”
(>1m.), there are at present no accurate and reliable (or well-
calibrated) methods for estimation of expected displacements
when displacements will be small to moderate (D 0.05 to
0.75m.) Accordingly, significant judgement is currently
required to assess the likely deformations, and their impact on
structures and other engineered facilities. The lack of reliable
and well-calibrated analysis tools here often results in the need
for conservative assumptions, and often leads to
implementation of conservative hazard mitigation measures.
Figures 50(e) and (f) illustrate closely related mechanisms that
can produce surface settlements. Figure 50(e) illustrates
lateral spreading producing grabens, or settlements, in zones
of locally differential extension (pull-apart zones). Figure
50(f) illustrates localized lateral soil movement producing
both heaving and settlement as overall soil volume is largely
conserved. These types of potential movements are also
difficult to predict, and again conservative assumptions and/or
conservative steps to mitigate this type of hazard are often
called for when these types of movements are judged to
represent potentially serious hazards for a site, structure, or
other engineered facility.
Finally, in addition to liquefaction-induced soil (or site)
displacements, another class of potential concerns are those
associated with potential differential movements of structures
relative to the ground. Figures 50(g) through (i) illustrate
several subsets of these types of movements.
Figure 50(g) represents the case in which liquefaction-induced
loss of strength and stiffness is sufficiently severe that full
bearing failure occurs. This type of full bearing failure occurs
when overall bearing capacity, based on post-liquefaction
strengths (Su,r) as appropriate, is insufficient for static
equilibrium under gravity loading. This can produce very
large “punching” settlements (many tens of centimeters or
more), and can even lead to toppling of structures when they
are narrow relative to their height.
Figure 50(h) represents partial bearing failure or limited
“punching” settlements. These limited punching types of
settlements can occur at isolated footings, or can occur with
mat and raft foundations (especially at corners and edges.)
Limited punching settlements are generally associated with
situations in which post-liquefaction strengths are sufficient to
prevent full bearing failure, and they are the result of cyclic
softening and attendant deformations required to generate
sufficient dilational re-stiffening as to arrest movements.
Estimation of these “limited” punching/bearing settlements
can be further complicated by the interaction of increased
cyclic vertical loads due to inertial “rocking” of structures
with cyclic softening (and cyclic dilational re-stiffening), as
illustrated schematically in Figure 50(i). There are, at present,
no reliable and well-calibrated engineering/analytical tools for
estimation of likely limited punching settlements. This is a
major gap in practice, as it is limited punching settlements ( in
the range of about 0.05 to 0.75 m.) that represent one of the
principal liquefaction-related hazards for many buildings and
engineered structures. Preliminary results of studies to
develop, and to field calibrate such analytical methods, will be
presented and discussed briefly in Section 5.4.2.
Widespread liquefaction in the city of Adapazari in the recent
1999 Kocaeli (Turkey) Earthquake and in the city of Duzce in
the 1999 Duzce (Turkey) Earthquake produced differential
foundation/soil punching types of settlements in this range for
hundreds of buildings, and many additional buildings suffered
similar ranges of settlements in the cities of Wu Feng, Nantou,
and Yuan Lin during the 1999 Chi-Chi (Taiwan) Earthquake.
These two events thus provided both strong incentive, as well
as large numbers of potential field case histories, and as a
result considerable research efforts are currently underway to
develop methods for estimation of these types of “limited”
punching/bearing displacements.
5.4 Engineering Assessment of Small to Moderate
Liquefaction-Induced Displacements (Selected Modes):
There is a need for improved “simplified” analytical methods
for engineering assessment of expected liquefaction-induced
deformations and displacements. For most civil projects, the
engineer needs a basis for estimation of likely resulting lateral
and vertical displacements of the ground and/or the base of the
structure or other engineered facility. These methods need to
be both adequately accurate and reliable, and thus must be
well-calibrated against field performance case histories.
Significant research efforts are underway, by multiple teams
of researchers and in several countries, to develop improved
analysis tools for these purposes. This section will briefly
comment on some of these evolving methods.
5.4.1 Site Settlements Due to Post-Liquefaction Volumetric
Estimation of expected site settlements due to post-
liquefaction volumetric reconsolidation (as cyclically
generated excess pore pressures are dissipated by expulsion of
water; see Figures 50(a) and (b)) is the simplest of the vertical
displacement mechanisms to analyze, and several good
methods already exist for this (Tokimatsu and Seed, 1987;
Ishihara and Yoshimine, 1992; Shamoto et al., 1998). All of
these methods produce reasonably good predictions of actual
field case history observations of post-liquefaction site
settlements for sites where lateral site displacements were
Figure 53(a) presents new recommendations regarding
expected volumetric reconsolidation strains after liquefaction,
or after at least significant cyclically-induced pore pressure
Seed et al. (2003) 53
(a) Volumetric Reconsolidation Strains
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
N1,60, cs
Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR)
Cetin et al.(2000). 50% PL
This study(2002), limiting strain
50% 35% 20%
5% 3%
(b) Shear Strain Potential Index
Fig. 53: Recommended Relationships for (a) Volumetric Reconsolidation Strains and (b) Shear Strain Potential Index
as a Function of Equivalent Uniform Cyclic Stress Ratio and N1,60,CS for Mw = 7.5 (Wu, 2003)
Cetin et al. (2002)
Cetin et al. (2002)
Seed et al. (2003) 54
generation. The solid line in this figure is the “triggering”
boundary for P
L = 50% from Figure 16, and represents the
approximate boundary for “triggering” of liquefaction. The
strain contours represent expected values of volumetric strain
due to post-earthquake dissipation of cyclically generated
excess pore pressures. This is based on recent laboratory
cyclic simple shear testing data, as well as previously
available laboratory and field data from other researchers (Wu,
The horizontal axis of Figure 53(a) represents fines-adjusted,
normalized SPT penetration resistance, using the same fines
corrections that were employed previously in the new
“triggering” relationships presented in Section 3.1 (Equations
6 and 7). The vertical axis represents equivalent uniform
cyclic stress ratio adjusted for: (1) magnitude-correlated
duration weighting (DWFM), and (2) effective overburden
stress (Kó). In using this figure, the earthquake-induced
CSReq must be scaled by both DWFM and Kó, using
Equations 13 and 14.
To estimate expected site settlements due to volumetric
reconsolidation, the recommended procedure is to simply
divide the subsurface soils into a series of sub-layers, and then
to characterize each sub-layer using SPT data. Volumetric
contraction (vertical strain in “at-rest” or K0 conditions) for
each sub-layer is then simply summed to result in total site
Figure 54 presents a summary of the results of application of
this procedure to back-analysis of field performance case
histories during a number of earthquakes (Wu, 2003). As
shown in this Figure, predicted settlements are typically within
a factor of + 2 relative to those actually observed. All of the
sites represented in Figure 54 experienced lateral site
dsiplacements of less than 1.5 m. Sites that experienced
lateral displacements of less than 0.3 m are represented by
solid symbols, and sites that experienced maximum lateral
displacements of between 0.3 to 1.5m are represented with
open symbols.
For sites experiencing “small to moderate” lateral site
displacements (displacements of between 0.3 to 1.5 m), the
vertical site settlement estimated based on summation of the
volumetric reconsolidation strains of Figure 52(a) were
increased by an additional term representing 10% to 20% of
the lateral site translation (with a mean of 15%). The vertical
bars of Figure 54 represent this 10% to 20% augmented range.
For sites expected to experience maximum lateral translations
of greater than about 1.5m, these types of “simplified”
predictions of vertical settlements should not be considered
It should be noted that non-saturated soils (above the water
table) can also suffer volumetric contraction during strong
shaking (“shake down”). This volumetric contraction is
usually significantly less severe than that experienced by
saturated soils generating significant cyclically-induced pore
pressures (typically on the order of less than 0.5% volumetric
strain in all but the loosest of soils), but when significant
depths of non-saturated soils with low to moderate SPT
penetration resistance are present, it is adviseable to also add
prediction of non-saturated “shake-down” to estimates of site
settlements. The best published method for prediction of non-
saturated shake-down for “liquefiable” types of soils is that of
Tokimatsu and Seed (1987), and non-saturated shake-down
predictions by their method are included in the preditions
presented in Figure 54. These were only significant (greater
than about 10% of the total predicted settlements) at 5 of the
case sites studied; at several sites with very low ground water
tables and thus significant depths of non-saturated alluvial
soils with relatively low blowcounts, non-saturated shake-
down accounted for up to 20% to 30% of the total predicted
Finally, it should be noted that deposits of cohesionless soils,
and low plasticity cohesive (“silty”) soils, can be notoriously
heterogeneous in nature. As a result, interpretation of the
results of predictions of expected site settlements due to
volumetric reconsolidation should be leavened by an
understanding of the variance or uncertainty (which appears to
be a factor of about + 2), as well as by the understanding that
these are “average” setlements, and that local differential
settlements can be expected.
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Measured ground settlement (m)
Estimated ground settlement (m)
Lateral displacement < 0.3m
Lateral displacement 0.3 to 1.5m
Fig. 54: Predicted vs. Actually Observed Liquefaction-
Induced Ground Settlements (Wu, 2003)
Seed et al. (2003) 55
5.4.2 Engineering Assessment of Liquefaction-Induced
Settlements of Shallow-Founded Structures
The quest for relatively “simple” and reliable methods for
prediction of liquefaction-induced settlements of shallow-
founded structures has been one of the most important and
elusive objectives of research to fill “holes” in our analytical
repertoire. Numerous research efforts are currently underway,
by diverse teams of researchers in at least several different
countries, many inspired by the widespread damages resulting
from differential or “partial punching” settlements of many
hundreds of structures in the recent 1991 Luzon (Phillipines),
1999 Kocaeli (Turkey), 1999 Duzce (Turkey) , and 1999 Chi-
Chi (Taiwan) Earthquakes.
One approach under development by the authors (as well as a
very talented team of research students at Middle East
Technical University in Ankara, Turkey, working with Prof.
Onder Cetin) is nearing completion, and is showing very
promising results when predictions are compared with
observed field performance. This “simplified” method is not
all that simple, and space limitations do not permit a full
treatment of this approach in this paper. (Besides, it is still
under development; expected to be completed within the
calendar year.) Instead, a brief description of the approach,
and of the results to date, will be presented.
This method is being developed and field-calibrated using
field performance case histories selected for study from
among the many hundreds of structures that suffered
liquefaction-induced settlements and/or partial punching
failures in the city of Adapazari, Turkey during the 1999
Kocaeli Earthquake, and in the city of Duzce, Turkey, during
the 1999 Duzce Earthquake.
Figure 55 illustrates typical conditions considered. In both of
these cities, relatively stiff, monolithic reinforced concrete
buildings of 2 to 6 stories were routinely founded at shallow
depths (usually on thick mat foundations) over potentially
liquefaible soils and with a shallow ground water table.
Performance varied from relatively minor foundation
settlements of less than 10cm (relative to the adjacent ground),
to measured settlements of more than 1m. Several buildings
(of tall, narrow aspect ratio) in Adapazari suffered sufficient
partial bearing failures that they toppled over.
The approach under development involves first assessing post-
liquefaction stability (bearing capacity relative to post-
CL to ML
ML to SM
with CL
CL to ML
with SM
Dense SM with CL
0 m
5 m
10 m
15 m
East West
20 m
0 5 10
q (MPa)
10.8 m
Fig. 55: Example of Foundation Soil Conditions for a Four-Story Reinforced Concrete
Structure in Adapazari, Turkey (After Bray et al., 2003)
Seed et al. (2003) 56
liquefaction residual strengths). All of the field cases studies
“passed” this screening (as, apparently, did all but a few of the
structures in these two cities), and consideration next
progressed to assessment of expected structural settlements.
Settlements of the structures had two principal contributing
source mechanisms; “volumetric” settlements arising
principally from volumetric reconsolidation, and “deviatoric”
settlements arising from cyclic loading in combination with
static “driving” shear stresses due to foundation bearing loads.
Total settlement, ÄZtotal, at either the corner or the edge of a
shallow-founded structure was then estimated as
ÄZtotal = ÄZvolumetric + ÄZdeviatoric [Eq. 23]
In this equation, ÄZvolumetric can be calculated in much the
same manner as was described in the prevoius section, except
that the cyclic loading (and the resultant CSR) in each sub-
layer beneath the building foundation is exacerbated by
soil/structure interaction (SSI) which induces additional cyclic
loading of the ground near the edges due to both differential
lateral inertial forces between the structure and the ground
(“hockey-puck-like” kinematic and inertial interaction) and
vertical loading pulses due to “rocking” forces from the
These increased (SSI-induced) cyclic loadings have been
analyzed by means of extensive 3-dimensional, nonlinear
dynamic SSI analyses, and one of the great challenges in
development of “simplified” methods is boiling down all the
results of these SSI analyses to develop simplified estimates of
exaccerbated CSR in layers near and below the foundations.
An additional, and relatively minor, issue is the increase in
vertical effective stress beneath the foundations (relative to the
adjacent free field ground) which produces a minor and
adverse Kσ effect.
With regard to ÄZvolumetric, the result of SSI-exacerbated CSR
(and of Kσ effects) is some minor increase in settlements
relative to the adjacent “free field” ground, but these were
relatively minor; typically on the order of 5 to 10 cm. As the
adjacent free field ground also experienced some non-zero
ÄZvolumetric, and as the “Observed Settlements” of the cases
presented in Figure 56 represent differential settlement of the
structure relative to the adjacent free filed ground surface, the
contribution of ÄZvolumetric to the “Estimated (predicted)
Settlements” in Figure 56 was relatively minor.
The second term of Equation 23 (ÄZdeviatoric) is more
complicated, and was the principal contributor to observd
building settlements in the two cities studied. ÄZdeviatoric
represents shear deformations in the general direction of
“partial bearing failure” though often with much smaller
displacements) and is a function of: (1) the SSI-exacerbated
cyclic loading (CSR) in each soil sub-layer beneath the
foundation, and (2) the static “driving” shear stresses due to
the bearing loads of the foundation.
Figure 53(b) presents recommended values of Shear Strain
Potential Index (SPI). SPI is the maximum shear strain
developed in 15 cycles of uniform cyclic loading, without
significant static “drivivng” shear forces (á = 0 conditions.)
The limiting shear strain indices of Figure 53(b) were used as
the principal index of resistance to shear deformations.
These are only an “index” as the actual shear strains
developed are a function of the interaction of CSR with static
“driving” shear stresses. As these driving shear stresses are
very significant near the bases of the edges of the structures,
the complex interaction of these driving loads with the
earthquake-induced cyclic loads is a critical issue. There is
some insight that can be gleaned from laboratory cyclic testing
data, but in the end the final characterization of the interaction
between CSR and á was developed by regression of field case
histories. The form of the calculation of ÄZdeviatoric is to
perform analyses of each soil sub-layer beneath the corner or
edge of the structure as in Equation 24, and then sum the
settlements. For each sub-layer
ÄZdeviatoric = f (CSRfree-field, CSRSSI, SPI, á, Ká,å) [Eq. 24]
where Ká,å is a strain-based factor that characterizes the effects
of non-zero driving shear stresses on the accumulation of
shaer strain in the driven direction. (This is somewhat
analogous to the Ká factor discussed earlier in Section 3 for
“triggering” evaluations, but is not at all the same.)
Total Building Settlement
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Observed Settlement (cm)
Estimated Settlement (cm)
Fig. 56: Predicted vs. Actually Observed Liquefaction-
Induced Building Settlements in Duzce and
Adapazari (Cetin, et al., work in progress)
Seed et al. (2003) 57
Figure 56 presents a comparison between predicted
liquefaction-induced building settlements and those actually
observed for 26 buildings in the cities of Adapazari and
Duzce. Both “Estimated” and “Observed” settlements in this
figure represent settlements of the building relative to the
adjacent “free field” ground.
Most of the cases presented in Figure 56 are from the city of
Duzce, as many of the cases studied in Adapazari are
complicated by the presence of cohesive soils from “Zone B”
of Figure 3; soils that are vulnerable to cyclic strain softening
(especially when á is non-zero). These cohesive soils appear
to have contributed significantly to overall building
settlements in many of these cases, but the analytical methods
described abve are applicable only to soils of Zone A of
Figure 4.
Additional cases are being studied and analyzed, and these
analytical tools are still being refined. It is hoped that this
work will be completed by late Summer or early Fall, and
more complete presentations of this method, as well as its
development and calibration against an increasing number of
field case histories, should be available soon.
5.4.3 Engineering Assessment of “Small to Moderate”
Lateral Site Displacements
A number of researchers have investigated the phenomenon of
permanent deformation due to liquefaction-induced lateral
spreading, beginning with the seminal early work of Hamada
et al. (1986). Hamada et al. began by assembling a database
of case histories, consisting of sites where lateral spreading
occurred during three earthquakes (the 1964 Niigata, 1983
Nihonkai-Chubu, and 1971 San Fernando Earthquakes). The
case histories were divided into three main types based on
topographic conditions, which are illustrated in Figure 57: (A)
slightly inclined ground conditions (“gently sloping”), (B)
horizontal ground surface with a vertical discontinuity (a
“free-face”), and (C) horizontal ground surface and a
liquefiable layer with an inclined lower boundary. Each case
history consisted of a “segment” where the sliding could be
regarded as one block. The geotechnical characteristics and
measured displacements were then averaged across the
segment. An empirical regression technique was applied to the
database, the variable components of which were based on
topographic and geologic descriptors (e.g. thickness of
liquefiable layer, H, gradient of ground surface, θ, etc.). The
result was a very simple predictive equation for lateral spread
displacement as
DH = 0.75 H0.5θ0.33 [Eq. 25]
Bartlett and Youd (1992) built on Hamada’s empirical
approach by: (1) adding additional case histories to the
database, (2) changing the definition of a case history from the
previously described “segments” to each individual measured
displacement vector, and (3) adopting an expanded set of input
variables into the predictive equation. Cases were divided into
two types: (1) “gently sloping ground” cases, and (2) cases
with a “free face”. Separate predictive equations for each of
these two types of cases were then developed by multiple
linear regression (MLR).
Youd et al. (2002), the most recent update to Youd’s body of
work on lateral spread displacement prediction, corrects
several errors in the original database and attempts to further
optimize the variables used in the MLR predictive equations,
as shown Equations 26(a) and 26(b).
(a) For free-face conditions:
Log DH = -16.713 + 1.532M 1.406 log R* - 0.012R + 0.592 log W
+ 0.540 log T15 + 3.413 log (100 - F15) 0.795 log (D5015 + 0.1 mm) [Eq. 26(a)]
(b) For gently sloping ground conditions:
Log DH = -16.213 + 1.532M 1.406 log R* - 0.012R + 0.338 log S + 0.540 log T15
+ 3.413 log (100 - F15) 0.795 log (D5015 + 0.1 mm) [Eq. 26(b)]
Fig. 57: Types of Permanent Lateral Ground Displacements
(after Hamada et al., 1986)
Seed et al. (2003) 58
For a description of the input variables, the reader is referred
to Youd et al. (2002). Figure 45 shows the measured vs.
predicted displacements from the revised Youd et al. work
(using both equations, as appropriate to each individual case).
Despite efforts to refine the MLR equations, the predictive
capacity is largely within a factor of two for displacements of
greater than about 1.5m., but is less accurate and reliable for
smaller displacements. Because it is displacements of
considerably less than 1m. that are of principal interest for
most engineering applications, further developments are
Bardet et al. (1999) built upon the Youd et al. corrected
database, and used largely the same lateral spread case history
database to develop a probabilistic model. This is a potentially
valuable step because it casts the predictive equations in a
probabilistic format, such that an analysis of lateral spreading
could be folded into a probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
framework. Bardet et al. also performed an additional
regression on only that portion of Youd’s database that
represents displacements of less than two meters, reframing
the problem of lateral spreading deformations to focus on
“small to moderate” displacements.
Rauch and Martin (2000, 2001) took a good look at the
phenomenon of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading,
resulting in a fundamental step “backward” to the original
Hamada work. Rauch and Martin built a new database of case
histories where each lateral spread feature was represented as
a single data point, characterized by a maximum and mean
horizontal and vertical displacement, rather than using
multiple individual displacement vectors at a single “feature”
as independent data points. While this substantially reduces
the number of case histories within the database, it is a
fundamentally more sound approach, as adjacent displacement
measurements are not statistically independent as simple
statistical regression techniques would require.
Current research at UC Berkeley continues the advancement
of the “Hamada”-type approach, i.e. empirical treatment of
liquefaction-induced lateral spreading displacements. Building
upon the viewpoint that a lateral spread is a single case, but
internally addressing the variation of displacements across a
given spreading feature, ongoing research at UC Berkeley
breaks away from MLR statistical techniques and adopts the
Bayesian methodology previously described in Section 3.1 (b)
of this paper. This methodology allows for appropriate
treatment of uncertainty and variability in the data, as well as
in the modelling.
This research effort will also tailor the predictive equation
form (an ability granted by the Bayesian methodology) to
better account for principal factors affecting lateral spread
displacements: (a) magnitude and duration, as represented by
the magnitude-corrected duration-weighted cyclic shear ratio,
CSReq, (b) distributed strain within the potentially liquefiable
layer(s), as characterized and indexed to limiting shear strain
potential index (SPI), and (c) cyclic strain accumulation
attributed to interaction of cyclic loading with static driving
stress. Efforts will be made to combine the “free-face” and
“gently sloping ground” conditions into one condition
represented by a statically-induced shear strain normalized by
effective overburden stress, similar to the treatment given to
analyses of dams. The resulting model is expected to represent
an improvement on several fronts through: (1) the utilization
of engineering parameters that represent the principal factors
affecting the problem of liquefaction-induced lateral
spreading, (2) appropriate treatment of inherent variability and
statistical/model uncertainty, and (3) sound calibration against
field case histories of liquefaction-induced lateral spreading as
represented by the case history database (estimated completion
in about one year).
6.6.3 Finite Element and Finite Difference Analyses:
There are an increasing number of finite element (FEM) and
finite difference (FDM) programs available, including both
commercial and proprietary codes, for analysis of
liquefaction-related problems. Both relatively simple, and
more advanced and complex, constitutive and behavioral
models continue to evolve for these applications. FEM and
FDM analyses are increasingly being applied to significant
projects including analyses of major earth and rockfill dams as
well as complex soil/structure interaction problems including
harbor frontages, quay wall systems, levees, bridge abutments
and foundations, and pile and pier foundations in liquefiable
As analytical models become more powerful and more
complex, there is an increased need to “check” and calibrate
these analyses against field case histories and against both
simpler approximate analyses and engineering judgement on
individual engineering projects.
These types of analyses are typically “sensitive” to variations
in one or more modelling parameters, and often to variations
within the range of accuracy with which the key parameter(s)
can be defined. It is important to check for these parameter
sensitivities, and to account for the resulting range of
analytical outcomes in engineering use of the results.
The San Fernando Dam case histories are a key suite of
studies, and should be back-analyzed with any program
intended for subsequent “forward” application to analyses of
current dams. (These are also an important suite of case
histories for calibration of more “simplified” analytical
methods.) The San Fernando Dams essentially represent a
suite of four case histories, as there are two dams (the Upper
and Lower San Fernando Dams), and each dam has both an
upstream and a downstream face. Performance of the dams in
the earthquake is well-documented, and embankment and
foundation soil conditions are also well-studied.
Figure 58 illustrates the use of finite difference analyses in
back-analysis of the liquefaction-induced upstream slope
stability failure of the Lower San Fernando Dam in the 1971
San Fernando Earthquake. The code used was a modified,
proprietary version of the commercially available code FLAC
Seed et al. (2003) 59
a) FLAC Mesh of Initial Conditions
b) Final Configuration with Velocity Vectors
Fig. 58: Finite Difference Analyses of the 1971 Liquefaction-Induced Upstream Slope Failure in the Lower San Fernando Dam (Beaty and Byrne: Beaty,2001)
Seed et al. (2003) 60
(a) Post-Failure Cross-Section
(b) Reconstruction of Conditions Prior to the Earthquake
Fig. 59: Cross-Sections Through the Lower San Fernando Dam Showing Conditions Before and After the Upslope Slope Failure (Seed et al., 1988)
Seed et al. (2003) 61
(Beatty, 2001). The original code (Itasca Consulting Group,
Inc., 2000) was modified to implement a new constitutive
model and to facilitate improved treatment of post-liquefaction
stress-deformation and residual strength behaviors.
The Lower San Fernando Dam was initially constructed by
hydraulic fill methods, and was subsequently topped and
buttresses by lesser rolled fill sections. Figure 59(a) shows a
cross-section of soil conditions prior to the earthquake, and
Figure 59(b) shows the deformed/displaced configuration after
the upstream slope failure. It is well-known that the upstream
face of the Lower Dam suffered a liquefaction-induced
stability failure that resulted in large displacements (of up to
150 feet) back into the reservoir, and significant crest loss
(~40 feet) as well.
Many analysis methods have successfully concluded that the
upstream face would fail in this manner. What is more
difficult, however, is to use the same analysis method to
demonstrate that the downstream face does not fail at the same
time. Differences between the soil properties and geometries
of the upstream and downstream faces are relatively subtle,
and many analyses either predict failure of both, or successful
performance of both. The “correct” answer was a massive
upstream failure, and limited movements of less than several
feet on the downstream side.
Even more challenging, is to also use the same analytical tools
to predict the performance of the Upper Dam as well. The
Upper Dam was built with similar methods and materials, but
with different geometry. The Upper Dam remained “stable”,
suffering relatively minor lateral bulging at the lower faces on
both the upstream and downstream sides, and attendant crest
settlement of approximately 3 feet.
Figure 58(a) shows the original, pre-earthquake mesh used to
back-analyze the performance of the Lower Dam. Figure
58(b) shows the deformed mesh, and displacement velocity
vectors, at the point that the analysis was discontinued due to
excessive mesh distortion. These results indicate large
deformations and displacements to the upstream side, and only
limited displacements to the downstream side, in very good
agreement with observed behavior.
It should be noted that the analysis of the Lower dam can be
extended to larger total deformations by re-meshing, and then
continuing the analysis. This can impose some degree of
approximation in the analysis, but can also produce both
useful and reasonable results.
Figure 60 shows analyses of the performance of the Upper
Dam using the same FDM code and methods. The dashed
lines show the pre-earthquake mesh configuration, and the
solid lines show the final (post-earthquake) deformed mesh.
Maximum movements in both the upstream and downstream
directions, as well as the “predicted” crest slumping, were
again in good general agreement with those actually observed.
When using these types of (FEM or FDM) procedures to
analyze “expected” embankment deformations and displace-
ments, it is impotant to recognize the strengths and short-
comings of these approaches, and also to cross-check the
analyses against simpler analytical approaches. FEM and
FDM analyses tend to be unable to adequately “localize” shear
to a narrow shear band or slip surface in many cases of very
large displacement. On the other hand, they can suitably
model inertial and gravity “driving” forces as well as general
strength/resistance to deformations, and can produce very
reasonable predictions of the general magnitude and
distribution of displacements. The details of shear
displacements may be off, but these predictions can provide
very useful engineering insight.
One important check of predictions of “large” liquefaction-
induced displacements is to check the “static” factor of safety
based on post-liquefaction undrained residual strengths (as
discussed in Section 4.0). Because the slumping/deforming/
sliding failure masses accumulate some velocity as they move,
Fig. 60: Finite Difference Mesh Showing Final Deformed Shape of Upper San Fernando Dam
(Beaty and Byrne: Beaty, 2001)
Seed et al. (2003) 62
the resultant accumulated momentum must be reversed as they
are brought back to rest. As a result, these masses come to
rest at an apparent “post-liquefaction” Factor of Safety of
greater than 1.0, and values of FS = 1.05 to 1.2 are common
for cases of large displacements. Checking the apparent "post-
liquefaction” Factor of Safety of the final (predicted)
deformed geometry can provide important insight regarding
the reasonableness of the analytical results in such cases.
It should also be noted that even the most advanced FEM and
FDM analysis methods cannot reliably predict the degree of
local differential displacements of adjacent “blocks” along the
embankment, and cannot therefore reliably serve to predict
expected longitudinal and transverse cracking; these can be
critical issues in evaluation of the ability of the embankment
to safely retain the reservoir. Similarly, some judgement must
also be applied in assessment of the likely height of the single
lowest point of the crest after a design earthquake, as it is the
single lowest point that defines available freeboard.
These same types of considerations apply to use of these
methods for analysis of other types of problems and
geometries, including soil/structure interaction applications.
Limitations of the analytical models in terms of their accuracy
and reliability, and their ability to model key details, must be
assessed, and (1) the results need to be checked by simpler
analytical approaches, and (2) significant judgement needs to
be applied in evaluation and use of the results of advanced
FEM or FDM analyses.
This paper cannot possibly go much deeper into this subject,
so we will summarize by noting that the increased availability
and power of FEM and FDM analysis tools does not reduce
the importance of either (1) “simplified” analytical tools, or
(2) engineering judgement. Instead, the power and complexity
of these evolving analysis tools places an increased premium
on judgement and cross-checking of the results of these more
advanced analyes. Used with prudence and judgement,
advanced (FEM and/or FDM) analysis tools can provide
significant improved insight for many engineering problems.
7.1 General:
When satisfactory performance of structures and/or other
engineered facilities cannot adequately reliably be assured,
engineered mitigation of the unacceptable liquefaction hazard
is generally required. There are many methods, and variations
on methods, currently available for this, and more are under
Table 3 presents a brief list of selected major mitigation
methods available. It should be noted that these do not have to
be employed singly; it can often be optimal to use two or more
methods in combination.
It is not reasonable, within the constraints of this paper, to
attempt a comprehensive discussion of all available mitigation
methods. Instead, limited comments will be offered regarding
various aspects of some of these. It should be noted that
mitigation of liquefaction hazard is an area subject to
considerable controversy, and that our understanding of the
efficacy of some of these methods is still evolving. It is
suggested that key issues to be considered in selection and
implementation of mitigation methods are: (1) applicability,
(2) effectiveness, (3) the ability to verify the reliability of the
mitigation achieved, (4) cost, and (5) other issues of potential
concern (e.g.: environmental and regulatory issues, etc.). More
comprehensive treatments of many of the mitigation methods
listed in Table 3 are available in a number of references (e.g.:
Mitchell et al., 1995; Hausmann, 1990).
The first class or category of methods listed in Table 3 involve
surface compaction. When this is the case, potentially
liquefiable soil types should be placed in layers and
compacted, using vibratory compaction, to specifications
requiring not less than 95% relative compaction based on the
maximum dry density (γd,max) as determined by a Modified
AASHTO Compaction Test (ASTM 1557D).
The second group of methods listed in Table 3 involves in-situ
ground densification. It is recommended that these methods
be coupled with a suitably comprehensive post-treatment
verification program to assure that suitable mitigation has
been achieved. CPT testing is particularly useful here, as it is
rapid and continuous. When CPT is to be used for post-
densification verification, it is a very good idea to establish
pre-densification CPT data, and to develop site-specific cross-
correlation between SPT and CPT data.
In addition, it should be noted that ageing effects (including
establishment of microbonding and even cementation at
particle contacts) is disrupted by in situ densification. These
ageing effects increase both resistance to liquefaction, and also
resistance to penetration (as measured by SPT, CPT, etc.)
Immediately after in-situ densification, despite increased
overall density of the soils, it is not unusual to find that
penetration resistances have not increased nearly as much as
expected, and in some cases they have even been observed to
decrease slightly. Over subsequent weeks and months,
however, as ageing effects re-establish themselves, penetration
resistances generally continue to increase. A large fraction of
ageing effects usually occur over the first 6 to 12 weeks after
treatment, and penetration tests performed sooner than this can
be expected to provide conservatively biased results.
In-situ vibrodensification, or compaction by means of
vibratory probes, has been employed to depths of 70m.
Difficulties in penetrating to depth through dense and/or
coarse soils, and failure to deliver sufficient vibrational energy
as to achieve adequate densification in the face of high
overburden stresses, can limit the efficacy of these methods at
the deepest of these depths. Vibroflotation, using vibroflots
whose vibrational source is at the lower tip of the vibrating
probe (within the ground), can generally deliver higher
vibrational energy to greater depths than most other vibratory
probe systems.
Seed et al. (2003) 63
Vibrodensification is generally very effective in soils with less
than about 5% clay fines, but can be ineffective in soils with
larger fractions of clay fines. It had long been thought that the
diffficulty in vibrodensification of soils with high fines
contents was related to the inability of water to escape, and
indeed some improvement in densification of soils with high
fines contents has been observed with the use of pre-installed
wick drains to assist in allowing egress of water. It is noted,
however, that the clay contents at which vibrodensification
begins to be ineffective are at least somewhat similar to the
clay contents at which classic cyclically-induced liquefaction
ceases to occur (see Figures 2 and 3). It appears likely that, as
vibrodensification essentially works by liquefying and
densifying the soils, the limit of “treatable” soil types is at
least somewhat coincident with the types of soils that are
“liquefiable”, and thus in need of treatment.
Some of the vibrodensification methods also result in
installation of dense gravel columns through the treated
ground (vibro-replacement). It has been suggested that these
General Category Mitigation Methods Notes
I. Excavation and/or
compaction (a) Excavation and disposal of liquefiable soils
(b) Excavation and recompaction
(c) Compaction (for new fill)
II. In-situ ground
densification (a) Compaction with vibratory probes (e.g.:
Vibroflotation, Terraprobe, etc.)
(b) Dynamic consolidation (Heavy tamping)
(c) Compaction piles
(d) Deep densification by blasting
(e) Compaction grouting
-Can be coupled with
installation of gravel
-Can also provide
III. Selected other
types of ground
(a) Permeation grouting
(b) Jet grouting
(c) Deep mixing
(d) Drains
- Gravel drains
- Sand drains
- Pre-fabricated strip drains
(e) Surcharge pre-loading
(f) Structural fills
-Many drain installation
processes also provide
in-situ densification.
IV. Berms, dikes,
sea walls, and
other edge
(a) Structures and/or earth structures built to
provide edge containment and thus to prevent
large lateral spreading
V. Deep foundations (a) Piles (installed by driving or vibration)
(b) Piers (installed by drilling or excavation)
-Can also provide ground
VI. Reinforced shallow
foundations (a) Grade beams
(b) Reinforced mat
(c) Well-reinforced and/or post-tensioned mat
(d) “Rigid” raft
Table 3: List of Selected Methods for Mitigation of Seismic Soil Liquefaction Hazard
Seed et al. (2003) 64
dense gravel columns, which have high shear moduli relative
to the surrounding (treated) soils, will attract a large share of
the earthquake-induced cyclic shear stresses propagating
through the composite treated ground, and thus partially shield
the softer surrounding soils from cyclic loading. This, in turn,
would produce the added benefit of reducing the cyclic shear
stress ratios (CSR) to which the treated soils would be
subjected during an earthquake.
Estimates of the level of shear stresses borne by the dense
gravel columns are sometimes computed by estimating the
contributions of the stiffer columns and the softer surrounding
soil, based an assumption of a simple shear mode of
deformation, and using contributory areas of the dense gravel
columns and the surrounding soils and their respective shear
moduli. Unfortunately, for column height to diameter ratios of
greater than about three, the deformations of the gravel
columns are dominated by flexure, rather than simple shear,
and this renders them much “softer” than the above-described
analyses would suggest. Indeed, the gravel columns generally
provide relatively little “shielding” of the surrounding soils,
and this hypothesized shielding effect can usually best be
conservatively neglected.
Vibrodensification-installed gravel columns are also
sometimes credited as serving as “drains” to rapidly dissipate
seismically-induced excess pore pressures. This will be
discussed a bit later under “Drains”.
Dynamic consolidation (or heavy tamping) involves raising a
large mass to great height (with a crane), and then dropping it,
producing both surface impact and vibrational compaction.
The depth to which this can be effective is principally a
function of the weight that can be raised, and the height from
which it can be dropped. Good results can usually be
achieved to depths of up to about 6 to 8m. with “conventional”
equipment, and special purpose equipment has been built to
extend these depths somewhat for individual, large projects.
Dynamic consolidation is generally less expensive (per treated
volume) than vibrodensification, but cannot reach to the same
depths and is progressively less effective as depth increases.
Other issues, including treatable soil types and post-treatment
verification (including ageing effects) are largely as discussed
previously for vibrodensification.
Compaction piles provide improvement by three mechanisms;
(1) by densification due to driving installation, (2) by
increasing lateral stresses, and (3) by providing structural
reinforcing elements. This method is only rarely used,
however, due to its cost. It is generally employed in unusual
situations where other methods cannot reliably be
Blasting can be used to achieve deep densification of
potentially liquefiable soils. This method, however, tends to
produce less uniform densification than vibrodensification,
and generally cannot reliably produce densities as high as
those that can be obtained with high energy vibrodensification
methods that effectively transmit high vibrational energy to
soils at depth (e.g. Vibroflotation, etc.) Blasting also raises
environmental concerns, issues regarding propagation of
vibrations across neighboring sites, and issues regarding noise
and safety.
Compaction grouting is the last of the “in-situ ground
densification” methods listed in Table 3, and is also the first of
three “grouting” methods listed in this table. Compaction
grouting involves injection of very stiff (low slump) cement
grout into the ground at very high pressure, ideally forming
“bulbs” of grout and displacing the surrounding soils.
Compaction grouting works both by densifying soils, and by
increasing in-situ effective lateral stresses. The degree of
densification that can be achieved by the monotonic (non-
cyclic) loading imposed by the growing grout mass is
dilationally limited, however, and recent research suggests that
the increased lateral stresses can relax over time. An
additional drawback is the difficulty in verifying improvement
by means of penetration testing. Compaction grouting
performed well at one site in San Francisco during the 1989
Loma Prieta Earthquake, but the site was subjected to only
moderate levels of shaking (amax ~ 0.2g., and a relatively short
duration of shaking). This method remains unproven at higher
levels of shaking.
Permeation grouting involves injection of a grouting agent in a
fluid form into the void spaces between the soil grains. A
limitation of this method is the inability of even the most
finely ground cement grouts to reliably penetrate into the
voids of soils with greater than about 6 to 10% fines. As this
can include silty fines, this leaves most silty soils potentially
vulnerable to liquefaction. This is also problematic in sandy
and silty soil deposits of variable fines content, a common
situation. Chemical grouts are available that can more reliably
penetrate into finer soils, but these are increasingly
problematic with regard to environmental and regulatory
issues. Another significant drawback with permeation
grouting is the inability to know, with certainty, just where the
grout has actually gone. This is exacerbated by the inability to
“check” conditions after treatment, except by means of
expensive borings, as the hardened grout impedes penetration
of CPT. Finally, cost is usually very high.
Jet grouting is an attempt to achieve grout penetration by
jetting at very high pressure from a rotating probe, as the
probe is withdrawn. Ideally, this produces a cylindrical
column of treated soil (or soil cement). Penetration of the jet
varies with soil density and character, however, so that the
diameter of the treated column can be uncontrollably variable.
Coarse particles (gravelly and coarser) can fully deflect the jet,
leaving untreated slivers in the treated column. As with
permeation grouting, post-treatment “checking” is rendered
difficult and expensive by the hardened treated column. This
method is also expensive, and it is not economical to attempt
to treat the full volume of liquefiable soil. Accordingly,
treatment of overlapping columns is employed, as described
below for deep soil mixing. Overall, jet grouting can be an
uncertain process in variable cohesionless soils, and has been
Seed et al. (2003) 65
supplanted to some extent by the more certain process of deep
mixing for liquefaction applications.
Deep mixing involves the use of large augers both to introduce
cement grout and to mix it with the soil, producing treated soil
cement columns. This is essentially a brute force method, and
it has a significant advantage over both permeation and jet
grouting inasmuch as the injection and mixing process
provides reliable treatment of a known volume of soil. The
problem with deep mixing is that it is not economical to treat
the full liquefiable soil volume. Accordingly, rows of slightly
overlapping treated columns are used to create “walls”, and
these are arranged in a cellular pattern (in plan), surrounding
“cells” of untreated soil. The soils within the cells can still
liquefy, however, especially when the “treatment ratio” (the
ratio between treated soil volume, and the untreated volume
within the cells) is low. Soils within the cells can also settle,
producing differential settlements. This can, clearly, be an
effective method, and performance was good at one site
during the recent 1995 Kobe Earthquake. It is not known with
any assurance, however, exactly what treatment ratios are
required for various situations, and as the cost of treatment is
relatively high, selection of treatment ratios has a tremendous
impact on overall cost.
Drains are a very interesting and challenging method for
mitigation of liquefaction hazard. An important potential
drawback of this method is that it poses a “brittle” solution; it
is effective only if it successfully promotes sufficiently rapid
dissipation of pore pressures as to prevent the occurrence of
liquefaction. If pore pressure dissipation is not sufficiently
rapid during the relatively few critical seconds of the
earthquake, however, this method does relatively little to
improve post-liquefaction performance. An additional
drawback is that, although it may prevent liquefaction, this
method only reduces (but does not eliminate) settlements due
to cyclic densification and reconsolidation after partial cyclic
pore pressure generation.
A major difficulty in the use of drains is the need to assess the
in-situ permeability of the soils to be drained. It is usually
difficult to reliably assess the in-situ permeability of soils with
an assured accuracy of better than about plus and minus one to
two orders of magnitude, and this type of uncertainty can have
a tremendous effect on the required spacing of drains. This is
routinely exacerbated by the intrinsic in-situ variability in
character (e.g.: fines content, etc.) of liquefiable soil deposits.
It should also be noted that concerns regarding potential
“plugging” of drains, either by formation of an external “skin”
of transported fines, or by infiltration of transported fines into
soil drains, is a risk that is difficult to quantify. When drains
are installed by vibro-probes, without external filters,
significant mixing of the coarse (and ostensibly free draining)
drain soils and the (finer) surrounding soils routinely occurs,
and this greatly reduces the drains’ ability to rapidly pass large
volumes of water over the critical few seconds of an
Drains, alone, can represent a difficult and uncertain
mitigation approach. Many of the drain installation techniques
employed also provide in-situ vibrodensification, however,
and this can be a very attractive combination. As discussed
previously, in-situ vibrodensification can be an effective
mitigation method, and can be checked to verify post-
treatment conditions. When coupled with drains, the drains
can be useful in retarding the formation of “loose” zones
and/or water blisters at the interfaces between layers of
differing vertical permeabiltiy.
Surcharge pre-loading (Method III(e) in Table 3) induces
increased vertical and horizontal effective stresses. When the
surcharge is then removed, the resulting overconsolidation
leaves the soil somewhat more resistant to triggering or
initiaion of liquefaction. The degree of increased liquefaction
resistance that can be achieved is only moderate, however, and
this is not generally an effective method in regions of high
Structural fills can be used to increase the thickness of a non-
liquefiable “crust” overlying potentially liquefiable soils (see
Figures 26(c) and 29). These can be further improved by
inclusion of horizontal layers of high-strength and ductile
reinforcing mats, to minimize differential movements at the
edges of “blocks” of intact crust and/or structural fill (see
Figure 26(c)).
Structural fills can also be used to buttress free faces towards
which lateral spreading otherwise might occur, and this leads
naturally to the suite of methods in Group IV of Table 3.
These methods involve creating secure containment of
“edges” or free faces towards which liquefaction-induced
lateral spreading might otherwise occur. The key here, of
course, is to ensure that the containment system itself does not
fail during the earthquake. These methods serve primarily to
prevent “large” lateral spreading deformations; they are often
less effective at reducing localized differential lateral and
vertical movements and/or bearing settlements, so the
acceptability of expected localized deformations after
remediation must be checked.
The next two groups of mitigation methods in Table 3 are
“structural” methods, and the first of these is the use of deep
foundations (piles or piers). Piles or piers, safely bearing at
depths below the occurrence of liquefaction (or significant
cyclic softening due to partial liquefaction), can provide
reliable vertical support and so can reduce or eliminate the risk
of unacceptable liquefaction-induced settlements. Pile or pier
foundations do not, however, necessarily prevent damages that
may occur as a result of differential lateral structural
displacements, so piles and/or piers must be coupled with
sufficient lateral structural connectivity at the foundation as to
safely resist unacceptable differential lateral displacements.
An additional concern, which prior to this past decade had
been routinely neglected, is the need to ensure that the piles or
piers themselves are not unacceptably damaged during seismic
excitation. Numerous field cases of damage to piles during
Seed et al. (2003) 66
earthquakes, dating back as far as the 1964 earthquakes in
Alaska and Niigata (Japan), and continuing through the recent
Kobe (Japan) and Chi Chi (Taiwan) Earthquakes, continue to
emphasize the importance of this topic. Significant research
efforts over the past 15 years have led to the development of a
range of analytical methods for this problem, ranging from
fully nonlinear, time domain, fully integrated soil/pile/
superstructure interaction analyses to considerably simpler
analyses based on separate assessment of expected site
response and resultant pile (or pier) loadings (e.g.: Pestana,
2001). These types of methods, complemented with
appropriate conservatism, can provide a suitable basis for
analysis of this issue, and for the design and detailing of piles
(or piers) and pile/cap connections.
The second group of “structural” mitigation methods in Table
3 involves the use of very stiff, reinforced shallow foundations
to resist differential lateral and vertical displacements.
Japanese practice has increasingly employed both grade beams
and continuous reinforced foundations for low to moderate
height structures, and performance of these types of systems in
earthquakes has been good. The strength and stiffness of both
grade beams and reinforced continuous foundations used in
Japan for this purpose are higher than those often used in U.S.
practice, however, and standards for design of these are
lacking in the U.S., so that engineering judgement is required
Stiff, shallow foundations can be designed to adequately resist
unacceptable flexure and resultant “wracking” of the structure,
but it should be noted that differential settlements can still
result in rotational “tilting” of the structure. A number of
methods have been developed to re-level such structures after
earthquake-induced settlements, including careful micro-
underexcavation (extraction of soil by horizontal borings), and
successful re-levelling of a pair of large (12-story) reinforced
concrete apartment buildings in Nantou, Taiwan after the 1999
Chi-Chi Earthquake suggests that these methods are more
adaptable than had previously been expected.
7.2 Assessment of Mitigation:
It is important to assess the expected pereformance of the
mitigated situation. This involves returning to the top of the
framework illustrated in Figure 1, and again progressing
through the various steps to assess the expected performance
of the mitigated site and/or system, and the adequacy of this
expected performance. It is no longer acceptable practice to
simply implement mitigation; the adequacy of the mitigation
must also be evaluated.
There have been major advances in seismic soil liquefaction
engineering over the past decade. These advances have been
spurred in no small part by lessons and data provided by
earthquakes that have occurred over the past 15 years, as well
as by the research efforts and professional will borne of these
events. The advances achieved have, importantly, affected
practice as well as research, and soil liquefaction engineering
has now grown into a semi-mature field in its own right.
As important and heartening as the recent advances in this
field are, however, more needs to be done. Major recent, and
ongoing, advances are significantly improving our ability to
predict the probability of “triggering” or initiation of soil
liquefaction, but major gaps continue to persist with regard to
our ability to accurately and reliably assess the likely
consequences of liquefaction. This is particularly true for
situations in which structural and/or site displacements and
deformations are likely to be “small to moderate” ( 0.75m.).
Improved analytical and design tools, and improved
understanding of what constitutes “acceptable” performance,
are urgently needed here.
The rapid rate of progress in liquefaction engineering can be
confidently expected to continue in the years ahead.
Significant research efforts are currently underway, literally
around the world, to address all of these urgent needs. Over
the next 3 to 5 years, engineers can expect to see the results of
these efforts begin to make their way into practice.
We can also expect a need to provide improved assessments of
expected performance in response to the evolving new
questions being raised in the name of “performance-based”
engineering. Performance-based predictions are not new to
geotechnical engineers, but the levels of refinement (in terms
of increased accuracy and increased reliability) beginning to
be sought are new to the general area of liquefaction
engineering, and will continue to pose a new set of challenges.
In summary, the past decade has seen a laudable rate of
improvements in practice, and more of the same can be
expected over the next 3 to 5 years. Indeed, further advances
will be needed to keep pace with the increased demands being
generated by the ongoing shift in practice towards increasingly
performance-based design.
The authors wish to acknowledge the many dedicated and
insightful individuals who have collaborated in fomenting
many of the advances chronicled in this paper. We are
grateful to Prof’s. Armen Der Kiureghian, Khoji Tokimatsu
and Jon Stewart as well as Dr. Les Harder for their work on
the new SPT-based triggering correlation, and Prof’s Les
Youd, Kohji Tokimatsu and Jon Stewart as well as Mr. Daniel
Chu for their assistance in development of the new CPT-based
correlation. We are also grateful for discussions and sharing of
ideas with many researchers; it is often the sharing of ideas,
and even debate, that leads to important progress. Finally, we
are also grateful for continued support for much of this work
through the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center
(PEER) Lifelines Research Program, without which much of
this would not have been possible.
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... A graphical approach was also adopted to estimate the vulnerability of the soils to fail by liquefaction based on PI and LL (Seed et al. 2003;Egbueri and Igwe 2021b). Figure 5 illustrates that all the samples are free of the tendency to fail by liquefaction mechanisms when saturated. ...
... Graphical estimation of vulnerability of soils to fail by liquefaction based on PI and LL (modified afterSeed et al. 2003;Egbueri and Igwe 2021b) on soils with lower cohesion values may require additional engineering measures to mitigate the risk of shear failure.Furthermore, frictional angle is another key parameter influencing a soil's shear strength. The friction angle represents the resistance to shear along a failure plane and is particularly important in granular soils. ...
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Investigating the causes of foundation failures and building collapses can have far-reaching implications for the safety and sustainability of human lives, buildings and infrastructure. The present paper addressed a significant and critical issue related to construction and infrastructure failure in Enugu, Southeast Nigeria by integrating geotechnical testing, statistical computing, geochemical testing, and spatial analysis. In all analyses, standard procedures were adopted. In this detailed research, the tested geotechnical properties include wet bulk density (1.37–1.88 g/cm³), specific gravity (2.59–2.84), moisture content (19.54–44.04%), Atterberg limits (liquid limit 44.40–83.00%, plastic limit 22.50–43.80%, plasticity index 18.40–41.00%), shrinkage limit (12.90.00-21.40%), optimum moisture content (16.60–26.40%), maximum dry density (1.55–1.83 g/cm³), triaxial shear strength characteristics (cohesion 24.13–47.87 kPa, frictional angle 4.40-10.74°), ultimate bearing capacity (230.32-377.07 kN/m²), allowable pressure (92.13-150.83 kN/m²), rate of settlement (0.058–1.995 m/yr), and amount of settlement (2.058–4.616 mm). These tests revealed crucial insights into the soil behavior, indicating that the soils are not excellent foundation materials. While spatial statistical dendrograms categorized the vulnerable zones of failure in the area, Spearman’s and Pearson’s correlation matrices and principal component analysis highlighted the key associations existing among the geotechnical properties. The clay mineralogy was determined via X-ray diffraction and the results indicated the presence of minerals such as kaolinite, quartz, magnetite, hematite, muscovite, goethite, dickite, and feldspar, with quartz and kaolinite being the most predominant. These findings hold significant implications for regions worldwide faced with similar soil challenges. This study emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and continuous assessment in addressing complexities of foundation soils.
... In the case of liquefaction of saturated sandy soils, the transformation from a solid to a liquid state is the result of an increase in pore pressure and a decrease in effective stress. The liquefaction of saturated sandy soil under the action of natural earthquakes is one of the important topics of geotechnical earthquake engineering research, which has been highly valued by domestic and foreign scholars and engineering circles [15][16][17]. In China, the 1976 Tangshan earthquake caused a large area of sand foundation liquefaction in the coastal area, and the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake also caused multiple saturated sand foundation liquefaction in the main earthquake area. ...
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In recent years, the prefabricated subway station structure (PSSS) has become a hot spot of underground structure research. In this paper, the numerical model of a soil–subway station structure in a slowly inclined liquefiable site at the surface is established by using FLAC3D finite difference software. And the applicability of the PSSS under the gently inclined liquefiable site is investigated through the foundation pore water pressure, lateral movement of liquefied soil, and dynamic response and uplift characteristics of the subway station structure. It is found that under the gently inclined liquefiable site conditions, the PSSS exhibits tilting and floating behaviors and has an anti-liquefaction effect within a certain range of surrounding soil layers. Compared with the same type of cast-in-place subway station structure (CIPSSS), it has better resistance to overturning and uplift, and the structure has less stress. Under the premise of ensuring static waterproofing, the PSSS can be applied to surface inclined liquefiable sites.
... It can be used for FC≥20 if PI>12% and FC≥35 if PI<12%. According to (R.Seed et al., 2016), if PI<12, LL<37, w≥0.8·LL has the potential for ground liquefaction (Figure 2.5). Five or six parts of pre-weighed and oven-dried sand are mixed with water until the moisture content of the sample is 5%. ...
... Early on, the criteria proposed to separate liquefiable and non-liquefiable fine-grained soils were based on the percentage of clay (C%), liquid limit (LL), and the ratio of natural water content to liquid limit (w n /LL) (Wang et al. 2022;Seed and Idriss 1971;Andrews and Martin 2000). In the following years, the average grain size (D 50 ) (Bol et al. 2010), and the soil plasticity index (PI) (Bray and Sancio 2006;Ghani and Kumari 2021;Seed et al. 2003) were used for liquefaction sensitivity. ...
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Accurate prediction of soil liquefaction potential is crucial for evaluating the stability of structures in earthquake regions. This study focuses on predicting soil liquefaction using a dataset that included historical liquefaction cases from the 1999 Turkey and Taiwan earthquakes. The dataset was divided into three subsets: Dataset A (fine-grained), Dataset B (coarse-grained), and Dataset C (all samples). Through the analysis of these subsets, the study aims to assess the performance of machine learning algorithms in predicting soil liquefaction potential. This study applied ensemble machine learning algorithms, including extreme gradient boosting, adaptive boosting, extra trees, bagging classifiers, light gradient boosting machine, and random forest, to accurately classify the liquefaction potential of fine-grained and coarse-grained soils. A comparison between the genetic algorithm approach for hyperparameter optimization and traditional methods such as grid search and random search revealed that genetic algorithms outperformed both in terms of average test and train accuracy. Specifically, the light gradient boosting machine yielded the best predictions of soil liquefaction potential among the algorithms tested. The study demonstrated that Dataset B achieved the highest learning performance with accuracy of 0.92 on both the test and training sets. Furthermore, Dataset A showed a training accuracy of 0.88 and a test accuracy of 0.84, while Dataset C exhibited a training accuracy of 0.87 and a test accuracy of 0.87. Future studies could build on these findings by evaluating the performance of genetic algorithms on a wider range of machine learning algorithms and datasets, thus advancing our understanding of soil liquefaction prediction and its implications for geotechnical engineering.
... Soil liquefaction was first drawn the attention of geotechnical engineers and scientific researchers since 1964 when the Good Friday earthquake (M w = 9.2) in Alaska was followed by the Niigata earthquake (M s = 7.5) in Japan. Ever since, tremendous endeavor has been made to understand the mechanism of liquefaction, and to develop techniques to mitigate liquefaction hazard from wide branches of methodology, e.g., laboratory tests, in-situ tests, numerical simulation etc., (e.g., Seed and Idriss 1971;Seed 1979Seed , 1985NRC 1985;Youd and Idriss 2001;Seed et al. 2003;NASEM 2016, etc.). However, the lessons and post-earthquake investigation experience in recent disastrous earthquakes prove that seismic soil liquefaction still remains one of the leading causes of earthquake loss (Chen et al. 2009;Cubrinovski et al. 2017;Ko et al. 2019). ...
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Post-earthquake scientific investigation is considered as one of the pillars supporting earthquake engineering. On the 6th of February, 2023, two deadly strong earthquakes, which magnitudes were Mw7.8 and Mw7.5, respectively, shook Southern-Central Turkiye, caused significantly large casualties and tremendous economy loss. Through on-site field survey, liquefaction phenomena and liquefaction-induced damage to buildings were observed. The observations are: (1) the consequences of soil liquefaction included sandboils, lateral spreading, ground subsidence and ground failure caused by loss of bearing capacity; (2) in two liquefied areas, lateral spreading was investigated and the spreading displacement ranged from several centimeters to meters, resulting in damage or demolishing of buildings; (3) in Golbasi town, many 6 to 10-story buildings significantly subsided and tilted due to liquefaction-induced loss of ground bearing capacity. Buildings subsided by tens of centimeters to 2 ~ 3 m, and tilted by several degrees to tens of degrees; (4) ground subsidence of tens of centimeters with respect to adjacent buildings was detected. The liquefaction phenomena were compared with those triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan, China, earthquake which maintained similar in magnitude and focal depth. The findings and lessons learnt will enhance the understanding of liquefaction hazard, challenge the current liquefaction countermeasures, and eventually facilitate to improve liquefaction mitigation techniques.
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This study investigates soil liquefaction potential, specifically focusing on fine-grained soils. We analyze the soil behavior index (Ic) values, emphasizing their role in distinguishing between soils susceptible and resistant to liquefaction. Multiple Ic formulas from the existing literature undergo rigorous examination and refinement to improve accuracy in differentiating soil types. Data from Adapazarı, Türkiye, post-1999 earthquake, and cone penetration test (CPT) results from an acoustic CPTU machine inform the study. Various scenarios, considering 11 literatures from physical properties of the soil, evaluate the potential for liquefaction. The threshold Ic values that best distinguish liquefied and non-liquefied fine-grained soils from each other are determined. Performance assessment identifies the most suitable approach for accurate discrimination. To enhance the chosen scenario, an optimization process determines the optimal coefficients for different Ic formulas. With these optimized Ic formulas, liquefied and non-liquefied soils are analyzed again and the most appropriate threshold values are found. The results show improved accuracy in assessing the liquefaction potential. This study significantly advances liquefaction analysis techniques, introducing novel recommendations, refining criteria, optimizing Ic formulas, and offering insights into nonliquefiable soil classification based on CPT data. The findings aim to improve the safety and effectiveness of geotechnical engineering practices, particularly during seismic events.
Two petrochemical facilities, located in the Dortyol district of Hatay metropolitan city along the Mediterranean coastline in Turkiye were shaken by the February 6, 2023, M7.8 Pazarcik and M7.6 Ekinozü-Elbistan earthquakes in Kahramanmaras. This study investigates their seismic performances from a seismic soil liquefaction engineering perspective, addressing several key aspects: the i) identification of surface manifestations of seismic soil liquefaction, including soil ejecta, ground deformations, and displacements, ii) examination of subsurface soil characteristics, iii) evaluations of soil liquefaction susceptibility and triggering, iv) analyses of post-liquefaction ground settlements, lateral deformations, and displacements, and v) comparisons of these observed outcomes with predicted results. The assessment results indicated that liquefaction triggering evaluations, based on the SPT- and CPT-based semi-empirical methods of Cetin et al. (2018) and Moss et al. (2006), respectively, were consistent with observed field manifestations of liquefaction or their absence. However, estimated settlements obtained from the liquefaction-induced volumetric settlement procedures of Tokimatsu and Seed (1984), Shamoto et al. (1998) and Cetin et al. (2009), underestimated field settlements. This underestimation was partially explained by the additional contribution of lateral spreading deformations to field settlements, which were not considered due to one-dimensional nature of these volumetric settlement assessments. Additionally, semi- empirical correlations of Hamada et al. (1986) and Youd et al. (2002) consistently overestimated observed lateral displacements. The discrepancies in settlement and lateral spreading displacements are believed to stem from the presence of liquefaction susceptible fine-grained and/or gravelly units, which may have higher residual shear strengths and/or produce higher volumetric strains than typical clean sand layers in case history sites used for developing these semi-empirical methods. The documented field performances and assessment results are hoped to contribute to further developing and refining/calibrating increasingly accurate and reliable empirical and/or analytical methods for assessing hazards related to liquefaction triggering, and liquefaction-induced ground deformations and displacements.
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On February 6th 2023 two major earthquakes struck southeast Turkey, M7.7 Kahramanmaras and M7.6 Elbistan, respectively. Unfortunately, due to the impact of these catastrophic events more than 50 000 casualties and 35 000 collapsed buildings have been reported since then. The aim of the study is to demonstrate preliminary site response analysis and assessment of re-liquefaction potential of sites which have been affected by the earthquakes – especially the cities of Iskenderun and Golbasi. Both site-specific areas have clear evidences of liquefaction and lateral spreading events which imply the focus of the presented paper. A series of geophysical MASW and microtremor tests have been performed in order to determine shear wave velocities up to depth of 30 m as well as the fundamental natural frequency of the soil deposits. Moreover, samples have been collected from sand and silt ejecta in order to evaluate some basic physical properties – grain-size curves, specific gravity and plasticity parameters. On the basis of the obtained data seismic classification of the investigated sites according to current design codes has been made and in-depth distance to relatively stiff layer has been assumed. For the sake of evaluating risk of re-liquefaction the widely-used simplified stress-based approach to triggering assessment has been adopted considering some rules of the thumb (e.g., sieve analysis and plasticity properties evaluation). Lastly, post-liquefaction reconsolidation settlement and lateral displacement have been determined in terms of future earthquakes
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An updated CPT soil classification chart is presented based on a new cone penetrometer resistance normalization techniques
SPT-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of seismic soil liquefaction potential. ASCE J. of Geotech. and Geoenvir. Eng. 130(12): 1314-1340, 2004.
The Becker penetration test (BPT), through correlations with the Standard penetration test (SPT), is widely used for foundation design and liquefaction assessment in gravelly soils. Most of the existing correlations, however, do not adequately account for the variable energy output of the diesel hammer used in the Becker system, and shaft friction on the Becker casing is ignored. An alternative and more rational approach to BPT-SPT correlations is presented, based on experimental and numerical studies conducted at the University of British Columbia. The research involves performing SPT, BPT and other in-situ tests at several sites in British Columbia, and includes dynamic measurements of energy transfer in the SPT and BPT. Stress wave measurements and wave equation analyses are used to evaluate the effect of friction on the BPT blow count. New BPT-SPT correlations are proposed which consider the energy transfer in both tests and which explicitly consider casing friction in the BPT. A recommended procedure for estimating equivalent SPT N60 from BPT blow count is presented.
An elastoplastic constitutive model is presented that simulates the liquefaction response of sands in a relatively uncomplicated manner. The model, UBCSAND, is based on the characteristic behaviour of the soil skeleton as observed in laboratory element tests. The model has several key features, including a hyperbolic relationship between stress ratio and plastic shear strain, a flow rule for estimating plastic volumetric strain from plastic shear strain, and the ability to handle anisotropy. The simple framework which describes the observed soil response and forms the basis for the modal is presented. Monotonic and cyclic results are computed using the model and shown to be in good agreement with laboratory element tests. The model is also applied to the Wildlife Site in California and the predictions compared with field measurements from the 1987 Superstition Hills Earthquake.
The conditions for triggering liquefaction in silty soils and assessing the consequences of liquefaction are reviewed. Recent findings on the evaluation of residual strength and the effects of effective stress on the resistance to liquefaction are presented. The major impact of these findings on the potential costs of remediation are demonstrated. The procedures for estimating the consequences of liquefaction and for evaluating the effectiveness of remedial measures are described by means of case histories.
During the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake, large vertical residual ground settlements and horizontal displacements extensively occurred in liquefied soils behind caisson-type quay walls where lateral movements of the walls towards sea were led by strong seismic shaking. Case studies further show that both significant vertical residual ground settlements and horizontal displacements were also induced by this earthquake in liquefied level sandy ground with a sufficiently large lateral extent where no significant initial shear stresses were present. The mechanism regarding the occurrence of the above phenomena is revealed through new post-liquefaction stress-strain constitutive analysis. Consequently, the residual post-liquefaction ground settlement and horizontal displacement are found to be interdependent of each other, so that neither cannot be determined separately in principle. A new methodology with pragmatic charts is developed for concurrently evaluating the residual post-liquefaction ground settlement and horizontal displacement in liquefiable ground. The prediction results using the proposed method agree with actual observations during the 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu earthquake.
Developments in the procedures for evaluating the seismic response and safety of embankment dams since the last decennial conference, Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics II, in 1988 are reviewed. There are three major developments. First is the extensive research on the factors controlling the residual strength of potentially liquefiable sands and the selection of strengths for use in design. The second is the use of displacement as a criterion for assessing the seismic performance of embankment dams and planning remediation measures, especially when there is a potential for liquefaction in the dam itself or in the foundation. This requires large strain analysis. The third development is the emergence of seismic risk and reliability analysis as an aid to determining the dominant failure modes of the dam, the probability of occurrence of unacceptable damage, and the associated probabilities of both economic losses and loss of life.