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Zaineb .T. AL Yasin, FICMS, CABOG. Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. College of Medicine, University of Basrah, Iraq.
Hassna M. Chaied, MBChB, Basrah General Hospital, Basrah, Iraq.
Zaineb .T. AL Yasin, Hassna M. Chaied
To date few studies have been reported from Basrah regarding Gestational Trophoblastic disease GTD. This study
was a clinical observational study done in Basrah at the 4 main obstetric hospitals based on 137 patients with GTD.
The objective was to study the incidence of Hydatidiform Mole gestation and other Gestational trophoblastic diseases
in Basrah and to review the clinical presentation and management of Hydatidiform Mole gestation in Basrah. Clinical
records of patients were reviewed with regards to presentation, investigation, management and outcome. Of 137
patients, there were 132 patients (96%) treated for hydatidiform mole, 3 patients (2%) were treated for
choriocarcinoma, 1(1%) patient had invasive mole and 1(1%) patient had placental site tumor. The incidence of
molar pregnancy and choriocarcinoma was 1.7/1000 deliveries and 0.04/1000 deliveries, respectively. Molar
pregnancy seems to be a common problem in Basrah but sever complications such as pre-clampsia & thyrotoxicosis
were not reported in this study.
Gestational trophoblastic diseases (GTD)
represent a spectrum of neoplastic disorders that
arise from placental trophoblastic tissue after
abnormal fertilization. Gestational trophoblastic
diseases are classified histologically into four
distinct groups: hydatidiform mole (complete
and partial), chorioadenoma destruens (invasive
mole), choriocarcinoma, and placental site
tumor[1,2]. These tumors are rare and constitute
less than 1% of all gynecological
malignancies[3]. The reported incidence of GTD
varies in different regions of the world. Overall,
approximately 80% of cases of GTD, are
hydatidiform moles, 15% are chorioadenoma
destruens or invasive mole, and 5% are
choriocarcinomas. Choriocarcinoma is
associated with an antecedent mole in 50% of
cases, a history of abortion in 25%, term
delivery in 20%, and ectopic pregnancy in
5%[4]. True estimates of the incidence of molar
pregnancies are difficult to obtain because of
considerable worldwide variation in the
presentation and management of both normal
and abnormal pregnancies[4]. The incidence of
molar pregnancy demonstrated marked
geographic and ethnic differences, ranging from
the highest incidence of 1 in 120-400
pregnancies in Asian countries such as Taiwan,
Philippines and Japan, to the lowest incidence
of 1 in 1000 to 2000 in Europe and the USA[5].
In Iraq the incidence is 1 in 221according to
previous statistics[6]. To date few studies have
been reported from Basrah regarding Gestational
Trophoblastic disease therefore this study was
conducted to study the incidence of
Hydatidiform Mole gestation and other
Gestational trophoblastic diseases in Basrah and
to review the clinical presentation and
management of Hydatidiform Mole gestation in
This is a retrospective study done in Basrah at
the 4 main obstetric hospitals Basra maternity
and child hospital, Al Basrah general hospital,
AL Faihaa hospital and Al Tahrer hospital
through the period of one year (the first of May
2005 till first of May 2006). A special
questionnaire form was designed to collect
information about those patients who are
included in the study, this included points about
the history, examination, investigations &
management related information about the
progress of the patients collected from the
clinical records in these hospitals and
histopathological laboratories records. Patient
who needed chemotherapy were treated in the
Oncology center in Basrah Teaching hospital.
The management of patients in all 4 hospitals
included history, clinical examination which
was performed to assess patient's general
condition, size of the uterus & presence of
adnexal masses. Full laboratory evaluation
obtained as a part of pretreatment follow-up,
full blood count; urea and electrolytes, thyroid
function test, and serum βHCG level were
obtained. Radiological investigations included
chest X-ray and pelvic ultrasound were done to
all patients. CT scan of the brain and pelvis was
done in patients in which metastasis was
MJBU, VOL 25, No.2, 2007________________________________________________________________________________________________
suspected. The diagnosis of malignant GTD was
based on clinical, radiologic, and biochemical
evidence of metastases. After assessment of the
general condition by complete investigations
and correction of anemia and dehydration, cases
of molar pregnancy were treated by evacuation
of the uterus by traditional curettage under
general anesthesia using sponge forceps and
curette since no suction curettage is available. In
most of the patients a second evacuation was
done routinely according to the ultrasound result
in about 10 days later and each time a biopsy
was obtained for histopathological examination.
Other cases of GTD were treated accordingly.
After confirmation of the diagnoses by
histopathology, the patients were followed up
by βHCG level; follow up was difficult because
of the absence of a special referral center and
lack of HCG assay in most of the hospitals but
most of the cases were followed up by private
There were 78674 deliveries during the study
period and 137 cases of (GTD) were reported.
There were 132 patients (96%) of them were
treated for hydatidiform mole, 3 patients (2%)
were treated for choriocarcinoma, 1(1%) patient
had invasive mole and 1(1%) patient had
placental site tumor. As shown in (Table-1).
The incidence of molar pregnancy and
choriocarcinoma was 1.7/1000 deliveries and
0.04/1000 deliveries, respectively. The majority
of hydatidiform mole cases were complete
molar pregnancy 119 (90%) and only 13(10%)
were partial. As shown in (Table-1).
Table 1.Cases of gestational trophoblastic diseases.
No. %
Hydatidiform mole
Partial = 139
Complete = 13
Choriocarcinoma 3 2
Invasive mole 1 1
Placental site
tumor 1 1
Total 137 100
The age of patients ranged from 16 to 52 years.
The highest percentage of Gestational
trophoblastic diseases GTD (36%) was found in
patients between 20-29 years of age as shown in
Table 2. The distribution of gestational
trophoblastic diseases (GTD) according to age
Age in years No. %
< 20 25 18
20-29 50 36
30-40 42 31
40-52 20 15
Total 137 100
Only 6 patients (4%) experienced previous
molar pregnancy. All 137 patients with GDT
presented with vaginal bleeding of varying
severity, while other presentations such as
passage of vesicles, ovarian cyst, hyperemesis
gravidarum, anaemia, abnormal vaginal growth
and acute abdomen, were observed in (6.56%),
(6.56%), (3.6%), (2.9%), (2%), (1.5) of patients
respectively as shown in (Table-4). Regarding
the abnormal vaginal growth, it was found
initially in 1 patient (before evacuation) and
occurred in 2 patients during the period of
follow up together with elevated BHCG level
and they were referred to oncology center in
Basrah Teaching hospital. For chemotherapy 2
patients had acute abdomen and laprotomy was
done which revealed twisted ovarian cyst in one
patient and metastatic disease with uterine
perforation in the other.
Table 4. The distribution of GTD cases according
to their presenting symptoms (Some women had
more than one presenting symptom).
Presentation No. of cases %
Vaginal bleeding 137 100
Passage of vesicles 9 6.56
Ovarian cyst 5 6.56
Hyper emesis
gravidarum 4 3.64
Anemia 3 2.91
Abnormal vaginal
growth 3 2.1
Acute abdomen 2 1.5
________________________________________________________________________________________________MJBU, VOL 25, No.2, 2007
Regarding treatment: from total 137 recorded
1. Two (2%) patients were treated with
hysterectomy as an initial surgery. These
patients were presented with irregular
vaginal bleeding, elevated BHCG level
together with multiple intrauterine masses;
both were older than 40 years of age and did
not desire future pregnancy.
Histopathological examinations revealed
choriocarcinoma in 1 patient and invasive
mole in the other. Both were transferred for
chemotherapy following surgery.
2. One hundred thirty five (98%) patients were
treated with curettage, 61 patients had only
one evacuation, the remaining 74 patients,
had second evacuations about 10 days later
and each time a biopsy was obtained for
histopathological examination.
Five patients had hysterectomy after the
evacuation for the following reasons:
Histopathological examinations revealed
placental site tumor in 1 patient,
choriocarcinoma in 2, two patients had
hysterectomy despite no malignancy. During the
period of follow up 9 patients had persistently
high level of BHCG level (more than 20000
IU/ML) 4-6 weeks after evacuation and they
were transferred to chemotherapy, one of these
patients had partial mole. The total number of
patients who received chemotherapy was 14.
Regarding the fate of the patients:
-The total number of patients who received
chemotherapy was 14.
-Two patients who received chemotherapy died
during the course of treatment
-Seventy three had a normal BHCG level 3-4
months after follow up.
-The remaining 50 patients were lost from follow
up and they did not continue their BHCG follow
up. As shown in (Table-5).
Table 5. The outcome of patients after short term
follows up.
The outcome No. of cases %
Complete remission
after evacuation 73 53.3
Chemotherapy 14 10.2
Lost from follow up 50 36.5
Total 137 100
There is considerable variation in the incidence
of molar pregnancy in different part of the
world. The reported incidence of hydatidiform
mole in the present study was (1.7) per thousand
maternities (1 in 574) which is less than the
results of a previous study done in Basrah 5
years ago which is (2.6) per thousand
maternities (1 in 400)[7], This is probably
because that study was conducted only in one
hospital and the number of cases was limited
but still higher than that in neighboring
countries like Saudi Arabia (1 in 676)[8].
However a previous study done in Iraq in 1983
showed higher incidence (1in 221) or 4.5 per
1000[1]. The true number of molar pregnancy
may be under estimated as many cases may
present as missed abortion or anembryonic
pregnancy and the ultrasonic distinction from
missed abortion may be difficult so
histopathological examination of the product of
conception following abortion is important[9,10].
Although the majority of the cases of molar
pregnancy were a complete hydatidiform mole
(113 cases) and only few cases showed a partial
hydatidiform mole (9 cases), persistent
elevation of BHCG level following evacuation
with referral to chemotherapy was reported in
one patient with partial mole. Wiesma et al,
found that 1.7% of all partial mole pregnancy
patients needed treatment for malignant
squeals[11]. These findings support the fact that
even partial mole need regular and close
observation and follow up. Considering
etiologic risk factors. The risk factor most
consistently associated with GTD in all ethnic
groups and geographic regions is maternal age.
Several studies reported that the incidence of
trophoblastic disease increases in patients over
the age of 35 years and the risk is 5-10 fold
greater in women over the age of 40 years[12,13].
In the present study (15%) of patients were
above the age of 40 years and the majority of
patients were at younger age group, these
findings are in agreement to that reported by
(Mageed J)[7]. Nulliparity was found to be
associated with GTD in several studies[14,15].
However, the present study showed that (31%)
of patients were diagnosed with trophoblastic
disease in their first pregnancy and the higher
percentage (52%) of patients having from 1-5
children. Previous history of Molar pregnancy is
MJBU, VOL 25, No.2, 2007________________________________________________________________________________________________
another well-established risk factor[16] and in
our study, 4% had a previous molar pregnancy.
Vaginal bleeding of varying severity occurred in
all the patients. Abdominal pain and excessive
vomiting were other important presenting
symptoms, thus indicating the importance of
these symptoms in the diagnosis of
hydatidiform mole. Anaemia, consequent upon
prolonged vaginal bleeding was noticed in few
patients (2%) in our study this may be due to
early diagnosis and management. Experience
from England and the United States reveals that
complete mole is being diagnosed earlier in
gestation[17,14] and rarely presents with
traditional signs and symptoms. In addition, a
study done in Saudi Arabia showed that 54% of
the patients were diagnosed during their first
trimester and present infrequently with the
classical signs and symptoms of GTD[8].
In the present study, all patients except 3 were
diagnosed during the first trimester because of
the practice of routine first trimester ultrasound
examination. The classical literatures on
trophoblastic disorders usually stress on the
descriptions of significant complications such as
trophoblastic embolization to the lung, sever
second trimester pre-eclampsia and
thyrotoxicosis[17]. Fortunately these
complications were not seen in our study which
is due to the fact that the disease has been
diagnosed in an early stage in pregnancy.
However, one should be always bear in mind
that despite earlier diagnosis, the potential for
post molar persistent gestational trophoblastic
disease still remains. Studies[18] have proven
that 20% of complete molar pregnancies can
progress to persistent disease. In this study only
9(7%) patients of those who had regular follow-
up were treated for persistent trophoblastic
disease, this low percentage may be due to the
fact that 50 patients were lost from follow up.
More over in Basrah there was no special center
for trophoblastic disorders and all cases were
managed individually and specific guidelines of
managements were lacking. In addition BhCG
assessment is expensive to many patients and is
rarely available in general hospitals.
Although there have been advances in the
development of effective chemotherapy to
improve the survival rate. Surgery remains an
important role in the management of gestational
trophoblastic disease. In a patient who has
completed her family, abdominal hysterectomy
offers the advantage of evacuation and
sterilization. Additionally, hysterectomy has
been shown to reduce the risk of malignant
sequelae to approximately 3.5% from 20%
anticipated for patients treated with suction
curettage[14]. In our study, hysterectomy was
performed for 7 patients from which 2 with
nonmetastatic trophoblastic disease who did not
desire future conception.
Conclusion and recommendations
-Molar pregnancy seems to be a common
problem; the incidence of hydatidiform
mole in Basrah was 1.7 per thousand
maternities (1 in 574).
-The highest percentage of GTD is found
in the age group between 20-29 years
and in most parous patients having
between 1-5 children.
-Sever complications such as pre-
clampsia, thyrotoxicosis were not
recorded in this study while vaginal
bleeding was the most common clinical
-This study emphasizes the need for the
establishment of a specialist centers for
gestational trophoblastic disease in
Basrah for diagnosis, treatment and
regular follow-up.
-Improvement in social circumstances of
the community and providing health
education with regards to the
importance of regular follow-up may
change the outcome of gestational
trophoblastic disease.
________________________________________________________________________________________________MJBU, VOL 25, No.2, 2007
1. World Health Organization Scientific Group:
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease. Technical
Report Series No. 692, Geneva, World Health
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2. Lurain JR. Gestational trophoblastic tumor.
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3. Moodley M, Tunkyi K, Moodley J. Gestational
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To evaluate the value of histopathological examination of products of conception in first trimester abortion. University hospital. Retrospective record review over 2 years, from January 1999 to January 2001. A total number of 293 patients with the diagnosis of first trimester abortion were admitted and their abnormal pregnancy evacuated. The highest type of abortion among the studied group was incomplete abortion, 140 patients (48%), and surgical evacuation was the most common method of termination, 202 patients (69%). The histopathology reports confirmed the pregnancy in all patients and revealed partial mole in 51 patients (17%), undiagnosed abnormality in 8 patients (2.7%), suggesting the possible cause for recurrent pregnancy loss in 4 patients (1.4%). Histopathological assessment for the products of conception proved to be an important tool in detecting molar pregnancy and hydropic changes that necessitate special follow-up protocol and unmasking ectopic pregnancies for further management.
Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) represents a spectrum of histologically distinct entities including molar pregnancy and choriocarcinoma. The incidence of GTD varies in different parts of the world with high incidences in countries like Japan (2/1000 pregnancies). With the advent of sensitive assays for detection of serum β human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and ultrasound, GTD can now be detected earlier in pregnancy. To date no studies have been reported from South Africa regarding the epidemiology, management, and outcome of patients with GTD. This study was a retrospective audit based on 112 patients with GTD treated at King Edward VIII Hospital, Durban, South Africa. Clinical records of patients were reviewed with regards to presentation, investigation, management and outcome. Of 112 patients, there were 78 patients (70%) with hydatidiform mole and 34 patients (30%) with choriocarcinoma. The mean age of patients was 28.5 years (SD 8.1 years). The majority of patients were Black females (94.6%) while 4.4% were Asian and 1% Coloured females. The most common presenting symptom was vaginal bleeding (93.8%). There were 74 patients (66.7%) who had a previous normal term pregnancy and only two patients (1.8%) had previous molar pregnancies. Suction curettage was the main treatment modality for patients with molar pregnancy while choriocarcinoma was treated primarily with chemotherapy. A total of 72 percent of patients with molar pregnancy and 28 percent with choriocarcinoma had complete remission after initial treatment. Twelve patients died during the course of treatment mainly due to late presentation and advanced metastatic disease. Complete cure was achieved in 89% of patients. Age, parity, previous history, initial uterine size, presence of theca-lutein cysts, and initial βHCG concentration was not found to be prognostic for persistent trophoblastic disease. In the present study, the incidence of molar pregnancy and choriocarcinoma was 1.2/1000 and 0.5/1000 deliveries, respectively. This is much lower than those quoted from countries such as Japan. However, the incidence quoted from our study may be overestimated as this was a hospital-based study and most of the uncomplicated deliveries occur in referring centers. Only 20% of patients in this study were above the age of 35 years with a mean age of 28.5 years. The majority of patients were of Black African ethnic origin mainly due to the fact that our hospital is a referral center for Black patients. Similar to other studies, the majority of patients with molar pregnancy were treated with suction curettage while the majority of patients with choriocarcinoma were treated with chemotherapy. Overall, spontaneous remission was achieved in 60% of patients with molar pregnancy and an overall complete cure was achieved in 89% of patients.
Gestational trophoblastic tumor is a term applied to invasive mole, choriocarcinoma, and placental-site trophoblastic tumor. The overall cure rate in the treatment of these gestational trophoblastic tumors now exceeds 90%. This high success rate is the result of (1) inherent sensitivity of trophoblastic tumors to chemotherapy, (2) ability to monitor therapy effectively with the use of human chorionic gonadotropin as a tumor marker, and (3) identification of prognostic factors which allows categorization of patients into high- and low-risk groups for selection of treatment. Virtually all patients with nonmetastatic and low-risk metastatic disease can be cured using single-agent methotrexate or Actinomycin-D chemotherapy. Intensive therapy with combination chemotherapy including etoposide, high-dose methotrexate and Actinomycin D and, where indicated, adjuvant radiotherapy and surgery has resulted in cure rates of 80–90% in patients with high-risk metastatic disease. The factors which are most important in determining response to treatment are: (1) clinicopathologic diagnosis of choriocarcinoma, (2) metastases to sites other than the lung or vagina, (3) number of metastases, (4) previous failed chemotherapy, and (5) WHO score ⩾8.
A series of 155 women with gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) was evaluated to determine the effect of age on the severity of the disease. The malignant sequelae of hydatidiform moles were of similar frequency at all ages. However, young women, less than 20 years old, had significantly less malignant GTD and significantly less metastatic malignant GTD than did older women.
The number of cases of hydatidiform mole (HM) registered annually in England and Wales has risen since 1973 to 1.54 per 1000 live births in 1983. For women over 50 the risk per pregnancy was 411 times and for girls under 15 it was six times greater than that for women aged 25-29. 7.75% of patients had chemotherapy for invasive mole or choriocarcinoma. Patients who had had oxytocin-induced or prostaglandin-induced uterine evacuation or hysterotomy were more likely to need chemotherapy. Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) was undetectable by 56 days after evacuation in 42% of patients, none of whom required chemotherapy; a considerable reduction in follow-up time for this subgroup is proposed. For patients whose HCG values became normal more than 56 days after evacuation and stayed normal for 6 months the risk of recrudescent disease was 1 in 286. In subsequent pregnancies the risk of a second HM was 1 in 76 and that of a third was 1 in 6.5. 11 (0.2%) patients died, 2 from drug-resistant choriocarcinoma.
The relation between age of parents and the risk of complete and partial hydatidiform mole was examined using data from a case-control study conducted in Northern Italy of 149 histologically confirmed complete moles, 45 partial moles and 306 controls subjects who delivered normal babies. Compared to women aged 21 to 35, the relative risk (RR) of complete mole was elevated for teenage women (RR = 1.9) and for those aged 36-40 (RR = 1.9) or over 40 (RR = 7.5). There was no association between women's age and partial mole. Likewise, older paternal age (greater than 45) was related with the risk of complete mole (RR = 4.9, though allowance for women's age reduced this point estimate to 2.9), but not of partial mole. The present findings indicate that there are important differences in the epidemiology of complete and partial hydatidiform mole.
Hydatidiform mole, with a relative risk for choriocarcinoma of 2000-4000, may be 1 of the largest single risk factors for any disease. This review examines the incidence, distribution, and major etiologic hypotheses for the 2 diseases. It is unclear whether hydatidiform mole and choriocarcinoma, both diseases of the trophoblast, are different phases of a single disease process or discrete entities, although hydatidiform mole itself may represent at least 2 disease processes: complete, or classic, in which the conceptus lacks a fetus, and partial, which coexists with a fetus. Painless vaginal bleeding, a uterus large for dates, hyperemesis, toxemia prior to 20 weeks, and absent fetal parts and heart tones are among diagnostic critieria. Marked difference in incidence of hydatidiform mole among countries is widely acknowledged, with reports ranging from 11.5/1000 deliveries in Indonesia to less than 1/1000 deliveries in the US. Incidence appears much higher in Asia, Africa, and Central America than in the US, Europe, or Australia. Maternal age is the most consistent risk factor for hydatidiform mole in every region and ethnic group in which it has been studied, with most studies showing a significant increase in risk in women delivering above age 35 and a further 10-fold increase beyond age 40. Data on incidence by pregnancy history are inconclusive, although a history of twin pregnancies may both precede and follow hydatidiform mole. It is not known whether observed variations in mole incidence reflect true population differences or whether they are artifacts due to different referral patterns and diagnostic criteria or selection bias. Several possible factors in the etiology of hydatidiform mole have been studied: socioeconomic and nutritional factors, environmental agents, parasites, infection, consanguinity, blood types, missed abortion, and genetic factors. Although a genetic role in the epidemiology of hydatidiform mole is now certain, very little is known about environmental factors that may increase the risk of defective ova or about conceiving genotypes that are precursors to mole. Future epidemiologic studies must classify mole as either complete or partial, particularly since complete moles appear to have the high risk of subsequent choriocarcinoma and metastasis. Invasive mole and choriocarcinoma may be difficult to diagnose except in patients with prior hydatidiform mole, who face approximately a 10% risk of malignant sequelae. About 60% of choriocarcinomas are not preceded by a clinically recognized molar pregnancy. In recent years surgery and chemotherapy have achieved a nearly 100% cure rate. Choriocarcinoma incidence appears to vary widely by geographic region and racial group. Data on etiologic factors for choriocarcinoma are lacking, largely because of difficulties in studying such a rare tumor. Maternal age and history of hydatidiform mole are the only 2 established risk factors, although studies have speculated on risks of oral contraceptives and other exogenous hormones, consanguinity, blood groups, and other factors.
To describe the clinical trends of complete hydatidiform mole at the King Fahad Hospital (KFH), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Medical record review of 71 patients admitted to KFH for the primary management of complete hydatidiform mole (CHM) during the period 1984-1995 was performed, and clinical trends were identified. During the study period, 48,000 live births occurred, and a total of 71 patients were admitted for management of CHM; the incidence of CHM was 1:676 live births. The mean gestational age at molar evacuation was 13.3 weeks, and 54.4% of patients were diagnosed in the first trimester. At the time of presentation, excessive uterine size, anemia, hyperemesis and preeclampsia were present in 20 (28%), 11 (15.5%), 9 (12.6%) and 1 (1.4%) patient, respectively. Persistent gestational trophoblastic tumor developed in 32 (45.1%) patients. A higher proportion of our CHM patients developed persistent gestational trophoblastic tumors when compared with those in North American studies. CHM was diagnosed earlier in pregnancy in Saudi Arabia at our hospital during the past decade, and the patients frequently did not present with the classic signs and symptoms of complete mole.
Gestational trophoblastic disease is a common gynaecological problem in Malaysia. The incidence of molar pregnancy is 2.8 per 1000 deliveries, being more common amongst the Chinese. The preferred method of evacuation is suction curettage; complete evacuation of the uterus was not achieved at the first attempt in 25 per cent of cases. Partial moles in our centre comprised 30 per cent of all moles. This is potentially malignant and needs follow-up for a complete mole. In the management of an invasive mole, chemotherapy should not be withheld in the presence of metastases and failure of regression of hCG. The role of prophylactic hysterectomy and prophylactic chemotherapy in the management of molar pregnancy is discussed "Selective preventive chemotherapy" in patients at "risk" appears appropriate. Chemotherapy remains the main modality of treatment for gestational trophoblastic tumours (GTT). We categorised our patients into low, medium and high-risk groups; survivals were 100, 98, and 61.7 percent respectively. These patients when categorised according to FIGO staging had survivals of 100, 80, 78.6 and 68.2 per cent respectively for stages 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. The reasons for the poor survival in the 'high-risk' group are discussed. Colour doppler blood flow studies are now being carried out; its role needs further evaluation. Surgery and radiotherapy have only a limited role in the management of these cases.
Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) represents a spectrum of histologically distinct entities including molar pregnancy and choriocarcinoma. The incidence of GTD varies in different parts of the world with high incidences in countries like Japan (2 / 1000 pregnancies). With the advent of sensitive assays for detection of serum beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and ultrasound, GTD can now be detected earlier in pregnancy. To date no studies have been reported from South Africa regarding the epidemiology, management, and outcome of patients with GTD. This study was a retrospective audit based on 112 patients with GTD treated at King Edward VIII Hospital, Durban, South Africa. Clinical records of patients were reviewed with regards to presentation, investigation, management and outcome. Of 112 patients, there were 78 patients (70%) with hydatidiform mole and 34 patients (30%) with choriocarcinoma. The mean age of patients was 28.5 years (SD 8.1 years). The majority of patients were Black females (94.6%) while 4.4% were Asian and 1% Coloured females. The most common presenting symptom was vaginal bleeding (93.8%). There were 74 patients (66.7%) who had a previous normal term pregnancy and only two patients (1.8%) had previous molar pregnancies. Suction curettage was the main treatment modality for patients with molar pregnancy while choriocarcinoma was treated primarily with chemotherapy. A total of 72 percent of patients with molar pregnancy and 28 percent with choriocarcinoma had complete remission after initial treatment. Twelve patients died during the course of treatment mainly due to late presentation and advanced metastatic disease. Complete cure was achieved in 89% of patients. Age, parity, previous history, initial uterine size, presence of theca-lutein cysts, and initial betaHCG concentration was not found to be prognostic for persistent trophoblastic disease. In the present study, the incidence of molar pregnancy and choriocarcinoma was 1.2 / 1000 and 0.5 / 1000 deliveries, respectively. This is much lower than those quoted from countries such as Japan. However, the incidence quoted from our study may be overestimated as this was a hospital-based study and most of the uncomplicated deliveries occur in referring centers. Only 20% of patients in this study were above the age of 35 years with a mean age of 28.5 years. The majority of patients were of Black African ethnic origin mainly due to the fact that our hospital is a referral center for Black patients. Similar to other studies, the majority of patients with molar pregnancy were treated with suction curettage while the majority of patients with choriocarcinoma were treated with chemotherapy. Overall, spontaneous remission was achieved in 60% of patients with molar pregnancy and an overall complete cure was achieved in 89% of patients.