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A Mid-Cretaceous Ectoparasitic Fungus, Spheciophila adercia gen et sp. nov., Attached to a Wasp in Myanmar Amber


Abstract and Figures

A mid-Cretaceous ectoparasitic fungus in Myanmar amber is described as Spheciophila adercia gen. et sp. nov. in the new Family Spheciophilaceae fam. nov. While the specimen shares an ectoparasitic habit with representatives of the Laboulbeniales, morphological and behavioral features are not consistent with members of that group. The fossil is attached to the abdominal tergite of a primitive wasp. Its presence establishes a unique lineage of ectoparasitic insect fungi in the mid-Cretaceous. The present paper describes this interesting fossil, which adds to the diversity of ectoparasitic fungi and their insect hosts some 100 mya.
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Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000145
Fungal Genom Biol, an open access journal
ISSN: 2165-8056
Research Article
Fungal Genomics & Biology
ISSN: 2165-8056
Poinar Jr, Fungal Genom Biol 2016, 6:2
DOI: 10.4172/2165-8056.1000145
OMICS International
*Corresponding author: George Poinar Jr., Department of Integrative Biology,
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 97331 USA, Tel: 5417607319; Fax:
5417571639; E-mail:
Received October 24, 2016; Accepted November 21, 2016; Published November
29, 2016
Citation: Poinar Jr G (2016) A Mid-Cretaceous Ectoparasitic Fungus, Spheciophila
adercia gen et sp. nov., Attached to a Wasp in Myanmar Amber. Fungal Genom Biol
6: 145. doi:10.4172/2165-8056.1000145
Copyright: © 2016 Poinar Jr G. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and
source are credited.
A Mid-Cretaceous Ectoparasitic Fungus,
Spheciophila adercia
gen et sp.
nov., Attached to a Wasp in Myanmar Amber
George Poinar Jr.*
Department of Integrative Biology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 97331 USA
A mid-Cretaceous ectoparasitic fungus in Myanmar amber is described as Spheciophila adercia gen. et sp. nov. in
the new Family Spheciophilaceae fam. nov. While the specimen shares an ectoparasitic habit with representatives of
the Laboulbeniales, morphological and behavioral features are not consistent with members of that group. The fossil
is attached to the abdominal tergite of a primitive wasp. Its presence establishes a unique lineage of ectoparasitic
insect fungi in the mid-Cretaceous. The present paper describes this interesting fossil, which adds to the diversity of
ectoparasitic fungi and their insect hosts some 100 mya.
Keywords: Ectoparasitic fungus; Myanmar amber; Spheciophila
adercia gen et sp. nov
e fossil record of entomogenous fungi is not extensive, with most
cases representing ectoparasitic forms found on the body surface of
insects in Tertiary amber [1-3]. Today, while several groups of fungi
parasitize the integument of arthropods [4,5], the most common
and only group that forms thalli on the surface of arthropods is the
Laboulbeniales [6,7]. is Order consists of small, microscopic obligate
ectoparasites that normally occur on the integument of their hosts.
e Laboulbeniales produce thalli directly from ascospores that stick
to the integument of the host. In contrast to most fungi, mycelium is
not produced. e thalli, which contain a three-celled receptacle with a
single point of attachment to the host, can occur on many dierent sites
on the body of the host. Spermatia produced in antheridial appendages
fertilize perithecia, with the latter forming the major portion of the
thallus. Nourishment is obtained through the foot (haustorium) of
the fungus that is embedded in the host’s cuticle. In some cases, as in
members of the genus Hesperomyces, the haustoria extend through the
body wall and obtain nutrients from the haemocoel [8].
is cosmopolitan group of fungi parasitizes invertebrates in soil,
water and decomposing plant and animal matter, although the majority
of hosts are beetles (Coleoptera) [6-13]. While the present fossil has some
characteristics of members of the Laboulbeniales, other morphological
and behavioral features are not consistent with those of this group, which
is why it is described as a new genus and species in an extinct family. is
interesting and unusual fossil adds to the biodiversity of ectoparasitic
fungi and their hosts that existed some 100 mya.
Materials and Methods
e specimen originated from the Noije Bum 2001 Summit Site
mine excavated in the Hukawng Valley in 2001 and located southwest
of Maingkhwan in Kachin State (26º20´N, 96º36´E) in Myanmar. Based
on paleontological evidence this site was dated to the late Albian of the
Early Cretaceous [14], placing the age at 97 to 110 mya. A more recent
study using U-Pb zircon dating determined the age to be 98.79 ± 0.62
Ma or at the Albian/Cenomanian boundary [15]. Nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) spectra and the presence of araucaroid wood bers
in amber samples from the Noije Bum, 2001 Summit Site indicates an
araucarian tree source for the amber [16].
Observations and photographs were made with a Nikon SMZ-10 R
stereoscopic microscope and Nikon Optiphot compound microscope
with magnications up to 800 X. Terminology follows that used by
Benjamin [6] and Tavares [7] for Laboulbeniales.
Detailed observations on the cellular structure of the perithecia
and antheridia were hindered by the thickness of the amber and a
viscous deposit surrounding the thallus (Figure 1). Also, since the
host’s integument is black, it was not possible to view the specimen in
transmitted light.
Kingdom: Fungi
Division: Ascomycota
Class: “Incertae Sedis”
Order: “Incertae Sedis”
Spheciophilaceae fam. nov. (MycoBank # = 819144)
Type genus: Spheciophila Poinar gen. Nov.
Diagnosis: As for type species (monotypic)
Genus Spheciophila Poinar, gen. nov. (MycoBank # = 819145)
Type species: Spheciophila adercia Poinar gen. et sp. nov.
Spheciophila adercia Poinar gen. et sp. nov. (MycoBank # = 819146)
(Figures 1-4)
allus growing prostrate on host, opaque with thick cell walls, 1.05
mm in total length; consisting of a single stalk of ve erect cells with
Citation: Poinar Jr G (2016) A Mid-Cretaceous Ectoparasitic Fungus, Spheciophila adercia gen et sp. nov., Attached to a Wasp in Myanmar Amber.
Fungal Genom Biol 6: 145. doi:10.4172/2165-8056.1000145
Page 2 of 4
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000145
Fungal Genom Biol
ISSN: 2165-8056 FGB, an open access journal
a terminal portion bent at an angle of 90 degrees bearing antheridia
and perithecia. Basal cell (I) short, suprabasal cell (II) slightly longer
and curved, cell III long, robust and triangular-shaped, cells IV and
V straight and subequal in length (Figure 2). Filamentous setaceous
conidial and sterile appendages occur sporadically on the surfaces of
the stalk cells. e terminal bent portion anterior to cell V contains
some 22 short compact cells bearing perithecia, antheridia and
sterile appendages. e perithecia are ask-shaped with terminal or
subterminal appendages that resemble trichogynes. Just prior to and
below the bent terminal portion of the primary stalk is a tued branch
that is attached at its base to the primary stalk. e tued branch bears
numerous antheridial receptacle cells with developing endogenous
spermatia. Measurements: Cell I: length, 70 µm; greatest width, 53 µm;
Cell II: length, 140 µm; greatest width, 55 µm; Cell III: length, 245 µm;
greatest width, 160 µm; length primary stalk, 580 µm; width primary
stalk 55 µm; length tued branch, 230 µm; width tued branch, 70
µm; length developing perithecia, 62 µm-64 µm; length extended tip
of perithecia, 12 µm-14 µm long; maturing antheridial receptacle cells
from 26 µm-45 µm in length.
e multi-celled receptacle with a single point of attachment to the
host, spermatia produced in antheridial appendages and the presence
of perithecia are features of Spheciophila adercia gen et sp. nov. that also
occur in members of the Laboulbeniales [6,7]. However, the large size
of the thallus (in most species of Laboulbeniales, the thallus is under 1
Figure 1: Thallus of Spheciophila adercia gen. et sp. nov. (large arrow) attached
to the abdominal segment of its hymenopteran host in Myanmar amber.
Small arrow shows viscous droplet partly surrounding thallus. Bar=72 µm
Figure 3: Drawing of the thallus of Spheciophila adercia gen. et sp. nov. in
Myanmar amber with additional features and inserts of photos from different
regions of the fossil.
A=Vertical conidial branch; F=Flattened area on terminal receptacle cell where
a secondary stalk may have broken off; P=Region of perithecia on bent portion
of primary stalk. Arrowheads show two perithecia. S=Primary stalk that
bends approximately 90˚ degrees inwards and contains some 22 short
compact cells bearing perithecia, antheridia and sterile appendages. T=Bent
portion of stalk and antheridial-bearing tufted branch that is attached at its base
to the primary stalk. Bar=130 µm
Figure 2: Thallus of Spheciophila adercia gen. et sp. nov. in Myanmar amber
with surrounding material (including extended appendages) removed.
I=Basal cell; II=Suprabasal cell; III=Terminal cell; IV and V=Additional stalk cells
Bar=90 µm
Citation: Poinar Jr G (2016) A Mid-Cretaceous Ectoparasitic Fungus, Spheciophila adercia gen et sp. nov., Attached to a Wasp in Myanmar Amber.
Fungal Genom Biol 6: 145. doi:10.4172/2165-8056.1000145
Page 3 of 4
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000145
Fungal Genom Biol
ISSN: 2165-8056 FGB, an open access journal
mm in length), the long multicellular stalk bearing numerous perithecia
and antheridia (Figure 3), the presence of a separate large tued branch
containing antheridial receptacle cells with developing endogenous
spermatia, and possessing ve stalk cells in a simple linear series
distinguishes the fossil from present day lineages of Laboulbeniales. Also,
the extended tued branch containing antheridial receptacle cells (Figure
4) is not found among the Laboulbeniales and while perithecia in the
Laboulbeniales are normally produced by cell II of the receptacle [6-13], in
Spheciophila adercia gen. et sp. nov., perithecia occur on the bent portion
of the extended stalk that arises from the top of stalk cell (Figure 3).
Holotype female No. B-Hy-19 deposited in the Poinar amber
collection maintained at Oregon State University.
e family and generic names are derived from the Greek
“sphecion”=small wasp and the Greek “philios”=loving. e specic
epithet is from the Greek “adercia”=unexpected.
Type locality
Myanmar (Burma), state of Kachin, Noije bum 2001 Summit Site
amber mine in the Hukawng Valley, SW of Maingkhwan (26º20´N,
Type host
Wingless adult female ceraphronoid wasp (Hymenoptera:
Ceraphronoidea) [17] (Figure 1).
Nourishment of Spheciophila adercia gen et sp. nov. was probably
obtained through the basal foot of the thallus that penetrated the cuticle
to reach the hemolymph. e thallus appears to be very well secured
and its prostrate position probably protected it from abrasion, although
the attened area on the terminal receptacle cell (Figure 3F) may be
where a secondary stalk was broken o. e recumbent orientation of
Spheciophila adercia gen et sp. nov. on its host is another character that
separates it from the Laboulbeniales, which are normally vertically or
sub-vertically positioned on their host [6,7].
Also separating it from the Laboulbeniales is the wasp host since
the only known hymenopteran hosts of Laboulbeniales are ants
(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) [7] and in general, Hymenoptera are very
infrequently parasitized by fungi [4,5]. It is obvious that Spheciophila
adercia gen et sp. nov. is a very unique fungus that may represent a stem
group of the Laboulbeniales since there are no other extant thallus-
bearing ectoparasitic fungi that develop on the integument of insects.
e wasp host, which was described as Aptenoperissus burmanicus, is
also quite bizarre and belongs to an extinct family in the superfamily
Ceraphronoidea [17].
In the past the Laboulbeniales was considered to be an enigmatic
lineage of insect symbionts and mycoparasites and the group was placed
in a number of dierent Orders and even Phyla [1]. In the scheme of
Hibbett et al. [18], the Laboulbeniales is placed in a separate Class
Laboulbeniomycetes, along with the Order Pyxidiophorales. However
Schoch et al. [19] later placed the Laboulbeniomycetes as a sister to
the Sordariomycetes and included the former with Sordariomyces
and Leotiomycetes in a clade (Sordariomyceta) comprising poricidal,
unitunicate taxa. It is not possible to determine whether Spheciophila
adercia gen. et sp. nov. belongs to one of the above orders, but chances
are good that it represents an early lineage of the Laboulbeniomycetes
since there are no other extant thallus-bearing ectoparasitic fungi that
develop on the integument of insects. Its discovery provides a rare
glimpse of an extinct lineage of ectoparasitic fungi attacking wasps
some 100 mya.
The author thanks the late Richard K. Benjamin (Rancho Santa Ana Botanic
Garden) and the late Isabelle I. Tavares (University of California, Berkeley)
for previous personal discussions on the morphology and systematics of the
Laboulbeniales. Thanks are also extended to Roberta Poinar and two anonymous
reviewers whose comments beneted the paper.
1. Taylor TN, Krings M, Taylor EL (2015) Fossil Fungi. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
2. Poinar G Jr, Poinar R (2005) Fossil evidence of insect pathogens. J Invertebr
Pathol 89: 243-250.
Figure 4: Portion of the tufted branch of Spheciophila adercia gen. et sp.
nov. in Myanmar amber with maturing antheridial receptacle cells developing
endogenous spermatia.
Bar=23 µm. Insert shows detail of four maturing antheridial receptacle cells.
Bar=7 µm
Citation: Poinar Jr G (2016) A Mid-Cretaceous Ectoparasitic Fungus, Spheciophila adercia gen et sp. nov., Attached to a Wasp in Myanmar Amber.
Fungal Genom Biol 6: 145. doi:10.4172/2165-8056.1000145
Page 4 of 4
Volume 6 • Issue 2 • 1000145
Fungal Genom Biol
ISSN: 2165-8056 FGB, an open access journal
3. Rossi W, Kotrba M, Triebel D (2005) A new species of Stigmatomyces from
Baltic amber, the rst fossil record of Laboulbeniomycetes. Mycological
Research 109: 271-274.
4. Bell JV (1974) Mycosis. In: Insect Diseases. Cantwell, GE (edr.), Marcell
Dekker, New York.
5. Poinar Jr GO, Thomas GM (1984) Laboratory guide to insect pathogens and
parasites. Plenum Press, New York.
6. Benjamin RK (1973) Laboulbeniomycetes. In: The Fungi, an advanced Treatise.
Ainsworth GC, Sparrow FK, Sussman AS (eds.), Academic Press, New York.
7. Tavares II (1985) Laboulbeniales (Fungi, Ascomycetes) Mycologica Memoirs.
Braunschweig, Germany.
8. Haelewaters D, van Wielink P, van Zuijlen JW, Verbeken A, De Kesel A (2012)
New records of Laboulbeniales (Fungi, Ascomycota) for the Netherlands.
Entomologische Berichten 72: 175-183.
9. Thaxter R (1895) Contributions towards a Monograph of the Laboulbeniaceae.
Part I. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 12: 187-429.
10. Thaxter R (1908) Contributions towards a Monograph of the
Laboulbeniaceae. Part II. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences 13: 217-469.
11. Thaxter R (1924) Contributions towards a Monograph of the Laboulbeniaceae.
Part III. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 14: 309-426.
12. Thaxter R (1926) Contributions towards a Monograph of the Laboulbeniaceae.
Part IV. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 15: 427-580.
13. Thaxter R (1931) Contributions towards a Monograph of the Laboulbeniaceae.
Part V. Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 16: 1-435.
14. Cruickshank D, Ko K (2003) Geology of an amber locality in the Hukawng
Valley, northern Myanmar. J. Asian Earth Sci 21: 441-455.
15. Shi G, Grimaldi DA, Harlow GE, Wang J, Wang J, et al. (2012) Age constraint
on Burmese amber based on U-Pb dating of zircons. Cretaceous Research
37: 155-163.
16. Poinar Jr GO, Lambert GJB, Wu Y (2007) Araucarian source of fossiliferous
Burmese amber: Spectroscopic and anatomical evidence. J Bot Res Inst Texas
1: 449-455.
17. Rasnitsyn AP, Poinar Jr., GO, Brown A (2016) Bizarre wingless parasitic
wasp from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Hymenoptera, Ceraphronoidea,
Aptenoperissidae fam. nov.). Cretaceous Research 69: 113-118.
18. Hibbett DS, Binder M, Bischoff JF, Blackwell M, Cannon PF, et al. (2007) A
higher-level phylogenetic classication of the fungi. Mycological Research 111:
19. Schoch CL, Sung GH, López-Giráldez F, Townsend JP, Miadlikowska J, et al.
(2009) The Ascomycota tree of life: A phylum-wide phylogeny claries the origin
and evolution of fundamental reproductive and ecological traits. Systematic
Biology 58: 224-239.
Citation: Poinar Jr G (2016) A Mid-Cretaceous Ectoparasitic Fungus,
Spheciophila adercia gen et sp. nov., Attached to a Wasp in Myanmar Amber.
Fungal Genom Biol 6: 145. doi:10.4172/2165-8056.1000145
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... The most ancient record of entomopathogenic fungi corresponds to two synnemata assigned to an Ophiocordycipitaceae species described as Paleoophiocordyceps coccophagus, emerging from a scale insect (Hemiptera: Albicoccidae) in Burmese amber from the Lower Cretaceous of Myanmar (Sung et al. 2008). Another Cretaceous ectoparasitic fungus from the same amber deposit was described as Spheciophila adercia, a species allied to the order Laboulbeniales, based on a thallus growing on the abdomen of a wasp (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronoidea) (Poinar 2016). The remaining known fossil parasitic fungi belong to the Cenozoic amber specimens Thomas 1982, 1984;Thomas and GM 1988;Dörfelt and Schmidt 2005;Rossi et al. 2005;Poinar and Vega 2019;Poinar and Maltier 2021;Sukhomlyn et al. 2022). ...
... For example, the fungi described by Sung et al. (2008) from Lower Cretaceous (Albian) Burmese amber corresponds to two synnemata covered with a wall of elongated cylindrical phialides bearing conidia at their tips, and the synnemata are thin, elongate and tubular, therefore not corresponding with the observed in the fossil material. The second Cretaceous record in fact belongs to a very different group, since it is a thallus of a Laboulbeniales fungus, with an antheridial receptacle in the form of tufts (Poinar 2016), completely unrelated to the structures described here. ...
Palaeomycological material has rarely been reported in Mexican localities, especially parasitic fungi. In this paper, we present the first formal report of an interaction between an entomopathogenic fungus and an insect trapped in the Miocene amber from Chiapas, Mexico. The described syninclusion corresponds to two well-developed fungal fruiting bodies and a third one in development, assigned to the order Hypocreales (Ascomycota: Sordariomycetes), emerging from the thorax and abdomen of a termite (Blattodea: Mastotermitidae). This syninclusion represents a remarkable example of biological interactions in ancient tropical environments reflected in the fossil record.
... Shi et al. (2012) used U-Pb zircon dating and determined the age to be 98.79 ± 0.62 Ma or at the Albian/Cenomanian boundary. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra combined with the presence of araucaroid wood fibers in amber specimens from the Noije Bum Summit Site indicate an araucarian tree source for the amber (Poinar et al., 2007). ...
... New, unique fungi from Burmese amber insects may be more common than presumed. In addition to the present fossil, a new ectoparasitic fungus (Spheciophila adercia) in a new family (Spheciophilidae) but unknown order and class, was described from the body of a wingless adult ceraphronid wasp (Hymenoptera: Ceraphronoidea) that itself was placed in an extinct family (Poinar, 2016). ...
Priscadvena corymbosa gen. et sp. nov., is described from thalli and sporangia emerging from the oral cavity of a click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. The fossil contains several features unknown in extant Trichomycetes including a click beetle (Coleoptera: Elateridae) host, spiny, aerial thalli with the entire thallus bearing numerous small uninucleate globular spores and stalks attached to the oral cavity of its host. Based on these features, P. corymbosa gen. et sp. nov. is placed in a new family, Priscadvenaceae fam. nov., and new order, Priscadvenales ord. nov. The new morphological and behavioral features of the fossil add to the diversity of the trichomycetes as currently defined.
... In addition, a fossil member of the Laboulbeniales, which are obligate ectoparasites, has been discovered on the thorax of a fossil stalk-eyed fly (Prosphyracephala succini) in Eocene Baltic amber (Rossi et al. 2005). An enigmatic fossil from Myanmar amber, Spheciophila adercia, also attributed to the Laboulbeniales, consists of a thallus with numerous perithecia and antheridia that is attached to the abdominal tergite of a primitive wasp (Poinar 2016b). This author suggests that S. adercia belongs to an extinct lineage because there are no other extant thallus-forming ectoparasitic fungi. ...
Full-text available
Fungal parasites are important drivers in ecosystem dynamics today that can have far-reaching effects on the performance and community structure of other organisms. Knowledge of the fossil record and evolution of fungal parasitism is therefore a key component of our understanding of the complexity and functioning of ancient ecosystems. However, the fossil record of fungi as parasites remains exceedingly incomplete for several reasons. This chapter provides selected fossil examples of (putative) fungal parasites in association with land plants, algae, other fungi, and animals, and elucidates the inherent problems that often render interpretation of even the most exquisite fungal fossils difficult. Of all the potential levels of fungal interaction, parasitism is perhaps the most difficult to demonstrate in the fossil record. Different lines of evidence obtained from both the host and fungus are required to safely discriminate parasitic fungi from saprotrophs and even mutualists when examined in fossils.
... Only three reports are known: Stigmatomyces succini W. Rossi et al. from a fly in Bitterfeld amber (35 million years old, Myo; Rossi et al., 2005), an undescribed species of Columnomyces from Dominican amber (16 Myo; M. Perreau and D. Haelewaters, unpubl. data), and a report we consider spurious by Poinar (2016) of an amber inclusion from Myanmar (around 100 Myo). The hypothesized evolutionary history of these fungi may be inferred from phylogenetic molecular investigations incorporating a molecular clock approach. ...
The class Laboulbeniomycetes comprises biotrophic parasites associated with arthropods and fungi. Two orders are currently recognized, Pyxidiophorales and Laboulbeniales. Herpomyces is an isolated genus of Laboulbeniales, with species that exclusively parasitize cockroaches (Blattodea). Here, we evaluate 39 taxa of Laboulbeniomycetes with a three-locus phylogeny (nrSSU, ITS, nrLSU) and propose a new order in this class. Herpomycetales accommodates a single genus, Herpomyces, with currently 26 species, one of which is described here based on morphological and molecular data. Herpomyces shelfordellae is found on Shelfordella lateralis cockroaches from Hungary, Poland, and the USA. We also build on the six-locus dataset from the Ascomycota Tree of Life paper (Schoch and colleagues, 2009) to confirm that Laboulbeniomycetes and Sordariomycetes are sister classes, and we apply laboulbeniomyceta as a rankless taxon for the now well-resolved node that describes the most recent common ancestor of both classes.
... Only three reports are known: Stigmatomyces succini W. Rossi et al. from a fly in Bitterfeld amber (35 million years old, Myo; Rossi et al., 2005), an undescribed species of Columnomyces from Dominican amber (16 Myo; M. Perreau and D. Haelewaters, unpubl. data), and a report we consider spurious by Poinar (2016) of an amber inclusion from Myanmar (around 100 Myo). The hypothesized evolutionary history of these fungi may be inferred from phylogenetic molecular investigations incorporating a molecular clock approach. ...
Amber is an exceptional organic mineral found all over the world that occasionally contains fossilised organisms. The physical and chemical characteristics of amber pose a challenge when looking for microfossils, such as microfungi. However, also, macrofungi are rarely found in amber, probably because of their ephemeral nature. Yet, in the course of this review, 137 records of non-lichnenised fungi and 182 of lichens were found, the earliest reaching back to the eighteenth century. The findings range from the Carboniferous (ca. 310 Ma) to the Upper Miocene (ca. 10 Ma). About 10% were macrofungi, the rest microfungi (Ascomycetes, Deuteromycetes) or lichens. Identification poses problems due to the fragmentary remains which, as a rule, are inaccessibly entombed in fossilised resin. Most non-lichenised taxa per Ma were, according to this review, recovered from Neogene deposits, whilst lichens showed a marked diversity surge during the Palaeogene. Overall, the record of fungal fossils in amber seems to mirror the diversity patterns through deep time. Nevertheless, the few records from the Palaeozoic and the Lower to Mid-Mesozoic call for the development of additional tools for detection and identification. .................................................................................................................................................>>>The full text (read only) can be accessed with
A list of all known taxa described or recorded from Burmese amber from the published literature up to the end of 2018 is given, along with a comprehensive bibliography. The history of the study of inclusions is summarised, and demonstrates that the number of species has risen exponentially over the past two decades. The first three species were named in 1916 and by the end of 1920 a total of 42 species had been named by T.D.A. Cockerell. Only three more species were named by 1999 though by the end of 2018 the total had risen to an incredible 1,192 species, of which over half were named in the past three years. Some 320 species were named in 2018, the highest number described from one type of amber in any one year in the entire history of amber studies.
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This taxonomic list is based on Ross et al (2010) plus non-arthropod taxa and published papers up to the end of August 2018. It does not contain unpublished records or records from papers in press (including on-line proofs) or unsubstantiated on-line records. Often the final versions of papers were published on-line the year before they appeared in print, so the on-line published year is accepted and referred to accordingly. Note, the authorship of species does not necessarily correspond to the full authorship of papers where they were described. The latest high level classification is used where possible though in some cases conflicts were encountered, usually due to cladistic studies, so in these cases an older classification was adopted for convenience. The classification for Hexapoda follows Nicholson et al. (2015), plus subsequent papers. † denotes extinct orders and families. New additions or changes to the previous list (v.2018.1) are marked in blue, corrections are marked in red. The list comprises 38 classes (or similar rank), 102 orders (or similar rank), 525 families, 777 genera and 1013 species (excluding Tilin amber and copal records). This includes 8 classes, 65 orders, 480 families, 714 genera and 941 species of arthropods.
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This taxonomic list is based on Ross et al (2010) plus non-arthropod taxa and published papers up to the end of April 2018. It does not contain unpublished records or records from papers in press (including on-line proofs) or unsubstantiated on-line records. Often the final versions of papers were published on-line the year before they appeared in print, so the on-line published year is accepted and referred to accordingly. Note, the authorship of species does not necessarily correspond to the full authorship of papers where they were described. The latest high level classification is used where possible though in some cases conflicts were encountered, usually due to cladistic studies, so in these cases an older classification was adopted for convenience. The classification for Hexapoda follows Nicholson et al. (2015), plus subsequent papers. † denotes extinct orders and families. New additions or taxonomic changes to the previous list (v.2017.4) are marked in blue, corrections are marked in red. The list comprises 37 classes (or similar rank), 99 orders (or similar rank), 510 families, 713 genera and 916 species. This includes 8 classes, 64 orders, 467 families, 656 genera and 849 species of arthropods.
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We present a 6-gene, 420-species maximum-likelihood phylogeny of Ascomycota, the largest phylum of Fungi. This analysis is the most taxonomically complete to date with species sampled from all 15 currently circumscribed classes. A number of superclass-level nodes that have previously evaded resolution and were unnamed in classifications of the Fungi are resolved for the first time. Based on the 6-gene phylogeny we conducted a phylogenetic informativeness analysis of all 6 genes and a series of ancestral character state reconstructions that focused on morphology of sporocarps, ascus dehiscence, and evolution of nutritional modes and ecologies. A gene-by-gene assessment of phylogenetic informativeness yielded higher levels of informativeness for protein genes (RPB1, RPB2, and TEF1) as compared with the ribosomal genes, which have been the standard bearer in fungal systematics. Our reconstruction of sporocarp characters is consistent with 2 origins for multicellular sexual reproductive structures in Ascomycota, once in the common ancestor of Pezizomycotina and once in the common ancestor of Neolectomycetes. This first report of dual origins of ascomycete sporocarps highlights the complicated nature of assessing homology of morphological traits across Fungi. Furthermore, ancestral reconstruction supports an open sporocarp with an exposed hymenium (apothecium) as the primitive morphology for Pezizomycotina with multiple derivations of the partially (perithecia) or completely enclosed (cleistothecia) sporocarps. Ascus dehiscence is most informative at the class level within Pezizomycotina with most superclass nodes reconstructed equivocally. Character-state reconstructions support a terrestrial, saprobic ecology as ancestral. In contrast to previous studies, these analyses support multiple origins of lichenization events with the loss of lichenization as less frequent and limited to terminal, closely related species.
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Recent fossil discoveries show that Burmese amber is one of the most significant amber sites from the Early Cretaceous. We have used both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and anatomical analyses to determine the plant source of amber taken from the Noije Bum 2001 Summit Site in the Hukawng Valley, Myanmar. All spectra were identified as belonging to Group A, which on the basis of a previous analysis of New Zealand amber and copal, is related to members of the Araucariaceae, especially Agathis. Bi- to multiseriate, angular, alternate, contiguous 5-6-sided intertracheal pitting on the fossil wood is typical of araucarioid pitting and only occurs in wood of extinct or extant members of the Araucariaceae. The amber from this mine site is considered to be derived from araucarioid (especialy Agathis) trees in the Araucariaceae.
A strange wingless female parasitic wasp from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber is described as Aptenoperissus burmanicus sp. et gen. nov. in the new family Aptenoperissidae (Hymenoptera, Ceraphronoidea). Diagnostic characters of the female Aptenoperissus burmanicus sp. et gen. nov. include its wingless, streamlined and heavily sclerotized body lacking any apparent trace of a wasp waist, and geniculate antenna composed of a long, thin, stick-like scape, standard pedicel and 22 uniform flagellomeres. Also the body has 9 externally visible segments with no evidence of segment fusion implying the presence of a completely hidden segment. All tibiae have paired spurs and the hind femora are saltatory and incrassate. The double fore-tibial spur combined with unquestionable diagnostic features of Apocrita (primarily an internalized needle-like thin and acute ovipositor) suggest placement within the superfamily Ceraphronoidea s.str. with the Maimetshidae as a sister group of the crown Ceraphronoidea, composed of the Ceraphronidae, Megaspilidae, Stigmaphronidae, and Radiophronidae. The fossil is hypothesized to live semicryptically on the forest floor or tree trunk and to parasitize larval holometabolous insects. Diagnostic features of a respective male are suggested to test the hypothesized position of the new taxon.
Laboulbeniales are obligate ectoparasitic ascomycetes occurring on Arthropoda, mostly insects. Since the 1950s almost no research on Laboulbeniales has been done in The Netherlands. This study presents a preliminary list of Laboulbeniales found on insects collected in De Kaaistoep. Thirteen species of Laboulbeniales were found on fourteen different insect hosts, nine of which are new to The Netherlands. One dipteran host is new to the entomofauna of The Netherlands.
Amber (‘Burmite’) from the Hukawng Valley of Myanmar has been known since at least the 1st century AD. It is currently being produced from a hill known as Noije Bum, which was first documented as a source of amber in 1836.Several geologists visited the locality between 1892 and 1930. All of them believed that the host rocks to the amber are Tertiary (most said Eocene) in age, and this conclusion has been widely quoted in the literature. However, recent work indicates a Cretaceous age. Insect inclusions in amber are considered to be Turonian–Cenomanian, and a specimen of the ammonite Mortoniceras (of Middle-Upper Albian age) was discovered during the authors' visit. Palynomorphs in samples collected by the authors suggest that the amber-bearing horizon is Upper Albian to Lower Cenomanian. The preponderance of the evidence suggests that both rocks and amber are most probably Upper Albian. This determination is significant for the study of insect evolution, indicating that the oldest known definitive ants have been identified in this amber [American Museum Novitates 3361 (2002) 72].This site occurs within the Hukawng Basin, which is comprised of folded sedimentary (±volcanic) rocks of Cretaceous and Cenozoic age. The mine exposes a variety of clastic sedimentary rocks, with thin limestone beds, and abundant carbonaceous material. The sediments were deposited in a nearshore marine environment, such as a bay or estuary.Amber is found in a fine clastic facies, principally as disk shaped clasts, oriented parallel to bedding. A minority occurs as runnels (stalactite shaped), with concentric layering caused by recurring flows of resin.An Upper Albian age is similar to that of Orbitolina limestones known from a number of locations in northern Myanmar. One of these, at Nam Sakhaw, 90 km SW of Noije Bum, has also been a source of amber.