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Abstract and Figures

A synopsis of Brickellia (Compositae: Eupatorieae) in Costa Rica is provided and includes the report of Brickellia kellermanii as a new record both for Costa Rica and El Salvador. Images of each Costa Rican species (B. argyrolepis, B. diffusa, and B. kellermanii) are given, and generically important features of Brickellia are illustrated. As in previous classifications, B. argyrolepis and B. kellermanii are placed into Brickellia sect. Bulbostylis A. Gray (a nom. nov. at the sectional rank for Bulbostylis DC. non Steven), which by lectotypification includes the homotypic synonym Brickellia sect. Coleosanthus; and B. diffusa is placed in Brickellia sect. Leptanthodium B.L. Rob.
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Pruski, J.F., J.E. Jiménez, and D. Rodríguez. 2016. Compositae of Central America–V. The genus
(Eupatorieae) in
Costa Rica. Phytoneuron 2016-84: 1–11. Published 12 December 2016. ISSN 2153 733X
Missouri Botanical Garden
P.O. Box 299
St. Louis, Missouri 63166
Programa Regional de Posgrado en Biología
Universidad de Costa Rica
San José, Costa Rica
Asociación Jardín Botánico La Laguna
Herbario LAGU
La Libertad, El Salvador
A synopsis of Brickellia (Compositae: Eupatorieae) in Costa Rica is provided and includes the
report of Brickellia kellermanii as a new record both for Costa Rica and El Salvador. Images of each
Costa Rican species (B. argyrolepis, B. diffusa, and B. kellermanii) are given, and generically important
features of Brickellia are illustrated. As in previous classifications, B. argyrolepis and B. kellermanii are
placed into Brickellia sect. Bulbostylis A. Gray (a nom. nov. at the sectional rank for Bulbostylis DC. non
Steven), which by lectotypification includes the homotypic synonym Brickellia sect. Coleosanthus; and B.
diffusa is placed in Brickellia sect. Leptanthodium B.L. Rob.
The American genus Brickellia Elliott is a species-rich, traditionally recognized genus of
Compositae tribe Eupatorieae (Bentham & Hooker 1873; Gray 1884; Robinson 1913). Brickellia
may be recognized most readily by its (4–)8–10-costate fruits (Fig. 5) and setose nodal stylopodium
(Figs. 1C, 5). Other features useful in distinguishing Brickellia from other Costa Rican Eupatorieae
(Standley 1938; King and Robinson 1987) are its involucre with all phyllaries persistent (Fig. 6D),
shortly lobed funnelform corollas (Fig. 5), anthers with collar about as wide as the filaments and with
appendage longer than wide with an obtuse to rounded apex (Fig. 1A), anther collar cells slightly
annular-thickened, anther endothecial tissue transitional with irregular thickenings on both transverse
and vertical cell walls (Fig. 1B), and a pappus of many capillary bristles (Fig. 5).
Brickellia was revised a century ago by Robinson (1917), who recognized 91 species, these
mostly centered in Mexico. King and Robinson (1987) in their generic monograph of tribe
Eupatorieae recognized 98 species in the genus. More recently, Pruski (1997) estimated as 98–110
the number of species in Brickellia, Turner (1997) gave as 90 the number, with "about 78 of these
native to Mexico," and Scott (2006) recognized about 100 species, with 32 found in the United States.
Schilling et al. (2015) sectionally placed 97 species, synonymized Barroetea A. Gray and
Phanerostylis (A. Gray) R.M. King & H. Rob., and pointed out that 31 of B.L. Robinson’s 91
recognized species have since been synonymized or removed.
The number of species of Brickellia diminishes southeastward throughout Central America,
with Dillon et al. (2001) treating five species in Nicaragua, Standley (1938) recording only B.
argyrolepis B.L. Rob. and B. diffusa (Vahl) A. Gray in Costa Rica, and King and Robinson (1975)
citing only B. diffusa in Panama, although B. argyrolepis was subsequently reported in Panama by
Pruski et al.:
(Compositae) in Costa Rica
D'Arcy (1987a, 1987b). We recognize here three species of Brickellia in Costa Rica: the two treated
by Standley (1938) as well as B. kellermanii Greenm., which is reported as new for Costa Rica and
also as new for El Salvador.
Two of our Costa Rican species, Brickellia argyrolepis and B. kellermanii, were placed by
Robinson (1917) in Brickellia sect. Bulbostylis A. Gray (1852), a sectional name that by ICN Art.
58.1 is a nom. nov. (avowed substitute) for the generic name Bulbostylis DC., non Steven. Schilling
et al. (2015) also treated B. argyrolepis and B. kellermanii (albeit there implicitly in synonymy with
B. oliganthes (Less.) A. Gray) as consectional. Our third Costa Rican species, B. diffusa, was placed
in Brickellia sect. Leptanthodium B.L. Rob. by each Robinson (1917) and Schilling et al. (2015). In
the abbreviated generic synonymy below, nomenclatural status (when either a homonym, conserved
name, or rejected name) of genera is indicated, and in the sectional nomenclator and species key that
follow the genus description, the sectional dispositions (following Robinson 1917 and Schilling et al.
2015) of the three Costa Rican species are indicated.
BRICKELLIA Elliott (1823, nom. cons., non Brickellia Raf. 1808, hom. rej.). TYPE: Brickellia
cordifolia Elliott.
Barroetea A. Gray, Bulbostylis DC. (1836, hom. illeg. et rej., non Steven 1817, nom. rej., nec
Kunth 1837, nom. cons.), Clavigera DC., Coleosanthus Cass. (1817, nom. rej.), Ismaria Raf., Kuhnia
L. (1763, nom. rej.), Phanerostylis (A. Gray) R.M. King & H. Rob., Rosalesia La Llave.
Figure 1. Floral microcharacters of Brickellia diffusa, characteristic of the genus. A. Anthers showing slender
collar and long apical appendage with an obtuse apex. B. Endothecial tissue transitional showing irregular
thickenings on both transverse and vertical cell walls. C. Long-setose nodular stylopodium. All from Pruski,
Ortiz & Martínez 4196, MO. [scale bars: A 0.2 mm, B 30 µm, C 0.2 mm].
Pruski et al.:
(Compositae) in Costa Rica
Annual or perennial herbs to shrubs. Leaves opposite or alternate, petiolate or sessile;
blade commonly puberulent or glandular, 3-veined from near base, margins usually dentate.
Capitulescence usually terminal and thyrsoid-paniculate. Capitula discoid, sessile to long-
pedunculate; involucre narrowly cylindrical to campanulate; phyllaries subimbricate, graduate, 3–5-
seriate, narrow, mostly relatively thin-textured, pale-costate, persistent; clinanthium epaleate. Ray
florets 0. Disk florets bisexual; corolla funnelform, shortly 5-lobed, usually white to ochroleucous,
corolla lobe surfaces smooth; anther collar slender, about as wide as filaments, collar cells typically
with indistinct transverse bead-like annular thickenings, endothecial tissue transitional with irregular
thickenings on both transverse and vertical cell walls, apical appendage longer than wide, apex obtuse
to rounded, never truncate; style trunk with two vascular traces, stylopodium enlarged (nodular),
long-setose, setae unicellular, style branches narrowly clavate, appendage about as long as or longer
than proximal stigmatic portions of branch. Cypselae (4–)8–10-costate, setulose, black with rimmed
tan carpopodium; pappus of many elongate isomorphic persistent barbellate(–plumose) capillary
bristles. x = 9.
The two sections of Brickellia in Costa Rica
1. BRICKELLIA SECT. BULBOSTYLIS A. Gray, Smithsonian Contr. Knowl. 3(5): 84. 1852, as "§
Bulbostylis." Replaced name: Bulbostylis DC., Prodr. 5: 138. 1836, non Steven 1817, nec
Kunth 1837. [The sole infrageneric rank used by Gray (1852) is section, and in Laphamia A.
Gray (1852: 99) both the word 'section' and symbol '§' are used and equated. The Asa Gray
avowed substitute name is thus not an unranked infragenus.]. LECTOTYPE (King and
Robinson, Sida 3: 332. 1969): Coleosanthus cavanillesii Cass. (= Brickellia cavanillesii
(Cass.) A. Gray).
Brickellia sect. Coleosanthus (Cass.) E.E. Schill. & R. Scott, Phytotaxa 234: 154. 2015, nom.
superfl. Basionym: Coleosanthus Cass., Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris 1817: 67. 1817. [This name is
nomenclaturally superfluous and homotypic with the earlier Brickellia sect. Bulbostylis, a name
which should have been adopted (ICN Art. 52.1).]. LECTOTYPE (King and Robinson, Sida 3: 333.
1969): Coleosanthus cavanillesii Cass. (= Brickellia cavanillesii (Cass.) A. Gray).
Species in Costa Rica: Brickellia argyrolepis B.L. Rob., Brickellia kellermanii Greenm.
(Schilling et al., Phytotaxa 234: 155. 2015): Eupatorium diffusum Vahl (= Brickellia diffusa
(Vahl) A. Gray).
Species in Costa Rica: Brickellia diffusa (Vahl) A. Gray.
The most common species in Costa Rica is the annual herb Brickellia diffusa (Figs. 1, 3). It
also is the most widespread species of Brickellia in the neotropics. Less common are two perennial
species, of which the relatively rare B. kellermanii (Figs. 4–6) is known in Costa Rica from a single
collection made in Guanacaste. The relatively well-collected B. argyrolepis (Figs. 2, 4) is typified by
seven syntype collections from Costa Rica, known in four provinces, and represented in Costa Rica
by more than two dozen collections. Robinson (1917) placed both B. argyrolepis and B. kellermanii
in Brickellia sect. Bulbostylis, but in different subsections, which he distinguished by relative petiole
Of the six species of Brickellia known in Central America (viz Williams 1976; King and
Robinson 1987), only B. scoparia (DC.) A. Gray, diagnosed by its narrowly lanceolate leaves, is not
expected in Costa Rica. Both B. glandulosa (La Llave) McVaugh and B. paniculata (Mill.) B.L. Rob.
should be looked for in Costa Rica; they are known to occur from Mexico southeastwards into
Pruski et al.:
(Compositae) in Costa Rica
Nicaragua (King and Robinson 1987; Dillon et al. 2001), and by moderately chartaceous ovate leaves
both would key below to or near B. argyrolepis. As an aside we should mention that it seems likely
that the citation by Turner (1997) of B. cavanillesii in Chiapas is in reference to material we would
determine as B. paniculata. Brickellia glandulosa and B. paniculata are distinguished from B.
argyrolepis by their stipitate-glandular peduncles, and B. glandulosa further distinguished by its outer
more herbaceous phyllaries about half as long as the inner.
Key to species of Brickellia in Costa Rica
1. Annual herbs; stems usually glabrous; capitula 6–8 mm long; phyllaries 2-costate; (Brickellia sect.
Leptanthodium B.L. Rob.) ........................................................ 2. Brickellia diffusa (Vahl) A. Gray
1. Subshrubs or shrubs; stems pubescent; capitula 12–16 mm long; phyllaries mostly 5–8-costate;
(Brickellia sect. Bulbostylis A. Gray).
2. Leaf blades ovate to cordiform, moderately chartaceous, not prominently reticulate, margins
crenate-dentate; petioles mostly 1–5 cm long; disk florets 20–25; involucres 12–14 mm long
....................................................................................... 1. Brickellia argyrolepis B.L. Rob.
2. Leaf blades lanceolate or elliptic-ovate to oblong, rigidly chartaceous or subcoriaceous,
strongly reticulate, margins subentire to crenulate; petioles 0.1–0.5 cm long; disk florets 10–14;
involucres 10–12 mm long ................................................... 3. Brickellia kellermanii Greenm.
Cartago. Agua Caliente, 1190 m, Apr 1894, J.D. Smith 4859 (GH, K, US). Heredia. San
Rafael, sin. elev., 13 Feb 1890, Pittier (Tonduz) 1980 (CR, GH, US). San José. Forêts de
San Marcos, 1355 m, Mar 1893, Tonduz 7719 (as "7710" in protologue) (MO); Environs de
San Marcos, 1355 m, Mar 1893, Tonduz 7762 (CR, GH, US); Ad Copey, 1800 m, Mar 1898,
Tonduz 11847 (CR, GH); Ad San José, 1160 m, 3 Apr 1909, Tonduz 17465 (GH). Without
specific locality. Sin. elev., Apr 1910, Worthen s.n. (MO-47689). The collector given on a
few sheets as ‘Pittier’ has been changed en sched. to ‘Tonduz.’ The identity of the species is
not in doubt, none of the seven cited syntype collections are mixed with other species, and
although Tonduz 17465 (GH) is annotated (but perhaps not published) as the lectotype,
lectotypification is not needed taxonomically. Figures 2, 4.
Brickellia adenocarpa B.L. Rob., Brickellia guatemalensis B.L. Rob., Coleosanthus
adenocarpus (B.L. Rob.) Arthur
Shrubs 1–3 m tall; stems puberulent or hirtellous distally. Leaves opposite, petiolate; petiole
mostly 1–5 cm long; blade mostly 3–12 × 2–7 cm, ovate to cordiform, moderately chartaceous, base
broadly obtuse or rounded to subcordate, apex acute, not prominently reticulate, surfaces hirtellous to
densely villous-pilose, abaxial surface punctate-glandular, margins crenate-dentate. Capitulescence
of several few-capitulate convex to rounded corymbiform clusters; peduncles somewhat stiff but
capitula sometimes nutant, short, pilose, not stipitate-glandular. Capitula 14–16 mm long; involucre
cylindrical in young flower but quickly becoming broadly turbinate to campanulate, 12–14 mm long;
phyllaries 6–7-seriate, strongly and evenly graduate with inner phyllaries twice as long as the outer
ones, ovate to lanceolate, chartaceous, mostly 5–7-costate, hirsute, apex acute. Disk florets 20–25;
corolla 7–9 mm long. Cypselae 4.5–6 mm long, spreading setose-pilose, also glandular; pappus
bristles 7–9 mm long. 2n = 18.
Representative specimens examined. COSTA RICA. Alajuela. Cinco Esquinas de Carrizal,
2000 m, 3 Feb 1966, Jiménez 3656 (CR, F, MO); 2 km southwest of Zarcero, 1890 m, 30 Jan 1972,
King 6431 (CR, MO, NY, US). Cartago. Volcán Irazú, camino a Prusia, 3300–3400 m, 1 May 2003,
Alfaro & Quirós 4257 (CR, MO); Entre Cot y Tierra Blanca, 2060 m, 19 Feb 1997, Rodríguez et al.
Pruski et al.:
(Compositae) in Costa Rica
2011 (CR, MO). Heredia. Santa Barbara, Río Los Ahogados, 1500 m, 13 Jun 1950, León 2538 (CR).
San José. Along Quebrada Cima, 1.5 km NE of Copey, 1960 m, 27 Feb 1990, Grayum et al. 9693
(CR, MO); Villa Rancho Redondo, 1800 m, 14 Feb 1967, Weston 4304A (MO, UC).
Distribution and ecology. Brickellia argyrolepis ranges from Mexico southeastwards into
Panama. In Costa Rica B. argyrolepis occurs mostly in disturbed vegetation and in montane forest
(infrequently in premontane forest and páramo) between 1100–2800(–3400) meters elevation in the
central portion of the country, especially in Cordillera Volcánica Central and Cordillera de
Talamanca. The species usually flowers from January to May.
Williams (1976) treated Brickellia argyrolepis and B. guatemalensis B.L. Rob. as synonyms
of stipitate-glandular B. paniculata, and noted that the type of B. argyrolepis was “not specified.”
Clewell (1975), King and Robinson (1987), and Turner (1997) recognized pilose-peduncled B.
argyrolepis as distinct, with B. guatemalensis treated in synonymy of it. By its stipitate-glandular
peduncles and non-leafy involucre, B. adenocarpa var. glandulipes B.L. Rob. is excluded from
synonymy with B. argyrolepis and here placed in synonymy with B. paniculata. Klatt (1892: 196;
1896: 283) cited B. hartwegii A. Gray in Costa Rica based on Pittier 1980, Tonduz 7719, and Tonduz
7762, but Robinson (1917) cited each as B. argyrolepis, and King and Robinson (1987) gave B.
hartwegii as a synonym of extra-Costa Rican B. paniculata.
Figure 2. Syntype of Brickellia argyrolepis (Worthen s.n., MO-47689).
Pruski et al.:
(Compositae) in Costa Rica
2. BRICKELLIA DIFFUSA (Vahl) A. Gray, Smithsonian Contr. Knowl. (Pl. Wright. I) 3(5): 86. 1852.
Eupatorium diffusum Vahl, Symb. Bot. 3: 94. 1794. Bulbostylis diffusa (Vahl) DC., Prodr. 7:
268. 1838. Coleosanthus diffusus (Vahl) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. Pl. 1: 328. 1891. TYPE:
AMERICA MERIDIONALI. Sin. loc., Anon. (holotype: C, IDC microfiche set 2201).
Although the subtitle of Vahl's Symbolae Botanicae mentions the plants as collected by
Forsskal, for B. diffusa this appears not to be the case, as the plant is American but Forsskal
never collected in the Americas. The type instead may be a gathering of von Rohr. Figures
1, 3.
Chondrilla rhombifolia (Humb. ex Willd.) Poir., Eupatorium leptopodum Gardner,
Eupatorium trichosanthum A. Rich., Prenanthes rhombifolia Humb. ex Willd.
Much-branched annual herbs 0.3–1(–2) m tall; stems usually glabrous. Leaves opposite
becoming alternate in capitulescence, long-petiolate; petiole 1–7 cm long; blade mostly 4–10 × 3–6.5
cm, broadly ovate, thin-chartaceous, surfaces glabrous or glabrous but with abaxial surface also
sometimes punctate-glandular, base broadly obtuse to subcordate with basal acumen, margins
crenate-dentate. Capitulescence a much-branched diffuse pluricapitulate panicle; peduncles filiform,
glabrous. Capitula 6–8 mm long; involucre 6–7.5 mm long, cylindrical to narrowly turbinate;
phyllaries 2–3-seriate, evenly graduated, all 1 mm diam., linear-lanceolate to lanceolate, scarious-
chartaceous, 2-costate, glabrous, outer 1–2 mm long, inner 6–7.5 mm long. Disk florets 5–14;
corolla 4–5.5 mm long. Cypselae 1–2 mm long, appressed-setulose; pappus bristles 4–5 mm long.
2n = 18.
Figure 3. Brickellia diffusa line drawing. Reproduced from Pruski 1997, Fig. 175.
Pruski et al.:
(Compositae) in Costa Rica
Figure 4. Distributions of Brickellia argyrolepis and Brickellia kellermanii in Costa Rica. Brickellia diffusa is
not plotted, but is common throughout much of Costa Rica, especially on the Pacific watershed.
Representative specimens examined. COSTA RICA. Guanacaste. 30 km NW of Liberia,
0–320 m, 24 Dec 1981, Janzen 12128 (MO); Parque Nacional Santa Rosa, entre la Casona y entrada,
300 m, 27 Feb 1996, Morales 5312 (CR, MO); Nicoya, 1 Feb 1900, Tonduz 13604 (CR). Heredia.
Alrededores de Heredia, 1140 m, 25 Dec 1930, Brenes 13269 (CR, NY); Belén, 972 m, 27 Jan 2010,
Solano 6129 (CR, MO). Puntarenas. Península de Nicoya, Playa Organos y alrededores, 10–100 m,
6 Feb 1993, Hammel 18790 (CR, MO, TEX); Buenos Aires, Río Ceibo, 200 m, 1 Jan 1892, Tonduz
4928 (CR). San José. Santa Eduviges de Escazú, 1150 m, 17 Feb 1990, Grayum 9680 (CR, MO,
TEX); Vicinity of El General, 640 m, Jan 1939, Skutch 3988 (MO, NY, US).
Distribution and ecology. Brickellia diffusa is common in Costa Rica in disturbed
vegetation and in dry, humid, and premontane forests mostly on the Pacific watershed from sea level
to about 1200 meters elevation. The species flowers in Costa Rica mostly from December to
February. Brickellia diffusa is widespread in the Americas and is found from Mexico and the West
Indies southwards to Argentina and Paraguay.
3. BRICKELLIA KELLERMANII Greenm., Publ. Field Columbian Mus., Bot. Ser. 2: 265. 1907.
TYPE: GUATEMALA. Baja Verapaz. Sierra de Las Minas, 1160 m, 3 Mar 1907, Kellerman
6127 (holotype: F; isotype: OS). Figures 4–6.
Brickellia kellermanii fo. podocephala B.L. Rob.
Stiffly erect subvirgate subshrubs 0.6–1 m tall; stems densely hirsutulous-hirtellous, the
few lateral branchlets strongly ascending. Leaves opposite basally but mostly alternate distally,
stoutly short-petiolate; petiole 0.1–0.5 cm long; blade lanceolate or elliptic-ovate to oblong, 1–5.5 ×
0.4–2.3 cm, rigidly chartaceous or subcoriaceous, strongly reticulate, surfaces slightly discolorous,
pilosulose or tomentulose, sparsely punctate-glandular, base and apex more or less obtuse, margins
subentire to crenulate. Capitulescence of several leafy branches with paucicapitulate corymbiform-
cymes or axillary clusters; peduncles stiff with capitula erect, much shorter than to much longer than
Pruski et al.:
(Compositae) in Costa Rica
capitula, hirtellous. Capitula 12–14 mm long; involucre broadly turbinate to campanulate, 10–12
mm long; phyllaries 5–6 series, strongly graduated, ca. 1.5 mm diam., stiff-chartaceous, oblong to
lanceolate, apex apiculate or cuspidate, the outer ones broadly ovate, ca. 2 mm long, 6–8-costate,
puberulent and glandular, mid-series ones sometimes slightly herbaceous in the mid zone but with
margins obviously hyaline, evenly grading to the inner ones linear-lanceolate, to ca. 12 mm long.
Disk florets 10–14; corolla 5.5–6 mm long. Cypselae 3–3.5 mm long, densely spreading setose;
pappus bristles 6–7 mm long.
Figure 5. Brickellia kellermanii line drawing. Reproduced from Robinson 1917, Fig. 32.
Pruski et al.:
(Compositae) in Costa Rica
Figure 6. Brickellia kellermanii, field photographs in Costa Rica. A Habit and habitat. B–C. Proximal portions
of capitulescence. D. Late-fruiting infructescence showing spreading persistent phyllaries. All from Jiménez et
al. 2107, photographs by J.E. Jiménez.
Voucher collections. COSTA RICA. Guanacaste. Cantón Bagaces, distrito La Fortuna,
Zona Protectora Volcán Miravalles, Sabanas Miravalles (Sitio Miravalles), 988 m, 15 Apr 2013,
Jiménez et al. 2107 (CR, MO, USJ). EL SALVADOR. La Unión. Reserva Natural de Conchagua,
1027–1150 m, 1 Dec 2006, Morales et al. 14470 (LAGU). Santa Ana. Entre Cerro Peña del Cuervo
y el Cerro El Yupe, 6 km NE Candelaria de la Frontera, 1300 m, 9 Dec 1994, Linares y Martínez
2150 (MO); Cumbre de Cerro Peña del Cuervo, 1298 m, 7 Feb 2016, Rodríguez & Corrales 5587
(LAGU), 5588 (LAGU).
Pruski et al.:
(Compositae) in Costa Rica
Distribution and ecology. Brickellia kellermanii is newly documented in Costa Rica and is
known to us from only a single collection made by the second author in the northwestern part of the
country. The occurrence of B. kellermanii in El Salvador, originally based on a 1995 determination
by José Linares (en sched. MO), also represents a new record for that country (viz Berendsohn and
Araniva de González 1989). Its occurrence in Costa Rica and El Salvador was not fully unexpected,
however, as the species was known previously in nearby Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize,
and Chiapas (Carlson 1954: 397; Clewell 1975; Dillon et al. 2001; King and Robinson 1987;
Robinson 1917; Williams 1976). For example, in El Salvador where collected by José Linares and
also by the third author, B. kellermanii occurs within 15 kms of the frontiers of each Guatemala and
Nicaragua. In Costa Rica, B. kellermanii was found flowering in April on grassy slopes near Volcán
Miravalles. Volcán Miravalles is northwest of Laguna Arenal and is the highest peak (2028 meters)
on the Cordillera de Guanacaste, the watershed of which basically forms the line between Alajuela
and Guanacaste, but Jiménez et al. 2107 was made at 988 meters elevation on the volcano's lower
drier western slope.
We recognize Brickellia kellermanii in the strict sense as in Robinson (1917), Clewell (1975),
Williams (1976), and King and Robinson (1987). The peduncle length may vary greatly within a
single collection, and the extreme in peduncle length used to define B. kellermanii fo. podocephala is
apparently not useful taxonomically. Although B. kellermanii fo. podocephala is typified by
Nicaraguan material (Friedrichsthal 1195 collected in the 1840s near Tinotepe and labeled as from
Guatemala) it seems not to have been treated in Dillon et al. (2001). We note that Turner (1997) and
Dillon et al. (2001) treated B. kellermanii in synonymy of the admittedly very similar B. oliganthes, a
species that in the strict sense is endemic to Mexico and appears to differ by its longer-petiolate
leaves and much larger capitula with outer phyllaries herbaceous to the very narrowly hyaline
margins. Turner (1997) also treated B. verbenacea (Greene) B.L. Rob. in synonymy of B. oliganthes,
whereas McVaugh (1984) and King and Robinson (1987) recognized B. verbenacea as distinct.
McVaugh (1984) noted, however, that all species of Brickellia sect. Bulbostylis subsect. Reticulatae
B.L. Rob. are "much alike."
We thank Guy Nesom, Rosa Ortiz, and Daniel Santamaria for helpful comments on the
manuscript, Rosa Ortiz for providing the base map, and Kanchi Gandhi and Jim Zarucchi for
nomenclatural advice. Appreciation is extended to Francisco (Paco) Lorea (XAL), AnaLu MacVean
(UVAL), Jorge Martínez (HEM), Julio Morales (USCG), Rosa Ortiz (MO), Miguel Angel Pérez
(HEM), Alexander Rodríguez (INBio), and José Juan Vega (USCG) for helping with fieldwork in
Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Costa Rica. Stephanie Keil and Wendy Westmoreland are
thanked for their photograph of the Brickellia argyrolepis syntype used in figure two.
Bentham, G. and J.D. Hooker. 1873. Compositae. Pp. 163–533, in Genera Plantarum, vol. 2.
Reeve, London.
Berendsohn, W.G. and A.E. Araniva de González. 1989. Listado básico de la Flora Salvadorensis:
Dicotyledonae, Sympetalae (pro parte): Labiatae, Bignoniaceae, Acanthaceae, Pedaliaceae,
Martyniaceae, Gesneriaceae, Compositae. Cuscatlania 1(3): without page numbers, cf. i +
260:1–290:13 + final page of "Referencias."
Carlson, M.C. 1954. Floral elements of the Pine-Oak-Liquidambar forest of Montebello, Chiapas,
Mexico. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 81: 387–399.
Clewell, A.F. 1975. Las Compuestas de Honduras. Ceiba 19: 197–244.
D'Arcy, W.G. 1987a. Flora of Panama. Checklist and Index. Part I: The introduction and checklist.
Monogr. Syst. Bot. Missouri Bot. Gard. 17: [xxx] + 1–325[–328]. Final three pages
Pruski et al.:
(Compositae) in Costa Rica
D'Arcy, W.G. 1987b. Flora of Panama. Checklist and Index. Part II: Index. Monogr. Syst. Bot.
Missouri Bot. Gard. 18: ix + 1–670[–672]. Final two pages unnumbered.
Dillon, M.O., N.A. Harriman, B.L. Turner, S.C. Keeley, D.J. Keil, T.F. Stuessy, S. Sundberg, R.K.
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A recent molecular phylogenetic study of the predominantly Mexican Brickellia resolved issues regarding its generic circumscription, but a new infrageneric classification remains to be formalized. We propose to recognize as sections nine clades identified as monophyletic based on molecular data. Three of these clades have been previously recognized as distinct genera, Barroetea, Kuhnia, and Phanerostylis, and require names at the sectional level. The remaining six sections have names available from previous taxonomic work, but two of them require validation at the sectional level, and all have a different species composition compared to previous studies.
1. Three hundred species were collected in a forest of pines, oaks, and Liquidambar at Montebello, Chiapas, Mexico. Of those identified, 14.5 per cent are species which appear to be identical with species found in eastern and southern United States, 49.6 per cent are species of genera represented by different species in the United States, and 35.9 per cent are species of genera not present in the United States. About 67 per cent are Mexican and Central American species and 33 per cent are species of wider tropical distribution. 2. A slightly smaller percentage of species identical with those in the United States (principally in the southeastern part) but a much larger percentage of genera which range to the United States were found in the Montebello forest than were found by Miranda and Sharp in similar forests. 3. About two-thirds of the plants in the Montebello forest and somewhat more than half of the plants in other forests containing pines, oaks, and Liquidambar, are endemic to Mexico and Central America. While 33 per cent of the plants in the Montebello forest were of wide tropical distribution, only 11 per cent of such plants were reported for other similar forests in Mexico. 4. Six species, listed as endemic to Guatemala, are now known to be present in Mexico. The range of 17 additional species can now be extended to southern Mexico, and that of 2 species, reported in Tabasco, can now be extended to Chiapas. 5. Much more study will have to be made before conclusions can be drawn about the relationships of the forests apparently indicated by the presence of Liquidambar Styraciflua.
  • D 'arcy
D'Arcy, W.G. 1987b. Flora of Panama. Checklist and Index. Part II: Index. Monogr. Syst. Bot.
Studies in the Compositae-Eupatorieae, XI. Typification of genera
  • R M King
  • H Robinson
King, R.M. and H. Robinson. 1969. Studies in the Compositae-Eupatorieae, XI. Typification of genera. Sida 3: 329-342.
  • J F Pruski
Pruski, J.F. 1997. Asteraceae. Pp. 177-393, in J.A. Steyermark et al. (eds.), Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana, Vol. 3, Araliaceae-Cactaceae. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.
  • R W Scott
Scott, R.W. 2006. Brickellia. Pp. 496-507, in Flora North America Editorial Committee (eds.). Fl. N. Amer., Vol. 21.
The Comps of Mexico, A systematic account of the family Asteraceae
  • B L Turner
Turner, B.L. 1997. The Comps of Mexico, A systematic account of the family Asteraceae, Vol. 1, Eupatorieae. Phytologia Mem. 11: iv + 1-272.