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New product development is the main factor of economic progress in building the economic competitive advantage. The life cycle of products becomes very short and it trends to be shorter year by year. It means that innovation becomes the main driver force in the economy. The innovation level is not sufficient in Latvia. One of the most significant players in the innovation field are business incubators in Latvia. This research study underlines the role of evaluation of each stage of innovation processes. The authors offer a new model for the evaluation of innovation processes stage by stage. This model allows to identify the main problems that hinder innovation. This model allows to develop concrete proposals for improving the innovative climate in the country. The research is based on the authors’ conducted research as a part of scientific grant of Rezekne Academy of Technologies „New product development process modeling and analysis in Latvia – innovation barriers”. The main methods, that are used in this research were as follows: content analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis, abstract and logical construction methods.
116 Latgale National economy research
Liene AMANTOVA-SALMANE3, professor, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne, Latvia,
e-mail:, phone: +371 29103480, scientific assistant, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne, Latvia,
e-mail:, phone: +371 29235941
3Mg., lecturer, Rezekne Academy of Technologies, Rezekne, Latvia,
e-mail:, phone: +371 29429895
Abstract. New product development is the main factor of economic progress in building
the economic competitive advantage. The life cycle of products becomes very short and
it trends to be shorter year by year. It means that innovation becomes the main driver
in the economy. The innovation level is not sufficient in Latvia. One of the most significant
players in the innovation field are business incubators in Latvia. This research study
underlines the role of evaluation of each stage of innovation processes. The authors offer
a new model for the evaluation of innovation processes stage by stage. This model allows
to identify the main problems that hinder innovation. This model allows to develop
concrete proposals for improving the innovative climate in the country. The research is
based on the authors’ conducted research as a part of scientific grant of Rezekne Academy
of Technologies „New product development process modeling and analysis in Latvia –
innovation barriers. The main methods, that are used in this research were as follows:
content analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis, abstract and logical construction
Keywords: innovation, methods, R&D
JEL code: 0310,0320,C90
New product development is the one of the key factors for progress
and competitive advantage in each country. Companies across the world
are faced with changes to both the production technology and service
organization. The product life cycle has never been so short as now,
therefore, new product development is one of the most important business
tasks. Using only the traditional methods of increasing competitiveness,
for example, cost reduction, it is not possible to remain on the market. Only
a consistent approach and the development of creative ideas are the
factors, which help a company to successfully operate. In any economy, a
new product or service development are essential for economic growth
and the welfare development vector. One of the possibilities for the
Journal of Social Sciences No 1(8) 117
development of new products in Latvia is the use of business incubators.
Innovation development in Latvia is insufficient. This problem has not
been established. There is the lack of sufficient quality methodology to
investigate the causes of this problem.
The aim of the research study is to develop a model for the assessment
of a new product development process.
To achieve this aim several tasks were defined:
comparison different innovation measurement models;
development a new model, which allows evaluating every stage
of the innovation process;
The research subject: the innovation measurement models.
The hypothesis of this research is the following: It is possible to create
innovation measurement model which allows to identify the main
problems that hinder innovation.
In order to achieve this objective, the authors conducted theoretical
studies, examining the existing innovation evaluation system, by using
content analysis, deductive, logical and comparison and others methods.
As a result, the authors worked out a new model for the assessment of
innovation processes step by step.
Research results
Latvia has a low innovation performance - one of the EU-28, which is
based on a small proportion of small innovative companies, investment in
research and development (R & D) activities and insufficient cooperation
among science, technology and innovation development organisations,
higher education and industry sectors. One of the most important public
support measures in this area is the Latvian Investment and Development
Agency (LIDA) operational programme Entrepreneurship and
Innovation activity Business incubators funded by the European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (hereinafter activity). These
activities within the tenderers (start-up companies until 2 years of age)
could receive business support services (advices and infrastructure
support) and specialised services (new product development consultancy,
design and prototyping services, laboratories, international marketing
services, design services, etc.), by using appropriate agreements with the
business incubator operators or / and the service providers. As part of the
overall activity until 31 December 2013, the aid was received by 493
companies, prototype development and technological advice and services
for new product development are among the most popular ones
(Reģionālo biznesa… 2014).
118 Latgale National economy research
The findings, related to the innovation process, approved -that
traditional models of innovation management are directed to new product
development that involves resource management, information and
knowledge for the development of market demand (Clark, 1992). Product
development is defined as the process of market information to create the
final product for commercial purposes (Clark, Fujimato, 1991). Other
authors defined the development of a new product as effective
organisational and management processes by consuming minimum time
and minimum cost to sell these products on a market (Wheelwright,
Cklark, 1992). While Cooper (Cooper et. al., 2008), noted that new product
development is a formal process with well-defined decision-making
criteria. A set of activities that begins with the market research and ends
with the production and sales of the product on the market (Ulrich,
Eppinger, 2004). The new product development process consists of
activities, which results in a new or redesigned product on the market.
This process consists of creation opportunities, then selection from these
opportunities and their implementation in a concrete product that is
offered to consumers (Loch, Kavadias, 2008). Innovation process
management is defined (What is…, 2016) as a systematic approach to
nurturing the creative capabilities of employees and creating a workplace
environment that encourages new ideas for workflows, methodologies,
services or products. Scott Berkun (Scott Berkun, 2013) has defined
‘innovation’ as follows: ‘Innovation is a significant positive change’ by
underlining that: ’It’s a result. It’s an outcome. It’s something you work
towards achieving on a project.’ Different researchers use distinctive
innovation measurement models, like the Diamond Model, the Funnel
Model, the Innovation Value Chain Model, e.t.c. Dalia Gamal (Dalia Gamal,
2011) summarized different innovation measurement models and their
respective focuses, and dimensions (see table 1).
The most applied model, which characterizes innovation, new
products, and technological development processes, is a NASA model. This
model is adopted by the European Space Agency and the European
Commission with minor changes. This approach is also used for the main
innovation policy instruments, for example, by implementing Horizont
2020, in innovation support competitions. This model foresees 10 stages
of technology readiness levels. They are as follows (Technology
readiness…, 2013):
TRL 0: idea;
TRL 1: basic research;
TRL 2: technology formulation;
TRL 3: applied research;
TRL 4: small scape prototype;
Journal of Social Sciences No 1(8) 119
TRL 5: large scale prototype;
TRL 6: prototype system;
TRL 7: demonstration system;
TRL 8: first of a kind commercial system;
TRL 9: full commercial application.
Table 1
Summarized comparison among different innovation measurement
models (Source: Dalia Gamal, 2011)
Innovation process
Enabling factors
Strategy process
Adequate when the
innova -tion process
on its infan-cy. It
highlights key
dimensions of the
innovation process as
well as its enabling
institutional factor
Product innovation
R&D process as the
core activity
Strategic thinking.
Portfolio management
& metrics
Market development
An adequate model
there is a due
innovation process in
the organization
chain (IVC)
Idea Management
Output performance
Conversion Diffusion
knowledge acquisition
Building innovation
It emphasizes the
of the output of the
Oslo Manual
Output in certain
and institutional
framework Innovation
Very beneficial when
considering country
Innovation output
Customers Processes
It does not ensure the
sustainability of
120 Latgale National economy research
However, this model is incomplete because it does not include factors,
which characterise targeted interactions between a new product and a
market. In other words, the successful commercialisation of innovations
does not show in this model. This model just underlines the stages of the
technology development processes. B.Hicks, S.Culley, A.Larsson, T.Larsson
A Methodology for Evaluating Technology Readiness during Product
Development-, 2009, pointed to the shortcomings of this model and
suggested the TRL model has to be supplemented with columns, which
foreseen marketing and product implementation activities, see table 2.
Table 2
Product readiness levels and the product development process
(source: Hicks,, 2009)
Other Functions
Develop- ment
Target market
Business goals of
effort defined
Mission statement
Market seg-ments
Lead users& their
needs identified.
Competing pro-
ducts analysed.
cost estimated
feasibility assesed
Single concept
selected for futher
Project justified
-IPR issues
Concept develop-
Plan for product
options and
extended product
family formulated.
Key suppliers
Final assembly
scheme designed.
-Support Make-or-
Buy analysis.
-Potential service
issues identified.
Marketing plan
Standard parts
Production pro-
cesses defined.
Tooling designed.
Long lead-time
tooling procured.
Quality assurance
processes defined.
-Detal design
Journal of Social Sciences No 1(8) 121
Table 2 continued
Promotion and
launch materials
Field testing
Supplier ‘ramp-
Fabrication and
processes refined
Commence work
force training
Quality assurance
processes refined.
-Sales plan
tion obtained.
Testing and
Early ‘production
ramp-up’ products
placed with
Work fource trai-
ning completed.
Operation of
entire production
Production Rump-
Full production
Service & support
Product launch
Table 3
Model for research of innovation processes
(Source: own research)
phase of
Basic research, Target market identified, Product
references and sketches develpment, Make-or-Buy
analysis performed, Market segments defined
Product concept
Technology formulation, Key suppliers identified,
Product technical project, Product Competitevness
defined, Small scape prototype - alfa prototype
Product detail
Prototype validation in the real life environment
beta prototype, Field testing facilitated. Standard
parts identified, Marketing plan developed,
Promotion and launch materials developed.
Final patern of
Supplier ‘ramp- up’ facilitated.
Fabrication and assembly processes refined
Tehnology, equipment and tools refined,
Promotion and launch materials developed.
Sales plan finalised. Regulatory approval/
certification obtained. Product demonstration.
Sales with preferred customers.
Work force training completed.
Operation of the entire production system
commenced. Aftersales serive provided.
Service &
122 Latgale National economy research
The examination of above mentioned models allowed to work out a
new model for research of innovation processes. The authors offer the new
model, divided into 5 stages (see Table 3).
Each stage is described taking into account the product design
activities, the processes development activities, and the marketing
activities. In addition, the phase of the innovation is determined in each
The proposed model allows evaluating every stage of the innovation
process, to identify the main problems that hinder innovation. This model
allows developing concrete proposals for improving the innovative
climate in the country. The next actions of the authors will draw attention
to the practical research of innovation processes in firms, which are
operated in the business incubators in Latvia, using the proposed model.
Conclusions and suggestions
New product development is the one of the key factors for progress
and competitive advantage in each country. Latvia has a low innovation
performance in comparison with other EU countries because of the lack of
innovative companies, lack of investments in research and development,
insufficient cooperation among science, higher education and industry
Different researchers use distinctive innovation measurement
models, like the Diamond Model, the Funnel Model, the Innovation Value
Chain Model, e.t.c. More applied model, which characterizes innovation,
new products, and technological development processes, is a NASA model.
This model is adopted by the European Space Agency and the European
Commission with minor changes. The authors of this research study offer
an important step in the solution to this problem to perform an analysis
of innovation processes stage by stage. The authors propose a new model,
which allows evaluating every stage of the innovation process, to identify
the main problems that hinder innovation. This model allows developing
concrete proposals for improving the innovative climate in the country.
The research was elaborated with the financial assistance of Rezekne Academy of
Technologies provided through a research grant for the “New product development
process modeling and analysis in Latvia innovation barriers”.
Journal of Social Sciences No 1(8) 123
1. Biznesa inkubatori. Retrieved Mart 10,2016, from:
2. CLARK, K., FUJIMOTO,T. (1991). Product Development Performance:Strategy,
Organization and Management in the World Auto Industry,Boston: Harvard
Business School Press
3. COOPER, R.G. (2008). The Stage-Gates Idea-to-Launch Process-Update, What’s
New, and NexGen Systems. Journal of Product Innovation Management 25:213
4. DALIA, G. (2011). How to measure organizational innovativeness.Retrieved
January 05, 2016, from:
5. EK Innovation Union Scoreboard 2015. Retrieved January 30, 2016, from:
6. Latvijas nacionālā reformu programma Eiropa 2020 stratēģijas īstenošanai.
Progresa ziņojums 2014. Retrieved December 21, 2015, from: https://www.em
7. LOCH, C., KAVADIAS, S. (2008). Handbook of New Product Development
Management, Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier.
8. LR Ekonomikas ministrijas “Reģionālo biznesa inkubatori un radošo industriju
inkubators sākotnējais izvērtējums. Retrieved Februar, 10, 2016 from:
9. Technology readeness level. Retrieved December 10, 2015, from:
3_ summary_of_the_calls_open_in_2014_-_philippe_schild.pdf.
10. The Best Definition of Innovation. Retrieved Retrieved December 10, 2015, from:
11. ULRICH K. T., EPPINGER S. D. (2004). ‘Product Design and Development’, 2nd
edition, NY: McGraw Hill.
12. WHEELWRIGHT, S. CLARK.K. Creating Project Plans to Focus Product, Harvard
Business Review, 1992.
13. What is innovation process management.Retrieved January 07, 2016, from:
124 Latgale National economy research
1, Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija, profesore, Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija, zinātniskais asistents
3Mg., Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija, lektore
Jaunu produktu attīstība ir galvenais faktors ekonomikas konkurētspējas
priekšrocības attīstībā. Produktu dzīves cikls gadu pēc gada arvien vairāk saīsinās. Tas
nozīmē, ka inovācija kļūst par galveno ekonomisko dzinējspēku. Latvijā ir zems
inovatīvo sniegumu salīdzinājumā ar citām ES valstīm, jo trūkst inovatīvu uzņēmumu,
trūkst ieguldījumu pētniecībā un attīstībā, nepietiekama sadarbība starp augstākās
izglītības, zinātnes un rūpniecības nozarēs.
Šajā pētījumā uzsvērta inovāciju procesu izvērtēšanas nozīme jaunu produktu
attīstības veicināšanā. Dažādi pētnieki izmanto atšķirīgu inovāciju novērtēšanas
modeļus, ‘Diamond’, piltuves modeli, inovāciju ‘Value Chain’ modeli, utt. tījumā
šie modeļi tiek salīdzināti. Vairāk piemērots modelis inovācijām, jauniem produktiem
un tehnoloģijas attīstības procesiem ir NASA modelis, ko, ar nelielām izmaiņām,
izmanto Eiropas Kosmosa aģentūras un Eiropas Komisija.
Autori piedāvā jaunu inovāciju procesa izvērtēšanas modeli soli pa solim. Šis
modelis ļauj identificēt galvenās problēmas, kas traucē jauninājumiem, kā arī izstrādāt
konkrētus priekšlikumus, lai uzlabotu inovatīvu klimatu valstī.
Galvenās metodes, kas tiek izmantotas šajā izpētē ir: satura analīze, salīdzinošā
analīze, sintēze, abstraktās un loģiskās konstrukcijas metodes. Piedāvātajā rakstā tiek
atspoguļoti autoru veiktie pētījumi Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmijā realizētajā
zinātniskā granta „Jaunu produktu attīstības procesu modelēšana un analīze Latvijā
inovācijas barjēras” ietvaros.
Atslēgas vārdi: inovācijas, metodes, P&A.
... New Product Development (NPD) is one of the key factors for progress and competitive advantage in helping all businesses to survive (Silinevica, Igavens, & Amantova-Salmane, 2016). A productdevelopment process is a sequence of steps or activities that an enterprise employs to conceive, design, and commercialise a product (Ulrich & Eppinger, 2016). ...
... Although it is claimed to be vital to the economic success of companies', long-term survival and growth (Hart, 1996), it is important to note that it is not the sole contributor to profitable long-term business growth (Johne & Snelson, 1990). The NPD process consists of stages which result in either a new or redesigned product(s) (Silinevica et al., 2016). It may also refer to products that already exist and that are being developed further. ...
... New product development is a crucial proficiency in business sustainability and growth. (Prasetyo et al., 2018) The success of a new product is recognised as a vital basis for competitive advantage and sustainable economic growth (Silinevica & Igavens, 2016). Apart from being a course of welfare development, a new product in the manufacturing sector is a source of life (Ahmed & Kazim, 2011). ...
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The practice of entrepreneurship is entrenched in the conception and exploration of new business ideas. Among other factors, lack of viable and efficient new business ideas has also led to the failure of many start-ups. This ultimately impacts negatively on the capacity of entrepreneurs to generate employment especially in emerging economies such as Nigeria where the private sector is becoming very pivotal. Of particular interest is the emergence of faith based organisations (FBOs) as key players in the mobilisation of budding entrepreneurs through training and other activities. Given the importance of business idea generation (BIG) to the success of start-ups, this paper examines the relationship between BIG and sustainable start-up performance using the products of the entrepreneurship activities of FBOs in a Nigerian context. The study made use of questionnaire as main data collection instrument. Data were collected from trainees of three selected FBO entrepreneurship programmes who have started their business. The data were subjected to relevant statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics using SPSS version 25. Hypotheses were analysed using structural equation model (SEM). The findings showed that business idea has a significant relationship with sustainable start-up performance (new product development, perceived customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, productivity and competitive positioning). However, it was discovered that productivity has the most predictive value at (β= 0.669, R 2 =0.448, t-statistics=10.953>1.96, P-value =0.000 <0.05). This study concluded that a good business idea would sustain business continuity that can eradicate poverty, generate employment and improve economic empowerment, reinforcing economic, social and possibly environmental sustainability.
... In the quest for new market opportunities, enterprises primarily rely on product development strategy, which enables them to target specific market segments with new or existing products (Anyanga & Nyamita, 2016). This strategy drives economic progress and establishes a competitive advantage (Silinevica et al., 2016). Innovative and distinctive ideas may lead to the development of new goods that fall under several categories, including significant innovation, product enhancement, product additions, and repositioned items. ...
Organizations nowadays work in a dynamic and intensely competitive environment, and to stay ahead of the competition's trends, key market players are using a variety of strategic alternatives to drive development and gain an advantage over competitors. Depending on the strategies they employ to compete, food and beverage (F&B) businesses may succeed. Due to the non-adoption of product development strategy, many have had difficulties in securing a favorable competitive advantage. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate how product development affected the comparative advantage of a few Nigerian food and beverage companies in Lagos State. 12,495 regular workers of six chosen F&B businesses in Lagos State, Nigeria, were the population of the research, which used a survey design. 491 people were chosen as the sample size using the researcher advisor sampling table. A credible and trustworthy survey with a Cronbach alpha value higher than 0.7 was also used to gather data at the same time. Descriptive and inferential methods were used to analyze the data. Utilizing the Statistical Package for Science Solutions (SPSS) version 24 for linear regression analysis, it was possible to ascertain the effects of the variables. According to the study's results, product development substantially impacted competitive advantage (β = 0.957, t = 55.078, R2 = 0.874, p-value 0.05). According to the study's findings, competitive advantage was impacted by the product development approach. The research made a strong case for food and beverage (F&B) companies to prioritize their efforts in product innovation. The development of items that would provide Food and Beverage (F&B) companies a competitive advantage over their competitors in the market requires careful consideration of the appropriate product specifications. Keywords: Competitive advantage, Diversification, Foods and beverages, Growth strategy, Marketing efficiency, Product development.
... Effective NPL is a key driver of business execution (Bruce et al., 2007). The new product is important for economy growth and for competitive advantage, because the life cycle of one product may be so short and for this reason, new innovative product should appear in the market (Silinevica et al., 2016) and previously mentioned in the article by (Pauwels et al, 2004). ...
Nowadays, companies challenged by the dynamic market try to launch new products in order to satisfy the needs of their customers. This research paper aims to find out about the perceptions that customers from North Macedonia have about new hygienic products and to understand their variety seeking behavior. There are not many research papers carried out on new hygienic products and the variety seeking behavior in our country. Thus, this research paper will try to fill this gap. In this study, primary data method and secondary data have been utilized. Secondary data is excerpted from books and journals. A well-structured questionnaire and a Likert Scale were used in this research. The sample consists of 170 responses which are analyzed with the program SPSS. The results showed that there is a weak but positive correlation of independent variables of brands switching, price, quality and promotion with variety seeking as the dependent variable.
... The progress of new products and their development is widely recognized as an important source of competitive advantage (Thomas, 1995). Development of new products is one of the key factors for progress and competitive advantage in every country (Silinevica, 2016). According to Silinevica, (2016) in any economy, the development of new products or new services is very important for economic growth and are vectors of welfare development. ...
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Human capital and social capital are the main keys in creating new product development in the manufacturing and entrepreneurship industries to drive economic growth and competitiveness. The better the quality of human and social capital, the more variety of new products that can be produced. The purpose of this research is to explain the role of human capital and social capital as the main key to developing new products in driving economic growth and increasing business competitiveness. This study uses exploratory designs and cross-sectional data about engineering and management in the manufacturing and entrepreneurship industries of MSMEs in the provinces of Central Java and DIY in Indonesia. The analytical method used is path analysis in the form of a dual path correlation model. The results show that human capital and social capital both have positive and significant effects in developing new products. In addition, the development of human resources and new products have a stronger influence on economic growth. Meanwhile, social capital and economic growth play a more important role in creating competitiveness. That is, human capital and social capital are the main keys in creating new product development performance, which in turn encourages economic growth and the competitiveness of entrepreneurial businesses in the region. Index Terms: human capital, social capital, new product development, and competitiveness.
... Various studies have attempted to simplify the product creation processthrough various models such as the Diamond Model, the Funnel Model (figure 1), the product readiness levels and the product development process, the Innovation Value Chain Model and the NASA model (Silineviča et al, 2016). Perhaps, three of the most prominent models are the product development funnel (Hauser et al, 2007), the product development and launch process (Mahmutllari, 2014) A synergy of the enumerated product design models alreadyenumerated above may be summed up under the following stages: ...
Nigerian engineers, researchers and industrial or product designers are not short of design outputs and creativity compared to their foreign counterparts, relative to resources and facilities available to them. However, while many of our researches and design outcomes never make it to the open market (as many of them are gathering dusts in engineering and design galleries and shelves), the few that eventually get introduced to the user or consumer in the market place often fair poorly relative to their foreign alternatives. Based on a survey of consumer opinions conducted, this study showed that the utility derived from local products and contents (which have foreign alternatives) is not so different from the utility derived from the foreign alternatives. This paper therefore, based on this result, discussed how improved persuasive drives, consumer need analysis, product persuasiveness and aesthetics may be adopted for the improvement of local Nigerian product designs and research outputs with emphasis on the local product development process.
In organizations, the guidelines of upgrading One Tambon One Product (OTOP) can be applied by taking it on the action plan’s agenda in building steady and explicit operational targets, and to create a solid base in terms of creating competitive opportunities. A mixed method research design was adopted for this study. The quantitative data was collected by questionnaires from 500 small business entrepreneurs on four variables: resource preparation, alliance collaboration, product development, and competitive advantage. The qualitative research design used the In-depth interview technique to collect data from nine experts, identified through purposive sampling method, and divided into three groups of equal size comprising 3 members: a group of successful business entrepreneurs, a group of government leaders and related agencies and a group of academics The study found that the element of resource preparation created competitive opportunities in the digital economy through transparent leadership; alliance collaboration made a collaboration arrangement with other companies; product development expanded the idea to be concrete; and competitive advantage kept individuals with expertise and experience with the company. The study recommends improving the model by considering the Modification Indices obtained from the packaged program with theoretical academic principles and eliminating some improper observational variables.
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Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat pengembangan produk gaya hidup dengan fitur menghibur berbasis teknologi CNC bagi komunitas kreatif Cirebon melibatkan akademisi, desainer-pengusaha, aktivis desa, serta mahasiswa Merdeka Belajar dan Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). Pelatihan berlangsung selama 6 bulan dan telah menghasilkan output berupa produk dan skill dan metode-metode pengembangan produk, serta pengenalan pasar. Proses pengembangan produk menekankan pemanfaatan teknologi Computer Numeric Control (CNC). Teknologi Computer Numeric Control (CNC), khususnya untuk pemotongan bahan dan pembuatan kontur 3 dimensional. Hasil akhir pelatihan adalah 6 tas kulit dengan dengan fitur baru mekanik pengunci dari logam dan kayu yang memberikan efek menghibur. Keenam produktersebut telah terdaftar Hak Desain Industri-nya pada Direktorat Jenderal Kekayaan Intelektual (DJKI). Kedepan produk pengembangan ini akan mengikuti pameran dan diharapkan menjadi usaha dan produk yang memiliki daya saing ditengah pasar modern saat ini
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The role of culture has been important for the success of new service development. As an example, Sheth highlighted the role of resistance to innovation and the cultural orientation of developing countries, such as India, in determining success in the development of new services. There has been extensive research in the area of new service development, but an area that needs additional research is innovation culture. Using data from 96 companies in 24 countries, we first identify important global service success factors: innovation culture, global orientation, incentives and rewards, collaboration with external partners, market analysis, and identifying customer needs. We then test a model between the success factors and the success of new services and find that innovation culture is critical in the success of new services. We also find that collaboration is the most salient factor in success. In the absence of innovation culture, understanding customer needs does not improve success chances, and financial rewards help develop an innovation culture. Implications are derived for research and practice.
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The form and function of a product is the subject of product design. The development of the form consists of deciding what the product looks like, that is, how the product is shaped and what is created. Functional layout discusses the function and execution of the material. One way for manufacturers to attract consumers and achieve a difference is by designing the configuration of elements that form a new product collectively. This study is an empirical study of product design which is important for a new product to be presented. In the current context, a manufacturer of mobile phones constantly considers the features that they should incorporate into mobile telephones that are completely different from those of other manufacturers. This research focuses entirely on mobile telephony, which in the last few years has changed dramatically. This study also analyzes the views of the participants who agree that the design of a product plays a very important role in the development of a new product.
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Stage-Gate has become a popular system for driving new products to market, and the benefits of using such a robust idea-to-launch system have been well documented. However, there are many misconceptions and challenges in using Stage-Gate. First, Stage-Gate is briefly outlined, noting how the system should work and the structure of both stages and gates. Next, some of the misconceptions about Stage-Gate—it is not a linear process, nor is it a rigid system—are debunked, and explanations of what Stage-Gate is and is not are provided. The challenges faced in employing Stage-Gate are identified, including governance issues, overbureaucratizing the process, and misapplying cost-cutting systems such as Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing to product innovation. Solutions are offered, including better governance methods such as “gates with teeth,” clearly defined gatekeepers, and gatekeeper rules of engagement, as well as ways to deal with bureaucracy, including leaner gates. Next-generation versions of Stage-Gate are introduced, notably a scalable system (to handle many different types and sizes of projects), as well as even more flexible and adaptable versions of Stage-Gate achieved via spiral development and simultaneous execution. Additionally, Stage-Gate now incorporates better decision-making practices including scorecards, success criteria, self-managed gates, electronic and virtual gates, and integration with portfolio management. Improved accountability and continuous improvement are now built into Stage-Gate via a rigorous postlaunch review. Finally, progressive companies are reinventing Stage-Gate for use with “open innovation,” whereas others are applying the principles of value stream analysis to yield a leaner version of Stage-Gate.
Product Development Performance:Strategy, Organization and Management in the World Auto Industry The Stage-Gates Idea-to-Launch Process-Update, What's New, and NexGen Systems
  • Clark Biznesa Inkubatori
  • K Fujimoto
  • T Cooper
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Product Development Performance:Strategy, Organization and Management in the World Auto Industry
  • K Clark
  • T Fujimoto
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The Stage-Gates Idea-to-Launch Process-Update, What's New, and NexGen Systems
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Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija, zinātniskais asistents 3 Mg.
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How to measure organizational innovativeness
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