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Abstract and Figures

To many people, traffic congestion is an irritant because it throws their personal schedules in to chaos. To others conscious of the value of time in their economic pursuit, it is a financial loss. Yet to some others, it is an easy excuse for being habitually late for appointments and for some others it is a convenient conversation starter. But most often, all these people tend to shrug their shoulders and appear to accept that this part and parcel of the travails of urban living. This article examines the proposition if traffic congestion is something we just have to learn to live with or if there are indeed initiatives that could be taken to reduce and manage it within tolerable levels. But ahead of answering that, we need to ask some basic questions: • Why is there congestion? • What are the effects of congestion? Put simply, traffic congestion means there are more vehicles trying to use a given road facility than it can handle- without exceeding acceptable levels of delay or inconvenience. In Colombo and other major cities, this occurs mostly during certain times of the day- we call peak periods or rush hours. There are two clear parameters within a single equation that causes congestion, which is the balance between the demand and the supply of road space. The demand for road space arises from the universally observed desire of individuals to own and use a motor vehicle. As incomes increase and technological advancements reduce the real cost of producing a motor vehicle, more and more persons find the financial means for owning and using a motor vehicle. However, motor vehicles do not come without their share of physical and environmental limitations. A motor vehicle in the first instance requires road space to operate freely, parking spaces at residences and work places. Increase of motor vehicles (the demand) often outstrips the provision of road space (the supply) in many countries. The result is traffic congestion.. According to the TransPlan Model (UoM, 1999) average traffic speeds within the Colombo Metropolitan Region (CMR) have dropped to around 20 kms/hr today. The typical corridor (major artery) speed is around 10-15 kms/hr within Colombo City. Traffic congestion may be considered a problem, by many, they often fail to see the extent of its impact on the community and country. These impacts could be further discussed as: Economic Growth: A good transportation system is an important selling point to communities that desire to attract development that provides for employment and growth of a city. If transport costs due to congestion increase, goods and services produced within that city tend to increase in costs thus losing competitiveness in international markets. Efficient transportation access is therefore a very important consideration as it has a direct impact on sound and sustainable economic growth and productivity. The cost of congestion in the Western Province of Sri Lanka is over Rs 20,000 million per year (around 2 percent of Regional GDP). This includes the cost of productive time and wastage of fuel. Quality-of-Life: To some people, congested highways are a symptom of deteriorating quality-oflife-in a community. The amount of time that is spent on commuting to and from work is also in reality, time that is taken away from social interactions or pursuit of activities that have a personal value and satisfaction. 3 Environmental Quality: Congested road conditions can have a detrimental effect on the environment, in particular air quality and noise pollution. Congestion arises due to increase vehicles on the road. Ironically this is the time when there are the most number of people on the roads as well. This means that many more people become vulnerable to respiratory diseases such as asthma -widely prevalent today. Anti- Social Behavior: Increasing social problems referred to as Highway Rage (or Road Rage) experienced in many countries where drivers show hostility to each other most often due to the frustration of slow moving traffic is also becoming a serious social problem.
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Paper Published in the Economic Review, Sri Lanka
Amal S. Kumarage
Transportation Engineering Division,
University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
To many people, traffic congestion is an irritant because it throws their personal schedules in to
chaos. To others conscious of the value of time in their economic pursuit, it is a financial loss.
Yet to some others, it is an easy excuse for being habitually late for appointments and for some
others it is a convenient conversation starter. But most often, all these people tend to shrug their
shoulders and appear to accept that this part and parcel of the travails of urban living.
This article examines the proposition if traffic congestion is something we just have to learn to
live with or if there are indeed initiatives that could be taken to reduce and manage it within
tolerable levels. But ahead of answering that, we need to ask some basic questions:
Why is there congestion?
What are the effects of congestion?
Put simply, traffic congestion means there are more vehicles trying to use a given road facility
than it can handle- without exceeding acceptable levels of delay or inconvenience. In Colombo
and other major cities, this occurs mostly during certain times of the day- we call peak periods or
rush hours. There are two clear parameters within a single equation that causes congestion, which
is the balance between the demand and the supply of road space.
The demand for road space arises from the universally observed desire of individuals to own and
use a motor vehicle. As incomes increase and technological advancements reduce the real cost of
producing a motor vehicle, more and more persons find the financial means for owning and using
a motor vehicle. However, motor vehicles do not come without their share of physical and
environmental limitations. A motor vehicle in the first instance requires road space to operate
freely, parking spaces at residences and work places. Increase of motor vehicles (the demand)
often outstrips the provision of road space (the supply) in many countries. The result is traffic
According to the TransPlan Model (UoM, 1999) average traffic speeds within the Colombo
Metropolitan Region (CMR) have dropped to around 20 kms/hr today. The typical corridor
(major artery) speed is around 10-15 kms/hr within Colombo City. Traffic congestion may be
considered a problem, by many, they often fail to see the extent of its impact on the community
and country. These impacts could be further discussed as:
Economic Growth: A good transportation system is an important selling point to communities
that desire to attract development that provides for employment and growth of a city. If transport
costs due to congestion increase, goods and services produced within that city tend to increase in
costs thus losing competitiveness in international markets. Efficient transportation access is
therefore a very important consideration as it has a direct impact on sound and sustainable
economic growth and productivity. The cost of congestion in the Western Province of Sri Lanka
is over Rs 20,000 million per year (around 2 percent of Regional GDP). This includes the cost of
productive time and wastage of fuel.
Quality-of-Life: To some people, congested highways are a symptom of deteriorating quality-of-
life-in a community. The amount of time that is spent on commuting to and from work is also in
reality, time that is taken away from social interactions or pursuit of activities that have a personal
value and satisfaction.
Environmental Quality: Congested road conditions can have a detrimental effect on the
environment, in particular air quality and noise pollution. Congestion arises due to increase
vehicles on the road. Ironically this is the time when there are the most number of people on the
roads as well. This means that many more people become vulnerable to respiratory diseases such
as asthma -widely prevalent today.
Anti- Social Behavior: Increasing social problems referred to as Highway Rage (or Road Rage)
experienced in many countries where drivers show hostility to each other most often due to the
frustration of slow moving traffic is also becoming a serious social problem.
Road users and political leaders need to be appraised what options there are for Colombo or any
other city to manage traffic congestion. These management strategies could be discussed under
short term and long term options. Most successful approach for Sri Lanka would be to adopt a
dual strategy so that immediate respite and permanent solutions are initiated together.
The Short-Term Strategy
This strategy has two distinct approaches. The relative merits of each and the suitability of them,
for Colombo and other cities in Sri Lanka are discussed below:
Managing the Transport Supply: Managing the transportation system by adding new facilities
or by making operational changes to improve system performance is the most common response
by engineers and even politicians and administrators to solve congestion problems. These
measures can be better understood by classifying such attempts as follows.
1. Adding new transport infrastructure capacity: This means new roads, expressways and
railways that can carry more vehicles. Even though this is almost always the ‘first-option’
suggested by road engineers and police alike, this is usually very expensive and often socially
prohibitive in urban areas. However the bigger limitation in this approach is that road
construction in urban areas is often considered to generate more traffic in the long term, and
the idiom that traffic fills whatever road space provided’ is a well-established fact. For
example, the author has shown elsewhere (Kumarage, 1999) how the proposed Katunayake
Expressway could very well increase congestion within the city, even though there might be
some respite for a period of time on t he existing A3 highway.
2. Improving existing infrastructure for increasing capacity: A less expensive approach is to
identify bottlenecks and increase capacity at these places. Signalizing an uncontrolled
intersection (e.g. Katubedda Junction) or street widening of bottlenecks (e.g. Kadawatha
town) or providing for a grade-separated intersection (e.g. Ragama fly over) would fall within
this category. However many such attempt are also unlikely to solve traffic problemsin the
long term, as these bottlenecks often control the flow of traffic beyond them and when they
are eased, the problem shifts further down stream- a problem identified as ‘migration of
3. Re designing existing infrastructure for increasing capacity: Converting existing road space
for high occupancy vehicles either by introducing bus lanes or providing bus ways
(experimentally tried in Sri Lanka last October, but widely used in many European cities- de
Silva et al, 2002). In some cities, entire roads have also been converted to pedestrian only
streets. Removal of on-street parking is another successful method used (tried successfully in
1997 but later lapsed due to Police disinterest- Kumarage, 1999) especially in the peak period
in the peak direction. This is a successful approach increasingly used in cities throughout the
world, that have correctly identified that carrying more people in to a city is more important
than merely allowing for more vehicles to come.
4. Operational Improvements to existing infrastructure to increase capacity: These include
operational changes to increase the capacity of a transport system. These measures include
introducing reversible lanes during peak periods, (for example, the Galle Road between
Maliban and Kalubowila Road, has five lanes. The middle lane can be made into a reversible
lane, with the outer lane in the peak period turned in to a bus lane); introducing a right-turn
phase in a traffic signal, ensuring better police enforcement, one-way systems that reduce
traffic conflicts and
expanding the public
transport network are
some common
approaches. The use
of Information
Technology has also
allowed the
development of
Transport Systems
where incident
detection programs, motorist information systems, and towing/enforcement efforts that can be
used to minimize the effects of accidents and other non-recurring incidents and increase the
capacity and reliability of the network.
Managing the Transportation Demand: In its broadest sense, demand management is any
action or set of actions intended to influence the intensity, timing, and spatial distribution of
transportation demand for the purpose of reducing the impact of traffic flow. These can be
categorized under the headings.
a) Re-distribution of the spatial form of the demand for transport: These include the urban re-
planning and the relocation of certain land uses that may cause traffic congestion. For
example, there has been a plan for many years to relocate the wholesale trade activities in
Pettah to Orugodawatte (University of Moratuwa, 2000). This (long overdue project) would
reduce the freight traffic to the Central Business District area and ease traffic congestion
considerably. Similarly there is a proposal (Kumarage, 2002) to decentralize the Pettah Bus
Terminal so that fewer buses would come to Pettah and Fort areas. Relocation of
administrative functions that attract travel is a common strategy (e.g. relocation of passport
b) Re-distribution of the temporal pattern of the demand for transport: This is also known as
demand spreading. There are many methods adopted in different countries to spread the traffic
during peak hours. Since it is when large numbers of people travel at the same time to the
same locality that cause traffic congestion, there is now an effort in other countries to Stagger
Work Hours (see Table 1). This requires offices opening and closing over a longer time span
(e.g. spread from say 8 am to 9.30 am). This also applies to separating school times from
office time and even spreading school opening times between different areas or types of
schools (e.g. private and state schools could start at different times). Flexible Work Hours is
another methods whereby workers are allowed to report for work over a period of time rather
than at an exact time. Electronic Road Pricing is another method used in some cities,
whereby peak period road use could be tolled higher than off peak so that some demand is
spread to other hours. Prohibiting delivery vehicles during working hours in a city, is another
method of designating goods transport to night times when road capacity exists.
Table 1: Proposed Work Hours
Sector Proposed Start
Present Start
Proposed End
Present End
State Schools 8:00 8:00 14:00 14:00
Private Schools 8:15 7:30/8:00 14:15 13:30/14:00
Other Educational Institutions 8:30 8:00/8:30 Varies Varies
Public Sector Offices 8:45 8:45/9:00 16:30 16:45/17:00
Private Sector Offices 9:00 9:00 17:30 17:30
Banking/Financial Sector 9:30 9:00 18:00 17:30
Retail Business 10:00 10:00 18:30 18:30
c) Re-distributions of demand between the modes of transport: This is done in order to move
persons from modes of transport more likely to cause congestion to more space efficient
modes of transport. This can be done by say increasing the quantity and quality of public
transport. Financial penalties may also be used for this purpose. Imposing Road Tolls (where
cars are taxed and buses allowed free as in Singapore) and increasing Parking Charges to
commercial values (most European & U.S. cities) is another method. In some cities reducing
parking availability and imposing time limits for parking is an established strategy (e.g.
London). Generally re-distribution is favorable when passengers are induced to move from
high space utilizing vehicles (e.g. cars and motor cycles) to lower space utilizing vehicles
(such as buses and other modes of public transport). Park and Ride facilities are also
encouraged, which enable people who would be travelling by private cars to park their
vehicles away from a city and take a bus or train from there (a proposal for this has been made
in Kumarage, 1997).
Long-Term Strategy
Solving traffic congestion in the long-term however requires even wider strategies and policies.
These can be identified in to four categories. These are also discussed in brief.
a) A land-use strategy compatible with transport capacity
b) A Vehicle Ownership strategy compatible with road capacity
c) A strategy for public transport compatible with population density
d) A strategy for new modes of public transport compatible with personal incomes.
a) A land-use strategy compatible with transport capacity: The Colombo Metropolitan Regional
Structure Plan (UDA, 1999)
provides a good case study on
how a sustainable and
balanced land-use strategy can
be developed based on the
transport capacity that can be
provided. The combined land
use- transport strategy adopted
in the CMRSP aims to provide
for more space efficient modes
of transport within the CMR
together. The main radial
arteries to the City are
proposed to be developed as
High Mobility Roadsfor fast
commuter travel (by banning
parking, right-turns,
introducing signalisation etc).
Furthermore, it proposes to
develop the Colombo City as
mixed high-density land use
and to facilitate the planned
formation of six satellite city centres. The proposed outer ring road in this case is intended to
connect these satellite cities while simultaneously providing for an orbital route around
Colombo and its suburbs for inter-regional traffic.
b) A Vehicle Ownership strategy compatible with road capacity: Vehicle ownership is associated
with increase in incomes. It is also represents an important feature of choice of travel.
Increases in vehicle ownership however, requires more road space, parking space and
measures to control air pollution etc. Therefore, to properly plan the land use in the CMR or in
any city, the levels of vehicle ownership that can be sustained therein has to be understood.
The present rates of vehicle ownership in Sri Lanka, is around 74 vehicles per 1000 persons.
This increases to 97 per 1000 in the CMR. In Colombo District, this increases further to 141
per 1000. In Colombo City, this is even higher at 262 per 1000. The fact that within most parts
of Colombo City and also in many parts of the Colombo District, traffic congestion is a
regular feature indicates quite clearly that the present level of vehicle ownership therein,
cannot be sustained. This as described before, is because the demand that these vehicles
generate cannot be matched by the provision of increased road space. This means that the
saturation levels for the present transport infrastructure appears to have been reached in these
areas. This is saturation level is based on three distinct parameters.
Population Density
Performance of Public Transport
Road Length
According to the Colombo Traffic Study, (UoM, 1995) the share of public transport
within Colombo City is around 50%. Within the CMR it is estimated to be around 60%.
The national average also appears to be around 60- 65%. The population density in
Colombo is 174 persons/ha and according to CMRSP projections, set to increase to nearly
200 by the year 2010. According to the same projections, the population density, which is
30 persons/ha in Colombo District at present, is set to increase to 40 persons/ha. The road
density in metres per person, which is an alarming 0.2 in the CMC, increases only up to
1.4 in Colombo District. Table 2 shows the corresponding land use density, incomes and
performance of public transport associated with the respective levels of sustainability in
vehicle ownership.
On an international comparison, the ownership of vehicles in cities in the USA, Canada
and Australia show that sustainability levels can be as high as between 600 to 700 vehicles
per 1000 persons. These rates are associated with, high incomes and low levels of public
transport use at less than 5%. The population density of these cities is generally low and
below 25 persons per hectare. Most European Cities on the other hand, maintain incomes
comparable to the earlier group of cities, but have significantly higher public transport
patronage of around 25%. In these instances, the vehicle ownership rate appears to
saturate at around 300 to 400 vehicles per 1000 persons. In these cities however,
population density is higher (25-75 persons/ha). Most cities also apply some degree of
traffic restraint usually in the form of parking limitations. The third group refers mostly to
Asian cities, where vehicle ownership levels seem to taper off at even lower levels. Public
transport in these cities is between 50-80%. This is achieved by intensifying
improvements to public transport and simultaneously applying equally intense traffic and
even vehicle ownership restrain measures. These cities have much higher population
densities at over 75 persons/ha.
Table 2: Vehicle Ownership Saturation Levels with Urban Parameters
Share of
Car Ownership
Saturation (per
1000 p)
Low < 25 > 4 < 5% 600-700 Little or no restriction on
Moderate 25-75 1-4 15-35% 300-400 Some traffic and parking
High > 75 < 1 50-80% 200-300 Traffic and Ownership
Based on a comparison of the above cities in Sri Lanka, which in most cases have low
road densities and high population densities and are presently public transport oriented,
would only be able to sustain relatively lower levels of traffic and correspondingly lower
vehicle ownership. In the case of the Colombo City saturation has already been reached,
whereas in other parts of Colombo District, where on account of the fact that public
transport has a good coverage, it would be most desirable to target for saturation levels of
around 300 vehicles per 1000 persons. In this case, there is some growth possible before
saturation occurs.
Such a situation can only be arrived through specific interventionist policies that bring
about balanced transport growth (e.g. as the New Deal Transport Policy in the U.K.). It is
clear that without any interventionist measures, vehicle ownership will continue to
increase with incomes and traffic congestion will continue. This should then influence all
transport policy and infrastructure planning within the CMR and its sub regions. This
would mean that policy directive should be aimed at controlling vehicle use starting from
the CMC and then spreading to Colombo District before extending to all of the CMR.
Such policy should take into account steps to maintain the public transport share, while
planning for traffic restraint measures and measures to manage the ownership and use of
private vehicles.
c) A strategy for public transport compatible with population density: It is was shown earlier that
public transport becomes a necessary and appropriate mode of travel when population density
is high and density of roads is low at the same time. In such a scenario when incomes increase,
it is public transport that can provide sustainable transport. Therefore it is evident that the
backbone of an efficient and sustainable transport system in the CMR would essentially center
around a good public transport system. Particularly for travel within the CMC and on the
commuter arteries.
Such a strategy would require the following policy initiatives, projects and programs to give
priority for public transport use and to restrain private vehicle use- a two pronged approach
that has been successfully used in many cities throughout the world (e.g. Singapore, Tokyo,
most European Cities).
Implement a Parking Policy where parking spaces are restricted & where parking fees are
increased in keeping with the demand for the limited spaces.
Implement an electronic tolling system for the roads within the CMC at peak periods so
that inefficient use of road space by low occupancy vehicles during peak periods could be
discouraged by a toll.
Encourage the operation of road and rail based park and ride systems.
Divert port-based freight traffic from road to rail.
Set up regional distribution centres for agricultural produce to minimise travel related to
internal trade.
d) A strategy for new modes of public transport compatible with personal incomes: The CMRSP
(UDA, 1999) has proposed a People Mover System for Colombo City as a means of
improving public transport as well as introducing a higher level of service in public transport.
This is essential if pubic transport is to be a viable alternative for people whose incomes are
increasing. They would look for quality in public transport. If passengers, whose incomes are
increasing all the time, do not find adequate quality, then the need to own and then use a
private vehicle would be un-manageable. Therefore, the need for a new public transit system
has a wider connotation than its immediate financial viability. It should be a part of a strategic
plan of managing mobility in the CMR. The Colombo Urban Transport Study (WS Atkins &
University of Moratuwa, 1999) have recommended a Light Rapid Transit (LRT) – also known
as the modern day trams for Colombo City and for two radial corridors. These systems are
being introduced as alternatives for road
building programs (e.g. Bangkok or Kuala
Lumpur) and are investments that will most
likely be most effective in managing the
future demand for transport and the
management of traffic congestion in our
De Silva, G.L.D, et al, The Design of a Bus
Lane for Sri Lanka, Final Year Project Report,
University of Moratuwa, 2002.
Kumarage, Amal S., Transport Plan for
Colombo City, Urban Development Authority, Colombo, 2001.
Kumarage Amal S. A Review of the Colombo Katunayake Expressway Project, Report submitted to
H.E President, 1999.
Kumarage Amal S., Traffic Management for a Major Urban Artery - Galle Road, Colombo, 6th
International Seminar on Transport, Chartered Institute of Transport, Colombo, March 1998.
Kumarage, Amal S., A Park & Ride System for Colombo, Urban Development Authority, July 1997.
University of Moratuwa, Transport Proposal for Orugodawatte Wholesale Complex for Urban
Development Authority, 2000.
University of Moratuwa, TransPlan V3: A Computer Algorithm for Traffic Assignment & Forecasting
in Sri Lanka, University of Moratuwa, 1999
University of Moratuwa, Colombo Traffic Study for Urban Development Authority/Colombo
Municipal Council, 1994.
Urban Development Authority, Colombo Metropolitan Regional Structure Plan –CMRSP, 1999
WS Atkins & University of Moratuwa, Colombo Urban Transport Study Stage 2, Ministry of
Transport & Highways, 1999.
... The socioeconomic impact of traffic congestion includes, among other things increase in travel time, unable to estimate travel time (unreliability), an increase in vehicle operating cost, and not making a driving trip that one would otherwise make (mobility cost) (HDR for the Office of Economic and Strategic Analysis, 2009;The World Bank Group, 2014). It also includes an increase in the risk of being in an accident (Anciaes et al., 2017;González-Sánchez et al., 2021;Vencataya et al., 2018) an increase in health costs (Levy et al., 2010;Vencataya et al., 2018), an increase in stress (Kumarage, 2004), increase in traffic noise (Anciaes et al., 2017b), decreases the time available for parents to spend with their families (severance) (Elisonguo, 2013;Pocock et al., 2009) and late arrival to office hours (Elisonguo, 2013;Oluwaseyi, 2017). ...
... Additionally, the previous study should have considered the distinct analysis of drivers and passengers as separate entities to comprehend how these particular groups of the population interact with various influences. Kumarage (2004) and Vencataya et al. (2018) have posited that extended periods of commuting are associated with heightened levels of stress and aggressive driving tendencies. This behavior, in turn, may contribute to the development of road rage, which is often triggered by feelings of frustration stemming from sluggish traffic conditions. ...
... Furthermore, it causes commuters to get extremely stressed and frustrated, especially drivers who need to pay closer attention and concentrate when driving in difficult circumstances (Vencataya et al., 2018). According to Kumarage (2004), extended periods of commuting contribute to heightened stress levels and the manifestation of aggressive driving tendencies, ultimately fostering road rage as a result of frustration stemming from sluggish traffic. Consequently, individuals become more susceptible to stressrelated ailments and experience a decline in work productivity. ...
... However, hard transportation policies that improve infrastructural capacity have proven to be counter-productive because with new road construction in urban areas traffic congestion worsens. Traffic congestion worsens in urban areas because the notion is that traffic fills whatever road space made available (Kumarage, 2004;Bull, 2003;Garling et al, 2016). Handy (2015) argues that adding roads reduces travel time which in turn lowers the cost of driving which leads to increasing the quantity of driving which further complicates congestion issues. ...
... On the other hand, soft transportation policies focus on imposing actions that influence the intensity, timing and spatial distribution of transportation demand for the purpose of reducing the impact of traffic flow. Basically, soft transportation policies are focused on advocating the use of public transport and limiting private car usage (Kumarage, 2004;Dong, 2016). ...
Full-text available
Urban congestion has been a big impediment to socioeconomic development which has led to endless search for ways to curb it. In Dar es Salaam, the government opted for the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) to encourage public transport usage. The belief is that, with the presence of BRT, private vehicle users will change their travel behaviour towards public transport usage. However, the shift towards using public transport is considered unstable because transport planners believe soft transportation policy won't produce long term effects. This sceptical belief led to the expansion of roads that motivate private vehicle usage due to the reduction of driving costs. The interplay of scepticism of transport planners and an inclination to switching to private vehicle usage affects the long term impact of implementing a BRT system. This study adopted for a descriptive design to explain the factors that influence public transport usage. Data were collected by means of a questionnaire along the BRT phase one network and were subjected to descriptive analysis and principal component analysis. Results depicted lower levels of using BRT buses as a primary commuting option. Results further indicated that, about using BRT buses, commuters stated that travel time reduction and reliability, service accessibility and assurance and trip safety and tangibles were key service quality factors. Thus, BRT faces a low adoption rate; hence private vehicle usage has increased along BRT corridors. To increase and ensure the sustainability of BRT, it is imperative that the quality of service be improved and road expansion to city centre be abated.
... This matter has expanded to other adjacent districts such as Gampaha, Kaluthara, Kurunagala, and Galle significantly since the year 2000 in Sri Lanka. The development of the industrial areas and the expansion of businesses in those populated districts might have caused such a traffic jam, along with the enhancement of affordability for using private vehicles that has been increasing among individuals due to the reduced import tax, increased per capita income, affordable fuel prices, lack of road pricing schemes, etc. [7] This mode shift has been further encouraged by substandard public transport facilities for commuters, overcrowding in bus transportation during peak hours, missing time schedules for the railway department, improved roadway facilities, etc. Traffic congestion has increased as a result of the oversupply of private vehicles and the lack of proper and systematic traffic management systems in urban and suburban areas. ...
... The average intersection traffic at Welikada Plaza Intersection including all the turning movements is around 107,000 as per the traffic surveys carried out in September 2015. [7] This shows very significant impact to the prevailing traffic congesting at the main intersection at present. The main intersection is associated with many other junctions and traffic movements making the entire Rajagiriya Junction is very complicated node for traffic management concerns at present. ...
... First of all, traffic congestion is a severe problem that is related to and affect people's daily life. That is to say; traffic congestion means that more vehicles are attempting to use a road facility than the facility can handle without causing more than acceptable levels of delay or inconvenience [1]. When too many motor vehicles occupy the same road system, traffic slows down and may stop altogether. ...
It has been a long discussion that the current transportation paradigm is getting more negative in people's lives. Many people have complained about the traffic jams, air pollution, and over-use of natural resources. This study aims to analyze the problems of the current transportation paradigm and try to come up with specific solutions to form a new transportation paradigm. Does the question include the main issues that cause the current paradigm to become less effective and damaging? What new technology can help to change the old paradigm? What can economy type be helpful for the new paradigm? It is essential to tell people how serious the issue is and what they can do to improve it.
... Currently traffic congestion has been explored in many works and applications [1][2][3] because it has affected a large part of the population and also the economy [4]. Thus, it is important to have solutions to obtain a good vehicular traffic flow for improving the people's quality of life [5], mainly in large urban centers. ...
... Pedestrian-vehicle interaction is often observed on roads resulting in undesirable traffic congestions in the mainstream traffic flow when yielding for jaywalking [1]. The main objective of this research was to study the interaction between the jaywalking pedestrians and the subjected vehicle in mainstream traffic. ...
Conference Paper
With the increase in the number of vehicles on the road, traffic congestion has become a major problem in metropolitan areas. Generally, the traffic flow through a junction is controlled using static traffic lights which are unable to adapt to the real-time traffic condition at a junction and do not prioritize the movement of certain types of vehicles. Emergency vehicles (e.g. ambulance, fire, police, etc.) play a crucial role in all life-threatening situations, and ensuring their movement through a congested junction with minimal time delay is essential. In this paper, we propose an adaptive and efficient traffic signal control system for less-lane disciplined heterogeneous (mixed) traffic that can be easily integrated with the existing static traffic lights in a resource-constrained environment. A sound sensor-based emergency vehicle detection system is designed that accurately detects and classifies emergency vehicles by identifying their unique siren sound. The traffic camera data are processed in real-time to compute the PCU counts at every approach of a junction and to detect emergency vehicles that do not generate siren sounds. The experiment results show 100% accuracy in emergency vehicle detection, more than 95% accuracy in the emergency vehicle classification, and 65% accuracy in vehicle classification and PCU count. We also design a queuing theory-based cost function that considers the prevailing traffic condition and the presence of priority vehicle(s) at a junction. The cost function can be used to adapt the green phase of different approaches at a junction to improve the vehicle flow through the junction while minimizing the delay for the emergency vehicles.
Congestion and delays are serious issues in many cities around the world, in both developed and developing countries. Road intersections are the most complex locations in a city traffic system and considerably influence vehicle safety, free flow, and movement efficiency. Conflicts do, however, frequently arise where two or more roads intersect. In order to evaluate the severity of the problems, their impacts on the road users, and the causes and severity of traffic delays at those intersections, this study was framed to identify intersections in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja, that have traffic flow challenges. The data was gathered using an intersection delay count. Analyzing the data sets involved using a straightforward descriptive technique and data representation. Results revealed that most intersections are T-junctions (69%), with those around offices and residential areas experiencing more traffic congestion and delays, which is attributed mostly to illegal parking at those locations, especially during peak hours. The delay at various intersections rose to 42% of the vehicles within the selected intersection, about half of the total vehicles considered in the study area. This is attributed to the mixed land use. During peak hours, office buildings, with 41.5% traffic generators, cause chaotic flow and illegal parking. Crash trends indicate a decreasing pattern from 2011 through 2015. These show that intersections create significant traffic problems, impeding travel time and economic activities within the study area.
The soil at the end of the shield tunnel has large local deformation and strong nonlinearity; thus, the finite element method based on continuum mechanics cannot simulate the failure process of the soil at the end well. In order to analyze the dynamic failure process of soil particles at the end, a discrete element model of shield tunnel was established; the displacement, stress and settlement of soil particles were tracked, and the failure mechanism was analyzed. The results show that the end soil finally forms a circular arc shear zone with a slip radius of 0.87 m. The contact stress of the soil at the entrance shows a decreasing trend with time. Nonlinear settlement occurs on top of soil, and the final settlement reached 38.20 mm. The soil failure at the end of the shield tunnel presents a gradual development of slip failure characteristics. The soil slip failure surface at the end of the shallow-buried shield tunnel is a combined slip mode.
The Design of a Bus Lane for Sri Lanka
  • De Silva
De Silva, G.L.D, et al, The Design of a Bus Lane for Sri Lanka, Final Year Project Report, University of Moratuwa, 2002. • Kumarage, Amal S., Transport Plan for Colombo City, Urban Development Authority, Colombo, 2001.
Traffic Management for a Major Urban Artery -Galle Road, Colombo, 6th International Seminar on Transport
  • Kumarage Amal
Kumarage Amal S., Traffic Management for a Major Urban Artery -Galle Road, Colombo, 6th International Seminar on Transport, Chartered Institute of Transport, Colombo, March 1998.
• University of Moratuwa, Transport Proposal for Orugodawatte Wholesale Complex for Urban Development Authority
  • Amal S Kumarage
  • Park
Kumarage, Amal S., A Park & Ride System for Colombo, Urban Development Authority, July 1997. • University of Moratuwa, Transport Proposal for Orugodawatte Wholesale Complex for Urban Development Authority, 2000. • University of Moratuwa, TransPlan V3: A Computer Algorithm for Traffic Assignment & Forecasting in Sri Lanka, University of Moratuwa, 1999