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Security Framework for Managing Data Security within Point of Care Tests



Point of Care (PoC) devices and systems can be categorized into three broad classes (CAT 1, CAT 2, and CAT 3) based on the context of operation and usage. In this paper, the categories are defined to address certain usage models of the PoC device. PoC devices that are used for PoC testing and diagnostic applications are defined CAT 1 devices; PoC devices that are used for patient monitoring are defined as CAT 2 devices (PoCM); PoC devices that are used for as interfacing with other devices are defined as CAT 3 devices (PoCI). The PoCI devices provide an interface gateway for collecting and aggregating data from other medical devices. In all categories, data security is an important aspect. This paper presents a security framework concept, which is applicable for all of the classes of PoC operation. It outlines the concepts and security framework for preventing security challenges in unauthorized access to data, unintended data flow, and data tampering during communication between system entities, the user, and the PoC system. The security framework includes secure layering of basic PoC system architecture, protection of PoC devices in the context of application and network. Developing the security framework is taken into account of a thread model of the PoC system. A proposal for a low-level protocol is discussed. This protocol is independent of communications technologies, and it is elaborated in relation to providing security. An algorithm that can be used to overcome the threat challenges has been shown using the elements in the protocol. The paper further discusses the vulnerability scanning process for the PoC system interconnected network. The paper also presents a four-step process of authentication and authorization framework for providing the security for the PoC system. Finally, the paper concludes with the machine to machine (M2M) security viewpoint and discusses the key stakeholders within an actual deployment of the PoC system and its security challenges.
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2017, 10, 174-193
ISSN Online: 1945-3124
ISSN Print: 1945-3116
DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2017.102011 February 24, 2017
Security Framework for Managing Data
Security within Point of Care Tests
Sivanesan Tulasidas, Ruth Mackay, Chris Hudson, Wamadeva Balachandran
College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences, Brunel University, Uxbridge, UK
Point of Care (PoC) devices and systems can be categorized into three broad
classes (CAT 1, CAT 2, and CAT
3) based on the context of operation and
usage. In this paper, the categories are defined to address certain usage models
of the
PoC device. PoC devices that are used for PoC testing and diagnostic
applications are defined CAT 1 devices; PoC devices that are used for patient
monitoring are defined as CAT 2 devices (PoCM); PoC devices that are used
for as interfacing with other devic
es are defined as CAT 3 devices (PoCI). The
PoCI devices provide an interface gateway for collecting and aggregating data
from other medical devices. In all categories, data security is an important a
pect. This paper presents a security framework concept,
which is applicable
for all of the classes of PoC operation.
It outlines the concepts and security
framework for preventing security challenges in unauthorized access to data,
unintended data flow, and data tampering during communication between
system entities, the user, and the PoC system. The security framework i
cludes secure layering of basic PoC system architecture, protection of PoC d
vices in the context of application and network. Developing the security
framework is taken into account of a thread model of the PoC system. A pr
posal for a low-
level protocol is discussed. This protocol is independent of
communications technologies, and it is elaborated
in relation to providing
security. An algorithm that can be used to overcome the threat challenges
been shown using the elements in the protocol. The paper further discusses
the vulnerability scanning process for the PoC system interconnected ne
work. The paper also presents a four-step process of authentication and a
thorization framework for prov
iding the security for the PoC system. Finally,
the paper concludes with the machine to machine (M2M) security viewpoint
and discusses the key stakeholders within an actual deployment of the PoC
system and its security challenges.
Point of Care Testing, Data Security, Security Framework, Threat Model
How to cite this paper:
Tulasidas, S.,
Mackay, R
., Hudson, C. and Balachandran,
. (2017) Security Framework for Manag-
ing Data Security within Point of Care
Journal of Software Engineering
, 174-193.
November 3, 2016
February 21, 2017
February 24, 2017
Copyright © 201
7 by authors and
Research Publishing Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution International
License (CC BY
Open Access
S. Tulasidas et al.
1. Introduction
With the exponential rise in clinical devices such as PoC systems [1], clinical
network security has become a major issue for biomedical teams and health care
organizations [2]. Because of the need for multiplexed detection of viral infec-
tions without any easy access to a lab, management of future outbreaks become
more involved with the compact portable point of care test devices [3]. Based on
the State of the Internet reportpublished by Akamai, Port 80 was the top tar-
geted port by advisories in US [4]. In addition, Port 443 [5] based attacks were
seen primarily in Indonesia [4]. Port 80 is for the application based on Hyper
Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and use of port 443 for the applications based on
the Secure-HTTP (HTTPS). Targeting ports 80 and 443 implies that the adviso-
ries were targeting web-based applications (both HTTP and HTTPS) which are
very popular among smartphone users. Smartphones use medical applications
based both on the web as well as device specific applications. Clinical instru-
ments and devices such as a PoCT that connect via the smartphone have grown
more than 60% in 2012 [2]. As more devices are added, there is an increasing
concern with respect to security of the data transmitted in a clinical setup.
The PoC device systems can be classified into three broad categories as shown
in Figure 1. The categories are testing, healthcare monitoring and alert and in-
terfacing with existing other health monitoring devices. All the classes of the de-
vices need to have strategies and processes to deal with the security concerns.
The current ways of providing security are specific to applications. The IoT
related security proposal are available. There is a method for authentication
process which is applicable to IoT is described [6]. A proposal for secure com-
munication protocol specifically for the healthcare IoT has been discussed [7]. A
security framework for general to address IoT security issues has been outlined
[8]. There is need to authenticate the user and the system and the methods and
processes are evolving [9]. A method for preventing energy depletion security
attacks with ZigBee is explained [10]. A review of security challenges and exiting
architectures in the fast growing IoT system has been documented [11]. The
important need for having a holistic security framework is mentioned [12].
Though the cloud based storage for medical data is convenient, the accessing of
data from the cloud has security issues and the data must be accessed securely
[13]. The IoT security can be accomplish in many ways including having the
HW and biometrics defense [14]. The challenges of developing m-Health se-
curely for defending privacy of the user community is one of the key aspects in
interconnected medical systems [15]. It is very crucial to have security systems to
work with multiple interconnected systems that may use multiple communica-
tion technologies [16]. There is a need to enhance security of communication
links any IoT type of systems for preserving patient’s anonymity [17].
Therefore it is important to have a security framework independent of com-
munication technologies and medical applications with flexible enough to use
universally. The security framework presented may be used within a hospital
network scenario or any other healthcare clinical establishment in which a PoCT
S. Tulasidas et al.
Figure 1. Device usage categories.
is carried out remotely. This paper provides a security framework that can be
used in the context of the PoCT devices, system, and networks. The framework
is independent of SW and HW of the PoC device.
2. PoCT Configurations
2.1. Architecture Layering
There are three high-level layers as shown Figure 2. The P-Node represents a
PoCT device; the G-Node represents a smartphone or another device used for
accessing the PoCT device, and the P-Cloud represents the data collection end-
point. The three layers outlined here form the basis for security portioning.
Consider the following POC configurations or operational scenarios:
1) The P-Node communicates with the P-cloud without any intermittent ga-
teway entities such as smartphones.
2) Integration of the P-Node and the G-Node as one single unit;
. the
G-Node, which is a smartphone, has all the required sensors and control built-in
to conduct the PoCT processes.
S. Tulasidas et al.
G-Nod e P-Nod e
p- cloud
P-Node User
Data collection
Device access
Figure 2. High-Level architecture layers.
In the first case, the PoCT device and associated infrastructure combined pro-
vide security functionality. In the 2nd case, the G-Node together with the asso-
ciated infrastructure assures security. In both instances, a layered model requires
a partition strategy that protects all components in the network (PoCT devices,
network equipment, secure gateway and secure clouds). This layering approach
provides physical security for the end to end system. The layering approach
needs to be architected dependent upon the PoC device deployment.
2.2. Security Layering
The designers and architects provide the layering security architecture for the
PoC device and PoC service infrastructure. The system implementers of the PoC
device and the service providers must ensure that updated security technologies
and security products are used to secure data on the PoC device and its asso-
ciated network infrastructure.
A management layer for managing administrative functions and organiza-
tional policies ensures that the patient uses the PoC deployment securely. Service
operators involved in PoC deployment use the management layer to configure
security and privacy policies on the PoC infrastructure.
As shown in Figure 3, all the partitioned layers of security coexist to provide
secure data transfer between key entities (P-Node, G-Node, and P-Cloud).
3. Definition of Asset in PoC
Within the PoC domain, an asset is the value of data collected from patients
S. Tulasidas et al.
during PoCT. A threat model ([18] [19]) aids understanding of any potential
threat scenarios and threat agents who are deemed likely to carry out a threat.
For threat modeling with respect to PoC, a threat modeling tool shows the threat
paths for the PoC system.
Attack Tree for PoC System
An attack tree [20] [21] has been built for analyzing the PoC system security im-
plications. This attack tree is shown in Figure 4.
G-Nod e P-Nod e
p- cloud
P-Node User
Figure 3. Secure layering of the basic architecture.
Figure 4. Threat path tree (attack tree).
S. Tulasidas et al.
The Freeport scanner shows that the ports have been configured as filtered
(using open source tool [22]: “Network Mapper”, also known as “Nmap”). The
state is either defined as, open, and filtered, closed or unfiltered. Open means
that an application on the target machine is listening for connections or packets
on that port. Filtered means that a firewall, filter, or another network activity is
blocking the port. Therefore, Nmap cannot determine whether it is open or
closed. The closed ports have no application listening to them (
. they are
available to use), and an application can open them at any time [23]. Ports are
identified as unfiltered when they are responsive to the Nmap probes. However
the Nmap cannot determine whether they are open or closed [23].
The setup configuration used to experiment with the tool is shown in Figure 5.
Figure 6 displays the configuration of the Nmap tool. Figure 7 shows the output
of a sample scan run.
Figure 5. Port scanning setup.
Figure 6. Configuration of port scanning tool.
POC (P-Node)
Port scanning
S. Tulasidas et al.
4. Use Cases
In the PoC domain, an intruder targets applications, run on the P-node or
G-Node which range from web application attacks, client-side attacks, and buf-
fer overflow attacks [24].
4.1. Web-Based PoC Access
Web-based applications are one of the ways in which application developers
create smartphone applications that will be used to control the P-node. One of
the mechanisms to secure web applications is to apply well-known security har-
dening patches for web servers and provide adequate network protection.
Figure 8 shows the application of the Web server that was running on the
Figure 7. Scanned results.
Figure 8. Embedded Web server with PoC.
S. Tulasidas et al.
PoC device. The PoC device was situated behind a firewall and a router. This
configuration is an example of a protected network behind a firewall.
Web browsers are a readily available feature on any smartphone. An embed-
ded web server was implemented in the PoC device, and a public Internet IP ad-
dress was provided (via port forwarding at the router) for access to the web
server. The smartphone was able to obtain the IP address to look at the PoC
measurement data using the embedded web browser.
Common web application attacks such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection,
XML injection and command injection are also applicable to PoC systems. Any
HTTP request from the smartphone may be subject to these common web at-
4.2. Cross-Site Scripting
In the cross-site scripting (XSS) attack in the context of PoC access, malicious
instructions can be sent to the smartphone browser. A standard browser cannot
distinguish between valid code and a malicious script, and it accepts user input
without validation. The main goal of the XSS is to steal information that is re-
tained by the browsers. Therefore, it is necessary to have an approved browser
that is configured to run PoCT web applications. The standard browsers availa-
ble on the smartphones are not advisable for accessing medical applications.
There are secure frameworks available for developing secure mobile embedded
browsers [25]. There are many techniques has been developed to secure brows-
ers for data transfer [26]. Applications such as MedCheck [27] are needed on the
smartphones for PoC applications. For developing embedded secure web serv-
ers, an architecture similar to Sizzle platform is required in securing PoC web
servers [28].
4.3. SQL Injection
By entering an incorrectly formatted e-mail address, an attacker attempts to
analyze whether the input is being validated. Then the attacker will use SQL
statements to collect data from the database. This illegal, unauthorized access of
data can be prevented if all the fields are validated in the HTTP website code. To
ensure that the data field validation is implemented, a mandatory requirement
must be created. This requirement will be implemented and tested before the
deployment of the web application.
4.4. XML Injection
HTML instructs the browser to display text in a particular format. XML carries
data instead of indicating how to display it using a predefined set of tags, mostly
defined by the user application. If the website that does not filter user data, it will
be prone to XML tag injection. This process will modify data stored in the
P-Cloud database. By implementing the requirement for data filtering, the XML
injection attacks can be prevented.
A compromised G-Node will lead attacks on the web server that resides with-
S. Tulasidas et al.
in the PoC device. An attacker can gain access to the operating system on the
PoC device via the infected G-Node. One of the HTTP header fields is called a
referrer field that indicates the site that generated the web page. Attackers can
modify this field to hide the fact it came from another website (a website similar
to PoC web server); a modified web page hosted from attacker’s computer. The
accept-language field is another HTTP header; some web applications pass con-
tents of this field directly to database (P-Cloud). This field could be used to in-
ject SQL commands to get patient data.
4.5. Client-Side Attacks
So far the attacks related to the web applications have been discussed. Serv-
er-side attacks and client-side attacks also target vulnerabilities that exist in
client applications. Examples of a client side attack are that the client application
interacts with a compromised server or the client initiate a connection to the
server, which could result in an assault.
The security of the G-Node,
. the client computer, can be compromised
simply by viewing a web page. Attackers can inject content into the vulnerable
web server and gain access to server’s operating system.
4.6. Malware Attacks
Malware is software [29] that enters a computer system without the owner’s
knowledge or consent. These are spread through computer viruses and worms
[30]. Trojans, rootkits, logic bombs and backdoors are all forms of malware.
Malware with a profit motive includes botnets, spyware, adware, and keystroke
Social engineering [31] is a means of gathering information for an attack from
individuals. Types of social engineering approaches include phishing [32], im-
personation [33], dumpster diving [34], and tailgating.
Malware can be downloaded to the G-Node without the knowledge of the us-
er. Attackers develop a zero pixel frame to avoid visual detection and embed an
HTML document inside the main document. When the browser used by the
G-Node downloads a malicious script, it instructs the G-Node to download
malware. Therefore, it is very critical that the G-Node must be loaded with suit-
able anti-malware software to detect any malware downloads.
4.7. Cookies and Attachments
Cookies store user-specific information on the G-Node. The cookies are used to
identify repeat visitors such as travel websites to store user’s travel itinerary and
personal information provided when visiting a site. Only the Web site that
created the cookie can read it.
There are a number of types of cookie used. Website users create a first-party
cookie when they visit a website. Website advertisers use a third-party cookie to
record user preferences. A number of cookies will also be used when a web-based
PoC application is accessed on the G-Node. A few scenarios which involve the
S. Tulasidas et al.
use of cookies are outlined; a session cookie is stored in the RAM and expires
when the browser closes. The G-Node records a persistent cookie on its drive,
and the persistence cookie does not expire when the browser closes. A secure
cookie is used when a browser visits the server over a secure connection, which
is always encrypted. A flash cookie uses more memory than a traditional cookie,
and it cannot be deleted through browser configuration settings. Given this wide
range of cookie types, cookies pose security and privacy risks and if stolen it can
be used to impersonate a user and can, therefore, be exploited by attackers to
steal data from the G-Node.
Session hijacking is a malicious process used by an attacker to impersonate a
user by stealing or guessing the session token when the G-Node communicates
with the web server. To prevent this kind of attacks the G-Node to P-node and
the G-Node to P-Cloud links must be encrypted using well-known encryption
Buffer overflow is an anomaly in the software code where the buffer bounda-
ries are not checked during data writing. An attacker uses any buffer overflow to
steal data by attempting to store data in RAM beyond boundaries of fixed-length
storage buffer, which cause data overflow into adjacent memory locations. This
attack may cause the G-Node or the P-Node to stop functioning and open an
unintended pathway in which the attacker can change the “return address”, to
redirects to an address containing malware code.
4.8. Denial of Service (DoS)
The DoS attempts to prevent the system from performing normal functions by
pinging a flood attack, therefore sending a large number of echo request mes-
sages, which in turn overwhelms web server. It is possible to send a ping request
and alter the original IP address, thus mimicking the target G-Node; therefore
an attacker can acquire specific responses from all the devices connected to the
Dangerous attack types include the SYNC flood attack and the DDoS (Distri-
buted DoS [35]) attack. In the SYNC flood attack, the attacker takes advantage of
procedures for establishing a connection.
In the DDoS, the attacker uses many zombie G-Nodes (G-Nodes connected to
the Internet that has been compromised by a hacker) to flood a device with re-
quests from non-existence IP addresses. The source of the attack is impossible to
identify and, therefore, cannot be blocked.
In order to prevent any of the security attacks described above (see Figure 9),
the PoC network requires a separate entity for security management [36] [37].
The separate entity is a network element (S-Node) for monitoring security. The
S-Node is a specific kind of node which needs to be updated with all the latest
security signatures of known vulnerabilities. DoS attacks can be prevented [38]
by utilizing a static IP address (that are known to an administrative domain)
plan for PoC system deployments. Even if an attacker imitates the DoS attack,
this can be easily detected with the static IP configuration.
S. Tulasidas et al.
Wait state
Unrea chabl e IP ad dress
Nonexistence G-Node 1
Unrea chabl e IP ad dress
Nonexistence G-Node 2
Unrea chabl e IP ad dress
Nonexistence G-Node 3
Unrea chabl e IP ad dress
Nonexistence G-Node 4
reacha ble IP addres s
Real G-Node
Waiting for reply from G-Node 1
No res pon se to real G-Node be caus e
server is busy
Waiting for reply from G-Node 2
Waiting for reply from G-Node 3
Waiting for reply from G-Node 4
Att ac ker s Device
Sendi ng SYN segmen ts in IP pa ckets to
webserver with modified source IP address
Figure 9. Distributed Deniyal of service (DoS) attacks.
5. Security Framework
There are many approaches available for providing security (mainly for identity
and data protection) for the PoC system environment. Methodologies and tech-
niques already exist for providing information protection in the industry. A list
of few notable methodologies are listed here; a biometric-based identification,
user identification based on behavioral analytic process (including the Big Data
approach), challenge and response mechanism and the multi-attribute access
process. The method used is to establish a trust relationship with the PoC system
network nodes, especially the P-Node, G-Node, and P-Cloud. Two main ap-
proaches are outlined in the following sections. Two main approaches are out-
lined in the following sections.
5.1. The Protocol Used between the G-Node and the P-Node
A communication protocol can be used to help accomplish data security. In a
closed system, the protocol format can contribute in providing security protec-
tion for the asset, which is the data collected during PoC testing. Any violators
will not be able to determine the data unless if they have got hold of the protocol
5.2. Security Mechanism-1 (Challenge and Response Based)
As shown in Figure 10, it is assumed that the network connectivity between the
three main nodes has been established. At this point, the G-Node attempts to
S. Tulasidas et al.
start a PoCT process using a native application or a web-based application. The
OPCODE for START in section 5.1 is used to begin the assay process by the us-
er. A security challenge is sent to the G-Node from the PoC device to list the op-
erational capabilities of the PoC. These interactions are shown as by #1 in Figure
10. The user device (which is the G-Node) will respond with a list of known op-
erational codes that are provisioned by the operator. The PoC device selects a
subset of OPCODEs from the received list and queries the G-Node for the last
known list of OPCODEs. This particular information must come from the
P-Cloud. If the G-Node has the authorization to retrieve information from the
P-Cloud, then it can obtain the requested OPCODEs. This interaction is de-
picted by #2 in Figure 10.
Once the history of the operational codes is retrieved from the P-Cloud, the
G-Node informs the PoC with the OPCODEs list. If the data matches the
records in the PoC device, then the user is allowed to continue the interaction
with the PoC for testing. Figure 11 shows a summary of the interactions.
5.3. Security Mechanism-2 (Behavioral Based)
In this method, the user is first authenticated with the G-Node by the standard
methods such as the G-Node device password and network password in order to
access services. Step 1, shows the process of user authentication with a gateway
in Figure 12.
The next step (shown as Step 2: Application authorization) involves establish-
ing a security relationship with PoC app authorization server. The PoC applica-
tion authorization server is responsible for providing approvals for the G-Node
users to use a particular application or a set of PoC applications. The application
Figure 10. Interaction of messaging mechanism.
Figure 11. Interaction summary.
S. Tulasidas et al.
p- cloud
Appl icat ion A utho rizat ion Serve r
POCT Authorization Certificate DB
POCT Authorization Success Certificate
POCT Proc ess Authoriza tion Server
Local POCT Authorization
Certificate DB
NAS: P-C loud
Step1: User authentication with GW
Step2: Ap plic atio n Aut horiz atio n
Step3: : Validating previous trust relationship Step4: : V alidation s uccess
Figure 12. Security mechanism: behavioral-based.
authorization process is triggered when user attempt to start a PoC application
from the G-Node (via G-Node user interface).
The authorization process requires few metadata attributes that are related to
actual data. There are metadata attributes available that can be used for the au-
thorization process (e.g. an identifier for the PoC application, a user identifica-
tion parameter such as SIM card and MEID [39] or IMIE [40] of the G-Node).
These data attributes must be validated by the PoC application server prior to
PoC testing. The purpose of step 3 (validation of previous trust relationship) are
an assertion, and validation of the relationships existed between P-Cloud,
G-Node, and PoC device, prior to the current test. This process is very similar to
the security mechanism in section 5.2.
An entity called PoCT process authorization server is introduced. The pur-
pose of the authorization server is to manage who can execute certain assay types
on the PoC. The server is responsible for creating a PoCT authorization success
certificate, which is an outcome of the record of the validation process for step 3.
Step 3 can be modified using Big Data techniques to identify the user.
6. M2M Security in PoCT
Deployment and operation of PoC systems are encompassed by cellular or short
range communication M2M [41] technology. The cellular M2M system differs
from current cellular networks in three important ways.
The cellular network services today are typically offered by a single service
S. Tulasidas et al.
provider who owns the distribution of devices with the SIM card distribution,
device provisioning, network infrastructure, and service delivery for voice and
data services. On the other hand with the cellular M2M, multiple operators and
network vendors offer services. These players have limited business relationships
among them.
For example, in the case of entities involved in providing M2M solutions for
power metering are the utility company that provides application, cellular access
network provider, meter manufacturer, and end-user. These entities do not nec-
essarily trust each other. Hence providing a security implementation in this en-
vironment is very challenging.
Secondly, M2M communication does not have intensive data transmission
that could lead to lower financial earnings for the players involved. Fewer eco-
nomic outcomes lead to less interest in implementing a security related layer
that is not very cost effective for business survival.
Thirdly, unlike cellular phones, smartphones, or wireless-enabled laptops,
M2M devices are often unattended and are subjected to a higher risk of mali-
cious mischief and misuse. However, in the case of PoCT, there is a user who has
ownership of the PoC device.
This dynamics between the main stakeholders suggests that the current secu-
rity mechanisms in place today for mobile devices in the cellular networks are
not appropriate for M2M applications.
The device manufacturer and the M2M service providers may not have a
business relationship or predefined mutual trust. The users may buy devices on
the open market. In the case of PoC market, there are authorized drug stores or
authorized medical devices dealers who are involved in the sales and marketing
of the devices and services. In the medical applications such as the PoC, the PoC
device user may not even be aware of the existence of a virtual network operator
who is providing the service on behalf of the owner of an organization that owns
a PoCT application. However, securing usage of the application is critical to all
6.1. Trust Relationships between POC System Entities
Table 1 shows the business relationships involved in M2M service delivery for a
PoCT. This scenario is applicable for PoCT at home as well as in the hospital. A
health care or medical institution acquires PoCT devices from a vendor compa-
ny and distributes these to the end-users (end-consumers, the patients) who
have subscribed to the service. The health care institution owns and deploys the
PoCT devices in the premises or hospitals of the end-consumers. The medical
institution subscribes to the M2M service from an M2M service provider for
PoCT data collection and device management. The M2M service providers are
usually the telecom carriers (operators, e.g. AT & T [42]). The M2M service pro-
vider, in turn, has business relationships with network providers (e.g. Ericsson
[43]) for the use of the bandwidth for transmission of data. The table below
shows the various entities and the relationships between them. A similar table is
S. Tulasidas et al.
Table 1. Main players and security relationships.
What role does
this entity play
PoCT Device
Users PoCT Device Network
Providers M2M operators
PoCT Application
Providers (Health Care
service providers)
PoCT Device
Subscribe to health care
service providers - - - - -
PoCT Device
PoCT capable with
wireless enabled module
PoCT device is
configured with
user’s smartphone
- - - -
Provides wireless
communication (cellular
and connectivity)
No direct
Certifies wireless
modules in the
PoCT device
- - -
Home network for PoCT
devices and interface with
multiple transport
network providers
No direct
No direct
Roaming? - -
Health Care
service providers
PoCT device user
subscribes to
POCT service
PoCT Device
ownership and
No direct
PoCT Application
Provider gets wireless
services from M2M operator
PoCT device
Makes PoCT device with
wireless module
No direct
Makes PoCT
device with
wireless module
No direct
No direct
Delivers PoCT
device with wireless
used to describe the metering service [41].
Given the above summary, note that the complexity of the PoC M2M ecosys-
tem is strongly characterized by diverse business and trust relationships, which
cannot be accurately predicted during the design of security solutions. For this
reason, security protocol design for M2M systems has to assume inherently that
the M2M service provider may not have trust relationships with other stake-
holders in the ecosystem. Therefore a collection of suitable security strategies for
the case of M2M is required along with design recommendations for appropriate
security solutions in the context of the PoCT system design.
6.2. Security Compromising Scenarios
The PoCT devices can be misused for their access capabilities by attackers pre-
tending to be the back-end application server. A scenario, where such an attack
could be of some economic value to the attacker, is the selling of PoCT data or
using the PoCT device to gain control over other devices or systems. By pretend-
ing to be the PoC application server, attackers can penetrate other barriers and
reach other business applications (such as mobile banking applications) on the
users devices. The PoCT devices (G-Node and P-Node) must be protected from
unauthorized entities trying to establish communications to and from the devices.
The data collected from the M2M enabled PoCT devices are sensitive in na-
ture. For example, the data may contain information that can be used against the
user by insurance organizations. Thus, the (M2M security) PoCT security solu-
tion must be such that it is not possible to acquire information about the stored
data by eavesdropping at any point within the network. The security framework
in section 4 ensures prevention of any such attempts to access the network in an
S. Tulasidas et al.
unauthorized way.
Identity information can be correlated with other data such as the location of
data of the network elements from which the identity data is retrieved to discern
some patterns. In the case of PoC, it is important that the identity of the end-
customer is not available from a public database [41]. Therefore, the device
should not transmit unencrypted data relating to the user identity [41]. Well-
known, robust encryption mechanisms must be used, rather than reinventing
new algorithms [44].
Low-cost health care devices such as heart rate monitors are required to send
data collected by a server in a single data connection session. This design can be
easily compromised by clever adversaries [41]. The proposed architecture model
in Section 5 encourages multiple communication sessions to be established with
the main network entities before the data access is granted.
The PoCT device is a non-mobile entity in the system. Moreover, by physical-
ly accessing the device without authorization causes three main problems. Firstly
the data can be taken from the SD card. Secondly, the credentials from the UICC
(Universal Integrated Circuit Card or SIM card) can be taken if the PoCT has a
cellular access interface. Thirdly, since there is no need for the hand-offs (device
mobility is not required) to different base stations or radio access network, the
intruder easily identify the associated network and hence the device identity.
It is essential that appropriate SLA (service level agreements) between all
stakeholders (Table 1) involved being in place prior to system deployment and
this must include security as one of the main items. The integrity of data stored
in the PoCT device after the testing process can be tampered. It is possible to
masquerade as another PoCT device and upload incorrect data to the P-cloud.
6.3. Core Security Requirements for POC M2M
Based on the scenarios discussed above, a list of core security requirements can
be formulated [45].
Authentication: Mutual authentication procedures need to be carried out by
the PoCT device and the PoCT operator network before initiating PoCT testing
and the data transfer.
Confidentiality: Unauthorized data eavesdropping must be prevented be-
tween the application server and the PoCT device.
Data Integrity: Unauthorized data manipulations or modifications must be
prevented between all entities in the PoCT system.
Exclusive Access: The PoCT device must use only authenticated PoCT ap-
plications that are available from the apps provider’s apps marketplace, and the
network operator should prevent any other use.
Identity: The identity of the PoCT device or the user must not be revealed to
any intruders in the event of security compromises.
6.4. Bootstrapping Requirements for POCT Device Deployments
The bootstrapping process can be defined as initial processes that must be run
S. Tulasidas et al.
before the PoCT device can be used for PoC testing [46]. The PoCT device eco-
system is complex in nature which involves security relationships that must be
established between the four key stakeholders (PoCT Device Users, PoCT De-
vice, Network Providers, M2M operators and PoCT Application Provider).
During the bootstrapping process, the trust relationships between the four main
entities must be established successfully. The scalability of the PoCT devices
deployment is a major factor as the ecosystem expands with the growth of the
PoCT device users. Registering of the PoCT device on a network needs to
comply with the 3 GPP standards [47] (including specialized requirements spe-
cified by the network providers and the operators [48]). The bootstrapping
process will start after the successful network registration. Due to business rea-
sons, the application provider, or the PoCT user may change operators, and the
bootstrapping process must ensure forward and backward compatibility between
the network operators keeping the network boundary agreements intact.
7. Conclusions
In this paper security mechanisms are discussed that can be used for three main
PoC configurations (PoC for testing, PoC as the patient monitoring device and
PoC as an interfacing device). It should be noted that the security mechanisms
discussed here do not depend on the mentioned configurations; this applies to
PoC operation and systems in general.
An attack tree model is presented considering the main assets that are re-
quired to be secured including the collected data. Port scanning results are pre-
sented (using Nmap process) given that the constructed asset tree in a real sce-
nario where the PoC is used within a secure in-house environment. The purpose
of showing the process is to emphasize the need for the port scanning process
for security validation of the PoC system on a continuous basis. Any applications
within the PoC system can potentially create security violations if they are con-
ducted without security guidelines for developing PoC applications. A rigorous
process for accepting any PoC applications must be in place along with a securi-
ty monitoring center for PoC installations.
The security concerns that are applicable to any web based system that is very
much applicable to PoC web-based systems. The use of embedded web server
within the PoC is discussed with potential security vulnerabilities such as cross-
site scripting, SQL injection, XML injection and command injection.
Given that fact the vulnerabilities issues in the PoC system are unavoidable,
methods (security framework) for managing security risks have been discussed.
The communication protocol developed (close communication) for the PoC
system is the first defense process for securing the data asset. Two kinds of secu-
rity mechanisms have been discussed, challenge and response based and data
behavioral based. All the methods discussed here are independent of communi-
cation technologies and Radio Access Technologies such as 2G, 3G, and 4G.
Finally, M2M security that applies to PoC is discussed. The PoC system is a
good example of the M2M communication environment. The PoC deployment
S. Tulasidas et al.
depends on a successful working relationship between multiple stakeholders (or
entities); PoCT device users, PoCT device, network providers, M2M operators,
PoCT application providers and the PoCT vendors (OEMs). The key M2M re-
quirements for successful PoC device deployment have been mentioned. The
PoC M2M security is a complex issue, which needs not only a technology colla-
boration but also requires political harmony among the main organizations in-
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... Namely, POC systems can be categorized in three classes according to their usage model [6] (i) for testing and diagnostic applications (e.g., medical devices), (ii) for patient monitoring (e.g., smartphone apps) and (iii) for interfacing with other devices (e.g., web-based services and integration servers). Hence, considering the latter classes, some common associated threats to POC systems encompass legacy operating systems and software, lack of timely software updates and patches, medical devices not having basic security features, insecure implementation of web-services, lack of awareness of cybersecurity and privacy issues and limited power and resources [7], among others. ...
Full-text available
Point-of-care systems are extensively used in healthcare to react quickly and prevent critical health issues. As a result, POC systems frequently process large amounts of personal health information. Therefore, their cybersecurity and privacy requirements are crucial, while evaluating those requirements is an important task. In this work, we aim at designing and reporting the execution of a use case approach to evaluate cybersecurity and privacy requirements and specifications of POC systems. Accordingly, we detail a use case approach as part of a real healthcare IT infrastructure that includes a Health Information System, integration engines, application servers, web services, medical devices, smartphone apps, medical modalities (all data simulated) and interaction with participants. Overall, following the use case approach, the results obtained indicate that all the functional KPI, non-functional KPI and Societal & Roadmap obtained a positive evaluation. Furthermore, the usability experience from the participants was positive and the use case description and the validation step-by-step plan were highly compatible with the different daily experience of the participants.
... Namely, POC systems can be categorized in three classes according to their usage model [3] (i) for testing and diagnostic applications (e.g., medical devices), (ii) for patient monitoring (e.g., smartphone apps) and (iii) for as interfacing with other devices (e.g., webbased services and integration servers). Hence, considering the latter classes, some common associated threats to POC systems encompass legacy operating systems and software, lack of timely software updates and patches, medical devices not having basic security features, insecure implementation of web-services, lack of awareness of cybersecurity and privacy issues and limited power and resources [4], among others. ...
Full-text available
Point-of-care systems are generally used in healthcare to respond rapidly and prevent critical health conditions. Hence, POC systems often handle personal health information; and consequently, their cybersecurity and privacy requirements are of crucial importance. While, assessing these requirements is a significant task. In this work, we propose a use case approach to assess specifications of cybersecurity and privacy requirements of POC systems in a structured and self-contained form. Such an approach is appropriate since use cases are one of the most common means adopted by developers to derive requirements. As a result, we detail a use case approach in the framework of a real-based healthcare IT infrastructure that includes a health information system, integration engines, application servers, web services, medical devices, smartphone apps and medical modalities (all data simulated) together with the interaction with participants. Since our use case also sustains the analysis of cybersecurity and privacy risks in different threat scenarios, it also supports decision making and the analysis of compliance considerations.
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Internet of things technology has recently drawn much attention across industries. IoT technology has gradually been applied to industries and everyday life in general including healthcare, where people can access hospital information systems to view personal health and medical information. Still, due to security vulnerabilities, personal health and medical information is prone to hacking attacks. Thus, concerns over privacy invasion have come to the fore, and at the same time security issues are considered to override information services. This paper proposes a communication protocol based on hash lock, session keys, random numbers and security keys designed to be safe against intruders’ hacking attempts in information communication between medical devices. Instead of arguing for the safety of the proposed protocol with mathematical theorem proving as in prior research on protocol proving, this paper verifies the safety of the proposed authentication protocol against a range of attacks using a model checking program, Casper/FDR program. In brief, the proposed communication protocol for medical devices is safe and secure against diverse attacks.
Conference Paper
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The Internet of Things (IoT) is a design implementation of embedded system design that connects a variety of devices, sensors, and physical objects to a larger connected network (e.g. the Internet) which requires human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. While the IoT is expected to expand the user's connectivity and everyday convenience, there are serious security considerations that come into account when using the IoT for distributed authentication. Furthermore the incorporation of biometrics to IoT design brings about concerns of cost and implementing a 'user-friendly' design. In this paper, we focus on the use of electrocardiogram (ECG) signals to implement distributed biometrics authentication within an IoT system model. Our observations show that ECG biometrics are highly reliable, more secure, and easier to implement than other biometrics.
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Emerging IoT (Internet of Things) technologies provide many benefits to the improvement of healthcare service. The successful deployment of IoT depends on ensuring security and privacy that need to adapt to their processing capabilities. IoT is vulnerable to attacks since communications are mostly wireless. So far, most researchers have only focused on security or privacy issues related to wireless communication in the IoT environment without considering all the communication vulnerabilities. However, since most of biometric data from sensors travel over the cellular network, we are required to study a privacy-enhanced scheme that covers all the secure communications. Therefore, we propose a novel privacy-enhanced mobile healthcare system in the IoT environment. Our proposed scheme provides anonymous communication between a patient and a doctor in a wireless cellular network satisfying security requirements and guaranteeing its efficiency.
By utilizing Internet of Things (IoT), the collected information from the sensor nodes in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) could be provided to the users who are permitted to get access of sensor nodes. As the information from the sensors are transmitted via public network and sensor nodes have limited battery, shift the focus on security and efficiency in WSNs. User authentication is the security task for limiting the access. It is achieved by equipping authorized users with passwords, tokens or biometrics. However, password and token are easy being stolen and forgotten; even biometrics inherit some limitation. More suitable approach is to combine both password and biometric authenticator to harvest benefits in security. This paper proposes a novel authentication and key agreement scheme for WSNs using biohashing. Biohashing facilitates elimination of false accept rates without increasing occurrence of false rejection rate. Additionally, biohashing has highly clear separation of imposter populations and genuine, and zero equal error rate level. The proposed scheme also supports dynamic node addition and user friendly password change mechanism. Using the BAN-logic, we prove that the proposed scheme provides mutual authentication. In addition, we simulate proposed scheme for the security against man-in-the middle attack and replay attack using the AVISPA tool, and the simulation results show that our scheme is safe. Through the informal security analysis, we show that the proposed scheme is secure against the known attacks for authentication protocols.
Focusing on the latest technological developments, M2M Communications: A Systems Approach is an advanced introduction to this important and rapidly evolving topic. It provides a systems perspective on machine-to-machine services and the major telecommunications relevant technologies. It provides a focus on the latest standards currently in progress by ETSI and 3GPP, the leading standards entities in telecommunication networks and solutions. The structure of the book is inspired by ongoing standards developments and uses a systems-based approach for describing the problems which may be encountered when considering M2M, as well as offering proposed solutions from the latest developments in industry and standardization. The authors provide comprehensive technical information on M2M architecture, protocols and applications, especially examining M2M service architecture, access and core network optimizations, and M2M area networks technologies. It also considers dominant M2M application domains such as Smart Metering, Smart Grid, and eHealth. Aimed as an advanced introduction to this complex technical field, the book will provide an essential end-to-end overview of M2M for professionals working in the industry and advanced students. Key features: First technical book emerging from a standards perspective to respond to this highly specific technology/business segment. Covers the main challenges facing the M2M industry today, and proposes early roll-out scenarios and potential optimization solutions. Examines the system level architecture and clearly defines the methodology and interfaces to be considered. Includes important information presented in a logical manner essential for any engineer or business manager involved in the field of M2M and Internet of Things. Provides a cross-over between vertical and horizontal M2M concepts and a possible evolution path between the two. Written by experts involved at the cutting edge of M2M developments.
Conference Paper
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that involves connecting endpoint devices and physical objects to the Internet. While IoT is envisioned to dramatically increase convenience in our daily lives, it could also result in catastrophic economic and safety issues. Considering the applications envisioned for IoT (smart cities, homes, retail, etc.), security must be handled with great care and should start from the bottom up (i.e., from the hardware level). As a good deal of IoT devices require interaction between devices and humans, biometrics provide an interesting opportunity for improving both the convenience and security in IoT applications. In this paper, we consider the potential benefits and challenges associated with incorporating biometrics into IoT. We combine novel biometrics, such as ECG and PPG, and system-level obfuscation approaches to prevent reverse engineering, tampering and unauthorized access of IoT devices and other electronic systems. Our preliminary results are promising and motivate future work in this area.
In the health IoT (Internet of Things), the specialized sensor devices can be used to monitor remote health and notify the emergency information, e.g., blood pressure, heart rate, etc. These data can help the doctors to rescue the patients. In cloud-based health IoT, patients' medical/health data is managed by the cloud service providers. Secure storage and privacy preservation are indispensable for the outsourced medical/health data in cloud computing. In this paper, we study the integrity checking and sharing of outsourced private medical/health records for critical patients in public clouds (ICS). The patient can check his own medical/health data integrity and retrieve them. When a patient is in coma, some authorized entities and hospital can cooperate to share the patient's necessary medical/health data in order to rescue the patient. The paper studies the system model, security model and concrete scheme for ICS in public clouds. Based on the bilinear pairing technique, we design an efficient ICS protocol. Through security analysis and performance analysis, the proposed protocol is provably secure and efficient.
Conference Paper
Together with the development of technologies such as those for ubiquitous computing, data mining, Internet of Things (IoT) and wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the concepts of smart cities and mobile health (m-Health) have emerged. Along the same line, the smart health concept (s-Health), understood as a context-aware healthcare paradigm for smart environments, improves the quality of healthcare systems within smart cities. However, s-Health may encounter some privacy and security issues. For example, in order to obtain the current location and health conditions of citizens, these citizens might be continuously monitored, which could be seen as a privacy invasion. In this paper, we describe an application within the s-Health paradigm. In particular, our approach allows to effectively deal with citizens who have respiratory conditions. Our application example suggests low-pollution routes to citizens in order to lessen their respiratory-related problems, and proactively activates water sprays in fountains to reduce the effect of pollution or pollen. Besides the description of the application, the main contribution of the article is the analysis of the emerging privacy issues of the proposed application and the discussion of possible countermeasures.
Conference Paper
Embedded, mobile, and cyberphysical systems are becoming ubiquitous and are used in many applications, from consumer electronics, industrial control systems, modern vehicles, to critical infrastructures. Current trends and initiatives, such as Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities, promise innovative business models and novel user experiences through strong connectivity and effective use of next generation embedded devices. These systems generate, process, and exchange vast amount of security-critical and privacy-sensitive data, which makes them attractive targets of attacks. Cyberattacks on IoT systems are highly critical since they may cause physical damage and threaten human lives. The complexity of these systems, the lack of security and privacy by design for current IoT devices, and potential impact of cyberattacks will bring about new threats. This paper gives an overview on the related security and privacy challenges, and an outlook on possible solutions towards a holistic security framework for IoT systems.