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The phonetics of voice

The phonetics of voice1
Marc Garellek, University of California San Diego
Chapter in The Routledge Handbook of Phonetics (W. Katz and P. Assmann, editors)
Revised 9th October 2017
1 Introduction
This chapter focuses on the phonetics of the voice. The term ‘voice’ is used to mean many different
things, with definitions varying both within and across researchers and disciplines. In terms of
voice articulation, definitions can vary from the very narrow – how the vocal folds vibrate – to the
very broad, where ‘voice’ is essentially synonymous with ‘speech’ – how the vocal folds and all
other vocal tract articulators influence how we sound (Kreiman & Sidtis, 2011). In this chapter, I
will use the term ‘voice’ to refer to sound produced by the vocal folds, including but not limited to
vocal fold vibration. I have chosen to focus only on a narrow conception of the voice in order to
constrain the discussion; as we will see, the phonetics of voice – even when it concerns only vocal
fold articulation – is remarkably complex and of great relevance to phonetic and linguistic research.
In contrast, I will use the term ‘voice quality’ to refer to the percept resulting from the voice: in
other words, different vocal fold configurations have specific perceptual ramifications, which we
will call changes in voice quality. The distinction between voice and voice quality adopted here is
therefore analogous to that made between ‘f0’ and ‘pitch’.
Why should we be interested in the phonetics of the voice? Linguists are interested in how
specific forms contribute to linguistic meaning; for spoken languages, phonetic and phonological
research addresses this goal from the point of view of how sounds contribute to meaning. Because
the vocal folds are part of the speech apparatus, a complete understanding of the sound-to-meaning
relationship requires knowledge of how sounds produced by the vocal folds contribute to linguistic
meaning. There are two main contributions of the vocal folds: first, their movements can be used
contrastively in languages. That is, in some languages changes in (a) the presence vs. absence of
vocal fold vibration, (b) the rate of vibration, and (c) the quality of vibration can signal a change
in lexical meaning: compare (a) English /"sl6pi/ ‘sloppy’ vs. /"sl6bi/ ‘slobby’; (b) White Hmong
1The author wishes to thank editors William Katz and Peter Assmann, as well as an anonymous reviewer, Adam
Chong, Pat Keating, Jody Kreiman, and Robin Samlan for their thoughtful comments and suggestions on earlier
versions of this chapter.
/tO Ă
£/ ‘pierced’ vs. /tO Ă
£/ ‘wait’; and (c) Jalapa Mazatec breathy-voiced [n
£] ‘horse’, creaky-
voiced [n
£] ‘buttock’, and modal-voiced [nthæĂ
£] ‘seed’ (Silverman et al., 1995; Garellek &
Keating, 2011).2
Second, because of their position downstream from the trachea and upstream from the re-
mainder of the vocal tract, all speech is first modulated by the vocal folds. This may seem counter-
intuitive at first, given that phoneticians tend to speak of two sources of sound excitation – voicing
(produced by the vocal folds) and noise (produced in the vocal tract in all obstruents but [P],[h],
and [H]). But even for sounds characterized by acoustic noise generated in the vocal tract (such
as [t] and [s]), the vocal folds still assume a particular articulatory target; for example, voice-
less obstruents (even when unaspirated) often show some degree vocal fold spreading (Munhall &
ofqvist, 1992), presumably to inhibit voicing and/or to facilitate the high airflow needed to gener-
ate turbulence for voiceless fricatives. The voice is thus part of the production of all speech sounds,
regardless of whether it is used to make phonological contrasts. Aside from phonological mean-
ing, the voice contributes to changes in prosody, syntax, discourse, as well as to speaker identity
and emotional state (Choi et al., 2005; Zhuang & Hasegawa-Johnson, 2008; Gobl & N´
ı Chasaide,
2010; Esling & Edmondson, 2010; Kreiman & Sidtis, 2011; Yanushevskaya et al., 2011; Podesva
& Callier, 2015; Park et al., 2016; Yanushevskaya et al., 2016). Changes in vocal fold vibration
are also associated with differences in singing registers and with voice disorders (Sundberg, 1987;
Titze, 1994; Kempster et al., 2011; Sapienza et al., 2011).
This chapter therefore takes as a starting point that the voice is ultimately used to convey in-
formation, which is transmitted between speakers and hearers in stages commonly known as the
‘speech chain’ (Denes & Pinson, 1993). Although there have been many advancements over the
years in understanding how the vocal folds are innervated, how they move and vibrate, and how
different voice settings are manifested acoustically (for instance, see overviews in Titze, 1994;
Baken & Orlikoff, 2000; Stevens, 2000; Gobl & N´
ı Chasaide, 2010; Hirose, 2010; Story, 2015),
it is still unclear how these stages of the speech chain interact with one another to influence voice
quality. Yet, ultimately the main goals of the study of the voice should be to answer two funda-
2The transcriptions in Hmong and Mazatec include “Chao letters” (Chao, 1930) for differences in lexical tone: the
vertical bar reflects the pitch range from lowest (level 1) to highest (level 5) in one’s normal speaking range, and the
horizontal lines perpendicular to the vertical bar represent pitch values along that range from the beginning to the end
of the tone.
mental questions: (1) When we perceive a change in the voice, what caused that change? and (2)
What are the acoustical and perceptual results of a change in voice production? In my research
with colleagues (e.g. Kreiman et al., 2014), we address these questions by modeling how infor-
mation about the voice is transmitted from speaker to hearer. Ideally, a unified theory of voice
production, acoustics, and perception should be able to model any type of information that the
voice can convey, including phonological, prosodic, discourse, sociolinguistic, paralinguistic, and
talker-specific. In this chapter, I focus largely on linguistic (especially phonological) meaning:
how the voice is used to create sounds of the world’s languages. Thus, the first goal of the phonetic
study of the voice can be restated with respect to phonological meaning: (10) When we perceive a
phonologically-relevant change in the voice (such as a switch between two sounds), what caused
that change?
The past decade has seen a rapid increase in research on the role of the voice in sound systems,
much of which will be reviewed in this chapter. This research will help outline the primary voice
dimensions, defined here in articulatory terms, that are used in languages of the world to convey
phonological meaning (Section 2). Readers will see that the study of the voice is essential for
our understanding of phonetics and phonology, because every sound that we make involves an
articulation of the vocal folds, which has specific acoustic attributes that listeners can hear and use
in language.
1.1 What is covered in this chapter?
This chapter is largely theoretical in nature. The focus is on how we can model (within a unified
framework) the three stages of the speech chain as it concerns the vocal folds and their use in
sounds of the world’s languages. Therefore, we will not review fine-grained details pertaining
to voice anatomy and physiology (though see Titze, 1994; Stevens, 2000; Titze, 2006; Reetz &
Jongman, 2008; Hirose, 2010; Kreiman & Sidtis, 2011; Gick et al., 2013; Story, 2015; Zhang,
2016b), as well as voice source modeling (Stevens, 2000; Gobl & N´
ı Chasaide, 2010; Story, 2012;
Samlan et al., 2013; Kreiman et al., 2015; Moisik & Esling, 2014; Moisik et al., 2014; Story, 2015).
Neither will we review instrumentation used to measure muscular and articulatory properties of the
voice; I refer readers to Baken & Orlikoff (2000); Hirose (2010); Gick et al. (2013), among others.
Given that this chapter focuses on linguistic meaning, readers who are especially interested in how
the voice varies according to specific voice disorders, emotions, individuals, and singing styles
should consult Laver (1980); Sundberg (1987); Titze (1994); Esling & Edmondson (2010); Gobl
& N´
ı Chasaide (2010); Kreiman & Sidtis (2011); Sapienza et al. (2011), among others. However,
this chapter should also be of use to these readers, in that we will review a theory of the voice that
links vocal production, acoustics, and voice quality perception more generally. Moreover, we will
discuss how the speech chain, as it concerns the vocal folds, relates to meaningful categories that
must be accurately perceived in order for communication to be effective.
In the following Section 2, I classify vocal fold articulations according to their primary phono-
logical dimensions. In Section 3, I review the psychoacoustic voice model by Kreiman et al. (2014)
and how parameters of this model are perceived by listeners and relate to the phonological dimen-
sions outlined in the previous section. In Sections 4 and 5, I discuss recent work showing how the
parameters of Kreiman et al. (2014)’s voice model relate to voice source acoustics and vocal fold
articulation as parameterized in a recent model by Zhang (2015, 2016a). In Section 6, I conclude
with discussion of outstanding questions and areas for future research.
2 Primary linguistic voice dimensions
Vocal fold movements, despite being very complex, can be organized along two articulatory di-
mensions that are especially important in language (Table 1): how far apart the folds are from
each other, and whether they are vibrating. (Further details on these articulations are presented in
Section 5.) In this chapter, I refer to this first dimension as vocal fold approximation, though it
could likewise be called ‘abduction/adduction’ and ‘spreading/constriction’. The minimal vocal
fold approximation in speech can be found during voiceless aspiration (e.g. for [h] and aspirated
stops like [th]), and the maximal vocal fold approximation, when the vocal folds are in full contact,
can be found for a glottal stop [P] as well as glottalized sounds and ejectives (e.g. [>
Pt, t’]). Note
that ‘minimal vocal fold approximation’ is understood within the context of speech sounds; for
example, during active breathing the vocal folds abduct even more than during aspirated speech
sounds (Gick et al., 2013). Other voiceless sounds can be described as having incomplete vocal
fold approximation that is nonetheless greater than that found for aspiration; this state of vocal
fold approximation is sometimes called ‘prephonation’ (Harris, 1999; Esling & Harris, 2003; Ed-
mondson et al., 2011). Likewise, voiced sounds require some degree of vocal fold approximation,
Minimal approximation 'Prephonation' Maximal approximation
Figure 1. Schematized laryngoscopic (bird’s-eye) view of the vocal folds showing different degrees
of vocal fold approximation for voiceless sounds. In between minimal approximation (e.g., for a
voiceless glottal fricative) and maximal approximation (e.g., for a glottal stop) is a state sometimes
called ‘prephonation’, which is found for voiceless unaspirated stops (Harris, 1999; Esling &
Harris, 2003; Edmondson et al., 2011).
which can also vary in its degree. Thus, all sounds, regardless of whether they are ‘plain’ voice-
less sounds, aspirated, glottalized, or voiced, involve some degree of vocal fold approximation. A
schematic of different states of vocal fold approximation for voiceless sounds is shown in Figure 1.
The second dimension, vocal fold vibration, is also often called voicing. This dimension
is dependent on vocal fold approximation: voicing can only be initiated with some amount of
vocal fold approximation, and only certain degrees of vocal fold approximation can sustain voicing
once it has begun (Titze, 1992; Kreiman & Sidtis, 2011). Consequently, all sounds with vocal
fold vibration necessarily make use of both dimensions. Voicing is generally treated as being
categorical: sounds produced with vocal fold vibration are ‘voiced’, those without are ‘voiceless’.
(Voicing is sometimes also called ‘phonation’, but this term is also used more generally to describe
any sound generated in the larynx or the remaining components of the vocal tract.) Voicing is very
important in languages’ phonologies; voiced sounds, including vowels, sonorant consonants, and
voiced obstruents, are found in every spoken language, and about 80% of languages have voicing
contrasts in obstruents (Maddieson et al., 2016).
Voicing can be further characterized along two dimensions that are very important for lin-
guistic meaning. The first is rate (or ‘frequency’) of vocal fold vibration, a continuous dimension
that determines the fundamental frequency of the voice and is used to convey lexical tone and
Table 1. Primary vocal fold movements and their use in sounds of the world’s languages. The
dashed line between rate vs. quality of voicing indicates that these two dimensions are often de-
pendent on each other.
Dimension Articulatory description Relevant sounds
How far apart the vocal folds
are from each other
All voiced sounds
All voiceless sounds, e.g.
Aspirated sounds
Glottalized sounds
Voicing Whether the vocal folds are vibrating
All voiced sounds, e.g.
Sonorant consonants
(Voiced) vowels
Rate Rate of vibration
Quality Constriction of vibration
Contrastive voice quality
(‘phonation type’)
intonation, and is one of the main correlates of lexical and phrasal stress (Gordon & Applebaum,
2010; Gordon, 2014; Garellek & White, 2015). The second dimension to voicing is the quality or
‘manner’ of vocal fold vibration. Voice quality is also important for stress, tone, and intonation
(Kreiman, 1982; Sluijter & van Heuven, 1996; Campbell & Beckman, 1997; Garellek & White,
2015; Mooshammer, 2010; Lancia et al., 2016); moreover, it is the primary dimension used for con-
trastive voice quality (‘phonation type’) and is important for voice registers, a multidimensional
linguistic contrast involving a change in voice quality and other (laryngeal and supralaryngeal)
changes (DiCanio, 2009; Brunelle, 2012; Abramson et al., 2015; Brunelle & Kirby, 2016).
The most common voice qualities that are used in language are ‘modal’, ‘breathy’, and
‘creaky’, and we will focus on these for the remainder of the chapter. They are defined relative to
one another; thus, there is no ‘absolute’ breathy voice, but certain voice qualities are ‘breathier’
than others. It is partly due to their relative differences that many names for voice qualities exist:
breathy voice qualities are sometimes called ‘lax, slack, murmured, aspirated’ while creaky quali-
ties are ‘stiff, tense, laryngealized, glottalized, (vocal) fry, pressed’, to name but a few. Other terms,
such as ‘rough’, ‘strident’, ‘sphincteric’, ‘epiglottalized’ or ‘harsh’ voice, tend to be used for voice
Most open Most closed
[h] Breathy Modal Creaky [ʔ]
Figure 2. Simplified one-dimensional space for voice quality (based on Ladefoged, 1971; Gordon
& Ladefoged, 2001).
qualities that also necessarily involve supraglottal constriction (Laver, 1980; Traill, 1985; Gerratt
& Kreiman, 2001; Edmondson & Esling, 2006; Miller, 2007; Moisik & Esling, 2011; Moisik,
2013) and thus fall outside the narrow definition of ‘voice’ used here.
Although these different terms can sometimes refer to the same articulation, often researchers
will use different terms to refer to distinct manners of vocal fold vibrations, acoustic characteristics,
or perceptual voice qualities (Batliner et al., 1993; Gerratt & Kreiman, 2001; Redi & Shattuck-
Hufnagel, 2001; Slifka, 2006; Kane et al., 2013; Kuang, 2013b; Keating et al., 2015). From an
articulatory perspective, differences between breathy, modal, and creaky voice can minimally be
described using a one-dimensional model of vocal fold approximation (Ladefoged, 1971; Gordon
& Ladefoged, 2001): as we have already discussed, voiceless sounds can be made with minimal
or maximal vocal fold approximation (as in [h] or [P], respectively). In between these extremes,
there is voicing. Voicing with less vocal fold approximation is ‘breathy’, voicing with more ap-
proximation is ‘creaky’, and voicing that is neither breathy nor creaky is ‘modal’. (‘Lax/slack’
voice is sometimes considered intermediate to breathy and modal, and ‘tense/stiff’ voice to creaky
and modal; Keating et al., 2011; Kuang & Keating, 2014.) This one-dimensional model of vocal
fold approximation is schematized in Figure 2. It is conceptually simple and useful for describing
the phonologically-relevant relationship between voice qualities and categories of voiceless (con-
sonantal) vocal fold approximation (Lombardi, 1991). However, it suffers from certain drawbacks.
First, ‘modal’ voice is defined in articulatory terms, relative to other states of vocal fold approx-
imation; however, many researchers also use this term to refer to a speaker’s default or ‘normal’
voicing. Defined thus, if a speaker’s normal voice quality is quite creaky, that speaker’s ‘modal’
voice would involve quite a bit of vocal fold approximation, and thus should be captured under
Table 2. Valves of the throat and their functioning (from Esling & Harris 2005; Edmondson &
Esling 2006; see also Figure 1 in Edmondson & Esling 2006). Valve 1 is similar to the continuum
represented in Figure 2. The remaining valves pertain to structures above the vocal folds, and
therefore would fall outside the narrow definition of ‘voice’ used in this chapter.
Valve Description
Valve 1 vocal fold adduction and abduction
Valve 2 ventricular fold adduction
Valve 3 compression of the arytenoids and aryepiglottic folds
Valve 4 epiglottal-pharyngeal constriction
Valve 5 larynx raising
Valve 6 pharyngeal narrowing
‘creaky’ in this model. The difference between these two definitions of ‘modal’ (one articulatory
and relative to non-modal voice, the other with reference to a speaker’s normal quality) is generally
thought to be of little practical importance, because we assume that speakers can always become
creakier or breathier than their normal voice quality; for instance, a Jalapa Mazatec speaker whose
normal voice quality is very creaky should be able to produce even creakier voice quality than her
default in order to say a word with contrastive creaky voice in the language. But given that we still
know very little about individual differences in voice quality – for example, if the degree of vocal
fold approximation in a particular speaker’s default voice quality has an effect on how that same
speaker will produce non-modal voice – there may be an important distinction to be made between
‘modal’ as defined articulatorily vs. speaker-dependently.
Second, although breathy and creaky voice are (generally) produced with different degrees
of vocal fold approximation, creaky voice can involve additional supraglottal constriction (e.g. of
the ventricular and aryepiglottic folds). The additional constrictions – and how these relate to
linguistically-relevant relationships between voice quality and supralaryngeal articulations (like
tongue root advancement and vowel quality) – are captured more straightforwardly in a ‘valves’
model of voice quality (see Table 2, after Esling & Harris, 2005 and Edmondson & Esling, 2006).
However, only Valve 1 from this model is involved in voice quality if the ‘voice’ is narrowly
defined as including only articulation of the vocal folds.
The third drawback to both continuum and valves models of the voice is that ‘creaky’ voice
– even if it is defined narrowly as a manner of vocal fold vibration with no additional supraglot-
tal articulation – represents a cluster of voice qualities that share some perceptual attributes. In
Figure 3. Three-dimensional space for creaky voice, with some more common subtypes shown
(based on Keating et al., 2015).
order to be perceived as creaky, the voice must be minimally low in pitch, irregular in pitch, or
constricted-sounding (we will discuss what it means to be ‘constricted-sounding’ in the following
section), though not necessarily all three (Keating et al., 2015). For example, there are cases of
creaky voice that are irregular and low in pitch, but also unconstricted (Slifka, 2000, 2006), which I
call ‘unconstricted creaky voice’. Further, there are two distinct types of creaky voice that are con-
stricted in quality but regular in pitch: vocal fry (which is low and regular in pitch) and tense voice,
which is high-pitched and regular (Keating et al., 2015). A very low-pitched voice (e.g., below 60
Hz) can also be perceived as creaky, despite not having any constriction or irregularity (Keating
et al., 2015). Figure 3 illustrates the differences between prototypical creaky voice, unconstricted
creaky voice, tense voice, and vocal fry.
Therefore, either a low pitch, an irregular pitch, or a constricted quality (regardless of pitch)
is alone sufficient for listeners to perceive a voice as creaky, even if the articulatory origins and
acoustic attributes underlying this percept can differ. However, much more work is needed to
determine how perceptually distinct these subtypes can be (cf. Gerratt & Kreiman, 2001; Garellek,
2015), and how linguistically-relevant they are. We have evidence that ‘prototypical’ creaky voice
(low-pitched, irregular in pitch, and constricted) is linguistically important, since it is commonly
found for contrastive and allophonic creaky voice (Gordon & Ladefoged, 2001; Esposito, 2012;
Garellek & Keating, 2011). Both other types of constricted voices listed in Figure 3 are of linguistic
relevance: vocal fry can be used to perceive a glottal stop [P] (Hillenbrand & Houde, 1996; Gerfen
& Baker, 2005), and tense voice can be used for the phonetic realization of contrastive creaky
voice on a vowel with a high lexical tone, and is found more generally with higher-pitched lexical
tones (Garellek & Keating, 2011; Kuang, 2013b). Unconstricted creaky voice is found as a form of
phrase-final creak (Kreiman, 1982; Redi & Shattuck-Hufnagel, 2001; Garellek, 2015) in utterance-
final position when the subglottal pressure is low, at least for some speakers of American English
(Slifka, 2000, 2006). If unconstricted creaky voice occurs due to low subglottal pressure, it should
also occur in similar environments in other languages.
Given that creaky voice represents a cluster of vocal fold articulations and voice qualities,
one might be inclined to ask whether phoneticians should retain the more general term ‘creaky’
at all. I believe we should, because it is useful to have a word for the abstract phonological cate-
gory, which may be realized (in different phonological environments and/or by different speakers)
using different articulations. For instance, it is useful to have a ‘creaky’ phonological category in
Jalapa Mazatec, since this phonation type contrasts with more modal and breathy voice qualities.
However, we know that the ‘creaky’ voice type varies phonetically by lexical tone and preceding
consonant in the language (Garellek & Keating, 2011; Kuang, 2013a), and likely also by prosodic
position, talker, and other factors.
In sum, we can analyze languages’ use of voice primarily in terms of vocal fold approximation
and voicing, which in turn may differ by rate and quality. There are other dimensions of the voice,
including whisper and vocal intensity, but these generally play smaller roles in phonologies of the
world’s languages (cf. Fulop & Golston, 2008 for the role of whispery voice in White Hmong).
Vocal intensity, which is important for stress (Gordon & Applebaum, 2010), is controlled mostly
by the subglottal pressure, but also by vocal fold and supralaryngeal adjustments (Sundberg, 1987;
Zhang, 2016b). Having reviewed the primary dimensions of the voice used to make sounds of the
world’s languages, we will now turn to a model of how language users produce and perceive these
3 A psychoacoustic model of the voice
One of the biggest challenges with modeling the voice is that voice articulation, acoustics, and
perception are inherently multidimensional. The vocal folds have a complex structure and vibrate
in a three-dimensional space. Acoustically, one can model the voice source in both temporal and
spectral domains, and within each domain there are many different attributes to the voice that can
be parameterized (Cumming & Clements, 1995; Gobl & N´
ı Chasaide, 2010; Kreiman et al., 2010b,
2015). Voice perception is also extremely complex; there are dozens of ways of characterizing the
voice (Kreiman & Sidtis, 2011), with terminologies and relevant taxonomies varying by discipline.
For example, a whispery voice quality might not be a primary voice dimension in sounds of the
world’s languages, but it is common in speech and is associated with certain speech disorders
(Laver, 1980; Sapienza et al., 2011; Gick et al., 2013). And, as discussed in Section 1, models
of voice articulation and acoustics may not be able to account for all perceptual changes in voice
quality, or may have articulatory and acoustic parameters that are irrelevant for perception (Zhang
et al., 2013; Kreiman et al., 2014; Garellek et al., 2016b). Since our main goal in studying the voice
is to link what speakers do with their voices with what listeners hear, models of the voice should
link to voice perception; acoustic attributes are important only insofar as they are perceptible, and
articulatory attributes only insofar as they result in perceptible acoustic changes.
For these reasons, Kreiman et al. (2014) propose a psychoacoustic model of the voice, shown
in Table 3, which has the following parameters: four pertaining to the harmonic component of the
voice source spectrum (the sound produced by the vocal folds, before being filtered by the vocal
tract), another parameter for modeling the inharmonic component of the source spectrum (i.e.,
the noise), two temporal components of the voice source (f0 and amplitude), and the vocal tract
transfer function (which models the filtering from the vocal tract). Only the first three groups are
relevant for the voice as it concerns the vocal folds; though resonances and zeroes affect overall
voice quality, they are here considered independent of the voice source parameters (cf. Cumming
& Clements, 1995). This model makes several other important assumptions, notably that its param-
eters are both necessary and sufficient to model voice quality; thus, with one of these parameters
missing, voice quality cannot be faithfully modeled, and no other measures are needed to model
the voice.
The temporal parameters (the f0 and amplitude tracks) relate to the presence of voicing, its
Table 3. Components of the psychoacoustic model of voice quality and associated parameters
(from Kreiman et al. 2014).
Model component Parameters
Harmonic source
spectral slope (Figure 4)
H1–H2 (see description in text)
H4–H2 kHz
H2 kHz–H5 kHz
source noise Harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR)
source characteristics
f0 track
Amplitude track
Vocal tract
transfer function
Formant frequencies and bandwidths
Spectral zeroes and bandwidths
rate of vibration, and its amplitude. The harmonic spectral slope parameters represent differences
in harmonic amplitudes; thus, H1–H2 refers to the difference in amplitude between the first and
second harmonic (Bickley, 1982), H2–H4 is the difference in amplitude between the second and
fourth harmonics (Kreiman et al., 2007), H4–H2 kHz is the difference in amplitude between the
fourth harmonic and the harmonic closest to 2000 Hz, and H2 kHz–H5 kHz is the difference in
amplitude between the harmonic closest to 2000 Hz and the one closest to 5000 Hz (Kreiman et al.,
2011). Together, they characterize the voice’s ‘spectral tilt’ in various harmonic and frequency
The assumptions regarding the harmonic spectral slope model and its parameters warrant
further discussion. The first main assumption is that the spectral tilt parameters can be articulatorily
and perceptually independent of f0, even though it is clear that f0 changes are associated with
changes in spectral tilt (Kuang, 2013a; Garellek et al., 2016b). Thus, with a constant f0 = 100
Hz, a measure like H2–H4 will have a frequency bandwidth of 200 Hz (between 200 Hz and 400
Hz), whereas with a constant f0 of 200 Hz, the frequency bandwidth of H2–H4 will be 400 Hz
(between 400 and 800 Hz). Frequency bandwidth can vary for H1–H2 and H2–H4, as well as well
as H4–H2 kHz, though the latter parameter is bounded at the high end by a particular frequency of
2000 Hz. (The source spectrum model is therefore used only for f0 values below 500 Hz; higher
than that, and H4 will be equal to or surpass 2 kHz!) The final parameter H2 kHz–H5 kHz depends
on frequency bandwidth alone, not harmonic bandwidth. Overall then, we assume in this model
that voice quality is perceptually dependent on spectral tilt between fixed harmonics (regardless of
their frequency) in the lower-frequency end of the spectrum, and that voice quality is perceptually
dependent on spectral tilt between harmonics of fixed frequencies at the higher-frequency end of
the spectrum. It should be noted here that spectral tilt measures over fixed frequency bands have
also been shown to correlate with changes in quality (de Krom, 1995; Hartl et al., 2003; Samlan
et al., 2013; Samlan & Kreiman, 2014).
The second main assumption is that we need four spectral tilt parameters. Kreiman et al.
(2014) and Garellek et al. (2016b) motivate a model of the harmonic source spectrum with four tilt
parameters for several reasons. First, spectral tilt can vary independently according to frequency
band; thus, spectral tilt can be negative in one portion of the spectrum, but positive in another
(Kreiman et al., 2007; Garellek et al., 2016b). Another reason for modeling spectral tilt in terms of
multiple components is that distinct articulations might be responsible for different tilt components
(Zhang et al., 2013). Moreover, source spectra share certain inflection points; for example, it is
common for the harmonic slope to change abruptly around 2000 Hz. Finally, listeners are not
equally sensitive to every component of spectral tilt (Garellek et al., 2016b), and indeed sometimes
the slope of one component can cancel out the perceptual effect of another (Garellek et al., 2013).
We will also discuss the relevance of these parameters for linguistically-relevant dimensions of the
voice in the following section.
This model further assumes that it is the slope between harmonics (rather than amplitudes
of individual harmonics), that is perceptually relevant for quality (Kreiman et al., 2014; Garellek
et al., 2016b). For instance, we assume that it is of no importance whether H3 is louder than either
H2 or H4; the parameter H2–H4 depends only on the amplitudes of the harmonics adjacent to H3.
In our use of this model, we therefore alter the amplitude of the intermediate harmonics to conform
to the slope made between the two harmonic endpoints, as shown in Figure 4.
The final parameter of the model, the harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR), refers to the differ-
ence in amplitude between the harmonic and inharmonic components of the source spectrum, as
measured in the cepstral domain (de Krom, 1993). The choice of HNR as a means of measur-
ing noise in this model assumes that spectral noise is psychoacoustically important (Kreiman &
Gerratt, 2005; Shrivastav & Sapienza, 2006; Zhang et al., 2013; Garellek et al., 2016b). Although
there are many time-domain noise measures like jitter and shimmer, these are not included because
they are not perceptually relevant independently of HNR (Kreiman & Gerratt, 2005). The current
Frequency (Hz)
2 kHz
5 kHz
Figure 4. The four-parameter harmonic source spectrum model, fitted to the spectrum of a natural
voice. The voice source was estimated via inverse filtering, and its spectrum was then calculated
via fast Fourier transform. Differences in the amplitudes of individual harmonics are altered so
that they conform to the slope of the appropriate model segment (based on Kreiman et al., 2014).
version of the model also assumes that HNR over the entire frequency range is sufficient to model
the inharmonic component of the source spectrum. However, it is clear that noise interacts with
harmonic components in different frequency bands in distinct ways (Kreiman & Gerratt, 2012;
Garellek et al., 2016b), and that changes in linguistic uses of voice quality are expressed with more
narrowband noise measures (Garellek, 2012). Therefore, much more work is needed to determine
how best to model noise and its role in causing changes in voice quality.3
A note on how to obtain measurements for these model parameters: Kreiman et al. (2014) and
Garellek et al. (2016b) calculate these model parameters using inverse filtering of audio recordings
followed by analysis-by-synthesis. Although this allows for very accurate source and filter esti-
mation, the main disadvantages of this process are that it is time-consuming and difficult to do on
conversational speech (see Gobl & N´
ı Chasaide, 2010; Kreiman et al., 2010a for more discussion
on the matter). However, these model parameters can be estimated from the audio signal if formant
correction is used, e.g. with a program like VoiceSauce (Shue et al., 2011). This practice is often
used in phonetic studies, but requires accurate formant measurements, which can be problematic
3In fact, some current versions of this psychoacoustic voice model parameterize the spectral slope of the inharmonic
noise in four frequency bands (Kreiman et al., 2016).
with certain sounds. This is discussed in more detail in Section 4.2.2.
In the following sections, I will show how the primary linguistic dimensions of the voice can
be expressed and measured using this psychoacoustic model, and how vocal fold articulation as it
concerns these dimensions relates back to the model’s parameters.
4 Acoustic properties of the primary phonological voice dimensions
The primary phonological voice dimensions (vocal fold approximation, voicing, rate of vibration,
and quality of voicing) have clear acoustic ramifications that can be measured using the parameters
of the psychoacoustic voice model outlined in Section 3.
4.1 Vocal fold approximation
Vocal fold approximation during voiceless sounds has both direct and indirect acoustic conse-
quences. Direct consequences include the absence of periodic energy, and, for minimal vocal
fold approximation (i.e., maximal abduction/spreading), the presence of aspiration noise, which in
Kreiman et al. (2014)’s model can be measured using HNR (higher values of the measure indicate
less noise). Aspiration noise can also be seen in spectra and spectrograms as broadband noise
(though filtered by the shape of the vocal tract); in waveforms, aspiration noise is hard to distin-
guish from other sources of noise, such as frication from the vocal tract. Indirect consequences of
vocal fold spreading can be seen on adjacent voiced sounds, which will be breathier, as discussed
in Section 4.2.2.
Complete vocal fold approximation, on the other hand, is hard to measure using parameters
in Kreiman et al. (2014)’s model, and is hard to see directly in either temporal or spectral domains;
if the vocal folds are constricted but not vibrating, then there is no acoustic energy that is produced
during the constriction. However, as vocal folds transition from voicing to and from complete con-
striction, there are indirect consequences present in form of creaky voice on the adjacent sounds. In
sum, vocal fold approximation can be measured indirectly through its effects on adjacent voicing,
which we will discuss more below.
Frequency Amplitude
[à] [h] [á]
Figure 5. Waveform and spectrogram of the sequence [`ah´a]. The presence of voicing is indicated
by the glottal pulses in both displays, as well as by the presence of an f0 track (shown in the
dashed line). The intensity track (the solid horizontal line in the display) provides information on
the amplitude of the signal during voicing.
4.2 Voicing
Vocal fold vibration usually produces a complex (quasi-)periodic wave; that is, a wave with many
frequency components (Stevens, 2000). The slowest component is the fundamental frequency (f0),
and the faster components are whole-integer multiples of the f0 (see Figure 4). Thus, if voicing
is present, there must be an f0. Figure 5 illustrates how an f0 track in the sequence [`ah´a] aligns
with the presence of glottal pulses (the vertical striations) in the waveform and spectrogram. The
intensity of voicing (roughly, ‘how loud’ the voice is) can be measured by the psychoacoustic
model using the amplitude track, also shown in Figure 5.
4.2.1 Rate of vibration
Differences in rate (or frequency) of vocal fold vibrations are reflected in the acoustic signal pri-
marily through changes to the fundamental frequency and its change over time. In the temporal
domain, this means that the periodic wave produced during voicing will recur more quickly or
slowly, resulting in more closely- or distantly-spaced glottal pulses. This can be seen in Figure 5:
where the glottal pulses are closer together (i.e. in the second vowel), the f0 track is higher. In the
spectral domain, f0 is the frequency of the first harmonic, though here temporal change in f0 is not
calculable. Using Kreiman et al. (2014)’s model, we can measure f0 change using the f0 track.
4.2.2 Voice quality
As discussed above, the three main voice qualities (breathy, modal, and creaky voice), as well as
subtypes of creaky voice, can be described in terms of their degree of constriction (or spreading)
and noise: relative to modal voice, breathy voice is both more spread and noisier (because of the
presence of aspiration noise), whereas prototypical creaky voice is more constricted and noisier
because of irregular pitch.
These two basic dimensions to voice quality – spreading/constriction and noise – have spe-
cific acoustic attributes in the psychoacoustic model proposed by Kreiman et al. (2014). The most
reliable correlate of increased spreading or constriction during voicing is through increased spec-
tral tilt for spreading and decreased spectral tilt for constriction (Klatt & Klatt, 1990; Gordon &
Ladefoged, 2001; Hanson et al., 2001; Kreiman et al., 2012; Chen et al., 2013; Samlan et al., 2013;
Keating et al., 2015; Zhang, 2016a). For the four spectral tilt parameters discussed earlier (H1–H2,
H2–H4, H4–H2 kHz, and H2 kHz–H5 kHz), greater spectral tilt due to breathy voice would be in-
dicated by higher values of these measures. Of these four spectral slopes, it is clear that at least H1–
H2 and H2–H4 are relevant phonologically. For example, native speakers of White Hmong can use
changes in either of these slopes to perceive their contrastive breathy-voiced tone (Garellek et al.,
2013), and many other studies on a variety of languages have shown that breathy and creaky voice
correlate with changes in H1–H2 (Bickley, 1982; Gordon & Ladefoged, 2001; Blankenship, 2002;
Miller, 2007; DiCanio, 2009; Brunelle & Finkeldey, 2011; Garellek & Keating, 2011; Garellek,
2012; Esposito, 2012; Khan, 2012; Berkson, 2013; DiCanio, 2014; Yu & Lam, 2014; Abramson
et al., 2015; Zhang & Yan, 2015). Listeners of languages with contrastive or allophonic non-
modal phonation show differing degrees of sensitivity to H1–H2 (Kreiman et al., 2010b; Kreiman
& Gerratt, 2010), and H2–H4 is also relevant for listeners’ identification of speaker sex (Bishop &
Keating, 2012). On the other hand, it is still unclear whether the higher-frequency slopes H4–H2
kHz and H2 kHz–H5 kHz contribute to linguistically-relevant voice distinctions, though recent
work suggests that they, along with H1–H2 and H2–H4, help differentiate creaky vowels from
non-creaky ones in American English (Garellek & Seyfarth, 2016).
Other measures of spectral tilt over different frequency bands, such as H1–A1, H1–A2, and
H1–A3 (differences in amplitude between the first harmonic and the harmonic closest to the first,
second, and third formants) have proved useful for distinguishing voice qualities or registers in
languages of the world (N´
ı Chasaide & Gobl, 1993; Hanson, 1997; Gordon & Ladefoged, 2001;
Hanson et al., 2001; Wayland & Jongman, 2003; Gerfen & Baker, 2005; Andruski, 2006; DiCanio,
2009; Esposito, 2010a,b; Avelino, 2010; Garellek & Keating, 2011; Brunelle, 2012; Berkson, 2013;
Kirby, 2014; Abramson et al., 2015). There are several important remarks to make on the similar-
ities and differences between these measures and the spectral tilt parameters proposed by Kreiman
et al. (2014). First, both types of measures use harmonic-based bandwidths, rather than fixed fre-
quency ranges (see discussion in Section 3). Morevoer, the harmonics closest to a formant (i.e.,
A1, A2, and A3) are not defined in a source model. One consequence of this is that measures
like H1–A1, H1–A2, and H1–A3 are correlated and can even overlap with the source spectral tilt
measures like H1–H2. For instance, the vowel [i] spoken by the average adult male speaker of
American English has an F1 at around 340 Hz (Hillenbrand et al., 1995). So if an adult male
speaker of American English says [i] with an f0 of 150 Hz, the harmonic closest to F1 is H2,
which means that, for this token, H1–H2 would be equal to H1–A1 (see the left panel of Figure 6).
Thus, depending on context, it might not make sense to measure both H1–H2 and H1–A1 for the
same token. However, this issue would not occur when using source spectral parameters like the
kind found in Kreiman et al. (2014)’s model, because the model parameters can never overlap in
frequency. Of more theoretical relevance is the fact that, for measure like H1–A1, what counts as
A1’ will vary by context. For instance, if the same adult male speaker from the previous example
were to say the vowel [A] with an f0 = 150 Hz, then H1–A1 would be equal to the difference in
amplitude between the first harmonic and the harmonic closest to roughly 770 Hz, which is H5
(at roughly 750 Hz, see the right panel of Figure 6). Measures like H1–A1, H1–A2, and H1–A3
vary in their harmonic bandwidth depending on the formant frequencies; on the other hand, source
spectral tilt measures like H1–H2 and H2–H4 have fixed harmonic bandwidths and therefore do
not depend on vowel quality. Thus, use of measures like H1–A1 assumes that the ways in which
spectral tilt can determine voice quality necessarily depend on the vowel quality. For instance, if
I compare Mazatec breathy vs. modal vowels of different qualities using H1–A1 (as in Garellek
& Keating 2011), then I assume that a relevant way of distinguishing these voice qualities is by
Frequency (Hz)
Sound pressure level (dB/Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
Sound pressure level (dB/Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
Sound pressure level (dB/Hz)
A1 A1
Figure 6. FFT and LPC spectra for synthetic [i] (left) and [A] (right) with f0 = 150 Hz and
formants equal to that of an average adult male speaker of American English. For [i] (left), the
second harmonic (H2) is also the harmonic closest to the first formant (A1), so H1–H2 equals
H1–A1. For [A] (right), H1–A1 equals H1–H5.
comparing the spectral tilt between H1 and the first formant, regardless of the harmonic that is
most affected by that formant. On the other hand, using measures such as H1–H2, H2–H4, H4–H2
kHz, and H2 kHz–H5 kHz implies that voice source characteristics are relevant independent of the
filter; although Kreiman et al. (2014) assume that both the source and filter can influence voice
quality, they further assume that measuring spectral tilt within fixed harmonic or frequency bands
is a relevant way of distinguishing voice quality. It is still unclear which method of represent-
ing spectral tilt more closely reflects perception of voice quality; i.e., whether listeners perceive
changes in quality more as a function of formant- or harmonic-based differences in spectral tilt.
The second important dimension to voice quality is noise, which in the psychoacoustic voice
model is calculated in the spectral domain as harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR). Since breathy voice
has aspiration noise (due to the increase in vocal fold spreading or lower vocal fold thickness, see
Section 5), this will lower the HNR. Numerous studies have shown that HNR measures are useful
for distinguishing breathy vs. non-breathy voice qualities used in language (Gordon & Ladefoged,
2001; Blankenship, 2002; Brunelle, 2012; Berkson, 2013; Esposito, 2012; Garellek, 2012; Khan,
2012; Kuang, 2012; Simpson, 2012). Creaky voice also lowers HNR, but usually this is because
of its irregular pitch: if the f0 is not regular, the signal’s noise will increase. Various studies also
provide evidence for the use of HNR in distinguish creaky vs. non-creaky voice qualities in lan-
guage (Blankenship, 2002; Esposito, 2012; Garellek, 2012, 2015; Keating et al., 2015; Garellek &
Table 4. Sample H1–H2 and HNR values for two groups of Vowels A vs. B and A0vs. B0. Even
though Vowels A and A0share the same H1–H2 (as do B and B0), the HNR differences suggest that
Vowel B is creakier than Vowel A, whereas Vowel A0is breathier than Vowel B0.
Vowel A Vowel B Vowel A0Vowel B0
H1–H2 10 5 10 5
HNR 20 10 10 20
Interpretation A has higher tilt, less noise than B. A0has higher tilt, more noise than B0.
A = modal, B = creaky A0= breathy, B0= modal
Seyfarth, 2016). ‘Harsh’ voice qualities, which are not reviewed in detail here because they neces-
sarily involve supraglottal constriction (Edmondson et al., 2001; Edmondson & Esling, 2006), can
also have lower HNR (Miller, 2007), due at least in part to the supralaryngeal noise.
Phoneticians often use acoustic measures to categorize different voice qualities. For example,
the lower values of H1–H2 in Category A compared with Category B might be used to justify
an analysis in which Category A is creaky and Category B is modal. There are, however, two
important things to keep in mind with regard to this practice. First, spectral tilt measures like
H1–H2 vary continuously between more constricted creaky voice qualities (which have lower H1–
H2) and less constricted or breathier voice qualities (which have higher H1–H2); modal voice’s
spectral tilt is somewhere in between that of constricted creaky and breathy voice. But raw values
of spectral tilt measures do not index a precise voice quality; one person’s creaky voice can have
an average H1–H2 of -2 dB while another person’s creaky voice averages 5 dB. Thus, if Category
A has a higher H1–H2 than Category B, we cannot know whether the difference between A and B
is one between more modal vs. creaky voice, between more breathy vs. modal voice, or between
more breathy vs. more creaky voice. This is why spectral tilt measures are often interpreted with
respect to noise measures like HNR (Blankenship, 2002; Garellek, 2012; Simpson, 2012; Garellek
& White, 2015): if Category A has both a higher H1–H2 and a higher HNR than Category B,
then we can assume A is more modal than B, because modal voice generally has higher H1–H2
and HNR values than creaky voice. But if Category A0has a higher H1–H2 and a lower HNR
than Category B, then we can assume A0is breathier than B0, because breathy voice generally
has higher H1–H2 and lower HNR values than modal voice (see Table 4). Figure 7 illustrates the
relationship between breathy, modal, and (prototypical) creaky voice in a two-dimensional acoustic
space consisting of spectral tilt and HNR.
Lower spectral tilt Higher spectral tilt
Higher HNR
creaky voice
Lower spectral tilt Higher spectral tilt
creaky voice
Lower HNR
Figure 7. Relative acoustic differences between breathy, modal, and (prototypical) creaky voice, in
terms of both spectral tilt and noise. The difference in position of breathy voice and prototypical
creaky voice on the HNR scale is arbitrary; cf. Blankenship 2002 and Garellek 2012.
The second caveat pertains to the fact that lower spectral tilt measures correlate with increased
constriction. As we have discussed earlier, not all subtypes of creaky voice are more constricted or
noisy than modal voice. For instance, tense voice is constricted, high in pitch, and regular in pitch,
which means that we would not expect to find a decrease in HNR for tense voice relative to modal
voice. The acoustic characteristics (in terms of both spectral tilt and noise) of these types of creaky
voice are shown in Table 5.
Another difficulty with measuring voice quality is that when speech sounds travel through air,
they bear evidence both of voice characteristics and of the supralaryngeal modulations of the vocal
tract. It can sometimes be challenging to infer whether a particular acoustic property is due to
voice or supralaryngeal vocal tract articulations: for instance, nasalized vowels (caused by velum
lowering) and breathy vowels (caused by vocal fold spreading during voicing) both have higher
spectral tilt (Klatt & Klatt, 1990; Simpson, 2012; Garellek et al., 2016a). There are several options
for researchers who wish to disentangle confounding effects of manner of voicing and suprala-
ryngeal articulation. First, one can use ‘inverse filtering’ to remove the acoustic effects of other
articulators, and measure manner of voicing from the source waveform (often with the additional
step of modeling the waveform using a variety of voice source models, N´
ı Chasaide & Gobl, 1993;
Table 5. Summary of psychoacoustic voice model’s parameters according to primary phonological
dimensions of voice.
Dimension Relevant model parameters
Vocal fold approximation
Absence of f0 track
Aspiration noise (if vocal folds are spread)
Voice quality changes on adjacent voiced sounds
Voicing Presence of f0 track
Rate of vibration Frequency of f0 track
Voice quality
(compared with modal)
Breathy voice:
Higher H1–H2, H2–H4, H4–H2 kHz, H2 kHz–H5 kHz
Lower HNR
Unconstricted creaky voice:
Higher H1–H2 H2–H4, H4–H2 kHz, H2 kHz–H5 kHz
Lower HNR
Lower f0
Constricted creaky voice qualities
(Prototypical creaky, tense voice, and vocal fry):
Lower H1–H2 H2–H4, H4–H2 kHz, H2 kHz–H5 kHz
Lower HNR (prototypical creaky voice)
Lower f0 (prototypical creaky and vocal fry)
Epstein, 2002; Gobl & N´
ı Chasaide, 2010; Kreiman et al., 2015). Another option is to measure
spectral tilt and noise from the audio output spectrum, but to ‘correct for’ or undo the effects of
the supralaryngeal articulators (Hanson, 1995, 1997; Iseli et al., 2007). However, it should be
noted that formant corrections are meant to undo the effects of vowel formants specifically; thus,
they cannot remove the effects of nasalization or consonantal resonances (Simpson, 2012; Garellek
et al., 2016a). Of course, formant corrections will also fail whenever the formants are mistracked.
This is especially common with high-pitched and breathy voices where the high-frequency and
high-energy of the first harmonic can be misidentified as a formant. It is thus recommended that
researchers check the f0 and formant frequencies to ensure that the spectral slope measures are not
mistracked due to inaccurate tracking of f0 or (for ‘corrected’ measures) of the formants . Spec-
tral slope measures whose harmonic amplitudes have been corrected for effects of formants and
bandwidths are usually denoted with asterisks, e.g. H1*–H2*. Readers should therefore be aware
that different researchers will use a label such as ‘H1–H2’ to refer either to uncorrected spectral
tilt derived from the output audio spectrum, or to the measure calculated directly from the source
As mentioned at the start of this section, it is impossible to measure voice quality during a
voiceless sound, which makes use of vocal fold approximation as its primary voice dimension.
However, differences in vocal fold approximation can have ramifications for voice quality on an
adjacent voiced sound. Numerous linguistic studies have shown that vowels adjacent to aspirated
sounds are breathier than vowels adjacent to non-aspirated ones; conversely, vowels adjacent to
glottalized sounds (including ejectives) tend to be creaky compared to vowels adjacent to non-
glottalized ones (L¨
ofqvist & McGowan, 1992; N´
ı Chasaide & Gobl, 1993; Blankenship, 2002;
Vicenik, 2010; DiCanio, 2012; Esposito & Khan, 2012; Garellek, 2012). This relationship between
voiceless consonants and voice quality during vowels is captured easily in Ladefoged’s continuum
model, because both voiceless vocal fold spreading/constriction and voice quality are modeled
along a single dimension (analogous to our ‘vocal fold approximation’ dimension, see Figure 2).
For instance, in the sequence [ah], the vocal folds will have to transition from modal voicing to
minimal vocal fold approximation, necessarily ‘passing through’ breathy voice. This transition
can be seen during the first vowel of [`ah´a] from Figure 5. Using VoiceSauce (Shue et al., 2011) to
measure the four spectral tilt parameters from the audio spectra (but correcting for vowel formants),
as well as harmonics-to-noise ratio (HNR), it is clear that the vowel is breathier in the second half,
nearest the [h] (see Figure 8): H1*–H2*, H2*–H4*, and H4*–H2 kHz* are higher, whereas HNR is
lower (indicating greater noise). On the other hand, H2 kHz*–H5 kHz* is lower in the second half,
which is likely due to interactions with high-frequency noise (Kreiman & Gerratt, 2012; Garellek
et al., 2016b).
Therefore, we can use various parameters of the psychoacoustic model described in Section 3
to measure acoustic changes in the voice associated with vocal fold approximation, voicing, and its
rate and quality. The crucial parameters are f0 (its presence vs. absence, and its value when present)
as well as the source spectral tilt parameters and HNR. The formant parameters of Kreiman et al.
(2014)’s model are also important for correcting for spectral tilt parameters like H1*–H2*, which
are measured from the output audio spectrum, and when measuring a parameter like H1–A1, which
makes reference to formants. In the next section, we show how a model of voice articulation can
account for changes in these parameters.
Frequency (Hz)
Sound pressure level (dB/Hz)
Frequency (Hz)
First half Second half
H1*–H2* (dB) 1.8 2.6
H2*–H4* (dB) 2.3 10.1
H4*–H2 kHz* (dB) 19.1 27.4
H2 kHz*–H5 kHz* (dB) 0.9 –5.7
CPP (a measure of HNR, dB) 21.3 19.0
Figure 8. Top: audio spectra of the first vowel in the sequence [`ah´a].The left panel is the spectrum
taken over the first half of the vowel; the right panel over the second half. Bottom: spectral tilt
parameters and CPP (Cepstral Peak Prominence, a measure of HNR). All acoustic measures but
H2 kHz*–H5 kHz* indicate greater breathiness in the second half compared with the first.
5 Voice production
Voice production is remarkably complex and depends on lung pressure and several muscles that,
working together, alter the shape and stiffness of the vocal folds, the distance between them and
other laryngeal structures, and the position of the larynx as a whole. There currently exist numerous
excellent sources on laryngeal anatomy and physiology as they pertain to speech (e.g., Titze, 1994;
Stevens, 2000; Reetz & Jongman, 2008; Hirose, 2010; Kreiman & Sidtis, 2011 and Gick et al.,
2013), but in this section we will focus on the articulations of the vocal folds that are associated
with the primary dimensions of the voice that are used in language (vocal fold approximation and
voicing, the latter of which can be further characterized by its rate and manner), and how these
relate back to the psychoacoustic voice model discussed in Section 3.
Measuring vocal fold articulation is fraught with challenges. The first main challenge is that
the vocal fold dynamics are multidimensional, which makes it hard to determine what aspects of
vocal fold articulation we should be measuring in the first place. For instance, many researchers
have noted (via scoping) that individuals with voice disorders have asymmetric vocal fold vibra-
tion. Crucially though, asymmetric vibration is also very common in individuals with no voice
disorders (Bonilha et al., 2012), and not all vocal fold asymmetries produce relevant changes in
voice quality (Zhang et al., 2013; Samlan et al., 2014). The second main challenge is method-
ological: it is very hard to see and thus measure the vocal folds. Direct observation (e.g. via
laryngoscopy) is invasive and limits the types of sounds speakers can make while being scoped
and the types of sounds we can observe during imaging. And while direct observation of the vocal
folds provides extremely important information about vocal kinematics, it also only allows for a
two-dimensional bird’s-eye view of the superior part of the vocal folds.
Because of these challenges, there is a longstanding tradition (e.g., van den Berg & Tan, 1959)
of using physical and, more recently, computational models of vocal fold articulation, which enable
researchers to lower the degrees of freedom and determine how individual parameters affect vocal
production, acoustics, and quality (Flanagan, 1972; for a recent overview, see Zhang, 2016b). In
the remainder of this section, I will outline one such model, and show how its parameters can be
used to understand how vocal articulation leads to linguistically-relevant changes in voice quality.
5.1 Modeling voice articulation
Although the vocal folds are anatomically and physiologically complex, we can describe their
linguistically-relevant dimensions using a simplified model (Figure 9, after Zhang (2015, 2016a)).
This three-dimensional model of the vocal folds has been used to simulate computationally the
effects of various vocal fold parameters on voicing. Although there are many other models of
vocal fold vibration (Isogai et al., 1988; Titze et al., 1995; Titze, 2006; Samlan & Story, 2011;
Story, 2012; see also a recent overview in Zhang, 2016b), Zhang’s recent model systematically
relates model parameters to acoustic ones, some of which crucially appear in the psychoacoustic
voice model described earlier. Therefore, it is particularly useful for assessing the cause-and-effect
relationship between voice articulation, acoustics, and perception.
The relevant parameters are vocal fold stiffness in the front-back dimension (represented by
the oblique arrow in Figure 9), medial surface thickness in the vertical direction, the angle be-
tween the vocal folds (the horizontal arrow), and subglottal pressure. This model makes several
assumptions (which are described in detail in Zhang 2015, 2016a), and at present does not include
interactions between the subglottal and supraglottal tracts. And though the vocal folds have multi-
Glottal width
Figure 9. Simplified model of the vocal folds, after (Zhang, 2015, 2016a). The primary voice
dimensions are influenced mainly by glottal width (the angle between the folds, thin unbroken
arrow), their medial vertical thickness (thin dashed arrow), their stiffness from front to back (thick
dashed arrow), and the interactions of these parameters with the subglottal pressure.
ple layers (Hirose, 1997; Kreiman & Sidtis, 2011; Gick et al., 2013; Zhang, 2016b) and are often
simplified as a two-layered structure composed of a body and a cover (Hirano & Katika, 1985),
Zhang currently models the folds as a one-layer structure because the vocal fold body and cover
rarely differ in stiffness. Moreover, only front-back stiffness is modeled because different degrees
of muscular activation had strong effects on this dimension but much smaller effects on transverse
stiffness (Yin & Zhang, 2013).
All of these parameters can vary in degree with changes in activation of laryngeal muscles
as well as respiration. In the remainder of this section, I will review how these model parameters
have been shown to, or might eventually be shown to, produce the primary linguistic dimensions
of the voice that are used in sounds of the world’s languages. A summary is shown in Table 6.
5.2 Vocal fold approximation
Zhang (2015, 2016a) models vocal fold articulation during voicing, and not voiceless vocal fold
approximation used for aspirated and glottalized sounds. Nonetheless, we know that vocal fold ap-
proximation can be described by a continuum of glottal width, following the continuum and valves
models described in Section 2. This dimension is indeed parameterized in Zhang (2015, 2016a)’s
model as the angle between the two folds, or ‘glottal width’ (the green arrow in Figure 9). This
should therefore be the primary parameter responsible for changes in vocal fold approximation that
are used to make voiceless aspirated and glottalized consonants.
As we reviewed in Section 2, other voiceless sounds can be described as being in a ‘prephona-
tion’ state, during which the vocal folds are close together but not completely adducted, nor spread
enough to produce much aspiration noise (Harris, 1999; Esling & Harris, 2003; Edmondson et al.,
2011). This too can be modeled articulatorily using the glottal width parameter in Zhang (2015,
2016a)’s model. Yet we also know that voiceless unaspirated (and voiceless aspirated) stops are
often followed by a rise in f0 (Hombert et al., 1979). This may imply that the mechanisms in-
volved in f0 control (Section 5.3.1) can also be involved in the production of voiceless stops. On
the other hand, increased activation of the cricothyroid muscle (which results in increased vocal
fold stiffness) is not clearly associated with production of voiceless stops (Hirose & Gay, 1972;
Hombert et al., 1979); thus, Hombert et al. (1979) speculate that raising of the whole larynx, which
indirectly affects vocal fold stiffness and thus f0, can be responsible for this effect (see also Honda
et al., 1999; Stevens, 2000; Brunelle, 2010).
5.3 Voicing
The mechanism of voicing is usually characterized by the myoelastic aerodynamic theory (van den
Berg, 1958) and its more recent extensions (Titze, 2006). According to this theory, the combination
of tissue elasticity (e.g. altering the stiffness of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles) and aerodynamic
forces is responsible for initiating, sustaining, and ending the vibration of the folds. Vibration
usually cannot start until after the vocal folds are brought together or nearly so, in order to build
up a subglottal pressure (3-5 cm H20 for modal voice, Titze, 1992). In his model simulations,
Zhang (2016a) found that the most important parameter to voicing onset is the angle between the
vocal folds: the greater the angle between the folds, the higher the pressure must be to initiate
voicing (see also Titze, 1992). Vocal fold thickness also matters: the thinner the folds, the higher
the pressure needed to initiate voicing, which Zhang (2016a) attributes to the difficulty of very
thin vocal folds to maintain a degree of glottal opening that is conducive to voicing against the
subglottal pressure. When the vocal folds are thin, their prephonatory glottal opening is much
larger than the resting glottal opening, which makes it difficult to initiate voicing. But as vocal
fold thickness increases, the resting glottal opening is easier to maintain. This enables voicing to
begin at lower pressure, unless the vocal folds are so thick that additional pressure is needed to
keep them from remaining closed.
The findings regarding voicing initiation pressure are also important for sounds of language,
because at edges of utterances (when the subglottal pressure is low), voicing is accompanied by
specific vocal fold changes. For instance, stressed word-initial vowels in English and other lan-
guages are often glottalized (as in saying the word ‘after’ with a glottal stop [PæftÄ]), especially
phrase- and utterance-initially and when stressed (Nakatani & Dukes, 1977; Umeda, 1978; Pier-
rehumbert & Talkin, 1992; Dilley et al., 1996; Davidson & Erker, 2014; Garellek, 2013, 2014).
Since glottalization involves vocal fold approximation, it would be parameterized with a smaller
angle between the vocal folds in this model. The smaller angle between the vocal folds is also
associated with lower voicing initiation pressure, which would be beneficial for utterance-initial
stressed vowels; these must be strongly voiced (to mark stress) despite the low subglottal pressure
(Garellek, 2014).
5.3.1 Rate of vibration
Consistent with earlier work (e.g. Stevens, 2000), Zhang (2016a) found that rate of vibration de-
pends on three parameters; f0 increases with greater vocal fold stiffness, subglottal pressure, and
vocal fold approximation. The role of increased vocal fold approximation in achieving higher f0
is interesting for linguistic tonal patterns, because sounds with increased vocal fold adduction are
often accompanied by higher f0 (e.g., Korean fortis stops), and high tones are often accompanied
by increased constriction (Kingston, 2005; Kuang, 2013b).
However, the articulatory parameters interact with one another in complicated ways that affect
f0 (and voice quality, which we discuss in the following section), because in human voices the
vocal fold stiffness will covary with the other model parameters. For example, Zhang (2016a)
finds that the f0 can be raised by decreasing the glottal width (with or without an increase in
the subglottal pressure), but that this is likely to come with greater vocal fold thickness and low
front-to-back stiffness. The acoustic result is a higher f0 with more constriction and decreased
spectral tilt – essentially, the characteristics of tense voice. On the other hand, just raising the
vocal fold stiffness parameter will likely be accompanied by decreased vocal fold thickness, which
Zhang (2016a, p.1506) says will be falsetto-like in quality. Falsetto voice is used as a singing
register (Sundberg, 1987), but can also be used in language to index various emotions and types
of sociolinguistic meaning (Callier, 2013; Stross, 2013; Zimman, 2013; Podesva & Callier, 2015;
Starr, 2015). It may also be used for phonological purposes, e.g. as the phonetic implementation of
very high-pitched tones such as the high level tone in Black Miao and the falsetto tones of Hubei
Chinese (Kuang, 2013b; Wang & Tang, 2012; Wang, 2015).
5.3.2 Voice quality
In Zhang (2016a)’s model, changes in voice quality are driven by vocal fold approximation, sub-
glottal pressure, vocal fold thickness, and their interactions. Not surprisingly, lower vocal fold
approximation (i.e., a greater angle of glottal width) is associated with higher noise (as measured
by HNR); within limits, the more the vocal folds are spread, the more turbulent airflow is gener-
ated at the glottis. Lower subglottal pressure is also associated with higher noise, because voicing
is weaker and less regular in this condition; not surprisingly, languages often have breathy and/or
irregular creaky voicing at utterance edges, where the subglottal pressure is low (Rodgers, 1999;
Ogden, 2001; Redi & Shattuck-Hufnagel, 2001; Slifka, 2003, 2006; Esling & Edmondson, 2010;
Garellek, 2014, 2015; Di Napoli, 2015; Garellek & Seyfarth, 2016).
Interestingly, increasing vocal fold thickness has a strong influence on spectral tilt. Zhang
(2016a) measures tilt using H1–H2, as well as larger frequency bands with reference to H1 (H1–
H4, H1–H2 kHz, and H1–H5 kHz); aside from H1–H2, the other bands are not equivalent to
the parameters from Kreiman et al. (2014)’s psychoacoustic model, though his results should be
comparable to some extent. In his simulations, increasing vocal fold thickness results in lower
spectral tilt in all frequency bands. Therefore, we would expect measures like H2–H4, H4–H2
kHz, and H2 kHz–H5 kHz to also be lower with increasing thickness. The combination of thick
vocal folds with tight approximation, and very low stiffness and subglottal pressure, produces a
voice quality that Zhang (2016a) describes as vocal fry-like, with a low f0, spectral tilt, and noise.
Of the articulatory model’s four parameters, only vocal fold thickness had a sizable effect
on spectral tilt measures. This has implications for our understanding of linguistic voice quality,
because breathy, modal, and creaky voices are usually analyzed and modeled in terms of glottal
width (see the continuum and valves models in Section 2). On the other hand, Zhang (2016a)’s
results imply that vocal fold thickness should matter more than width in producing changes in
voice quality associated with changes in spectral tilt. But because glottal width influences f0, this
parameter might be especially relevant for voice quality changes associated with specific lexical
tones (Kingston, 2005; Kuang, 2013b). And even though vocal fold thickness might contribute
more to changes in spectral tilt in model simulations, in human voices this parameter is likely to
covary with others in ways which we have yet to fully understand.
Table 6. Summary of Zhang (2015, 2016a)’s articulatory voice model’s parameters according
to primary phonological dimensions of voice. The initiation and sustaining of voicing depends
on complex interactions between the four parameters (for more details, see Zhang 2016a). The
precise model parameters required for some voice qualities are at present speculative (and are
marked by an asterisk), but are based on articulatory and acoustic characteristics described in
previous studies, as described in Section 2.
Dimension Relevant model parameters
Approximation Glottal width
Glottal width
Medial vocal fold thickness
Vocal fold stiffness
Subglottal pressure
Rate of vibration
To raise f0:
Greater vocal fold stiffness
Greater subglottal pressure
Smaller glottal width
Voice quality
(compared with modal)
Breathy voice:
Less vocal fold thickness
Larger glottal width
*Unconstricted creaky voice:
Less vocal fold thickness
Larger glottal width
Less vocal fold stiffness
Lower subglottal pressure
Constricted creaky voice qualities
(Prototypical creaky, tense voice, and vocal fry):
More vocal fold thickness
Smaller glottal width (Tense voice, vocal fry, and *prototypical creaky)
Less vocal fold stiffness (Vocal fry and *prototypical creaky)
Lower subglottal pressure (Vocal fry)
6 Summary of chapter and future work
This chapter provides an overview of the phonetics of voice, as defined narrowly by the activity
of the vocal folds. I took as starting points an assumption and descriptive fact regarding the voice:
first, I assume that the study of voice should be driven by what humans can hear (rather than
what we can do); and second, that the multidimensionality of voice production, acoustics, and
perception necessitates a unified model of the voice that is driven by what we can hear.
In this chapter I narrowed considerably the discussion of ‘what we can hear’ by focusing ex-
clusively on linguistic properties of the voice, especially those that we know matter for languages’
sound systems: vocal fold approximation, voicing, rate of vibration, and quality of voicing. A
combination of these four dimensions can be found in all sounds of language. Using the psychoa-
coustic model of the voice developed in Kreiman et al. 2014 and further (regarding the source
spectrum) in Garellek et al., 2016b, I showed how these linguistically-relevant vocal dimensions
can be modeled and measured. Recent articulatory modeling, such as that proposed by Zhang
(2015, 2016a), also bring us closer to understanding the links between voice production, acous-
tics, and voice quality perception. By demonstrating how different aspects of vocal fold dynamics
condition changes in the acoustic signal, articulatory and psychoacoustic models also enable us
to better understand sound changes involving the different voice dimensions of language (Kirby,
2013, 2014; Kuang & Liberman, 2015; Ratliff, 2015; Brunelle & Kirby, 2016).
The articulatory and psychoacoustic models of the voice reviewed here are continously being
refined and improved; as I mention at various points in this chapter, many of their assumptions,
and the predictions they make, have yet to be confirmed. Moreover, we are still far from knowing
the relevant articulatory and psychoacoustic properties of all linguistically-relevant aspects of the
voice. For example, Keating et al. (2015) discuss other subtypes of creaky voice not reviewed
here, and modeling the temporal characteristics of voice quality is still in its early stages, though
temporal properties of the voice are extremely important in language (Nellis & Hollenbach, 1980;
Silverman, 2003; DiCanio, 2009; Brunelle et al., 2010; Esposito & Khan, 2012; Garellek, 2012;
Remijsen, 2013; Yu, to appear). Much further work is also needed to determine how to integrate
other laryngeal and supralaryngeal structures with these models, since it is clear that the phonetics
of the voice and its linguistic patterns cannot be separated completely from the rest of the vocal
tract, or even the rest of the larynx (Edmondson & Esling, 2006; Moisik & Esling, 2011; Kuang,
2011; Brunelle, 2012; Story, 2012; Moisik & Esling, 2014; Samlan & Kreiman, 2014; Brunelle
& Kirby, 2016; Garellek et al., 2016a; Kuang & Cui, 2016; Carignan, 2017). For instance, recent
modeling work by Story (2012) involves synthesis of voice (including aspiration) and supralaryn-
geal articulations, along with their time-varying characteristics. Moreover, the role of the voice
in indexing non-phonological meaning is also an important component to linguistic studies of the
voice (Zhuang & Hasegawa-Johnson, 2008; Esling & Edmondson, 2010; Kreiman & Sidtis, 2011;
Mendoza-Denton, 2011; Callier, 2013; Zimman, 2013; Podesva & Callier, 2015; Starr, 2015; Park
et al., 2016). Finally, through interdisciplinary research we stand to learn much more about how
our voices convey different types of meaning.
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... Voicelessness is defined by a lack of vocal fold vibration, while creaky voice (or creak) involves a glottal constriction, a low rate of vocal fold vibration (i.e., low pitch), and/or irregular F0 (Ladefoged 1971;Gordon and Ladefoged 2001; Garellek 2019, among others). Breathy voice involves voicing in addition to noise, and concentration of acoustic energy in the F3 region (Laver 1980;Keating et al. 2015;Garellek 2014Garellek , 2019Esling et al. 2019). These phonation qualities relate to the relative degree of the vocal fold aperture, which is most open for voicelessness, then breathy voice, and most constricted for modal voice, then creaky voice (see, for example, Gordon and Ladefoged 2001). ...
... As in González et al. (2022), modal voice was characterized by periodicity, while creaky voice was characterized by one or more of the following: (i) irregular F0 ('aperiodicity'), (ii) F0 lowering, (iii) changes in pulse amplitude or shape ('diplophonia'), and/or (iv) presence of silence followed by a stop burst ('glottal stop') (Dilley et al. 1996;Docherty and Foulkes 2005;Gordon and Ladefoged 2001;Huber 1988;Keating et al. 2015;Ladefoged and Maddieson 1996;Redi and Shattuck-Hufnagel 2001). All token vowels were also examined for intervals involving lack of voicing-which were coded as devoiced-and for intervals involving noise in the F3 region, coded as breathy voice (Laver 1980;Keating et al. 2015;Garellek 2014Garellek , 2019Esling et al. 2019). H2-H1 measurements were also taken via FFT spectra. ...
... FFT spectra were generated at the middle of each phonation interval to measure the relative amplitude of the first harmonic (H1) compared to the second harmonic (H2). As indicated in Section 1, H1-H2 is highest for breathy voice and lowest for creaky voice (Garellek 2019). Figures 1-3 provide examples of waveforms, spectrograms, and FFT spectra for vowels fully realized as breathy, modal, and creaky (see Figures 4 and 5 below for examples of vowels involving more than one phonation interval). ...
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This article provides a detailed examination of voice quality in word-final vowels in Spanish. The experimental task involved the pronunciation of words in two prosodic contexts by native Spanish speakers from diverse dialects. A total of 400 vowels (10 participants × 10 words × 2 contexts × 2 repetitions) were analyzed acoustically in Praat. Waveforms and spectrograms were inspected visually for voice, creak, breathy voice, and devoicing cues. In addition, the relative amplitude difference between the first two harmonics (H1–H2) was obtained via FFT spectra. The findings reveal that while creaky voice is pervasive, breathy voice is also common, and devoicing occurs in 11% of tokens. We identify multiple phonation types (up to three) within the same vowel, of which modal voice followed by breathy voice was the most common combination. While creaky voice was more frequent overall for males, modal voice tended to be more common in females. In addition, creaky voice was significantly more common at the end of higher prosodic constituents. The analysis of spectral tilt shows that H1–H2 clearly distinguishes breathy voice from modal voice in both males and females, while H1–H2 values consistently discriminate creaky and modal voice in male participants only.
... Auditory-perceptual research using Vocal Profile Analysis (VPA) [1] has revealed that whispery voice is prevalent in Scottish accents [2,3] and that whispery, creaky, tense [3], and harsh voice [4] vary by age, gender, social class and region [2,3,4]. Recent advances in acoustic analysis of voice quality, such as automatic detection of creaky voice [7] and multi-measure acoustic analysis using psychoacoustically-validated measures [9][10][11], mean that this variation may now be captured using acoustic methods. ...
... Garellek [11] argues that combining multiple measures of voice quality that relate to the inharmonic noise source and spectral tilt captures the perceptual quality of the voice more adequately than a single measure in isolation. In the present study, I therefore build on [6] and consider how voice quality in non-creaky speech varies according to age, gender, and area in this same sample of 95 Scots speakers, where creak has been removed using the automated approach described in [6], following [7,16,17]. ...
... The F0 range was customized for each speaker by manually assessing the F0 of the recordings before processing. Acoustic measures of voice quality included spectral tilt measures (corrected H1*-H2*) and periodicity measures (Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio between 0-500 Hz) (Klatt, 1980;Kreiman et al., 2010;Garellek, 2019). The EGG recordings were analyzed using EGGWorks to obtain the contact quotient (CQ), defined as the fraction of period during which the vocal folds are in contact. ...
... Here we interpret the measures when viewed together, showing both the energy of lower frequencies and the portion of harmonics relative to noise of a particular tone in different environments (following Garellek, 2019). Figure 18 summarizes the distribution of H1*-H2* and HNR across tones. ...
Tonal coarticulation occurs when adjacent tones affect the production of each other, and this often induces changes in both F0 and voice quality of the tones. In Mandarin, F0 height of the target tone is affected by adjacent tones through both carryover assimilation and anticipatory dissimilation (Xu, 1997). Additionally, voice quality is found to be largely dependent on F0, such that lower F0 induces creakier quality, regardless of tone (Kuang, 2017). Given this dependency of voice quality on F0, it is unclear how this interaction manifests in the context of coarticulated tones. The present study investigates the relationship between F0 and voice quality changes in coarticulated tones in three-tone sequences. Voice quality is assessed both acoustically and articulatorily using electroglottography (EGG). Our study confirms both carryover and anticipatory effects on F0. Changes in voice quality are largely expected from the direction of F0 changes. However, some tone-specific exceptions are present, which we interpret as support for the (potential) independence of voice quality from F0.
... Mendoza-Denton (2011, 263) calls creaky voice a 'semiotic hitchhiker' in Chicano English speech: a linguistic feature that overlays on top of segmental and other prosodic information that can come to index ideologized and pragmatically stereotyped phenomena. Because the vocal folds are part of the production of all speech sounds (Garellek 2019), as the ability to manipulate the vocal folds is a biological attribute, their modification constitutes a rich potential source of variation. ...
... In the US, studies have shown creaky voice to be the most frequent type of non-modal phonation produced (Podesva 2013;Yuasa 2010), and Yuasa (2010) has shown that creaky voice has some positive associations for US English speakers. Indeed, Kim (2017) showed that female heritage Spanish speakers and L2 speakers produced creaky voice in utterance-final position, while L1 Mexican Spanish speakers did not systematically creak in this prosodic position (according to the H1-H2 measure of spectral tilt, a common measure of voice quality (Garellek 2019)). Given the varying lengths of time of residence in the US by their speakers, González et al. (2022) do not assert that their speakers show an English transference effect. ...
Since the turn of the 21st century, research on phonation (the production of sound via the vibration of the vocal folds, also known as voice quality) has increased significantly. However, non-modal phonation is highly understudied in Spanish. Therefore, this study comprises a sociophonetic analysis of voice quality in Spanish, examining voice quality categorically from sociolinguistic interview speech conducted with 41 native monolingual Chilean Spanish speakers. The aim of the present paper is to interrogate how phonation varies among residents of Santiago, Chile. Specifically, it asks: what is the sociolinguistic distribution of non-modal voice quality in Chilean Spanish? How does this distribution align with work on voice quality in Spanish and in other languages? Results indicate that non-modal voice quality is used by speakers to mark prosodic boundaries such as phrase finality, aligning with robust cross- linguistic findings. Non-modal phonation is also incorporated when speakers are reporting speech, as well as when they are speaking about emotionally-charged subjects. I draw connections between these findings and those of other dialects of Spanish, and show that utterance-final devoicing, while often associated with “tierras altas” dialects of Spanish, may be more frequent in other dialects than previously indicated. I argue that further examinations of non-modal phonation should also examine third-wave approaches of attitude, emotion, and stance.
... The F0 range was customized for each speaker by manually assessing the F0 of the recordings before processing. Acoustic measures of voice quality included spectral tilt measures (corrected H1*-H2*) and periodicity measures (Harmonics-to-Noise Ratio between 0-500 Hz) (Klatt, 1980;Kreiman et al., 2010;Garellek, 2019). The EGG recordings were analyzed using EGGWorks to obtain the contact quotient (CQ), defined as the fraction of period during which the vocal folds are in contact. ...
... Here we interpret the measures when viewed together, showing both the energy of lower frequencies and the portion of harmonics relative to noise of a particular tone in different environments (following Garellek, 2019). Figure 18 summarizes the distribution of H1*-H2* and HNR across tones. ...
... We expect "breathy" tokens to have the highest values of H1*-H2*, and creaky tokens the lowest, but it is unclear how "breathy-creaky" tokens will behave according to this measure. We caution though that the correction for formant frequencies and bandwidths is meant for vowels (Garellek 2019), yet some of the rhymes include sonorant consonants which may greatly affect the formants. Therefore, while we show the H1*-H2* results, the reader should be advised that, in general and especially in confirmatory studies, the corrected measure should only be used over vocalic portions. ...
... We therefore caution against drawing strong inferences about voice production from the acoustic signal alone, especially when the only measure being analyzed is H1*-H2* or another measure of spectral tilt. We also recommend that research on voice quality investigate both spectral tilt and noise measures (like CPP and HNR < 500 Hz), because when viewed together they have more explanatory power (Garellek 2019;Seyfarth and Garellek 2018). ...
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We investigate utterance-final voice quality in bilinguals of English and Spanish, two languages which differ in the type of non-modal voice usually encountered at ends of utterances: American English often has phrase-final creak, whereas in Mexican Spanish, phrase-final voiced sounds are breathy or even devoiced. Twenty-one bilinguals from the San Diego-Tijuana border region were recorded (with electroglottography and audio) reading passages in English and Spanish. Ends of utterances were coded for their visual voice quality as "modal" (having no aspiration noise or voicing irregularity), "breathy" (having aspiration noise), "creaky" (having voicing irregularity), or "breathy-creaky" (having both aspiration noise and voicing irregularity). In utterance-final position, speakers showed more frequent use of both modal and creaky voice when speaking in English, and more frequent use of breathy and breathy-creaky voice when speaking in Spanish. We find no role of language dominance on the rates of these four voice qualities. The electroglottographic and acoustic analyses show that all voice qualities, even utterance-final creak, are produced with increased glottal spreading; the combination of distinct noise measures and amplitude of voicing can distinguish breathy, creaky, and breathy-creaky voice qualities from one another, and from modal voice.
... While Indonesian is a syllable-timed language because it gives equal weight and time for all syllables (Lasut 2015), Japanese is categorized into mora-timed language, which differentiates bimoraic syllables and monomoraic syllables as mentioned by (Liu & Takeda 2021). (Garellek 2019) proposes mora-timed languages, which are mainly exemplified by Japanese and suggests that "[a] mora is a unit of timing, in the sense that each mora … ha[s] approximately the same duration." Meanwhile, (Tateishi, 2017) claims that the mora is "the unit of phonological distance" in Japanese and can only be defined as "something of which a long syllable consists of two and a short syllable consists of one." ...
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Japanese is regarded as mora-timed, while Indonesian is syllable-timed because it provides equal weight and time for all syllables. Indonesian learners are struggling in differentiating one mora and two moras, and single consonant and double consonants. This study investigated Indonesian respondents’ ability to identify double consonants (sokuon), short vowels (tan’on) dan long vowels (chouon). 62 Indonesian respondents were involved as they were asked to listen carefully to a set of sounds containing the three distinctive sounds once and to write the sentence they heard. The result showed that 18% of 62 respondents fail to identify the short vowel (tan’on) because they omit certain sounds, change the word form inaccurately and put words in the inaccurate position when they write the sentence. In identifying double consonants (sokuon), 11% of 62 respondents failed because they inaccurately changed the word form when writing the sentence. In identifying long vowels (chouon), only 6% of 62 respondents failed because they added unnecessary sounds and changed the word form inaccurately. In conclusion, although Japanese and Indonesian languages are different in their rhythm classes, Indonesian learners’ ability to identify the distinctive sounds of the Japanese language is relatively high although listening to the material more than once.
... Thus, the amplitude differences between the first and second harmonics (H1*-H2*) and between the first harmonic and first formant (H1*-A1*) were taken as acoustic indexes of the voice quality with higher value indicating greater breathiness in the vowel (Garellek, 2013). In addition to spectral tilt, we include a noise measurement, as these two measurements (i.e., spectral tilt and noise measure) are often interpreted in tandem to distinguish the three-way distinction of breathy, model, and creaky voice (Garellek, 2019). ...
This paper represents a preliminary acoustic analysis of filler particles in terms of voice quality (i.e., modal vs. creaky phonation). The main research questions addressed in this study revolve around which particular voice parameters are indicative of (non)modal phonation of fillers used by healthy speakers of Standard Romanian, and whether the function of the filler particle varies with different voice qualities. The analysis is carried out on Romanian connected speech data extracted from the Ro-Phon corpus (non-pathological speech), an open-access linguistic resource developed during our postdoctoral research project financed by UEFISCDI (2020 – 2022).
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The role of temporal resolution in speech perception (e.g. whether tones are parameterized with fundamental frequency sampled every 10 ms, or just twice in the syllable) is sometimes overlooked, and the temporal resolution relevant for tonal perception is still an open question. The choice of temporal resolution matters because how we understand the recognition, dispersion, and learning of phonetic categories is entirely predicated on what parameters we use to define the phonetic space that they lie in. Here, we present a tonal perception experiment in Cantonese where we used interrupted speech in trisyllabic stimuli to study the effect of temporal resolution on human tonal identification. We also performed acoustic classification of the stimuli with support vector machines. Our results show that just a few samples per syllable are enough for humans and machines to classify Cantonese tones with reasonable accuracy, without much difference in performance from having the full speech signal available. The confusion patterns and machine classification results suggest that loss of detailed information about the temporal alignment and shape of fundamental frequency contours was a major cause of decreasing accuracy as resolution decreased. Moreover, machine classification experiments show that for accurate identification of rising tones in Cantonese, it is crucial to extend the temporal window for sampling to the following syllable, due to peak delay.
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Based on our psychoacoustic model of voice quality, the UCLA voice synthesizer allows users to copy synthesize nearly any steady-state voice sample or to create stimuli that systematically vary in specific acoustic dimensions. This new release contains a number of significant improvements from earlier versions. The vocal tract model now includes three spectral zeros with adjustable bandwidths. The precise spectral shape of the harmonic and inharmonic sources can be modified at will, either by adjusting the heights of the harmonics or the noise amplitude in a selected frequency range or by specifying the desired spectral or noise slope in a range. Any number of ranges of any size can be specified. Synthesizer variables can be individually saved and copied between cases. Additional changes increase control of analysis parameters and the ease with which series of stimuli can be created. The synthesizer is fully documented and is freely available for download from Copies will also be available at the conference. [Research supported by NIH.]
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In a variety of languages, changes in tongue height and breathiness have been observed to covary with nasalization in both phonetic and phonemic vowel nasality. It has been argued that this covariation stems from speakers using multiple articulations to enhance F1 modulation and/or from listeners misperceiving the articulatory basis for F1 modification. This study includes results from synchronous nasalance, ultrasound, EGG, and F1 data related to the realizations of the oral–nasal vowel pairs /ɛ/-/ɛ̃/, /a/-/ɑ̃/, and /o/-/ɔ̃/ of Southern French (SF) as produced by four male speakers in a laboratory setting. The aim of the study is to determine to what extent tongue height and breathiness covary with nasalization, as well as how these articulations affect the realization of F1. The following evidence is observed: (1) that nasalization, breathiness, and tongue height are used in idiosyncratic ways to distinguish F1 for each vowel pair; (2) that increased nasalization and breathiness significantly predict F1-lowering for all three nasal vowels; (3) that nasalization increases throughout the duration of the nasal vowels, supporting previous claims about the temporal nature of nasality in SF nasal vowels, but contradicting claims that SF nasal vowels comprise distinct oral and nasal elements; (4) that breathiness increases in a gradient manner as nasalization increases; and (5) that the acoustic and articulatory data provide limited support for claims of the existence of an excrescent nasal coda in SF nasal vowels. These results are discussed in the light of claims that the multiple articulatory components observed in the production of vowel nasalization may have arisen due to misperception-based sound change and/or to phonetic enhancement.
Lexical tone identity is often determined by a complex of acoustic cues. In Green Mong, a Hmong‐Mien language of Southeast Asia, a small subset of tones is characterized by phonation type in addition to pitch height, pitch contour, and duration, which characterize the remaining tones of the language. In tones that incorporate multiple cues to tonal identity, what makes a tone clear, or easy to recognize? This study examines acoustic and perceptual data to address this question. Six native speakers of Green Mong were asked to produce 132 phonological CV words in sentence context, using a conversational speaking style. Seventeen native speakers of the language were then asked to categorize three tones which have similar falling contours, but are differentiated by phonation type (breathy, creaky, and modal). Tokens that were correctly identified by 100% of the listeners were compared with tokens that were relatively poorly identified. Data indicate that the breathy‐ and creaky‐voiced tones are less susceptible to identification errors than the modal‐voiced tone. However, the clearest tokens of the three tones are also differentiated by details of pitch contour shape, and by duration. Similarities and differences between acoustic cue values for the best and worst tokens will be discussed.
In some languages, there is a diachronic correspondence between nasal and breathy sounds, whose origin is often attributed to the acoustic similarities between nasal and breathy vowels. In this study, we test whether nasal consonants and vowels are also produced with breathier voice quality than their oral counterparts in three Yi (Loloish) languages: Bo, Luchun Hani, and Southern Yi. We analyzed oral vs. nasal vowels and consonants using electroglottographic and acoustic measures of phonation. Results indicate that nasal consonants are often breathier than laterals, as are vowels following nasals when compared to vowels following oral consonants. These findings support the assumption that at least some of these nasal-breathy sound changes involve a stage in which the two articulations co-occur. We claim that the production of breathy voice quality during nasals can arise through listener misperception or phonetic enhancement. These findings also contribute to the understanding of nasality as an abstract feature that involves multiple articulations.
As the primary means of communication, voice plays an important role in daily life. Voice also conveys personal information such as social status, personal traits, and the emotional state of the speaker. Mechanically, voice production involves complex fluid-structure interaction within the glottis and its control by laryngeal muscle activation. An important goal of voice research is to establish a causal theory linking voice physiology and biomechanics to how speakers use and control voice to communicate meaning and personal information. Establishing such a causal theory has important implications for clinical voice management, voice training, and many speech technology applications. This paper provides a review of voice physiology and biomechanics, the physics of vocal fold vibration and sound production, and laryngeal muscular control of the fundamental frequency of voice, vocal intensity, and voice quality. Current efforts to develop mechanical and computational models of voice production are also critically reviewed. Finally, issues and future challenges in developing a causal theory of voice production and perception are discussed.