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Political blogosphere meets off-line public sphere: Framing the public discourse on the Greek crisis



This study, based on a selection of four popular Greek political blogs expressing the main ideological directions in the Greek political public sphere, undertakes a qualitative content analysis of the blog discourses to make intelligible how the deep Greek financial, political, and social crisis is framed by these blogs. After sketching the theoretical debates on the sociopolitical origins of the Greek crisis, we focus on blog participants' perceptions of democratic principles and institutions. We conclude that what dominates in the debates of the far left and far right blogs belongs to the same rigid ideological raster that excludes an understanding of the principles and grounds of democracy. The right-wing blog's ideological orientation includes antidemocratic strands of the far-right and far-left blogs, while the center-left blog is characterized by a liberal democratic stance.
International Journal of Communication 8 (2014), 15791595 19328036/20140005
Copyright © 2014 (Persefoni Zeri). Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No
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Political Blogosphere Meets Off-Line Public Sphere:
Framing the Public Discourse on the Greek Crisis
Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Greece
This study, based on a selection of four popular Greek political blogs expressing the
main ideological directions in the Greek political public sphere, undertakes a qualitative
content analysis of the blog discourses to make intelligible how the deep Greek financial,
political, and social crisis is framed by these blogs. After sketching the theoretical
debates on the sociopolitical origins of the Greek crisis, we focus on blog participants’
perceptions of democratic principles and institutions. We conclude that what dominates
in the debates of the far left and far right blogs belongs to the same rigid ideological
raster that excludes an understanding of the principles and grounds of democracy. The
right-wing blog’s ideological orientation includes antidemocratic strands of the far-right
and far-left blogs, while the center-left blog is characterized by a liberal democratic
Keywords: Greek political blogosphere, ideological orientation, Greek crisis, blog debates,
polarization, international and European institutions, national sovereignty, understanding of
The outbreak of the Greek economic, political, and social crisis took place in a time of a
historically, politically, and culturally conditioned self-transformation of Greek society, when the Internet
and the increasing use of networking applications had changed the conditions of social and political life.
The dialogic character of new media has fostered debates, arguments, and commentary and has given
people previously excluded from the one-way communication of the traditionally biased Greek mass media
of political communication the opportunity to make their voices heard (Kondopoulou, 2002, p. 8;
Psychogiopoulou, Kandyla, & Anagnostou, 2014, p. 220). This is important in a time of economic and
The author would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions to
improve this article.
Persefoni Zeri:
Date submitted: 20130112
1580 Persefoni Zeri International Journal of Communication 8(2014)
social crisis, when people have access to various forms of digital communication and information and can
make their viewpoints heard in reference to existential social and political issues.
This article focuses on Greek political blogs in a time of crisis; they constitute only one element in
the broader Greek virtual arena of actors of public discourse. Unlike other Western countries, where the
political blogosphere has an important impact on the political setting, the party system, and people’s
political and social engagement (Farrell, 2007, p. 2), political blogs in Greece do not play such a decisive
role in the turbulent political environment. Blogs, like all other virtual communication forms, are rooted in
the specific history, institutions, and culture of the country in which they are acting and that shape the
public arena in different ways. The motivation for this study was to see how the Greek economic crisis is
framed by four influential political blogs expressing the four main ideological orientations in the Greek
public sphere and whether the quality of discourse corresponds to the conditions of democracy.
The Greek Political Blogosphere in a Postmodern Public Sphere
Under the conditions of Greece’s serious economic, political, and social crisis, we can observe an
increasing interest in news and public affairs information concerning the problems of the society in
connection with the supranational institutions involved in the crisis management. The explosion in recent
years of media outlets on the Internetsuch as multimedia platforms, Web radio, blogs, news portals, and
social networksallows the public a wide range of media choices and a greater variety of information.
Among the new media outlets for political information participating in the Greek online sphere of
discussions since the end of 2000 are blogs (Zafeiropoulos, Vrana, & Vagianos, 2012, p. 399), an
interactive medium that fosters the involvement of citizens in public debate (Farrell, 2007, p. 3). Blogs
with a political orientation are a small part of the Greek blogosphere and do not attract the same audience
as social networks (Makri, 2012); nevertheless, they do attract media attention and have active audiences
(Zafeiropoulos, Vrana, & Vagianos, 2012, p. 397).
Greek empirical studies in the last years have focused on the role of political blogs on political
communication (Zafeiropoulos, 2012; Zafeiropoulos & Vrana, 2009, 2012). Based on a mixture of
hyperlink analysis and influence measures, these studies arrive at the conclusion that central political
blogs are more appreciated and recommended by the blogger community and are characterized by high
activity among users, thereby promoting debates and affecting politics. They find also patterns of
homophily and polarization among blogs with the same political inclination. In theory, it is widely assumed
that changes in media technology have an impact on the political process and democracy (Prior, 2007).
Blogs are considered to be a consequential technology that is conducive to the production of variety in
political agendas and ideologies (Lawrence, Sides & Farrell, 2009). But whether it is sufficient for
understanding the effects of information technology on crisis-ridden Greek politics and the highly
conflictual public sphere to rely only on the instrument of domain-based links analysis and the networking
properties of the blogs is a controversial issue (Lawrence, Sides & Farrell, 2009; Sunstein, 2006). The
complexity and dynamics of public opinion forming, deliberation, and participation in the Greek public
sphere in the era of crisis require the integration in the research design of qualitative methodologies such
as the examination of ideologically different blogs as heterogeneous units of analysis and qualitative
content analysis of a diverse set of discursive practices within the blogs (Barzilai-Nahon & Hemsley,
International Journal of Communication 8 (2014) Public Discourse on the Greek Crisis 1581
2011). It is necessary to discuss conditions that support democratic practices, and this is especially
interesting to study during a crisis era, because an extremely polarized social and political climate has
been created (Georgiadou, 2013).
Overpoliticization (Demertzis, 1997, p. 113) combined with polarization in the Greek society is not a
recent phenomenon of the crisis era. The high political interest of the Greek public in politics despite the
widespread political dissatisfaction was an endemic element of Greek political culture (European
Commission, 1993). Demertzis (1997)) argues that the increased interest in politics and the adversarial
political culture have not to do with an orientation to common good but to the main strands of Greek
political culture. The prevailing role of the family in Greek society in connection with the dominant features
of statism and clientelism lead to an understanding of politics as a private issue’ rather than a public one
(Demertzis, 1997, p. 114). Now the breakdown of the party system triggered by the crisis and the
emergence of a serious social crisis has increased the politicization and polarization of the society (Pappas,
2013). These far-reaching phenomena in Greek society occur at a time of a radical self-transformation of
societies and the public sphere in the era of the Internet (Habermas, 2006a, p. 4), which makes them all
the more complex. Because the political blogosphere is one of the digital forums of the networked public
sphere, the question is to determine the position of Greek political blogs in the digital public sphere in
relation to the state of traditional Greek mass media and journalism.
The modern conception of public sphere as a common public space (Habermas, 1996, p. 359) was
founded on a shared understanding of common expectations, matters, and conventions (Ladeur, 2007, p.
94) in a world of stable social relations. According to this understanding, the public sphere accomplished a
mediation function between the processes of experience production in the society and the political through
the reflecting and processing of the cognitive infrastructure of society (Ladeur, 2006, p. 129). In the
postmodern pluralized society, which has been broken up into a plurality of groups, milieus, and identities,
the relation of the public sphere to the social realities has changed (Habermas, 2006b, p. 425). There has
emerged a dynamic self-transforming process of public communication that takes on a plurality of
communication forms. The emergence of a postmodern public sphere is followed by the immediate
intrusion of private lifestyles (reality TV) and the dominance of the individual. From this process results a
mixture of an overpoliticized public sphere of civil society and an overprivatized entertainment public
sphere (Ladeur, 2006, p. 127). The Internet has radically changed the conditions of communication of the
real public sphere. As “a network of networks characterized by volatility and ubiquity it has undermined
all forms of communication” (Ladeur, 2009, p. 1209). The highly fragmented digital public sphere involves
loose talk, polarized opinions, rumors, and unreliable information, but also high standard knowledge. As a
part of the virtual public sphere, blogsin this case, political blogsare a virtual form of commenting and
debate. They foster the “spontaneous, partial, subjective and adversarial discourse connected with the
diminishing of the quality and reliability of qualitative reporting” (Ladeur, 2011, p. 2). With many other
forms of digital communication, blogs have a deep impact on the traditional media and their self-
understanding as they change the reading habits and social expectations concerning information changes.
In Greece today, these changes in society and the traditional media are happening in an already
problematic media environment. The traditional press and electronic media, despite their adaptation to the
digital media reality (Spyridou & Veglis, 2008, p. 16), are characterized by historically explicable
1582 Persefoni Zeri International Journal of Communication 8(2014)
distortions, lags, and particularities concerning their democratic function (Papathanassopoulos, 2001, p.
508; Psychogiopoulou et al., 2014, p. 220). The Greek press and broadcasting system until the outbreak
of the crisis were dependent on political elites, economic interests, and the state, and vice versa
(Leandros, 2010, p. 891). The adjustment program of Greece’s international lenders has led to the closing
of the obscure funding sources of the Greek media. The result was mass layoffs of journalists and the
closing of traditional media outlets. Greek journalism was hit hard by the crisis, but its troubles are an old
phenomenon (Papathanassopoulos, 2001, p. 513). Greek journalism, its practices, and professional and
political culture were and are characterized by ethnocentrism, partisanship, lack of objectivity, liberal
spirit, and qualitative cognitive values (Kontopoulou, 2002, p. 8; Psychogiopoulou et al., 2014, p. 229).
These characteristics of Greek journalism are exacerbated in the online news media of blogs and news
portals, which, by their nature, foster partisanship, subjectivity, aggressiveness, often incivility and where
norms of ethics are not valid (Bolz, 2007, p. 29).
As mentioned above, empirical analysis of the Greek political blogosphere gives evidence of and
confirms the findings of the relevant U.S. studies (Barzilai-Nahon & Hemsley, 2011, p. 4) that political
bloggers are divided along partisan lines, a fact that promotes processes of ideological coherence,
homophily, and polarization among the blogs within an already polarized public sphere. As argued by
Sunstein (2009), “the Internet-like setting is more likely to create a strong tendency toward group
polarization when the group feel some sense of group identity’’ (p. 81). To ascertain the quality of blog
discourse for a democratic public sphere, we will explore which worldviews, values, ways of thinking, and
practices are reflected in four popular Greek political blogs that follow the four main ideological
orientations in Greek political life concerning the Greek economic crisis.
Research Questions and Methodology
This article undertakes a qualitative content analysis of the debates in four Greek political blogs
with different ideological directions to decipher deeply rooted political convictions and the way social and
political forces perceive and address public issues concerning the Greek crisis. Each of the four selected
political blogs was representative of the four political orientations that have dominated the Greek party
landscape since the 2012 elections: the far right, the center right, the center left, and the radical or far
left. An important element for the selection of each political blog was its ranking in the top 100 Greek
blogs, which was assessed according to the inbound hyperlinks as measured by the popularity
index, the largest blog aggregator at the time. The final selection of the four blogs from among others in
the top 100 was made after an extensive examination of their content. The similar thematic structures,
communication forms, and speech quality of the four ideologically coherent blog groups facilitated the
definitive preferential decision. A basic understanding of Greek politics was enough to obtain a
comprehensive view of the political profile of each blog. We surveyed the content of the posts and all the
comments in these four blogs during a 10-day period, from February 28, 2012, to March 9, 2012.
The first political blog, ant-ntp (“anti-new order of thing”), is ranked 29th on the popularity blog
index and constitutes an antisystemic far-right conversation digital platform of like-minded far-right
participants. ant-ntp can be associated with the far-right parliamentary parties, the neo-Nazi Chrissi Avgi
(Golden Dawn), and the new populist right-wing party Anexartitoi Ellines (Independent Greeks). The
International Journal of Communication 8 (2014) Public Discourse on the Greek Crisis 1583
second blog, which is ranked 19th on the political blogosphere, is one of the most popular current news
right-wing blogs without interactive involvement of its readers, and it is associated with the government
center-right party New Democracy. The third blog, parapolitiki, ranked 58th on the scale of the political
blogosphere, is a center-left liberal blog with a carnation, the socialist symbol, on its logo and is related to
the socialist party PASOK. The fourth blog, Bathy Kokkino (Deep Red), ranked 67th on the popularity
index, is an anticapitalist discussion forum of political and social groups of the far left party scene (the
main opposition party Syriza, the communist party KKE, and the far left political group Antarsya).
To shed light on the evolving debates in the discussion forums of the four political blogs concerning
the contested nature of democracy in the era of the multifaceted Greek crisis, we undertook a qualitative
content analysis. The qualitative evaluation of the communication content comes after a theoretical
discourse on the challenges posed to Greek democracy and the democratic institutions in consequence of
the implementation of a harsh austerity program enforced in Greece on the basis of the European
Union/International Monetary Fund (EU/IMF) bailouts. Based on these reflections, we attempt to answer
the following questions: Which understanding of democracy is expressed in the blog debates? How is the
relation of Greece to supranational and international institutions perceived in the blog discussions in a
time of economic surveillance over the country by these institutions? Does the image of society and
economy reflected in the blog arena comply with that of a democratically constituted society?
For the qualitative analysis of the communications content of the political blogs selected for this
study, we developed three frames to contextualize the blog discourses and attempted on their basis to
interpret the ideological basic structure, key statements, and core passages of the blogs that are relevant
for the research questions (Blatter, Janning, & Wagemann, 2007, p. 75). The first frame refers to the
perception of the democratic political institutions by the blog participants; the second concerns the blog
discourse on national sovereignty; the third frame refers to the conception of the democratic ideal of
society as it is expressed in the blog debates. In the literature, it is argued that qualitative research
emphasizes a meaningful case selection and a tightly formulated research object that limits the
generalizability of the results (Blatter, 2007, p. 29). It is a study that “aims to capture and analyse a
specific moment in time” (Kennix, 2009, p. 797). Its main purpose is to decipher the meaning of
statements and texts by reconstructing interpretations of meaning for understanding the social world and
its artifacts (Blatter, 2007, p. 26).
The Greek Political Blogosphere and the Greek Crisis
Theoretical Discourse on the Greek Crisis and Democracy
The occurrence of the Greek economic crisis within a turbulent global financial environment had a
dramatic social and political impact following the implementation of harsh austerity measures amid a
series of EU/IMF bailouts. The starkly fragmented Greek society, with its countless particular and vested
interests, was hit hard by the reform measures, which led to the outbreak of a social crisis with the
shutting down of small enterprises on a huge scale, an unprecedented increase in unemployment, and
widespread poverty (Triandafyllidou, Gropa, & Kouki, 2013). The breaking apart of the social fabric
coincided with the collapse of the traditional polarized two-party system. The deterioration of the social
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situation associated with political disenchantment and a humanitarian crisis concerning illegal immigration
created fertile soil for the entry into the central political scene of Golden Dawn, a politically marginalized,
extreme neo-Nazi party that succeeded in obtaining a significant parliamentarian representation in the
general elections of 2012 and that is, according to recent polls, the third largest party. The electoral rise
of Golden Dawn went together with that of the far-right party Independent Greeks, which won a voter’s
share of 10.6% (Georgiadou, 2013). On the other hand, the once-marginal radical left Syriza coalition, an
antibailout party, rose spectacularly in the June 2012 elections and became the main opposition party,
leaving behind the socialist party (PASOK), which, together with the right-wing party New Democracy, had
held office alternately for three decades. With the entrance of new parties in the political competition, a
new extremely polarized multiparty system arose (Pappas, 2013).
In the last years of the economic crisis, violent social protests have multiplied, particularly violent
actions against the implementation of laws in many social fields (education, the nautical and agrarian
sectors, and the wider public-service sector); trade unions, radical left-wing parties, and far-right-wing
parties do not comply with the established democratic procedures and often act against them. An
antiparliamentarian, antigovernment, antiparty, anti-European, and anticapitalist public discourse and
protest actions are on the agenda. The extreme violent activities and public hate and vulgar speech of
Golden Dawn have received international publicity (Dinas, Georgiadou, Konstantinidis, & Rori, 2013). The
question is how democracy fares in Greece in general and, in particular, in the era of this dramatic
multifaceted crisis. What challenges are posed to the democratic institutions and procedures, and what is
the perception of democracy’s objective? What challenges are associated with the international and
European institutional environment in a time of general structural transformations, turmoil, and
A vivid theoretical discussion exists on the question of Greek democracy, Greek democratic
governance, and its problems as they become evident in the era of crisis. In one essay, the emergence of
a new polarized multiparty system and the challenge of legitimate political institutions are considered the
causes of the deficiencies of the democratic system that was established in the postauthoritarian era after
the fall of the dictatorship (19671974) (Sotiropoulos, 2012, p. 27). It is argued that the crisis of
governance can be attributed to phenomena endemic to the Greek political system after the 1974
transition periodnamely, the penetration of party competition in every formal or informal social and
political institution, the exorbitant politicization of the economic policy domain, widespread corruption and
tax evasion, the capture of the state and various policy sectors (public enterprises, national defense,
shipping, private media, construction business sectors, health, education, pensions, and professionals) by
organized favored groups of beneficiaries (Featherstone & Papadimitriou, 2008), and institutional rigidities
in overregulated parts of a multifaceted labor market. These considerations led to the conclusion that the
Greek crisis has revealed a low quality of democracy as it is expressed in a deficient rule of law, a lack of
adequate mechanisms of checks and balances at the central and local political levels, and a weak influence
of civic associations in the policy-making process.
In a different strand of analysis, Diamandouros (2013) argues that the Greek crisis, unlike that of
Ireland and Portugal, is a political crisis insofar as the financial crisis brought to the fore the structural
weaknesses of the dominant paradigm of the Greek state in the last 100 years. It stresses the structural
International Journal of Communication 8 (2014) Public Discourse on the Greek Crisis 1585
incapacity of the Greek state to face up to the challenges of the European, international, and regional
environment in which Greece has been integrated since 1980 and 2001. Despite the impressive
modernization accomplishments of the last decades, the fundamentals of the country’s political culture
have not been overcome. According to this argument, Greek historical development to this day is marked
by two powerful cultural traditions. One is the “reformist culture”—outward looking, for rationalization of
state and societal structures, liberal, democratic, and respectful to the rule of law; the other, the
“underdog culture,” is paternalist, parochial, precapitalist, protectionist, intolerant to the alien, with a
xenophobic view of the world and prone to conspiracy. It has a diffident attitude toward risk and
innovation and tends to encourage resistance to authority as a mechanism of social action. The underdog
cultural tradition has a dominant position in Greek politics, society, and economy; is deeply entrenched in
the public sector (health, education, and judicial system, security apparatus, local government, public
utilities) and in the trade union movement; and is reflected in a dense network of protection of privileges
and preferential arrangements that is against every reform in contemporary Greece. Put otherwise, the
underdog culture has seriously affected the quality of democracy in the postauthoritarian era. It is the
“least patriotic culture” (Offe, 2013, p. 607).
In a different interpretation strand, the Greek crisis is presented as the result of a two -party
political system of a populist democracy that has prevailed over a liberal one (Pappas, 2013). From 1981
until the 2009 elections, there was a regular alternation of power, in a single-party government, of the
socialist PASOK and the conservative New Democracy, competing in a strategically polarized climate to
control state resources. The foundations of this system were laid by the socialist PASOK that rose to power
in 1981 after seven years of a liberal postauthoritarian conservative government. PASOK established a
policy of state-directed distribution of political rents and of allocation of state benefits to voters. The New
Democracy, in a single-party government from 2004 to 2009, followed the same policy. In the three
decades of alternating power of these two parties, the public sector skyrocketed, social spending rose
steadily, corruption flourished, and tax evasion, pension fraud, and unauthorized construction remained
unpunished. The large global financial crisis of 2008 affected dramatically the Greek state, which had run
out of resources.
It is generally assumed that the Greek sovereign debt crisis is not only an endemic political,
economic, and cultural crisis that was brought to the fore following the deep international financial crisis of
2008 (Thomadakis, 2013), but that it results as well from an EU integration/democratic deficit crisis
(Featherstone, 2011; Offe, 2013; Simitis, 2014). The deepening European divide of core and periphery
makes it all the more difficult to deal with the crisis in a politically and economically feasible way given the
different socioeconomic history of the European Monetary Union (EMU) members and the diversity of
interests, pursuits, and ideologies. It is argued that the introduction of the euro into a fundamentally
flawed currency zone” was a huge mistake (Offe, 2013, p. 596; Rogoff, 2011) because of the deep
heterogeneity of its members. What is needed to redress the imbalances between core and periphery is to
initiate an institutional framework of a collective fiscal, economic, and social policy within the euro zone
(Habermas, Bofinger, & Nida-Rümelin, 2012). This basically means introducing a policy of a large-scale
debt mutualization and redistribution measures, a procedure that is “hardly acceptable by the voters of
the core member states and democratically not feasible” (Offe, 2013, p. 595). On the other hand, in the
crisis-ridden countries, the bailout programs associated with strict austerity measures, fiscal adjustment
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policies, and structural reforms failed to produce economic growth and competitiveness; instead, they
resulted in recession, economic stagnation, social downturn (European Parliament, 2014), and turmoil in
the political systems of both core and periphery. As mentioned above, Greece has been deeply socially
and politically affected by the adjusting EU/IMF and the European Central Bank (ECB)program more than
all the other crisis-ridden countries.
Under the social impact of the austerity programs in southern Europe, the vision of a united
Europe that is connected with the principles of democracy, mutual solidarity, civil and individual rights,
education, and common interest has evaporated. The weak democratic accountability and legitimacy of
the Troika (European Parliament, 2014), a technocratic EU//IMF/ECB institution responsible for the rescue
operation of the program countries as well as the de facto exclusion of the weaker states from the
participation of their governments and parliaments on matters concerning them, are stirring social uproar,
widespread conspiracy theories, lawlessness, euroscepticism, and “shrill and anti-political forms of
fundamental opposition”(Offe, 2013, p. 610). To put it otherwise, these democracies are in a wrecking
process. The half-hearted expression of moral responsibility and mutual solidarity by the core states
toward the crisis-ridden periphery is a sign of the integration crisis of the EU, the democratic deficit at the
level of EU governance, and the trap in which the EU is caught.
Four Political Blogs: Framing and Contextualizing the Greek Crisis
After having outlined the theoretical discourse on the sociopolitical background of the Greek crisis
and on the challenges posed to the democratic system in an age of Greek austerity, we will examine how
four political blogs that represent the main ideological orientations in the Greek political spectrum debate
the ways in which the social and political forces tackle the problems of the Greek society concerning
democracy. We use three frames to contextualize the public discourse in the four blogs concerning the
complex Greek crisis and the perception of the democratic ideal. The first frame refers to the way the
democratic political institutions are perceived both by the political and social actors and the blog
participants who make themselves heard in the blog debates. The second frame examines the discourse
on the loss of national sovereignty in the examined blogs. The third frame investigates which
understanding comes to the fore in the blog debates concerning the public interest, the core principle of
democracy, and an institutional democratic “ethics of order” in the economy and society.
The Democratic Political Institutions in the Crossfire
We first delve into the question of how the four blogs consider and process the functioning of
political institutions in a democratic political system and which conception of a democratic political state
have party officials, readers, or representatives of social movements that are expressed in the blog
In the far-left blog Deep Red, a wide spectrum of the radical and far left participates with
outgoing posts, comments, and discussions. The calling into question of the parliamentary system,
democratic procedures, the democratically legitimated political institutions, and the rule of law belongs to
the standard repertoire of the blog discourse.
International Journal of Communication 8 (2014) Public Discourse on the Greek Crisis 1587
The election battle is an important way of fighting, but a parliamentary procedure cannot
bring any essential change to Greece. Instead people must take matters into their own
hands. . . . A strong people’s alliance shall fight for a subversion of the power of
monopolies, for the exit from the EU, the cancellation of the public debt, the socialization
of the means of production.
This is an extract from the speech of the general secretary of the communist party KKE in Thessaloniki,
posted on February 18, 2012. In the last elections of 2012, KKE won a voter’s share of 4.5%. The
subversion of the parliamentary system is an idea that runs throughout the posts and commentaries of
Deep Red. The democratically formed political institutions are rejected as such. The constitutionally
established government of former vice president of the ECB Lucas Papademossupported by the socialist
party PASOK, the conservative party New Democracy, and the populist right-wing party LAOScharged
with the implementation of broad-based structural reforms under the supervision of Troika (EU-IMF-CEB)
is characterized in posts and comments as “a coup d’état régime of PASOK, ND, EU and IMF” and as a
“government of nazi collaborators and hangmen” that must be overthrown. This antisystemic rhetoric is
used in an outgoing post of the movement “I don’t pay” that is supported by the far-left party Syriza,
which, as noted, became the main opposition party in parliament in the 2012 elections. It says: “Let us
throw the government into the sea and build from the bottom up a new society of solidarity and a
cooperative way of thinking.”
The extreme-right blog ant-ntp is a political virtual platform on which an antisystemic,
antiparliamentarian debate takes place whose jargon differs little from the far-left discourse in Deep Red.
A post reads:
The Greek people must overthrow the powerful group that oppresses nations and
peoples for the maximization of their profits. That powerful group does nothing else but
rob them through their banks and establish the governments in order to control the
This ideological frame is in line with the political manifesto of the new far-right party, Independent Greeks,
which is often mentioned in ant-ntp, speaks against the banks and the international controller of Greece,
and stands out in the public sphere with a diffusion of conspiracy theories (Anexartitoi Ellines, 2014).
The right-wing blog fimotro, a current news blog, has particularly fostered the image of the
leader of the main center-right party New Democracy and now prime minister. In some of its news posts,
what is obvious is its negative attitude toward the banks and the international financial institutions, a
feature also of the far-right blog ant-ntp. The former prime minister Papademos, an ex-banker, is
specifically attacked as a representative of the financial world. His economic adviser was characterized as
a “Hawk of the Banks” for saying in a TV interview that “the Europeans exert pressure on us so as to get
the state in order.”
1588 Persefoni Zeri International Journal of Communication 8(2014)
Parapolitiki is a center-left liberal blog that follows the tradition of a critical stance toward the
mismanagement of public democratic institutions. In one of its posts, criticism is expressed against some
practices in the Greek parliament and the former president and ex-deputy of the former Synaspismos left
party who still maintains an open office in parliament and has hired a clerk to run it. The post reads:
“Now, for that office, which had no reason for existing for several years, a clerk was hired. Nobody
mentioned this, although we are living in times of cuts in public expenditure.”
The Narrative of National Sovereignty
Rhetoric about the loss of national sovereignty has dominated public discourse, political statements,
and the media since the outbreak of the crisis. It has gained ground because of the submission of the
Greek state under international financial control in view of the threat of an uncontrolled Greek default. The
social crisis and the political turmoil are additional factors. The construction of the ideology of the loss of
national sovereignty has a long tradition in Greece (Koliopoulos & Veremis, 2010). It has as well to do
with the role of the great powers for the existence and development of the Greek state from its
establishment in the 19th century to the 1970s (Clogg, 2002). How far this ideology was culturally and
philosophically conditioned is an open question. In the discourse of the far-right, far-left, and right-wing
blogs, the narrative about the loss of national sovereignty has a dominant position. In contrast, the liberal
center-left blog parapolitiki is free of ideological blinkers.
The far-right blog ant-npt contains many posts and comments concerning the loss of national
sovereignty. The lenders (EU/IMF//ECB) and Germany as the leading European power are considered the
only politically responsible actors for the Greek social and economic crisis that have no democratic
legitimacy to control the implementation of the adjustment program. “The unofficial economic minister of
Greece and representative of IMF, Paul Tompson, has made an intervention in favor of the pay-off of
outstanding loans to banks,” states one post (a similar post appears in the far-left blog Deep Red). In
another post, an excerpt from a speech of a European parliamentarian of the far-left Syriza, states:
You are Mr. Juncker [the prime minister of Luxembourg at the time] a worthy
representative of the authoritarian German Europe and the Middle Ages in social and
employment affairs, where commissioners and Gauleiter dominate. . . . I see in your
face a worthy representative of a Europe that has created a banking and financial
The far-left blog Deep Red moves within the same ideological raster as the far-right ant-ntp. In
an outbound post, an excerpt of an opinion column from a nationalist magazine is used as a reference:
Even Luxembourg tells us which political party to support. There is a plan in
implementation, which shall prepare the next government scheme in conformity with the
directions of the lenders and the 4th Reich [Germany] that in reality will exercise power.
In an outgoing opinion post, the right-wing blog fimotro adds to the frame of the loss of national
International Journal of Communication 8 (2014) Public Discourse on the Greek Crisis 1589
The nightmare scenario of the subjection to the orders of Troika is a reality. Greek
ministers cannot take an important decision without the permission of Troika. We must
now recognize that our lenders determine at present even the content of the ministerial
The posts of the far-left, far-right, and right-wing blogs and the political actors who express their
views in these blog discourses move in the same ideological system (Reemtsma, 2002, p. 105). They
consider, on the one hand, the integration of Greece in supranational and international systems as a loss
of national independence and, on the other, the submission of the Greek state under international financial
control, on the basis of the memorandum, a bilateral agreement, as a subjection to the dictates of
supranational powers.
Public Interest, Economy, and Society
We will further examine which image of society and economy is reflected in the debates and
political activities mentioned in the four political blogs and whether this image is consistent with that of a
democratically constituted society.
A post of the far-left blog Deep Red concerning the closing of two Coco-Cola plants in Greece as a
result of poor performance reads:
The capitalists make a class war against the working people in conditions under which
“the winner takes all.” The future, that the coup d’état government of PASOK-ND-EU-
IMF has reserved for the working people, is the continuous deterioration of its position
and the establishment of a hostage regime that will extort new measures for more
profits. . . . All these belong to a restructuring plan of the multinational company, which
aims at the maximization of its profits.
The same mind-set of bad capitalists and a blackmailing alliance of dictatorial indigenous and foreign
powers is expressed in the election manifesto of the main opposition far-left party Syriza (2012). The
credo is that capitalism and the ruling political indigenous and European and international institutions are
responsible for the complex Greek crisis.
The rhetoric of the far-right blog ant-ntp concerning the economy in the crisis era focuses on the
bankers. An outbound post about the ex-banker and former Minister of Parliament Papademos, who had
given a press conference in Brussels, states:
The puppet of the banks has given a press conference after the summit in Brussels. He
was asked about oil [alleged massive untapped reserves of oil in Greece] and answered
about incomes and jobs as if others have told him what to say, as if others have
arranged everything.
1590 Persefoni Zeri International Journal of Communication 8(2014)
The problems of rigidity in the labor market (Lyberaki, 2009) and the high unemployment rate in Greece
are considered minor in relation to the allegedly valuable oil reserves whose exploitation is supposedly
blocked by indigenous and foreign forces. In a comment about the above-mentioned closing of the two
Coca-Cola factories, a racist outbreak comes across: “This Jewish rabble must go to the devil.” Both ant-
ntp and the far-left Deep Red contain posts of the movement “I don’t pay” (i.e., the foreign debt of
Greece). A statement reads:
The politics nourished by Troika, banks and the native puppets aim at the violent
redistribution of the income of the broader social classes, in favor of the banks. . . . We
can altogether win and take our lives in our hands and set the foundations for a new just
society without exploitation.
In the far-right and far-left blogs a way of thinking prevails that abstracts from the reality and reviews
without explication; it is limited in complaints and accusations against the indigenous democratic and
foreign institutions and politics. Another common feature of the discourse of these blogs is that there is no
effort to reflect on, understand, and question the common serious problems that the crisis poses, the
threats to social cohesion, and the economic, social, and political dynamics of the norms that rule common
life. In other words, an understanding of the grounds of democracy does not exist.
The right-wing blog fimotro seems to be against the efforts of the state to tackle the problem of
widespread tax evasion, one of the causes of the Greek fiscal derailment. Until the fiscal crisis of 2010, the
Greek state had taxed only one-third of the officially declared income (Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development, 2011). An outgoing post from the business newspaper Imerisia states:
Hard and unbearable will be the bill of the tax office this year for three millions
taxpayers who will be caught in the nets of the tax office because of 12 new trapping
methods. Two million taxpayers will pay taxes for the first time.
Another post on the same blog opposes the effort of the state to touch on benefits of acquired
rights whose unconditional protection has led to a rigid economic system. This post contains the following
critical remark against the government and the Troika: “The president of the national confederation of
Greek trade is against the reduction of salaries. The dialogue of the social partners was ignored by the
government and by Troika.” The scientific literature gives evidence that the arbitrariness in the labor
market, where the social partners represent a small part of their potential public, has led to proportionally
high wages at the EU level and to an unemployment system functioning at the expense of the unemployed
(Lyberaki, 2009). The expressed stance in the blog is that “justice” means better salaries only for some
interest groups regardless of the social conditions.
The center-left blog parapolitiki provides space for the presentation of liberal initiatives. An
outgoing post publishes communication about an event taking place in the venue “free thinking zone,”
where questions would be addressed such as, “How much state one wants, if one would make his house
accessible for immigrants, junkies, etc., how much freedom one can stand?” These questions are
especially important in Greece, where the results of the 2012 elections show a significant potential of
International Journal of Communication 8 (2014) Public Discourse on the Greek Crisis 1591
people who support social and political forces that have no tolerance for other and no respect for the
principles of democracy.
This study, based on a selection of four political blogs representing the four main directions in
Greek political lifethe far right, the center right, the center left, and the far leftobserves and reflects
on the cognitive patterns that emerge in these blogs concerning the contested nature of democracy in the
era of the multifaceted Greek crisis. We have first referred to the Greek political blogosphere and the
contribution of the Greek literature in its exploration, the character of the Greek real and virtual public
sphere in general, and particularly in this era of crisis. After sketching the theoretical debates on the
sociopolitical origins of the Greek crisis, the international implications, and the challenges posed to the
Greek democratic system, a qualitative content analysis is presented of the discourses that took place on
the four blogs. We have focused on questions about how the blog participants perceive the democratic
political institutions, the relation of the Greek state to its European partners and the international
institutions involved in the crisis management as well as the institutional democratic ethics of order in the
Greek economy and society.
The participants in the four examined political blogs are like-minded people with a “tightly
homogeneous ideology” (Putnam, 2000, p. 25). In the discussions of the far-left and far-right blogs, an
extremely polarized atmosphere prevails. The posts and comments of participants in these blogs move in
the same rigid ideological raster with the “underdog culture” scheme (Diamandouros, 2013, p. 212) that
dominates in Greek society and whose main features are an anticapitalist and anti-Western stance,
conspiracy theories, engagement for the protection of privileges, and a hostile attitude against reform.
Responsible for the multifaceted Greek crisis are capitalism, the ruling indigenous political forces, and the
European and international lenders that supervise the adjustment program. Although Greece is a bankrupt
state and depends on money borrowed from its European partners and international lenders, there is no
effort in the far-right, center-right, and far-left blogs to reflect on, understand, and question Greece’s self-
inflicted humiliating dependence on the lenders to the country and the serious problems that the crisis
poses, threatening social cohesion. There is no nugget of thinking on collective responsibility; on the
economic, social, and political dynamics of the norms that rule common life; on the use of democratic
forms for the management of common risks (Manent, 2003, p. 114); or on the social, political, and
economic bankruptcy of the country. In other words, there is no understanding of the principles and
grounds of democracy. The right-wing blog does not allow debates; its ideological orientation includes,
however, elements of the far-right and far-left blogs such as ethnocentrism, conspiracy theories, hostility
to reforms, and a positive attitude toward privileges for social groups. The center-left blog distinguishes
itself from the other three by taking a critical stance toward the mismanagement of the public democratic
institutions and its engagement for the respect of individual rights and freedoms. It could be said on the
basis of the reviewed Greek literature and the findings of this study that the four Greek political blogs
represent an excerpt of the real Greek social and political life on the Greek virtual arena of public
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... An analysis on connectivity practices of Greek political blogs with the use of SNA techniques revealed that only a few blogs serve as authority ones while also few try to expand their influence (Zafiropoulos, 2012). In a more qualitative research (Zeri, 2014), four political blogs were analyzed with respect to their content and the conclusion was that what dominates in the debates of the far-left and far-right blogs belongs to the same rigid ideological raster that excludes an understanding of the principles and grounds of democracy. In another research study, the author examined how social and new media tools such as Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and online radio have influenced the potential development or rejuvenation of public sphere, civil society, and public discourse in Greece during the years of the country's economic, political, and social crisis. ...
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Two hundred years after the Greek Revolution (1821), a large number of different administrations (governments) comprising of an even larger number of members of the implementing authority have served the Greek State. In this paper, we study these entities from a Social Analytic Perspective view. We create networks of actors (ministers) over the above-mentioned time period and perform network analysis in the global, average, and local levels, together with a network classification discussion. We also include some insights on nepotism issues in the government context. Results reveal interesting views, patterns, groupings and rankings of important politicians of modern Greece.
... Blogs have quickly become prominent parts of the Internet landscape. Attention has largely been focused on a small subset of blogsdthe politically-oriented filter blog (Okorie, Oyedepo, & Usaini, 2012;Park, 2009;Wallsten, 2005;Zeri, 2014). ...
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This study was undertaken to analyze and ascertain several aspects of the coverage of issues of political conflict covered by the weblog, Nairaland, as well as gauge the level of civic engagement on the part of Nairaland users. The method used by the researchers was content analysis and four research questions were raised and answered to ascertain certain aspects of the coverage of issues of political conflict as well as the level of participation of the audience which consisted of Nairaland users. The results found that issues of political conflict were prominently placed, usually on the front page of Nairaland. It was also observed that the subject matter with the highest amount of coverage, as well as participation, was the conduct, comportment, and activities of elected political officials in Nigeria. Furthermore, the level of civic engagement was affected by the prominence given by the moderators of the Nairaland blog site to the stories that were published and this was measured by examining the number of views in relation to the prominence of the stories published. The study recommends that prominence be given to other aspects of Nigerian society as opposed to focusing inordinately on political officials. The study also suggests that inasmuch as misdemeanors, misappropriations, and questionable activities must be addressed by the media, it is equally important to acknowledge and commend the activities and events that are undertaken or embarked on to engender social change and development in Nigerian society.
... Depending on the nature of the crisis, understanding cultural values applying common cultural dimensions like individualism, collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculininty, and ethical ideology (Leonidou, Leonidou, & Kvasova, 2013) or other valuesbased identifies like political identities (Zeri, 2014) will be necessary if we are to fully understand stakeholder attitudes about issues and organizations. Though challenging, for crisis communication, the good news is that multinational organisations may even be able to avoid or manage crises by communicating more effectively with local populations based on what is important to them (Hoffmann, Röttger, Ingenhoff, & Hamidati, 2015;Taylor, 2000). ...
... Depending on the nature of the crisis, understanding cultural values applying common cultural dimensions like individualism, collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculininty, and ethical ideology (Leonidou, Leonidou, & Kvasova, 2013) or other valuesbased identifies like political identities (Zeri, 2014) will be necessary if we are to fully understand stakeholder attitudes about issues and organizations. Though challenging, for crisis communication, the good news is that multinational organisations may even be able to avoid or manage crises by communicating more effectively with local populations based on what is important to them (Hoffmann, Röttger, Ingenhoff, & Hamidati, 2015;Taylor, 2000). ...
... Depending on the nature of the crisis, understanding cultural values applying common cultural dimensions like individualism, collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculininty, and ethical ideology (Leonidou, Leonidou, & Kvasova, 2013) or other valuesbased identifies like political identities (Zeri, 2014) will be necessary if we are to fully understand stakeholder attitudes about issues and organizations. Though challenging, for crisis communication, the good news is that multinational organisations may even be able to avoid or manage crises by communicating more effectively with local populations based on what is important to them (Hoffmann, Röttger, Ingenhoff, & Hamidati, 2015;Taylor, 2000). ...
... Depending on the nature of the crisis, understanding cultural values applying common cultural dimensions like individualism, collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculininty, and ethical ideology (Leonidou, Leonidou, & Kvasova, 2013) or other valuesbased identifies like political identities (Zeri, 2014) will be necessary if we are to fully understand stakeholder attitudes about issues and organizations. Though challenging, for crisis communication, the good news is that multinational organisations may even be able to avoid or manage crises by communicating more effectively with local populations based on what is important to them (Hoffmann, Röttger, Ingenhoff, & Hamidati, 2015;Taylor, 2000). ...
... Depending on the nature of the crisis, understanding cultural values applying common cultural dimensions like individualism, collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, power distance, masculininty, and ethical ideology (Leonidou, Leonidou, & Kvasova, 2013) or other valuesbased identifies like political identities (Zeri, 2014) will be necessary if we are to fully understand stakeholder attitudes about issues and organizations. Though challenging, for crisis communication, the good news is that multinational organisations may even be able to avoid or manage crises by communicating more effectively with local populations based on what is important to them (Hoffmann, Röttger, Ingenhoff, & Hamidati, 2015;Taylor, 2000). ...
National Bank of Romania’s public communication changed, after 2008, mainly due to the intensification of nonmonetary communication, which eclipsed the communication of monetary policy objectives. The NBR was at the forefront of important public debates, that were not related to monetary policy objectives, but which attracted the attention of large audiences. These public debates such as the giving in payment law, the crisis of the Greek capital banks, and the Swiss francs credit crisis required more active public communication on behalf of the NBR, which was on an upward trend in transparency, but, at the same time, on a downward trend in terms of public confidence.This work paves the way for the entire research project, and defines the roles of all actors with an impact on NBR’s communication considered during qualitative and quantitative analysis—specialized public, general public, mass media, and the Parliament. The research model adapts the frames according to the “cascading network activation” model (Entman, Political Communication, 20(4):415–432, 2003), following the flow from the messages sent by the main actors—in this case, the NBR, but also the Parliament, the messages taken over by the elites, then by journalists, the framing of the news as it reaches the general public and then the reverse flow, in the defined post-crisis context.KeywordsCentral bankCommunicationResearch designFrameFinancial crisisNational Bank of Romania
This chapter presents the framing theory, which provides us with the analytical framework necessary to analyze how media framed the National Bank of Romania’s messages in the post-crisis period. The research uses framing theory and refers to the media as a stakeholder of the central bank, as well as possibly influencing the way the audience selects and interprets different communication situations.In the first part, we present the definitions and results of the main framing theorists, we look at the literature on how media framing influences public opinion, focusing on the process-based framing interpretation scheme and cascading network activation (Entman, Political Communication 20:415–432, 2003). It is then highlighted the important role of journalists in building news, in the process of appreciation and valorization of certain narrative elements to the detriment of others. The chapter ends with exposing the results of the main researches regarding the framing of the 2008 crisis in the international media and in the Romanian press.KeywordsCentral bankCommunicationMedia framesFraming theoryFinancial crisisNational Bank of Romania
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Seeking to offer a unified theory about Greece's current political and economic crisis, this article unravels the particular mechanisms through which this country developed as a populist democracy, that is, a pluralist system in which both the government and the opposition parties turn populist. It furthermore shows how this democracy facilitated the political class and the vast majority in Greek society to achieve and maintain for several decades an admirably high coordination of aims enabling them to exploit the state and its resources. Seen within the theoretical framework proposed, Greece offers policy-oriented scholars crucial insights into what may go badly wrong in developed Western democracies. © 2013 National Endowment for Democracy and The Johns Hopkins University Press.
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This paper uses Social Network Analysis indexes to study Greek political blogs. The indexes describe bloggers’ community recommendations, centrality and bloggers’ attempt to form spheres of influence. Five Social Network Analysis indexes are used: incoming links, normalized betweenness, outgoing links, number of 1-cliques a blog belongs to, and size of blog’s ego-network. By recording 127 Greek political blogs, the paper finds that there are two distinct blog performance properties regarding connectivity: Only a few blogs serve as authority blogs having many incoming links and centrality, while a few others try to expand their influence territory by having many outgoing links and forming larger 1-cliques and ego-networks. Next, the paper associates the proposed indexes with blogs’ and users’ community activity. Authority blogs present high blog activity and users’ community activity, as well. These are recorded by large numbers of posts and comments to the blog posts, respectively. It is shown that blogs, which strive to expand their network by using many outgoing links are more likely to link to the authority blogs. Content analysis reveals that authority blogs provide news and information and promote discussion to a much higher degree compared to the overall Greek political blogosphere.
Provides a concise and up-to-date introduction to the modern history of Greece, beginning with the first stirrings of the nation movement in the late 18th century. The author highlights the differences and similarities with the rest of Europe in terms of political and social influences, and their outcomes. Following an introduction and a chapter on the emergence of the Greek state under Ottoman rule, the c150 yr of independent nationhood are divided into four periods: nation building (1831-1922), occupation (1923-1949), the civil war legacy (1950-1974), and the consolidation of democracy (1974-1990). A brief epilogue considers changes in the 1990s, and appendices present details of: leading figures in modern Greek history, the royal family, presidents, socio-geographical and political trends, and key dates from the 15th century onwards. -P.Hardiman
The evolution of the Greek media policy has been characterised for years by an essentially government-centred model of policy-making that has been profoundly influenced by particularistic business interests and the willingness of successive governments to retain control over the media sector (Psychogiopoulou, Kandyla and Anagnostou, 2012). State intervention into the realm of the media has been strong, and the media have been widely used as a means to political or other ends. This explains why Greece was considered to fall within the Mediterranean media system model identified by Hallin and Mancini (2004). Key features of this model are media instru- mentalisation, low journalistic professionalisation and robust state intervention in the development of the media and media regulation.
The central intellectual argument posed by the editors of this volume provides a welcome opportunity for revisiting the interpretative scheme of cultural dualism, which I first put forward 20 years ago in an attempt to provide a conceptual framework for better understanding and analysing the relationship between culture and politics (as distinct from political culture) in Greece and its impact on the nature and, ultimately, the quality of Greek democracy.
Modern Greece: A History since 1821 is a chronological account of the political, economic, social, and cultural history of Greece, from the birth of the Greek state in 1821 to 2008 by two leading authorities. Pioneering and wide-ranging study of modern Greece, which incorporates the most recent Greek scholarship Sets the history of modern Greece within the context of a broad geo-political framework Includes detailed portraits of leading Greek politicians Provides in-depth considerations on the profound economic and social changes that have occurred as a result of Greece's EU membership.
The media environment is changing. Today in the United States, the average viewer can choose from hundreds of channels, including several twenty-four hour news channels. News is on cell phones, on iPods, and online; it has become a ubiquitous and unavoidable reality in modern society. The purpose of this book is to examine systematically, how these differences in access and form of media affect political behaviour. Using experiments and new survey data, it shows how changes in the media environment reverberate through the political system, affecting news exposure, political learning, turnout, and voting behavior.