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The Comparisons Between Root Collar Diameter and Height Growth of Black Pine (Pinus nigra Arnold.) and Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Seedlings in Bolu Forest Nursery

  • Çankırı Karatekin University, Faculty of Forestry

Abstract and Figures

In this study, root collar diameter and height growth of bare rooted and containerized Black pine seedlings at 1+0 and 2+0 ages were statistically compared to Scots pine seedlings in Bolu forest nursery. Root collar diameters and height growths of 240 seedlings were measured. The obtained data were compared via “Student’s t – test”. Results show that containerized seedlings of both Black pine and Scots pine had a better root collar diameter and height growth than the bare rooted seedlings. Black pine seedlings had a better growth of both collar diameter and height growth than Scots pine for both containerized and bare rooted seedlings. Thus, containerized seedlings could be used for plantation. Black pine could be preferred rather than Scots pine in areas which have similar climatic and edaphic conditions of the sample area. Key words: Black Pine, Scots pine, Bolu, Forest Nursery
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Recent studies have indicated that the amount of the forest
land dened in Turkey as 20.7 million hectares [1]. Nearly half
of this land is degraded forest areas that require reforestation,
erosion control, pasture improving practices to be applied.
According to the inventory studies, it was reported that intensive
cultural practices could be applied in 1.5 million hectares for
fast growing species plantation [2]. The total area in the forest
regime and subject to the reforestation is 3.8 million hectare.
On the other hand, it is stated that total areas which is within
and outside the forest regime and needs reforestation nowadays
is approximately 18 million hectares and 11-12 million hectares
of this area application is possible [3].
While the rapid increase in population continues, the decrease
of forest lands will increase the demand for wood in the future
[4]. Other than preserving natural forest, in today’s afforestation
service has various functions such as establishing the natural
balance, soil protection, serving the healthy survival possibilities
and recreation goals gain importance as well as wood production
[5]. It can be found out years later whether afforestation reached
its goal or not, and it’s impossible to meet efforts and nancial
loss. So in order to guarantee the level of success, afforestation
should be based on scientic techniques. [6].
Nurseries are places which are responsible for producing
seedlings constantly and economically whose adaptation ability
to the conditions of growing up in main planting areas and
relatedly seedling survival and development rates are high [7].
There are plenty of international and national studies on
the morphological traits and quality criteria of seedlings of
broadleaved and coniferous forest tree species [8-19].
Generally, the afforestation values of seedlings are measured
with the quality of seedlings [20]. While evaluating the seedling
quality some morphological criteria such as stratum, robust
index, quality index, height, root collar diameter, seedling dry
weight, root percentage and physiological criteria and some
physiological criteria such as root regeneration potential, plant
water capacity, root growth potential are used [21-24], however,
currently the TSI (Turkish Standards Institute) norms are used
in forest nursery practice in Turkey.
Demircioğlu et al.[25] have determined the appropriateness
of bare rooted Scots pine seedlings at the age of 2+0 grown in
Kastamonu-Taşköprü Forest Nursery to both TSI standards and
the quality classes they have newly established by using their
morphological character.
Genç et al. [26] have examined the quality features such
as seedlings height, root collar diameter and shoot/root ratio of
Black pine seedlings from 9 different origins at the age of 2+0
grown in Eskişehir, Eğirdir and Seydişehir Forest Nurseries.
In a study carried out in Kastamonu-Taşköprü Forest
Nursery the morphological differences and TSI appropriateness
of Black pine seedlings at the age of 2+0 produced from four
different origins have been examined according to origin [27].
Üçler et al. [28] have determined the distribution of 2+0
year-old seedling grown in Eğirdir Forest Nursery to seedling
quality classes by evaluating them according to TSI norms
according to the seeds collected from 24 good phenotyped and
normal families of Black and Calabrian pine natural stands in
Burdur-Ağlasun region.
Gezer et al. [29] have examined the distribution of the
seedlings which were originated from the seeds supplied from
The Comparisons Between Root Collar Diameter and Height Growth of Black
Pine (Pinus nigra Arnold.) and Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Seedlings in
Bolu Forest Nursery
Nuri ÖNER1,* Figen EREN2
1 Department of Forest Engineering, Faculty of Forestry, Ankara University, Bademlik mevkii, 18200, Cankiri, TURKEY
2 Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Ankara University, Bademlik mevkii, 18200, Cankiri, TURKEY
* Corresponding Author Received: May 24, 2007
e-mail: Accepted: July 11, 2007
In this study, root collar diameter and height growth of bare rooted and containerized Black pine seedlings at 1+0 and 2+0
ages were statistically compared to Scots pine seedlings in Bolu forest nursery. Root collar diameters and height growths of 240
seedlings were measured. The obtained data were compared via “Student’s t test”. Results show that containerized seedlings
of both Black pine and Scots pine had a better root collar diameter and height growth than the bare rooted seedlings. Black pine
seedlings had a better growth of both collar diameter and height growth than Scots pine for both containerized and bare rooted
seedlings. Thus, containerized seedlings could be used for plantation. Black pine could be preferred rather than Scots pine in areas
which have similar climatic and edaphic conditions of the sample area.
Key words: Black Pine, Scots pine, Bolu, Forest Nursery
Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 2 (1): 07-12, 2008
ISSN: 1307-1130,
N. Öner and F. Eren / JABS, 2 (1): 07-12, 2008
3 foreign, 27 native seed sources within the natural expansion
borders of Scots pine, according to TSI seedling quality criteria.
11.2 Million hectares of the existing forest lands in Turkey
consist of coniferous species. The land that Scots pine forests cover
is 757.426 hectares [30]. Its horizontal distribution in Turkey begins
from the southeastern part of Marmara Region at Orhaneli thru
the southern side of the mountains standing parallel to Black Sea
as pure or mixed stands with Oriental Spruce (Picea orientalis L.
Carr.) and r (Abies sp.); constitutes mostly pure, large forests pure
in Bolu or mixed with oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky.)
and Bornmüller’s r (Abies bornmülleriana Mattf.); and large,
pure forests stands in Northeast Anatolia; Ardahan, Oltu, Posof
and Sarıkamış. The vertical distribution of this wide distribution
is quite variable. It is down to sea share in the eastern Black Sea
Region, around 700 m in Çoruh, and it constitutes normal canopy
forests around Sarıkamış even at 2700 m.
Black pine has got its widest distribution (2.5 million
hectares) in Turkey. It constitutes pure or mixed forests in the
mountainous parts of all our coastal regions, even goes into
steppe. It constitutes forest stands which are pure or mixed with
Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.), Scots pine, Lebanon cedar
(Cedrus libani A.Rich.), juniper (Juniperus sp.), oriental beech
and oak (Quercus sp.) species on the inward slopes of North
Anatolian mountains, on the northern slopes of the Western
and southern Anatolia. It surrounds the costal areas of Middle
and Western Black Sea, Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean
Regions and goes into Central Anatolian steppe. Thus, it may
grow naturally in all our geographical regions except Eastern
and Southeastern Anatolia. Its vertical distribution is between
1200-2100 m. This is due to the fact that it can grow in places
where Scots pine cannot [31-33].
This study has been carried out to compare the root collar
diameter and height growth of containerized and bare rooted
seedlings of Black pine and Scots pine seedlings in Bolu Forest
The study area
The Nursery Directorate is on Bolu-Karacasu asphalt
between Büyükberk and Küçükberk villages dependent on Bolu
center; between 40o 44northern latitudes and 31o 36 eastern
longitudes in Western Black Sea Region. The nursery is 2,5 km
far from the city center. The elevation of the region is 725 m
and its general aspect is in East-West course [34].
According to the data received from Bolu meteorology
station which is at 747 m altitude, the average annual temperature
is 10,2 ºC, the minimum temperature is -4,2 ºC (January), the
maximum average temperature 27,5 ºC (August) and average
annual precipitation is 536,4 mm. Vegetation period at area is
between May (13,8 ºC)-October (11,5 ºC) and totally 6 months.
The precipitation amount during the vegetation period is 225,7
mm; the fastest wind direction is SW with a speed of 1,8m/sn
is in March [35]. When the meteorological data is evaluated
according to Thornthwaite method, it has been determined that
the area has a climate that is indicated with C1B1’wb3’ symbols
which means a location “shows close features to oceanic
climate that is dry-little dampy mezothermal and has a medium
level water shortage in winter” (Table 1, Figure 1).
The land on which the nursery was established is plain and is
young alluvial soil with azonal character which has not formed
an exact prole. Nursery’s soil consists of a heavy texture such
as soil rich in clay, muddy clay, sandy muddy clay, dry and with
pale brown dark color.
The reaction of soil (pH) is about 7.5 and it is semi-alkali.
Lime rate in the soil is between 9,4–13,5 and it’s rich in lime. Its
organic substance rate is about 1.5%. Total nitrogen level (%)
is low due to the organic substances. Phosphorus levels change
between 101–424 kg/ha and all plots are rich in phosphorus.
There is no detrimental salt problem in the soil [34].
Table 1. Water balance of study area
Element of
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
(°C) 0,3 1,6 4,4 9,4 13,8 17,0 19,4 19,5 15,8 11,5 6,9 2,7 10,2
Index 0,01 2,18 0,82 2,60 4,65 6,38 7,79 7,85 5,71 3,53 1,63 0,39 41,54
Uncorrected PE
(mm) 1,28 5,66 18,60 40,70 60,20 82,50 92,70 92,90 73,75 41,42 28,46 10,70
Corrected PE
(mm) 1,08 4,70 19,16 44,48 74,65 103,13 117,73 109,62 76,70 39,76 23,62 8,66 623,29
(mm) 58,2 47,8 47,2 48,9 58,5 52,2 27,3 21,5 29,0 37,2 47,7 60,9 536,4
Store Alteration
(mm) 23,68 0 0 0 -16,15 -50,93 32,92 0 0 0 24,08 52,24
To store (mm) 100 100 0 100 83,85 32,92 0 0 0 0 24,08 76,32
Actual Ev-Tr
(mm) 1,08 4,70 19,16 44,48 74,65 103,13 60,20 21,5 29,00 37,20 23,62 8,66 427,38
Water absent
(mm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 57,53 88,12 47,70 2,56 0 0 195,91
Extra Water
(mm) 33,46 43,10 28,04 4,42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109,02
Surface ow
(mm) 19,73 29,92 28,98 16,69 8,35 4,17 2,08 1,04 0,52 0,26 0,13 0,66 109,02
N. Öner and F. Eren / JABS, 2 (1): 07-12, 2008 9
Data collection and analyses
In the Bolu Nursery, randomly 30 bare rooted and
containerized Black and Scots pine seedlings (a total of 240
seedlings) at the age of 1+0 and 2+0 have been taken.
The measurement of seedling height from root collar level
to the level where the terminal bud connects to the bole at 1 mm
sensitivity, and root collar diameters were measured at 0.01 mm
sensitivity. Descriptive statistics for the obtained height and root
collar diameter data have been calculated and Student’s t-test
was applied for the evaluation of height and root collar diameter
data of Black and Scots pine seedlings at various ages.
Results of the statistical tests for evaluation of root collar
diameter and height growth of both Scots and Black pine were
given in Table 2-4.
Table 2 shows that there were not any signicant difference
between height growths of both Black and Scots pine at 2+0
age (p>0.05), and Black pine seedlings have a better growth
of root collar diameter and height growth than Scots pine at
1+0 age, where as the Black pine seedlings have only a better
growth of root collar growth than Scots pine seedlings at 2+0
age (p<0.05).
According to Table 3; there was a signicant difference of
both root collar diameter and height growth between Black and
Scots pine seedlings at both 1+0 and 2+0 ages in favor of Black
pine (P<0,05).
Table 4 shows that there was a signicant difference of both
root collar diameter and height growth between Black and Scots
pine seedlings at both 1+0 and 2+0 ages (P<0,05).
It’s reported that over the last two decades in England most
of the nurseries have been established on sandy or muddy sandy
soil of which clay rate is at most 15% [36]. At the same time,
the soil of the seedlings which does not contain clay, can create
a great growth environment after addition of compost and other
organic manures. The soil of this type of nurseries generally has
acidic reaction that do not cause any problem about grass and
successful and fertile seedlings can be grown on them [5]. Bolu
Forest Nursery is rich in clay, so it’s problematic about grass
and that is why intense care measures are applied. Although
it is an ideal situation for nurseries that the soil is quite light
texture soil, soils of the study area consist of heavy soils. For
nursery soil that will produce coniferous seedlings, it is ideal
for dust and clay content to be between 10–25% and in muddy
sand and sandy mud texture; for deciduous species it is ideal
that this amount is up to 35% and in sandy mud with clay [37].
These values considered it can be said that the soil of the nursery
concerned has appropriate conditions for the deciduous species
than coniferous species.
Generally, the suitable soil reaction is 5.0–5.5 pH in
production of coniferous seedlings which show the intense acid
rate [38]. In Bolu Forest Nursery, soil reaction is medium alkali
and about 7.5 pH. That is why the nursery in questions has
unsuitable pH value for the production of coniferous species
seedlings. The suitable pH levels for Black pine and Scots pine
are between 4.5–6.0 [39].
In fertile seedling growth, it is desired that the organic
substance amount of the nursery soil should be at least 2% on
the upper soil particularly in 0–15 cm depth [5]. The organic
substance rate in the research area is 1.5% and it is below the
desired rate.
Figure 1. Water balance graphic of study area
Table 2. Student’s t-test results of species compare at bare rooted seedlings
Age Species N df Xmin Xmax X S2t P
Root Collar
Diameter (mm)
1+0 Black pine 30
58 3,20 4,10 3,86 0,049 2,001 0,000*
1+0 Scots pine 30 2,76 3,22 2,97 0,019
2+0 Black pine 30
58 4,10 5,85 4,90 0,252 2,001 0,000*
2+0 Scots pine 30 2,95 4,90 4,04 0,233
Height (cm)
1+0 Black pine 30 48 8,20 9,90 9,19 0,247 2,016 0,002*
1+0 Scots pine 30 8,10 9,30 8,85 0,091
2+0 Black pine 30 58 9,80 13,20 11,75 1,125 2,001 0,936ns
2+0 Scots pine 30 9,20 13,90 11,73 1,410
* (P<0.05, 5% signicant to condence level) ns(P>0.05, 5% insignicant to condence level)
N. Öner and F. Eren / JABS, 2 (1): 07-12, 2008
In the study area, it is thought that texture, pH and organic
substance rates mentioned above have been effective in better
development in root collar diameter and height growth of both
containerized and bare rooted Black and Scots pine seedlings at
the same age groups in favor of Black pine.
In the afforestation studies carried out in some of the
provinces and villages of Bolu, Black pine and Scots pine
seedlings are being used and seedlings are supplied from Bolu
Forest Nursery.
As a result of this study, it has been found that Black pine
seedling in seedbed and container showed a better root collar
diameter and height growth than Scots pine seedlings, and both
containerized Black and Scots pine seedlings showed better
growth than bare rooted seedlings of Black and Scots pine.
In the nursery; it is thought that any kind of work to improve
the physical features of the soil with heavy content, addition
of a sufcient amount of stream sand with no salt, organic
substance and peat to the plots, application of chemical manure
to the plots of land which have insufcient nitrogen and are
rich in phosphorus during the vegetations period, application
of phosphoric acid and nitric acid to the pool in order to reduce
the pH of settled water will increase the quality of seedlings
especially the ones with bare rooted.
Higher pH rates make the intake of nitrogen and phosphorus
which play a positive role in the growth of seedlings hard and in
this sense, weakens their endurance to drought [39]. As the pH
of Bolu Forest Nursery is not suitable for coniferous seedling
growth, and it should not be ignored that bringing pH to suitable
conditions for these species will increase the quality and use of
the seedlings grown.
Table 3. Student’s t-test results of species compared at containerized seedlings
Age Species N df Xmin Xmax X S2t P
Root Collar
1+0 Black pine 30 55 3,20 4,90 4,21 0,133 2,004 0,000*
1+0 Scots pine 30 3,00 4,20 3,78 0,220
2+0 Black pine 30 58 5,00 6,80 5,85 0,297 2,001 0,000*
2+0 Scots pine 30 4,20 5,90 5,19 0,220
Height (cm)
1+0 Black pine 30 58 9,20 11,0 10,15 0,294 2,001 0,000*
1+0 Scots pine 30 8,20 8,60 9,39 0,408
2+0 Black pine 30 36 14,0 20,0 16,51 2,492 2,028 0,000*
2+0 Scots pine 30 12,0 14,0 11,73 0,299
* (P<0.05, 5% signicant to condence level)
Table 4. Student’s t-test results of compared bare rooted and containerized seedlings to species
Type of
seedling N df Xmin Xmax X S2t P
Root Collar
Black pine
Bare rooted 30 48 3,20 4,10 3,86 0,049 2,010 0,000*
1+0 Containerized 30 3,20 4,90 4,21 0,133
2+0 Bare rooted 30 58 4,10 5,85 4,90 0,253 2,001 0,000*
2+0 Containerized 30 5,00 6,80 5,84 0,298
Height (cm)
1+0 Bare rooted 30 58 8,20 9,90 9,19 0,247 2,001 0,000*
1+0 Containerized 30 9,20 11,40 10,15 0,294
2+0 Bare rooted 30 36 9,80 13,20 11,73 1,125 2,028 0,000*
2+0 Containerized 30 14,00 20,20 16,51 2,492
Root Collar
Scots pine
Bare rooted 30 34 2,76 3,22 2,97 0,019 2,032 0,000*
1+0 Containerized 30 3,00 4,70 3,79 0,200
2+0 Bare rooted 30 58 2,95 4,90 4,04 0,233 2,001 0,000*
2+0 Containerized 30 4,20 5,90 5,19 0,220
Height (cm)
1+0 Bare rooted 30 41 8,10 9,30 8,85 0,090 2,019 0,000*
1+0 Containerized 30 8,20 10,60 9,39 0,408
1+0 Bare rooted 30 41 9,20 13,90 11,73 1,410 2,019 0,000*
2+0 Containerized 30 12,60 14,30 13,52 0,298
* (P<0.05, 5% signicant to condence level)
N. Öner and F. Eren / JABS, 2 (1): 07-12, 2008 11
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... These unproductive areas have been evaluated as potential areas for rehabilitation practices to diminish the wood supply deficit in Turkey. Of course, big amount and high quality of reproductive material is necessary to keep present scots pine forest stock even to continue with increasing trend by rehabilitating the degraded areas [3]. Presently, Turkey has 21 Scots pine seed orchards on 109 ha [4], only 9.2% of annual seed demand for plantations is covered from the orchards at the beginning of the millenium [5]. ...
... Moreover, apophysis traits as ApL, ApW, ApT showed bigger variation among the grafts than among the clones. CoV varied among clones from 6.57 to 18.83 cm 3 Table 1). The coefficients of variation among grafts (CV) were mostly bigger than among clones, indicates high variation within the population (Table 1). ...
... The size and the dynamics of tree growth are specie, genotype and age specific. In previous studies, growth rate differences have been reported between the two pine species, which are usually in favor of the black pine (on carbonate soils [95], on rendzinic leptosols [96], on deep soils on limestone [97], on the sunny slopes and on superficial soils in steppe [10], and in the tree nursery [98]), sometimes in favor of the Scots pine (on degraded land in the dry areas [99]). In the natural tree stands vulnerable to fires from the Dinaric Alps [100], as well on the well sunny slopes or on superficial soils in the Carpathians [51], the differences of growth between the two pin species are insignificant. ...
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More than a third of Romania’s surface has low-productive soils, at the same time exposed to risks of climatic phenomena and generating high economic loss. Afforestation with pine has been the most common solution for the recovery of sheet erosion. Many of the pines grown on such land have run down. This paper presents the results of the first dendroecological investigation of degraded lands in Romania, 80 years after the first ecological reconstruction. In this way, the effects of reconstruction were assessed, supporting the adoption of future solutions for the improvement and efficiency of recovered ecosystems. Reconstructed radial growth was set against rainfall, air temperature, and management history. A total of 330 black pine and Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L. and Pinus nigra Arn.) of different ages and social positions from 11 stands of different densities were cored for retrospective tree-ring analysis. Scots pine has made better use of these sites, with a better growth rate than black pine especially in plantations with lower survival and on dominant trees. The dynamics of radial growth distinguish the two pine species, with Scots pine showing an accentuated juvenile growth spurt and bigger growth range. The growth decline is predominantly a maturation effect that begins when the tree is around 40 years old and seems to be irreversible. After this age, weak or moderated removal is not enough to revive growth. The contribution of climate (air temperature and rainfall) to the last radial increments in decline is 3–57% and is higher than in the previous decades. On moderately degraded land by farming and grazing, the mixture of Scots pine and black pine, rather than monocultures, proved to be a sustainable solution. Dendrochronological surveying of restored ecosystems allows development of management strategies, which becomes critically important in the circumstances of climate warming.
... The similar results was reported by Jinks and Mason (1988). Oner and Eren (2008) reported a higher value of both (H and D), from containerized, compared to bareroot seedlings. On the other hand, Kolevska & Trajkov (2012) reported higher value of D from bareroot seedlings, but no information on growing density. ...
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The influence of seed provenances and seedling production methods on quality of one and two years old seedlings of Austrian pine were investigated. Seeds from three provenances of Austrian pine (Goc, Studenica and Sargan) were used for seedlings production, combined with three production methods: (i) the modified seedbeds (bare-root), (ii) the container type Plantagrah II and (iii) the container type Gocko. Provenance, as well as the combined influence of provenance and production method had minimal influence on the variability of one and two years old Austrian pine seedlings. Nevertheless, the production method had the highest influence. The production system, besides its importance in nursery, will have a high influence on seedlings growth during the first year after planting. Considering the results of this study (e.g. the highest values of the diameter, number of lateral roots, shoot and root dry weight, and quality index and the lowest value of SQ and satisfactory value of S:R), we can conclude that the seedlings produced in container type Gocko led to the highest seedlings quality, recommended especially for afforestation on hard sites.
... The good quality of the fir found in this study indicates the possibility of growing better seedlings using the container method in comparison with conventional production. This is confirmed by research conducted by Öner and Eren (2007), which showed better parameters of nursery-grown P. sylvestris and P. nigra using containarised compared to bare root plants. A similar relationship was observed by Thiffault et al. (2003) for container-grown spruce. ...
The effectiveness of different peat-based substrates was compared for the propagation of two mountain tree species (silver fir and European beech). The experiment was set up in the spring of 2006, and seedlings were grown in polystyrene multipots for 2 years. Four types of substrate were applied: (1) a newly prepared 1:1 peat-sawdust mixture; (2) a peat-sawdust mixture which had already been used for five production periods; (3) a peat substrate produced in the ‘Nędza’ container nursery (Rudy Raciborskie Forest District), consisting of peat and perlite; (4) a peat substrate, as described for (3), with added mycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme. After sowing, polystyrene multi-pots were placed in a transparent tent. During the autumns of 2006 and 2007, for both species and each substrate type, 25 seedlings were randomly selected for measurement of their above-ground height, root length, root collar diameter, above- and below-ground fresh weight. Growth of one-year old and two-year-old seedlings of both species differed depending on their substrate. The application of a mycorrhizal inoculum positively affected seedling establishment, since the best height growth and largest seedlings of both species were grown on substrate (4). The growth of one-year-old fir seedlings in the ‘old’ peat and sawdust mixture (2) was similar to those seedlings grown on the turf substrate (3). Root:shoot allocation differed among the substrates. In fir, root:shoot allocation was approximately equivalent at 1:0.9, whereas for beech it was 1:2 in one-year old seedlings and 1:1.5 in two-year old seedlings.
... The similar results was reported by Jinks and Mason (1988). Oner and Eren (2008) reported a higher value of both (H and D), from containerized, compared to bareroot seedlings. On the other hand, Kolevska & Trajkov (2012) reported higher value of D from bareroot seedlings, but no information on growing density. ...
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Ivetić V., Škorić M., 2013. The impact of seeds provenance and nursery production method on Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) seedlings quality. Ann. For. Res. 56(2): 297-305, 2013. Abstract. The influence of seed provenances and seedling production meth-ods on quality of one and two years old seedlings of Austrian pine were investigated. Seeds from three provenances of Austrian pine (Goč, Stu-denica and Šargan) were used for seedlings production, combined with three production methods: (i) the modified seedbeds (bare-root), (ii) the container type Plantagrah II and (iii) the container type Gočko. Provenance, as well as the combined influence of provenance and production method had minimal influence on the variability of one and two years old Austrian pine seedlings. Nevertheless, the production method had the highest influ-ence. The production system, besides its importance in nursery, will have a high influence on seedlings growth during the first year after planting. Considering the results of this study (e.g. the highest values of the diam-eter, number of lateral roots, shoot and root dry weight, and quality index and the lowest value of SQ and satisfactory value of S:R), we can con-clude that the seedlings produced in container type Gočko led to the highest seedlings quality, recommended especially for afforestation on hard sites.
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A multi-directional relationship may be conceivable between elements and melatonin in sessile organisms. Melatonin is an important hormone that helps regulate metabolism. This study investigated how different doses (0 μM/control, 250 μM, 500 μM, 1000 μM, and 1500 μM) of exogenous melatonin supplementations (EMS) affected the elemental contents in Anatolian black pine (Pinus nigra Arnold. ssp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe) seedling tissues (root, stem, and needle). Two different application forms (root-dipping and needle-spraying) were selected in the study. In the samples of seedling tissues, sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), aluminum (Al), magnesium (Mg)/ppm; chrome (Cr), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), phosphorus (P), selenium (Se), silicium (Si), silver (Ag), sulfur (S), zinc (Zn), and molybdenum (Mo)/ppb were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Of the 18 elements examined, there was a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between all seedling tissues and different doses of EMS. The results show that EMS may have the regulatory effect on seedling tissue element metabolism.
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This review provides information and opinions about irrigation practices in pine nurseries. Even when nurseries receive more than 15 mm of rainfall week-1, managers irrigate seedbeds to increase germination, increase seed efficiency, and increase root growth. In the southern United States, a 7-month old pine seedling in an outdoor nursery typically receives 2 to 6 kg of water supplied from either sprinklers (39 nurseries) or center-pivot irrigation (12 nurseries). Most nursery managers do not intentionally subject the crop to moisture stress, since most reforestation sites receive adequate rainfall, and many studies show that reducing root mass does not increase seedling performance. In fact, nursery profits can be reduced by more than $13,000 ha-1 when deficit irrigation reduces average seedling diameter by 1 mm. Although some researchers believe that failure to properly drought stress pine seedlings might increase outplanting mortality by up to 75%, research over the past 40 years does not support that myth. When pine seedlings average 5 mm (at the root-collar), water stress is not a reliable method of increasing tolerance to an October freeze event. In several greenhouse trials, researchers grew and tested seedlings that nursery managers would classify as culls (i.e., dry root mass < 0.5 g). Unfortunately, it is common for researchers to make irrigation recommendations without first developing a water-production function curve.
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