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Human being as a part of measuring system influencing measurement results



The role of human being as a part of a measuring system in a chemical analytical laboratory is discussed. It is argued that a measuring system in chemical analysis includes not only measuring instruments and other devices, reagents and supplies, but also a sampling inspector and/or analyst performing a number of important operations. Without this human contribution, a measurement cannot be carried out. Human errors, therefore, influence the measurement result, i.e., the measurand estimate and the associated uncertainty. Consequently, chemical analytical and metrological communities should devote more attention to the topic of human errors, in particular at the design and development of a chemical analytical/test method and measurement procedure. Also, mapping human errors ought to be included in the program of validation of the measurement procedure (method). Teaching specialists in analytical chemistry and students how to reduce human errors in a chemical analytical laboratory and how to take into account the error residual risk, is important. Human errors and their metrological implications are suggested for consideration in future editions of the relevant documents, such as the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM) and the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM).
1 23
Accreditation and Quality Assurance
Journal for Quality, Comparability and
Reliability in Chemical Measurement
ISSN 0949-1775
Volume 21
Number 6
Accred Qual Assur (2016) 21:421-424
DOI 10.1007/s00769-016-1239-3
Human being as a part of measuring
system influencing measurement results
Ilya Kuselman, Francesca Pennecchi,
Walter Bich & D.Brynn Hibbert
1 23
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DISCUSSION FORUM In memory of Paul De Bie
Human being as a part of measuring system influencing
measurement results
Ilya Kuselman
Francesca Pennecchi
Walter Bich
D. Brynn Hibbert
Received: 16 August 2016 / Accepted: 21 September 2016 / Published online: 15 October 2016
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016
Abstract The role of human being as a part of a measuring
system in a chemical analytical laboratory is discussed. It is
argued that a measuring system in chemical analysis
includes not only measuring instruments and other devices,
reagents and supplies, but also a sampling inspector and/or
analyst performing a number of important operations.
Without this human contribution, a measurement cannot be
carried out. Human errors, therefore, influence the mea-
surement result, i.e., the measurand estimate and the
associated uncertainty. Consequently, chemical analytical
and metrological communities should devote more atten-
tion to the topic of human errors, in particular at the design
and development of a chemical analytical/test method and
measurement procedure. Also, mapping human errors
ought to be included in the program of validation of the
measurement procedure (method). Teaching specialists in
analytical chemistry and students how to reduce human
errors in a chemical analytical laboratory and how to take
into account the error residual risk, is important. Human
errors and their metrological implications are suggested for
consideration in future editions of the relevant documents,
such as the International Vocabulary of Metrology (VIM)
and the Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Mea-
surement (GUM).
Keywords Human error Measuring system
Measurement uncertainty Method validation
Chemical analysis
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
(IUPAC) and the Cooperation on International Traceability
in Analytical Chemistry (CITAC) have published recently
the joint IUPAC/CITAC Guide: Classification, modeling
and quantification of human errors in a chemical analytical
laboratory (IUPAC Technical Report) [1]. The classifica-
tion includes commission errors (mistakes and violations)
and omission errors (lapses and slips) under different sce-
narios at different steps of the chemical analysis. A ‘‘Swiss
cheese’ model is used for characterizing the interaction of
such errors with a laboratory quality system including
different components, whose weak points are represented
by holes in slices of the Swiss cheese. Quantification of
human errors in chemical analysis, based on expert judg-
ments, i.e., on the expert’s knowledge and experience, is
applied. Scores related to the error quantification are
defined. They concern the likelihood and severity of the
human errors, and the effectiveness of a laboratory quality
system against these errors. Monte Carlo simulation is used
to propagate variability of the expert judgments,
The author Walter Bich is Convener of the Joint Committee for
Guides in Metrology (JCGM) Working Group 1 (Guide to the
Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement—GUM). The opinion
expressed in this paper does not necessarily represent the view of this
Working Group.
Papers published in this section do not necessarily reflect the opinion
of the Editors, the Editorial Board and the Publisher.
A critical and constructive debate in the Discussion Forum or a Letter
to the Editor is strongly encouraged!
&Ilya Kuselman
Independent Consultant on Metrology, 4/6 Yarehim St.,
7176419 Modiin, Israel
Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM), 91 Strada
delle Cacce, 10135 Turin, Italy
School of Chemistry, UNSW, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia
Accred Qual Assur (2016) 21:421–424
DOI 10.1007/s00769-016-1239-3
Author's personal copy
represented by appropriate probability mass functions. The
residual risk of human errors, remaining after the error
reduction by the laboratory quality system, and conse-
quences of this risk for the quality of the laboratory
measurement results are discussed in this Guide. It is
shown also that the measurement uncertainty budget is not
complete without taking into account such residual risk of
human errors [1,2].
For a few fully automated systems, such as a spacecraft
robotic laboratory [3,4] which samples and analyzes
without human participation, only latent human errors (in
development and construction of the system) are possible
[5]. In general, they can be revealed and eliminated during
the system validation for the intended use. There is a rise of
autonomous robots having an ability to perform different
steps of testing, such as sample preparation in analytical
laboratories serving uranium industry [6,7], or some kinds
of blood and urine analysis in clinical laboratories [8].
Nevertheless, using these robots by the laboratory staff
may also provoke a number of scenarios of human errors.
Moreover, in routine laboratories having lower level of
automation, human errors may happen quite easily and
should be taken into proper account.
Therefore, the role of human being in chemical analysis,
still essential in most measurement methods and proce-
dures, is discussed in the present article. It is suggested to
include human being in the updated definition of measuring
system in the International Vocabulary of Metrology
(VIM) [9]. Such update would probably impact also on
other metrological definitions, as well as on the measure-
ment uncertainty evaluation in the Guide to the Expression
of Uncertainty in Measurement (GUM) [10].
Measurement method, procedure and measuring
According to the VIM, measurement method [9–2.5] is a
‘generic description of a logical organization of operations
used in a measurement,’ while measurement procedure
[9–2.6] is a ‘detailed description of a measurement
according to one or more measurement principles and to a
given measurement method, based on a measurement
model and including any calculation to obtain a measure-
ment result.’ However, this distinction is not universally
recognized, since the term ‘method’ is often used as
including ‘procedure’ [11], especially in chemical ana-
lytical practice [12].
The main steps of a measurement procedure in chemical
analysis include sampling, sample preparation, analysis of a
test portion and calculation of test results and reporting.
Sampling means taking at a particular time a sample/portion
(sampling target) of material, which the sample is intended to
represent. When the composition of a batch is tested, the
sampling target should have the analyte concentration close
as possible to the mean concentration value in the whole
batch. When the spatial or temporal variation of the material
composition is under study, separate sampling targets are
necessary for obtaining information about analyte concen-
trations in each specific location or time. Any sampling target
is analyzed according to the analytical/measurement proce-
dure to obtain the measurement results of the analyte
concentrations, i.e., measurand estimates and associated
uncertainty [13]. Sampling needs not necessarily be included
in a measurement. In such case, it would not contribute to
uncertainty. Whether or not sampling is included in the
measurement is reflected in the definition of the measurand.
For example, measuring ‘the mass concentration of chro-
mium VI in the material delivered to the laboratory’ does not
involve sampling, whereas ‘the mean mass concentration of
chromium VI in Sydney Harbor’ does.
Sample preparation includes selection of the test por-
tion, drying (or freezing, e.g., grapes), sieving, milling,
splitting, homogenization and decomposition (e.g., geo-
logical samples).
Analysis of a test portion may start from an analyte
extraction from a test portion and separation of the analyte
from other components of the extract. After that, a quali-
tative analysis is possible, including identification and
confirmation of the analyte. Then, a quantitative part of the
analysis consists of calibration of a measuring system and
measurement of the analyte property—usually concentra-
tion or mass fraction.
The measurement procedure documents human partici-
pation at each step of the analysis/testing. Detailed
examples of human error scenarios at such steps, from
sampling to reporting results, are provided in the Guide [1]
for pH measurement of groundwater, multi-residue pesti-
cide analysis of fruits and vegetables, and ICP-MS analysis
of geological samples.
In the VIM, measuring system [9–3.2] is a ‘set of one
or more measuring instruments and often other devices,
including any reagent and supply, assembled and adap-
quantity values within specified intervals for quantities
of specified kinds.’ Human beings are not included in
this definition. However, no system of this kind can
provide alone the necessary information unless it is a
part of a fully robotic laboratory. In a routine chemical
analytical laboratory, a measuring system without a
sampling inspector and/or an analyst is not complete.
Furthermore, in the case of qualitative testing (e.g.,
organoleptic testing), a measuring system for nominal
and ordinal property values [1416]mayconsistofjust
an analyst (expert), for example, an expert for testing
422 Accred Qual Assur (2016) 21:421–424
Author's personal copy
Validation of measuring instrument vs method
According to VIM, validation is ‘verification, where the
specified requirements are adequate for an intended use’’
[9–2.45], whereas verification is ‘provision of objective
evidence that a given item fulfills specified requirements’
[9–2.44]. When a purchased measuring instrument has
been installed in a laboratory, an experiment should be
designed to obtain objective evidence (experimental data)
that the instrument performance meets the manufacturer
specification [12]. For example, the experiment design for
verification of a high-performance liquid chromatograph
(HPLC) intended for analysis of pesticide residues in
drinking water, includes qualification of (1) pump gradient
and precision, flow rate and online vacuum degasser; (2)
ultraviolet/visible (UV/Vis) diode array detector with hol-
mium oxide filter for automated wavelength calibration,
detector baseline noise and wavelength accuracy; (3)
autosampler with necessary number of samples, variable
volume of test portions without hardware change, needle
flush and wash to minimize sample carryover; (4) chro-
matographic column compartment and its temperature
precision; (5) instrument ability to detect leaks in each
module and to switch the pump off in the case when a leak
is detected; and (6) computer and software [18].
If the data confirm that the instrument performance is
satisfactory, it may be used in a specific procedure
according to the appropriate analytical/measurement
method. Note, a measuring instrument performance (abil-
ity) is provided by its manufacturer and does not depend on
sampling inspector and/or analyst/operator in the analytical
laboratory that purchased the instrument.
The performance characteristics for the method validation
and their limits (criteria) are set by the laboratory upon
agreement with the customer as fit for the intended use [19].
Commonly evaluated characteristics are: selectivity; limit of
detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ); working
range; analytical sensitivity; trueness (bias and recovery);
precision (repeatability, intermediate precision and repro-
ducibility); ruggedness (robustness); and measurement
uncertainty [1921]. Their choice is a balance between costs,
risks and technical possibilities [11]. Then, evaluation of
these characteristics is performed using measurement results
obtained by a specified experiment design.
When a method prescribes human participation, it is
necessary to consider possible human errors during design
and development of the method, since further measure-
ment/analytical results may be influenced by these errors.
Therefore, mapping possible human errors at different
steps of analysis/testing should be required also as one of
the validation characteristics of the method [1].
Thus, in general, a method validation is validation of the
measurement procedure for operating a measuring system
including not only instrument(s), devices and reagents, but
human being(s) as well.
Measuring system and measurement uncertainty
The measurement result obtained with a measuring sys-
tem is generally expressed as a single measured
quantity value and a measurement uncertainty’’ [9–2.9].
Identifying uncertainty sources is vital for correct evalu-
ation of the uncertainty associated with the measurand
estimate. It may be useful to consider discrete operations
of the measuring system at different steps of the analysis
and to assess each operation separately to evaluate the
associated uncertainty. Then, the uncertainty contributions
of the operations are suitably summarized in the com-
bined uncertainty [22].
When human beings are involved in some of the oper-
ations, a risk of human error remains after the error
reduction by the laboratory quality system. This residual
risk is also a source of a contribution to the measurement
uncertainty. As such, it should be included in the uncer-
tainty budget and taken into account in the appropriate way
At the same time, for the sake of justice, one should note
that the most successful way of solving problems arising in
an analysis is human as well [23]. Therefore, it is important
that specialists in analytical chemistry and students would
be educated and trained on how to reduce human errors in a
laboratory and how to take into account the residual risk of
human error.
The reference document in the field of measurement
uncertainty, the GUM gives little attention to human errors.
According to it, ‘Blunders in recording or analyzing data
can introduce a significant unknown error in the result of a
measurement. Large blunders can usually be identified by a
proper review of the data; small ones could be masked by,
or even appear as, random variations. Measures of uncer-
tainty are not intended to account for such mistakes’’
[10–3.4.7]. Thus, in the GUM, only some among the pos-
sible human errors are recognized, and anyway, they are
not included as a source of uncertainty.
We think that a reliable evaluation of uncertainty should
in principle account for human errors. To this purpose, the
scope of the GUM should be broadened to include uncer-
tainties caused by human errors when appropriate, for
example, in the field of analytical chemistry. Suitable tools
are now available that can probably be adapted to and
incorporated in the procedures described in the GUM or in
its Supplements 1 and 2 [24,25].
Accred Qual Assur (2016) 21:421–424 423
Author's personal copy
Recognizing the role of human being as a part of measuring
system in a routine chemical analytical laboratory requires:
(1) definition of human errors and their metrological
consequences in future VIM and GUM editions;
(2) considering possible human errors during design and
development of a method;
(3) mapping possible human errors as a task during
validation of a measurement procedure;
(4) teaching specialists in analytical chemistry and stu-
dents how human errors can be reduced in a laboratory
and how to take into account the residual risk of human
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2. Kuselman I, Pennecchi F (2015) Human errors and measurement
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3. Neumann TW (1966) Automated laboratories for scientific
exploration of Mars. J Spacecr Rockets 3(12):1749–1755
4. Brown D, Cole S, Webster G et al (2013) The Mars science
laboratory landing. World Neurosurg 79(2):223–242. doi:10.
5. ISO/TS 22367 (2008) Medical laboratories—reduction of error
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6. Homeyer PK, Galloway J (2007) Planning a new analytical lab-
oratory for an uranium mine taking automation into
consideration. In: The fourth Southern African conference on
base metals.
7. Homeyer PK (2009) Review of the current status of automation
of sample preparation methods and analysis in analytical labo-
ratories in the heavy mineral mining industry. In: The seventh
international heavy minerals conference ‘What next’. http://www.
8. Armbruster DA, Overcash DR, Reyes J (2014) Clinical chemistry
laboratory automation in the 21st century—Amat victoria curam
(Victory loves careful preparation). Clin Biochem Rev
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cepts and associated terms (VIM). Joint Committee for Guides in
Metrology, JCGM 200:2012. Available from http://www.bipm.
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in Metrology, JCGM 100:2008. Available from http://www.bipm.
11. ISO/IEC 17025 (2005) General requirements for the competence
of testing and calibration laboratories. ISO, Geneva
12. Barwick VJ, Prichard E (eds) (2011) Eurachem guide: termi-
nology in analytical measurement—introduction to VIM3.
Available from
13. Ramsey MH, Ellison SLR (eds) (2007) Eurachem/CITAC guide:
measurement uncertainty arising from sampling. A guide to
methods and approaches. Available from http://www.eurachem.
14. Bashkansky E, Gadrich T, Kuselman I (2012) Interlaboratory
comparison of test results of an ordinal or nominal binary prop-
erty: analysis of variation. Accred Qual Assur 17:239–243
15. ISO 13528 (2015) Statistical methods for use in proficiency
testing by interlaboratory comparisons. ISO, Geneva
16. Pendrill R, Petersson N (2016) Metrology of human-based and
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17. ISO/TR 79 (2015) Reference materials—examples of reference
materials for qualitative properties, ISO, Geneva
18. Huber L (1999) Validation and quantification in analytical lab-
oratories. Interpharm Press Inc., USA, p 318
19. Magnusson B and Ornemark U (eds) 2nd ed (2014) Eurachem
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guide to method validation and related topics. Available from
20. ICH Harmonized Tripartite Guidelines Q2(R1) (2005) Validation
of analytical procedures: Text and methodology. Available from
21. ISO 15189 (2007) Medical laboratories—particular requirements
for quality and competence. ISO, Geneva
22. Ellison S L R and Williams A (eds) (2012) Eurachem/CITAC
Guide: Quantifying uncertainty in analytical measurement, 3
edn. Available from
23. Ortner HM (2000) The human factor in quality management.
Accred Qual Assur 5:130–141
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the expression of uncertainty in measurement’’—propagation of
distributions using a Monte Carlo method. Joint Committee for
Guides in Metrology, JCGM 101:2008. Available from http://
Evaluation of measurement data—supplement 2 to the ‘‘Guide to
the expression of uncertainty in measurement’models with any
number of output quantities. Joint Committee for Guides in
Metrology, JCGM 102:2011. Available from http://www.bipm.
424 Accred Qual Assur (2016) 21:421–424
Author's personal copy
... It is very likely that a factor of ten error was committed with respect to preparation of standard solutions that were used in the experiments to produce the very steep calibration lines of Fig. 2. Thus, human error may have played a role [63,64] and influenced the corresponding uncertainties of measurements that emanated from the method validation of the PoPC. Therefore, the figures of merits of Table 1 were calculated both with and without the suspected erroneous results. ...
... Since the RU of the maximum concentration (RU(30 mg/L)), that was used for the present investigation, was much larger than the BRU, it is suggested to analyse at concentrations that are higher than the SBR for future analyses, which allegedly would provide a better correspondence between the RU(ZOM) and RU(FOM) (Eqs.[10][11][12]. The observed RU's of this study (RU(FOM) and RU(ZOM)) were both determined at values that were larger than the corresponding RU's of the Horwitz formula (RU(Horwitz))[63]. ...
A comprehensible method validation is required for analytical chemistry and across the disciplines, in order to produce reliable levels of uncertainty of measurements to perform modeling, testing and comparison. New guidelines of quality assurance serve as an aid to determine the uncertainty of measurement with focus on precision rather than focusing on trueness. A method validation of high-resolution continuous source flame-atomic spectrometry (HR-CS FAAS) for analysis of iron and copper using the principle of pooled calibrations (PoPC), that is not part of contemporary guidelines of quality assurance (QA), was used to deliver consensus values to fulfil the requirements to scientific methodology. Improved equations of the PoPC were developed for both the homoscedastic scenario and the heteroscedastic scenario. The analysis of both iron and copper could be allocated to the homoscedastic scenario with unexpected high levels of uncertainties that might be related to both human error and sizeable detector instability.
... There is a striking correspondence between the results of those initiatives and the original works of Horwitz [50,51]. Both Horwitz and subsequent researchers [48,52] agreed upon the origin of the very large discrepancy between the results of professional laboratories. The present investigation, as well as concomitant investigations of similar nature [32], indicate that there are serious issues with quantitation of chemicals, which originate from issues with the methods [32] and not with lack of knowledge and skills of laboratory staff of professional laboratories [48]. ...
Suppose that results of the scientific literature were presented in courts the same way they are presented in publications. In the present investigation, it is assumed that this is the case, and it is shown that it may potentially lead to issues with results that are being presented to the court. The determination of synthetic cannabinoids at low concentrations in blood, urine and other matrices is challenging to forensic science. Methods based upon the separation of the compounds by HPLC and detection by tandem mass spectrometry provides results at ultra-low concentrations. The uncertainty of measurements has become the key parameter of interest for decision making, and expert witnesses need to state the correct level of uncertainty. Recent developments in quality assurance indicate issues with reliability, owing to contradictory statements that originate from different methods of data management and interpretation of results that eventually may lead to compromising the truth. The levels of relative uncertainty of measurement that were close to 5 % were found to be unrealistically low when synthetic cannabinoids were analysed at ultra-low concentrations. It was proposed to introduce the principle of pooled calibrations to obtain correspondence between predicted and observed uncertainty, following standards of scientific methodology. Ten synthetic cannabinoids were analysed with pooled calibrations, and the results indicated that the uncertainty of measurement was found at levels much higher than expected, and with two out of ten synthetic cannabinoids that were impossible to quantify with relative uncertainties reaching levels over 70 %.
... One of the reasons that spurious error is so rarely mentioned is that it is difficult to assess scientifically. Ambrus et al. [142] at least discuss gross error as a factor in pesticide residue analysis, and Kuselman et al. [143][144][145] are leading proponents and investigators to incorporate human error as a factor in metrology and data management guidelines. The intent of these efforts is not to embarrass analysts, because after all, Bto err is human,^but analytical chemists should strive to implement efficient practices to reduce all forms of error over time, including human error. ...
Monitoring of chemicals of toxicological concern in food is commonly needed for many purposes, which include (in part) food safety, regulatory enforcement, risk assessment, international food trade, label claims, environmental protection, industry needs, academic research, and consumer confidence. Chemicals of current concern include a variety of toxins, pesticides, veterinary drugs, growth promoters, environmental contaminants, toxic metals, allergens, endocrine disruptors, genetically modified organisms, melamine, acrylamide, furans, nitrosamines, food additives, packaging components, and miscellaneous other chemicals. In light of past crises, the potential harm from known or unknown chemicals not currently monitored are a source of additional concern by the food industry, regulators, scientists, and consumers. As global food trade has expanded and detection techniques have improved, chemical contaminant analysis of foods has also increased in importance and activity. This critical review article is aimed to highlight current trends in the literature, including neglected research needs, on the analysis of chemicals of toxicological concern in foods. Graphical abstract.
... Other possible sources of error may be related to environmental conditions or the sample itself sent by the provider to the participants [24]. Kuselman et al. [25] also addressed the impact of human factors on measurement results. Regardless of what led to the results being classified as unsatisfactory, the seriousness does not diminish, especially considering that these laboratories are performing research, preliminary analysis and quality control of pharmaceutical drugs and supplies, representing products subject to the sanitary surveillance regime, which are available to the public and directly affect public health. ...
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An historical review indicated that the provision of proficiency testing (PT) in the pharmaceutical area in Brazil is critical. Three providers were identified in the period between 2002 and 2015; only one provider was regular, but none was accredited according to the requirements of ISO 17043. A PT was organized without registration fees for educational purposes for the determination of mefenamic acid (2-[(2,3-dimethylphenyl)amino]benzoic acid) in raw materials. Proficiency test items consisted of a mixture of mefenamic acid and polyvinylpyrrolidone in the mass ratio 90:10. This proportion was used to simulate an adulterated raw material. Homogeneity and stability testing was performed and indicated that the materials were suitable for use in the PT scheme. First, 68 pharmaceutical laboratories, of which five were ISO 17025 accredited, were contacted to disseminate information about the specific PT and the benefits of this important quality assurance tool. Then, the proficiency test items were sent to the 13 registered participants, of which two were ISO 17025 accredited. In addition, the participating laboratories were surveyed regarding the technical and management aspects of their quality management system (QMS), such as the status of the accreditation process according to the ISO 17025 requirements, staff training, equipment calibration and participation in other PT schemes. All 11 participants that reported results in the study adopted the United States Pharmacopoeia Official Method. Only one laboratory, representing 9.1 % of the participants, had an unsatisfactory z-score result. Factors such as the reduced number of ISO 17025 accredited laboratories, the low number of participants in the educational PT, the high proportion of laboratories that participated for the first time and the portion of the participants who did not know about PT and its importance were considered as determinants for the restricted availability of the PT supply for medicines, as evidenced in the present study in Brazil. Thus, an urgent need for nationwide actions was identified to promote the critical consciousness of managers regarding QMS in pharmaceutical laboratories, including the importance of participation in PT schemes, as well as the importance of encouraging the providers already structured to broaden their scope in this area.
Full-text available
This technical report reviews measurements of mass and volume, including a review of the SI for mass, length, and amount of substance; principles of mass measurement; calibration of masses and glassware; gravimetry; volumetry; and titrimetry. Measurement uncertainty, metrological traceability and aspects of quality assurance are also treated.
Conference Paper
The main purpose of a physical act of measurement is to enable decisions to be made. In case of an assessment of the chemical status of groundwater body, or assessment of suitability of water for drinking purposes, or possibility of discharges sewage into surface waters, the measurements of physicochemical parameters of water are an indispensable first step. The reliability of the mentioned above decisions heavily depends on knowing the uncertainty of the measurement results. If the uncertainty of measurements is underestimated, for example because the human errors are not taken into account, then erroneous decisions can be made that can have in some cases substantial financial consequences. In this work there are presented examples of human error identification and estimation in measurements made during water monitoring on the base of duplicate control samples (empirical approach) with the use of control charts method.
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The metrology of human-based and other qualitative measurements is in its infancy - concepts such as traceability and uncertainty are as yet poorly developed. This paper reviews how a measurement system analysis approach, particularly invoking as performance metric the ability of a probe (such as a human being) acting as a measurement instrument to make a successful decision, can enable a more general metrological treatment of qualitative observations. Measures based on human observations are typically qualitative, not only in sectors, such as health care, services and safety, where the human factor is obvious, but also in customer perception of traditional products of all kinds. A principal challenge is that the usual tools of statistics normally employed for expressing measurement accuracy and uncertainty will probably not work reliably if relations between distances on different portions of scales are not fully known, as is typical of ordinal or other qualitative measurements. A key enabling insight is to connect the treatment of decision risks associated with measurement uncertainty to generalized linear modelling (GLM). Handling qualitative observations in this way unites information theory, the perceptive identification and choice paradigms of psychophysics. The Rasch invariant measure psychometric GLM approach in particular enables a proper treatment of ordinal data; a clear separation of probe and item attribute estimates; simple expressions for instrument sensitivity; etc. Examples include two aspects of the care of breast cancer patients, from diagnosis to rehabilitation. The Rasch approach leads in turn to opportunities of establishing metrological references for quality assurance of qualitative measurements. In psychometrics, one could imagine a certified reference for knowledge challenge, for example, a particular concept in understanding physics or for product quality of a certain health care service. Multivariate methods, such as Principal Component Regression, can also be improved by exploiting the increased resolution of the Rasch approach.
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The classification, modeling, and quantification of human errors in routine chemical analysis are described. Classifications include commission errors (mistakes and violations) and omission errors (lapses and slips) in different scenarios at different steps of the chemical analysis. A Swiss cheese model is used to characterize error interaction with a laboratory quality system. The quantification of human errors in chemical analysis, based on expert judgments, i.e. on the expert(s) knowledge and experience, is applied. A Monte Carlo simulation of the expert judgments was used to determine the distributions of the error quantification scores (scores of likelihood and severity, and scores of effectiveness of a laboratory quality system against the errors). Residual risk of human error after the error reduction by the laboratory quality system and consequences of this risk for quality and measurement uncertainty of chemical analytical results are discussed. Examples are provided using expert judgments on human errors in pH measurement of groundwater, multi-residue analysis of pesticides in fruits and vegetables, and elemental analysis of geological samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.
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This Guide aims to describe various methods that can be used to estimate the uncertainty of measurement, particularly that arising from the processes of sampling and the physical preparation of samples. It takes a holistic view of the measurement process to include all of these steps as well as the analytical process, in the case where the measurand is defined in term of the value of the analyte concentration in the sampling target, rather than in just the sample delivered to the laboratory. The Guide begins by explaining the importance of knowing the total uncertainty in a measurement for making reliable interpretation of measurements, and judging their fitness for purpose. It covers the whole measurement process, defining each of the component steps, and describing the effects and errors that cause uncertainty in the final measurement.
Full-text available
Evaluating the residual risk of human errors in a measurement and testing laboratory, remaining after the error reduction by the laboratory quality system, and quantifying the consequences of this risk for the quality of the measurement/test results are discussed based on expert judgments and Monte Carlo simulations. A procedure for evaluation of the contribution of the residual risk to the measurement uncertainty budget is proposed. Examples are provided using earlier published sets of expert judgments on human errors in pH measurement of groundwater, elemental analysis of geological samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and multi-residue analysis of pesticides in fruits and vegetables. The human error contribution to the measurement uncertainty budget in the examples was not negligible, yet also not dominant. This was assessed as a good risk management result.
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Applications of a new statistical method Ordinal Analysis of Variance (ORDANOVA) for interlaboratory comparisons of measurement or test results of semi-quantitative (ordinal) and qualitative (binary) properties are discussed. ORDANOVA can be helpful for validation of measurement or test methods, proficiency testing of laboratories, development of reference materials with certified semi-quantitative and qualitative properties, that is, probably in every field where ANOVA is applied for quantitative properties. A statistics and criteria are proposed for performance assessment of laboratories active in semi-quantitative and qualitative testing and for other purposes of statistical analysis of such test results.
The era of automation arrived with the introduction of the AutoAnalyzer using continuous flow analysis and the Robot Chemist that automated the traditional manual analytical steps. Successive generations of stand-alone analysers increased analytical speed, offered the ability to test high volumes of patient specimens, and provided large assay menus. A dichotomy developed, with a group of analysers devoted to performing routine clinical chemistry tests and another group dedicated to performing immunoassays using a variety of methodologies. Development of integrated systems greatly improved the analytical phase of clinical laboratory testing and further automation was developed for pre-analytical procedures, such as sample identification, sorting, and centrifugation, and post-analytical procedures, such as specimen storage and archiving. All phases of testing were ultimately combined in total laboratory automation (TLA) through which all modules involved are physically linked by some kind of track system, moving samples through the process from beginning-to-end. A newer and very powerful, analytical methodology is liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). LC-MS/MS has been automated but a future automation challenge will be to incorporate LC-MS/MS into TLA configurations. Another important facet of automation is informatics, including middleware, which interfaces the analyser software to a laboratory information systems (LIS) and/or hospital information systems (HIS). This software includes control of the overall operation of a TLA configuration and combines analytical results with patient demographic information to provide additional clinically useful information. This review describes automation relevant to clinical chemistry, but it must be recognised that automation applies to other specialties in the laboratory, e.g. haematology, urinalysis, microbiology. It is a given that automation will continue to evolve in the clinical laboratory, limited only by the imagination and ingenuity of laboratory scientists.