
In-service teacher training in Pakistani schools and total quality management (TQM)

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The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of in-service teacher training on total quality management. Population consisted of all the private sector schools. Stratified random sample of 300 students was drawn from the two types of school i.e. the schools with in-service teacher training and the schools without in-service training. An indigenously designed questionnaire, consisting of forty five questions was used for data collection. To test the hypothesis t-test was used. The study concludes that: the teachers with in-service training have good effect on total quality management as compared to the teachers without training. No significant difference was found for variables such as teachers' biasness, active learning environment and class discipline. Study offers many new dimensions in the quality education in the present day competitive world. It give a new vision to initiate a national vide plan for teacher training which will provide the students required development as well as standard academic achievement.

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... It acts as a link between aspiring and experienced educators to address the new challenges of directing students towards higher order knowledge and skill construction so that they can effectively be able to solve day-to-day problems in life. Additionally, according to Kazmi et al. (2011), in-service training or staff development programmes for teachers are crucial for the effective implementation of competence-based curricula because they enable inexperienced teachers to successfully utilise student-centred teaching and learning approaches. Beginners teachers who are entering the classroom for the first time may lack the confidence necessary to involve students in the learning process through interactive approaches. ...
... Even if they may be extremely knowledgeable in their fields of expertise, they might not be able to adequately explain or communicate their knowledge to students. Therefore, they cannot create students who are capable of applying theory in practise if they cannot convince the students to be interested in knowledge construction (Kazmi et al, 2011). ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate what stakeholders in education thought about strategies to enhance the competence-based curriculum's effective implementation in Tanzania's secondary schools. The research methodology: A case study research design was used in the study. 112 participants from various educational categories, including District Education Officers (DEO), Quality Assurers (QA), heads of secondary schools and teachers, participated in focus groups and interviews to acquire the data. The study also employed a thematic approach to data presentation and analysis. Findings: The study's findings identified several strategies that can be used in Tanzania to successfully implement a competency-based curriculum: ensure that heads of schools regularly receive pedagogical leadership training, improve in-service teacher training, improve school-based indoor training, employ enough teachers, improve school infrastructure, provide enough teaching and learning materials, ensure effective partnership between schools and parents improve library services and improve use of information technology, improve school based assessment procedures and establishment of school-based quality assurance department. Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The findings of the study supported the constructivist theorists' claim that social interaction among students is an important factor in fostering meaningful learning. As an outcome, it will be possible to adequately apply the competency based curriculum in the classroom if there is a positive teaching and learning environment that is characterised by having sufficient teachers, teaching and learning resources and knowledgeable school leaders. The study recommended that both public and private schools keep up their efforts to hire enough teachers, increase and redevelop school facilities, install information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructures at every school and establish and strengthen initiatives aimed at training heads of schools and teachers in pedagogical leadership.
... Teacher training molds the personality of a teacher such that their attitudes are reshaped, their habits are reformed and their personality is reconstituted through teachers training. (Kazmi, 2011). ...
... In this regard, it is important to initiate capacity building approaches for teachers to equip with modern teaching strategies and methodologies. According to Kuh, G. (2009), the main points were approved regarding the in-service teacher education for developing counties was to: ...
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Teachers are the key factor in promoting quality of education at grass root level. They ought to be kept themselves abreast with the modern approaches in promoting quality of education and get acquainted with professional training for the effective teaching-learning process. The primary aim of the study was to explore the effectiveness of in-service teacher training programs on professional excellence of teachers in promoting quality of education. A total of 75 respondents constitute the sample of the study. A close-ended questionnaire with five point Likert scale was designed and subjected for data collection. The collected data was treated with chi-square statistics. Result indicated that the objectives of the in-service teacher programs were not clearly articulated to teachers, teachers we problem-solving to enroll in in-service teacher programs, the institutes offering in-service teacher training programs lacks the provision of physical facilities, majority of the courses fails to ensures creativity among in-service teachers regarding problem solving approach, A.V. aids were not subjected in teaching-learning process, in-service teachers were not involved in transactional approaches during the training, and organization among theory and practice were lacking. In the light of results, it was recommended that proper articulation of objectives of the program ought to be done to all in-service teachers, proper allocation of funds may be elicited to avoid lacks of physical facilities, and gaps between theory and practice may be removed that the actual crux of the program may be achieved in real sense.
... According to Zimmerman, Boekarts, Pintrich, and Zeidner (2000), a trained teacher is more effective and thus able to plan better strategies to assist students in various aspects. This is because different training programmes, particularly the in-service training programmes make teachers able to be aware of a specified function, enhanced vision, and thus become inclusive practitioners Kazmi, Pervez, and Mumtaz (2011) argue that in-service training programmes make teachers equipped with logical and systematic approaches to apply in classes. Sim (2011) suggests the following outcomes of in-service teacher training programmes: y Increase teachers' knowledge y Build positive attitudes and beliefs y Enhance the teaching practices According to Sim (2011), the fundamental purpose of in-service teacher training programmes is to create an environment that enables the effective practice of teaching within a classroom. ...
... This is for the reason that such training programmes are designed to improve the performance of teacher as well as organizational structure, facilities, policies and classroom activities. For example, Kazmi, Pervez, and Mumtaz (2011) argue that in-service training programmes make teachers equipped with logical and systematic approaches to apply in classes. In the same way, the increased perception of in-service teachers brings attention towards demand for constantly modernising and updating the professional skills and knowledge of teachers because of the introduction of upgraded and new curricula, need-based learning of students, research of teaching with learning and performance of the teacher. ...
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Learning which takes place in a classroom is significantly associated with teachers and their actions taken in the classroom. Therefore, quality of education can be improved by putting more focus on teaching methodologies and the way teachers spend time in classrooms. This study aimed at examining the impact of in-service training on the performance of the teachers. It is generally believed that with the implementation of certain in-service training programmes the performance of teachers regarding their professional skills, knowledge and experience can be signif icantly improved. The target population of the present study included the in-service teachers offering their services at Sindh Technical Education & Vocational Training Authority (STEVTA), Government of Sindh, Karachi Region. Using close-ended questions, perception and experience of teachers (n=150, m=100, f=50), who availed the opportunity to get in-service training, were gained. Findings of the study revealed the positive impact of in-service training programmes on the performance of teachers. The study also revealed the positive perception of teachers regarding their professional growth. It recommended the in-service training programmes to be introduced in line with the subject rather than general.
... Based on research by Zimmerman et al (2000), we can say that an educator has a greater impact on their students and provide to help them in a variety of ways; because teacher who have participated in a variety of training programs have improved awareness, broadened perspective, and evolved into inclusive practitioners. According to Kazmi, Pervez, and Mumtaz (2011), training programs equip educators with the ability to utilize rational and systematic approach in the classroom. That is why Sim (2011) argues that TTPs have the following benefits: ...
This research shows how teacher training programs (TTPs) for secondary school teachers can influence the motivation, professional development and self-efficacy of the educators. There were three primary goals of this study; the first objective of this research was to examine the impact of TTPs on the motivation levels of teachers, the second purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the impact of TTPs on the professional development of educators and the final objective of the study was to examine the effects of TTPs on teachers' self-efficacy. For this study, a survey was used as a primary method of collecting information. 340 teachers in private and public schools across Punjab, Pakistan, were surveyed using a self-made questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire were examined statistically. Teachers are motivated to attend these workshops because they know it will help them develop professionally and personally. The study found that TTPs were highly beneficial in motivating teachers, helping them grow professionally and improving their self-efficacy. Therefore, this study argues that TTPs hold significant importance in facilitating the growth and development of secondary school teachers.
... The report further presents that to improve the situation the mandated ministry on education should dedicate its resources to improve upon its in-service training and development of policy to be consistent with the needs of teachers. This was important because, training works as a catalyst which provokes a significant change in a teacher as an individual as it redefines role, broadens vision and, more importantly, it enhances the attributes of an effective teacher in classroom context (Kazmi, Pervez & Mumtaz, 2011). ...
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The efforts to improve the English language learning outcomes in primary schools in Tanzania adopted Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach which targets to achieve communicative competence among learners. The adoption of the CLT principles in teaching the English subject at primary education began as early as in 2010s, and it was more explicitly stated in the subject Syllabus of 2015 following the implementation of 2014 Education and Training Policy (ETP). However, the adoption of CLT left more to be desired, including the subject teachers’ understanding and use of the CLT techniques and strategies in realising the expected subject learning outcomes. The study employed qualitative research approach and phenomenology as its design to explore the essence of teachers’ lived experiences on the English subject. Five public primary schools selected based on their deviant characteristics were involved. Data were generated through interviews, classroom observation guides, focused group discussions (FGDs) and documents analysis methods. The findings indicate that: first, although the subject Syllabus stated the CLT principles and techniques to be implemented, most teachers who were teaching the English subject were not able to associate the principles and techniques specified in the subject Syllabus with the concept of CLT. Second, teachers who were teaching the English subject had generally inadequate knowledge of using the CLT techniques and strategies as the teaching techniques and strategies they used were still largely traditional lecturing. Third, CLT was theoretically acceptable based on its underlying principles and its expected learning outcomes; however, when examined practically given the contextual constraints, implementation of the CLT approach only was considered irrelevant in public primary schools in Tanzania. The study concludes that the adoption and implementation of the CLT approach in Tanzania public primary schools had been made but before the subject teachers were adequately oriented to it. It thus, recommends that when English subject curriculum and its methodological approaches are to be changed the government should consider to adequately training the subject teachers before the language teaching approach is implemented.
... This was important because, training works as a catalyst which provokes a significant change in a teacher as an individual as it redefines role, broadens vision and, more importantly, it enhances the attributes of an effective teacher in classroom context (Kazmi, Pervez & Mumtaz, 2011). ...
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Tanzania implements Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach to the teaching of English subject in its primary schools. However, it is not clear whether or not the subject teachers understand the CLT as an English language pedagogical approach. The study employed qualitative research approach and phenomenology as its design to explore the teachers' understanding of the CLT approach. Five public primary schools selected based on the good performance established from their Standard (STD) Seven National Examinations (NECTA) for four years (2013-2016) were involved. Data were generated through interviews with subject teachers, head teachers, Ward Educational Officers (WEOs) and District Education Quality Assurers (DEQAs); and through Focused Group Discussions (FGDs) with STD VI pupils. The findings indicate that teachers teaching English subject, notwithstanding that the subject Syllabus required them to implement CLT principles and techniques, they were not able to associate the principles and techniques stated in the Syllabus with the concept of CLT approach. Although a few subject teachers were able to explain the techniques stated in the subject Syllabus, education supervisors emphasised that teachers still were not able to apply the techniques as required. It concludes that CLT approach was
... The research of Harris and Sass (2006) indicated that teacher training generally had little influence on productivity, with the exception of a positive association between content-focused teacher development and productivity in middle and high school math. Kazmi et al. (2011) examined the effect of in-service teacher training on total quality management. The results showed that total quality management was better among teachers who had received in-service teacher training. ...
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The purpose of this study was to improve teachers' knowledge of statistical methodologies for classroom research. In-service training was conducted utilizing our developed interactive web application, with five hundred forty-six volunteer secondary teachers from public schools. A questionnaire of statistical knowledge was used as a pre-test and post-test. A satisfaction form was used to assess participants' satisfaction with all components of the program. Descriptive statistics, the Chi-square test, Fisher’s exact test, the Wilcoxon test, and the Kruskal-Wallis test were used to assess the responses, with the level of statistical significance set at 0.05. The results showed that, after participating in the program, the statistical analysis knowledge of the participants had increased significantly and met the pass criterion of more than 60% of the total score. It was also found that gender, school location and teaching level did not affect post-test performances. Satisfaction with the training documentation, lecturers, training format, and interactive web application was at the highest level. Gender, qualification level, and subject taught did not affect the satisfaction score for any of the four aspects. This study indicates that effective statistics learning can be achieved through guidance, training by experts and effective tools. Received: 8 January 2023 / Accepted: 25 February 2023 / Published: 5 March 2023
... The result also underscored the perceived need for such primer for the target recipient of it. It may also enable the teachers to be more systematic and logical in their teaching style (Kazmi et al., 2011). Also, the very high ratings for the indicators under usefulness accentuate the perceived functionality and suitability of the primer in dealing with English language instruction in the new normal education. ...
... It is vital that teachers keep up to date on the most current concepts, thinking and research in their field and also promote professional growth among teachers in order to promote excellent and effective teaching and learning environment for students. According to Kazmi,Pervez & Mumtaz (2011), inservice training for teachers enables the teachers to be more systematic and logical in their teaching style. In-service training is a planned process whereby the effectiveness of teachers collectively or individually is enhanced in response to new knowledge, new ideas and changing curcumstances in order to improve, directly or indirectly the quality of pupils education. ...
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This essay discusses the need for in-service training for teachers and the effectiveness of in-service training in school. In-service training act as a catalyst for a teacher’s effectiveness. It is also a way of updating teachers’ skills and knowledge for improving teaching and learning which lead to better job performance. In-service training is important for teachers to face new challenges and changes in the education world. In-service training is also a fundamental aspect to improve teacher professionalism. The effectiveness of in-service training is important so that teachers can apply the knowledge acquired in teaching and learning. Few factors that contribute towards the effectiveness of in-service training are the role of administrator, attitudes of teachers, training needs and strategies in conducting in-service training.
... Moreover, the success of university education is closely related to its members' effective teachers' performance. Kazmi, Pervez and Mumtaz (2011) referred that in-service training for university English instructors empowers them with systematic and plausible teaching performance. Ekpoh, Oswald and Victoria (2013) highlighted that teachers who attend in-service training perform effectively in their work concerning knowledge of the subject, classroom management, teaching method and evaluation of students. ...
... Nevertheless there were differences in terms of the education status variable in favour of the teachers with post graduate qualifications, on the contrary seniority did not produce any significant difference. Kazmi et al. (2011) analysed the effect of in-service teacher training on TQM in private schools in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. A stratified random sample of 300 students was drawn from schools with and without in-service teacher training. ...
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Total Quality Management (TQM) practices are well established in higher education. However, their application in primary and secondary schools is less well established. This study aimed to critically review and discuss different applications of TQM in primary and secondary schools by presenting critical perspectives from the literature. The study analysed and critically reviewed specific applications and the impact of their implementation. Thus, theoretical constructs and propositions were based on empirical evidence. The majority of schools used certain principles of TQM but did not follow a holistic approach. The adoption of TQM in schools improved learning outcomes, empowered personnel, and promoted a culture of continuous improvement. The obstacles encountered were mainly related to mentality or culture. However, the preliminary results are encouraging. This study contributes to increasing the understanding of TQM concepts in the education sector, and raises useful points for education stakeholders (including policymakers) aiming to improve education quality.
... A trained teacher is more effective and thus able to plan better strategies to assist students in various aspects ( [6]). Also, in-service training courses make teachers equipped with logical and systematic approaches to apply in classes ( [7]). An in-service teacher training course: i) increases teachers' knowledge, ii) builds positive attitudes and beliefs, and iii) enhances the teaching practices ( [8]). ...
Conference Paper
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Although teachers and especially those of Primary and Secondary Education are positively predisposed towards new technologies, it seems that they do not embody them in educational procedure. Thus, in the last few years, the efforts to train teachers so that ICT’s are exploited during their teaching practices have been intensified, given the fact that studies have shown that the continuous training of both Primary and Secondary Education teachers is of pivotal importance. The primary purpose of the present study is the design, development and realization of a large scale training programme in the framework of a specific open source Learning Management System (LMS) (Open eClass), for both Primary and Secondary Education teachers, using the same LMS, the use of which has adopted from the majority of Greek institutions of Higher Education. The design of programme aims to demonstrate specific characteristics of the specific LMS, such as Ease of use, Ease of Learning, Satisfaction and Usefulness. For this reason, most of subsystems have been used and especially these that offer interaction between users, so that this system is not simply used as a repository of learning material. Of 155 teachers selected, 122 started the programme and 79 completed it successfully. The high success rate indicates that one of the most crucial prerequisites for successful implementation of large scale training programmes with LMS is the need for careful consideration of the underlying pedagogy and the emphasis on the interaction between users.
... According to Coleman (2003), quality education entails teaching, learning and educational outcomes, objectives, research, community service, student support services, and management and communication with core programs. Kazmi, Pervez and Mumtaz (2011) add in-service teacher training to this list, which they view as integral for continuously upgrading teachers' knowledge and awareness about issues of direct relevance to achieving quality, with teachers who have experienced in-service teacher training having a positive effect on the quality management of a school. Additionally, Sung, Chang and Yu (2011) suggest that the concept of quality should include high quality e-learning materials and learning environments in addition to accessibility, usability, and effective implementation. ...
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In the Sultanate of Oman, there is an increasing awareness of the need to establish and monitor quality assurance mechanisms in various branches of higher education. Without such activities, higher education outcomes will not be measurable against a set of identified criteria crafted to suit national polices and plans. For these reasons, the current study investigated student perceptions of the mechanisms used by a public university's English foundation program to implement the standards identified by the Ministry of Education's foundation program document. In order to achieve this, a six-category, 178-item, Arabic-language questionnaire was administered to 62 English language foundation students at Oman's Sultan Qaboos University (SQU). Results indicate that participants offered mostly positive evaluations of various aspects of quality assurance implementation in their foundation program, although they believed textbooks could be improved and expressed a desire for more input into curriculum design and implementation. Implications of these findings are discussed.
In- service training is important in classroom teaching in pre-primary school as a tool for professional development and to enhance their knowledge and quality of teaching and learning. If the teacher is welltrained then only, he/she will be able to handle the students properly as students at pre-primary level require extra attention, skills, knowledge and patience of teachers. In- service training programmes are refresher courses, workshops, conferences, study groups, experimental schools. In- service training increase the staff motivation, self-condence, attitude, knowledge and communication. The effectiveness of the inservice training is inuenced by the role of administrator, teacher’s attitude, need of analysis and strategies used in the training program.
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At the new Millennium, Education is one of the most significant means of achieving a sustainable progress. The Education system is fundamental in human progression. The in-service education enables and provides opportunities for enhancing the skills and the professional abilities of the teachers. This paper is based on an applied research in which a comprehensive survey was conducted. The Statistical population included the entire teachers of the Komijan City in the Central State of Iran. The selected sample constituted 30 teaches. The method relied on Linear Regression and Statistical analysis. The findings demonstrated that organization was the most significant factor followed by the quality of the teachers’ educational background, course purpose and course content.
Abstract The present study aims to show in-service EFL teachers’ attitudes towards training and their effects on developing teaching competencies. It identifies the correlation between EFL teachers’ attitudes and the success of in-service training. This study is an attempt to explore the extent to which EFL teachers’ attitudes towards inservice training contribute to the improvement of their teaching competencies. The research is conducted via using EFL teachers’ interviews to collect their views and attitudes towards in-service training. Besides, teaching competencies evaluative grid is implemented to assess to what extent INST contribute to the development of teaching competencies. Therefore, the results of the interviews revealed that the EFL teachers’ reluctance to INST is due to its content, time, and lack of practice. On the other hand, the evaluative grid showed that teachers present little to good evidence in their performance. Key terms: Attitudes, CBA, EFL teachers, in-service-training, teaching competencies.
Conference Paper
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Η συμμετοχή των εκπαιδευτικών σε δραστηριότητες επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης δύναται να συμβάλλει καθοριστικά στη συνεχή βελτίωσή τους και στην οικοδόμηση του προφίλ του αναστοχαζόμενου επαγγελματία εκπαιδευτικού, του εκπαιδευτικού δηλαδή που μεταξύ άλλων βελτιώνει αδιάκοπα τις διδακτικές στρατηγικές και πρακτικές του, στην κατεύθυνση μιας αποτελεσματικότερης εκπαιδευτικής διαδικασίας. Για να έχουν αυτή τη μείζονα συμβολή ωστόσο θα πρέπει οι επιμορφωτικές αυτές δραστηριότητες να απαντούν στις επιμορφωτικές ανάγκες των εκπαιδευτικών. Τέτοιες στοχευμένες δραστηριότητες αποτελούν την καλύτερη δυνατή επένδυση των διαθέσιμων πόρων καθώς συνεπάγονται με μεγαλύτερη πιθανότητα σημαντική βελτίωση των εκπαιδευτικών στα καίρια ζητήματα τα οποία οι ίδιοι έχουν επισημάνει. Η διερεύνηση των επιμορφωτικών αναγκών αναδεικνύεται έτσι ως το πρώτο βήμα για την διαμόρφωση κατάλληλων δραστηριοτήτων επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης. Η παρούσα έρευνα στόχευσε ακριβώς στη διερεύνηση των επιμορφωτικών αναγκών των εκπαιδευτικών σε μια περίοδο στην οποία αφενός η ρευστότητα που χαρακτηρίζει ποίκιλες πτυχές του κοινωνικού γίγνεσθαι και αφετέρου ειδικότερες παράμετροι στο ελληνικό πλαίσιο όπως είναι η σφοδρή οικονομική κρίση και το μεταναστευτικό, ενδέχεται να έχουν διαφοροποιήσει σημαντικά τις ανάγκες των Ελλήνων εκπαιδευτικών για επιμόρφωση. Επιπρόσθετη στόχευση της έρευνας αποτέλεσε η διερεύνηση ενδεχομένων σχέσεων και συσχετίσεων ανάμεσα στις επιμορφωτικές ανάγκες των εκπαιδευτικών, εύρημα που θα μπορούσε να αποτελέσει εφαλτήριο για το σχεδιασμό κατάλληλων επιμορφωτικών προγραμμάτων. Το ερευνητικό εργαλείο που χρησιμοποιήθηκε στα πλαίσια της ποσοτικής έρευνας που διεξήχθη ήταν το τμήμα ενός εκτενέστερου ερωτηματολογίου για την επαγγελματική ανάπτυξη των εκπαιδευτικών, το οποίο μελετούσε συγκεκριμένα τις εκπαιδευτικές τους ανάγκες. Το δείγμα της έρευνας απαρτίστηκε από 368 εκπαιδευτικούς πρωτοβάθμιας και δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης και επελέγη με στρωματοποιημένη μονοσταδιακή δειγματοληψία κατά συστάδες. Η συγκέντρωση των ερωτηματολογίων ολοκληρώθηκε στις αρχές του 2018. Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας έδειξαν μεταξύ άλλων ότι οι τομείς του διδακτικού έργου στους οποίους οι εκπαιδευτικοί νιώθουν την μεγαλύτερη ανάγκη για επιμόρφωση είναι η στήριξη μαθητών με μαθησιακές δυσκολίες ή/και συναισθηματικές διαταραχές, η διαχείριση μιας πολυπολιτισμικής τάξης, η διαχείριση προβλημάτων συμπεριφοράς των μαθητών, η διαχείριση κρίσεων στη σχολική μονάδα, η γνώση και εφαρμογή νέων διδακτικών μεθόδων, οι νέες τεχνολογίες και η αξιοποίησή τους στην τάξη, η αναζήτηση και αξιοποίηση εκπαιδευτικών καινοτομιών. Στην αντίπερα όχθη βρέθηκε ότι οι εκπαιδευτικοί νιώθουν μικρότερη την ανάγκη για επιμόρφωση στο επιστημονικό τους αντικείμενο, σε παιδαγωγικές γνώσεις καθώς επίσης και στη διοίκηση αλλά και την αυτοαξιολόγηση της σχολικής μονάδας. Ιδιαίτερα αξιόλογες είναι και οι συσχετίσεις που βρέθηκαν ανάμεσα στις επιμορφωτικές ανάγκες των εκπαιδευτικών.
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Class Size can be defined as the total number of students’ in a course or classroom, taught by an instructor throughout the year (Blatchford, 2003) and it is one of the major indicator that influence the Students’ Academic Achievement (Adunola, 2013; Vandenberg, 2012; Kornfeld, 2010). The main objective of the study was to find out “The Relationship between Class Size and Students’ Academic Achievement”. The nature of the study was co-relational and population of the study was students’ of 5th Grade. The study was delimited to the District Gujrat and twenty five public schools were randomly selected. A check list was developed by reviewing the literature then it was validated through expert’s opinion. The data were collected from the Heads of the selected schools. Data were analyzed through SPSS version 21. Findings of the study revealed that Class Size of 5th Graders at Elementary Schools were more than the average Class Size determined by Tomlisnson (1988). Moreover, it revealed, negative and strong correlation between class Size and Academic Achievement scores in general at both boys and girls Elementary Schools.
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