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Management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes requiring insulin: Insulin



Insulin is a required therapy for people with type 1 diabetes, and its use in the treatment of type 2 diabetes has been increasing in recent years. This article discusses the main types of insulin currently available, their properties and their role in the management of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
50 Prescriber September 2016
Diabetes mellitus is a common chronic condition character-
ised by absolute or relative insulin deciency, and its prev-
alence is increasing across the Western world and developing
countries. This is particularly true of type 2 diabetes mellitus
(T2DM) and UK data from the Quality and Outcomes Framework
(QOF), published in 2015, showed there to be almost 3.5 mil-
lion people in the UK with a diagnosis of diabetes.1 Diabetes
costs the NHS close to £10 billion annually, with the majority of
this cost going towards the treatment of diabetes-related com-
plications.2 Furthermore, it is suspected that there are at least
590,000 people in the UK with undiagnosed T2DM.2
This review discusses the role of insulin therapy in type 1
diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and T2DM in the UK, including current
guidelines and management options. Table 1 shows the current
recommendations from the WHO for the diagnosis of diabetes
Type 1 diabetes mellitus
T1DM makes up approximately 10 per cent of all cases of
diabetes mellitus and reduces life expectancy by up to 13
years.3 T1DM can occur at any age, but is usually diagnosed
in children and adolescents1 and its incidence has been ris-
ing steadily in developed countries since the 1950s.4 It is
Management of type 1 and
type 2 diabetes requiring insulin
Insulin is a required therapy for people
with type 1 diabetes, and its use in the
treatment of type 2 diabetes has been
increasing in recent years. This article
discusses the main types of insulin
currently available, their properties and
their role in the management of both
type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
Symptomatic (ie polyruria, polydipsia, unexplained weight
Single fasting plasma glucose ≥7mmol/L
Single random plasma glucose ≥11.1mmol/L
A fasting plasma glucose ≥7mmol/L on two separate
occasions OR
A random plasma glucose ≥11.1mmol/L on two separate
occasions OR
An HbA1c ≥48mmol/mol (6.5%) on two separate
occasions OR
An HbA1c ≥48mmol/mol AND a single elevated plasma
glucose (fasting ≥7mmol/L or random ≥11.1mmol/L)
HbA1c cannot be used for type 1 diabetes diagnosis
An HbA1c <48mmol/mol does not exclude type 2 diabetes
Table 1. Diagnostic criteria for diabetes mellitus, based on the
WHO’s 2006 Denition and Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus
and Intermediate Hyperglycaemia and 2011 Use of Glycated
Haemoglobin in the Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus
Prescriber September 2016
caused by the absolute lack of insulin production due to auto-
immune destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells of the
pancreas. At clinical presentation, around 80–90 per cent of
the beta cells will have been destroyed,4 consequently leading
to hyperglycaemia. Patients typically present with one or more
of the classical symptoms caused by hyperglycaemia: polyuria,
polydipsia, lethargy and unexplained weight loss.5 People with
T1DM are absolutely dependent on exogenous insulin ther-
apy to prevent the development of ketosis and hyperglycae-
mia, ultimately leading to diabetic ketoacidosis if untreated.5
The NICE guideline on management of T1DM in adults was
updated in August 2015, providing specic recommendations
for diagnosis (see Table 2).6
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
In the UK, about 90 per cent of people with diabetes mellitus
have T2DM, which results from inadequate insulin secretion
(beta cell dysfunction) and/or reduced action of insulin on insu-
lin-responsive cells (insulin resistance) leading to deranged
glucose handling.7 A myriad of risk factors for T2DM have been
identied (see Table 3).8 Factors such as ethnicity play a sig-
nicant role in determining those at high risk of T2DM with
its prevalence increasing four-fold in people of Bangladeshi
and Indian origin, and ve-fold in women of Pakistani origin.9
There is good evidence linking obesity to T2DM associated with
the development of insulin resistance.9 Therefore, in terms of
management, encouraging improvement in lifestyle remains
paramount in controlling T2DM.
General aims of management
The principal aim of diabetes management is to restore blood
glucose to normal and thus reduce the incidence and progres-
sion of diabetes complications.10 Inadequately controlled blood
glucose levels can cause both macrovascular and microvascu-
lar damage, and subsequently lead to nephropathy, retinopathy,
neuropathy and cardiovascular diseases, all of which impact
profoundly on patients’ mortality, morbidity and quality of life.11
Therefore, healthcare professionals aim to help people with
diabetes to reach and maintain blood glucose control without
increasing the incidence of hypoglycaemia, which is the great-
est risk of insulin therapy.
Insulin therapy in T1DM
Treatment with insulin remains essential for the management of
T1DM4 (see Figure 1) via either subcutaneous injections or con-
tinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) using a pump worn
24 hours per day. The aim of exogenous insulin is to mimic as
closely as possible the insulin prole of a person without dia-
betes;12 however, the main barrier to achieving optimal blood
glucose control remains the risk of hypoglycaemia. The principal
methods for assessing blood glucose control are measurement
of glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) and self-monitoring of cap-
illary blood glucose (SMBG).6 In the NICE guideline, updated
in August 2015, the target HbA1c for people with T1DM is
≤48mmol/mol6 (normal range <42mmol/mol), alongside indi-
vidualisation of the target based on patients’ daily activities,
lifestyle, co-morbidities and likelihood of developing complica-
tions, but without causing problematic hypoglycaemia.6
There are three broad types of pharmaceutically produced
insulin preparations available:
Animal insulins: extracted and puried from cows (bovine) or
pigs (porcine) and now used by very few patients with diabetes
Human insulin: genetically engineered with an identical amino
acid sequence to endogenous human insulin
Insulin analogues: genetically engineered insulins with a sim-
ilar but modied amino acid sequence to endogenous human
insulin and may be synthetically modied.
Insulins can also be grouped by their onset and duration of
action, as categorised in the BNF:
Intermediate and long-acting.
Short-acting insulins
Short-acting insulins are used principally to control the rise
in blood glucose that occurs following ingestion of carbohy-
drate, usually in a meal, and can be subdivided into soluble
short-acting (human insulins) and rapid-acting (analogues of
human insulin).12
Human and animal insulins given by subcutaneous injection
have an onset of action of about 30 minutes with a peak of
action of between two and four hours and a duration of around
On clinical grounds:
- ketosis
- rapid weight loss
- BMI <25kg/m2
- age of onset <50 years
- personal or family history of autoimmune disease (new recommendation)
Nevertheless, type 1 diabetes should not be ruled out in people >50
years and with a BMI >25kg/m2 (new recommendation)
Anyone of any age or any BMI who presents with polyuria and
polydipsia, especially those with weight loss and nausea, should have
their random glucose and blood/urinary ketones checked. Ketonuria
or ketonaemia should raise suspicion of type 1 diabetes
Diabetic ketoacidosis (ketonaemia ≥3mmol/L or 2+ ketonuria on
test strip; venous bicarbonate <15mmol/L or venous pH <7.3; or a
combination of them both) is a medical emergency
Lesser degrees of ketosis with hyperglycaemia (>11mmol/L) will
probably also require urgent administration of insulin
Consider further investigation, eg measurement of C-peptide or
diabetes-specic autoantibodies or both, if patient has atypical
features ie age >50 years, BMI>25kg/m2, slow evolution of
hyperglycaemia and if there is a degree of uncertainty about what
type of diabetes the patient has (new recommendation)
Table 2. Diagnosis of type 1 diabetes (in accordance with updated NICE
guideline on type 1 diabetes in adults, published August 20156)
52 Prescriber September 2016
eight hours.10 Due to their relatively slow onset of action com-
bined with the slow decline in insulin at the injection site, there
can be poor matching with the postprandial rise in blood glu-
cose leading to a risk of hyperglycaemia and/or hypoglycaemia.13
Animal insulins are also much slower in action than comparable
human insulins due to the increased development of antibodies
targeted against the animal insulin and are now rarely used.
Rapid-acting insulin analogues were designed to resolve the
slow onset of subcutaneously administered human insulin and
provide a duration of action better matched to the postprandial
peak in blood glucose following a meal. They therefore attempt
to achieve a more physiological insulin prole in the blood and
as similar as possible to the prole seen in healthy individuals
where secretion of insulin into the portal circulation is main-
tained. These insulin analogues work faster due to more rapid
absorption from the subcutaneous injection site, so producing
a shorter postprandial lag phase. When used alongside longer
acting insulin analogues, the risk of hypoglycaemia14 and par-
ticularly nocturnal hypoglycaemia,13,14 can be reduced.
Hypoglycaemia and nocturnal hypoglycaemia are feared by
many people with T1DM. NICE guidance now advises doctors
to use rapid-acting insulin analogues rst-line for people with
T1DM using multiple daily injection (basal-bolus) regimens.6
Soluble short-acting human insulins are now used mainly intra-
venously for the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis, hyperosmo-
lar hyperglycaemic state and during perioperative management
of people with diabetes in hospital.6
The updated NICE guideline recommends that people with
T1DM be advised to inject their bolus dose of rapid-acting insu-
lin analogue 10–15 minutes before their meal6 to ensure the
best match between the action prole of the insulin and the
postprandial rise in blood glucose. The dose of rapid-acting
insulin is usually determined by the carbohydrate content of the
meal using a method called carbohydrate counting, with a com-
mon dose being 1 unit of insulin for each 10 grams of ingested
carbohydrate. Thus most people with T1DM using a basal-bolus
regimen will take the rapid-acting insulin analogue three times
daily with main meals and possibly at other times when there
is any substantial ingestion of carbohydrate; the so-called bolus
part of the basal-bolus regimen.6,11
Rapid-acting insulin analogues available in the UK are:
insulin aspart (NovoRapid)
insulin glulisine (Apidra)
insulin lispro (Humalog).
Intermediate and long-acting insulin
People with T1DM usually take either an intermediate or
long-acting insulin in addition to their mealtime doses of rap-
id-acting insulin analogues;6,12 the so-called basal part of the
basal-bolus regimen. These insulins are administered in an
attempt to mimic the background secretion of insulin from the
pancreas in the interprandial or fasting period. In the 2015
NICE guideline on T1DM in adults, it is recommended that insu-
lin detemir (Levemir) is used twice daily as the basal insulin of
rst choice alongside a rapid-acting insulin analogue.6 Insulin
detemir is an analogue insulin in which a fatty acid moiety12 has
been bound to the lysine molecule at the B29 amino acid posi-
tion resulting in it binding to albumin after injection. This results
in a prolonged duration of action and a relatively at action pro-
le without much of a peak.12 Insulin glargine (Lantus), another
long-acting insulin analogue, can be used as an alternative but
is usually administered once daily6 due to its longer duration of
action compared with insulin detemir.15
Long-acting insulin analogues are now preferred over the
intermediate-acting isophane insulins because their mode of
action is more predictable. Compared with isophane insulins,
long-acting insulin analogues provide marginally better blood
glucose control with less potential weight gain.10 However, the
most important factor is the achievement of optimal blood glu-
cose control without problematic hypoglycaemia and thus NICE
permits the use of other basal insulins if the person with T1DM
can achieve these blood glucose goals, including the use of
insulin detemir once daily.6
In the updated NICE guideline for adults with T1DM, it
is emphatically recommended that those newly diagnosed
with T1DM should not be offered non-basal–bolus insulin
regimens, eg twice daily mixed, basal only or bolus only.16
However not all people with T1DM can cope with a multiple
daily injection regimen and thus may take a mixed human
insulin.6 An example is Humulin M3, which is a mixture of sol-
uble short-acting human insulin and an intermediate-acting
human isophane insulin.6 Mixed human insulins are usually
given twice daily, before breakfast and the evening meal. If
hypoglycaemia becomes a problem then an alternative mixed
insulin preparation incorporating a rapid-acting insulin ana-
logue, such as NovoMix 30, can be used.6 These mixed insu-
lins can be useful in allowing insulin to be given by district
nurses to frail or elderly patients or to people with cognitive
decline who also have T1DM.
People with T1DM should regularly self-monitor their capil-
lary blood glucose6,12 and it is recommended that they do this
at least four times a day, in order to permit adjustment of their
insulin doses and to avoid hypoglycaemia. In some scenarios,
more regular monitoring is needed and they can self-monitor up
to 10 times a day if necessary.6 For example when:
at increased risk of hypoglycaemia
about to drive, as advised by DVLA tness to drive regulations
they have not reached their target HbA1c
experiencing periods of illness
planning to become pregnant or are already pregnant
before and after exercise.
People of south east Asian (particularly Pakistani and
Bangladeshi) descent
Older age
Family history of diabetes
Gestational diabetes
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Sedentary lifestyle
Table 3. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes
Prescriber September 2016
It is important that patients who need to monitor more fre-
quently are identied by their GP and diabetes specialist so
that they can be prescribed an adequate number of testing
strips for their blood glucose meter. Many patients report
anecdotally that they are not prescribed enough blood glucose
testing strips to match their monitoring needs. A number of
self-monitoring blood glucose meters can also be used to
measure capillary blood ketones and these strips should also
be prescribed.
NICE has also placed emphasis on structured education
programmes for people with T1DM. Dose Adjustment for
Normal Eating (DAFNE) is a programme that should be offered
to every patient with T1DM, 6 to 12 months after initial diagno-
sis.6 This programme is led by specialist diabetes nurses and
dieticians, and occurs over ve days, during which patients are
extensively educated in:6
carbohydrate counting
accurate calculation of bolus insulin doses
how to set up background (basal) insulin
how to correct deranged glucose levels (including sick day
An economic report by the York Health Economics Consortium
has suggested that DAFNE could potentially save about £2237
per patient over a 10-year period, as a result of a reduction in
diabetes complications, after deducting the cost to run the
People with T1DM who do not achieve optimal glycaemic
control as determined by an HbA1c level >69mmol/mol on
a multiple daily injection (basal-bolus) regimen can also be
Continuous subcutaneous insulin
Recommended in individuals ≥12
years when:
Attempts to achieve target
HbA1c with multiple daily
injections (MDI) result in the
person experiencing disabling
HbA1c has remained high on
MDI therapy >69mmol/mol
Mixed insulin
Human mixed insulin twice daily
should only be given if basal-
bolus regimen is not possible
Try a mixed analogue if human
insulin leads to hypoglycaemia
that affects the patient’s quality
of life
Basal-bolus regimen (rst-line)
Long-acting insulin (twice daily)
rapid-acting insulin (before each
Must be initiated by a trained
specialist team and should only
be continued if it results in a
sustained improvement
Long-acting insulin
First-line: insulin detemir twice daily
Consider an alternative when:
A person is achieving their
agreed targets using an existing
insulin regimen
Twice-daily detemir is not
tolerated; instead offer once-
daily insulin glargine or detemir
Detemir is not tolerated; offer
once-daily insulin glargine
Rapid-acting insulin
Offer rapid-acting insulin
analogues before meals, ie
Insulin aspart (NovoRapid)
Insulin lispro (Humalog)
Insulin glulisine (Apidra)
If an adult with type 1 diabetes
has a strong preference for
alternative mealtime insulin,
respect their wishes and offer the
preferred insulin
Insulin regimen options for adults with type 1 diabetes
Figure 1. Insulin regimens for adults with type 1 diabetes
54 Prescriber September 2016
referred to a specialist diabetes team for consideration of con-
tinuous subcutaneous insulin infusion therapy (CSII) provided
by an insulin pump.6 This type of treatment can also be con-
sidered if target HbA1c levels cannot be achieved without the
person suffering disabling hypoglycaemia. Generally, a rapid-act-
ing insulin analogue is used in the CSII pump. It is usual for
patients to have been DAFNE trained before commencing a CSII
regimen6 and for them to be seen in a specialist ‘pump clinic’
with access to continuous subcutaneous glucose monitoring
facilities. NICE states that CSII therapy should only be offered
to adults and children 12 years and older, although there is
increasing use of CSII in younger children attending paediat-
ric diabetes clinics and it is widely used in younger children
throughout Europe. NICE also advices that CSII should only be
continued if the therapy leads to a sustained improvement in
glycaemic control, shown by a fall in HbA1c or a sustained drop
in the number of hypoglycaemic episodes.18
Insulin therapy in adolescence
It is well documented that many adolescents with T1DM often
struggle to comply with their insulin regimens, increasing the
risk of diabetic ketoacidosis.19 It is important that clinicians
explore the reasons why patients in this age group are not com-
plying, eg fear of isolation from friends, weight loss, inconven-
ience when socialising, and ultimately remind the patient why
it is important to comply. In a case where the patient is not
complying, it may be necessary to readdress their insulin regi-
men and adjust to a more feasible option for the patient. These
problems can be compounded by physiological insulin resist-
ance, which is a feature of the adolescent period, meaning
that adolescents often need higher doses of insulin during this
time to maintain adequate glycaemic control.19 In an attempt
to support people with T1DM during this difcult period in their
lives, many diabetes services have set up transition clinics to
facilitate the move from paediatric to adult diabetes services.
Additionally, most transition or young adult diabetes clinics are
supported by clinical psychology services in a similar fashion
to paediatric clinics.
Insulin therapy in pregnancy
Pregnancy is also a challenging time for women with T1DM
and there are often changes in insulin sensitivity during the
different trimesters of pregnancy. Hypoglycaemia is most
common in the early phase of pregnancy, often compounded
For basal dose, offer isophane insulin
for injection at bedtime or twice daily
Consider premixed preparations
that include rapid-acting insulin
analogues, rather than premixed
preparations that include short-
acting human insulin, if:
A person prefers injecting insulin
immediately before a meal
Hypoglycaemia is a problem
Blood glucose levels rise
markedly after meals
Consider twice-daily premixed
(biphasic) human insulin,
particularly if:
HbA1c is 75mmol/mol (9.0%) or
A once-daily regimen may also be
an option
Consider long-acting analogue
(insulin detemir) if:
The person needs assistance from
a carer or healthcare professional
to inject insulin, and use of a
long-acting insulin analogue would
reduce the frequency of injections
from twice to once daily
The person’s lifestyle is restricted
by recurrent symptomatic
hypoglycaemic episodes
The person would otherwise
need twice-daily isophane insulin
injections in combination with oral
glucose-lowering drugs
The person cannot use the device
to inject isophane insulin
Consider starting insulin therapy in type 2 diabetes patients who:
Have not achieved a controlled HbA1c using three oral hypoglycaemic drugs
When starting insulin, continue with standard-release metformin if there
are no contraindications or intolerance
Figure 2. Management of type 2 diabetes with insulin
Prescriber September 2016
by the maintenance of excellent blood glucose control, which
had been started before conception in most patients. In
planned pregnancies, there is an emphasis on prepregnancy
counselling and optimisation of blood glucose control in an
attempt to reduce the risk of congenital malformations. This
emphasis on excellent control should persist during the preg-
nancy to prevent macrosomia and early placental failure as
much as possible, which can occur in some diabetes preg-
Insulin therapy in T2DM
Insulin therapy is not the rst-line treatment for T2DM and usu-
ally follows on from failure of standard oral agents or other
injectable therapies (see Figure 2). Due to the progressive
nature of T2DM, characterised by beta cell dysfunction and
impairment, over time most patients with T2DM fail to reach
their individualised HbA1c targets. Thus many people with
T2DM need to include insulin in their treatment to maintain
glucose control and slow down the progression of diabetes
A number of studies have supported the initiation of insulin
in patients with T2DM early in the course of the disease.20 The
UK Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS) in 2008 suggested
that early insulin treatment in T2DM reduces the risk of macro-
vascular and microvascular complications.21 However, insulin
therapy in people with T2DM also carries some risks, not least
hypoglycaemia, as well as weight gain, which is often seen as a
major disadvantage by patients.20 A recent retrospective cohort
study22 controversially reported that the use of insulin therapy
in T2DM was associated with an increased mortality rate in
comparison with patients who were just on oral hypoglycaemic
agents. However, this was not a randomised controlled trial and
was likely to have been inuenced by the fact that patients with
poorer blood glucose control are treated with insulin. Therefore,
the association in this study between insulin therapy and mor-
tality is unlikely to be causal.
There has been an increase in the addition of insulin to
T2DM management over the last 20 years.22 However, the cor-
rect point at which to commence insulin therapy in T2DM and
where it stands in relation to newer hypoglycaemic therapies
such as glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) agonists and sodium-
glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors, such as canagli-
ozin, has been controversial.22 The most recent NICE guideline
for management of T2DM in adults, published in December
2015, recommends initiating insulin either at the point of fail-
ure of two oral agents (HbA1c >58mmol/mol) or alternatively
adding a third oral agent instead of insulin.23 Insulin therapy
combined with a GLP-1 agonist is recommended to be used only
on the advice of diabetes specialists.
When initiating insulin therapy in T2DM, the patient should
remain on metformin23 unless there is a contraindication or
intolerance to the metformin. A recently published retrospective
cohort study in people with T2DM has suggested an associa-
tion between using insulin plus metformin and reduced risk of
death and major cardiovascular outcomes compared with those
treated with insulin alone.24
Patients with T2DM should be commenced initially on an
isophane insulin23 once daily, injected before bedtime, or twice
daily, before breakfast and then either at evening mealtime or
at bedtime. If given at bedtime, this helps to avoid a peak of
action at around 2am to 3am, so reducing the risk of noctur-
nal hypoglycaemia and instead providing a peak at dawn when
insulin resistance is at its greatest.25 The main advantage of
using isophane insulins over long-acting insulin analogues is
the fact that they are less expensive. NICE only suggests the
use of long-acting insulin analogues such as insulin detemir
and insulin glargine should hypoglycaemia prove a problem with
isophane insulins. Another scenario is when once-daily admin-
istration is needed, for example facilitating a district nurse to
administer insulin glargine in the morning to a housebound
patient who is unable to inject their own insulin.
The recently updated NICE guideline on T2DM in adults also
recommends considering the use of premixed biphasic human
insulin twice daily if HbA1c is ≥75mmol/mol,23 eg Humulin M3,
although in our experience it is much easier to provide instruc-
tions for patients to self-adjust once- or twice-daily interme-
diate or long-acting insulin than a premixed biphasic insulin.
If the patient will be injecting immediately before a meal and
hypo glycaemia is a problem, or if the patient is markedly hyper-
glycaemic in the preprandial period, then the premixed prepa-
rations for these patients should include short-acting insulin
analogues rather than short-acting human preparations,23 eg
Novo Mix 30.
Insulin and driving
Hypoglycaemia may be less frequent in people with insulin-
treated T2DM than in those with T1DM, but it remains the most
common adverse effect of insulin therapy, and is par ticularly
worrying in people who have impaired hypoglycaemia aware-
ness. To be able to drive a car or motorcycle (Group 1), people
treated with insulin must notify the DVLA and meet the following
Have adequate awareness of hypoglycaemia
Have had no more than one episode of severe hypoglycaemia
in the preceding 12 months
Undertake appropriate blood glucose monitoring (test blood
glucose no more than two hours before the start of a journey
and every two hours while driving)
Not be regarded as a likely risk to the public while driving
Meet the visual standards for acuity and visual elds.
For insulin-treated people to be able to drive a bus or lorry
(Group 2), the DVLA stipulates that they must:
Have full awareness of hypoglycaemia
Have not had any severe hypoglycaemia in the preceding 12
Undertake appropriate blood glucose monitoring (test blood
glucose at least twice daily including on days when not driving,
test blood glucose no more than two hours before the start of
a journey and every two hours while driving)
Use a glucose meter with sufcient memory to store three
months of readings
56 Prescriber September 2016
Be able to demonstrate an understanding of the risks of hypo-
Have no disqualifying complications of diabetes.
The DVLA advises people who are insulin treated to take
fast-acting carbohydrate before driving if their blood glucose is
less than 5mmol/L and not to drive if their blood glucose is less
than 4mmol/L; in this case they should take fast-acting carbo-
hydrate, wait and then retest before driving. If hypoglycaemia
occurs, they should not drive until 45 minutes after their blood
glucose has returned to normal as subtle cognitive impairment
can persist for a short period after blood glucose returns to
within the normal range and the person feels better. Further
details can be found on in the document Assessing
Fitness to Drive – A Guide for Medical Professionals.
New developments
New longer acting insulin analogue formulations are being
developed in the hope of further reducing the chances of noc-
turnal hypoglycaemia. Insulin degludec (Tresiba), which has
recently been licensed by the European Medicines Agency,
has a metabolic effect that is still present 42 hours postinjec-
tion.10 Insulin degludec is also available at a higher strength
(200units/ml) than the European-wide standard of 100units/
ml,10 which could be an advantage in the more insulin-resistant
T2DM patient. When prescribing insulin degludec, it is impor-
tant to be aware of the strength prescribed as the 100units/
ml prelled pen allows one-unit dose adjustments, whereas the
200units/ml prelled pen allows two-unit dose adjustments.
The use of prelled pens has reduced the risk of dosing errors
but it is important that the patient using the pen is aware of
the strength and the value of the dose adjustment. The number
of units being injected, irrespective of the strength used, is
provided in a dose counter window on the pen every time the
patient dials up a dose.26
Some diabetologists have been using insulin degludec
200units/ml in very insulin-resistant diabetes patients in
place of unlicensed Humulin R 500units/ml, which needs to be
obtained on a named-patient basis.
Insulin glargine is also now available in a higher strength
of 300units/ml in the form of Toujeo and is also available in
a prelled pen.27 Insulin degludec and Toujeo are not speci-
cally mentioned in the 2015 NICE guideline on T2DM in adults,
although there is a comment about the use of any current or
future biosimilar product(s) of insulin glargine within the same
marketing authorisation and indication, and this could be inter-
preted to permit the use of Toujeo. It will also sanction the use
of the rst truly biosimilar insulin to be launched in the UK,
Abasaglar, a biosimilar version of insulin glargine. Biosimilars
are the equivalent of generic drugs, but for biological mole-
cules, and could potentially reduce the cost of medication.
Toujeo has been assessed by the Scottish Medicines
Consortium, which has recommended that its use should be
targeted to patients with T1DM who are at risk of, or experi-
ence, frequent or severe night-time hypoglycaemia.27 It can also
be considered an option as a once-daily therapy for patients
who require carer administration of their insulin, and in T2DM
patients who suffer from recurrent episodes of hypoglycaemia
or need assistance with their insulin injections.
Another development that was not included in the NICE
guideline on T2DM for adults is Xultophy, which is a combination
of liraglutide (a GLP-1 agonist) with insulin degludec in a xed-
dose combination, delivered by prelled pen device.28 Many
diabetologists have been using combined therapy with GLP-1
agonists and usually long-acting insulins with success in obtain-
ing improved blood glucose control without the weight gain seen
with insulin therapy alone. However, as GLP-1 agonists are also
administered by subcutaneous injection, this requires at least
two injections a day and the advent of Xultophy, which is admin-
istered as a single injection once daily, should make dosing
easier for patients and aid adherence.
Moreover, this may not be the only benet and recent clin-
ical trials have supported the use of a xed-dose combination
of a GLP-1 agonist and a long-acting insulin in achieving better
glycaemic control than either component given alone. More
importantly, top-line results presented at the American Diabetes
Association meeting in June 2016 showed that liraglutide signif-
icantly reduced the risk of major adverse cardiovascular events
compared with placebo but in addition to standard treatment
for diabetes. Other GLP-1 agonist-insulin combinations are also
in development and their exact position in the management of
T2DM is yet to be fully determined,28 but they could be used
either at the point of oral agent failure or as the next step
in intensication in people already using either a GLP-1 or a
long-acting insulin alone.
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tions: an emerging pandemic. Eur J Preventive Cardiol 2010;17(1):S3–
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lin aspart) versus traditional human insulins (NPH insulin and regular
human insulin) in basal-bolus therapy for patients with Type 1 diabetes
Diabetologia 2004;47(4):622–9.
14. Siebenhofer A, et al. Short acting insulin analogues versus regular
human insulin in patients with diabetes mellitus. Cochrane Database
of Systematic Reviews 2004;4:CD003287.
15. Renard E, et al. Non-inferiority of insulin glargine versus insu-
lin detemir on blood glucose variability in type 1 diabetes patients:
a multicenter, randomized, crossover study. Diabetes Technol Ther
16. NICE. Type 1 diabetes in adults overview. http://pathways.nice. [accessed 17 April 2016]
17. NICE. Costing statement: type 1 diabetes in adults. Implementing
the NICE guideline on type 1 diabetes in adults (NG17). August
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21. Holman RR, et al. 10-year follow-up of intensive glucose control in
type 2 diabetes. N Engl J Med 2008;359(15):1577–89.
22. Currie CJ, et al. Mortality and other important diabetes-related
outcomes with insulin vs other antihyperglycemic therapies in type 2
diabetes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2013;98(2):668–77. [accessed 10
October 2015]
23. NICE. Type 2 diabetes in adults: management. NG28. December
2015. [accessed: 17 April
24. Holden SE, et al. Association between insulin monotherapy ver-
sus insulin plus metformin and the risk of all-cause mortality and
other serious outcomes: A Retrospective Cohort Study. PLoS One
25. Wong J, Yue D. Starting insulin treatment in type 2 diabetes. Aust
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26. Drug Safety Update. Insulin degludec (Tresiba): available in addi-
tional higher strength. April 2013.
[accessed 10 October 2015]
27. Scottish Medicines Consortium. Advice. Insulin glargine (Toujeo).
September 2015.
Toujeo_ABB [accessed 21 October 2015]
28. Garber AJ. Long-acting glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor ago-
nists: a review of their efficacy and tolerability. Diabetes Care
Declaration of interests
Professor Thozhukat Sathyapalan has received research sup-
port from the Food Standards Agency, European Food Safety
Authority, Sandoz, Novo Nordisk, Sano-Aventis and Boehringer
Ingelheim. He has also received consultancy fees from Novo
Dorothy Abiola is a nal year medical student at Hull York
Medical School, Thozhukat Sathyapalan is professor of
endocrinology and honorary consultant physician, and David
Hepburn is a consultant physician and honorary reader,
Department of Diabetes and Endocrinology at Hull and East
Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust and Hull York Medical School, Hull
Clinical question:
Is opioid analgesic treatment effective
in patients with low back pain?
Shaheed CA, et al. JAMA Intern Med
Bottom line:
Effective pain control in patients with
low back pain (LBP) is still elusive.
Approximately half of all patients with
LBP who take an opioid analgesic will
stop treatment because of ineffective-
ness or adverse effects. Patients staying
the course will experience, on average,
a small decrease in pain relative to
patients who take placebo and will not
have improved function. (LOE = 1a)
Study design: Meta-analysis (RCT).
Funding source: Government.
Setting: Various (meta-analysis).
To identify randomised controlled trials
that enrolled patients with nonspecic
LBP and evaluated an opioid analgesic,
the researchers searched ve databases
including Cochrane CENTRAL, as well as
reference lists of identied studies. They
retrieved 20 studies with an enrolment of
7295 patients; all but one study enrolled
patients with chronic LBP. The length of
studies was 12 weeks or less. Based
on 13 studies with moderate-quality evi-
dence, opioids reduced pain in the short
term, though the mean difference in pain
scores was minimal (mean difference:
10.1 on a scale of 0–100). This effect
size is similar to that for NSAIDs ver-
sus placebo for LBP in a prior Cochrane
review. Overall, opioid treatment did not
produce clinically important pain relief
compared with placebo, ie a mean differ-
ence in pain scores of at least 20, even
with doses as high as 240mg morphine
daily. Half of the studies had more than
50 per cent of the enrolled patients drop
out, either because of adverse effects or
lack of effectiveness.
Opioid analgesia hard to tolerate and not effective for chronic low back pain
... It is done in the morning. Patients with FBG greater than 125mg/dl (11 mMol/L) are considered diabetic [2]. The management of diabetes mellitus is approached pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. ...
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Diabetes mellitus is a serious health problem in Nigeria. This study evaluated the anti-diabetic potential of Curcuma domestica in alloxam induced diabetes in albino wistar rats. In Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria the rhizome of Curcuma domestia is used in traditional medicine to expel worms from the gastrointestinal tract, relieve indigestion and frequent urination. It is also used to treat skin diseases, pains in the joints, knee, hips and spine. Rhizome of C. domestica was extracted using the cold solvent process. Diabetes was induced in rats and initial glucose level taken before the extract was administered and metformin also to the test animals. Blood glucose was obtained from the tail vein of the test animals in 0 hour, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours, 3 days, and 7 days post administration, respectively. The blood glucose level was determined using a fine test glucometer. However, phytochemical screening and Chromatographic separation of the extract were carried out. The result revealed that the methanol extract of Curcuma domestica contained alkaloid, tannin, coumarin, flavonoid, terpenes, phenol, reducing sugar, and LD50 was 500 mg/kg. The result also revealed that at a dose level of 150 mg/kg the extract significantly (p < 0 05) reduced the mean fasting glucose level from 241 ± 0.33 mg/dl (day 0) to 56 ± 0.31 mg/dl (day 7). The column chromatography gave 80 eluates. Eluates 49-67 gave the same Rf value of 0.50 and was light brown in colour under UV light (254 nm). The anti-diabetic property of Curcuma domestica is believed to be due to the presence of bioactive bioactive constituents of the plant observed during phytochemical screening may be responsible for the anti-diabetic activity of the Curcuma domestica extract.
... As T2DM progresses with time, it leads to destruction and impairment of β cells of pancreas and hence the patients are not able to attain desired HbA1c level. Hence in some cases, T2DM patients who are on oral antihyperglycemic therapy need also to be prescribed with insulin so as to decrease the level of BGL and imminent risk of various complications (Abiola et al., 2016). ...
The growing disease burden of diabetes mellitus is an important public health concern, affecting over 400 million people globally. This epidemic, if not controlled in time, leads to life threatening complications, compromise in quality of life, and eventually mortality. Over time, many attempts have been made for the effective treatment of diabetes but true success has never been achieved. Pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches for the treatment of hyperglycaemia have been ever-evolving due to limitations of current therapies. Non pharmacological management which includes diet management and exercise, has been the primary focus for self-management of diabetes. The pharmacological management includes oral antihyperglycaemics, phytoconstituents, and combination products. Advancements such as nanocarrier delivery systems have been made in drug delivery to overcome the challenges such as poor bioavailability associated with conventional dosage forms currently employed in diabetes treatment. In recent years, much emphasis has been given to synbiotics that act on gut microbiota, as an emerging therapy for diabetes. The current review discusses different treatment strategies for diabetes management starting from insulin therapy to synbiotics. The combination of herbal phytoconstituents with synthetic drugs, synthetic drug combinations, novel drug delivery systems for insulin are highlighted. Moreover, the role of gut dysbiosis in diabetes and its treatment by administration of synbiotics in various clinical as well as non clinical studies has been discussed in detail.
Background: Diabetes and its complications have a significant economic impact on individuals and their families. A diet with a low glycemic index (GI) and high fiber content is considered to be associated with the control of blood glucose. Scope and approach: This study explored the effect of polysaccharides, i.e., xanthan gum (BXG), konjac glucomannan (BKG), and arabinogalactan (BAG), on the digestive and prebiotic characteristics of biscuits using a simulated digestion and fermentation model in vitro. Also, the rheological property and structural properties of the polysaccharides were measured to clarify their structure-activity relationships. Key findings and conclusions: During simulated gastrointestinal digestion, the results showed that three types of biscuits containing polysaccharides were low GI foods (estimated GI < 55), in which BAG had the lowest estimated GI value. During in vitro fermentation with diabetic or healthy subjects' fecal microbiota, the three types of biscuits containing polysaccharides (after digestion) decreased the fermentation pH, increased the level of short-chain fatty acids, and modulated the microbiota composition over time. Among the three types of biscuits, BAG increased the abundance of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus during fermentation in diabetic and healthy subjects' fecal microbiota. These results showed that the addition of a lower-viscosity polysaccharide (arabinogalactan) may be more beneficial for the blood glucose control of biscuits.
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Pakistan ranks 4th in the world with an estimated prevalence of 19.4 million people with diabetes as per IDF data published in 2019. Pakistan faces health challenges in diabetes due to its high prevalence and its related complications. Pakistan Endocrine Society (PES) guidelines for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are based on available local, regional and international scientific evidence including special considerations to affordability and availability of medicines in Pakistan and consensus statements by Guidelines committee of PES. These guidelines not only concentrate on diagnosis and management of T2DM but also provide a key to maintain referral system from primary to secondary and tertiary care and vice versa. Special emphasis has been given to develop the concept of multi-disciplinary team for the management of diabetes and hence chapters on nutrition, physical exercise and diabetes education have been included. The current document not only advocates glycemic control to reduce microvascular and macrovascular complications, but also highlights obesity as underlying risk factor for the development of T2DM. In addition, the document emphasizes recommendations for blood pressure (BP) and lipid control, the two most important risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) in addition to comprehensively managing micro and macro vascular complications. These recommendations will be revised periodically. Any major changes in the intervening period will be included as addendum/corrigendum. It is important to highlight that these are only guidelines and hence individualized approach according to specific scenario is still the key to the management.
Individuals living with type 1 diabetes (T1D) or type 2 diabetes (T2D) can experience conflict between self-presentation and their symptoms or management regimens. In this article, I explain how these individuals might use their illness management techniques to aid in successfully self-presenting or having their identities verified. Interview respondents associate conflicts brought on by symptoms or management regimens with identity processes and report some instances when illness management enables them to successfully perform identities. Researchers have previously found ways that individuals work to renegotiate or preserve their identities by suppressing or hiding their illnesses. I additionally highlight instances where individuals embrace illness management to successfully perform identities, a process I call integrating illness management into the identity verification process. The importance of research on access to illness management tools and education is emphasized, as researchers aid individuals not only in maintaining good health but also being their best social selves.
Aim: To evaluate clinical, demographic, and socioeconomic factors associated with withdrawal from insulin pump (IP) therapy. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study using data from an Israeli health maintenance organization. All patients, 21 or more years old, with type 1(T1DM) or type 2 (T2DM) diabetes, who received IP therapy for a seven years period were identified. Patients who did not purchase IP maintenance supplies for at least six consecutive months were defined as withdrawn (N = 355). Patients who purchased supplies were defined as adherent (N = 352). Results: In both T1DM and T2DM patients, withdrawal from IP therapy was positively associated with a duration of diabetes longer than 5 years [OR = 13.26(CI 7.16; 23.34), P < 0.001)); and OR = 10.92(CI 5.64; 21.14), P < 0.001))respectively], non-adherence to dietician follow-up [OR = 5.78(CI 3.65; 9.14), P < 0.001)); and OR = 3.41(CI 1.99; 5.85)P < 0.001)) respectively], and poor glycemic control prior to IP treatment [OR = 4.04(CI 2.18; 7.48), P < 0.001) and OR = 4.59(CI 2.71; 7.81), P < 0.001)) respectively]. Co-morbid neuro-psychiatric disorders were also risk factors for IP withdrawal: diagnosis of depression [OR = 2.22(CI 1.16; 4.27) P = 0.017] and ADHD [OR = 2.45(CI 1.003; 5.087), P = 0.043)] among T1DM patients; and diagnosis of depression [OR = 1.85 (CI 1.05; 5.27), P = 0.046] and dementia [OR = 4.03(1.03; 19.77), P = 0.048] among T2DM patients. Conclusion: In our large, real-world population-based study, we found that smoking, obesity, poor glycemic control, and co-morbid neuro-psychiatric disorders, were associated with a high rate of withdrawal from IP therapy. Healthcare providers ought to familiarize themselves with patient characteristics predictive of non-adherence and should intensify patient follow-up when incorporating this new, costly, and challenging technology. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
The use of anti-diabetic drugs has been increasing worldwide and the evolution of therapeutics has been enormous. Still, the currently available anti-diabetic drugs do not present the desired efficacy and are generally associated with serious adverse effects. Thus, entirely new interventions, addressing the underlying etiopathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus, are required. Chalcones, secondary metabolites of terrestrial plants and precursors of the flavonoids biosynthesis, have been used for a long time in traditional medicine due to their wide-range of biological activities, from which the anti-diabetic activity stands out. This review systematizes the information found in literature about the anti-diabetic properties of chalcones, in vitro and in vivo. Chalcones are able to exert these properties by acting in different therapeutic targets: Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 (DPP-4); Glucose Transporter Type 4 (GLUT4), Sodium Glucose Cotransporter 2 (SGLT2), α-amylase, α-glucosidase, Aldose Reductase (ALR), Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B (PTP1B), Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptor-gamma (PPARγ) and Adenosine Monophosphate (AMP)-activated Protein Kinase (AMPK). Chalcones are, undoubtedly, promising anti-diabetic agents, and some crucial structural features have already been established. From the Structure-Activity Relationships analysis, it can generally be stated that the presence of hydroxyl, prenyl and geranyl groups in their skeleton improves their activity for the evaluated anti-diabetic targets.
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The aim of this paper is to review the information on type 1 and type 2 diabetes with emphasis on its etiology, pathogenesis and pathophysiology via literature review. Diabetes is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by a chronic hyperglycemic condition resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Type 1 diabetes is the result of an autoimmune reaction to proteins of the islets cells of the pancreas while type 2 diabetes is caused by a combination of genetic factors related to impaired insulin secretion, insulin resistance and environmental factors such as obesity, overeating, lack of exercise and stress, as well as aging. The pathogenesis of selective β-cell destruction within the islet in type 1 diabetes mellitus is difficult to follow due to marked heterogeneity of the pancreatic lesions. At the onset of overt hyperglycemia, a mixture of pseudoatrophic islets with cells producing glycogen, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide, normal islets and islets containing both β-cells and infiltrating lymphocytes and monocytes may be seen. The autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β cells leads to a deficiency of insulin secretion that leads to the metabolic derangements associated with type 1 diabetes. The main pathophysiological features of type 2 diabetes are impaired insulin secretion and increased insulin resistance. The impairment of pancreatic β cell function notably shows progression overtime in type 2 diabetes although aging, obesity, insufficient energy consumption, alcohol drinking, smoking, etc are independent risk factors of pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Key words: Diabetes Mellitus, Pathophysiology, Pathogenesis, Etiology.
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Aims: To determine if concomitant metformin reduced the risk of death, major adverse cardiac events (MACE), and cancer in people with type 2 diabetes treated with insulin. Methods: For this retrospective cohort study, people with type 2 diabetes who progressed to insulin with or without metformin from 2000 onwards were identified from the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink (≈7% sample of the UK population). The risks of all-cause mortality, MACE and incident cancer were evaluated using multivariable Cox models comparing insulin monotherapy with insulin plus metformin. We accounted for insulin dose. Results: 12,020 subjects treated with insulin were identified, including 6,484 treated with monotherapy. There were 1,486 deaths, 579 MACE (excluding those with a history of large vessel disease), and 680 cancer events (excluding those in patients with a history of cancer). Corresponding event rates were 41.5 (95% CI 39.4-43.6) deaths, 20.8 (19.2-22.5) MACE, and 21.6 (20.0-23.3) cancer events per 1,000 person-years. The adjusted hazard ratios (aHRs) for people prescribed insulin plus metformin versus insulin monotherapy were 0.60 (95% CI 0.52-0.68) for all-cause mortality, 0.75 (0.62-0.91) for MACE, and 0.96 (0.80-1.15) for cancer. For patients who were propensity-score matched, the corresponding aHRs for all-cause mortality and cancer were 0.62 (0.52-0.75) and 0.99 (0.78-1.26), respectively. For MACE, the aHR was 1.06 (0.75-1.49) prior to 1,275 days and 1.87 (1.22-2.86) after 1,275 days post-index. Conclusions: People with type 2 diabetes treated with insulin plus concomitant metformin had a reduced risk of death and MACE compared with people treated with insulin monotherapy. There was no statistically significant difference in the risk of cancer between people treated with insulin as monotherapy or in combination with metformin.
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Type 1 diabetes is a disorder where slow destruction of pancreatic β-cells occurs through autoimmune mechanisms. The result is a progressive and ultimately complete lack of endogenous insulin. Due to β-cell lack, secondary abnormalities in glucagon and likely in incretins occur. These multiple hormonal abnormalities cause metabolic instability and extreme glycemic variability, which is the primary phenotype. As the disease progresses patients often develop hypoglycemia unawareness and defects in their counterregulatory defenses. Intensive insulin therapy may thus lead to 3-fold excess of severe hypoglycemia and severely hinder the effective and safe control of hyperglycemia. The main goal of the therapy for type 1 diabetes has long been physiological mimicry of normal insulin secretion based on monitoring which requires considerable effort and understanding of the underlying physiology. Attainment of this goal is challenged by the nature of the disease and our current lack of means to fully repair the abnormal endocrine pancreas interactive functions. As a result, various insulin preparations have been developed to partially compensate for the inability to deliver timely exogenous insulin directly to the portal/intrapancreatic circulation. It remains an ongoing task to identify the ideal routes and regimens of their delivery and potentially that of other hormones to restore the deficient and disordered hormonal environment of the pancreas to achieve a near normal metabolic state. Several recent technological advances help addressing these goals, including the rapid progress in insulin pumps, continuous glucose sensors, and ultimately the artificial pancreas closed-loop technology and the recent start of dual-hormone therapies.
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This study compared the effects of insulin glargine and insulin detemir on blood glucose variability under clinical practice conditions in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) using glulisine as the mealtime insulin. This was a multicenter, crossover trial in 88 randomized T1D patients: 54 men and 34 women, 46.8±13.7 years old, with a duration of diabetes of 18±9 years and hemoglobin A1c level of 7.1±0.7%. The per-protocol population included 78 patients: 44 received glargine/detemir and 34 detemir/glargine in the first/second 16-week period, respectively. The primary end point was the coefficient of variation (CV) of fasting blood glucose (FBG). Secondary end points included variability of pre-dinner blood glucose, mean amplitude of glycemic excursions, mean of daily differences, and doses and number of daily insulin injections. The non-inferiority criterion was an insulin glargine/insulin detemir FBG CV ratio with a 95% confidence interval (CI) upper limit ≤1.25. The non-inferiority criterion was satisfied with a mean value of 1.016 (95% CI=0.970-1.065). Intention-to-treat analysis confirmed the non-inferiority with a 95% CI upper limit=1.062. No significant differences were found on secondary objectives, but there was a trend to higher doses and number of daily injections with insulin detemir. A total of eight (four glargine and four detemir) patients reported nine serious adverse events (including one severe episode of hypoglycemia). None of them was considered as related to basal insulins. Serious adverse events led to treatment discontinuation in two patients of the detemir group and none in the glargine group. In T1D patients under clinical practice conditions, insulin glargine was non-inferior to insulin detemir regarding blood glucose variability, as assessed by CV of FBG.
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The results achieved with long-acting GLP-1 receptor agonists appear to be superior to those achieved with short-acting GLP-1 receptor agonists, with greater improvements in glycemic control after once-daily liraglutide treatment compared with twice-daily exenatide. Furthermore, exenatide LAR provided better glycemic control than exenatide with comparable weight loss. Trials are ongoing to evaluate the efficacy of exenatide LAR when compared with insulin glargine in patients with type 2 diabetes on a metformin background with or without prior sulfonylurea treatment (DURATION-3; NCT00641056) or used as monotherapy in drug-naive patients (DURATION-4; NCT00676338). As a drug class, long-acting GLP-1 receptor agonists increase glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes with a low risk of hypoglycemia because of their glucose-dependent mechanism of action. This drug class has also been demonstrated to promote weight loss and reduce SBP, which could be of benefit to patients with type 2 diabetes, reducing their cardiovascular risk. Furthermore, although nausea is a common side effect with long-acting GLP-1 receptor agonists, it tends to be transient and, overall, long-acting GLP-1 receptor agonists are generally well tolerated. Thus, long-acting GLP-1 receptor agonists may provide an effective therapeutic option for individuals with type 2 diabetes and are well placed to meet the standard of care guidelines set by the ADA in treating more than just blood glucose.
Insulin is a common treatment option for many patients with type 2 diabetes, and is generally used late in the natural history of the disease. Its injectable delivery mode, propensity for weight gain and hypoglycaemia, and the paucity of trials assessing the risk-to-safety ratio of early insulin use are major shortcomings associated with its use in patients with type 2 diabetes. Development of new insulins-such as insulin analogues, including long-acting and short-acting insulins-now provide alternative treatment options to human insulin. These novel insulin formulations and innovative insulin delivery methods, such as oral or inhaled insulin, have been developed with the aim to reduce insulin-associated hypoglycaemia, lower intraindividual pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic variability, and improve imitation of physiological insulin release. Availability of newer glucose-lowering drugs (such as glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists, dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors, and sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors) also offers the opportunity for combination treatment; the results of the first trials in this area of research suggest that such treatment might lead to use of reduced insulin doses, less weight gain, and fewer hypoglycaemic episodes than insulin treatment alone. These and future developments will hopefully offer better opportunities for individualisation of insulin treatment for patients with type 2 diabetes. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Type 1 diabetes has historically been associated with a significant reduction in life expectancy. Major advances in treatment of type 1 diabetes have occurred in the past 3 decades. Contemporary estimates of the effect of type 1 diabetes on life expectancy are needed. To examine current life expectancy in people with and without type 1 diabetes in Scotland. We also examined whether any loss of life expectancy in patients with type 1 diabetes is confined to those who develop kidney disease. Prospective cohort of all individuals alive in Scotland with type 1 diabetes who were aged 20 years or older from 2008 through 2010 and were in a nationwide register (n=24,691 contributing 67,712 person-years and 1043 deaths). Differences in life expectancy between those with and those without type 1 diabetes and the percentage of the difference due to various causes. Life expectancy at an attained age of 20 years was an additional 46.2 years among men with type 1 diabetes and 57.3 years among men without it, an estimated loss in life expectancy with diabetes of 11.1 years (95% CI, 10.1-12.1). Life expectancy from age 20 years was an additional 48.1 years among women with type 1 diabetes and 61.0 years among women without it, an estimated loss with diabetes of 12.9 years (95% CI, 11.7-14.1). Even among those with type 1 diabetes with an estimated glomerular filtration rate of 90 mL/min/1.73 m2 or higher, life expectancy was reduced (49.0 years in men, 53.1 years in women) giving an estimated loss from age 20 years of 8.3 years (95% CI, 6.5-10.1) for men and 7.9 years (95% CI, 5.5-10.3) for women. Overall, the largest percentage of the estimated loss in life expectancy was related to ischemic heart disease (36% in men, 31% in women) but death from diabetic coma or ketoacidosis was associated with the largest percentage of the estimated loss occurring before age 50 years (29.4% in men, 21.7% in women). Estimated life expectancy for patients with type 1 diabetes in Scotland based on data from 2008 through 2010 indicated an estimated loss of life expectancy at age 20 years of approximately 11 years for men and 13 years for women compared with the general population without type 1 diabetes.
Treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) requires lifelong administration of exogenous insulin. The primary goal of treatment of T1DM in children and adolescents is to maintain near-normoglycemia through intensive insulin therapy, avoid acute complications, and prevent long-term microvascular and macrovascular complications, while facilitating as close to a normal life as possible. Effective insulin therapy must, therefore, be provided on the basis of the needs, preferences, and resources of the individual and the family for optimal management of T1DM. To achieve target glycemic control, the best therapeutic option for patients with T1DM is basal-bolus therapy either with multiple daily injections (MDI) or continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII). Many formulations of insulin are available to help simulate endogenous insulin secretion as closely as possible in an effort to eliminate the symptoms and complications of hyperglycemia, while minimizing the risk of hypoglycemia secondary to therapy. When using MDI, basal insulin requirements are given as an injection of long- or intermediate-acting insulin analogs, while meal-related glucose excursions are controlled with bolus injections of rapid-acting insulin analogs. Alternatively, CSII can be used, which provides a 24-h preselected but adjustable basal rate of rapid-acting insulin, along with patient-activated mealtime bolus doses, eliminating the need for periodic injections. Both MDI treatment and CSII therapy must be supported by comprehensive education that is appropriate for the individual needs of the patient and family before and after initiation. Current therapies still do not match the endogenous insulin profile of pancreatic β-cells, and all still pose risks of suboptimal control, hypoglycemia, and ketosis in children and adolescents. The safety and success of a prescribed insulin regimen is, therefore, dependent on self-monitoring of blood glucose and/or a continuous glucose monitoring system to avoid critical hypoglycemia and glucose variability. Regardless of the mode of insulin therapy, doses should be adapted on the basis of the daily pattern of blood glucose, through regular review and reassessment, and patient factors such as exercise and pubertal status. New therapy options such as sensor-augmented insulin pump therapy, which integrates CSII with a continuous glucose sensor, along with emerging therapies such as the artificial pancreas, will likely continue to improve safe insulin therapy in the near future.
Context: The safety of insulin in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has recently undergone scrutiny. Objective: The objective of the study was to characterize the risk of adverse events associated with glucose-lowering therapies in people with T2DM. Design and setting: This was a retrospective cohort study using data from the UK General Practice Research Database, 2000-2010. Patients: Patients comprised 84 622 primary care patients with T2DM treated with one of five glucose-lowering regimens: metformin monotherapy, sulfonylurea monotherapy, insulin monotherapy, metformin plus sulfonylurea combination therapy, and insulin plus metformin combination therapy. There were 105 123 exposure periods. Main outcome measures: The risk of the first major adverse cardiac event, first cancer, or mortality was measured. Secondary outcomes included these individual constituents and microvascular complications. Results: In the same model, and using metformin monotherapy as the referent, the adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) for the primary end point was significantly increased for sulfonylurea monotherapy (1.436, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.354-1.523), insulin monotherapy (1.808, 95% CI 1.630-2.005), and insulin plus metformin (1.309, 95% CI 1.150-1.491). In glycosylated hemoglobin/morbidity subgroups, patients treated with insulin monotherapy had aHRs for the primary outcome ranging from 1.469 (95% CI 0.978-2.206) to 2.644 (95% CI 1.896-3.687). For all secondary outcomes, insulin monotherapy had increased aHRs: myocardial infarction (1.954, 95% CI 1.479-2.583), major adverse cardiac events (1.736, 95% CI 1.441-2.092), stroke (1.432, 95% CI 1.159-1.771), renal complications (3.504, 95% CI 2.718-4.518), neuropathy (2.146, 95% CI 1.832-2.514), eye complications (1.171, 95% CI 1.057-1.298), cancer (1.437, 95% CI 1.234-1.674), or all-cause mortality (2.197, 95% CI 1.983-2.434). When compared directly, aHRs were higher for insulin monotherapy vs all other regimens for the primary end point and all-cause mortality. Conclusions: In people with T2DM, exogenous insulin therapy was associated with an increased risk of diabetes-related complications, cancer, and all-cause mortality. Differences in baseline characteristics between treatment groups should be considered when interpreting these results.
SHORT ACTING INSULIN ANALOGUES IN DIABETES MELLITUS Short acting insulin analogues (Lispro, Aspart) act more quickly than regular human insulin. It can be injected immediately before meals and leads to lower blood sugar levels after food intake. Our analysis showed that short acting insulin analogues were almost identically effective to regular human insulin in long term glycaemic control and was associated with similar episodes of low blood sugar (hypoglycaemia). No information on late complications such as problems with the eyes, kidneys or feet are existing. Until long term safety data are available we suggest a cautious response to the vigorous promotion of insulin analogues.