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Typification of Gyromitra perlata, type-species of the subgenus Discina (Discinaceae)


Abstract and Figures

Peziza perlata Fr., basionym of Gyromitra perlata, is the type-species of the subgenus Discina. As many old names attached to supposed well-known species, its type is not clearly defined. Based on a sample from Fries’ herbarium, we propose the neotypification of this name to fix the main morphological and microscopic characters of the species.
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Typification of Gyromitra perlata, type-species of the
subgenus Discina (Discinaceae)
Nicolas VAN VOOREN, 9 (2) : 19-22.
Février 2017
Mise en ligne le 25/02/2017
Abstract: Peziza perlata Fr., basionym of Gyromitra perlata, is the type-species of the subgenus Discina. As
many old names attached to supposed well-known species, its type is not clearly dened. Based on a sample
from Fries’ herbarium, we propose the neotypication of this name to x the main morphological and mi-
croscopic characters of the species.
Keywords: Ascomycota, E. Fries, nomenclature, Pezizales.
Résumé : Peziza perlata Fr., basionyme de Gyromitra perlata, est l’espèce-type du sous-genre Discina. Comme
beaucoup de noms anciens se rapportant à des espèces supposées bien connues, son type n’est pas claire-
ment déni. Sur la base d’un échantillon de l’herbier Fries, nous proposons la néotypication de ce nom
pour xer les principaux caractères morphologiques et microscopiques de l’espèce.
Mots-clés : Ascomycota, E. Fries, nomenclature, Pezizales.
Gyromitra perlata (Fr. : Fr.) Harmaja is a widespread vernal cup-fun-
gus, easily determinable thanks to its morphology and microscopic
characters, especially its apiculate ascospores (conical-shaped). This
species is often cited in mycological literature under this name or
under its synonyms (see VAN VOOREN & MOREAU, 2009: 5) since its pu-
blication by FRIES (1822: 43, under the name Peziza perlata). The spe-
cies was designated as the type-species of Discina when FRIES (1849)
raised the latter to the rank of genus (“automatic type”, ICN Art. 9.1),
now considered as a subgenus of Gyromitra (HARMAJA, 1973; ABBOTT
& CURRAH, 1997; VAN VOOREN & MOREAU, 2009; METHVEN et al., 2013). This
typication was accepted by many authors (ECKBLAD, 1968; HARMAJA,
1969; KORF, 1972; DONADINI, 1985; ABBOTT & CURRAH, 1997; VAN VOOREN
& MOREAU, 2009; METHVEN et al., 2013). Unfortunately, as many other
old names, P. perlata is not clearly typied although it is a sanctioned
name. This note proposes the typication of P. perlata using a col-
lection made by Fries himself, housed in the UPS herbarium.
Material and methods
Morphology and cytology. — The observations of micro-cha-
racters were made on dried material; some small pieces of dried spe-
cimens were rehydrated for about twelve hours in water. The
following mounts were used to observe microscopic characters:
water and Methyl (Cotton) Blue in Lactophenol. Measurements of
ascospores were made in water and measured under the 1000× oil
immersion lens of transmission light microscopes, excluding the api-
culi. X represents the mean value of spore dimensions, and Qm the
mean ratio between spore length and width.
Microphotographs were taken using a digital camera mounted
directly on a microscope. Line drawings were made freehand to
Nomenclature. — All the references to articles of ICN come from
the Melbourne Code (MCNEILL et al., 2012). The registration of the
neotype was released in the MycoBank Database.
Revision of Fries’ material
Although FRIES (1822: 43) designated a putative collection or a
“type locality” in the protologue of Pezizaperlata (“v.v. in silva Bȯkeb,
prope Femsjȯ”), there is no collection in the historical herbarium of
Fries housed in UPS that could match with these data. As P. perlata
is a sanctioned name (ICN Art. 13.1), a type can be chosen among
all the references cited in Fries’ protologue (ICN Art. 10.2). Unfortu-
nately, no reference is cited. So in the absence of a holotype and be-
cause a lectotype cannot be designated, a neotype is required.
Luckily enough, there exists a collection made by Fries and housed
at UPS (Pl. 1). The label of this voucher is very explicit: “Peziza (Dis-
cina) perlata Fr. Upsala. E. collect. E. Fries”. It consists of two well-pre-
served specimens of a discinoid fungus with a dark brown
hymenium and a pale yellowish to ochre external surface (Pl. 1). This
collection could be the one illustrated in FRIES (1867, pl. LVI) because
it was collected in May 1863 in the forest of Alsike, county of Upp-
sala. In the same time, FRIES (1864) assigns this collection to his son
Robert, so it’s not possible to be unequivocally armative.
An examination of microscopic characters provided the following
data: Asci cylindrical, 8-spored. Paraphyses cylindrical, septate, en-
larged at the top, lled by a brown pigment in the upper part.
Ascospores narrow ellipsoid to subfusoid, sometimes inequilateral,
Fig. 1 – Peziza perlata.Microscopic characters of the neotype.
Tips of paraphyses and ascus, in water. Scale bar = 10 μm. Drawing
N. Van Vooren
40–46 × 13–17 (19.8) μm on free spores [X=43.7 × 15.8 μm, Qm=2.8,
n=10], and 25–30 × 12.5–14 μm in asci [X=27 × 13.3 μm, Qm=2.0,
n=24], hyaline, smooth or ornamented by very thin and low lines,
irregular and dicult to see, containing oil drops (partially fused on
this rehydrated material), with conical apiculi at each pole, reaching
9 μm in length.
Designation of a neotype
These characters, especially the typical shape of the apiculi, are
in agreement with our modern concept of Gyromitra perlata, even
if the spore length (for free ascospores) is rather important in com-
parison with data found in literature or in our own collections (rea-
ching 40 μm in length). Such a length could be interpreted as more
in accordance with the spore dimensions of G. uctuans (Nyl.) Har-
maja or G.macrospora Bubák, two species generally considered as
synonyms (see VAN VOOREN & MOREAU, 2009: 6), with ascospores rea-
ching 45 μm in length. ABBOTT & CURRAH (1997) considered these spe-
cies to belong to the G.perlata complex. METHVEN et al. (2013) consi-
dered also G. macrospora as a synonym of G.perlata based on their
phylogenetic analyses, but we think this result has to be conrmed
with analyses of European material. It is also very important to note
that Gyromitra species have a slow process of maturity, often requi-
ring several weeks to provide fully mature ascospores (with their
correct ornamentation and size). We have also observed sponta-
neous spore-prints on some collections of G. perlata with “immature”
ascospores! In this context, it is not surprising that the spore dimen-
sions of this species are given with a large range in literature, and
were at the origin of several names. Another hypothesis is that G.
perlata represents a complex of species. Deeper investigations, in-
cluding phylogenetic analyses, will be necessary to answer this
As the samples presented above agrees with Fries’ protologue of
Peziza perlata and our modern concept of this species, we designate
here the collection F-144599 (UPS) as neotype of Peziza perlata Fr.;
MBT 374876.
Plate 1 – Peziza perlata.Fries’ collection F-144599 from UPS. Photo I. Olariaga (with the agreement of UPS herbarium).
Perspectives for the future
The attempts to extract ribosomal DNA from small pieces of this
neotype failed, although the material appears in good condition.
The label of the voucher does not indicate any date but we suppose
that the sample was collected in the rst middle of the 19th century,
probably causing this failure. In those conditions, it could be useful
to nd a more recent collection of Gyromitra perlata, from Sweden,
in the area around Femsjö, and compliant with the designated neo-
type. This collection may serve to obtain some reference sequences,
and designated as an epitype (ICN Art. 9.8).
Finally the typication of Peziza perlata could also be useful to en-
gage a process of conservation of this name against Peziza ancilis
Pers., which is considered by some authors (REHM, 1896; KREISEL, 1984;
BEUG et al., 2014) as a prior synonym, an opinion that we do not share
(see VAN VOOREN & MOREAU, 2009). Note that the mention “= ancilis”
on the label (Pl. 1) was not written by Fries and cannot be used as
an evidence of the synonymy between those two names.
We are extremely grateful to Ibai Olariaga for his assistance in the
study of Fries’ material and his micrographs. Thanks also to the cu-
rators of UPS herbarium who made this study possible. We warmly
acknowledge Martin Bemmann for his bibliographical suggestions
and Karl Soop for the translation of Fries’ text about Discina perlata
published in 1864.
ABBOTT S.P. & CURRAH R.S. 1997. — The Helvellaceae: systematic revi-
sion and occurrence in Northern and Northwestern North Ame-
rica. Mycotaxon, 62: 1-125.
BEUG M.W., BESSETTE A.E. & BESSETTE A.R. 2014. — Ascomycete Fungi of
North America. Austin, University of Texas Press, 488 pp.
DONADINI J.-C. 1985 [1984]. — Étude des discomycètes IV. Le genre
Discina (1). Mycologia Helvetica, 1 (4): 251-266.
Plate 2 – Peziza perlata.Microscopic characters of the neotype.
A: Tips of paraphyses. B: Ascospores in an ascus. C: Sporogram. Photos I. Olariaga.
ECKBLAD F.-E. 1968. — The genera of the operculate Discomycetes. A
re-evaluation of their taxonomy, phylogeny and nomenclature.
Nytt Magasin for Botanikk, 15 (1-2): 1-191.
FRIES E.M. 1822. — Systema mycologicum, sistens fungorum ordines,
genera et species, huc usque cognitas. Vol. II, 1st part. Gryphiswal-
diae, Ernesti Mauritii, 274 pp.
FRIES E.M. 1849. — Summa vegetabilium scandinaviae. Sectio poste-
rior. Holmiae & Lipsiae.
FRIES E.M. 1864. — Sveriges ätliga och giftiga svampar. 5th fascicle.
Stockholm, Kongl. Vetenskaps-Akademien, p. 33-36 + pl. 54-63.
HARMAJA H. 1969. — A wider and more natural concept of the genus
Gyromitra. Karstenia, 9: 9-12.
HARMAJA H. 1973. — Amendments to the limits of the genera Gyro-
mitra and Pseudorhizina, with the description of a new species,
Gyromitra montana. Karstenia, 13:48-58.
KORF R.P. 1972. — Synoptic key to the genera of the Pezizales. Myco-
logia, 64 (5): 937-994.
KREISEL H. 1984. — Beitrag zur Nomenklatur einiger Großpilze. Bole-
tus, 8 (1): 29-30.
REINE W.F., SMITH G.F., WIRSEMA J.H. & TURLAND N.J. 2012. — Interna-
tional Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne
Code). Regnum Vegetabile 154. Königstein, Koeltz Scientic
Books, 208 pp.
METHVEN A.S., ZELSKI S.E. & MILLER A.N. 2013. — A molecular phyloge-
netic assessment of the genus Gyromitra in North America. Myco-
logia, 105 (5): 1306-1314.
REHM H. 1896. — Ascomyceten: Hysteriaceen und Discomyceten. In:
Rabenhorst’s Kryptogamen-Flora von Deutschland, Oesterreich und
der Schweiz. Die Pilze, 1, III.
VAN VOOREN N. & MOREAU P.-A. 2009. — Essai taxinomique sur le genre
Gyromitra Fr. sensu lato (Pezizales) 3. Le genre Gyromitra Fr., sous-
genre Discina., 1 (2): 3-13.
Nicolas Van Vooren
36 rue de la Garde
69005 Lyon

Supplementary resource (1)

... Regardless, G. arctica, G. korshinskii, and G. leucoxantha represent type specimens, making confirmation of the taxonomic assignment based on morphology irrelevant. A morphological examination of G. perlata has already been thoroughly documented [15]. A morphological analysis of G. ussuriensis (LE 179636) would be pointless, since it is an immature specimen consisting of only a few pieces of a single, highly fragmented ascoma (Eugene Popov pers. ...
Full-text available
Fungaria are an unmatched resource for providing genetic data from authoritative, taxonomically-correct fungal species, especially type specimens. These specimens serve to anchor species hypotheses by enabling the correct taxonomic placement of taxa in systematic studies. The DNA from ancient specimens older than 30 years is commonly fragmented, and sometimes highly contaminated by exogenous, non-target fungal DNA, making conventional PCR amplification and Sanger sequencing difficult or impossible. Here, we present the results of DNA extraction, PCR amplification of the ITS2 region, and Illumina MiSeq Nano sequencing of nine recent and 11 ancient specimens, including seven type specimens. The taxa sampled included a range of large and fleshy, to small and tough, or small, melanized specimens of Discina, Gyromitra, Propolis, Stictis, and Xerotrema, with a culture of Lasiosphaeria serving as a positive control. DNA was highly fragmented and in very low quantity for most samples, resulting in inconclusive or incorrect results for all but five samples. Taxonomically-correct sequences were generated from the holotype specimens of G. arctica, G. korshinskii, and G. leucoxantha, from the neotype of G. ussuriensis, and from the positive control. Taxonomic assignments were confirmed through morphology, top BLASTn hits, and maximum likelihood phylogenetic analyses. Though this study was not cost-effective due to the small number of samples submitted and few generating correct sequences, it did produce short DNA barcode fragments for four type specimens that are essential for their correct taxonomic placement in our ongoing systematic studies.
... See for example Carbone et al. (2012) for a good description and illustration. 10) Discina perlata: The determination is doubtful for several reasons: "saprobic on soil", incorrect, the species grows on dead wood (trunk or stump) or soil with wood remains; "receptacle […] black", this applies only on some dried specimens, on fresh specimens the disc color is light to dark brown, and the outer surface is paler, beige to light brown; "excipulum […] of textura epidermoidea", incorrect: medullary excipulum is of t. intricata (as in all species of Gyromitra s. lato); "Asci 70-100 × 17-20 µm…", such a length is impossible, normal length exceeds 400 µm; "ascospores 17-25 × 7-10 µm […] smooth-walled", incorrect, the ascospore size is 27-40 × 12-15 µm, and ascospores are ornamented at maturity by a fine, low and incomplete network, with conical apiculi (see Van Vooren, 2017); nothing is said about the ascospore content and Fig. 13e doesn't show the correct content, i.e. one large central guttule with two smaller polar drops. 11) Fig. 13: Note that the collection is named "Gyromitra perlata" instead of "Discina perlata". ...
Technical Report
Full-text available
Following the new classification of Pezizomycetes and its unique order Pezizales proposed by Jaklitsch et al. (2016) and Wijayawardene et al. (2017), a new system is proposed by Ekanayaka et al. (2018) based on a five-genes phylogeny, introducing five new families although these results had been previously suggested by the works of Perry et al. (2007), Hansen et al. (2013) and Bonito et al. (2013). This is a difficult exercise that requires not only phylogenetic competence but also a sound taxonomic knowledge of the group, particularly as the authors choose to illustrate their system with descriptions and illustrations of species which they refer to as being representative which in our opinion are not always suitable for this purpose. After carefully reading the article, we noted many mistakes, imprecise data and superfluous remarks that should be brought to the attention of readers. This note can be considered as a post-publication review.
Full-text available
The authors present the species of the subgenus Discina, including the tra-ditional Discina and some stipitate taxa in accordance with an enlarged concept
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Gyromitra is a widespread genus of macroscopic apothecial ascomycetes whose taxa may be mycorrhizal, saprophytic, or parasitic. Nuclear ribosomal 28S large subunit sequence data from 35 specimens from North America, along with sequences available in GenBank, were used in maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses to reconstruct a phylogeny of Gyromitra in North America. Gyromitra sensu lato forms a monophyletic group within the Discinaceae composed of five distinct subgenera and eleven well-supported clades that include Discina, Hydnotrya, and Pseudorhizina. A new subgenus is proposed to accommodate G. californica and G. sphaerospora.
Epigeous genera of the Helvellaceae (Pezizales, Ascomycota) are separated into tribes Helvelleae and Gyromitreae on the basis of excipulum structure, while hypogeous genera are included as incertae sedis at the tribe level. Ornamentation of ascospores (SEM) is valuable in the delimitation of genera, subgenera, and species. New subgenera proposed are Gyromitra subgenus Melaleucoides subgen. nov., with warted, nonapiculate, biguttulate ascospores; Gyromitra subgenus Caroliniana subgen. nov., with coarsely reticulate ascospores with multiple spicules at the poles; Helvella subgenus Cupuliformae subgen. nov., with regularly cupulate apothecia, solid terete stipes, and broadly ellipsoidal, finely rugose ascospores; and Hydnotrya subgenus Cerebriformae subgen. nov., with globose, echinate ascospores. Gyromitra subgenus Discina is emended. New combinations include Helvella subgenus Leucomelaenae comb. nov, Helvella subgenus Silvicolae comb. nov., Helvella subgenus Macropodes comb. nov., and Helvella subgenus Elasticae comb. nov. Epigeous taxa and hypogeous taxa with chambered ascocarps were studied in detail. Collections of 44 species in six genera (Gyromitra, Rhizina, Pseudorhizina, Helvella, Underwoodia, and Hydnotrya) from northern and northwestern North America are described. One extralimital genus (Gymnohydnotrya) and 15 species outside the study area are included with systematic notes. The known geographic range for many species is extended and there are several new records for North America (Helvella rivularis, H. verruculosa, H. unicolor). Maps and keys for taxa in northern and northwestern North America are provided.
The genera of the operculate Discomycetes. A re-evaluation of their taxonomy, phylogeny and nomenclature
ECKBLAD F.-E. 1968. -The genera of the operculate Discomycetes. A re-evaluation of their taxonomy, phylogeny and nomenclature. Nytt Magasin for Botanikk, 15 (1-2): 1-191.
Amendments to the limits of the genera Gyromitra and Pseudorhizina, with the description of a new species
HARMAJA H. 1973.-Amendments to the limits of the genera Gyromitra and Pseudorhizina, with the description of a new species, Gyromitra montana. Karstenia, 13:48-58.
  • J Mcneill
  • R Barrie F
  • R Buck W
  • V Demoulin
  • W Greuter
  • L Hawksworth D
  • S Herendeen P
  • Knapp S
  • K Marhold
  • J Prado
  • Prud'homme
  • F Van Reine W
  • F Smith G
  • J H Wirsema
  • J Turland N
MCNEILL J., BARRIE F.R., BUCK W.R., DEMOULIN V., GREUTER W., HAWKSWORTH D.L., HERENDEEN P.S., KNAPP S., MARHOLD K., PRADO J., PRUD'HOMME VAN REINE W.F., SMITH G.F., WIRSEMA J.H. & TURLAND N.J. 2012. -International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code). Regnum Vegetabile 154. Königstein, Koeltz Scientific Books, 208 pp.