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Congenital Multiple Metatarsal Synostoses with Proximal Phalangeal Deformities of the Foot

  • Yokosuka General Hospital Uwamachi

Abstract and Figures

Congenital foot abnormalities such as syndactyly, polydactyly, and brachymetatarsia are commonly seen by plastic surgeons. There have been reports of cases of congenital synostosis of the foot, with the majority of cases involving the rear foot and midfoot (Boccio et al. [1]). However, to the best of our knowledge, multiple metatarsal synostoses with proximal phalangeal deformities is extremely rare and independent from any syndromes and congenital anomaly patterns.
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Vol. 43 / No. 6 / November 2016
1. Yu RC, Pryce DW, Macfarlane AW, et al. A
histopathological study of 643 cutaneous horns. Br J
Dermatol 1991;124:449-52.
2. Mantese SA, Diogo PM, Rocha A, et al. Cutaneous
horn: a retrospective histopathological study of 222
cases. An Bras Dermatol 2010;85:157-63.
Congenital Multiple
Metatarsal Synostoses
with Proximal Phalangeal
Deformities of the Foot
Ai Yokoyama, Norio Fukuda, Hirotaka Asato
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dokkyo
Medical University School of Medicine, Shimotsuga, Japan
Correspondence: Ai Yokoyama
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Dokkyo Medical University
School of Medicine, 880 Kitakobayashi, Mibu, Shimotsuga, Tochigi 321-0293,
Tel: +81-282-87-2485, Fax: +81-282-86-1806
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Received: 24 Feb 2016 Revised: 11 May 2016 Accepted: 24 May 2016
pISSN: 2234-6163
eISSN: 2234-6171
Arch Plast Surg 2016;43:619-621
Copyright 2016 The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution Non-Commercial License (
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Congenital foot abnormalities such as syndactyly,
polydactyly, and brachymetatarsia are commonly
seen by plastic surgeons. ere have been reports of
cases of congenital synostosis of the foot, with the
majority of cases involving the rear foot and midfoot
Fig. 2.
(A) Cross-section of the
giant cutaneous horns (GCH)
showing hollowing of conical
component with surrounding
parakeratosis, calcific debris
and keratin. Ruler markings
in centimeters. (B) H&E
stained section ( × 100) of the
GCH base with moderately
differentiated squamous cell
(Boccio et al. [1]). However, to the best of our
knowledge, multiple metatarsal synostoses with
proximal phalangeal deformities is extremely rare and
independent from any syndromes and congenital
anomaly paerns.
A 28-year-old woman was referred to our plastic
surgery outpatient clinic with a chief complaint of
pain and deformity in her right forefoot. ere were
deformities of the right fourth and h toes, making
it dicult for her to purchase ready-made heeled
shoes. e patient had a history of depression, but it
was controlled with no adverse eects on her daily
life. No other relevant past history or family history
was present. A clinical examination demonstrated
abducted fourth and h toes, and the interdigital
side of the rst toe and the dorsal sides of the fourth
and h toes had callosities (Fig. 1). e le foot was
normal in all respects.
Radiographs showed metatarsal synostoses from
the third to the h metatarsal bones, and the third
metatarsophalangeal joint was comprised of the third
and fourth proximal phalanges and the third
metatarsal bone (Fig. 2). In this case, dysfunction was
not severe, and a minimally invasive operation was
e operation was performed using an open
method. First, the extensor tendons of the fourth toe
were kept; then a wedge osteotomy at an angle of 30
degrees was performed, followed by abduction and
reduction of the sha of the fourth proximal phalanx.
Finally, the lateral surfaces of the bones were
perforated and xed by crossing so wire using the
two-dimensional intraosseous wiring technique
(Moriya et al. [2]). is technique provides stronger
xation between the bones with its tension band
Titanium plate xation was added on the lateral side
of the proximal phalanx to ensure more reliable
stability. e h toe was reshaped to be the same as
the fourth toe (Figs. 3, 4). Non-weight-bearing
rehabilitation continued for one month aer the
operation. e foot decreased in width, and pressure
on the interdigital side of the rst toe was relieved.
Consequently, the callosities on the foot disappeared
e patient has good foot alignment that has been
maintained for more than one year postoperatively
(Fig. 5). e patient can now wear heeled shoes
without any pain.
Metatarsal synostosis occurs as one of the
components of some congenital malformation
syndromes: Pfeier syndrome, Apert syndrome, and
Townes-Brocks syndrome. e responsible genes and
mode of inheritance have been identied in these
syndromes, but isolated cases are rare, and very few
cases have been reported; thus, their epidemiology
and pathogenesis are unknown. A case of non-
syndromic distal metatarsal synostosis of the fourth
and h toe was described in 2014 (Aspros et al.
[3]), but a report of multiple metatarsal synostoses as
in this case could not be found.
e hypoplasia of the fourth metatarsal bone and
the deformities of the fourth and h toes suggest the
possibility of a variant of cle foot with a normal
number of toes.
Blauth and Borisch [4] described metatarsal
hypoplasty or synostoses in a study on the
classication of cle feet. Partial synostoses usually
Fig. 1.
Preoperative photograph
illustrating the fourth and fifth
toe deformities of the right
Fig. 2.
Preoperative radiograph of
the right foot showing the
synostoses and the third
metatarsophalangeal joint
Fig. 3.
The schema of the osteotomy and the two-dimensional
intraosseous wiring technique fixation for the fourth
and fifth proximal phalanges.
Fig. 4.
Postoperative dorsal radiograph.
Vol. 43 / No. 6 / November 2016
occurred at the distal parts of the phalanges or
metatarsal bones; most frequently, the rst and
second metatarsals. e third, fourth, and h toes
were partially or completely synostotic (Blauth and
Borisch [4]).
Ogino and Kato [5] described six cases of cle hand
with a normal number of ngers as well. Some
anomalies of the adjacent ngers were recognized in
several cases, including cutaneous syndactyly,
brachymesophalangy, and central polydactyly. ey
considered the cause of cle hand without absence of
the nger as a failure of separation of the nger rays.
is assumption is now accepted as “cle of the
palm”, which is classied as a type of abnormal
induction of the digital rays in the modied
International Federation of Societies for Surgery of
the Hand classication.
Ogino and Kato found another trend, in that the
cle in cases of cle hand without absence of the
nger was not much more severe than with absence
of the nger (Ogino and Kato [5]). Given the
literature, it is possible that the present case is “mild
abnormal induction of digital rays,” though we were
not able to nd a cle involving the foot. However, it
is very dicult to make a fair judgment on the
classication of this case. Further studies of the cause
of this congenital foot abnormality are needed.
1. Boccio JR, Dockery GL, LeBaron S. Congenital
Fig. 5.
Photograph of the right foot at one year
metatarsal synostosis. J Foot Surg 1984;23:41-5.
2. Moriya K, Yoshizu T, Maki Y, et al. New internal xation
technique of the digital skeleton in the hand: clinical
results of two-dimensional intraosseous wiring. Seikei
Geka 2012;63:9-13.
3. Aspros D, Ananda-Rajan E, Jnr ZK, et al. Distal
metatarsal synostosis: a case report. Foot (Edinb)
4. Blauth W, Borisch NC. Cle feet. Proposals for a new
classication based on roentgenographic morphology.
Clin Orthop Relat Res 1990;(258):41-8.
5. Ogino T, Kato H. Cle hand without absence of a nger.
Handchir Mikrochir Plast Chir 1988;20:184-8.
Early Vascularized Fibular
Gras in Infants with
Congenital Pseudarthrosis
Ki Ho Kim1, Seungki Youn1, Tai Seung Kim2,
Heechang Ahn1
Departments of 1Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and
2Orthopedic Surgery, Hanyang University College of Medicine,
Seoul, Korea
Correspondence: Heechang Ahn
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Hanyang University College
of Medicine, 222-1 Wangsimni-ro, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 04763, Korea
Tel: +82-2-2290-8560, Fax: 02-2295-7671
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Received: 22 Jun 2016 Revised: 30 Aug 2016 Accepted: 20 Sep 2016
pISSN: 2234-6163
eISSN: 2234-6171
Arch Plast Surg 2016;43:621-623
Copyright 2016 The Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution Non-Commercial License (
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Neurobromatosis type I, also known as Von
Recklinghausen disease, is one of the most common
congenital disorders, with an incidence of 1 out of
3,000–4,000. It can be diagnosed on the basis of
characteristic phenotypic manifestations, such as
café-au-lait spots, axillary and inguinal freckling,
neurobromas, optic gliomas, Lisch nodules and
distinctive osseous lesions. Osseous lesions occur in
2%–3% of neurobromatosis type I cases, and are
known to be caused by a lack of osteoblast function
and the consolidation of osteoclast activity [1]. e
most commonly aected region is the diaphysis of
the tibia. Due to segmental disturbances in periosteal
bone formation, anterior bowing occurs, and
We report a rare case of distal metatarsal synostosis of the 4th and 5th metatarsals in a 11 year old male. He was referred with forefoot pain. Clinical examination and radiographs have confirmed an osseous connection of the distal 4th and 5th metatarsal. This was treated surgically with bony bridge excision and the patient is now asymptomatic.
Cutaneous horn is a keratotic, conical and circumscribed lesion that can hide both benign or malignant lesions. To identify,from a histopathological point of view, the main clinical dermatoses that are presented ,from a clinical point of view, as cutaneous horn. RETROSPECTIVE HISTOPATHOLOGICAL STUDY OF 222 CASES OF CUTANEOUS HORNS THAT WERE CLASSIFIED AS SUCH BY ANATOMICAL-PATHOLOGICAL REPORTS OF THE UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL (HOSPITAL DE CLINICAS DE UBERLANDIA) FROM 1990 TO 2006. The average age of patients was 67,42. The female sex was more affected (64,86%). The average time of clinical evolution was 16,92 months. Lesions were mostly frequent located on the head (35,14%) and upper limbs (31,08%). Histopathological analysis considered 41,44 % of the lesions as benign and 58,56% as pre-malignant or malignant among the 222 cases of cutaneous horns studied. Within the group of pre-malignant lesions, actinic keratosis was found in 83,84% of the cases; within the group of malignant lesions, squamous cell carcinoma was found in 93,75% of the cases. This study showed that the majority of cutaneosus horns occured in areas of the body that are exposed to the sun, predominantly head and upper limbs. Considering the high frequency of pre-malignant lesions and also the presence of malignant lesions it is suggested surgical exeresis followed by histopathological study of the cutaneous horns for confirmation of specific diagnosis.
A retrospective study of 643 cutaneous horns examined in our department between 1970 and 1989 revealed that 38.9% were derived from malignant or premalignant epidermal lesions, and 61.1% from benign lesions. Four main features were associated with premalignant or malignant histopathological change at the base of a cutaneous horn (base pathology). These were: (i) age--the mean age of the patients whose cutaneous horns showed premalignant or malignant base pathology was 8.9 years greater than the mean age of the patients where base pathology was benign (P less than 0.0005); (ii) sex--males were more likely to develop a cutaneous horn with (pre)malignant base pathology (P less than 0.001); (iii) site--over 70% of all (pre)malignant lesions were found on the nose, pinnae, backs of hands, scalp, forearms and the face; a cutaneous horn found at these sites was 2.1 times more likely to have derived from a (pre)malignant base than from any other part of the body (P less than 0.0001); (iv) geometry of the lesion--lesions with a wide base or a low height-to-base ratio were significantly more likely to show (pre)malignant base pathology. Of those solar keratoses giving rise to cutaneous horns, 8.9% also showed histological evidence of change to squamous cell carcinoma (SCC); this figure was not significantly different from the 6.2% of solar keratoses without horns that showed SCC change during the same period (1970-89).
The authors studied 45 cleft feet from among their patients and 128 from the literature with regard to their roentgenographic morphology. An increasing degree of malformation was found, from deepening of a central interdigital commissure to a monodactylous cleft foot. These observations resulted in a classification of six groups based on the number of metatarsal bones. Types I and II are cleft feet with minor deficiencies, both having five metatarsals. The metatarsals are all normal in Type I and partially hypoplastic in Type II. As the degree of malformation increases, only four metatarsals in Type III, three metatarsals in Type IV, and two metatarsals in Type V can be identified. Type VI represents the monodactylous cleft foot. Of the 173 feet studied, 166 could be assigned to one of these types. Two additional forms were also found: four cleft feet with central polydactyly are described as polydactylous type, and three monodactylous feet with lower-leg diastasis or tibial aplasia or both are described as diastatic type. According to the distribution of syndactylies, synostoses, and aplasias, it became evident that cleft formation begins at the second or third ray. It then proceeds in a longitudinal direction from distal to proximal as well as in a transverse direction from tibial to fibular, while the first ray remains intact. The first ray is only missing in the monodactylous cleft foot, which possesses only the fifth ray. The defects are always larger distally than proximally. Synostoses are found only at the margin of the cleft. Cross-bones are rare and usually occur in mild cases of the deformity. Another rare feature is polydactyly.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Cleft hand implies a central longitudinal defect. In this paper, six cases of cleft hand with a normal number of digits are reported. Such clefts are less severe than those in which fingers are missing. In our cases, associated anomalies of the upper extremities were cutaneous syndactyly and a more severe cleft hand with an absent finger. Those of the lower extremities were polydactyly, syndactyly, and cleft foot. The clinical features of cleft hand with a normal digital count were similar to those with a missing finger. It is supposed that the teratogenic mechanism of such cleft hands are the same that is the failure of separation of finger rays. Cone shaped cleft of the hand is one of the phenotypes of the anomaly caused by the failure of differentiation of finger rays.
The authors discuss congenital synostoses in a 28-year-old patient. They emphasize the importance of early correction to prevent alteration of foot function and development of early deformities.
New internal fixation technique of the digital skeleton in the hand: clinical results of two-dimensional intraosseous wiring
  • K Moriya
  • T Yoshizu
  • Y Maki
Moriya K, Yoshizu T, Maki Y, et al. New internal fixation technique of the digital skeleton in the hand: clinical results of two-dimensional intraosseous wiring. Seikei Geka 2012;63:9-13.
New internal fixation technique of the digital skeleton in the hand: clinical results of two-dimensional intraosseous wiring
  • K Moriya