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Effect of Public Sector Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera


Abstract and Figures

The paper investigates the impact of public sector credits on economic growth in Nigeria over the period 1987-2013. The Engel and Granger residual approach were employed to establish if the variables have long-run relationship. Descriptive statistics and the Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test were adapted to test for normality and for stationarity respectively. The error correction model (ECM) estimation technique was used for the regression. The results from this paper shows that deposit money bank credit to the public sector have negative and non-significant impact on economic growth in Nigeria within the period under study. Meanwhile, broad money supply has positive and non-significant impact on economic growth. A long run relationship was also established among the variables. The correlation matrix revealed the existence of positive relationship between public sector credit and economic growth. This study will therefore recommend that there should be adequate monitoring of credits channeled to the public sector to ensure that they are judiciously appropriated in such ways that will enhance the creation of goods and services which would stimulate economic growth.
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ISSN 2286-4822
Vol. IV, Issue 6/ September 2016
Impact Factor: 3.4546 (UIF)
DRJI Value: 5.9 (B+)
Effect of Public Sector Credit on Economic Growth:
Empirical Evedence from Nigera
Department of Banking and Finance
Caritas University, Enugu, Nigeria
Department of Banking and Finance
University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus
Department of Banking and Finance
Caritas University, Enugu, Nigeria
The paper investigates the impact of public sector credits on
economic growth in Nigeria over the period 1987-2013. The Engel and
Granger residual approach were employed to establish if the variables
have long-run relationship. Descriptive statistics and the Augmented
Dickey-Fuller unit root test were adapted to test for normality and for
stationarity respectively. The error correction model (ECM) estimation
technique was used for the regression. The results from this paper
shows that deposit money bank credit to the public sector have negative
and non-significant impact on economic growth in Nigeria within the
period under study. Meanwhile, broad money supply has positive and
non-significant impact on economic growth. A long run relationship
was also established among the variables. The correlation matrix
revealed the existence of positive relationship between public sector
credit and economic growth. This study will therefore recommend that
there should be adequate monitoring of credits channeled to the public
sector to ensure that they are judiciously appropriated in such ways
that will enhance the creation of goods and services which would
stimulate economic growth.
I.G. Okafor, J.U.J. Onwumere, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu- Effect of Public Sector
Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. IV, Issue 6 / September 2016
Key words: Public sector credit, money supply, Economic Growth,
Error Correction Model, Nigeria
The existence of public sector can be attributed to the
prevalence of political and social ideologies, which depart from
the premises of consumer choice and decentralized decision-
making (Ajibola, 2008). Against this backdrop, a major activity
of the government includes the determinant of the optimal
financing of public goods under a democratic society. One of the
sources of public sector finances includes external borrowing
from banks and other financial institutions (Onuoha, 2005).
According to Bhatia (2002), in an underdeveloped
country, public expenditure has an active role to play in
stimulating the economy through the provision of
infrastructure facilities. In his own contribution, Taiwo and
Abayemi (2011) wrote that the mechanism in which
government spending on public infrastructure is expected to
affect the pace of economic growth depend on the precise form
and size of total public expenditure allocated to economic and
social development projects in the economy. This effect,
therefore, is basically in the nature of re-allocation of resources
from less to more desirable lines of investment.
Musgrave and Musgrave, (1980) postulate that it is
interesting to pause and consider what may be said more
sympathetically about the underlying causes of increasing
public sector borrowings and expenditure growth. They
maintained that high need for capital goods, technical changes,
population change, relative costs of public services and
changing scope of transfers are the major causes of expenditure
growth in the public sector. However, as these basic facilities
are built up and capital market developed, the path is cleared
for capital formation of the manufacturing type to go into place
I.G. Okafor, J.U.J. Onwumere, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu- Effect of Public Sector
Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. IV, Issue 6 / September 2016
and for industrial development in the private sector to occur.
Accordingly, one would expect the public share in capital
formation to decline over time (Allen et al 1991).
Central Bank of Nigeria (2009) notes that flow of credit
to the priority sectors fell short of prescribed targets and failed
to impact positively on investment, output and domestic price
level. Certainly, these comments have triggered questions on
the effectiveness and productivity of bank credits on the
Nigerian economy. In the same vein, there remains a gap in
understanding the impact of the banking system credit to the
public sector on economic growth in Nigeria while, also, the
relationship between the two have received little interest from
researchers and, therefore, need to be empirically investigated.
In similar perspective, Taiwo and Abayomi (2011) note that the
justification of public sector credits is for the provision of
infrastructural facilities, which will consequently drive
economic growth. However, they further posit that the effects of
such government spending on economic growth are still an
unresolved issue theoretically as well as empirically.
The fewness of studies on public sector credit and
economic growth nexus has continued to create huge knowledge
gap in finance literature. In other words, the relation and
linkage between deposit money bank credit to the public sector
and growth of the economy has specifically suffered some
neglect and oversight. While a number of literatures assessed
the contribution of private sector, or aggregate bank credit to
growth, few discourses have given attention to the subject. The
vacuum thereof has necessitated this study with a view to
contributing to the existing knowledge.
The world economies have at one time or the other been visibly
hit by recession, which subsequently posed hindrances to
economic growth and development. Sequel to these
I.G. Okafor, J.U.J. Onwumere, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu- Effect of Public Sector
Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. IV, Issue 6 / September 2016
developments, the public sector has received intense interest in
financial literature. This can evidently be attributed to the roles
that the public sector plays, directly or indirectly, in promoting
economic growth. Public sector is often used interchangeably
with government sector. As opposed to the private sector, the
public sector encompasses all the people in a country.
Mohammed and Umar (2002) elaborated on public sector by
emphasizing that it is referred as such because in this modern
democratic era, the government is the only association in which
all the people of a country have the same right to access to all
the amenities provided by it whether they are rich or poor. The
public sector operations include local, state, and federal
governments’ activities.
The role of the public sector in fostering economic
growth is very crucial. It assumes even greater responsibilities
when the economy is retarding. Hence, engendering innovating
values, entrepreneurial revolution, modernization and
industrialization have become vital areas the public sector
works on, while introducing changes in different sectors in
order to increase their productivity (Jan and Syed, 2002).
It is a popular postulation that increased public
investment is necessary for boosting economic activities and
increasing the overall output in an economy. However, in spite
of these developments, the effects of public investments on
output growth are still empirically ambiguous. The investment
activities of the public sector establish foundations for economic
growth and development. Their impact comes from both direct
and indirect effects either through increased employment and
wages and the rise of productivity of the private sector (Drezgic,
Economic literature is replete with possible qualitative and
quantitative explanatory variables that influence growth rate
I.G. Okafor, J.U.J. Onwumere, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu- Effect of Public Sector
Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. IV, Issue 6 / September 2016
per capita output over time. Tuuili (2002) for example, uses the
ratio of banks’ claims on private sector to GDP, annual
consumer price index, and the interest rate margin to analyze
the relationship between finance and economic growth. The
models specified by Balogun’s (2007) theoretical models were
more expansive and included money supply, minimum
rediscount rates, private sector credit, ratio of banking sector
credit to the government, ratio of stock market capitalization to
credit to the private sector, and exchange rates.
Fapetu and Obalade (2015) investigated the impact of
sectoral allocation of deposit money bank loans and advances
on economic growth in Nigeria. Regression analysis of the
ordinary least square method was used. The results showed
that only the credit allocated to government, personal and
professional have significant positive contributions on economic
growth during the intensive regulation. However, it was
revealed that bank credits generally have no significant
contribution to economic growth during deregulation regime in
Ezeaku (2014) examined the impact of bank credit on
economic growth in Nigeria using time series data from 1987 to
2012. The OLS regression econometric technique was used in
analyzing the data. The estimated regression results indicated
that aggregate bank credits impacted positively and
significantly on economic growth over the period of the study.
Among other things, the study recommended that policies on
public sector borrowing and spending should be reviewed in
other to discourage credit diversion, mitigate gross
unproductive investments and that more credit be channeled
into subsectors with more evident linkage effect such as
agriculture, manufacturing, energy and infrastructural
In a related study, Yakubu and Affoi (2013) analyzed the
impact of the commercial banks credit on economic growth in
Nigeria using data from 1992 to 2012. The ordinary least
I.G. Okafor, J.U.J. Onwumere, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu- Effect of Public Sector
Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. IV, Issue 6 / September 2016
square econometric technique was employed in analyzing the
data. It was shown that the commercial bank credit has
significant impact on the economic growth in Nigerian.
Emecheta and Ibe (2014) examined the impact of bank
credit on economic growth in Nigeria employing the reduced
form of vector autoregressive (VAR) technique using time series
data between 1960 and 2011. Real GDP was the proxy for
economic growth while ratios of private sector (CPS) to GDP
ratio and M2 to GDP were proxies for financial indicator and
financial depth respectively. The study found that there is a
positive and significant relationship between bank credit to the
private sector, broad money and economic growth in Nigeria.
Oluitan (2012) assessed the significance of bank credit in
stimulating real output growth in the case of Nigeria. The
study observed that credit Granger causes output. There was
also indication that credit is also positively associated to capital
inflows and imports. The findings suggested that bank credit is
strongly linked to the opening of the economy to international
trade and capital flows.
Obamuyin, Edun and Kayode (2010) investigated the
effect of bank lending and economic growth on the
manufacturing output in Nigeria. Times series data covering a
period 1973 to 2009 were collected and tested with the co-
integration and vector error correction model (VECM)
techniques. The findings of the study revealed that
manufacturing capacity utilization and bank lending rates have
significant effect on manufacturing output in Nigeria.
According to Bayraktar and Wang (2006), banking sector
openness had a direct and indirect effect on economic growth
through a combination of improvement in access to financial
services, and the efficiency of financial intermediaries as both of
these cause a lowering of costs of financing which in turn
stimulates capital accumulation and economic growth.
Guryayet, et al., (2007) also found that the effect of financial
I.G. Okafor, J.U.J. Onwumere, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu- Effect of Public Sector
Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. IV, Issue 6 / September 2016
development on economic growth of Northern Cyprus although
positive, was negligible.
Shan and Jianhong (2006) in their study of the Chinese
economy found a two-way causality between finance and
economic growth. With the aid of VAR technique and using five
variables namely: GDP, total credit to the economy, labour,
investment and trade, the study observed that financial
development was the second most important factor after the
contribution from labour force growth in affecting economic
growth. They also found that strong economic growth in the last
twenty years has significant impact on financial development
by providing a solid credit base.
The study will be treated as an ex post facto research since the
study will rely on historical data covering the period under
study, whereas Ordinary Least Square technique will be used
in analyzing our data. Data for this study is extracted from the
Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletins. Ratio of public
sector credit to real GDP and broad money supply to real GDP
ratio are the independent while real GDP is the dependent
variable. In other to avoid a spurious result, Augmented
Dickey-Fuller (ADF) will be used to test for stationarity.
Diagnostic tests will also be run to authenticate the reliability
of our model, and results. The relevant diagnostic tests will
include serial correlation LM test, Heteroskedasticity Test:
Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey, and Ramsey Reset test.
Model Specification
After selection of the aforementioned variables, we can describe
the economic growth function of Nigeria in the following way:
                     
I.G. Okafor, J.U.J. Onwumere, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu- Effect of Public Sector
Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. IV, Issue 6 / September 2016
The model and functional relationships for equation (1) is
therefore specified thus:
                  
RGDPt = Real Gross domestic product at time t.
PSC/RGDPt = Public sector credit to real GDP ratio at time t
M2/RGDPt = Broad money stock to real GDP ratio at time t
β0 = Constant term.
β1& β2 = Coefficients of the explanatory variable.
ε = error term
In this section, results are presented and analyzed.
Std. Dev.
Sum Sq. Dev.
Source: Authors’ 2016.
Table 1 shows some of the preliminary statistical indicators in
our model variables. On average, the economic growth rate
during 1987-2013 equals 5.4%, while the highest growth rate in
GDP during the period remains at 21.12% with lowest growth
rate at -10.75%. The ratio of public sector credit to real GDP
equals 14.9% and the ratio of broad money supply to real GDP
I.G. Okafor, J.U.J. Onwumere, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu- Effect of Public Sector
Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. IV, Issue 6 / September 2016
equals 17.3%. As revealed from table 4.1, there was a negative
skewness of GDP growth rate (-0.07) indicating that the degree
of departure from symmetry of the distribution was negative.
But, the kurtosis value of 5.6 reveals that the degrees of
peakedness of GDPGR within the period of this study were not
normally distributed as it tended to deviate from the mean.
Figure 1 Graphical Representation of model proxies
Source: Authors’ 2016.
(i) Unit root test
Test for unit root was carried out on the variables in other to
ascertain their stationarity, which is a condition for subjecting
the variables to further tests. The essence is that, given that we
are dealing with time series data, we need to avoid any chance
of producing spurious results, and also check against
autocorrelation problems in order to authenticate the reliability
of our results. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root test was
used to find out if the data is stationary.
Table 2. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Test
Source: Authors’ 2016.
1% Critical
5% Critical
Test for
I.G. Okafor, J.U.J. Onwumere, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu- Effect of Public Sector
Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. IV, Issue 6 / September 2016
Table 2 shows that the variables are all stationary at first
difference, 1(1). It can be seen that for each of the variable, the
calculated ADF test statistic is less than the critical values at
1%, 5% and 10%, which confirms their stationarity. The results
are also free from problems of autocorrelation as indicated by
the Durbin-Watson stat values, which are approximately equal
to the critical value of 2.0.
Engel and Granger residual based approach was used to
establish the presence of co-integration among the variables as
shown below:
Table 3 Engel and Granger test for co-integration
Source: Authors’ 2016.
The outcome of the Engel and Granger co-integration test above
indicates that model 3 is a long-run model. Notably, the
residual of the short-run regression is subjected to a unit root
test and is stationary at level, at 1%, 5% and 10% critical
values. This reveals evidence of long-run relationship in our
model equation. In other words, GDPGR, PSCRGDP and
M2RGDP are co-integrated, and the model is a long-run model.
Hence, error correction model will be employed in assessing the
effects of the regressors on the regressand.
I.G. Okafor, J.U.J. Onwumere, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu- Effect of Public Sector
Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. IV, Issue 6 / September 2016
Source: Authors’ 2016.
As revealed by table 4, GDPGR has a positive relationship with
CPS/RGDP and M2/RGDP. This implies that 1% increase in
GDP growth rate increases over the period in Nigeria is due to
20% and 28% increase in CPS/RGDP and M2/RGDP
respectively. It is also indicated that CPS/RGDP and M2/RGDP
are positively correlated. In other words, 1% increase in ratio of
broad money supply to real GDP brings about a 73% increase in
public sector credit to real GDP ratio.
Error Correction Model
Dependent Variable: D(GDPGR)
Method: Least Squares
Included observations: 26 after adjustments
Std. Error
Mean dependent var
Adjusted R-squared
S.D. dependent var
S.E. of regression
Akaike info criterion
Sum squared resid
Schwarz criterion
Log likelihood
Hannan-Quinn criter.
Durbin-Watson stat
Source: Authors’ 2016
Model Equation:
GDPGR = 0.731142 0.122037PSCRGDP + 0.120596M2RGDP 0.811839
(0.7462)* (0.7017)*
Note: * (p-values)
I.G. Okafor, J.U.J. Onwumere, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu- Effect of Public Sector
Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. IV, Issue 6 / September 2016
The result in table 5 above reveals that the overall regression
model is significant. This is evidenced by the probability of F-
statistic (0.001004), which is less than 5%. This result is
reliable also because the Durbin-Watson statistic (1.663480) is
very significant as it is approximately 2.0, which confirms that
the regression does not have autocorrelation problems. It is also
noteworthy that the error term (ECT), which is the residual
value, is negative and significant. This indicates a movement
towards attainment of long-run equilibrium in our model.
Sequel to this, the residual (ECT) coefficient (-0.811839), which
is the speed of adjustment, shows that 81% of the errors in the
long-run is corrected over one year period.
The results further indicate that public sector credit
(PSCRGDP) does not have positive impact on economic whereas
broad money supply (M2RGDP) has a positive but non-
significant impact on economic growth over the period of this
The R2 in the regression assumes that every regressor in
the model explains the dependent variable. From the model
above, the R2 value of 0.515110implies that 51 percentage
variations in the dependent variable (GDPGR) was explained
by the independent variables (PSCRGDP and M2RGDP) and
the remaining 49% was explained by variables not included in
the model. The adjusted R2 take account of more number of
regressors if included and it still explains 45% variation in the
dependent variable.
(iii) Diagnostic Results
Breusch-Godfrey Serial Correlation LM Test
Heteroskedasticity Test: Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey
Ramsey RESET Test
Source: Authors’ 2016.
I.G. Okafor, J.U.J. Onwumere, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu- Effect of Public Sector
Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. IV, Issue 6 / September 2016
Results in table 6 above reveal that our model has no serial
autocorrelation problem. It can also be observed that the results
provide strong evidence that the model did not violate the
assumption of homoskedasticity and we therefore reject the null
hypothesis that the model is not homoskedasticity. The results
of the Ramsey test indicate that our model has no specification
errors, and is therefore well specified.
There are very few studies in literature that sought to examine
the effect banking system loans and advances to the public
sector have on economic growth. The public sector in Nigeria,
which comprises the local, state and central government have
often sought for credit from deposit money banks as a way of
bridging financing gaps, and with the perceived aim of
enhancing growth through investment, empowerment and
developmental projects. The theoretical expectation however is
that such activities would translate to rapid, or some measure
of growth of the domestic economy. Most of the qualitative
researches by public sector administrators and social scientists
have only succeeded in giving us theoretical postulations and
opinions on public sector financial habit without elucidating an
empirical scientific approach in assessing the link between
public sector credit and economic growth. After exploring
various econometric techniques, it was revealed that
PSCGDPGR and M2RGDP have positive relationship with
GDP. The results also showed that public sector credit has
negative and non-significant impact on economic growth in
Nigeria. This can be attributed to the fact that chunk of the
loans and advances to the public sector may have been diverted
or misappropriated. Such facilities may have also been invested
in white elephant project and such other ventures that do not
crate value hence do not lead to increase in output. This very
finding has raised doubt on the justification for public sector
I.G. Okafor, J.U.J. Onwumere, Ezeaku Hillary Chijindu- Effect of Public Sector
Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH - Vol. IV, Issue 6 / September 2016
borrowings. The argument therefore is that if public sector
credit has no positive contribution to growth in GDP, is there
any reason why such facilities should be encouraged? However,
broad money supply has positive and non-significant effect on
growth. We also found out that there exist a long-run
equilibrium relationship between PSCRGDP and M2RGDP,
and GDPGR. This study will therefore recommend that there
should be adequate monitoring of credits channeled to the
public sector to ensure that they are judiciously appropriated in
such ways that will enhance the creation of goods and services
which would stimulate economic growth.
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Credit on Economic Growth: Empirical Evedence from Nigera
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... Nonetheless, the study concluded that there exists an insufficient long-term association between domestic credit indicators and gross domestic product in Nigeria. Okafor and Chijindu (2016) examine the effect of public sector credits on economic growth in Nigeria from 1987-2013. The study found that public sector credit had negative and insignificant effects on economic growth in Nigeria. ...
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Despite the adoption of multiple policy measures aimed at promoting credit growth, the Nigerian economy has failed to experience remarkable progress. The financial sector continues to face challenges such as insufficient long-term funding, liquidity mismatch, inefficiencies in fund allocation, inadequate domestic credit to investors, among others that hinder its growth. To address this gap, this study aims to investigate the relative contributions of domestic credit to the private and public sectors to economic growth in Nigeria from 1981-2020. The study employs descriptive and inferential statistical techniques, including stationary tests, lag selection criteria, and an Auto-regressive Distributed Lag bound model to capture the short-and long-run relationships among the variables. The findings indicate that credit to the private sector contributes significantly to economic growth, while credit to the public sector has an insignificant impact. The study recommends that the government must avoid a one-size-fit-for-all policy in promoting domestic credit in Nigeria. Rather, domestic credit policy should be sector specific. There is a need for increased synergy of public and private sector collaboration as well. Effective risk management practices should be introduced to monitor credits, especially those to the public sector, to improve the impact of domestic credit on economic growth.
... The case for private ownership in emerging nations has come under scrutiny in light of this very conclusion. So, this is consistent with Okafor and Onwumere (2016). Both in the short and long terms, the money stock has a major beneficial influence on agricultural productivity. ...
Purpose: This research sought to investigate the substantial effects of private-sector lending on Nigeria's agricultural output by applying yearly time series data spanning 1981 to 2020. Methodology: This study used time series design and Ex-post facto to analyse its data. The data were collected directly from Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Statistical Bulletin and Annual Reports. The study used the Autoregressive distributed lag method (ARDL) for the analysis. It used the Autoregressive distributed lag model. The study's variables included agricultural productivity, which was utilized as a stand-in for rural development. Credit to the private sector, broad money supply, lending rate, exchange rate, government capital expenditure, and government capital expenditure were the control variables. Findings: The findings showed that credit share to the private and lending rate hold a considerable negative impact on agricultural productivity in both the short-run and long-run period. Broad money supply, exchange rate, and government capital expenditure have positive and significant influences. Recommendations: The study, therefore, recommends that by modifying the lending rate structure in the banking sector, a more accommodative monetary policy may foster an environment that is more conducive to investment, in order to boost agricultural production. Also, the Central Bank, in its function as the Federal Government's advisor, should take advantage of this platform to make sure that the nation's infrastructural problems are resolved in order to increase the country's capacity to absorb credit. JEL Classification: C22, G11, Q14, R110
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Examining the impact of customer satisfaction on the services of the banking industry in Kurdistan Region of Iraq
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The objective of this study is to analyze the impact of the commercial banks credit on economic growth in Nigeria from 1992 to 2012. In order to examine the role of commercial bank credit to the economy, the commercial bank credit to the private sector of the economy is used to estimate its impact on Nigeria's economic growth, which is proxy by gross domestic product. Using the ordinary least square it was found that the commercial bank credit has significant effect on the economic growth in Nigerian. As this is a good achievement, it requires more efforts to maintain and sustain it. Inline with that the following recommendation were made to that effect: better and stronger credit culture should be promoted and sustained; there should be strong and comprehensive legal framework that will continue to aid in monitoring the performance of credit to private sector and recovery debts owed to banks; bank should share among themselves information on bad debt; and preferred sectors like agriculture and manufacturing should be favoured in terms of granting loans.
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The study investigates the impact of sectoral allocation of Deposit Money Banks’ loans and advances on economic growth in Nigeria during intensive regulation, deregulation and guided deregulation regimes. Regression analysis of the ordinary least square method is performed for each of the three regimes. The results show that only the credit allocated to government, personal and professional have significant positive contributions on economic growth during the intensive regulation. However, bank credits generally do not contribute significantly to economic growth during deregulation. Introduction of guided deregulation appears to be a success as commercial bank’s loans and advances to production and other subsector are both positive and significant in determining growth. Based on the empirical findings, Nigerian deposit money banks should be more favourably disposed to extending more credits to production and other subsectors namely agriculture, manufacturing, mining and quarrying, real estate and construction, government, personal and professional at reasonable interest rate. Finally, monetary authorities should ensure the continuance of guided deregulation as opposed to intensive regulation or total deregulation.
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This study attempts to empirically examine the trends as well as effects of government spending on the growth rates of real GDP in Nigeria over the last decades (1970-2008) using econometrics model with Ordinary Least Square (OLS) technique. The paper test for presence of stationary between the variables using Durbin Watson unit root test. The result reveals absence of serial correlation and that all variables incorporated in the model were non-stationary at their levels. In an attempt to establish long-run relationship between public expenditure and economic growth, the result reveals that the variables are co integrated at 5% and 10% critical level. The findings show that there that there is a positive relationship between real GDP as against the recurrent and capital expenditure. It could therefore be recommended that government should promote efficiency in the allocation of development resources through emphasis on private sector participation and privatization\commercialization.
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This paper focuses specifically on the recent Soludo’s banking sector reforms. The study noted that the Soludo’s reforms focused on strengthening the financial systems through banking sector consolidation, foreign exchange market stabilization, interest rates restructuring and the pursuit of stabilization as against structural adjustment policies for monetary and inflationary controls. A review of theoretical qualifications to the Soludo’s reform show that in thoughts, it is rooted in the Classical traditions of Say’s Law, acts monetarist, but expects a Keynesian outcome that money can stimulate expansion in aggregate domestic output. In concluding, the study noted the need to adopt an interest rate operating procedures for monetary policy in addition to moving the economy consciously towards the ‘law of one market and one price’ for the domestic and foreign money markets.
_______________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract The relationship between financial development and economic growth has been subjected to several debates by various authors. It has been argued that a competitive and efficient financial sector is a prerequisite for economic growth and development. The objective of this study therefore is to examine the relationship between bank competition and economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1986 – 2012 using vector error correction mechanism. This study is anchored on the fact that there are conflicting empirical arguments (positive or negative relationship) on the effects of bank competition on economic growth. Also, the new reform introduced, as well as the increase in the cost of borrowing in the Nigerian banking industry motivates this study to further strengthen the examination of bank competition and its effect on economic growth in a transition economy like Nigeria. Bank competition was measured in the study using bank concentration ratio. The Johansen co-integration test was performed to test for the existence of long run relationship in the model. The result of the study showed that there that bank competition has a first-order positive effect on economic growth both in the short run (as shown by the result of Vector error correction model) and in the long run (as suggested by the co-integration test and the likelihood ratio test). This finding is consistent with the theoretical prediction that higher bank competition results, on average, in a lower cost of borrowing to firms. The study suggested that strengthening the competitiveness and efficiency of the financial sector would lead to improved economic growth. However, efficiency gains are therefore likely to be realized in the long run, only if there is evenly distribution of market share in the banking industry as opposed to the present situation where majorly three banks dominate and take the larger market share in the industry. __________________________________________________________________________________________
The study investigates the effect of bank lending and economic growth on the manufacturing output in Nigeria. Times series data covering a period of 36 years (1973-2009) were employed and tested with the cointegration and vector error correction model (VECM) techniques. The findings of the study show that manufacturing capacity utilization and bank lending rates significantly affect manufacturing output in Nigeria. However, the relationship between manufacturing output and economic growth could not be established in the country. These results, therefore, call for concerted effort by the government, manufacturers and the lending institutions to reviewing the lending and growth policies and provide appropriate macro-economic environment, in order to encourage investment-friendly lending and borrowing by the financial institutions.
The paper empirically examines the relationship between financial development and economic growth in Northern Cyprus. Recent theoretical works show the importance of financial development on economic growth. In this study this closed association between financial development and economic growth econometrically is estimated by using Ordinary Least Square Estimation Method (OLS). The result showed that there is a negligible positive effect of financial development on economic growth of Northern Cyprus. Although Granger causality test showed that financial development does not cause economic growth, on the other hand there is evidence of causality from economic growth to the development of financial intermediaries.
In an overlapping generations economy with (incomplete) financial markets but no intermediaries, there is underinvestment in safe assets. In an economy with intermediaries and no financial markets, accumulating reserves of save assets allows returns to be smoothed, nondiversifiable risk to be eliminated, and an ex ante Pareto improvement compared to the allocation in the market equilibrium to be achieved. In a mixed financial system, however, competition from financial markets constrains intermediaries so that they perform no better than markets alone. Copyright 1997 by the University of Chicago.