
Smart machines are not a threat to humanity

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Worrying about machines that are too smart distracts us from the real and present threat from machines that are too dumb.

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... These lethal autonomous weapons could become the most potent weapons ever created. The dichotomy of AI as a hope or threat for humanity is also an established debate in the scientific literature (see e.g., [13,26]). ...
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prominent in the contemporary digital era, affecting various aspects of daily life across the globe. Public perceptions of AI encompass a diverse array of individual attitudes toward this technology, ranging from favorable to unfavorable. Given the strong predictive relationship between attitudes toward technology and its acceptance and usage, it is vital to understand the factors that shape these attitudes. This article investigates the potential impact of sociodemographic factors , such as country (UK and USA), age, and gender differences, on future perspectives of AI, focusing on the extent to which individuals perceive AI technology as a threat to humans or as a positive for humanity. By comparing samples of respondents from the United Kingdom (UK) and the United States (USA), the study aimed to understand how these factors might contribute to variations in attitudes toward AI across diverse cultural contexts. The study examined three main hypotheses, proposing that cultural context, age, and gender influence future perspectives of AI as a potential threat or benefit for humanity. The findings revealed distinct patterns of attitudes towards AI technology among respondents from the UK and the USA, as well as across gender groups. These results contribute to a better understanding of the factors shaping attitudes toward AI. In conclusion, the study underscores the importance of considering cultural context, age, and gender differences in shaping future perspectives on AI, potentially providing valuable insights for further research on the acceptability and deployment of this technology.
... Pada peringkat ini, sistem AI tidak lagi bergantung kepada manusia dengan kod algoritma namun ianya dapat menjana algoritma tersendiri. Fenomena ini mencetuskan kebimbangan oleh pembangun AI di seluruh dunia termasuklah Elon Musk, Bill Gates dan Steve Wozniak (Bundy, 2017;Helbing, 2019;Walsh, 2016). Mereka khuatir di mana teknologi AI diperingkat ini berkembang dengan drastik dan mendahului kepandaian manusia keseluruhannya (Müller & Bostrom, 2016). ...
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Perkembangan teknologi dalam kecerdasan buatan atau AI semakin meningkat secara drastik. Daripada penggunaan telefon pintar, kereta tanpa pemandu, robot, hinggalah pembuatan senjata tanpa kawalan telah mengubah lanskap kehidupan manusia. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenalpasti potensi dan impak penggunaan AI terhadap manusia pada masa kini. Kajian ini dijalankan secara kualitatif melalui tinjauan literatur dan analisis dokumen. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa AI telah pun digunakan secara meluas terutamanya di negara membangun meliputi pelbagai bidang termasuklah kesihatan, ekonomi dan kewangan, penerbangan, automotif dan pendidikan. Walau bagaimanapun, penggunaan AI turut dieksploitasi dalam penglibatan aktiviti terorisme, pemalsuan identiti dan penyalahgunaan data. Lebih-lebih lagi, para pakar AI mula khuatir bahawa teknologi AI diluar kawalan dan memberi ancaman kepada manusia. Fenomena ini mencetuskan kebimbangan pelbagai pihak diluar negara termasuklah PBB, Suruhanjaya Eropah dan United Nation untuk mula menyediakan polisi, kawalan dan regulasi terhadap penyelidikan AI. Memandangkan pelbagai pihak diperingkat global sedang berusaha dalam menyediakan garis panduan dan etika dalam penyelidikan AI, terdapat peluang untuk bekerjasama dalam menawarkan input etika dari perspektif ajaran Islam. Keperluan kerjasama untuk membangunkan garis panduan dan etika dalam penyelidikan AI perlu mengambil kira pelbagai disiplin dan perspektif, termasuklah dari perspektif agama Islam. Kerjasama ini juga diharapkan dapat menangani pelbagai isu kontemporari demi melindungi hak dan kepentingan manusia, terutama komuniti muslim global.
... Similar to the argument that something else is more important, proponents claim that immediate issues with today's AIs, such as algorithmic bias, technological unemployment or limited transparency should take precedence over concerns about future technology (AGI/superintelligence), which doesn't yet exist and may not exist for decades [62]. ...
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In this work, we survey skepticism regarding AI risk and show parallels with other types of scientific skepticism. We start by classifying different types of AI Risk skepticism and analyze their root causes. We conclude by suggesting some intervention approaches, which may be successful in reducing AI risk skepticism, at least amongst artificial intelligence researchers.
... Some topicsnot fully mutually exclusivethat have received much attention include AI as an existential threat to humanity (see e.g. Bostrom (2014), Bundy (2017) and Galanos (2019)), AI and the labour market (see e.g. Frey and Osborne (2017), Brynjolfsson, Mitchell, and Rock (2018) and Acemoglu and Restrepo (2018)), AI use in health care (see e.g. ...
Getting ahead on the global stage of AI technologies requires vast resources or novel approaches. The Nordic countries have tried to find a novel path, claiming that responsible and ethical AI is not only morally right but confers a competitive advantage. In this article, eight official AI policy documents from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden are analysed according to the AI4People taxonomy, which proposes five ethical principles for AI: beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice and explicability. The principles are described in terms such as growth, innovation, efficiency gains, cybersecurity, malicious use or misuse of AI systems, data use, effects on labour markets, and regulatory environments. The authors also analyse how the strategies describe the link between ethical principles and a competitive advantage, and what measures are proposed to facilitate that link. Links such as a first-mover advantage and measures such as influencing international standards and regulations are identified. The article concludes by showing that while ethical principles are present, neither the ethical principles nor the links and measures are made explicit in the policy documents.
... Nowadays, thanks to the availability of powerful hardware, advanced processing components, inexpensive data storage equipment, sophisticated algorithms and so on, the major challenge in achieving such dreamy machines is the lack of sufficient human-level intelligence. Although many efforts have been spent in this direction (Decker, 2000;Hibbard, 2001;Zadeh, 2008;Bundy, 2017), replacing human intelligence by machines ' has not yet been realized literally. On the other side, leveraging humans' brainpower to improve machines' performance has become an efficient approach during recent years (Weyer et al., 2015;Ofli et al., 2016;Chang et al., 2017). ...
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Purpose- Human or machine, which one is more intelligent and powerful for performing computing and processing tasks? Over the years, researchers and scientists have spent significant amounts of money and effort to answer this question. Nonetheless, despite some outstanding achievements, replacing humans in the intellectual tasks is not yet a reality. Instead, to compensate for the weakness of machines in some (mostly cognitive) tasks, the idea of putting human in the loop has been introduced and widely accepted. In this paper, the notion of collective hybrid intelligence as a new computing framework and comprehensive solution is proposed. Design/methodology/approach- According to the extensive acceptance and efficiency of crowdsourcing, hybrid intelligence and distributed computing concepts, the authors have come up with the (complementary) idea of collective hybrid intelligence. In this regard, besides providing a brief review of the efforts made in the related contexts, conceptual foundations and building blocks of the proposed framework are delineated. Moreover, some discussion on architectural and realization issues are presented. Findings- The paper describes the conceptual architecture, workflow and schematic representation of a new hybrid computing concept. Moreover, by introducing three sample scenarios, its benefits, requirements, practical roadmap and architectural notes are explained. Originality/value- The major contribution of this work is introducing the conceptual foundations to combine and integrate collective intelligence of humans and machines to achieve higher efficiency and (computing) performance. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this the first study in which such a blessing integration is considered. Therefore, it is believed that the proposed computing concept could inspire researchers toward realizing such unprecedented possibilities in practical and theoretical contexts.
... An example is a doctor working together with a digital assistant to make a complex diagnosis in a cancer-he can leverage a vast store of data and information from past cases and make a more evidence based judgement. As Bundy [10] observes, "the productivity of humans will be, thereby, dramatically increased." ...
Il lavoro è oggi al centro di una crisi irreversibile causata dalla convergere di due fenomeni epocali: l'esaurissi definitivo del Taylor-fordismo, ormai incapace di dare senso alla vita degli uomini e l'esplosione della rivoluzione digitale. Questa, come affermato dal Michel Serres, è la terza rivoluzione soft, antropologica e sta mutando in modo irreversibile i rapporti tra le persone e tra loro e la conoscenza. Il lavoro umano ne è investito in modo radicale e si trova oggi tra il pericolo di una sua progressiva marginalizzazione a favore del lavoro standardizzato delle mac-chine (robot e Intelligenza Artificiale), e l'opportunità di fare un salto di qualità verso la professionalizzazione di tutti. Ma questo richiede consapevoli ed efficaci interventi sulle politiche nazionali e sovra-nazionali.
In this work, we survey skepticism regarding AI risk and show parallels with other types of scientific skepticism. We start by classifying different types of AI Risk skepticism and analyze their root causes. We conclude by suggesting some intervention approaches, which may be successful in reducing AI risk skepticism, at least amongst artificial intelligence researchers.
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ABSTRACT-There should be a great deal of concern over the extensive and still expanding application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in Muslim life today. From the use of smartphones, drones, robots, autonomous vehicles and weapons technologies, the transformation caused by AI is significantly positive but much is still up for debate and contemplation. In fact, some Muslims may merely consider this rapid growth of AI as part of science fiction which is being popularised in movies. This incognizant view is dangerous because Muslims may not be alert to unforeseen AI impact especially when it crosses over Islamic ethical or legal limits. These interpretations should provide an appropriate context for Muslim experts today to rethink their views with regards to the transformative impact of AI on Muslim society. This preliminary study therefore, is conducted to gather Muslim experts' professional views on AI related issues. Using a quantitative methodology approach with a cross-sectional study design, 37 experts responded to the personal, online questionnaire emailed to them. The findings generally indicate the respondents' insensitivity towards the greater extent of AI impact on Muslim consumers at large. However, most of the respondents were agreeable on the urgent need for regulations so that AI is geared and harvested for its benefits in enhancing Muslim life. This signifies the importance of thorough and strict regulations for AI research and technology to adhere to Islamic principles. A specific framework development underpinned by Maqasid al-Shari'ah is recommended to address the various contemporary issues of AI impact. ABSTRAK- Perhatian yang serius harus diberikan terhadap penggunaan meluas teknologi kecerdasan buatan atau artificial intelligence (AI) dalam kehidupan Muslim hari ini. Daripada penggunaan telefon pintar, dron, kenderaan tanpa pemandu, robot hinggalah pembuatan senjata automasi, teknologi AI telah menghasilkan perubahan positif yang ketara namun masih banyak perkara yang perlu diperdebat dan diperhalusi. Malah, terdapat Muslim yang mungkin menganggap perkembangan pesat AI ini sekadar sebahagian daripada fiksyen sains yang dipopularkan dalam wayang. Pandangan acuh tak acuh ini mampu mengundang bahaya kerana umat Islam mungkin tidak akan menyedari kesan AI apabila ia melangkaui had etika atau undang-undang Islam. Tafsiran sebegini seharusnya membuka ruang yang sesuai untuk pakar-pakar Islam Muslim hari ini untuk memperhalusi semula pandangan mereka tentang kesan transformasi AI terhadap masyarakat Islam. Justeru, kajian awal ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan pandangan profesional daripada pakar-pakar bidang pengajian Islam tentang isu yang berkaitan dengan teknologi AI. Menggunakan pendekatan metodologi kuantitatif dengan reka bentuk kajian keratan rentas, dapatan kajian dikumpul daripada 37 pakar yang telah memberikan pandangan mereka melalui soal selidik yang diemel secara peribadi. Secara am, dapatan kajian menunjukkan ketidakpekaan responden terhadap kemampuan AI yang mampu mendatangkan kesan terhadap pengguna Muslim secara umum. Walau bagaimanapun, sebahagian besar daripada responden setuju dengan keperluan satu panduan agar AI dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan tahap kehidupan umat Islam. Keperluan ini menekankan kepada satu panduan menyeluruh yang menepati undang-undang Islam dalam mengendalikan penyelidikan dan penggunaan teknologi AI. Oleh itu, kajian ini menyarankan pembangunan satu kerangka khusus yang berlandaskan Maqasid Syariah dalam menangani pelbagai isu kontemporari berkaitan kesan teknologi AI.
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Modern society makes extensive use of automated algorithmic decisions, fueled by advances in artificial intelligence. However, since these systems are not perfect, questions about fairness are increasingly investigated in the literature. In particular, many authors take a Rawlsian approach to algorithmic fairness. This article aims to identify some complications with this approach: Under which circumstances can Rawls’s original position reasonably be applied to algorithmic fairness decisions? First, it is argued that there are important differences between Rawls’s original position and a parallel algorithmic fairness original position with respect to risk attitudes. Second, it is argued that the application of Rawls’s original position to algorithmic fairness faces a boundary problem in defining relevant stakeholders. Third, it is observed that the definition of the least advantaged, necessary for applying the difference principle, requires some attention in the context of algorithmic fairness. Finally, it is argued that appropriate deliberation in algorithmic fairness contexts often require more knowledge about probabilities than the Rawlsian original position allows. Provided that these complications are duly considered, the thought-experiment of the Rawlsian original position can be useful in algorithmic fairness decisions.
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This essay utilizes a social constructivist understanding of technology to critically interrogate dominant futurist and corporate narratives concerning artificial intelligence (AI). Through a consideration of the Singularity as the guiding metaphysical desire behind the technocratic push to general AI, it demonstrates that the development of artificial intelligence operates as a mechanism of corporate sovereignty—the construction and assertion of the legal form of the business corporation as the locus of social authority.
This chapter will examine, as the title suggests, the rise of “human machines”. There is growing excitement and trepidation about the ability of robotics and A.I. to enhance the natural mental and physical capabilities of humans. Indeed, many experts predict the occurrence of a “technological singularity” where advances in A.I. will trigger an unstoppable evolution toward a new type of far superior intelligence. However, these ideas can easily miss just how much human values and biases can influence AI, for both good and ill, that is to say that these matters can never be benign or ‘neutral’. For this reason, it is crucial to reflect on whether and if so how machines can become more human and how humans can become more machine—like. This can range from creating more “ethical” robots to conceiving ourselves as responsible parts of diverse updating social networks. It also means embracing and remaining skeptical in guiding the personal and collective use of non-human intelligence, hardware and abilities to empower humans past their existing physical and social limits. Are we headed toward an empowering era of human and non-human integration, or a catastrophic erasure of what it means to be human? Do we have any control over the shape and character of this seemingly inevitable future?
Purpose Through the case analysis of China’s digital library, the purpose of this paper is to make readers understand the development status, achievements and problems of China’s digital library. At the same time, it also enables readers to understand the common application forms of these modern information technologies in digital libraries, so as to provide a reference basis for the application of new technologies in other countries’ digital libraries. Design/methodology/approach On the basis of literature review, the authors have analyzed a conspicuous collection of related papers in order to make a comprehensive summary and elaboration on the present situation of modern information technology application in Chinese digital libraries. Findings This paper defines and analyses the concepts, contents and relationships of the three most important modern Big Data information technologies, and then completes the analysis of the current situation of the application of information technology in Chinese digital libraries. The block chain can achieve more accurate information collection, more secure information storage and more effective information dissemination. Artificial intelligence can improve the existing digital library service level in three aspects: resource construction, information organization and information service. Internet plus will help transform the traditional digital library business mode in order to adapt to the change of user-centered service. Originality/value This is among the first structured attempts of comprehensively and generally summarizing the application of modern information technology in Chinese digital libraries. It also contains an original exploration of the relationship between the main kinds of modern information technology. Based on this, a relatively complete application scenario and possible vision of modern information technology in digital library can be built.
Research, leadership, and communication about AI futures.
Ernest Davis and Gary Marcus share their views on the significance of commonsense reasoning and commonsense knowledge in artificial intelligence (AI). Many intelligent tasks, such as understanding texts, computer vision, planning, and scientific reasoning require the real-world knowledge and reasoning abilities. Techniques for implementing commonsense include logical analysis, handcrafting large knowledge bases, Web mining, and crowdsourcing. Intelligent machines need not replicate human cognition directly, but a better understanding of human commonsense is needed to perform such activities.
An ultra-intelligent machine is a machine that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however clever. The design of machines is one of these intellectual activities; therefore, an ultra-intelligent machine could design even better machines. To design an ultra-intelligent machine one needs to understand more about the human brain or human thought or both. The physical representation of both meaning and recall, in the human brain, can be to some extent understood in terms of a subassembly theory, this being a modification of Hebb's cell assembly theory. The subassembly theory sheds light on the physical embodiment of memory and meaning, and there can be little doubt that both needs embodiment in an ultra-intelligent machine. The subassembly theory leads to reasonable and interesting explanations of a variety of psychological effects.
. Many who give definitions of AI offer narrow views based either on their own work area or the pronouncement of an AI guru about the scope of AI. Looking at the range of research in AI conferences, books, journals and laboratories suggests something very broad and deep, going beyond engineering objectives and the study or replication of human capabilities. This exploration of the space of possible designs for behaving systems (design space) and the relationships between designs and various collections of requirements and constraints (niche space) is inherently multi-disciplinary, and includes not only study of architectures, mechanisms, formalisms, inference systems, and the like (aspects of natural and artificial designs), but also the attempt to characterise diverse behavioural capabilities and the environments in which they are required, or possible. The implications of such a study are profound: e.g. for engineering, for biology, for psychology, for philosophy, and for ...
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  • Tribute To John Von Neumann
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Rise of concerns about AI: Reflections and directions
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Dietterich, T.G. and Horvitz, E.J. Rise of concerns about AI: Reflections and directions. Commun. ACM 58, 10 (Oct. 2015), 38-40.
Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind
  • R Cellan-Jones
Cellan-Jones, R. Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind. BBC Interview, (Dec. 2014); technology-30290540.
The future of work: but what will humans do?
  • M Y Vardi
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Vardi, M.Y. The future of work: but what will humans do? Commun. ACM 58, 12 (Dec. 2015).
March of The Machines
  • K Warwick
Warwick, K. March of The Machines. University of Illinois Press, 2004.
Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind
  • R Cellan-Jones
  • Stephen
  • Cellan-Jones R.
Cellan-Jones, R. Stephen Hawking warns artificial intelligence could end mankind. BBC Interview, (Dec. 2014);
  • S Ulam
  • Tribute To John Von Neumann
Ulam, S. Tribute to John von Neumann. Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 64, 3, part 2) (May 1958), 1-49.
Warwick, K. March of The Machines
  • K Warwick
  • Warwick K.