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Structural and Quantitative Analysis of Three C-Glycosylflavones by Variable Temperature Proton Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry

Abstract and Figures

Quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance is a powerful tool in drug analysis because of its speed, precision, and efficiency. In present study, the application of variable temperature proton quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (VT- ¹ H-qNMR) for the calibration of three C-glycosylflavones including orientin, isoorientin, and schaftoside as reference substances was reported. Since there was conformational equilibrium due to the restricted rotation around the C(sp ³ )-C(sp ² ) bond in C-glycosylflavones, the conformational behaviors were investigated by VT-NMR and verified by molecular mechanics (MM) calculation. The VT- ¹ H-qNMR method was validated including the linearity, limit of quantification, precision, and stability. The results were consistent with those obtained from mass balance approach. VT- ¹ H-qNMR can be deployed as an effective tool in analyzing C-glycosylflavones.
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Research Article
Structural and Quantitative Analysis of Three
C-Glycosylflavones by Variable Temperature Proton
Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Jing Liu, Yang Liu, Zhong Dai, Lan He, and Shuangcheng Ma
National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, Beijing 100050, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Shuangcheng Ma;
Received  October ; Revised  December ; Accepted  December ; Published  January 
Academic Editor: Hassan Y. Aboul Enein
Copyright ©  Jing Liu et al. is is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance is a powerful tool in drug analysis because of its speed, precision, and eciency. In present
study, the application of variable temperature proton quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (VT-1H-qNMR) for the calibration
of three C-glycosylavones including orientin, isoorientin, and schaoside as reference substances was reported. Since there was
conformational equilibrium due to the restricted rotation around the C(sp3)-C(sp2) bond in C-glycosylavones, the conformational
behaviors were investigated by VT-NMR and veried by molecular mechanics (MM) calculation. e VT-1H-qNMR method was
validated including the linearity, limit of quantication, precision, and stability. e results were consistent with those obtained
from mass balance approach. VT-1H-qNMR can be deployed as an eective tool in analyzing C-glycosylavones.
1. Introduction
Quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (qNMR) spectrom-
etry was rst reported in the s. is method has been
widely applied to various elds such as drug analysis, ref-
erence substances quality control, and natural products due
to its high speed and precision [–]. qNMR technique has
been adopted in all major national pharmacopoeias including
US pharmacopeia, European pharmacopeia, Japanese phar-
macopeia, and Chinese pharmacopeia [–]. For qNMR,
the resonance signal is directly proportional to the number
of resonant nuclei. erefore, this approach has various
advantages such as no need for reference substances or large
amount of organic solvents.
C-glycosylavone is a unique type of natural product
with various pharmacological eects including scavenging
free radicals and protecting myocardial ischemia [, ].
Although qNMR technique has been widely used in char-
acterization of reference substances of dierent structure
poor response signal from proton NMR. Herein, orientin
(), isoorientin (), and schaoside (), three common
avone C-glycosides with sugar moieties at C6and/or C8
(Figure ), were selected for 1HqNMRstudy.Forthistype
of compounds, the restricted rotation around the C(sp3)-
C(sp2) bond results in the coexistence of rotational isomers
which might complicate the NMR spectrum. Since increasing
temperature will eliminate the carbon-carbon bond rota-
tion barrier, the conformational equilibrium of three C-
glycosylavones was directly characterized by variable tem-
perature NMR (VT-NMR). Meanwhile, the conformational
behaviors of the three C-glycosylavones were investigated
by using molecular mechanics  (MM) calculation. Variable
temperature proton quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance
(VT-1H-qNMR) was also applied to directly determine the
content of orientin, isoorientin, and schaoside for the
rst time. e results are consistent with the data from
mass balance method. VT-1H-qNMR method is an eective
approach to achieve satisfactory result for C-glycosylavones.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials and Analyte Preparations. Orientin (.%),
isoorientin (.%), and schaoside (.%) (determined by
mass balance method) were from National Institutes for Food
Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry
Volume 2017, Article ID 4934309, 5 pages
Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry
F : Structures of orientin (), isoorientin (), and schaoside ().
and Drug Control, Beijing, China; ,-dinitrobenzene was
purchased from TCI chemicals (.%, Lot. EUXH-JB).
DMSO-6was from Sigma (.%, St. Louis, USA).
Test samples and internal standard ,-dinitrobenzene
were dissolved in DMSO-6to produce a concentration of
about . mol/mL and . mol/mL, respectively. For linear-
ity, dierent concentration of schaoside ranging from . to
. mg was dissolved in .mL DMSO-6.
2.2. Instrument Conditions. e 1HNMRspectrawereac-
uired at  K or  K using a Bruker Ascend  spec-
trometer with a BBO probe at . MHz. For qNMR, the
following parameters were applied: pulse angle, spectral
width equal to  ppm, acquisition time equal to . s,
receiver gain equal to , OP equal to . ppm,  K data
points,  scans, and relaxation time 1 equal to  s. 
pulse calibration was conducted daily to make sure of the
performance of NMR spectrometer.
2.3. Processing Parameters. Data was processed on MestReN-
ova .. with . Hz exponential apodization applied to FID.
Manual phase correction and signal integrations were per-
formed corresponding to the IS signals and sample signals.
1H NMR shi was referenced to the solvent signal of DMSO-
2.4. Content Calculation Formula. e content of sample was
calculated by the following formula:
𝑟× 100%,()
where 𝑠and 𝑟are the signal response of the samples and
IS, 𝑠and 𝑟arethenumbersofspinatomsintheanalyteand
IS, 𝑠is the molecular weight of samples (. g/mol for
orientin and isoorientin, . g/mol for schaoside), 𝑟is
the molecular weight of IS (. g/mol), 𝑠and 𝑟are the
masses of the analytes and IS, and 𝑟is the purity of the IS.
3. Result and Discussion
3.1. Experiments Parameters. Forpulseipangle,mostofthe
qualitative proton NMR and some of qNMR experiments
are performed with pulse. Our group use in our
routine 1H-qNMR experiments and get reasonable results.
f1 (ppm)
F : 1HNMRspectraoforientin(), isoorientin (), and
schaoside ()(K).
Although pulsewillgivebetter/ than ,
in VT-
1H-qNMR can partly represent the real circumstance in using
As a critical parameter in VT-1H-qNMR experiments,
relaxation time (1)shouldbemorethantimesthatof
longitudinal relaxation (1)toallowtheactivatedprotonto
return to equilibrium status. e 1 values were determined
by an inversion recovery method. 1 of the internal standard
and analyte signal was found to be . s and .s, respectively.
So 1 wassetassinthisstudy.
3.2. Conformational Analysis. Atropisomers occur when ro-
tation around a C-C single bond is hindered by the rotational
energy barrier. For most C(sp2)-C(sp3)singlebond,therota-
tional energy barrier is low, and the isomerism could not be
observed at room temperature. For some C-glycosylavones,
NMR spectra acquired under room temperature showed
signals corresponding to atropisomers at dierent ratio due
to the high rotational energy barrier. e phenomenon was
veried by means of variable temperature NMR experiments
and theoretical MM calculations [–].
During our study, the 1H NMR spectra acquired at  K
and anomeric protons for orientin and isoorientin, respec-
tively. And the spectrum for schaoside presented some
signals not splitting well. Considering the structure similarity
Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry
T : Linearity, range, and precision of schaoside calculated by VT-1H-qNMR ( K).
Linearity and range Precision Repeatability
Sample 𝑟(mg/mL) 𝑠(mg/mL) 𝑠/𝑟Sample 𝑟(mg/mL) 𝑠(mg/mL) 𝑠(%) No. 𝑠(%)
. . . . . .  .
. . . . . .  .
. . . . . .  .
. . . . . .  .
. . . . . .  .
. . .
2. — —
RSD (%) . .
f1 (ppm)
F : 1H NMR spectra of orientin (), isoorientin (), and
schaoside ()(K).
with those reported [–], the above phenomenon was
inferred from restricted rotation. erefore, VT-1H-qNMR
experiments were carried out in order to verify the deduction.
Increasing the temperature from  K to  K altered the
1H NMR spectra. e aromatic and anomeric proton signals
appear to undergo coalescence at  K for orientin and
isoorientin as shown in Figure . Also the spectr um presented
signals splitting well, especially those around the aromatic
region for schaoside (Figure ).
It was demonstrated that steric hindrance was the main
eect that inuences the rotational isomerism []. In this
study, the dierence between the isomers of orientin and
isoorientin is the dierent position of the glucosyl sub-
stituent. Due to the bigger substitute at C9compared to that
at C5,itwouldbesubjectedtogreaterrotationhindrancefor
orientin compared to isoorientin. As a result, it is obvious that
the 1H NMR spectrum of orientin presented impurity signals
around the aromatic region corresponding to the rotational
isomer. For the C-diglycosylavone of schaoside, it was
conformational analysis for three compounds was performed
via molecularmechanicsusingtheMMforceeldinChem-
Bio D Ultra soware (Figure ). Since structures of the three
compounds were dierent, the absolute energy was useless for
comparison, and the energy dierence between conformers
of the same compound is meaningful. e calculated energy
dierence for orientin, isoorientin, and schaoside was .,
., and . kcal/mol, respectively. Bigger energy dier-
ence represents the higher rotational barrier.
3.3. Selection of Sample Signals and IS Signals. ,-Dinitrob-
experiment due to the following reasons: high solubility
and the chemical shi of the aromatic protons provide
a well-separated signal (.) without any interference
with orientin, isoorientin, and schaoside in the integration
region. In our experiments, the singlet signal at . for
orientin and isoorientin and . for schaoside were used
for quantication, respectively (Figure ).
3.4. Method Validation
3.4.1. Linearity and Range. Schaoside was used as a model
compound to validate VT-1H-qNMR.
e solutions for linearity test were prepared by dissolv-
ing dierent amount of schaoside and IS to the required
concentrations. e calibration curve was drawn for the ratio
of sample to IS () versus the ratio of selected sample signal
to IS signal () (Table ). e correction coecient showed it
had good linearity within .. mg/mL concentration
ranges ( = 0.068 + 0.007,2= 0.998).
3.4.2. Limit of Quantication (LOQ). It is reported that the
signal to noise ratio (/)shouldbemorethaninquan-
titative experiments to produce good quantication results
[]. Here, / = 150 was used to calculate LOQ. LOQ for
schaoside is . mg/mL.
3.4.3. Precision, Repeatability, and Stability. Precision tests
were carried out by characterizing the same sample six
times. And repeatability was achieved by characterizing ve
independent solutions containing both the sample and IS.
Both RSD indicated the good accuracy of the method. e
stability was assessed by analyzing one sample at -, -, -, -,
and -hour interval. e results indicated that schaoside was
stable aer  hours in solution.
Method validation results were summarized (Table ).
Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry
F : MM computed structures of the lowest energy conformers of orientin (), isoorientin (), and schaoside ().
f1 (ppm)
348 K
298 K
F : VT-1H-qNMR spectra of schaoside and internal stan-
dard (IS).
T : Content from VT-1H-qNMR ( K) and mass balance
method (%).
Orientin Isoorientin Schaoside
. (RSD
. (RSD
. (RSD
Mass balance . . .
3.5. Comparison Results from VT-1H-qNMR with Mass Bal-
ance Method (Table 2). e established VT-1H-qNMR meth-
od was applied for the calibration of orientin, isoorientin,
and schaoside. Also the mass balance approach was used for
calculation []. Table  shows that the results of the three C-
glycoavones by VT-1H-qNMR are similar to data from mass
balance method.
4. Conclusions
Contents of some avone C-glycosides cannot be achieved
due to the existence of isomers. is study developed a
reliable VT-1H-qNMR method to determine the content of
three common avone C-glycosides: orientin, isoorientin,
and schaoside. Comparing the qNMR method with the
1H-qNMR method could be
complementary to the mass balance approach for the value
assignment of the reference substances. is technology is a
powerful tool in drug quality control.
Competing Interests
e authors declare that there is no conict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.
Authors’ Contributions
Jing Liu and Yang Liu contributed equally to this work.
e investigation was nancially supported by national spe-
cial topic of “Major New Drug Discovery” in th Five-Year
Platform of traditional Chinese medicine quality and safety
testing and risk control, Project no. ZX-.
e authors are thankful to Institute for Reference Standards
and Standardization, NIFDC.
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... For 6,8-di-C-glycosyl flavonoids (Fig. 1), the steric hindrance with C 7 substituents, such as -OCH 3 , is considered as the main cause of restricted rotation, while flavonoids with C 7 = OH do not exhibit signal duplication. 8 Nevertheless, this is not unequivocal for all systems, such as (iso)schaftoside 11,12 and vitexin, [13][14][15] which exhibit double NMR signals even with a hydroxyl group in C 7 . The B ring position also seems to be relevant. ...
... (1) and Schaftoside (2) exhibit disturbances in NMR signals, despite the exchange of the pentose and hexose units in the C 6 and C 8 positions. 11,12 Vitexin (3) displays well-known signal duplication, even without a sugar portion in the C 6 position and with C 7 = OH. [13][14][15] Puerarin (4), with the B ring bonded to C 3 , does not present NMR signal duplication 17 and was selected as a proof of concept. ...
... Nørbaek and co-workers identified schaftoside from barley leaves and no NMR signal duplication was observed (22.5°C in DMSO-d 6 ). 57 However, a systematic structural and quantitative analysis of schaftoside by Liu and co-workers showed that the NMR signals (25°C in DMSO-d 6 ) 11 are not splitting well. To confirm the presence of rotational isomerism, they performed NMR experiments raising the temperature to 75°C, resulting in the coalescence of signals. ...
C-glycosyl-flavonoids are phytochemical natural products that possess different biological applications. Several compounds from this class exhibit rotational isomerism, evidenced by NMR signal duplication. This phenomenon is usually associated with the...
... Obviously, 6-C-glycosyl flavonoids 1-3 belong to the Class 1 category and can be developed as rapidly equilibrating mixture. We can also presume that other common natural 6-C-glycosyl flavonoids should belong to the Class 1 category, judging from their similar structures and other reported data of energy barriers [11][12][13][14][15]. Therefore, common 6-C-glycosyl flavonoids usually can be developed as rapidly equilibrating mixture. ...
... As shown in Fig. 3 and Table A.1, eight compounds were identified as daidzin (2) (Lewis et al., 1998), isoorientin (5) (Kumazawa et al., 2000;Liu et al., 2017), vitexin (7) (Hosoya et al., 2005;Peng et al., 2008), isovitexin (8) (Peng et al., 2008), isoorientin 3′-methyl ether (9) (Maatooq et al., 1997), daidzein (14) (Kanakubo et al., 2001), genistein (17) (Bursztyka et al., 2008), and the major nonpolar compound from APOME, bakuchiol (Labbé et al., 1996) by UV scan, EI-MS, 1 H, 13 C, DEPT135, DEPT90, 1 H-1 H COSY, and HMBC NMR analysis, and comparison with the published literature or standard compounds. Partial NMR spectra were shown in Fig. A6. ...
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Otholobium pubescens (Poir.) J.W. Grimes (O. pubescens) is a commercial and multiple therapeutic medicinal plant in South America, yet its phytochemicals are rarely studied. In the present study, a combination of affinity-based ultrafiltration, HSCCC, and preparative HPLC was applied for the efficient screening and isolation of ten tyrosinase inhibitors from the O. pubescens methanol extract and eight of them were successfully identified as daidzin, isoorientin, vitexin, isovitexin, isoorientin 3′-methyl ether, daidzein, genistein, and a novel compound 3-(5-hydroxybenzofuran-6-yl) propanoic acid by EI-MS and NMR; all of these compounds are first reported in O. pubescens and possessed tyrosinase inhibitory activities by in vitro tyrosinase inhibition assay. Among the inhibitors, vitexin, isovitexin, 3-(5-hydroxybenzofuran-6-yl) propanoic acid, and daidzein revealed higher tyrosinase inhibitory activities than the positive control β-arbutin, with IC50 values of 0.35 mM, 1.73 mM, 1.33 mM, 1.57 mM, and 1.83 mM, respectively. Moreover, a long time tyrosinase inhibition duration, up to 150 min, was observed for compounds vitexin, daidzein, and particularly 3-(5-hydroxybenzofuran-6-yl) propanoic acid, which was assessed as a special mixed-type tyrosinase inhibitor because of its capability of inhibiting tyrosinase almost in an irreversible inhibition manner, through tyrosinase inhibition duration, inhibition kinetics, and dialysis studies. In addition, the major nonpolar compound from O. pubescens methanol extract was also purified by silica gel column chromatography and identified as bakuchiol. Results suggested that vitexin, isovitexin, daidzein, and particularly the novel compound 3-(5-hydroxybenzofuran-6-yl) propanoic acid are promising tyrosinase inhibitors with the potential for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industrial applications.
... As shown in Fig. 3 and Table A.1, eight compounds were identified as daidzin (2) (Lewis et al., 1998), isoorientin (5) (Kumazawa et al., 2000;Liu et al., 2017), vitexin (7) (Hosoya et al., 2005;Peng et al., 2008), isovitexin (8) (Peng et al., 2008), isoorientin 3′-methyl ether (9) (Maatooq et al., 1997), daidzein (14) (Kanakubo et al., 2001), genistein (17) (Bursztyka et al., 2008), and the major nonpolar compound from APOME, bakuchiol (Labbé et al., 1996) by UV scan, EI-MS, 1 H, 13 C, DEPT135, DEPT90, 1 H-1 H COSY, and HMBC NMR analysis, and comparison with the published literature or standard compounds. Partial NMR spectra were shown in Fig. A6. ...
Otholobium pubescens (Poir.) J.W. Grimes (O. pubescens) is a commercial and multiple therapeutic medicinal plant in South America, yet its phytochemicals are rarely studied. In the present study, a combination of affinity-based ultrafiltration, HSCCC, and preparative HPLC was applied for the efficient screening and isolation of ten tyrosinase inhibitors from the O. pubescens methanol extract and eight of them were successfully identified as daidzin, isoorientin, vitexin, isovitexin, isoorientin 3′-methyl ether, daidzein, genistein, and a novel compound 3-(5-hydroxybenzofuran-6-yl) propanoic acid by EI-MS and NMR; all of these compounds are first reported in O. pubescens and possessed tyrosinase inhibitory activities by in vitro tyrosinase inhibition assay. Among the inhibitors, vitexin, isovitexin, 3-(5-hydroxybenzofuran-6-yl) propanoic acid, and daidzein revealed higher tyrosinase inhibitory activities than the positive control β-arbutin, with IC50 values of 0.35 mM, 1.73 mM, 1.33 mM, 1.57 mM, and 1.83 mM, respectively. Moreover, a long time tyrosinase inhibition duration, up to 150 min, was observed for compounds vitexin, daidzein, and particularly 3-(5-hydroxybenzofuran-6-yl) propanoic acid, which was assessed as a special mixed-type tyrosinase inhibitor because of its capability of inhibiting tyrosinase almost in an irreversible inhibition manner, through tyrosinase inhibition duration, inhibition kinetics, and dialysis studies. In addition, the major nonpolar compound from O. pubescens methanol extract was also purified by silica gel column chromatography and identified as bakuchiol. Results suggested that vitexin, isovitexin, daidzein, and particularly the novel compound 3-(5-hydroxybenzofuran-6-yl) propanoic acid are promising tyrosinase inhibitors with the potential for pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food industrial applications.
... Rotational isomers slowly interconvert about C-glycosidic bond due to restricted rotation around the bond. This usually complicate the NMR spectra of rotamers because the signals due to each of the rotational isomers appeared (Liu et al., 2017;Frank et al., 2012;Lewis et al., 2000). The 1 H NMR spectrum of compound 1 suggests two flavones units. ...
... Rotational isomers slowly interconvert about C-glycosidic bond due to restricted rotation around the bond. This usually complicate the NMR spectra of rotamers because the signals due to each of the rotational isomers appeared (Liu et al., 2017;Frank et al., 2012;Lewis et al., 2000). The 1 H NMR spectrum of compound 1 suggests two flavones units. ...
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Antioxidant activities of the crude leaf extract and four solvent fractions: hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and butanol fractions from Treculia africana leaf were carried out to determine their potentials and suitability in the management of oxidative diseases. Different antioxidant assays (TAC, DPPH, FRAP, inhibition of NO, metal chelating ability were carried out separately to study the activities of the samples. In addition, the total phenolic content of the extracts was evaluated. Bioassay guided fractionation of the most active fraction (ethyl acetate fraction) using repeated column chromatography on Silica gel and Sephadex LH-20 resulted in the isolation of apigenin-6-C-glucopyranoside (isovitexin) (1) and 2,3-dihydrokaempferol-3-O-glucopyranoside (2). The crude extract, solvent fractions and the compounds (1-2) exhibited strong to moderate antioxidant activities in all the tested assays. The two compounds isolated from T. africana are reported for the first time from this plant species. The activities demonstrated by the extracts and isolated compounds could provide rationale for the ethnomedicinal uses of the plant in folk medicine for the management of oxidative stress related diseases.
The scope of the chapter is based on surveys with a total of >1000 responses. So, the scope of this chapter focuses on certain specific requirements from the global qNMR community. Specifically, this chapter originated as an attempt to collect the most interesting facts about qNMR principles, strategies, best practices, and existing applications, as seen by qNMR scientists today. Some sections are simple enough to be understood by a college student, whereas others will require some concentration and study to be completely understood. To advance qNMR applications in Chinese Medicine, a holistic review summarized possible qNMR strategies used in quality control of Chinese Medicine in the past ten years. It is hoped, however, that this information could inspire readers to study the secrets of qNMR technology and to utilize the tools presented in this chapter to find their own qNMR applications in the near future.
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New phenolic compounds were isolated by chromatographic separation of MeOH extracts from leaves of two Gentiana species growing in eastern Siberia. Their structures were elucidated by UV and NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The new xanthone isomangiferin-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (neoisomangiferin) was isolated from G. dahurica Fisch. A new C,O-glycosylflavone, apigenin-6-C-[2″-O-(6″″-O-caffeoyl)-β-D-glucopyranosyl]-β-D-glucopyranoside-4′-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (gentiflavone A) was observed in G. macrophylla Pall.
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Chromatographic separation of extracts from the aerial parts of three Silene species (Caryophyllaceae) isolated 26 flavonoids including the four new C,O-glycosylflavones acacetin-6-C-(2″-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside-7-O-β-D-glucopyranoside (sileneside D, 1) from S. jeniseensis Willd., apigenin-6-C-(2″-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside-8-C-α-L-arabinopyranoside (sileneside E, 2) and genkwanin-6-C-(2″-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside-8-C-α-L-arabinopyranoside (sileneside F, 3) from S. italica (L.) Pers., and apigenin-6-C-(2″-O-β-D-xylopyranosyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside-7-O-(6″″-O-feruloyl)-β-D-glucopyranoside (sileneside G, 4) from S. dioica (L.) Clairv. The structures of 1–4 were studied using UV, IR, and NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry.
By means of variable temperature dynamic NMR spectra, conformation of 8-C-glucosyl prunetin, isolated from the leaves of Dalbergia hainanensis (Leguminosae), and other 8-C-glucosyl flavones was studied. The restricted rotation around the 1″-C(sp3)-8-C(sp2) bond in the C-glucosides isoflavonoid results in two main conformers (syn and anti). With the help of Molecular Mechanics (MM) calculation, the preferred conformation A of 8-C-glucosyl prunetin has 1″-H gauche to the 7-OCH3. The barrier to rotation was 75.66 kJ/mol. This result agrees with the calculated value 71.48 kJ/mol of free energy of activation for the interconversion between the conformers.
By means of variable temperature NMR spectra, conformation of 8-C-glucosyl prunetin, isolated from the leaves of Dalbergia hainanensis (Leguminosae), was studied. The restricted rotation around the C (sp3)-C (sp 2) bond in the C-glucosides isoflavonoid results in two main conformers (syn and anti). With the help of MM calculation, the preferred conformation A has H-1″ gauche to the 7-OCH3. The barrier to rotation was 18.1 kcal/mol. This result agrees with the calculated value 16.2 kcal/mol of free energy of activation for the interconversion between the conformers.
With the improvement of the public's recognition to the efficacy of total flavonoid extract from Chinese materia medica, wherein the C-glycosylflavones contained have been found by more and more researchers. The role of C-glycosylflavones to protect the cardiovascular disease is becoming more evident. The recent isolation and identification of C-glycosylflavones with the pharmacological activity about anti-oxidant and protecting myocardial ischemia injury and the possible mechanisms of anti-myocardial ischemia are reviewed in this article, so as to provide the information and evidence for the further research and development of C-glycosylflavones. ©, 2015, Editorial Office of Chinese Traditional and Herbal Drugs. All right reserved.
In order to solve the bottleneck of reference standards shortage for comprehensive quality control of traditional Chinese medicines (TCMs), a series of strategies, including one single reference standard to determine multi-compounds (SSDMC), quantitative analysis by standardized reference extract (QASRE), and quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (qNMR) were proposed, and Mahoniae Caulis was selected as an example to develop and validate these methods for simultaneous determination of four alkaloids, columbamine, jatrorrhizine, palmatine, and berberine. Comprehensive comparisons among these methods and with the conventional external standard method (ESM) were carried out. The relative expanded uncertainty of measurement was firstly used to compare their credibility. The results showed that all these three new developed methods can accurately accomplish the quantification by using only one purified reference standard, but each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages as well as the specific application scope, which were also discussed in detail in this paper. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nuclear magnetic resonance is defined as a quantitative spectroscopic tool that enables a precise determination of the number of substances in liquids as well as in solids. There is few report demonstrating the application of NMR in the quantification of avermectin B1a (AVB1a ); here, a proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1) H NMR) using benzene [1-methoxy-4-(2-nitroethyl) (PMN)] as an internal standard and deuterochloroform as an NMR solvent was tested for the quantitative determination of AVB1a . The integrated signal of AVB1a at 5.56 ppm and the signal of PMN at 8.14 ppm in the (1) H NMR spectrum were used for quantification purposes. Parameters of specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision, intermediate precision, range, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), stability and robustness were validated. The established method was accurate and precise with good recovery (98.86%) and relative standard deviation (RSD) of assay (0.34%) within the linearity of the calibration curve ranging from 5.08 to 13.58 mg/ml (R(2) = 0.9999). The LOD and LOQ were 0.009 and 0.029 mg/ml, which indicated the excellent sensitivity of the method. The stability of the method was testified by a calculated RSD of 0.11%. The robustness was testified by modification of four different parameters, and the differences among each parameter were all less than 0.1%. Comparing with the assay described by the manufacturer of avermectin tablets, there was no significant difference between the assay obtained by HPLC and quantitative NMR (qNMR), which indicated qNMR was a simple and efficient method for the determination of AVB1a in commercial formulation products. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (qNMR) has been developed into an important tool in the drug analysis, biomacromolecule detection, and metabolism study. Compared with mass balance method, qNMR method bears some advantages in the calibration of reference standard (RS): it determines the absolute amount of a sample; other chemical compound and its certified reference material (CRM) can be used as internal standard (IS) to obtain the purity of the sample. Protoberberine alkaloids have many biological activities and have been used as reference standards for the control of many herbal drugs. In present study, the qNMR methods were developed for the calibration of berberine hydrochloride, palmatine hydrochloride, tetrahydropalmatine, and phellodendrine hydrochloride with potassium hydrogen phthalate as IS. Method validation was carried out according to the guidelines for the method validation of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The results of qNMR were compared with those of mass balance method and the differences between the results of two methods were acceptable based on the analysis of estimated measurement uncertainties. Therefore, qNMR is an effective and reliable analysis method for the calibration of RS and can be used as a good complementarity to the mass balance method.
Eight flavonoid compounds were isolated from the seeds of Ziziphus jujuba Mill var. Spinosa. On the basis of chemical and spectral analyses their structures were elucidated as swertish (1), puerarin (2), 6‴-feruloylspinosin (3), apigenin-6-C-β-d-glucopyranoside (4), spinosin (5), 6‴-feruloylisospinosin (6), isospinosin (7), and isovitexin-2″-O-β-d-glucopyranoside (8). Flavonoids 6 and 7 are novel compounds. Rotamers exist for compounds 1, 3 and 5, which are reported for the first time. Compounds 2, 4 and 8 were isolated from this plant for the first time. Spinosin and swertish possess significant sedative activity.
Spinosin, a C-glycoside flavonoid, was isolated from the plant Desmodium tortuosum (Sw.) DC. The 1H and 13C NMR data acquired at room temperature exhibited doubling of signals, suggesting the presence of two rotamers in solution. Variable-temperature 1H NMR experiments confirmed this hypothesis. T-ROESY experiments in conjunction with theoretical (MM2) calculations supported the proposal that the two rotamers interchange via rotation about the C-6— C-1′′ bond. The spectral data were completely assigned using 1H– 1H COSY, HMQC, HSQC and HMBC experiments. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.