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The main object of this work to introduced and studied a new class of fuzzy general nonlinear ordered random variational inequalities in ordered Banach spaces. By using the random B-restricted accretive mapping with measurable mappings {\alpha},{\alpha}^{\prime}:{\Omega}{\rightarrow}(0,1), an existence of random solutions for this class of fuzzy general nonlinear ordered random variational inequality (equation) with fuzzy mappings is established, a random approximation algorithm is suggested for fuzzy mappings, and the relation between the first value x_0(t) and the random solutions of fuzzy general nonlinear ordered random variational inequality is discussed.
East Asian Math. J.
Vol.32 (2016), No. 5, pp. 685–700
Salahuddin and Byung-Soo Lee
Abstract. The main object of this work to introduced and studied a new
class of fuzzy general nonlinear ordered random variational inequalities
in ordered Banach spaces. By using the random B-restricted accretive
mapping with measurable mappings α, α0: (0,1), an existence of
random solutions for this class of fuzzy general nonlinear ordered random
variational inequality (equation) with fuzzy mappings is established, a
random approximation algorithm is suggested for fuzzy mappings, and the
relation between the first value x0(t) and the random solutions of fuzzy
general nonlinear ordered random variational inequality is discussed.
1. Introduction
The variational inclusions, which was introduced and studied by Hassouni
and Moudafi [19] is a useful and important extension of variational inequalities.
In last decades, monotonicity techniques were extended and applied because
of their importance in theory of variational inequality, complementarity prob-
lems and variational inclusions. Recently some systems of variational inequali-
ties, variational inclusions, complementarity problems and equilibrium problems
have been studied by some authors in recent years because of their close rela-
tions to Nash equilibrium problems. Huang and Fang [21] introduced a system
of ordered complementarity problems and established some existence results for
using fixed point theory. Verma [32] introduced and studied the some systems
of variational inequalities and developed some random iterative algorithm for
approximation of random solutions for system of variational inequalities.
On the other hand in 1972, the number of solutions of nonlinear equation has
been introduced and studied by Amann [6] and recent years, the nonlinear
mapping, fixed point theory and application have been extensively studied in
ordered Banach spaces, [16, 17, 18]. Very recently Li [22, 23, 24] has studied
Received January 29, 2016; Accepted June 15, 2016.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 49J40, 47H06.
Key words and phrases. Fuzzy general nonlinear ordered random variational inequality,
Ordered Banach spaces, Random B-restricted accretive mappings, Random algorithm, ran-
dom compression mapping, Fuzzy mappings.
2016 The Youngnam Mathematical Society
(pISSN 1226-6973, eISSN 2287-2833)
the approximation solution for general nonlinear ordered variational inequalities
and ordered equations in ordered Banach spaces.
Fuzzy sets were founded by Professor L. A. Zadeh in year 1965 [34]. The ad-
dress of fuzzy set theory, since its introduction has been dramatic and breathtak-
ing, several research papers have published in different journals devoted entirely
to theoretical and application aspects of fuzzy sets. In 1989, Chang and Zhu
[9] introduced the concept of variational inequalities in fuzzy mappings in ab-
stract spaces and investigated existence theorem for some kinds of variational
inequalities for fuzzy mappings. Very recently, the problems of random general-
ized fuzzy variational inclusions involving random nonlinear mapping have been
studied by Zhang and Bi [33] in Hilbert spaces. Afterwards, on several kinds
of variational inequalities, variational inclusions and complementarity problems
for fuzzy mappings were considered and studied by many authors see for in-
stance, Ahmad and Salahuddin [1, 2, 3], Ahmad and Bazan [4], Agarwal et al.
[5], Anastassiou et al. [7], Chang and Huang [10], Chang and Salahuddin [11],
Chang et al. [12], Cho et al. [14], Ding and Park [15], Huang [20], Lee et al.
[25, 26, 27], Salahuddin [28], Salahuddin and Ahmad [30], Salahuddin et al. [31]
and Salahuddin and Verma [29], etc.
Inspired and motivated by recent works, in this communication, fuzzy general
nonlinear ordered random variational inequalities and an operator is intro-
duced and the qualities of an operator is studied in ordered Banach spaces.
Applying the random B-restricted accretive method of random mapping Awith
measurable operators α, α0, an existence theorem of random solutions for this
class of fuzzy general nonlinear ordered variational inequalities is established,
a random approximation algorithm is suggested and the relation between the
values x0(t) and the random solutions of the fuzzy general nonlinear ordered
random variational inequality is discussed.
2. Preliminaries
Throughout this work, we assume that (Ω,Σ, µ) is a complete σ- finite mea-
surable space and Xis a separable real Banach space endowed with dual space
X, the norm k·k and the dual pair ,·i between Xand X. We denote by
B(X) the class of Borel σ- field in X. Let 2Xand C B(X) denote the family of
all nonempty subset of Xand the family of all nonempty bounded closed sets
of X, respectively.
Definition 1. A mapping x: Xis said to be measurable if for any
BB(X),{t, x(t)B} Σ.
Definition 2. A mapping f: ×XXis called a random operator if for
any xX, f (t, x) = x(t) is a measurable. A random operator fis said to be
continuous if for any t,the mapping f(t, ·) : XXis continuous.
Definition 3. A set valued mapping T: ×X2Xis said to be measurable
if for any B B(X), T 1(B) = {t, T (t)B6=∅} Σ.
Definition 4. A mapping u: Xis called a measurable selection of a
set valued measurable mapping T: 2Xif uis a measurable and for any
t, u(t)T(t).
Definition 5. A mapping T: ×X2Xis called a random set valued
mapping if for any xX, T (·, x) is a measurable. A random set valued mapping
T: ×XCB (X) is said to be H-continuous if for any t, T (t, ·) is
continuous in Hausdorff metric.
Definition 6. A fuzzy mapping F: F(X) is called measurable if for any
α(0,1),(F(·))α: 2Xis a measurable set valued mappings.
Definition 7. A fuzzy mapping F: ×XF(X) is called a random fuzzy
mapping if for any xX, F (·, x)F(X) is a measurable fuzzy mapping.
Let F(X) be a collection of all fuzzy sets over X. A mapping Ffrom X
to F(X) is called a fuzzy mapping on X. If Fis a fuzzy mapping on X, the
F(x) (denote it by Fx,in the sequel) is a fuzzy set on Xand (Fx)(y) is the
membership function of yin Fx. Let NF(x), q [0,1],then the set
is called a q-cut set of N.
Let T: ×XF(X) be the random fuzzy mapping satisfying the following
condition (C):
(C): There exists a mapping a:X[0,1] such that (Tt,x)a(x)CB(X)(t, x)
×X. By using the random fuzzy mapping Twe can define random set valued
mapping ˜
Tas follows:
T: ×XC B(X), x (Tt,x )a(x),(t, x)×Xwhere Tt,x =T(t, x(t)).
Let Xbe a real ordered Banach space with a norm k·kand θbe a zero in the
X. Let Pbe a normal cone of Xand be a partial ordered relation defined
by the cone P. Given a mapping a:X[0,1],random fuzzy mapping T:
×XF(X),let A, g, f : ×XXbe the single valued random nonlinear
ordered comparison mappings and range g(x(t), t)domA(·, t) = tΩ, we
consider the following problem:
Find a measurable mapping x, u : Xsuch that for all t, x(t)
X, T(t,x(t))(u(t)) a(x(t)) and g(t, x(t)) dom A(·, t)6=for t such that
A(g(x(t), t), t) + f(u(t), t)θ. (1)
The problem (2.1) is called a fuzzy general nonlinear ordered random variational
inequalities in ordered Banach spaces.
Definition 8. [13] Let Xbe a real Banach space with a norm k · k, θ be a zero
element in the X. A nonempty closed convex subsets Pof Xis said to be a
cone if
(a) for any xP, and any λ > 0, λx Pholds;
(b) if xPand xPthen x=θ.
Definition 9. [22] Let Pbe a cone of X. P is said to be a normal cone if and
only if there exists a constant N > 0 such that for θxy, hold kxk Nkyk
where Nis called normal constant of P.
Lemma 2.1. [13] Let Pbe a cone in X, for arbitrary x, y X, x yif and
only if xyP, then the relation in Xis a partial ordered relation in X
where the Banach space Xwith an ordered relation defined by a normal cone
Pis called an ordered Banach space.
Definition 10. [13] Let Xbe an ordered Banach space and Pbe a cone of X.
The is a partial ordered relation defined by the cone Pfor all x, y Xif hold
xy( or yx) then xand yis said to be the comparison between each other
(denoted by xyfor xyand yx).
Definition 11. [13] Let Xbe an ordered Banach space and Pbe a cone of
X. The is a partial ordered relation defined by the cone P, for arbitrary
x, y X, lub{x, y}and glb{x, y}express the least upper bound of the set {x, y}
and the greatest lower bound of the set {x, y}on the partial ordered relation
respectively. Suppose lub{x, y}and glb{x, y}exists some binary operator can
be defined as follows:
(i) xy=lub{x, y };
(ii) xy=glb{x, y };
(iii) xy= (xy)(yx).
,and is called OR, AN D and X OR operations, respectively. For arbitrary
x, y, w Xthen holds the following relations:
(1) if xythen xy=y, x y=x;
(2) if xand ycan be compared then θxy;
(3) (x+w)(y+w) exists and (x+w)(y+w)=(xy) + w;
(4) (xy) = (x+y)(xy);
(5) if λ0 then λ(xy) = λx λy;
(6) if λ0 then λ(xy) = λx λy;
(7) if x6=ythen the converse holds for (5) and (6);
(8) if for any x, y X, either xyand xyexists, then Xis a lattice;
(9) (x+w)(y+w) exists and (x+w)(y+w)=(xy) + w;
(10) (xy) = (x y);
(11) (x)(x)θ(x)x.
Lemma 2.2. [16] If xythen lub {x, y}and glb {x, y}exist, xyyx,
and θ(xy)(yx).
Lemma 2.3. [16] If for any natural number n, x ynand yny(n )
then xy.
Lemma 2.4. [22] Let Xbe an ordered Banach space and Pbe a cone of X.
The is a partial ordered relation defined by the cone P, if for x, y, z , w X
they can be compared each other, then holds the following relations:
(1) xy=yx;
(2) xx=θ;
(3) θxθ;
(4) let λbe a real then (λx)(λy) =|λ|(xy);
(5) if x, y and wcan be comparative each other then (xy)xw+wy;
(6) let (x+y)(u+v)exists and if xu, v and yu, v then;
(7) if x, y, z, w can be compared with each other then
(xy)(zw)((xz)(yw)) ((xw)(yz));
(8) αx βx =|αβ|x+ (αβ)xif xθ.
Lemma 2.5. [8] Let T: ×XCB(X)be a H-continuous random set valued
mapping. Then for any measurable mapping w: X, the set valued mapping
T(·, w(·)) : CB(X)is a measurable.
Lemma 2.6. [8] Let T, S : CB(X)be the two measurable set valued
mappings, > 0be a constant and υ: Hbe a measurable selection of S
then there exists a measurable selection w: Hof Tsuch that for all t
kυ(t)w(t)k (1 + )H(S(t), T (t)).
Definition 12. Let Xbe a real ordered Banach space and let A, B : ×XX
be the two random mappings.
(i) A(t) is said to be randomly comparison if for any t and each
x(t), y(t)X, x(t)y(t) then A(x(t), t)A(y(t), t), x(t)A(x(t), t)
and y(t)A(y(t), t).
(ii) A(t) and B(t) are said to be randomly comparison with each other if for
each t, x(t)X, A(x(t), t)B(x(t), t) (denoted by A(t)B(t)).
Obviously, if A(t) is a randomly comparison, then A(t)I(t) (where I(t) is an
random identity mapping on the X).
Definition 13. Let Xbe a real ordered Banach space, Pbe a normal cone
with normal constant Nin X, be a set in X, A : ×XXbe a random
mapping. A random mapping A(t) is said to be randomly β(t)-order compres-
sion with respect to a measurable mapping β: (0,1) if A(t) is a randomly
comparative with respect to the measurable mapping β: (0,1) such that
for any t,
A(x(t), t)A(y(t), t)β(t)(x(t)y(t)),
Definition 14. Let Xbe a real ordered Banach space, Pbe a normal cone
with normal constant Nin the X, be a nonempty open subset of Xin which
the ttakes values, A, B : ×XXbe the two random mappings, Ibe an
identity mapping on the X×X.
(i) A mapping A: ×XXis said to be randomly restricted accretive
mapping if A(t) is randomly comparative and there exists two measur-
able mappings α, α0: (0,1) such that for all t, x(t), y(t)X,
(A(x(t), t) + I(x(t), t)) (A(y(t), t) + I(y(t), t))
α(t)(A(x(t), t)A(y(t), t)) + α
holds where Iis an random identity mapping on ×X.
(ii) A mapping A: ×XXis said to be randomly B(t)-restricted ac-
cretive mapping, if A(t), B(t)X, t and A(t)B(t):Ω×X
A(x(t), t)B(x(t), t)Xfor all t all are randomly comparative
and they are randomly comparison for t and there exists two mea-
surable mappings α, α0: (0,1) such that for any t,and an
arbitrary x(t), y(t)X, holds
(A(x(t), t)B(x(t), t) + I(x(t), t)) (A(y(t), t)B(y(t), t) + I(y(t), t))
α(t)((A(x(t), t)B(x(t), t)) (A(y(t), t)B(y(t), t)))
where I(x(t), t) = x(t) : X×Xis a random identity mapping.
Lemma 2.7. [22] Let Xbe an ordered Banach space, Pbe a normal cone with
normal constant Nin X, A :XXbe a comparative then for any x, y X
(1) kθθk=kθk= 0,
(2) kxyk≤kxk∨kyk≤kxk+kyk,
(3) kxyk≤kxyk Nkxyk,
(4) if xy, then kxyk=kxyk,
(5) limxx0kA(x)A(x0)k= 0,if and only if
A(x)A(x0) = θ.
3. Main Results
In this section, we will show the convergence of the approximation of random
sequences for finding random solutions of the problem (2.1) and discussed the
relation between the initial random values x0(t) and the random solution of the
problem (2.1).
Theorem 3.1. Assume that (Ω,Σ, µ)is a complete σ-finite measurable space
and Xis a separable real Banach space, Pa normal cone with normal constant
N, in X, is an ordered relation defined by the cone P, is a nonempty
open subset of X in which the t, let T: ×XF(X)be the random
fuzzy mapping satisfying condition (C)and ˜
T: ×XC B(X)be the random
continuous set valued mapping induced by Trespectively. Let a mapping ˜
Tbe the
random H-continuous ordered compression mapping with the measure η:
(0,1).Let A, g, f, ˜
T , B and (A+f):Ω×XXbe some random comparison
mappings to each others and A(t), B(t)be the random comparison mapping. Let
A(t)be the random β(t)-ordered compression measurable mapping with measure
β: (0,1). Let fbe a random σ(t)-ordered compression mapping with
measure σ: (0,1) and gbe a random γ(t)-ordered compression mapping
with measure γ: (0,1). If A+fis a random B(t)-restricted accretive
mapping for two random measurable mappings α, α0: (0,1) and ρ:
(0,1) is a any measure
ρ(t)[β(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)] <1α0(t)
holds. Then the fuzzy general nonlinear ordered random variational inequality
[A(g(x(t), t), t) + f(u(t), t)] θ, x(t)X, u(t)˜
T(x(t), t), t ,(3)
there exists a random solutions x(t)X, u(t)˜
T(x(t), t),for tand for
any x0(t)X
kx(t)x0(t)k≤{1 + N(α(t)ρ(t)(β(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) + α0(t))
1(α(t)ρ(t)(β(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) + α0(t))
kA(g(x0(t), t), t) + f(u0(t), t)x0(t)k.
Moreover, xn(t)x(t), un(t)u(t)where {xn(t)}and {un(t)}are the
random sequences obtained by random iterative algorithm.
Proof. Let Xbe a real ordered Banach space, Pbe a normal cone with normal
constant Nin the X, be an ordered relation defined by the cone P, be
a nonempty open subset of Xin which the ttakes values. For any t and
x1(t), x2(t)Xand ρ: (0,1) is a measurable mapping. Let x0(t)x1(t).
Then for x0(t)Xand
x1(t) = ρ(t)[A(g(x0(t), t), t) + f(u0(t), t)] B(x0(t), t) + I(x0(t), t),
for u0(t)˜
T(x0(t), t).
Since A(t) and B(t) be the randomly ordered comparison to each other so
that x0(t)x1(t).Further we can have a random iterative algorithm for fuzzy
general nonlinear ordered random variational inequalities (1), i.e.
A(g(x(t), t), t) + f(u(t), t)0, t , x(t)X, u(t)˜
T(x(t), t)
in ordered Banach space X:
xn+1(t) = ρ(t)[A(g(xn(t), t), t) + f(un(t), t)] + I(xn(t), t),
for a measurable mapping ρ: (0,1) where n= 0,1,2,· · · .It follows
from the condition A, g, f, B, ˜
Tand (A+f) : ×XXof the random
comparison mappings and t, x0(t)x1(t) that is xn(t)xn+1(t).By
using the random B(t) restricted accretive mapping of A+fand the randomly
β(t)- ordered compression of A(t),the random γ(t)-ordered compression of a
random mapping g: ×XXand ˜
Tbe the random H-continuous ordered
compression mapping with the measurable mapping η: (0,1) and Lemma
2.4(6), we have
[ρ(t)(A(g(xn(t), t), t) + f(un(t), t)) + I(xn(t), t)]
[ρ(t)(A(g(xn1(t), t), t) + f(un1(t), t)) + I(xn1(t), t)]
α(t)[ρ(t)(A(g(xn(t), t), t) + f(un(t), t)) (ρ(t)(A(g(xn1(t), t), t)
+f(un1(t), t)))] + α
α(t)ρ(t)[(A(g(xn(t), t), t)A(g(xn1(t), t), t))
+ (f(un(t), t)f(un1(t), t))] + α
α(t)ρ(t)[β(t)(g(xn(t), t)g(xn1(t), t)) + σ(t)(un(t)un1(t))]
T(xn(t), t),˜
T(xn1(t), t))] + α
α(t)ρ(t)[β(t)γ(t)(xn(t)xn1(t)) + σ(t)η(t)(1 + 1
(α(t)ρ(t)(β(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)(1 + 1
n)) + α
(α(t)ρ(t)(β(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)(1 + 1
n)) + α
un(t)un1(t) = H(˜
T(xn(t), t),˜
T(xn1(t), t)) (1 + 1
By Lemma 2.2 and Definition 9, we obtain
where 4n=α(t)ρ(t)(β(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)(1 + 1
n)) + α0(t).
Let 4=α(t)ρ(t)(β(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) + α0(t) with
ρ(t)[β(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)] <1α0(t)
Hence for any m > n > 0 we have
kxi+1(t)xi(t)k Nkx1(t)x0(t)k
It follows from the condition (2) that 0 ≤4≤1 and
kxm(t)xn(t)k 0,as n
and so {xn(t)}is a random Cauchy sequence in complete space X. Let xn(t)
x(t) as n (x(t)X, t Ω).From the condition that A, g, ˜
Tare randomly
continuous and ρ: (0,1) is a measurable space, we can have
x(t) = lim
= lim
n→∞[ρ(t)(A(g(xn(t), t), t) + f(un(t), t))] + I(xn(t), t)
= lim
ρ(t)A(g(xn(t), t), t) + ρ(t) lim
f(un(t), t) + lim
I(xn(t), t)
=ρ(t)A(g( lim
xn(t), t), t) + ρ(t)f( lim
un(t), t) + I( lim
xn(t), t)
=ρ(t)A(g( lim
xn(t), t), t) + ρ(t)f(˜
T( lim
xn(t), t)) + I( lim
xn(t), t)
=ρ(t)A(g(x(t), t), t) + ρ(t)f(u(t), t) + x(t).
Hence x(t) is a solution of equation (1). By random H-continuous order com-
pression of ˜
T, we have
un(t)un1(t) H(˜
T(xn(t), t),˜
T(xn1(t), t))
(1 + 1
It follows that {un(t)}is also a random Cauchy sequence in Xand completeness
of X, un(t)u(t).Note that un(t)˜
T(xn(t), t), we have
T(x(t), t)k ku(t)un(t)k+H(˜
T(xn(t), t),˜
T(x(t), t))
ku(t)un(t)k+ (1 + 1
0 as n .
Hence ku(t)un(t)k= 0 and therefore u(t)˜
T(x(t), t) is also a random
solution of (1). We know that (x(t), u(t)) is a random solution set of equation
(1). It follows that
A(g(xn(t), t), t) + f(un(t), t)x(t), n = 0,1,2,· · · , t
from Lemma 2.3 and (4)
kx(t)x0(t)k= lim
n→∞ kxn(t)x0(t)k
1 + N(α(t)ρ(t)(β(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) + α0(t))
1(α(t)ρ(t)(β(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) + α0(t))×
kA(g(x0(t), t), t) + f(u0(t), t)x0(t)k
holds. This complete the proof.
Lemma 3.2. Assume that (Ω,Σ, µ)is a complete σ-finite measurable space and
Xis a separable real Banach space, Pa normal cone with normal constant N
in the space X, is a partial ordered relation defined by the cone P, is a
nonempty open subset of Xin which the t. Let T: ×XF(X)be
the random fuzzy mapping satisfy the conditions (C)and ˜
T: ×XC B(X)
be the random continuous set valued mapping induced by Trespectively. Let
a mapping ˜
Tbe the random H-continuous ordered compression mapping with
measure η: (0,1).Let f, A, g, B , ˜
T , A +fand (A+f)B: ×XX
be randomly comparison mapping respectively and two of them can be compared
each other. If a equation
(A(g(x(t), t), t)+f(u(t), t))B(x(t), t) = θ, θ X, t , u(t)˜
T(x(t), t) (5)
has a random solution sets (x(t), u(t)).Then (x(t), u(t)) is a random solu-
tion sets of fuzzy general nonlinear ordered random variational inequalities in
ordered Banach spaces.
Proof. This directly follows from the definition of the and the condition that
A, g, B, f, ˜
T , A +fand (A+f)B: ×XXbe randomly comparison
respectively and any two of them can compared each other.
From Theorem 3.1 and Lemma 3.2, we have the following Theorem.
Theorem 3.3. Assume that (Ω,Σ, µ)is a complete σ-finite measurable space
and Xis a separable real Banach space, Pa normal cone with normal constant
Nin X, is an ordered relation defined by the cone P, is a nonempty open
subset of Xin which the tX. Let T: ×XF(X)be the random fuzzy
mapping satisfying condition (C)and ˜
T: ×XCB(X)be the continuous
random set valued mapping induced by T, respectively. Let mapping ˜
Tbe the
randomly H-continuous ordered comparison mapping with the measure η:
(0,1). Let A, g, f, A +f, ˜
T , B and (A+f)B: ×XXbe the some
comparison random mappings to each other and A(t), B(t)be the random βi(t)-
ordered compression measurable mapping with measure βi(t):Ω(0,1) for
i= 1,2.Let fbe a random σ-ordered compression mapping with measure σ:
(0,1) and gbe a randomly γ(t)-ordered compression mapping with measure
γ: (0,1).If A+fis a randomly B(t)- restricted accretive mapping with
respect to t, for two measurable mappings α, α0: (0,1) and ρ:
(0,1) is a any measure
ρ(t)[(β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) β2(t)] <1α0(t)
holds. Then the fuzzy general nonlinear ordered random variational inequalities
[A(g(x(t), t), t)+f(u(t), t)]B(x(t), t) = θfor x(t)X, u(t)˜
T(x(t), t), t .
There exists x(t)X, u(t)˜
T(x(t), t)for t, which is a random solution
sets of problem (1) and for any x0(t)X,
kx(t)x0(t)k 1 + N(α(t)ρ(t)((β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) β2(t)) + α0(t))
1(α(t)ρ(t)((β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) β2(t)) + α0(t))×
NkA(g(x0(t), t), t) + f(u0(t), t)k∧kB(x0(t), t)k.
Moreover xn(t)x(t), un(t)u(t)where {xn(t)}and {un(t)}are the ran-
dom sequences obtained by random iterative algorithm for fuzzy mapping.
Proof. Let Xbe a real ordered Banach space, Pbe a normal cone with normal
constant Nin the X, be an ordered relation defined by the cone P, be
a nonempty open subset of Xin which the ttakes values. For any t and
x1(t), x2(t)Xand ρ: (0,1) is a measurable mapping. Let x0(t)x1(t).
Then for x0(t)Xand u0(t)˜
T(x0(t), t),
x1(t) = ρ(t)[A(g(x0(t), t), t) + f(u0(t), t)] B(x0(t), t) + I(x0(t), t).
Since A(t) and B(t) are the randomly comparison to each other so that x0(t)
x1(t).Further we can have a random iterative algorithm for fuzzy general non-
linear ordered random variational inequalities (7) in ordered Banach space X.
xn+1(t) = ρ(t)[A(g(xn(t), t), t) + f(un(t), t)] B(xn(t), t) + I(xn(t), t),
for a measurable mapping ρ: (0,1) where n= 0,1,2,· · · .It follows from
the condition A, g, f, A +f , B, ˜
Tand (A+f)B: ×XXof the random
comparison mappings and t, x0(t)x1(t) that is xn(t)xn+1(t).By using
the random B(t)-restricted accretive mapping and the randomly β(t)-ordered
compression of A(t),the random γ(t)-ordered compression of a random mapping
g: ×XXand ˜
Tbe the random H-continuous ordered compression
mapping with the measurable mapping η: (0,1) and Lemma 2.4(7), we
[ρ(t)(A(g(xn(t), t), t) + f(un(t), t)) B(xn(t), t) + I(xn(t), t)]
[ρ(t)(A(g(xn1(t), t), t) + f(un1(t), t)) B(xn1(t), t) + I(xn1(t), t)]
α(t)[(ρ(t)(A(g(xn(t), t), t) + f(un(t), t)) B(xn(t), t))
(ρ(t)(A(g(xn1(t), t), t) + f(un1(t), t)) B(xn1(t), t))]
α(t)ρ(t)[(A(g(xn(t), t), t) + f(un(t), t)) (A(g(xn1(t), t), t)
+f(un1(t), t)) (B(xn(t), t)B(xn1(t), t))] + α
ρ(t)α(t)[((A(g(xn(t), t), t)A(g(xn1(t), t), t))
+ (f(un(t), t)f(un1(t), t))) (B(xn(t), t)B(xn1(t), t))]
ρ(t)α(t)[β1(t)(g(xn(t), t)g(xn1(t), t)) + σ(t)(un(t)un1(t))
β2(t)(xn(t)xn1(t))] + α
ρ(t)α(t)[β1(t)γ(t)(xn(t)xn1(t)) + σ(t)H(˜
T(xn(t), t),˜
T(xn1(t), t))
β2(t)(xn(t)xn1(t))] + α
ρ(t)α(t)[β1(t)γ(t)(xn(t)xn1(t)) + σ(t)η(t)(1 + 1
β2(t)(xn(t)xn1(t))] + α
(ρ(t)α(t)[(β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)(1 + 1
n)) β2(t)] + α
Since ˜
Tis randomly H-continuous ordered compression mapping with measur-
able mapping η: (0,1), we have
(un(t)un1(t)) H(˜
T(xn(t), t),˜
T(xn1(t), t))
η(t)(1 + 1
Now continuing these process, we have
(ρ(t)α(t)[(β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)(1 + 1
n)) β2(t)] + α
(ρ(t)α(t)[(β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)(1 + 1
n)) β2(t)] + α
By Lemma 2.2 and Definition 9, we obtain
where 4n= (α(t)ρ(t)[(β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)(1 + 1
n)) β2(t)] + α0(t)).
Let 4= (α(t)ρ(t)[(β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) β2(t)] + α0(t)) with
ρ(t)[(β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) β2(t)] <1α0(t)
From the assumption (8) and Lemma 2.2. Hence for any m > n > 0 we have
kxm(t)xn(t)k N
kxi+1(t)xi(t)k Nkx1(t)x0(t)k
It follows from the condition (6) that 0 ≤4≤1 and
kxm(t)xn(t)k 0,as n for t.
So {xn(t)}is a random Cauchy sequence in complete space X. Let xn(t)x(t)
as n (x(t)X, t Ω).From the condition that A, g, ˜
T , f , A +fand
(A+f)B: ×XXare randomly continuous and ρ: (0,1), we can
x(t) = lim
= lim
n→∞(ρ(t)(A(g(xn(t), t), t) + f(un(t), t)) B(xn(t), t) + I(xn(t), t))
= (ρ(t) lim
A(g(xn(t), t), t) + ρ(t) lim
f(un(t), t)) lim
B(xn(t), t)
+ lim
I(xn(t), t)
= (ρ(t)A(g( lim
xn(t), t), t) + ρ(t)f( lim
un(t), t)) B( lim
xn(t), t)
+I( lim
xn(t), t)
= (ρ(t)A(g( lim
xn(t), t), t) + ρ(t)f(˜
T( lim
xn(t), t))) B( lim
xn(t), t)
+I( lim
xn(t), t)
= (ρ(t)A(g(x(t), t), t) + ρ(t)f(u(t), t)) B(x(t), t) + x(t),
un(t) = ˜
T( lim
xn(t), t) = ˜
T(x(t), t) = u(t).
Hence x(t) is a solution of equation (1), i.e.,
(A(g(x(t), t), t) + f(u(t), t)) B(x(t), t) = 0.
By random H-continuous order compression of ˜
Twe have
un+1(t)un(t) H(˜
T(xn+1(t), t),˜
T(xn(t), t))
(1 + 1
It follows that {un(t)}is also a random Cauchy sequence in Xand completeness
of X, un(t)u(t) as n .
Note that un(t)˜
T(xn(t), t), we have
T(x(t), t)k≤ku(t)un(t)k+H(˜
T(xn(t), t),˜
T(x(t), t))
ku(t)un(t)k+ (1 + 1
0 as n .
T(x(t), t)k= 0
and therefore u(t)˜
T(x(t), t).
We know that (x(t), u(t)) is a random solution sets of equation (7). It follows
(A(g(xn(t), t), t) + f(un(t), t)) B(xn(t), t)x(t), n = 0,1,2,· · · , t ,
from Lemma 2.3 and (8)
kx(t)x0(t)k= lim
n→∞ kxn(t)x0(t)k lim
1 + N(α(t)ρ(t)(β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) β2(t) + α0(t))
1(α(t)ρ(t)(β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) β2(t) + α0(t))k(A(g(x0(t), t), t)
+f(u0(t), t)) B(x0(t), t)k
1 + N(α(t)ρ(t)(β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) β2(t) + α0(t))
1(α(t)ρ(t)(β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) β2(t) + α0(t))N{kA(g(x0(t), t), t)
+f(u0(t), t)k} kB(x0(t), t)k
1+ N(α(t)ρ(t)(β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) β2(t) + α0(t))
1(α(t)ρ(t)(β1(t)γ(t) + σ(t)η(t)) β2(t) + α0(t))N{kA(g(x0(t), t), t)k
+kf(u0(t), t)k} kB(x0(t), t)k
holds. This complete the proof.
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Department Of Mathematics
Jazan University, Jazan,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Byung-Soo Lee
Department of Mathematics
Kyungsung University, Busan
608-736, Korea
... Lemma 2.9. ( [17,19], Lemma 1.13) Let X be an ordered real Banach space and C be a normal cone in X with normal constant λ C N . Then for arbitrary elements x, y ∈ X, the following relations hold: ...
... Lemma 2.13. [17] Let C be a normal cone in X. If for x, y ∈ X, they can be compared to each other, then the following condition holds: ...
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In this study, we consider the ordered variational inclusion problems in ordered Banach spaces involving the weak RRD-multivalued mappings. By using the technique of relaxed resolvent operators, we suggest an iterative algorithm and prove the existence of solutions of ordered variational inclusion problems. Also, we prove the convergence of the sequences generated by an iterative algorithm.
... In 1989, Chang and Zhu [8] introduced the concepts of variational inequalities in fuzzy mappings in abstract spaces and investigated the existence problems of solutions for some class of variational inequalities for fuzzy mappings. Since then several classes of variational inequalities, inclusions, and complementarity problems for fuzzy mappings were studied by Ahmad and Salahuddin [2], Bai et al. [5], Chang et al. [9,12,13,14], Ding and Salahuddin [16], Lee and Salahuddin [21], Verma and Salahuddin [25], and Verma et al. [26]. ...
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In this research article, we deal with generalized (η,g,φ)-mixed vector equilibrium problems and generalized (g,φ)-mixed vector equilibrium problems in Fuzzy events. By using the KKM-technique, we prove the existence theorems of solutions for generalized (η,g,φ)-mixed vector equilibrium problems and generalized (g,φ)-mixed vector equilibrium problems in fuzzy events.
... Motivated and inspired by the recent research works [1][2][3][4][5]9,13], in this paper, we consider a system of implicit ordered variational inclusions in real ordered Banach spaces. We design an iterative algorithm based on the resolvent operator for solving a system of implicit ordered variational inclusions. ...
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The purpose of this paper is to present an existence theorem for a new class of system of implicit ordered variational inclusions in real ordered Banach spaces. Using the concept of resolvent operator, we prove the convergence of sequences generated by an algorithm.
... In 1972, the number of solutions of nonlinear equations has been introduced and studied by Amann [5], and in recent years, the nonlinear mapping, fixed point theory, and their applications have been intensively studied in ordered Banach spaces [8], [17], [23], [29]. Recently, Li has studied the approximation solution for general nonlinear ordered variational inequalities and ordered equations in ordered Banach spaces [24]. ...
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In this paper, we consider a system of generalized mixed nonlinear ordered variational inclusions in partially ordered Banach spaces and suggest an algorithm for a solution of the considered system. We prove an existence and convergence result for the solution of the system of generalized mixed nonlinear ordered variational inclusions.
... In 1989, Chang and Zhu [10] introduced the concept of variational inequalities in fuzzy mappings in abstract spaces and investigated existence theorem for some kinds of variational inequalities for fuzzy mappings. Afterwards, on several kinds of variational inequalities, variational inclusions and complementarity problems for fuzzy mappings were considered and studied by many authors see for instance, Ahmad and Salahuddin [4], Agarwal et al. [5,6], Anastassiou et al. [8], Chang and Salahuddin [12], Ding and Park [15], Huang [18], Lee et al. [22,23,24], Salahuddin [25], Salahuddin and Verma [26], Salahuddin et al. [27] and Zhang and Bi [28], etc. Inspired by the above recent research works, here we solve a fuzzy nonlinear random variational inclusion problems involving ordered RME-multivalued mapping in ordered Banach spaces. By using the relaxed randomize resolvent operator and its properties, we construct a new random iterative algorithm. ...
... In 1989, Chang and Zhu [11] introduced the concepts of variational inequalities with fuzzy mappings in abstract spaces and investigated the existence problems of solutions for some class of variational inequalities for fuzzy mappings. Recently several classes of variational inequalities, inclusions, and complementarity problems for fuzzy mappings were studied by Ahmad and Salahuddin [1,3], Chang and Salahuddin [9], Cho et al. [14], Ding et al. [16], Ding and Salahuddin [15], Lee and Salahuddin [28], Verma and Salahuddin [29], Verma et al. [27], and Wang and Chang et al. [10]. ...
... In 1989, Chang and Zhu [11] introduced the concepts of variational inequalities with fuzzy mappings in abstract spaces and investigated the existence problems of solutions for some class of variational inequalities for fuzzy mappings. Recently several classes of variational inequalities, inclusions, and complementarity problems for fuzzy mappings were studied by Ahmad and Salahuddin [1,3], Chang and Salahuddin [9], Cho et al. [14], Ding et al. [16], Ding and Salahuddin [15], Lee and Salahuddin [28], Verma and Salahuddin [29], Verma et al. [27], and Wang and Chang et al. [10]. ...
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In this research article, we deal with a new kind of mixed exponential fuzzy vector variational inequalities in ordered Euclidean spaces. By using KKM-technique and Nadler’s fixed point theorem, we prove some existence theorems of solutions to mixed exponential vector variational inequality problems in fuzzy environment.
... In 1989, Chang and Zhu [10] introduced the concept of variational inequalities in fuzzy mappings in abstract spaces and investigated existence theorem for some kinds of variational inequalities for fuzzy mappings. Afterwards, on several kinds of variational inequalities, variational inclusions and complementarity problems for fuzzy mappings were considered and studied by many authors see for instance, Ahmad and Salahuddin [4], Agarwal et al. [5,6], Anastassiou et al. [8], Chang and Salahuddin [12], Ding and Park [15], Huang [18], Lee et al. [22,23,24], Salahuddin [25], Salahuddin and Verma [26], Salahuddin et al. [27] and Zhang and Bi [28], etc. Inspired by the above recent research works, here we solve a fuzzy nonlinear random variational inclusion problems involving ordered RME-multivalued mapping in ordered Banach spaces. By using the relaxed randomize resolvent operator and its properties, we construct a new random iterative algorithm. ...
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In this paper, we consider a fuzzy nonlinear random varia- tional inclusion problems involving ordered RME-multivalued mapping in ordered Banach spaces. By using the random relaxed resolvent opera- tor and its properties, we suggest an random iterative algorithm. Finally both the existence of the random solution of the original problem and the convergence of the random iterative sequences generated by random algorithm are proved.
welcome to Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity
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On behalf of the International Advisory Board and the Local Organizing Committee of The International Congress in Honour of Professor Hari M. Srivastava, which was held in the Auditorium at the Campus of Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey on August 23-26, 2012, and on our own behalves, we would like to express our happiness and gratitude to all participants who attended and actively participated in our Congress. This article is being published in each of the four Special Issues of the SpringerOpen journals, Advances in Difference Equations, Boundary Value Problems, Fixed Point Theory and Applications and Journal of Inequalities and Applications, which are entitled 'Proceedings of the International Congress in Honour of Professor Hari M. Srivastava'.
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In this paper, we introduced and studied a new class of generalized nonlinear variational like inequality for fuzzy random mappings and have proved existence theorem for auxiliary problem of the fuzziffied random generalized nonlinear vari-ational like inequalities. By exploiting the theorem, we construct and analyze a new random iterative algorithm for finding the selections of the fuzziffied random generalized nonlinear variational like inequality. Further more, we prove the existence of unique solutions of the fuzzified random iterative algorithm for finding the selection of the fuzziffied generalized nonlinear variational like inequality problems. The convergence analysis of fuzziffied random iterative sequences generated by the random iterative algorithm is also discussed.
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In this paper, we introduce and examine a class of fuzzy mixed vector F-variational inequalities, and then, applying the concept of the maximal element theorem, we prove an existence theorem for solutions of fuzzy mxied vector F-variational inequalities in the setting of fuzzy locally convex topological vector spaces.
In this paper, by using a resolvent operator technique of maximal monotone mappings and the property of a fixed-point set of set-valued contractive mappings, we study the behavior and sensitivity analysis of a solution set for a new class of generalized nonlinear implicit quasi-variational inclusions. Our approach and results are new and generalize many known results in this field.
This paper is devoted to some new considerations for the study of an existence theorem for solution of random variational-like inequalities (in the direction of G. X.-Z. Yuan [Acta Appl. Math. 54, No. 2, 135–166 (1998; Zbl 0921.47047)], W. K. Kim and K. K. Tan [Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. 46, No. 1, 139–148 (1992; Zbl 0747.47037)]) in non-compact sets and in the setting of locally convex Hausdorff topological vector spaces, see [C. Berge, Edinburgh-London: Oliver & Boyd, Ltd. XIII, 270 p. (1963; Zbl 0114.38602), J. L. Kelley, General topology. New York: D. van Nostrand Co., Inc. 298 p., illustr. (1955; Zbl 0066.16604)].
We consider a class of randomly h-η-maximal monotone mappings and a class of generalized nonlinear mixed random variational-like inclusions for random fuzzy mappings and define an iterative algorithm for finding approximate solutions for the class of variational inclusions. By using the random resolvent operator of randomly h-η-maximal monotone mappings, we establish the approximate solutions obtained by our algorithm converge to the exact solutions of the generalized nonlinear mixed random variational-like inclusions for random fuzzy mappings.