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Miconia curvitheca (Melastomataceae), una nueva especie nativa de los bosques altoandinos y subparamos de los Andes centrales, Colombia

  • Universidad de Caldas (Colombia)

Abstract and Figures

Miconia curvitheca (Melastomataceae) is described and the name is validated. This species is restricted to high Andean forests and subparamos and is distributed in the southern and central part of the Central Colombian Cordillera of the Andes between 2900 and 3700 m elevation from the department of Cauca to the limits of the departments of Quindio, Tolima and Valle del Cauca. It is characterized by the curved shape of its anthers and differs from the most similar species, M. cuatrecasae, by the following combination of characters: smaller leaves, always bisexual flowers and ovary always four-celled.
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... Su extensión de presencia fue estimada en 8186 km² y se área de ocupación en 88 km².Evaluar el estado de las subpoblaciones que se conocen de la especie. Incluirla como objeto de conservación en los planes de manejo del PNN Las Hermosas, PNN Los Nevados, PNN Puracé y del DRMI Páramos y Bosques Altoandinos de Génova.Posada-Herrera & Humberto Mend.Arbusto hasta de 2 m de alto45,143 .Crece en bosque altoandino y en el subpáramo, se puede encontrar en zonas con vegetación secundaria, pero no en páramos abiertos143. Se distribuye en la cordillera Central desde el complejo de páramos Guanacas-Puracé-Coconucos hasta el complejo Los Nevados, en los departamentos de Caldas, Cauca, Quindío, Tolima y Valle del Cauca, en un rango altitudinal entre 2800 y 3700 m s. n. m.45, 143 . ...
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El presente documento hace parte de los productos pactados en el convenio específico de cooperación No. 16-14-331- 247CE, firmado entre el Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt y la Universidad Icesi, que tenía como objeto “Aunar esfuerzos técnicos, administrativos y financieros para consolidar y estructurar información de registros biológicos y de la ecología, uso y conservación de las especies endémicas de grupos prioritarios de la flora de páramos y de la alta montaña de Colombia y formar una red de especialistas para evaluar el riesgo de extinción de acuerdo al sistema de Categorías y Criterios de la UICN como parte de una iniciativa nacional para fortalecer el proceso de análisis de riesgo de las especies silvestres de Colombia”. El producto 9, del cual se deriva la presente publicación, es un informe tipo artículo científico de la propuesta de la “Lista roja de especies del páramo y de la alta montaña en Colombia”.
... With increased research and exploration in under-collected areas (e.g. southern Peru, Bolivia), at least eleven species of andean Miconia have been described in the past five years, eight from this research group alone (Burke & Michelangeli, 2013;Burke, Michelangeli, & Fernandez-Fernandez, 2017;Cardenas, Burke, & Michelangeli, 2014;gamba, almeda, & alvear, 2014;Michelangeli & Meier, 2013;Posada-herrera & Mendoza-Cifuentes, 2016). Many more specimens of Miconia undetermined to species remain stacked in herbaria. ...
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The eastern slopes of the Andes harbor some of the greatest amount of biodiversity, much of which remains undescribed in the scientific literature. Here, we describe six new species of Miconia from the Andes, encompassing the southernmost extent of the mountain range from Peru to Bolivia. The new species include Miconia cernuiflora, Miconia cinnabarina, Miconia dimorphotheca, Miconia dulcis, Miconia farfanii, and Miconia paucartambensis. Each species is compared with similar species. For each species, we include a diagnostic illustration, conservation assessment and range map. The number of species described underscores the continued need for exploration and field studies, especially as many of these species have extremely restricted distributions.
We describe Miconia burkeae, a new dioecious species of Miconia section Cremanium from the Peruvian Andes. The new species shares the presence of nearly sessile and glabrescent leaves with two other Andean species in section Cremanium, M. lilacina and M. opacifolia, but differs in leaf shape and texture, as well as other characters. The occurrence of dioecy in Miconia is discussed.
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El Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia (CPLC) es el principal referente de la flora del país, por lo que es importante actualizarlo. Con base en revisiones de colecciones de herbarios regionales y de Norte América, se proponen nuevos sinónimos, registros de especies y ampliaciones de distribución de la familia Melastomataceae para Colombia. En total, se aportan 75 nuevos registros de especies y se establecen 23 nuevos sinónimos asociados con los géneros Adelobotrys, Axinaea, Blakea, Henriettea y Miconia. Se complementa la distribución departamental y de elevación del 29% de las especies de Melastomataceae registradas en el CPLC.
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Colombia is a geographically diverse country mainly due to the Andean terrain, which creates a river system that combines different orders of drainages, physiography and water types, located in four areas: Caribbean, Pacific, Orinoco and Amazon. Hydrographic areas or basins are classified based on the watershed and have been treated regionally only in terms of political division to manage watersheds sections. A regional classification of freshwater ecosystems that combines both geographical and biological criteria, does not exist for Colombia, so the territorial planning and decision-makers do not consider aquatic ecosystems as a unit in their management guidelines. Therefore, the objective of this research was to propose continental hydro-biological units based on hydro-geographic and biological criteria, regrouping official hydrographic areas according to their fish species composition and the interpretation of their drainage network and geomorphological characteristics. There are 28 ecoregions proposed: six for the Caribbean region, eight for the Andean, five for the Pacific and nine for cis-Andean (five for Orinoco and four for Amazonas). These ecoregions can be used as a tool of territorial planning
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Lake Tota is at 3015 m a.s.l in the eastern Andean cordillera of Colombia. It was declared an Important Bird area - IBA, because it is a strategic breeding area for endemic and threatened species and for its large concentration of resident and migratory waterfowl species. This publication provides a current list of birds, based on direct observations reported by authors from 2003 to 2016. These records were analyzed and compared with historical plublished data. We present an analysis of five conservation priority species and point out the citizen participation to create a civic movement calling attention to the importance of this aquatic ecosystem to environmental government agencies about negative ecological impacts that have been afflicting this aquatic ecosystem for more than 60 years ago, and to insist that it be designed as a RAMSAR site.
As a result of recent studies on Neotropical grasses, a checklist of the South American species of Digitaria is provided. This checklist includes 65 species, of which 53 are native (34 are endemic) and 12 are introducednaturalized. Brazil has 48 species (12 endemic), followed by Venezuela (29/1), Paraguay (28/0), Colombia (27/2), Argentina (26/1), and Bolivia (24/1). On the other hand, D. velutina (Forssk.) P. Beauv., a native species from Africa, Arabia, and Yemen, is recorded for the first time in South America. This paper includes the morphological similarities and differences between D. velutina and D. abyssinica (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf. The names D. bonplandii Henrard and D. mattogrossensis (Pilg.) Henrard, are included in the synonymy of D. corynotricha (Hack.) Henrard.
Siluriformes: Pangasiidae), en la cuenca del río Magdalena, Colombia. Presence of striped catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878) (Siluriformes: Pangasiidae), in the basin of the Magdalena river
  • Pangasianodon Presencia Del Pez Basa
  • ............................................................... Hypophthalmus Fabel Ávila
Presencia del pez basa, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878) (Siluriformes: Pangasiidae), en la cuenca del río Magdalena, Colombia. Presence of striped catfish, Pangasianodon hypophthalmus (Sauvage, 1878) (Siluriformes: Pangasiidae), in the basin of the Magdalena river, Colombia. Mauricio Valderrama, José Iván Mojica, Andrea Villalba y Fabel Ávila................................................................. 98
A publication of: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt En asocio con
  • Del Una Publicación
Una publicación del /A publication of: Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt En asocio con /In collaboration with: Instituto de Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras-Invemar Missouri Botanical Garden Biota Colombiana Volumen 17 Número 2 Julio-diciembre de 2016 . .
New records of aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera (Hemiptera) from Colombia
  • N Dora
  • ....................................................................................................................................... Padilla-Gil
Nuevos registros de Heteroptera (Hemiptera) acuáticos y semiacuáticos de Colombia. New records of aquatic and semi-aquatic Heteroptera (Hemiptera) from Colombia. Dora N. Padilla-Gil.........................................................................................................................................
Ingoldian hyphomycetes of the Frío River (Floridablanca)
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  • X Eliana
  • Javier H Narváez-Parra
  • J Jerez-Jaimes Y Carlos
  • ................................................................ Santos-Flores
Hifomicetos ingoldianos del río Frío (Floridablanca), Santander, Colombia. Ingoldian hyphomycetes of the Frío River (Floridablanca), Santander, Colombia. Eliana X. Narváez-Parra, Javier H. Jerez-Jaimes y Carlos J. Santos-Flores.................................................................. 1
Aquatic insect communities of the three slopes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain range
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Characiformes: Characidae) en la laguna altoandina " El Voladero " , provincia El Carchi, Ecuador. Analysis of gonad production of Grundulus quitoensis Román-ValenciaCharaciformes: Characidae) in the " El Voladero
  • Ruiz-C. Y Análisis De Producción Gonadal Del Pez Grundulus Quitoensis Román-Valencia
  • Barriga
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Colombia. Diversity and turnover of amphibian and reptile species in different plant cover at a locality in the middle Magdalena River valley, department of Antioquia, Colombia. Fernando Vargas-Salinas y Andrés
  • ............................ Aponte-Gutiérrez
Diversidad y recambio de especies de anfibios y reptiles entre coberturas vegetales en una localidad del valle del Magdalena medio, departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. Diversity and turnover of amphibian and reptile species in different plant cover at a locality in the middle Magdalena River valley, department of Antioquia, Colombia. Fernando Vargas-Salinas y Andrés Aponte-Gutiérrez.............................. 117