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Enhancing Vocational Training with Augmented Reality


Abstract and Figures

This paper introduces the Social Augmented Learning (SAL) application, with which Augmented Reality (AR) can be applied in vocational training and on-the-job training situations. In this way, complex interdependencies of modern industrial machines can be visualized immediately, which facilitates the transmission and training of knowledge-intensive work tasks and leads to an increased training quality. We show the current state of research of AR-use in vocational training and, based on the identified research gaps, formulate the requirements on which the SAL application is based. We will then describe the development, implementation and evaluation of this application, with a focus on the application design. In the context of SAL, we will then answer previously formulated research questions and show further potential for research in the field of vocational training with AR.
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Enhancing Vocational Training with Augmented Reality
Christian Dominic Fehling
University of Wuppertal
Rainer-Gruenter-Str. 21
42119 Wuppertal
+ 49 202 439-1027
Andreas Müller, Mario Aehnelt
Fraunhofer IGD
Joachim-Jungius-Straße 11
18059 Rostock
+49 381 4024-427
This paper introduces the Social Augmented Learning (SAL)
application, with which Augmented Reality (AR) can be
applied in vocational training and on-the-job training
situations. In this way, complex interdependencies of
modern industrial machines can be visualized immediately,
which facilitates the transmission and training of knowledge-
intensive work tasks and leads to an increased training
quality. We show the current state of research of AR-use in
vocational training and, based on the identified research
gaps, formulate the requirements on which the SAL
application is based. We will then describe the development,
implementation and evaluation of this application, with a
focus on the application design. In the context of SAL, we
will then answer previously formulated research questions
and show further potential for research in the field of
vocational training with AR.
Author Keywords
Augmented Reality; E-Learning; Social Learning; Content-
Authoring; Vocational Training; User Studies
ACM Classification Keywords
Human-centered computing~Mixed / augmented
reality Human-centered computing~Computer supported
cooperative work Human-centered computing~User
The digital transformation as well as the associated boosts in
technological developments pose challenges for various
professional fields that should not be underestimated. In the
course of digitalization, work and qualification requirements
are changing whereas especially in the field of vocational
and advanced vocational training, the gap between
conventional teaching methods and the everyday work life of
trainees, that is shaped by information technologies, grows.
By embedding digital content in real environments,
Augmented Reality (AR) represents a promising instrument
to develop new forms of workplace-related instruction and
learning arrangements [10]. The positive effects of AR in this
context, for instance on the efficiency of instructions in
relation to an increased attention, participation and
motivation of users [11], were proven in various scenarios.
Furthermore, the experimental and exploratory character of
AR-activities can be combined well with situated and
constructivist learning theories [5].
Despite of this technological potential, AR is currently
seldom used in vocational training or workplace-related
teaching arrangements, respectively. Most notably, the
complexity of content production and maintenance is often
time consuming as well as cost- and labor-intensive and as
such is identified by the authors as an obstacle for a
successful and widespread integration, especially when
authentic 3D data is needed.
In this paper, we present Social Augmented Learning (SAL),
a solution for this problem in form of a high-level designing-
framework [9] that enables content providers from the field
of educational practice to autonomously generate and teach
AR-content, without prior experience in programming or in
creating 3D-objects. At the same time, SAL encompasses a
multimodal learning environment with which trainees can
work on learning content by employing 3D visualization and
AR. SAL was exemplarily implemented, tested, and
evaluated in the context of education in the professional field
of media technologists in print (specifically: sheet-fed offset
To begin with, this paper will show comparable attempts to
use AR in educational scenarios. After that, we will present
how SAL was developed right from the first draft to the
implementation in a chosen setting and up to the evaluation.
Out of this, we will derive possible implications for the
learning process with AR in a modern knowledge society as
well as further potential research topics.
Terms like the Digital Factory and the Internet of Things
reflect the increasing connection between the real and the
digital world. Interconnected production processes lead to an
increased complexity in activity profiles and therefore to
increased demands on the employees. They not only have to
work in a real environment anymore, for instance on
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machines, but have to master at the same time the virtual,
digital world that permeates this reality like a fine net.
Augmented Reality is particularly suited for preparing
employees during their education for this fusion of real and
virtual work aspects.
Augmented Reality as such describes the interactive,
dynamic and correctly positioned combination of digital
information and data with real objects and surroundings
[1,13]. Even though a multisensory enhancement of
perception can principally be understood by this, current
applications are primarily dedicated to audio-visual use
cases. With these, digital content is either faded in the user’s
field of vision via head-mounted displays or mobile devices.
Augmented Reality in vocational training
Education in the operation and maintenance of machines
(from motor vehicles to the industrial plant) is often
paramount in the training process of industrial-technical
vocational training. These machines are not only getting
more complex full accessibility (spatial as well as content-
related) cannot be guaranteed for every case due to
increasing automation. By overcoming the media gap
between real and digital training content, AR not only can
visualize machine elements that are otherwise hidden, but
also make the related processes and cause-effect
relationships accessible in a systematic context.
Some studies have already shown how AR can be used in
designing exploratory learning activities with Gamification-
approaches [12] or in expanding conventional learning
media with digital content [7]. During vocational training
and training at the workplace, for instance in the automotive
sector [2], during the assembly of electronic components
[14] as well as during the simulation of military crisis
scenarios [3,6], situations can be trained that would be too
expensive or risky otherwise.
Authoring of Augmented Reality Content
However, the development of AR-applications is an often
lengthy and expensive process. Although various authoring
tools facilitate the creation of AR-applications and -content
(Figure 1), they are often low- or high-level programming-
frameworks, respectively [9], or software development kits
that admittedly provide interfaces for AR-realization, but
have to be tied in applications of their own for this.
Tools that are used especially to create AR-content and that
are also accessible to technological amateurs can among
other things be identified in an AR-browser (e.g. Layar,
Wikitude). However, these are only partly suitable for
complex content normally, Points of Interests can indeed
be created to link real places to digital content, yet the
interaction, for example with embedded 3D data, is often not,
or only to a limited extend, possible. Particularly for the
application of AR in vocational training, authoring tools are
missing that allow for the intuitive development of learning
content on the basis of authentic 3D data in the sense of a
high-level designing-framework [9].
Figure 1: Schematic view on digital media authoring (based on
[9] and modified to include AR-Authoring examples)
Research Questions
This paper presents with Social Augmented Learning a
solution to bridge these research gaps and answer the
following research questions:
Which demands on authoring tools for the development
of AR-content can be identified, so that they can be used
by teachers and trainers alike?
How should an AR-teaching and learning application
be designed in order to create additional values for
workplace-learning and at formal learning venues with
it (e.g. positive effects on learning outcomes)?
Can the influences of AR-learning on the transfer of
knowledge and training at the workplace be measured
and if so, how do these turn out quantitatively and
For this purpose, we describe which parameters were
considered during software development, how the SAL-
application is designed, and how it can be successfully
employed during classes or at the workplace in order to learn
how to use modern machines.
The SAL-application will be used in the training of media
technologists as well as by teachers to create and present
content, and also by learners for the purpose of self-regulated
learning activities. Next to authoring tools, methods are
needed that allow for self-regulated and exploratory learning
as well as instruments for teachers to carry out well-
structured lessons with the help of SAL.
Learning tools enable learners to work autonomously as
well as in peer-groups to explore learning content and as
such use AR as a learning medium.
Presentation tools aid teachers in designing and
implementing AR-based lessons, in which the learning
process on real machines is coupled with the learning of
digital content.
Authoring tools in the form of WYSIWYG-editors
constitute the technological foundation of the
application, on the basis of which content can be
generated and distributed.
Figure 2: Screenshot of the 3d-visualization
During the development of the SAL-application, a design-
based research strategy was adopted. For that, numerous
iterative loops were used in which a) new functions were
implemented, b) the applications were tested in situ in
practical user studies, and c) were then evaluated in order to
identify technical and content-related improvements of the
applications and the contents, respectively.
Application Design
The application design is inspired by the introduced use
cases of creating, presenting, and learning AR-contents. As
suggested, the core components will be first defined and used
to develop learning modules within the authoring tools.
Learning modules are based on a specific 3D model, which
can, for instance, comprise components of a printing
machine. Learning content is presented as sequentially
arranged slides within the modules, which can as such
encompass audiovisual subject content (e.g. text, graphic,
video) next to changes in state of the the 3D model on a per-
slide basis. In the process, the authoring tools follow the
“What You See Is What You Get” concept (WYSIWYG) so
that authors can check the development status of the learning
modules at any time (Figure 2). So-called actions enable
content creators to influence the 3D model without prior
knowledge in programming or designing 3D content. By this
means, single components can be faded in and out,
highlighted with colors, or animated specifically for
individual slides.
Complex interdependencies can be acted out, provided that
they are available as a finished animation. The issue-specific
learning modules that are thus generated can subsequently be
saved and distributed, with the used exchange format being
XML-based. The teaching and learning modes visualize
learning modules and furthermore, provide functions to
present and learn the contents, respectively.
User Studies and Evaluation
In the course of the project, several tests were carried out in
vocational schools, training enterprises, and job training
centers. In the first wave of user studies, 72 trainees and 13
trainers participated in a questionnaire with 35 different
indicator questions as well as 2 open questions and 5
questions to gather statistical data of the participants.
As part of the evaluation, the 35 indicator questions were
summarized in the following indices, with the number of
included questions noted in parenthesis:
Form of learning (5): Summary of questions regarding the
technical aspects of technology assisted learning.
Learning module (4): Evaluation of the quality and
presentation of the learning content.
Application (10): Questions specific to the technical aspects
of the evaluated prototype, e.g. usability and functionality.
Learning process (8): Questions regarding the roles of
trainee and trainer and potential differences in these roles
compared to conventional learning processes.
Teaching and Learning (3): Self-Evaluation of the trainees
regarding the learning success in relation to learning with
mobile devices.
Overall Impression (5): Summarized impressions regarding
the study, not included in table 1 because of redundancies in
the question-design to the aforementioned indices.
Form of learning
< .05
Learning module
< .05
Learning process
Teaching and learning
< .05
Table 1: Evaluation of the trainees, Indices of likert items.
Scale 1 (“totally agree”, “very good”) to 6 („strongly
disagree“, „inadequate“) (n=72)
The quantitative tests show that there is a significant
acceptance of the solution by the trainees, as well as by the
instructors and trainers. The data collected from the students
was further analyzed to evaluate the possible influences of
single indices on the overall impression, with the result that
the indices “Form of learning”, “Teaching and learning” and
“Learning module” are most influential.
In addition, a qualitative survey via guided interviews as well
as a comparative study were conducted, in which the
influence of learning with SAL compared to conventional
learning was determined [8]. A detailed discussion of the
results is outside the scope of this paper, but was already
published on the following website:
The digitalization in all areas of life challenges vocational
training against the backdrop of changing work and
qualification requirements in a new way however, it
contains at the same time many chances to improve the
quality of training. Learning and mastering complex
processes with the aid of a risk-free visualization that
overcomes media disruptions makes new forms of
interactive, collaborative learning possible, which could not
exist without the help of AR.
It was shown, that an application that is going to be used in
vocational training needs to provide tools for content creators
as well as teachers and learners that can be understood
intuitively. With SAL, we described how such tools are
realized on the basis of a WYSIWYG-editor, as well as the
effects of AR on workplace training.
This work is supported by the German Federal Ministry of
Education and Research under Grant 01PF10010.
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... Barsom et al. (2016) determined the extent to which augmented reality applications are now being utilized to properly assist medical professional training. Fehling et al. (2016) described the Social Augmented Learning (SAL) program, which enables the use of Augmented Reality (AR) during on-the-job training and vocational training. Design-based research was the approach used in the creation of the SAL application. ...
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Conference Paper
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Augmented reality (AR) is recognized as a powerful support for learning processes, although it is not yet state of the art within a wide variety of learning contexts. This exploratory study hence investigates a tablet-based AR app for visualizing additional information of a facility model in a formal learning context of vocational training. Specifically, the facility model demonstrates water supply and wastewater disposal processes in vocational training for water supply and wastewater treatment technology specialists. Specifically, learning scenarios related to two processes of similar technical complexity are examined. In one learning scenario, apprentices receive information via an AR app, using a tag-based tracking. In the other learning scenario, the information must be acquired from a paper information sheet. Apprentices (N=14) work through both learning scenarios in groups of two, in random order. Data are collected via questionnaires before and after each learning scenario, as well as through a semi-structured interview at the end of both learning scenarios. The results suggest a higher level of interest in the AR-assisted learning scenario. Furthermore, the study reveals non-negligible efforts to customize the AR app and provides hints for further development of the learning scenarios.
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Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies have emerged as promising tools in the education sector, offering new possibilities for immersive learning experiences. Many researchers have focused their research on examining the potential of these technologies in education from different perspectives. However, it was discovered that there are research gaps in current systematic reviews regarding the examination of the impact of Virtual, Augmented Reality and Learning Analytics utilization on various types of learners and educators across different educational systems, including K-12 Education, Higher Education, Vocational, and Industrial Training, in addition to the educational systems’ research tendencies and their adoption of these technologies. Therefore, our study aims to address these gaps by searching various studies in Google Scholar, Scopus, and the IEEE Xplore databases. By following the PRISMA protocol, 150 research papers were selected for analysis, and our findings show that improving motivation and attention, improving learners’ understanding & performance, and increasing knowledge retention are the most significant impacts on all types of learners. For educators, we found that these technologies have a prominent effect on assisting educators in teaching and training and reducing the burden. Furthermore, we discovered that Higher Education and Augmented Reality were the dominant educational system and the technology type in the selected studies. We also found that most Virtual and Augmented reality researchers preferred to use questionnaires and online surveys for data collection. We further identified that analyzing learners’ traces when interacting with Virtual and Augmented Reality applications can improve learners’ performance and learning experience. Our review offers valuable insights into how integrating these technologies with Learning Analytics can benefit learners and educators and how educational institutions and industrial organizations can take advantage of adopting these technologies.
Collaboration and communication, in a general perspective, have always been the key to accomplishing tasks, right from elementary to herculean ones in the human world. With the richness of the complex human brain and its capabilities being simulated through machine learning, machines are getting smarter and making human lives easier. The Industry 4.0 architecture elevates the power and capability of machines; moreover, there is greater interconnectivity and communication between already smart machines. Combinatorially, this makes the entire industrial ecosystem smarter and more efficient, and less prone to error. Or, perhaps, almost error free. Though the smart machines would be entirely independent in running the industry, humans would still be required for scenarios of supervision, maintenance, malfunctions, and confirmation of critical decisions taken by the machines. Thus, the aim of this chapter is to explore the human–computer interaction (HCI) principles in the context of Industry 4.0, and provide recommendations on how technology and design would need to be adapted to create a seamless operation between machines and manpower, for the smooth running of the Industry 4.0 ecosystem.KeywordsIndustry 4.0IR4.0Human Computer InteractionMachine LearningArtificial IntelligenceData ScienceUser InterfaceDesignUser Experience Research
To ensure a sustainable education for trainees, vocational training has to keep up with the elevated digitalization of manufacturing and work. Complicated technologies used in production systems shift the requirements of job training towards a more tech-centered preparation for future employments. Paired with increased diversity among trainees regarding cultural and educational backgrounds, solutions to accommodate both slower and faster learners are sought after. After an initial exemplification of challenges, that vocational training faces, we discuss the general usage of assistance systems in training applications, in order to better the respective results. For a comparison, we examine state-of-the-art digital learning platforms, i. e. assistance systems, that were developed to enhance vocational training. Typically, these platforms offer more or less individually tailored training plans and implement various technologies and interfaces to improve learning speed or quality. Based on the results of this comparison, we propose a new, mobile and user-adaptive assistance system “XTEND for education”, that involves all stakeholders of the training into the process and uses modern technologies to overcome the challenges of current vocational training. By building on top of node graph-based, dynamically generated assignments, AR-based inclusion of training material and equipment and a robust infrastructure to support it, the XTEND assistance system is shown to be capable of meeting requirements of vocational training in the realm of Industry 4.0.
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Zusammenfassung Mit der steigenden Leistungsfähigkeit von mobilen Computern und Anzeigegeräten hat sich die Nutzung von Augmented-Reality-Technologien in den letzten zehn Jahren verstärkt. Augmented Reality (AR) ist eine Technik, die es den Nutzern ermöglicht, mit ihrer physischen Umgebung durch die Überlagerung digitaler Informationen zu interagieren. Diese Technologie hebt bestimmte Merkmale der physischen Welt hervor, verbessert das Verständnis für diese Merkmale und bietet intelligente und zugängliche Einblicke. AR-Anwendungen haben das Potenzial, enorme Auswirkungen auf Branchen wie Produktion, Medizin, Forschung, Ausbildung und Unterhaltung zu bewirken. Der Fokus dieses Artikels liegt auf den AR-Anwendungen im Bereich der Produktion, die vor allem in den Bereichen Montage, Reparatur, Diagnose und Schulung eingesetzt werden. Außerdem werden die Effektivität und Effizienz von AR-Technologien in diesem Bereich anhand von vier dieser Anwendungen vorgestellt.
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laboratories are essential to the education process in all fields of engineering, technology has changed the scientific laboratory landscape. The role of using Extended Reality (XR) technology after the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented, the virus had affecting almost all countries concurrently, resulting in an economic crisis, the education sector was the most affected as students could not go to the laboratory to conduct experiments due to the containment of the disease. From this point on, the use of virtual laboratories became a great and effective role for students and the university, as it cost little in the budget compared to the real laboratory. In this paper, the role of virtual laboratories, using extended reality technology, and its impact on education and the future of virtual training in increasing students' efficiency will be discussed in this paper.
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The purpose of this research effort was to understand the training utility of augmented reality and simulation-based training capabilities in an outdoor field environment. Specifically, this research focused on evaluating the training efficacy of the Augmented Immersive Team Training (AITT) system, a portable augmented reality training solution that targets Forward Observer (FO) tasks associated with a Call for Fire (CFF) mission. The assessment focused on evaluating training utility, satisfaction, usability, simulator sickness, presence, immersion and appropriateness of the fidelity cues provided by the AITT system. Data were gathered via questionnaires. The results of this study provided insight for formative evolution of the AITT system design and may have implications to other similar technologies.
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In Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions, teachers face important difficulties in the teaching process due to a wide variety of student's special educational needs as well as student's lack of: the adequate level of basic competence, motivation, concentration, attention, confidence and background knowledge, among other aspects. Regarding the attention to these aspects, many studies have reported positive impact of Augmented Reality (AR) applications in primary, secondary and higher education in terms of student's motivation, learning gains, collaboration, interaction, learning attitudes and enjoyment, among others. However, very little has been done in terms of AR applications in VET as well as their impact on wide variety of student's special educational needs such as learning difficulties. This paper introduces a marker-based mobile AR application named Paint-cAR for supporting the learning process of repairing paint on a car in the context of a vocational education programme of car's maintenance. The application was developed using a methodology for developing mobile AR applications for educational purposes from a collaborative creation process (Co-Creation) and based on the Universal Design for Learning (UDL). A cross-sectional evaluation study was conducted to validate the Paint-cAR application in a real scenario.
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We investigate the combination of Augmented Reality (AR) with Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) to assist with training for manual assembly tasks. Our approach combines AR graphics with adaptive guidance from the ITS to provide a more effective learning experience. We have developed a modular software framework for intelligent AR training systems, and a prototype based on this framework that teaches novice users how to assemble a computer motherboard. An evaluation found that our intelligent AR system improved test scores by 25 % and that task performance was 30 % faster compared to the same AR training system without intelligent support. We conclude that using an intelligent AR tutor can significantly improve learning compared to more traditional AR training.
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In this paper we discuss Augmented Reality (AR) displays in a general sense, within the context of a Reality-Virtuality (RV) continuum, encompassing a large class of "Mixed Reality" (MR) displays, which also includes Augmented Virtuality (AV). MR displays are defined by means of seven examples of existing display concepts in which real objects and virtual objects are juxtaposed. Essential factors which distinguish different Mixed Reality display systems from each other are presented, first by means of a table in which the nature of the underlying scene, how it is viewed, and the observer's reference to it are compared, and then by means of a three dimensional taxonomic framework, comprising: Extent of World Knowledge (EWK), Reproduction Fidelity (RF) and Extent of Presence Metaphor (EPM). A principal objective of the taxonomy is to clarify terminology issues and to provide a framework for classifying research across different disciplines.
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The form factors of handheld computers make them increasingly popular among K-12 educators. Although some compelling examples of educational software for handhelds exist, we believe that the potential of this platform are just being discovered. This paper reviews innovative applications for mobile computing for both education and entertainment purposes, and then proposes a framework for approaching handheld applications we call “augmented reality educational gaming.” We then describe our development process in creating a development platform for augmented reality games that draws from rapid prototyping, learner-centered software, and contemporary game design methodologies. We provide a narrative case study of our development activities spread across five case studies with classrooms, and provide a design narrative explaining this development process and articulate an approach to designing educational software on emerging technology platforms. Pedagogical, design, and technical conclusions and implications are discussed.
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Developing an Augmented Reality (AR) application is usually a long and non-intuitive task. Few methodologies address this problem and tools implementing these are limited or non-existent. To date there is no efficient and easy development tool tailored to the needs of Mixed Reality (MR). We are presenting an initial taxonomy of MR applications, addressing the different levels of abstraction for defining the relation between real and virtual world. We then demonstrate some development approaches and describe tools and libraries that we implemented in order to illustrate aspects of our authoring taxonomy. Finally, we provide a definition addressing the requirements for new generation of AR rapid application development (RAD) tools based on actual implementations.
Conference Paper
As emerging technologies continue to modernize battlefield systems, the use of Mixed Reality (MR) training has been increasingly proposed as a lower cost and more time-effective alternative to live training. However, there has been minimal empirical data to demonstrate the effectiveness of MR type training which leaders require to make informed decisions about training device acquisition. In an effort to assist in the decision making process of future training system acquisition a Training Effectiveness Evaluation (TEE) is being conducted by U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Human Research and Engineering Directorate (HRED), Simulation and Training Technology Center (STTC) on the Call for Fire Trainer – Augmented Virtuality (CFFT-AV). This paper describes the methodology of the TEE with regard to the effectiveness of AV as a platform within the Call for Fire (CFF) task domain and how AV technologies and methods can impact CFF training.
This literature review focuses on augmented realities (AR) for learning that utilize mobile, context-aware technologies (e.g., smartphones, tablets), which enable participants to interact with digital information embedded within the physical environment. We summarize research findings about AR in formal and informal learning environments (i.e., schools, universities, museums, parks, zoos, etc.), with an emphasis on the affordances and limitations associated with AR as it relates to teaching, learning, and instructional design. As a cognitive tool and pedagogical approach, AR is primarily aligned with situated and constructivist learning theory, as it positions the learner within a real-world physical and social context while guiding, scaffolding and facilitating participatory and metacognitive learning processes such as authentic inquiry, active observation, peer coaching, reciprocal teaching and legitimate peripheral participation with multiple modes of representation.
The purpose of this study was to investigate how an augmented reality learning environment system (UNED ARLE) can be used both by teachers and students to add virtual content into educational resources and how can it serve as a tool for acquiring knowledge, motivating and encouraging students. UNED ARLE is used to add contextualized virtual content (3D objects, animated 3D objects, videos, sound files and images) and the accompanying descriptions or narratives into printed material, thereby enriching existing content without any programming skills. This study recruited 44 students of advanced and intermediate cycles of vocational training and two teachers. It analyses UNED ARLE by examining the interaction between teachers and the system and by comparing the results of two groups of students. The study concludes that the students who used UNED ARLE show significantly better learning achievements compared to the traditional system. In regards to the teachers, the study shows that incorporating multimedia resources into augmented reality is directly influenced by their knowledge of this technology, due to the difficulty of developing new virtual objects. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Comput Appl Eng Educ 9999:1–12, 2015; View this article online at; DOI 10.1002/cae.21650
Positioned in the context of situated learning theory, the EcoMOBILE project combines an augmented reality (AR) experience with use of environmental probeware during a field trip to a local pond environment. Activities combining these two technologies were designed to address ecosystem science learning goals for middle school students, and aid in their understanding and interpretation of water quality measurements. The intervention was conducted with five classes of sixth graders from a northeastern school district as a pilot study for the larger EcoMOBILE project, and included pre-field trip training, a field trip to a local pond environment, and post-field trip discussions in the classroom.