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Diphtheria Resurgence – A Prospective Study in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital

Diphtheria Resurgence A Prospective Study in a Tertiary Care
Teaching Hospital
Mohammad Ashraf1, Sadia Ashraf2, Ibrahim al Jabr3*
1Assistant Professor, Dept. of ENT, Hind Institute of Medical Sciences, Safedabad, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh.
2Assistant Professor, Dept. of Obst. & Gynae, Career Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
3Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery, College of Medicine, King Faisal University, KSA.
52 | Page
Original Article International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research | Oct-Dec 2016 | Vol 2 | Issue 4
Background: Diphtheria was one of the six killer diseases of childhood and was presumed to have been
controlled if not eradicated through immunization programme. Emergence of diphtheria once again has
challenged our health policies, immunization and public awareness campaign. Stringent measures need to be
taken lest the disease is blown out of proportion and control measures fail. Hence, to highlight the resurgence of
diphtheria, its repercussion, mitigation activities under taken by the government we have undertaken to pen
down this paper. Methods: This prospective study was carried on n= 5 patients included in our study on the
basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Our approach to the diphtheritic patient should be
multifaceted and thorough examination and investigation is required by team approach to counter the impact of
the toxins released as it starts with Otorhinolaryngological manifestations and terminates with the
cardiovascular and neurological complications. Conclusions: Three major measures are indicated to counter
the resurgence of diphtheria i.e. high immunization coverage of target groups, prompt diagnosis and
management of diphtheria cases, and rapid identification of close contacts with their effective management to
prevent secondary cases.
Key words: resurgence, diphtheria, antitoxin
Diphtheria was a disease of childhood. Diphtheria occurs
worldwide. The incidence has decreased because of the
universal immunization and expanded immunization
programme of World Health Organization (WHO). The
adults have been increasing affected in the countries where
the childhood immunization has been interrupted as in
Russia or Eastern Europe. In India too, people not
immunized in childhood or lack of booster doses in
adulthood, poor surveillance has resulted in the resurgence
of this disease process[1]. Developing countries account for
8090% of the global burden of diphtheria.[2]
Diphtheria is an acute, toxin-mediated contagious disease
caused by bacteria called Corynebacterium Diphtheria. It
lives in the mouth, throat and nose of an infected person
and can be spread to others by coughing or sneezing. A
child with diphtheria can infect others for two to four
weeks. The incubation period of diphtheria is 25 days
(range 110 days). Diphtheria is of following types
a) Anterior nasal diphtheria,
b) Pharyngeal and tonsillar diphtheria,
c) Laryngeal diphtheria,
d) Cutaneous (skin) diphtheria.[3]
Diphtheria usually starts with a sore throat, fever and chills.
But if it is neglected, not properly diagnosed and treated, it
produces a toxin (poison) that causes serious complications
such as heart failure or paralysis. One out of every ten
patients who gets diphtheria dies from it.
Here we describe five full blown cases of diphtheria to
emphasize the resurgence of this disease in India as we
prevail with the wrong notion that communicable disease is
a history.
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Received:05.07.15| Revised:17.07.15| Accepted:18.07.15
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Dr. Ibrahim al Jabr, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery,
College of Medicine, King Faisal University, KSA
Copyright: © the author(s) and publisher. IABCR is an official publication of
Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine & Sciences, registered in 2001
under Indian Trusts Act, 1882. This is an open access article distributed under
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Ashraf M et al.: Diphtheria-Resurgence
53 | Page International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research | Oct-Dec 2016 | Vol 2 | Issue 4
This prospective study was carried on n= 5 patients
attending ENT department of Hind Institute of Medical
Sciences, Safedabad, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh were
included on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Case No 1 A student of 20 years’ male presented in ENT
OPD with difficulty in swallowing for 4 - 6 days. He had
low grade fever and had a expressionless face. On
examination of the oral cavity he had B/L enlarged tonsils
almost kissing each other. Greyish white membrane was
seen over the surface of the tonsils. Posterior pharyngeal
wall was also covered by the slough. The neck was swollen
more on the right side. The throat swab was sent
immediately to microbiology lab for Alberts staining. This
confirmed our suspicion of diphtheria, Chinese letter
pattern and metachromatic granules were seen.
Subsequently culture was also done for the same.
Treatment was started without much delay. Diphtheria
antitoxin was given in a dose of 80,000 IU IV. after
sensitivity (5ml vial, 10,000 IU each, manufactured by
Berna, Swiss Serum and Vaccine Institute, Benra
Switzerland), Crystalline Penicillin10 lac, IVI four times a
day was given for 14 days after sensitivity. All the contacts
who turned out to be positive after Alberts staining for
throat swab were kept in isolation and were given
prophylaxis and diphtheria antitoxin (DAT).
Case no 2
A young boy of about five years presented in emergency
for difficulty in breathing and swallowing. On examination,
the boys general condition was poor and had pain in throat.
Oral cavity examination showed white slough covering
both the tonsils and extending into hypopharynx. Patient
was having very severe inspiratory stridor. He was
immediately moved to emergency operation theatre where
he was tracheostomised. The oxygen saturation went up to
hundred percent. We send the throat swab culture which
was positive for diphtheria on Alberts staining. The patient
was kept in isolation. We tried to procure the antidiphtheric
serum but was not available. We gave penicillin injections
after allergic testing and other supportive treatment was
rendered. After twelve days, the patient’s tracheostomy
tube was plugged and was kept for observation overnight.
Next day his stoma was closed. Luckily patient was saved
and was discharged without complications.
Case no 3 A young boy of seven years presented in OPD
and had difficulty in swallowing and breathing. The boy
was irritable and his general condition was also grim. His
orally cavity was having whitish material covering the
tonsils bilaterally. The patient was admitted in the isolation
ward and we send the throat swab culture. We got the result
as negative. We send all the relevant investigations
including the X-ray cervical spine lateral view. The x-ray
depicted ‘Thumb sign’ and we suspected epiglottitis. The
patient was fine, improving, breathlessness and dysphagia
had vanished but still he was sick, so we send the patient to
pediatric department for thorough evaluation. He was under
treatment when after five days he developed weakness of
lower limbs and was unable to stand without support. After
two days, he started having nasal regurgitation and next day
he had severe chest pain and collapsed. He was intubated
and put on ventilator but could not survive.
Case no 4 A young boy of ten years presented in the OPD
with the complains of the nasal regurgitation of the food
and water. On examination, the tonsils were swollen with
whitish slough on it. He gave history of upper respiratory
infection and difficulty in swallowing. He got treated by the
local doctor but could not get any benefit. He was later
referred to the medical college when he had developed
nasal regurgitation. His swab culture was positive for
diphtheria. He was admitted in isolation ward and referred
to the pediatric department for thorough neurologic
evaluation. There was no history of booster vaccination.
Case No 5 A young girl of ten years presented with
difficulty in swallowing and respiration. She was suffering
from last five days with fever, sore throat, chills etc. On
examination, she was looking quite sick, had congested oral
cavity with pseudomembrane formation on both the tonsils
which extended posteriorly. Throat swab and other
investigations were carried out and patient was positive for
Diphtheria patient
Diphtheria patient
Ashraf M et al.: Diphtheria-Resurgence
54 | Page International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research | Oct-Dec 2016 | Vol 2 | Issue 4
Diphtheria patient
diphtheria, culture was carried out. The patient was
admitted in the isolation ward with extensive monitoring
and DAT along with antibiotics were given. Patient
improved and contacts were given prophylaxis. Patient was
discharged after seven days but treatment was given for
fourteen days.
Diphtheria is caused by Corynebacterium diphtheria, a
gram-positive bacillus. Transmission is through droplet
infection & inoculation period is 2 - 7 days. Strains
carrying the tox gene are capable of toxin production.
Toxin has two submits A and B.
Diphtheria patient (paralytic)
Diphtheria anti-toxin
Treated diphtheria patient
Diphtheria anti-toxin
Diphtheria anti-toxin (Berna)
A is responsible for clinical toxicity and B serves as carrier
to specific receptors located on myocardium and peripheral
nervous system. Diphtheria can be either respiratory or
cutaneous. Regional lymphadenopathy gives rise to "bull
neck" appearance. Membrane presence is not essential for
diagnosis. Alberts staining if positive is sufficient to start
Diphtheria in India accounted for 19-84% of the global
burden from 1998 to 2008.[4] A shift in age incidence has
been observed from preschool to school age (5-15 years)
with more and more cases now being reported in adults.[5]
The resurgence in India reminds us of the Soviet Union of
Ashraf M et al.: Diphtheria-Resurgence
55 | Page International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research | Oct-Dec 2016 | Vol 2 | Issue 4
nineties and in India the cause behind this was attributed to
decreased childhood immunization, increased susceptibility
among adults and high population movement.[4] Common
clinical features observed were throat pain in 74% cases
and fever in 56% cases. Complications observed were
myocarditis in 68% cases, neuropathy in 15% cases, and
respiratory compromise in 7% cases. Death occurred in
2.5% patients.[6]
The disease is subdivided into three stages early, late and
severe. In the early stages, manifestations are localized to
either the skin or the upper respiratory tract which can lead
on to the severe stage associated with toxic circulatory
collapse, edema of the neck, skin petechiae and acute renal
failure. The late stages can involve cardiac and nervous
system such as myocarditis, respiratory paralysis and limb
paralysis. All stages are associated with a pseudomembrane
formation which bleeds on removal. Cardiac involvement
with arrhythmias occurs in one-quarter of patients who
have late and severe disease, increasing the mortality to
three to four times.[7]
Complications in form of acute circulatory failure due to
myocarditis or neurological manifestation like CN palsies,
paresthesia or polyneuropathy or encephahtis can be
manifested. Cutaneous diphtheria can present a punched-
out ulcer with undermined edges and covered with greyish
white adherent membrane.
Diphtheria although is a vaccine preventable disease and is
a part of universal immunization programme but it still
occurs in various countries especially developing. In India,
the disease does occur but in areas of lower socioeconomic
groups, overcrowding, lower awareness level and recently
the trend of involving higher age group is alarming.
In 2014 India’s National Health Profile released by the
health ministry witnessed 4,071 cases of diphtheria and 104
deaths, while among the states, Delhi had the highest
number of cases at 1,418 and also the highest number of
deaths with 60 mortalities. Haryana recorded the second
highest diphtheria cases at 663. However, it was West
Bengal that saw the second highest number of deaths with
10. Assam recorded the third highest figure of cases at 506,
followed by Maharashtra at 444. Our study highlights the
persistence of diphtheria in Delhi and NCR from 2012 to
2014. Various States of India have reported the persistence
and resurgence of diphtheria.[5]
The alarming trend detected was increasing involvement of
the older age group,[5] under coverage of the UIP, lack of
boosters, altered clinical picture because of rural quackery,
reluctance of the people to get immunized because of
certain myths, different branches of medicine which
discourage vaccination, improper cold chain maintenance
and lastly lack of availability of anti-diphtheric serum
(ADS) and medications.
Our approach to the diphtheritic patient should be
multifaceted and thorough examination and investigation is
required by team approach to counter the impact of the
toxins released as it starts with Otorhinolaryngological
manifestations and terminates with the cardiovascular and
neurological complications. Otolaryngologically,
diphtheritic emergency is to ensure airway and counter
dysphagia. Neurological complications are serious
complication and patient need to be followed.[8] Any child
diagnosed with diphtheria should be followed for 3-6
months in anticipation of neurological complications.
Diphtheritic polyneuropathy carries good prognosis hence
timely diagnosis and differentiation from other
neuropathies is a prerequisite for rational management.[9]
Diphtheritic polyneuropathy had 53% fatality.[10]
Tracheostomy is required in few cases with respiratory
distress. Primary identification of Corynebacterium
diphtheria was done by standard culture, staining and
biochemical tests followed by toxigenicity testing by Elek's
test on samples positive for C. diphtheria.
Treatment is instituted with diphtherial antitoxin (DAT).
Mild cases Antitoxins of 20,000 -30, 000 IV are given.
Moderate to serve cases are given 40,000 - 1 lakh QTD for
14 days is given and stopped after two culture / throat swab
are negative after 14 days therapy.
Prophylaxis is given to close contact or people positive for
throat swab by giving erythromycin (500mg) twice daily or
Penicillin along with antitoxin.
Three major measures are indicated to counter the
resurgence of diphtheria i.e. high immunization coverage of
target groups, prompt diagnosis and management of
diphtheria cases, and rapid identification of close contacts
with their effective management to prevent secondary
cases.[11] Apart from treatment and vaccination proper
education and awareness programs can help the country
and community to evade this public problem.[12]
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56 | Page International Archives of BioMedical and Clinical Research | Oct-Dec 2016 | Vol 2 | Issue 4
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How to cite this article: Ashraf M, Ashraf S, Jabr I. Diphtheria
Resurgence A Prospective Study in a Tertiary Care Teaching
Hospital. Int Arch BioMed Clin Res. 2016;2(4):52-56.DOI:
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
Full-text available
Background: Epidemic diphtheria is still poorly understood and continues to challenge both developing and developed countries. In the backdrop of poor immunization coverage, non-existent adult boosters, weak case based surveillance and persistence of multiple foci, there is a heightened risk of re-emergence of the disease in epidemic forms in India. Investigating each outbreak to understand the epidemiology of the disease and its current status in the country is therefore necessary. Dhule a predominantly tribal and rural district in Northern Maharashtra has consistently recorded low vaccination coverages alongside sporaidic cases of diphtheria over the last years. Methods: This study reports the findings of an onsite survey conducted to assess a recent outbreak of diphtheria in Dhule district and the response mounted to it. Secondary data regarding outbreak detection and response were obtained from the district surveillance office. Clinical data were extracted from hospital records of eleven lab confirmed cases including one death case. Frequency distributions were calculated for each identified clinical and non- clinical variable using Microsoft™ Excel® 2010. Results: Our findings suggest a shift in the median age of disease to adolescents (10-15 years) without gender differences. Two cases (18%) reported disease despite immunization. Clinical symptoms included cough (82%), fever (73%), and throat congestion (64%). About 64% and 36% of the 11 confirmed cases presented with a well defined pseudomembrane and a tonsillar patch respectively. Drug resistance was observed in all three culture positive cases. One death occurred despite the administration of Anti-Diphtheric Serum in a partially immunized case (CFR 9%). Genotyping and toxigenicity of strain was not possible due to specimen contamination during transport as testing facilities were unavailable in the district. Conclusions: The outbreak raises several concerns regarding the epidemiology of diphtheria in Dhule. The reason for shift in the median age despite consistently poor immunization coverage (below 50%) remains unclear. Concomitant efforts should now focus on improving and monitoring primary immunization and booster coverages across all age groups. Gradually introducing adult immunization at ten year intervals may become necessary to prevent future vulnerabilities. Laboratory networks for genotyping and toxigenicity testing are urgently mandated at district level given the endemicity of the disease in the surrounding region and its recent introduction in remote Dhule. Contingency funds with pre- agreements to obtain ADS and DT/Td vaccines at short notice and developing standard case management protocols at district level are necessary. Monitoring the disease, emerging strains and mutations, alongside drug resistance through robust and effective surveillance is a pragmatic way forward.
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Objective: To study the clinical profile and outcome in children with diphtheritic polyneuropathy (DP). Methodology: 13 children with polyneuropathy were included in this study. Their demographic profile, age, sex and immunization status were recorded. Detailed clinical and neurological examination was done. Investigations like CSF analysis, NCV studies, MRI brain were done. The results were tabulated and analyzed. Results: All the children presented with bulbar palsy and had h/o membranous tonsillitis. Isolated palatal palsy was seen in 7 children (53%). 6 (46.1%) children developed quadriparesis. 1 child expired and recovery is complete in rest of the 12 children. Children with isolated bulbar palsy recovered within 2 to 4 weeks while children with quadriparesis recovered within 5-6 wks. Conclusions: Any child diagnosed with diphtheria should be followed for 3-6 months in anticipation of neurological complications. DP carries good prognosis hence timely diagnosis and differentiation from other neuropathies is a prerequisite for rational management.
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Despite the introduction of mass immunization, diphtheria continues to play a major role as a potentially lethal infectious disease in many countries. Delay in the specific therapy of diphtheria may result in death and, therefore, accurate diagnosis of diphtheria is imperative. This study was carried out at National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), Delhi, India, on samples of suspected diphtheria cases referred from various government hospitals of Delhi and neighbouring areas during 2012-2014. Primary identification of Corynebacterium diphtheriae was done by standard culture, staining and biochemical tests followed by toxigenicity testing by Elek’s test on samples positive for C. diphtheriae. The results showed persistence of toxigenic C. diphtheriae in our community indicating the possibility of inadequate immunization coverage. © 2015, Indian Council of Medical Research. All rights reserved.
Full-text available
Abstract Background: Even after three decades of implementation of the Universal Immunization Programme in India, cases of diphtheria continue to occur. It is pertinent to study the social and epidemiological determinants of diphtheria. Aims & Objective: The present study was undertaken to investigate epidemiological and social determinants of Diphtheria outbreak in a district in Central India and to understand response of health care system to this outbreak. Materials and Methods: Explanatory case study method, a qualitative method was employed involving interviews with stakeholders including family members of the affected children, specialists from tertiary care teaching hospital who treated these cases, health workers, public health functionaries at primary care and district level. Results: Both cases belonged to migratory community and non-immunization was identified as the chief proximal reason. Both, knowledge and utilisation of immunisation was poor in these communities and was limited to pulse polio immunization. Epidemiologically, the two cases were possibly linked. Vaccination drive to immunize all unimmunized children was conducted in the district where the cases were identified but not in the district where possibly the cases have originated. Conclusion: Social determinants including poverty, migration, poor access to health care all contributed in creating epidemiological situation where transmission of disease agent was easy, resulting in an outbreak. Migration creates vulnerability and our health systems should gear up themselves to address this vulnerability; appropriate strategies and micro-planning should be in place to cater to the needs of this underprivileged community. Strong surveillance system with adequate public health response addressing outbreaks is necessary. Key words: Diphtheria; Outbreak; Qualitative Study
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Diphtheritic polyneuropathy is a vaccine-preventable illness caused by exotoxin-producing strains of Corynebacterium diphtheriae. We present a retrospective convenience case series of 15 children (6 girls) <15 years of age (mean age 5.2 years, case-fatality rate 53%, and 1 additional case-patient who was ventilator dependent at the time of last follow-up; median follow-up period 60 days) with signs and symptoms suggestive of diphtheritic polyneuropathy. All cases were identified through national acute flaccid paralysis surveillance, which was designed to detect poliomyelitis in India during 2002-2008. We also report data on detection of diphtheritic polyneuropathy compared with other causes of acute flaccid paralysis identified by this surveillance system.
Background: India accounts for approximately 72% of reported diphtheria cases globally, the majority of which occur in the state of Andhra Pradesh. The aim of this study is to better understand lack of knowledge on diphtheria vaccination and to determine factors associated with diphtheria and low knowledge and negative attitudes. Methods: We performed a 1:1 case-control study of hospitalized diphtheria cases in Hyderabad. Eligible case patients were 10 years of age or older, resided within the city of Hyderabad and were diagnosed with diphtheria per the case definition. Patients admitted to the hospital for nonrespiratory communicable diseases and residing in the same geographic region as that of cases were eligible for enrolment as controls Results: : There were no statistical differences in disease outcome by gender, education, economic status and mean room per person sleeping in the house in case and control subjects. Not having heard of diphtheria (adjusted odds ratio: 3.56; 95% confidence intervals: 1.58-8.04] and not believing that vaccines can prevent people from getting diseases (adjusted odds ratio: 3.99; 95% confidence intervals: 1.18-13.45) remained significantly associated with diphtheria on multivariate analysis. Conclusion: To reduce the burden of diphtheria in India, further efforts to educate the public about diphtheria should be considered.
Background: Diphtheria is a fatal disease and may cause serious complications if not recognized early and treated properly. Objectives: To study the epidemiology, clinical features, complications, and outcomes in respiratory diphtheria. Materials and methods: Diphtheria cases admitted in the infectious disease hospital, Beliaghata, Kolkata, India between January 2009 to January 2011 were evaluated in respect to demographic profile, immunization status, clinical features, complications, and outcomes. Results: 200 diphtheria cases were studied. 150 (75%) patients had history of an adequate immunization, and 100 (50%) patients were from lower socio-economic groups. Common clinical features observed were throat pain in 148 (74%) cases and fever in 112 (56%) cases. Complications observed were myocarditis in 136 (68%) cases, neuropathy in 30 (15%) cases, and respiratory compromise in 14 (7%) cases. Death occurred in 5 (2.5%) patients. Conclusions: diphtheria is still a public health problem in many developing countries. Strict public health measures like an increased immunization coverage, improvement of socio-economic status, easy availability of anti-diphtheritic serum (ADS), early recognition and effective treatment-all may reduce the incidence and mortality.
In the pre-vaccination era, diphtheria was a leading cause of childhood mortality. With the introduction of routine childhood immunization, paediatric care and improved hygiene status the disease has been almost completely eradicated in many developed countries. On the contrary developing countries, still account for 80–90% of the global burden. Retrospective analysis of 52 cases of diphtheria over a period of 12 years at a tertiary referral hospital was carried out. They were analyzed for mortality and morbidity trends, immunization status, microbiological confirmation rates and antidiphtheritic serum (ADS) administration. Incidence in those over 5 years was 59.61%. Only 11.54% cases were either partially or fully immunized. The case fatality rate was 36.53%. Culture was performed only in 17 cases whereas ADS was administered in only 16 cases. In conclusion, the occurrence of diphtheria even in those immunized highlights the flaws in the present immunization program. Poor immunization coverage, lack of ADS, antibiotic resistance are the main reasons for re-emergence of diphtheria.