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Morphology of the adrenal glands of giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla, Linnaeus, 1758) of wild life


Abstract and Figures

The Myrmecophaga tridactyla (family Pilosa), popularly known in Brazil as the giant anteater is classified as an endangered species by the main survey agencies of biodiversity preservation around the world. The adrenal glands are important organs, which are related to homeostasis of the animal. This study aimed to describe the morphology of the adrenal glands of M. tridactyla, providing data for future studies related to the production of steroid hormones in specimens exposed to different stress factors. The adrenal glands of 14 specimens were used. The glands were measured, photodocumented and described by light microscopy. The adrenals were positioned in the cranial extremity of the kidneys (left and right) and related medially to the caudal vena cava. The right adrenal gland had an elongated shape while the left adrenal gland had pyramidal or triangular shape. The weight was 4.765±0.129g for the right adrenal and 3.975±0.213g for the left adrenal. The length was 4.50±0.14cm for the right adrenal and 4.28±0.11cm for the left adrenal. The width was 2.60±0.13cm for the right adrenal and 2.37±0.12cm for the left adrenal. The thickness was 0.45±0.11cm for the right adrenal and 0.68±0.14cm for the left adrenal. Statistical differences (p
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Original Article
Biosci. J., Uberlândia, v. 32, n. 6, p. 1559-1566, Nov./Dec. 2016
(Myrmecophaga tridactyla, LINNAEUS, 1758) OF WILD LIFE
(Myrmecophaga tridactyla, LINNAEUS, 1758) DE VIDA LIVRE
Amilton Cesar dos SANTOS
; Diego Carvalho VIANA
; Rafael Magdanelo LEANDRO
Rosângela Felipe RODRIGUES
; Antônio Chaves de ASSIS-NETO
Alan Peres Ferraz de MELO
1. Doutorando, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia- FMVZ, Universidade de São Paulo-USP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil.; 2. Professores Doutores, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia – FMVZ, Universidade de São Paulo-
USP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil; 3. Professores Doutores. Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade Estadual Paulista-UNESP, Campus de Ilha
Solteira, SP, Brasil.
The Myrmecophaga tridactyla (family Pilosa), popularly known in Brazil as the giant anteater is
classified as an endangered species by the main survey agencies of biodiversity preservation around the world. The adrenal
glands are important organs, which are related to homeostasis of the animal. This study aimed to describe the morphology
of the adrenal glands of M. tridactyla, providing data for future studies related to the production of steroid hormones in
specimens exposed to different stress factors. The adrenal glands of 14 specimens were used. The glands were measured,
photodocumented and described by light microscopy. The adrenals were positioned in the cranial extremity of the kidneys
(left and right) and related medially to the caudal vena cava. The right adrenal gland had an elongated shape while the left
adrenal gland had pyramidal or triangular shape. The weight was 4.765±0.129g for the right adrenal and 3.975±0.213g for
the left adrenal. The length was 4.50±0.14cm for the right adrenal and 4.28±0.11cm for the left adrenal. The width was
2.60±0.13cm for the right adrenal and 2.37±0.12cm for the left adrenal. The thickness was 0.45±0.11cm for the right
adrenal and 0.68±0.14cm for the left adrenal. Statistical differences (p<0.05) between right and left adrenals for all values
analyzed were observed. Microscopically it was observed a capsule composed by modeled dense connective tissue lining
the organ. Below this capsule, from the outermost to the innermost layer, it was observed a cortical region divided into
glomerular, fasciculata and reticular zones with a medullar region occupying the center of the organ. Further studies
related to steroidogenesis with specimens collected at different periods of the year are necessary, aiming to observe if there
are morphological or hormonal variations in the adrenal glands due to seasonal periods. This information would be of great
importance because it could reflect the behavioral habits of this species.
Endangered species. Fasciculata zone. Glomerular zone. Reticular zone.
The Myrmecophaga tridactyla are mammals
that live at the Cerrado biome (CUNHA et al., 2015)
and are popularly known in Brazil as the Giant
Anteater (ROSA et al., 2012). They are members of
Superorder Xenarthra belonging to family Pilosa
(SANCHEZ et al., 2013), previously described as
family Mymercophagidae (SHAW; MCDONALD,
1987; ROSSI et al., 2012). This family of mammals
constitute an important conservation group, because
is highly vulnerable, according to Brazilian Official
List of Species Threatened with Extinction (CRUZ
et al., 2013; IBAMA, 2016) and “near threatened”
in Red List of the International Union for
Conservation of Nature (ROSSI et al., 2012; CRUZ
et al., 2013; IUCN, 2015) and since 2003 is included
in the Appendix II of the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species
(SANCHES et al., 2013). Although in recent years,
M. tridactyla is threatened with extinction, it had a
much wider geographical distribution in past times,
inhabiting even other sub-continents, such as North
America according to the discovery of fossil records
The adrenal glands can undergo adjustment
due to various stress factors (PARKER et al., 2011).
In mammals, each adrenal gland is composed of two
structures: the cortex, which is originated from
embryonic mesoderm and the medulla, which is
originated from embryonic neurectoderm. Each part
of the adrenal gland has different cell types: the
cortex cells produce mineralocorticoid,
glucocorticoids and sexual steroid hormones
(SANTOS et al., 2016) while in the medulla,
chromaffin cells produce catecholamine and
neuropeptides (KEMPNÁ; FLÜCK, 2008; QIU et
al., 2012).
Due to the importance of the adrenal glands
to the homeostasis of animals, especially those
exposed to large amounts of stress factors, this study
aimed to describe for the first time, the macroscopic
Received: 17/05/16
Accepted: 05/10/16
Morphology of the adrenal glands… SANTOS, A. C. et al.
Biosci. J., Uberlândia, v. 32, n. 6, p. 1559-1566, Nov./Dec. 2016
and microscopic anatomy of the adrenal glands in
M. tridactyla, providing data for future studies
related to the production of steroid hormones in
these glands.
In the present study, adrenal glands from 14
specimens of M. tridactyla were studied. All
specimens were collected at the SACCAS (Sector of
Clinical and Surgical Attendance of Wild Animals)
of the Veterinary Hospital “Dr. Halim Atique”,
responsible for providing support for Environmental
Military Police of São Paulo and IBAMA -
Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable
Natural Resources. The research was duly approved
by the Bioethics Committee of the School of
Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of the
University of São Paulo with the protocol number
The adrenal glands were photodocumented
in situ for topographical description of the organ.
Then, adrenals were weighted using a precision
scale (Slim
high precision) and measured by
precision calipers to perform comparison
between the glands of the right and left antimeres.
The analysis of variance using the GraphPad InStat
program to obtain the mean and standard deviation
was performed. Cramer-von Mises test for
normality checked homoscedasticity between the
variables; Tukey comparison average test provided
morphometric rates. Biometrics variables are
unstable (CV15%) at significance p<0.05.
Adrenal glands were sectioned in the
sagittal plane, and the hemi-adrenal glands were
fixed in 10% formaldehyde solution for microscopic
analysis, looking for morphological differences
between left and right adrenals and distinct regions
of the gland. Subsequently, the glands were
dehydrated in increasing concentrations (from 50%
to 100%) of ethanol and cleared in xylene for later
inclusion in paraffin. Paraffin blocks were sectioned
and samples with 5µm of thickness were stained
with H/E (hematoxylin/eosin). The microscopic
photodocumentation was performed using
photomicroscope Olympus BX61VS. The
nomenclature of the anatomical structures was based
on Nomina Anatomica Veterinaria (2012).
Macroscopic analysis
Pairs of the adrenal glands (left and right) of
all specimens were positioned in the cranial
extremity of the kidneys and presented syntopy.
They were medially related to the caudal vena cava;
with the pancreas, liver and rectum on the left
antimere; and, with the duodenum and jejunum on
the right antimere (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Image of the adrenal gland in the abdominal cavity of M. tridactyla. The left kidney evolved by renal
capsule (r) in proximity to the left adrenal gland (g) and the jejunum (j). Bar: 1cm.
The right adrenal had an elongated shape
while the left adrenal had a triangular shape.
Different results regarding morphology of the right
and left adrenal gland were also found for weight
and all dimensions analyzed (length, width and
After the sagittal section, it was found a
thick yellowish color capsule lining the organ and
cortical and medullar regions with evident blood
vessels in the medullar tissue. The cortex divisions
were not observed macroscopically (Figure 2).
Morphology of the adrenal glands… SANTOS, A. C. et al.
Biosci. J., Uberlândia, v. 32, n. 6, p. 1559-1566, Nov./Dec. 2016
Figure 2. Image of the adrenal glands of the M. tridactyla. A: anatomical conformation of the right (R) and left
(L) adrenal. Bar: 1cm. B: cortical region (c), medullar region (m) and capsule (arrows) of the
sectioned adrenal. Bar: 0.5cm.
The weight was 4.765±0.129g for the right
adrenal and 3.975±0.213g for the left adrenal. The
length was 4.50±0.14cm for the right adrenal and
4.28±0.11cm for the left adrenal. The width was
2.60±0.13cm for the right adrenal and 2.37±0.12cm
for the left adrenal. The thickness was 0.45±0.11cm
for the right adrenal and 0.68±0.14cm for the left
adrenal. Statistical differences (p<0.05) between
right and left adrenals for all values analyzed were
H/E stained images showed a dense capsule
composed by modeled dense connective tissue
lining the organ. Below this capsule, from the
outermost region to the innermost region, it was
possible to observe a cortical region, divided into
glomerular, fasciculata and reticular zones and a
medullar region occupying the center of the organ.
The glomerular zone presented cellular
clusters arranged in oval shape, while the fasciculata
zone had cells arranged in cords. The reticular zone
was composed of cells spread across the large
amount of non-modeled dense connective tissue
with presence of blood vessels. The medullary
region was rich in blood vessels and chromaffin
cells (Figure 3).
The tissue slices stained with Trichrome of
Gomori revealed the presence of collagen fibers in
the dense capsule of the organ and within the
medullar region. The glomerular zone had little
amount of collagen fibers and more clustered cells
compared to other zones in the adrenal cortex. The
fasciculata zone showed little collagen fibers. On
the other hand the reticular zone showed large
amount of collagen fibers (blue) and blood vessels,
while the medullar region had more evident cellular
nucleus when compared to cells of the fasciculata
and reticular zones. At the center of the medullar
region it was possible to observe a large area with
collagen fibers and large blood vessels. Surrounding
this area, it was possible to note an area with less
collagenous fibers and an area with higher amount
of these fibers (Figure 4).
Morphology of the adrenal glands… SANTOS, A. C. et al.
Biosci. J., Uberlândia, v. 32, n. 6, p. 1559-1566, Nov./Dec. 2016
Figure 3. Photomicrograph of the adrenal gland of M. tridactyla stained with H/E. A: capsule (arrow); zones:
glomerular (arrowhead), fasciculata (f) and reticular (r) in the cortical region; medullar region (m).
Bar: 500µm. B: capsule (c); zones: glomerular (g) and fasciculata (f). Bar: 50µm. C: fasciculata zone
(f). Bar: 50µm. D: reticular zone (r) with blood vessel (*). Bar: 50µm. E: medullar region (arrow)
with blood vessel (V). Bar: 50µm.
Figure 4. Photomicrograph of the adrenal gland of M. tridactyla stained with Trichrome of Gomori. A:
reticular (r) and fasciculata (f) zones. Bar: 100µm. B: capsule (c) glomerular (g) and fasciculata (f)
zones. Bar: 100µm. C: reticular zone (r) of the cortical region and medulla (m). Bar: 100µm. D:
medullar region with a region rich in modeled dense connective tissue (mdct) and blood vessels with
large-diameter (arrows). It was possible to observe an area with non-modeled dense connective
tissue (nmdct). Bar: 100µm.
The adrenal glands found in M. tridactyla
are positioned in the cranial extremity of the kidney
and related medially to the caudal vena cava. These
characteristics follow the topographic location
described in other wild mammals such as rodents
Lagostomus maximus (RIBES, 1999), Myocastor
coypus (MACHADO et al., 2002; CULAU et al.,
2008), Dasyprocta agouti (NEVES et al., 2007),
Cavia porcellus (COOPER; SCHILLER, 1975) and
Galea spixii (SANTOS et al., 2016), and domestic
animals such as dogs, cats and horses (REECE et
al., 2005).
Morphology of the adrenal glands… SANTOS, A. C. et al.
Biosci. J., Uberlândia, v. 32, n. 6, p. 1559-1566, Nov./Dec. 2016
In current study, the adrenal glands of M.
tridactyla with different formats and sizes when
comparing right and left glands were found. The
right gland had elongated shape while the left gland
had triangular shape. Additionally, measurements
were statistically higher (p<0.05) in the right glands,
except for thickness. These results differ from
studies by Machado et al. (2002) in Myocastor
coypus and Santos et al. (2016) in Galea spixii. In
this study, the authors observed asymmetry between
the right and left glands. The right adrenal had
triangular shape and smaller volume compared with
the left gland, which had elongated shape in Galea
spixii (SANTOS et al., 2016).
In this regard, with respect to morphology,
anatomy and secretion products, it is known that the
adrenal glands may differ between the different
classes and animal species. In fishes, the chromaffin
tissue and adrenocortical may be separated; in birds,
these tissues are fused; the adrenal cortex of
mammals is divided into zones, but the glomerulosa
zone is not perceived in some of them, such as
lemurs, monkeys and mice; in dogs and guinea pigs
adrenocortical tissue is more abundant than
chromaffin tissue (BENTLEY, 1982).
In relation to the different zones of the
adrenal cortex in M. tridactyla, it was found that the
first and outermost layer is the glomerular zone,
located just under the capsule (consisting of
connective tissue), which surrounds the organ. It has
as main characteristic, the presence of cells arranged
in oval groups very attached and with reduced
intracellular spaces, similarly to rats (CHANG et al.,
2011), Galea spixii (SANTOS et al., 2016) and
Gerbilus tarabuli (SAADI; LEBAILI, 2012); the
second layer is the fasciculata, characterized by
columns of vacuolated cells as in rats (CHANG et
al., 2011.) and Galea spixii (SANTOS et al., 2016.);
and the third and last zone is the reticular,
containing in its parenchyma irregular cell cords,
anastomosis and randomly arrangement, similar to
that found in Lagostamus maximus (RIBES et al.,
1999) and Galea spixii (SANTOS et al., 2016).
Below the reticular zone of the cortical region is the
medullar region, which is composed of large
chromaffin cells and numerous blood vessels,
similar to that described in Cavia porcellus
(KACZMARCZYK; KMIEC, 2004) and Galea
spixii (SANTOS et al., 2016).
Regarding the division of regions of the
adrenal cortex of M. tridactyla, it was found less
evident glomerular zone in relation to fasciculata
and reticular zones. Then, stereological studies in
order to confirm these findings were required
because the dimensions of the cortical zones could
be related to different demands in the production of
different steroid hormones. Hîncu et al. (2006),
described that in Cavia porcellus exposed to stress,
structural changes occur in the cortex due to the
adaptive capacity of adrenal gland to stress factors,
because initially an adaptive process is characterized
by morphological and functional changes in order to
life maintenance.
The adrenal glands have an important role
due enzymatic mechanisms able to synthesize
cholesterol and convert it into different steroid
hormones, including sexual hormones (DI RIO et
al., 1994; SANTOS et al., 2016); however,
corticosteroids are the most important adrenal
steroid hormones, both physiologically and
quantitatively (Whitley et al., 1994).
Several studies have attempted to
demonstrate the differentiation of the synthesis of
steroid hormones in the different zones of the
adrenal cortex in mammals. As example, glomerular
zone synthesizes mineralocorticoid (aldosterone),
the fasciculata zones produces glucocorticoids and
the reticular zone produces sexual steroid hormones
C19 (androgens) in humans and primates (CHANG
et al., 2011), but not in rats and mice (VAN
WEERDEN et al., 1992; PIGNATELLI et al., 1998;
KEMPNÁ; FLÜCK, 2008). However, Shinzawa et
al. (1988) in Cavia porcellus and Santos et al.
(2016) in Galea spixii demonstrated that androgen
production site is mainly the fasciculata zone.
Already Pignatelli et al. (1998) demonstrated that in
rats, the androgen production is more present in the
glomerular zona than in the fasciculata zone.
Considering the difficulty to find relevant
quantity of specimens for morphological studies due
to vulnerability in conservation of the species as M.
tridactyla, future studies related to steroidogenesis
with specimens at different periods of the year will
elucidate if the adrenal glands have seasonal
variations in its morphological conformation or
production of adrenal hormones resulting from these
changes, and these data would be of great
importance because it could reflect the behavioral
habits in this species.
In conclusion, the right adrenal glands had
larger measurements of weight, length and width
than the left gland, however, the thickness of the
right gland was lower than the left. By microscopic
analysis, a modeled dense connective tissue capsule
lining the organ was observed. Below this capsule,
from the outermost to the innermost layer, it was
possible to evidence, a cortical region, divided into
glomerular, fasciculata and reticular zones and a
medullar region rich in blood vessels occupying the
center of the organ.
Morphology of the adrenal glands… SANTOS, A. C. et al.
Biosci. J., Uberlândia, v. 32, n. 6, p. 1559-1566, Nov./Dec. 2016
The authors thank the Sector for Clinical
Surgical Attendance (SACCAS) of the Veterinary
Hospital "Dr. Halim Atique "for the donation of
animals and to Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do
Estado de São Paulo for financial Support.
O Myrmecophaga tridactyla (família Pilosa), conhecido popularmente no Brasil como Tamanduá-
Bandeira, é uma espécie classificada como ameaçada de extinção pelos principais órgãos de levantamento e preservação
da biodiversidade no mundo. As glândulas adrenais são importantes órgãos, relacionados com a homeostasia dos animais.
Neste estudo, objetivou-se descrever a morfologia das glândulas adrenais de M. tridactyla, fornecendo dados para futuros
estudos relacionados à produção de hormônios esteroides em espécimes expostos a diferentes fatores de stress. Esta
pesquisa traz a análise das glândulas adrenais em 14 espécimes de M. tridactyla, as quais foram mensuradas,
fotodocumentadas, processadas e analisadas por microscopia de luz. Encontrou-se que as glândulas adrenais pares estavam
posicionadas na extremidade cranial dos rins e relacionadas medialmente com a veia cava caudal. Sendo que, a glândula
adrenal direita possuía formato mais alongado que a glândula adrenal esquerda, a qual apresentou formato piramidal ou
triangular. A massa da glândula adrenal direita foi de 4,765±0,129g, enquanto a esquerda pesou 3,975±0,213g. O
comprimento foi de 4,50±0,14cm para a glândula direita e 4,28±0,11cm para a esquerda. A largura foi de 2,60±0,13cm
para a glândula direita e 2,37±0,12cm para a esquerda. A espessura da glândula direita foi de 0,45±0,11cm e da esquerda
foi 0,68±0,14. Foram observadas diferenças estatísticas (p<0,05) entre as glândulas direitas e esquerdas em todas as
dimensões analisadas. Com auxílio de microscopia de luz observou-se uma cápsula de tecido conjuntivo denso modelado,
revestindo o órgão. Abaixo dessa cápsula, foi possível evidenciar, da camada mais externa para a mais interna, uma região
cortical, dividida em zonas glomerular, fasciculada e reticular, com uma região medular ocupando o centro do órgão.
Futuros estudos relacionados à esteroidogênese adrenal com espécimes em diferentes épocas do ano poderiam demonstrar
se as glândulas adrenais apresentam variações sazonais em sua conformação morfológica ou na produção de hormônios
adrenais decorrentes dessas variações, sendo que, estes dados seriam de grande importância, pois poderiam refletir os
hábitos comportamentais nesta espécie.
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A.; ASHWOOD, E. R. Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry. 2ed. Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company,
1994. 2326p.
This research was aimed to present the histological and ultrastructure properties of the adrenal gland in the Persian squirrel. Two male and female animals were included in the study. The adrenal gland was bean-shaped and located on the cranial pole of kidney. The enveloping capsule was dense connective tissue that reacted positively with Periodic-Acid Schiff (PAS) and Masson trichrome stainings. The parenchyma of the gland consisted of two-part, namely cortex and medulla; the cortex had three layers: zona glomerulosa (ZG), zona fasciculata (ZF), and zona reticularis (ZR). The cells of the ZG were mainly spherical and ovoid with circular arrangement and few lipid droplets in TEM micrographs. The cells of the ZF were columnar and spherical that were arranged in cord-like rows. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicated conspicuous lipid droplets and mitochondria in this zone. The cells of the ZR were arranged in a tangled networks and were almost similar to those in the ZF. TEM images showed fewer lipid vesicles in the ZR compared to the ZF and ZG. Chromaffin cells were located in the medulla of the adrenal gland in two layers. TEM images showed that some of them were smaller and contained fewer secretory granules; other cells were larger and contained more electron-dense secretory granules. Immunofluorescence staining showed that steroidogenic factor 1 (SF1) expressed from cortex to the corticomedullary junction (CMJ) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expressed in the medulla. In conclusion, the results indicated both similarities and differences between the adrenal gland of the Persian squirrel and other animals such as mammals and rodents.
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Considering the physiological importance and need of greater morphophysiological knowledge of adrenal glands, the aims of present study were compare the morphometric data between left and right adrenal of male and female; perform a histological, scanning and transmission electron microscopy study showing tissue constitution of glands; finally, in order to define the presence and correct site of the cytochrome P450c17 expression in adrenal glands, immunohistochemical study of this enzyme was performed in 18 adrenal glands (right n=9 and left n=9) of nine adult Galea spixii (four males and five females). Right adrenal was more cranially positioned than left adrenal; dimensions (weight, length and width) of right adrenal was larger than left adrenal; no differences between male and female body and adrenal measurements were found; the morphology of cells and different amounts of lipid droplets may be related to the different demands of steroid hormones production, related to each zone of the adrenal cortex; and, the cytochrome P450c17 immunolocalization in fasciculate and reticular zone may be related with synthesis of 17-hydroxy-pregnenolone, 17-hydroxy-progesterone, dehydroepiandrosterone or androstenedione.
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Giant (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) and collared anteaters (Tamandua tetradactyla) are common mammals in the Cerrado biome. They are specialized in eating termites (Isoptera, Blattaria) and ants (Formicidae, Hymenoptera). This study tested the preference of the giant anteater for termites with different defense strategies: 1) soldier with chemical defense and a soft nest (Nasutitermes), and 2) soldier with mixed defenses - chemical and mechanical - and a hard nest (Cornitermes). Pieces of nests of both genera of termites were provided to captive giant anteaters, their behaviors were observed, and the time spent feeding in each termite nests was recorded. The anteaters exploited both termite species, although no significance difference was found, they spent more time feeding on Cornitermes than on Nasutitermes. The stomach contents of one road-killed giant anteater and one collared anteater were analyzed. The collared anteater fed on a wider diversity of termite species with different defense strategies, but showed a preference for Cornitermes. We argue that the preference of anteaters for a termite species that has a harder nest, and soldiers with mixed defense, may be due to the presence of terpenoids in the chemical apparatus of Nasutitermes, absent in Cornitermes. Also, the much higher proportion of soldiers in Nasutitermes may influence the anteaters' choice.
Full-text available O tamanduá-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), mamífero pertencente à ordem Xenarthra, família Myrmecophagidae, está entre as espécies ameaçadas de extinção. Partindo desse pressuposto, o conhecimento da sua anatomia é de extrema insigne, principalmente do membro torácico que desempenha funções importantes na sua alimentação e como único meio de defesa. Assim, objetivou-se estudar a origem e distribuição do nervo axilar em dois tamanduás-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla), um macho e uma fêmea, pertencentes ao Laboratório de Ensino e Pesquisa de Animais Silvestres (LAPAS). Esse material consta de cadáveres fixados e conservados em solução aquosa de formol a 10% e a dissecação seguiu os procedimentos usuais em anatomia. O nervo axilar originou-se em 100% dos animais dos ramos ventrais do sexto (C6) e sétimo (C7) nervos espinhais cervicais. O referido nervo apresentou simetria em relação a sua origem e emitiu ramos para os músculos redondo maior, redondo menor e deltóide em 100% dos espécimes. Em todos os animais o nervo axilar emitiu o ramo cutâneo cranial do antebraço.
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Hematological results are reported for 13 giant anteaters (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) and 13 collared anteaters (Tamandua tetradactyla). Animals were captive-reared adults held at the Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo (São Paulo, SP, Brazil) and Parque Zoológico Municipal Quinzinho de Barros (Sorocaba, SP, Brazil), and were considered healthy on physical examination. Examined parameters included red blood cell count, white blood cell count, hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular hemoglobin, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, total plasmatic protein and differential leukocyte counts. Also, a survey for hemoparasites was done and none was observed in thin blood smears. The results were generally similar to those previously reported in the exiguous literature for these species, providing further reference data for the interpretation of laboratory results besides health monitoring, assisting early disease diagnosis and providing relevant information for conservation programs for these species.
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The anatomy and histology of the male genital tract of the lesser anteater were studied. Fine details of spermatozoa regarding their genesis and morphology were also studied in six adult specimens. The testes lie in the pelvic cavity. The deferent duct emerges from the epididymis and opens into the ejaculatory duct, which drains into the membranous urethra. Accessory glands (prostate, seminal vesicle and bulbourethral gland) are histologically similar to those described in other mammals. The short penis presents an urethral orifice, while the corpus spongiosum becomes thinner at the end indicating the absence of a histologically defined glans. The seminiferous epithelium shows: (1) Sertoli cells with deep nuclear indentations, (2) spermatogonia with crusty-like chromatin, (3) spermatocytes at different stages of maturation and (4) three morphologically distinct stages of spermatid differentiation according to nuclear shape, acrosome development and chromatin condensation. Sperm heads appear oval. The length of the spermatozoa averages 67.33 ± 1.60 μm. Two specimens with inactive spermatogenesis were azoospermic. Their testes and epididymis presented sizes smaller than those with active spermatogenesis. These studies together with others in anteaters may contribute to successful breeding in conservation programmes.
The distribution of adrenal chromaffin cells in the control beagle dog was investigated. The presence of chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla, three zones of the adrenal cortex and capsule was identified by staining with H&E, chromium salts and TH (tyrosine hydroxylase) antibody. With H&E stain, there are morphological differences among the chromaffin cells in the medulla, cortex and capsule. In addition, the number of the capsular chromaffin cells was statistically significantly decreased in the 8-9, 11-12 and 15-16 month age groups compared with the 5-6 month age group. Both medullary and extra-medullary chromaffin cells contained catecholamines, demonstrated via special staining for chromium salts. TH is the first enzyme in catecholamine biosynthesis; it is a useful maker for all cells involved with catecholamine biosynthesis including chromaffin cells. TH antibody confirmed that the extra-medullary cells were chromaffin cells. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL) assay for detecting the apoptotic signalling identified the apoptosis of the chromaffin cells in the capsule.
The objective of this work is to evaluate the aldosterone level and to study the gerbil adrenal zona glomerulosa morphology in the presence of an important water diet content during seven days. Thirty adult gerbils, Gerbilus tarabuli, were randomly assigned to two watering regimes, with fifteen gerbils per group. The first group was the control and the second group was exposed to a water-rich diet during seven days. Thin sections of the adrenal glands were observed in photonic and electron microscopy. Their blood was sampled and analyzed for aldosterone, electrolyte concentrations and hematocrit. Urine was collected after 24hours. A water-rich diet decreased the body weight but increased the hematocrit, total protein, aldosterone concentration and urine volume. In electronic microscopy, the adrenal zona glomerulosa cells present a decrease in lipid compartment and Golgi apparatus zone development. The blood electrolyte concentrations were not changed significantly. These findings indicate that the water-rich diet exerts a potent stimulatory effect on aldosterone secretion by the gerbil adrenal zona glomerulosa through plasma volume perturbation.